e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone good evening everyone Welcome to our um second part of our budget Workshop shop um Wednesday July 24th 2024 the time is now 5:45 Madam clerk roll call vice mayor Irvin here commissioner Kelly president commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here as pleas stand for our Pledge of Allegiance iation heavenly father thank you Lord for all the many blessings Lord we ask that you continue to bless the great city of opaka and continue to elevate us as we know you can amen amen our Pledge of Allegiance our pled Alle just to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we're going to go ahead into our public comments and we ask those of you that are speaking under public comments that you stay remain to the topic at hand which is the budget public comments is open Madam cler do we have any online all right public comments is closed all right so we're g to go ahead and turn it over back into the hands of our um city manager's office so that we I think we left off at public works if I'm not mistaken Mr Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly while they're coming up because I want to be clear just informed by the manager's office because I got uh calls about it that when they're doing the presentations the public can't see like what's on the screen in terms of the items they can only see us uh I wasn't aware of that um so I want to make that clear I guess it's a technology thing that we got to still work through so that's why when um presentations is going on and we're looking at booklet and they're listening but they're still just sing us so I want to uh make that clear for those who are tuned in um but it is is a copy available online or what we're what we have online somewhere that they could access yes it is available online and they can also hear but they can't actually see it okay yeah that's what I was saying they they can't see the doc you know information so it is online um if you want to go and pull it up we do apologize for that from the other night because I wasn't aware of it till I actually uh left here um just want to make that known Mr Mayor thank you Mr Mayor real quick I'm so sorry are we saying they won't be able to see it at all because I was told the same thing or will they be able to see the remainder of tonight they can see the actual meeting but they can't see the presentation actual presentation and there's no way to fix that no because they can't show the the commission and the presentation at the same time because it's being aired Live on YouTube so why do we need to be seen yeah can it just show the present just show the presentation I would I would prefer the presentation and not the commission I mean because um there was some other um comments about that and um different PowerPoints that went up not just yesterday okay presentations and I think the residents and they need especially our seniors that are plugging in they need to be able to visually see what's going on okay thank you yeah okay and one more thing before um Madam Madame manager I don't see the updates from the budget from what we discussed on Monday I don't think it was provided it's in this document may it says addendum okay oh got it all right is this this the one that was mailed about an hour or two ago whatever that's what this is okay okay so Madam Madam manager the only thing I'm want to ask and I brought this up in my briefing we need to get this ahead of times like like yesterday the meeting was Monday maybe the end of day yesterday so we would have time to actually review it but all right you can you can go ahead and start your presentation Mr date good evening uh Commissioners mayor uh welcome back thank you again one second yes the manager is not coming the manager is here I was advised that he would be about 30 minutes late okay so Mr manager uh excuse me Mr Mayor you are correct we did leave off on Public Works uh there are four departments uh excuse me three departments and fy2 for Public Works uh the first one is the administrative offices uh that is director Arya director of Public Works that's his um administrative area uh can I take your Ps and q's and say if there's any questions regarding that I know that's how we did it and that saved a lot of time Mr May same vein but yep we can bring him up and then I know my colleagues have questions Works yep so there's an administrative Department there is roads and streets and there is um uh Fleet what we call the vehicles the page number for public works please sure so the Public Works Administration is in the budget book on page 122 and 1233 and you say he's also G be discussing Road sidewalks okay correct which is immediately following those but if you got it y thank you Mr Dave you're welcome Mr yes any questions for Public Works commissioner Kelly questions okay um you want to hear a present read paper no I don't have a problem with yeah we gonna need that time anyway so um well let me just start off I want to reference the page I don't like to just talk without referencing a page in in the document um on page number I guess 60 seven which starts off I I have some question regarding the um repairs for sidewalks first of all because I noticed in the um book and again you got to go to the book versus the workshop which is really not something conducive for us to keep up with I just want to say that for the record as well yes sir um I'm not really three of with having to go back and forth as though I don't have a clue what I'm doing because I got two separate books that I gotta that I have to reference so let me Begin by saying that but in on page one I think it's 122 in the budget book I believe um roads and sidewalks is on 128 yeah I'm just trying to get to the whole section because the way it's broken down into divisions um let me start with the roads and and and streets we have a lot of sidewalks in our city right now because of trees out there that the sidewalks are just they're uprooted they're they're high they're all over the place um and I noticed and that's what I was trying to find quickly the line item that you have uh budgeted um for that because you have it under I I'm going to assume well I'm not going to assume on one page 129 um of the budget book you have for some sidewalk grinding 12,000 uh sidewalks replace 30,000 sidewalks repair 15 have miscellaneous and all those are under other contracted um Services I know we're supposed to be working on sidewalk repair all the time not not new construction but Salk repair not what of is happening in terms of what the the the county is doing out there but I'm seeing the ones in the neighborhoods that I see so where are we at what what kind of program is in place doing that now because I'm I'm assuming we already working on that because that's been an issue too for our um risk management because people tend to want to sue for stuff like that I know over the years we've had people Sue because they um you know fall trip whatever so what what what is the process of how that works and the reason I'm asking that that because I've seen so many areas of sidewalks I'm not even sure that's enough money so that's why I don't know how that process works because you contract them out you contract them out by street because I know the way you have it worded in here um you're doing so many linear feet but the way I look at this you're GNA need more than couple inar feet so how do you work that out with with a contract or to do it no I explain uh May commissioner ow Carney from uh Public Works operation manager utilities um currently we did a total assessment by a contract Service that came in and assessed areas for where tripping hazards as well as new sidewalk where it's broken that needs to be replaced so the phase one is already completed for C uh Zone area for certain grind station they grinded tripping phase one is completed now phase two is the next step and all as far as the other ones that is needs for total replacement we are work the the roads and streets division restoration division is going to be working through that with with the combination as assistant with the beautification of Mr King to try to address those so we're not Contracting any of that out yeah just the just the tripping ones they did a total assessment Citywide and they I got I got the assessment I I'm familiar with that I'm saying the assessment came back and told you where they bad whatever right and I'm saying where we at now on actually implementing and and addressing those areas that they've identified we already did a phase one the phase two is pending okay when you say phase one explain that to me well phase one will be the area as far as the um Ace Hardware opaka Boulevard is a is a range range of areas within over the uh South East section