##VIDEO ID:1eWGDEo8nhM## [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] n [Music] a [Music] good afternoon and welcome to the October 7th 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council we are going to begin today's proceedings with the the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance today led by commissioner Tony Ortiz commissioner thank you mayor let's bow our heads you may may L we you thanking you for your mercy and protection we thank you because everything you do is for our well-being you know that we live in difficult times confronting circumstances that need your Mighty intervention we pray that you give us the wisdom to address the needs of your people so in the end everyone can enjoy quality of life Lord we're about to experience a natural phenomena that has a potential to inflict a lot of damage to our community please protect us and keep us from harm we praise you and give you all the glory and ask you all this in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen amen I bless ALG to the flag of the United States of America America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with andice for all okay I'm going to call the meeting to order Madam clerk would you call the role and make a determination of a quorum please commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner Shen here interim commissioner Rose here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quum with all members present okay let's take up for consideration the minutes from the agenda review city council and the second budget hearing of September 23rd 2024 motion by commissioner shien second by commissioner Stewart all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries we are right into Awards presentations and I'm going to jump into the mayor's update because we did have one recognition we were scheduled to recognize the lgbtq plus history month and the committee that is organizing that with a proclamation today but many of the members our city team on the come out with pride parade committee are preparing for the storm they're unable to be here and we didn't ask others to join as well so we're going to postpone the proclamation presentation to another date but we are looking forward to showcasing our City's commitment to inclusion with our come out with pride um parade later this month uh just a few minutes before the council meeting started we had a press conference to discuss how our city is preparing to brace for the impacts of hurricane Milton and I want to remind everybody it's crucial to prepare now you got the rest of the day and tomorrow um this storm does post a serious threat it's now a category five which I don't remember member a category five um since I've been doing this anyways and with those storm winds it won't be a five when it gets to us but it'll still be very dangerous we've had a lot of rain the last couple of weeks so the ground's already saturated we're probably going to get between four and six inches of additional rain maybe more so Orange County schools are going to be closed on Wednesday and Thursdays likewise we will be closing City Hall and all um are non-essential portions of the city business on Wednesday and Thursday but you should complete your emergency preparedness Ure you have enough supplies um OU has reported that they anticipate that there will be substantial outages that could last over period of days you should check in on your neighbors especially those who need extra assistance and lastly we do have sandbags available at Camping World starting at 2:00 today and then that'll be through six and then uh tomorrow uh all day during the day so stay safe stay informed and your safties our top priority well that will go to the consent agenda the consent agenda is a number of items are acted upon through a single vote of council we rotate we give each of our commissioners the opportunity to comment comment on the consent agenda and update you on important happenings from their District we rotate the order that we do that um today commission Ortiz is first up thank you mayor um let me start by once again as as the mayor said make sure that our people understand that is of great help for all of you guys to help us with um taking the debris and especially if the storm has started and we have already picked up garbage make sure that debris is away from from the streets and from drainages because that's usually what creates a lot of the problems we have with our floating um September 24th we had in our Academy Miss Kim King and Miss Ashley both Miss K K King spoke about Economic Development and Ashley about sustainability ready gave a great presentation and want to thank him for the great job they're doing um on October 1st we we visited several un National nightout parties across District too I'm pretty sure the other Commissioners did uh all around the city it was a great time with our neighbors the Lord was very merciful there was no rain so very little of anything any sprinkling but it was it was good was fun and uh we really enjoy the time we spend with our residents and I'm glad that people are still thinking um how to help the police is very important October 3rd we celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month at the Orlando museum of art with Latin food uh music and folk dances this celebration highlighted our share tradition and cultural Pride um I want to thank uh Lis Martinez Anna Cruz Marcia the whole team that put this together was a great event so um at the government Academy that night also we had Miss Christina Martin from Transportation she did an awesome job and Elena Escobar from housing from the city of Orlando so thank you both that was a great presentation too the Paul's Memorial advisory committee is hosting its first meeting at Orlando City Hall the committee will involve family survivors and Community stakeholders in the development of the memorial conceptual design uh virtual participation is also available I'm pretty sure Commission sh will'll be possibly talking more about that uh October 12th keep Orlando beautiful will hold an electronic waste and textiles recycling event at Festival Park from 900 a.m. to 1 p.m. offering resents of safe electronics and textile the record ceiling and expungment Clinic hosted