##VIDEO ID:I836ZKhIuSY## e e e e e e e e e good afternoon today is Tuesday November the 12th and you're at the city of opaka CRA meeting Madam Clerk roll call please board member bass board member Irvin here board member Kelly board member Taylor here Vice chair Williams yes board member Williams board chair Russell here we'll stand uh uh board member tellor can you give us an invitation then we will have uh Pledge of Allegiance Lord we thank you for bringing us together one more time in your name God we that you allow us to do your will for your people in Jesus name we pray Amen to the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all well we're happy to see everyone is here alive and well and amen having great things going on in our community and with the c and we um do we have any add-ons do we have any addons no what about 10 North it's been added to the agenda already it's a resolution on the on the agenda already on this printed agenda yes Okay no Okay um so hearing to North group uh I would like to sit out whatever vote that is which I'd like to okay um uh vice vice chair Williams would like to recru herself from 10 North group uh Mr attorney okay so what we'll do I'm I'm going to step on the attorney for a second you want to approve the minutes for 926 second any any questions if not uh Madam Clerk wrot call please board member Irvin yes board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes board chair Russell yes motion pass 5 Z okay Mr director you had a comment you would like yes I spoke with the attorney and we can move you can move items one through six those are the items that do not require a Rec recusal you can do items 1 through six as a bundle if we read the addresses for each of those items individually so I can do that quickly okay but resolution number one the address would be 7 wait a minute wait a minute we I wanted to just hear what you got to say we got to open up public comments you're right okay uh we're not open for public com comments hearing none seeing none public comments are closed okay Mr director all right so resolution 1- six will do as a bundle uh the the license agreement uh for the commercial rehabilitation program for resolution item number one would be 1710 Northwest 151st ter I mean 151st Street resolution number two it would be 14905 Northwest 22nd Avenue for resolution number three it would be 14975 Northwest 22nd Avenue um for resolution number four it would be 145 Northwest 27th Avenue resolution number five it would be 14561 Northwest 27th Avenue and for resolution number six it will be 854 Alibaba Avenue okay so and and number seven is number seven is uh 4 90 Alibaba Avenue but you're not going to pass those that one within the group yes okay um move it move by board member Taylor second second by board member Irving Madam um chair yes if you don't mind um Mr director for the sake of transparency can you tell us what this is exactly so you all created yes sir thank you um you all created the uh commercial rehabilitation program and we've identified these buildings uh that are in need of rehab whether it's the paint whether it's the parking lot whether it's the roof whether it's the signage on outside of the business um and we basically are signing ourselves we we're signing a document with the property owner to allow us to do work on that property um now as I told the chair earlier today when you pass the program um we can we can just run the program through our office off and allow people and approve people under what the program that you pass but for the extra level of C in uh we bring these to you uh to approve at at another level as well so um you'll see the vice mayor commented on how the uh the agenda was a little big that's the applications that's the work that that's being done on the on the different properties um and and as I told staff earlier you know they're saying you know we may run out of money if we run out of money that's a good thing there's there's another place we could bring get money from but you know we have a million dollars set aside for this um but the idea is to run out of that million bucks and if we need to get money from another location in the budget then that's we won uh so we're trying to get as many of these approved so far I think we're up to uh 17 U we're up to 17 different um locations that we're working on and um like I told the I was telling the vice chairwoman you know people may not see exactly what's going on because some things may be in permitting stages we have Windows that have been sitting in the storage facility impact windows that are going that are going to go on the Alibaba I mean I'm sorry on the liquor store on 27th Avenue but that needs to go in first before the paint goes in before the parking lot goes in before the new sign gets put up but we're waiting on a check and it's been again it's no one's fault I'm not trying to blame anybody it's just the the the nature of circumstances when we had the new budget turn over our budget wasn't turned over until two weeks and loaded into the system until two weeks in in October um and then there was an issue with the signatures with the city uh with the with the change of managers so that that took another two weeks we're hopefully going to get a check for the windows tomorrow or Thursday um and then you'll see those um Windows being installed some of these things are imp permitting um but we're working on them but there's 17 different businesses that we're working with to make sure you saw uh the there was a business owner here uh today she's uh she's a part of the program um you know she hasn't had a followup but we're going to make she was supposed to have one this week we going to make sure she has her followup but that's what we're doing every day uh coordin all of these 17 different mainly improvements and then I'll talk to you about the rehab program during the the home rehab program uh during the comment section for three minutes so that those that would be items 1 through six there's a motion and there's a second I I I wanted to know on um uh did you get your question Mr bo uh 14500 Northwest 20 Seventh Avenue what's the name of you know the name of that business you need to go oh Mi Mii Fish and Chicken okay so that's uh that's the whole building not just that one spot so I think there's four Bays there three or four oh it has the restaurant and the beauty supply I mean beauty salon and boutique I believe yeah so we're going to finish the uh we're going to finish the uh impact Windows paint signage uh we we had them update their signage uh quote because it was a little um it was behind I think they got it in June or July so we just wanted to make sure that everything was straight with the state they got an updated um updated uh sign uh bid on we'll be doing the windows signage parking lot paint um on that building and I think this is one of the only ones that they're going to be doing it themselves which is great so they they'll be required to get the