##VIDEO ID:-xhB7BDGA2M## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] good after afternoon and welcome to the September 23rd 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council today is my mother's birthday so I know you would all like to wish her very happy 88th birthday and she's on a trip in Europe right now back backing around so watching no well I don't think she can get simoc cast over there but I'll tell her about it uh okay we're going to start today's proceedings with the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance LED today by commissioner Jim Gray thank you mayor I if you're so inclined please join me in prayer uh dear Lord we come to you today asking for your guidance wisdom and kindness as we address the Affairs of this community help us engage in meaningful discussions that lead to decisions that Advance this city and its residents we also ask for your intervention in current disputes throughout the world we ask for calm Minds rational decisions and healing hearts in your name we pray amen amen pledge allegiance to un stes America the for IT stand nais I'm okay let's call the meeting to order Madam clerk would you call the role and make a determination of form please commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner Shen here interim commissioner Shan Rose here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a Corum with all members present thank you madam clerk first order of businesses consideration of minutes from the Workshop is agenda review in City Council meetings and first budget hearing of September 9th 2024 so Mo motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner shien all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay quick Mayors update tomorrow I'll be joining commissioner Rose for the ribbon cutting of the renovated downtown recreational center a facility that allows us to provide opportunities and resources to help young adults Thrive especially building on the work of our Paramore Kid Zone um on Sunday September 29th starting at 9:00 our Orlando firefighters will be providing free life saving training with hands only CPR at Lake Yola Parks Amphitheater and recognition of World Heart Day and just a couple items on the agenda B8 is Water Reclamation Bond that will be used to upgrade our aging infrastructure and replace a number of lift stations treatment process improvements and our two Reclamation facilities and repairs to sewer lines and then F1 through 16 there cdbg and emergent solution grants that leverage federal funds um some of the uses of those funds will be home buyer education and counseling to help residents achieve their dream of H home ownership case management and support services for survivors of domestic violence and their children um survivors of human trafficking Outreach Services and temporary housing permanent Supportive Housing and shelter operations for those experiencing homelessness and identification Cas Management Services to assist individuals on their path to financial stability we are grateful for all of the not for-profits and partners in advance our shared priority for every resident to have a safe place to sleep in their basic needs met with that we are going to move on to the consent agenda and the consent agenda is a number of items that are acted upon through a single vote of council we give each of our commissioners the opportunity to comment on items on the consent agenda as well as to update you on important happenings from their individual districts we rotate the order that we do that and commissioner gray is first up today thank you mayor very much I know we've got a big meeting with welcome everyone so I'll be quick uh Thursday on the 12th of September uh attended the 100-year celebration of the dub strad golf course and I'm sure commissioner Stewart will tell us more about it but it was a great event and a great way to celebrate 100 Years of that that facility here in our in our city um on the 16th uh went to the United Arts golf tourney can't think of a better way to raise money for United arts and playing golf but uh thanks to all those folks for hosting um that that golf tney it was a great event Tuesday the 17th uh commissioner Oz will tell us more about the Hispanic heritage Art Exhibit that we had here it was well attended a lot of great talent in the Hispanic community and a lot of great artists so looking forward to to to hear more about that um and then uh the end of last week I was fortunate enough to take a trip to Nashville with some other community leaders to kind of see how our folks in Nashville are doing things and see if we can steal some ideas for them that works good that we could adapt here in Orlando uh upcoming uh on the 1st of October we have National Night Out uh I'd encourage every everybody to get involved with your community your neighborhoods for National Night Out and then October 8th we'll have our groundbreaking um in the Southeast for our new library and Government Center we're going to have that at 10:30 a.m. at uh the McCoy Park so that's uh uh October 8th and love to have everybody in the community come out on the agenda real quick glad to see b14 we're get bony that's very important uh we need that with the solar bear season starting so that's great but also want to reinforce what the mayor said on F with all the U the the grants to the Community Partners we absolutely could not do it and they make our community much better so congrats to all those folks for the hard work they do that's all I have May thank you commissioner commission Ortiz thank you mayor before I start I want to I would like to acknowledge two great people of our communities um our tax collector Mr Scott Randle and his wife was here with us today and also commissioner Wilson from the county is also here so anybody else am I missing any officials that are coming to visit with us that's awesome welome welcome I know you're going to enjoy this particular city council today so we have officially kicked off Hispanic her this month on Saturday September 14th I attended the Ola at the park event was hosted by the Hispanic cber Metro Orlando Lake Yola Park the celebration of the Arts culture food and music that makes the Hispanic diaspora so rich in America was on full display thank the Hispanic chamber of Metro Orlando for the invitation to join the celebration and as commissioner Jim grey mentioned on Tuesday September 17th we celebrated 19 talented local artists whose work honors the Hispanic trade lasers shaping our future at the opening of the Hispanic Heritage Month art exhibition here at City Hall the theme for this year is pioneers of change shaping the future together each piece pays tribute to the Hispanic tra Blazers Trail Blazers who made who have made lasting contributions to the well-being and visibility of our community visit Orlando that Hispanic heritage for more events uh happening throughout Hispanic Heritage Month and my last um comment is is quite um a certain announcement the laws of a police officer a fellow um crime fighter team on September 20th Matt was a remarkable individual who began his career with the Orlando Police Department in May 1992 and retired he uh he was always on the lookout to see who he could help and uh he left a great legacy of service our heartfelt condolences go out to his family during this difficult time that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Stuart thank you mayor let me share just a couple quick things uh we did have our 100th anniversary of uh of dub uh it was a great anniversary celebration that evening uh I had a 250 300 people that were there it was had a good opportunity to to thank everybody mayor thank you for your commitment to dub strad and what we have done so far with that it's uh it's been really great to see uh people come out and just enjoy it I I teased uh and called it it's Orlando's Country Club uh which is is really is a place for anybody in Orlando to come and enjoy Golf and enjoy great dining um a second on the agenda a second on my list is um uh we uh said farewell to uh the Carlos Hill arazon officer who's going to be moving over to the Valencia School of Public Safety to make you happy uh as a Academy