##VIDEO ID:14qZLn058NE## [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon and welcome to the October 21th 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council we're going to begin today's proceedings with the indication and the pledge LED today by commissioner Robert Stewart commissioner thank you mayor I want to share a um prayer that was uh created in 1978 called a prayer for World Peace incredibly uh timely in this time of Elections uh many years later so will you bow your heads with me for the we pray for the power to be gentle the strength to be forgiving the patience to be understanding and the endurance to accept the consequences of Holding On To What We believe to be right we put our trust in the power of good to overcome evil and the power of love to overcome hatred we pray for the vision to see and the faith to believe in a World emancipated from violence a new world where fear shall no longer lead men or women to commit Injustice nor selfishness make them bring suffering to others help us to devote our whole life and thought and energy to the task of making peace praying always for the inspiration and the power to fulfill the Destiny for which we and all men and women were created amen ameni to the unit States ofer nais andice for all okay let's call the meeting to order Madame clerk would you call the role and make a determination of a quorum please commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner Shen here interim commissioner Rose here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quorum with all members present fantastic uh take up the minutes from the agenda review and City Council meetings of October 7th 2024 motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Sheen all in favor indicate so by saying I I those oppos and so the motion carries all right that brings us to the mayor's update so I think everybody has probably taken stock of the fact that it is election season and if you turn on your TV you'll be very aware of that um so the general election if you have not already voted by mail or early voted is on Tuesday November 5th so I encourage you to make your plan you putting one of the three ways I just mentioned do some research on the C on the candidates and the issues um I wouldn't necessarily believe everything that's in every TV commercial that you would seen because I think there's some misleading ads to say the least um and that's not from one political persuasion or another I would say that there are some on every spectrum that are misleading so do as much research as you can and then make sure you turn out and have your voice heard one of the important decisions that is before the voters of orange count is whether to continue the existing half cent sales tax for support of our public schools and um today we're going to have a quick briefing on the proposed half cent sales tax extension for Orange County Public Schools Scott howt my favorite Chief Communications officer from Orange County public schools is here I say that jokingly because we spent I don't know how many hours together doing covid press conferences so we got to be pretty good buddies so different subject than Co thank goodness that is true well thank you mayor and thank you for uh having uh us here today no misinformation here just regular information and thank you thank you uh thank you Commissioners and good afternoon I am Scott how I'm the chief Communications offic Scot come on up to that mic oh sure this board's out a little bit let me move a little closer how's that my guys tell me never touch the mics that's good thank you for giving me permission I appreciate that you can adjust by height oh there we go there we go well uh good afternoon and thank you for uh having me here today I did want to talk about the half cent sales tax before I do I would normally be hearing a tie and a coat as I you would have seen me at the at the many press conferences we had but we had our pick read and roll event to uh at the Kia Center this morning where we recognized our um our fifth graders who were most improved in reading and they were celebrated by all their fourth graders um uh that were at that attend the school and so that celebration was an inspiration hopefully to the fourth graders to continue to improve in reading and we know reading is the most important uh thing that we are teaching our children today because it is the basis for learning Beyond the third grade so thank you for that I do have my Chuck Taylor's on today and I have my casual attire but I thank you for having me here today so um I will give you a quick overview is I guess this is the uh Advance um see if I can aim it somewhere I just can I Advance it this way there we go uh Orange County Public Schools is an a school district first uh uh this is uh the first time we've been rated an a school district since 2019 they didn't rate during the pandemic last year we were just a couple of points short of an a this year we achieved an A so very proud of that uh being an a school district thank you so much hard work from our teachers and and and our um our staff our our students our parents go into that so um and and certainly the having the pandemic and the learning loss and the dedication that we've we've had to that so appr appreciate that um graduation rate just to give you a little history in 2000 was 49.5% today our graduation rate is 95.5% amongst our traditional schools so we're very proud of that as well thank you again a lot of hard work a lot of um uh a lot from our teachers from our staff from our parents to get to that point and certainly we know that academic achievement is uh is primarily the teach in the classroom but it's also the facilities and as we talk about the half cent sales tax we're talking about the the addressing of the of the facilities the the half penny goes towards renovating and reconstruction reconstructing our schools and making sure that we have uh we have high quality facilities here in Orange County uh the the issue will be on the ballot on November 5th it is the last item on the ballot so don't get tired reading through a four-page ballot in fact I did recommend go to the back of the ballot first and then look for this question and then go do the rest but just know that it's the last item on the ballot we say in Orange County Orange County Public Schools First in your heart last on the ballot so just remember that when you go go into The Ballot Box just to give you an idea of where we were before the sales tax these were some of our schools um that have been renovated or replaced we've been able to eliminate 3,000 Portables since 2003 when the sales tax first started being collected significant incre um 136 schools replaced or renovated uh the last three schools are Tech our Tech colleges um the south campus will be the last one addressed uh East Campus is being finished right now and west campus will be dedicated next month so um we're at the end of that 136 list and we've been able to reduce our Portables by 75% using the half cent sales tax here's Florida construction since 2011 that's every school district in Florida the Orange is Orange County 64 schools renovated replaced or built the next closest is Miami Dade that's the impact the half cent sales taxes had on our our community just give you an idea sales taxes um uh back in 2002 when it passed the average age of a school was 30 3 years today the average age of a school in Orange county is 13 years so here's some old campus new campus you have Evans Oakridge Washington Shores Lovel few there throughout the county 75 schools will be 25 years or older in the next 10 years that means they'll be up for a major renovation or replacement uh of those schools and I I'll say uh commissioner Stewart Edgewater is one of those that will be up for uh uh Junior told me to say that so I he he said make sure we uh say that but we have a number of schools throughout uh uh throughout this community that will reach 25 years of age or older and U and they'll be up for renovation so we have several that are under construction and renovation right now that are finished up finishing up on the list and uh and these these schools will be addressed in the coming uh coming years if if renewed our our Capital needs for the next 10 years is 8.9 billion almost $9 billion the half cent will pay 4 billion of the 8.9 billion in need and again this doesn't go towards uh new construction for growth this is renovating replacing maintaining our existing schools um uh that that we have um that we've built since uh since the sales tax uh uh came to be 50% of the sales tax revenue is paid by tourists and non-residents those residents that live around us in the surrounding counties those that visit us from other states or other County or countries um pay for half of that school construction um in Orange County 2.6 billion since 2010 that investment has yielded 4.1 billion impact to the community in dollars based on um based on the uh economists and and their assessment so a$1 58 back into the economy for every $1 of the half cent sales tax it's a it's 1,850 jobs a year to this community we have an oversight committee that oversees the construction um and the way that we spend our dollars The Cove committee has been in place since 1997 these are volunteers that have experts in construction engineering finance and auditing and none of them do business with Orange County Schools um this this uh they they oversee the spending of the money they oversee our construction projects um and they will as long as the sales tax is is in effect School Safety and Security has been very important since Sandy Hook in 2014 and we've seen multiple um tragedies across this country and so this has been a focal point for the half-cent sales tax it does not pay for people and it does not pay for canines even though there's a canine in here it does pay for cameras and ballards and and um uh hardening of schools uh the filming of our of our um glass uh surrounding the school all of those things this is the bout language hasn't changed since 2002 except for one minor change we did add Charter Schools as required by law so charter schools are public schools and will receive a proportionate share of the of the half penny uh sales tax once it goes to an into effect in 2025 2026 and as you know this is the timeline so uh local vote by mail uh began October 2nd uh deadline register to vote is passed so if not registered they can't but early voting started today so mayor thank you for having me here today to remind everyone that early voting does start today and the general election day is November 5th and I can't reiterate it enough it's the last item on the ballot so first in your heart last on the ballot I appreciate the time mayor and thank you very much on behalf of our superintendent Dr Maria Vasquez and our school board thank you for having me here today thank you for being [Applause] here okay let me continue with the mayor's update the last few weeks uh really three weeks have been challenging with two different hurricanes hurricane Helen hurricane Milton and week and a half ago we were preparing for what I thought was going to be storm force winds of Charlie and Rain of Ian and we were very fortunate that Orlando and Central Florida was not impacted as badly as we thought it would be but there are other areas of the state that really took the brunt of both of those storms so our hearts and thoughts go out to all of those communities but I want to thank our our residents for continuing to take each of those storms seriously and being prepared everybody had plans in place um we ended up doing uh sandbags at Camping World stadium and did 30,000 sandbags in a day and a half and kind of cool The Weather Channel was there and said it was the best sandbag operation they'd ever seen so you have that um but in any event we were very lucky but storm season is not over so be prepared just in case we get one more or two more that come through before the end of that season okay things on the agenda today's agenda item A5 is an agreement with the City of Winter Park in Orange County to expand the Winter Park CRA uh a little bit of their CRA or their expansion area anyway is in the city of Orlando and we're going to partner with them so they can advance affordable housing sustainability transportation safety projects that are identified in their updated plan and the mayor of Winter Park Mayor de cisso is here with us and I would go ahead and stand up we'd like to applaud the mayor of Winter Park and we love doing things in collaboration and partnership mayor so um we hope that your CRA works out uh well and that we can be part of helping you with that come to the mic you should know better than thank you so very much it is really our pleasure and this is a massive infrastructure project we're taking on we're going to replace the storm water which is causing massive flooding coming into Winter Park water Knows No Boundaries we're also going to take um the sewer we're going to go from septic to sewer we're also going to fix the roads sidewalks and then hopefully put in a really nice mixed juice with affordable housing and transportation so we are very excited and we've tried to do this for so many years so thank you so very much you're our neighbors our partners and we're so grateful thank you well if Orwin Manor that name wasn't already taken up we could rename that little area orn Manor right we well thank you for being here thank you nice little history there okay uh items A6 A7 J2 C7 through c16 are all funding for our Arts and Cultural and Human Services economic development organizations that enhance the quality of life of all our residents and are not for profits do so much great work for our community things that either the city government County government can't do or shouldn't do they're out there doing it so we're very pleased to be able to fund them and help them with their missions so I know that there are representatives from some of the organizations so if you guys would stand and we would like to recognize you [Applause] okay with that we'll move on to the consent agenda which is a number of items that areed upon a single vote of council we give each of our council members an opportunity to comment on the consent agenda and or update you on important happenings from their districts we rotate the order that we do that and today commissioner Stewart is first up thank you mayor and thank you for mentioning those I was going to share the same those we don't realize how how much our nonprofits do for our community this is our opportunity to help and we appreciate all of you so very much thank you thank you thank you uh a couple quick things I want to share with you um um the state of downtown mayor did a great job um U talking about state of downtown today we had a workshop about it and I'm I'm really thrilled about the plans moving forward and and uh would like to see them move as quickly as we can afford so so so that'd be great to do that um congratulations to do 150 years of Dr Phillips Legacy I think it's a we've seen an incredible impact on our community um through the vision of one man and his family uh and I want us to continue to congratulate them for the work that they do and the impact they have on our community um I last week as speaking along that same lines I had an opportunity to talk to the mayor's Academy over at the new Great Southern box food hall or food court whatever whatever I it was hard enough to remember Great Southern box but I'll get that out uh but anyway so they uh I had a chance to talk about the history of the area over there and and so grateful for uh the mayor's Academy we talked about Transportation they got a chance to to experience two or three different types of transportation we have for multimodal in our community mayor and so uh we had a chance to talk a little bit about that and they had the biggest question they had was what about the orange juice stand over at the par packing District I had a chance to remind