##VIDEO ID:VWfDQjosBL4## yeah we didn't have you to last i' like to call this meeting to order Mrs norian would you lead us in the flag salute surely I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education of the of ordell notice of this meeting was filed with a record in town news and all persons requesting such notice uh Mr Daran would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the roll Mrs aasta will not be joining us this evening Mr Del Greco here Mrs Downey here Mrs noran here Mr nutland here Mrs wer here Mr Walsh here Mr Daren here Mrs nickols here open to the public for agenda items only okay at this time we'll move to the superintendent report I have two parts to my report today I'm going to start just by reviewing some items on the agenda and then I will launch into our annual testing results presentation so first of all on our Personnel addendum you will notice that we hired a new part-time School coun and Miss Heather Brown Houston I did it is with us tonight we're very excited to now fully be staffed for the remainder of the school year also under administrative items you will notice several of our annual approvals so for example I the statement of assurance regarding the use of power professionals is required twice a year it just states to the county that all our power professionals especially those are that are being used in special education have a specific job description and we also keep on record here every Power professional's name and their specific job this year you will also notice that our board attorney has a law firm change as they merge with another Law Firm our nursing Services plan is an annual plan that is submitted to the county this is something we do in conjunction with our school doctor it includes um her standing orders and that she has reviewed all our records the cardiac respiratory emergency action plan names the staff members in the building that do have CPR certification and the protocols for what to do in terms in if a code blue was to occur and the approval of the acceptance of the week of respect the week of respect actually will be occurring during our next board meeting in this week's board update I will list include a list of the activities for the that week and with that I'm actually going to go to the podium today because it's a little easier for me to present and actually see the data so we know that every year it is a requirement to publicly present the annual testing data um for the njsla the weeda access testing and any Dynamic learning map testing within 60 days of receiving those test results at ell public school this is a summary of the testing that has happened so we know in the spring we took the NJ SLA in language arts and grades 3 through six mathematics in grades 3 through six our lucky fifth graders also got to take science in the August board meeting I shared about the access testing for English language Learners and we have no students on site that take dynamic learning Maps which is used for students with more significant speal special education needs and because our we have because the number of students we have out of district is less than 10 I can't share that data anyway on the bottom you'll see an overview of the amount of time each testing to period took and as a reminder there are two different scoring rubrics used by the state because why make anything easy in language arts and math we have a fivepoint scoring rubric and in science we have a four-point scoring rubric I much prefer the four-point scoring rubric I'm not a big fan of level three I think the science rubric is much clearer we are required to share the participation rates for our students so this shows you per grade and each subject area what percentage of students did partake in testing if a student chooses to opt out of testing that could be for a variety of reasons uh there is one student who didn't take njsla testing because they broke their wrist and their parent felt that it was just a lot more to put on them to do scribed work and said I know how she's doing as a learner I don't need it this year so what have we already done um we had as I shared with the board at The Retreat we had very initial testing data all the way back at the end of June that's just individual students we don't have subgroup data but we have individual student data and proficiency levels so at that point we actually started to look at that data and we did Identify some students for summer programming at this point we've also begun to look at our njsla data and how did it compare to the link at end of the year Benchmark as a reminder linkit originally came to be as predictive software it was meant to help districts identify how would students do on state assessments and we have triangulated data looking at different sources all of our data will be shared with parents by the end of this week I at that time will email all parents the an electronic copy of the letter because once again it's a fun part of the state we are required to send that letter home with the scores in paper form there are links throughout that letter so we will send an electronic copy home to our parents as well we have updated that data into the data locker and Link it and as I shared earlier we've already begun to use that data for identification into intervention programs and federal and state funding programs this Summer's program was actually a language arts program for students entering sixth grade so I'm going to start by talking about science I always like to to start by talking about science because everybody else does science last like it just doesn't matter so we'll start by science while you're still very