coordinator over there so we're excited about him moving over there and I appreciate that so in replacing him all although it's difficult to find anybody to replace to Carlos we have found a great replacement named Milton Sumpter uh Milton is is the a school resource officer over at Prince Elementary and already got good understanding of the community and and I'm so excited about him starting with us he starts with us today um so I get a chance to introduce him around the neighborhood for National Night Out which leads us to National Night Out in October next Tuesday um so please plan on uh uh you got a a um uh party already planned please let us know if you if we don't already have it on the list uh last count we have was about 15 we need to get to in one night so please just keep us posted so we can accomplish that task um we had the um the Pia Ceremony this past I guess two weeks ago and then this and the day was this past week mayor thank you for keeping that up that is an important part of our community and a way we can honor those who who aren't with us but who have fought valiantly for our country um a couple of weeks ago uh since our last meeting um Jones and Edgewater played [Music] football and it's going to cost me 20 pizzas uh cuz Ed water lost uh so tomorrow we going over to uh to take over some pizzas to uh nice try I I don't think anybody at Boon actually has ever beaten Edgewater in football I Rec getting a barrel at one point in time yeah you got one we got it back uh so anyway it was a great game it was over at the camp world stadium and so um we'll be taking over some pizzas tomorrow I mean it's Wednesday I'm sorry uh and get a chance to spend some time with the kids um I'm I'm I'm excited about that I'm not excited about buying Pizza um the um let me say thank you also on thetic heres much thank you for the work that you're doing uh I think it's an important part of our community and we should celebrate all those parts of our community uh and and because that makes our community great great coming up um um the um where the fund starts foot golf tournament I'm sorry is on October 4th if you haven't already signed up we've got some slots that are available it benefits fpr and money goes to helping kids who are in uh um scholarship with us in our on our after school program on the agenda today a couple of things uh on before before uh we are approving a way a wayfinding sign over in Ivano Village excited about that that's a long time to come through and we're we appreciate that on B2 um there's a we are letting the contract out for the design of our uh Virginia forest and Karine Corridor so I know Pat and I are working working on that to get that moving forward and so we approved that contract today over on H1 we are approving Kevon kirpatrick my former U leaz officer uh for another year contract as a constitutional policing and policy administrator uh great great task for him to do uh honored that on C3 under the MPV agenda to support Al un Rescue Mission and the work that they're doing over there thank you Freddy thank you for you and everybody involved in that and then of course uh mayor mentioned the uh the funding agreements our local um Partners this is how we um commit to our community through our partners who who serve citizens in our city so we're so thrilled to help them out and uh appreciate the work that they do that make our city great and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Shen thank you mayor councel and uh on the agenda today I want to thank uh our folks that are reappoint being appointed and reappointed the City Board Bill Vos on coor board Fred Miller on historic preservation board and Eric Klein stuber on the historic preservation board and I'm sure they will all continue or or will do a great job on those boards um I too am excited about the engineering for forest for Virginia Karine and Bennett it goes through two districts and it's a very um pedestrian and bicycle unfriendly Corridor um I take my life in my hands every time I try to go to the market over there on Mondays commissioner so I'm glad to see this uh finally getting to engineering it's like we're plotting forward finally getting to where where we need to be on that it's also an important Corridor because the children of colonial town have to go across that busy road in order to get to alabon Park Elementary School so it's it's a very very important Corridor um I will be voting no on on item C3 on the municipal planning board on mobile vending um I tried to get the main streaks Exempted from the 18a process there needs to be a seamless process with the fire department where we can get the mobile vending units um inspected so they're not constantly having to deal with this from the fire department the master plan for small businesses to have food trucks $2,000 is too much money so I'm going to be voting no on that I hope we can get some of these situations worked out because mobile food vending is a way for small businesses to establish themselves and I'm glad that we are one of the most food truck friendly venues but I don't feel this this um I don't feel that this ordinance that we're we're going to be reading and this actually goes far enough to actually encourage food trucks the main streets and small businesses so I'll be voting no on that and also the ordinance as well and that's all I had M thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Rose good afternoon everyone um uh there are lot of great activities happening here in District 5 we are week away from National N Out and I will be stopping by um a lot of the uh parties that are happening around town I want to thank staff for this past um Thursday evening we had a community meeting with the mwbe procurement and Public Works office to discuss contract opportunities both here in the city of Orlando and of Orlando um this Thursday um as you know we are in election season this Thursday I am having an open to the public voter registration drive at our fire station here downtown 78 West Central this is the opportunity to register to vote updated your voter information as well as register to vote by mail it's open to the public encouraging everyone to come out um so it's a moment I'm take a moment in history I remember when I was working in the CRA on the sixth floor um and Thomas Chapman and David probably remember me Tom God Rest his whole he's not here anymore but I used to always say our residential programs did not meet the needs of renters and so glad to see the equity initi energy Equity program pilot program that we are doing with sustainability where we are providing opportunities to our low-income families um improving their quality of life um Thomas would always say Sr that's not a fight right now um we'll come back to it but I need you to encourage the residents who are homeowners and Property Owners to come out and use the funds that we have and so we are targeting renters which is 623 62.3% of the population who are in existing low barrier affordable housing with new Solutions which could impact a higher quantity of people while I'm proud to have voted and now we're implementing our energy efficient this past week I visited a few installations which include solar panels AC units um and it's a great partnership with our homeless Services Network as well as 15 Lighty years uh we look forward to continuing to uh meet this need and meet help our residents to uh create improve their quality of life as well as become energy efficient um for those who may not have seen the West Colonial Corridor study community meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled um we will let the community know when um our next one is when we reschedule it too um this past Saturday I was picking up parts and pieces um we are building a kaboom Park in the Palm gr apartment uh there is still opportunity tomorrow from 9:00 am. to 300 p.m. a kaboom is basically we put the park together um they the kabooma organization brings the pieces and the community comes together so this past Saturday we were in the prepping we unloaded a big old truck um and if you can come out tomorrow greatly appreciate anyone um the address is 3944 WD judge drive you can