by Community Legal Services Florida pro bono Community Community Legal Services and the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association this clinic will assist residents in clearing eligible records and last but not least Anglewood Fall Festival will feature their cruise ship of Terror Haunted House event offering a fun and spooky event for families and Trail Seekers family activities will include hay rides bounce houses Life music free food and Beverages and um games custom contest and more so everybody is invited and that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner Stewart thank you mayor uh let me um also provide the same type of warning uh with uh hurricane uh Milton coming through I appreciate uh everybody's response and moving so quickly we got a lot of calls a lot of questions this week and mayor thank you for for your leadership on this and thank you for your staff's leadership we appreciate it um unfortunately um I have to actually introduce uh officer Milton Sumner officer where'd you go here our new District 3 commissioner I mean District 3 liaison officer I'm his name is Milton I apologize for that I maybe I shouldn't apologize but Milton we are glad to have you here thank you for being here and uh and for the rest of the week your name has changed to something else and then we'll bring it back to Milton after it's all over thanks a lot what a what aning winance a couple of quick things I want blue Gardens just doing happy uh Frights and haunting nights that's going on um please watch their schedule at Lou Gardens for any changes because of the weather uh I want to congratulate the Atlanta Museum of Art for celebrating 100 years they had that celebration this past weekend and then special thanks to Lisa Wilson who works uh as our Le on in the uh um our Aid and for the Commissioners today is her birthday um uh thanks to National Night Out for OPD and Atlant fire those who are involved in that uh while you didn't have much rain uh we had a deluge on our side of town uh and but we still had everybody show up and it was a good time for everybody who came out uh I do want to just talk talk about a couple of quick events coming up the cpna meeting tonight College Park neighborhood association is still happening uh the taste of College Park for the college park Rotary Club has been moved to October 22nd instead of this Thursday uh and then uh please check your the websites for College Park Main Street IV Main Street and oton Park Gard alline Garden District Main Street they had activity this week and they are moving those around so please go to those websites uh onto the agenda mayor uh I don't have a whole lot uh so I'm just going to pass along since we have a lot of things to do on this agenda so thank you very much mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Shen thank you mayor and uh just a just a couple things and end the time um we a lot we have a lot of preparing to do but the one thing that I'd like to say that we had a lot of impacts in District 4 last time we just had a a severe rainstorm do not drive through the standing water it's it's dangerous and we and it actually takes resources away and we may not be able to come get you because um they won't respond when the winds get to a certain level so please if you see standing water do not drive through that standing water it's just not smart and it's not safe um and if you're going to get sandbags you need to put visqueen on your door or plastic and then put the sandb bags on top of it to try to make your to try to waterproof your home as best you can and I know it's it's going to be tough it's going to be difficult but we're a great City we come together and we work together on these things and please be patient with the public works department they've been through a lot these last couple of months so but they are monitoring the the lake levels and we'll get we'll get we'll get resources as soon as we can but everybody's got to be prepared to be on their own for about 72 hours because it's not going to be it is not going to be fun um the one fun thing I would like to say today is congratulations to my beloved Orlando Pride for winning the National Women's Soccer League Shield last night we got the most points so yes so the pride won the shield um we're going to the playoffs but that's a very prestigious thing in soccer for those of you that don't know so we're very excited and uh congratulations pride and that's all I had mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Rose uh I want to wish everyone happy October and Happy fall um as The Fall season begins and Lead start to change um and they fall on the floor we want to encourage everyone to properly sweep and bag your Le leaves do not blow the leaves into the streets because this can clog storm water drains I see Lucy over there smiling um I want to thank the volunteers who participated in cleaning up the lakes around District 5 um I got a chance to speak to some uh students who' come to Walt Disney World as students and they stayed behind so mayor doing a good job with uh keeping students here um I want to thank the volunteers who came out and help build the Kaboom playground in Palm Grove Gardens um I want to give a special thank you to Marissa Martinez with the Orlando Magic for Lending a help in hand as well as the Orlando regional reals Association uh congratulations to shaloh Baptist Church for celebrating 125 years in this community in this community and their dedication this past weekend um I attended the Orlando Zetas um they have a youth group and uh I told them that ID help them with finding something in the community that they want to change and I'll walk them through the process hopefully it's not a sidewalk Lucy um but just walking them through the process um young people are more engaged and want to be engaged in government than we realize and so given them an opportunity to understand from beginning to end how government works in the process so um I also met with the cadet and Senior Girl Scouts troop 190 um they will be working on a project uh in the community for their silver and gold gold Awards so they'll be reaching out to us again figure out a project and something they want to help with I want to thank the Orlando Police Department and