into the presentation so these are our science percentage levels for our fifth graders last year so if you go all the way to the left you will notice that 5.5 of our students scor a level one compared to 35% of the state if you go all the way to the combined level you will notice that 65.4% of orell public school students passed the njsla Science assessment compared to 27.6% Across the state the state has identified that they have a problem in their science Testing and they are putting together committees to look at redoing this assessment because anytime you have an assessment where a quarter of the state is passing if I remember correctly fifth grade passing rate is actually higher than e8th grade so if we're saying across the state one quarter of students are passing an assessment we might want to really look at the assessment as well we are required to share subgroup analysis so here you will see our all students level of passing compared to students with IEP and current and former eell students and you can also look at that data by race and ethnicity as a reminder we are not allowed to share any data if the number of students in that category is less than 10 so because we are talking about fifth grade um we had about 125 fifth graders last year there is other categories that aren't represented because the number was less than 10 and we are actually not required to present gender data but it's something that I always like to look at anyway and the good news is our males are our females are performing equally on science assessments and this will just give you a three-year Trend analysis on the percent passing rate for the district compared to the state in 2022 2023 and 2024 so you will see that we have our highest um passing rate um since actually the Science assessment came to be and our difference from the state is at its highest level also what was exciting for me about that first I know that something the board is most interested in is how are we doing to our comparison Group which would be the burn County I cohort you know I will not have that data till December so that's why that red line there doesn't have a 2024 average yet but I like to include it anyway because I always say the shape of the data tells a story um and you can see see that that yellow and is is very straight and we're going up so that says to me that our science growth is something we should celebrate 125 Oh you mean the ber County cohort 20 there are 21 districts in the ber the celebration that I am most excited about is when I did this presentation last year I told you that we were actually showing um lower levels of performance in physical science so we started to do a lot more with our stem program and the stem nights and we actually are showing equal performance in all three scientific domains right now so that's something we want to just continue to look at to make sure that often in elementary schools life science is where everyone goes first and physical science and Earth and space science are secondary we want to make sure that we that our curriculum and the daily implementation of that curriculum is showing focus in all three of those areas and also that we're continuing to do activities in our classrooms and in our stem lab and during our night events that encourage the investigative practices the sensemaking practices and the critiquing practices of scientists so from science we are going to move on to mathematics and this shows you this year's I know there is so much data on this table um one of the things that I like to point out is that if you look all the way on the left we are showing less than 2% at does not meet expectations compared to over 10% of the state and then I tend to go all the way over to our combined level four and five or what we would have determined as passing percentages and you will see that our third graders set a 72.8 passing percentage compared to 47.5% of the in the state our fourth graders are showing um a little bit lower of a passing percentage at 69.7 and then we go to 74.8 and 74.3 but one of the pieces that you'll see and you'll notice even more when we look at it in a different form is that while the state is going down we actually go up and again here we have our subgroup analysis so we have all students students with IEP and multi lingual Learners this is data that I do review with Dr Roth because we look specifically then at individual cohorts of students that's one of the nice things about orell public that we don't have to just talk about the group we can really look at the students that made up that group and the reason we only have a total for multilingual Learners is because we do not have 10 multilingual Learners in any of those four grades but if I total them together I get over 10 and this is our proficiency by ethnicity and race we're seeing a similar Trend that we saw last year with regard to our Hispanic or Latino students and that's something that we need to continue to dig into and really identify who those students are and our proficiency by gender which we do have some stereotypical male showing higher levels of proficiency and females the numbers aren't so drastically different compared to what you will see later in language arts that I was not as concerned about this at this time and again now we have our 22 our 23 and our 24 Trend analysis one of the things I like to point out on this and again I hate that I don't have the county data yet because I feel like I'm missing a really important piece of the puzzle so the best I can always do is look at the differential between the district and the state so as concerned as I am about this 69.7% in fourth grade if you look at