##VIDEO ID:RV1uPixQweg## will grow for the county as well uh and Ula is a little bit ahead in terms of the planning for this North Ranch so they will benefit from the connectivity needed for that part of the Holdings to be successful as well so I wanted to share a bit with you about the north Ranch sector plan in Oola County uh because it's a very similar process as to what we will be looking to do here in Orlando so this plan was adopted in 2015 so nearly 10 years ago now and it's about twice more than twice the size it's 133,000 Acres um it included a commitment to preserve environmentally sensitive areas but allow continued use of the most productive agricultural land as well as securing water supply and providing commitments for infrastructure so development there is expected to begin in 2040 and reach buildout in approximately 2080 so again this is a very long-term plan and we're looking in similarly long time frames for this property being annexed into the city so this is a map of that um North Ranch area and it shows the various nodes of development as well as the open space and preservation areas and according to or oi County's website the purpose of this sector plan is to have in place a framework to avoid peacemeal decisions minimize unforeseen impacts and establish a vision for great communities to be built in future generations and that's really something that I think we can look to as a POS goal for this property as well this shows here a breakdown of the acreage uh again the majority of land for well 46% is proposed to be preserved for environmental uses with another 15% available for Greenways parks and other open space which leaves about 35% available for development and about 4 4% uh for roadways and Transit so that does result in about 182,000 residential units and 83 million square fet of nonresidential uses and I'm available if you have questions questions for Elizabeth at this point then I'm going to call on Brandon Arrington who is the chairman of the Oola County commission for further comment good afternoon thank you mayor thank you Commissioners for allowing me this time to speak today as the mayor said I'm commissioner Brandon Arrington and I'm also the current chairman of Central Florida Expressway as well and thank you once again and your staff for allowing me this opportunity to speak so the should the city decide city of Orlando to decide to Annex Deseret Ranch property located north of oila County we would welcome working with you to coordinate the implementation of infrastructure Economic Development and and environmental preservation we already have a long trer of working together from lobbying our state and federal Partners to bring SunRail a reality here in our community to our most in Partnership where the city of Orlando coordinated with oila County and private developers to provide $6.3 million for the widening of bgy Creek Road as you know the Florida state statute 1 163 3177 requires that every local government must have a comprehensive plan that is structured where it will accommodate development based upon Bieber population projections during the 2023 session Senator angolia went so far to say that if local govern government does not live up to their population projections we should punish them um Oola county has worked with the state so in the vein of good and predictable planning oila county has worked with the state in Florida and adopted the north Ranch sector plan you can find all the documents of of the plan on our current current County website and if you have any information I'm sure our GL our staff will be glad to to follow up and provide that for you this plan lays out in detail as you had just saw how growth will move forward to accommodate accommodate our population projections to the year 2080 this approach allows us to create a viable Transportation Network and a mixed use development to create a better quality of life for oil County more importantly however with good planning the north the north Ranch master plan as you heard will preserve over 50% of the property in conservation creating environmental corridors that will allow for the natural migration of native species and preserving open space for aquafer recharge so should the city decide to to Annex deser excuse me deser property located to our North please know that oila county is prepared to work with you to create a unified development plan that will Foster coordinated infrastructure improvements spur Economic Development and preserve the environment thank you so much for your time and y'all have a good night thank you for being here commissioner okay uh we do have a lot of requests for public comment so before we open it up to public comment let me just underscore something for many of our Orange County residents who probably haven't been to the city of Orlando and that we take for granted here in the city and that's the value of Civility and rational discourse and not chaos um I couldn't help but notice one of the Orange County interest groups that I think is represented here posted some pretty ugly comments on social media over the weekend one implying that this commission and I are corrupt so I want to let you know that juvenile name calling doesn't work here um specifically you can say whatever you want to me and about me I have the thickest skin that you have ever seen um but I'm not going to tolerate you saying things about my commissioner and I had to have a little dust up with the what's that group that was here last week the am one yeah Amendment one there was trying to attack one of our commissioners so they've earned respect and they deserve better and in my view this type of hyper partis extremist rhetoric is exactly what's wrong with the capital and DC what's wrong with the Statewide politics that we have today and we won't tolerate it here so I also want to let you know based on an editorial that was in the paper that um we don't get bullied we don't get pushed around um Farmland Reserve has nothing that we want so it's not like they could Co us somehow to Annex them Annex them so any bullying tactics I can assure you they're simply not going to work here so let's have a civil conversation it's probably going to be a long one I think I have about 40 requests for comments so the way our process works is we would like you to state your name and address uh you'll have three minutes and you can't give your time over to somebody else you can use your 3 minutes but you can't seed it to somebody else to use okay and um I am going to uh you know what commissioner Wilson you're like second to last and I was going to do everything we try to do things in the order that they would or that they have been presented so people don't complain that I'm favoring people from the bottom of the list but if uh everybody's okay and we can do it by a show of hands we'll let commissioner Wilson go first if you're okay with that especially since I did refer to her in my comments so commissioner Wilson your first thought but you only get three minutes and I I appreciate that I honestly the reason why I'm probably next to last is I quite frankly didn't plan anything in writing but I just wanted to come and talk to you as colleagues um as people I've worked with and alongside of for various entities and our communities we care about the same people and we care about the same things so despite my disappointment that you sort of lectured me a little bit about the stuff that's happening at the county I believe that given enough time and hitting a pause button that we can work together to make sure that the things that all of those speakers today are worried about can be addressed um yeah the county has a long history of horrible planning and they were 17 years behind in in assessing appropriate impact fees and we didn't do a great job of protecting Wetlands um but we've done an incredible job of making gains in the regulatory sphere of Environmental Protection over these last four years and so even though you're hearing a little bit from I believe some of the interest that this is a rush because of a ballot measure I also think it's because there's been some things that we're asking anybody that goes through this process to do to make sure they're keeping our residents safe from flooding keeping our environment protected and our ecosystems whole um I think what we know about urban planning is that densification comes from the inside of the urban core it doesn't come from knocking down forests or taking up every last piece of of available permeable permeable surfaces so we want to make sure that we're allowing those places is to stay as wild as we can while we go up and if you look at the wasted parking spaces we have across the city and the county we know there's so many opportunities for adaptive reuse and I'm excited to talk about the one for affordable housing and I'm excited to look for those opportunities but if that means going through our forest and through our last pieces of grazing land we're all going to die from that because that is not going to be a sustainable way for us to get water recharge for us to be able to protect future Generations so um I just wanted to to to say that I I really appreciate the work you all do every day I look forward to talking more about this and I'm hoping that you see enough interest in this topic to hit the pause button Circle back and maybe we can make sure that the questions that we're all concerned with about that sprawl and about going out into these unpaved areas get addressed before they're all paved over thank you thank you okay I'm going to call three at a time so you can be ready in the queue and if if you would like to if you're the second and third person want to come around and take a seat so you can pop right up that would be fine so Andrew Mai who has become a regular here followed by Pamela cyel and Nelson Bon cour um my name is Andrew Ma I'm assistant County attorney for Orange County Florida 201 South Rosland Avenue Orlando Florida I'm here representing the county and the county requests that this annexation be delayed or denied the county and the city are currently engaged in a dispute resolution process the county contends that the sunbridge properties were not annexed in accordance with the law should the process result in overturning the sunbridge annexations then this voluntary annexation will not be contiguous it would be prudent to delay this annexation until resolution of the conflict with the county in addition the annexation before you today is defective because it creates enclaves and Pockets the county has submitted an expert report opposing this annexation and indicating the harm caused by the annexation to the county the county requests that you delay or deny the adoption of this annexation ordinance thank you for your time thank you Pamela cyel followed by Nelson beton Court followed by Julie wrathell is there her time o clock Madam clerk how does she see her time it's not there it is now okay don't start yet greetings to all and thank you pamel Cal 16011 Old sheny Highway 32833 in a crisis situation minutes count and saving lives are relying rely on response times when the city of Orlando receives a 911 call if they need addition service or maybe a solo response the process to reach Orange County 911 takes an average of 5 minutes every minute of delay could increase risk damage cost a life or even more through a public public records request Orange County Fire and Rescue Department provided data for the current fiscal year to date city of Orlando reached out to Orange County 528 times that's just the year is still going for fire 41 times for EMS unseen percentage 56% Orange County's calls can include expensive equipment provided including ladder trucks that cost over $1 million a piece sometimes they're pulling the only engine truck at an Orange County station calls by the city besides delayed response cause a domino effect if a unit is out on a city call response time for calls in Orange County District may get delayed needed equipment and staff not available plus higher Department costs Orange County Fire and Rescue does not receive funds for calls and service from City of Orlando just the expenses extra help does happen in Reverse at times yet lopsided city of Orlando was called 31 times by Orange County for fire responses vers 528 times the city called Orange County similarly the C also the county called the city only seven times for EMS vers 41 times Orlando called the county and their unseen percentage was 52 verse 56 there are no plans to fix situation according to the city of Orlando 2024 budget that I saw no funding for a fire station project which cost an estimate $7 million plus big equipment Etc City budget needs to be re-evaluated Central Florida Expressway has plans to build to roads in area that are are in the rural area designed to serve residents in city of Orlando including recent annexation of sunbridge the cfx 515 for example will cause major damage to the rural and egg area environment divided Community as well as impact R lifestyle many of us all enjoy res residents oppose these measures city is promoting urban sprawl and it's getting worse Builders don't pay impact fees until they pull per therefore I know I'm running out of time I'm a big safety Advocate City say has to say wait a minute put a pause therefore I ask as a longtime resident family with firefighters please vote no today regarding the annexation thank you thank you Nelson beton Court Julie Rell Bobby beagles Nelson Bon Court 5350 East scaly Street Orlando Florida 32812 I am strongly opposed to the annexation of the 52,000 plus acres of Ranch Land to the city of Orlando it is a slap in the face to Orange County government and its citizens by seeking to bypass the upcoming vote in November that will potentially pose limitations for this kind of sprawl inducing scheme cynically sold as smart growth two food security is National Security let me give