bids on their own and we just pay the lowest bid okay uh my next question then would be who's overseeing their work we have consultant project managers that we're that we've hired that you all have already hired uh one of them was ber Tran wtow one of them was uh Evan fer um and we we're going to bring another one to you pretty soon I forget the gentleman's name Abraham metalo um before you I'm sorry to interrupt can you please introduce the young man that I'm going to introduce everybody because I was just embarrassed by the mayor that he had met the man so I'm gonna introduce when we get to that point okay all right because you keep talking to somebody in the audience and the people that are watching they probably don't know who you're talking to so uh anyway uh you'll do the introduction so um they're getting they're getting signed they're getting impact windows and they're getting their parking lot uh uh completed okay sounds good Madam before you call the question I know that's where you're going is it a you don't mind go ahead okay can you give us a list of who they are and what's being done yes on like a like a page or something like that yeah we have that ready U we went over it with the board members that were in um Tampa but you're right we promised that to you we will we will send that to you address and in the scope of we'll see you there tonight okay or in the morning y okay sounds good looks like you all are doing a lot of great work and uh I hope everything is on schedule and you're not um having any permanent problems um I like the idea that we have chosen contractors to do the work um you know I don't know I hope it works out well with the person that's getting their own contractor because in the past that haven't worked too well uh for us but anyway any more concerns board member okay good if not uh Madame clerk roll call please board bther yes Vice chair Williams yes board member Irvin yes board chair Russell yes motion pass 4 z um number seven how we handleing that number seven you it would be by itself with the vice chair accusing herself then we won't have a COR oh so we can't do number seven can you just no actually you you can't do number seven which is fine like I said before listen don't leave hold on like I said before this is just a a um an extra step that we take in improving these applications this is just an extra step that we take in approving these applications we will still approve this application and move forward they've already started their um they've already gotten their bids so we could start the work and then we could just come back to you in December so you could do the extra layer of approval but we we will move forward with the application okay okay so number seven uh you all are going to we'll defer number seven to the December meeting with the understanding that we're still going to move forward we're paying all the invoices that are that need to be paid okay um but we'll bring you know again I'm only doing this because we we have all these approvals at the state and if the state has a question and things get pushed back we've already done two levels of approval so we shouldn't have any questions exactly yeah okay so um anything else I would just like to mention a couple other things uh one is that um on our property purchasing uh 319 the one across the street the pink building uh we're still in contract phase with them um they had some issue with our phase two request to do environmental on the phase two I think I've laided some of their their their their fears about that we should have an answer to them on whether or not they're going to allow us on the property due to phase two obviously they're concerned that once you find something you got to fix it and then we back out and then I assured them we wouldn't back out that you know this is part of our mission as well to do environmental cleanups so they're supposed to talk to their partners and get that done um the other thing is that we made an offer on the church down the street that is for sale the address is 240 bomman Avenue uh we will be making an offer tomorrow morning um for $3 million for that property uh we've already gotten an appraisal um and so I will give you an update next month on where we are uh with with that purchase and um and then the other thing I wanted to talk to you about was the home rehab program and introduce you so we have two new staff members uh that I want to introd Consultants not not staff members Consultants that are helping us out with project management um and one of them we hired a while ago who's both a project manager and an IT person um because we were told by it that they couldn't help us under the previous administration but so we had to get our own it person to put the stuff on our website uh like the applications and the and the applications for the uh programs uh just simple things like that to put them on the website and then he turned out to be a great program uh manager he helps us coordinate all of these 17 juggling balls and puts them in a spreadsheet that we can understand where everything is at any point in case you all um you all have a question and that's just Mr Jerome senior um and recently um just this week uh we about to start and I know the vice mayor has been uh uh anxious for me to get the home rehab program started um and I as I told you before my hesitancy with starting the home rehab program is that you're going to have the opposite situation where we had with the commercial program with the commercial program we literally had to go out and hit the pavement and ask people to apply uh because most people didn't want to be bothered and whatever I think you're going to have the opposite effect with the home rehab program there's going to be a line around the corner for everybody wanting to apply and what I didn't and the Flyers made the the miss miss Von Carol kitchens is working on the actual application um to do some tweaks to that um but because of the issues that we're having with the commercial program and getting contractors paid on time um I would I didn't want to roll it out and then there'd be Mass confusion uh so we've hired her to help help us with that program and the and the um help us roll out that program so she's going to run that program um and that's it I guess right um and but we still need to figure out the Kinks with the payment uh there was one suggestion that we're looking into uh that would make it a little easier you know we looked at setting up our own bank account but that became difficult now there's another route that we're looking at so that the contractors could get bait in 3 days instead of 3 weeks um so and I think we have 40 we probably have enough for 40 homes we have enough for 40 homes um 40 homes is it 40 homes up to 40,000 but how many homes did we uh 10 to 15 homes currently but again this just like the commercial program there's money in there that if need being we can move over um to that program if but the idea is to