Student Government president will lead us I pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law statement all requirements of the open public business meetings law have been met for this meeting of the board of education of the burrow of idell notice of this meeting is posted in the burrow Hall orell Public Library Ops main office and filed with the record and town news and all persons requesting such notice the mission statement the orell public school is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive and responsible citizens at this time i' open to public for reorganization session items only not seeing any the election results from the November 2023 is reported from Tuesday November 7th 2023 Rita J Walker 1,718 votes Christopher W nutland 1,249 votes James delgreco 1,432 votes Robert J Graham Jr 929 votes at this time I'd like to administer the oath of office to James Del Greco I James delgreco do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear the true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government established in the United States and the state under the authority of the people so help me God I James dog Greco do Solly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of the member of a board of education and I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs1 1941 nor disqualified due to the conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 and I will be faithfully and practically and just perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my abilities help me God thank [Applause] you and Christopher nutland I Christopher nutland do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Christopher nutland do solemnly affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of members of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 for -1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God Mrs Walker was unable to be with us tonight so she will be swor in at a later time um as Mr Del Greco and Mr nutland join us the terms of expiration for the oral Board of Trustees James delgreco 2026 Christopher nutland 2026 Rita Walker 2026 Jamie Downey 2025 John Walsh 2025 darthy Watson Nichols 2025 Elena aasta 2024 Gregory d 2024 Mary Katherine noran 2024 at this time I'd like to open the floor for okay first we'll do a roll call Mrs aasta Mr delgreco Mrs Downey Mrs noran here Mr nutland here Mr Walsh here Mr Daren here Mrs Nichols here at this time I'd like to open the floor Toom ntion for the position of President I'd like to nominate Dorothy Watson Nichols for president I'll second it any other nominations not seeing any roll call Mrs aosta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Watson Nichols yes I guess um thank you Miss bosos I'd like to open the floor for nomination of a vice president I would like to personally nominate Mr Greg Daran do I have any others I'll second it if no others uh roll call Mr yes Mrs Downey Mrs noran no Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Watson Nichols yes um we're going to move to the code of ethics there are 10 paragraphs um let me see four okay so we will what we normally do is read these in order we'll start uh with Mr nutland with the I will uphold and enforce all laws so you'll read that paragraph we'll go to Mrs noran we'll go around and with Elena you'll do the last two and then we'll take a roll call on the ethics I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to school desired change shall be brought by brought um about only through legal and ethical procedures I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will make decisions in terms of educational welfare of children am I reading the right one next next paragraph the next one yeah I will that's good it's less words I will I will carry out no no I will confine right here oh the one of above yeah it's the first time I'm doing this I will confirm my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out my responsibility not to to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well-run I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board I will hold confidential on matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals of the schools in all the matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its schools I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer I will support and protect School Personnel improper performance of their duties I will refer all complaints to the chief School administrator administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution someone make a motion for um the code of ethics so moved I second it second by Mr Walsh any questions call a question let's hope we can live by them call the question Mrs aosta Mr delgreco Mrs Downey Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes I'm thinking that for the rest of the rorg agenda items 7 through 16 maybe we want to do a consent agenda would anyone like to make that motion so moved moved by Mrs noran do I have a second I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions on items 7 through 16 call the question Mr Daran did you have a question uh our business administrator is not here I usually ask this question every year about the mileage reimbursement 47 cents has that changed since last year it has not I actually looked it up okay any other questions call a question Mrs aosta Mr delgreco Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes at this time our reorg meeting has ended so do not feel like you have to stay we're going to go into you're more than welcome to stay but if you want to go don't worry about leaving we'll go into our public session we're going to open with a roll call thank I I'm giving them a minute to leave okay roll call Mrs aosta Mr delgreco here Mrs Downey here Mrs noran here Mrs Mr nutland here Mr Walsh here Mr Daren here Mrs Nichols here open to the public for agenda items on the public meeting only not seeing any we'll move to the superintendent report well first of all happy New Year New Year's often finds US setting resolutions in this week's Community flash Mrs Holly shared about a study done by psychologist Ken Sheldon and see I do read them Mrs Holly who studied hikers no tackling the Pacific coast he the Pacific Coast Trail he found that those who felt awesome at the end of the hike were not just those who finished but those who cared more grit is not just about sticking through and toughing things out and finishing it's also about picking goals that light you up inside and that's something that our administrative team and I will be talking to staff and students a lot about in the upcoming weeks not just setting goals but identifying the goals that really matter to us with regards to the goals we have for the district I have set up a walkthrough with our Safety and Security vendor to create a plan for our next steps for camera deployment and the implementation of additional safety measures this week representatives from the state will visit Ops to look at the work we have done with the Early Learning Network Improvement Community or elnick math initiative the week of January 15th our teachers will once again again meet with their River Edge counterparts to continue to unpack the new math standards and create a scope and sequence for our math curriculum they will also have the opportunity to speak with representatives of the different resources we have been looking at during our January 15th professional development day our kindergarten staff will do additional work with the