staff for their hard work with National Night Out um I presented the number one idea was in Clear Lake neighborhood association here in District 5 I'm proud to say that uh my office was able to kick off a National Night Out over at the Jackson Court a division Oaks which is right right across the street from um the Kia Center this is their first year doing National Night Out and hopefully we'll continue to do it every year um I want to give a special thank you to my police leaon Corporal Manny Janelle who's here in the audience um we went to parties all across the district and we as far as Metro West and the Willows also want to um I want to thank Second Harvest Food Bank for having me during a recent listening session with some of the providers um I was able to hear some of their concerns also share uh debunk some of the misinformation about what's happening here at the city and the plans that we have um as we work together to address food insecurity last week with commissioner Scott we co-sponsored a week of activities at our newly renovated downtown Rec Center um for any organizations in the community who would like our office to attend and participate in community events please reach out uh 47256 20005 or you can email District 5 orlando.gun some of you have may have already met but I have a new dig communication specialist his name is Don Wallace um I want to give a special shout out to the communications team for working with me over these last couple of months getting graphics and everything out to the community on A3 I'm a big fan of History so glad that we can loan some items to the History Center for their Orlando collected um project um B7 I am glad to see the purchase and sale agreement of Corinthian properties um David probably remember more than anyone else in the C where we said we had to buy the block and so this is a step in that direction of buying that block so we can have a consistent project in the Paramore community and we're not doing just little Parcels but we're doing massive impactful affordable housing multi mixed unit opportunities um P3 um the memorandum of understanding for those who are not aware 988 is suicide hotline it has made a huge impact in our community and glad that we continue this partnership and that's all I have today mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Burns all right thank you mayor good afternoon everyone uh first off uh today is the last day to register to vote in Florida so if you have not registered please uh do so uh but also if you have individuals who you have been encouraging to uh register to vote uh let's nudge them a little bit more and let them know that today is the last day in Florida also the deadline to request your mailin ballot is Thursday October the 24th so please keep that in mind for those who have not uh who usually vote by mail but have not uh requested your ballot please do so by October 24th we know this is a big election but also we have to recognize the uh impact here locally uh because a lot of the uh local elections are have some of the um most immediate impacts on our daily lives so again today is the last day to register to vote and please uh request your vote by mail ballot uh by October the 24th um also I had the opportunity of participating in the National Night Out where uh Carver Shaw's neighborhood uh in district 6 came in second place uh so we're excited I think this is their second year getting second place next year we will get first place uh and bring that first place to District six um but also during that time uh we were surprised we had a a a pleasant surprise where um our chief of police uh actually promoted officer uh Barnell Warren from the rank of Corporal to uh Sergeant so we celebrated that at our uh neighborhood uh at our national National Night Out I'm excited uh for his promotion he's done a great job for my office recognizing that I will lose him as my liaison but I'm excited for all the other things that he'll be uh contributing to our city uh as a uh to chief police doing that special recognition during during that special time also on October the 2nd I had the opportunity of uh supporting the Harbor House purple door luncheon uh and Harbor House offers life-saving and life-changing Services uh to domestic violent survivors so there uh great work uh happening in our communities also on October the 3rd I had the uh pleasure of attending the hispar uh Hispanic Heritage Month celebration so thank you uh for Mar and Louis for all that you all do uh putting on such a great event also my um upcoming satellite office hours were scheduled for this Wednesday October uh the 9th but they are postponed due to Hurricane Milton and we will resume uh the next following uh month uh last but not least I want to invite everyone to join me October the 25th for our 4th annual for the children's Celebrity Golf Tournament will be held at Stony Brook this year and we're looking to raise money for scholarships for uh students in district 6 uh so again to date we've uh provided over 20 scholarships to uh individuals attending college uh Community College as well as uh technical uh training as well and then may as I end I just want to recognize a friend a local entrepreneur uh Jay Henry out in the uh out in the audience and and just say thank you for your resilience and in bringing uh your bus business back uh to District 5 uh but we stand in support you so good to see here see you here this it and that's all there thank you commissioner and commissioner gray thank you mayor a couple quick words of thanks back to National Night Out last Tuesday um the Southport neighborhood was an award winner and I want to thank all the public safety officials and staff for coming out and helping us celebrate that and then on the second uh Wednesday I was had the honor of attending with the mayor and commissioner Burns and commissioner Shen the Harbor House purple door lunch which was a great event and I encourage everybody next year if you can go go it's a great it's a great uh uh charity that they do and the money they raise for domestic violence uh and finally just announcement everything's being canceled but just for the record our groundbreaking for the southeast Government Center scheduled for tomorrow is postponed and we will do that again