##VIDEO ID:wLXYmtllF5E## w oh n n oh n a for September the 9th 2024 we're going to begin today's proceedings with the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance today led by commissioner becari Burns commissioner all right thank you mayor if we could all bow our heads Heavenly Father we come before you on behalf of all who have gathered to First say thank you thank you for your Abundant Blessings for life itself and for the measure of Health we need to fulfill our callings as we prepare for today's meeting we look to you for guidance and inspiration Grant each each of us ability to listen with open minds and compassionate Hearts help us to seek fairness and equity in all that we say and do ensuring that our actions reflect the values to do what is good and true we lift up in prayer the families who lost their loved ones on September 11th please call Comfort them as this anniversary returns yet again bless this Council City staff our First Responders and law enforcement who are present here bless this meeting and the residents who will share with us their concerns on issues that impact their lives grant us your peace in this chamber and throughout our great City this is our prayer amen amen United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all let's call the meeting toor Mr clerk would you call the role please determine a quum yes sir commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner shean here interm commissioner Rose here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quum with members present thank you Mr Clark first thought business consideration of the minutes from the agenda review in City Council meetings of August 12th 2024 is there a motion Move Motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Rose all in favor indicate so by saying I I those oppos and so the motion carries and that brings us to Awards presentations and recognitions so we do have a couple here um each year we gather as a community to SP celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to honor the rich Heritage culture contributions of Hispanic her Hispanic Americans in our nation state of course our city we have a great Hispanic Heritage Month planning committee and sponsors who have organized the events and commissioner Ortiz uh we want to thank you also for your leadership and making sure that this will be a great month commissioner our uh Luis Martinez who is our director of The Office of Multicultural Affairs is here to give us an overview on Hispanic Heritage Month Lis good afternoon Wes mayor D City commissioners and residents Hispanic here this month is observed annually from September 15 to October 15th celebrating the history culture and contributions of Hispanic individuals whose ancestors are from SC the Caribbean and Center South America to honor the remarkable contributions of our Dynamic Hispanic Community this year's Hispanic Heritage Month theme is pioneers of change shaping the future together this theme celebrates the trade Blazers who have made significant impacts enhancing the well-being prosper and visibility of the Hispanic community in United States our City events include an art exhibition at the City Halls teras gallery from September 17th to November the 3D the features art pieces by 19 local visual artist that PID tribute to Hispanic P Pioneers through Visual Art the opening reception will be taking place on Tuesday September 17th at 5:00 p.m. and our annual Community celebration on October the 3rd at 5:00 p.m. at Orlando museum of art with an official ceremony officiated by mayor Di and commissioner Ortiz and Latin food music and entertainment we look forward to this event and I hope you all can join us and for more information of these events you can visit orlando. go/ Hispanic heritage okay I do have a proclamation whereas a community that is committed to celebrating our diversity city of Orlando is proud to join in the National recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the contributions and accomplishments of Hispanic Americans and whereas Hispanic Americans have had a lasting impact on the United States making our nation state region and Community stronger and whereas in Orlando Hispanic Americans represent numerous and distinct cultures helping shape our community into a more vibrant place to live and whereas Hispanic Heritage Month provides an opportunity to learn about the cultures that have helped mold our country and whereas we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month our community reaffirms its Collective commitment to inclusion as we continue to work to ensure that each person who calls our city home feels valued welcomed and has access to Opportunities help them Thrive now therefore buddy D mayor of the city of Orlando and the entire Orlando city council do hereby Proclaim September 15th through October 15 2024 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the city of Orlando okay if I could have all of the Hispanic Heritage Month committee members and sponsors we will do a group picture in the front if the Commissioners would stand up here I'll have you guys come down for the next one we're up here there's Maria there's Maria Maria I thought you were tell Maria Maria you look great today I thought you were kind of look I can't believe you said that think you have enough pictures I got a I got it this chair is terrible you stand up and it rolls all the way back to the okay this is going to be the very best part of our meeting I guarantee you that so over the summer our country and World once again were captivated by the Olympic Games watching the best athletes on Earth compete in Paris was incredibly inspiring I think I took