##VIDEO ID:O74jNYaEaoc## e good afternoon today is September 26 2024 and you're at the city of opaka c meeting um we're gonna stand ask uh board member uh tayor would you give us invitation and we're gonna have the Pledge of Allegiance so we thank you for bringing us together one more time in your name God we ask that you come into this meeting that we will do the will for your people your will for your people in Jesus name we pray amen amen to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Madam clerk can you do roll call please board member bass board member Irvin board member Kelly present board member Taylor present Vice chair Williams here board member Williams board chair Russell here thank you everyone for being here and um we are going to move right into our agenda um do uh Mr director do we have any add-ons or can you tell me what we the course of action that we're going to deal with today thank you most of the items on here are and it's up to you we can have a five minute meeting or we can have an hour meeting it's up to you um I'm willing to stay for either the two the one item that we need pass today the two items that we need to P today are seven and eight um and that we need done before Monday uh the other items we could put on the next agenda for I guess it would be two weeks from now three weeks from now and we can we can roll those over to the next meeting but we also have items that we're working on for that meeting so we'll just compound that that that that Tuesday so it's up to you all how you want to do it most of these are licensed agreements to fix up people's property and hire Consultants contractors to to work on that process so that Mo and that's what the other items are except for seven and eight okay um well I I'll take the will of the board if you you all um feel like we could go through them all of the items tonight mam chair yes sir I I don't problem going through them tonight I can't say I'll be here two three weeks from now may be having other things going on but I'm here tonight so if the major is willing we can go through them I don't think they're too technical that you know will take us all night anyway okay just okay any objections from the board members okay all right well let's move into the approval of the minutes from the last uh meeting 79 move it second mve by board member Kelly second by board member Taylor uh any corrections deletions add-ons okay uh Madame clerk roll call please board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes chair Russell yes for zero motion passed okay we're going to open up for public comments seeing none hearing none public comments is closed and we're going to move right into our resolutions Mr attorney please good evening Madam chair the majority whip has whipped up a quum first resolution 8 item 81 the resolution of the board of the opoc ra authorizing the executive director to enter into a license agreement under the commercial rehab program for property the property located at 1100 Alibaba Avenue also known as the DC to win restaurant and to execute any in all documents to effectuate the program and the license agreement move it second move by board member tell second by Vice chair Williams um any questions you're n Madam clerk roll call please board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes chair Russell yes motion pass 4 Z 82 please item 82 Madam chair it's a similar resolution for a license agreement um for the CRA uh to authorize the executive director to enter into a license agreement under the commercial rehab program for the property located at 800 Alibaba Avenue also known as the BC print shop and to effectuate and execute any and all documents to um execute the license agreement with this property can I get a motion move it move by board member Taylor second second by uh Vice chair Williams questions for the director if not roll call please board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes board member Kelly yes chair Russell yes motion pass 4 z Mr attorney please thank you madam chair the next four items item three four five and six are all connected to the previously established commercial facade improvements program the first resolution um is the CRA is authorized an executive director to um facilitate and execute a a facade Grant project design and Management Services agreement for the implementation of the program um starting with this property located at 800 Alibaba Avenue also known as the BC print shop move it second um any questions Madam chair yes sir um and it pertains to all of them because they're dealing with facade um grants program when we do this um design and the management service agreement for this um I guess they met all of these met all the criteria I guess that's the question I'm really asking okay and and if you don't have the answer you to tell me um how much of each of these are they all the same amount in terms of what we're spending on doing each one of them I'm just asking one question so I asked four times no they're not on the same amount but they're all under $100,000 okay right so all in 100 but they're different amounts yeah some require less work some require more work I have a question as well Mr director on uh we just passed two but on three it looks like it's the same address that would probably be one is for the actual agreement with the uh to able to give them the grant money and then one is assigning so we give them two options we can either assign a contractor to work with them um or they can go out and do it themselves and get paid on a reimbursement basis oh okay most people are taking us up on our offer to have someone assign to them so the second one would be to hire someone to work with that business owner to get that property up and going okay so that they don't have to go out and get their own contract or else it would never get done okay all right um does it cost us more when it does when we get the contractor yes okay so will they go over the 100,000 well that money would be coming out of a separate that's why you were approving this contractor