e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone Welcome to our regularly scheduled Commission meeting when Wednesday June 26 2024 the time is now 7:09 Madame clerk roll call please commissioner bass I'm here commissioner Kelly president commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here as we as we stand by invocation led by commissioner Williams followed by Pledge of Allegiance Heavenly Father Lord we thank you for the many blessings you bestowed upon us this day and every day Lord we ask that please continue to hold and keep opaka up our residents our employees our our city everyone that's here for the good cause of bringing opaka into the threshold and the light amen amen amen I pledge aliance alance to the flag America States of America and to the Republic for which it stands Nation indivisible with liy and justice for all all right Madam clerk do we have any awards proclamations or acknowledgements at this time um yes Mr Mayor we do have several um for the police department okay and that is shephered by the chief Mr manager yes absolutely so uh let me just give a a heads up um to these commendations so um the city of op Waka is experiencing a record low in crime statistics uh by watching the news you may not be aware of that but we want to make you all as the commission uh and the residents aware of that uh we did have a terrible week uh where we saw uh three murders in one week but what also was not reported those were our first murders in the year uh first time that the city of opaka went six months without incident uh with that crime stat uh so we are still experiencing very uh high high high high uh recidivism uh oh excuse me a declination and crime um we have the chief of police here tonight that is going to give you those crime stats and reports uh and we're also I also very very very excited to say out of those three murders two of them have already been solved and the suspects are in custody within and within the first two weeks of those happening so we're here to acknowledge those officers tonight and I'll call our our chief uh Chief Kenneth otley up to the stand thank you Mr Mayor commission uh we have officer Kelly and officer Bourne being awarded uh commendations Mr Mayor officer Kelly front and center officer Bourne front and center Mr manager okay beautiful attention orders position of attention please you want whereas officer Timothy Bourne of opaka police department was dispatched to this address here in response to a report regarding a missing cell phone and upon further assessment was informed on a suspicious activity on the scene whereas during his investigation officer Bourne observed an individual matching the description of a wanted homicide suspect near the scene officer born swiftly coordinated with additional units resulting in the Detention of the suspect and Associated individuals whereas officer borne discovered Firearms within the suspect's vehicle prompting the involvement uh of the opaka police department detectives and the Miami day Police Department homicide detectives whereas officers born quick and decisive action directly contributed to the apprehension of a dangerous individual wanted for a homicide in Miami day County thereby ensuring the Safety and Security of our community great job sir off officer Timothy B I'm sorry you are officer Kelly you're Timothy [Laughter] bour his commitment to duty professionalism and dedication to serving and protecting the residents of the city of opaka reflect the highest standards of law enforcement Excellence now therefore I'm Mayor John Taylor along with the citizens of the great city of opaka my colleagues on the commission Vice May Natasha Irving commissioner Dr sherlene baz commissioner Joseph Kelly and commissioner Veronica Williams do hereby commend officer Timothy Bourne for going above and beyond to serve the citizens of the great city of opaka we thank you for that sir while he's doing the next one we the group picture um comment whereas um officer Daniel Kelly of the opaka police department responded swiftly and decisively to a critical accident incident I can read you you should have gave me this before so I can practice involving an armed suspect in the community and whereas on Monday June 17th 2024 officer Kelly received reports of a suspect wearing a burgundy sweater and uh brandishing a firearm near mirage at CBO Cove at that same address and immediately responded in emergency mode alongside backup units whereas upon arrival officer Kelly engaged the witness and the residents Who provided critical information leading him to locate the suspect matching the description near the same address officers Kelly's Vigilant actions led to Safe apprehension of the suspect who was later identified by Miami day Police Department Homicide Bureau as a prep uh perpetrator hm of a recent homicide testing confirming the Firearms involvement in the crime whereas officers Kelly professionalism courage and commitment to Public Safety exemplify the highest standards of law enforcement Excellence now therefore I John Mayor John Taylor along with the citizens of the great city of opaka and my colleagues Vice May Natasha Irving commissioner Dr sherlene baz commissioner Joseph Kelly and commissioner Veronica Williams do hereby commend doc sorry I was to say doctor officer Daniel Kelly again shout out in thank you to officer Bor and officer Kelly for keeping our city safe okay we're going um Madam cler we have any more or that is that's all that's it Mr Man all right so to the approval of the consent agenda do we have any pulls deferrals or deletions I have a pull I'm Mr Mayor ma'am can I first provide the deferrals sure the city manager has requested to defer 13 okay 1316 and 13 six and also um 16 A1 okay so 136 is being deferred 13 you said 13 13 15 let me see 1 no actually 1316 1316 yes and 16 A1 and 16 A1 are being the first okay [Music] so I would like to pull 13 14 and 13 15 do we have any other ones 14 and 15 is what I'm ping what else 13 I'm pulling 13 13 13 14 and 135 Mr Mayor that's 145 and 16 so far correct sorry no 13 14 15 16 was deferred oh okay 13 14 and 15 okay any other PS Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly i' like to pull um number three and [Music] number yeah three and number 10 just for Clarity on yes did you did you pull um 17 no sir okay I'm I'm mistaken I want to pull 17 and not um 10 not 10 yes thank you no problem anybody else yes I'd like to P 10 okay all right so I have um on the I start with the the pull list is commissioner Kelly um three commissioner baz 10 myself 13 14 and 15 and commissioner Kelly number 17 is that correct all right all right can I get a motion second moved by commissioner B second by commissioner Williams Madam clerk on the consent commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Zer all right we're going into the approval of of the agenda and you madam clerk I saw that you added stuff that we're adding on to the agenda tonight um yes Mr Mayor so we do have a request to amend the agenda to include um two resolutions the first one will be included as 141 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of oblock of Florida approving issuance of a request for proposals for Artscape art and the RightWay Services providing for inor Corporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager and again this will be included as 141 all Mr manager can you state the emergency nature of this item absolutely the emergency nature of this item is financial uh this is a project that was selected by the residents to be funded with the arpa funds those arpa funds must be encumbered by December 31st of this year so uh with the permission of the commission we'd like to get these funds encumbered and get this project moving all right can I get a motion to add this to the agenda move it moved by commissioner Williams I'll second second by commissioner baz Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right and the second item the second item would be included as 142 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving issuance of a request for proposal for a native tree and plant installation and initial maintenance services providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager and again this would be included as 142 Mr manager can you state the emergency nature of this item absolutely mayor this is a again of financial nature uh for the Emergency that we're requesting to have this as a add-on item um this is another one of the projects that was selected by the residents of the city of opaka to be funded with the arpa funds um and so these funds have to be incorporated uh encumbered by December 31st of this year um so we want to get moving on that so we don't lose those funds right can I get a motion to add this to the agenda move it move by commissioner Williams second second by commissioner baz Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 zero all right can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda Mr Mayor um I'm sorry madam clerk um yes so I I received several requests from residents um to change the order of the agenda to see if the commission can consider 16 B1 um moving that towards the beginning of the agenda yeah I'm gonna make that motion and and we do have um a lot of residents here from that area that would like to speak on that item however that item is the last item on the agenda and it may a long night so okay is this um commission gy yeah I wanted I was going to make that motion um after you finish to move that item up know a lot of resc here for it all right so that motion was made by commissioner Kelly that's not the one that was deferred right we defer A1 um we defer 16 A1 this is second reading ordinance 16 B1 all right um it was moved by commissioner Kelly seconded by commissioner Williams Madam Clerk um to rearrange the agenda so we're going to do that one before commissioner Kelly what before right after citizen form yes yes okay all right all right Madame clerk commissioner bass yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass mayor Taylor yes motion passes for zero all right we're going into the approval of the minutes I'm sorry I just had a quick question real quick um the item um the item 16 B1 is a public hearing item will that public hearing take place during um citizens form so that we're not having two public hearings no because citizens form C for we still have to open up a public well so that's what I'm saying so I just want to be clear with the with everyone that if you're here to speak on that item that needs to wait till the public hearing is open and not so well right well we we can't I'm asking no ma We Can't Stop people from speaking on public hearing so if they want to do I know I I know I'm just saying so we're at so they would speak on it during public hearing they can speak on endure public hearing or and also citizens form they will have two options oh yeah no no give me one second they they would have okay okay I'm just trying to just you know make sure it's clear that's all yes' Mr May no you will have the opportunity to speak' we'll get to it we'll we're going through it right now yes ma'am thank you all right we're going into the approval yeah oh we're going to the approval of the minutes citizens um City commission Workshop meeting minutes May 8 2024 moved by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner baz can I have a roll call commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Zer all right regular commission meeting mittance May 8 2024 moved by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner baz Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor motion passes 4 Z okay approval of the minutes regular commission meeting minutes May 22nd 2024 can I get a motion move it second moved by it was moved by commissioner Kelly seconded by commissioner baz Madam clerk commissioner bass yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams mayor Taylor motion passes 4 Z all right do we have any district one District Two or any state reports no Mr Mayor all right so we're going into our public presentations and Mr manager I see you have two um one from Miss Adelina gross CIP manager city of opaka update on residential flooding followed by the assistant chief of assistant chief of uh police Dr Robin starts opaka Police Department on Public Safety um Miss Adelina you have the floor so as uh Miss gross is coming up mayor uh just give a brief introduction on this presentation uh we wanted to inform you and inform the residents of all the work that we're doing uh to mitigate flooding in the city of opaka uh which has something we've been working on for the last two years if you noticed uh if you've noticed recently when we have rains um the waters are clearing up a lot faster so she is going to walk you through the storm water drainage that we've installed uh the money that we've spent which is in the seven digits so that when it does rain opaka is not the the city that gets left behind and we're still seeing uh water on the ground and we're also looking at uh the upcoming costs which are also in the eight figur so uh Capital Improvement projects manager is uh Adelina gross she runs that department very well extensively with over a hundred billion dollar in projects and Miss gross you have the floor good evening mayor and Commissioners um thank you for having us today uh next slide please so we are going to be talking about existing drainage infrastructure and flouring zones of the for the city public and private Pro projects under development residential floting high in high density areas the stern water operational emplo expenditures during the fiscal year 22 to 24 and Improvement and estimated cost of high priority residential areas next slide please so during the last couple of years we have identified flood Zs by two made methods um one's by FEMA that is the national uh correspondence of identifying the flood cells and the C the ones that the city has identified can you put the next slide please so you will see that the yellow area is where the less flooded is the less area flooded identified by female blue and turkis will be the areas that has been identified by the city and also by FEMA you will see that FEMA doesn't account into our some of our commercial and our mix of residential areas but we do um there is we have 460 drainage structures that are maintained by the city of opaloka and we have 719 that are maintained by either fdot or Miami T County next slide l so we have also identified the number of properties and the floating areas the number of properties that we have with bonding areas in between that the range is between 1 to 3 fet is 942 properties those are identified in jellow the minimum ponding is from 0 to 6 Ines and that will be 1,497 properties next slide please okay for some reason that's not showing correctly on the screen but I can walk you through it so in the areas that we have identified that will be the areas in blue we only have 78 drainage structures installed currently and for those sections we also have 345 properties that are being affected by flooding so if we account that now we know that is there is not enough uh dra structure to support the amount that we receive in the city next slide [Music] please for reviewing that information after reviewing that information we have some public and private PR are under development in the list that you see on in front of you you'll have Glorietta Gardens Apartments Mary Alice Browns apartments or aan Village ingr Terrace apartment Norwest C first Street which which is a public right of way Town Center Superior Gardens and dial Gardens the four Pro listed at the bottom are um City projects that either are under development or that are being proposed next slide please so we have residential flooring in high density areas the high the city areas is where we have the multifamilies Glorietta Gardens Mary Alice Browns Ingram par teras Apartments those areas are every time it rains there is some accumulation of of water there is flooding and that's a nuisance for the citizens and the visitors of the city in GLA um we have experienced longer floting that has repeatedly cause damage to several first floor Apartments this condition is a result of Po and or not maintenance of their collection system detention p and the set in of exfiltration line to the 127 Street now the city of opaloka has provided floretta Gardens with an engineer report detailing all the repairs and maintenance needed to make the system functional again in their favor we must we must say that they have been working diligently to um resolve those issues Mary Alice Brown departments sorry floing in this area is relegated to the street of Norwest 172nd between 27th and 30th Avenue with minimal flow of the interior of the complex a comprehensive evaluation of the storm water system has been conducted and we have found that some repairs are needed that will mitigate a portion of the flooding that the area is experiencing because they already have drainage but some of the lines are not working correctly for ingr Terrace apartment the floting in this area is now relegated to proper conditions for which public Housing and Community Development is aware of the conditions and at the last check they were seeking grants to fund the mitigation of the condition radway floting has been greatly reduced with the installation of alol Milling on the roadway however a PR that is partially funded by ctbg is in the final phases of Permitting that will be Norwest 131st Street next slide please so in this in this slide we have the maintenance work that has been completed by the city during the last two years so Jers in structures and pine clean during 2023 to 2024 is 105 strin structures out of the 4660 that the city maintain so we have been increasing that that section of cleaning repairing maintaining our our services lines on to the PO works department next slide please this is the section that has been evaluated recently um this is the Asam Village section and this will show the currently partially currently star installed drainer system that that's that's there and need some repairs so this is just a show how we receive reports from the from the vendor and from the public works department next slide as more detail um Point repairs of Med Alis BR apartments or ason Village we have an estim cost Point repairs of 75,000 the RFP has already been developed and it's going to be presented to commission so it can be issued next slide um floting mitigation at gloriaa Gardens as mentioned before they have been doing a great job um mitigating some of the conditions so the picture on your right will be exist uh previous conditions and the last and this picture on the left will be on the last rain storing burn that we have a few weeks ago so we can see that it's actually not completely floated anymore next slide please 131st Street on ingrant Terrace this is a project that has is been under the design and um permitting phase with the city and Miami day county is being partially funded to cdbg funds and it has an estimated cost of $750,000 next Slide the existing conditions propos Improvement and estimated cost as per the storm water master plan that was developed back in 2022 next slide so the area that you see here is town center and the picture on the left shows what existing the green area that you see um on that picture will be the area that has more floting if you see the Legend on the at the bottom you will see that between 0.5 to uh to one fet of water is accumulated during rain uh during the rain season or during storm per or long storm period to resolve that we are proposing to install drainage FR drains and structures that are show being sh on the picture on the right next slide please however the estimated cause for this improvements is currently 5.5 million 5 50,000 57 million so it's not that we are not trying it's a is an issue of funding next slide please for the next area we have section four this is um this section is also part this that will be Z for for the city of this is high density areas as you can see this is mostly commercial well mostly residential so you will be you will be seeing that the area that is currently uh being flooded due to the lack of drainage as mentioned before we only have like 78 drain um drainage structures in the areas that are cons being considered like um flooded between one to three feet and in the next slide we will I will show you the cost for that one next slide so extimate the cost for this repairs is a give me just a moment so I don't give you the wrong number is yeah 8.5 73,000 this is to install on drainage structure and French drain fnish and and meal and resurface the and restore the street after is installed so we are considering this all the C into the in a very detailed post description for this projects this is the area of superior Gardens next slide please this section is 127 Street uh section five for us this is n Gardens as explained before there is none or minimal drainage structures in this section and if we go to the next slide for improvements in this area we will be spending $6.7 million next slide next slide please thank you so for the last two years uh the city has embarked in the project of repairing maintaining and cleaning the structures that we currently have uh there has been and um I will say a great Improvement for us on fiscal year 2022 we only spend 44,000 on cleaning structures and maintaining the current the structures that we have fiscal year 23 we spent 159,000 and as from October 1st to June we have spent 214,000 in cleaning and maintaining the structures in the residential areas the capital projects that are this is on sorry on the maintenance is being done to our public works department and outside contractor the capital projects on that are currently under design and implementation and Norwest C first has a designed cost of $17,250 this is currently in the last per on the last phase of Permitting and we are um completing the restoration of Burlington Canal this has of $745,000 977 for a total of expenditures in the last two years of 1.3 Millions next slide so for a total estimated cost of improvements in the high priority residential areas we are estimating 20.3 Millions almost 20.2 20 millions point4 and this is what's needed and the gr infrastructure and structures and utilities is what makes the city greater because as long as we don't have flooding we have good sub system good water lines the city will progress further next slide please so we are applying an action plan we are currently applying to federal and state grants we are also going to be applying for the state evolving fun storm water funding We are continuing to going to clean the maintain and repair the existing infrastructure and we are going to be adding as possible drainage infrastructure to identify areas in the residential section any questions that I may answer yes thank you um Miss BR for the presentation I do have a quick question and I didn't see this listed um the what about 136 Street which is the street leading behind Burger King going into the cold dect with the town homes and the um where the senior citizen building is and it floods really really bad there that you can't get in or out and a lot of and also um on that same area which is I think I believe that's Wilmington between 22nd and 27 that wasn't mentioned either and those streets flood one second one second East Side so what yes go ahead go ahead and the east side I going that to but okay um from uh Atlantic Avenue that's the section that you're met mentioning that's currently phase two of the Burlington Canal project our flood is going to be mitigated because once you eras embankment and you do some AR control that's going to be mitigated we prioritize sections the sections that were presented based on a storm water master plan and those are the four sections at this moment that are in the highest um need because they have either non system draining or very little drainage in that section there is a still floating we understand that it's not that we are not prioritizing that however that that section is the the cost is minim is not as present I would say to or present for than the other ones because at least in this section they have the canal they have the dra they have some drainage structures that need to be either clean maintain or repair that the city can address that and we are also working on that so we do have a plan we're working on that okay any questions for Miss gross Miss no we'll give you all opportunity doing citizens for any yeah um Mr Mayor so I'm I'm seeing of course we know it's I mean the flooding is just Citywide um but of course we know that it's you know worse in other places but talked about the the various apartment complexes and we know that that the flooding happens there um like bads um specifically glor The Gardens and we can go on and on but what I don't understand is why is it that when we're putting out specifically when we're building um housing building um structures uh Apartments why are we not getting Engineers to give us an estimate put that in the RFB to let us know to give us a calculation that if that this particular site is prone to flooding and I think moving forward that has to be something that we do um thinking about having an engineer take a look at the before I'm saying before it's presented to commission um to to pass so that if we're passing you know we talk about affordable housing and building but then aren we are now it seems as if we're going to continue to build where it's it may potentially flood and add to that number let me clarify the question so the manager can answer to that if I understood correctly what you are requesting this that before we do a development agreement is that an engineer or a storm water engineer assess assess the area and provide recommendations for inside the property jish or or to locate city or to locate that not from the city but as far as the RFP so if they want to they would have to then go out and have that engineer in that RFP process that's what I'm saying could is that a possibility or would that be through the city if it the problem is in the right of way that will be true the city if the problem is inside the the development that will be part of their or the of the upgrades a part what of the upgrades or or the development that they are they are doing so could that be a part of the development agreement already I believe it is it's already is um we have um I don't know from before but we have been in in various um meetings with the Community Development once they bring an agreement uh or project to review and we provide recommendations of a stone water for certain areas of what the stone Water Management plan should be for the the project so was that a part all the all these apartments that that have been built over the years have that been a part of the process well I've been here for two years to no I know it's prey all of us I'm just saying like you know that's I mean we're really we're mitigating all the stuff that should have been correct correct right correct like that we're we're we're you know things have been passed and and and people have built projects but so I'm glad to know yes and that our residents know now that we are have that built in and that moving forward that's a part of but you know now we see this $20 million that you know and then we we're the ones as res as commission we get the ones we get beat up um or we are the ones that get the earful of you know the flooding on my street the flooding on my block I'm going to say that's maybe 20 years ago you should okay um thank you Mr Mayor we could have fixed the problem commissioner Kelly thank you um coup questions and it's really I like the presentation but it's a lot of information you given us in a short period of time and considering our agenda long so I don't want to take too much but the work that has been done over the last um five years I'll say and I know everybody want to holl about last two but as I always say most of the staff has been here for a minute so they're not new um in Glorietta Mary Alice Brown you give us some numbers and even with Ingram Terrace you give us some numbers um of costs Etc uh regarding Ingram terce where are we with the county on that mitigation you gave that number I think of 700 um 000 the 750,000 that we provided is only for the right of weight so let me answer the question that he's actually asked um which is where are we with h Ingram terrrace so yes uh what she's saying the $750,000 that is the improvements that the city can do that are actually actually outside the project actually outside the property uh the important thing to note is that uh Ingram Terrace uh Mary Alice gloriaa Gardens those are all private properties so we are going in uh we are going in to