of the city going opaka 27th Avenue the other side is the the phase two is mostly towards the residential area to 151st I don't have the have it in front of me I'm G I'm gonna I'm going to give you a little break because you're not a director but I'm not going to give the the the manager's office a total break I just rolled down opaka Boulevard the other day and when you cross that um school crossing area right when you go right out and go across the railroad track and go around there's some concrete I mean it's so High Till if you were to if an elderly person in their Walker or in somebody it would just trip them up and I saw that like in three different places right close and I could I could tell you there's a whole lot of areas right in that zone of that probably the first Zone that have not been done that's why I actually you what the process was because I know they're all over the city I know there was a assessment done and how that was not done or hadn't been done already is besides me now it's all over the city it's all over the city so I want to know um really the amount you have have because you're Contracting uh some of that out you said you're Contracting some of all some of it just the tripping one that needs to be grinded but the ones that to be th to removal is in-house did the assessment that came back give youall price assessments too yes okay so the price assessment they gave y'all match these totals that would be up to the off in the budget I'm not aware that's what I was told by Mr Austin when we did our budget analysis so y gonna throw Mr Austin in the bus okay um all right um I do want to point out see with the and I'm just talking about that that one because he just referenced opaka Boulevard I when I rode that the other day I saw like four or five areas and one of particular that I'm mentioning is probably gonna need a whole lot because you got to take the tree up literally and because it's there and then you got one almost in front of someone's driveway that's sticking up so I'm quite sure when they pull in there they they got to go over that fortunately you know I guess they haven't had too many challenges or they realize it's there so I I'd like to see that uh plan that assessment that was done um where it's at exactly and they they said it needs to be done first and what has been done and I'm asking that because I I don't believe that's enough money Citywide or whatever how how much the is the assessment told you that you supposed to be trying to do in these phases I don't have that that information okay available um I think y'all you hear my concern about the sidewalks all over the city and if they're done in phases then they would have said to you here the most challenged and I don't know how that one would have been left out but when you leave here you go right out there and go down OPAC Boulevard you will see it but it's all over the city and and these are not new construction these are sidewalks been there for years and a lot of them the trees are pushing them up and that's the other challenge why I'm always concerned we do these tree planting and whatever because the trees have pushed them up so you need to take a look at that um I guess and and get back um with us um the other thing that I had regarding Public Works um a lot of these things seem to be contracted um out for different different things I'll put it like that um but I I'm really concerned about we spent money to create the beautification division we spent money putting stuff into it so I'm really challenged that we're still Contracting a lot of stuff out we're still Contracting a lot of stuff out and I don't really understand why we're Contracting a lot of stuff out I understood when we first started Ingram Park trying to get it cleaned up the lakefront down at the bottom it was more than we could handle because we didn't have the equipment or whatever my understanding is we got the equipment now for a lot of that um things throughout the city but I noticed we're still contract ing you know things out Am I Wrong am I right y'all tell me I I'll Stand Down if y'all tell me I'm incorrect no you're not incorrect sir pardon me you're not incorrect okay and that's a challenge for me because we I if we're going to contract the contract but we can't contract and we got the staff you know I would pay them if you if they they can do it I'm assuming they can because some of the things I'm talking about are simple mulching things like that that's not that technical pay them that extra money for that uh whatever Saturday or whatever they got to stay late especially in the summer um that we're using to do that and I see that throughout so that's concern that I um also have and the last one is on the vehicles um and I had asked this question to the police department so I'm hoping my answer is in here I had a chance to look at it um I know we got a lot of new vehicles you know from public works and whatever equipment with trucks are the trucks that you all have in that have come in in the last year or two or whatever are they the same concept as the police with the five years we own them yes sir yes sir okay so when did that when did that um take effect like what we on year two of that that contract or whatever they are staggered so there's multiple cars so one couple cars may have been four years ago other cars are three years ago other cars are two years ago um we didn't have an opportunity to get the entire analysis to you but we will uh it's just not in the we we were trying to get the budget numbers to you first uh but uh so they they are staggered and we'll get you of how they're staggered and how when they're coming off of lease and Etc okay so you'll get that yes sir that is on our list to get you okay and the last thing you have budgeted you have an inventory assistant in the budget I guess that's a new position part-time it is a part-time new position what is that that position going to entail that's going to be um inventory clerk for the motor pool because um fortunately unfortunately public work has uh inventory for the motor pool it was established 1956 we we still have Parts in the inventory room from 1956 so now we it inventory to sort out old new moving forward okay so this person is supposed to be going back looking at Old inventory or old old and then refreshing our new inventory moving forward but I I thought that was one of the reasons why we have went to all this new technology to be able to do that kind of stuff without have is it is it's gonna be it's gon to be as they label it and code it is going to be imp Implement in the in the work order system okay so this new position is is to bring somebody on to update that in conjunction with technology yes sir and also do the physical phal work too happened I also do the physical work well parttime I mean what you just said more than part time okay all right those are the general ones I have I'll yal to my colleagues thank you Mr Mayor no problem um M the manager you brought up about the um Code Enforcement office attached to public works and you said you would explain once we get to public works so what does that actually look like well we actually uh good afternoon Mr Mar afternoon uh this is actually uh we actually have a budget Workshop addendum uh so we want to go through all of the uh departments first and then we'll address them up in the um public Workshop adendum we also have uh um I do have some notes on that let me I'll give those to you now okay and why so why you do that are you ready yes I am go ahead uh so under the storm water for Public Works which is part 3 a7c uh we must maintain records demonstrating proactive inspections for elicit discharges connections dumping as implemented uh this is also part of our ms4 permit for storm water so basically in layman's terms we need to maintain a code enforcement officer which um we've kind of been doing it as a joint service with Public Works usually Johnny Hall or or Mr Carney uh code enforcement and our Police Department uh we did it with u All County dumping anywhere so that's an example of how how this person's job would work anytime that they found and we also had the former uh IT director made a similar report anytime there's a report of somebody that is dumping into our storm water drains or there's a business that does not have drains as they're supposed to this would be a person that would roam the city to look for those type of citations uh violations and issue citations okay commiss Kelly no none of my colleagues have no questions on Public Works no actually I wanted to ask about the um I saw I'm sorry no I one last one yes um the the city street lights we spoke about that yesterday what is what explained that that line item is under rolls and sidewalks well so there is a line item that