because that money would be coming out of a second a separate line item not coming from the line item for the commercial Grant oh okay it'll be coming out of other contractors Consultants lineup but that's why you're approving it yes so that's we have two yes okay Madam chair yes sir um thank you so if they were to get close well we're signing cont so I'm assuming we have we're going to be working with the contractors so we would know if they're getting close to over the mount or something happens that we didn't foresee how how does that work does it come back to the is there a contingency built in or how does that work no we would have to come back to the board and tell the board look we're looking that this is going to go over what you approve can you approve more or not and then we move we move on from there but we're trying not to get to that point we're trying to scope everything uh to what we are going to pay for um but yeah it would it would need to come back to you if we spent any any more than what you improve okay I I appreciate that I'm just when you're talking about improvements to anything you know you get St started you're in the middle I don't want to you know take forever for us to meet to come back to approve something uh but if you're kind of ahead of the game to kind of know based on the contracts and I assume their experience you know we kind of thought this was going to be 10,000 it's going to be 15 so you know before we get that point and open up this and ripping up that and now it's in the middle sitting there waiting on the board to meet to approve as I was asking that question hopefully we don't have that situation but I can tell you that um what we're doing and and I think Mara can back me up on this what we're doing now is actually going above the extra step because actually once you approve the program the administration is allowed to administer the program and that means administer the program within the guidelines that you approve so I don't actually have to come back and show you every grant that we're going to you know um approve but because we're in the situation we are we are choosing to bring every single application to you for approval with a dollar amount so that there is no question so that if we if we have to go over it we also have to bring it back to you so we're going that extra mile to have you approve it have you approve the contractor consultant and approve the program a second time for this specific business that's well Madam chair that's why I was asking that question yes that's why I was asking that question because I know the way it's written you don't have to come back to us um but I I'm glad that you are coming back to us but and the reason I say that because obviously there's something up against a time frame and I'm just using an example hopefully it doesn't where you know we need to meet to add I'm going say $5,000 but we can't get a quorum for whatever reason you you actually have the ltitude to spend it and do it on you know come back to the board for ratification if that's the case um that's why I brought that up okay all right so we just have to keep a I own it due diligent wise um with the numbers and the amount and because the contractors are those that we're kind of we're selecting um gives me a little more Comfort level as opposed to someone outside and bringing their bills to us to want us just ratify them okay I I I can um go along with that and that's really the same question for all of these so I don't have to rea the same question on all of the um different uh addresses thank you madam chair M Madam chair yes sir um through the chair to the director I do have a question as it relates to the contractors is it one contractor doing all do we do RFP for that or you doing we're doing bid wavers for that and we're not doing one for all I think we this is the second one that we're doing tonight uh we're looking for others uh in the October meeting uh you should have two more um because we have 16 projects going on all together right now all of them have not been assigned contractors um so so we need to start assigning contractors but I also didn't want to overwhelm any particular contractor with three or four jobs so we're still looking for uh people who are qualified like the guy you all introduced us to last week we're calling him up uh to see you know interview him to see if he may be interested in some of this work but all of them have done work in opaka or are doing work in opaka and are familiar with the building department but no it's not going to be one person or two people it may be five people because we have 16 of these things that you're going to be approving um for renovation okay thank you madam chair any other questions concerns okay if not um Madam cut roll call Vice chair Williams yes board member Kelly yes board member Taylor chair Russell yes motion pass 4 Z thank you um uh before um the attorney reads the next one Mr director you know what I I I would like for you to bring back to the board uh you know you could do it in a written form or just a update we have that we have that and I'll get that to you I'll send you an email with that it's already done okay as to because we pass by them sometimes so we'll know that you know it is some work going on there so that'd be good yes okay and Madam chair if you want in in the I know that the attorney tried to get through this I think you just pass three if you want to move four five and six together that could save you some time okay since they're all the same uh gotta read separately all right okay go ahead got separately okay separate contractor yeah separate property owner separate report all right item 84 resolution of the CRA authorizing the exec director to facilitate and execute another facade Grant project design and Management Services agreement for the property located at 901 Sally Street move by board member Taylor second by board member Kelly any questions or concern if not Madame clerk roll call Board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes chair Russell yes motion pass