that to you you again food security is national security at a time when our food and energy supply lines are unstable and precarious due to geopolitical events we need to do everything possible to preserve the land for the sake of food and Social Security this land should be preserved for agriculture in future generations to have a healthy close and stable source of food for the employment and care of the land by a new generation of farmers for white and land conservation clean Recreation and perhaps some clean Economic Development three we know that development does not pay for itself the taxpayers of Orlando and Orange County will end up picking up the tab for funding shortfalls and infra infrastructure expenses while at the same time degrading our transportation system under Orange County's Vision 2050 we can accommodate future population growth without degrading our own nest this annexation scheme is absolutely wrong for people place and prosperity it must be denied and stopped thank you for listening thank you Julie rith Bobby beagles Rachel hilderbrand before I start is this somebody's cell phone sorry thank you uh I'm Julie rthl I'm the executive director for aabon Florida we are Florida's oldest Statewide conservation organization founded actually here in Central Florida 124 years ago we have a 100,000 members across the state and work to advance Common Sense Solutions based on science to Florida's challenges related to water wildlife habitat and climate I came down from my office in Tallahassee today to speak um this may be the most consequential issue that's brought before you dur during your tenure and yet it's advancing with extraordinary speed uh little data or analysis and the absolute certainty of generational impacts for the people of Central Florida with 119 square miles of area in Orlando's current boundaries this annexation would add another 82 square miles when any of us are asked to make personal decisions that would commit our assets and those of our children and our grandchildren for 70 years which is how long this buildout will take it would give us pause we would be exacting Gathering all the data and Analysis we could find to inform our decision gaming out all the potential scenarios to ensure we're in the strongest negotiating position I guarantee the applicants have done just that and now the taxpayers of Central Florida are counting on you to do the same like you said Mr Mayor I do agree change is coming to East Orange County and deser at lands it's undenied iable but that what that change looks like is yet to be determined the applicants understandably want to maximize their flexibility and entitlements to maximize their buildout and their financial benefit there's nothing wrong with that it's their financial perogative but as representatives of taxpayers and the public interest it's this council's prerogative and obligation to be equally rigorous and strategic the supporting documents for this item on first reading would be skeletal for an annexation of 52 Acres let alone 52,000 and the effect of granting this annexation would be to concede negotiating power before negotiations have ever begun that's because a sector plan can be undertaken by either the county or the city it doesn't have to be part of the city to happen but it's the regulations of the governing body that will set the sideboards for that and this annexation will have the effect of lowering the sideboards for that negotiation that power that difference lies in the difference between Orange County and city regulations because Orange County regulations do a better job of protecting wetlands and we know that there's a history of land owners seeking annexation to take advantage of this difference remember that in 2020 the 70 acre Park Bark and fly project near Orlando International was facing fines and mandated restoration for filling wetlands in violation of Orange County regulations so they sought and were granted City annexation and the wetlands issues became mood these are the kinds of issues that have to be considered when going into making this decision please make this decision with a no vote so that this Council can be remembered as strategic in preserving the negotiating power and resources of Central Florida Tax paays thank you Julie and we will formally invite udon to the table as we go through the planning processes we appreciate that thank you uh Bobby beagle Rachel hilderbrand marjerie Holtz least I didn't have to drive to T hassie to see you Bobby bigles 21302 for Christmas Road Christmas Farid and residental Orange County since 1942 I'd like to know how many acres is north of the be line how many acres is south of the be line on this project reason the north of the be line comes all the way to Highway 50 I've been a resident in Orange County since 1942 and we've owned a ranch in Christmas since 1952 we don't need it it's a shame that they want to move I understand that land in Florida or land in Orange county is very expensive but at the same time you can one five acres or it'd be one house per quarter acre and you I both know these projects has went on for years years and they come to here they come to the County Commissioners and say one thing then they come back they come back and they come back it's not fair to us who have lived in Christmas Florida since the 18 00s to have to put up with this project South 50 to the be line it joins us it joins Wedgefield they should be able to draw the line and say we don't want no development nor for the be line simple for you to do it that section south of the be line is very UNH hous there's not very many houses there at all so you got to stop it I can understand the city needing money I can understand the county needing money and to protect us you got to stop growth somewhere yes I've been president of Orange County caran Association not no more I've been in the L largest a organization Orange County Farm Bureau as their president and as their executive director not no more my main goal is my 12-year-old grandson will have a ranch to graze his cows on and we won't be pushed to do develop I'm North of Highway 50 My Le Ling is on the opposite side from the the owner that's wanting to do this project mayor you and I have been friends a long time we don't need it we got your seource plant orange bridge water is pumped to Christmas already we don't need nothing else we put up with that thank you very much thank you Bobby okay Rachel Hill brand Marjorie Holtz Kelly srad yes Rachel hilderbrand is can can't be here so just to let you know she's not here okay Rachel is not here marjerie Holt then Kelly Simrad and then Lee Perry yes good afternoon mayor and uh City commissioners I am merger Holt uh I reside at 8502 elvon Avenue Orlando Florida 32817 I representing the SI Club Central Florida group at P box 941 692 Mainland Florida 32794 I have been um in the uh environmental trenches I might say for a number of years and sat as a stakeholder representing the Sierra Club for the north Ranch sector plan and I can convey to you that what is shown as Environmental Protection and Open Spaces is part of the regulatory process um there is nothing that was voluntarily uh given for that Master Plan that above and beyond any of the regulatory um process and I would um respectfully like to sit on the planning process so you approve um this East Orlando desert ranch ranch planning area as the stakeholder as well I have attached three letters with you probably have I emailed in earlier um the uh three letters of violation to date that have not um been resolved with Orange County Environmental Protection for a barrow pet that was dug and intruded into the wetlands and then when the hurricane came a burm was uh placed there so to date no response from uh the ranch the um Ranch indicates that um they're great at conserving uh natural resources and that's their first consideration in planning I've also uh said in his advisory uh individual um for this sier club with the central Ford Expressway Authority we've recently looked at the 515 uh Southern extension that would connect up to 545 the uh toll road through split Oak and that 515 extension uh potentially impact Florida's Wildlife Corridor and the um Florida forever lands so there's been a Litany of potential impacts um that would come about to accommodate desat and they result from the cfx is 2045 um master plan and the East Central Florida task force the uh [Music] I think that's your time okay thank you thank you so much Kelly Simrad Lee Perry Elizabeth Connor good afternoon mayor and Commissioners my name is Dr Kelly samrad thank you for the opportunity to speak and thank you for your service um I am here to ask you to not vote in support of the annexation of the 5247 Acres the back ground on this I'm the citizen who submitted the rural boundary for consideration to our Charter review Commission in July of 2023 it spent 18 months there under study where other municipalities frequented the meetings came and provided feedback there was ample opportunity the meetings were noticed um it went through several iterations of review je for was going to vote on it legislators changed state law to preempt the CRC from putting this on the orange County ballot when that didn't work because it went to our Board of County Commissioners and the Commissioners opted to move it forward to our ballot they went to the supervisor of of Elections and tried to change the deadline from the end of August to June 14th when that didn't work they tried to sue the county to prevent it from being on the ballot this is a very long process that has happened and it isn't because it's not rash and it's not rushed um I would also like to say that one home on average per 10 acres is not Urban sprawl it's rural development and rural areas are entitled to develop as well this type of annexation when we look at it is fiscally irresponsible we're flooding ourselves out of Florida our property insurance is going up homes that never needed flood insurance now need flood insurance people aren't just being out of out priced by rent increases people are being out priced by utility cost increases as well as insurance we hear that OU needs to increase electricity costs needs to dig deeper into the aquafer there is no water in that area to support it further there are no safety measures to ensure that as we continue to grow 2third the time size of Orlando City through this annexation that it doesn't cost the quality of lives of so many people and perhaps even cost lives because Emergency Services can't can't get to people timely I i' would also like to say that aola who's here and eager to work on this plan is contemplating increased impact fees because they can't get around on their roads any longer I don't want to live like that I don't think that anybody wants to live like that further the people of East Orange County not one of them moved out there to live in the city of Orlando many of them out there have small business Family Farms that's their livelihood that's where they reside we have historic cities out there like Christmas that are striving to be remain an agricultural community so what I hear you guys really saying when I hear you know mayor buddy D you speaking what I hear is is that this property own owner is entitled to development rights and not one person here is contesting those rights what we are contesting is that them seeking a variance for increased land density and intensity by way of annexation that's a loophole and it's wrong please vote no thank you thank you Lee Perry Elizabeth Conor mark ster stresser I'm not Lee I'm Elizabeth Connor I live at7 Lee not here hm Lee's not here Lee I'm not Lee well hold on Lee Perry I didn't see her in the line you're Elizabeth yes sir well let's see if Lee is here Mr Perry you're up you're next Elizabethan hi everyone sorry about that my name is Lee Perry I resided 32810 I was just talking to commissioner Arrington who openly admitted that Oola County does not have enough tax revenue currently to maintain the infrastructure that they need in order to sustain Ain the sprawl um however this is about needing taxes ultimately needing taxes when the city of Orlando currently spends about 53% of your budget on police and fire and you still have extreme extremely long periods where people are not able to get Emergency Services out by Lake Nona my generation is going to pay for the long-term cost of this sprawl I'm already in a situation where my neighbors are flooding dramatically and people are losing their homes in the urban core this is a fiscal Mis A fiscally irresponsible mistake that you guys will be passing the buck on people like me simultaneously OU is trying to raise rates and charge people um less for their solar energy in order to subsidize sprawl and continue to you know expand their grid for this type of sprawl and it's really unfortunate for us the taxpayers who are here where we have to see our Wildlife killed and disregarded we have to see our conservation land completely disregarded and used to to perpetuate sprawl and put a toll road uh and we're doing everything that we can to fight for the resources uh to bring our quality of life to a better place and yet we turn around and we continue to see these terrible plans and so many of us are spending countless hours my husband has staged for cancer right now and I'm here begging for you guys to listen and think about my generation and the Next Generation when you're making decisions like this because sprawl does not pay for itself go for tortoises cannot hire a lobbyist and go up and preempt our ability to raise our impact fees or work back room deals in order to you know get away with paying everything that you need to in order to maintain the infrastructure our folks are already sitting on broken roads we're already struggling I go downtown to the mills50 area or down samron I see countless empty sprawling uh plazas and I I don't see Transit I don't see