good afternoon welcome to the community relations Recreation and activities board meeting meeting is being called to order at 6:42 p.m. February 26 2024 roll call Brian Dennis here Angelina Roberts Eugene Stanley pres pres and Miss Cherry magaline present invocation will be led by Deacon Stanley right bow their heads father God we give you the honor give you the pleasure we give you the glory Lord God we thank you putting these mind together Lord God to do your will Lord God we ask you right now that you decrease us and you increase in us that we may make the right decision according to your will we thank you for our health and we thank you for our strength and Lord God lead us Lord God you said the the the feat of righteous man is All About You Lord God that our feet might go in the right direction in your name in Jesus name everybody say amen amen Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and justice for all we have the park can we have the Park and Recreations direct this report please good evening to give you a briefing we had um interviews this today for the parks of recreation Recreation leader positions we had um the 70s ball on last week Friday we had a nice event we wish that some of the other additional residents would have came out to be a part of the event but me and my staff is going out in the community and we've been passing out literature in regards to the events that's coming up within the parks department also we had the football and chili to bacquet this not this Saturday but the weekend before and we had over 250 participants with their parents that actually came out it was a very huge success also this Thursday at 6 o'clock we will be having our black history program with our after school program the seniors on the move as well as other Outreach Community programs that will be involved in our black history program on Thursday at shabi Park we had basketball this weekend we also had inspection this weekend and we're preparing for the upcoming track and field event so we will get y'all out a schedule once we submit it to the city in regards to when the the track meets are and where they're located at our youth basketball games are scheduled at um Charles Hatley Park and they start at 9ine and they finish at 1:00 and this Sunday just passed we had our first flag football games this Saturday so we ended up with our vity team lost one and won one but the other three teams they won both that concludes my report ch um discussion for I'm sorry we move now to item after the discussion of the music festival Vice chair recognize the Medan was called tonight for just to give a number based upon um what we would need to actually fund the um 2024 music festival in opaka we don't have a current date because it has to coincide with um the Bingo the um karaoke it's going to be a festival weekend but I am proposing to the board that we ask for 50,000 no not to exceed 75,000 so let me let me bring an update about the the festival I did have a meeting with the with the managers office and they did not put a dollar amount on what should be done what I what I am trying to um grasp around is who sponsors the Bingo and is it a full City commission event what I don't want to do is is put something around one particular commissioner and then we have issues with the other four Commissioners I would rather for us to do something with the entire the entire board I thought the the board of um Commissioners which includes the man and the four City commissioners so that there would not be no one would seeing any type of favoritism so the meeting with the um the manager's office as I stated earlier there was no dollar amount given as far as the vision and what it would attain to to get there what did concern me about the about the dollar amount was that we have money sitting there since last year that should have been added to so I'm looking at $150,000 that was set set aside in the 2223 fiscal budget and the same money is set aside in the 23 24 fiscal budget when it should have been an increase I'm also concerned that while we are putting on an event to coincide with with um karaoke and bingo we still as a board has not paid attention to what was done at Ingram Park which was absolutely nothing there was a17 Million supposedly Sur Surplus that was founded between the 22 23 budget where in the 23 24 the 2324 budget and still the park look the same with no improvement we are steady steady um trying to get Improvement for the playground equipment for both Ingram seagull and shabi Village what we're discussing a music fest which I don't have a problem with what I want us to do as a board is to see the results the fruits of our labor which is not taking place and before we can say this is what we want to do we need to get the results of what needs to be done and that's not happening I did have a brief discussion with the CIA director a few weeks ago so I'm looking to follow up with him soon but until we get those items done those items are most important playground we coming into the summer we coming in the spring break soon to be in another month or so those items are more important than a music F and I don't have a problem with doing it what I do have a problem with is that everything that we've been asking for and trying to get done we have not gotten done from the playground to The Back Blues to all the other parks and we're responsible for that so finally we have a director um with the CRA that is willing to pitch in so I think the ask of this board should have been the results of what we try to what we should be looking for we are the community relations Recreation and activities board and when you go to England Park there's nothing on