always reach out to my office there is also um Lake ladun cleanup which uh mayor di will be attending at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow we'll be cleaning up this is our last Lake Cleanup in District 5 uh 3 p.m. tomorrow um I want to thank AT&T and Compu doter for assisting approximately 11% of fla households that don't have access to the internet and connected devices this past week at the boys and girls the Bradley oest Boys and Girls Club we gave out 250 laptops to the families and it was it was also backpacks filled with different supplies um I want to congratulate our community partner at the Salvation Army uh Ken Chapman he was recently promoted to Major um as you all know he's a great partner of the Salvation Armen in this community I want to encourage all families with children from kindergarten to sixth grade to take advantage of the free reading program being hosted by UCF downtown at Grant Avenue in wallon district 6 um our students from District 5 at UCF downtown will be partnering um this will start this Saturday and it'll be every Saturday from 10:30 to 12:00 noon at the Grand Avenue Park um this is a free opportunity for residents to bring their children out we want to make sure that we are helping our students um as we are entering into the holiday season I am partnering with several businesses in the community to give back and we will be placing boxes into several establishments to collect toys to get ready for Christmas um make sure that our youth in this community have a great Christmas um I want to commend um Freddy Clayton with the Orlando Union Rescue Mission for his commitment to addressing homelessness and on the unhoused community I'm looking forward to supporting and helping him as he moves forward with um the new Rescue Mission site on Washington and Tampa I will say this Mr Clayton has very thick skin um he has taken on a lot but he is still committed and I commend him um publicly for your commitment you and your board [Music] um there are a few other items um with mobile food vending I do have some concerns that I've shared with staff um there are some nights that we have additional um hour for activity such as Halloween and I'm working with staff to request that we meet that time frame with the mobile food vending as you know as individuals are pushed out of a nightclub we need to provide an opportunity for people to um get water and kind of get themselves together and acclimated before heading home um and that is all I have I want to encourage everyone to if you don't already Follow The District 5 Facebook and Instagram for all updates happening in the community thank you thank you commissioner and we will move on to commissioner Burns all right thank you mayor and good afternoon everyone first I would like to recognize and congratulate uh Shannon Cass uh who was recently appointed uh by uh fire chief Salazar to deputy chief so uh congratulations and uh and thank you Chief uh for your commitment to uh ensuring that we have diversity throughout our f Department uh also on September uh 11th through the 15th I had the opportunity to attend the 53rd annual congression of Black Caucus annual legislative conference in Washington DC where I participated in discussions and workshops to to address critical issues Force Partnerships and promote our community's political economic and social advancement uh while there uh while there I also had the opportunity to attend the national league of cities local elected officials real uh council meeting uh and connected with uh connected with colleagues Across the Nation and to discuss challenges and uh look at some successful things that they've had in their local communities uh also on September the 17th I had uh the opportunity to briefly attend the Hispanic Heritage Month exhibit uh opening reception uh Lis Martinez and uh the Multicultural Affairs did a great job bringing people in art together uh some good food was there I enjoyed the time that I was there also uh that same evening I attended the ifu foundation's fifth an anniversary celebration in uh in the district at Porsche Orlando uh Fernanda Pont and the ifu foundation have been uh doing great work in our community providing um food drives toy giveaways and really have been giving of themselves to uh support some of our underserved uh children in our community also over the weekend my office supported the 21st annual Caribbean Health Summit hosted by the center for multiculture and wellness and prevention at the Orange County Multicultural Center uh and they've over two decades uh the Caribbean Health Summits Mission has been been to educate and inform the African-American Hispanic and Caribbean communities regarding diseases prevention and awareness so thank you to Dr franchois for all of her work there uh mayor on the agenda uh wanted to for A1 thank everyone who's uh been appointed or reappointed to our citizens advisory boards want to say thank you to your uh service and being given of your time and talents to help move our city forward uh also I'd like to acknowledge the employment agreement for my new a Heather numael right here in the front uh excited to have her in this new role also um I will be voting no uh for C3 voting no on the mobile Vending as well as the ordinance because I do believe that uh how the ordinance is written it limits some property owners who may have vacant lot the opportunity to utilize their property to house food trucks and uh Garner uh more economic uh activity in in some of our communities uh in on D2 I wanted to acknowledge the community violence intervention funding agreement with operation New Hope uh who provides the technical assistance for our CBI program also D9 the funding agreement with Florida rights restoration Coalition also for the CBI uh program uh and then I just wanted to as the mayor mentioned F1 through 16 uh support for the various community-based organizations serving our community members who are experiencing homelessness uh receiving the cdbg and ESG funding uh upcoming events uh my next satellite office hours I have off satellite office hours on the second and fourth Wednesday at the El Claudia Allen Senior Center uh the next dat is Wednesday September the 25th and Wednesday October the 9th so if you'd like to meet with me and my and my team please contact our office uh to get on the schedule and then uh last but not least Friday October the 25th we're hosting our for the children's Celebrity Golf Tournament at Stony Brook rest to raise money for scholarships for students from the district uh to date since I've been off we've provided uh over 20 scholarships for uh for our local uh kids to pursue their college uh uh Community College or technical schools with that may I move approval of the agenda consent agenda second motion by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Sheen all in favor indicat so by saying I I as opposed and so the motion carries I would also like to welcome commissioner Wilson the randols who have served in a variety of elected positions over the years and commissioner Arrington who is joining us from my hometown of CMI down in aola County okay if uh we'll take a 30- second uh recess if there's anybody that was here just for the consent agenda and doesn't want to stay for the rest of the meeting now would be a good time for you to make your transition okay without objection we will recess the city council meeting and we will convene the c meeting we have one item of business David yes good afternoon mayor and Commissioners we have one item for the CRA today this is a companion item to item B4 that you saw on the consent agenda it's a license agreement between the CRA the city and the ivanho Main Street District uh that you spoke to commissioner Stewart they're looking to put up a placemaking sign right at the intersection uh of ivanho and orange right where the Statute of Liberty is uh the total cost of that sign is just over $117,000 the CRA is looking to partner with them uh and contribute $7,500 towards uh the costs of that sign and I'm happy to address any questions questions motion so move to Second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen discussion hearing none