meet with them to discuss their flooding issues to assist them with identifying where those issues are and ensuring that they have a plan to mitigate those uh we initiated that conversation um Ingram Terrace is actually owned by Mii day County um so we Engage The County uh the for for director Lou he said that he was looking for the funds he's now being replaced uh by director bayen we are now working with him to identify uh even in the most recent uh uh flash flood we had uh what are their mitigation plans to address the flooding on their on their property okay um I'm fully aware of that the question I had really is because the county it really is their issue because they own those units yes sir so what has been done what kind of pressure if any have we tried to apply because the the residents that stay there are actually you know tenants from Mi day County I know the outside the SE the money we're putting together for outside but have we had any conversations with um uh commissioner bastion's office recently about that because I think that's her District district too um about the mitigation that's why I was referencing that and Mary Alex Browns I'm not referring to any of the properties inside I understand we're trying to help them inside to give them the information but outside with Alice Brown for example the area you're referencing from the property going down to the bank um and we pass all the time it floods it floods it floods and my problem I have is there's been drainage work done there over the last five six seven years I'm looking at former commissioner Miller out there I think she was on the dasas back when we did some some work there um and it seems that even though we're doing work of done work something's not right something's not right with these drains even the work that you've done recently over by Jackson no uh the improvements you've done over there it's still flooding like crazy and we put in a lot of money I.E with drainage so something does not um does not add up that we need to really look at and address I know everybody likes the French drains and that's the newest thing that's going but I think over the last if I'm not mistaken uh four five six years French drains have been put in and a lot of places but to me they're not they're not working as as fast as they should considering uh the money that we're putting uh into them the other question that I have and I'm going to do it quickly and I'll get with the manager on the rest is to save time um on the projects that you've you've mentioned you've laid out 20 million plus and your intent is to um I guess seek funding for sources I I got that part all these projects that are being funded are these numbers coming from our Consultants that we have on board the numbers are coming from the consultant we are also reviewing the numbers and we review the numbers before bringing it to commission today you know why I'm asking you yes sir okay because to my colleagues a lot of time we're getting these numbers and these numbers are not um accurate act there you go I'm glad you said it they're not accurate and so I have a concern when we keep sending these numbers because if it's being estimated at 20 it makes me think it's probably 30 um and in some of these project even the ones that we're funding I appreciate the presentation I have some more question with the brevity of time I'm going to uh defer those so we can move on with the agenda thank you Mr Mayor okay any other questions for Miss ad gross hearing none thank you Miss gross we're gonna move on to our assistant chief Dr starts or uh assistant chief is not available but we have the chief of police here to provide the presentation Sir Chief you have the floor good evening Mr Mayor commissioner first slide June has been a busy month as the manager uh spoke up earlier we've had three homicides and attempted murder stabbing two non-con shootings and our criminal investigative division has identified a major Chop Shop operation within our city of those three homicides only one of the murders were opaka Bourne the other two came from external uh external to the city one from one from uh Miami Gardens and the other from the city of Miami uh the major Chop Shop operation uh was located is located here in the city and along in along with Mi day uh police department auto theft they recovered 25 stolen vehicles and made three arrests and basically shut down that Chop Shop operation the uh stabbing the attempted murder uh was also external to the city that came from uh Miami Gardens the two non-con shootings stemmed from the city of Fort laudale Fort Lauderdale that began there and bed bled into our city over the course of two individual incidents so that said uh we were able to uh coordinate with our hom with the miate Homicide Bureau and as you the awards that we presented today we uh were able to apprehend two of those h HDE subjects and the arrests of The Chop Shop owners and the perpetrators slide two please as a result of the uh initial crime Trend here in Tri crime Spike here in June I've operated I've directed my department to initiate operation summer Sentinel operational summer Sentinel is uh is a coordinated effort with state and federal agencies multi-agency gang task force magta we're targeting ific areas particular areas within the city with the highest reporting of Narcotics and violent crime uh reporting here in the city our community policing unit has increased in Manpower and are assigned to the three Zone in the city where they go out reach out and Foster uh positive relationships with the community they get to know uh all the members of the community and um and begin exploring a plan to establish a Community Watch program which is what I'm doing currently to present to the manager uh increased Patrol presence has is by adjusting our uniform Patrol uh rotations so we used to go from six to six now we go six to six for portion and 7 to seven to ensure that we have overlap in our Patrol units throughout the city for those um for those uh time frames our directed Patrol are in high crime areas where are we're based on our statistical averages that we receive on a daily basis from our uniform units we also have a juvenile curfew enforcement where by we'll enforce these juvenile these uh curfew times and notify the parents if these juveniles are located in our city so the question always comes how do we evaluate our our City's crime statistics slide two slide three next we employ a crime analyst who is responsible for conducting a variety of crime and statistical analysis A lot of the the reports that come out of the news media the printed online news media they Garner these numbers from uh the from FDLE and the FBI uh January 24 we had a reporting agency called The Cove that reported opaka as the second most dangerous city in Florida I'm G let that settle for a minute in June of 24 the online news agency blue and gold reported opaka as the third most dangerous city in the state of Florida I got to tell you commissioner that is outrageous that is outrageous and I'm going to show you why first of all they're pulling data from zip codes as we know opalak is 33054 they're pulling numbers from 33055 which we know is miomi guards they're pulling data from 33056 as well as 33067 which is Northside unincorporated miy County how do I know that I know that because I've seen it I've checked I've double checked and I've triple checked they're pulling FDLE numbers what we what we know is FDLE calculates and tabulates their numbers always one year behind once the year passes then they review those numbers and they report them one year later so what they're reporting now as current 2023 24 is actually 2022 numbers so let's be clear that yes crime is everywhere but let's let's look at the real numbers in Miami day County in uh in city of oblaka our comparison to 2023 and 2024 our part part one crimes which are homicide forceable rape robbery aggravated assault burglary theft motor vehicle theft we've talked about the the uh the mitigating factors that we've had here in the city with auto theft 2022 to 2023 we had nine homicides 2023 January through December of 23 we only had four year to date we've only had three in the first six months we had none and all three of them were within a short period of time literally one week and as I mentioned before one only one came from inside and the other two came external to the city from external to the city this represents a decrease and 55.56% when compared to 2022 numbers we look up there violent crimes 44.5% reduction in total Violet fenses 15 to 23 and you can see the graph numbers speak to themselves a 41.8% reduction in violent crime from 25 to 23 100% increase in murders between 2017 and 18 but now we're down to three in 2024 contact shootings were 17 and 22 23 to 24 we reduced from 17 to 13 contact shootings nonon non-c contct shootings were down 29.41% for a total decrease of 53.85% in non-c contact shootings from 22 to 23 in 24 we've only had the two and that was a non-c contct shooting the two in uh that we reported earlier next property crimes 39.4% reduction from 2015 to 2023 we did have a motor vehicle increase theft however our recoveries are significant the increase from 2015 to 16 is 46.2% but currently in in 2024 our numbers have significantly decreased as the numbers as in as a graph shows next we have arson which has decreased uh 23 we have no numbers here in 24 uh we have not had an arson simple assaults in 24 are is really batteries and fondling as you look at those numbers for fondling what you must understand is many times they're not reported because of our human trafficking unit that we now have currently Associated and collaborating with the uh State Attorney's Office the reporting is significantly is coming out and is showing a sign significant increase which allows us to identify these these uh these endangered Youth and allow the investigation to proceed and capture these these criminals that are that are uh that are violating our youth next arrests 2015 and look at 2013 the rest have gone down the colorcoded indicates motor vehicle theft from murder to motor vehicle theft our numbers are significantly decreased and this isn't coming from the FBI this is coming from our own criminal analyst who takes our numbers daily as our reports come in and she tabulates that and calculates it and puts it on our our uh our comput statistics in 2022 we had a total of 678 arrests 33 of 333 of those arrests were felonies 2023 we had 707 arrests 295 arrests for felonies so the reduction as you see from 27 707 to 295 therein lies a reduction in felonies currently with the uh with the lower of crime statistics this shows a decrease in total felonies of 11.41% less violent crime next those some numbers that'll show you in 2021 we had seven murders 2022 we had nine 23 we had four and 24 currently we've only had three year to date you see rape robberies aggravated assaults violent offenses those are our totals now the numbers that you see below the violent crime those are percentages we failed to the FDLE doesn't put the the uh dot in in the middle to indicate so that would be 22.4 two% of our crime rate in 2015 and now in 20123 we're at 13.4% from the 23 numbers 2024 has not yet been calculated next property offense is the same um next next so again uh 23 we had zero murder arrests and again arrest comes through Miami D County not us because we don't have a Homicide Bureau the homicide arrest comes through Mi day County so those arrests that were that were here the four from 23 those are still open pending here in 24 by the hands of our own oplock of police officers we arrested two of the three homicides that occurred within our city rape we had none zero rapes reported and zero arrests hence zero arrests robberies we had six uh in 2023 and then 24 we're up I think to 10 but we are currently four have current arrest warrants that were pending and taken into custody next recoveries what's important about stolen vehicles is that yes the vehicles get stolen but what's important is that we also get them recovered in chop shops as well as uh when the vehicles get stopped on the street by our officers and by other external sister agencies next those numbers are consistent next next and next let's move on to the good things that's going on in our city next next next go to the end okay up up one more this is a chop shop and these are the vehicles that we identified in that Chop Shop that were all stolen and being taken apart and shipped out of Miami out of the state of Florida to places unknown next next these cribes are permitted they what they do is they do Vin swaps what a VIN is is the vehicle identification number on the vehicle they cut them out replace them so that they're not be not able to be identified as a stolen vehicle fraud illegal dumping is also a part of that because they take the tires and any other the of the parts from the vehicles that are not able to be used and they illegally dump them within our city which is another problem that we're currently facing and dealing with on a daily basis next next Police Explorers near and dear to our heart commission next we have our summer explore program and they're currently going through the Explorer Academy where they're being taught to March they're te being taught handcuffing techniques and arrest procedures next they're marching and they had a field day where they were racing with uh they would engage in foot races with our fellow on Duty Officers next today they engaged in swimming and safe swimming procedures and life- saving procedures in the water in shundi pool next couple of weeks ago we had the community police relations Foundation next they donated five beautiful police bikes to the opalak police department Ed askanazi Al askanazi is the president and founder of the CPR foundation and he so great gracefully uh uh grace us with these bikes and this is going to help us tremendously in community uh engagement and in supporting the city and all of your activities uh relating to we had one a bicycle event that happened a few uh few months ago that we didn't have the bicycles to support now we do so we look forward to supporting the city in all our future endeavors with all the things that we're getting thank you Mr manager thank you commission Mr Mayor any questions thank you Chief any questions to the manager on sorry to the chief on this presentation Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly again for the privative time thank you for the presentation yes sir uh I'm going to tell you up front because you know I'm always straight some of this these numbers you're referencing don't add up with some of these time frames okay okay you're referencing 15 but then you also got to look at 22 and 23 some of them don't don't correlate they don't correlate I want to spend the night doing it out schedu me with the manager um they don't correlate but my biggest challenge with the information you said that you referenced some group or whoever that take data from um different zip codes yes and that we were doing our own analysis correct my question simply when we do our own analysis um why didn't we just take whatever fdla is giving us per opaka did we did we do that or did we just do our own no what what you're seeing uh commissioner is FDLE numbers what I was referencing to the cove and blue and gold is that they write these reports and they post them online which makes Obaka look like we are the worst things in slice bread comparative to Florida city and pooki and all the northern cities that that are represented in those report in in those uh online reports that they do but they are retrieving their data from these different zip codes using some sort of AI uh uh uh uh data retrieval system we retrieve our our data from FDLE they get it from they get their information from our crime reporting so that's what I that's what I was referencing to when I talked about the zip codes so when these online uh uh uh stories come out and people read them what they're reading is numbers that are not accurate I'm not saying that we that we don't have crime nobody can can say that they're crime-free but I can tell you that uh the numbers that they're reporting are they're getting much of those numbers from those different zip codes that have nothing to do with OP Locka I have confirmed that and we yes commissioner Kelly we can get into that yeah no I'm not referencing them I've seen some of those and I don't agree with them either I know how they take numbers but I'm looking at some of ours and that's why I saw me with the manager because when I look at property offenses and the numbers you you reference in the time frame of 2115 but when I look at uh 22 and 23 compared uh they're not that different but you been referenc 2223 reference 15 and 23 so I I want to be clear because the other challenge I have when you talk about um Public Safety it goes to a lot of other different things and I'll say that for my report dealing with um patrolling and responsing to uh citizen calls but thank you for the information thank you Mr Mayor no problem the only thing I'm going to ask Chief is that you provide that crime analysis report to the entire commission please sir all right mayor commission William just real quick thank you Chief um and the entire police department for all that you do each and every day I've always said you don't need the police until you need the police and and that's what it is and I do I know for several weeks it has been so disheartening you know when we turn on a TV and it's just been opaka opaka opaka and you know although I've spoken to you I've spoken to assistant chief Starks and and we've all said but it's all crime is also so high in Miami Gardens for some reason they don't say Miami Gardens as often as they love to say opaka so we know that with the news media we get you know be drudged through the the mud but I also know that when you're a resident and you you're watching the news and you hear it it still makes your heart pilate and it still puts fear and so specifically for not and I don't want to say specifically for our seniors but really I I'm going to say specifically I always speak for my mom and and it and and it just it's you know you you start to see we're in summertime so you start to see people Retreat back into the house not water their plants like I'm used to her doing not doing those things because they feel so uncomfortable or not safe and I think what we would like to hear just moving forward I I know you're you're right the numbers and I'm so glad you did the presentation the numbers aren't as Glam um Grim as they look but what is the plan you know what this is what we're doing to mitigate this this this so I know that you you you know you're going through that and I hope that there's a part B um that you will continue to come up and make those presentations you know and again Kudos I think is amazing that you know we've solved murder cases and done all the great work but I think the residents also want to hear and this is what we're going to do to mitigate this this and this there's definitely a Part B commissioner commission and for the brevity for the C sake of time I didn't go into that but I can go into it and I can deliver that to the commission at through the manager whenever at at my earliest conven okay all right thank you yes sir thank you are we getting ready to go into to our citizens form uh Madam clerk can you please State how to participate in citizens form yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening city of opaka commission meetings are held in person at the opaka government center city commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street third floor opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wishing to particip at virtually should register prior to the schedule meeting time on the city's website at www. opalak l.gov when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through Liv stream at www.youtube.com city of opa and at this time Mr Mayor we do have one virtual public comment we have Mr Andrew Herman and Our IT department can confirm whether or not he's online okay yes he is Mr Mayor okay citizens form is open Mr Herman we're going to start with our online course so Mr Herman you have the floor good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Andrew Herman I resided at 1770 opalak Boulevard which I've resided for the past 25 years what I'm really talking about today is a matter of help I have had an issue with the police and I've gone to the chief for help I've gone to this commission for help and as of yet I still haven't received any help I keep getting promises and and this is going to be checked and this and that I'm still right back where I started and it's it's it's giving me a real feeling of of frustration because it's difficult enough for a man to ask for help but when he continues to ask for help and doesn't receive it it puts him in a different frame of mind so what I would like to find out is is can we do something not simple I'm just feeling I keep asking for help and I'm not receiving Mr Herman yes um what exactly are you asking I'm asking okay go ahead no go ahead I'm sorry okay I am asking for some form of outside investigation into what is transpired with me from a simple me trying to do an internal affairs investigation and from there everything went to crap where I end up getting arrested my truck tow and now now it's not even running and this just going from bad to worse and each time I keep trying to get the situation resolved it seems to only get compounded and ignored and kicked that basically the can kick down the street I'm asking for help okay okay Mr yes sir um yeah commissioner Kelly I don't know how you want to handle it because I know we got a lot of folks to speak uh Mr Herman um I spoke with him I've spoken to uh the manager's office and there seems to be a major uh disconnect or challenge with Mr Herman where he feels like his um he's not getting his answer and he feel like he was retaliated he felt like he was unjustly dealt with um so I I don't know at this point I know he's coming back for us as a body um my understanding from the manager's office was that they had did all they could do and he was supposed to do some things that he had not done but he's on tonight so I guess either that wasn't related to him or something has transpired but he is looking as he said for some kind of recourse from the commission um I guess as a whole um the manager probably can um get more details probably not in this setting but um yeah it needs to be addressed thank you Mr Mayor okay thank you commissioner um so Mr manager Well normally we address citizens form after citizens form but can you speak with Mr Herman to get us a resolution by the next commission meeting absolutely or if it is sensitive then you can meet with us individually absolutely all right thank you all right no problem Mr Herman citizens form for the people in the audience is opene Sir um good evening um Liddell Jackson uh 2507 Superior Street um I don't want to sound repetitive but um in reference to the flooding issue and I've been dealing with this since 2016 those pictures that you that I've gave you guys that's right there on um Superior Street um just east of Burger King and if it floods very bad and my particular property I have spent money my uh property has been eroded um continuously and also um I have had to replace so much so so much furniture and um I talked with it briefly you know walking here but I'm here tonight to make it personal and that um just like he said U to apply pressure because I have been in the background not saying anything you know about the situation I'm hoping that it get resolved because it's evident you can see it you know and um just going forward I just would like to be informed when and where and how that that would be resolved okay thank you Mr Jackson um we we gonna address it um Stephen you get Mr Jackson's phone number please citizens form is go ahead thank you no problem Mr Jackson citizens form is still open Michael Jones 2110 wington Street I'mma tell you about this contractor stuff you guys got going on if you're gonna have contractors here taking our money check them out two or three times I done been through this game before they fixed Alibaba I got to go home tonight on them wavy roads drains ain't been fixed and don't even talking about witon street wington street all backed up with water and we got a canal right there on the side for you to run the pipes too so when you get these contractors throwing all these big prices check them out two three times cuz we getting tired of being screwed we don't been screwed by these contractors thousands millions of times we sick of it same thing with the warehouses we don't need no more warehouses look in the back of Ingram Park and I need I need to say no more look across that Canal look at them warehouses back there look at them trailers that holding all them mosquitoes and got people in them we G ask come on go ahead you guys go over there get cold enforcement start cracking down on the warehouses there's a lot of stuff going on in these warehouses that you guys don't know nothing about get the cold enforcement to do their job look at these warehouses what's happening in them especially that one behind Ingram Park cuz I got homeless living in trailers over there okay find them back a bir it's easy to see just get out the car and walk down the back of the park ex it Street flooding I got out today I had to stick my new shoes in water come on guys we tired of these contractors come here throwing the big old prices out here and sticking us with the big old prices and we had to pay them we sick of it we can't even get Ingram partk fixed we sick of that come on man quit jugging us we're trying to help you guys get better and we want to do this let's clean it up quitting letting these contractors coming here R Us I'm sick of it you know how long we've been fixing pipes around this place we always fixing on the shabi side we never knew done on Ingram Park Side the east side I call it come on man stop this and we always getting all the junk on our side why is it any can anybody all you guys can any of you tell me why Mr you tell me why shundi always did everything on this side we never get nothing on this side by Ingram Park okay you guys tell me this CA we've been doing this for years man and it's time for it to stop I love you all God bless you and I hope we do something to put this situation man yes sir thank you Mr Jones all right when we're we we're in citizens form we ask that you all keep the talking and the clapping down please because we want to give everybody opportunity to speak and we want to be respectful to everyone so we want everybody to be heard um go ahead commissioner good afternoon former commissioner Gail Miller for this great city of opaka I'm sitting up here very disappointed tonight I'm very upset and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired now we got a HR director work three days 18 hours a week and she making $160,000 where is this money coming from you don't think I get tired of open up the Miami times every week and see that we losing cases we paying a lawyer over $500,000 and we lose every case come to the city of opaka I'm sick and tired being sick and tired now y'all up here with this thing about bringing more Warehouse to the city bring us a pharmacist to the city bring us a grocery store bring us some more houses for the seniors y'all want to bring warehouses like the man said we got plenty warehouses we don't need no more please with this ordance y'all please need to let this ordinance take these people take their business back to aventur where they come from I know where they come from I did my my my my research on everything let them go back to Aur where all the money at we all always got to get like he say junk I'm tired of trucks stops I'm tired of junk yards I'm tired of uh uh um um um what you call them things thrift shops bring something in this community I we got to go to mamy Gardens to go to Walmart mommy Gardens to go to Walgreens come on somebody do something now y'all sitting up here we put y'all up here we want you all to advance because I'm me tell y'all something about the history I got whole minute where y'all sitting at now Joseph Kelly know we wasn't LED on this side of town we was lied over here we my father and the Civic club and his mama we built the Ingram Park we we didn't have no park over here just like he say everything over to chipi park shipi park Ingram Park is deserted it looks terrible we got children on that side of town why should our kids have to come all the way over here when we wasn't aled it over here when I was a young girl a beautiful so we need you all to give us a break on that side of town now