England Park the only thing that's news on England Park is a trailer no Gates no playground has been done the tennis court hasn't been done not none of that stuff has been done it needs to be done we still we talking about for a whole year in another fiscal year about the playgrounds on Shoni Village guess what nothing same thing at single Park nothing same thing at the back blues nothing we we're going to do something to support something but what our goal is as far as the community we're not doing don't nobody want to see the Arabian Nights Festival return more than me nobody I was a part of it I marched it in in the band I saw sorry for what it really was but again let's look back at it a year ago this time we came back almost a year ago set up had the whole festival done the whole festival done had don't had a conversation with the director with the associate direct director at Floyd andm we had family invited we had all type of sponsors everything fell through nobody wants to do anything because of the politics in the city it's not about politics with me it's about business it's about getting the results and we're not getting any results as a board rubber stamping something to put on the music fest when our kids don't have what they need think the need of this board need to be focused on the playground and those children children getting that equipment done and those children getting getting that equipment fixed so we don't have a lawsuit and those children that's key until we get those things done I think we need to be talking about the music fast we need results and right now nobody from the forth floor or any other floor has given us the desired results but they will send they want us to send something around an event for them was not the children if the children of the future why are we treating them like they the past so I have an issue with that I really do have an issue with that I don't have a problem with supporting the the event at all what I have a problem with is that we've been asking for results for equipment for over a year and we have not gotten it we don't seen people do press conference we don't seen people get lawsuits we don't seen people get fired but we have not gotten the children what they needed yet so that is that is a concern for me the music fest as far as I'm concerned is an afterthought for me you all if you all want to approve it you can but I'm telling you as a chairman of this board my vote is going to be no because the very same people that want something center around the event can't come and stand up and getting undone as a commission to say we're going to put some money on the playground so as we're coming up here talking about the playground they're hanging people in the middle in the balance to make people look like they're not doing their job when we all know that's not true we know it ain't true people are doing their job and they're caught up in the middle of some politics that shouldn't be $500,000 was supposed to been put on Ingram Park and we don't have nothing nothing on Ingram Park but a TR people give the illusion and Grand grandioso speeches and saying this is what they're going to do to get done but at the end of the day the illusion is the illusion is a reality for me that is nothing happen as a boy I would like for this boy to go around to The Back Blues go around to England Park and look at that equipment on on shabi because I did and then I'mma give you something for good measure go on Rutland Street do you know that the water meters from about six or seven homes maybe nine or 10 of them is sitting in sitting in Seagal Park the water meters that belong to those homes that is that sit behind SE Park is inside the park so now if the city took people property and those properties has a leak in them guess who's going to have to pay that cuz it ain't on the homeowner so so what's more important us being for the community of putting on the Music Fest it ain't politics with me it's business it has always been been business since June of 1997 and no business has gotten done Madame director you are doing a fabulous job regardless of the politics fabulous jobs so if you take the politics out of it then the results would be the playground equipment is on all these Parks including the black blues all these children will be good it won't be no yellow tape on none of the playground equipment and then the music fest could move forward until we get those results I'm telling you right now y'all could call for the vote but mine no chair Vice chair reconn um we we're not going to debate all night um the Music Fest it was an idea to come up with the Music Fest because they had it in the budget already it wasn't to single out to say that we just had to have a music fast now let me let's go back a little bit further when we come when we start touching different situations with the politics of opaka they're going to run it the way they want to they're going to do what ever they chose to do and this is the outcome of everybody doing what they want to do just as well as you have a voice I have a voice I mean we've been fighting since 1992 97 whatever it's been the same pattern what happens is personally and this is just my personal take 40 years I lived in the area of Ingram Park I grew up on Ingram Park that Park should not have been open at all I know it's the heart and the soul of the commission whatever but it should not been open because it's a straight liability part that's from the beginning now I could tell you a lot of things to fix it but to temporary fix it is not the answer for it we don't we didn't have $50,000 to put a trailer out there it's big enough for maybe 10 people out there that's a