for z Mr attorney excellent item 85 it's another resolution um authorizing the executive director to facilitate and execute that a facade Grant project design and Management Services agreement for the implementation of the commercial facade improvements program for the property located at 1100 Alibaba Avenue also known as DC to win restaurant move it move by board member tayor second second by board member Kelly no questions Madame Kirk please board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes chair russle yes motion pass 4 Zer Mr attorney item 8 86 the last of the facade improvements program um resolutions authorizing the executive director to facilitate and execute um facade Grant project design and Management Services agreement um this one specifically for the property located at 14532 Northwest 26th Avenue also known as a Tommy cycle property move it second move by board member Kelly second by board member Taylor um I just have one comment uh Mr director would you please I think we mentioned it in a meet past meeting to tell Mr Tommy CYO that that uh uh he can't allow his people to congregate there because that has been a sore spot for some of our residents say that you know we allow them with the dirt bikes to congregate there and then we uh don't allow other people to do it so please I will follow okay thank you is is that within the C director's jurisdiction no but I can make a a friendly a facade Gathering resolution all right the next item got vote oh you gotta vot board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes chair Russell yes motion pass 4 z Mr attorney please all right item 87 this is our annual fiscal budget it's a resolution of the CRA amending approving adopting the um the cra's proposed General operating and tax increment fund budget for the fiscal year commencing October the 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 as as set forth in your agenda packet and directing the executive director to transmit a copy of said budget to the State of Florida oversight board move it move by board member Taylor second second by board me uh Vice chair Williams any questions I can do a can we do a presentation yeah go ahead so just so you know um we have a budget narrative in the back some of the past accomplishes from last year's budget was uh we did get through $85,000 worth of rental assistance money we went through that uh last year that's a lot of people coming in asking for help with uh rental assistance we actually just um two days ago I think we only had this is how God works you know there's some preachers up here uh we we only had uh $500 left in in that account and the last person that desperately needed help who came in with the landlord you know we said all we have is $500 and she said all I need is $500 so w kind of worked out that the last bit of money we had went to her and so that program now is is officially zeroed out uh we also spent um money to create two green homes in in the opaka area with paletto Homes at $120,000 for the two homes um we started to spend money on the rose Titus uh butterfly garden we got an electrical work done the lights have been ordered they should be in this week the irrigation done Landscaping done um we purchased the property at 14401 Northwest 27th Avenue for $60,000 $650,000 and we also did two infilled property grants with waltower uh Enterprises totaling um $120,000 this year our projected revenue from the city Tiff is 1.7 74 382 and $898,000 for $672,000 from last year's budget um and most of that is program money that was not spent because we just didn't get the programs out in Time commercial program is a million dollars a part of this um but we do plan on spending most of that money this year because now we've gotten the programs passed they're ready and now we're going to kick them off um total revenue um for this year including the 4 million um from the carryover is 7 million 7,174 479 um there's a $1,699 for administrative expenses which includes accounting and audits advertising and notices local travel other administrative expenses our operating expenditures are at 3.3 million um our fee for the uh office that we hold here is 5,000 Printing and find 2500 out of town travel is a little higher this year because I think we're all uh going to this Conference in October um education 5,000 Professional Services which is include all of your staff by the way Professional Services um that would include this the Consultants that are now staff members uh by the way that cost is um 351,000 under state law with your budget at 2.6 million you're allowed up to 500 and 30,000 um for administrative costs so just let you know that we're keeping it down by a a lot we could go up but not going up but we're at [Music] 351 uh and that that includes all of our services uh Capital grants we're rolling out the development assistance grants again that's for the info housing program of $800,000 that's for any developer that wants to build and an empty lot or wants to rehab an existing you know derc building within uh the opaka they can come and apply for that Grant uh we have $800,000 for that uh we have by state law we have to we have to um Reserve 10% of our Tiff revenue for housing initiatives so that we have to put aside automatically and we put $270,000 and we figured that that can go to the firsttime home buyer program that you all started or any other Housing Initiative that you may come up with in the future that money can come out of uh out of that pot uh yes sir board member Taylor the development and assistance program being that is an infill housing program that doesn't con constitute as a housing a Housing Initiative it does so it's more money into housing got it um I before we go on I thought we were gonna put money back into rental assistance that was never decided okay sir I I know um the director well it started before it came in so he kind of just kept going with it um but I thought you were going to look at either some alternative um proposals recommendations as opposed to way we have it or the way it was laid out when you got