##VIDEO ID:IWdHiFQw-1A## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone um this is the historic environmental board preservation board meeting the date is Wednesday I mean I'm sorry Thursday November 22nd it is 6:14 Madame clerk roll call good evening board member Robert Smith board member Francis Dolly McIntyre board member Marissa Hernandez here president welcome thank you new board member board member zamar Brown here board member romor Ferguson board member Merrick Williams Vice chair Alex benel present chairwoman Misha Ben attendance confirmed thank you very much and at this time if we could have a moment of silence and now the Pledge of Allegiance aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all all right we're proceeding on to any add-on items Madame clerk staff do we have add-on items this evening no we do not thank you and moving on to approval of minutes this is approval of minutes of our board meeting from July 30th 2024 I move approval moved by uh board member McIntyre I need a second second second by board member Brown m Madam cler roll call Board member McIntyre yes board member Hernandez yes board member Brown yes Vice chair V Michel yes minutes approved thank you uh proceeding to public comments for agenda items only do we have anyone here for anything on the agenda or virtual that we know we have a one for virtual and based on the people present in the audience uh I don't think we have anyone to speak for public comments wonderful thank you all right without further Ado we'll proceed to resolutions uh Madame attorney a resolution number one a resolution oh thank you a resolution of the city commiss of the city of opaka Florida approving the recommendation of the historic environmental preservation board to issue a certificate of appropriateness for the structure at 1141 Jan Avenue to conduct full roof replacement on the registered historic property providing for an effective date can I get a motion for discussion a motion to discuss can I get a second second great all right um this is in the house in question 11:41 Jam the hlip house this is for a roof replacement uh staff do we have any comments um on this permit Gregory gay director of planning Community Development um we do have a presentation by Mr Geral Lee in relationship to this particular property as we have discussed in the past we are looking to modify our process since this is for a roof replacement and it's a flat roof which is virtually not visible from the public RightWay um this would when we get our legislation improperly will fall under a regular certificate of appropriateness which hopefully would be done through an administrative process versus the process we're going through now Mr Lee is here to basically give a brief presentation on what is being done with this particular property if you have any questions we'll address Gerald Lee um planning and Community Development Department zoning official um next slide please as as Mr Gay has indicated um this is a simple move next slide please this is a simple request um for a certificate of appropriateness for roof in the future we expect that this kind of thing will be handled administratively and the information about it will be brought to this board uh at this time it's not in that particular position so we have to go through what we're going through I I just wanted to give an indication of the location of the property I think everyone is aware of where it is next slide please that's what it looks like from the outside and this is only for roof and it's a flat roof and as Mr Gay has indicated there are no parapets or anything else that gives any vision of the roofing material or anything else because it is flat and it can't be seen from the street right away next slide please this was just a historic drawing that was um in the files that we we we located and I just wanted to bring it out that for the most part it's pretty much exactly like it was when they built it in in 1926 except for the Dome that's not there now next slide please this COA is just for uh roof replacement next slide please staff is recommending approval uh board members so when I saw the picture um can we go back to the picture is that a final that I see on the left hand side that's sticking up Minette so my question is obviously I know we going to prove the um Roofing which isn't an issue but are they doing anything to waterproof the minet are they doing anything to make sure that that is being how do I say this uh preserved as it relates to water intrusion and or any type of deterioration that's a good question sir um what was in the perit and in the plans was only to take care of the flat roof so that's what was indicated got it can we make a recommendation or give some a recommendation that the that the sorry the minet is make sure that they either waterproof or do some type of um um pres preservation of the minet because the thing is there one thing obviously we know we have to deal with the horizontal surface but that typically becomes one of an opportunity for water intrusion and or an opportunity for it to get um deteriorated if it's not preserved thank you very much sir um we appreciate that we'll we'll have that added as a condition thank you board members any additional comments no I have one um the minor he already addressed but the one in particular just from my own experience in in getting a re roof and it's the same more or less approach in terms of a flat surface I did not expect that the new code requires a secondary Scupper access for emergency like a like water to escape the roof line even if there's a pitch to that roof line um uniquely for this house and unlike most historic homes in opaka it still has the original scuppers on the house so I would expect that there is sensitivity to wanting to maintain and preserve that feature um over time and because of roofing jobs in the past those scuppers have either been purposfully eliminated or accidentally and I don't know if these are functional um at least in in the way it is today it was back then um I don't believe if I'm not mistaken Mr Lee is there any indication as to where the scuppers would be placed um because I assume they would have to follow the same code in getting another secondary Scupper and like basically broken through the wall an overflow um we can make this as a as a comment but as I indicated before U with uh Mr Brown's comment the permit only talked about replacement of the roof itself and this can be something else that we can add as a condition for them to consider um better waterproofing and prevention of any Decay okay yeah because I know that just one and the same with a reof they'll address by code and to clear their permit having that secondary access in case they don't already have that um I just you know following the work I don't want to see these scuppers lost because there's no need for them to so that would be my only um additional comment um can I get a motion to approve um Mr chair yes do you want to add the two conditions as a part of your approval so yes if so we need to state that on the record okay so we need a motion to add these two recommendations to the as conditions as conditions yes okay can I get a motion to add the