election time coming up you see all these citizens we gonna have more we gonna walk the streets and we gonna talk and somebody ain't getting back in y'all have a nice night thank you commissioner citizens form is still open good evening good evening um former representative Roy Hardman chairman of the model City Advisory Board um 3186 Northwest 32nd uh 135th Street um I got some issues as well you know we have a thing called Community Development block BR that Miami day County runs that has opalocka fast Chef for all of this but The Advisory board has not one city of opaka Resident sits on the board that regulate all these different issues before it get here before it gets to the manager's office y'all got to recruit for um what's his name um Alex pulan or whatever his name the County's um director for Community Development it starts there if if just these resent here form that committee that's supposed to be in by law by law if y'all just formulate that committee that in all this him it's like the black back blues that flooding situation only thing they did was put a tension pwn and a a fake whale it ain't it ain't hooked up to nothing so therefore it going to keep on flood they gonna keep on doing what they doing because they want black folks out of there and at the end of the day you know we had a sister came to Miami and gave them okay to take all the Section 8 vouchers off of those units that's ludicrous we need those vouches we need to be able to have somewhere for us to stay at you know they say well you you you picked the wrong choice you you on welfare I'm I'm my mom on welfare I'm the 11 to 15 children we needed Scot projects just like a lot of these residents need the black blues and the rest of these um public housing sites that's here so I'm telling us uh Community let's get the um um the county and let's put that Advisory Board together because all this here could be stopped just by y'all participating not them this the final end so that's what I'm going to bring to the table you know when when I was in in the county when they tried to chop opck a head off you know I had to chop some folks I got black ball but that's okay I'm used to it I can fight and I just need y'all to St fighting y'all need to help these people fight you know you talking about the police department they got some good people on there yeah they you got some officer that need some sensitivity training I lost a grandchild right behind burgering by gun violence so it's not that I'm trying to say I relate to this because I do I just want to not point at y'all no more let's point at our staff and make sure that the staff has the tools to work with we looking at front porch right we looking at um um the triangle where we had a lot of stuff going on ower Zone and none that completed nothing you got all that what is weed and seed you weeded but you ain't seed nothing huh we need this job we stop this this murder it ain't as bad as it used to be right so if we bring the right a even the right it let the county man the city manager do his job thank you rob thank you and we do support annexing Liberty City all the way TOA thank you rob citizens form is still open good evening my name is theis William 1391 Norwest 95th Street first of all M say the violence y'all talking about it start with the judges the police make the rest the judges let them out on house arrest that's where the blood is on the judge them hand and every County and City should be getting with the judges they up for relection y'all should ask him that question y should asking that question flood is all over the place no matter what what city you're in but if we build a warehouse why can't we put a pump system now okay you talk about marene Baskin we dealing with her too we got a problem with her too in our district floods Road Improvement money came from the government instruction where did the money go see we worry about what you do in the dark to come to the light it call when our voice is not being heard we vote and the people voices not being heard because if you come to the table with all the Resident that put people in place in the position they should be the first one giveing you what they need we got all the development coming from all over the world building over us and you wonder why the kids are shooting they're Restless do y'all got a data on how many people in shelters that need homes do y'all have that we putting our people in shelter they sleep in the cars do y'all have a data on that M Gard don't have it the city don't have it y'all don't have it the county don't have it this city all over is not a people City it's a trade and business game going on and y'all got us fighting everybody got us fighting against the development they planning over us it need to stop it need to really stop and all that like our resident senior citizen we know grab them by hand in the second we going downtown again on them because the senior citizen paid the way for us so we paying the way for them so I'm just saying whatever going on in the dog in any city is always come out in the paper this city is not out of trouble they watching y'all and when a man is so fed up and ran into got got sick and TI and ran into a b a over in opaka that's pressure that's pressure be careful thank you sir citizens form is still open good evening I'm Madam reita Holmes executive director of wave of women and public housing education finance and development I'm an entrepreneur uh formerly public housing resident uh Brownsville tester water air quality but still going through the issues of looking for somewhere to live I started originally out in Overtown M Holmes can you state your you did your name I need your address for the address for the record uh for the record uh if you would Mr Taylor allow me to get with your clerk I'm under vict the Witness Program so I cannot give my direct but I can't provide documents there in the car but I wanted to come back out here just wanted to tell you about a toxic tour you wouldn't feel that a black woman is internationally the BBC's 100 resilient women but I like you to look it up because they fig africanamerican and inner city women particularly in in public housing in Rehabilitation and in um funky mody old buildings next to water canals that are flushed back this way without any resilience and I wanted to know um Mr Mayor and Mr city manager I haven't really been back here since I tested that water a long time ago when we originally started with the weed and seed then it was called the nonstop walking they made it a weed and seed and became something else whatever whatever but it was started by a black woman so recognizing what it means with sea level rise but not understanding what climbing in the dark mean well if I had to look it up in Wikipedia my fine example would be oaka because of the water situation but I do recognize that in the Senate that your Senator bought back $200,000 six times and I haven't seen the water quality change on my way here I noticed that there were two puddles shooting off into air what a waste of water during heat time and one going that way the water looked pretty clean but I know the canal that it was watering is so full of toxins because I test toxins I know what it's like to have mle poisoning because I haven't and that's why I've moved five times in four years and about to move again I'm back in Little Haiti but I came out of Miami Gardens when the water and the lakes were coming up and now I'm noticing wherever there are black women had a household and wherever there are men missing and the Young aren't being taught about the land and the land use where there is no resilience Department in with all this money going over there why is no money coming over here we're decent safe and sanitary people that's what H said it's supposed to be so I'm offering you something I would like to do a One-Stop I call it a Non-Stop walk because half the people that walk doing the One-Stop walk three things do not offer any resources do not offer any terminology to bring us up to dates do not when they go into public housing where I see most of this moldy tear down rehab places over by the dump where I walked through and tested the metals all over in there these are toxic places but if you were to get the EPA report city manager you would understand you're in a flood zone if you if if I could provide for you that one storm and and and this I'll say goad normally I charge $25 an hour as a Brownsville technician so I would ask you the courtesy of maybe more seconds because I would like to know do you have a resilience who test the water what are the water reports what is the storm map and where do you have it distributed because as Citizens we have a right to know a right to clean water and a right to clean air and I don't see it I see all and I've given all that I can freely to tell you that it's a health problem to tell you that you can't build nothing unless you really tear it up and clean it out and to not give an answer means that your negligence in the public Doctrine and I know you're better than that yes ma'am if you give you what we can do is we can set up a meeting and we can get your your questions and then we can provide you with those answers last lastly I just want to tell you something your officers just one second go we got a lot a lot of people we got I know you do but they don't get paid information but they pay taxes and they still don't get the education so please consider it education knowledge on the house I give come one second yeah yeah and I like people that keep people quiet on time but don't give enough answers enough so with that I already know you Mr Williams I'll I'll wait my time Mr ke I just wanted to say Mr Kelly and officers when I do come out and I'm not on your agenda and I'm not limited we have great conversations you continue to do what you do because you know better and when you know better you do better and I'm so sick and tired of my people suffering for the lack of knowledge or y'all providing the information they're entitled to thank you yes ma'am citizens form is still open Johnny Green 2091 Wilmington Street here we are again about the furniture warehouse we spoke about it at our last meeting then it was deferred I hope tonight that we get this done so these people can go back and not come again we won't see them again now somebody is playing games with us and I know that they are we know that they are but for the record if we don't solve this tonight I want to put it on the record that every citizen in this community will receive a letter stating that this is coming back but as I said I hope It Ends Tonight now I received uh I spoke to some people on the phone that kept calling me there was a meeting on last Tuesday at sbandi Village and it says Dear neighbors I can't because it's all torn up and I'm trying but whoever sent those letters out they didn't contact the whole community so that mean some in my area got letters on certain streets certain people didn't get letters concerning this and I think that's a slap in the face and I hate for anybody to think that we are fools now these people that bringing this to the city they keep coming we want it to end if you deferred again we gonna have problems because as citizens of this community we deserve more and I'm like the rest I'm tired of being sick and tired listen to us we are the citizens of this community and I'm and I'm and I'm really angry I'm pissed so we need you all need to listen to us and let these people go where they want to go and leave opaka alone there are other areas that they can build that's not a Industrial Area down there that's commercial so why you want to come here are you going to change it because they want to come and build a warehouse what would a warehouse do for us in this city down where you know it's contaminated it's been contaminated for a long time what you going to do put a bade on it and once they there for two or three years they going to leave the same problem again so why not let's solve it tonight these people in here overa stand up they are here tonight to get it solved we all are here because we are concerned this is where we live I'm not going anywhere till the good law get ready to take me so so I need we need not I but we we need this issue solved so these people can go back where they came from and don't return with this issue yes ma'am thank you Miss green citizens form is still open greetings um Cassie Lawrence Parks 1981 Wilmington Street um I wanted to that report that the young lady had about the flooding how do we access that we can make it readily available to the clerk please nobody could read that yes ma' I'm sorry but barely understand okay yes ma'am um my next thing is this gentleman right here I want to know what's going on about how you came up and spoke about a road going through to go to the park that was there previously which has never been M address the the commission uh yeah but you you're asking about yeah yeah there he there was a road he said that was going to be opened up at the end of Wilmington where the lake is that would run back to the park that he said was previously there that has never been there so I I like to find out more about that okay okay get that um and before you make that statement please know what you're talking about okay um what you're talking about excuse me oh oh so my my question is um I know Joe Kelly is a born and breed opaka in the four quad who else is oh okay that's explains it then um because you know if you're not living in the neighborhood or you ain't grow up in the neighborhood it seems that you don't have much care for it and and that that's the way I'm taking it personally okay if there anybody else that's fine I mean I'm I'm Hing to be wrong but most of the time that's the where it goes and you have here that you're going to revamp the land down there uh is it going to be changed from residential or industrial to match whatever this private gentleman is talking about is that what that's supposed to be that's on the agenda tonight but yes ma'am we don't know yet we haven't voted on it yet okay well as far as the warehouse is concerned we've been going through that for about 40 Years cuz I've been in that house since I was two days old on wington street and I'm 64 years old so the warehouse is not working like the gentleman said when you if before y'all put all that little cute stuff there we can look over there and see the horrific warehouses over there and the ugliness that it posed I don't I'm not very excited about it being down at the end because that's not going to be a good thing for us either the traffic the trucks and nobody had took under consideration the health hazards all of these things come into play and the negativity of it and I looked up the statistics of putting a warehouse in a residential area and it has very negative out outlook on it and I'd be more than happy to send it to you and share it because I had my attorney look at it yesam so I I'm just not happy about that and yes ma'am if you guys are going to do something come in neighborhood yes ma'am you know women to the street still floods there's no drainage there at that four-way stop there there's no drainage there at all yes ma'am so once you start coming into the neighborhood and looking at some of these things maybe you'll see that it's not a good fit yes ma'am thank you citizens form is still open Joyce King 2020 Wilmington Street opaka 33054 my first question is about the health what is happening has any studies been done on the land that we will know that once it's Disturbed we will not have any health problems from the land being disturbed the second question we want to know is how are we going to benefit from the warehouse being put on the east side how are we going to benefit how is the city of opaka going to benefit where is that money going to go what is what is that money going to be used for specifically not in general and how would that affect the citizens over there on the east side so we would like to know that I would like to know that thank you yes ma'am thank you Miss King citizens forum is still open good evening I'm Charlene clar from 1871 Rutland Street this right here don't do it don't do it because I know on 35th and fth Avenue they knock down all the houses to build something like that so what they going want to do is knock down our houses and they just came and we've been there for years and years good evening good evening to everyone my name is Dr Rivia Walden 1860 Service Road Opal Locka Florida 3354 I want to address a few things one to our City attorney Mrs weeks Dr W address the commission as I I'll address you all yes ma'am I sent an email I'm not for sure if the citizens of opaka can address our attorney or email her but I did I believe Mr Steven was aware of that I've spoken to commissioner Kelly about certain things this email says clarification for special magistrate orders it says good afternoon Mrs Norris weeks I would like to get clarification on hearing protocol orders given by the special magistrate of the city of baka for code enforcement issues when an order is submitted to one of the municipalities and not adhere to in a timely manner was the recourse please reach out to me to clarify this Banner with me I've never heard back Mr Andrew was on Virtual he said certain things have not been addressed things are being passed from one person to the other not being addressed I have not heard back from our City attorney as of yet also I've submitted several things Mr Mayor you have also told the manager to get with me about certain things I'm still waiting to hear from our great City there was a Code Enforcement issue I'm back again from almost a year ago the special magistrate gave an order she gave a ruling to the build inspector and stated his name Mr Daniel it said pretty much I'm just making a ruling she said again on record is that once we have given these people which are my neighbors 30 days this has been months and basically he will determine whether or not say someone one will go back in 30 days and he will determine whether those people fences will stay up or come down those people still have tenants that's running around other people have had tenants evicted these people have not she gave a ruling nobody came back in 30 days there is an encroachment I've had to hire an attorney with my money which the city of of opaka could have handled this here yes ma'am these people are still strutting this has been passed and I wanted to know when the judge or a special magistrate or an attorney gives an order why are we not adhering to those orders or what is the recourse behind that yes ma'am we'll get your answer I would like to say to commissioner Kelly I thank you for the meetings that you've afforded me no I have not gotten a written report of whether or not they had rude to take those Gates down or not nobody contacted me I'm still waiting on something written because that will be in court as well with that I vote no for this building that they're about to come up with and put up 17 00 Service Road and I was one that did get a letter to form a meeting privately on a park that several people did not get yes ma'am we need to stop it thank you Dr God bless you all good evening Audrey Dominguez 114 7 Jan Avenue I wanted to speak in regards to resolution number 10 home rehabilitation program I wanted to thank the mayor for bringing this program there is a lot of houses that literally are falling apart there's actually one resident that lives in Perry Street right across the street from former commissioner Santiago um that she actually goes to meet me Mondays commissioner Kelly should know who she is I don't remember her name but her house she has a blue tarp and I think she would benefit from this program um resolution number 11 even though um it passed I wanted to thank commissioner Williams um for bringing the traffic City in the intersection of Jan and I actually brought this to meet me Monday about a year or two ago but I'm glad somebody made it happen that's all that matters um right after that um accident that happened in nikisha Williams house a week later there was another accident at 900 p.m so what my suggestion is is maybe in the meantime because I know it's going to take a while if maybe they can put a monitor that reads your speed or something like that or maybe even put a decoy police car there something to deter the speed I mean I've only witnessed the ones when I've been home but I'm pretty sure there's a lot more um I also wanted to thank um the city clerk um for providing the commission with the workshop minutes that was held um June 20th for the minutes of July 18 2020 to and as you commissioner Williams for going over the minutes I felt your frustration I did I do want to tell you something you you made a comment regarding not knowing or never hearing of a city manager going to jail well I did my little research and I saw tamarak city manager Michael cernik was arrested for a roll and extortion more than $3 million from a Florida developer and that was in 2021 I just want to let you know that when I come to speak I don't just make stuff up or pull it out of a hat I actually go back and look at the recordings take notes gather my information and I present it to all of you I just want second I actually watched another city meeting I also watch other city meetings and see how they vote on certain items I watched a me a meeting in the city of Miami where the manager brought a resolution to ratify an item for $120,000 the commission pulled the item and they wanted an explanation of course and they wanted to know why was it brought to them before why wasn't it brought to them to vote on well five out out of the four voted no to ratify the item one commissioner actually asked what would be the ramification of ratifying this item he said basically it falls under the manager and you might have a possible audit so that's just my two sons thank you commissioner all right citizens form is still open H hello um speaking on York Street for my sister Ruby Lawrence um which is known 29 York Street as molia Gardens and I heard about the warehouses so I came to speak about it what was your what was your name my name is Marilyn Lawrence sister is Ruby Lawrence Street ma'am could you speak into the microphone please and you beautified the house on your street we appreciate that but putting these warehouses in will modify and destroy it and our house has been over I think since 1950 probably one of the youngest ones you Joseph Kelly of course he's still on York Street too so we're saying stop the warehouses get rid of it let the residents stay residents and let the people stay where they are in their home and make it a happy home forget the warehouses and the floods y'all mention every other place except MCA Gardens which is residence the apartments when did they come years later we've been there for over 60 years stop it thank you thank you Miss Mar citizen form is still open good evening I'm Johnny may Banks and the namesake of Johnny may green and I agree wholeheartedly what she just said and everyone else just said that's all I can do is agree but I do have one good good good good praise report and that report is the railroad track on 22nd Avenue and I'm getting all excited number n y'all know what I'm talking about they got to the you hear me I'm excited I'm want to praise the Lord I'm excited I'm excited and I just want to say thank you so very much for getting to the bottom of it I saw them trust I thought taking I recording it I recorded the let me go sit down thank you so much thank you citizens form is still open citizens form is still open citizens form is closed all right Madam attorney we're going to 16 um A1 Mr Mayor B1 I'm sorry I know you uh want to get to the item but I don't want to uh outside of the warehouse issu we going to discuss I don't want the concerns that were raised by the other residents to get lost and I know you normally kind of go over them so I just want to make sure we reserve some time after we finish this item because there were some other concerns raised and I don't want those voices to be um lost after we finish the discussion in the warehouse okay we we can we can no we can do it afterwards let's get let's deal with this one deal with this issue now okay all right thank you all right [Music] 16 B1 B1 sorry madam attorney yes sir an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida providing for the approval denial of a smallscale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map for a 7.58 acre parcel located at 1700 Service Road and identified by fol number 08- 2121 d5- 2170 amending the land use designation for the property from low moderate density residential to an industrial land use designation providing for severability providing for an effective date the first reading and public hearing was held on April the 24th 2024 this is sponsored by the city manager it was deferred from the May 22nd 2024 City commission meeting okay Mr manager thank you uh Mr Mayor this is an item that has come before uh Our Community Development Department for the city of opaka for land use change and we have a member of our Community Development Department team uh here to introduce the item and answer any questions that you may have all right can I get a motion in a second and then we'll open up for Public public hearing move by commissioner Williams second for discussion by commissioner Kelly this is a public hearing item we're going to open up for public hearing and then we'll hear we'll hear from Mr Gay public hearing is open on this item public hearing is open go go ahead commissioner go good afternoon again commissioner Gail Miller from the great seat of Mr Mayor commissioner everybody can you make can we give commissioner maybe extra minutes so she just speak for the group because they've already spoken they don't have to come we'll give you extra time okay to speak for them as a group because we've heard the concerns about it so rather than have everybody come back up Mr Mayor my colleagues should we just give commissioner Miller um the time she needs to reiterate the point for the group okay goad that sounds good to me like I said again and I'mma say it over and over and over bring us some in this city that we can look at and appreciate bring us some stores drug stores we don't have a drug store we got to go all the way to 155th 159th and go to Walgreens but y'all want to bring a warehouse on the on on a residential area over there where y'all talking about that's been contaminated for many years commissioner Kelly you know that you know that now they G to go and put a bandage on it put put some cement on the top of the contamination and then the contamination going to still be there and they going to after two two or three years the little building gonna start falling in and what they gonna do walk away and leave that garbage right down there for us to have to clean up I don't think that's fair come on y'all give us a break let us have something in opaka that we can be happy for it's so filthy around everywhere you look trash people dumping trash but y'all want to bring warehousing bring some people in here to work for the city bring some Public Work guys in here so they can help clean up this city it's sad it is very sad and I am very ashamed when I have to go and tell people I don't tell people I'm from moaka no more I'm sorry to tell y'all that I see I'm from my in Florida I'm scared to tell people from Opa every week in the paper we getting sued getting sued everybody get paid everybody get paid but me don't get no money I come up here and I fight fight fight for my people because I've been in this city for 67 years born and raised my daddy and my mama walked over there and and over there on 143rd Street in 1950 half of these residents been here since 1950 and you g to come and bring a warehouse with termination let them go back to Aventura Mall where they live at in aventur and take their building back over there and it we'll be all right now if y'all want to come to this commission and say okay we going to bring a uh Warehouse we going to bring a um Walgreens we going to bring a CVS we going to bring a Walmart we'll be happy but don't come bringing no more truck stops no more [Music] warehouses my grandson got car got stolen Memorial weekend right from in front of my house but the the M the chief come up and say that they doing good his car ain't been recovered yet and it's been a whole month now so the chief come up here telling me about these um um orders but my baby car ain't being recorded ain't being reported but I'm I'mma sit down but I just want y'all to please I'm asking y'all because we got a lot of citizens and we don't mind walk got on my my um New Balance I go buy another pair and I'mma walk until I can't walk no more y'all