here because the way it was laid out when you got here if I remember one of the meetings you said was kind of like open-ended with no really struction parameters but because it had started you didn't really bother with it but I thought for this coming budget you were either going to recommend something new different or um tweak it whatever you want to call it um but I didn't know we're not going to put anything into it um we started looking at something at the last after the last meeting because of what may vice mayor uran had said about new people coming in that want to move move into um want to move into opalak caser so we are looking at other programs out there to bring back but if you all want to start another program you tell us that you just tell us and we'll bring it back to you and do it well my my preference is I'm sorry let me cut you off uh my preference is not to fund it at the same level and look at some tweaking I I'm not saying making the criteria tougher but but it did get to the point in my opinion again this is my opinion where sometime people was like they knew it was there so just wait to come take advantage of it I think it's still needed I think we're still in a situation where people do have genuine concerns where things get behind and they need help um my my recommendation and I know we kind of got a pass this tonight so I guess I might have to come back as the budget amendment but I would look to put some dollars in um a rental assistance Pro you know the rental assistance program or whatever that we had before at a lower amount and if you have recommendations on tweaking the criteria you would do that and I'm just suggesting my chair and to my fellow members um we don't really say want to roll it out until we address the tweaks or whatever we want to do and so people come in now would just say you know we're redoing a new budget the budget has to be and so the program wouldn't start now until January or something I'm just throwing it out could be sooner but that will give you a chance to bring back your tweaks to the board the board can make any suggestions recommendations changes to it and then you could roll it back out but not at the same funding level that's the only thing I'm saying I I don't have a certain amount of my my colleagues do but I don't want to SP it at that same high level but if there are some suggestions I I'd like to hear them or you can come back as part of your tweaking to say you know not this amount but this amount not this many times but this you know whatever the tweaking you've dealt with it you had to deal with it I just think it's a program that's still needed there are folks that still have some rental and housing challenges um that's just my suggestion I like hear from my colleagues you know that's Madam yes board member Taylor okay I I agree with um board member on that um however so I am in agreement so on that but I thought we were going to put in the budget for Home Improvement programs so Madam shair can I it's okay if I can make a recommendation can we allow the manager to go through the entire budget and then we can maybe come back with questions because I feel like there's a couple things that we haven't gone through my um I'm 67 I need to when I have my questions ask in the moment I need I and so I need to ask my questions as we go okay ma'am okay all right okay okay can we feed this bird as it as it gets hungry okay Mr Mayor I apologize uh the the we do have the Home Improvement program I was only doing highlights that should have been in the Highlight yeah that's major yeah if you look at um on page 109 of 117 um account code under operating expenditures count code 515 548 Home Improvement assistance $500,000 okay because I just remember we tried to mirror it on the city side but I didn't see it okay I see it home improvement what's the number 500,000 I know but what's the the it's on the op it's not on the 515 515 okay all right home improvement assistance so so on the city Side you have worked with them or you've had conversation with them that they're mirroring no okay no we we we profit legislation to do one as well I think did we do that moving right along here I'm enjoy this meeting right here I'm not I looking up [Laughter] but uh when we do the go ahead I'm you okay when we do the uh rental assistance program can we I would like to see it capped at 50,000 it's capped at 40,000 40,000 right now okay oh you mean I'm sorry the rental assistance rental assistance program you would like to see it C at uh 50,000 last year we did 80 we did 85 right it was we did 85,000 total it was budgeted at 90 something and we just finished out the rest recently um but yeah I think we are far moved from the pandemic stage but uh as uh board member Kelly said there are still people that I believe that we probably can help I don't know whether some of the people in the past that we've helped I don't uh I wouldn't agree with them coming back for uh a second time but I would also like to see some of that uh dollar amount that you bring back to us that you think uh would be you know uh feasible to also include if it isn't but three people that want to move into the CRA area that some of that rental assistance money is set aside directly for that we'll bring something back to you before we implement it obviously okay and um but the one that's moving in is going to be tricky that's what we got to figure out uh but we'll we'll we'll see okay all right well you know I know I know that working with the rental assistance program was a lot in the reason why it was a lot by the way um because we actually turned into like a Social Service Agency for a long period of time because we have people coming in crying every day you know it takes hours out of your day you got to listen to somebody's problem that they can't make their rent so it did it did become an issue um the issue with the uh in our preliminary my preliminary look into creating a program that brings people in that I know that most of you are trying to figure out how to help people that already live in opaka right so