I'd like to call this meeting to order Mrs noran would you lead us in the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you sunshine law statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education of the burough of ordell notice of this meeting was filed with the record in town news and all persons requesting such notice Mr Darian would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the rooll Mrs aasta Mrs Nigam here Mrs Downey here Mr Griffin will be absent Mrs noran here Mrs Walker here Mr Walsh here Mr Darien here Mrs Nichols here open to the public for agenda items only not seeing any we'll move forward um I have one thing this evening for my report in the past the town has um asked us to support um their Safe Streets grants they get a grant I guess for Paving is it is it it's road work right sidewalks sidewalks so in the past we have done this um they they need a letter of support from the school um to submit with the Grant application I guess it is and they basically write the letter for us and we've sent it in so would anyone be opposed to miss BOS submitting it on our behalf we've done it before do the uh sidewalks in front of the school no I don't know where they are it's somewhere in town it has it doesn't have to really do with us but they need support from the board that would be nice though yeah anyone not in favor of it okay so you have your answer and we will move to your report good evening I have been talking so much about qac partially because um it's a new process for me and also because the district hasn't gone through an official qac evaluation for 12 years um we happen to be in a very unique cohort it normally happens every three years and something kept happening and we kept we are high performing so they kept giving us a waiver and I realized that for many members of the board they've never been through a qack evaluation so I say it and you shake your heads politely and I thought it might help since today the qac committee met Mrs noran represented um the board on that committee that I give you a little bit of an overview so qac stands for the New Jersey single accountability Continuum and in 2005 legislation was put in place to ensure that all schools across the state and that includes public schools and County special education schools are evaluated by a set criteria and it's broken up into five district performance RWS and it starts with a self- evaluation what happens after we submit that self- evaluation which on your agenda today you will vote to give me permission to submit the self- evaluation later in the year two things will happen um offsite they will review many of our files so our budgets that they can access electronically our policies that they can access electronically um our curriculum and they will evaluate and give points to the district remotely they will visit Orel Public School this year as well that one day they will walk through the building to ensure that our buildings and grounds are safe um for students and on another day they will come in and do an on-site evaluation so that um it's a little bit more of an anonimous one they will open up Personnel records and just ensure that every Personnel record meets the standards that are required they will um randomly select purchase orders to ensure that all of our purchase orders are meeting the requirements so for that review there are five domains the first one is instruction and programming and each domain is broken up into indicators so I gave you some of the topics that are in that domain underneath there so there's 16 indicators and instruction and program in fiscal management we have 15 in governance we have 14 operations is 18 and Personnel is six and so as I was working on this I was like Personnel is going to be great they forget to tell you that they separate Personnel into 1A 1 b 1 C 1D 2 a 2B it was not I thought I was done and I I wasn't um a district every one of those performance indicator areas H is it's El is eligible to receive a 100 points a district must receive 80 points in each of those performance review areas to be deemed as highly um High performing which orle has received a high performing rating in the past which is why sometimes we were given the waiver to not go through the full evaluation so what I thought might be helpful today because the actual manual is 146 pages and breaks everything up it's just to give you a taste the committee today which is made up of as I said Mrs noran representing the board um the OA president teachers administrators um Mr iabi from the finance side reviewed every s single indicator and I said well I could take you through that 27 page PowerPoint tonight but I like you all way too much to do that so I gave you a little bit of a sample here so one area that the district that the county will look at is our achievement score so as we know the district is incredibly High performing in language arts and so they use a formula to calculate how many points towards the 10 that we use and it's a really cool formula because what they do is they take the total number of students which is meeting or a exceeding expectations so for ell public school is 90% of our population is meeting or exceeding expectations and then they also take the average of all of the subgroups to make sure that each of those subgroups that we reported on are students with disabilities um are 504 students uh students of of different races and ethnicities are also and they average the both of those scores together they do that in English language arts in mathematics and in science and that's where two three and four come from and then they also look at our progress so New Jersey is really big on not just achievement achievement but also progress so we have something called student growth percentiles which shows how much each of our students is growing compared to students who score the same score the year before so if you have a child in third grade and they scored a 750 on state assessments then what they would do is look at that student score in fourth grade and say how much did they grow compared to everyone else that scored a 750 the year before and you get a percentile rank the school then