just get something started now um and so that's what I have for right now sounds sounds good uh Mr director any questions or concerns from board members not right now and I'm still waiting to meet with the park about the park it's in the budget whenever you want to get that's the other thing we need to talk about but I know the mayor needs to leave but there was some discussion about uh Park um and I we have been looking at how we roll this out um so I would like to talk to you individually about that uh and then maybe bring something to the next meeting uh you know I want to understand I we requested a meeting with the the interim manager not sure if we got that meeting yet but I want to ask her also about what is the Parks Plan before we go out there to spend money not to duplicate things um but we want to spend money on the parks consultant to see how we can help uh the parks you know with with Capital Improvements um but before we do that we need to understand where the city is what the city's done um and then how we can fill in a gap if there is a gap that exists but we don't have to have that conversation tonight but just so you know it is on our radar uh to to to help and assist thank you right anyone else no I'm sorry in the individual meetings can you just um remember to bring up how the housing program will be rolled out yes like in detail the criteria how the people will be selected because 15 homes in a widespread large widespread area that's a small number so I think we have 15 homes I think that was 250 2000 how much was it we don't have to do it tonight we could we can we can discuss at it later but but uh uh I know that all of us as Bo as board members have been getting people that have been calling and asking and quite a few of the people that have contacted um at least myself they don't live in the CR area so I think the city also have a program so I've been referring them to the city so to make sure that um uh Mr director that when staff when they get phone calls from people that are not in the CRA that they make sure that they uh refer them to the appropriate people within the city so that you know everybody kind of have the same information flowing and our our um Flyers that we have if we would share them with the city as well to make sure that everybody's doing it in coordinates together and you know people are not just kind of left out in the while okay anything else quick question I'm does CR have a Facebook page um I'm I don't I know that the vice the chairman chairwoman asked about that we're going to get started working we don't or we do and we don't have the password that's that I think that was the issue okay right we have we have we have something we have like all the Social Media stuff but we've been it's been hard to get whatever the password is um but yeah the chairwoman um asked the same thing because she wanted this be rolled out on Facebook and social media uh so we did talk about that I don't know where we landed on it you can't talk unless you're at the mic yeah I know that's the way that we share a lot of our stuff on the city Side good afternoon everybody um name and and title my name is Jerome senior and I am a program coordinator senior is your last name yes it is okay I thought you were just no that's my actual last name I thought it was Jerome senior you know like John Senior or Junior go ahead so we um we reach out to the city manager's office and they provided us with the credentials that they had but none of those credentials worked so I don't know if you would like for us to create new a new social media page and start a brand new presence we can we can try and do that and just represent the C that way but as it stands right now we're having a difficult time getting into uh the current social media question do you know whose email is attached to that's I just about to ask I was provided an email I can share that it's an uh I believe a former opaka city employee can you use that email to it to see if you can do the recovery or reach out to the previous ex director yeah to see if he be willing to assist or know the password yeah I could do that okay okay but I think it I think it was done through uh the previous it uh person for the city but they should be able to get get their emails and so all they have to do is yeah so if you can get their emails I would perhaps try that way yeah okay and if not and if you need to start a new one yeah start a new one yes if you have to if you need to start a new one because we want to make sure all of these programs that we're rolling out we want to make sure that they're advertised and that uh the board members have access of they want to send information if if people requesting information from them they can just send it through the uh website you know just send them to the website and they don't have to worry about trying to give out information individually we'll get that work done okay and one of the other things that we'll bring back to you um I mean there's a lot of stuff going on but one of the other things that you'll probably hear from us more in the new year um we're going to hire a video team to basically Mark what we're doing and then they're going to be wanting to come out to interview you all also individually but we want before and after video so look at you know this building before look at it now and then they'll probably want to come visit you all to get some comments on the record and then we'll put that on social media or whatever the city's channel is um and and advertise that way as well on on you Youtube sounds good sounds good sounds good just know when you come to the CRA meeting you're gonna have some fun okay so laugh we're gonna laugh a lot here we have a lot of work going on but we have a lot of humor here we get it done with a lot of lot of humor so Mr director I know that everyone here is Happy um hopefully once we get the uh rehab commercial rehab we can get the business owners to also come and have a little meet and greet so we can meet the owners of the buildings and see what's going on and we see all the signs I love signs you know I love signs so uh so my thought was um and this wasn't an old thought this was actually a new thought because I know that you wanted to do something for Christmas last year and I kind of I strategically ignored it but maybe maybe maybe this it may maybe at this year's meeting what we can do I thought about this when I saw the DC to win lady here um maybe at the next meeting we can have uh some business but also some refreshments and invite the uh and invite the grant recipients yes to that meeting because otherwise it doesn't make sense to have Refreshments for us but maybe inite invite the grant recipients did yes sir yes oh I got it I got it I got it all right Mr director all all hearts and minds are clear motion for a German moved okay thank you good night everybody have a good time happy Thanksgiving so much fun serving with you guys what I do I wanted my three minutes