all in favor indicate so by saying I I those is opposed and so the motion carries okay if there's no objection we're going to um adjourn that meeting and we will convene the oped Board of Trustees meeting and we have two items for us today to approve as the Board of Trustees for the opep trust fund and as a reminder city council sits as the Board of Trustees for the opep trust fund which was established in 2008 These funds are set aside to pay future retiree healthc care benefits and the city is one of the very few local governments that fully funds those obligations and said it just booking them so the first item is the approval of the amended OPB investment policy to incorporate the challes recommended by the investment consultant the amended policy has been reviewed and approved by both the investment committee and the finance committee is there a motion motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Stuart discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and the motion carries as to the second item the oped plans investment consultant has recommended a minor adjustment to the asset allocation of the fund additional investments in private Equity private debt and real estate funds including hiring two investment managers this recommendation has also been reviewed and approved by both the investment committee and the finance committee and is now before us for final approval is there a motion second motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries so without objection we will adjourn the opab meeting and we will reconvene the city council meeting and that brings us to hearings and hearings ordinances first reading number one Madam clerk good to have you back thank you ordinance number 202442 an ordinance of the city council the city of Orlando Florida relating to mobile vending and services amending chapter 5 Orlando city code entitled code enforcement amending Chapter 58 part 1 B 4 C and 4D Land Development code to provide regulations for mobile vending and mobile services amending chapter 62 part four Land Development code entitled specially planned areas amending chapter 66 Land Development code entitled definitions providing for severability codification correction scrier error and an effective date okay I've been advised by staff that they would like us to open this and to continue it to uh work on some of the issues that were raised at Agenda review or during the course of comments so is there a motion to continue this item second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Rose all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries you're welcome okay number two Madam clerk ordinance number 202 24-44 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida vacating closing and abandoning the northern portion of one Avenue generally located north of range Street and East of Clark Street as described in the Hanson Ur plat as recorded in plat book K page 17 of the public records of Orange County Florida and comprised of 0.19 acres of land more or less providing for the execution of affecting documents severability correction scrimin error and an effective date second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Rose I have no request for public comment on this item is there discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries all right let's move on to hearings ordinances on second reading let's start with number one ordinance number 2024 -29 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's growth management plan a changes future land use map designation for certain land generally located north of P Street South of West Jefferson Street East of North Orange plaum Trail and west of North West Marland Drive comprised of 0.2 acres of land more or less from residential medium intensity to mixed use Corridor medium intensity changing the property zoning designation from 1 to 5 family residential with the traditional City and Paramore Heritage overlay districts to medium intensity mix e Cor with the traditional City and Paramore Heritage overlay districts providing for Amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for severability corruption scrier error permit disclaimer and an effective date second motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Sheen I have no request for public comment discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries number two Madam clerk ordinance number 202 24- 41 an ordinance of to the city council of city of Orlando Florida resoning certain land generally located west of Orlando International Airport South of land Street Road and East of bgy Creek Road and comprised of 126 acres of land more or less from public use in part and public use with the aircraft noise overlay District in part to plan development in part and plan development with the aircraft noise overlay District in part providing a development plan and specially development regulations of the plan development District providing for severability correction ofor error perent disclaimer and an effective date to adop Second motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Stewart I have no request for public comment on this item either discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicates saying I those opposed motion carries okay we'll moving right along ordinances first reading Madame clerk number one ordinance number 202 24-22 and ordinance at the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's growth management plan to change the future land use map designated for certain land generally located at the northwest corner of North Orange Blossom Trail North John Young Parkway comprised of 2.20 acres of land more or less from Community Activity Center to Industrial changing the property zoning designation from activity center with the Wabba overlay District to industrial park with the Waka overlay District providing for Amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for cability correction scor's error perit disclaimer and and an effective date so Move Motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner shien I have the cards requesting public comment on this item so is there a discussion hearing none all in favor to motion so saying I I those oppos motion carries number two Madam Clark ordinance number 202 24-34 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the South Eastern Oaks plan development zoning District providing an amended development plan and amended land devel vment regulations for the plan development providing for severability correction of Governor errors permit disclaimer and an effective date move to approve motion by commissioner graay second by commissioner Ortiz I also have no cards requesting to participate in public comment on this item uh discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppose motion carries all right number three Madam clerk ordinance number 202 24-37 and ordinance of the city council the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's growth gr management plan to change the future last land use map designation for certain land generally located south of West Washington Street West of North DS Avenue and east of North Texas Avenue and north of West Central Boulevard and comprised of 2.86 acres of land more or less from public recreational and institutional to Industrial changing the property zoning designation from public use to Industrial General providing for amendment of City's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for cability correction scri eror perent disclaimer and an effective date second motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Burns Commissioners Elizabeth has a presentation related to this but unless anybody would like her to give that I think the fact that we have um expressly said that this is not going to be a potential location for a homeless shelter probably eliminates any of the controversy related to the rezoning so unless anybody wants a presentation I think I'll just suspense with that that okay with everybody yes okay uh discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number four ordinance number 202 24-38 an ordinance of the city of Orlando Florida amending chapter 18a city code