two conditions of preserving and waterproofing the Min and maintaining the original scuppers of the house and it's or in its current form move moved by board member McIntyre I need a second second second by board member Brown Madame clerk roll call Board member McIntyre yes board member Hernandez yes board member Brown yes Vice chairman ble yes approved thank you very much and thank you for the presentation I the visual the layout is superb it's exactly what we've been hoping for and we're very thankful so thank you for including that as part of the larger packet here all right U Madam attorney the second res resolution yes a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the recommendation of the historic environmental preservation board to issue a certificate of appropriateness for the structure at 1111 cesame Street to conduct partial Demolition and an addition to this registered historic property providing for an effective date Mr Mr chair yes before you move on this particular item um we did go through the application and there was some information that was not included within your package when it was um provided to you uh we do have the complete set of plans um that is showing some of the modifications but the information that has been provided is not in its total state so therefore we would like to uh defer this particular item until our next um historic preservation board which most likely will take place sometime in January okay um do we need a motion to defer that or are we just proceeding with I would still ask yes okay um question board member yes so as it relates to when I see the package I see a like a kind of a preliminary floor plan but in the uh drawings did they provide elevations and uh and additional information um some of that information was provided but it wasn't included in your package and I think that is it it's it's only fair that you receive everything that's associated with the package therefore that's the reason we wanted to defer the item okay not a problem yeah just for the Oh Mr Lee oh um just for the record I have concerns about this um this the wording of partial demolition regards to the current condition of the structure overall which is not just compromised but it doesn't have a roof on it so um I'm hoping that in addition to whatever is needed in terms of addressing a partial demolition that there's also a larger conversation about restoration of the full structure and not a partial addition being made because the house at president is UN uninhabitable so um with do we have any additional comments before we get a motion for deferment so I do um with regards to the way that the addition is shown like typically when you're tying an existing building into a new building or historical building you try to um kind of offset the the addition in other words you don't want one to blend into the other one so rather when I look at the addition and look at the the area that is tying into the building it's almost like they have completely aligned with that particular existing structure so in order to kind of distinguish between the two I would like to see some like a offset in the in the wall rather if it's either 8 in 12 in so that you can distinguish um completely and it's it's boldly know this is original this is proposed um addition I think part as as part of the plans and that's where there's there misinformation their initial proposal was to do a partial demolition to and actually replace a portion of the structure that they felt was most likely deteriorated deteriorated to the point where it's it it it needed to be replaced and I think in terms of the addition they're they're actually adding back what is going to be demolished so it's going to be a one for one that's why we want to provide you with more accurate documentation therefore you can have a more accurate assessment and then make a proper choice so that's the movement forward to forment it works for me do we have a guarantee that what would become as the end product in the permit that's issued to them that is in fact partial and not complete of the demolition because it's it's interesting to me that this is being pursued for the back half of the structure whereas more or less the first half needs a complete reconstruction short of saving in this case the three walls that are facing the street of Sesame so that's my biggest concern just in terms of what what the intent here is because it seems kind of backwards to what you would think to do and just fully rehabilitating or restoring an entire property as opposed to just singling out the back portion of it since it's all of the same material and it all has the same roof line that's collapsed through our assessment we're somewhat in agreement with you and we want to be able to go back to the property owner and ask them those particular questions sure along with the documentation that they presented to us as far the make sure that it's not just fixing the back and not taking in consideration the the facade that is from the public point of view so we we we want to be able to take that back and make sure that when we do provide all the full documentation that is actually what they are intending to do and is there a concession that can be made if they're granted this that they have to pursue the restoration of the front portion they may include that as a part of their overall presentation so the application may change okay okay I appreciate you entertaining the questions um can I get a motion for deferment motion to defer second I second by board member Brown um the item has been deferred Madame attorney um resolution three okay third resolution a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the recommendation of the historic environmental preservation board to issue a certificate of appropriateness for the structure at 1301 shirar Avenue for the replacement of 10 windows and two doors to this registered historic property providing for an effective date all right um Mr Lee I believe you have a beautiful presentation for this property as well um yes this is a a simple request to um replace windows and doors on this historic property next slide please this is the location uh this place is is is very near um very very near 27th Avenue uh to your to your to your east side to the right is 27th Avenue and it is sitting on shirar yeah on shirar Avenue and that is the location of the house um next slide please this is the presentation of uh the looks of the place and they want to uh replace one for one the windows and the doors um within the requirements for historic properties next slide please the certificate of appropriateness is just to replace the windows and doors nothing else no roof no no additions no no changes of that sort next slide please and we recommend approval for such this would also um Mr Gay correct me if you see it differently this would also be one of the items that would be administratively done when the legislation is is adopted potentially board members any comments before our comment do we need to make a motion to comment okay so obviously I see the um ways that they've provided in the package I see the building but my thing is how do we end up seeing or understanding what the ex