heger phic awareness resource our first and second grade teachers will work on progress monitoring activities with Dibbles data additionally our language arts teachers in grades four and five and several administrators will be participating in the state sponsored rapid professional development workshops focused on neurobiology of reading Advanced word study fluency and comprehension additionally one perfect example of our engagement goal will occur this Friday as our sixth graders will videotape their entries for the New Jersey Schoolboard steam tank challenge as a reminder steam tank is an invention challenge sponsored by the New Jersey school boards students work in teams to pitch their ideas for a new product we anticipate having approximately 25 teams participating this year the week before break they were able to meet virtually with representatives from steamtank to get additional guidance before submitting their ideas finally next week our parents in grades three 3 through six will receive a copy of the student culture and climate survey to be administered this will allow parents the opportunity to choose whether they want their student to participate in administration the survey to staff and families will follow soon after that before I conclude my report I would be remiss if I did not say thank you as this is School Board appreciation month and I know that most people don't know the amount of time and effort behind the scenes that goes into being a board member I was speaking to our Student Government adviser today and we are working on creating an opportunity for our student leaders to meet with some of you to learn about what you do and why so thank you for all that you do and this concludes my report thank you we'll skip it as administrator because he is not here we go to review of minutes for December 13th any questions or comments please email Mr iell we have approval of meeting minutes uh for November 15th do I have a motion so moved I'll second moved by Catherine second by Mr Walsh any questions call a question Mrs aosta Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols did you skip too yeah I'm getting there okay she put them out of order okay is that a yes do want we Mr nutland yes Mr delgreco abstained Mrs Nichols yes uh committee reports Mr Daren would you take administrative uh yes uh today we have items A1 through A3 A1 being the school recognition I'm School Board member recognition excuse me uh A2 is a hi report that we've reviewed already and A3 is uh safe return Plan update do I have a second second second by Mrs noran any question questions call a question Mrs aosta Mr delgreco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes uh buildings and grounds uh Mr Daran uh yes we've did not have a meeting since our last public meeting so I have nothing new to report and I have nothing to on the agenda either um that'll be all new chair people I guess named in the next few weeks but curriculum Mrs norian you on curriculum were you on curriculum any report don't believe so I don't think there's anything to report Finance Mr Darion is no longer here um Mr Mr Dory Mr Griffin is no longer here Mr Daran would you take that yeah uh yes uh I'd like to introduce items uh D1 through uh D3 I'll second it any questions so I I would like a little background on this high impact tutoring Grant I I'm not familiar with this okay we we previously had this on the agenda for um submission to the state the state put x amount of money aside specifically geared for third or fourth graders who were deemed to be the most impacted by covid learning loss so our specific Grant is in that amount we are at the point right now where we have it's a bit like a labyrinth you have to go through several steps to get your full approval we have gotten our full approval and that money will be used to bring in an external tutoring agency during the day to work specifically on fractions in grades three and four and fractions were chosen because njsla data showed that that was was a weakness for students when do you think um now that we've approved this when do you think we will start hiring these people like is this the final we already have them okay we have them okay we just and they know we know what times a day they'll be working we just couldn't a little bit like the rod Grant we couldn't move forward until the state gave us every level of approval so now this actually is what we needed to be able to enter it into the ewag software and then we can move forward and do you know how many weeks it's going to go on for is it for the rest of the year or or just it really depends on how many hours and how long that $34,200 lasts okay perfect any other questions call the question Mrs aosta yes Mr delgreco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darion yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh uh I have nothing to report um Mrs noran you want to take Personnel uh sure um you have uh Personnel uh committee report in your packet um I would like to present that report uh make a motion to approve that report I'll second it any questions I had one question actually um on number 2B we are approving from 91 to 6:30 have these people already been working in our building no but they began um I think I may have even I have to look into it because they have both already number two has already been here and been working so I'm not sure why she is on again I would need to look into it number one is a new hire I think we we just use those effective dates to cover the year can you find out for us for the next meeting if this person has been working here before and if we approve them and I think we should just keep the dates okay as to when they're actually effective for each of them if we ever have to go back to look okay um so maybe so I we should make an effective date to be determined for both of them and then fix it for the minutes like we'll approve it with the dates the correct dat and as when the minutes come we'll have the correct dates what do you think um it's fine with me I think I think that that would that would be fine I don't think there's an issue I think the effective dates yeah I'm not too concerned with the dates other than they reflect what what's going on in the building in terms of when they're here so so let's just if we amend it to say you know to be determined based on their actual dates their actual dates yeah fine with that okay so I will make amend the motion to um include the to be determined effective dates yeah their actual dates any other um questions call the question Mrs aasta Mr delgreco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes policy Mrs noran uh no report at this point uh public relations Mrs aasta the big survey is going out that's big uh open to the public okay not seeing any we'll move forward um any old or new business I think uh I just like to mention the buau is using our facility um this week right not tonight but because tonight is the it's Sunday suay yeah so and and we have everything they would need and we're having preliminary meetings with them to make sure everything is going to be working smoothly and if you need any volunteers I was I'm kidding about the volunteers but it's nice to see it's nice to see that they're using our building any other older new business any need for a Clos session so I move to adjourn do I have a second I'll second it all in favor I I I oppos I I all right our next meeting is January 24th January 24th now you go home and you say