Parks an outdoor public assemblies by amending section 18 a01 definitions by amending 18 a02 and Facilities closing hours presence of after closing hours prohibited by amending section 18808 posting of park closing hours by creating 18081 being in a park or recreation facility After Hours by amending 18 a091 alcoholic beverages defined Rules of Evidence and prosecutions for violation of section 18a .09 n by amending 18 A10 permits and authorizations required by amending 18 Point 11a application for outdoor public assembly permit by providing cability codification correction of scrier error and an effective date so move second motion by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Stewart I have no request to comment discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates that by seeing I I those opposed and so the motion carries hey on the one that just before this on the um site that would have been homeless shelter want to let uh commissioner Wilson know that we had a substantial discussion about the need for homeless shelters at our last meeting especially in VI of the recent Supreme Court uh decision as well as the legislation that was passed by the legislature during the last legislative session we also had a discussion about how it's a little unfair to keep citing all of the homeless shelters in all of Central Florida in District 5 in the city of Orlando and that maybe we could all work together to find some different locations we have been suggesting to the county that the abandoned Work Release Center on Kaye Avenue would be a perfect location for that we have not been able to move forward with that in about five years worth of suggesting that so if you would care to be an advocate related to that that is something that we could mutually work together on okay commissioner Rose I did send over a proposal for the work official in black and white proposal for the Work Release Center the funds that are available to do the renovations um I've sent them over to several of the County Commissioners already um two weeks ago I had a meeting with State Attorney Bane um commissioner Bonia and commissioner Scott at the county to talk about a homeless Community Court and then part of that we talked about things that could happen in the meantime and that was one of them so a proposal has been sent over to County Commissioners and I mentioned it to commissioner Scott as well okay number five ordinance number 20243 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending provisions of the Land Development code relating to concurrency management providing legislative findings and for separability codification correction subri error and an effective date second motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Burns have no request to speak discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I those oppos motion carries number six ordinance number 202 24-40 an ordinance of the city council the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located north of range Street East of Clark Street West of Wise Avenue and south of Vine Street and comprised of 2.1 acres of land more or less and amending the city's boundary description amending the city's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as residential medium intensity on the city's official future land use maps designating the property as medium intensity development on the city's official zoning Maps providing for amendment of City's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for cability corruption scrier error Perma disclaimer and an effective date motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart I have no request for comment discussion hearing none all in favor indicates by saying I I those opposed the motion carries okay number seven's going to take a while so if there's no objection I think we can knock out 8 n and 10 in just a couple minutes and then come back to seven if that's okay with everybody yes okay number eight then ordinance number 202 24- 46 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located south of Lee Road East of North Orange Blossom Trail West of Edgewater Drive and north of Lake Fair View and comprised of 19.4 acres of land more or less providing for separability coruption scri errors and an effective date I move motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen we have no request to participate uh discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those oppos motion carries number nine ordinance number 2024 47 an ordinance of the city council of the city of city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city are Inland generally located at the northeast corner of baky Creek Road and New Hope Road South of Lake new a Boulevard in north of the Oola County Line and comprised of 0.58 acres of land more or less providing for superability correction scers error and an effective date move to approve motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz we have no cards requesting comment uh discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I those oppos motion carries and number 10 ordinance number 202 24-48 an ordinance to the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located at the northeast corner of bogy Creek Road and New Hope Road South of Lake Nona Boulevard and comprised of 0.58 acres of land more or less providing for severability correction of scer error and an effective date commission she second by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Burns uh we have no request for public comment discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion case sing I i i as opposed motion carries okay back to number seven ordinance number 2024 45 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located south of East Colonial Drive West of State Road 520 East of sunbridge and north of the Oola County Line and comprised of 52453 point5 acres of land more or less providing for separability correction of scrier errors and an effective date move to approve motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz okay um wow we've got a pile of people that want to speak on this how about that okay uh I'm going to turn this over in just a second to um Elizabeth D who is our director of planning for a presentation on on this item but I do want to take a few minutes and maybe longer than I normally speak to talk about why we are here and we're not here because the property because the city went to the property owner and said we would like to Annex your property into the city this property owner is here because of Orange County's rash decision to and rushed and rash decision to propose new regulations that would prevent the property owner from exercising their right to choose their local government which government they would like to develop in it gives a veto over any annexation into any City in the county and that will of course be done by referendum where we'll have we'll say okay the people should decide this but it's you know they get to decide what's put on the ballot for them and if we were to put on the ballot should there be never again Urban Development on unincorporated Orange County I'd probably pass 75 25 so commissioner if you want to put that on and try it too we're okay with that um the county made this decision without engaging the affected cities or anticipating what the outcome of that decision would would be which is that people that might have annexed in 5 years or 10 years or 30 years or seeking to Annex right now in a very rushed Manner and we would have much preferred not to have to make this decision in such a short time perer but Our obligation is to look out to the best interest of our taxpayers and our residents under the possible constraints that could be imposed as of November so I want to make a few quick points for people to keep in mind so we don't view creating a county veto a voluntary annexation not City initiated annexation voluntary Annex ation by a property owner we don't consider that eliminating a loophole that is not a loophole that is a fundamental right of property owners we view it as a blatant property right it's and local control violation and I really hope the county will reflect on that the