this is the same group in fourth grade here that was in third grade last year so their differential from the state is equivalent so they're not necessarily showing a dip down or a dip up they're just not growing the way we would like to to see them grow and again I always like to point out that as the state is trending downward we tend to Trend a little more upward and if you like a picture instead of numbers and I think again what you notice there is I'm still this this dip right here is the dip that's concerning me the most this fourth grade um dip I've included a new uh chart this year it's called Mobility analysis and it's one of the pieces of data that link it does for us it tells us compared to how students did last year did they go up or down a level so that may mean they went from if they went up a level that may mean they went from um approaching standards to meeting standards it also May mean they went from meeting standards to exceeding standards it may mean they went to did not meet to partially met so again as I as I said one of my biggest mathematical areas of concern right now is that I have we have 21 % of our population that went down a level from third to fourth grade in math what this doesn't show is did those students go down from exceeding to meeting or did they go down from meeting to approaching we have we have that data per student also but as an overall so as I shared before one of our celebrations is that performance improves as students are are moving through the grades a big celebration for me is one of my major concerns with fully departmentalizing our sixth grade is we went from 80 minutes of math to 53 minutes of math so to see that we are still meeting the same levels of proficiency even with decreased math time is definitely a celebration and you know a real credit to our sixth grade teacher and we had we also looked at the fourth graders who participated in the high impact tutoring Grant last year which we do have the ability to be part of again this year and 66% improved a performance level from third grade so in terms of next steps right now the reason the administrative team is not behind me is because they are actually all on a virtual workshop with Amplified Desmos and our fourth and fifth grade parents I told them I could do this one a alone they could take the parent population um so we are implementing a new math resource in grades four through five our fourth grade teachers actually went to River Edge today for additional professional development on that math resource and our fifth grade teachers will actually River Edge will come here tomorrow and our fifth grade teachers will have training we continue to use um the math staff developer we had used last year to talk about guided math workshop and differentiation to really Target that it's not just about the students that aren't meeting the standards it's about moving the students that are meeting the standards to exceeding the standards it's about moving the students that are approaching the standards those bubble kids to move them up and that is really what our math workshops should be H should happen in terms of after school professional development we decided this summer to take some of our title two funds title two is used for professional development and we had a group of Staff members that went to a math professional development session at Montclair State it's called prism last year all about fractions it was called fraction boot camp and it was really about building a teacher's background of knowledge overall Elementary School teachers are very often known as language arts Specialists and not necessarily math Specialists um many of them if they come into the workforce will actually say they don't like math and so making sure their toolbox as a mathematician not just as a math educator was strong and the teachers enjoyed it so much we've decided to recreate it here after school so we're going to to use um we happen to hire an assistant principal and a director of curriculum that have a strong math base so we're going to use them to teach and some of the teachers that went to that boot camp to run our own fraction boot camp after school this year we're continuing to work on um our win period and that is something we've spoken about a lot and I know is on a future curriculum committee agenda and making sure teachers are looking at data all the time so language arts so this is our overview in language arts I will share that when I first got our test results I wasn't a happy superintendent I was really concerned about third and fourth grade started to talk to superintendant Across the county it does seem that third grade scores were lower across the county um and this does say a little bit to that that um we have 6.5% of our students that were did not meet Proficiency in third grade language arts and we didn't see that in any other content area and then the state also has a higher number of did not meet proficiency as well so because I like to be positive we're going to go back over here now and not think about level one anymore so our third grader show is 67 .4% passing rate compared to 43% 6% in the state and then you can see that going down and I'm going to talk a little bit about this fourth grade group again um I feel like I've been talking about them since last year but you will see incredibly High passing rates in fifth grade and in sixth grade and this is our subgroup analysis again all students students with IEP and then the total number for multilingual Learners and then again our subgroup analysis for ethnicity and race you'll notice compared to science I'm actually able to include two or more races because