##VIDEO ID:JVi5I3KR3dI## [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good evening Commissioners and Welcome to our first budget hearing today we're holding our first public budget hearing to adopt the proposed millage rate for fiscal year 2425 and established attended budget and capital Improvement program the proposed budget reflects the previous discussions we've had at our Workshop in July and represents a balance budget that does not raise the millage rate for the 11th cons itive year as you may remember the proposed budget allows us to add 26 new police officers 39 firefighters and and many of those are expected to work in the growing Southeast portion of the city we're also recognizing the need to expand Mobility options in our region by investing in SunRail so that residents and visitors can not only rely on roadways additionally our proposed Investments continue to focus on maintaining delivering core city services to our residents so today's hearing we will hear brief comments from our Deputy Chief Financial Officer Martin carmari Martin mayor the um uh we have uh provided a updated uh budget and brief to all Commissioners uh we posted that information two weeks ago on the city's website so it's been publicly available the changes are not significant from what was presented at the um July 15th uh budget hearing um we look forward to any uh action that Council may take okay here we go this is the first of two public hearings for the adoption of the mill rate and budget for the city of Orlando for fiscal year 2425 at this first hearing city council will consider for adoption the proposed millage rate intended to budget at the second hearing city council will consider for adoption the final millage rate and budget uh Mr clerk city clerk will you read the title of the millage resolution resolution of the city of Orlando Florida establishing the valorum tax levy milate upon the assessed real property and business personal property tax roles of the Year 2024 the proposed millage rate for the city for fiscal year 2425 is 6.65 Mills Which is 3.91% higher than the roll back rate of 6. 3997 is there a motion to adopt the proposed mill rate second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart Martin um mayor on July 15th the council approved a proposed millage rate of 6.65 Mills so that the appropriate filing could be made with the property appraiser by the August deadlines for uh the trim notification process the millage rate is within the parameters outlined by state formula and has not changed from the prior year and is to maintain the city's levels of service okay I do have request for public comment on the millage rate and the Ted to budget I think it is probably actually on the tenative budget so I'll hold those comments for the budget piece of this is there a discussion among Commissioners on the millage resolution if not all in favor of the millage rate [Music] resolution yeah we did yeah sorry yeah we got one hi sometime forget too um let's see all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries all right Mr clerk would you read the title of the budget resolution a resolution of the city of Orlando Florida adopting the annual budget of the city of Orlando Florida for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 is there a motion on the tenative budget motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Rose Martin mayor at the July 15th budget Workshop we presented a balanced preliminary City budget materials detailing the budget were delivered to each commissioner and have been posted on the city's website since July 23rd during the July 15th presentation uh CFO Michelle McMan noted that uh it was a working draft and revisions were possible as rece as we received more information and refined estimates in today's budgets there are only a few changes compared to what was presented earlier the total proposed budget is now 1 B 819,000 819 mil 74454 including a general fund budget of $78,500 543 the total budget is 1 mil 1 million $ 4,631 15th the increas is primarily the net result of an increase in Water Reclamation Capital project budgets less a decrease in the CRA operating budget based uh I'm sorry the general fund budget is $772,000 more than the budget presented on July 15th based on a recent agreement with the Orange County Public Schools regarding the rate of re reimbursement for school resource officers we increased the revenue budget for police fees this allowed us to add positions in families Parks and Recreation the Orlando Police Department and Executive offices the revised budget details have been posted on the city council agenda and the city's management budget Vision website since August 26th questions comments okay we do have two requests for public comments triny your back up yes clinos 2000 Hill CR I know the budget for Orange County Coan that's where I am the most active and their budget is almost S7 billion dollar but I'm looking into all the information what's the budget for the city of Orlando Martin what's the exact total budget the total budget's 1 b89 million 744 59 for the entire city of Orlando 1.8 million oh wow well anyway I thought it was going to be more so I was going to say with almost 7 billion plus whatever billions we can afford to have a safer Community I love this city I came the first time to this city in January 1964 you know how long ago that is 60 long years and this was nowhere to be what it is then I came back in 1970 and it was much better but today it's like the gentleman that spoke before it's a world