how do you prevent something or someone because you can't and I think your attorney will tell you that the fair housing act won't allow you to prevent someone else from somewhere else coming to take advantage of a program like that you I know where your heart is you're trying to help people stay in opaka and if we can help them move into another place in opaka let's try to help them but once you open up a program and again I don't want to go too much into details and I'm just one of the first things that popped in my head when I started looking at this is what do we do when when there's a flood of people from Richmond Heights that deci side they don't want to drive no more and they want to move to opaka and they want to apply for the program you can't deny them uh that application from my little knowledge of the fair housing act um you can't spe you can't uh narrow your advertisement for housing to one particular group okay um so that's just one of the issues that we initially found found in that program but again we're going to work through it and bring it back to you okay and and we'll put a dollar number on it the other thing is to the board member Kelly's Point as you can see and I someone told me this long time ago I think it was I heard it from Arthur teal or somebody they said something like the budget is a living breathing document that can be changed all the time okay and these numbers in here um you know we had we had a $4 million carryover from last year so if there's any program that you all want to uh implement and put money behind we can take $200,000 from development assistance because it's February and it don't look like we're going to use that for $800,000 so let's fund this other program that's ready to go let's make it a budget amendment and and move that money around so there's we can do that sorry Mr Mayor so in other words you're telling us to shut up vote on the budget and move on so we go I got it we understand we understand I think we got it no he didn't say that he say he he say said be quiet well Bo got questions she got to get the questions out and the chair got questions no no no I don't I'm sry to go through the rest of it but thank you okay um let let's move right along to the rest of it Mr D done I'm done I'm gonna I'm gonna I don't think we got through all of it oh I thought St I believe Capital project spr oh sorry well then when I noticed that some were missing I said the end but uh so uh land State beautification projects $2,000 25 250,000 for Park improvements again there's nothing tied to this it's just money that we're putting aside just in case something gets tied to it um building purchases $1.9 million uh green projects $300,000 the rose tius butterfly garden 60,000 which I'm sure we're not going to uh come near that and I think that's it the rose Titus Garden that's a carryover from last year correct okay all right that's not a new 60,000 no okay um uh over at Ingram Park I think the last time I was over there the um one of the Pavilion doesn't have is in the covering is gone the canopy is gone over there so I would like for us to because Ingram Park if if my mind serves me right they said that Ingram Park is not designated as a park so it's difficult for them to get money from the county for Ingram Park okay Madam chair I am I am totally agree with with you on that only thing I would say um because I know you probably got to go out and get a price for it if you could find out so it can if you can find one it looks exactly like it but I really want to change both of them um so they're uniform but you can bring it back to us with the amount I know when I had um asked about it nobody knew where the other one the city actually paid for the second but the contractor disappeared he couldn't find him whatever so we ate the cost and they told me originally that was about I think they said $45,000 yeah which to me wasn't a lot of money but as you notice the city didn't put another back on there they left it blank so if possible um to the to the chair uh lady's point if we can look at doing both of them yes um so they are uniform um let's do it because I don't think the city's nowhere near and one of the things when we do have events out that people always ask why the other ain't covered and it's hard to just like yeah well you know the contract is gone it's gets kind of and and the covering is is so very important uh um and I've noticed that there are more people now that is using Ingram Park than than I've seen like in a long time the people that live in that area so I think to put some amenities over there in ingr park would really help that Park and the people that are using the park I um Madam chair yes sir I have a question even further that is there any possible way um to the to the do the uh chair to the manager that the C can adopt Ingram Park and redevelop it in its entirety how does that work and what does that look like or is that a process we talk we can talk offline I I think we talk about that offline but I but it leads me to the comment that I wanted to make through the chair about your suggestion remember this whether it's a park or not it's a city asset okay so that is totally within the city's commission Administration to figure out what they want to do uh with Ingram Park so I can't go in there and say oh we're going to change a and we're going to pay for it and make it blue can't happen that way so if I I will gladly reach out to the manager's office to say hey this discussion came up we're here to help okay Mr director mayor follow me for a second yes you could sponsor inter local agreement that's what I was thinking too like between the city and the CRA where the city the C can adopt Ingram Park okay but we can we can further yeah this discussion right now I would like to be let off the hook from looking at canopy prices uh until we talk to the manager and or get some inter local together because I really can't go out and put a canopy in Ingram Park okay Madam share yes um I have a few questions the first one is I know that we talked about hiring someone in code