waste of $50,000 we have wood going around Ingram Park that should be pulled up you can't pull it up because they don't have a replacement for it the the fields both Fields the gate the fencing need to be replaced they need to be open up it need to be a passive Park until you find out the direction and the funding the correct funding to to fund that partk that's my issue I'm all for telling the residents we're going to open the park up open the park right you know when you open something right it's right whether you live that one year 10 year 15 years it's still a passive part the big problem that we have at Ingram Park that nobody have an address and everybody keep Hing Ingram Park why haven't anybody came up with a plan to get the back get it a two-way entrance so it could be certified as a partk it's not even listed as a partment those are things that people need to tackle you know most of the time I do my homework nobody don't have to tell me most of nothing that goes on here I do my homework but if you do the right thing and you put people in the right places and you move the way that you're supposed to move that don't happen that partk been there for 60 plus year 60 plus years maybe more than that when trans Mr transman was the first black um miror opalopa it still goes back to the same thing don't put a Band-Aid on stuff fix it the right way we put they put a a $100,000 fence around the part okay you put a $100,000 fix that don't surface the part couldn't paint on a building does not clear up the fact that the teen building need to be torn down you know the senior citizens were moved to to seagull Park that should have never happened because that building that they have on Ingram Park was their building why was they move they that shouldn't have have been done but the the history of you have to know the his history to understand why things shouldn't be done here yeah they holl to put them in a new building but that's it that's a community part it's in the in the neighborhood that should not have have been singled out for the seniors at all that's my opinion on but England Park the senior the senior citizen building they're utilizing it to for summer camp different things and you still have to go in there and fix theart when they first brought it apart brought it before I said it's no way it should be open up you know do the the concession stand is too small you're going to do the right thing enlarge the concession stand put the right wood um fencing around the park the way that it's supposed to the basketball basketball court is a liability because it's w sided the tennis court need to be torn down all of those things have to be done before we talk about fixed the part the best looking thing on um Ingram is the back part out there by the lake know why they pay somebody to to clean it up and do everything in reality the park should not have been open I don't care about the resident saying well you know what it's our Park it's our Park it's our Park it's our park I'm a person that was I lived there for 40 years before I came on this side I lived there for 40 years that's my heart and soul too but I want it done the right way I don't want I don't want them to keep moving moving a basketball court from the top to to the bottom or whatever it is cuz where the parking is that used to be the basketball court then they move it back down to the bottom then it seink and the core Rock under the bottom of it so it could lever because it was a muck and it it was a swamp come on now all these things need to be addressed but everybody keep holling Ingram Park engram park engram park Seagal park that's another issue I it should have been addressed just like it was on the east side where um um the east side where England Park is where they messed up the um the property line the PE the residents over there need to address it not one residence all of the residents need to address you know it's not my fault it's not your fault but when you have people making protocols and they putting things in in in motion you have to do things the right way if it's my property it's my property you ain't going to take my property away from me but one person will not fight the city of opaka to fix it that's not going to happen over there Ingram Park the people fighting for the same reason and guess what it still haven't been figured out it's a lot of things that need to be sorted out before we start just jumping on situation where we just targeted what Ingram Parks need to be fixed I I I would love for it to be fixed back Blu same issue you know everybody say well you shouldn't say bad things about the back blue I don't have a problem with anybody in the back blues but this is something been going on for 40 years in the back back blues this stuff that needs to be addressed before it even come to Full Circle it ain't happen overnight it ain't going to get fixed overnight that's not how it's going to work the playground is sinking in the back back blues they knew that when they put the playground back there they was going to see they knew that already you don't put something there just to say you putting it there that's not how it works Shaban part same thing same thing you could give a quote but you have to put things in motion to make it happen that playground said I told them o over a year ago it's a straight liability that's why I said the um in the last meeting that we have that that fit that um playground needle lighting system around now the kids are over there you can't even see in the park right Vice chair I'm I'm I'm I'm pondering something you said and if that is a $100,000 gate around that Park I wonder where where the rest of the money went at oh well I'm