the whole two and a half weeks basically and watched nothing but Olympics some sports that I had never seen before break dancing in fact and we all know the Australian athlete now right but what was even more special is that our community had a HomeTown hero um that was not only participated but he made us proud and won a medal so today we are honoring Amari Jones a Valencia College student in an Edgewater high school graduate the Eagles Mari would you please join me as I read a proclamation for you w and whereas as a student at Edgewater High School Amari was recognized as Orlando's Dr Martin Luther King Jr commission youth humanitarian for his leadership and advocacy this included providing support to individuals experiencing homelessness and tutoring and mentoring elementary school children and res Amari is now a student at Valencia College and one of the top welterweight boxers in the world World representing the United States at the Paris 2024 Olympic games where he claimed a bronze medal and whereas he dominated his first two bouts at the event with unanimous decisions and whereas Amari represented our country and our community with great distinction in Paris competing with noteworthy purpose courage dedication and sportsmanship and whereas the city of Orlando is proud of his success and thankful his many contribution to our community we can't wait to see amar's future impact both in the ring and throughout City beautiful now therefore we buddy D mayor of the city of Orlando and the entire Orlando city council do hereby Proclaim September 9th 2024 is am Mari Jones Day in the city of Orlando okay before we do some photos um ordinarily the mayor gives a key to the city at events like this and I've done that on a number of occasions but we thought we might do something a little different and you will be the first individual to receive a glove to the city goe see that for you see the pictures hello everyone I just want to say um first off all glory to God without him none of this would be possible I want to thank my family and my team and you know the whole Orlando for support me over this journey it wasn't easy I started boxing at 8 years old and it took me 13 years to get to this point and uh being at the Olympic Games was surreal to and it's uh proof that um you know God is real and you know you can really live out your dreams uh with hard work and dedication and consistency and um I'm so happy with the work that I put in um and and my team that helped me get here my family and supporters um because without you guys too it wouldn't be possible with uh getting me to tournaments and getting my name out there so um I really appreciate it and I'm just uh happy to bring back um uh bronze medal to my City Orlando Florida and I'm happy to uh be honored with this again so thank you Mom and Dad Grandma eag it just slipped out I'm sorry for just s congratulations congratulations go eag one more time go e Good Luck Good Luck you thank two of you to beat us oh that's how you feel yeah you ain't seen nothing yet okay if you hear a little bantering back and forth It's Jones versus Edgewater week in the city of Orlando so we have a couple of Jones graduates as well as an Edgewater graduate hey don't leave out Boon Boon will be another week seven years on the row okay I do just have a couple other things and then we'll move to the regular agenda um it's 911 again um so we have both of our Public Safety departments the fire department and the police department doing remembrance ceremonies on the 11th um to honor the nearly 3,000 Americans and First Responders who lost their lives that day in the morning at 10:00 OPD will host theirs um in their community room Chief wanted me to point out that there would be food and that there everybody is invited and later in the evening um we'll have the traditional candle light ceremony hosted at Fire Station 1 um this says 6 o' but is it at 6 o'clock or 7 o' somebody anybody all right look on the website it's either at 6 o'clock or 7 o'cl with the Orlando firefighters and EMS 7:00 okay and then we have our annual P Mia um this Friday on September the 13th our V advisory Council holds the PO pmii recognition ceremony it'll be in the Rotunda here at City Hall and it honors our military prisoners of war and their family so go to um orlando.gun that but if you haven't done that it's a very moving ceremony and I would recommend um any of our military personnel to uh know that you are were certainly invited to participate in that okay normally we would go right to the consent agenda but um if there is no objection I'm going to move one of our or move a public hearing up and uh we have some Representatives that have some things they need to get back to at the airport so um we are going to if you guys are ready go ahead ahead and hear the preliminary budget for the greater Orlando Aviation Authority for fiscal year 2025 uh Go's preliminary budget um will be heard here and then heard at the next Goa meeting we have Rec representing the board is team W the chairman Kevin TBO the exe chief executive officer Joe nunziata who is the treasur of the board and then the fabulous Kathleen charman who is the Chief Financial Officer so on August the 21st 2024 go adopted a resolution approving its fiscal year 2025 preliminary budget the preliminary budget for the Orlando International Airport is $941 m278 and the preliminary budget for Orlando Executive Airport is 10,692 $381 in accordance with section 12 of the city Charter Goa has submitted the preliminary budget to city council for review during a public hearing notice of this hearing was advertised on September 1st 2024 the hearing is informational the city council will