is to actually pay for the electricity okay that 2011 yeah I sorry go my M it might not be 100 2011 but it's close that is to pay the electricity for the street lights but it's the street lighting assessment is not included yes the street lighting Sy that's what I was looking for here but I didn't see it that was the only thing that that was close so that will be in the addendum it's in yeah it's in the addendum we added it to the budget got it and then go through who just got it all right and what about the transfer station is that something that we're still looking to do in the near future um if we're going to move forward with some of the items that we have uh that was something that's going to have to be postponed and we thought it'd be a project that would be good to postpone considering that we haven't had made significant financial investments in it into it at this time okay all right commissioner Williams thank you um I don't it seems like there's a um a little slippery slope between Public Works and the beautification department um I think commissioner Kelly mentioned it a little bit there I wanted to ask you just a few things well so on page 126 it says in bullet three under uh f um the objectives finalize installation of high-intensity street lights throughout the city to increase safety and serve as a deterent illegal dumping is are you all saying that this was done or is this an objective because it's in pres it's in it's an objective okay because it's it used the word finalized and I know that was a discussion that we had Monday yeah yeah so it it is an objective um so finalize is maybe not the best word Implement Implement and continue to do Sor the English teacher in me it says finalize like it was done so that's why I was reading it like it's done so we just talked about it and then how can that be done if that I know that it was mentioned and then um secondly the concrete commissioner Williams sure um if I could address commissioner Williams point I think the she's highlighting the the more important point is that that is a item for the beautification division and should be under that section not Public Works correct correct oh yeah okay it's under yeah it's under beautification it's slippery slope in the beginning yeah yeah all right and it says it it's finalized were finalized okay and so but Monday night it was mentioned that it was not complete that no ma'am it's not complete yeah exactly so that's when I saw that I thought wait a minute is it done or not um and then um page 129 I just again this that slippery slope with the concrete mulch gravel 15,000 right so is this not like so I'm looking I'm going back to beautification I know that's not you but on page 117 of course you have my lawn I don't know is that included in that um that really large bill that we pay um there's another one that's 32,000 for small supplies needed from hardware store well wouldn't that be con mulch gravel and then the 50,000 for fund improvements to the building well I would I'm I'm assuming that's mulch gravel I I don't know so I'm a little confused I'm going back and forth we can get you a little more detailed so uh to answer your first question it is not part of our lawnmowing contract they are literally out here the M laon Edge that's that lawnmowing contract uh for the cities and the swales and and those kind of things so that's that lawnmower contract they do not add or provide mulch that's an additional fee uh to do that uh so when they do a sidewalk or they're doing swail so because this is roads and sidewalks uh if they have to purchase mulch that's part of their division and gravel that's part of their division beautification would do any trees that are existing have mulch to REM mulch or to do something along those lines so the mulch would sit the the thank you the road materials and supplies would sit in public works but then that's then used in beautification no so when you when you do a sidewalk um it's more when you do a road or the the Swale uh you know a median and you need to add Mulch and you need to add gravel because they tore it up because the back ho is on there because they were working that then becomes a public works expenditure ongoing maintenance continuing if the mulch is bad or we want to add more that then becomes beautification ongoing maintenance so one is new purchase if you will and the other is ongoing okay I just think it should there should be a way to bridge both together because right now it's looking like and I and I think even Monday when I mention there's these like little $10,000 sitting here $15,000 sitting there and $20,000 sitting here yeah that different departments kind of snuck away a little bit here and I get it if that it has to be used but I think if there's a way to fridge I and I I understand what you're saying I'm just well no but let let me address that um if it's your budget you are much more responsible for it correct if you're tearing up the street and you go ah King will get that it won't happen it's your budget you need to be responsible for it maybe you don't tear up the street because you are a little more conscious of your budget does that make S I mean you have to give people ownership of what they're doing I feel if I'm not you know and not only that I mean we are you know when we turn in these things we want to make sure because we do get bills from public works department saying hey you know we need mulch we need this we need that we you know you're Crossing I was saying I know there's some type of crossover but if Public Works is now saying hey King and they or you know your analogy why can't they talk like why can't there be some communication whereas are we gonna are we going to if we're tearing up the sidewalk and we need mulch or gra Gap gravel right why can't that then sit in beautification and which it looks like it is because it's well you also have remember from from a cost standpoint I want to know how much it costs for roads and sidewalks right I mean you want to know how much your second grade class is costing you versus your third grade class same thing we want to departmentalize keep our cost departmentalized so that we know okay this is this particular Department costs this much beautification costs this much and I want you to think of beautification as more maintaining the status quo this is adding and be and to adding new status quo if you will does that make sense no I got that oh okay and I agree with you there is a little bit of a slippery slope that's why we took that trash and we moved that into beautification you know that that Solid Waste Department it was easier to because there was overlap and we moved that you'll see that in fy2 that that was moved over into beautification so I hope that handles no it does and I I totally get it I'm and I'll say it again I'm just saying that and then of course next time I don't know when that next contract for milon or whoever comes up but that should be a part all of this should be a part of because now we're going okay I need to find 20,000 from Mulch and and if that's that should be a part of that particular contract so that that's not and so what I'm saying is is there's all these little you know it doesn't seem like a lot but 15,000 or 20,000 but if you put them together if there's a way that like both departments can work together I'm not saying the entire city but on a project that's Public Works and if mulch is in sitting in beautification then you don't have to necessarily have two separate line items for both so that's just my SPI thank you commissioner Kelly thank you um thank you uh commission Williams because you hit some points I was going to ask I'm glad you asked the let me go back to page 129 first which is the same page she just referenced um is the back lease the same concept as the um vehicles in terms of we're going to own it four years yeah it is it is not through Enterprise uh we finance that and it's a four-year financing term so that's the back ho so what you're looking at is an annual payment for the back ho times for no I got that but I'm saying in four years we will own the back that is correct okay um and the other question I have which is found on page um 135 we have vehicle Repairs by uh vendors I'm assuming well I'm not going to assume ask you because under other contractor services are those repairs for what vendors what is that for body work I didn't hear you body work body work yes body shot work that's not done in the house say it again body shot work repairs not mechanical so that's just for the for body work like accidents or something yes okay uh well if that's the case I see another line for 990,000 that's repairs related to accidents so help me out to understand if that one is 75 it says vehicle repairs performed by vendors okay and you're