next time they're whining about the state preempting them on something this is blatant preemption just like the Florida legislature uses we also believe that if you're doing business with a local government that our constituents deserve professionalism they deserve timeliness and they deserve certainty of outcome if they follow the rules and they follow a process and at a bare minimum they deserve the willingness to engage in discussion and the county has simply been unwilling to do that with Farmland Reserve we also believe in sustainable managed growth with well- plan conservation preservation Wildlife quarters not arbitrary lines drawn on a map um or perhap POS of sprawl like we have in West Orange County lastly we believe in affordable housing and that affordable housing should be spread throughout the region and not simply in District 5 and District Six in the city of Orlando and I'll take note we took note that the other Annex that we have and other areas that we have annexed from the county had no provision for any affordable housing but it will have affordable housing because it is in the city of Orlando so what is the annexation veto proposal done unsurprisingly it's initiated a series of property owners seeking to voluntarily Annex into the city of Orlando and I want to tell you and dispel the notion it isn't because we're going to allow additional development or skirting Environmental Protections in fact when we Annex sunbridge we approve the exact same land use and Environmental Protections that the county had already approved no difference they just wanted to do business with a different entity during the development process with the annexation in front of us the city will have Wild Life protection environmental requirements none of which exist on the property today um these property owners have expressed that they do want to develop with a local government that's professional that's timely and offers certainty of outcomes by following an approved development process city of Orlando has historically been and we are proud to be our Region's Central City our comprehensive plan recognizes this and calls on us to accommodate the greatest land use densities and intensities in the region and there's a greater purpose of this Florida and especially Central Florida is one of the most desirable places in this entire country to live work play and raise a family and that's evidenced by the fact that we have close to 1,500 people moving to Central Florida every every single week and that's going to continue in the future by accommodating the growth closer to the UR Urban core we bend the curve on suburban sprawl and careless growth that's been characterized in our region and state for many years so annexation of lands once viewed as outskirts of Orlando has been one of the defining features of Orlando's history and we believe that if you're going to do Urban Development next to adjacent to the city like sun Bridge was it should be in the city of Orlando in the 50s you may have forgotten this we annexed ottobon Park and do Shores in the 60s we annexed Richmond Heights Lake Mana States and what is now Universal Studios in the 70s it was Rosemont and the Simon Boulevard quarter in the 80s it was the Orlando International Airport in Metro West and in the '90s it was Lake Nona and can you imagine Orlando without those communities or those assets today and in each of those cases the property owners had a choice to make stay in unincorporated Orange County or join Orlando and thereby getting what I view as yeah best County government in the State of Florida but the best municipal government that provides the best municipal services and they get the best of both worlds so I want to be clear on this this is not a contest of Us Versus Them City residents will remain County residents that is sometimes forgotten City residents continue to pay County taxes the same as County residents and they receive services from the county their courts the jails the protections of the Criminal Justice System health department supervisor of election tax collector uh property appraiser uh benefits of County Parks and Roads and list goes on but the city does growth management right and the proof is on the ground we build compact walkable bikable Transit friendly sustainable neighborhoods that preserve open space like Baldwin Park the residential Villages that are popping up in our downtown the neighborhoods around our Main Street districts Lake Nona County does Suburban spraw you got Wedgefield way out there you got the hodg Podge development and unincorporated West Orange County and the poor planting of West Orange County and its lack of adequate infrastructure was the reason that the district commissioner voted against the biggest need we have in our community and that's affordable housing voted against 1,400 units of affordable housing because even the district commissioner admitted that there was an adequate infrastructure in West Orange County to support that so because we've done such a good job in building great PE places people are moving here um that growth can go one or two places in in our cities where we have infrastructure the roads the government systems or it can be deflected from our cities out into the rural reaches of our state and if you're interested in conserving real Florida then guide the growth back towards our cities and the area that we have already annexed and are considering today is closer to the urban core of Orlando than the other developments in the metro area that are sprawling down I for to Tampa up Turnpike I75 to The Villages and Beyond and hopscotching um all over the place so if you want to preserve bral Florida and respect the wildlife quarter plan we have to bring back growth towards the urban core the oton oton Florida put in a letter to us recently that change is coming to the Deseret lands and they're right the desert lands will be entitled for development just like they were in Oola County where the other part of the lands and commissioner Arrington will speak to this a little bit the other part of the desert lands are entitled for 182,000 dwelling units and more than 83 million square ft of non-residential uses and that's all further away from the urban core than what we're going to be talking about today so our county is going to add more than 700,000 700,000 new residents by 2050 and that's not my estimate that's the County's estimate so we're about 340,000 in the city right now so that's two new Orlando in Orange County two new Orlando driving our population over 2 million so keep in mind that the land we're discussing today already has entitlements from the county they can develop 5,000 residential units by by R as it exists today but it'll be low density suburban sprawl that's been inflicted on us by the county for years with no requirement of permanently preserving land for conservation consistent with a Statewide Wildlife order today there is no requirement of that and I know that they would do that anyways because they are great stewards of the land but there's no requirement that they would do that so this low density sprawl is costly and it fails to preserve land for conservation and while as a city we will insist that there be no development on this land listen to me right here no development on this land until at least 20 40 and and until there are substantial wetlands and conservation and preserved lands so now I would like to call Elizabeth D to give you an overview good afternoon mayor and City Council Members my name is Elizabeth Deng I'm the city planning division manager here today to speak to you about the proposed Dallas Boulevard annexation first uh in terms of the annexation process um there are several different methods according to the state statutes including a city initiated process a voluntary or property owner initiated process as well as annexation of enclaves via agreement with the county so this particular project is a voluntary owner initiated annexation the proposed annexation area is shown in Hatch marks on the right it's approximately 52 2,493 acres and it's owned primarily by the Farmland Reserve Inc so this shows the overall land Holdings for Farmland reserve and