to order go ahead I like to call this meeting to order nice excellent job good job Mr nutland would you lead us in a flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education of the burough of ordell notice of this meeting was filed with a record in town news and all persons requesting such notice Mr Daran would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the rooll Mrs aasta Mr Del Greco here Mrs Downey here Mrs Nori here Mr nutland here Mrs Walker here Mr Walsh here Mr Darian here Mrs Nichols here at this time we will open to the public for agenda items only not seeing any I think we will skip to the superintendence report because I think we have some special presentations this evening good evening when we held our board retreat in July we stated that March would be one of the months that we would do District goal updates and sometimes when I talk it can get a little boring so I thought the best way to show you some of the progress towards our district goals was to bring our students in so as a reminder we have four District goals this year Implement activities across the curriculum that Foster creativity resulting in increased student engagement enhancing the partnership between home and school through deliberate communication structures and increased opportunity for family involvement meeting the needs of all Learners via differentiated approach to learning as evidenced by the number of students who meet or exceed expectations on the njsla with a Target goal of 80% meeting or exceeding in mathematics and 85% meeting or exceeding in English language arts and develop a comprehensive technology plan that addresses current and future Hardware needs operational and instructional software usage and protocol So today we're going to talk about those first two District goals uh fostering creativity and enhancing the partnership between home and school and I can't do that alone because those happen every day in the hallways of Ops in the classrooms of Ops so I'm going to ask Mrs Holly and many of our students to share a little bit about those goals instead good evening I'm very excited to present to the board what we have been working on a highlight of what we have been working on with introducing creativity to increase student engagement and bringing the families in more into Ops to increase family engagement so we're going to bounce around a little bit but we're really starting with our creativity piece and we really want to focus on creativity in the classroom as a way to engage students so they're excited about what they're learning and as a way to differentiate differentiate for them to hit on some of their passions so I'm hoping tonight you'll be able to see from our students how excited they are about learning at Ops our first one that we're going to highlight are some photos and information on grade five oh and I do this presentation was left at your seats for you I'm sorry neglected to mention that so you can watch it on the screen or follow along with the slides at your seats in grade five we H are bringing together what we do in science with the steam lab so you'll remember when we introduced the steam lab last year that that was one of our goals that it wouldn't just happen in a silo that it would happen within our curriculum so we're highlighting that our students are doing some investigation in farmland and farming and what happens when Farmland needs to move indoors or in smaller areas so here we have two students on what they've been working on with proposals for different ways that we can farm this will lead into them growing Hydroponics and other plants in their classroom last year we had a lot of mint and basil in the fifth grade classes so perhaps we can bring you some um the students are very excited about this Hands-On learning and they love working with Mrs catalo in the steam lab and then coming back to the classroom and applying what their learning and steam to the activities in their classrooms last year we introduced you to steam tank you'll remember that this is a sixth grade activity it was started by New Jersey school boards it is a competition that all of our students are participating in and this year they are taking everything to the next level because we've been able to build out our steam lab they've been using a new 3D printer which we just got based on a grant in the last couple of weeks so we have students who are already using it the picture on the left is showcasing a sixth graders project where they wanted to create different sports shoes so instead of having five different sports shoes this is one pair of sports shoes where you can swap out the so so if you need running shoes for one sport or basketball shoes or cleats you can swap out the soles and on the right we have some students who are very worried about the environment and Plastics so they are creating a biodegradable plastic that can go around soda cans so instead of worrying about cutting our soda cans before those soda can Rings before they go in the trash they're trying to create something that will biodegrade when it hits the water we hope to bring some of our steam tank students and hopefully finalists in the state to a board meeting towards the end of the year fourth grade has been doing a music Jingle project and they are very excited to Showcase this for you you'll see that our m music Jingle project combines a lot of skills in just five weeks in this music C curriculum unit that they're doing so I'm going to invite our fourth graders to come up and share and tell you a little bit about it they're going to illustrate the timeline of the five weeks for you first we don't just sing songs in music our fourth grade our fourth grade classes are making a product or an app and creating a jingle for a jingle is a mini song that makes a product interesting on week one we listen to jingles and then brainstormed ideas for a product app or company to advertise on week two we complete a slide that includes a product photo or company logo who can use this product and how it can be used we then started writing our lyrics most classes are now in week three we create a Melody we use instrument sounds like clapping or technology next we will finalize our jingles and prepare for presenting our work students can films or present their slideshow so I'm going to demonstrate what the students taught me about figuring out your Rhythm for your jingle so I'm not going to sing don't worry Miss boosius has heard me sing so there were a couple of