saying that's body work I guess from accidents then what is the repairs related accidents for the 990,000 what is that so the 90,000 is for uh insurance so it's kind of a little bit um the way the accounting works is we need to pay the bill first and then the insurance company turns around and reimburses us for the bill prior to a couple years ago the insurance ins company was paying the full bill and we didn't have that line item so in reality that's a we we spend it but then we get it back from an insurance reimbursement after a deductible okay well you you need to clarify that in the document I online and I looked that I'm going to see uh Repairs by vendors um for so much and then act so the the 990,000 is is accidents that um we have to pay for insurance correct so you need to tell me how many actions we had there $90,000 and we're budgeting that much um and how how do we hold accountable because I'm quite sure we got some kind of system how we know who's crashing what why we got to fix this vehicle because somebody hit us or whatever um where's that document and and remember it's not just Vehicles sometimes there's property that may be damaged and that would be also just going about what Mr car said he said vehicles vehicles yeah isic you're right you're right this is Vehicles this property yeah you're right vehicles um so there are times when it takes a little while for the insurance company to reimburse us and to pay us and for an entire uh accident report to be completed uh I I I don't have all the details I would have to get back to you on that yeah don't don't don't don't give me answer if you're not sure um but I I would like to know because just between those two because you're saying what is insurance that Syle seems high for insurance I mean that's a lot of crashes or something is happening and I I also want to know our folks being held accountable for that because I know there's supposed to be something set up internally because we've had that challenge before with risk management so is there something internally set up to deal with folks who are crashing if it's their fault our fault somebody else's fault um where's that documented um so we keep it we keep a tab on that and the vehicle um repairs you have budget for 75,000 I mean is that a normal amount that you do every year yeah so if you look um on that one in FY 23 we spent 66 almost $ 67,000 uh we are forecasted to spend about $75,000 this year uh if you look at our insurance it and these are again these are Public Works Vehicles right it includes police officers all all vehicles this all our vehicles the en I'm glad you said that because most of our stuff now is new so why do we need all repair some of these things should be still you know under warranty under something because they're all staggered so that's a high number and that's why I was leading because if it's police and public works most of our vehicles now are of the newer variety you got very few old Vehicles out there you got a few old police tahos I think maybe a couple of uh trucks out there are old public works most of our vehicles are new and yet you're projecting 75 cuz last year you had 67 68 that's that's still high but just repairs when I think repairs I'm thinking stuff you know under the hood that may go bad or whatever but to me some of that or a lot of that should still be under warranty because most of these vehicles are new you just said you buy them you know stagger so they're not all four years old they're some of them should be two years old one year old or whatever so how you how are you tracking that to know where's the uh um yeah where's the the paperwork to show that and what we're doing whole folks account whether it's police whether it's public works or whatever since it's all the vehicles I'd like to um to know that and the other thing is um gasoline that's Citywide correct that's correct yep is that still using the card system thing whatever you call it yes sir okay um and that number last year was what uh in 23 it was $293,000 we're anticipating about $344,000 this year well yeah you got got a budget at 362 and I'm assume well I'm going to assume why is that higher we have more so much High more more vehicles uh how do we determine how much gas somebody's using they're over using too much I know we got the car system so y'all can track technology wise right how how does how does that work who who's responsible for that like if you you have this vehicle on a given week somebody's determined that you have you should average you know one tank a week or whatever and if you're you go to do your gas card put it in there believe it or not but budget budget does do an analysis on a monthly basis of all the inventory uh of all the invoices who does it budget okay well I like to see that you can give a copy to all of us I want to see that analysis because that number is really higher even with some new vehicles and that leads me to my last point so we can move on um I didn't see a line atem in here for cleaning the vehicles who who responsibility is that I know a while back when I first came back I was hoping to hire a couple of folks from the community to to do that and I was told we couldn't that we were going to have another way but I see vehicles that need to be clean so who's responsible for that or where's the line item in the budget for it cuz I didn't see so I will have to get back to you on that through Mr Austin ARA uh we do have a um a maintenance program I don't know if that is included that's why I wanted to in the lease there is a maintenance fee that is associated with each vehicle and I just want to check to make sure uh that's you saying the maintenance fee that you they wash the cars watch the vehicles I I have to check with uh Mr Ario I will get back to you on that okay and if we don't have it then who responsible we would I don't know why I you know what I'm so tired of doing this you got all these new vehicles out here and some of them need to be washed so we either s to employees you wash them or they use the card to go wash them they got to be washed and I'm asking that because when came back previous years ago we had a program we hire people in the community be at the public works or somewhere for two days out of the week to watch Cars now we got all these brand new beautiful cars some look shiny some look like they need washing because they haven't been washed I don't expect the employee to do it I don't think but if you got the gas CAU why aren't they using that to go somewhere I believe I I will get back to you on that okay thank you Mr Mayor thank you okay any other questions for Public Works all right thank you so the next one is water and uh the Water distribution so the uh Enterprise funds which is uh our water distribution water say again oh uh page 17171 in your proposed budget book so our water and sewer fund consists of a few different funds one is the water one is the sewer another one is the servicing of it uh and the other one the final one is our financing uh Department of it oh and U CIP management U so if you'd like to go through the water distribution is any questions on the water distribution all right so go you have any question no no I'm waiting okay so then the Wastewater is our Sewer Department any questions on Wastewater collection transmission right water service line and meter maintenance yep any questions on water service line and meter maintenance one quick question have all the meters been I know we at one point we trying to change all the meters to digital we've done all of that and that's my only question for this l no not is time is a work in progress sir it's a work in progress when would we be completely digital well there something we that make arrangement with Miami day County with the contract because they're responsible for the meter replacement it's not done at public work got it I do we know how many haven't been replaced uh I don't have that that information but some have been replaced yes and they currently they constantly revising them when when they when they expires they they replace them new whenever the meters they to warranty as the warranty expired then they replace them and put in new ones with new warranty so the ones that are not digital are we reading those or my day County because I know the count read all of them okay yes so that excuse me the the next one is the storm water and that's where you will find that other compliance officer uh so our storm water fund if you recall from Monday night uh is health uh we do have some revenues that are going to storm water CIP there's any specific questions regarding storm water storm water does now oh I I'm so sorry well say interrupt me I get on a roll two 202 when you hit a guy and he's down it's hard for him to get back up a little bit