not the bookkeeper so I can't tell you that ain't no $100,000 I'm not the bookkeeper but I'm just telling I'm just saying to you they put a fence in around it but that that doesn't my point to you it doesn't solve the main issues on the park that doesn't work for that doesn't work for the city you know the park shouldn't have never been opened until they open that partk properly here here keep it as a passive partk get somebody out there to check on the part keep it as a passive part because it's a nice part but you have to fix it the tents on up um Pavilion back there they got go cost $112,000 for each one over there they put one on one side and then they got the cost for the other one and then they left it alone all of that stuff cost money you have to fix things the right way so here here here here here's what I'm saying and I'm saying this as a chair I used to go out the engram park before I went in in the marine courp and that's why I trained that that's why I ran that I ran my miles out there business as usual has to stop now it it it has to stop now and even though we are a board that is appointed by the commissioner we still have to be stewards of the community there there is no way that that part or any other part and the items that we've been discussing for a whole year should still be the same thing I'm I'm I'm not I'm not going to to agree uh um allow something that I've seen as a member of this community since 1986 see it continuously be ran the rank ran the same weight and it's something always said we got the same game but new faces that that's over with I might be the chair of this board but I'm not the only voice that sees this we can't keep seeing it and turning the Blind Eye to it we can't allow people jobs to be on the line for something that they have no control over because people H than them are playing games that ain't fair so so I'm like this here and I'm G close with this here M Miss uh Madame clerk if you would like to call a ro because I'm I'm saying this right now the meeting that I had with the city manager Office it was a good it was a good meeting but for what I seen riding around in the park I'm not going to throw good money after a bad situation where we know what we've been asking for and to tie this board to it what I see is a snake in the bag that's what I see I see the snake in the bag if you don't know what I'm talking about watch Kill Bill too everybody looking for the money but when the snake come out and hit everybody then everybody sitting there looking stupid I'm not putting my name on sh go ahead Vice I agree with it I agree with it we don't have to vote we don't even have to vote on it because not going to pass it but I'm saying to you it was already budgeted but the only issues that that I'm having with it everybody keeps saying one uh Ingram Park is not being fixed the park system is not being fixed you know you have everything going on but it takes you have to put those things in motion to fix them we went to the CRA for playground we got every excuse in the world for not the CRA not doing it at all at this point CRA could have done one playground it wasn't even about just straight opaka C could have done that if you go on the east side which I did um uh a couple of days ago all the signs for beautification in certain people yards around um the surface of um that that particular um those streets from C if that could have been done it should have been playground set fo on the part that's my problem so M Madam clerk cuz you see where at with this y'all understand where my vote at with that okay we're gonna we we're not even we don't even have to vote but I'm just telling you I mean we could call a meeting right now but um it's bigger fish than just one situation you can't fix five people houses in a in the area that you want to fix you made sure that those houses are fixed we're not going to go through details of why those houses were picked why those houses were pick because everybody know the situation on those houses we're not going to go there cuz the houses I saw I know who attached to all of those houses yeah we know who attached to them houses so you G have to call them Spade the Spade it is what it is this this and this what gets me this what gets me people know what's going on but then you don't want to call the name put a name to it they say you can't call name put listen I do know that c has worked with certain Commissioners Commissioners on the board and I'm not going to step on nobody toes about it but the houses I know that was completed on the east side I know exactly how those were done they were picked out personally because of the attachment that they have to commissioner we're not going to have a vote we're going to um come on adjourn this meeting so we G to leave it alone I got we got we got guests that I I I did I did Welcome the guest to come in and we we're as a board we're going to do something we we are definitely going to do something so we we just want as as a chair this board and I'm and I'm sorry y'all had to come to a meeting and hear this as as a chair this board the the children are more important I'm getting older so I need somebody to be able to play have good Strong Jeans and Bones so they could be able to contributed to that Social Security and that that that I'm going to get on top of that pinion and right now if they running around doing everything else and and everything else is in the fron of them to do then they not thinking about the part they're gonna think about knocking each other head off and and that's what we trying to get away from that the the one thing that I could say about the park staff they got Champions over there that that staff that