different apps or music technology pieces that students could use one of them was word synth so in your past ET or on the screen you'll see this is a screenshot I'm going to share with you what word synth does it is a technology that's pretty easy to use you'll find that it sounds very much like an AI because it is a robotic program that's helping the that helps the students learn a little bit about Rhythm and music I'm going to also demonstrate it for you so on the screen here you'll see that I put in one of our Jingles that our students will show you in a few minutes on the side you can see that we can change the voice I picked voice five I think it's a little bit different than the voice that we used earlier and then we can scroll down maybe we can change the tempo and we can also change the scale now just because we can do those things doesn't mean it sounds perfect or pretty right so a lot of our students when they put their jingle in they didn't love it so they took the information that they had from their jingle and from using word synth and they made their jingle better as you'll hear when they come [Music] present [Music] our students are now going to share their jingle samples our first group is not ready and I told them they didn't have to be because they're only in week three so they're going to talk to you just a little bit about how they decided to name their their jingle and what kind of inspired them to make their jingle you you go you go first I'm Andrew and I'm Micah and also Brandon but he couldn't make it today our jingle is called bam which is our initials a video game that mic is coding on scratch we are currently working on our jingle and Melody talk to the microphone I made a game with scratch online for our product they can see the screenshot oh you can see the see the screenshot um so mic has been using doing the scratch coding when he has free time he hasn't really been using the time during music so you can see how when we introduce some creativity it helps in Inspire our students to keep thinking about what they're doing in school outside and it brings in one of his passions which is using scratch to code all right are we ready to do some samples okay [Music] make from [Music] our product is a v machine that sells cheese and we call it V cheese [Music] [Applause] [Music] and our ziy Blazers a Blazer is a these Blazers are so hard to put on you don't have Zippy Blazers no what Zippy Blazers well you so get Z [Applause] thank you fourth graders that was very well done so we're going to move on to uh increasing our partnership between home and school through communication and I'm using our steam family nights as kind of a bridge because our steam family nights are increased engagement for our students but also a way to increase engagement for our families and bring them in to Ops we were able to use some grant funding to pay for our steam family nights and they are six days and nights of steam work for our students so tonight is our last round uh for our fourth and fifth graders so we started out together you see a picture um with the families for one night Andrew you were there right what did this one entail what was your job they were making a roller coaster then over the period of four days after school with our steam teachers they worked on making a bowling alley and using um ozobots and other technology and there was a lot lot of play and a lot of steam integration Tonight is the last night and I talked to Mrs catalo they are making circuits to create a little like flashlight she really wants it to be you know used in concerts the way we used to put up our our lighters those of us who are older or no you didn't ever had a lighter Mr Darion you didn't do that I always had to borrow a lighter I borrowed a lighter from someone every time I went to a concert now we use phones which is not as exciting or pretty or but it's proba a little safer so we're really excited because our next round will be for our second and third graders and that will it'll follow the same format so one night introduction night with the families four nights after school with our steam teachers and an additional night to finalize the cycle with the families that'll begin right after we get back from break we've really made a concerted effort to plan and increase family communication this year we worked with the board office to create a community calendar that's on Google so parents can subscribe to this calendar you can find it on the website but they can also subscribe it has real time events it tells you what letter day of our letter cycle is which has been very helpful for me because I often ran around and asked people what letter day it was but it also tells you what PTA activities there are when our PTA lunches if something gets canceled like Student Government gets changed or cancelled we make a note on the calendar and we've been working really hard to use this as a way to help parents really know what's happening when our activities will be and I also think it helps parents really understand that if you're in the lower grades some of the things you can look forward to in the upper grades our art PE music Steam teacher library media specialist and counselor have all started either an Instagram or blog and updates in the community flash to show what they've been doing in their classrooms this is one of my favorite ones we've been having a hard time figuring out how to help the parents and families come to grade six because if you come to grade six there are five teachers and everybody's going to want to see a certain teacher or kids are going to want their parents to see a certain thing so one of our new teachers brought an idea uh Mrs vui has brought us an idea that they used to do in her former district and that is teaching the students how to write emails so if you've ever received an email from a younger person they don't always know how to write an email um they don't often start with a greeting they use text speech so we've been really working on emails to our families once a month the sixth grade as part of their what I need instruction they are asked to email their parents and they highlight something that they're proud of what they've been doing in different subject areas and they may even talk about um a time that they showed grit the teachers also receed that so they can then coach in to how to make the email communication a little bit better we've had seven Hi training parent acmis we also had a parent Dibbles Academy