we have a bigger population to pull from you will also notice that our Hispanic and laat know students are actually doing better in language arts than they are in math and our proficiency to with gender and this is where I spend a lot of time right now I'm really looking at this group because I have never seen us have this type of discrepancy between gender so we are looking at our curriculum we're looking at the text in the classrooms and we're looking at what kind of programming we might be able to put together because I'm guessing we have some disengaged male readers in third grade because to talk about a 22% discrepancy between um females and males is something I've frankly never seen and here we have our analysis our three-year Trend analysis and again I want to point out that fourth grade group because last year we had a 90% passing rate in uh fourth grade a 90% passing rate in fifth grade and about an 86% in sixth grade so I saw that 79.5 and I I was really concerned I did then look again at them from third graders they're not decreasing in their AB in their comparison to the state they're just not growing as fast as I would like to see them grow so if you look at them in third graders the discrepancy between the state and the district is 28.3 points and the discrepancy in fourth grade so that same group of kids compared to the same group of kids in the state is now 28.7 so they're holding their own they're just not growing like I would like to see them grow but incredible kudos to our uh sixth grade language arts teachers and really all our language arts teachers because I always say that if you do well in sixth grade it means good things have happened all the way up that number actually is why we ran a sixth grade program this summer there were so few students that didn't pass we said let's hit them over the summer and do something with them with some um eser money that we had and here is our Trend again and you really see this large discrepancy between um the state and the district in fifth and sixth grade not necessarily in third and fourth and if there's some place to celebrate I believe this is it so if you look at this column right here so going from third grade to fourth grade so last year's fourth graders okay currently fifth graders 51% of them went up a level so one half of the population really grew and that's something that I want to talk to our fourth grade teachers about we want to know what we're really what did you do was there something that was different because we haven't seen that growth before um and what can we replicate and you even this number though when we look at all grades so third to fourth fourth to 5ifth 5ifth to 6th onethird of our students moved up a level Our concern as a district has always been that we don't want to just get kids to meeting we want to make sure that all Learners are moving forward so that's a really nice statistic to show that um in terms of positives as I said the 51% of students increasing at least one proficiency level in the Ops class of 2026 so those are current fifth graders who were assessed in fourth grade um the fact that 48% of students in grades four through six are exceeding standards and when we were trying to like think about what are the some stuff we just take for granted right we're a high achieving District um Ops students got perfect scores I don't I actually it's not a statistic I ever look at we were in the middle of an admin meeting I said well what other celebrations do you see and somebody said well look at this and I was like oh I think I took that one for granted so some of our next decks in language arts as I said we did run a summer boo boost program for students entering sixth grade we do have the implementation of a new curriculum we are really especially our October 14th day we just finished the professional development on it's continually looking at data to form you know inform tier one instruction and also what are you doing during the wi period I do want to look deep deeper into our third grade results and we do H we did take some of our Title One Pro funding and we will be running an outside of the school day program for students who are struggling in language arts in grades four through six so our final takeaways you know me I'm a perfectionist um I don't believe this is the best we've ever done um last year was a real highlight for us but I see some really great things and I think to some extent we're so used to performing really really well that when we're not at that level it just feels like a little bit of a let down but maybe that's also the impetus to dig deep and say we need to continue to make sure we're using data to inform instruction we can't take for granted that a student is going to pass because they pass last year we need to keep tracking that student and we need to ensure that we're focusing on both achievement and growth as I said that 51% of those current fifth graders that moved up a level I am so proud of those fourth grade teachers I'm so proud of those kids because that shows real growth and we're just we have a lot of new curriculum this year and if you talk to an Ops teacher they're probably feeling a little overwhelmed right now because new language arts new math at the same time it feels like a lot um however um it's also a chance it's a chance to try new things see what the impact of them are and continue to move forward so who wants to hit me first any questions for Miss booso from the board M Megan our 504 students um are because they're less than 10 they're not considered a subgroup that we watch correct would you do you would you happen to know like what percentage of your 504 students