what the current Windows is or the original Windows do we have any photographs of the building back in 1920s 30s 50s something to kind of show the original design intent is my first question so that we can then look and see what's being proposed as far as the windows and the um the proportion of the Windows the way that they're they're they're being proposed because right now I'm seeing just an application Ina and a photo I can't determine was it three panels two panels Etc we going from jousy to fixed I don't I don't know um the the product information is probably the only indication that I've seen in the package of what they intend to install um I did not find a depiction of the type of Windows Beyond a picture like this of what kind of Windows are there I didn't find a historic picture of the windows I went through the data that uh Mr mckel provided see if there was something in those files and I didn't find it um even in the link in fact I don't think there was a link for this one in particular on on the spreadsheet because that's what I was looking for something historic that would give me more bite on what would be required so I didn't find that and so I'm depending on the product information as a a picture of what they will be installed yeah I'll uh I'll second that um comment in my research there's no rendering there's no elevation drawings for this house or original photo that predates the 1950s and even then it's difficult in that ex example from a building jacket from the county as to what the doors and windows to this house looks like personally if it's a one for one change for what it currently is it's in unsubstantial to me um I'm more interested in them just maintaining the porch room on the front of that house and even if it's possible perhaps this would be a different Pursuit for them to want let alone a permit but there is a noticeable impression on the furthest left side of that house that used to be the carport and I know that part of our objective with regards to our historic properties is to over time incrementally make changes that bring it back to its character in this case it would be a rounded Arch that again is very noticeable on that property so that's not me saying that I'm interested in holding this process up but if it's possible for us to provide a strong recommendation to the current owner that that is examined obviously it's more involved than just swapping it out because there's a door there and you're talking potentially about a window form um that would be the one thing that I would like to come out of us voting on this if we're if you're able to shepher this information to the owner because it's there's no guesswork to what that shape looks like it's it quite literally was an outdoor space um so if the in lie of there being accurate information about window shape and style including doors General openings then that would be a specific opening that would return a character to this house that we have evidence of are they replacing all the windows in the house uh the count was 10 on the perment understandable but what happened is as I look at the floor plan and again the floor plan is kind of difficult to read but I'm seeing windows that are in the back of the house that has a a key to it and other areas but my my concern is we're seeing an application for only fixed windows so are we saying that in bedrooms they going to be a fixed window so there's no emergency egress there's no opportunity for ventilation so I have question as far as the validity of just changing our windows for like for like it could be like for like but are we doing opportunity for ventilation because no none none of the noas call out for operable window it's just a fixed window and in a Masonite door and the Masonite door is not trip traditionally a historical door so I'm a bit kind of unint tuned at this point for for what's being proposed may I make a suggestion um and and it's kind of like in sync with what you're you're you're chest ring toward we know the time period of when this structure was built and based on the time period there was a certain type of window styles that are associated with that time period if the board would like to suggest that we make a recommendation that the time period be taken in consideration as to the replacement styles for the windows um that we we can move in that particular direction um and uh chair Vice chair van Meco um as it relates to the opening where there used to be a carport I have seen in other locations where there have been some modifications to a property where the garage still look like a garage from the exterior um interior wise it functioned differently and they made some modification where there would presumably be a garage door they still had a single door entry but it was just more or less done in the design of the door frame itself um that might be something that you want to profer and we can take that back to the property owner and say hey these are some of the concerns that the board has and maybe make those as some type of conditions in order for this application to be approved or remember any so in order in in the effort to move it forward I don't have a problem with putting in some conditions so do you want me to start to kind of this some of those conditions yeah that would be helpful I think you have a knowledge based that's useful for this item so as it relates to any um windows that are being replaced that are that are in bedrooms or living areas they need to be operable to allow for ventilation and or as an emergency egress so that would be number one especially in bedrooms that's a that's a Florida building code requirement yes it is I was just going to say that let me know when you're you're ready um Mr Lee so you said uh in bedrooms and living room rooms has to be an active operable operable um operable window and um window windows in bedrooms have to have to have a minimum opening for emergency egress okay and that will be something that will be enforced by the building official anyways should be yes yeah okay but but go ahead ready we ready for the second one yes sir so um as it relates to the fixed windows typically when you look at historical windows in the in the area that this particular structure was built it was prior to air conditioning so therefore it it basically had natural ventilation with that in mind putting fixed windows compared to where typically when may have been jealousy windows again I don't know I'm I'm I'm guessing here um but the question is we I'm just highly recommending that they consider ventilation in as best as possible in this particular building in the structure so you're saying instead of fixed windows they should have consider consider ventilation Windows yes now if it's an if it's a decorative window or something like that that that's fixed or or unique shape window not a problem okay there condition is that it so as it relates to the Masonite door the Masonite door is your tradition your typical Plain Jane door has no architectural significance or anything so do we recommend and I'm getting shimy because again I could be an architect or I can just be a kind of like a Community liaison so the question is do I be architect and say hey this