them that the actual original plans are hanging in each one of the restrooms at the fox at the fox tailes so they get a chance to go the restroom look at the original plans for that building which is really kind of neat uh a couple things coming up the taste of College Park as we mentioned last has been postponed and it will be uh tomorrow night uh that's the the rotary College Park Rotary Club event that's been going on it's been going on for 25 years um College Park neighborhood association is uh hosting their Halloween event this Saturday at 3 uh Rosemont neighborhood uh Center is is hosting their trunk and treat on the 29th at 6: p.m. um and a course season is starting so all excited about that I've got a pin on today that remind us of the uh this week is Florida city government week and let me share with you that it's a time for cities across the state to celebrate showcase and engage citizens in the work of municipal government uh there's nobody who believes in that more than I do except commissioner Ortiz uh this is a chance for everybody to understand the role of the municipal government and why it's important for us to continue to to work together uh to accomplish our goals for the local community so um and with that let me share a couple things on the agenda the city Winter Park expansion mayor thank you thank you Tom thank you for your work on this I'm glad it's going to work out and then on B3 today we are doing the um uh awarding the lake Fair viiew Park Waterfront improvements uh of y'all may remember that we had uh a few weeks ago um the um uh original Water Lake Fairview redo plans we decided that we would divide those in two and see if we could save a little bit of money and we did by doing two separate contracts saved about 300 or $400,000 so so uh this is the Waterfront the docks the the the walkway um and Boardwalk so uh they're independent uh but they're going to run simultaneously so we're excited about that and getting that up to speed so and that's all I have mayor thank you very much thank you commissioner commissioner Sheen uh thank you thank you mayor here we go okay now it's on um this weekend was this last weekend was come out with pride and it was amazing event 200 the participants and visitors came to downtown Orlando very wonderful celebration it was very peaceful and it was great um and what I just want to say it meant a lot to me to see all the city staff participating when I first came here it was it was not safe to be out at work and it's just wonderful to see the city employees participating and loving the parade and being their authentic self so was just absolutely great so thanks for everyone who who volunteered and participated really appreciate that and the only complaint that I got was the the businesses on Central want that reactivate because they lost a lot of business so we need to go ahead and activate that entire I think it's time to just go ahead activate the entire area around the park let's just make it bigger because it's been a great celebration and uh we closed down Central and unfortunately the businesses did not get to enjoy the crowds um but then they get also didn't get to also have the the people coming by so that's the only criticism I had on it it was a great day and uh I love the new barricades that provided safety for everyone but rather than having to put the garbage cans out or garbage trucks out so it just looked a lot better so love that um again it was a wonderful celebration and a safe day um and uh also so the um the Orlando Pride won the uh The Shield the national women's soccer league shield for the points and wins and I just like to take this opportunity to to please encourage everyone I've been a supporter of women's sports when we had the had the miracle over at WNBA have been a supporter of the pride since they've started nine years ago and we need to support women's sports so if you don't have season tickets I encourage you to get season tickets the team is amazing they're fun to watch and we have some great players so please support the pride we we're very fortunate to have the number one team in the new national women's soccer league right here in Orlando and I'm very proud of them um on the agenda today um the Arts and Cultural grants are more important now than ever that funding has been cut from a lot of our art Arts organizations we have theaters closing across central Florida because of this funding cut which was just a mean-spirited uh attack on behalf of our governor which was a shame but um now more than ever this kind of funding is critically important to our Arts organizations and and Social Service organizations we appreciate all the great work that you do and um also the PED Alliance mobile vet un unit does great work uh that's item A7 for for spay neuter to lowincome folks and and medical care that's just a remarkable thing that we need to continue to support and uh also today item J2 best foot forward I'm really really delighted to see that we're continuing to do the enforcement because way too many people are not paying attention at our trails at our at our intersections at our school zones so I think best foot forward does a great job and glad to see their funding continue and that's all I had mayor thank you thank you commissioner we'll move to commissioner Rose good afternoon everyone um during mayor Dy stated in the downtown glad to see so many of the ideas coming into fruition um remember working with David burill the new CRA executive director as we created this plan um but this is a reminder to this community that things take time and in order for us to perfect the thing the great things that are happening in downtown we want everyone to work with us and work through us and just keep engaged as we're moving um projects forward and downtown um it's been a jam-pack two weeks here in District 5 my office has been doing yard cleanups for Hurricane Milton so if anyone listening needs help please reach out to my office 47246 20005 and we'll get you scheduled um as you know many of our um shut in disabled seniors are not able to clean up their yards um I am working on a new Venture here in District 5 and I call it the pipeline from certification to Career there's a lot of development that's taking place here in District 5 and uh what I have started to do is collect connect the developers with the training providers uh to provide employment opportunities such as our city of Orlando Youth Employment Program Career Source orange Tech and Valencia this ensures that that the money we spend training the individuals in this community we can hopefully provide employment opportunities for in our community um this will include job fairs but I want to make sure that our residents are connected to the private development that obviously City dollars are not being spent um I want to thank Nick from the community paper for reaching out I look forward to working together to strengthen three of the main streets that are in District 5 City District the Paramore district and West Lakes along with the businesses who are members of The Main Street District um this past in the past week I participated in two events um that two parades one was at uh Jones High School homecoming and I want to give a big congratulations to Jones High School football team for winning the district 47a Championship um the other parade was come out with pride which is always filled with love and joy um it's growing I read an article this weekend that it's the biggest in South E so let's keep the great work up um a special shout out to Evans high school for also making it in the top 10 10 um football teams of the district um students from District 5 also go to Evans High School um onto the agenda item A6 I have a strong commitment to the Arts community and have advocated for West Orlando to be just as engaged with the Arts from music to murals to enhance crosswalks coming soon I look forward to the great things we accomplish this fiscal year with the United Arts of Central Florida um commissioner gray I'm going to make a remark that has to do with your District but recently someone someone left a comment on my page about fire services so I'm glad to see before before uh temporary station down in sunbridge um I guess my page is the dump page as well um item C6 I'm glad to continue our partnership with bbif um they play an integral role in our community during fiscal year 2023 they assisted 63 city of Orlando businesses assisted 70 city of Orlando blackowned businesses and they provided training to 51 city of Orlando Business is I'm glad to see item C10 glad to continue our partnership with greater Orlando Sports commission I want to thank Jason seagull and his team as well as his board for all of the great events that they have worked on bringing to the community um they've had 23 events that they that taken place so far and the year is not over as yet um item c16 I'm thankful for the great work that Steve Hogan is doing and his team at the Camping World I'm excited for the bowl games that are coming up later on this year for those that don't know I like football um item H4 I'm glad to see OPD apply for funds to be used for Crime crime Center and forensic lab I want to give a special thank you to Chief Smith for being responsive and delivering results in District 5 um we've had a lot of complaints and a lot of issues but he's doing a great him and his team are doing a great job addressing those issues swiftly so I just want to publicly say thank you um I want to encourage everyone to follow me on Facebook and Instagram Orlando District 5 and thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Burns all right thank you mayor and good afternoon uh Council and visitors uh first I'd like to just say thank you to the city staff who assisted with the storm preparation and Recovery uh Corey Allan Howard uh Lisa and Alan from venues uh your your teams did a great job I know they're still outworking uh so I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you and thank you for uh all of those for answering my call when I call I know uh sometimes it may not be convenient but I do appreciate the um the followup also um October the 15th I also had the opportunity to attend the state of downtown and hear uh some of the the great plans that we have planned for enhancing our downtown also that same day I attended the uh ifu foundation openhouse and uh ifu Foundation is a after school program that uh introduces includes Dance Art soccer lessons and volleyball for uh for youth so proud to have them uh have their headquarters right in district 6 also on October the 16th uh I participated in the NOA ballot Community for at the El Claudia Allen Center with the supervisor of elections um it was a lot of good dialogue one of the things that I heard from the seniors were um wanting to learn about Transportation options for to get to uh to the polls for early voting so we are working with the El Claudia Allen Center to assist our seniors with being able to get to the poll for early voting uh as the mayor mentioned um today early voting starts last day is November 3rd so we want to encourage everyone to get out and vote early uh if you can also on the 16th I had the pleasure of attending uh boards and brues uh this was a uh I always like this this event because I think back to uh my time prior to being on the council I had the pleasure of serving on a munici planning board and so I learned a lot uh learned a lot how the city operates and it was a good spring board for me to serve in this capacity so I want to encourage uh you all if you're interested in serving on the boards we would love to have you because the work uh the city doesn't move without uh the assistance of and the guidance of these boards so again uh please consider serving on these boards uh also on October the 17th I had the opportunity to speak at the uh black board Leadership Institute um it's a a leadership cohort under the Orlando economic partnership and it's a six-month curriculum of board training uh that position black leaders for Success on local nonprofit board of directors creating a pipeline of leaders uh for organizations to identify and align skills uh for open board seats so so um my uh executive Aid Heather Bell is participating in that and I think she's gaining a lot of great information also I had the opportunity of attending the Jones High School homecoming parade with uh commissioner Rose we had a uh a great time there and as commissioner Rose mentioned uh well she didn't mention this but uh Jones High did win their uh homecoming game so we're excited about that and we are on our way to State uh so this is our year to go to state so to win state we've gone but this is our year to win state so we're we're looking forward to that uh just some upcoming events uh my satellite office hours every second and fourth Wednesday at the El Claudia Allen Center the next one will be uh this W Wednesday October the 23rd also um Friday October the 25th ask you to join me for our fourth annual 4 Celebrity Golf Tournament um and this is at Stony Brook West to raise money for scholarships for students in the district to date we've uh awarded over 25 uh scholarships for uh kids in the district who are attending uh four-year colleges um Community College or even trade schools so uh we plan on having a great time there also uh Smith Center special events costume party October the 26 from 5: to 8 come on out and enjoy uh also Henkin Park special events uh moving the park October 25th from 6:00 to9 and Trunk or Treat October the 29th from 6:00 to 8 also we'll have a trunk or treat celebration uh at Grand Avenue on October the 24th on the agenda mayor I just wanted to uh recognize uh items A6 and 7 and congratulations to all of our um Community Arts programs and our social service organizations who are being recommended for funding I do see my friend and colleague Miss Martha R the CEO of the homeless Services Network just want to say thank you for all that you do in the community and um and your work is appreciated uh also uh c99 through 16 the various funding agreements definitely in support I just want to highlight a few the black business investment fund the central Florida Foundation for the benefit of the Central Florida social entrepreneur accelerator or Enterprise accelerator also uh go sports Hispanic uh business initiatives as well as the uh studio so again uh to support the funding agreements to those organizations and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner gray thank you mayor um and I also want to Echo what the mayor said and thank the staff for their help and preparedness with the storm um I know there's a lot of anxiety with people's own personal families and property and for them to push that aside and and get our city prepared and get our residents prepared is is quite an effort and mayor I wish you next time in the pre-storm briefing would please share with folks that Commissioners don't have the ability to climb a pole hit a switch and re-energize the entire city right uh um for some reason folks thought I could could make that happen but um anyway um thank you I appreciate that um Uncle Milton as I call it our hurricane also cancelled our groundbreaking for our Government Center we're going to reschedule that probably the end of November beginning of December we not delay the beginning of it but we wanted to take that opportunity to thank those that helped uh get that started so we'll reschedule that and get everybody a an invitation uh on the 16th as commissioner burn said attended the boards in Brew I was there for the Brew he was there for the boards but um it's a great event and and encourage everybody it's so important for our volunteer boards and what they do for our city to help vet opportunities and and get people involved so uh please take a look at that thanks to Christina Redmond and her team for for organizing that and then uh Thursday night I had the opportunity to attend the um uh 150e celebration of the Dr Phillips Legacy with Dr