uh very soon I'm sure on the agenda a couple of things I want to mention D1 uh the agreement between the after school Allstars group and Orlando or excuse me Orange County Public Schools uh it's a great partnership the schools allow us to use their facilities and uh after school Allstar funds it and staffs it and it's a great program for the kids after school program and um I've been involved with it watching it and it really is a benefit to the kids so thanks to both sides for keeping that agreement in place and then finally H3 which is the Heart of Heart of Florida United ways willingness to continue to help us uh with folks that have um you know uh suicide and crisis kind of lifeline uh United Way is kind enough to allow us to refer folks in there and it's a great service and we appreciate them doing that um and with that mayor I would like to move to approve the consent agenda motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner shien all in favor the motion indicates so by saying I I as opposed and so the motion carries okay if you just here for consent agenda you are free to go okay if there's no objection I'm going to recess the city council meeting and convene the CRA meeting uh first order of business is Advisory board meeting minutes from August the 28th is there a motion to accept motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Sheen all in favor indicate so by saying I I as oppos motion carries David yes thank you mayor good afternoon and good afternoon Commissioners uh so I before the is amendment five to the amended and restated open space agreement you'll remember this agreement uh it is the form by which the CRA contributes funds uh to the city for open space projects within the CRA area uh this specific agreement uh is a companion item to several items that were just voted upon uh in the consent agenda it is for the canopy project specifically for some design work associated with public bathrooms as well as um two overlooks in addition to the artistic trees that are seen in the renderings uh the total cost of the amendment is $492,000 and I am happy to address any questions second motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Shen discussion anyone all in favor of the motion to indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries and number three number three is a dto facade program funding agreement for the Summer Winds Home Owners Association uh the summer WIS Community is located at 630 East Church Street uh over over in our Thorton Park area um they are doing some uh improvements to the exterior of the property including painting some tile work seal coating as well as some new shingles uh the total cost of that work is just shy of $170,000 and based on their area they qualify for a 50% partnership from the CRA uh so the total incentive award recommended is $84,900 it did go before our facade Review Committee on August 22nd and they recommended approval and I'm happy to address any questions motion by Commission and second by commissioner Rose discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries David any further business to come before the C that is all mayor and we will stand adjourned and we will reconvene our city council meeting and that brings us to a new business and we have one item that commissioner Ortiz asked that we uh removed from the consent agenda it's an item that is recommended approval by the m PB for a conditional use permit for Bata Breeze nightclub from the August 20th 2024 MBP meeting the applicant is Wanda Rivera and the request is to allow the night to the church so Elizabeth is going to come up and give us an overview good afternoon mayor and city council my name is Elizabeth Deng I'm the city planning division manager here today to talk with you about bada Breeze nightclub um there's a presentation I'm wondering if we could get that up on the screens for the audience to see as well thanks this project is located at 5773 Curry Ford road which is on the north side of Curry Ford Road just east of samron Boulevard and it is one um storefront in a multi-tenant building so the city code states that on premise consumption or package sale of alcoholic beverages is not permitted within 1,000 ft of a church or a school except in the AC 3A zoning District where that limit is 200 feet um except as Allowed by the code standards which in this case is for a conditional use application so that distance is measured starting from the property line of the church or the school to the nearest entrance of the establishment serving alcoholic beverages so here's that measurement here it's approximately 230 ft from The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church property line so the conditional use process does allow an exception to that limit and Property Owners can apply for that conditional use to allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages um and then there's also other exceptions for other types of uses so um when this uh restaurant was established back in 2010 it received a waiver from this requirement because it is a restaurant so a Bonafide restaurant with more than 51% of alcohol sales is not required to go through that cup process and you can see here from the floor plan it's set up as a restaurant with tables and chairs so um what the applicant has explained is that they do operate as a restaurant however in the evenings they also add entertainment they have a DJ from 10: p.m. to 2:00 a.m. on Thursday through Sunday as well as occasional live music they also have a cover charge to support the cost of entertainment and security so per our code those additional activities change the classification of the use to the most intense use which in this case is a nightclub so they operate most of the time as a restaurant but in the late evenings they also operate as a nightclub so the municipal planning board uh reviewed this application at the time it stayed on the consent agenda there were no speaker requests uh we did send notices within um the required distance of the property um and as I understand it um the church did not learn about the project till after the mpb meeting uh which is why we have our discussion today so the requested action is for this conditional use permit to allow a nightclub to operate within 1,000 feet