economic opportunities in the core we should be making it so expensive for sprawl and it trying to get you know developers to invest in Phil where it makes the most sense I see children getting hit by cars on roads that our tax dollars should be putting money in the urban core to create pedestrian safety walkways but instead we're sprawling so far out of the County Line and it's doing nothing but costing us the taxpayers long term so please say no thank you Elizabeth Connor Mark straser Tom Nur now you're up Elizabeth okay thank you back again my name is Liz Connor I live at 2744 South Tanner Road and I or I urge you to vote against the annexation and vote in favor of the people the animals and in the the environment stop listening to the developers over the will of the people I know that that's their right but this is our right we do not want to see over uh 52,000 Acres annexed into the city expanding harmful spraw sprawl damaging our Wildlife corridors and destroying our waterways annexations like this eliminate rural land use designation pave the way for irresponsible sprawl and getting through it sets a president so this can be cited in future uses and places that want to be annexed in the words of an article that just came out growth doesn't pay for itself it doesn't pay no matter how many doors conversations happen behind impact fees are high enough and we the taxpayers have to foot that bill instead we should be focusing our energy on completing actual projects that are in use right now the city should take seriously using our tax dollars instead of funding wealthy development some of the core issues that I want to bring your attention to is under uh funded or sorry underfunded Urban core we really lack a lot of sustainable concerns for flooding redirecting resources and this is financially harmful there's also uh Financial burdens in maintaining sprawling roads to us the taxpayers there's also a big environmental impact and while I understand that this won't take into effect for many many years I don't want to see it my friends kids we don't want to see it and this needs to be done in in a respectful way I understand that many of these people many of us might not even be here but that's not a reason to continue to develop the other thing is we don't have Transit we don't have responsible and easy transportation and that hurts a lot that hurts a lot of people in employment that hurts a lot in safety so I urge you to consider that like was already stated I am a huge proponent of wild life and creating those spaces I've lived in Orlando my whole life for over 32 years my family's lived here for much longer and you used to be able to hear the birds you used to be able to see you know Wildlife you used to be able to see the stars now all I hear at my house is traffic and planes and you see people speeding you see people driving off roads running stop lights it's it's a lot and I know you all can't control that but I ask you just think forward with us here and give us the chance to plan give us the chance to collaborate thank you thank you Mark straser Tom nurit and M Miley tuser all right uh good afternoon everyone my name is Mark ster I live on 3440 North Golden lard Road uh and Winter Park Florida so today uh I'm going to talk about our farmers and ranchers in our nation in this state and in this County So currently right now uh in the US this was a study done in 2022 there are 333.33 uh people live in the United States uh the farmer and Rancher population is 3.4 million that means that the people growing and maintaining our food is 1% of our population that is struggling to feed the other 99% um if we go down to the state level uh Florida has a uh citizenry of uh 22 or yeah 2222 or 24 million and the ranchers are 785,000 making that 3% of the population for farmers and in Orange County the population is currently 1.4 million with their only being 1100 farmers and ranchers making that a total of 8% of farmers living here and currently in our nation we are losing 40 acres of hour of ranch and farmlands um I know uh this current in 2022 um from 2017 we lost 220 million um Ranch and farmlands throughout the entire nation now the reason why this is a big issue is in our modern climate we can see that um the world's getting a little hot with global tension and we need Security in our nation in our state and in our communities to be able to even feed ourselves um so I'm here to oppose this as this anization will decrease the amount of farm acres in Orange County by 44% um which not only destroys communities it D it destroys jobs and livelihoods so please take into consideration um these fats I presented to you thank you very much thank you Tom narut M mes is Crower Robert Stein thanks so much I think it was narou before LS Island um and it turned to n it but in any case 14620 Joe S Drive Orlando Florida 32826 thank you guys for the opportunity to speak I think what's interesting is there's probably going to be what maybe three of you that are going to be still up behind the podium there in 16 years actually working on this so it'll be interesting to see uh what some of you might be working on so we appreciate your presence here if you step back and look at this and listen closely you will see that it's very much like that NAFTA was to the federal government and the US citizens you will hear a sucking sound that is the sound of Revenue and resources being pulled from your core Mission into another area in this case the sprawl that results in the infrastructure responsibility to the city that comes with this significant increase in your Geographic jurisdiction that currently has no existing roadways or supporting services in that geography combine that with the Florida state policies that restrict on what you can be charging for proportionate shares and the corresponding requirement to give the bulk of that back and impact fee credits ends up netting the city and its taxpaying residents a significant deficit Orange County's current roadway deficit of over $20 billion is a proven case and point to what will come right Renzo any informed constituent within your current jurisdiction should be in an absolute uproar anyone reading your opening paragraph on your own 2050 comprehensive plan can clearly see the mission statement of being compact look at the proposed annexation maps and the definition of compact and ask yourself if that is consistent with your mission statement and what you promis to do for your constituents please talk about these facts during your Del deliberation with those facts in mind and acting in the best interest of your constituents I ask that you deny the proposed annexation from progressing on mayor Dyer's request earlier guide the growth back to our cities I've got a small favor to ask each of you if you're familiar with our vision 2050 and orange code down in Orange County and what it's trying to do for a countywide rezone for increased density in my eyes its intent is literally to pull density out of the city and into the county which is exactly what you're talking about Mr Dyer and I ask that you guys help us Lobby the county to change that countywide zoning effort that they're trying to put forth and make it more specific to the corridors but again for today please I ask there's that sucking sound thank you molus crosier I was studying that name and I think I got it right now is he here or she no Robert Stein Richard bear Eugene stardo good afternoon mayor and Commissioners my name is Robert Stein 4707 Mesa Verde Drive St Cloud Florida 34769 I you know I've got comments that I wrote out I'm not a public speaker so i r think that ah Hadad of time but mayor your your opening remarks there um I I really took that to heart and and I'm kind of making things up on the Fly here a little bit but um annexations they should be done incrementally in in bite sizes um this this whole cloth you know application it doesn't feel right and um I I'm taking the civility message to Heart here so I'm I'm not going to accuse them of trying to you know subvert the will of the voters or anything like that because I I don't know what's in their heart but it it just it doesn't feel right um especially when when I hear you know you say that this land is going to be zoned agricultural for 40 50 60 years but at the same time then I'm reading on their websites that their plan is to build 200,000 medium density homes so what are we supposed to believe what are we supposed to do with with this um I don't know I live in Oola County um you know my role in all of this really is my County kind of against my will is suing Orange County and and that whole thing that the uh County attorney brought up in in the beginning yeah I think there needs to be a big pause for that um until all of that's settled but I have friends that live in the city of Orlando and they should not be put on the hook for the long-term costs of the sprawl and the citizens of Central Florida in general we should not be put on the hook for this what I want to call uncontrolled growth um it's just too much it's just too much period um I'm going to ask that you guys put series thought into putting a moratorium on all of the annexations at least until the lawsuits between OA County and Orange County are settled um and I guess in the end I would ask that you just deny this application because I think it's bad for Central Florida I think it's bad for Orlando thank you thank you Richard beard Eugene stardo Barra Lanning thank you Mr Mayor my name is Rick Beard I live at 5426 Tribune Drive Orlando Florida I'm here on behalf of orange aabon society and the 2,000 members that live in Orange County and all of municipalities we are concerned to see this decision a decision of this magnitude being advanced in such haste and with so little evaluation and transparency as elected representative is an incumbent upon you to fully vet the risks and opportunities presented by an expansion like this yet the supporting documentation for this item provides little data or analysis of the implications of this expansion for the city accordingly we don't understand how you could vote and advance to advance a proposal like this without any evaluation let alone a Rob robust and thorough one that this dep proposal warrants Orange County's Wetlands protections are much stronger than the city of Orlando's because they are designed to address large scale proposals and rural areas with extensive intact wetlands and natural resources protections of these Wetlands is critical to all of us in Central Florida Wetlands protect us from flooding after storms wild fire during drought and are critical for cleaning water and recharging our aquifers Central Florida is running out of water and we all know it is easier and less expensive to protect something up front than to try try to restore it later by annexing this area area and governing its buildout with city regulations the well and impacts will certainly be greater and the price of restoration will be borne by all all taxpayers the applicants seem to wish to avoid being subject to the referenda on Orange County ballot this November the applicant seem to Bear to fear new protections that will make it harder for future development on this property without a thorough vetting of the environmental impacts I sure that both City and County residents wish a comprehensive review of this annexation using rules that are most protective of the environment I urge the city to reject or delay this annexation you Jean stardo Barbara Lanning Kathy schmidtz good afternoon um I guess I'm one of the people who are responsible for of us being here today I am a uh commissioner on the charter Commission of 2024 I speak on my own uh I am I supported the sustainability committee which was the committee that actually created the language of the rural protection which ultimately was split in two uh amendments by the BCC history on this we started back in June of 2023 after Dr shimad presented and we made the motion to study this we studied it we studied it for a year we finished up just this may of this year on this we had 15 meetings we met with many parties including County Commissioners such as Lee Constantine from suo County and the past commissioner Randy Morris both of them gave us the history of the 2004 motion of the charter amendment that they did in some County that count that they went into detail how much has saved their County uh millions of dollars over the years by trying to keep rural rural and City's City and and the urban they had the same issues Winter Springs came forward quickly afterwards with annexations just like we're doing right now their annexations made sense there were divots in their property lines of between the county that made real good sense and that's what the purpose of this whole exercise is make cities more consistent more dense we also met with County staff we met with U City attorneys Apopka wintergard aoi we dealt with Horizon we read the tortured language of the rural boundary for Orange County it's it as a lawyer you would love it because it's really Technical and every word counts describing the rural area of Orange County um it interesting we had lobbyist from the Deseret community lot group we had Southern Group uh in most of our meetings if not all but interestingly city of Orlando never came we addressed all the issues with the we didn't have a controversy in the May 20th meeting of this year with anyone with the cities who came because we dealt with the concerns The Joint plan areas The Horizon's West issues the boy Creek areas we dealt those issues we wrote that language into there the city of Orlando never came we didn't have anything to address because you all didn't come we would have sat down and talked we wanted to talk it's a Dem it's the most democratic meeting government I have ever been part of this is my second CRC it was a wonderful experience it's democracy and action and unfortunately we didn't hear from