you can see that in green is the sunbridge property and that red line there is the county line between Oola and Orange County so sunbridge is currently underdeveloped or under development in Oola County and uh that is the area that in Orange County the city recently annexed so those green areas are both approved for development uh the yellow area you see in the south is called the north Ranch master plan that was approved by Oola County and we're going to talk a little bit more in detail about that and then the purple area is the um the area we're discussing for annexation today as well as some additional Holdings that they're not proposing for annexation so zooming out a little bit for context you can see the entirety of Orange County here as well as the northern portion of Oola County the city limits are in Gray you can see the proposed annexation area in blue and you can see how the that area does connect to the South to the approved North Ranch area as well as the sunbridge property which is labeled here as the Northeast District which was its original planning name in Oola County so voluntary annexations are not required to meet the urban purposes definition however they must be contiguous reasonably Compact and not create an enclave all Property Owners must petition for annexation and we have received those petitions today's timeline we received an application at the end of August today is the uh petition for annexation which was on the consent agenda as well as this first reading uh we'll do the required advertising and second reading will be held on October 21st with an effective date immediately upon adoption I'd like to tell you a little bit about how the city plans to review the site for potential future development as of today the proper property is zoned in Orange County as agricultural or A2 zoning so all of the Agriculture and Rural activities that currently exist on the site are permitted and will continue uh the County zoning does allow a maximum density of one unit per 10 acres which if that was carried across the site would be close to 53 100 units um we we do know that the property owner has no interest whatsoever in developing large Lot 10 acre single family subdivisions but right now that is their only development option available to them is large Lot 10 acre subdivisions so the idea here is by annexation uh we can work together to put a plan in place that preserves property where needed and allows Urban style development where it's appropriate so as part of the October 21st meeting there will be an annexation and development agreement um that will first of all allow the property to continue its operations for agriculture and under its current zoning the city would continue to issue permits based on that A2 zoning uh for the foreseeable future from there the city and the property owner will enter into a --------- ##VIDEO ID:g47wpSuU3do## [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay well Welcome to our second budget hearing for the 2425 budget year today we are holding the second and final public budget hearing to adopt the millit rate for fiscal year 2425 and set the budget Capital Improvement program this budget reflects previous discussions we've had at our Workshop in July represents a balance budget that does not raise the millage rate our proposed Investments continue to focus on maintaining and delivering cor city services that we depend on today's hearing will also be including brief comments from our chief final show officer wow it's late I'm bumbling my words here um Michelle mcran so let's get started we have four separate hearings this is the second of two public hearings for the oh um you know it's like we did a lot of other stuff today this should be the single most important thing that we do all year long and it's like we're rushing right through so let's all just take a deep breath think about we're getting ready to adopt a budget that spends how much money a lot over a billion dollars yeah okay yeah 1.8 what was it I don't 1 um 1.8 billion okay most money we've ever spent so okay this is the second of two public hearings for the adoption of the millage rate and budget for the city of Orlando for fiscal year 2425 at the first hearing held September 9th city council adopted the proposed millage rate and tenative budget at this second hearing city council will consider for adoption the final millage rate and budget Madame clerk would you read the title of the millage resolution resolution of the city of Orlando establishing the adalum tax levy military upon the asrial property and business personal property tax roles of the Year 202 4 the proposed millage rate for the city for fiscal year 2425 is 6.65 Mills Which is 3.91% higher than the roll back rate of 6. 3997 is there a motion to adopt the millage rate motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Shen Michelle good evening mayor and Commissioners uh my brief comments I heard that part of your uh intro on July 15th city council approved a millage rate of 6.65 Ms adhering to all adhering to All trim guidelines that same millage rate was proposed and approved by city council at the first budget hearing on September 9th an advertisement ran in the Orlando Sentinel last Thursday September 19th this final millage rate has remained the same throughout the entire fiscal year 25 budget development is within the parameters outlined by state formula has not changed from the prior year and is to maintain the city's level of service Madame clerk is there any request for public comment no speakers mayor Madame clerk is there any request for public comment on anything during the course of this there are no speakers mayor on any item okay then I'll shorten that process just a little bit okay discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed okay so we have a millage rate uh Madam clerk would you read the title of the budget resolution a resolution of the city of Orlando Florida adopting the annual budget of the city of Orlando Florida for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 there a motion to adopt the budget for 2024 25 Michelle the total proposed budget is 1 b89 m74 4,594 including a general fund budget of $78,500 and has not changed since the first budget hearing on September 9th the final budget and brief was posted to the city's website on August 26th and other budget documents including the budget Workshop presentation from July 15th the initial budget and brief and commissioner notebooks have all been available on the city's website since late July we have no request for public comment is there discussion mayor commissioner yes can you restate who Moved second who made the motion what's that did I have somebody back St okay thank you okay Mr St yes commissioner Burns uh yes thank you mayor mayor fellow Commissioners as you know I serve as the president and chief executive officer of the healthc care center for the homeless uh the city's budget for this year and for several years prior to my service on the city council has included funds that provide grant funding to the healthc care center for the homeless none of that money goes towards my compensation additionally These funds will not be granted to the healthc care center for the homeless and lessen until the city and the health care center enter into a separate written agreement such agreements will come back before the city council for individual approval in the future and I want to make it clear that when this specific item comes before Council I will abstain from voting on any funding agreement between the city and the healthcare center for the homeless and we fill out the proper paperwork required for uh for noting this information and provide the information to the city clerk thank you further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates so by saying I I those opposed and so the budget passes yay yay thank you okay this is the second and two public hearings for the adoption of the milit rate and budget for the Downtown Development board for fiscal year 2425 at the first hearing held on September 9th city council adopted the pro proposed millage rate and tenative budget at this second hearing city council will consider for