are say medical 504s or like ADHD kind of like they that have an impact on the actual learning okay they probably split down the row um we see more ad ones as we get to the upper grades um we really try to push our parents to think about as 504 the best for a medical if it's just food allergy it shouldn't be a 504 it has to impact learning right it should be a health plan so I'm going to say that we are seeing an increase in the ad HD ones and really their modification is typically extended time Mr Walsh uh can you tell me how many students we had third fourth fifth and sixth grade right now no but I could get you that information I can give you an estimate estimate's good an estimate's good okay so third grade last year had approximately 95 students third grade third grade 95 fourth grade had about 20 students fifth grade had 126 students the gr they did well and sixth grade 106 students okay thank you you're welcome uh I have a lot of questions but I noticed that in the uh analysis we have a lot of students that are uh I either IEPs or uh multilingual the things that you're going to uh Institute this year for the kids do they have those categories in yes so we are giving professional development also to our special education teachers and they too will have a new resource and we actually are did some scheduling changes regarding the win period to ensure that special education teachers could support those students during the win period also to make sure that if there was a a gap or a hole in the past that it was getting filled okay I'll let somebody else go Walker thank you sorry um I said an excellent presentation in that I liked all the comparisons including male and female and all because sometimes math students are always stronger they say and um in their math calculations and so on but anyway my question is in line anguage Arts they basically this the whole school I'm looking at page 30 in language arts we went up basically from our whole calculation of 75 and along the line and a little bit more for sixth grade in math we went down um in both all of the kids went down well not really third grade but the number of St all of them went down in sixth grade and fifth grade okay remember that when you look at this data here so this one over here that this is the district right this is the state so you're not comparing those two right no so our our our third to I'm a little confused on the going down so well I mean fifth and sixth are pretty equal over here so or are you comparing that to this one what I was and I it's my mistake was I was looking at 22 oh okay so yes that's that's not and that that was a trend in 2022 so our third graders that was a very interesting year for third graders if you ever want to hear my whole Deep dive into the data testing of that year our third graders you're right that they continue to go down from third to six and that is not the trend we are actually seeing right now yeah we're actually seeing our fifth and sixth graders are outperforming um third and fourth grade and just the other one is a comment that 19 of our Ops students scored 100% that's pretty cool I it's a m it's something I've never looked at before so it is something I will look at um moving forward have a question Mr Daran uh yes um regarding next steps page 33 so you mentioned uh you want to dig deeper into third grade results uh specifically the gender discrepancy but you know in general uh I think third grade I think you mentioned fourth grade and certain areas um I'd be curious to get some sort of feedback loop sometime throughout the next however time period just specifically in that area just to see you know what you saw you know uh even if it was nothing it is actually like today I I started and one of the things I looked at was I looked at the actual subtests in language arts so typically when students take a test they actually score higher in narrative writing than expository writing in this group of third graders they actually scored lower in narrative writing so that was one of the things that I noticed but I will um put something together on what else I'm noticing their conventions were higher than their narrative writing so their grammar and their use of um mechanics was actually higher than their ability to tell a story and um I'm assuming we're going to get an update in December when we look at the uh County results right of course okay I I'll start stalking board presentations next week because I I do an informal analysis by watching theirs uh but I don't formally report to the board until the state releases and their data the state releases it in December last year I was able I got it the day before a board meeting and I think I was able to share at the last meeting in December okay and one final thing I know that you know we have link it and we have other data that we're tracking and we're doing a better job each here analyzing all this data but if you come across any other tool or any other way of capturing more data other than testing I'm not promoting you know additional testing just for data's sake um but if you hear of best practices where people are gathering data through using of tools software whatever um I think that would be interesting especially if maybe you wanted to Pilot in into the areas within next steps um you know I think you know while budgets are always tight um there's always room for um you know greater insight into improving our instructional capabilities and that's actually one of the things we did this year with last year I stood here and said that we needed to find a better screener for our K1 mathematics and we are um implementing a new one this year Mr Walsh uh okay