also gets a percentile rank where is our average score um so they'll take our growth rate in language arts our growth rate in mathematics there is no science growth rate they will also look at our chronic absenteeism score and this is something we've spoken about before as a district it's an area we need to grow in um we currently have an 8% chronic absenteeism which means 8% of our population is missing 18 days or more and so what they will be looking is at is what protocols have we put in place and what intervention systems have we put in place to scaffold that child who attend school they will then also look at um our language arts curriculum so they will look at every aspect of our curriculum language arts curriculum mathematics curriculum science social studies Comprehensive Health and physical education fine and Performing Arts each of those curriculums is worth four points they must have a pacing guide they must be aligned to State Standards um they must show evidence of meeting other state mandates like the Amistad mandate and the Holocaust mandate and then they will also the big one um the last round of cusac when it began they always pick something that's kind of big that year like what's in that round going to be the big thing and right now it is tiered systems of support so we will need to provide evidence of intervention plans that we have put in place for students and how we are monitoring individual students growths and that will be intervention plans not just for academics but intervention plans for students who are showing um emotional need and actually absente isms so you do need to have an intervention plan if a student is showing high levels of absenteeism so once we leave instruction and management we get to fiscal management which is you know Mr ell's area so I get to breathe a little bit um more easily and a lot of this is just what happens all the time they will look at our our monthly board secretary reports they will look at our Treasurer reports they will look and ask for a a link to our standard operating procedures they will look at our audit not just from the last year but from the two years prior they also also will look at our grant submission so we know as a district we get several federal grants we get our title funds all of those come with specific submission requirements they will look to make sure that we've been awarded them that we've spent them and that we have um applied for reimbursement because we don't just get the money we actually apply we do the program and then we get reimbursed for it they will we have already submitted our health and safety checklist and evaluation of the building and then what happens is 9B and 9 C are those actual walkthroughs so now they're going to walk through the building and make sure that everything we put on our health and safety checklist is accurate in the area of governance um that's a lot of the work that you do as a board so they will review our policies uh specifically the mandated and monitored policies every district has mandated policies monitored POS policies and other those other ones are typically the ones that are specific to us as a district they also will evaluate and look at how we have submitted our contract so you'll remember when we hired a business administrator we can't just put a business administrator on the agenda we need to actually submit that contract to the county that's why we voted twice we voted first to submit the contract to the county and the second time to approve Mr iell to that role and that's really important a lot of districts skip that initial step which is one of the areas they lose points on they will look at the minutes from our past meetings to ensure that we've followed every step of the budget process from posting our budget timelines to the initial um presentation of the budget and um did we do public notice for all of that and one of my favorite indicators and I find it interesting interesting that it's in governance and not in instruction is that every school district in the state of New Jersey is required to have a District library media specialist and um that it's important enough to the state that it's not just an instructional piece it's not just a Personnel piece it's part of governance in the area of operations um this has to do a lot with all of the reports we do um anyone who works Works in central office in a New Jersey public school will tell you that while we love the digital world it has made it even easier for uh the state to ask for required submissions all the time um submissions of our Personnel um who are our staff members how many years have they been in the district the most recent submission we actually had to start adding um what type of college did they go to did they go to college in New Jersey did they go to college out of New Jersey this spread spread sheeet that gets submitted just keeps growing and growing and growing and um we also do the same thing for our students as well the CDs submission is actually the easiest of all it is County district and school and it's just ensuring that at any point in time the state knows exactly who is in every role in The District who is your District data coordinator who is your director of gifted and talented education who is uh your business administrator your supervisor of buildings and grounds number five again I love that this is in operations it has to do with the code of conduct every District must have a policy that references a code of conduct what's really interesting is the indicator for this goes as much to say as it cannot be a truly punitive code of conduct it can't just say this happened and this child's getting suspended it has to show that there are behavioral supports in place to improve that that behavior and it has to minimize exclusionary practices so we know that in the state of New Jersey we can only take so many recesses away we don't want to take kids away from that they do not want to see EXT extensive levels of suspension and expulsion which I hope will never happen at Oral public and number 10 is actually on your board agenda today um it is not enough to just do the bus evacuation drill you actually have to put