we were still on the you got to give me a minute to get back up going and and our book is 79 here is says 8 202 yeah no no I was just telling you it's different page number okay so we we'll catch up with you Mr D we was behind that's okay than thank you than goad I know I want to go pretty quickly you know I want we don't have a lot of time so I got one question in the warden SW before you go to stor water yes sir in the leave payout uh I know when this came up in the uh the other night talking about leave payout um and you gave them well as an amount list like 100 and something you said that was for payout and or folks who may I think the manager mentioned that has challenges or something that they could I guess come and you know reply or whatever that process is but I thought that that line item was for the whole city but I see it here um it has a leave payout also in the water SE finance and customer service page 78 you're you're also going to see it in storm water they're separate funds we can't co-mingle the funds right we cannot do that so we have general fund activity here that's the one you saw on Monday now we're talking about water sewer and then there's a storm water fund we cannot co-mingle These funds I know that I just want you to say for the public thank you okay I say and we in storm water now yes we are in storm water and and like the city manager say this is where that other code compliance officer would be seen uh or their job title is in there and it's budgeted for okay so Mr manager my question for that as it relates to the that public works I mean that code enforcement their sole responsibility would just be this compliance with compliance with um public works as uh Public Works the statute but you understand I understand what you're saying and the answer is the statute doesn't uh require that it's exclusive so absolutely if they've uh if if they've done a survey of the city and um and uh all the businesses are in compliance um we don't have any illicit dumping or or any other issues and and we are a compliant with our ms4 permit um we would be allowed to utilize this officer for other responsibilities as well and I did ask for that um the statute is it in the agendum uh no sir I'm sending it to you as we speak all right thank you yes sir send it to yes sir the yeah when I'm Senator clerk you can print it out I like stuff oh absolutely print it out eyes ain't good as they used to be thank you all right any other questions for storm water we're moving on to water sewer finance and Mr date because it's where what page is that because oh you wanted the water sewer Finance that's the next one yeah that's 180 actually storm water was finished up with the sorry water sewers is uh page 180 181 oh it's backward okay yeah I thought we were done with water sewer I apologize I went to stor water any questions for water sewer Finance so finances this is a division that really is just a pass through we utilize it for transfers uh we utilize it for a few other items but there are no employees that are associated with this particular Department pay debt obviously it's an important one okay all right so so are we done with Enterprise CL uh yes you're correct had a waiting on something well I'm assume it's in addendum soend okay I don't know I wait to see the CIP CIP funds are next good job Mr Owen for my favorite part so as you know CIP uh the first thing on here that you'll see is actually the CIP management and this is Miss gross's Department um her team and um so I think you have any questions on that I'm gonna ask Miss gross to come up um I have questions but more or less to you and the manager because something that both of you said that CIP is in a deficit you said that multiple times on Monday what does that mean because I don't think you ever went in depth with it there something about CIP being in a deficit well I don't recall saying stating that CIP is in a deficit um that would that being I see Miss CR uh that would mean that it has projects that it does not have uh the funding to complete so we don't initiate the projects or allow the projects to go through uh until the funding is there so to that extent no no projects under CP is deficit now what is true is that if we look at projects that are not funded that uh that the city needs to to complete uh we have a significant amount of projects of public infrastructure as you're aware as it's been this way for uh quite some period of time uh and I think and I think uh um city manager new doy first started reporting on this uh those estimates are between 80 to100 million in uh and public infrastructure Deeds okay any questions on Miss gross or the manager of Mr date the CIP CIP management uh CIP consists of safe neighborhood water sewer CIP and of course stormwater CIP all right so Mr manager um can you give us a brief anoun as of what projects we will start and complete this year okay certainly I'll defer to our CIP manager Miss for that 149 and 151 and good evening major and Commissioners Adelina CIP manager this is Page 149 151st on safe neighborhood CIP part one what are you on 149 of buget book oh I just m manager the book is out of okay sir we'll see if we can combine it for bite three at the Apple all right 149 um 149 149 okay go ahead um you said this on page 149 so for next fiscal year we are going to continue to uh add new sidewalk to the city where there is no existing and finish the Sesame Street bridge that pro has already commenced this year we are planning um to finish the fire station and that's that project is to be under review and still under design okay Sesame Street Bridge let's go back when is their completion date when you think we have estimated based on the schedule by April next year April 21th yes okay and then you said the fire station is still under design when do you expect the design to come back on design they have encountered several issues with the dong so they are working on the restructure of the complete dong of the of the of the fire station and I vaguely remember a commission meeting where you all presented a a mockup what what that's not the it's going to look like that but there the D has to be reconstructed from from a scratch it's completely damaged so is this is about the Dome yes there is an structural issue with the Dome and did we ever decide what the fire station was supposed to be I know we were supposed to bring that back to the commission but it has still to come back to commission for that got it and we're looking oh you was giving me the date when you think uh we are expecting to finalize this time by the end of the year and what's the other project and the other one is sidewalk installation and that's an ongoing as um we do regular this around 2.7 miles um every year okay and um I think Madam Vice May brought up how the sidewalks in certain areas I know specifically on there's a street I think it's wington well the the trees are growing up through the sidewalks do we have a plan to mitigate that that's sidewalk replacement that falls on their Works Mr manager we have a yes Mr yes Mr Mayor sidewalk replacement yes sir is there any way we can do an assessment your offic in the city to check those areas we have we have can I yes ma'am sorry uh we have already completed the assessment we are waiting for the analysis to come back uh we hired that as part of the assets condition for cdy uh assets and we did assessment of the of the roadway lighting uh sidewalks and ADA compliance for this for the sidewalks okay the only concern that I have and I know we're waiting on the assessment to come back however and a b brought it up it's a hazard so somebody trips a fall it's a problem yes there's any way we can maybe put a Band-Aid using our own our own employees in the inum of the assessment Mr manager that's certainly something we can look into we have to make sure we have the appropriate equipment and uh yes we can see if we can get that done Mr may can I pick you back um commissioner Kelly yes this is not new I brought this up in B Monday since last year before we even did the assessment and I know the process it takes a process and I asked then the least we can do is put a cone around it put some markings around it um so that people will not you know um fall trip go around to something I know a lot of I see what a lot of the new sidewalk construction that the county and some of their vendors are doing they do that we have a lot of areas in our city and that's why ask early the Public Works about the assessment and and and the vendors and who's doing it because they're not marked we don't have a orange core around we have a yellow marking and if we've done the assessment we already know where they are now I know we waiting on the big plan a big whatever but until then there's some out there that