enforcement and I wanted to know if that has worked into this budget or if we decided to not do that um we decided to do that that person is not hired I think that would come as in one of the administrative costs okay under other other contractual services that would money would be transferred over to because they haven't given us a determination so okay when they give us a determination we'll take it out of that pot and transfer it over got it and then second I think the interviews there was a question about that last week and I got an email today that the interviews that I'll be sitting on will be next week great okay just wanted to make sure we we were budgeting for that and then second can you direct well two I'll ask the two questions together one can you direct me to where there funds to improve the properties that we're purchasing and then the second question is do we need to include revenue for for from just rental uh since we will hopefully have two buildings but at least have one building that we might consider renting out uh we could do that um and what I've been doing now is taking the money out of [Music] um the commercial Grant Improvement program uh so we've done work already at the Chinese restaurant for example it is a commercial building within so basically granted ourselves money to fix or to clear out the inside if you look if you went in there before it was a complete mess yeah now it's completely cleaned out all the garbage debris everything taken out it cost $7,000 and five truckloads of uh garbage to to clean out that money came out of commercial Grant Improvement um we could you know line it out and do our own thing but for Simplicity sake we just take it out of and if we run out the good the idea is if it's it's a good thing if we run out we haven't run out we just we don't want to run out before we finish the work but I I look at this line item here and that makes me feel um good yeah no that would come from that but the idea is we we carried over $4 million this year yeah and are do we think we'll receive some revenue from uh renting the space out I don't think we'll receive it this year okay unfortunately because both of those all of those any all those spaces need some work the SEC even the one right around the like the one just around the corner from here as well that needs more work than the Chinese restaurant oh wow okay all right thank you that's it those are my questions okay so um GRE uh Street Scapes that's lighting that's lighting yes where we looking at anywhere um anywhere within the um CRA area or do we have there's a specific location but that's something Sandy was working on I gota I will get back to you on that I'm not going to give you false information okay all right all right because I know um over in the Magnolia North Area um down those streets they really could use some um some lighting um uh especially I don't know when you you make the first turn right there by uh the culture arts building what that street where they opened up that store down yes okay I know the street dep yeah but uh over in that area they really could use some lighting and where that uh little Tot Lot Park is they need some lighting over there um at as as well so if we can please look at those look at those areas and in talking about uh Street Scapes um Mr director I know that we had a downtown uh master plan that the CRA had uh uh put together have you ever seen that plan I I think so but not not recently I think I saw it before I was hired here actually um I don't think I've seen it since I've been hired but I'll take a look at again okay because maybe we could look at that plan that we had and and and bring and pull some of those projects out of that plan as well to do some things in downtown in the downtown area good Madam chair yes sir I'm thinking on the same line I just want I want to get the the budget pass when I look at the fact that we do have carryover we got some and I know there was a big book was a lot of things happening in there but I do recall there's some things within there um that as a c we can start working on um to at least get the ball rolling I'll say it like that for our downtown and as the chair mentioned it's it's some things in there I I think we could work on so if you could go pull the book and even if we need to do a I don't want to say Workshop I on Vision setting whatever to kind of because I know some of might be old too because it's been a while yes it may be updated but there might be some elements after you look at it um Mr director we have a half a day something and make recommendations show us what we can pull from here and actually start doing something because one of the thing we have not done at all really is touch downtown other than yeah City Hall I mean I know Chavez redid their building but in terms of the city we haven't done anything except we're doing uh Downtown City Hall and I'm wondering as we move forward and I think the mayor probably knows the date better than me hoping to have it done pretty soon but what about the rest of everything and it doesn't give a good look even though I know what we're saying it carried over to have two three four whatever million dollars sitting and part of what we be doing is um something downtown whether it's buying property again it might be buying properties just so we can decide we want to do with them but I still rather have that oh my God what happened you no sorry we have a pocket item that we need to uh we need to pass tonight and commissioner Kelly just reminded me sorry we need to go get that go get it y sorry director Kelly um one of the ways that you could accomplish this is um Mr director is maybe a joint strategy meeting on on the part of the agenda between the CRA and the city to kind of discuss some of these overlapping mutual interest well I I don't have a problem with that but I want the first initial yeah Workshop or setting to be the CRA sure before we do Jo I know we got some members overlap but I'm just saying sure for the director can kind of lay out to US based on our budget so we have that