of a church and the staff did recommend approval again not knowing at that time about the concerns from the church and the conditions of approval uh ensure that it will operate consistent with the way it was presented to the planning board so they continue to operate as a restaurant with at least 51% of their sales from food and non-alcoholic beverages um and they operate under a type of license from the state that requires them to be a restaurant so the hours of operation are limited so that this in this way we know that Tuesdays and Wednesdays they close early but they can stay open Thursday through Sunday to the later time there's also a condition that requires the kitchen to be open at all times that alcohol is served and sold and if ever they don't meet these requirements they may be subject to having to get a new type of alcohol license from the state as well as a revision to this conditional use application and I'm available if you all have any questions questions commissioner Stewart um this has always puzzled me H how do we determine the 51% besides just what the guy is telling us are we monitoring that every 3 months tell us how we determine um so they're required to keep records and show those records to our Code Enforcement Officers upon request and that's also a state requirement so if the state comes in and has concerns about if their state license is not operating properly the state can also ask for that information you have any idea when the last time we actually asked somebody and told somebody that they were violation and did a code and did a code board action against them yes so I don't have all the details but it it does have is it frequent it's or is it unusual it's a few times a year our Code Enforcement Officers may know of more occasions but the times I hear about it is usually a couple times a year commissioner Ortiz have we have it it appears to me we have the pastor from the church and the applicant both ones okay I want to yield to them speak first and then I'll speak okay any other questions for Elizabeth while she's here um okay I guess I'll do it in the order of um the pastor and then let the applicant respond to that so Ken green Mr Mayor and City commissioners uh my name is Kenneth Green I am the senior pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on the corner of Samaran and Curry Ford uh I know that as I have requested to be on the agenda today I expressed some concerns and I had uh an opportunity to speak with our uh the owners of The Establishment today and they were able to address at least verbally some of the concerns that we have from the church uh of course our reputation as a safe place in the community is Paramount to being able to serve people in our school and in our church uh and so I was able to stress that for them and um I respect them they are trying to become compliant where many people in our church have known them to not them they've only owned the operation three years I believe and uh that the establishment has operated as a nightclub for several years so I respect that they're trying to become compliant um at this time I'm willing willing to work with them and as a pastor of the church that's nearby okay then you're not objecting to this anymore I'm gonna be very neutral to that yeah okay and Thena the W Rivera I was kind of wondering if you guys are sitting there together so nice when things work out um all right uh good morning guys well good afternoon my name is wan Rivera and I own Bachata Bree a restaurant that has served our community for more than 15 years and it has been in my ownership for the past 3 years under my ownership I've made minimal changes which has been updating the menu and offering food delivery service through Uber and door Dash the restaurant continues to have a good reputation allowing me to retain the original 18 staff and the same customers our restaurant employees are dedicated and rely heavily on the primary on the position for their primary source of income we are committed to maintaining a stable and supportive work environment for them furthermore we have all our necessary licenses and permits including the four cop SFS license which are fully up to date the license that Elizabeth was referring to that allows us to help um sell food 51% and the alcohol and says we have maintained contact with court enforcement and planning divisions to continue to comply with city ordinance we are submitting this request for the conditional use permit slowly to comply with the city ordinance it is important to emphasize that we are not proposing any changes to the operations everything will continue to function as it has in the past that's all thank you for your consideration okay I I was allowing that that's against the rules and procedures of our city council meeting and I was going to kind of Let It Go when you're sitting there holding them behind but getting up and walking around and the there were people trying to focus on what they were discussing here and you're there annoying them so I'm going to ask you not to hold up your flags now you can do it is there a rule yes there is a there is procedure it's the same as a placard which you can't do the ru pleas and I you're not being addressed right now you'll have your chance you signed up to speak you just said you okay all right commissioner F law thank you mayor I appreciate it um please let's respect our mayor okay let's please respect our mayor all right about racism so let me address the issue that I came here to address remember that we're not discussing racism we're discussing these people's livelihood sit down buddy so um one of my duties is to not only represent my community but also to to protect it and um for those of you that may not know I was in law enforcement for 14 years and I happen to work drug unit for many years also and um one of the issues I had to battled in my district when I first came in was drugs prostitution issues that we because of the community working together we were able to get rid of and a corridor that had a not a so fine reputation today we enjoy a great reputation and and things have come out great for us um this kind of this was a movement that kind of blindsided me because I met the owners of this place not too long ago um I wish they had approached me