need immediate attention that we're liable for already so I mean I know people can sue for anything nowadays but we have nothing around it and that's what really concerns me put the yellow table around them put a cone around them put a barricade around them check them every day if somebody knocks it down but you have some serious areas that are like that so since the assessment has been done and you actually know where they are because I'm quite sure they're listed in terms of severe not severe Etc that that can be done that needs to be done um like yesterday we will work with the poly works department in conjunction for that right thank you Mr Mayor all right and um any other projects major projects you want to highlight at this moment uh we are going to be doing Ingram Park Core restoration and in Helen Miller That's Ingram Park Court uh basketball court court okay yes um and when is that that's going to be completed by next year um we are still in the process of creating the RFP and looking into the grants because this is a gr fund that is sp that okay Mr manager um I don't have a problem with Ingram part Court restoration but I don't see anything about either football field none of them and basketball that will be under the Helen Miller Ingram Park renovation the 1,50 that's for the football field that's for that's for the enhancements for Ingram Park Helen no no no no no specifically the football you spoke to the basketball court I will defer to them M so specifically the football field basketball but there's no place to have home games for our children we've been asking for that for a while so certainly for bite three we can look to see if there's any money to um I'll get an estimate from Miss gross uh and have costs put in into the budget and maybe we can't do both but maybe one the Ingram shundi but one of them need to be regulated as well as and I don't see the playgrounds in here either um the playgrounds will be in this current fiscal year oh it's this year yes okay uh as you yeah we're doing a piggyback contract on that got it to be completed this fiscal year or I don't have the time we don't have the timeline yet we're still negotiating the piggyback contract and and that will be brought to the commission all right yeah any other things you want to highlight or questions to icip director no Mr Mayor I'm going to wait till we get to um Regular meeting with arpa because some of them tie into arpa so I'll wait till the end all right and I'm sorry Mr manager this has nothing to do with c um CIP however but you have it here hisorical City Hall um I'm assuming it be complete this year yes yes okay so we know that there's a grand opening that we will have to do but I don't see any line item that speaks to that even under special events so and I only brought it up because I just read it in under CIP so can we put a number to it absolutely all right all right anything else for CIP did you get that yes just a quick question um um the it might have been okay um about the gate ways yes no yes I was that's okay okay I was texting didn't know um really quick this is already budgeted in yes is that why we have the minus here uh it's budgeted for this fiscal year this fiscal year okay because I didn't I I wasn't sure if I was reading it as if it was removed no no it's bued for this fiscal year it's going to be presented tonight oh okay never mind thank you so much that's why I didn't ask about it because I remember you said that okay all right okay and the police station is complete I see it here and I'm getting scared is it complete it is complete we still have um some payments to do to the vendor but that's because of him not because of the project needs anything else but those payments were budgeted for We're not gonna have that's nothing to worry about beautiful stuff y us commissioner KY thank you um with regard to the um police station down stairs have we come up with how we going to do that um security thing whatever y'all call it uh I think the chief is yes we have if you want we can call the chief up to have a discussion with you about it that we walk you through that process no the the chief has already showed me one time downstairs how it's supposed to work I'm still I'm still not understanding where that machine is going to be and what a police entrance in terms of how you get in so maybe that's changed cuz he he showed me a couple of months ago while I was downstairs so that's why I know something's changed because I still see it see a challenge there unless you change the opening of the um where the building is good afternoon Mr Mayor Commissioners so nothing's changed we're going to add a desk on the outside of the double doors currently the the uh the metal detector is going to be there we're considering a new system uh that's external to the building that's going to allow for the metal detection to be external which will open up that entire area uh but nothing changes we'll have two security guards one at the entrance point at the beginning point which will monitor the uh the metal detector as we walk in and the second will be at the desk behind Okay that that's that's still my challenge until you get the the one that's right by the door because when I come in the door and and that's what I said to you when you explained to me when you come through the door the door to for your entrance in the police department is really right there yes sir the the bar security thing is a little further down yes so that's not my challenge it's down there you know to go upstairs to the second floor where you're going my concern is if I'm coming straight to the police department I can go to the police department the way I understand that I can go right in those doors soon as I come in correct okay so nothing is going to stop me if I if I am a person who's got something on my mind nothing going to stop me now I know once you get in there the little waiting area sir you have to be buzzed in you got to little I got that I saw that but my concern is I a come in the building I can come into your waiting area for with whatever I may have on me unchecked yes sir so how who's going to check me if I'm got something sinister in my mind before I come back to let's say see you or see whomever in those doors great so after our discussion commissioner Kelly uh we started looking into what we what we're calling safe point at this this uh at this juncture it's two nodules that are that are outside of the uh of the main double doors that will detect 97 metallic objects and it's they're they're focused in in many different Federal and and local agencies um you may see them at the mall to you won't know what they are but what they are metal detectors and as you walk through it identifies at the camera and once that pings then that security guard at the gate will stop them and do a pat down okay but where where's that where's that security guard yes like yes Vice May security guard um going to be I mean I I've seen systems I've seen other cities with system what I'm not understanding is when you come in because now you're talking about something external at the main door yes that's totally different I I don't see that budgeted now may be something you're working on but I I don't see it budgeted in terms of a line item for specifically um and he shake you know so he's shaking he's saying it is budgeted where's the budget at uh page 232 that is the special law enforce sorry special law enforcement page 232 okay but that wasn't that wasn't said to us the other night because you made it very clear that was going to be limited to certain other things using the the money from special law enforcement so right if you remember that shot spotter it's the same company that that does shot spot might be the same company but it wasn't the same context it wasn't the same context shot spotter because my colleague asked about and you're explaining like the shots and you can but nothing was said in the context of this right here so you're looking at to put this technology on the outside yes and so it's it it goes off if somebody got something that's supposed to who does it go off to who's going to like mon who's monitoring that the the secondary security point it it's going to be monit it's going to be go off alarm at both points okay the video will be had you see the video camera at the entrance that's going to capture the video the secondary security point will have will capture that as well the guard at the primary entrance point they will be notified as well the alarm will go off and they will then stop the person and wand them down and check okay here's my my concern and again um you know as elected officials we get a lot of stuff just like you all get folks going into government buildings you know with things on their mind and and I'm just