it on an agenda and document exactly what occurred in the area of personnel which is our last indic indicator DPR 5 this has a lot to do with teacher evaluation and it's twof fa so every year we have to submit our teacher evaluation scores to the state because a teacher must maintain an effective rating now so that's the evaluation Information System review but we we also have to keep on site um all our staff evaluations so when I say they will go into Personnel records They will pick certain Educators and they will look for were they evaluated the proper number of times were they given feedback in a timely manner um did they have goals set that year were their goals rigorous um and were they submitted in a timely manner the school Improvement panel is an organiz uh a group of teachers and administrators that helps set our professional development for the year and they want to see the minutes from those meetings um and agendas and how the work that they're doing is aligned to the work that the entire school is doing every district and every school must also have a professional development plan and one of the areas in that plan is all the mandated trainings that um employees must do so every group of employees has different mandated trainings so our custodians may need to do bloodborne pathogens but I as superintendent don't need to do bloodborne pathogens however I may have different trainings so they will not only look to see that staff members are working on them this year but they will also look to ensure that they were all completed last year so we use a um a digital platform for that so we'll print out the reports in that area they will look to make sure all new teachers have been properly supported through a mentoring system and they will actually go as far as to ask for the mentoring logs that were kept as we know in the state of New Jersey Any teacher that is in their first year of teaching must be mentored for the entire year they do not get a standard certification until the end of their second year and the last one here is the position control roster so the position control roster is a digital document that states every employee in the district with a certification and what they're teaching it ensures that they have the proper certification and it also ensures that their salary is being taken from the right line because salaries come from different lines in a budget so it's to make sure that our personnel and our fiscal piece are all aligned in terms of our next steps we will be submitting um assuming you vote to do this so today to submit the DPR self- evaluation through New Jersey home room and what that says is that our committee has met it's a large spreadsheet that says that as a district we are saying we meet each of these areas and then when the county comes in they will open that up and they will actually put what their score is next to our score so if we say we earned all eight points but they've decided this one area is a little weak they may give us six points in that area and then as I stated earlier there are two on-site portions the building walkth through and the review of files so that was qac in 12 minutes if you're Mr butcher you got to hear that twice today and it took me over an hour the first time do you have any questions about the qac process I have a question um for the for the on-side portions do we do we know how long it typically takes for the review so the building walk through um is shorter and partially the reason it will be shorter for us is the county wants you to succeed nobody wants schools not to be doing well they just want to ensure that you're meeting everything you need to be doing right so they do give you the opportunity to set up a trial so we did a trial walkthr last year and so we kind of knew if there was anything that was concerning so that may actually only take an hour the day that they actually come to do everything else will be a full day of them on site so in March if you see me shaking it's that day okay thank you anything else oh m m Costa just a quick question so orell is a one school district and so how do they work it in a district say like Patterson or Newark do they just go to the central district Withers they um they actually um I was a teacher in a multis school district so when it comes to those areas like curriculum they District Lev curriculum so they'll look at that fully when it comes to the building walkthr they typically do one at each level so if you are in Ridgewood for example there are six elementary schools one of those elementary schools is getting the walk through and that that's up to them they surpris like they won't tell you until that day um typically yes I mean listen sometimes they might give you a heads up to make sure that something crazy is not going on in that school that day um but it is one at each level because there sometimes are different different requirements so they may also in the case again of Ridgewood do one Elementary School one middle school and the high school thank you my question was um with when we submit the evaluation with our scores do they ever bump them up as opposed to bumping them down they actually they actually tell us always to give ourselves more okay um I guess they found that schools are a lot harder on themselves than than they may be so we submitted our scores no do it I mean after we vote tonight but is there any categories that we did not give ourselves a full score because I thought we're supposed to give ourselves the we give ourselves the full score on everything and then they come and and again it's because they feel sometimes when we might be so hard on ourselves so even though there's like a comment area they're like uh maybe tell us the comment anything else anything from your report um I was trying to think about um it's been a long time since our last meeting and I feel like a gazillion things have happened um there were Halloween parades there there have been children running around um I have to tell you one of the best parts about being the principal and then being the superintendent is that um even today like a student walked downstairs they needed something but so like things like