Philips birth and what they've done and as I was leaving it just thought back and reflected they had mentioned over the term $50 million in Grants Dr Phillips has given to this community and just to think where we would be in this community without Dr Phillips they've done so much that organization so thanks to them uh on the agenda quickly um I mentioned in agenda review item C2 one of the HPB items 10193 I'm going to pass on that one not a big fan of the applicant on that one and then on item C3 I have a conflict that's a municipal planning board item 100040 uh I have a conflict of Business Association there so I filed that paperwork with the clerk so mayor that's all I've got thank you commissioner commissioner Ortiz thank you mayor I'm going to Echo the words of U the mayor and Commission in reference to thanking the staff dur the storm during the hurricane you guys did an excellent job I mean I had the chance to spend some time with you guys at the EOC and what a group of people dedicated to our community responding very quick so is um OU the sustainable and uh reliable one they they did a great job I think by the third the third day they had everything taken care of that's what a real Comm does for each other and uh so that's the kind of work and the kind of people we like to work with so thank you so much um let me start with uh I had the chance on October 16th to attend a great Orlando uh Aviation board meeting in my district that was that was something else um great U meeting what they're doing and mayor you're part of that board uh you guys are doing at the airport what's been done in the central Florida region the expansions uh for the better man of our community is is incredible so for those of you guys that are interested I think if you get a chance it'll be nice to attend one of these meetings they're incredible we also had a shelter ground breaking of a new hanger over there and Atlantic Ren cutting also uh during that day I want to thank Miss Julie Jared which is uh lady pretty much in charge the ex Executive Airport she did a great job and I also want to thank the uh president of the board team let me see if I pronoun this right wish did I say that right mayor wishire is that the name of the Tim wishire close okay just making sure that my action didn't over take over and CEO Kevin tibo who has been a great great uh executive officer at the airport on is my understanding we're losing him so uh on October 17th we had the honor and the privilege of having the national entrepreneurs Center at uh the Anglewood community Center led by the uh basic the CEO of um Belinda kurtard Ortiz which is here with us so let's please give her a huge round of applause she's a hardw workking person and I told you I was going to put you in a spot so um she did a great job uh she uh presentation was about certification it was a certification workshop for uh entrepreneurs and it was very well attended I may say so I'm looking forward to more of those because it's it's really needed in our Community um number three uh the parade oh my God I have to say this the first time I attend the uh come out with pride parade and I was very impressed I've never seen a parade so well attended commissioner it was something else wasn't it so uh she was surprised to see me there too so she she told me I said she told my daughter I said what did you do to bring him over I said nothing just we so busy but it was it was great well attended it was a lot of fun our staff they did a great job also so congratulations commissioner to you and to everybody who put the parade together that was was good to see um join us for a funfill evening this Friday October 25th at 5:30 p.m. for the district 2 Fall Festival at the Anglewood uh Neighborhood Center enjoy a great night out with bounce houses pumpkin painting hay rides and much more Festival is free for the community but entry to the haunted house is about $8 per person but you will enjoy every dollar we hope to see you there uh we also have next week our government Academy classes in in Spanish this time our next session hell in English will run from March 4th uh 2025 to June 3rd you can register starting today by Vis in Orlando government Academy or orlando. goov District 2 Academy we need to change that because it's not just for district to it's for everybody in the state anyhow that's um one one more item item D1 we're approving uh we have an employment agreement for Russell Schulz lead student advocate for district 2 so congratulations and that's all I have mayor you got a motion commissioner oh I'm sorry make make a um approve the agenda yeah go approve the agenda motion to approve the agenda okay motion to approve the consent agenda by commissioner Ortiz second by by commissioner Rose all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries we're going to take a one minute little short break and I bet there's a bunch of people that were just here for the consent agenda that would probably like to make their way out to the front you did2 General appearance C here just in Cas she says anything about it okay okay we don't have any ancillary meetings today so that will bring us to new business number one which is a resolution to opt out of the middle income affordable housing exemption program offered by the Liv local act the Liv local act provides certain developments will be eligible for a 75 to 100% adform tax exemption depending on the level of leant charged by the owner for the units the city May opt out of this tax exemption with a 2third vote of the governing board if Orange County has an adequate supply of housing units at the prescribed rent level in this case 80 to 120% of area of median income the resolution will not impact the benefits received by projects that provide affordable rental housing at or below the 80% of area medium income great all right is there a motion second motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Stewart I do have one request from the public to speak John Michael Fernandez good afternoon mayor and Commissioners uh John Michael Fernandez representing the Apartment Association of Greater Orlando 340 North mland Avenue 32751 uh the apartment association is in opposition to this resolution uh simply because we support affordable and attainable housing according to the Florida Apartment Association research build Florida 20 uh 2030. um Orange County is projected to have a housing Supply Gap over 57,000 units by 2030 and that's across all income levels uh for income for those earning 7 $5,000 or less that projected Gap is going to be 13,227 units by 2030 um so this this decision today will have great impacts uh it's important to keep this exemption available to increase the supply of Housing and ensuring uh individuals that are earning um higher incomes are not scooping up apartment units meant for those um at at lower incomes 80% or below and that's what the intent of this this property tax exemption was um and so I I hope that you vote no and that you support affordable and tainable housing in city of Orlando thank you so much okay thank you that's the only request that we had to speak discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay item number two we are just going to be voting to set the schedule to hear the second reading of an ordinance so the first advertised public hearing of ordinance number 20 20 24-42 related to mobile vending Services took place on October 7th 2024 during our regular scheduled city council meeting this type of ordinance requires two advertised public hearings and at least one of them being held after 5:00 unless we vote by a super majority to hold the second public hearing at our normal city council meeting time staff recommends that we hold the second public hearing on this ordinance during our next regularly scheduled city council meeting that begins at 2:00 on November 11th 2024 do I hear such a motion move to approve second motion by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Shen uh discussion hearing n all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos and so the motion carries okay let's go on to hearings ordinances on second reading number one Madam clerk would you read the ordinance please ordinance number ordinance number 20244 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of City certain land generally located south colal Drive West of State Road 520 East of sunbridge and north of the Oola County Line and comprised of 52453 point5 acres of land more or less providing for separability correction scrier errors and an effective date okay this is the Dallas Boulevard or Deseret annexation ordinance for second read and staff has asked to have additional time to work on the annexation agreement uh before moving forward with the annexation so they are requesting that we continue this item to the November 4th uh city council meeting I'm going to open the um hearing is there a motion to continue to November 4th motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Burns okay I have a slew of request to speak and procedurally the motion before us is to continue District I think should have made a motion oh I think you'll let this one go for now it's just continue procedurally uh it is appropriate to speak only to the motion that has been made which is the motion to continue however if you're a little slippery you can probably get around that very quickly by saying um I would like to support the motion to continue and here's why or I don't support the motion to continue or here's why or you alternatively could come back on November 4th and testify when we're actually going to hear that but it will be at at your option you would look be looked upon very favorably if you chose to come back on the 4th okay um I'll read a few here and then um if you'll kind of come get in the cue and actually Andrew I see that you're third down but I'm going to move you right to the top since you come every week now Andrew Mai thank you Mr Mayor Andrew my assistant County attorney for Orange County Florida we support the motion to continue to the next meeting okay thank you Nelson beton Court Pam cyel Chuck O'Neal Nelson Nelson Bon Court 5350 East scaley Street Orlando Florida 32812 good afternoon mayor and Commissioners uh it is okay to make a statement correct I just say you're in support or not in support it is thank you all right uh as a resident of both the city of Orlando and Incorporated Orange County I am strongly opposed to the annexation of the 52,000 plus acres of land to the city of Orlando it is clever but not very wise uh there is a saying wherever the world is going going in the opposite direction it is paradoxical but it is true food both its availability and affordability will become Central Florida's top concern even above the environment but destroying this land to build rooftops intensifies urban sprawl raises the cost to taxpayers will degrade the quality of our environment will make our area economically weaker and destroy a source of regenerative and Smalls siiz Farms that could feed local future Generations Orange County is bringing order to the issue of affordable housing transportation and environmental care through its Vision 20150 the city of Orlando should be working with Orange County instead of sabotaging sabotaging it by its contemptuous and disdainful disrespect of both it C and County government I will end with this poem in prayer I wrote yesterday the killing of the land is the ultimate sin of capitalism of making nothing of creation for the sake of profit the killing of the land is a true crime of capitalism of stealing the very ground of culture from indigenous people the killing of the land is the unconscious hate of authority against Freedom Fighters water Warriors family farms and land protectors the killing of the land by poison pollution pesticides by erosion of the soil is the blindness that is defacing the very existence of God thank you and amen I'm going to change yourorder up real quick commissioner Ben didn't see you out there but I see your card was at the bottom of the pile so I'm lifting you up today well thank you for Lifting me up today I didn't feel left lifted up the other day when you guys were speaking about us um I have to say you know making building relationships is really important making sure that we could work together is important and you know I've heard things spoken about each of you you know over the years and I've never like condoned what they were saying you know I always spoked highly of all of you you are my colleagues I just want to be able to work with you and when I heard all of the words that you were speaking about us the other day it was very hurtful um it was not pleasant at all to hear any of that and you know it just um it wasn't nice at all and I would like to say that um just a couple of things that the three top economic drivers of Orange County is government Agriculture and tourism and our largest contributor to our agricultural industry is the ranch and a lot lot of the the Cattlemen out there depend on this Ranch being there we want them to stay we want them to keep their business here we want to be able to work with them because we depend on it and I'll tell you I I was a Mormon from the age of 12 to 16 um and every single year in the summer we would go out camping and learn how to survive in the wilderness um I I did not learn about being Environmental IST from that experience we were learning how to survive because the church believed that when the Rapture happened we would still be left behind and so we needed to learn how to survive th those times which is why we have you know different food storages out there we have the ranches and everything like that so that when it happens the church the members of the church are able to survive before my time is out here though I do want to let you know about a couple of things um the owner of stock was indicted for insider trading the chch uh entity of the Church of latterday saints had paid 5 million in fines for tax Invasion and the church is currently in a case for not filing tithings properly and Kelly Cohen on from Southern strategies on her bio has said that she helped finance multiple elected officials campaigns so I know that you don't like the word corruption being thrown around but when people look at these facts that is something that comes to mind so I really do ask you to let the people vote and respect the Democratic process and you know we at the county do a lot for the city we give hundreds of millions of dollars including for affordable housing we try to work with you and I just ask for the same respect back thank you thank you commissioner okay next up will be Pamela C Cy Chuck O'Neal Julie wrathell Pamela cyel here Chuck O'Neal Chuck I don't see Chuck Julie wraith Mel Marjorie halt sunshine Val Moy and then Barbara Lanning and then Robert Stein it's wet it rained on us um Bal Mobly 226 West King Street Orlando 32804 uh I the reason that all those names you just called were not here is because they heard that this was put off it is and so okay um and putting it off is a good thing but it needs to be put off till after the election not the day before for y'all to vote on it because the people need to have a right to say to have a say in this um the citizens of Orlando we gave a pledge a while ago and it ended with Injustice for all well Justice will not be served if all who are voting now and voting in the next two weeks up until the fifth vote for Orange County Charter amendments um you'll be taking their vote away from them and that that's just so wrong on so many levels so I would ask that I I support putting this off I support putting it off until after the vote thank you I'm not going to engage with each one of these but we happen to believe over here that Orange County is attempting to you usurp the local control that the city has and if Orange County had put on something on the ballot that said there could be no Urban develop in Orange County it would pass by more than giving them the V to to um do away with