you we only heard after this happened let me talk about a little bit I got a few seconds oh I don't have enough but basically we wanted to increase the communications between the city and the county and that's what this whole thing it's not to stop the annexations but increase the communications by the way I'm Eugene stardo thank you and I live in The Milk District okay thanks Barbara Lanning Kathy schmidtz and Suzanne [Music] Arnold good afternoon mayor thank you for your explanation it was very interesting um I'm Barbara Lanning I live at 2517 Harrison Avenue um as an Orlando citizen I want to express my strong opposition to the voluntary annexation of over 52,000 Acres of rural Farmland you will hear from others on the benefits and detriments of this annexation I want to present a bigger question for your consideration my concern is what this action will say about democracy and the voice of the people in the process I do a lot of work with voters in a volunteer capacity I hear from them the government is only for the rich in power not powerful not the little guy my vote can't make a difference I believe every voice is powerful any action that looks like a rush to Short Circuit voters wishes by proceeding now on annexation before the voters have their say on the county Charter questions November 5th only reinforces their fears and no one wants that if this must move forward let's have the voters Express their wishes on November 5th then we can chart a course forward that equitably serves the interest of our entire Community thank you thank you Kathy schmidtz Suzanne Arnold Daniel Hart Mr Mayor Commissioners I'm Reverend Kathy schmidtz I live at 1500 Mount Vernon Street in Orlando and I'm speaking to you today as president of the League of Women Voters the League of Women Voters of Orange County supports the proposed Charter amendments that will be before the County's voters on November 5th this includes critical changes to how we think about annexation perhaps more importantly the league supports the right of the Orange County voters which includes the Orlando voters to be heard the proposed indexation before the Orlando city council is not timely at least it's not timely for the people of Orlando or the people of Orange County it is only timely for those who wish to avoid the will of the people I urge you to let the people be heard the League of Women Voters at all levels supports management of land as a finite resource not a commodity land ownership whether private or public carries responsibility for stewardship we are not anti-development we are in support of land use planning that reflects conservation and wise management of resources we promote an environment beneficial to life which requires the protection and wise management of natural resources in the public interest for this to happen it is critical that public understanding and participation is part of the decision-making process these elements are essential for the responsible and responsive management of our natural resources it's not necessary to get defensive it is necessary to work toward meaningful collaboration and we can do that we all need to understand the environmental social and economic impacts of actions such as the proposed indexation I submit that we do not the impact statements attached to the ordinance reflect at best a willful ignorance of the impact this annexation will have on life in Central Florida increasing the city's land mass by 2third and setting it up to double imp population will have an impact a significant impact government at all levels needs to concern itself with resource conservation stewardship and long range planning we need time Orlando Orange County and Central Florida have a stunning opportunity we have the chance to demonstrate what truly collaborative responsible and sustainable development looks like we urge you to slow this train down there is no hurry we can do better and we must thank you thank you Suzanne Arnold Daniel har Gordon [Music] Spears thank you uh mayor dire and County Commissioners my name is Suzanne Arnold I live at 13306 South Lake Mary Jane Road I am the communications chairperson for the Lake Mary Jane Alliance um on behalf of the alliance we ask you not to add conects the 52,000 acres in East Orlando the Lake Mary Jane Alliance started back in 2005 as a Grassroots organization to help preserve rural lands our rural settlement has over 600 homeowners just west of sunbridge so we are down in this area where it's all happening we have spoken at hundreds and hundreds of County meetings over the past 19 years but today marks the first time at a city meeting it's important to mention that the the Lake Mary Jane Alliance worked with Tavistock and Deseret on the sunbridge plans for almost 8 years before taking excuse me before they were fully approved before we started talking though the number one thing that we requested was that there was no development east of Turkey Creek the previous two developers were trying to go all the way to the econ and eventually cross the econ so this is something that our residents I I think you all received probably at least 50 emails or something from our residents they are not happy with the thought of this massive annexation without discussion without planning without any information within several weeks after this came before us so this spring the alliance did not object to the sunbridge annexation because the city agreed to adopt all current development plans including the environmental land stewardship program and our agreement on existing roads however we are frustrated that this current annexation has potential to violate one of those key original agreements not to develop east of Turkey Creek to help buffer the econ we strongly encourage the city to pause or reject in this rushed annexation and use real smart growth and Redevelopment in your own areas instead but if you do approve this then the Lake Mary Jane Alliance asks that the city will agree to create a working group with stakeholders in fact many of the stakeholders are right in this room here today that could select a representative and an alternate that would be willing to help work on an agreement including both development and protections for this critical portion of the Florida Wildlife Corridor thank you thank you Daniel Hart Gordon Spears Amir Roy good afternoon mayor Commissioners my name is Daniel Hart uh 13105 Fernway Road uh 32832 I'm a board member of the lake marriage J Alliance when our communities were built back in the ' 50s we were far from the city and that's what we wanted we are generational families still living in these communities when the Lake Mary Jan Alliance started in 2005 the city of Orlando was just over 43,000 Acres so much has changed in the Moss Park and Lake Nona area most rural settlements throughout Orange County still have wellwater and septic tanks all of our homes 100% dependent on private Wells did you know that there are wells uh not only in the sunbridge that just got annexed but there's wells in this current proposal that Supply the city of Coco with their water so we're supplying the city of Coco with their water and we're on Wells we can't Supply another city of Orlando with our water there's multiple high high volume Wells and the draw down with additional intense development would be significant like all rural settlement residents we are very concerned as we have no alternatives for water if our wells run dry also runoff we know that we are experiencing floods like we've never experienced before um and the city building a lot of that runoff goes off into our local lakes and canals Lake Nona a lot of that Shingle Creek goes off into Lake Mary Jane Lake Hart East Lake too West Lake and all the way down to Lake okachobee there then lake okobi is and such bad shape they have to release their water both to the east and west coast so the environmental impacts are not just here they're all over the place if this were to take place where's the runoff going to go into the econ where's the econ go into the St John's we know how bad that floods there is a lot a lot of planning that needs to be done here and we just ask that you pause this so we can think about these things the alliance acknowledges that there will be future growth but this seems like an unnecessary land grab without any kind of infrastructure in place we all understand that the county amendments are driving this rush to annexation but the county was listening to the residents and we hope you will listen to the residents today and reject this massive and premature annexation or at least find a way for the stakeholders to be involved in the careful planning of environmentally critical lands thank you thank you Gordon Spears Amir Roy Jessica namoth good afternoon my name is Gordon Spears I live at 1626 Baltimore Avenue in Orlando Florida I'm in Orlando City resident uh but Orlando absolutely has to grow we absolutely have to provide more housing particularly uh affordable housing but this is absolutely the wrong place to do it uh East Orange County is very uh it doesn't have a lot of fresh water now I've heard a lot about Aqua for recharge there is not a lot of aquafer recharge happening in East Orange County East of the Econ River it's a different kind of geology than West Orange County the great majority of the aquaa recharges in West Orange County there's very little aquafer recharge in East Orange County in fact as you probably know the uh there's a community in East car County that's already run out of water uh and their private utility can't Supply water to their Community any for that's Wedgewood uh as you probably also know the city of Coco Beach has had a number of wellfields in East Orange County because they ran out of fresh water the first several wellfields that they put in near Wedgefield have also run out of freshwater those Wells Now suck salt water and they can't use them anymore that's why the city of coka beach has bought more property for well Fields further into Orange County further away from Coco and those are those are near Lake Hart Lake Mary Jane you probably know where they are uh there is simply not enough freshwater in East Orange County to support a community de size that you're that you're contemplating including in the city of Orlando and that means that providing them with fresh water is going to be a burden a financial burden on those of us in the city of Orlando that made wise choices about living in a sustainable area that does have freshwat uh these issues are not getting less severe they're getting more severe with climate change I believe that in a few years East Orange County is going to be supporting salt marshes the the ocean is coming up there is not enough fresh water in East Orange County to support this kind of the kind of growth that annexation would promote and I urge you to vote no on annexation thank you thank you Amir Roy Jessica namoth Sunshine grund hi I'm em Roy and I live at 2337 albian Avenue Orlando Wedgefield um my home is a 1 mile from the 520 which is the other side of which will be this development um at the boundary commission meeting I spoke of my concern over the cattle land beside us um I'm an Irish immigrant as you can here and I'm a citizen and three things that Irish people recognize Shenanigans the rebound to circumvent the November the 5th boundary and annexation vote is to stop the will of the people to vote secondly land grab Irish people understand land grab after 700 years uh thirdly tone policing is always the tool of Oppression building in rural areas of beauty is cheap the impact though to climate and real people when we were flooded by Hurricane e um we had water up to our back door and water up to our front door and we had boats on both sides we had boats on our streets it took months that's Wedgefield now so we can't do this now we can't exist with any of the infrastructure that the the city has right now um so and there has been no rush to sort out Wedgefield you know it's happening at the speed of snail um rural development is um yeah at the moment also with our plures water um the the county is refusing to have OU buyout plures so that's a burden that in current rural lands in Wedgefield the city and county are refusing to have OU buy the water they they want us to fund that ourselves because we're not broken enough already from our insurance rates and our utilities and taking showers and scalding water um and undrinkable Water by the way at $250 a month for a family of four um this is too much for young families there already is not the infrastructure there for older older people for people with disabilities um there has been no rush to help us um rural health facilities and hospitals are being closed down right now there's no infrastructure exists and we're too far from the urban center for work and opportunities um I asked this Council to vote know and direct developers inward to the urban Corridor if they need money incentivize them Civ I say discouraging citizens from free speech is unconstitutional and not a good look and students are citizens too in fact they are often our conscience show us that conscience matters more than civility with a no F thank you okay Jessica nameth Zoom Madam clerk is Jessica on she is there okay got a hand raised Jessica you're on okay hi my name is Jessica namoth I'm at 20 Shady Lane in Testa Florida actually so good afternoon council members Commissioners mayor um I'm speaking to you from taquesta as I said and although I spent the past two days in Orlando I regret not being with you all in person today um more regrettable however is the large scale desecration all levels of Florida government seem to be willing to commit against wild Florida at the expense of the environment and against the will of the people your taxpayers uh the village I live in borders Jonathan Dickinson State Park and much like you're considering an annexation today in a seemingly rushed manner that