that the director have they build Champions they they build champions they don't been what the Super Bowl champions for the last few years and you you you have to give people what they work for we we have a we have a big enough City to where none of our kids should be going out playing on nobody else par they should be all inside the city but we have to be able to give them something to to be a to be proud of and to play with you understand what I'm saying so I know that y'all came do want y'all to in introduce yel and we do know in the future that when y'all come in the front of this board that you ought to be be willing to work with us and and we could be able to y'all could be able to help us do what we need to do for the city but I just feel like we putting a c in the front of the horse and it ain't nothing gonna move it's a cart in the front of the horse cu the horse gonna walk the other way the C gonna still be sitting there so we as as this boy we talking about a community and we seeing what's wrong with the community we got to bring it to the for ront and anybody know me know I don't care who who don't like it because it is what it is if that shoe was on the other foot they would want somebody to voice something for them or they will say something and stand up for themselves and it's time for the game plan to be over with no more Illusions no more grandios so speeches and trying to promote oneself to do something that we know you really not doing it's been a whole year I've been a chairman for this board soon to be a whole year and we've talked about things that could have been done and have moved this city and everybody could have got the benefit of it from the man the Commissioners on down because that's who going to get the glory the men the Commissioners so we asking them to work with us but if you got somebody that's not willing to work with us and that's gonna play games then we gonna still be doing what we doing and and for me 2024 game time is over game time is over we came here last year and talked about the Arabian kns and talked about what we was going to do and we did the leg work to get it done only to have some people get upset because things didn't go their well felt like you know somebody should be in suppored them when they not I I didn't I didn't get what I want when I was when I didn't bring home good grades that's that's what I was taught you don't do right in school you don't get what you want and so with that um I I feel like that part because it was a big effort for Ingram part to be done and the money was supposed to be over there and the plans came to this board and we saw those plans and I pay attention to what's being said I watched I watched the manager on channel 4 news saying that he found $17 million that was we can't do nothing with it because that was this fiscal year so now October 1st don't came a new fiscal year started so why the money ain't moved we wouldn't have to go to the CRNA ask from anything because we got $17 million surplus and the city could get that stuff done itself time out for game time it's over with so um please step to the mic and introduce yourselves so that this boy could know what we're going to be working with in the near future good evening Elder Marvin we have a Ministry named uh catch that's the bation board it stands for children achieving through community help that's like that yeah yeah there's a vision God gave us a few years ago matter of fact we tried to work with the city a few years ago uh I don't 10 12 years ago we've been fighting and battling up here you know stuff like that you know so so we feel you we clearly understand what you're saying because there's room progress for everybody amen amen if we all come together um we definitely AFF to work with you all and for opportunity to be open uh we're pretty much like the we're about timelines period either get done or it can't get done uh we takeing U let's share a little bit about our ministry the ministry we have it deals with youth deal with Elders too my wife herself she's not only prophetess but God used us we have a Deliverance Ministry that's not demons healings cancer AIDS whatever it is we deal with it all we deal with it we also have a youth ministry where we deal with the youth and our main objective is to eventually get where we know a lot of these kids are doing wrong like said because they don't have a part they don't have somewh quite a time so they just the next kid lining up for prison or some jail what but what we deal with at a young age is we Tred like we did before we had 3D outre down in U triang in the triangle and the purpose of it was to bring Ministries together so that we can take and get get people to come together put together a budget where we begin to in each community bu up some of these houses that they may have there and prepare not only the houses but Ministries also to prepare our app school program where the kids come and eat so they don't be in somebody's store still in they don't be somewhere you know because we found out that when kids are hungry okay you put it back up against the wall put it back up against the wall you understand and so I really commend you because in spite of the position matter fact all of you in spite of the position you still fight for the people and that's what all us have for G you know what I mean the big pict to ask ourselves where's TR at right now and now what we're going to do what what type of programs are we going to put in place see what we advance at to bring it down some amen amen and that's what we focus on because program what it does is this we just a little bit of it sh little because we have not launched it fully yet so we have to