adoption the final millage rate and budget Madame Clark please read the title of the millage resolution for the ddb a resolution of the city of Orlando Florida establishing for the Downtown Development board the adalum tax levy military upon the assessed real property within the Downtown Development District of the Year 2024 the proposed millage rate for the ddb for fiscal year 2425 is 1 mil which is 73.7% lower than the roll back rate of 3.71 32 is there a motion to adopt the mill rate motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Rose Michelle on July 15th the city council on behalf of the Downtown Development board set a proposed millage rate of 1 mil that millage rate was proposed and approved by city council at the first budget hearing on September 9th an advertisement ran in the Orlando Sentinel last Thursday September 19th this final millage rate has remained the same throughout the entire fiscal year 2025 budget development is within the parameters outlined by state formula has not Chang from the prior year and is to maintain ddb delivered programs okay as the clerk has noted we have no request for public comment discussion here none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries Madam clerk would you read the title of the budget resolution a resolution of the city of Orlando Florida adopting the annual budget of the Downtown Development board for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 Michelle oh wait a minute let's have a motion motion by commiss She and second by commissioner Stewart now Michelle the total proposed budget for the Downtown Development board is 4,5,6 180 and has not changed since our first budget hearing on September 9th the final budget and brief was posted the to the city's website on August 26th and other budget documents have been available on the city's website since late July we have no public comment is there discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I opposed motion carries all right this is the second of two public hearings for the adoption of the milit rate and budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district for fiscal year 2425 at the first hearing held September 9th city council adopted the proposed millage rate tenative budget at this second hearing city council will consider for adoption the final millage rate and budget Madam clerk would you read the title of the millage resolution a resolution of the city council the city of ber Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district leving an adum tax at the rate of $1 per $1,000 of assessed value on the non-exempt real property located within jurisdictional boundaries of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing for administrative millage adjustment in accordance with the Florida Statutes providing for the collection of taxes providing for the separability correction of Governor's errors repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Stewart the proposed millage rate for the downtown nid downtown South nid for fiscal year 2425 is 1 mil Which is 1.34% higher than the rolled back rate of 9868 we have a motion already Michelle on July 15th city council as Board of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district set a millage rate of 1 mil that Mill rate was proposed and approved at the first budget hearing on September 9th an advertisement ran in the Orlando Sentinel last Thursday September 19th this final millage rate has remained the same throughout the entire fiscal year 2025 budget development is within the parameters outlined by state formula has not changed from the prior year and is to provide Administration and infrastructure projects within the district we have no requests for public comment discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I I was opposed motion carries Madam clerk would you read the title of the budget resolution a resolution of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district adopting the fiscal year 20124 2025 budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing certain budget accounting procedures providing for separability correction of scrier error repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Rose Michelle the total proposed budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district is $943,000 and is not changed since our first budget hearing on September 9th the final budget and brief was posted to the city's website on August 26th and other budget documents have been available on the city's website since late July we have no requests for public comment discuss hearing none all in favor the motion indicat so by saying I those opposed and so the motion carries without objection we'll recess the city council meeting and convene the board of directors for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district meeting okay we have one item of business before us this is a second of two public hearings for the adoption of the milit rate and budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district for fiscal year 2425 at the first hearing held September 9th the board of directors adopted the proposed millage rate tenative budget at the second hearing the board of directors will consider for adoption the final millage rate and budget Madam clerk would you read the title of the millage resolution a resolution of the city council the city of Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district leing an ad valorum tax at the rate of $1 per $1,000 of assessed value on the non-exempt real property located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing for administrative millage adjustment in accordance with Florida Statutes providing for the collection of taxes providing for severability correction of scrier Errors repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date motion by commissioner Shen second uh board member Shen and board member Rose the proposed millage rate for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district for fiscal year 2425 is 1 mil which is 1.34 % higher than the roll back rate of 9868 we have a motion on the table Michelle I'm happy to read the same comments but there's no change in any of the comments adop the comments from the city council meeting to be spread on the minutes of this um meeting is there any public comment no uh discussion among board members here none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I who's opposed and so the motion carries Madam clerk would you read the title of the budget resolution a resolution of the city council the city of Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district adopting the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing certain budget accounting procedures providing for severability correction scribers errors repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date motion by board member Shen second by board member Rose Michelle let's spread the same comments on this meeting's minutes as during the yes sir no changes in the comments uh we have no public comment discussion hearing none on favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed okay my script had the vote on the budget before calling for discussion so anybody want to discuss it after the vote I guess not there's no objection we will adjourn the board of directors meeting we'll reconvene the city council meeting simply for the purpose of thanking our so excellent fiscal staff um this process is intricate it's long it's tedious and Nobody Does it Better than our staff so Martin Jason Anthony Nicole and Chris would you all stand and please accept our general the back in the olden days we would adjourn to the secret bar for whiskey but we have no secret bar in City Hall anymore that went with the old one when it came down langford's bar which I guess was actually in his office I think came down so we do appreciate all the hard work and I know that you are relieved to um come to the conclusion of this so we'll just be ready for our first um budget Review Committee to change what we just put process them to a bar so with that I would suggest you guys take the rest of the day off I know okay and if there's no objection we will stand a journ [Music]