that just keep happening and um overall I think um it's been a great two weeks since our last meeting I very excited and I did want to invite um all of members of the board the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is our steam day so our we'll have two grade levels at a time in the multi-purpose room and they will be doing steam activities um correlated to Thanksgiving and Macy's day parades and things like that and you are all more than welcome to come I will send you a schedule um of what's Happening that day and that concludes my my report thank you um business administrator Mr iell nothing at this time moving on to minutes we had the review of October 18th any questions or comments please email Mr aell uh we have approval of October 4th do I have a motion I move that we approve the minutes of October forth second second by Mrs Walker any questions call the question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mrs Nigam yes Mrs Downey stepped up Mr Griffin is absent Mrs noran yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes uh um committee reports administrative would you take that Mr Daran sure we have uh items A1 and the three additions recent additions regarding qac is uh A2 through A4 i' like to introduce items A1 through A4 second second by Mrs noran any questions um could I just make one comment um just for legal correction um I'm listed as Mary Katherine noran uh you may want to make sure that that says that in case they're sticklers for CAC thank okay any other questions or comments call a question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mrs Nigam yes Mrs noran yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes buildings and grounds Mr Daran uh yes um before I introduce this I'd like to just comment that we had a buildings and grounds meeting on November 8th that was last Wednesday um we we discussed a lot of things actually I was going to talk to some of them here um we had a roof update you'll see on this agenda on finance d8 we're approving $39,500 for our architect that's to uh do drawings submit them to the state for approval on replacing two of the roofs uh you know we have a complicated building each section has its own roof there are like seven different varieties of roofs um so we treat them each section as an independent roof so two sections are being replaced and uh that's what's on d8 uh we also have other sections um one needs repairing we had some investigation work done we're looking to get uh a quote on on repairing that uh we had an HVAC update you know we have a rod Grant which is a regular operating District Grant um we're waiting on results final approvals but we're using that Rod Grant to replace some classroom HVAC units ones that we didn't replace back when we did the um esip program where we replaced all the univ events uh we we have the auditorium update uh also tonight is the uh final payment for this room we made sure the punch list was completed we did discuss a couple of things that was not involving the uh contractor things we'd like to get done ourselves and we're looking for um you know an update on the timeline there uh the Center Street uh we put in the new uh retaining wall but you know we're also considering uh land Landscaping in that area and uh we're moving forward with some quotes on that project uh there was some build uh School building security um issues that came up they always come up it's nothing new uh we're just looking to improve on our existing system and then we had some uh miscellaneous things we had one one item we've had a disagreement on for a very long time and we finally come to an agreement and um which makes me happy and uh we discussed uh doors you know um we have a lot of doors in the building and so we had over many years um an implementation plan where we're replacing the outside doors with more modern insulated doors as opposed to the old doors and we still have some old wooden ones so we just need to finish that and make sure the building is uh weather tight and up to current standards regarding exterior doors it's not a safety issue it's just Aesthetics and and uh Energy Efficiency so with all that I'd like to introduce for buildings um grounds use uh items B1 and I'll second yeah just B1 second by Mr Walsh any questions Mrs Walker I see on the minutes of your your last meeting that you were speaking about you reviewed how and I'm probably mispronouncing it but verada yes yes the verata can be used as a door access what is that so you know all our doors have contact switches that works for the alarm system but it also works for our secured access system and verata is our secured access system it also controls the U access panels that works with our key cards so when you swipe your card it opens the door uh there's other things that verkata can do that we're looking to enhance um for safety for safety reasons yeah and we you know we wanted to U integrate more with cameras it integrates but we want to integrate more with cameras and we want to um ensure that um we're as safe as possible so but that's where verata is and we're going to be meeting with them to see you know what else they can do for us thank you any other questions call the question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mrs Nigam yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr deran yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs negam yes so the curriculum committee met on November 3rd and um we we um we had a we had a good discussion actually on the various um topics that had been brought to the board's attention um the admin team provided us an overview of the current role of um of phonics and phanic awareness um in in various reading instruction that that happens at Ops um including how it is address it was addressed in the prior years as well as the um you know the implementation of the foundations program since 2019 and how it has been developed over time um there were specific um I items that were identified in terms of recent changes that have been made for um uh for you know the foundation system particularly in this in second grade um for the 2223 school year then um you know application of differentiated