isn't architecturally pleasing and not does not meet historical character or is there is there a a meet in the- Middle suggestion that you all will have I think that's a larger question for us in regards to any permit that we're reviewing because this comes up all the time in terms of us asking what the windows look like what the doors look like and yet those are undoubtedly the character defining access points to a home and its style I'm in complete agreement with you about their not being something appropriate about whatever the Masonite style is of choice and it's hard to say what that is um I can say that this is the last time I'm going to be inclined to vote Yes on anything and make concessions because I think we need to start setting a standard for a minimum standard that is not cost prohibitive simply in choosing a finish of an exterior door that faces the street that enhances the appearance of the house in relation to even the windows that are chosen and we we don't need to get into even the finish of the windows being of a certain type color you know that's a concession I can make so long as the form and the shape of it is the same but doors in particular run the numbers they're not you know for something impact non- impact a white door versus a wood finish door there's a very little cost difference so you know I think I have a recommendation yeah so as it relates to the six panel door that they're showing this Masonite six panel door we would like to either see a single panel door or a flush door versus the six 1980s six panel masonry Masonite panel door that's really not in the in the in the um era in which this build was built so a single panel or a single panel um door versus versus a six panel that's showing I would suggest a single panel because that might be more in sync with the time period so a single panel door okay versus the and in other words currently they're showing in the NOA the six panel door we're saying that take can make it a single full um full panel door okay that may be the easier solution that he that they can get through Masonite I believe I'm pretty much sure Masonite um sells it I have you condition thank you is it you know I'll add to this as the larger conversation and what I I will not want to make concessions on here on can is there something that we can do from the building and permitting perspective of having an permit application that granularly for historic properties only granularly details what the expectation is in regards to examining this for your historic property considerate of the period them doing their research to be able to know what that is or using staff as a resource to help guide that process because without knowing these answers it's really hard to get enthused about the end product especially when it's going to be a lasting product that we you know ultimately have decided upon but is there a way that the permit application and a permit application can be developed for historic property so that there is a line item that accounts for these questions that we're asking let me address that um that's actually what we're looking at in terms of intent by bifurcating the administrator process versus the special certificate of appropriateness process and it's really getting into those particular details um that we really need to have some sense of guidance from the initial application process of when someone wants to make modifications to a particular structure as this um that they that they would know from the onset that there are certain expectations to do it from an administrative standpoint if they want to do it from not from an administrative standpoint which would in NE bring it before you that we would have to have the necessary details um of what their full intent is um getting into the details of how the doors are being designed whether it's a wood frame door um and if it's a solid wood door there there are some differences in prices as it relates to solid wood doors especially if it's an arch wood door versus buying just a regular door um from from a from one of our hardware stores that that that sells them those are the things that we really need to have pointed out um so that we can basically have a a listing or a Litany of what it is is is expected as it relates to um going through an administrative process or going to a full review process which is what this particular application is is going through at at this time so those are some of the things that we're we're going to be delineating those things out we're going to bring that back before you and make sure that you're comfortable with the listing that we provide in order for it to go through an administrative process I'd like to add um a couple things and and and those points are are small and quick there is not something in place now that addresses your concerns most times when people come in for a permit it is a basic perment application it does not include anything extra one way or another and in zoning review we see the properties that are historic pull them out of the group and then address the property owner and let them know what other things may be needed uh what Mr Gay has suggested might be the better way of dealing with this that we have the Litany of all the requirements concerns standards and so on and so forth so that we can give that as a package thing to them with this General application but making sure that they provide the extra detail and information so that it can be something that would fit the the requirements of the historic board but also would would would enhance the historic property that needs to be maintained in a certain level question for you yes sir what are your thoughts about when we have a historic application that there be a pre-application meeting so in other words either one of the board members if we're available we can sit in and then that can be kind of like that initial step saying hey what are you trying to do here some things that we've occurred here some suggestions and then that pre-application meeting is because right now is there is no pre-application meeting requirement correct so to me that pre-application meeting is our opportunity or the city's opportunity to say hey let us see what you're doing hear some guidance as you're doing it so that they don't have to back up or when they get to this particular stage they would have been at least coached or these they would would have had enough information to put them on the right track agreed food for thought but I'm I'm keep on messing with you as it relates to photos this one front photo they they got to give us more photos so give me front side back top round area whatever something that we can because right now we're proving with conditions but we don't know what the side looks like we have nothing to document it okay and even if this particular let's just say God forbid something happen and this a a tornado comes and tears his house up tomorrow we have anything to document it from a photography standpoint just f for that's fine I'm not beating up on you it's all good it's it's okay we would definitely take that in consideration especially for this particular property because it's actually a corner lot so it's actually has two