I'm looking at the numbers now my numbers okay uh in the third grade Mr Walsh what page are you on what page yeah so I can look at the same thing I'm on mathematics the first oh 15 thank you I almost got got that wrong uh third grade I see that about 33 students didn't pass in fourth grade I see that uh 30% of 120 or 100 we didn't know the number but at least 30 students in the fourth grade fifth grade about 30 students also I'm not even counting sixth grade because uh riverdell has them now but uh and I think that goes on both the math and the English or the language arts and you said that you were going to you're planning on having e extra work for the kids uh in both subjects well that's what we do in the wi period yes we give focused work on an area of weakness so that's extra work how how do you break a class down oh so how do you define what work students need because you know what what their weakness is sure so that's two things so when when I talk about I'm going to specific Al speak to math right now so when I speak about our math staff developer right and we talk about the centers that students can do that's one way that we can assign students to a center and they can be working specifically on that skill okay and it's also during the win period when we assign students certain work when we assign them a game when we assign them to come work with a teacher because that's their weakness during that that period okay that's the math and the same thing for language arts all grades also have a focus period uh win period for language arts as well and that's also when if you really do need significant assistance which we would call tier three intervention so you're a general education student but you need um we've triangulated data we've said that you are in Greater need when you would go work with an intervention teacher you get extra homework Mr Walsh I'm lucky if everybody does their homework right now so we're going to put off extra homework for now so the parent parents might get homework too sure because if you're if you're behind in math and you're missing a concept you're going to be missing that concept until somebody helps you with it and that's why data analysis is so important so when uh I know one of the things we're really looking at at the October 14th professional development is our link it results because what's great about linkit is it puts all the data in one spot so if I want to look at a group of students and I want to look at how they've done on three different assessments at the same time okay to see like who's got a weakness in fractions who's got a weakness in decimals right right that's part of what we're going to do because we want to even though that's last year's work we want to make sure we fill that Gap in a student's learning so absolutely but Mr Walsh but those 30 kids that um didn't pass what about the 90 students that did pass well hopefully they're going to be getting a lot smarter and if I'm going to be sitting here next year uh the numbers are going to be higher a different grade will be taken a science test true uh and they only do we only do in fifth grade correct it's grade F five grade eight and I there's something in high school does fourth grade get science everyone has science but the only grades that assess science are fifth grade did you ever think of coming up with a test for the fourth graders actually that is a product we can buy from linkit it is not something we have currently decided to because our science test results while they may not have 100% passing were last year the second highest in the county so I it's not NE feel bad for the county perhaps but we can't worry about all of them Mr Del Greco quick question so the kids that are I guess pulled from wind into intervention are we tracking with the data those that are in there to see if that actual intervention is making a difference with the kids moving upwards you know what we did it with the high impact tutoring um we do track the pre- and post assessment for the intervention um whatever we're Focus period whatever the focus of the intervention is we give a pre and a post assessment I'm not sure if we have actually tracked but it would be EAS pretty easily to easy to do so it's not a it's a good thing to look at I just take a look yeah we push the button and it just maybe I did something to it no no it was what' you do nothing I just pressed this I'm not sure all right good um yeah thank you um I have a request if you could on the subgroup analyses for the three uh subjects if you could add a column and email that the graph to the board if you could add you have all students can you add a column for Jed AB because you didn't you have all and then you have and then you have some of them have so can you add a column for that and just email it to the board absolutely in all three categories yeah okay any other questions okay um that concludes my report your full superintendent report or just okay Mr iell I have nothing to report right now okay moving to minutes we have review of September 4th any questions or comments please email Mr aell we have the approval of August 21st do I have a motion second by Mrs Walker any questions call the question on the RO Mrs aosta is not here Mr Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey Mrs noran abstain Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes moving to committee reports Mr Daran would you take administrative uh yes this evening we have um several administrative items um the number one a 1 through A5 I'd like to introduce them uh thank you John second by Mr Walsh any questions Mr Dar Mr delgreco A2 did any of the terms and conditions change