annexations that the property owners would like to do on their own so we don't think that will stand up in court anyways but we respect ability or the opportunity for people to vote on it but we don't think that to a property owner you can't Annex into the jurisdiction that would be the most appropriate place for you to develop okay Barbara Lanning bar Connor my name is Liz Connor and I live at 2744 South Tanner Road Orlando Florida 32820 as a resident of of Orange County and Orlando for over 32 years I'm here to speak again against the annexation of over 42,000 Acres last time many of my fellow neighbors and residents and I came to address this city and we were not addressed with respect On's um leaders were not demonstrating Integrity or professionalism instead we were called names we were laughed at we were ignored we were disrespected and we received hate for advocating for what we believe in which is sad and disheartening to experience and see in the city beautiful a place where sorry a place that's supposed to be home for all and safe for its citizens last time you told us who we were and I'm here to tell you that I am none of those things I'm a passionate citizen I'm a resident who has spoken and acted with nothing but integrity and professionalism I'm an educator I'm an advocate for whose voice can't be heard including the environment and animals I am someone who cares deeply about others in the community I'm a volunteer I'm an active voter I'm someone who believes and will not stop fighting for what is responsible and I believe in reasonable growth emphasis on reasonable and and respectful growth by voting in favor of the annexation you're destroying the St John's River Basin doing nothing to address the $22 billion deficit hanging over our heads and saddling taxpayers with the cost development does not pay for itself it delays the issue starting staring in the face of citizens our city and state has done this for far too long we've discounted and expensed at the expense of the people communities and Wildlife we need our officials to listen to our citizens and to see each side of the issue instead of making an assumption and being backed by big money and special interests it is critical that our Mayors and Commissioners stand firm in their commitment to serve the will of the people and in a time where pressure of big money and special interest Loom large it is critical that our locals reme our local leaders remember their primary D duty to represent the of the needs of the people and the constituents I also want to say for anybody who's listening and watching I encourage you to vote Yes on 489 and 10 County Charter amendments thank you okay Millie Dawson Amir Roy Christopher Herzel hurdle Rachel Rachel hilderbrand Gordon Spears okay hold on Gordon Rachel's I'm here okay it says she's making a live comment are you online yes can you hear me yep we can hear you perfect okay hi my name is Rachel hilderbrand and I live at 4651 julota Road Orlando Florida I'm here today to voice my opposition to the annexation request and ask the city to take this time to clearly explain the plans and supposed benefits of this unnecessary and unwanted growth especially when it directly contradict your current growth management plans which emphasize Compact and sustainable growth I was going to save my longer speech until the fourth but Emily and others that have spoke before me made me change my mind so last time when you spoke with us you are very concerned about the suggestion of corruption and I'm not saying that this is corrupt or that y'all are corrupted but you have to see why many of us would raise an eyebrow it's a lot of land it's moving fast and a lot of dots connect plus news about similar land use changes around the state have everyone on edge but based on the events have how these events have unfolded this ex annexation appears to be another way to bypass a legislative process and keep the long-standing buddy system wellfed and happy consider these events the sunbridge annexation and land battles began earlier this year the city started strateg to anticipate for future challenges CB began began selling Annex properties in that area and we all know who manages the Orlando office the last minut at District 5 commissioner candidate entered the race and it was immediately endorsed and financially supported by at least three people sitting up there today seems odd especially when their political views differ from other endorsements could it be because District 5 will back into City District run if the annexation passes conveniently Paving the way for f future annexations from the East this District 5 candidate claims to support the roal boundary but opposes annexation I wonder why the distinction meanwhile the county successfully pushed the rule boundary and the annexation Charter amendments on the ballot and here we are today and here we will be um on 114th to help fight this irresponsible annexation and I'm sure if it does pass CB will be the first one to sell it off more recently updates about land Le uses um for fire station c r plans have also have many of us giving this another side eye I bring up these details because I believe this annexation is more about just the plan to grow the city please consider the long-term impacts of this decision uphold responsible planning principles and reject this voluntary annexation thank you for your attention and I hope you take this time to um stand with the people and not special interest pushing this annexation have a good one Gordon Spears Matthew Silverman Kip riken thank you Mr Mayor City councilors uh I have a lot to say about the annexation but I understand that we're here to talk about the continuance of the annexation issue and I oppose it uh exactly because uh the annexation the the uh continuant would put the date of the city council on November 4th immediately before the election where the uh the the county uh Charter amendments will be uh voted on by the citizens that you today or or that was before you actually before you today and on the November 4th uh I have a lot more to say about the annexation but I understand you only want to hear about the continuance so I oppose the continuance for for that reason uh I would support the continuance if it were continued to date on the other side of the election where the will of the Orange County voters is more clear after the election that's when the city council should be considering during the annexation not prior to the the date at which our citizens have a chance to vote on this important item so that's all I have to say about this you will hear more from me at the next meeting regarding uh the annexation itself thank you Matthew Silverman hello Matthew Silverman 2836 M Mart drive at the last meeting we we saw many good people take time to come here and speak out against annexation this included a Rancher whose family has been here for Generations someone who clearly stated this is not in the best interest of the people of Orlando or Central Florida but those proposing this annexation are not simple ranchers who own a moderately sized piece of land these are men in suits who speak through a lawyer men who are owned by an entity that controls most land in Florida almost 700,000 acres of land the council stated that the people of Orange County which includes Orlando citizens whed to get the rural boundary on the ballot but let's look at the facts the people of Orange County voted and pass a law that made split Oak a conservation easement in perpetuity then a certain group whed to the heads of FWC because they want to build a toll road through split Oak magically and to the surprise of many people who work for the FWC they released that easement the group who cried to have this happen disregarded the will of the people they will sever conservation land and strip it to build that road does this sound like a good Steward of the land or of the environment does it sound like a group of people who have every once interested heart they stated they have or they offered no plans besides wanting to be part of Orlando and this was seen as a good enough explanation to vote Yes someone stated it's their property and they can do what they want with it but what injustices have been done throughout history using the same line of logic your duty is to protect the general welfare a failure to do so be a dereliction of that Duty hurricanes are increasing intensity and level of Destruction we need only to look at the horrors the people of Asheville are still experiencing to see what flooding from hurricanes can do we were lucky with this last hurricane we' have already lost too much undeveloped land to mitigate flooding as it is building a second Orlando far from the center of our city on a flood plane with a dangerously depleted aquafer would be a foolish and callous thing to do a public official in their last term has no incentive to help the people other than Goodwill but we are only human many choose to strike a big to make themselves comfortable after their term ends but please consider your legacy will you be someone who protected the public from the Spectre of corporatocracy or will you fold damning the people of Central Florida for generations to come who do you want your children and grandchildren to see when they look at you no citizens besides the ones behind the proposal have come to uh speak in favor of this annexation only those adamantly against it in the words of theer Roosevelt we believe that unless representative government does absolutely represent the people it is not representative government at all we do not have the resources to absorb Deseret Ranch we are already at capacity for fire and police services adding a second location populated by thousands is reckless the L be kept Rural and Safeguard Central Florida from catastrophic flooding flooding which is already worsening due to Rapid urbanization and Sproul you will save lives by voting this down what is a life worth to you do what is right and vote against this annexation I'm sorry this is more relevant when you were voting today but it got switched around thank you so much Kip rton good afternoon mayor Commissioners Kip Reen 1242 Nebraska Street um just wanted to thank you all for what you do as a city council this is really cool this is my first time coming here um also thank you for keeping Milton from being Charlie um yeah thank you for welcoming up up here to uh speak so I I support the motion to continue also after the upcoming election um so we can focus on our Civic duties I'm very passionate about voting and I like to spread the word um and you've already iterated today that that's very um important to you um so I do stand here today I come here today in opposition to the annexation of the over 52,000 acres in East Orange County um I believe that the people of Orlando need to be heard a further strain on Emergency Services uh an exhausted aquifer uh The Reckless growth management that this represents these are just some of the many reason reasons that supporting the annexation is a damaging choice for Orlando this is short-term financial gain for long-term quality of life loss and it is done against the will of of the citizens of Orlando this is not how a democratic decision one without external influences works so mayor Commissioners you have the opportunity to be remembered for making the right choice so I implore you to vote when the time comes and opposition to the annexation thank you so much thank you Kelly samrad Eric magar Lee Perry good afternoon mayor and Commissioners thank you so much for the service that you do for our community my name is Dr samrad I reside at 3111 a malf Drive Orlando Florida 32820 and I'd like to begin with if you would like your legacy to be ignoring 500,000 votes because on November 4th it is anticipated that that is how many voters will have voted to First establish a rural boundary and second to protect the laws of the land or the zoning within that boundary May or I implore you to actually read the charter Amendment because it does not say that you cannot Annex instead it says sure go ahead and Annex but the laws of the land will transfer with it meaning that the C the county would still have to provide a super majority vote in order to approve intensity and density increases in the St John's River Basin we're all voting on it right now today 70,000 people have already voted I submitted this to the Charter review commission last summer July 2023 legislators lobbied a senator who does not live here to amend state law then they tried to tamper with the due date at the supervisor of elections then they sued the county to try to block the citizens from being able to vote on it and then when none of it worked they came to you they're using you they're playing you you're not term limited but rest assured when we start talking about an elected board ignoring a half a million voters you will face term limits only it'll be at the polls by the people that you ignored and the process of which you are facilitating right now allows special interests to influence our local Democratic process which allows all of us Orange County which includes you and all your citizens to amend our County Constitution to reflect our growing needs do you want your legacy to be ignoring a half a million voters do you want your legacy to be the facilitation of special interests influencing our local Democratic process because that's on you this is a shame we shouldn't be here move this till after the election maybe the people will say this is a great idea they don't want protection from annexation maybe they will say they don't want a rural boundary and then you have let the people speak that is what this is about that is what this is about democracy it's your fundamental job to protect it please do what's right and allow the people to vote thank you Eric [Music] magar okay all right so hello my name is uh Eric magar and I urge you guys to vote no on the annexation of more than 52,000 acres in East Orlando and to establish an urban development boundary aning this land would encourage urban sprawl and development over the environmentally sensitive areas and lead to habitat loss and destruction in instead of building out we should build up and encourage smart development for the future this Pro and development was trrain our City's resources contributed to increase traffic ingestion higher infrastructure costs and a greater demand for public services the consequences of this untacked growth would be felt across Orlando diminishing your quality of life and increasing the city's carbon footprint as we look to the future we must prioritize sustainable growth that protects both our natural environment and our communities long-term wealth being moreover East Orlando is home to a variety of species and ecosystems that play a critical role in maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance by preserving these areas and promoting responsible development we can Safeguard Orlando's unique natural heritage for future Generations I strongly encourage the council to consider these impacts and to vote in favor of a more sustainable approach to City growth also one more thing as I was on the bright line this morning coming into Orlando I saw that with my own eyes how beautiful and untouched the by development the land east of Orlando is so let's keep it that way Lee Perry and then Janet Brewer hello everyone thank you so much um my name is Lee Perry I'm a climate activist I reside in 32810 and um I'm definitely in support of postponing this really big decision but I would prefer to see it after the election so that we have a chance to participate in the Democratic process have our voices be heard um you know it's really hard to organize these press conferences and create email templates and social media infographics and just get the community to really understand what's happening let alone take the day off of work come here speak pour our hearts out and literally hear you all offis skate around the main points