two views from from the other right away yeah definitely it's also likely a flip because they've been doing work on this house that's been unpermitted for months being that I live near around it so I again I'm I'm just we just need to move along here but you know short of having an application similar to people choosing a paint color I think it needs to be no different for windows indoors and being very suggestive about that and what that looks like but I love your suggestion about I don't want to call it an intervention but basically the pre-consultation because I this is all about community relations and education for these people either someone that's buying it to flip it and they're literally selling it right now so that's why I'm not being I'm not talking at a turn I know what they're doing here but even for those that end up acquiring it or others that live in their primary and want the best for their home but maybe not know exactly what that looks like that's what we're here to do so I don't know if we need to send you guys individually our suggestions as to what that might look like as far as a paint color code Type of document that at least helps to Shepherd them from an initial phase as an early win or if we can step into this Arena that he's talking about and offer ourselves um you know we can rotate as needed and be at your service and make that connection but we should be a resource unlike a lot of these boards we should have it be our priority to be a resource to Historic homeowners both current and future um and I think when we need to cultivate that conversation a lot more aggressively so that we're not making poor choices so well individually I think it's important that we get the standards that are going to be required to make the historic property a better historic representation and that's what I'm that's the first priority so that if we have the pre um submitt meetings we can tell them what the those requirements are and we can do paint at the end and we can have a meeting of any other sort later but the first part of the requirements needs to be uh given to the to the property owners so that they know exactly what they're facing and so they can present something that's approvable question so obviously when they replace these windows they're going to have to paint because they're going to patch s stuckle and concrete but then at what point are is the the building department giving approval of paint colors uh they have to submit a a permit and be approved for the paint colors that are it's in the city scope but are we boldly advising them hey paint paint colors must be approved by the building department yes does the average person know that when they come in yes and that goes for every property in the city of okalaka right now yeah they told say that again that goes for every property in the city of okalaka not just historic so question for you is it too much to ask that when this particular permit is issued that there's a standard memo that just goes in front hey please be advised that prior to painting permit must a painting permit must be pulled and colors approved like just a standard from that goes with it goes with the permit application it's out the door because obviously what happens is people tend to hey I'm trying to either flip this house or I'm trying to complete a renovation they're not thinking of oh yeah I got to go back and get a painting permit I agree strike while the Iron's High I I I agree and and what I'm going to say is is just simp simply this um the pre- meting that we were talking about pre-submission all of that information can be disseminated at that time and I think that's the best way to do it so we hit everything at once and then they can come back if they have questions or additional um concerns okay fair enough hopefully they did the roof right because they got a new roof and I don't see that in the application but nevertheless let's see and board members any additional comments no can I get a motion um to approve these motion to approve with conditions these conditions with the with the conditions stated by board member Brown a motion to approve with the conditions stated by board member Brown and recorded by Mr Lee a second um the motion did I get I got a motion from board member Bri I need a second second second by um board member Hernandez uh Madame clerk roll call Board member MacIntyre board member Hernandez yes board member Brown yes Vice chair M Beckle sure yes thank you the best I can give i' just like to mention something that I brought up maybe at least a year ago and that's the concept of getting a professional group like plus Serbia to do the guidelines for all of this and they put together a really good document that answers all of your questions on what's appropriate unfortunately it cost money to get that study done but I firmly believe it's worth every cent so I'd like some consideration to be given to that if you'd like a proposal from plus Serbia I'm sure they'll be glad to do it I've already spoken to them about it we're talking about roughly 25,000 so if you like I'll get a get them to send you a proposal they'd like to do it it um board member McIntyre that that's we've heard your suggestion once before um and we try to incorporate that as a part of our budget for this particular board we're still working that angle um to to best suit what what the board is Desiring and and and actually what H how the city should be operating in relationship to this particular process so we're going to continue to push that envelope um we had some difficulties over the last few months and the way things have were being done administratively uh we've had some changes now so I'm hoping that things will be a little bit more on the positive side um in order to get that accomplished so we are looking to do that and it's not just for um the having some guidelines um we're also looking at expenditures as it relates to the plaques for the historic properties we definitely want to get that included within our budget so that we can go ahead and have it designed have it made and then be able to have some type of event where we'll we'll be saluting our historic properties so we're looking forward in the next few months to be able to bring that accomplishment toward to to you all question for you as far as the budgeting for that particular um study do we like for example I guess how do you budget for it because what happens is as you know whatever fees would have been a year ago two years ago three years ago it's totally different in 2025 2026 so do is it worth just as a footnote to get the get a quote um the effort we would normally go through that process anyway to just kind of know make to make sure that we're in the ballpark as as it relates to um those particular costs or or is it a if it's under a certain amount we may be able to get it approved administratively but it still has to be appropriated within our budget but if it goes beyond 25,000 then we'll have to go through an RFP process in order to have have someone selected in order to do that particular study got it okay we'll come back on the topic of um budget for board comments or this discussion but I'd like to go ahead and proceed with