joint whatever we kind of know what we can do as a sure TR and in the city can decide what it wants to do I I just know from that some of the things in there we need to move on I think one of the first thing we have to do is literally buy up some properties yeah um to make whatever we gonna wind up doing I think we G have to buy some properties to make it happen so I'll let you in the you in the chair kind of after You' looked that the the master plan and got some ideas and y'all can maybe think of a time either hour before the regular meeting or maybe two hours in some other setting just deal with that so you saying look at purchasing some properties in the downtown area well what I'm saying is based on the downtown master plan if I recall I didn't read the whole thing either a big to do some of the things we want to do to change our image to change whatever knowing that historic City Hall is at the end of the road here we may need to buy up some of these properties coming in to opalak and I'm just going to say from you know even from 27th Avenue it could be before that from 27th Avenue come around the curve many to buy up some of these properties you know and I said that even before chin medical came because right now there's downtown is not us downtown is something else and to to make something what you want we may need to buy the properties and then you know go from there but he got to look at the whole because he hasn't looked at it I'm just going my memory from some of the parts that I recall um seeing in there and commissioner KY I Madam chair if you don't mind yes I don't mean to cut you off but said something um and the attorney alluded to it why can't we do a strategic planning session so from this setting a think tank Round Table you suggested it next month before the new year and put a plan in place and work that plan going into the new year so yeah I I think what I what we need to do is find that downtown master plan I don't know know it exists I've read but it was before I got here yes but I'll I'll pull it out again and uh hold on one second I'll pull it out again and U read it again um I'm getting getting excited because I have a meeting tomorrow and again this is all stuff people are bringing to us like we we're looking at purchasing this 391 building uh there's someone that heard that we're purchasing and they have this idea you know they want to put a nice restaurant throughout throughout the whole thing and make it like a Downtown Bar food type thing um I mean just preliminary stages we're just taking a look at it but from what I saw but those ideas to commissioner Kelly's point we need to have a round table discussion and and the biggest difference is because we've got potential money to buy right and again that goes to that we can dictate what we want to see there whatever that winds up being the board can decide on on that part um so Madam chair think after the um director reviews it and can come back and um I like the idea strategic session and then if we after that we can uh look at the Joint session with the city but at least we'll be clear what we are looking at exact CRA and what we can contribute what dollars we can contribute and um yeah because I'm I'm convinced if the C doesn't make a move to do something downtown ain't happening somebody else you know s has to make a move to to do something with downtown otherwise we gonna still keep passing through at 9 o'cl and ain't nothing here I hate to say it like that but that's what it's what it's going to be so I I'll let you speak with the chair after he reads it and to the um the mayor's Point strategic session whatever you want to call it uh probably going to take at least two or three hours so we can look at it because I know that booklet was real big and some of the things may be out outdated even because some of it went to sidewalks and improvements and uh potential restaurant or night life Etc and I believe one component even dealt with some housing on top with retail restaurant there a lot of different components of that potential Downtown Development so after you look at it you can give it a chair and and come back with a possible uh dates that we can look at so that's good good idea okay guess I want to mention thank you madam chair you you finished board member tell I was going to Mo make move to call the question for the budget for weend I second okay motion by board member Taylor second by uh Vice chair um Williams roll call please ma'am board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes yes Vice chair Williams yes chair Russell yes motion pass 4 zero and Madam chair yes if you don't mind I want to make a motion to um add on resolution number 2410 to the tonight's agenda I'll second okay we it may get a new resolution number but yes okay so add on 2410 B to be known as 2410b for now for now to tonight's agenda yeah okay uh it's been motion and second roll call Madam clerk board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes board member Kelly yes chair Russell yes uh motion pass 4 Z okay so uh We've accepted this resolution so we have to now um you want to talk about introduce it which one you can you can take the next item and then we have one more item be one more item so item 8 88 a resolution of the opalo CRA authorizing the issuance of purchase orders for the engagement of contractor employees pursuant to the approved fiscal budget of the CRA and administrative office and project management functions in amount not to exceed certain budgetary allocations I was gonna move it but Peggy said she don't need this item pass tonight so we can move on we wanna go home a second by Vice chair Williams uh any discussion uh no no discuss I want to know why Peggy maker okay roll call Madam uh uh uh clerk Vice chair Williams yes board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes chair Russell yes motion pass for zero director Johnson no last item um the resolution added um resolution number 2410b or to be numbered um appropriately is a resolution of the opoc CRA authorizing the executive director and CRA attorney