that people came here in the last hearing to say I I mean we had the president of the firefighters Union saying that they're already subsidizing emergency services from the county because the city currently cannot handle the load of emergency calls uh and that we are subsidizing with our Dollar Hand emergency services that you guys lack with your 70,000 acre coverage now we have citizens in College Park that I've spoke to that have extreme flooding concerns that have said that they've lost much of their livelihood and their businesses and they' had to completely take out a second mortgage in order to um you know fix their homes from flooding concerns right now and yet during the last hearing we heard that the city is doing so great the whole County should be in the city and that's just not the case we have a lot of problems and needs in the urban core and sucking resources to subsidize sprawl when it costs $25 million per mile for every brand new road that we build and in return we're raising storm warm water rates right now on existing citizens OU is is trying to attack net metering and expand rate hikes during Peak utility use right now and it's just feels very much like we're getting screwed while the developers are avisca around crucial Environmental Protections that the county would hold their feet to the fire and make them pay and in return this annexation is frankly a loophole in order for them to make massive money off of our tax doll I mean I run the safe split Oak Forest campaign that is 30 years of our tax dollars going into conserving that land only for us to give it up for its whole road to just subsidize more sprawl and we're tired of getting screwed we're tired of showing up doing these press conferences voting and then literally being ignored by elected officials and so like what we really want to see is a chance to vote on November 5th and then have a hearing and let's all come to the table you were invited to come to the Charter review commission to listen to The Experts and the lawyers talk about these amendments but the city of Orlando didn't come so like the citizens are the ones driving this please listen to us and postpone this vote until after the November 5th election thank you Janet Brewer good afternoon mayor Commissioners visitors I also oppose this vote until after the election I don't understand what the feelings are if if you all feel this is such the the good way to go then perhaps you'll get your vote and have it on November 6 but the only right thing to do is let the people vote I don't understand I wasn't able to be at the the first meeting I was out of state and from what I've heard I'm happy I wasn't here um it sounded like it was a very disrespectful meeting and I have had a business in Orlando for 38 years I had a good business in Orlando I supported many of you I remember Patty when you were running for commissioner and you would come around and visit the businesses and I supported you and I supported and have respected our city mayor and our commissioners but right now I'm very disappointed very disappointed that you don't think the people have a right to vote for what they feel is right for what I feel is right I've lived in Royal Christmas and I'm sorry I didn't give my address 4707 Lazy H Lane Christmas 32709 I've lived on my property for 45 48 years um I'm not someone that just just showed up and and wants things to change I once rode from Miami I thought I'll drive home on US1 Let Me Ride by the water and see the beautiful scenery how many times did you have to stop every few feet at a red light in a different little city a different Community that's what's going to happen to our area area what are I I feel like we're becoming uh what do you want another Los Angeles or or I don't understand it who's it going to benefit I oppose this I feel like a pingpong we're voting today no we're not voting today we'll vote next week then we'll come back again after November 5th I don't understand why you keep making the changes and again I'm opposed against this and till after November 5th thank you okay that's all the speaking requests that we have discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppose motion carries okay Madam clerk uh number two ordinance 2446 ordinance number 20 24- 46 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located south of Le Road East of North Orange Blossom Trail West of Edgewater Drive and north of Lake Fairview and comprised of 19.4 acres of land more or less providing for separability correction subcription errors and an effective date so Move Motion by commissioner Stuart second by commissioner Ortiz I have no request to speak on this discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those oppos motion carries number three ordinance number 2024 47 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located at the northeast corner of bogy Creek Road and New Hope Road South of Lake Nona Boulevard and north of the Oola County Line and comprised of 0.58 acres of land more or less providing for severability correction of scrier errors and an effective date move to adopt motion by commissioner graay second by commissioner Ortiz I don't have any request to speak on this matter discussion here are none all in favor of the motion to indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number four ordinance number 202 24-48 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the Orlando Health Plan development zoning ordinance to add approximately 2.3 acres of land to the plan development zoning District such land being generally located north of Miller Street south of Columbia Street West of South Orange Avenue and east of South Division Avenue providing a conforming legal description providing for cability correction of scrier Errors permit disclaimer and an effective date second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart I don't have any requests to speak discussion he none all in favor the motion indicat so by saying I I those opposed and the motion carries number five ordinance number 2024 49 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's adopted growth management plan to update by updating figure ci-4 to be entitled city of Orlando 20242 29 Capital Improvements element Capital Improvement fund schedule and amending policy 2.2.3 in the Capital Improvements element providing for cability correction of scrier errors and an effective date second motion by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Stewart I have no request to speak discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicates by saying I I those opposed motion carries and number six ordinance number 20245 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to Backyard chickens and chicken CPS as an accessory structure amending Chapter 58 part 5A Land Development code entitled General requirements providing for cability codification correction correction of scrier errors and an effective date second motion by commissioner and second by commissioner Stewart I have no one to speak on backyard chickens or chicken coops discussion none favor indicate so by saying I I I those opposed and so the motion carries all right that's the agenda business for today Ed could you us ready for General appearance please [Music] [Music] --------- ##VIDEO ID:W-Mmy81HOek## oh n he n he he n n n oh all right good morning and welcome for 21st 2024 um Workshop of the Orlando city council the gator won on Saturday so everybody should be happy and Fs did not ah but we're not here to talk about football talk about our fabulous downtown so today we're going to have a presentation on our dto action plan which is uh really critical to moving our downtown forward it represents a collective effort to transfer a lot of bold ideas into actionable strategies and to enforce the ultimate goal of having uh a great qualitive life for everybody that lives Works visits and plays in our downtown so there's a lot of about streets there's a lot about Parks um and there's a lot about being welcoming and inclusive so David burilla will bring us up to date on what we now call the dto action plan thank you mayor good morning good morning Commissioners and thanks for this opportunity it's an exciting morning uh for me uh always excited to talk about downtown but today's uh exceptionally special so uh we'll just go ahead and get it started we got a lot to cover um uh so first of all I think hopefully you see the presentation in you uh I want to start with just a quick reminder to help us all remember how far we've come uh but also understand the role that each of the various plans um that we've had in the past have really brought us to today um the first of which was obviously project dto uh so uh a name that has now become a staple it was actually if you can remember the first time we started using uh you know the terminology dto and it sure has caught fire uh and taken over downtown by storm uh but in that process we really had the opportunity to invite the community to come alongside us for uh we had over 6,000 people believe it or not engaged the top photo that you see was a midday mingle was hot and it felt like all 6,000 people were there with us that day to to kind of do a little dot exercise uh but at the core of that initiative um we had what you see before you nine different task force with or nine different task force with 71 people and also an executive advisory committee of 26 people a number of those individuals are sitting out with us today uh um to really see the next opponent so um would you all mind just waving so we can all see but pretty much is everybody here participated in one way or another so thank you so much for all the things that you shared before and being with us as we continue to move forward um so I'm going to go back a slide just for a second because what I want to do is show you the the context of how this all comes together um so we took those Visions those big ideas that I reference and then we incorporated them into our dto Outlook so the Outlook as you know is the CRA plan which really allows us uh to pursue the types of initiatives those Big Dreams those aspirations that many of the people that we just saw um really shared with us it helps us bring those to reality uh and that led us to what the dto action plan ultimately is um so there sometimes people can get caught up on is this a new vision plan uh and no it is not uh uh the dto action plan is a vision driven plan it is driven by the visions that the community really help us set in project dto but it's research based it has a strategic F framework uh and it's a set of actions at the end of this presentation you'll see a set of 14 very specific actions that really help us make all of this come to fruition uh and as you see there it's for advancing downtown um the competitive competitiveness of it the vibrancy of it and ultimately the growth of downtown Orlando um so with that there's been a number of people involved and I wanted to take just a brief a minute to uh recognize them uh pretty much I feel like every person on City staff has touched this plan uh as we've been working on it in some way shape or form uh but there's been two core groups uh that have really worked day-to-day lots of meetings lots of time lots of documents uh to read and provide feedback on so there was a core City uh and CRA project team that would meet uh with our consultant team uh on their ideas help refine them all of those trickled up to the executive leadership team uh all of these people you know who really helped refine them at that point and ensure um that they were structured in a way that would really lead to uh a successful fruition uh we also had a very extensive group of both local and International Ally known Consultants you see their names there before you but it really allowed us to uh uh expose ourselves to best Concepts uh from around the world and bring them here to our beloved uh dto uh and then today uh we're fortunate to have three of them with us uh that will be presenting some of this information uh so the first of which Cassie brandham Cassie is the uh principal in charge uh she's also the global design leader for Perkins and will she has some local roots uh she actually went to Lake Brantley it's been really interesting and fun to see her get to um really engage her historic and personal knowledge of Orlando uh with so many of the um International experiences that she has had over the years since we have Jeff Williams who is the Urban Design leader for Perkins and well he's also a gator uh at that context uh for the conversation of earlier but what Jeff really does does is he focuses on the intersection of infrastructure and culture which is at the heart of really what we set out to do with this plan and so his guidance has been immensely helpful um and together both Jeff and Cassie uh have worked on downtown plans throughout the country on countless cities uh as well as International destinations from Europe to the Middle East China and even in Dubai as we were talking about last night so a wealth of information and expertise um um that they brought to the table and Allison Fletcher uh uh not to be missed has really uh she leads the active transportation and safety segments for Nelson and nyard was educated at both William and Mary and Cornell and she is truly pass passionate on how Mobility can play a role in enhancing all of our lives so uh with that I'm going to transfer uh or move us forward to a brief video that'll introduce us to the plan show some of the great Concepts that the mayor showcased in the state of downtown last week and then launch off with Cassie That'll Walk us through uh some of the meat and potatoes so to speak of our dto action plan oh oh oh oh n he a hello everyone good morning good morning I hope you enjoyed the video that walked you through a little bit of the summary of the action plan that we're going to take you through in a bit more detail today um as David said my name is Cassie brandham and I lead Urban Design and planning for Perkinson will and I've had the um the honor of leading this project on behalf of you the city staff and and all the community members in the city of Orlando if we can move oh I can move myself okay so before we get into the details of the action plan we wanted to just remind you a bit of the geography the really the area the focus of this project and if you can look at the slide in front of you you can see you know downtown as it's positioned within the larger region and for this project we've really been focused on the downtown core and this core um we we specifically gave you some quick facts they're in the bottom leftand corner of the the geometry and the scale but I think what's most important about this is the 30 minute walk and the 10-minute walk and Mr Mayor when we met with you to kick off this project you had just been in New York and you told us this lovely story of walking in Manhattan and how you were walking and it was only a 45-minute walk and we immediately went and me measured the walk distance of the core of downtown Orlando and came back and said well if 45 minutes is a comfortable walk in a city like New York what's going to make a 30 minute walk comfortable in a city like Orlando and that's really what's Driven a lot of these recommendations you know a a f minute walk six five minute walks long we can all walk five minutes but it has to be comfortable it has to be a place that we want to be in and it's really this message of walkability that I'm here to bring you today so um I think what's most important in everything that we discuss is that this is all grounded as data data as David um mentioned in the beginning it this is all grounded in data um and it's there there's research there's science and there's a lot of Investigations that went into these recommendations so we we call this an audit um it was a multifactored audit we used multiple lenses these three that you can see and conducted all of the analyses that you can see underneath these these three kind of