to talk about this to see how we can address this issue uh they came a little late in the game I'm surprised by the decision of the church too CU that's another way that I in our conversations how we have dealt with this before but I still have to represent my community and sadly enough this particular location has a history of incidents I know that these owners have may have nothing to do with this because they're new but it has a history of incidents and I still have a duty to to my community and a restaurant I I love the restaurants in my district all of them they're great and they I know they enjoy a great reputation as a restaurant things get tough after 10:00 when dancing and some people coming over and not behaving it's not your all's fault but it's some people that are not may not be wanted uh because of their behavior they stick around and we find baggies with a cocaine residue and and the owner of the plaza which also surprised me has been calling me for the past 16 years to take care of these matters for him so I'm going to have to object to this I'm going to have to vote no on this particular one thank you okay since this is in District Two would somebody else like a motion to approve second who commissioner Rose commissioner Rose Move Motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Shen the motion to approve the recommendation to approve well to approve the app to approve the minutes of the recommendation of the MPP further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed no no okay four I got that 4 three everybody good with that not no my count you don't want a roll roll call or anything okay then let's move on to ordinances hearings first read number one Madam clerk ordinance number 202 24-42 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to mobile vending and services amending chapter 5 Orlando city code entitled code enforcement amending Chapter 58 part 1B 4 C and 4D Land Development code to provide regulations for mobile vending and mobile services amending chapter 62 part 4 Land Development code entitled specially planned areas amending chapter 66 Land Development code entitled definitions providing for cability cloudification correction of scrier error and an effective date so MO second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Rose I don't have any request for comment on this discussion commissioner Sheen yeah mayor um i' I've had some concerns about the mobile vending and how it's how it's been um how it's been uh enforced and different things like that and I just want to say that I'll support this today but we need to make sure that these ordinances are more business friendly to mobile vending and chief you're here I think the Atlanta fire department needs to get some kind of an inspection sticker so these folks aren't constantly hassled every time they try to set up I think we need to have a more streamline process for that that's not a Land Development code I think we've got lots of different departments in on this and too we have too many chiefs and none of people working to promote small businesses so I will support it today with the caveat that yes we need the code amendments but we also need to make sure that we've got Fair enforcement for these small businesses so that they can they can operate in in a in a in a fair and decent manner thank you mayor commissioner Burns uh yes thank you mayor uh I am will be voting against this um and one of the main reasons is as I understand uh the designation of food trucks have been uh identified as an accessory use uh back in 2013 and I think we all can agree that uh food trucks and that concept has evolved since then you know about uh 7 or eight years later and I think uh that we need to maybe look at uh just considering them as accessory uh uses solely accessory uses and making way for them to be able to operate in a manner that um you know that promotes food trucks but also keeps it uh keeps it safe because as the ordinance is written now food trucks um cannot operate on vacant Lots even if they're improved uh and the owner gives them permission and agrees to to ensure the safety of of the uh activity so I I do believe that that puts our um um land own uh uh property owners who don't have who don't have lots with buildings on it uh at a disadvantage that won't allow them to leverage the use of their the property that they own to generate Revenue but also to Smart more uh economic activity in our community so uh without that uh without that this ordinance having that Avenue for a um property owner to put a food truck on a vacant lot uh I will be voting against this I think we need to if if that if we can that will be considered that needs to be uh some identified process to get that considered uh but again I think we also need to re-evaluate having food trucks as solely and accessory use okay and commissioner why don't you work out with staff on that in the inter room the concern that I've heard is any empty lot anywhere so there are a lot of folks that would not like the empty lot next to them having trash and whatever setup may be there right so got to narrow it somehow right and mayor let me share my concern I I I respectfully disagree with you completely Vari uh because um uh to place a food truck onto a vacant land uh now puts them essentially in comp competition with brick and mortar because there aren't facilities there end up being accary use is the idea that if there's restroom facilities which other things that need to be addressed they're addressed by the property owner because they have the access to that but to take a vacant lot and put a truck up there and start serving um it is it is counterintuitive to our commitment to Brick and Mortar restaurants who have to do that in that same way so um I just don't think it that you end up with a um this kind of competition and it's always been a challenge because we're always trying to write the balance between we have guys who've committed hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars into a restaurant and the guy who's committed 25 or 30 or $40,000 into a food truck and how do we kind of treat them fairly not equally but fairly uh and that's one of the challenges I would have so um I'll be glad to uh work with you with staff to see if we can come up with