Port everybody talks about Orlando so for the sake of Orlando and the taxpayers of Orlando those people who makees they are struggling because the r are so high $1,400 for one efficiency $2,000 for a bedroom that's crazy let's make affordable housing part of this city uh I wish you have more than a billion but a billion is a lot of money I am for progress I am for everything that is nice but some one when they spoke before they talk about fairness equity and I like to add inclusion the working class of this area deserves because they already pay their bills 20 to 30 years ago to make Orlando Orange County what it is today so I'm for the people I'll never be for the rich the corporation the developers whatever you can do with this billion plus dollars think of the people make them happy thank you thank you triny Simone carasa [Applause] carasa Simon Sasa 12129 breedan U I'm here today in support of the proposed budget for the city of Orlando more specifically I'm here to today to support the proposal to add two vehicle for high officers which will be tasked with enforcement activities at the Orlando International Airport chapter 55 to the city of Orlando Cod of ordinances regulates the transportation of passengers for hire in our city sets the minimum requirements for companies and individuals these requirements are in place reinforce State statutes and create additional safety measures to ensure Public Safety there are three fundamental requirements outlin in chapter 55 veres that every driver pass it is the requirement that you not only provide proof of commercial liability insurance but also list the city of Orlando as an additional insured on the policy to ensure companies remain in compliance with Florida statute 324.50 Miami date County also has similar vehicle for higher regulations the difference they have an office staff with 35 officers of which 16 are tasked solely with enforcement activities these numbers were provided in September of 2023 as a result of a public records request adding two Enforcement Officers at MCO is an essential First Step that must be taken in order to provide additional resources towards limiting the solicitation and transportation of passengers by individuals not authorized to do so the issues at MCO don't stop with in-person solicitors because of technology detac is employed by non-permitted individuals have evolved a majority of this illegal activity is now done as a pre-arrange ride on the internet you have individuals and full-on organizations with websites scheduling capabilities thousands of social media followers and even agreements with travel agencies and hotels these individuals don't travel to MCO toit but simply to pick up and transport customers or already have a reservation book with them we found out some of these individuals have already been trespassed by Goa some have dozens ofing tickets even traveling over 100 miles an hour and is done about these individuals that circumvent a current system which requires oper operators to pay a usage fee to MCO in order to fund the operation our airport as well as future improvements see when we allow these individuals roam freely without any fear of repercussions for their actions we all lose not as small businesses it's all of us moving forward I look uh forward to working together with all of you to modernize chapter 55 in order to make it more efficient which will help businesses remain in compliance but also tough and penalties for those who willingly choose to disregard our laws um if you have any questions for me if you need any additional information I'd be more than happy to provide that to you thank you thank you okay is there a discussion commissioner swi gray yeah just a quick question for Mark on this one small item talked about Paving rehab and we we had talked about we budgeted 4 million I know you told me in our meetings we've got another two and a half I still feel like 6 and a half million is not even close to what we need is there any more discussion or do we between now and the second hearing or is is is that it well a couple of things um the the we have been working every year to increase the amount of Paving rehab in the budget and every year in the budget we bring to you we have increased it for the past several years we also look at year-end allocations um as we're in the three weeks to go in this fiscal year we're looking at how what uh potential Surplus we'll have at year end we always make another allocation so the amount you're seeing is what we're what we will have on September 30th I would project uh that we will add more to it uh in the year end allocation so um the the budget's balance right I I don't understand why we say We'll look look for a contingency contingencies are extraordinary items we know every year we spend a lot more on Paving and I pointed out mayor in Council Lake G is a perfect example Lake N is a 20-year-old phenomenon those roads need not just pothole fixing they need repaving we're throwing a lot of money in the tax bucket and each year I say we're increasing our budget great but it's not adequate and no one has been able to prove to me that it is adequate so um I'm going to go along with this one but if we don't change that without a good explanation I don't know how we support the budget because we're kidding ourselves if we think that's one item there's probably others but that's one item that um we know is woefully short and we just kind of seem to keep pushing the the can down the road as they speak thank you further discussion further discussion