lenses in order to understand really what are the conditions on the ground and if we're talking about walkability and we're talking about a great place what is it that needs to maybe um change or what are the opportunities for transformation in the future and so this audit while we we studied it through these lenses there are some overarching activities I thought it would be helpful for you all to understand one is we did a deep dive in all of the planning and all of the the current thoughts of what's happening in the city and specifically in downtown so this was a very deep plan review um that had a lot of followup with City staff and individuals to understand what has worked what hasn't worked why certain plans are in place and I have to compliment you there's a lot of really great planning happening in the city and what this plan tries to do is bring all of it together into the core of downtown to to find opport ities for these plans to really layer on top of each other and kind of make more than just the the sum of the parts um we also conducted stakeholder interviews as David said this is not this was you know a a vision-based plan the vision came before us but we wanted to confirm that the vision was still in place and better understand the conditions on the ground we went through this the stakeholder review process in 2022 so I'm just going to note that some of these comments might be a little dated um but this is what we heard at the time um we also conducted a walkable city audit week where our entire team as well as City staff spent time walking every street um spending time in every open space understanding the downtown from a a qualitative perspective at different times of day so we were out walking at 10 a.m. and at 10 p.m. because we know that downtown Orlando changes Depending on time we've also been during multiple seasons and really tried to understand what is the differences um between you know the beautiful weather that we'll probably experien today and that really hot July afternoon right before it rains and then right after it rains and and what are those sorts of experiences that future people will will have when they're in downtown um during this process the the data piece that David mentioned I'll get it right that time um was was quite a a long one that we collected over 25,000 data points across the city you can see on the slide before you some of the list of those data sets that we identified um we were both collecting when we were here we were confirming and this is all a database that will be shared back with City staff so that through implementation through you know tracking future efforts the city now has um an even more detailed robust data data set for the the downtown Corp okay so that's all the homework that went into the plan so let's get to the plan itself like the big exciting pieces of the day um so as I said in the beginning this is first and foremost a plan for a walkable downtown and in order to to create kind of walkability and focusing on you know a thriving place that is as you saw in the video sustainable and um Equitable we we really um thought most about what would strengthen downtown is a walkable place and for us I I'm sorry I I'm going to stay on this topic for just a minute we're focusing on walkability because this allows for the systems and structures for places to actually grow and Advance over time you attract people to place if they can walk people attract people this is kind of a a self-fulfilling prophecy that the rewards continue to grow and so this this focus of walkability is kind of the the underlying message that you'll hear from all of us as we talk through these recommendations to actually get to the recommendations themselves we had a lot of conversations about how to actually structure an action plan and the actions in an action plan are very clear you need them yeah you need actions the other piece is I think the city of Orlando's focus on impact that it it has to be double-sided that we have to think about the impacts that we're trying to make through these actions and plan those actions to result in those impacts So the plan itself um is organized around these two kind of uh we're calling them intersecting threads that you essentially you have to think about what you're trying to create and then you have to create the things in order to get there or the road map so to speak and so in terms of impact as you heard from um David as you heard from mayor Dyer as you saw in the video that we're really focused on the impact that downtown can have on the larger region there's a huge opportunity to think and and continue to grow downtown as the Regional kind of Social Hub for area and for Central Florida the place where people come to for social activities for the regional um creative ecosystem of this being the destination that a company would want to be in that people would want to live in um two an impact on cultivating vibrant neighborhoods you can think of downtown as a neighborhood itself you can also think of the micro neighborhoods that exist and the the neighborhoods that surround the downtown core and we should be focused on um building those up and letting everyone have their own character in order to thrive in their own way and then um kind of last but certainly not least and probably the most important is this plan should impact a person an individual a small business owner a child a person walking down the street and and their health and safety in the world that all of those things of basic needs and opportunities of bringing people together need to be um considered through this project so that gets us to kind of what are those actions so the other side of the the coin so to speak so there's three things as you saw in the video that this plan is is working to achieve one a place for everyone two a public realm for people and three a network of easy movement and I'm going through these quickly because the rest of our presentation today will walk through each of those and the corresponding actions in in more detail okay so I'm going to kick off a a downtown is for everyone and then I'm going to have my colleagues Jeff and Allison join me for the next two pieces so from a downtown as for everyone perspective what we're really focused on is this idea of a central social District of a place where people come together to be social to be active to be outside to engage with their community and their city in different ways and with this concept you know we we started by um understanding where we are today where downtown is and the venues program and everything that has been and done in downtown Orlando is exceptional it is not many cities that have taken such a a big motivation a big step in that direction to establish such large cultural assets for their City around and in their downtown and what we've found through this process is that we would recommend more of that but at different scales that right now the venues are are very large and there's a lot of opportunity to support with smaller scale the History Center is an example of this um some of the things happening on on Pine Street that this is happening it's just let's amplify it even more so that's really the opportunity is how do we continue to build some of this social life into downtown at a smaller scale and so the the big idea this one has um these five kind of priorities within it of the Arts ecosystem which is pretty incredible in Orlando as a creative City within the world and how do we distill that and and push it even further in downtown um small businesses there's an incredible amount of small businesses already here and how do you continue to grow that ecosystem um technology Crea a village is a wonderful example of this and how does that continue to grow so again these are not new things this is continuing on the path you're on and um continuing to kind of cultivate maybe where certain things are located me to the vision and there's three things that we're focused on as it relates to a downtown for everyone and it really goes to this map of what is the geography and what are the opportunities that you have based on what's in downtown today um one is that in in terms of the Central Social District um we see huge opportunities on on Livingston Magnolia church and uh parts of orange to really focus on um a more art-based kind of street life with the active uses that sit Within These corridors when you're connecting things like Crea a village down to um Dr Philips Performing Arts Center and over to the Kia Center and everything that exists Beyond strong network of um major venues and major activities that are already happening and we feel like that's a major space to continue to amplify we also see an opportunity to potentially add another venue something that starts to hit at familyfriendly activities happening in downtown this wouldn't necessarily have to be a large thing it could be a small thing but I think continuing to grow that um diversity of of uses and audiences um from a use perspective when we look at at this core we actually see three kind of micro neighborhoods each of of them have their own character which should be kind of um uh accepted adopted brought to the Forefront as um Redevelopment the public realm opportunities again um Magnolia and pine as as big corridors um connecting them and then when we look at the core area we also see Redevelopment opportunities and this is not a Redevelopment plan so I will I will put that out there very clearly but this is an action plan and we are talking about the public realm and so we thought it was important to be able to say when you're looking out at the city and you're seeing vacant parking lots or you're seeing city-owned land that might need to be redeveloped one day what are those places and how does that Connect into the public tissue so you'll see some um recommendations around this in the future and so that I'm actions thanks Cassie I'm going to talk about uh making downtown a place that is easy to get around and that the streets support what downtown wants to be that is a place for all people all modes it prioritizes local circulation and access there are safe speeds and that the streets have a character that reinforces uh this being a place that has Vitality in the adj adjacent land uses there are strategies in our plan that make the streets comfortable interesting that unify the streetcape that create vital walking biking and Transit networks and that help us see streets as Open Spaces in their own rights as places that people come together where they have festivals and where you come to celebrate what it is to be in your city as Cassie mentioned we heavily studied your downtown uh we came here we did a lot of fieldwork we did a lot of desktop analysis we reviewed past plans we reviewed thousands of points of datas across all the different ways of how people travel and Traverse the downtown down we Broad in National expert and some things that Rose to the top are that the one-way streets are of course frustrating that you could be getting more out of your transit system in the downtown you don't have a complete bike Network and you also have a sidewalk environment that can be narrow that can be bumpy where you might be buzzed by highspeed uh moving traffic that has no buffer between you and being on the sidewalk but we also see a ton of opportunity in the streets you have great bones in the downtown a walkable block structure you have this transition to two-way streets a lot of opportunities to re-envision the biking and the transit Network and have a full spectrum of ways of getting around the downtown that has Clarity that has predictability that has purpose and reinforces access mobility and what this place wants to be uh to help us realize this there's seven or many more different actions that help us realize this opportunity in addition to the two-way streets as I mentioned uh connecting the urban trail Network clar ify what limo is within the downtown creating access to the curb increasing bike parking having these end of trip facilities to make your trip more intuitive uh and slowing the speeds in the downtown creates safety which in turn creates more walkability in the downtown which is vital for the thriving downtown that Orlando wants to continue to be so with the future of the multimodal networks having this complete clear comfortable Transit Network and your biking Network adds depths and layers to the downtown whether you take transit or bike here in the first place you can opt to do this it makes your downtown more Nimble it creates more choice and reliability and makes downtown active as the Heart of the City it gives you those options with limo specifically we work on Transit networks all across the country and good downtown transit systems are clear they're direct they're intuitive and they're simple we analyzed a lot of the data about how this system is performing today went through a lot of different alternatives to come up with the recommendations which we have here which will also benefit the local uh link buses as well getting those not on bidirectional streets but on one street together running north south with Transit priority that'll also benefit the limo system specifically the Orange Line would become a north south connector that would go all the way up to the north quarter and down to Orlando Health running on Orange Avenue the lime line become a connector between at priority at each of the intersection and the great fruit line which is performing really great today can do even more going a little bit further to the West having more bus lanes having a more simple and direct line on Central Avenue instead of navigating or having pivot for Cent events um so we have this predictable back and forth to get you east and west and having a clear purpose and anchor to each of these lines in the in the transit system your city likewise has a really great um bike wide uh bike plan for the city um but this plan has been realizing what is that within the downtown to have have more biking and you need to have complete networks not little patches and gaps here and there so we were clarifying where that would go on the east west north south direction looking at the urban Trails supporting the team out where the downtown Loop will navigate the downtown also looking at grout's walk and creating a connection South through sou to south of downtown uh looking at Livingston Street as a linear park that has tree shade and more placemaking supporting an East West um urban trail there as well and then using Rosland Avenue to have a north south connect that parallels the gerud trail um to have a north south connection East um on the east side of downtown itself having that will support a network of low stress connect scooters off of the sidewalk and have uh invite more people of all ages and abilities to choose to bike whether it's for a short trip or whether it's getting to and front a downtown generally restructuring the streets in your downtown will make your downtown friendly to locals and visit like I think that you've had this in your Visions for a long time to go to 2A streets and you know the benefits that these have but just uh recapping these this creates more direct connections to your destination especially for visitors to know exactly where they're going not having to Circle as much not creating as many excess unnecessary trips not getting frustrated and potentially leaving the downtown not having to go through as many intersections this is also great for emergency access it's also great for slowing speeds and unlocking walkability which in turn creates a really really great pedestrian experience so specifically we'll be transforming what is orange Magnolia and rosin and a couple of your connecting East West streets um so that this is a better place for getting around whether you're driving whether that's where Transit is routing on streets whether that's the trails being connected or if you're trying to have a better experience trying to predictably