some way to to treat them fairly but not treat them at an advantage of people who have invested millions of dollars into our community yeah but but and thank you for that uh commissioner but also I'm not sure the disadvantage uh if if a food truck pulls up to a gas station and operates at a gas station I think it would still have that same disadvantage that you mentioned to a brick-and Mor restaurant down the street so I I'm not sure if the point you're making uh of being disadvantaged goes away if they pull up at a gas station because they can pull up at a gas station set up based on this ordinance and operate but but it does it doesn't make them at a more advantage or less advantage to a a brick and mortar so I'm I'm not sure if that that is one but I I and I'm not saying just any lot that's but I think there has to be a process where the the property owner ensures that uh X number things are done for the safety for the cleanliness of of that area and then move forward but right now this ordinance doesn't give any consideration so I would like there to be some type of consideration thank you further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion to indicate so by saying I I those opposed no passes 61 okay hearings ordinances second reading number one ordinance number 2024-25 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's growth management plan to change the future land use map designation for certain land generally located at the northwest corner of North Orange Blossom Trail and North Orange young North John Young Parkway comprise of 2.20 acres of land more or less from Community Activity Center to Industrial changing the property zoning designation from activity center with the Waka overlay District to industrial park with the Waka overlay District providing for Amendment on the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for cability correction of scrier Errors permit disclaimer and an effective date so move uh motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen I have no cards for public testimony discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppose motion carries uh number two ordinance number 202 24-35 and ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located west of Vicki Road north of New Hope Road South of Lake non Boulevard and east of bogy Creek Road and comprised of 9.1 acres of land more or less providing for cability correction scrier errors and an effective dat move to adop motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz I have no request to speak on this issue discussion hearing none all favor indicate so by saying I those opposed motion carries okay number three ordinance number 24-36 and ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located south of weah hoodi Road north of Lake Mary Jane Road and TM Ranch Road and West of sunbridge and comprised of 1,33 acres of land more or less providing for severability correction of scrier error and in effective date hold on before you do that so this relates to an annexation of Cino North staff is requesting additional time to work on the annexation agreement before we move forward with the annexation so since this ordinance has been advertised and interested parties may want to testify we're going to open the public hearing um but then if it's the council's wish um we can vote to continue this to October 21st to the October 21st city council meeting so let me take the public testimony with the knowledge that we're going to continue this so one of our frequent flyers now Andrew Mai my name is and assistant County attorney for orang County Florida 2011 South Rosland Avenue Orlando Florida and I'm happy to hear that you're continuing this um the county requests that this an annexation be delayed uh even further were denied the county and the city are currently engaged in dispute resolution process and the county contend that the sunbridge properties were not annexed in accordance with the law should the process result in overturning the sunbridge annexations then this voluntary annexation will not be contiguous it would be prudent to delay this annexation until the resolution of the conflict with the county so the county requests that you delay it even beyond the two-e delay or deny the adoption of this annexation ordinance thank you very much thank you Nelson beton Court uh Paige mcwright thank you Mr Mayor and members of the council I am Paige MC I live at 510 West Princeton Street which is one block east of Edgewater Drive have for 21 years great neighborhood um please give my thanks to the sanitation department which picked up the residue from our last hurricane this morning timing is everything I'm grateful to y'all for your willingness to serve our city and for the wonderful work that you do I want to speak against this annexation which I'm happy to hear is being delayed for further work and I have three reasons the first is I'm concerned about the tax implications for those citizens of Orlando who live on less income even than this retired Pres heing preacher um don't know what they are we don't know what T even an estimate of what tax implications will be but there's that second I'm concerned about the development of this property which is in the St John's river management area and looking at the map clearly has Wetlands lowlands in it we've seen just last week and we'll see again this week what happens in low areas when there's major water damage and wind damage I'm concerned about that and um I'm also concerned about the clean water that the St John's river provides us and implications will be of developing an area of the Water Management District finally the citizens were land the Orange County Citizens who will be voting on amendments nine and 10 on the ballot um some already have others will by the end of no so I too would urge delay in action on this until after the election thank you thank you Marcus po poer good afternoon my name is Marcus poer um this I figured this was the best place to talk about this but uh as under two weeks ago uh eight protesters were arrested at Eola um and were brutalized by police not this and yet and yet we'll talk about okay turn his mic off police offed you can speak at General appearance that crazy this is not the time to do that I'll call you again at