have a nice night thank you commissioner we gonna ask come on thank you for rep har again um I I do Co hardly support the uh the community and taking the warehouse somewhere else because south of here it's a 20 acre industrial park that's suited for that type of um business so if they consider moving it down the street um model City Liberty City would be you know wantan to look at it thank you bro public hearing item is for this this is open okay good evening Mark Cooper I'm 681 Southwest 75 Terrace in Florida um I drove around today after the rain and this development is just east of 95 basically on the same street okay Mr Cooper we're in public hearing for this particular so you have to stay remain to this item it's about it it is okay so I'm wondering why we can't have apartment buildings on that piece of land okay and we have to accept the warehouse was not the intended use when the purchaser bought the property they got a discount rate they got a discount on the fees and the fines that were pending on the property from the city of opaka knowing what they were buying into and so this is the madani warehouse I gave you picture this is their warehouse in in Avent turret in the ois area this is their Warehouse 19400 West Dixie Highway there's another picture there and this is the development that's being built in front of there so what's happening is I know madani will what's happening is this building needs to be sold so that some developer can build this over here it's a 5 acre property and then these guys want to come to Obaka and shift their warehouse on to us but we don't have to take that step we can get this if we just demand from the Speculator the property owner we hold his feet to the fire and we say Sir fix the land to the point where it can be developed now they're saying their claim is well we can't sell the property to a developer because uh no one's willing to buy it I know the property the property was bought for like $800,000 I give the print alleson and every time you call the real estate agent who's a part owner the price goes up and up and up and up and you ask them can you owner finance it a little bit so I can see if I can get involved and NOP they need their money so now they found a wealthy group madani to buy it develop it as long as we opaka bail them out and how do we bail them out we shift the zoning and let them get away with it and we should stop and let me tell you why this is the madani building how it looks right now today I took this picture today it's deric building it leaks I know the B so let me tell you why this is important and I'm going to be real quick I know the crime statistics are down and murders are down but this young lady Shakir Shakira Williams on the 2nd of June she's from opaka 18 years old she was from opaka she was in Liberty City it's 20th Avenue she was there at night on a weekend and she got shot in the head and killed so that doesn't go into the opaka statistics but what it means is that someone from opaka isn't hanging out at opaka when they're 18 rather they're in Liberty City it doesn't make it onto the FDLE numbers but this poor girl if she were in opalak maybe she'd be alive and maybe she has a little sister a little cousin that's 12 years old that if we force them to develop residential it would be better for us and lastly I know I'm out of time real quick this young man 21 years old he's from opaka he's alive he's in Miami Gardens he runs to the corner store someone follows him in a car he thinks it's another gang member he pulls out of the car shoots at him it's not a gang member it's an undercover Federal Officer now he's in federal jail in custody charged with attempt to murder on a Federal Officer so the things that we do in Community Development they're longterm but they matter and these two people need us to decide in the future please help the community we need help they're not in your statistics people can come up here and say things are H hky Dory but they're not these two people 21 and 18 years old they're kids we invest them we put them in literally football cheerleading and then they get killed off what's going to happen to our community please thank you thank you Mr Coop public hearing is open public hearing is closed Mr manager you can go ahead and print present the item Mr Mr Cooper oh [Laughter] mayor members of the commission Gregory gay director of planning Community Development uh to present this particular item as you all well know this is for a a land use change for the um kyoga site it is 7.5 58 Acres a site is presently zoned for residential use with a mixture use overlay to allow for commercial activity to occur um the applicant did make the application to change it to Industrial um it has gone through the entire process as it relates to the reviews through our development review board through the Planning and Zoning Board and bringing it before you for the commission for the consideration for the um changing of the land use this is the first step um The Next Step should this be considered for approval is to look at the zoning and the ACT actual site plan and development agreement for this particular project so I present that to you at this time any questions okay do we have any questions for Mr Gay at this time Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly two questions and they get right to the heart of the issue um first of all how many since you've been here how many folks have tried to develop that that property there have been probably at least four or five interest that I'm aware of no one has actually come up with an actual formal presentation that has gone through a process to either develop it under the existing zoning or consider another type of zoning at least to to this point so that has not occurred but there have been inquiries and interests and to your uh point because you made it or Mr the Le made in previous presentations how much would it take to clean that property we do not know what the exact number is we have heard gu estimations of upwards of anywhere from 10 to 15 million dollars to do a full environmental cleanup of of the site okay Mr Lee put on the record he said it was at least six million when it came before us before in the in the presentation um at least six so now you're is 10 to 15 to do a full cleanup to allow for the type of use that under the present zoning category correct 10 to 15 million yes sir and that would if you did that that would allow a grocery store whatever type of retail housing or any of those kind of developments yes sir but it would require at least 10 to 15 million yes sir with with with the key use being housing because housing has the highest level of remediation that's required okay so for housing to go there 15 correct for a restaurant as you heard Walmart Walgreens for commercial the remediation cost would be less but well you said from 10 to 15 so that'll be in the 10 million range it could it could be less than the 10 but if you're looking at residential it's definitely going to be north of 10 million okay um okay all right thank you you're welcome any questions for to the mayor Mr Gay you know I have questions so don't go far thank you okay any questions for Mr Gay on this project okay do we want to hear from the applicant I don't know if they have the presentation in the back while they're bringing that up first of all I want to say good evening um Robert Holland with offices at 3250 Northeast First Avenue Miami Florida uh one of the few African-American land use attorneys that operate in this field and my heart goes out to some of the things that I heard tonight which is one of the reasons I operate in this field is to try to make sure that things that happen in our neighborhoods have the protections that ought to be there that often time are not there and I think every time I've come before this Council every time I've gone before the city of Miami Gardens Council North Miami uh uh the city of Miami Miami day County the one thing I have a reputation for is fighting for our community to make sure that what we get is something of sound quality you look at everything along uh 27th Avenue up near the stadium from lawers to the new rock climbing to the Walmart everyone of those developments I represented folk on that to try to make sure we brought people in of quality to do those things also on the housing side on the industrial side I've done it I made sure that when you go to Formula One you see a whole lot of African-American folk working vendors not just employees but vendors working at Formula 1 in order for them to bring formula one here I make sure I fight for us and so I hear some of the concerns I know sometimes the conspiracy theories set in and people feel as if you know everybody's out to get them and when I hear some of the concerns about this land I get it I feel it and I I don't feel it just now I felt it before when I start looking for ways to try to help the city get this property developed and so I want to open up this here first we'll talk about what the land use is we can bring the uh the presentation up uh the whole purpose of this application if you can bring the presentation up the whole purp purpose of this application was to try to bring about something we can do with this land that has heavy toxins on it and we're going to get into what those toxins are but it's been heavy uh uh intoxicated for years and that's no fault of the residents and some of it is no fault of the city because it was some private business that went in and just start dumping all their construction materials in there without anybody knowing and created this mess but that has happened and we have to move beyond that and see what do we do now to bring this land to some functionality in this city and I heard some of the comments that came up earlier where people just said we don't want warehousing I think you need to see what it is we're talking about because it's not the warehousing that has been toxic to the city of opaka because I've gone through as most of you and seen some of the old warehouseing SN opaka this is not typical warehousing it's really retail with a warehousing structure to it for the distribution and with some recreational uses and small Bay uses of smaller businesses and walk through that so um staff uh was of the position this should be a mixed use development mix use means commercial on the bottom and residential on the top the toxin levels are so high on this properties residential won't take place over 12 contracts have been had on this property for residential and everyone has walked away from this property because of the toxins even Willie Logan his Housing Authority walked away from it when they saw that the level of the toxins uh related P Dr home Horton I mean you there's a 12 contracts on this we sat down because staff wanted us to try to meet to find some other uses we sat with Costco Costco said no we sat with Publix public said no we sat with W Dixie W Dixie said no we met with Key West uh food stores you know like a healthy choice they said no and many of them pointed to what your Chief told told you earlier that what's being reported are your high crime stats and your Expendable income levels whether it's true or not is irrelevant that's what's being reported and people say no so when you look at your business corridors now it is not by chance your business corridors a dollar stores pawn shops you know those kinds of business some mom and poop operations you don't really have a lot of big box businesses here you don't have namesake business and this goes all the way back to miss Miller's time you just have not had them because we have to find a way to lure people into this city to get them to understand there's some value in what's here and you don't see it on your crime stats you don't see it on some of those things that they look at that data and so we go to the next Slide the next slide picture supposed to come up there next slide all right so here's some of the environmental reports that have already been done on the property this is some people making this up this isn't some HK science these are people that were paid in fact with a grant from the city to go in and try to evaluate this land and figure how to get this land on your tax base next slide took over nine months to do over a thousand pages and this is the scope of work that they do they do the entire site they test it over 19 pits you have soil or soil borings you have Vapor probe you have shallow Wells deep Wells all that goes into trying to figure out what are the toxic levels of this land next slide this was the name of the company Teran environmental uh findings and you see on the bottom two sets of uh acronyms one is rctl that's the residential threshold the other is commercial IAL threshold and that will let you know what the toxin levels tell you you can do on this land next level next slide so when you look at the soil test that was done on here only five of the pits of the things I said they were doing on this land only five of them showed contamination that had to be dealt with for commercial but over 20 in the 15 categories show that well and no and only three of on on the soil bearings next one next slide on the commercial okay um what it Madam manager what we have the residents can't see is the pictures so is there a way to mitigate that or fix that well I passed some of the pictures I didn't pass out the scientific boring stuff but that should have been on the presentation but what you'll see and what the commission has privy to and it's on this slid show is that you can do commercial on this property but you can't do Residential at the at the toxic levels that you have and it would because the toxic levels are so high that if you were to go in fact you have to build volume on the land for the for the apartments that means you have to put pilings into the ground which agitates those toxins even more and could even possibly get out to the community so that's why you're not doing the residential at that level because it could potentially create that problem to the community for commercial and Industrial you get to cap the land and seal everything there and you can build commercial on it because you don't have to do pilings into the ground so that's a scientific reason for why that is being recommended versus the other the other thing is I keep hearing everybody talk about traffic you get more traffic with the residential unit that would be there I'm sorry you get more traffic with the residential units that would be there and you get more traffic with some of the recommended commercial things that people were asking us to look at ever go to a Costco and see the volume of cars at a Costco ever go to Publix and see the volume of cars that are Publix now go bu Rooms To Go or City Furniture and tell me how many cars you see in those parking lots we're talking about a retail furniture store so you don't see the same volume of traffic that will be coming into your neighborhood and so when I hear your complaints I try to address those complaints and that's why we sought somebody who didn't have high volume traffic but met a commercial requirement this is not the warehouse stuff that you're used to with the chop shops and all the other stuff that goes on this is warehousing where it's under a classification of of industrial but it's really a furniture store with its retail component it has the warehousing component in back they have box trucks that will come in by 4:00 p.m. so you don't have an issue with that so if you can go to the next slide for me let's see if some of these pictures come through next slide this is showing you some of the retail uses that we've already uh checked into that I told you we've been checking on this for years in addition to that the city thought it might be a great site for a hotel and so they organized a meeting with a hotel vendor we met with them by law we have to give them this scientific data on the toxins they say h we're out so as as as as former May Kelly said you know how many times has this property been looked at for development by a whole lot of people and they walked away next slide please can we get DM to clean that place up well durm will not in fact that's what Mar Kelly was talking it will come 10 to 15 million for somebody to come in and do it and as you already heard earlier your storm water issues about $15 million in a previous meeting you talked about renovating your Parks particularly Ingram Park I think was a $7 million price tag so when you start looking at those things the only way you get these things funded is by raising your property taxes now what's beautiful about this now to be honest with you I just want to be honest with you so people understand how development Works residential development is what you call a taker from your tax base it takes from your Police Department because it requires a lot of police services it takes from your trash because it requires a lot of trash services it takes from your code enforcement it requires a lot of Code Enforcement industrial is one of the few categories where they give to the city they don't use your trash your police they don't really use any of those services so the money let's say the tax base on this that will come to opaka is a quarter million dollars a year that comes in without having to go back in police services and everything else to me if you're trying to develop Ingram Park since it is new money to the city you tell your commission since this is new tax money coming in let's set aside that money to make sure that creates a pool of money to do the development over an Ingram Park that's how you go about getting things done but if you put residential there it is going to cost you more as a citizen for residential to be there than it would for industrial or commercial to be there and so that is just raw facts and numbers and so I don't want to you know sometimes we operate with this Boogeyman approach but I just want to be raw and candid with you on how we got to this point uh next slide please so it's two buildings that we're talking about Warehouse buildings they typically two to three stories they're tilt up framing so they're not really boring into the ground the first building up front if you can go to the next slide hopefully the picture comes in you look at it this way it's two buildings the first building would be the furniture store and madani is ranked in the top 10 furniture stores in the world they have have over 20 stores in over seven uh States this would be their headquarters for madis it will be their offices for madani and also will be their signature place for people to come to see and this will be at the entry point of your opaka city next slide please and then you see a building in the rear I want to talk about the building in the rear so this is what we were proposing the building looks like off of State Road n as you see it something create with great with features water features lighting palm trees and I know some some people have a concern with how buildings I know I always have this concern and I've expressed this to the council several times often time people build in our community and it goes in pretty and five 10 years later it looks like Shi we're willing to put what they call a covenant on the land which runs with the land no matter who owns this land after somebody comes and buys a Furniture Home a furniture store 20 years down the line they would have to meet the same obligation on painting the facility every 10 years making sure the grass is M mold no less than every three weeks no graffiti you name we can go down a list of things we can add in that Covenant to make sure this never becomes an eyesore that youve experience with other warehousing next slide please the building I showed you in the back because the city wanted some sort of recreational uses before these were designed to be smaller Bays for smaller build businesses but the city said you know we would like to be able to have things where people can get together and congregate so we talked about either indoor soccer maybe it's a bowling alley you know you market for these things it could be a gymnasium a fitness place any number of of uses in that other building that would not be for the furniture store right now these would be small Bays that could be used for that and some of it it may be a restaurant it could be any number of uses that could go there as you market and hopefully if you guys know somebody who wants to be there reach out and let us know so we we can try to get those things worked out as well next slide please one second so so when you look' when you look at the night features one of the things that I explain to the client often time when we come into our cities we don't have anything that gives you a postcard look when we come in our communities and I wanted this with the uplighting and all that stuff I wanted this building to be lit up at night so when people pull in the opal Locker they recognize it's a new day we're now bringing a different kind of business in our community other than pawn shops and swap Shops and and chop shops and so this is what we were talking about at least trying to work with the city on making the features look like coming into the building next slide please next slide please now on the west side of the property there was a lot of concern raised by Miss green and some others about people coming off of a service road into this development of people from the development of of the uh the the commercial uh Enterprise going into the communities so if you see on that WBS side we have put a wall up an 8ot wall that keeps anything off of this site going into that residential Community everything has to go on the state road nine to come in or to leave this site next slide please this is from the west side of the property where you see your neighborhood we we were talking about a wall with ban Vila on it to make sure graffiti doesn't go on there we'll maintain that City even talked about since there's a swell area here building a sidewalk or or a walk V trail that kind of goes to the back as if the community wants that but this is what kind of separates the community from any traffic coming out of this site onto your community road so nothing will affect your community when you when you look at this here as it relates to the wall and the look and we're open to architectural designs or or information from you if you want to see certain things in there we're open to that that is what this process is about next slide please ma'am well the beauty the beauty of the sound I I'll address that I I think they wanted you to bring that up here so here's how you deal with Sound Furniture Store is not open late at night so you won't have activity trucks come in at four o'clock so it becomes much more quiet than a commercial use would be and much more quiet than a residential use would be so again you benefit again from a furniture store being there versus some other kind of commercial store next slide please okay we um he's doing a presentation so we asked that we because we we we gave you all with public comments so we gotta allow him to finish the presentation can you back the slide up and go forward because this may be able to show and go forward again I think you went backwards but I can just leave it there uh do I think no go back go back go back one more one more all right right there if you look at the bottom one of the slides that's not showing will show you at the bottom of this Slide the only way into this site off of State Road nine is down here in front of the property not in the community uh that you're coming from and to answer the question do I think you would benefit from a grocery store absolutely we reached out to them we reached out to all the big boxes trying to get them in that was the first choice trying to get them ining so it wasn't that that was ignored that was a preference we Tred they said no so that's all you all you can do is reach out and try yeah I know but that's that's what we were trying to get but that would have been much much more traffic but we still trying to because because people recognize that that's what they wanted they were willing to exchange the traffic for that Mr Holland Mr Holland you got address the Comm give us a come on address the commission and I can guarantee you we wouldn't have a problem with I'm sure a small police substation on this site that that that wouldn't be a problem with us either those are the kinds of things we were hoping to get into discussions with uh next next slide next slide next slide all right one of the other things that we knew was missing and this is just a a markup sign uh when you come into the city of opaka from from uh 441 uh State Road 7 and you come on to State Road nine nobody knows when you get in opalak and so we were trying to come up with a way that you put a welcome to the city of opaka sign something of that nature so people know that you have now enter opal locker and then you see this beautiful edifice when you come in so now you recognize it become something signature for the city and obviously able to have the other things that are on the site as well next next sign next slide and so when you talk about traffic it's a operate with small trucks it's about two trips a day with with the trucks they have they out by 7:30 they in by 400 PM uh only a few clients in the showroom at a time and you have to take my word you can go into City Furniture Rooms To Go any of those things along State uh 826 and you see those parking lots have nothing but capacity we're also willing to do um um uh discounts for opalocka residents for furniture so that was one of the things when we talk about uh when we talk about come on come on go ahead Mr holl well you know I had that similar argu uh conversation with someone in Miami Gardens who say well you know we won't be able to afford things that assumes that everybody can't afford things so I would why would you bring a high-end seafood restaurant in our community because some of us want to eat it and some of us want to pay for it and so some of these Furniture some people want to buy them some will want to get the furniture from somewhere else but if you're going to get it from here and it's in your city you're we're willing to give the discount to those residents in the city that's something Miami Gardens residents don't get for the furniture they get or that you may even get from uh City Furniture or Rooms To Go the others that are in Miami Gardens next slide um you guys have a process as it relates to jobs each developer that comes in here has to go through a development agreement where they do job fairs and everybody's doing the job fairs and I know somebody raised last time well you guys aren't hiring here's the problem we aren't showing up because I go to the job fairs in fact not only have I have I gone to them I made sure that every project that I was on I made sure that we hired an africanamerican PR firm to make sure we went on social media fees and put it in barber shops and all in opal Locka and the average we get sometimes is 12 people and so one of the things I've suggested to the manager since everybody is doing these job fairs according to the development agreement maybe we ought to do something and the and these uh various developers will put money into helping to create a website where people can apply apply online opaka so every time something comes up not only do they do the job fair but something goes out online to all those people who have applied in your database so you make sure people are also getting that so you can get more people out and hired people are being hired but not to the volume that it should be but it's not because they aren't doing the processes that are in place and it's not because the manager and staff are not making sure we go through the uh uh career career sources which has a database and they work hard we do Beacon counsil we work with trade programs it's a number of things your staff has has them doing but the people are not coming out and I go a bit further more women come out than men so I'm going to tell you as an African-American man we got to do better on how we get people out to some of these jobs because they aren't showing up and and and and we see them moving around the neighborhood because I see it we got to find a way to get them employed these jobs are out here it's a robust market for jobs anybody tell you they can't find a job right now they are lying to you but the jobs are available because your city requires that next slide uh we talked about some of the occupany in the second building again being more uh family oriented and recreational uses if there other uses that people think would work none of it has been leased up none of it has been leased up we're more than willing to sit down with people