okay Miss Diaz I see that you've turned in a um request to address Council but you didn't check which of the items so we have the budget we have the down the downtown CRA and we have the nid okay come on up good afternoon my name is Hannah Di is I believe I need to State my address is that correct 410 East Crystal Lake Street I'm sure all the Commissioners have seen my emails which have gone unresponded to which is why I'm here um I I would have preferred to speak in some other setting but um as you all know the hierarchy of this budget as a citizen of Orlando we come before this whole Council so with respect I am here to speak um in regards to the budg and what the budget has turned into for this city and um what I would ask for from the Commissioners is a response to my emails um I'm sure you all have seen them OPD has seen them the sheriff has seen them um major concerns including what you all are doing with the money including all these funds loan funds cras which are all pretty much sub objectively tossed out to friends I would call them but we as Citizens don't have much of a say I'm sorry I'm a little bit nervous but um we don't have much of a say in these millions and millions of dollars that you hand out to corporations developers that don't benefit all of the citizens of Orlando um not only that but the millions of dollars that go into L Gardens that I I I don't don't see them accounted um they publicly publish how much money they get in and how much money they spend to maintain it so those millions of dollars that are spent on that where is that going to the other thing of concern is the Spellman site which I believe it's published that you say you don't know who caused the damage but I believe it was contracted with NASA so they they have probably much more money than 1 almost n billion doar to help clean up and I think the budget is what 500,000 for the cleanup site um and it's it's atrocious really um the of concern which some of you may be spiritually inclined to see some others may not but the lies about the pulse shooting I as an attorney have worked at another firm and spoke to many of the victims and there's major lies happen that horrible night I live a couple of blocks from there so if anyone has been around there and knows about what happened the citizens the whole world really deserves the truth I don't think it's my place to put that out in the open right now which is why I emailed you unfortunately I didn't get any response back except for I think an assistant one time my time request for comment on the budget itself so all in favor of the tentative budget indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay budget hearing two this is the first of two public hearings for the adoption of the Miller and budget for the Downtown Development board for fiscal year 2425 at this first hearing city council will consider for adoption the proposed Mill inative budget at the second hearing city council will consider for adoption the final millage R and budget Mr clerk would you read the title of the millage resolution for the um Downtown Development board a resolution of the city of Orlando Florida establishing for the Downtown Development board the advolum tax levy millage rate upon the assessed real property within the downtown devel vment District of the Year 2024 the proposed millage rate for the ddb for fiscal year 2425 is 1 mil which is 73.0 7% lower than the rolled back rate of 37132 is there a motion to adopt the proposed millit rate second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Sheen Martin mayor at on July 15th the city council on behalf of the ddb set a proposed millage rate of $1 per 1 $1,000 valuation like the city millage rate the ddb's rate was submitted to the property appraiser by the August deadlines for the trim notification process the millage rate is within the parameters outlined by state formula and has not changed from the prior year and is maintain current board delivered programs I do not have any requests for public comment on the Mille R resolution is there a discussion hearing none all in favor indicate so by saying I those opposed and so the motion carries Mr clerk would you read the title of the budget resolution for the ddb a resolution of the city of Orlando Florida adopting the annual budget of the Downtown Development board for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 is there a motion on the tenative budget motion by commissioner Stuart second by commissioner Shen Martin mayor the total proposed budget for the Downtown Development board is $ 4,500,000 okay let's go to hearing three so first the two public hearings for the adoption of the millage R and budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district for fiscal year 2425 at this first hearing city council will consider for adoption the proposed millit rate intended to budget at the second hearing city council will consider for adopting the final millit rate and budget Mr clerk would you read the title of the millage resolution for the downtown nit a resolution of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district levian an advm tax at the rate of $1 per 1,000 of assessed value on non-exempt real property located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing for administrative millage adjustment in accordance with the Florida statues providing for the collection of taxes providing for severability correction of scrier errors repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date motion by commission Sheen second commissioner