upon the name or a name change only no rates are the same everything is the same thank you any other questions call the question on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes buildings and grounds Mr Darian uh yes uh we have a couple of facility use this evening um you'll see under B1 I'd like to introduce um eight items but before we go into that I'd like to give an update on our our last buildings and grounds subcommittee meeting which was just earlier this evening and we already have a printed copy of the minutes I uh must admit Miss BOS was um very good in taking notes and she hit print and it was literally hot off the press so uh for the members of the community uh we discussed uh just these several topics um uh the basketball court uh the summer rooftop projects the exhaust fans again and the finalizing of that project the finalizing of the uh the roof Replacements and um we talked about the playground equipment and um enhancing or repairing some of that equipment um bike racks where we would put them and you know how many we would install and then we have what is commonly what I refer to as the Samuel list and um it is a lengthy list of uh items that we just um keep track of and discuss and usually uh for most of them they're just you know we put them off because of uh prioritization but uh we did discuss them um just to keep them top of mind so with all of that um I'd like to introduce I think I already did B1 I'll second second by Mr Walsh any questions call a question on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs noran I have no report at this point Finance technology Mrs aosta is not here um Mr Daran would you like to take that sure I'd like to introduce item uh D1 through d11 I'll second second by Mr Walsh any questions or comments I have a question I may have missed it again but did we actually get a copy of the treasurers report the financial reports the transfer of funds they should have been sent I'm not cuz it wasn't in I mean am I would they have been sent because this was added after we got our packet and it was added I guess today because I looked at the agenda yesterday online correct you want to pull uh was it d8 D9 I don't like to vote on the financial reports or to say that we certified whatever without seeing it but it's up to the board what do you think does it matter if we wait till the next meeting we can wait do we I mean if we had do we get it like if I look right now okay I didn't know if why don't we just table it do I need a motion to table Catherine yes yes move d i I need a motion yeah yeah I'll I'll make a motion I'll second has come it has to come from the person that made the motion I'd like to make a motion to Table d8 9 10 and 11 until we get the actual reports till next meeting I'll second second by Mr Walsh any questions roll call on the rooll Mr Del Greco yes Mr um Mrs Downey yes Mr nor Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes as amended Mrs Nichols yes so now you have to make the motion to we have to we now have to do D1 through D7 right we just I just made the motion to table d8 through 11 now we need to so now you need to make a motion for D1 through D7 Oh I thought we were just voting on the whole that was just a table oh then then excuse me I [Laughter] shut Mr Rell I I vote Yes to to I didn't know what I was Voting yes to I I vote Yes as to the motion to table the items can you make a new motion for make a new motion yeah now I'd like to make a second motion to introduce items D1 as amended through D7 and second by Mr Walsh any questions call a question on the RO Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh I have nothing to report Personnel Mrs Walker Mike second that better I'd like to present F1 uh before I did that I just wanted to give you an overview of our meeting today which again miss BOS was very busy getting the uh agendas out of what we covered in just a quick update um we reviewed the new hires on the agenda and that includes our new school counselor which is in the audience tonight Heather Brown Houston and we're very pleased to have you welcome um and we reviewed additional changes um for uh the admin team and we will be getting into they'll be presented to them and then we'll get back to you after we have our presentation from uh Mr Daren we also um hired a couple of extra teachers for the robotics classes which showed last semester uh a large amount of students attended and not as enough teachers so we have hired a couple more teachers uh we reviewed um salary requests from OAA and um we asked our we have requested from our attorney investigative questions on HIV what's legal and what isn't and with that I'd like to present F1 I'll second I think Mrs noran beat you second by Mrs noran any questions Mr Del GCO central office roles and responsibilities it says follow up with attorney regarding responsibilities is this just job roles kind of just making sure the JDS match okay thank you any other questions call the question on the role Mr delgreco yes Mrs Downey Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes policy Mr Del Greco um we have not had any meetings since the last board meeting do we need one or I guess you could I haven't seen any updates from njsba it's up to missus if we do okay um public relations Mrs Downey I have nothing to report open to the public any old or new business my God I have some new business go ahead um I have a new app it's called newsbreak and I get a lot of local um articles coming to me um more so than any the other app and I was reading today that ramsy passed uh resolution that bans cell phones in the school and it it varies based on elementary middle and high