and we met with grades 1 and six at back to school night to help those the parents in those grades understand what it would be like to bridge from kindergarten to first grade and from fifth grade to sixth grade Mrs abos made herself available about two weeks ago after we sent out our second attendance letters um she opened up a zoom link and was available to answer questions about attendance for parents so she just it was first come first serve as a parent came in she'd their question they would leave and she would go to to the next person in the waiting room we've also made a concert concerted effort to focus on phone calls and emails as a parent when my phone rings and I see it's West Orange High School it doesn't matter I always get a pit in my stomach because I always think it's the nurse or a teacher calling with a problem I want our families to feel that they are Partners in their child's education so I want them to have a positive experience experience so I've asked the teachers to really focus on making positive phone calls and emails throughout the year to help highlight some of the strengths of our students we've also increased family in school activities every grade level is required to have two in school activities a year where they invite families in first grade just create finished a month of having parents in for what they called March math every Friday they had four or five parents in to sit and work on math centers with the students we've had a number of writing celebrations in many grade levels um upcoming we have the steam tank presentations for parents and grade one I believe unless they change their plan on me which could happen they're going to do an open circle to show how students work in open circle on what that looks like kindergarten just did this week foundations where they brought the parents in and that's really fun because our kindergarteners love to tell their parents when they say sounds wrong it's not t it's t so it's really fun to watch a kindergarten correct a parent I have to say second grade really thought about their family engagement activity and they they made it both a home and school event so I'm going to invite our second graders up to tell you about building leprechaun traps which was a steam project oh I forgot to do the job you got it first we had to plan we had we worked at at home with the adult who was coming to school with to build with us at school teachers provided glue tape and paper we had to bring in anything else our desired needed in a box grownups came to school and we built our traps together we used the design process to engineer I had to think plan try it and try it again I didn't want to put the parents on the spot to have them present so I thought our second graders could come up and show you their leprechaun traps in action so they're each going to come up they know to go to different parts of the table and they're going to show you the leprechaun traps that they made with the grown-ups who came into class to make it with them this is lovely so pretty K did you catch any did you catch any leprechaun don't wor don't wor wor he's used to being on his head's looks comfy oh so you really Nestle them in there huh oh that's so clever really good job be careful of Str I don't know who's that one oh that's probably mine too oh yeah e for okay if you're finishing up you can bring your leprechaun back Trap Back and come back to your seats oh AJ we're gonna we're gonna wrap up because they could keep asking you questions forever and there's like official stuff that we have to do too I know it's very cool isn't it nice job look nice job AJ yep do you have any questions what do you do when you catch the leprechaun friends so you take care of it Annie will take care of hers but did your LEP your leprechaun was the one who brought Candy yeah yeah she would you would you you're a catch and release yeah okay what about you Logan what would you do with your leprechaun you're not sure you haven't gotten that far AJ I wonder how the leprechaun will feel about being a decoration do you have any other questions I don't have any insight into the gold Factory sit AJ I'll just keep talking any final questions tonight comment I just thought I what creativity was was in each one of these demonstrations um and none of them were at all alike they they all had took a different concept a different way of approaching the leprechauns all determined to get themselves a leprechaun and I think that goes that just for the jingles as well and even when you start looking at our steam projects um and what I really love is that more we're integrating more and more of these activities into our curriculum so it's not just one thing that you have to look forward to in the year it's becoming a little bit more of the norm so while students may not feel that that it's like a super special activity these engaging activities really help make our daytoday something that we can be grateful for and really reflect on being proud of I'd like to go back to school we'll take you we might put you in as a sub though Mrs Walker uh just like you stated before their enthusiasm and their energy was just perfect it really was you you guys did a great job and the jingle girls were fantastic too they really got into it and got me going so thank you I'm very proud of everyone so we're going to take a few minute break so you don't have to stay and listen to the rest of our boring meeting but before we dismiss I'm wondering if we can get all the presenters on the stairs with um Miss BOS and Miss Holly we can get a picture for either our newsletter or our website all right Mrs reeeer Mrs reeeer maybe we have you up here also please e e e e e e when we first when we first set these District goals we had a large conversation about the word fun and as an administrative team we had a large conversation about the word fun is fun the goal of school and what we came to is that children who are engaged whether they are engaged in uh sending out a word whether they are engaged in a math game anyone who is engaged is having fun so as they were sharing today that's what came out to me the most that we've talked a lot about that about you know we all have our memories of school that were fun what are the experiences we are providing to the children of orell public school that aren't just fun for the sake of fun but are fun for the sake of moving learning forward so I I think this highlighted a lot and I'm looking forward to especially bringing our