discussions and presentations uh per the agenda regarding Hep rules regulations and board reconfiguration okay um first thing uh and I believe we may have gotten we presented you all with with some drafts of what we're looking to do um as it relates to the board operation itself we're looking to change the makeup of the board um from a seven member board that it stands right now now to a five member board with alternates in order to for us to be able to achieve um Quorum status for for our meetings um we're looking to change the scheduling of our meetings uh based on the memorandum between Miami day County and the City of opaka we're we're only required to have four board meetings a year we're looking to increase that number to six so at least that we will be meeting on a bu monthly basis so we're going to be moving that particular thing forward uh as far as the requirements for board membership we're looking to modify that as well um in order to for for board for for people to be qualified to be on the board um as it stands right now we have I believe it's two professional slots out of the Seven slots that that that are available um and the rest are supposed to be residents as we change the makeup of of the board we're looking at modifying those numbers as well so the professional number May remain at two or it may go down to one um we still feel that having a professional on the board isn't important in order for to to keep everybody informed as to what the standards are and what some some of the design criterias that need to be considered um as it relates to Historic properties so we're looking to bring that information back to you um it will most likely be in January of 2025 that we present this information once we present it to you we do have to present it to the city commission or their approval and then from there we will for lack of a better phrase pretty much start out with a new Ward um your positions may be have to go through a reappointment process um considering that we do have a few board members whose memberships have expired um we need to get everything shorted back up as it relates to this particular board so we're going to be providing this information to you most likely before that um January meeting so if you have comments in relationship to it you can respond back to us and we can make sure that we get we get closer to a final document that we can present to you all have you adopted in concept and then take it before the commission for their approve any questions we could get it before the meeting so that we have chance to read it thoroughly yes ma'am any other questions if I'm if I'm understanding we've had this is our third meeting in 2024 correct if I'm not mistaken um I'm not sure the number counts basically what I'm concerned about I'd heard at the top of the meeting a comment made about reconvening in January and if our minimum standard is four then we're shy of one additional meeting before the end of the year Per County actually the the the calendar year does not go is is not how we're measured October to October it's October to October okay okay um September to October okay good to know um board members any comments or in this particular regard is attendance part of this rules because I know that there's been an issue with that for current standing members and I I don't know why there's a standard of the city commission to to uphold attendance but there isn't for a board I thought there was a blanket ordinance or you know something in the charter that addresses that for board members but at this point I feel like we're you know pushing the can down here because you know there's clearly an issue with this commitment within the new information attendance will play a role So currently on in the chart there's nothing that addresses attendance for board members holding their positions and appointments I remember there being something about attendance there is a reference but I think it's if you miss if if you miss a certain amount of meetings consistently that's usually how it is being handled but we want to be able to add more teeth to that okay I think yeah because I think it was May you're saying consistently I think it says consecutive or something like this person in other words and again I'm going memory don't please don't hold me to this but if a person makes one particular meeting a year they still may be on the board I see okay pay closer attention to that all right uh the next uh part of this I know you've been alluding to it is there anything else in addition to a matrix um admin versus he approval and certificate of appropriateness process yes um as been discussed with some of the other items um we definitely need to look at an opportunity to um bifurcate our process as it relates to an administrative certificate of appropriateness versus a special uh certificate of appropriateness as it stands right now everything goes through a special certificate appropriateness where it's being brought before your your board um for consideration and input there are certain aspects of improvements to Historic properties that may not necessarily need to go through the same type of review process for example we had one tonight where just the roof is being replaced um even though there were some points that were brought up as a part of the discussion um that might be something that can be more suitably handled inhouse um or or with within the department and and through the city Administration to get those particular items addressed now as it relates to some things that might be a little bit more detailed and especially when we're talking about Windows and Doors you know not every window is a light not every door is a light like and and there are certain details that need to be maintained especially for historic structures that the replacement windows or the replac doors resemble um the historic Fabric or the historic significance of the structure itself we don't want to put Colonial wind Windows into something that was had had a a different style of of window at that time whether it be jousy or whether it be casement windows or or a particular type of door it might have been an all solid wood door versus um the new doors that are are available now so we want to be able to create that list and basically go down and and present it to you and have an opportunity to say these are good to go through an administrative review process and anything that is beyond that will have to come before the board and if you're installing a dome I'm pretty sure those are going to have to come before you guys so as it relates to the first um agenda item that we address as it relates to the re so the intake on the permit application was September 19th right we're in obviously um November so two months later they're getting approval and the question is is that is that an appropriate time because I'm gonna be honest if we were going to City of Miami it's a lot of bureaucracy to get approval I think that two two months would be almost like the maximum amount of time that a person needs to wait to get a roof re roof Roofing permit but we also don't want it to be where uh I guess this is a standard reof and not an emergency reof is there any type of procedures