keep it confidential we take we deal with u having kids come after school to a place where they get help get homework they get a little snack then they get a full course meal I mean they get a lesson person 45 minute lesson in the Bible and then they get a full course meal and then up until 6:30 7:30 they take you deal with with them whether they Recreation watch a movie something to keep them out of trouble because we know that a lot of kids single parent home you know what I mean so we know the bance they go through so so so so many kids give up but we have people that go through and encourage them you know so they'll know that listen you give it up your dad mom may and that's what we do that's what we do there's a lot of other parts to it's like no other program in the world some other parts of that I can't expose right now time conf um but this is what we look forward to well par something forids from the party something to have these kids occupied because they're not occupied you know police is there yeah they G they gonna have something for them to do we going need 10 million more of them you know mean need 10 million more what I'm prison you know what I'm saying because we we don't deal with who that fault we look for solution to the problem exactly amen amen amen that's what we do we taking in our Min we take them we don't look to see whether the dad wasn't there the mom is on drugs we there just to show them some love to feed them and keep that Focus on school so they can make it on through school and education guess what got good luck once again Elder give me the name of your program uh C children achieving through Community efforts yeah because another thing we want to do too is like go down to the judges because a lot of these kids 134 in the Youth Department get in trouble want to take go get a lot of these kids and and take and put them in a program where they have to make commitment you know what I'm saying can't just push him off want to but we know we got to deal with it you know what I'm saying and that's what we do and uh I say fight you know like you know like you said we don't compromise you know no politic nothing that our objective is sit sit building up programs with these kids who you have to go toat didn't have somewhere to go and play now they do like example I live in na over in Naples the police force you don't have all Prim Ministry you know I'm not saying that y'all compromise I'm not saying that at all but I know your back is up against the wall when we F to get a park we figh get a park you know what I'm saying we fighting to have somewh for the kids go that's crazy man that's crazy you know what I'm saying so y'all job is harder we really sorry for that we know y'all job is harder you know CU y'all got to deal with s drugs GS you know what I'm saying but I want but I want to commend all you all and you all work together you all work together as a team amen amen amen things you all can accomplish you all you all our leaders you all our head think y can accomplish you know I mean I mean SC limit yes the scy the limit you know and again I you know again I said to you all you know let's see what we can do about which crime R amen amen let's keep these kids occupied amen amen God bless you all God bless you as well chair Vice chair coming from a person that have established we we established um opaka boosters 10 years ago when we had 60 kids on the park and we have 20 200 and something kids running our football program we came from down in the mud we we established um Christmas um toy drives we did everything without the city of opaka so that is not that's not the issue the problem is is sometime when you fix something you have to fix it not put a Band-Aid on it and for years it Happ been a bandaid put on a lot of circumstances and that's the reason why we have the issues that we have our children we lost our children when they came with Xbox PlayStations and everybody forgot reading a book um after school programs going on the park outside activities that's where we lost our gift in a home we have kids being people having um adults having children kids having children children at 14 years old wow years ago that did not happen they it's 14 year olds having children grandparent grandparents are 25 and 30 years old they still partying in different things those are the things that you have to do an Outreach to Target one thing I do know about fixing anything fixing anything I tell people all the time I was a teenage mother I raised four CH well six children four of my own and and two my little cousin and my nephew and I kept my boys out of prison I kept them from with a background I kept my children out of the street anything that they were involved with I was involved with wow my daughter had her first her first child at 25 years old and never had another child after that wow so so let me let me say let's go a little further now let's go go educ so you a little bit you can't here the thing is you can't educate me on something that I see every day and every parent ain't you but that's why I'm telling you circumstances changes my point to you it changes it's not like it was before it's it's it things are changing they're not the same kids that that's my point to you it's not the same kids that it was when you was when you was BN on you went through trouble but guess what you changed you changed if you didn't change you would have never changed you had to want to change what what I'm saying is this here not every parent has the same opportunity right and I agree with that too and the environment and the kids that I deal with that an adults they are put in situations it's no coincidence that the same thing happened