to get those uses in there so if you know of another good business that wants to be on that site it would be a heck of a sight to be able to draw people in and a signature site for the community next slide we do have a letter of interest from the paddle board people about 20,000 square feet for that building but nothing has been signed that was just an interest of showing the ability somebody may want to do some recreational use in that building but 20,000 square feet is not the whole building there's still more space in there it could be a restaurant it could be eery it could be you know possibly these food courts now where you share a kitchen but you have all these different vendors and they have the little uh things on the out well inside of a building but everybody has their own business but they share one big kitchen because it's so expensive to open up a a kitchen by yourself all those are opportunities that can still be here next slide so again we found the lowest possible traffic input uh impact to the community we tried to make sure we activated Community by making sure we brought about prospective retail and recreational uses we're putting up a wall around the property so no traffic comes into the community it's a business that closes down early and that's the know particularly the front part the furniture they're closed by six 7:00 so you don't really have issues with activity you go buy any furniture home you just know it uh so these are the kinds of things we were trying to do as we were trying to think out of this box and how do you get this property onto your tax base it has been off of your tax base for years for years and that means your property taxes go up to pay for all these other things that have to be done all this vacant property get it onto your tax base where it's bringing something to the table and again if the park is issue we have no problem helping out on the park I said that before we willing to do something to help on the park but also if there's a way of obligating this tax dollars that come this is new money to your city every year in aalum taxes maybe it gets obligated to Ingram Parker do what it is you guys want to do I can't tell you what to do that is city- owned property and you you all the Resident but here's a pool of money that potentially could be available when right now there's none that's there so these are the kinds of things I'm talking about you know this is not your typical warehouse and that was the part that just hurt me because I feel the pressure and the tension that everybody feels about this here and Lord knows I've gone out of my way to make sure this wasn't one of those I wanted to make sure this was something that we could be respectful of in our community and say you know what that might be something better than what we've had and I'm not telling you this is the savior but just go through your business corridors now and see what's on your business Corridor and whether or not they're really doing anything to enhance your city and your lifestyle where do you have to go at the eat sometime at night where do you have to go at the shop sometime at night you typically have to go outside of opala what do we do to start bringing those things in our community without always having this fear that somebody's taking over you get to direct how this happens you get to massage this here that's what this is about here's how it happens it be my last time doing it and I'll conclude here's how it happens it brings you the highest possible value of getting that land on your tax Ro so money is coming to your city to do some things it has the least amount of impact it brings jobs to your community and it's not the retail jobs that are typically paying minimum wage right now all that retail stuff that we fight for is minimum wage and these kids are struggling to have a roof over their head these jobs pay you almost 150% more than minimum wage so it's jobs that people can build a life around and so that's the difference with these kind of jobs versus the things that you have in your business Corridor now is again it's not a a full guarantee that's gonna solve every problem in the community but it starts one step at a time versus what was being asked to be put there that does not get you there and with that I'll save any time for rebuttal I think you guys already had the public comment but if there's questions of me uh more than willing to answer those all right any questions to the any questions to the applicant from the commission Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you for the presentation um you you mentioned because I keep I've heard it and I hear it a lot about what could potentially go there and I know in the presentation and it was up there but maybe not in detail um and that's why I asked Mr gate a question how many people have put in or tried to do contract for the property I know you mentioned 12 um and walked away but all of the um stores restaurants things that we would like to see have all declined um because of not so much necessarily putting the restaurant there or the business there but what it's going to cost to do it the cleanup it's not about you know I love Waffle House I'd love to see one there you know it's open all night but they're not going to spend $10 million to clean up a property they're not going to make a whole lot of money on and see that's the real dilemma out of this whole uh process so um I I appreciate your presentation Mr M I have one question for um the manager's office after we finish with this part thank you thank you sir okay any other questions for the applicant hearing not okay um commissioner Kelly you had a question for the manager have question um yes just really for Mr Gay um because it came up and I'm referencing the presentation that was made previously To Us by staff if we don't this is a land and uh use change you know the zoning to allow this because it's not allowed so we maintain the same zoning and don't allow this um obviously everything he talked about potentially P all that stuff was not going to happen because the first step is this correct correct okay so the second question if the commission not passed this the land is going to sit there is the city's potential um Direction because I did hear this too about looking at ways to that land the answer is no that's a that's a question for the manager and the answer is [Music] no I the question is is the city looking to purchase the land sir yes the answer is no okay because when your presentation you know so you gota be careful when you use words and you use phrases you know potentially looking at possibility and see when you put that out there as though the city's going to go and and spend $10 million to clean up and we've got 20 million worth of infrastructure just to survive it's not a good statement it's a false gnomer so now if the commission doesn't pass this and it may not pass it I I don't have a problem with that I'm still weighing it myself but the question I have is really this if we don't pass this it's very clear and I've been around a long time nobody's wanted to develop that but what I want to see I didn't want to I want to see warehouses when I was mayor I didn't want to see where houses when I came back people came one where I'm I'm opposed to and you know that very clearly because people have said to me we heard you don't we no I don't but I've also come to the realization that nobody's going to put a box retail there because nobody wants to spend the money to clean it up and that's the real issue so my concern is if we turn this down which we may do it's going to sit there a little longer because there's nothing really you can do until you clean it up and it's not going to be the tax rolls and I got that part but it's going to continue be eyesore so the question becomes do we let the isource sit there because we're not going to buy it no developer is going to come in and spend the money to clean it up that's the issue it's not about all the other stuff it's to clean up and you just said yourself and and I don't think you are disagreeing with Mr Holland's assessment um it's going to cost quite a bit to get it to a residential level not as high for commercial but it's still going to be high your number was about 8 n 10 million correct yes sir so I I don't want people to leave here thinking you're gonna decline this that's fine but it's going to just sit there because nobody's going to develop it unless the city is able to come up with some money to do it we've put in I think before to help previous developers with the phase two cleanup correct yes that's how we got the Brownfield money to do the assessment that's we were able to find out kind of how bad it is right so we've already been partnering trying to get to a point where we could develop it but nobody wants to put that kind of money up and I don't want citizens to leave here thinking you know with the wrong impression because nobody wants to put the money up to clean it up as the lady said about the health concern nobody wants to touch that if I'm the city manager I wouldn't touch it either because once you touch it you don't know what's going to happen so the alternative and that might be what the community wants and if that's the case that's fine it's just going to sit there with the fence around it with the grass cut on the outside we just have to deal with illegal dumping but no developer at this moment is going to come in and spend $10 million and hope they're going to make it back over the course of time that's just reality that is just reality but you you answer my questions um I'm through with that Madam uh Mr Mayor we can hear from our colleagues and go ahead and do go yes Mr ma'am um two things Mr Gay before these items come to the board where do they start first I heard some of the citizens talk about having a plethora which these the warehouses were before us and I don't know when they're going to stop and we're going to get a a end to the bleeding warehouses and junkyards but the question is where do they go first before they go to the commission the items are actually brought to planning and Community Development through interested developers um basically seeking information as to what they can do on the site um from there they hire Architects Engineers to basically or they come to us do do you know where I'm going do the design work um but basically through our process it it starts with our department and then it goes through the development Review Committee it goes before the Planning and Zoning Board and then go put to the city commission put a pen right there so the issue and I just want to make sure that the community knows is that we have a Planning and Zoning Board and the issue that happens most of the time is that board which we never see the notes we never get any we don't know until it comes to to the table is we don't know what's being said on that board to those members that by the way are residents by the way these are residents so if you want to just educating the community you want to make a change in the planning of our city you need to join the boards specifically planning and zoning it's in at large position that's open so what I'm saying is if you're saying I'm upset about warehouses it can stop right there before it comes to us if I could just provide let Mead let me finish because I know the issue that we have is and I'm so glad commissioner Kelly said this is is we are right now in a conundrum just so that everyone knows there will never be until anyone and I've I've I've sat through um multiple zooms and presentations um with Mr Holland and others we say 10 to 15 million but we know opaka it's probably going to be 20 and up because we like to throw out these numbers and then they'll come back and then we thought it was 10 and 15 and now we need it's going to be five thou 5 million more dollars that has to go into it so that's just the reality of of where we are right now so I'm G to I'm going to go on the highend $20 million correct you said 10 to 15 right so I'm going to say 20 because that's just really how it works here so the reality of it is is just so that everyone knows you will not see residential on that property and if you're okay with that that's just the reality because it is contaminated to the next level when if that property is dug up you don't know what's going to happen with the residents around so if I who was born and raised in opaka by the way lived near that property I would not want residential property there that's the that's the reality but the reality of it is is do I also want property that looks like a warehouse kind of sort of and so that's where we are we're in this pickle but the I just want and I'm so glad commissioner Kelly said what he said because we have to make sure we understand and not come with what we what we think we want to see there but what the reality of that property is going to be thank you okay um thank you commissioner Williams all right now I'm a little confused because at the Planning and Zoning meeting um Mr manager you stated that you attended the meeting at the behalf of the commission and you also stated that you and the applicant you all I don't know if was that meeting that you all were in negotiation about the purchase of the property and then you also a couple weeks later submitted plans of said property to the commission about putting some kind of something a water park I wasn't at it was the the pars plan so are you saying no to that the city is not interested anymore in purchasing it or no that was never the intent because I specifically remember you all going back and forth about negotiating on the price point of that particular property and I also remember it being presented to the commission was the first time we saw it that and I believe the picture was a public and then there was a a water part to the South or something of it so that's why I'm a little confused to the to the answer to commissioner Kelly's question one we all know that the the toxins on that is just it's high but I need you to explain that the answer is the latter what part you gave two options one is it has it would it never happen and two uh is it is it no longer being entertained and the answer is the second oh so it's no longer being okay correct and that that has been communicated to all parties for some time now the the corre applicants correct okay all right yeah I was a little confused by that all right um any other questions um Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly one other um question I want to to raise um if we to answer to the couple of citizens that they was talking and I want to be clear because normally and I know how it works when we leave here everybody goes their ways and and the truth gets lost in the translation a lot of things that Mr Holland mentioned about wanting to do whether was paddle ball and I know uh Mr Jones mentioned about some other things possibly you can't even have that discussion until this passes so I want you to leave your understand whatever you might want to see there is a part of the building or the back part or he said it could be paddle wall it could be potentially a whatever a restaurant or something some food courts and they might come because they don't have to absorb all the cost of cleaning up but none of that can happen unless this passes so please be clear it's not like if this fails the food court is coming or because you still got to develop this property you got to clean it up for anything occurs but this is the first step because it's it's a land use so nothing else can happen until this now if this were to pass then all those other steps development agreement they have to come out to the community and you tell them what you want to see Etc but that's how the process works it's not you know we want to see this and then this is the first step so if this does not pass then you have to wor about anything else discussion because it won't happen and I won't supposed to be very clear on that if you think you want to see something other than what's been said that might be a fit because you can't get residential you're not going to get red lopster you're not going to get Starbucks or whatever because they're not going to clean it up that discussion will not take place if this does not pass in terms of this uh Amendment so be be real clear what's going to happen if this doesn't pass I don't know what Mr har may do but somebody would still have to come in at some point and say we're going to commit 10 million 12 million whatever to clean it up that's why I asked the manager if the city was looking at it I kind of knew the answer because even if you went for brownsfield Grant they're not going to give you 10 12 million at one while me when we did the phase two and Mr gagan correct me from wrong um we went for about two million it took us forever to get that am I correct I like this state facts I mean we didn't get that like just ask took us whatever phase yeah for the phase two was actually a $400,000 gr Oh I thought I gave us more money than it was then 00,000 400,000 okay but and then that's that was just for the phase two and that was the city partnering with trying to get it so I want to be very clear on that um going forward but I do hear the commission I hear the community I just want to be clear if if it doesn't pass it's going to sit there for whoever knows how long because you can't get any other steps unless the land use passes thank you m Mary no it's sorry CL we closed it I'm sorry this still a first item this still a first item so we got a long agenda we took it out of order so y'all don't have to stay here the rest of the night we're going to be here um I would like to ask a question Mr Mayor to the attorney Madam attorney if this should um fail um tonight then the process of whoever would want or whatever would have to start over correct yes sir all right thank you thank you Mr okay are there any other questions or concerns on this item Mr May quick question thinkk um just piggy back to commissioner Kelly's question if it fails tonight could the applicant come back with a different proposal based on what the community is saying if it if it fails tonight there is a um a time period that it can't be brought back before the commission however um M um through the mayor Mr Holland standing there and um he may be able to better answer whether they would even propose or not yeah she's correct we will be barred from coming back for a certain period of time but if the land use passes we still have to come back for the zoning development agreement site plan so all those other things that are of concern still get addressed during those processes because it can fail at those levels so the look of the building if you don't you know want to look like it is we can work on all those kinds of things the particular uses all those things get worked out in those other public processes that have to come back okay did that answer your question commission yeah all right so are we ready to call a question all right Madam Madam clerk commissioner Kelly no commissioner Williams no commissioner bass no mayor Taylor no motion fails all right next item we're going to the consent agenda um 13 three a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the city manager to execute Amendment two to the WW13 0301 loan agreement with the floor Florida Department of Environmental Protection relating to the state revolving fund s srf Loan program providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor uh this is an item regarding um uh regarding the the loan agreement that the city the long-term loan agreements that the city has had for uh several years now and some adjustments that they have required uh based off of some inaction from the city over a time period um before um I was your city manager uh we have uh or had oh we still have uh Mr anathan available to answer any questions you may have regarding this item all right can I get a motion I'm sorry move it move um move by commission William a second commissioner Kelly you pull this item yes I I wanted to bring um to the attention the commission again as the manager said um this kind of predates him but what I want to make sure from the commission um going forward because I know in order to do a lot of our infrastructure projects we're going to probably have to either try to get money from the revolving loan or some loan that we have something in place so we don't wind up having uh money go back to the um loaning agency so I know um I'm quite sure the manag office couldn't put anything together that quick but I would hope that um at some point they will come back with something to the commission that the commission could pass so in the future we have um loan agreements or loans with the state or whomever uh there's something in place so we don't allow money to go back especially infrastructure dollars that we need for uh various projects so I was going to do it as an amendment I think um being told in the briefing it had to be done as an amendment so I'd like to just offer that uh Amendment not to hold up the item is going to pass but for the manager to come back within I don't know how long I don't know how long you think it take six months I don't know how long it takes or something like this to come back to commission within six months with a um plan and addendum for um loan agreements so the commission is fully aware and not have dollars to go back uh when they have it so Madame attorney um after my colleagues speak I'd like to offer that Amendment to the item okay so we can entertain a that the amendment to the item I I'll second the amendment if there is any discussion on this item all right so I'll second the amendment um Madam attorney you're clear on the amendment to the please restate the amendment the amendment is to have the manager to come back within six months with a um Str structure that the commission is aware of timelines of loans um expenditures taking place so that we will know regardless of who is in the position the commission would know and have to make they have to make some changes or recommend spending the money some other way so it doesn't go back because these dollars going back because we don't we didn't do so I want to offer that Amendment 6 months to come back with a plan of action or recommendation to the commission and they can pass it or whatever that's the amendment all right so the move it was moved in second Madame cler um I'm sorry any no questions all right so on the amendment commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes on the amendment okay and we can call the question go ahead Madam um I need to know who second the the original motion the motion was moved by commissioner Williams by commissioner baz okay commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right going to the next item which is 13 um 10 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Obaka Florida authorizing the manager to establish a city ride home rehabilitation program providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by mayor Taylor all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams on this item is simple I just want us to focus on beautifying a lot of our City Homes especially the ones that are in need prioritizing our seniors and also we know the commission knows that the CRA is also doing this program so I want to make sure that everyone in the city has the ability to get it in not just one particular area which is why I propos it on the city Side so it can work work in tandem with what the C is doing um and um commissioner bash you open it up so yes thank you the resolution I agree with the resolution my concern is the funding do we have a line item where would the funds come from because you know where we are right now financially um going into our new budget year that that's my concern the funding okay so I'm going to yield to the manager on funding because that is his job to find the funding if so passed by the commission Mr manager thank you so there is not a actual uh no there isn't a line item uh or budget line item for this uh particular uh item however we do try to and always have Whenever there is a CRA program providing a benefit to the residents which try to match it uh in the city so that if someone comes forward that doesn't live in the CRA they're not left out of a program um so it's not um uh the question is how much we would be able to allocate to this um so certainly we will uh if passes uh try to try to mirror this program uh on the city Side I hope that answers your question does that answer your question it doesn't it don't because we don't have a dollar amount um it is there's a dollar amount there, $50,000 50,000 the dollar amount is $50,000 for the program yes yep and that's feasible um M absolutely okay perfect thank you Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you I was going to pull it uh um don't we have um money allocated for beautification already on the city side that all of the dollars have not been expended there are no dollars in the beautification plan that have not been EXP I mean not beautification the what the one uh okay not beautification as in terms of money that was allocated when we started the program for helping homes so there's no money in that line item anymore no sir okay all right thank you all right any other questions or concerns all right Madame clerk commissioner bass yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor motion passes 4 zero all right going on to number 13 Madam attorney number 13 Mr Mayor is not um was not pulled is that yes it was I'm sorry yes it was a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the recommendation of the historic environmental preservation board to establish a historic home morish designs restoration program for historic designated homeowners within the city providing for a partial funding source for the program appointing and authorizing a designated project contact authorizing the city manager to act on behalf of the city providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by um commissioner Williams on second second by commissioner B Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor uh this is a program coming through our Community Development Department to assist uh as you know um the city of opaka is one of the few few cities in Miami day County that actually has historic homes uh so that is something that we've always wanted to highlight uh and support uh as it can attract uh a a variance of different businesses and tourist items uh to our cities which increases our property values which increases our tax revenue uh however as some of you all aware historic home maintenance can be extremely expensive and a lot of our historic homes are not in the shape that they uh we would like to see them see them in uh so this if you have any additional questions regarding this program we have the community development director Mr Gregory gay uh available to answer any specifics about the program okay all right Mr manager I actually pulled this item for a ple of reason and I bought them up in my agenda briefing the first one was I told you I did not agree with just four awardees up to $25,000 I felt that we should open up to all all residents that have the um historic homes and not just four and then you can with a dollar amount um but just to do forward I wasn't I wasn't comfortable with that also the other thing was and I believe you all stated that this that this money was already allocated for that yes on my agenda brief yes it was approved in the budget it was approved in the budget yes okay and this is coming through Opa just regular money no it's a general fund general fund yes sir okay so that is the only I don't have a problem with the restoration of our I would love for us to keep the culture of opaka and our look however I just wanted to be able and be clear that I wanted to be open to all so we can make it $100,000 as the ceiling but then allowing everybody to apply not just for individuals so I just AO uh just just a point of clarification oh I'm sorry U it's not just um every all 31 historic homeowners can apply uh it would be four that would be awarded annually I just wanted to clarify I'm sorry I'm sorry let me go back I'm sorry it's I'm I want it to be more than four so allowing it because you you cut it off at four so after four there's no more and it's up to $25,000 that's what you all explained to me so what I was stating in my agenda briefing open it up to everybody because they might not need the whole $25,000 you somebody just might want to they need painting so somebody just needs Landscaping so certainly not opposed to that uh we'll do whatever the will of the commission is the I just want to give you the background in history we just uh we didn't just come up with