only favors the developer our governor attempted to do the same thing to our state park many state parks in fact and State Forest um I started a Facebook group that had 45,000 members in its first week and is currently just shy of 50,000 and all of us are engaged in these Statewide issues that continue to be brought to light and disappoint us and you'd have to almost be living under a rock to not have heard the resounding will of the people which was and is do not develop wild Florida not only do we not have to accommodate everyone that wants to live here uh your taxpayers and voters do not want you to the implications of allowing this annexation will have a negative impact on our entire State thus making this a Statewide issue um we are currently the third most populated state in this country yet the 26th in size by square m so for those of us in the southern part of the state the thought of Central Florida making it any more difficult than it already is to evacuate the state in a time of Crisis is nothing short of terrifying it's already taken those of us in my area upwards of 17 hours to evacuate to safety and I can't even fathom what two new Orlando as you put it would do to endanger my family in the future furthermore I would be uh interested to know if the population projections are taking into account climate change and um increased storm severity severe flooding due to overdevelopment Sky High insurance rates Coastal erosion in general lack of funding or concern for these increased emergency services or public transportation or general infrastructure maintenance our government seems to be destroying everything that is enticing people to move here in the first place but more importantly please show our children that are multigenerational Floridians that you care about them and the Florida uh they will inherit from us more than you care about creating homes for people that don't even live in our state I ask that you simply deny this voluntary annexation and instead listen to the voters and respect their wishes thank you okay sunshine grund Hal coats and I am told that Mr kroer has now arriv so we'll put him in after that hi Commissioners and friends my name is sunshine Linda Murray grund and my address is 8577 Bradley's Landing Street Orlando Florida 32827 I live in District 1 with my husband of 19 years and are four children also a business owner Community volunteer and speaking of volunteer work your candidate for the next supervisor of elections Shameless plug um I'm saying that because the info I'm going to focus on is voting the importance of your vote know the annexation is going to be decided by you our trusted elected officials you are the minority representing the majority who voted for your representation it's a privilege because the majority of us are busy making our communities so strong whether that's working hard enjoying retirement studying for our future and everything in between we are trusting you with every decision especially this one with hopes that is made with the best interest of all of us especially those who voted for you special thanks to my elected representatives my commissioner Jim Gray and my mayor buddy Dyer hopefully you all know the ins and outs of this Annex and intentions for our future know you shared more info today mayor Dyer thank you my hope is that all the impacts of this vote are being considered by all of you you continuously are expected to vote for the best interest of those you represent the residents of the city of Orlando please remember the saying that people speak with their feet or shall I say vote as I open sharing about me your decisions represent so many who focus on the decision of where to live based on the quality of life I love Orlando it's where I have called home for decades moved here to go to college go nights another Shameless plug met my husband in college and where we are raising our family My Hope Is that people continue to call Orlando home is this annexation scalable with current projected resources again you are our rep our trusted Representatives my hope that it is safe smart and sustainable know some of you have heard me say that before Hope you all also know I wish nothing but the best for your representation as when you win we all win we need you to well for our future may favor be upon you for our children and our children's children with votes today and in the future may all your decisions you make represent us well for this generation and future Generations who call Orlando home I'll let you decide what a yes or no means for our future I will y my remaining time thank you Hal coats and then molas kroer and Asia Moore my name is uh Hal coats I live at 21 44 Christmas Road I'm a Navy veteran I've spent 27 years in the Navy uh I went to Colonial high school when I graduated I joined the Navy and after I retired I came back to Orlando Orange County and my folks came here in 1965 we bought a piece of property on the East Side in um in rural uh Orange County and a lot of things have happened over the years I've been retired for 23 years now but I'm a combat veteran I put my life on the line for 27 and A2 years and a lot of things have happened in Orange County and Orlando and you guys have one difficult job trying to manage the growth but the bottom line is it's not working out that well there's never been a housing project never been a road that hadn't cost the county or the city money so these big land developers come in and they build it but they leave us with the empty purse so raise the taxes and they're always asking for more money now there's going to be a vote in November and I would like to be able to vote for it and everybody in Orlando which is part of Orange County to cast the vote to see what we want to do um these the Mormon Ranch Desiree Ranch uh uh the folks in involved with Lake Nona they have an agenda they're out to make money they buy a piece of property that's zoned for one house on 10 50 acres and then they want to change it now if I put together a group of venture capitalists and bought property near your home and said hey we want to make pig farms you you would come undone I mean you're like changing things in the middle of the road this is the way they're supposed to be you guys the government the county the city cater to these folks and you do damage and you harm us you hurt Our Lives there's not enough water the flooding is astronomical uh East Orange County everywhere it floods if they pour concrete cover up the the aquifer it's going to get wor and it's it's it's you know let the people vote you know I spent 27 years protecting this country being a representative of Orange County I want to vote trust the people the people get it right the mayor the Commissioners you guys do a good job but you're not getting it right you need to listen to the people let us vote we're not out to make money we're out to enhance our quality of life if they put two Orlando south of the be line it's just going to destroy destroy the environment thank you for your time Mr thank you for your service molus kroer Asia Moore Atlanta sers good afternoon board my name is militus kroer I am a native Floridian as a native Floridian is our duty to protect the land so upon hearing that the CJ clds Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints filed the annexation petition on August 23rd 2024 for the annexation of a 5245 acre parcel of land this is only 17.77% of their vast 295,000 acre property that is known as Desiree ranches which was established in 1949 after annexation is approved this would still leave the C CJ clds having over 24255 th000 acres of land available to Annex for private donations which would then give them a tax write off which cost us the county money now to give you some perspective here in case you are unaware Walt Disney World owns 27,5 120 Acres that we all know everybody knows how big Disney is as big as the property is they have only developed 52% of the available land that they actually own the rest of that land is a confer conservation effort now if Desiree ranch's true effort was to actually conserve the land they would not be doing this in the first place sorry I apologize I'm a little nervous my first time unfortunately um despite this proposed annexation deser race Ranch is supposed admission statement is and I quote from their direct website our en environmental ethic revolves around principal stewardship of wildlife wetlands and Water Resources throughout our existence we have consistently done what is right to manage and protect these three important components of the environment not only does all of Desiree ranches play a big role in the conservation efforts for the land but also the animals and plants that call it home which is over 44,000 an beef cattle 1, 1300 Bulls alligators waiting Birds wood ducks resin a spoon bills cattle Egret Sanel cranes Castrol bald eagles snail kites deer W wood STS one of the biggest actual um private rookeries for wood STS in the entirety of the state as well snapping turtles moccasin bass I can go on the point being is there is over 600 native species of animals that live on Desiree ranches alone this is not including the 250 additional species of bird and other Wildlife as well um there is also 1,600 Acres that is dedicated to a Citrus Grove with 200,000 trees including Naval Sunburst Tangerine Orlando tangelos and cetris type of citrus and as we know Orlando and Florida in general has been losing a robust amount of citrus throughout the years I myself have lived in several major cities throughout the entirety of the state despite being 26 I have lived in Kendall Bickle Orlando Jacksonville State enenstein Plant City Ovito Apopka Mountain Dora taries I have seen how beautiful the state is I have seen how many orange groves we have and it is heartbreaking to see how much of my home state is being destroyed for a cheap quick Buck especially Airbnb one moment um it is unfortunate that Orlando has so much Airbnb but yet all this Housing Development there is 37% vacant in Key West 39% Airbnb is vacant in Orlando and 44 staggeringly is empty in Miami why are we going to expand dese County for annexation where we could easily go after Airbnb for all these vacant homes which would help the state and help my people thank you thank you for listening okay Asia Moore is by Zoom Madam clerk oh I think that worked you're there Miss Moore okay it was still loading on my side I apologize Asia Moore 33 3343 Black Oak Trail Brooksville Florida I am coming to you guys today to tell you guys not to Annex this as somebody who lives in a county in the unincorporated portion of a city I've watched Brooksville and Hernando County concrete is in from both sides and we're losing our agricultural land at a staggering rate we don't even have the fairgrounds to house our kids for FFA anymore and I just can't imagine why Florida wants to continue to cover their permeable surfaces with more development as a speaker before me brought up is the impact of Airbnb I went ahead and did some research in your guys's numbers in Orlando versus Orange County in Orlando you guys have a problem you guys have a huge problem the city itself has a massive amount of airbnbs and your booking return rate is sitting below a 30 37% right now as someone with 9 years of vacation rittle industry experience here in the State of Florida I can tell you that majority of our houses are being bought up by investors who are wanting to make a possibly retire later down the road it's not happening as urban sprawl is designated between suburban sprawl it seems like what Orange County has planned for this property and that the developer and land owner does not want to do is exactly what Florida does need to do and that is keep it to one dwelling per 10 acres to accommodate for our wetlands and the environmental impact in the opening statement Mr J mayor I heard you make quite a few statements and I wrote down notes and I don't want to touch on them directly because your comments were quite concerning to me but it does seem to me like you have a bigger duty to do your constituents duty of uh heading to the county and letting them know that you have a problem with the way things are going versus telling constituents taxpayers and just concern Florida citizens that you guys are going to do things differently that doesn't sit right we need to be a cohesive unit and if a city within a county within a state isn't agreeing then we need to make sure that we get on a better page so I encourage you to sit down with the county and find a way to work together but stop trying to develop any part of Florida and doing a 2040 plan for building our water for Hernando county is only maap to last out till 2045 so where is Orlando even thinking that they could do this in 2040 when most of the state will be out of water by then at the current rate that we're developing you guys need to put a halt on this sounds like you got your hands tied with some legislative issues and also possible lawsuits for the last one I definitely think jumping the gun and trying to cut out what voters want is not the way to go thank you Atlanta sers Deborah green Eric Grimmer okay thank you Lanta sers Len are you here anybody know Lana nope Eric Grimmer Kristen Stevens Scott Randol good afternoon mayor and Commissioners my name is Eric grimer and I was a member of the 2024 Orange County Charter review commission and the chair of the sustainable growth committee however I'm speak on my own behalf today I'm also chapter lead for Orlando yimi which stands for yes in my backyard in our quest for housing abundance that eases our affordability crisis yimi supports growth that is sustainable sustainable from both a environmental and fiscal perspective in his comment St the mayor said that the city had to make this annexation decision on a compressed time frame to protect the best interest of taxpayers and residents for which taxpayers and residents is it in their best