Rose the proposed millage rate for the uh downtown South nid for fiscal year 2425 is 1 mil Which is 1.34% higher than Ro back rate of 9868 Martin mayor on June 10th the downtown South neighborhood improvement district advisory Council recommended their millage rate and on July 15th the city council on behalf of the downtown South nid set a millage rate of $1 per $1,000 of valuation similar to the city millage rate that rate was submitted to the property appraiser by the August deadlines for the trim notification process the millage rate is within the parameters outlined by state formula has not changed from the prior year and has provide administrative and infrastructure projects within the district okay there's an not request for public comment on this matter is there a discussion among commissioners hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries Mr clerk would you read the title of the budget resolution for the downtown Ned a resolution of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district adopting the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing certain budget accounting procedures providing for severability correction of scrier errors repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date motion by commissioner sh second by commissioner Rose Martin mayor the uh total proposed budget for the downtown downtown South neighborhood improvement district is $43,750 this is the same budget that was presented at the July 15th budget Workshop budget materials detailing this information presented to each commissioner and have been posted on the city's website since July 2 3D okay I don't have a request for public comment is there discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates so by saying I I those opposed okay so the motion carries we're going to recess the city council v um and convene the board of directors for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district meeting this is the first of two public hearings for the adoption of the milit rate and budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district for fiscal year 425 at the first hearing the board of directors will consider for adoption the proposed M rate inative budget at the second hearing the board of directors will consider for adoption the final millage rate and budget Mr Clark would you read the title of the millage resolution for the downtown South nid a resolution of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district levying an advolum tax at the rate of $1 per 1,000 of assessed value on non-exempt real proper located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing for administrative millage adjustment in accordance with the Florida Statutes providing for the collection of taxes providing for severability correction of scriven reserves repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date so Move Motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Rose the proposed millage rate for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district for spere 2425 is 1 mil Which is 1.34% higher than the roll back rate of 9868 Martin on June 10th the downtown South neighborhood improvement district advisory Council recommended their millage and on July 15th the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district set a millage rate of $1 per $1,000 of valuation like the city millage rate and the ddb millage rate that rate was submitted to the property appraiser by the August deadlines for trim notification process the mill rate is within the parameters outlined by state formula and has not changed from the prior year and is to provide Administration and infrastructure projects within the district okay we don't have any request for public comment on the mill resolution is there discussion hearing none all in favor of the vote all in favor of the millit rate resolution indicate so by saying I I those oppose motion carries city clerk would rad the title of the budget resolution a resolution of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida and the board of directors of the downtown South neighborhood improvement district adopting the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district providing certain findings providing certain budget accounting procedures providing for severability correction of scrier erors repeal of conflicting resolutions and an effective date move second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Burns Martin the total proposed budget for the downtown South neighborhood improvement district is $943,000 this is the same budget uh presented at the July 15th budget Workshop budget materials detailing this information have presented been presented to each commissioner and have been posted on the city's website since July 23rd I do have a request for public comment on this um Lisa stio Lisa Santio once twice okay discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I I those opposed and so that motion carries as well if there's no objection we're going to adjourn the board of directors meeting we're going to reconvene the city council meeting simply for the purpose of saying thank you to the fiscal St Martin and the whole crew um at the next meeting we will take time to Fawn all over you and tell you what a great job you are and buy some beers and all that type of stuff but today I think everybody is tired and would like to go home so if there's no objection we're going to go do exactly that we're going to adjourn and go home thanks n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]