if there's an emergency reof that that we can assist them with help helping that circumstances usually under emergency circumstances the property owner is given the wherewithall to solve or or resolve the issue and for historic properties it's usually something that is done after the fact got it okay fair all right um any comments about this proposed Matrix it'd be great to just reference what the Count's already provided us just as a road map I know we've brought it up about a year ago um but that's a great resource to be able to just not necessarily replicate to certainly reference it for our purposes um um so yes we we've had um we've had some conversations and we do have an annual meeting with Miss Cody uh in relationship to those particular guidelines and we had to present a report to them on an annual basis as well great um you brought up it's not on the discussion but while we're on the topic and we can go ahead to board comments but um in regards to budgets and I know that we very proudly um responsible for registering our first historic property in over three decades that being board member Hernandez's home the hert house um but the larger question becomes do we has there been a more or less any kind of an amount established in a budget simply to afford US plaques that can start in the first quarter of the next year I mean essentially it'd be nice to Heart start establishing some goals with with you know reasonable deadlines for us to achieve these things because that resolution was passed by the city Commission in June and there's been opportunities to seek either grants or private funding sources to essentially afford this one opportunity that chance if there needs to be an expanded discussion during budget season about this for the long term that's one thing but I'm just trying to seek some Immediate Solutions um 2025 is the last year before we get into our Centennial year and it'd be nice to know what resources we have or what's being worked on and in the event that nothing's being carved out from that budget where else can we Source funding and I you know give a shout out to board member McIntyre who not just represents and is heavily involved with the villagers nonprofit um the preservation arm for the county but she was willing to extend herself to establish and craft an entire grant program that would have gifted US money to be able to pay for this so without knowing what is not able to be done within 2025 versus what we independently can be pursuant of to help this program move forward short of us all agreeing on what this plaque should look like in 2025 and on that should be a unanimous decision ision but the funding sources there are multiple ways in which we can identify that we just have not heard as to what's realistic by a certain time to best answer your question or or your statement um we have and I when I say we it's the city Administration um we have looked into applying for certain grant funding opportunities we have we we did look at a particular Grant with the villagers um there were some questions as to whether the municipality would be able to apply for that particular Grant or whether it had to be a property owner themselves apply for it so while we were trying to figure that particular thing out I think the timeline for that application came and went so we did not move forward with that I'd like to have a sidebar discussion with you um board member McIntyre to see how we can better work with the Villagers or any other um grant opportunities that may exist out there um and and to see what are the specific requirements whether a municipality can can participate or not because that that was one of the questions that was raised when we looked at the villagers Grant and it basically looked like it had to be something that had to be done by the property owner themselves versus the city of opaka so if we have to do it from that perspective maybe we can circle around and and do it where we count up all 30 properties that we have that are already designated and maybe through an outside organization be able to make that application move forward can we proceed with designing the plaque so we yes absolutely and Mr Beni has been looking at opportunities where we can have a plaque design um forward to you all we we'll do that over the the holiday months so that we can get your input to see whether you may like this particular design or another particular design we've pretty much come to the conclusion that it needs to be um a very substantial material either a metal plaque or ceramic plaque um there was a suggestion of possibly wood but I don't think wood would be suitable so we're we're going to finalize those particular things um and next month we're going to be forwarding that information to you all for your input I know I know it's a little expensive 450 bucks that's all it cost for an for a lasting impact yes and as far as the plaque verbage is concerned I've already shared that with staff so I'd like for the board to receive it I had not sent it to the entire group as some suggestions and I took it upon myself to find um resources that produce this professionally and help guide that process so the suggestions that are in there come from experts that you know chimed in as far as our aesthetic and capturing kind of the the gold standard for what you would want to see in a historic plaque um because the ones that are still on existing landmarks like my house for example that was a a replication of the National Park Service both in type as well as structure and the words themselves so I think it's worth um making ours a little bit more distinct since that's very fitting for our Motif um okay the last thing I'd like to hear about and I think we're all eager to hear about where it's at is the morish home grant program um given that this is now 2 years in and this item had been produced and and approved by the city commission but um short of not hearing anything of where it currently stands as a group but also that um the commitment of 10 North group matching that $100,000 with the understanding that there would be a schedule and a and a work against date to actually achieve this in 2025 it'd be great to get some kind of a status update okay I'm going to have Mr sa boli who has been championing this particular process come up and give you a brief presentation and while he comes up um we have had some hiccups along the way um we did go through a evaluation process that um based on the funding sources that we're looking at utilizing um it was determined that the evaluation needed to be redone so I'm G have him come up and talk about those particular items we're we're trying to move it as quickly as possible we initially it was going to be funded through um within the city budget but then an opportunity came along where we can use the American cares act funding in order to assist in in funding the improvements for the property so Mr M Hy will give you a brief presentation board Vice chair members of the board uh for the record my name is s benle with economic and Community Development under the opes of director gay of planning zoning and Community Development for the city of opalak with regards to the grant uh as you guys aware