throw this in for free even in this building have concerns the fact that we're up here and the security is back there and so somebody was that Podium and want to get to us there's nothing to stop him because there's no anything between so that first Guard Security person that's going to be where the uh go through monitor yes sir let say goes off and they hear it ring ping whatever and they gonna come do whatever they do run over to stop them or whatever that process is right is that that's that's how it's supposed to work that's correct okay so then who's at that point now because you got other folks going in do the thing who's going to stop everything shuts down because those double doors won't be open until access is allowed from the secondary point so the act the that's magnetic the double doors are magnetic once the secondary security guard uh is is told by the primary that this person is okay they will buzz entrance that secondary door will not be open unless buzzed in by the secondary I'm not talking about the door I'm talking I'm already inside and the reason I'm saying that cuz that you know going those doors I'm not as much concerned about um police or staff I'm concerned you got of kids going in out there going out of the building got other people that get lost because they think we're the State Building they're coming in there and sometime turning around I'm just concerned that the system you got while it may notify us we may see it whether we're going to be able to react that quickly if it's somebody that's got something on their mind especially once people know the police department is is housed down there you know what I'm referencing not just the moment but I'm looking at where we are historically in our society and how people are looking at a government and and law enforcement so this first time I'm hearing about the outside I'll wait to see how that's supposed to look if you can you know best you can give it um to the manager I guess and he'll share with us in case it's something that's not supposed to be totally known but I I'm really concerned having enough people that if somebody comes to there wants to do something and you still got kids coming in and out of there parents dropping them off you know I sit sometime in my my car and I watch the dynamic that's why I'm asking about that yes sir and I'm really concerned of someone coming into the police waiting area coming in there to see y'all and they got something else in their mind and they were able to slip through and that that's why I'm bringing up we're going to spend all this money on technology and having you a beautiful upto-date State art building to do what we need we don't need to have any challenges I hope we going to catch it on the front end whatever that needs to be to make sure it's secure folks forming in there and as well coming you know to the rest of the city building so I'll wait to see how that looks Mr manager I guess you I had heard that before but we'll we'll see how that looks um okay thank you for that explanation I appreciate it yes sir all right any other questions for CIP before we move on it Mr manager are you going through Mr Mayor I it came up in the uh first one maybe it's in the addendum the concept or the issue of moving from the third to the fourth and the impact that would you know that has on potential leasing rental revenue for the building but the commission needs to make some kind of decision um I see it in I see it in here um about the commission Chambers reloc and other I know that came up so where what's the thought process on that you still waiting on the commission now um yes as I announced on Monday uh I'm going to request one-on-one members uh one-on-one meetings with members of the commission to uh gauge the will of the commission on what how the commission would like to proceed with that so are you trying to budget so you're not trying to budget for that for this fiscal year that would be I guessing a budget amendment I guess at some point because I unless you yes sir budget amendment yes sir okay all right I I still would hope that you scheduled that meeting so you know we're not moving that's one thing but the commission is going to move that's going to require other things to happen I'm really saying that because if we do move and allow some space that we can lease out to get some money stop subsidizing Town Center that's why I'm asking that thank you Mr Mayor all right um um thank you and we can um bring up it no other questions but Mr manager yes sir I would prefer to have that conversation in the sunshine with everybody together absolutely because that's a that's a that's a a moving part it's it not only involves the commission but it also involves the clerk's office so maybe um if we have time tonight under your manager's report we can discuss at that moment if not then we can move it to our next commission meeting yes sir but that's in my opinion um and then we're moving on to it it yep so uh what page it can be found in your budget book on page 2 uh 27 and two to 230 uh I think it's important just to the big the big number in it is the uh Erp the her which we alluded to on Monday which is the enterprise resource planning system that is a uh the it's Tyler is what it's called and it's a budgeting software it's a financial software uh it's a HR software it's kind of a software that runs helps to uh run the municipality more effectively more efficiently uh it is a big undertaking um they hope to start the process in January and uh apparently the IT director is not here uh but he explained to me that it takes about 18 months to be fully fully implemented uh so it it is a large undertaking I know the commission voted on this a couple years ago to bring this and we all were excited that we were going into the digital age what's the hold up no I believe you youal you talked to this yes about the the the Erp system for the the budget not only the um the the audit right let say I can provide the details again okay and if you heard it again you just stop because it's it's a bit of a long story so it has uh the commission did pass uh an item that was almost like a million dollars for Erp system um at that time we did disclose before we even proceeded with this that we were behind in our audits uh the company that was selected that we did the piggyback contract that's probably done like most of the Cities uh at least a a large number of cities here in the State of Florida and Nationwide uh they said that they did not require uh upto-date financials in order to begin the implementation process so um we quickly found that not to be true even though we tried to select for them uh departments that were not heavy with financial numbers and processing numbers or taking in a lot of money like for example the first Department we started with for implementation was the police department but even the police department does have some receipts and and passing of cash so they immediately requested what are what are your year-to-date numbers uh audited numbers they want to audited financials uh we weren't able to provide that to them and we and we stated that immediately and uh from that time forward the implementation process almost froze uh Miss Gant began to reach out to them at that time to say how are we proceeding how are we going to move forward um and then after not hearing from them on that question uh for about 45 for about 45 days uh we then um she then requested okay so what's the current bills now we're now less than 90 days into the contract we asked them for a current billing they still did not respond to that um and the name um they still did not respond to that um December of 20 December of 2020 three um um they then did respond uh with the influx of bills um um we were like 90 days in and and it was we received like I believe $120,000 in bills for uh apparently work that they claimed they were doing in the back end in their offices without even engaging City staff or meeting with them uh which of course we refused to pay and looked to terminate the contract uh when we requested a terminate and that went back and forth for for several months about 3 months um um I think uh yes about 3 months and then in March of 20 uh then March of 2024 uh they requested arbitration which is a legal process uh City attorney got involved and uh we began having those conversations um and we've been going back and forth they've been making offers I've made count and we've made counter offers uh their last offer was um um based off of when we will have updated financials which at the very latest will be January of Le of of next year let's restart the contract of January January of next year which you know we would agree to we would agree to and only pay for uh uh only pay for implementation services for the