that number we looked at what they were asking to be done to their homes and the average project cost 25,000 so if we were considering yes because we initially uh I actually initially had requested more uh and then when we explored and kind of take a deep dive into this issue we realized well if we give each of them 10 if we give 10 homes $10,000 which is what I was requested yes they have $10,000 but they wouldn't no one would have a complete project so at $25,000 they would at least be able to have something that says this is a complete project whether it's a dome or a door or a window or or a landscape painting so we're certainly open to you know going back to the 10 Homes at $10,000 each just wanted to give you some background on how we got there yeah but okay so the general characteristics associated with Mor Design This is what we're paying for 1 through 12 right the the Dome the parapets the the the Horseshoe Arch yes sir yes sir and those things are not up 25,000 so we looked at what the homeowners said that they needed and the projects and we met with all 30 well no not all 31s we with a large number of them we are certainly open to going back to 10 Homes at $10,000 I just want to give some of the background on how we got to four homes for $25,000 the things that they were asking for those projects if we give them $10,000 they're going to have to come up with you know $15,000 more of their own money to finish the things that they were asking for all right Mr Mr Mayor commissioner Williams Oh I'm I didn't are you I don't I didn't know done okay um I will say that I did recently speak with um a resident or two um that does have one of our historic homes hearing where the problem lies so just so that everyone knows and I'm sure we know but just to put it out when we want to do work on our homes or we want to change Windows or um do work on the outside or Insider um we pull a permit and that's pretty much what it is those res residents that own more our historic homes have to go through more layers to do any work on your home I mean if you can imagine just to change your windows or get hurricane windows they actually have to go to the historic planning board to get the approval so we you know our homes we don't have to get approval to do basic work but they do which by the way slows up the process another thing that we should know and um knowing you know because this is summertime and we know somewhere between spring and after spring and summer a lot of um a lot of repairs and and remodeling happens I'm doing some remodeling in my home at this time as well the price for historic homes typically if not double triples so for example and I'm saying Windows because just you know hurricane impact windows we know cost a lot of money and most homes it could it at the average home it could exceed to about 10 to 15,000 to change out all of your homes I mean all of your windows um but for the historic home their Windows have to be specially built specially made because it is the arch and so because of and we see that even at you know City Hall um historic City Hall so those prices change even for the door the door itself is a different dimension from everyone else's door just their front door or their back door um so I think I I hear what you're saying but truth be told $225,000 is just a drop in a bucket of what they will need to do one type of produ pro product um project in their home because it is very expensive to do in a historic home so I'm gonna say that I'm okay with it with the four okay with the four correct well again I'm not opposed to the project I understand it but saying maybe if it was $10,000 we can do more cover more ground than with just yeah but I'm not opposed to the project but that's fine all right so we can call the question commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right number 14 Madam attorney a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the recommended list of projects attached here to is exhibit a to be funded by American Rescue plan act Grant funds providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner B oh sorry second second by commissioner Williams Mr manager thank you um so uh upon recommending for legal we put all the arer projects together and the request of the commission as well uh so that's they're all in one resolution uh and we also have uh Mr anathan here our uh director of financial support services here to answer any questions uh these are all as as the resolution state arpa funded projects and need to be encumbered by December 31st 2024 okay um I was the one that pulled the item Mr manager the reason why I pulled the item is I know we had a workshop last week and I left a little early however I went back and watched it but it didn't seem like we accomplished anything or came up to what what is the actual plan so I was a little confused as to why the item was here because didn't look like to me that the meeting finished like we never said what projects are going forward maybe I missed it but so the question was asked that was the intent of the workshop um so uh these are the same projects that have moved forward since 2022 if it be the will of the commission to change any of these projects once again we are presenting them to you if you have any changes uh please advise and we will act accordingly okay yeah that was there okay commissioner Kelly um I have a problem with the projects what I I do um was wanting to make sure since this is ARA funding and I'm I'm still concerned as I mentioned my briefing these under development um they're still out proposal receive where we are on them um so I would like to see going forward if this passes to my colleagues the manager the same way we do what we're doing with glor ad and some of the others that every uh meeting that there is a update on where we are on the ARA uh funding in terms of timelines so we don't get up against that threshold of December 31st because I'm concerned that we'll get too close and wind up as was said earlier getting a developer or a contractor just because we got to have somebody so I'd like to um see that as a part of um this process going forward I don't know that requires a Amendment if it does I I'll make the amendment that every uh commission meeting going forward that the manager uh giv us an update where we are with the Opera funding what's come back when we anticipate this one to be back um just so the commission is fully aware in case we need to make any kind of uh changes or updates or there something comes up that's going to require some kind of dramatic change so so we can make sure we spend the the money so I'd like to um add that to it problem with the um items pardon me a progress report progress report but I want to yeah make it so every meeting we would get something uh an update there's no update is update but you know some of these are Under development some of them got to be presented and so forth and so on so I want to just you know keep up to date on that all right Mr Mayor um commissioner Williams okay so just to um just a quick thought process that I wanted to say the reason why we couldn't get to the resolve is because the presentation itself was lackluster here and where what I'm saying here's the issue we had a very thorough presentation on floods and Roads correct at least 30 pages are arpa presentation was four pages long this is pretty much what it is in a nutshell and so as a person that does presentations that does workshops present to faculty and staff specifically data this is data and and I'm just being clear it's still so vague it's almost as if and so just to be clear the the per the reason why the workshop ended or was was the way that it was is it it was to me a slap in the face and I'll say it again because when you look at underdevelopment that should have been its own page its own slide that talked about Artscape what it's going to do what it's going to look like and what does under development mean it's just it's so it's as if people are saying we will take anything we can tell them anything we can say anything and we'll be okay with it and we'll pass it and so I'm not I'm not okay with it I'm saying that's why we could not accomplish what we needed to have accomplished what should have happened at that Workshop was a complete slap in the face for me and I would hope for everyone else but again here we are being asked to have something and then we're saying it's under contract well what does that mean it's underd designed well what does that mean well it's under development so you know it's I'm just I'm going to put it out there Mr manager I don't want to see ever again a presentation that looks like this are like proposal received like I I would hope and it is my it is my hope I'm asking is that more information more data more facts is given to the commission before here we are we we're we're being asked to pass something which just like the ma mayor said we didn't really we didn't really even finish the workshop because it was what it was so I mean you know we can vote on it to you know because our timeline is is is pretty much closing or close but Mr manager I would like more detail I'm asking a more detailed of what this means to be developed or under development I would I'm asking and I don't know if that would be another presentation or what should have been or is that one-on ones but this was um yeah for someone that does presentations and and give data and facts I'm sorry but I I'll still say that Workshop was a slap in the face thank you Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I I um don't disagree with the presentation um The Challenge I have is the time streams strings under and that's why I wanted to do the amendment for every two weeks that the manager would have to give a report or an update because as I mentioned in the workshop some of these are very um subjective some of them I don't have an idea how long the time frame but I do know we need to um get something going we need to pass something to show some kind of structure that we're spending these dollars um and I know that's a part of the process so guess I I have to ask the question to um the manager's office uh every meeting that we delay not passing something how much farther do it put us behind because I I'm like w I'd like to see it detail like we saw on the police and we saw on the mitigation I like to know specifically what that mean as well but I also know we're under some challenging time constraints so we were not to passes tonight and wait another meeting and then have all of those um specifically outlined um in the next meeting as part of a presentation how long would that that be and how far would it set us back in terms of some of these things that you have under development um to be presented whatever H how would that look well it it would be approximately a delay of about a n 90 days uh every time that this is uh because it takes that time to get RFP out that takes that time to mobilize takes that time to get approval from the state since these have Financial impacts um and that information is readily available I requested that all the previous these projects have not changed for the last two years and I requested and I apologize that is it's not in your packets that all previous arer workshops be attached to this package and that was the reason why I asked for that um Miss gross uh believe in 2023 did a presentation arper Workshop out there where she had pictures of all of these projects with the credential start dates with the cost we would get that uh we would get that package back out to the commission um um so that you can so that you can see it oh commissioner Kelly I go ahead go ahead Mr Mayor okay no M I am challenged by the 90day because a lot of these funds you've already expended so it's not stopping progress so there's there's nothing and the only reason why this was brought to us now is because the City attorney suggested it has she not suggested it or said it and the commission say this is what we want we went have saw this you all were moving forward with it so it's not going to stagnate progress for 90 days because for example the rental assistance program 250 is live now correct the commercial grants program I believe you announced it a couple weeks ago um to a when you had a business launching or something last year so has not come through leg that still has not been you have been working towards it so you given the commission the presentation that we want to see in detail is not going to stagnate progress S I was just answering I was just answering the question but for you to say 90 days yeah that's my that's my professional opinion and I and that's that's my number but again we have no problem with Mr manager what I would prefer is that you pull the item and present it l in detail because we ask for how much how much has been spent what have you done with that money so far how much do we have left a lot of those questions that were asked at a previous commission meeting were not responded to at the workshop and we we still have questions and yes this has been going on since 2022 however we would not have gotten this resolution have we not requested it so so and we have until we have until de December so we can vote on this in one night put it to fors the state is passed so no problem sir we we have we have uh we have answered every arer Workshop request that the commission has has every single time a single commission not even the will of the commission has asked that an arer project be workshopped or removed from the agenda we removed it from the agenda in fact several of these items have already seen the agenda once some twice and have been moved for workshop and for a discussion so as many times as the commission would like for us to present these items or add more pictures or more information however I do want to say for the record those questions that were asked are in that presentation maybe it's not uh Mr anathan presentation is he as the budget administrator as the finance guy is not as pretty and Flowery as the presentation that um Miss gross did and I again I apologized I had requested that Miss uh gross's presentation from the previous year be put in the pack package so that you would have that there U but we'll do it again no problem okay thank you Mr manager so I'm asking and I don't know the will of the commission because you said it was in the package it wasn't even in the last package I would I'm like commissioner Williams I would like a more thought out reust presentation to the commission line by line detailing what we're doing what's the expectation what it looks like give us something to work with nothing's here and I know you said that you requested it that it goes in the packet but this packet was submitted and signed off by you and went to the attorney to be put in the agenda so in trans trans translation you all could have you could have fixed it while it was moving and you've had five agenda briefings so you could have caught it then that it wasn't the what you expected it to be so that's my suggestion and I'm telling you not I'm not voting for it because I don't I'm not voting for it again I I'll say again if it be uh we have no problem uh deferring this item again every single time that these items have been requested that we defer them we have deferred them every single time that it's been requested we Workshop these items we'll Workshop them so we will defer the item Mr Mayor before you defer so we can be clear on what's going to occur the commission wants the detailed presentation so is is your attent to bring it back um I guess at the meeting the next meeting prior to um the vote or is a part of a vote or presentation as you had tonight for the mitigation prior to what what is the plan so we don't you know what what is because the commission the mayor saying they want more information they want the presentation more detailed which I I understand so I just want to be clear leaving you tonight when is that going to take place I don't even want to see one on meetings just just bring it here it takes 30 minutes an hour when the commission asks their questions and we pass it after much discussion i' rather see that than not being able to reach all of us and get all of our concerns do it the same way he did this or or whatever that's my suggestion Mr Mayor and to my colleagues so we can deal with it once and for all that is the most expeditious way and that is uh that that is our intent no I'm just saying to my colleagues that's that their preference to do it that way I would I would suggest it if not I just want to make sure at some point we get to the point where we pass something um that all of us are comfortable with that we understand completely so if that would do it I suggest to Mr Mayor and to my colleagues Mr Williams or if you have a better suggestion um or recommendation that we can go with so we leave here tonight very clear on um what we're going to do to get this addressed and finally passed at some point I don't mind your recommendation commissioner Kelly we can have the same presentation that we did on crime as well as um the flooding litigation just want a well thought out presentation to Williams's point that answers all of the questions and shows us what the projects is what they look like spell it out in detail where we are in those projects that that's what I would like and to to the mayor to commissioner Kelly it it to me and I and I I'm sure if um the mayor saw the remainder of the meeting and you heard my frustration it to me it's a slap in the face and the so on of our on our intelligence and so I'm I know I know I use strong language sometimes I know but it is what it is it's an assault on our intelligence and so if we've been talking about this Workshop I mean we were talking about this Workshop all of us well most of us at least we're we we're waiting for this robust Workshop for I mean we moved around our plans to get here at what 5:30 or you and I don't remember 5:30 6 o'clock 5:30 we moved around plans and it is very hard for us to get here at 5:30 all of us on time and so to me um I would I would completely default to that but again it's not that Mo time was given to have a robust Workshop so much time and I think what what I'm I'm a little um taken aback by is the language that um the manager is saying as if we're holding up the process and we're slowing down the process and we're asking for workshops but the process would not have been slowed down had we asked or had or presented what we asked for which was a thorough Workshop but then I think the the other thing that conf uses me or I would say gives me pause is that we're saying one person created the workshop or the slides any other person presented it that's what I just heard right so one department created this Workshop another department presented it you said Mr anathan Right I mean I said the previous Workshop that had the pictures of every project and and gave uh I think what you're saying a more robust was that was in a Opera Workshop that was presented by Miss gross last year um this presentation which we believed was just to show how the money was being spent how much is being spent how much was going to be spent which was the direction that we received was written by the by Mr anathan but I don't know what direction that you're it's so it's those comments that that are always being thrown out I don't who would have said that this was the direction that the commission wanted to see I I think now moving forward you everyone knows this is not what we want to see because it's too vague and I don't like vague I want to be clear I need to know what I'm reading I need to I need to to to to Really you know if if I'm going to spend time to come that's every that's that's the that's everyone that's the job the job is present the data and the facts so that we know and again I'll say on the city Side everyone knows what's going on you're in the the the THS of things every day so you can but it is it is up to the management to really make sure that we know and that's that's really one of you know the the the the manager's duties Absolut ensure that we know everything so that we're not left with I'm confused and so I'm I'm done thank you Mr Mayor but I think we do um need to go back to the drawing or fix it somehow you are deferring this item Mr manager what are we doing absolutely okay with the presentation or whatever robust all right next item item 15 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of foal ala Florida accepting the proposal of proel Mobility for on demand and fixed route ride share services pursuant to RFP number 24-20 52000 and further authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreement with proail Mobility for said services in the form attached here to in an amount not to exceed $649,990 providing for adoption of representation providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right Mr manager thank thank you uh so this is a RFP that the commission approved us to put out uh to look at uh Transportation options for our residents uh free Transportation options for our residents currently uh we have the bus tours uh on fixed routes and a lot of cities are going straight to uh removing the buses and just offering uh I believe like Aventura has um uh ride shares ride shares so we put the RFP out um we've had three three different companies to bid um the evaluation process through the evaluation process puts heavily on um lowest cost who is the lowest bidder uh and the valuation comp the evaluation committee therefore selected the lowest the lowest bidder um the commission can go with any of the three bids if it be the will of the commission just putting on the record uh the Comm it' be the will of the commission to take bid one or bid two or bid three um however of the three bids uh uh I reviewed all of the materials that were presented to me by the evaluation committee and I can also make a recommendation um to the commission for you to consider uh and that and that uh recommendation is proel mobility and the reason why is we had five categories procil Mobility one in all four categories except with the exception of price uh so as your city manager I've seen this a number of times uh we actually have seen this in Transportation uh we probably need to review our RFP evaluation methods when we look at always going for the lowest cost bidder here we got the lowest uh with the current bus situation we have the lowest cost bidder uh we get um you all get complaints that you turn over to Administration when people say they don't like the the bus routes and they're not clean and uh they're not on time and the the customer service are rude uh we get complaints from uh the route themselves the the the the vendor the contractor uh who complains about the complains about the residence and complains about the routes and complains about the reimb his reimbursement uh which is a contractor rate that he negotiated and agreed to and a bid that he put forward uh and and so it's it's it's a it's a it's not it's a lose lose for everyone uh when when we only consider who was the lowest cost bidder so uh there is an additional reason uh why we also looked at well my office recommended uh proel mobility and and that's because our residents know fixed routes they know bus routes so in the RFP we asked could you put together a route that had fixed routes so they still have some access to some buses and those that are familiar with that particular our seniors can still use that but also uh could you still offer the ride share which is the new thing coming and and the the people out their phones and and ordering the ride shares um out of that request there was only one company that's ever done a fixed route and that was proel so we definitely wanted to because of our residents and the familiarity with the uh the U uh residents of opaka we still want to offer that uh offer that those fixed routes those bus routes uh we still want a vendor that has experience with that so when we looked at the four categories that um that proel exceed in exceeded in four out of five uh and their ability and their experience and their technology and all those different factors uh is my recommendation for proel however the commission can choose any of the three bids but uh it's the recommendation of the city manager to uh select proo okay um I pulled the item and you brought up the price I was very distur by the recommendation on the agenda um why because we do have a procurement process and three companies submitted Mr manager you have the authority over the scope of work you have the authority over the scope of criteria you also have the authority on the selection committee but then you brought proel which is that ranked third in the process no sir proel one in all categories with the exception of price proel from what we saw I believe they ranked in the process and it was stated on my call on my agenda briefing that they came in third at $650,000 and I believe freebie was ranked number one stated by Mr anab at $287,000 a year both providing the same the same scope of work now both a reputable companies I freebie and proel I have no issue with however the price was the issue and my thing is if we're getting the same level of service for $287,000 why would we pay $ 650 and then a few meetings ago we stay and we cutting the parks button so I was a little little taken a back by that I was I was yeah so for at this point Mr manager people submitted bids people and if we're goingon to always go with the third and it's not the first time that this is happened and yes you do have the right to do that then it turns people off from actually wanting to bid an opaka and wanting to submit rfps why not they could just do a we could just pick if that's the case so I'm a little I'm a little leery and this is not the first time I'm I'm sorry and again I have nothing against brel nothing against them I think they're a good company but if we're getting the same service the same exact service why would we pay almost triple the price I'd like to comment if I may good evening Bob anathan director of financial support service I don't believe that's what read proel is more expensive but the differential right now between proel bid after negotiations and freeb is about $200,000 I'm not minimizing $200,000 but it's not four or $500,000 you wait what happened say it one more time I'll say it again sorry the price for procal at 650 is about $200,000 more than uh freebie if I put something in there I don't believe I did but I no that's not what that's not it please tell me what it says because proel is 650 freebie is 287 that is well more Sor I believe I said 287 less no no you y' your number says 287 for for freebie no my freebie I'm sorry it's not I just I'm looking at it says 284,000 284 thank you 800 less less no no that's what it says no that's what it is that's what it says an says annually that's what it says then it was miswritten miswritten on my part because they're not that cheap but then my next question is when did you negotiate with proel because are we on that call silence uh generally that's in the stated in the RF P yes how were you able to negotiate with the what the RFP says is that the city reserves the right to go back and negotiate with a uh potential vendor it's spiled into the RFP without coming to the commission first for Direction that's in the RFP please it says uh City reserves the right to negotiate get more what P it's on the RFP p i I don't have it fingertips I didn't realize that would be a subject can you can you say it tell me what page I'll have I'll have to get back to it's clearly State there no because if we're under cone of silence I've never seen that process where you can negotiate on because what's the purpose of the bid process what's the purpose of the committee because if you have somebody who you think is the best selection but you think there's something what their offering can be improved on that's what the RFP opens up the opportunity for so we're steering the no sir we're just but that's mayor I I believe the cone of silence may actually be something under the County's code that's required by the city um I'll need to look at that but um if that's what they have in the RFP there may be a problem with that but I would love to see that because I've never seen where you can actually negotiate with vendors during during a RFP process I've never seen that before yes sir it's been say again please can you point it out in RP and Mr Mayor also we do have a code of ordinances that deals with cone of a cone of silence in our general code of ordinances I know so that's so if they're doing something different than that then it's not consistent with the um the city's own cone um cone of silence well that's certainly Mr Mayor that's certainly why rfps