interest for the municipal government to Annex over 50,000 acres of land in East Orange County and make their City 2third bigger is it for the residents whose local streets are flooding during everyday rainstorms which may have been exacerbated exacerbated by a city road project is it for the local businesses struggling to survive when the revenue plummets due due to road construction require them to hold a fundraiser in order to survive is it for the continually increasing homeless population who desperately need more shelters and affordable housing so they can get back on their feet so I ask again whose best interests are served by these annexations I love and believe in local government I wanted to succeed to enrich the lives of its citizens and help the local economy flourish but for local government to succeed there needs to be trust and confidence government and all levels has suffered from a lack of trust and confidence especially in these last few years this is one of those decisions that can undermine erode and Destroy any faith that a resident might have in its local government to provide a better way of life for them and their family I know Municipal balance sheets are strained and it is difficult to provide residents with all the essential Services they need in order to go about their daily lives with that in mind I don't know why you would want to take make it any harder on yourself or them by taking on an additional 50,000 Acres of future suburban sprawl that will not pay for itself your focus needs to be on your current residents and their very real needs that they have in the right now this annexation will put a burden on you and your staff it will not only drain your pocketbook it will divert your attention don't worry it sounds like you will still have plenty of future residents moving into the city of Orlando I know this Council has approved a ton of new housing in the in the downtown Corner these past few years which is exactly what the city should be doing we need to bring more people to downtown Orlando more housing units will make it more affordable for existing and future residents it will help local businesses to succeed by providing an even larger customer base it will bring in new businesses and jobs it will make our existing public transit more useful to more people and lay the groundwork for future expansion if we can ever get that pesky Transportation sales Tech past from a smart growth perspective I've been impressed with the cision of this count counil in the past few years however these annexations undermine the council's own worthwhile efforts to improve and enhance its downtown core I say this not to criticize but because I empathize these are extremely difficult and often expensive problems to address which is why it's so critical to remain focused and direct your limited resources to helping the city of Orlando and its current Geographic form thank you thank you Kristen Stevens on Zoom Miss Stevens yes thank you um I'm joining today from uh 2659 hid Trail um I was born here in Orlando um and have lived almost 40 years of my life uh in Orlando in Orange County and um a lot of what has been brought today um really speaks to my heart you know I I grew up went home from the hospital to wintergarten Florida and watched uh the you know the sprawl destroy uh West you know Orange County and the infrastructure problems that you know continue to plag that area um and have just seen you know our our wild Florida disappearing year by year um there are over 440 species listed as endangered in in Florida and you know this type of rushed annexation and development in the poor planning that you know is is a potential uh result really is is a concern you know when we take into account our limited resources obviously we're not just talking about resources for uh you know the citizens of of Central Florida but also for the wild uh you know wild and and nature as well and uh you know the the potential impact to the environment in terms of you know the conservation areas and and also just you know runoff and and other things it's it's really disturbing to think about I I would urge you know the council to to take this into consideration and there is no rush you know as as stated I think we should leave this up to the voters uh if this is a true democracy then you know the vote will have its place and let let the residents speak let the residents vote um please vote no on this annexation um thank you very much okay thank you um Scott Randolph suzan Randol thank you Council hi Scott Randolph uh 701 Delaney Park Drive I've been a resident of the city of Orlando for 20 years and I think this is the first time I've ever come to address you because I trust you I trust you guys they say that local government is the closest to the people and city government truly is the closest that you can get to the people and people like you every single one of you all do a great job and you can see that in the elections by the way you see that in the other elections right they turn and they churn but people like you because you do a great job because they know you because they know they can get you on the phone I know I can get my commissioner on the phone it's not because I'm another elected official it's because she knows what's going on in her neighborhoods she knows each one of her neighborhoods all of you all know each one of your neighborhoods I don't know about this development but I know you're about to change the dynamic of the city of Orlando if you think about it Orange county is about to probably add three commission seats because of the growth it may not happen for 10 years but you're about to change the true dynamic of this city when that population starts to explode out there 30 miles from here a distance as far away of Sanford from where we're standing at right now when that population starts to explode ask yourself this de is either going to ex double in size or your districts are going to D double in size we may not even have one majority African-American District when that happens districts 2 three and four you'll probably be one District all that population is suddenly going to Center 30 miles from where we stand today as the city of Orlando and I don't know and I don't believe that's that's that that's what your residents want to see I think they love this beautiful city for what it is now which is this compact area and and the only second point I would make is that what was missing out of that presentation was how are we going to pay for this development as we know doesn't pay for itself upfront sure there's a some point where you break even but I think the residents of Orlando deserve to know how this is going to be paid for I urge that you don't Annex this unless there's an agreement for a CDD a Community Development District where there's a tax a special taxing district that we know that the residents get to know and have that shity that the infrastructure costs aren't coming from projects that thir that their areas deserve the infrastructure and the storm water projects that we need that you need in your District to stop the flooding and that and the residents should deserve to get to know that that's not going to come out of their pocketbook that that developer is going to be paying for their infrastructure costs down the road and in in that area and not out of their own districts thank you commissioner thank you and in the role of cleanup batter Susanna Rand off guys get a double header today of the Rands this is like a a banner day here so I get too many Rand offs my my name is Susanna Rand as you all know um I'm actually here as the uh chapter director of the Florida Sierra Club um I also live at 701 Delaney Park Drive uh in Orlando Florida and am an Orlando uh proud Orlando City resident and have been for a very long time um on behalf of our 38,000 members and over 135,000 supporters in Florida I urge you to oppose the annexation of the 52,000 Acres at Desert Ranch our members and supporters have grave concerns about the impact on our our ecosystem our wildlife and our Wildlife Corridor and the exacerbation of climate change that is caused by overdevelopment throughout Florida our members and supporters are also concerned with the way that this has arrived in front of you this is a huge decision with sweeping impacts but has come with very few details and very little time if this is such a good idea then why not take the time to share with the public the details of this plan I'm sure that many of you saw recently the outpouring um of support for our state parks a massive mobilization that took even our heavy-handed governor by surprise Florida Floridians love their natural environment and will show up strong to protect it what Floridians don't like traffic jams toll roads flooding and extreme heat all of those things come with more development where it just shouldn't be mayor Dyer you and the city commission back in 2017 passed a unanimous resolution for 100% clean energy for Orlando a day that many of us who are here today celebrated with you that was a wonderful day that saw your leadership on display we need that leadership again here and now to ensure the city can keep that commitment to a cleaner more sustainable future that contributes solutions to the increasing crisis that is climate change please vote no on this annexation today okay that is all the speakers that we have I can't remember did we make a motion at the beginning or not okay so all right discussion then anybody may go ahead mayor I was say you may want toere some of or refresh people memories commissioner can you speak to the microphone I think they've got that for now and I'll come back at the end after I hear from Commissioners commissioner Burns commissioner Sheen uh yes ma do we have opportunity for the owners to address some questions cuz uh several of the questions that I have are directed to the sure they are here yeah so um one one of the things that's mentioned uh mayor you mentioned the county uh the preemption and you know and I don't appreciate the the preemption but when we talk about um the infrastructure needs and the infrastructure that will be uh needed for this type of development I Wonder has there been any discussion about the infrastructure needs for this for this development to be uh taken on by the developers and not uh just solely on the the city of Orlando because right now I know in my my district we have a lot of infrastructure needs we have piping that needs to be redone we have a lot of things that we need to invest uh in in our current city resident so I'd like to know if there's been any agreement along the lines of the uh uh the infrastructure and also and with the full development plan what percentage of the 52,000 Acres will remain uh environmentally protected yeah good good questions commissioner burns my name is Gary Hunter I'm with the Holman vocal Law Firm out of Tallahassee um the short answer to your question is there's no answer to your question because we're not asking for any any thing other than to be part of the city rather than part of the county so there's no development plan whatsoever proposed with anything that's being asked of of the commission today none whatsoever we're happy to work with your staff and do a development plan hopefully similar to what was done down in Oola County which by the way I think you heard some rough numbers 133,000 Acres roughly 70,000 Acres of that project is undeveloped forever permanent preservation untouched land so so ultimately will it be exactly that I mean probably not exactly that because we got to work with the city staff and with ourselves and hopefully with members of this this audience who are concerned with what's being proposed and come up with a plan that works for everyone what what we don't want is segmented 2,000 acre 3,000 acre 4,000 acre projects that result in that entire parcel getting developed over the next 50 years or 100 years years or 150 years whatever the time frame is rather we would rather have a holistic view just like we've had in Oola County of the entire property basically there's remember there's about 10,000 acres further to the east that's not part of this annexation so of the 52,000 Acres we want to have a holistic view of the entire project with your staff and with this public and with ourselves sitting down saying how it what's the best way to develop this over time with the condition by the way that we're happy with that nothing happens on the property for at least 15 years um and perhaps longer than that if we don't have a plan in place so I'm not avoiding your question commissioner the short answer is this Council will be totally in charge of what happens in terms of development and how it's developed in agreement they'll bring ideas forth and we can I mean maybe we end up at the one house per 10 ACR for the next 100 years probably not but that could happen but it'll be totally at the um decision making of this city council yeah and and I appreciate that may one of the things and I know I'm one of the newer Commissioners uh uh on the commission you know I I was wondering uh for a development of of that size or any development that we have how is the infrastructure paid for you know uh if I can be educated on the infrastructure that makes the development happen and and everything how how is that how is that so usually the developer plays for the infrastructure in subdivision we probably do the roads leading up to it um in some fashion but there could be special district there could be a CDD um those have been done something like even Ry Creek was something like um Universal used for their development that um the money was used there so any number any any number of ways okay thank you but we will safeguard to make sure that the current residents of Orlando do not subsidize the future res and I think that's that's my main question mayor thank you very much commissioner Shen well first of