first 90 days now that part of we're all in agreement for but they also want to charge us uh they also want to charge us some additional payments uh which I've denied and we're waiting to hear back on that so um I believe that they will want to work with the city of opalak that they don't want to lose this contract by trying to demand uh money for stuff they didn't do um so far we've been very successful in those negotiations and I hope that uh they will agreed to that last offer and we'll be able to commence in January of next year and how long was the contract for I believe five years I believe Five Years sir so will this have to come back before the commission um it potentially it may have to come back before the commission um I will defer to the City attorney for that attorney uh yes sir um it would I would like for it to come back before the city commission okay absolutely all right so oh finish your statement the only thing I G to ask Mr manager because I think it's been a long time since we heard about the RP system and the Tyler um technology um maybe you can give us a breakdown on the expectation of this new processing system dudes what is what what it's going to do and and in short what is it going to do okay so that we can brief ourselves on it um commissioner Kelly and I think commissioner Williams is next um yeah I'm trying to remember well I remember asking about this matter of fact when I came back because I think this was done kind of right when I was um terming out is this this Tyler Industries or something like that yes sir it is okay all right so yeah going back and back and forth um so basically what you're saying they want to be paid for some items or some things that we don't think we should pay them for correct and we you said you agreed or they've agreed with you on restarting in 25 and those parameters but they want some back money correct how much is that back money I mean do we know what that number is I I'm going off the top of my head I believe the number was like 120,000 or something if I remember this contrac and again May changed since I remember it's a it's very large it's a lot of money it's a million dollar contract it's a million dollar contract so I guess I would ask the attorney um since you know I guess the man said you gotten involved I don't is it worth it to go back and forth over that cons you know and then we lose and beat more or just pay them 120 and and and start fresh or whatever uh in the new year or do you feel we ought to just just keep going back and forth well we're currently um in a position where negotiations are taking place and both parties are open to the negotiations the contract um frankly started prematurely where the city was not um prepared to uh have the vendor perform the services due to audits not being in place and so I think it was probably um rushed the vendor does appear be working with the city to try to um resolve the issue to start later um they do want to be compensated for some of the work that they have um or they claim to have done thus far and um with any negotiations that go forward before anything um is confirmed because the dates would change and other things would change that are right now a part of the initial agreement that will be brought back to you and um and you will be able to you know ask the appropriate questions based on the amendment language that um Mr um Williams and the uh the contractor agreed to okay and that's why I'm saying that so Mr Mr M my colleague this is a million doll contract it's already behind um if we're talking 120,000 or whatever I I would just um encourage the manager IE the attorney to to to to try to resolve this as quick as possible and get it back to us for some kind of final resolution so that um if if the beginning of 25 is where we're going to start there's no hiccups there's time to get everything in place so it can't start because this is really should have been farther Al than it is now so um yeah when when is the next negotiation how how how is that uh being handled Mr manager I mean in ter you negotiating so do you when is the next meeting or next week okay well Mr Mar and my colleagues I I was suggested that we kind of give that um consensus if you will to the manager and to the attorney to try to you know because 120,000 going back and forth on a million dollar contract and we need the technology upgrades or whatever our system doesn't you know and if we prematurely weren't ready they probably will argue that in court system so you know that's probably not worth it that's just my thoughts on it thank you Mr Mayor okay all right um so the final ones are risk management sorry commissioner Williams Oh I apologize okay um so I don't want to go back what was just said um my colleague um said it um before I was able to but um Mr manager I think where um I wish we had heard this all this information so it was mentioned but it wasn't given to us in this much um detail and um this to me is the first time I'm hearing that there was all this push and pull that was happening and I think for me I recall this was uh my first or second year um I want to say it was my first when um at then at the time it manager Mr Nelson presented this big million doll million2 or5 and my excitement level to finally bring the city into a digital age and we were still very Antiquated and I still you know we're still and so here we are four years later and we're still Antiquated based off of if I do recall um bringing I know the police department was one the finance department still had a lot of antiquated um you know auditing those things that in order to bring us into the digital age also building and Licensing and all those things that I was really hoping that we could have seen by now um I I agree with commissioner Kelly I hope that we can resolve this past issue but it just it has taken so long and we do hear from the residents when they're saying hey I can't even pay for this online I can't use my credit card to do this I have to come in and do paper and pencil we're just so still you know we're still one of the last cities that's that's Antiquated and still using paper and pencil for stuff and at some point you know we're prepared if we are going to do this let's do it it was budgeted four years ago and so it's time to make it happen because we're still here ing that you know how again I'll use the word Antiquated that we are and it's time for us to you know bring us up to um 21st century thank you okay Mr give me one second Mr manager um and I'm ask if we we made a decision at the meeting on Monday that you were going to pull items 11 and 12 from the consent agenda we was going to do a special meeting on Monday right okay so what I'm going to ask if the commission doesn't mind we have one more Department to Pres present plus the addendums that the manager be allowed to present it under his report during the commission meeting because it is after 7:00 so if you all don't mind will that will we operate in terms of La it's Workshop they ask questions at time it'll be under his it would be under his I it's on his report but I'm talking about to ask the questions that may be so let me yeld to Madam attorney Madam attorney if we stop the workshop now and move the remaining items under the manager being that is a workshop agenda I mean hearing can we yes sir we can go back and forth yes sir then all right so I'm going to um motion to adjourn so we're stopping at it we're gonna no we finished it did we we finished it I believe so unless somebody we had to do risk management risk management we briefly covered that go ahead commission um I noticed in it in positions you're taking out the special law enforcement um person or position so I'm assuming the police department doesn't need that anymore or you so speaking with the director of it when when we were going over his budget he at one point he actually had four employees and one of them decided to go elsewhere uh when he had all four he felt like that was too many and so he actually asked three is the right number for my department so that's why we went with three I'm saying it says law enforcement so think that was particularly zered in for the for Public Safety so that's why I'm you're taking it out right so so it they that now the three are covering all the Departments including law enforcement okay and you're fully staffed now with with three with three we are fully staffed there are no vacancies in it okay so we're Mr manager go ahead Comm Kell no I'm done with that all right we're stopping with um it and we'll during your report we do town center and then the agendum and then at that moment we'll do our additions and then sched for Monday right can I have a motion to adjourn um move by vice mayor second by commissioner Kelly this meeting is res eared all right