are presented for legal sufficiency to identify if what is in the RFP uh is in conflict with our laws well we haven't identified if was actually in there Mr manager I've asked Mr or yourself to tell me where it is that we can negotiate during the RFP process with the vendor and I have yet to get an answer I didn't bring I believe it's in the first uh first the rfps are broken into four sections I believe it's in the first one I did not bring it with me because I didn't realize i''d be a topic this evening you want my copy yes sir Mr Mr Mr anthon okay yeah I'm gonna wait on that because I um yeah never heard that before it what's the purpose of people it turns people off from doing business with opaka if we're going to just it's a competitive bid process I'm a little I think it may be in the fourth section and why M saying that I'll say it just sends a message that people that are investing their time and resources into our competitive viid process is simply wasting their time if we're going to just go this route and and again I have no I have nothing against bral I think they're a great company great company however 200,000 versus six like not not only that Mr Mayor I'm just trying to understand and I guess he'll find it while we're waiting um what did you even be involved in negoti oh you found it okay okay did you find it that's the it read The Proposal what you looking at 313 Mr Anan but that doesn't say that decision process now sorry the number was 33 3 is there a page number on that 313 page 313 oh okay I thought that was a section bottom of the page hold on I have to back one9 not yes one- N I believe you're looking at section 1-9 not look at section one-2 yeah I'm I'm looking at it and and um again the highest rated proposer would not have been Pro because if you go by all of the numbers um the manager and again I I can understand this point because a lot of times we do get folks who you know might be the lowest price that doesn't mean it's the best but when you look at what I'm what I'm looking at in section one nine um it says the city reserves the right to negotiate but it says with the highest rated proposer but when you look at the proposals as they were rated um they would not have been number one because of the price yes sir no I understand and I think the difference interpretation is the manager rated them the highest with the exceptional cost so we're playing word games but I think that's the difference how did the committee rate not what the manager's recommendation is what you told me on the on my agenda briefing that the committee rated proel number three yes sir when you took in all factors including cost and freebie number one correct okay so one one freebie one the bid process right correct number two the second issue that I have is that you all negotiated during the cone of silence we did it on the basis of section the you just looked at but that that that it doesn't give you that op so who who it doesn't give you that option it was interpreted to provide that option sir even if it wasn't who interpreted that's I was just who interpreted that again it was part I guess I did as the procurement procurement reports to me so I I guess that's me okay I can tell you now Mr Mayor and and to my colleague I you know I didn't have a problem with the company and even the rationale of we don't always want the cheapest and the services what have again I don't know any of the companies but I'm not going to touch this now because I I I I don't trust the interpretation of Staff with what I'm looking at uh when this clearly says you can negotiate but the highest rated proposer it doesn't it doesn't speak to whether the manager at this point can go negotiate with the highest rated it says the highest rated proposer and that highest rate proposer would have been whichever other company wouldn't have been proel and so that's a challenge I have so I I will not um bother that because I don't think you know one thing that that got to the point if they were the highest rated proposer then I could agree with that section one well I'm not an attorney I'll refer to the attorney I could maybe go along with it but even the way we look at it the highest rated proposer even though price plays a big factor and why they were number one that's still part of the process now you want to the process afterwards which we may need to do and not put so much weight on price as the manager suggests that's for the future but where we are now we got to do with the process we have and price is a major weight of how these proposals are done and that's how the commune that was selected uh by the manager to do it that's what they base it on which is our current structure so Mr Mayor I can tell you now I'm not going I I will not deal with not so much because of the companies but I don't think we should have a negotiation now the attorney gives me a different interpretation I'm not an attorney Mr Mayor Madam oh go ahead I have a question yes I'm just I just want to um just so everybody understands when these things are normally reviewed in cities they're looked at by the committees as to whether they are responsive and responsible so the responsive deals with the bid itself it's whether the on the four corners of the bid document they submitted everything they were supposed to submit they did everything they were supposed to do and then it goes to whether um it's a responsible bidder and so if all of these biders were um you know and and and then and then of course price pays the so assuming all of them got in nobody was kicked out it's a responsive and responsible bidder and if it's a if it's RFP you are looking at price so not sure where all of this other and and actually I've had this conversation with Mr um um Mr um anathan as well so it's it's not something I'm not sharing with the staff so I don't know how they're coming up with this stuff the manager doesn't get a second bite and and put it for you don't see that anywhere so I don't even want you all to think it's something that he does I I heard commissioner Kelly say you have the right to do that no that doesn't happen I just want to be clear what happens is you look at it if everybody's in everybody's considered to be responsible and responsive and all of the people are considered and they're all rated and nobody's kicked out then you're looking at the things that you have in your procurement document and it comes to you with the lowest bidder that's what would normally happen everywhere so you know it so for for you all to have something coming for you from you that's a you know the third rank proposer that's not you that's not normal right so with that uh Mr Mayor U Mr manager so I'm hearing uh hearing the discussion I have to agree with uh uh commissioner Kelly's interpretation uh and and therefore I have some concerns as well so I'd like to uh I'd like to pull this item uh get back with the uh Financial Services Department to determine and with legal determine how to move it forward how you before ask a question no okay well it's my it's my ID it's my em why can't we just go with the selection committees um I'm I'm completely I'm with commissioner Kelly I'm I'm really uncomfortable with uh what I've M you shephered this process I don't I'm I'm responsible for everything that happens in the city for administration so so again again uh since this is my item and I've expressed my concerns ask this going to be a commission decision um mam commissioner Williams you had a question yeah I just wanted to know um real quick what was the rationale why is it so much more than the others or what was their the company's rationale uh we asked for a cost structure uh one of the points they said is that their employees they focus on their drivers they put a lot of you know that's driver is the tip of the spear here their drivers are all city they're all company employees they get full benefits and so forth so they feel that they have a better class of drivers for the program that's got that's a portion of it look give us one second and then um second um so after last meetings um slash slash of the agend the um the recre the what do you call events budget like the the complete gut slash of the events budget and everything was we don't have the money we don't have the money we need to save money like and and then now we came with this type of like this much money that we can find but we couldn't one of the difference Mr Anthony allow me to for that uh these are CIT these are CIT funds so this is not money coming from our general budget this is money that can only be spent on items like this and also I like when you say stuff like that because CIT funds can be for streets and Roads we talked about flooding we can save money if we go with a cheaper product and use the excess to fix our streets to mitigate flooding to fix our roads you see CT CIT funds are not solely it's not singular to transportation in this sense agree so that I I get it but no we can we got to be fiscally responsible so and that's what we kept throwing out at the at the parks and rec meeting so let's make sure we're fiscally responsible and um and and let me be clear I do know that there's a difference in budgets what I'm saying is is you can't be fiscally telling us that we have to slash one budget and yet we're spending this type of money for one project because we want to give benefits to their drivers which by the way most of them are probably that's a portion of that's the only portion I know I can tell you benefits FRS all of that is a lot of money that's a lot of money and so for to say that we have to pay that because you know that's their company policy again I have nothing nothing against this company I have no I have no idea you know know the scope of how far I get it but the reality of it is that's their company and that's how they attract great drivers and that's what they do to to to to get what they need but that's not for us I'm to put the fact that they give benefits and stuff for their drivers that I get it that's a portion but that's a big portion yes now I don't know Mr Mayor if it's pulled if y'all want this gentleman to speak I don't my motion is to follow the recommendation of the selection committee okay that's my motion to follow because we had a procurement process and this and we have to stop doing this I'm sorry we have we need to follow the recommend I think we should follow the recommendation of the selection committee that is my motion which the city money freeb I think it's yeah it's freebie it's freeb I just wonder what's the difference I just I'm still trying to ask what why is it so much more than freebie like why is it so much more than freebie what Mr Mayor I don't I don't have a problem with going with the recommendation um that you want because ultimately is a manager manager can recommend through whatever process but the commission makes a decision so I have a problem with your motion um my my concern is this process by what Mr Anthony just mentioned and we need to clear that up um if not tonight but we need to clear that up what that process is if you're even allowed to do that because if the manager can use the term negotiate or whatever you use the term because it's a better fit then that that interpretation needs to be very clear going forward in rfps and I think to the mayor's point if it's subject to just a manager whatever then I may not be it because I may figure it's already you know not to say it is but I could interpret that as someone who's bidding so I think if we don't do that tonight we need to clear that up going forward so the manager is clear what his parameters once the committee votes or whatever they do and recommend that's it he's going to be bound by that too but like the mayor said he selects those folks so you know um and they have a process you follow and if you want to change the weight of pricing going forward on items then change it going forward so weight of pricing doesn't weigh so heavy on the process but where we are now it does weigh and to my colleague's point that's a that's a big difference you're talking I'm just rounding up you're talking $400,000 difference you know um of difference in money and it's CIT dollars and I know there's something infrastructure wise because you know I fought hard for the CIT know we first caught coming into the city so you can't use those for other dollars but to my colleagues even we do decide to go with the second bidder and whatever um the commission decides we need to address that 1.9 or 1-9 interpretation going forward so the manager is clear that you know he's going to do a committee or maybe just going to get them all in whatever process used he will be bound um by that and cannot go outside of that that that that scope um and has to take the highest rated proposer which in this case would be um I guess the second company I just want to put it on there so Mr Mayor you can entertain any um whatever you want to do my motion is to follow the recommendation of the selection commit that that that that's my recommendation we had a bidding process and I think we should follow through I think you got to resend the didn't you have a motion a second already on no second okay so your recommendation your motion is to go with the high rated proposer right which was free that correct Mr I didn't hear you I'm sorry it was $284,000 that was the highest rate of proposer pre pre was the highest rate but I I'd really like to look at that agenda because it I don't believe freebie was that low price I I thought I thought I wrote it that was a differential no that's that's that's what they put it's it's here Mr well yes sir thank you all right I'll second your motion Mr Mayor all right so the motion was made to award the contract to freebie made by m seconded by commissioner Kelly discussion open for discussion if we if we pass this then obviously there's some savings CIT infrastructure so miss manager you got some money there to I know you will so there's money for infrastructure I don't know come back with us what you going to do with that yes sir um Madame cler on the motion commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Zer and then we can vote on the actual item will Madam attorney will you need to reading in the record how you doing it um yes um this would be that's a part of your motion you said freebie and so what we'll do is we'll when we make the changes to the uh resolution we will substitute the name okay so we are calling a question go ahead Madam um I I don't have a motion in second for can I get a motion moving move by commissioner commissioner B the motion is to change the name to the it that had excuse me um through the mayor that had already been done yes and so this is just voting on the on the final okay we get a second second all right commissioner bass yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right next item is item 17 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving issuance of request for proposals RFP for a qualified consultant to update the annexation report data for area a and area b as described herein providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsor by the city manager discuss move for discussion by a second Commission Mr manager thank you uh this is um uh an item that we brought forward to um act upon the will of the commission to uh again take another bite take another look at make some progress toward getting annexation done uh it comes to our community development department and if there's any specific questions that the commission may have regarding this item we have the community development director uh Gregory gay available okay um commissioner Kelly opened up for a discussion he puted this item and then I do have yes thank you Mr Mayor I know we um on um annexation I had couple of questions I wanted to to raise um and I mentioned a couple of them in the briefing um regarding the work that has already been been done uh by uh Mr pey um what has been done that would be turned over in this new RFP in terms of Cu he was minus stand the briefing working on this so now if we do an RFP what has he done what has he done for his services that will be turned over made a part of this um this uh new RP going out for a consultant mayor and Commissioners Gregory k um the services that Mr peasy was was he was basically the lead person um regarding the annexation process he had been involved with an annexation process with another municipality um and he was going to be the person to arrange for the hiring of the subc Consultants to lead us through this particular process now because we are looking and going through an RFP process to select um the the subc Consultants to do the update for areas A and B I'm not fully abess as to what particular service other services he may be rendering as a part of this process okay maybe iate my question clearly what has he done so far because he's been paid for something right because I remember this coming up a while back about um annexation and getting the ball rolling and he was familiar I got that so what has he done that we paid him for his Services because he got he gave us something you're saying now he was going to Shepherd us to the next phase but I'm talking about the phase that he did what what was that what what what does that product look like I guess that's the question because we're getting we're going for RFP for a consultant now you just said something else to update yes um annexation what area A and B areas A and B correct so what what is what okay so what would the update look like then I mean what we we trying to update now we're updating the new numbers as it relates to if there's um any new businesses that we would need to get in contact with if there's new services that will be dependent upon as a part of the annexation process to basically bring those numbers that were done back in 201122 up to what today's current numbers would be in relationship to those particular areas so basically we're starting over we're not necessarily starting over but we're B basically updating that information we still have a application that is pending but as as far as far as the county is concerned in order for that application to be moved forward all of the information relating to that application needs to be updated and when do we find that out as as as we've been approaching it through this process and this is part of the research that Mr pey has had had done he he's brought that information to us relating to the other annexation applications that he's worked with and it was part of his recommendation that we get this information updated I I got to get an update I got that part when do we find out from the county that we needed to do the update because this has been going on since I got back I've been he about anation we passed something to get the ball rolling um we retain Mr peasy so I want to know for his what what has he done how much he's paid he's been paid to get us to this point because it sounds like to me we're doing the same thing that you probably could have called a county and they' have told you for you to go to the next step you all got to redo your numbers CU it's been through since 2012 or whatever the old data doesn't work anymore so that's why I said it seems like we're starting over from square one well Mr peasy has been pretty much the point of contact since he has been successful and getting an an application done previously so he has made the contacts through the county he has arranged the meetings and he has basically brought us to this point where the update information is needed in order to move forward okay well I'd like to see Mr Mayor and to my colleagues to the manager a written report document of what Mr pz has done to this point you know whatever he's done to get us to this point because I know how annexation works and it sounds like to me we're really starting from the beginning and if that's not the case that means to me that he's already done something made some contacts open some doors that would make the process much easier so I want to see whatever that work product is that document information that he's given to us and said okay I've done all of this I've opened this door I've made contact with them so for and so on and here's the next step based on what the county is saying but here's what I've done so far because I know we we've paid how much we paid him we know I do not how much Mr manager how much we M mayor to the manager how much we paid him uh we paid him a starting retainer I'd have to look at the amount and he's supposed to Bill off of that um so I don't know how many hours he's built off of that I I'll get that information to you because I mean because it sounds like he's completed his portion but you said he's still no sir he's still engaged he's still engaged he's still he's still engaged he as Mr Gay said he's supposed to Shepherd us through uh the entire process Okay so why we have the RFP well the RFP because I assume you can't just have him picking somebody to do it he said he retained them already not to not to update the not to update annexation plans uh we've always had you know independent contractors do that work you said he's engaged which means he's already you said he's shepherding the process correct currently presently to this day so my point to commissioner Kelly question why what's this for if you already have to update the no the consultant that Shepherds you through the process is not the person on the ground actually building the item um this is a technical engineering work uh that you have to have a skilled professional look at the data uh look at the area look at the residential neighborhoods uh we don't even have that type of uh skill set inhouse in our community development department or our Capital Improvement projects there are firms that do just that type of work and this is to select that firm now he actually did make a recommendation for a firm which is the company that did this uh before uh we consulted with the city attorney and it was her recommendation to put this out uh as a um in compliance with our procurement policies Mr to commissioner Kelly's question I'm sorry commissioner Kelly for taking over true what has what has actually a what has the person you said you has been shepherding the process what has he done again uh we can as commissioner Kelly has requested uh we will go back and Community Development will go back provide a report of who he's met with and um I mean the notion that we would have that information at the top of our heads I just I don't know who all he's met with I don't know how much time he spent I don't know uh what doors he's opened uh as again as we're just at the start of this process Mr Mayor we retained somebody we you brought this item to us and you don't know where we are with it Mr May well no that's two different things one item is to be for the it's so it's I'm confused now is the idea that the person that is leading the project is actually on the ground I mean can Mr Mr G on the ground Mr Gay could you read could you read exactly what the person that is that is going to be hired for this project is going to be doing one second Mr Gay what do you mean by on the ground because this is a it's like it it it's like if you retain someone I will answer your question if you allow me to how about this what did you hire him to do um open doors that we couldn't you hir him to be a consultant yes and he actually consulted on this as well if I could just add the purpose of this process is to get the RFP process in order to to hire the Consultants to do the update for areas A and B based on the information we saw that that Mr pey was providing us because it was going to exceed the administrative amount of $25,000 we needed to bring that item before you for consideration to move it forward so you hired Mr peasy to do this work and because it it exceeded the manager's threshold you brought it to the commission because that's exactly what you just said Mr peasy is no no no separate but he but he is taking the lead to basically Shepherd us through this process so we have to have Consultants do the update in order to continue this process forward I'm sorry commissioner Kelly um I know my colleague on the way and I I'll wait I'll wait I was just gonna say commissioner Kelly cover your ears I'm just confused I am all the way I'm all the way confused so we hire Mr P attorney pey we don't know what his retainer feed what he's doing we don't know how much he's billing us we don't know what the invoices are we don't know we like everything that I'm hearing is we don't know I'm gonna be honest with you but our own senior attorney gets ripped all the time by everybody else for retainer fees and fees and fees and fees but yet here we are hearing I don't know what the retainer fee is I don't know he's worked with you and you're saying you don't know but he's still billing us correct he's still billing the city that's my understanding but we don't know what he's billing the city for but yet our attorney gets ripped every day okay nonetheless that was it is there a contract with Mr Bey um no there was not a contract executed on the side so we retained some of no contract and what some and don't all right Mr Mayor can I can I weigh in on this so [Music] um the first thing is there are for for lawyers there are supposed to be fees in place that's a requirement of the FL I mean of contracts in place that's a requirement of the Florida bar the second thing is um I don't know of other cities that pay a retainer upfront to a lawyer of from a municipality like that just doesn't happen and an attorney would bill down like they would for a corporation that doesn't happen with municipalities the other thing is I had mentioned when Mr and I didn't even know we were still using Mr peasy because I mentioned in a previous um meeting you all may remember maybe a over a year ago well over a year ago that it would present a conflict to have Mr all these attorneys South Florida is full of attorneys to have an attorney that litigates against the city like every single day and in fact just last week we got a new lawsuit from Mr pey that went over to the Florida League of cities it is ridiculous to me that somebody would hold Mr pey up as an expert in annexation when if you and somebody who does this and has worked on annexations I can tell you that that is driven by the county they have a procedure they will uh assign a staff person to work with the city you don't need to go between if you have a consult which the city is doing right now that consultant that firm you can write that into the RFP they will lead you through do the technical stuff and do all of the there is no absolutely no reason for this city to have contracted with Mr peasy who again litigates against the city every single day um and with there being so many attorneys out there that would could you know could do something if that were the the the will of the city which I don't think that is even necessary and for there not to be a contract there not to be a scope of work there not to be any anything nobody even knows and on top of that um just last year uh we received and there's an agenda item that we got from the manager it's dated 118 2023 for the city to um look at Contracting with a uh a specific firm and we actually wrote a resolution for it and it was the C cordino group and um and this was and we said and that's what the manager is talking about it was for $30,000 and this was supposed to go as an agenda item and we never saw it again and so now I could even see if we were talking about you know some need or some company that we needed and and this cordino group something had come up but we're not we're back to pizy again after the manager had himself you know put out that he was going forward and he was trying to contract with a particular um company and we said these are your options what are you saying are you saying you've already paid someone we wrote them an email on October the 31st of 2023 are you saying that it was very unclear in the backup that they gave us so we were asking are you saying you've already paid for work are you saying that you're trying to give them work are you saying that we never even got a response which is not uncommon and instead now we're talking about Mr peasy being retain an OnStaff I I it it's unusual it's um as so many things are and I do bring it to yall's attention and I just don't want you to think that it this is a normal thing that you would be contracting with an attorney who litigates against the city who has clearly has a conflict and but won't conflict them himself out I'm just letting you know this is a conflict right this is a conflict this should not happen it should not even be thought about it would happen nowhere else mayor M thank you let me let me get back to the reason I I brought