all I want to thank everyone for coming today and expressing your concerns I think it's good when people come and they express what they what they what's in their heart what they feel is important um this is a large parcel of land with a regional impact 52,000 acres is a big deal so but that's why ool County worked with Deseret on a sector plan planning coordination these are all crucial to address connectivity Wildlife corridors sustainability Wetlands all these issues that are important to environmentalists and what has Orange County done the last decade nothing that's the problem that I have with this situation is that they've not got nothing so why do Parcels want to Annex to the city of Orlando some will say we're more permissive and most of the people think here today think that we're more permissive and this is why the developer wants to Annex the city of Orlando but if you ask to some folks other business Community they will say because we have a pering process and planning process that works now if you take the big developer out of the process take it take them out of the equation I work with a not for-profit that's very near and dear to my heart it's the PED Alliance they have right now their six Monon delayed in permitting this is a very good group that does very good work in this community they cannot get their SE their shelter open because they can't get anything done with City with Orange County permitting it's very frustrating when you're working with a group that you honestly believe in and you can't get Orange County to react at all so they should be able to get their doors open the end is not in site again I say Orange County please now we had some issues here at the city honestly we had some problems with permitting commissioner gray shaking his head yep you know what we did we fixed them so I'm saying to Orange County is you know you want you you if you don't want us to fix your problems you need to fix your problems and it's ridiculous that people are having to wait this long on permits no one should be trapped and forced to deal with a dysfunctional or nonfunctional government process it's just not fair all right now now the other hand though is I don't believe annexing this parcel is good for the city I also understand the property owner's frustration with a lack of professional or cohesive process from the county so it's a very difficult situation to be put in if Orange County wanted this to remain agricultural they should purchase the property like we did with Constitution green many Ranchers have worked at the State of Florida for such purchases there are other opportunities but they haven't done any of that I am only voting no because I don't believe it is Orlando's responsibility to clean up someone else's mess I don't believe it's Orlando's responsibility to clean up Orange County's mess but I'm also going to say to my County folks you need to clean up your mess and I see that commissioner Wilson left I wish he was here to listen and clean up your own mess all right you need to be a responsive government to this property owner either work with them or figure out how to compensate them for their land you can't have it both ways and I'm a person who believes in environment and believes in in sustainability but one house per 10 acres is not a sustainable way to develop face it it's just not you might like living on you know on an enclave and things like that but it's just not a good way to develop now Desiree Ranch has committed to be responsible stewards of this property and I believe them because I have worked with ranchers I worked for the Florida Department of Agriculture prior to coming here and I've seen ranchers and people talk about Farmers with their mouths full ranchers are responsible people who believe in this eni in the environment and believe in the stewardship all right they're being ex treated extremely unfairly by Orange County you can't solve problems or challenges by ignoring them I'm only voting no because I don't think it's Orlando's responsibility to fix Orange County's mess but I would say to you as Orange County residents you need to hold Orange County accountable because they have created this mess thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner GRE thank you mayor and thank you commissioner sh for those comments um look I I want to weigh in it'll be in my district in sip anex so I think it's only appropriate I share with you folks kind of how I see this and I'll try to be brief we've been here for quite a while today but um you know I I've heard the concerns we've all heard of them and a lot of them are valid uh in all the different areas they're valid they need to be dealt with and I think the Assurance I would give you I think the mayor's giv you and this Council would give you is that those will all be very public uh again there's no approvals in place as they come in with a plan that staff evaluates and and applies that to our policies our procedures our our code um there'll be public hearings and so we'll get to weigh in on those throughout the process but as I looked at this I kind of reflected back and and some of you don't know I've lived in Lake Nona for 22 years in Orlando for 30 5 and uh my claim to fame is when I moved to Lake Dona nusi Road from the beach line down was two lanes and so I've seen the growth at least in the city not quite as much as you've seen in the rural District but in this from the city perspective I've had and so I kind of looked back and said let's look at Lake Nona um you know Lake Nona is about 10,000 acres 17 square miles so it's about 20% the size of this annexation and Lake Nona annexed in 30 years ago and we're still not finished building out Lake Nona it's a this is a multi-generational project to develop 52 acres and if anybody looks in the eye and says they can plan it on the front end they're lying to you because my experience in Lake Nona is you do the best you can planning but you're going to have to make adjustments because things change over time the economy changes people's desires change the market changes and you got to meet the market or you're not going to sell your product so um I know things need to be changed but let's look at Lake Nona right in that time perod but Lake non is grown to become one of the top 25 communities master plan communities in entire country and that's not my it's what people want it's that combination of live work play and the thing that makes Lake Dona a bit different than most yes we have residential yes we have Etc but the thing that makes Lake different um we've got jobs and they're good paying jobs and that's that's key to reduce some of the traffic flow and all the things sprawl is is a bad thing we all agree with that you you buy your house and you jump in the car in Lake Nona there's a lot of people that drive five of the work and the reason important they can get home without the traffic and help or get invol in the because you've got the creation of jobs in there and um I guess my point is over 30 years there was a lot of work to be done with Lake Nona and when you look at at the uh I I looked and used the uh the new Ai and here's some of the the things it says not surprisingly the opposition came from Orange County um but I think commissioner shean said it best in my experience we've I've had dozens of people that have annexed into the city from the county five 10 acre pieces and they Annex not because they want to pay more taxes cuz they're going to pay more taxes when they come to the city the reason they do is because they feel like they've got a better partner in the city than they do with the county and like commissioner Sheen said I'm sorry for that that but I can't control that right and so um the County's got some work to do they know it we're not perfect but they've got some work to do and so I think the key for me why I support this number one the fundamental reason is property rights and the mayor said it if you own a piece of property you have a large say in what you get to do with that property and all those people that have come and annexed in over the 12 years I've been here I've said to them one thing are you prepared to live with our policies and our procedures our rules and they all tell me yes and I say great because if you don't I'm going to call you and if we don't as a city I hope you call me but it's a partnership and why because it doesn't matter whether you're an employer a resident or or a small business owner whatever your Endeavor you want it to be profitable and you want it to grow and and create opportunities and so that's the role I think we do in the public sector is to be a partner with whomever it might be and the second reason I support this other than property rights and they have the right to do what they want if they're going to follow our rules is because they're a strong development partner I've seen it with Tav stuck again you can't plan everything but when you run into a problem you've got to have a partner a sponsor of that land who's got the wherewithal and the ability to hire the right Professional Service firms and to spend the money to do it whether that's infrastructure drainage whether that's Paving whatever that might be you got to have the ability to do that and I'll give you the last case and I'll shut up I'm I'm going too long forgive me one of the things I recognized when we first got in to Lake non it started growing a lot of young families made sense jobs new schools it was it was attractive we had no public parks to speak of and so I went to the development Community the building Community the Builders Association the apartment association said guys uh you're you're probably going to be surprised to hear this but got to suggest that we impose an impact fee so that we can build some parks and to each one of them they said you know what because we are creating a need for public parks we've got young families coming in and today we have three regional or excuse me two regional parks with three more coming out seven years so it's holding people accountable both each way we hold the development Community accountable they hold us accountable but you got to have a good partner and a good sponsor and that's what I've seen in Tavistock they have the ability to fix problems they don't run from problems why because they got a big investment and they're not going to make until the 20% they're they whatever money they make they're redeploying it back in and and so therefore they're not doing substandard development because if it craters now they lose and I've have a sense I don't know the economics of the of the Mormon church but I suspect they're the same way they need to do it right because it's a long-term project and if they front end nobody wants to move to Desiree Ranch so for those two reasons strong sponsorship and the fact that it's their property if they're willing to follow our rules and Rags I don't see why the government should step in and tell them they can't and that's what the charter Amendment does in my opinion so I'm all for this mayor thank you for letting me share my thoughts thank you commissioner commissioner Stewart then commissioner Rose thank you mayor and let me um uh Echo a couple comments from from everybody here so far especially on Lake Nona um the interesting part about Lake Nona is nobody on this Council was here when Lake Nona was purchased um and and yet it is continued to be one of the top uh uh communities in the country and the reason for that is because you create a plan and you implement the plan and we know what the boundaries of our plan are and we move forward in in in the in the most appropriate way um and uh uh I've had as some of us have have personal experience more with Balwin Park um and similarly it came in LS like a CDD and thank you Scott for your idea it's a great idea bring in a CDD let those who come in help pay for the infrastructure and keep that cost from from City residents it's and uh uh again prior to Lake Nona getting recognized Balwin Park was recognized as one of the great places and then prior to that celebration was was recognized all because they were areas that had quality planning and they implemented the planning and they had backers behind it that knew the importance that if they didn't create a good product people didn't come there and you can only create a good product in a way that begins to um uh grow as the as as the needs grow of the community um uh I never would have imagined 20 years ago that we would have a number of people in Lake n to today um but it has continued to grow in a quality manner in such a way that makes let me let me cover just a couple of quick mind points the question um that we have to ask ourselves is why are we here why are we at this point um why is desire Ray moving forward uh why is sunbridge moving forward um and the answer is because um our our County Commission feels like um that they have a a better handle on the needs of the community and they do that eight years at a time uh we have more uh and I can't think of anybody you're the Shan you don't count because because you just got elected but but barari you you're the six years five years five years okay so uh and what we have is you have consistency in leadership and what that means is when these plans come forward as our staff will tell you um commissioner she and I look back and go wait a second 20 years ago this is what we thought what has changed uh and that consistency of leadership uh uh happens within our own body and so we can move forward with it it seems to me that the county is moving at the whim of of of of the of the flow of the clouds and it and it bothers me a great deal because nobody is standing up and saying guys this is what we need um if they did there wouldn't be a reason for a referendum because you'd be able to go to somebody and get an answer and move forward with it um that concerns me um the second thing that concerns me is that