um learning for first grade um from last year as well so um you know we've reviewed a bunch of uh topics as it relates to incorporating hegerty which is that pH phonemic awareness I was um um um alluding to earlier for kindergarten um which was which is put in for tier three intervention last year but it's going to be expanded I guess right um and um and then also purchasing of decodable readers for K through1 so there's um you know we we reviewed basically all the recent Chang es that have been made and uh also identified some next steps in terms of adding um you know um additional certification for teachers using won Gillingham and um you know adding some additional tools as well as uh the rewriting of curriculum which is also supposed to happen coming up that's for the new state standards right that are coming out in September 24 that's what we're rewriting for um yeah so that's uh that's my summary for tonight any questions uh Finance Mr Griffin is not here tonight but he did request an our meeting that you would cover for him uh yes uh we had a meeting just this week finance and um I guess the minutes are they're not included are they I don't think so I didn't see them no they're not included yet so um they're actually are they they are they came with our packet today I believe okay yeah there is so uh just to to recap for the community and for members here um you know uh we did discuss uh light path charges light path is our internet and um and the bandwidth uh you know it it goes all the way back to the days when you know we had the Mandate of testing to be online we wanted to make sure with State Testing we had proper bandwidth issues and you know now it's it's it seems like it's the Dark Ages so um you know we have no issues we were just looking at the current usage and how much we're paying uh we talked about um the solar energy system that we have on the roofs we were interested about how much they're contributing and we didn't know uh whether going to get any srex um and so we did some investigation with psng and we reviewed those findings and um I guess at this point we just have to determine in the future if we want to you know increase our solar generation or we're happy with the current output um we talked about technology gold um we have a goal a district goal for technology and uh one of the action plans or one of one of the steps for this goal is to conduct a survey and so we reviewed the survey in the subcommittee and we talked about upcoming buildings and grounds projected oh excuse me projected costs so uh you know it's no surprise we have an older building um the big costs are mostly HVAC related um rooftop units are about 100K if you need to replace them and we have quite a few of them they're all on different uh states of Decay and uh so we we just discussed them and and uh later on we'll probably prioritize um repairs and replacement uh but mostly it was just a financial discussion and um I think the B&G will take it further from there so with that let me introduce items D1 through D9 I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions call a question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mrs negam yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh I have nothing to report thank you at this time Personnel Mrs Walker um yes I we had a meeting this evening we know talked about a number of um that the man and investigating into that and looking at uh different Personnel records to bring them up to speed especially with qac coming and um a couple of other assorted things um and with that I'd like to present uh F1 I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions Mrs Walker I have a question on B7 uh Pearcy um I see $645 for her class her conference and that's for 129 and 130 so that would be one class what are you looking at um oh B8 B7 B8 oh is it eight it's eight oh I'm sorry I have my old one where I my it's ba8 I'm assuming that's the cost of the class y um it's actually not just a workshop she's being trained to be a trainer in that so whenever you're going to be a trainer it's always got an increased cost associated with it okay thank you that's it on um B4 and 5 the NJ t o what does that stand for this spring conference teacher of SC teacher of English as a second language second language and NJB I feel like I'm being quizzed can I see it please which one is it New Jersey bilingual education any questions okay call the question on the RO Mrs aasta yes Mrs negam yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes policy Mrs noran uh yes we did have a meeting on November 13th as well uh we kept uh Miss bosos very busy that day um and we went over policies and the information I had uh was to have these for first reading um we can go ahead with those because we've had the addition of our questions answered by our attorney and those are included in the packet that you got tonight so if you'll be careful and read that over so that you know what all of those items are uh I uh would like to uh present item G1 I'll second it well there's no roll call so if we can just remove this line from the minutes uh but if you have any questions for Mrs noran or any comments please email her Miss bosos and myself because we need to get these on for the next meeting um oh my does everybody get a copy yeah you should have gotten it in your uh packet today you guys are busy did you even sleep Catherine to get this what well there is a lot of information in here um we did go over all of the policies that are included here um so I was going crossy so now it's your turn and you get to tell me if there's anything that strikes you that we need to address further uh before we get it to Second reading okay thank you public relations Mrs aasta um we've had I think two meetings to discuss um the surveys that we're thinking about sending out I thought I was loud enough we're going to um we're working on a student staff and family survey so miss bosos was able to get them into our packet for the board so if everyone wants to see the surveys are in your they're confidential right now they're for board eyes only so if you have any comments on this please email Mrs aasta Miss BOS and