it up and um you can address the uh concerns that the attorney has raised but I want to get to the to the item more specifically the reason I brought up um Mr pey because he had done work we had retained him to do something but I know in issuing this um RF uhp for the consultant they should take on now any role to do anything as a part of not only Gathering the data but giving the city the next steps for whatever they need to do that should be part of the RFP and that's why I said was there a document that he has or a work product that is given to the city to say I've completed this this and this so you could take the RFP and if you needed to add language so whoever comes in whatever entity is chosen they know where they are where they will be taken off from in addition to Gathering data I got the any businesses new and all of that stuff but any other thing that would be an RFP or would be there so anyone bidding would know here's where we are we got to this point now whatever Mr peasy was paid or whatever he's done um you know he's done if he's still being retained I don't I don't know why after we're going to do this because to me that needs to be incorporated into this RFP because they whoever this is that's get picked would now shepher us through the rest of whatever because that's why you're paying you're not paying them just to gather data that you're going to be paying to make the recommendations to the commission I.E the manager on the next steps and all those steps are not just brick and mortar businesses here and this is the tax base some it's going to be some leg work you got to go talk to some folks downtown that that's the kind of stuff too um and that's why I ask what doors what meetings because maybe that's some of what he may have been doing you know and I'm not speaking to the point about whether he should have been conflict I'm not talking about that right now I'm just saying to me that's what I thought would have been happening opening those doors getting those conversations started um so that when you do get to this point with this new consultant with and they got the new data and whatever now you're ready for your next steps and so to me that's why I want to see that work product of what has been done to this point so you say here it is and I would like to see that because to me then you would have been able to say or put an RFP we know we are now based on what whatever work he's done so we need to include some other language in here going forward in this RFP so whoever is biding would know not only we asking you to for data but here's the next steps we anticipate we're going to need because of where we are and and I'm pretty sure that that's not in in this RFP because you just said you got to find out exactly what he's done and how far he's gotten um now to the point about the conflict and should it be doing it you know the commission can weigh in on that but I wanted to bring that out as to why I pulled the item because the next steps are going to be obviously crucial but they're not just Gathering data I wanted to see what doors have been open what conversations have been had um who is the commission going to need to really speak to I mean that's that's a part of this whole process um as well so I wanted to put that on the on the um record and that's why I really pulled item and I still want to get the information though about what he's doing thank you Mr Mayor no problem any other questions or concerns and I do want to get to where we are in the process as well and he still and to to the point um of payment so we we don't know if he's still getting paid or not well I my understanding we haven't received a invoice in probably a year or if not longer so when but that's based on when the commission had passed whatever so how how long was that agreement or whatever that the commission passed was to be that was never an agreement but Mr Man said he was shepher in the process still to this day yes but he hasn't he hasn't what I answered him is we we haven't received an invoice from him May at least six months if not longer but Mr Mayor he he said that he paid paid him a retainer right so and he's been billing down from the retainer so he's already been paid at least $25,000 because that's the manager's limit and so he's been and so he's he he wouldn't get a bill because he's been paid why would he be sending invoices some I think yeah he did some numbers over there Mr anony did some numbers over there he did a two and a four I think now he's sitting very quiet manager you have to come up we need there really two separate issues we need to deal with them because we need to know whatever the work product he's finished because that's important if we paid them and that we're not still paying them but you know unless somehow deem necessary we need that work product of what he's done but how much has he been paid actually you see didn't know but Mr Anthem did some numbers the manager maybe couldn't see but um did I did not say he' been paid anything because I don't know that I know what the original P was I was trying to help the manager on that help the manager what was that I say help the manager what was that what was that amount the purchase order raised the possibility of up to $24,000 the purchase order yes sir so he's he's really under you you you retained him under the 25,000 threshold he's not as far as I know there's not a retainer I was just I understood there was a PO for $24,000 oh po just a purchase order yes sir I know po don't do that to me please okay uh um so which is it is it a purchase order or is the retainer because the man say retainer which is a whole I apologize the actual language is appe it's and so what is that what's the difference in terms of it opens the possibility for services up to 24,000 if it comes to that so but how much has it been I I don't track that sir it's not my responsibility who tracks you finance yes sir but I don't track I don't track each purchase order I truly don't but the only thing we know that the purchase order was for $224,000 that's my that's my recollection said that a check was received by that firm six months ago no I he said the manager said I don't I I don't believe he said it's been at least six months okay any invoice the last time that that F got paid was at least six months ago so I I can't even comment on that's right words out I'm ready to vote we're playing Words salad we're playing yeah we're playing Words but there's two different things here the item the item is different I don't the item is to go get a consultant to update the annexation that's one issue which is what what's here the reason I raised my point is because I wanted to know what has been done in case this um proposal that we're asking for needed to be tweaked and include wording so the folks that are bidding on it would know what the expectation is not just Gathering data as you mentioned in case it required other parts so we got to come back and you know add on to an RP that's why I brought it up now the issue about what he's been done and should it be there in 24,000 whatever that's a separate issue so I still want to know what he's been done um know what he's done I'm sorry um but if the RFP goes out as it is I guess the commission can always come back and um amend it if possible or what have you but I recognize two separate things but I think Mr Mayor to my colleagues we need to we need to deal with that other issue too I mean we need to know what's been what's been paid because we have paid something I mean you got a A 24,000 purchase order less huh for less than six months well less than six I don't know Le that's why I want to document I want the report or what what the what has been paid or whatever cuz I know the PO they still got to turny what invoices right I know the process ain't changed that much since I was okay so I'd like to see that um Mr Mayor to my colleagues Mr Man I like to see that and I would hope that we got enough work product from him that um we don't have to alter the prop the um request that's going out we could tweak it and not have to deal with it too much thank you Mr Mayor real quick commission okay um just to go back for are we and I'm asking the board are we asking to see the work product before we move forward or because I I would prefer I would personally like to see the work product since it was a little vague of what um was told I'm $24,000 to open doors Godly pay me I'll open all the doors you want um that was a joke but my question is if because we we don't know what that we don't know what opening doors mean we don't know what the PO was involved so or what that process is does that mean Mr pizy is done with the work product of what he was supposed to do and and the next task was to say um I'm now going to uh Usher or Shepherd you into now um having someone to be a a consultant to do a annexation report which interesting enough interesting enough when we talked about annexation a two years ago a year or two ago something like that I remember just saying we need a report and we need to know data so here here we are like long long long long long time because we spent so much time with um one consultant that the board does have absolutely no idea what that person did so is he done with the work or does that work under the the the PO is there more that he's going to do to continue to hold our hand through this process do we know that it is my understanding that we needed this information updated in order to move through this next step I believe that he has other work products that he's going to be continuing with once the update is in place to move us further down the process so I guess it's because it's it's again the language is very vague I believe I know I'm not sure I just I just I need to be I want to be clear before I move forward it's not you know it I'm telling you I'm laughing to Keep from Crying seriously this is just this so I that's what I would ask Shir thank you I I I will not um I prefer the manager give us to work um product report what he's been paid whatever before not so much of my concern um about whether he's spent all the money or whatever but I really just want to know what he's done so that we have if there's anything else needs to be added inside of this um request that it would be done on the front end and not the back end and I know annexation is near and dear you want to get it done but I think on this one this is not arpa we can wait um two weeks um to do it I I know we need to do it I'm in support of it but I don't want us to put it out and it's not full detail of what we would expect from the um consultant firm or whatever that would get chosen because we don't know what that n work product that has been performed already so I I would prefer uh Miss manager I like my colleague to defert the item I don't think it's that time pressing um because right now I would be uncomfortable um passing it and then get the work product and find out Mr peasy maybe done way more than we thought and we don't even need to do something or he has not done something that we need to make sure that the consultant coming in um can do the work or will be able to do the work and give us a price spas on it not just Gathering data for A and B annexation so that's my um two cents we can move forward Mr Mayor you okay Mr manager we'd be happy to defer the item and get you that information um by next week by next week me right yes sir all right okay all right moving on to our public hearing items Madam clerk I mean Madam attorney I'm sorry the mayor didn't we have two new items oh we did I'm sorry we have to add on items I'm sorry all right um Mr manager for the sake of time can you defer item please until the next meeting it is absolutely thank you they operated now y'all oper related now remember can't do it anyway I know can't do it anyway so those two items are deferred from for um yes sir all right 141 and 142 yes sir all right Madam attorney the public hearing items yes Mr Mayor a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the tentative plat for the construction and operation of a self- storage facility on the property located at 14301 Northwest 27th Avenue identified by folio number 08- 2122 d-50 in the B3 zoning District providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager um Mr Mayor um the add-on items we deferred them oh both both are deferred all right um Mr manager and yes sir he probably hear can we do who can present we'll do a motion and then we open up a public heing thank you um this is an item coming from our Community Development Department um and we have our community development director Mr Gregory gay available to answer questions that the commission may have after public hearing can I entertain a motion right now please move it move by commissioner Williams second by commissioner baz public hearing is open public hearing is closed um Mr Gay yes this is for a tenative plat for the construction of a self storage facility uh this is the self storage facility known as qart um it's replacing the fries um facility that's on uh State Road 9 and 27th Avenue U this is two this this plat is basically a part of the process for them to go and start construction process they've already done the demolition of the Fri facility any questions all right any questions or concerns about this project to Mr Gay hearing none um Madam clerk commissioner baz yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right Madam attorney 1582 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the final site plan for the construction and operation of an office and Warehouse building for the operation of a Paving and construction company on the property located approximately at Northwest 148th Street and Northwest 24th Court and identifi by folio number 08- 21220 25- 501 in the I2 zoning District providing for an effective date and sponsored by the city manager all right Mr manager thank you this is another item coming from our Community Development Department um we have our community development director Greg rck available to answer questions the commission may have this is a public can I get a motion I'm sorry oh move it move by commissioner Williams second by commissioner Kelly this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is is closed Mr Gay yes this item is to allow for the final site plan for the construction and operation of a Paving and construction company uh they are basically coming into compliance by building the office space and the warehouse space for their business operation this was presented to the Planning and Zoning Board recommended for approval any questions um any questions for Mr Mr Gay on this item Mr Gay I just want you to to be clear specifically for our residents that are listening I'm sorry through the mayor to Mr Gay um just and I know you said it we was kind of like run through it this is this is a um a site that's already there correct we're not we're just adding the site is vacant as it stands right now this is for this particular business to come in compliance by building the office facility and Warehouse okay it thank you commission W for that um we can call a question there any other if there aren't any other concerns Madam cler commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bath yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right um Madam attorney 14 I mean 1583 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the development agreement review request for the construction and operation of an office and Warehouse building for the operation of a Paving and construction company on the property located approximately at Northwest 148th Street and Northwest 24th Court and identify by folio number 08- 2122 d025 d501 in the I2 zoning district and also within the Innovation District providing for an effective date sponsored by the city manager all right Mr manager thank you um did all this is a item coming from our Community Development Department we have the community development director here Greg gated available to answer any questions that you may have post public hearing the Comm item for the one right this item speaks to the development agreement right okay this is U Can I get a motion move it move by commissioner B second second by commissioner Williams um this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed um do we have any questions in regards to this item all right hearing none Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right um moving on to 16 a 16 A2 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Obaka Florida creating a new article 11 of the city of of the city's code of ordinances renumbering the following section specifically adopting certain provisions of Senate Bill 102 the live local act relating to affordable housing providing for administrative approval of certain qualified projects containing affordable housing units authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for incorporation of recital providing for conflict providing for separability providing for an effective date sponsored by the city manager Mr manager thank you uh again this is item coming from our community development department and the community development director Gregory gay is available to answer questions the commission may have all right can I get a motion or a motion move for discussion move for discussion and I'll second second um this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed um I do have a a discussion as well commissioner Williams where it says um administratively approved without further action by the governing body I think any concessions or variances should come from the commission not the city manager that's my opinion so that's the only change I would like to see in this where you at Mr Mayor yes is it's where as as as on the page one well Mr Mr Mayor I would like to um point out that that is a part of the law now um it does require ad administrative approval um the there are some things in here that deal with City Management Authority that that you may want to consider if you were looking at bringing things back but um but that part of it is something that's in the live local act and so if you looked at like for instance in which is under section two um the city commission shall determine how much money will be set aside for qualifying developments the city manager would have the authority to allocate up to $225,000 per qualified development that's something that would not have to be within the city manager's discretion but the um administrative approval is um one of the things required by the ACT but what does the state dictat as administrative approval if our process if our process already says that it comes before the Commission in that sense are we not the administrators well the the um it requires that it not NE necessarily have to come before the commission and so there are a lot of things in this live local act that is probably worthy of a workshop and for you guys to understand um and um and and now may be kind of a late hour for it but it it is an ordinance and it does have two readings if you were um looking at passing it and maybe having a presentation I can have um someone from my office Pam from my office um who has shephered this legislation come and really explain it and tell you what it requires and what it allows for there are probably C there's certain things that the city does have um control over and that's certain things dealing with parking or you know things that are already in your code um they do have to meet certain requirements but it it will be sort of a lengthy discussion for purposes of tonight and um and I would like for you all to really understand what it allows for so that you um you know you're not surprised about anything that maybe coming forward that are really um mandated by the state now through this live local act Mr Mayor commission I'm sorry oh no um I think the reason why I wanted to discuss is it's it there's so many different layers especially coming from the state and coming um down to municipalities and I know Mr manager you attended a workshop or something about it but like commission wasn't there right like we didn't so that's the thing so I don't I'm not comfortable going moving forward um with it only because I I just need more I need to understand it more I really want to dig a little bit more deeper into it um that's why I said for a discussion because I didn't know if there was some type of time constraint if it could be deferred so or workshopped so that we can really um dig a little bit deeper into it and as for me this is my thought process we'd be happy to well as the uh as the attorney said um it does require two readings so if you wanted to have a workshop in between the readings we can do that um what we did this is state law now so what we did for the most part I'd say 90% or greater of this is just a reflection of what the state law says but we'd be happy to um put a workshop together and and and go through the specific items okay and I would like to have that Workshop um if the if the board um is in agreement and then I would also if Miss um Pam is that I said um can be a part of that sure um it will be Pam Booker Pam sorry thank you okay again that's if the um the board is in agreement okay so your propos so well the manager is proposing that we pass it tonight and in the from second Mr Mayor yeah it it requires to um yeah definely r two readings and if we're going to have the workshop in between attorney's office um we could pass it on first reading which I have a problem with I did have some question that I asked because um one of the concerns I have is the act is silent on the compliance and the monitoring and enforcement and I know it's too short to get that together tonight for my briefing yesterday but I'd like to see that um as well as a part of the workshop um from the manager side how we would do that and how that would look and obviously that um elephant in the room that I always talk about parking um how how best we can given us EST state law how we can um strengthen that as much as we can because we know as potential development we know why this laws here to encourage um development I.E housing but we know what that really means um regardless of how you want to what you want to call it it's going to be a challenge for us for parking um so I'd like to to be able to have that as a part of that workshop and um how that would look with monitoring compliance and enforcement of U because the law itself is really silent to all three of those points so how would we deal with that and the parking side to be a part of that Workshop but I don't have a problem with passing on first reading and as commissioner Williams said have that Workshop in between and then we have challenges and we're still not comfortable we just deferred item um after that thank you Mr Mayor all right so we can go ahead and call the question Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner B yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes first reading all right we're going to our city manager's report Mr the manager um I'll reserve my reports for it uh under your report sir all right we're going into we have no official board report I don't see anyone here all right and to our commission reports we can start from all right um commissioner Williams you want to start or commiss Kelly okay I'm a start you g start okay okay um really quick I know um most of us know that Mr Mayor I'm sorry oh no um we didn't do 16 A3 budget amendment four oh I'm sorry all right we'll go back I'm sorry thought I miss walk way over there huh um okay um six Madam attorney an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending the annual adopted General proprietary and special Revenue funds budgets for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 adjusting revenues and expenditures as reflected in exhibit a providing for the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing the city manag to take certain actions providing for appropriation of all budgets and expenditures providing for fees consistent with the Appropriations and Amendment providing for incorporation of recital providing for conflict and repellar providing for severability providing for an effective dat respon by the city manager Mr manager thank you uh as you all know our current Charter requires every change to be brought before uh the commission so every single time uh at the fund level so every even at the fun level if there's a change we have to do a budget amendment so uh we have our uh budget administrator and director of financial support services here to uh walk you through this latest rendition all right um for the sake of time Mr anathan because it is 11:48 so that mean we have a couple minutes before we we have to reset this meeting so we got to move rapidly um this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed um does anybody have questions about this I we can hold it to Second reading all right Madam clerk we had a motion it was made by nobody move it by commissioner William second by Dr baz and then we can go ahead and call the question commissioner bass yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion pass his first reading all right the manager has already fored his um report we don't have any board reports um we left off at commissioner Williams okay really quick I just want to um I know our um timeline was um pass and do for our evaluation process for our Charter officers um I'm hoping we all did it I know I did and um again I hope we all did did it during that time frame but the one thing that I do know notice is that we didn't have a process or we didn't not discuss um where it goes how it's turned in that process so I'm hoping um Miss Adams and I'm going fast because I would typically call you up and um if it's okay with you that we send those um our evaluations to you so that you then can do what you do and have them stored and and do what you do because I'm not comfortable I'm definitely not you know sending them to miss Laur is like we do everything else and then her having to give them that you know that would be biased because she's one so if we can do that that would be great okay correct correct okay so I'm GNA further suggest that you work with Miss Adams and create some kind of policy through the manager um to create some kind of policy to bring it back I I did my evaluation I each one of them individually and all have a copy so I see I didn't I have it because we didn't discuss right how the how so I I you know I'm like yeah okay I I would make a motion to authorize commissioner Williams to create a policy on the evaluation process of the charter officers from start to finish can I get a mo a second on that motion Mo I'm second by commissioner Kelly um Madam Clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes all righty and we're going commission I can hold that for next I do that okay commissioner Kelly yeah for the sake of time I'm going to hold off on all M I want to remind everyone F share uh next Wednesday as shondi and I know the mayor party will mention Fourth of July celebration next Thursday uh here at U well at shabi and also Mr manager you could I think it may not the banner comes in for feeding South Florida we get it up by next week so it'll be up a couple of weeks a lot of folks still don't know thank you that's I'll do defer the rest of till next time all right no problem and under my um report Mr manager is the financial oversight and the glor of the gardens so um the just send both in written form and email the only thing I'm going to ask about Gloria the gardens I would like a a brief synopsis on what happened at that meeting that took place that the commission was been invited to I want to know what happened all right um are there any other okay so moving on to official board appointments um the only one I have is I would like to appoint nikisha Williams to the Planning and Zoning Board it's one at large appointment to fill that appointment so that's the motion that I'm making I what do I have to move it or okay or just say I agree you will have to move I mean I made the motion so you second all right Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz mayor Taylor yes motion passes are there any other Fisher board appointments I have a question for Miss Flores Miss Flores yes ma'am were you able to get an answer from the attorney's office in regards to yes I got an answer this evening and um you want me to speak to you individually that's fine okay I'll speak to you right there all right all right so if we have nothing else we can um move to join the meeting can I get a motion let's wait till 11:59 [Music] move this is the long somebody second hold up hold up make motion I second it myself this meeting is a j it was moved by commissioner William second by m come on hold