General appearance which is after about two more ordinances okay that's all the request I had on this um discussion oh I need a motion to continue continue yeah okay motion is there a motion to continue this to the October 21st city council meeting yeah yeah help me again mayor we're extending it why you wanted to extend it to do work on the annexation agreement okay um I will modify my motion to um continue this until the October 21st City Commission meeting motion and a second discussion hearing none all in favor indicate so by saying I those post and so the motion carries hey mayor W with that is that a an agreement that will be brought to city council for review and at the same time okay thank you okay uh okay number four Madam clerk ordinance number 2024 37 an ordinance of the city counc the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's growth management plan to change the future land use map designation for certain land generally located south of West Washington Street West of North dos Avenue East of North Texas Avenue and north of West Central Boulevard and comprised of 2.86 acres of land more or less from public recreational and institutional to Industrial changing the property zoning designation from public use to Industrial General providing for Amendment of the C of the city's official future land use maps and zoning Maps providing for cability correction of scrier error permit disclaimer and an effective date motion by commission Rose second by commissioner Shen I don't have any requests to speak on this ordinance uh discussion hear none on favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number five ordinance number 2024 38 an ordinance of the city of Orlando Florida amending chapter 18a city code parks and outdoor public public assemblies by amending section 18a .01 definitions by amending 18 a02 parks and Facilities closing hours presence after closing hours prohibited by amending section 18a .08 posting of park closing hours by creating 18a 8-1 being a park or Recreation facilities After Hours by amending 18a 9-1 alcoholic beverages defined Rules of Evidence and prosecutions for violation of section 18 a09 parentheses n by amending 18a point10 permits and authorizations required by amending 1811a application for outdoor public assembly permit by providing severability quatification correction scor's error and an effective date second motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Rose I have no request for public testimony discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicat so by saying I I those fa osed motion carries number six ordinance number 202 24-39 an ordinance of the city council the city of berlando Florida amending provisions of the Land Development code relating to concurrency management providing legislative findings and for cability codification correction of scers errors and an effective date so move second motion by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Shen I have no public testimony request discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indic Cas so saying I those oppos motion carries number seven ordinance number 202 24-40 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certainly and generally located north of Rain Street East of Clark Street West of Wise Avenue and south of Vine Street and comprised of 2.1 acres of land more or less and amending the city's boundary description amending the city's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as residential medium intensity on the city's official future land use maps designating the property as medium intensity development on the city's official zoning Maps providing for Amendment of the city's official future and use and Zoning Maps providing for severability correction criers error permit disclaimer and an effective date second motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Burns I have no request for uh public testimony discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I who oppos motion carries number eight ordinance number 202 24-44 and ordinance of the city council of the city of burle of Florida vacating closing and abandoning the northern portion of one Avenue generally located north of Rain Street and East of Clark Street as described in the Hansen Hurst plat as recorded in plat bouquet page 17 of the public records of Orange County Florida and compris of 0.19 acres of land more or less providing for the execution of affecting documents cability correction scrier errors and an effective date motion by Commission Comm Sheen second by commissioner rose again I have no request for comment discussion all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries okay ordinances first read number one ordinance number 2024 49 an ordinance at the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's adopted growth management plan by updating figure C i-14 to be entitled city of Orlando 2024 d229 Capital Improvements element Capital Improvement fund schedule amending policy 2.2.3 and the Capital Improvements element providing for severability correction scrier error and an effective date motion by commission Sheen second by commissioner Stewart I have no request to speak discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion to indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries and number two ordinance number 202 24-50 and to the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to Backyard chickens and chicken CS as an accessory structure amending Chapter 58 part 5A Land Development code entitled General requirements providing for cability codification correction of scrier errors and an effective date motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Rose I do have a request to comment me the US funded Israeli genocide of Palestine okay this is on the chick okay you I'm going to call you next that's it you're done no stop turn off the mic turn off the mic okay if do you want to speak at General appearance or would you rather go out to the Reon would not have G to Israeli OCC do you want to wait and speak at General appearance violent Poli I'll let you speak at General appearance if we finish here SP 24% police the same pigs which threaten us for exercising our freedom of spe Ed go ahead and prepare us for General appearance [Music]