to conduct the purchase of properties located at 391 opaka Boulevard and 879 fisherman Street um to include the preparing title work to complete the transactions second discussion um move by board member Kelly Kelly second by Vice chair Williams um discussion board member Kelly you wanted to yes I want the the director to kind of explain so yes sir um This falls under whatever you want to call it no good deed goes unpunished uh you know go to try to go to extra mile and they kick sh but but this is what happened here we already approved this you already approved back in May for me to enter into a contract with the sellers of 391 opaka Boulevard um it's been as Vice chair will tell you a process in dealing with the seller and getting them to the table um to do anything either from answering a phone call to accepting an offer to whatever the case may be it's it's been ever since we started this process it's been pull and tug pull and tug so you all approved for me when we you know came in May and said look go buy this building go into contract so we signed a cont contract and we sent it over to them with your approval in may they did not sign that contract until August okay so all of the due diligence periods and all that all the dates and we had negotiated that back for May um so basically we need a new Council approval date and the last date to do that is actually today okay um that's why we're bringing it as a pocket item or or else the deal goes dead again and we have to start all over again and we don't want to do that we don't so we want to approve because we just got the environmentals back uh yesterday there's still some stuff that we need to ask on on that so we need to we're going to need a um a um what do you call an extension on that U but in order to do all that stuff we need to approve the contract again today with both signatures now that they've signed and we've signed and then we'll continue on without our due diligence process but the only day to do that that's why we're bringing as a pocket item would be the 20 um 6 whatever today the 26th of of September um so you've already approved it we're just asking you to approve it a second time so we could push the dates back so that we can do all the due diligence uh that we need to do Madam Madam chair the yes sir the city we our team we're ready to this is all teed up but as a matter of process um we have to get it on the record as um for for the dates to be amended and updated okay today M Madam chair yes sir uh board member Taylor so my question is nothing has changed from the original resolution to to now nothing to now just the dates the dates will change because everything was contingent on when the council approved it but because I came to you I guess I had done it I guess it was done differently in the past where it wasn't approved by the council until the the deal was done and so what I've done is I brought the deal to you before it was signed by the the the the seller so I got it I got it approved first but then they took three months to sign it yeah so all the things that we had you know if you go to the I don't want to get too much in the no you don't have to I I I I got you so it's just the date but if you see the denim one you'll see all the dates in the back and it tells you all the all the different dates the deposits are due when when uh environmental periods are due and all of that is contingent on when the uh when the uh all that is contingent upon when the uh board approved the purchase of the uh of the building M chair where's where's this that it's right across the street the one that you're talking about right now that we need to buy yeah the one that has a lot of different business and this with the old turkey with the old turkey building back Barrett sold Oh I thought it was something else no this is yeah because we had already done this we bring it back yeah oh okay okay I was wondering you know I thought we bought this I thought he G to say something like so they basically waited all this time they waited a long time oh okay that was okay all right so that's one so that that would be one downtown property that we have that entire correct uh location there okay and you have uh you and it has tenants there it has uh three tenants and three vacancies I believe okay four if you include the restaurant okay okay okay no problem uh you have any questions no no no I just trying I didn't forgot it was that location it been so long yeah um Madam clerk roll call please board member Kelly yes board member Taylor yes Vice chair Williams yes Russell chair Russell yes motion pass 4 Z okay I think that's it but before we uh dismiss are there any other downtown properties that you know of that are for sale um I don't know of no downtown one huh I think it's one downtown where which one down on the end Nale the Barrack surface that's what I was thinking about too that's there one downtown right me the address I hope they yeah that's ni give me the address I will where what's the address oh okay okay okay all right so that's not downtown though is that it's going to City Hall going to St the hall that's still considered downtown okay all right all right nothing else for the board no but I am going to stress again um commissioner Kelly's request to do a strategic planning session I think that need to happen like ASAP I will contact the manager in the morning no no not us and and not in this setting in this a think tank even if we have to go off campus somewhere where we can actually die into it and bring ideas and stuff but I think that needs to happen like before the new fiscal year sounds good okay but that starts on Tuesday so again I mean you know I'm trying to say but the new F year starts on Tuesday I told him you mean the new calendar year the new calendar year but no ASAP I think it's happen now likein like next month okay motion to adjourn motion to ad Jour thank you all for uh saving me with the state and count okay let's not forget about the hurricane that's going up the pan handle and all the people really wow it's your G meeting is a jour