the picture that has been placed by some of our County friends and I don't mean this within the government but necessarily in the county is that the city is out for this land grab you've heard the mayor uh we can't do a land grab it's illegal for us to do a land grab okay I mean so it's a voluntary annexation that came to us and we have an obligation to evaluate that voluntary annexation now I'll tell you I'm you I met with the Desiree folks and I will tell you I have concerns about public safety and providing support out there I don't have concerns about water I don't have concerns about those because you know what those are the same concerns the county has and they are already effectively addressed um but we're going to have to address uh Public Safety in a different way than how the Count's doing and the answer is we've got time to accomplish that task and we have a good part of that wants to do it okay so um the last thing which which always has kind of caught me by surprise is that that uh if you live in the city or the county uh you pay 44 Mills to the general budget of the county there is not a financial benefit to anybody in the city or the county to come into the city they pay the same amount the valuation is the same thing I think the key with sunbridge coming forward is that we can move a little faster on the plans that the county had and if they move faster candidly speaking we ought to get a thank you note from the County Commissioners um because we're going to be able to move faster and generate revenue and property management and property values uh and they're going to pay those money F they're going to pay the same amount of money but they're going to pay it faster than they would if they St on the uh on the outside of that and keep forcing this down um forcing this issue but my point is that that this is the county gets the same amount of money and it's a little disingenuous for the county to talk about the other issues related we have issues identified with with water we have issues identified with sewer we would have to identify how we're going to address Public Safety those are already there and already in place whether we like it or not um and now all of a sudden the question is how are we going to handle Land Management in the future and I believe I have after dealing with this Council and knowing how responsive we are to the citizens and our communities I have a great deal of faith in this Council even now and even in the years to come because I think that this is this is the kind of thing I think that we ought to have please come tell us what you think and our City's a little different and I and I give this credit to the mayor we we just have chosen never to ER our laundry in public so we want to have a conversation let's have a meeting come tell us what you think and and every citizen has a right to stand there and tell us whatever they want to tell us and that's okay but as you know in trying to accomplish these tasks it is counterproductive to scream and yell so let's figure how we can do that and in doing that we come up with great products like bwin Park great products like Lake Nona uh and we've done that by um this Council insisting that our staff engage the community to make this the best project available okay that's what this Council has done I can't speak for anybody who is upset with government and they don't like government and what they're doing I'm sorry I can't speak to that I can only speak to my experience for the last 19 years here um and in that uh I think that we can move forward in a in a fair way so mayor I'm I'm supporting this I I I want to raise the issues that of Public Safety we we need to have a plan in place I'd like to see an outline of a plan um um as this comes forward in the next few weeks um kind of a time frame a Gant chart of some sort that would be important to me um because I don't want us to have to have the burden of the uh rest of the city to cover Public Safety needs everything else is already cover but I don't want the public the rest to say no there's not a whole lot that we have to do different than what's being done today but I think we need to address that and figure how we're going to to accomplish that task I will share one quick thing I which I think is a little bit interesting um city of Orlando has the highest ranking of of response to um police and fire in the entire country there's 17 that are the same level as us the closest one to us is Winter Park um now Orange County claims the same thing and that's okay but it is a little bit disingenuous for somebody to say that that the the response times are terrible and so you shouldn't do this because the response times that's not fair um response times for Orange County in this particular piece of property is terrible and if you if you live in a cabin and you have a heart attack you don't see somebody for 45 minutes okay and that's the way it is today and that's the way the county responds and that's the way the county fir responds because why you're so far away that's a real concern that we have that we're going to have to figure out how to address okay okay I I nope nope you guys are done on talking we're in the Commissioners so my my thought is that we have to have that address that in advance um it was the same questions that were raised with Lake Nona it was the same questions that were raised with Baldwin Park we all looked and said here's Balwin Park I'm getting ready to have 25,000 people there and how are we going to respond to that and the answer is you going to put together a plan and we're going to move and for the first part of Balwin Park we had Partnerships with the county and then we took it over to ourselves I mean it is not this is not an something that cannot be addressed but it is a little bit concerning to me that people just say stuff and there really isn't a a a barrier there really isn't I guess there's there's a barrier to that they don't have a barrier what they can say um but there's but need to be proof text and we actually happen to know those proof texts right Chief I mean we actually know those figures and we can tell you how long it takes and we can tell you what staffings are and we can do that but just because you say it doesn't make it true it's okay to affect your opinion it's just not necessarily accurate and by the way it's exactly that way today we would have I would recommend that we would have the same level of service that the county provides today and and that's acceptable to the the property owner and as we move forward in a plan then we're going to be okay with that and that will'll move forward with a plan so mayor I'm in favor of this and and and you know deep down inside the whole County ought to come into the city frankly because the city runs better than the county does but that's just me um uh but I think the key is that we we have an opportunity to um kind of set a course forward um and an opportunity to say in effectively to the rest of the community we kind of know what we're doing and come follow us we're okay with that so mayor that's my comments I apologize thank you for letting me be a little bit long okay we have a 501 budget hearing but I'm going to announce that we will conduct that hearing at the conclusion of this one um commissioner Rose thank you everyone who came out to speak today um I think I'm the only one at this day is who has been in community planning um I've worked in birth the permanent office as well as the CRA and one thing I can say is our policies are very stringent um but we are intentional with smart SM growth how we build a city um we're very intentional about connectivity I would say more a lot of people have to realize that Orlando itself the city of Orlando was built in pieces and parts which is what in this case we're trying to avoid we're trying to avoid the parts and pieces and look at one connective one Collective area being built um commissioner gray mentioned something that I spoke to the developers and I've spoken to staff about public parks is going to be extremely important and we would seek that the developer and would that they would take that responsibility um would make sure that we ensure that there is adequate park space um I'm really big on family and families um and children having access to park so that's really a big thing um I've heard from several um of the individuals who spoke today and I would like for us to consider some sort of Advisory board or task force that way um we ensure that the residents have a say so as than you'll be part of the process and any other stakeholders that reside in the area that feel like they need to be part of the process our doors are going to be open to that we will certainly um try to adhere to past promises that have been made but those are hard so I can't say we absolutely will but we will try to do that as best that we can um I believe that we are working with um a land owner that cares about the property that they have managed for since the 50s so what's that 70 years 75 years now and they care what look like and I'm comfortable being a partner with an entity like that um I expressed to um farm and Reserve that hey the likelihood I'm not going to be here in 16 years maybe not four years and the response was yeah but there's a culture at the city of Orlando that we would like to deal with and we think it's long established that you do quality sustainable development and that is what we do so with that I will ask if there's any further I'll commiss short de you're killing me commission Ortiz I know you love me when I talk so it's going to be very short well what the mayor was saying there's that culture is talking is is about commitment and consistency that's what we present here you're here today we're listening to you because we care about what you have to say and I know you're concerned about what's going to happen in the future but the difference between us and the counties is as the other Commissioners were talking about is the experi expence we have not been here just four years or eight years most of us been here for more than that longer than that and I think through the years we have shown our commitment and the fact that we do listen and I know a lot of people are scared because they think oh this huge development well it's not a huge development it's not happening it's not happening now they're just moving to the city because things have not happened in a county um we have Mr Andrew mine here and I I hate for you to build to all this because I know you represent County you're proud of that but in the words in the words of commissioner Wilson it was not us and taking considerations while you bring to the table or you rather with somebody you up and four years or eight years they might change to another Commissioners and you're in trouble again so this is not about combating against it's not a combat between the county and the city it's about consistency it's about commitment it's to see how we can work together we have a long history with the Sierra Club and we have worked together all you see have worked with them we have worked with them we want to continue doing that we don't want to see sad faces we're doing this together and I think we can continue keep on talking to each other and continue to develop in whichever way because the other thing is people are moving as the mayor have said before to the central Florida region in the thousands over thousand people a week we can only have so much space to keep stacking people up so we're going to have to do some movement expand a little bit we have to do it responsibly transparently and more so with your feedback as people have said before we have to listen to you you want us to listen to you we're listening to you give us the opportunity those of you that live in the county that may not have lived in the city give us the opportunity to prove to you that we are the government that you're looking for you the people you want to work with that's all mayor thank you thank you commissioner further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos no okay I got it 61 okay we need to clean up we need to clean up two items what do you got commissioner or Stephanie ordinance number 2024 d48 48 48 number 10 what do you need to do with that we need to redo the whole thing say it again we need to re redo the whole thing we need to do it again yes okay all right do over on ordinance 20 20 24-48 would you please read it ordinance number 20 24-48 an ordinance of the city council at the city of Orlando Florida amending the Orlando Health Plan development zoning ordinance to add approximately 2.3 acres of land to the plan development zoning District such land being generally located north of Miller Street south of Columbia Street West of South Orange Avenue and east of South Division Avenue providing a conforming legal description providing for cability correction of scrier error permit disclaimer and an effective dat so moving I just want to say that's why I was confused read it wrong uh motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart we don't have anybody to speak on this um discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries all right um I screwed up the first one so let's go back to hearings ordinances first read 202 24-42 I need a motion to reconsider the motion by which um we continued that okay so Move Motion in a second uh discussion all in favor that indicate so by saying I I iOS and so mayor who was the motion Shen thank you it's to re reconsider Jody pointed out to me that it will be cheap for an advertising if we continue it to a specific council meeting today versus just leaving it open what is what's the date of our next council meeting October 7th okay then let's uh I need a motion to continue this item to the October 7th commission meeting second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart all in favor indicate so by saying I those opposed and soot e