we've had uh a change in the uh management executive side and uh the have already secur the loan I mean the the grant approved for recipients or applicants but it was determin that the process was not constitutional so we have to go back and rofer process for review that's currently been you know undertaken by the new inter city manager so I'm not sure if we'll be able to complete the process before the year ends but we promise to come back at the first quarter of the next year 2025 to uh update on where we are if we need to go back and res repat you know on the application side and giving other homeowners historic homeowners the opportunity to to to reapply we can do that but that will be decision that has to be made within the executive branch of the city of foal ala that's where we are is there anything specifically about that constitutional process that you could share was not followed well based on the current DRC development Review Committee you have to have other department heads as part of the review members but we did not do that it was only within the PCD so is this a procedural issue or a funding issue or both no there's no funding issue the funding is still secured okay yes the procedia issue yes let me just further Express yes that um when we initially started this process it was going to be funded through the city budget and that particular review process would have been suitable based on that particular funding when the administration changed and decided that they were going to utilize Federal funding that changed the criteria of the review process so in essence the people who were involved with the initial review we needed to have a a broader spectrum of professionals involved in the review process which we did not do when it was going to be funded just by the city so because of that aspect being changed we had to basically do it do it again now we did receive six applications uh from different Property Owners out of the six I believe four actually qualified so we were ready to move forward with those four we just got to change our review process have those same four applications re-evaluated give a recommendation to the city manager so that we can move forward with the allocations because we're using federal funds we've already done a memorandum of understanding within the city manager's office so that we would not be in Jeopardy of losing that funding source from from the federal government and what is the funding source it's the American cares yeah it's Opa fund Opa funds so as I understand arpa was voted on by the community for specific purpose purposes but historic homes didn't end up initially making the cut even if it was presented initially so what ended up happening with the four other projects that were voted on and money was encumbered for those projects the money's have not been encumbered so they've they've not been essentially assigned to the projects that they were supposed to be for now they're being redirected they have they have not been assigned as of yet and at what point do they need to be committed to afford them being rolled over into next year even if that's even a thing does the money get rolled over into with the memorandum of understanding within the city Administration that gives us an opportunity to extend the timeline to 2026 for the funding to be utilized for ARA funds yes okay and we've already done that so that that part has already been taken care of it's just a matter of changing the make up of the Review Committee so that we can do the review again the results are most likely hopefully going to be the same as what was presented before since all of the app applicants did qualify um we have room for additional applications to be made so we have in essence extended the timeline and the opportunity for additional properties and we're talking of the of the six um that lead another 20 that could potentially apply for improvements as well so do the homeowners have to reapply is this being basically re revamped in its entirety from the application and Outreach process to the review or are you working with what's already been submitted we're working with what has been submitted thus far but it the door is still open for other homeowners and Property Owners to apply and how's that being communicated we're going to basically have to bring that information back out once again cuz I think we had initially set a deadline um of November 30th if my memory certainly correct we're going to be extending that with a notification saying hey this application is still open it's still available for any of you who reside Within These historic properties please come and apply okay and there's no understanding as to when this can start a deployment of some sort realistically we're looking at deploying um at least the first four as soon as we get approval from the city manager and that could happen more or less at the beginning of next year is that kind of our tet we hoping by by January 1 we would have resolved all those things okay um I really appreciate the updates I think my my inquiries simply are to my representation and uh alignment with the 10 North group and this grant match I mean this is an important $100,000 that's on the table to be able to enhance the Outreach of how this is done um and contingent on a schedule being provided and a commitment thatou giving evidence that there are funds still secured to allow this program and this project to see see the light of day that is the my sole interest in making this happen it's so that the homeowners reap the benefit but we also have a partner in this community that's willing to give this money so that this has a larger impact than just four homes it would be a maximum of eight of those additional 20 potentially that could be served this opportunity so um I really I all I ask is for communication to be provided to this board and for any information to be provided so that we on the 10 North End can help craft that on our side so that not only is it budgeted for but there's there's a program in place to also administer it in whatever way it needs to be that follows and is consistent with what you guys have established from the application process and the review to the actual implementation including the selection of the contractors which I don't know if you can share anything about that because the legislation stated that the home home owner would have three contractors to choose from I don't know if that has if those three have been chosen those are also being re-evaluated by the city manager okay perfect board members any additional final comments before we um say goodbye I couldn't come up with the word of German all right well thank you staff um again for the presentations for all the updates and information um we look forward to receiving more about the grant program as well as the Matrix as well as the the black text um and board members I encourage you to reach out to our staff here with any suggestions or ideas and helping us create a road map for 2025 which inevitably leads into our Centennial 2026 um without further Ado can I get a motion to address moved by board member McIntyre second by board member Brown thank you very much good night everyone thank you