in Miami happening in Fort laale happened in Chicago happened in Detroit and the same thing and and there's one common denominator in all of it we're losing our young black Mal yeah yeah so I see not every parent is going to be you and not every kid is going to be me but if they don't have the opportunity and that's what's being snuffed out right now the opportunity when the same thing keeps happening and you got the same you got same the same game with new faces you see what's going on Elder you couldn't have said it no better it's a prisoner pipeline situation so so where do you where do you stop at where do you stop at where where where do you look at see I don't look at anything politically I look at it biblically right so when people talk in politics I don't talk politics I talk reality I got 22 young men just got out all of them facing life sentences all of them so my goal is to get them off a bracelet right before Christmas and not lose one see that's the part they don't talk about I deal with those parents that got four Sons I deal with those parents that got one son and they don't know what's going to happen with him that that's the difference that's the reality that's what I deal with that's what God has placed in me and so the reason why I'm so stuck on these parks and why these parks are like that because I know it's more kids that could contribute to that but if you're not giving the the the the staff and the people the opportunity and you leaving the park over there every kid over here what about the kids on the east side of overlock you know them kids ain't all them kids ain't gonna come over here and play all them kids ain't coming over here and play so so so so my whole thing of it is every Park not one Park every par has to be established fully and that's not what we've been focused on we have the park style trying to focus there but when people are up here playing games they're not focused on all the the pars every sexy got a set of kids in there just on one side of open Locker I know for a fact I got four boot campers on my side of open Locker four four and three just cleared off everything probation and boot camp but you got to have somebody that's an example to get that to you it's not taken away from anybody you have to provide the same opportunity and I'm not going to cater to One Park and not cater to all of them every kid has to have the opportunity to count every kid if you're not giving that kid the opportunity then what are you doing with him because eventually the pistol gonna be in your face next your pocketbook gonna be snatched so again not everybody's Gonna Be You Vice chair chair not everybody's gonna be you a lot of those kids that's coming out the back blues with those single parents not everybody's gon to be you it is less of you and more of them okay but let CH so I'm I'm not ready to go I'm not I'm not going back and forth with a debate what I'm saying is and it's really not between you and I what I'm saying is we have people that sit here in control of a city and I'm not just I'm not just talking about the diet I'm talking about this the daily da the daily staff that are not doing the right thing by the people you can't condone that you can't push that see until it until it's your child that's somebody giving fin rights yeah and T picture on a t-shirt see that's when it changed that's when you start to care but as long as it ain't yours you don't care and that's the part that's getting me yeah for one year we've been asking for these parts to get done we don't went to every board don't try to sit down with everybody but people run around here with their own personal agendas just like the vice chair said fixing people houses we know who they tied to because they want to run for office that's what it's tied to and then they go what it going to do it's going to take me to come into a meeting and then say it why they sitting here and know I ain't telling the lie so again what needs to happen and I will be in the meeting Wednesday expressing this exact same sentiment until we get somebody on the four floow that's gonna do the right thing and not be giving Illusions like they David Copperfield not giving grandioso speeches like they Barack Obama and we start seeing results we gonna get the same thing that's all I'm saying I'm not up here debating about who did what it I see it every day I go inside the jails almost every day I see those young black men I see the young girls that come there with them babies and they don't know if they gonna have a if their child gonna have a father or not I see that I see that every single day so not everybody's going to be me no you ain't got to be me but I want you to be the best you you can be and that's not what's happening when we when we have been talking about fixing parks for an entire year but we want to tie something to something that's not worth tying it to fix the park then we can really celebrate that's what we need to do a $100,000 gate that ain't no $100,000 gate I don't care what nobody say I know what a $100,000 look like and that ain't no $100,000 gate chair sh um we're going to end this we're going to end this um um meeting you know we're not going to debate but I will say coming from a person that volunteered in the city of okalaka for 40 years saving kids for 40 years don't nobody have to tell me the Outlook of a child when for 40 years we have save kids for 40 years on now we gonna get delete this meat we're gonna delete talking about one I'm talking about we talk about 40 years listen you talking you talking one place you talking one place I'm talking about something that's bigger than that we talk about like no it wasn't this me is a Jour no now