cross the street okay so the the two-way Network um creates the the foundation for a walk downtown it's going to slow speeds make a safer environment um eliminate some redundant circulation that goes on in a oneway network um and so once we've we've can condition the city for walking we need to give people a surface to walk on um and uh the audit that we did um showed a a tapestry really of different um eras of Implement implementation different um main maintenance regimes over time um in the sidewalk sidewalk Network um our technical audit also showed a patchwork and and it's a patchwork of um standards um and so there's as many as um seven different um pavement standards in downtown it also showed a a patchwork of compliance it's only about a third of the streets in downtown even comply with the standards that are are there today so there there's just a a of different pavement standards um and and applications out in in your downtown um and so we want to simplify that and so why why are we simplifying this um one is for legibility um and really the second is for for long long-term maintenance and so you see you see three colors on on this map um but this is really uh two flavors of one standard which we call Performance um and this is your your Universal sidewalk standard um on key corridors in your downtown orange sections of Roslin um we're proposing to to elevate quality some natural St Stone curbing um and some pavers in in certain locations um and so you have have one standard with two flavors um and then when you make exens well we think those should be exceptional those should be really exceptional places and you'll see some imagery um here in the in the presentation um of some of those streets Magnolia Church to be specific although we're simplifying the the the the sidewalk Network um really has to address all of the complexities of the downtown Urban environment and and I'm identifying a few here on this this image and I do want to before we look at pictures um want to talk about some of the details of the the natural systems here the Furnishings um the paving um and so right now we're we're proposing um a standard downtown pallet of Furnishing so that everywhere in downtown you get this kind of simple classic look simple benches easy to maintain um receptacles bike racks in some of the places that are more exceptional we we think you should open the door um for a more contemporary pal here on Church Street potentially your your downtown streets are intimately linked to um your environment here in Central Florida they convey water directly into the lake Network around downtown and they need to do more um in terms of water quality um from an environmental standpoint nothing does more um for for uh Urban Ecology than um than trees and we surveyed during our audit and and we found about 1,800 um shade trees which are the the really the most important tree for for your downtown um but only a 30% coverage of the sidewalks was shade and so we've proposed doubling that um and so four that's 4,000 shade trees total in your downtown 4,000 trees is a forest um and and that's a generational investment we think a gener a generational investment needs to be planted in the right way and I know this is way down in the weeds um for a presentation but it's very important that we want to plant that generational investment in the right conditions um in with um soil cells you would be a leading City in this country um to plant all of your downtown trees in and soil cells so it's a the sidewalks are simple they're these are planted well in a high performance way when we get a little bit of extra room we put that that space into doing things for people and also for for the environment um your the your your downtown streets are are cluttered with um utilities and and you know power poles all over the place and we're looking to set a standard of how to clean that up and where to locate that so that you can have um a clean downtown environment this is a view of Orange Avenue um here we are looking north um with the new streetcape um this is a two-way street um uh you can see The Pedestrian Crossing you can see um the way that the tree canopy is planted um and some of the details this is um this is this is not the the the sexiest image but this is a Workhorse Street for for your downtown There Are Places though that we think the investment um will will bear out um in in terms of the the outcome and and this is a view of of uh magolia looking looking North and I'll I'll I'll talk about this um more as we get into Magnolia in just a moment um this is one of the exceptional streets mayor Dyer did um such an exceptional job at the state of the downtown describing this but um like Street that if we we we pour our focus and Care into people's comfort in the downtown their enjoyment of the downtown that by extension um we would be treating uh downtown Orlando as if it is a park itself a place that um has coordinated activities coordinated standards that everywhere you go place to place to place there it offers you something um and we're working with an environment that exists today and so we have to bring your downtown forward while adding um new parks and new destinations and so we think this is an incredible opportunity and this is a big idea to take this bold step forward to create a place that's special on an everyday basis but also for those um those moments that so many people come to downtown for um the big events the big game there are strategies that we're employing here I I won't go through them all um but but you can I I will pinpoint you know lighting at night um is is sort of what what what shade is for for the day to make people com comfortable being out in downtown Orlando um during night um of taking the the kinds of offerings and not concentrating them all in one place but but spreading them out through through your downtown and we're doing this through a series of different spaces at all scales and I'm going to show you some of those the first are our Gateway spaces um and these are the entry point for so many people in into downtown Orlando they also provide such an important connection between downtown Orlando and the surrounding neighborhood some of these exist today um and our well-loved lakeola that has a wonderful master plan already um and some of these don't yet exist um so a park um intended for the the Midtown site um in the north the canopy which you um which you know about um underneath I4 and then places that have just been long o overlooked um like Lake lern and so from a downtown perspective we need to be able to get to those Parks um in here we are at the the corner of Roslin in Central and we're we're looking at the F the fountain in the center of Lake Yola um but there's this unceremonious Gateway that you don't have access to the park um and so this plan um uh provides an action to create um a a more open Gateway and an inviting experience leading into the lake front of your signature Park Lake lucern on the south um is a is an incredible natural feature that got swallowed by Highway infrastructure um and we want to reclaim that um and reclaim it in a number of different ways it's the vehicular entrance into downtown and we think that can be um more ceremonial um here with a fountain um upon entry that there needs to be places for people to go and be able to sit um watch the sunset behind behind um uh behind downtown give places for for families to go um give places for for for downtown visitors to walk and Jog um even take a few steps after the show at at Dr Phillips um and so so those are the gateways um once you're within downtown a lot of the experience of the city is the experience of streets and and the two most important from a social perspective are Church Street um and Magnolia forming the the the backbone of your Urban core right now this is um you you know this is a a a street with so much history here in Orlando but it's it's it's sunbaked it's um the the pavement is broken up um and it needs a a new life um and a new life that brings forward some of the materials the historical materials like the the Brick Street um but opens this up as a as a place for um engagement that slows traffic um and allows fluid pedestrian movement back and forth to help energize businesses um as they come back to Church Street and the same is true for the Eastern side of of Church Street um a better Street will um better engage businesses allow restaurants to spill out um and and activate the city we think a a compliment to um West Court would be um some kind of um interactive feature in the plaza um at at the center of Church Street a draw um before the game or after the game on on on your way home here we're in the space the city Common Parking Garage is behind us and Church Street station is in front of us this is the beginning of in an end of many people's experience um of downtown Orlando and we think that that should be much more enjoyable that your game day experience or your event experience should start um with your first footsteps into into downtown the next is um we we've taken a similar approach with with Magnolia here but break breaking it into three different segments um and I'll show you a few of those Allison described the um the the sort of the um the strangle hold that that that infrastructure has put on downtown space and um this section of Magnolia in front of the courthouse it is no exception that the the limo Lanes the one-way Network are are just taking space away from people um and we think some of that space should be given back um here is our our Universal um sidewalk looking north towards the towards the courthouse in front of Sky house there's this this Jug Handle that's like a a you know a very strange piece of engineering that that had to be here um and and it it does some service for the businesses all of these all of these parking spaces can be relocated onto onto the street but we think this could do a little bit more for the residents here um and we're proposing an expansion of Kevin teski Park um so instead of standing here and um you know figuring out how to pay the meter we think this should be a dog park for the the emerging residential community in this area of downtown there should be spaces for restaurants to spill out from that building um spaces that the the downtown businesses that are in the base of this building can can use um and as we move further south on Magnolia here you know really the the the Civic heart of of of downtown the library and the History Center and Heritage Square these need to be joined together I in a much more meaningful way and so this is one of those exceptional streets but this is tied to um recommendations we have about you know a spill out space a reading Terrace from the library um you know going into to Heritage um Heritage Square that the it's it's not very visible how you get into that space we think there should be a more legible Gateway that instead of an inaccessible water feature um that is turned off there should be an accessible one that's that's good for families and creates activation as a destination there should be um there should be a space that can be programmed for events there should be food service but we shouldn't get rid of the things that are nice about heritage heritage square the beautiful trees um and and and those can set the conditions for um nice um uh quiet spaces in the downtown which are so important the last section of Magnolia is the furthest south and this is passing through the churches um going to to deac and the extra RightWay here we think can do um some important service for um the environment to make a nice place for people to walk but also to help um clean storm water as it's moving south on Magnolia towards Lake lern the the next set of spaces so one more set of of of images before I hand it back over to David um are are the smallest um and these are our neighborhood parks um and and the the one that we from from from the the first day we were in downtown Orlando we kept looking at the this vacant lot um and believing it's at the you know almost the z00 point of of the city um and um it could do so much more and small down Parks um pocket parks and plazas are can can provide an incredible amenity for downtown workers um downtown visitors during the day but also can be programmed um to be a beacon at night and help anchor um your downtown particularly with lighting um and and and food service so the the from the smallest details to the largest we've been thinking about them um with your master plan all right well that was a lot uh I know uh uh but there's a lot of work to be done as I referenced uh in the beginning um the imagery that you saw uh is ultimately replication of what 14 um different uh actual projects uh will bring to downtown Orlando and we've structured those in almost like two groups um see the first concept called early activations and then some catalytic projects underneath with your support uh um you will see a lot of familiar things there because we've already taken actions to start to bring components of the action plan to fruition um um obviously earlier this year we went under contract to purchase 30 South the Gateway as well into lakeola that you saw imagery of to start to bring that um before us uh just last Friday I actually was on the uh the site walk with our Construction team to start work on Church Street the week before that uh it was work along Magnolia that has already kicked off to bring again these amazing visions that the people here and obviously uh um you all put before us several years ago um to fruition um um but with that said uh each of these will be coming back before you for obviously individual votes like uh some of the ones that you voted on earlier this year in the appropriate ways to make them happen uh we talked about what's happening now but what's next so as I stated with project dto um um various components that haven't already been addressed in our C CRA plan will come back before you there's no vote today uh but we will have a plan amendment that incorporates uh these Concepts um these Vision these specific improvements into the CRA plan um because that leads us into the Project funding component is envisioned uh that the CRA uh would be the one uh on the funding partner to bring all of these con uh Concepts and opponents uh uh um to to the reality for downtown uh and they will be I don't think anyone uh that I've had the chance to sit and talk through and really understand the concept and how these change the future for downtown Orlando this as I determine or not as I determin but as I say is really the CRA swansong in many ways the CRA will sunset uh in 2041 and we have one really great shot it Transforming Our downtown for generations to come uh so with that uh we're happy to answer any questions either myself or or the team great excuse me great presentation David and team a lot of work and a lot of effort but now the work actually begins it does it's all the pre-work into the real work okay Commissioners commissioner Sheen then commissioner Rose well thank you mayor Dar and and you know having been here a while I've seen these plans and plans and plans and plans and how here's another plan and I'm like when are we going to quit planning and do something I mean I'm you know David I mean no no disrespect but here's another pile of paper instead of actually doing stuff and I want us to us actually do stuff um one of my frustrations having been on this Council for a while is is the bike trail connections we have the missing links all over you cannot ride your bike safely in downtown it cannot be an alternative for people and and I've told Cade broad I will ride my new ebike with you and we will go and I will show you where they you know all you have to buy me is a hamburger you don't have to $100,000 or whatever on another study let's find out where these links are and build them I mean I'm frustrated with the lack of performance I guess is is my statement and we're getting at another presentation