school high school they have some sort of special Locker that everyone puts there cell phone in and it's locked the Middle School uh they're allowed to have their cell phones in their backpacks but they can't come out and no cell phones at all at elementary school and I thought that was interesting and you know I reflect on when my kids were here and my kids were in high school and currently they're still in college and I thought you know wow how would I feel you know being disconnected you know with all this new technology you get accustomed into being you know at least a text or something right but then I thought back well what happened when I was in school and and then I remembered that every every classroom has a phone a telephone and the school has a front office and if there's something that happens during the day we have administrators and teachers who are adults who are responsible for our children so uh they'll be fine and uh if there's an emergency you can call the school and they'll pass a message on and so on and so forth or you know you get the teacher in the classroom on the phone and I thought maybe that's just something we can talk about and consider so um I mean I'm not saying I'm an advocate right now but I thought it was you know Initial Ideas is you know cell phones I think that pendulum is getting to the we've passed the peak and you know people are starting to want to to spend less and less time on them so um I I think over the next couple of weeks if you just think about it and uh if you want to do some research on it or uh you know build a case against me with stats and statistics and how it's such a bad idea but I just I just thought about this it came up today I read it in the article so I thought I just mentioned it tonight Greg to piggyback that I think there's a lot of studies coming out from these high schools that have shut down or have eliminated cell phones and the they're they're seeing progress in the in the classes classrooms they're seeing less distractions they're having less um um issues with behavioral bad behaviors that come along with it so you're on to something I can tell you in my school it's a remarkable distraction so you're you're sniffing in the right places who did this come from it was just a local article about what happened at Ramsey it's their policy um goes into effect in January are you saying we allow cell phones here I don't think we do I mean we allow them in the backpack we allow them in the backpack right is it because I thought they said maybe I misread um if I remember correctly what I read is Ramsey's policy is Elementary School is in the backpack Middle School is in the locker and high school will be using Yonder which is a little device that they put it in um we have been much tighter with our students this year the biggest issue we have is actually not cell phones right now it's SmartWatches and we do a reminder immediately when you enter the building like it has to be off that's in our policy isn't it correct Yeah in our policy yeah on that watch topic are there any I think part of the debate now is medical devices those students have if it's in your 504 or in your IEP that for different needs even students as we were talking about students with 504 with ADHD um there are sometimes apps that a student is using in their 504 so that students has or if you're a younger student and it reminds you to go to the bathroom that too uh one point to business Miss bosos mentioned that our next board meeting is actually during the convention so she mentioned that maybe we move our October 23rd meeting to October 30th so is everyone okay with that because we only have one meeting in November anyway right so we're going to move our next meeting to October 30th and if Mr iella you could just advertise that and send that out it's Cabbage Night any other New or Old business Mrs Walker uh just to announce I don't know I'm sure you all saw that the New Jersey school boards is having their first meeting on uh September 30th and the title of our the dinner meeting and down in hasper kites is embracing the power of AI and it's being presented by um superintendent Peter Hughes of creskill it seems like it would be a very interesting presentation I already signed up thanks to Peter I got a confirmation from them um and you can attend and either virtually or down there so um is it that the Hilton or the um holiday in I showed up at the wrong one last time holiday in holiday in yes I showed up and the entire Hotel was standing outside with the fire alarms going so I called his I texted him I'm like where are you she like what do you mean I'm like everyone's outside where she's like what do you mean everyone's outside I'm like oh I'm at the wrong hotel that's the wrong hotel that I went to because they used to do it there right yeah where is the meeting Hasbrook Heights holiday in not Hilton Route 17 where the old Banas I on the southbound side bananas it's on the south is it still bananas there the the comedy club that used to be there it's still the holiday The Comedy Club is what I was saying is it still the comedy club 30th when is it September 30th when did you say September 30th Monday is a Monday yes okay okay any other old or new business I would like to go into a very quick close session for personnel and uh Personnel issues so Mr Daran would you make a motion oh wait and legal person on legal okay I make a motion or a second a motion motion okay I thought and I'll second it I make a motion we go in the close session thank you second um roll call on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes we will not be taking any action after and it should not be long