sixth grade steam tank in because I they are in the steam uh the steam lab almost all days on Fridays different groups of them and I find myself attracted to that room every Friday because it is mesmerizing to watch them as I shared earlier I will present on the technology goal and the academic achievement goal at our next board meeting and that concludes my report thank thank you Mr Elli yes we had our bid openings today for the exhaust fan project and the partial roof Replacements uh the exhaust fan project uh low bidder was exceptionally low and when he went back to his office he realized he made some serious mistakes so he sent the letter withdrawing the bid um he also was missing numerous documents so he would have been disqualified anyway um but they're now going to attorney review and at the next board meeting hopefully we can uh finalize and award a project that concludes my report thank you I have one question for you have we heard back from the county yet on our budget no not okay uh moving to minute we have review of March 13th any questions or comments please email Mr aell uh we have approval of February 28th and a Revis July 26 after well before I do the motion Miss boosius do you want to just explain quickly July 26th sure at the July 26th board meeting if you went back to the video you will see that I shared the school safety and data submission report um when our previous ba wrote up the minutes he wrote Miss bosia shared the school safety and data submission report and for qac it actually has to outline exactly the data that was shared so we're going to make sure we put a table every time moving forward that we approve it so we don't make that mistake again but this will qualify you know by revising it as I'm only revising it for what was shared also Mr iell I do have some revisions on March 13th on people who made motions in second so I'll email you that so do I have a motion for February 28th and July 26th I move that we approve the minutes of February 28th and the revised minutes of July 26th second by Mrs Walker any questions or comments call a question on the role Mrs aasta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes uh committee reports administrative items Mr Darian would you take that uh yes we have uh item uh A1 it's a hi report for February 20124 like to introduce I'll second second by Mr Walsh any questions call the question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes buildings and grounds Mr Daran yes I have H one item to uh introduce but before I do I have a couple of comments um our last board meeting I did not give an update on our last B&G meeting and uh mostly because it was um redundant of Prior comments I mean I'm sure we don't want to hear about the airds and the roof vence and the resurfacing of the roof but we did talk about um resurfacing the basketall Court according to um the sixth grade give back committee they're interested in in doing some enhancements to our basketball court and we did discuss it at our b& meeting and um I just wanted to indicate that we're going to have another B&G meeting uh next week I believe and the goal is to iron down or iron out all the details so that we can come in front of the board with a final recommendation for approval uh for enhancements and basically the goal uh for the sixth grade is to enhance the court with the mural and so um they're going to be doing some things to enhance the court first before they do the mural and we'll get into those details later but I just wanted to let you know that our goal in the b& subcommittee is to work out all the details so that it can be on our next board members agenda and I just wanted to comment that James has been working with the parent community and has been helping as liaison between us and them and uh you know I appreciate his uh his work so I second emotion I didn't get to but with that said uh I'll introduce B1 for facility use and John will second thank you second by Mr Walsh any questions call the question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs norian uh yes you notice that there are uh minutes or a summary of our uh what we went over in our last curriculum meeting uh where we we talked about the reading assessments um our math resources and and what we have in planned for curriculum writing if you have any questions on on what is there if you would address them to the committee we'd be happy to address them I'll second a motion and with that I guess uh I am putting forth uh C1 approval of a field trip I'll second a motion second by Mr Walsh any questions is there a date for that uh Festival it's in June we just don't put the exact dates down for our field trips any other questions call the question Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs dowy yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes Finance Mrs aosta um yes I'd like to introduce D1 through D6 do I have a second second second by Mrs noran any questions call a question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh um I have nothing to report Personnel Mrs Walker uh yes thank you I'd like to um present F1 I'll second it second by Mrs norian do we have any questions call a question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes policy Mr delgreco like to bring forward G1 to approve the three policies I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions call the question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes public relations Mrs Downey well we just had a meeting and this parent survey is coming yep just waiting for the software that's it um at this time we'll open to the public not seeing any we will move to older new business any older new business from the board Mrs Walker um just to thank all the students and the teachers and Mrs Holly for a great presentation tonight it was really very enjoyable and it changed the whole mode of our meeting it was great children have a way of doing that and we need a Clos session yeah any other older new business okay we do need to go into close session this evening for um student Personnel security and legal issues we will not be coming out and taking any action Mr Daran would you make that motion I make a motion that we go into executive session for security personnel and Student Legal and legal issues I'll second roll call on the R Mrs aosta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes we'd like to thank you all for coming to our meeting and we will not be taking action after this but we will not be coming back