and we're not doing stuff so about the wable city I have been fussing about the Ada accessible ramps about the the the scooters and the crap all the rways and again these are action items we don't need to keep studying them we need to do something about them find ways to do something let's figure out P Parking again uh you know uh let's just get something done um on the B another thing on the bicycle infrastructure is that people ride their bikes downtown they have a nice expensive ebikes which get stolen so we need to have lockers we need to have secure parking um we don't do these things for people we wonder why they won't that why they won't do Alternatives because who wants to get their bike stolen when they ride it into downtown um we don't do enough with two- wheel motorized vehicle parking because motorcycle people share parking spaces when we have a large event people can put six or seven motorcycles in one spot and it's just an efficient way to utilize parking but we don't do anything with two wheel motorized vehicle parking I got to run around with the transportation people and beg for for spaces when these are things we should be again we plan for stuff we have these Grand plans but we do don't do stuff that impacts people's day-to-day lives that help them enjoy downtown um I love the art-based street life but this Council was the one that passed the mural ordinance which has created this Rich situation um when when Orlando City came in and they wanted to do those murals and they said they can only have them for a very short period of time um so we've done that so why do we have to keep tell having a consultant tell us how nice the murals are we already did that so again I I just I I want to see us F we we keep regurgitating the facts rather than finding ways to implement plans that will make a difference for our residents and our visitors um we've been talking about the two-way streets for 15 years at least so again we don't need another plan or study to tell us that two-way streets are good we need to just do it um and we need have goals for implementation I'm glad that was on the last page but we need to to to make it happen and I hate the street Furniture the pallets do not say Orlando it's not special um it's just generic like every other City I think something that we have that's cool and fun is a little Orlando benches that say Orlando why can't we find ways to do things that are special rather than the same regurgitated stuff that somebody pulls off a rack and a shelf and uses the same thing over and over and over again again we pay Consultants do that same thing over and over and over again rather than do something special and fun and cool that says Orlando so I love Orlando I want us to see us do good stuff and you know I'm glad that they talked about the corner of of of Ra land um and um and Central but again that was a group that of of people that came together that wanted to buy that that park it seems like everybody's taking credit for what other people are doing but yeah and I I agree with activating that space and making it wonderful but you know the Consultants aren't making this stuff happen there are people that are really doing really good work that are making this stuff happen and I just want us quit Consulting quit studying and let's make something happen so and and and I don't want to sit through another PowerPoint where some reads it to me and tells me this is what we want to do but we never do anything we we I agree with you we'd have a limited time this the CRA is going to Sunset we need to make this stuff happen that's all I had mayor thank you commissioner Rose good afternoon well good morning I have a totally different perspective as someone who has been a staff member when we did the original project dto I think we've made great strides um few things I agree with commissioner shean we do um transportation I like and um planning I'd like you all to work on scooter policies um and figuring out how do we make it a little more stringent because the scooters are being left all over the streets um glad to see limo extension that will we've talked about that um going into the West Lakes area ultimately that helps with all of the other venues soccer stadium as well as Camping World Stadium um would like us and I know I spoke with Sher recently about changes to the mural policy I would like for us to see that so that it's more inclusive of individuals um when you look at Windward and Windwood and being able to see art from the street um uh I would I I bear with you Cassie I've been there before as a staff where mayor Dar comes back home from another city and says we need to get this done right away so I I I feel your pain I've been there we were in the middle of night time study and he said I went here we need to bring this so um thank you for being able to adjust um and meet the needs within and then lastly um I know there was a rendering that was mistakenly at the um state of downtown but I would like for us to truly put commitment into um memorializing Thomas Chapman in the Thomas Chapman Park um staff keep up the great work from all the Departments um let's make this happen um commissioner shean we're going to get it done before 2041 I promise you um but you know that means got be dead by there but hey let's just try to get something done that but that includes that includes the economic development that'll happen in this community and ensuring that we're in EN Tyson City for larger corporations to come here so that we can increase our economics and our base so thank you for your hard work David um staff and consultants and feels good to be on the other side making these a reality thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Stewart thank you mayor um great presentation I appreciate the hard work and mayor the good presentation in front of dto last week um a couple of specific questions that kind of concerned me commissioner she is correct we've been working on two way streets I can remember arguing with Thomas years ago about it um and I remember talking about getting two-way streets on Orange and Rosland that that was going to be our core experiment experiment to see if it can that work there part of the reason why we did the the the um the the trail changes along Orange Avenue was specifically for that reason um yeah this plan abandons that at least it appears to abandon that so there's nothing happening north of colonial um which concerns me um which brings me by a second Point your study area is great to have a 40 25 I'm sorry 30 minute walking distance uh but you've essentially left out the ddb um you've taken a smaller portion of the Downtown Development Area um which means you've left out north of colonial and you've left out the creative Village in the same process now I know you've connected the creative Village but when I look at this um um we have a wonderful Southern Gateway and we ought to do something about lake lake lucern and I agree completely with the wood your plans we ought to do it and I agree with commissioner Shen let's do it yesterday um but there is a gateway from the North and the Gateway is going to eventually be anchored with a 70 or80 million building that's Holocaust Center is going to build um and it seems to me that plan has uh it looks to me like it's missed three or four blocks that can be crucial to a northern entrance to our community um that is covered both by the CRA as well as covered by the ddb as well as covered by the primary entrance uh from the north from you know a fourth or a fifth of the people if not more coming to downtown Orlando so it seems to me that um this plan looks like you get off I4 and you go down one way until you get to Colonial and all of a sudden becomes two-way it seems to me this plan ought to address some traffic needs going north to to I4 um and it seems to be it's been abandoned for that um and then the last part is that we've done a lot of good work on Orange Avenue but we've not done a lot of good work on Roslin in cooperation of the northern portion north of colonial so um um looks like there's some work that could be done especially in terms of walkability in that area and that concerns me because um we we have a good wonderful Southern entrance that we need to do a lot with um we have a good wonderful Northern entrance that it seems to me that dto abandoned uh which I don't like um so let's we need to look at those northern southern entrances and make them part of the plan sure and thank you commissioner for bringing that up because I do think it's important you're speaking to the north that we talked about today the context of that and you're absolutely right was sought to um really be a the component that led out on a 2-way conversion for downtown and that plan led us through the north quarter that you mentioned all the way down to Amelia our transportation department had been working on that that component of really Orange Avenue in that area was controlled is controlled I should say uh by fdot so we really haven't had unfortunately uh the amount of progress uh and partn ship I think that could bring that to fruition still working on it and it is not forgotten by any means in order for this this component of the two-way to really be able to work the way that it's designed to do it absolutely needs to have that implementation along with it I just don't want to think that that is abandoned or forgot it would that we have the design so to speak and already this was now connecting that and bringing it through the downtown on the other side of your comments just U uh for awareness if nothing else uh the area um I sometimes say you kind of you have to define a boundary and there's really never a perfect place to say okay you stop here or you stop there the two-way conversion because that was a foundational element of this plan because we have talked about it for 15 years but what we have today through this that we didn't have before is which streets need to be two-way how big do they need to be where are those turns what traffic lights can we get rid of the specific components so we can actually take the actions and make them come to fruition the context of the improvements the PED the bik components absolutely it's envisioned if you remember the first or second slide when we looked at the map there's a bigger region of downtown and we absolutely need to extend those Concepts out to make this all work together um those boundaries are really to look at okay how did we match up with the north quarter plan and the concepts that we have already but well I well well I appreciate appreciate you let me just argue with you for a moment sure the second largest concentration of people live in downtown is the north quarter if you can't figure out how to get them to be able to use pedestrian in their own won't walk out and they will do they will get in their car and they'll try to drive eight or nine blocks which is a bad idea um we've got a lot of good feeling Mojo if you want to call it that we got a lot of that uh on the Orange Avenue side uh but we don't have that on the other side and we have some new projects coming on Rosland coming up that seems to me that that that is a wonderful way to do it I'm more concerned about the fact that you comeing off high four and you J tap it into a three lane One Way eventually two Lan way and then all of a sudden now you're into a two-way so the transition we always felt like to get to make Orange Avenue work was a transition that happened at I4 in Orange Avenue not at Colonial in Orange Avenue so and and in respect to what you say all of Orange Avenue so it doesn't make any sense for us to to abandon to to say we can't do stuff on one side when north of colonal was also a state road too um so you take the entire area um but I think that whole Corridor needs to be addressed and this appears not to address that this appears to say we're anal um all the stuff South is great but you've got a large section there and you've also got this large section of U of Village so I look at it here I look at we've set high and I understand that's somebody's got to draw a map someplace but on the edge of that is going to be a multi-million dollar tens of million dollar park that's supposed to connect to the other side of I4 so it seems to me that we ought to be spending more time trying to figure out how we make that East West connect nection if we're going to spend millions and millions of dollars on on on the canopy project if we're not then let's kind of put a wall there which we you know this city now those are my thoughts just because of the boundary is concerned inside what you're doing I think is right I believe agree with Patty that we've made some progress but when you look at seven different standards for downtown it looks to me like every time we look at a project we look at three blocks instead of looking at 15 blocks so let's make these three blocks look great um we don't look at the entire Mount and I think having the overall plan accomplish for us which I think which I think tends to work so thank you thank you I appreciate appreciate the work I just want to do larger area understood thank you commiss gray thank you mayor and and David thanks to you the team of professionals um you know where I'm going with this question you're you're way ahead of me uh great ideas I think everybody here uh is ready for some changes downtown and I've always focused certainly on the the residential piece but also the business component how do we get our office buildings filled up and attract more employers downtown and I think this is a good step my question and you've helped me in the past but as we go forward with this I'm going to focus more on great ideas but they look pretty expensive to me so how do we pay for this uh and it's not just the initial improvements but the programming and the ongoing maintenance down down the road because if we're going to spend the kind of money it looks like we're going to spend we got to make sure we maintain it so as we go through this and I know you've started with some of this and shared that with me that's kind of my focus is is how do we pay for all this and assuming these improvements you got to think that the the the CRA tax bucket's going to get bigger because improving things and value should go up uh so there's a component of that um but if the CRA can't do this then how are we going to pay for it and if we ultimately go back to the taxpayers to help pay for this I think we owe to those folks that and make sure they're ready to but I think we also have to be fiscally responsible and make sure what we do now only can we pay for it on the front end but we have the money to maintain it and and keep it in in good form so thank you thanks commiss Ortiz thank you mayor and thank you David and the team that was a great presentation great research planning Vision plan and renderings um just like commissioner gray was talking I want to hear more about what's going to be the the cost the ballpark cost to bring this to fation um the safety component I didn't hear much about that I understand that a lot of those things are created safy hear about it so the public hears about it so they feel safe except that involving this are we're going to be using cameras more cameras for downtown um and like commissioner also mentioned I want to hear more about adaa big issue we have in our city a lot of people a lot of our disabled people have been ostracized this gots to stop we have to goad and Mak him part of our community um so I like to hear more those particular items besides that great presentation I'm excited about this I think it's going to be great uh but let's also like commissioner Grace said let's find out how much is this going to cost thank you sure okay thank you David team thank you all the stakeholders in downtown for New Year day as well it's always nice to have a lot of nice smiling faces in the audience I we're going to have Ang afternoon so it's a pleasant morning so with that we will stay in the jour