myself okay because we'll be meeting again and probably sending them out you want to send them out after the holidays I believe right we'll see just read them please and get your comments to us asap at this time we'll open to the public not seeing anyone we will move any old or new business Mrs Walker um I brought along I attended the um River Del Board of EDS referendum meeting the other night and I have a number of brochures here which outlines the whole referendum and and how they they really have done a super job of preparing this spending many hours on it and I guess the bottom line of the whole thing is that um the whole referendum is 18 um I think it's let's see it's 12 million total after state aid after the state aid because the state aid they are getting 6.4 million if the referendum doesn't pass we're going to lose that 6.4 million so um and it it really is a timely thing it's been 20 years which is the other advantageous thing about passing this referendum because it's coming off the last referendum which was passed in 2002 so um if you take a look and at the back page or it's on the website they well they're claiming that if you assessed value for your home is 5 I I think it's $35,000 assessed value then that would be a total of $143 or something like that whereas at the back page or on the website if you key in you can actually put your ass best value of your home to get the exact amount of how much you would be paying but it was a very impressive presentation unfortunately there were only like 10 people there um I'm not sure I know they're having one Sunday for the seniors um but I'm sure they'll be get I don't think it's just for the seniors I think that they've build it as for the seniors but I think that it's open to anyone anyone could go right but um it would be if you have time to go by and see because what is it the 19th it's very informative so the 12th I believe that so I have these if anyone wants one I'll pass I thought it was the 19th no the I'm sorry it's got to be it's this this Sunday got to be yeah it's got to be this Sunday so that's the 19th I'm sorry I was thinking too many other things thank you any other is this N I just wanted to say I had a very enjoyable time um with the fifth grade students at the sharp trip um it was absolutely wonderful and I think it's um it's it's just one of those activities I'm glad that we can support as a school district for for our children I think it's very precious how many nights did you spend in the cabin two nights dedicated night you paid your dues I did I would just like to make a comment having sat through the um the uh meeting this afternoon for uh cusac and where we've come so far I think that the staff and uh Miss bosos have done an excellent job at preparing everything for qac and I think that we should be in good shape and I want to thank them for doing such a thorough job I heard you say forgot sharp do you want to say anything I just have one really big sharp question if you've read any of our social media about sharp you'll sometimes see over 35 years and Mrs McGill commented on Facebook make that over 40 years if there is anyone in this community that can actually tell me how many years we've gone to Sharp because it truly is a an Orel tradition and it's one of the things that I've always said about this District we are always about moving forward but we also are about holding on to some of these experiences and sharp is clearly one of them so if anyone can find out for me how many years we've gone I will be forever indebted because we just keep changing the day my daughter my daughter is my oldest I have four and she went to Sharp so um and she's in her early 50s yeah so it's going to be close to 50 years yeah because you know bridet went to Sharp yeah yeah I see 50 year anniversary shirts in our in our F than that you probably that was like 1976 77 something like that yeah right hadn't been a 70s yeah it was like 76 77 I will tell you that I can still come up with the sharp notebooks from my daughters uh that was their prized possessions and they kept them for a very very long time now now they're in my house um I guess I'm keeping them put them in your garage well let no not in the garage there's they're in the archives you know their their rooms the museum pieces up there any other old or new business how did the um uh the Halloween parade work out because of the change in time we actually did get some feedback to change the time again and it did make sense um now that we've done it um later in the day it was it did impact parents who had middle schoolers they couldn't pick up at middle school but we've worked it and we think we have the time next year until somebody tells us we've figured out the wrong time again but I actually do like it later in the day um it was kind of nice to then send everyone off after that and again how creative are kids sometimes um I was telling children that my Halloween costume was that thing you put on with the plastic mask that you got for like 1999 somewhere and we saw kids with amazing um costumes this year and one of the yeah and and one of the pieces um you'd have to be a really long-standing me member of this community to understand is I am so happy that our staff has embraced Halloween they um I think I will say and it's not just cuz he's in the room if you ever want to give the best Halloween costume award you would need to give them to our special Area Teachers they were Toy Story this year and um Mr butcher you were Rex big blowup dinosaur so um and every year I kind of wait to see what they're going to be and I love that our staff allows kids to see them in that environment as well yeah pi I [Laughter] no any other older new business we do need to go into a closed session for personnel and legal issues so someone would like to make a motion that we go into a Clos session moved by Catherine second by Mr Walsh roll call on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mrs negam yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darion yes Mrs Nichols yes uh we will not be taking any action after the meeting so we will be done Happy Thanksgiving oh yeah Happy Thanksgiving to everyone I would