not take any action Kathleen you're up thank you Mr Mayor good afternoon Mr Mayor and members of the city council and on behalf of chairman weire and our board Treasurer J Joe nunziato and our CEO Kevin tibo I am pleased to present the greater Orlando Aviation Authority's fiscal 2425 budget at this public hearing today um as the mayor has indicated a more detailed preliminary budget presentation was made to the Goa board at our August 21st 2024 meeting this public hearing is required by State Statute and city code is part of the Goa budgeting process and it's required to be conducted before Goa can take an action which we are prepared to do at our next board meeting scheduled for September 18th 2024 so our very briefly our budget objective consistent with our mission and vision that was adopted as part of our strategic plan last year is to seamlessly connect Florida and the world through exceptional experiences collaboration and creativity being the global leader evolution of Mobility now in order to provide resources to meet this objective we need to retain Revenue to support to support a modular demand-driven Capital program while maintaining existing Assets in a state of good repair our proposed fiscal 25 budget includes a 10 .3% increase in operating and maintenance expenses over the prior budget as well as several ratemaking methodology modifications that have been consulted with the airlines in accordance with FAA rulemaking policy and will be considered also at the board meeting on September 18th but notwithstanding the budget increases in omm and the rate making modifications the projected cost per in plane passenger remains competitive compared with other large Hub are reports here we have where the money comes and where the money goes as the mayor indicated we're proposing a $41.30 767 million in operating expenses for fiscal 25 you will note that there's no local tax dollars used to fund the airports operating and maintenance budget in fact less than half our revenues actually come from the airlines net of Revenue sharing it's about 41% the other 59% come from our non- aeronautical sources the largest of which is parking and ground transportation also rental cars a large percentage um with respect to operating expenses the largest percentage is maintenance and janitorial at 26% followed by Personnel at 24% then contracts and Professional Services here's what the budget looks like compared with last year the 941.894.4063 increase of 10.7 million in revenues of that about 33 million is non- aeronautical leaving 77 million increasing in Revenue payments that's resulting from the increase in onm on operating maintenance because it's a cost recovery method as well as the ratemaking methodology uh modifications that we're proposing um the operating expenses increase about 52.9 million and really what is driving that is additional staff and modest salary and benefit modifications for Goa staff as well as contractual increases for our outsourced contractors and as you know Goa has a very robust competitive procurement process um resources to support the cost of goods and services and services that um support our projected passenger demand is also part of this increase and in innovatively provide an exceptional customer experience consistent with our strategic plan through technology initiatives but really the key takeaway here on this slide is our remaining revenues up 200 or or projected at 27.1 million up from 173.04 things first and foremost to keep our existing Assets in a state of good repair next to fund certain portions of our Capital program to provide needed capacity expansion projects like new terminals and new parking facilities and finally to share with our Airline Partners to reduce their cost costs in accordance with our rate and revenue sharing agreement all legal debt service coverage requirements are projected to be met under this budget and in fact we far exceed our legal requirement and what this does is put us in a really great um position as we're going to access the Capital Mark markets which we're preparing to do this December um so that'll provide um additional capacity for us to um our CIP um which is of course based on the results of the Strategic plan that we adopted last year so I'd like to quickly turn to the Orlando um original airport the Executive Airport this is our designated J relever airport um here's a summary of the budget for gando executive operating revenues are 4.8 million and exceed operating expenses of 4.5 million contribution from fund balance for fiscal 25 is almost exclusively to fund the um Capital Improvement program for orl with funds coming from previous Co relief funds received from 2020 to 2024 which total nearly $8 million as you can see from this slide we're finishing up with those relief funds and our total cares package is over 170 million for both airports which we've now fully um expended so in summary um these budgets are fiscally responsible using cares Grant proceeds received at LL to match grant-funded um Airfield projects and for MCO funding staff and services to support the Strategic plan while keeping rates as low as possible to encourage additional Air Service that will bring both business and Leisure travelers to the region ultimately creating more business for our non-airline partners and the greater Central Florida Community as we seamlessly connect Florida and the world through exceptional experiences collaboration and creativity as we become the global leader in the evolution of Mobility as the mayor indicated chairman Whit hire treasure nunziato and CEO tibo are also here with me in attendance and we' be happy to take any questions at this time thank you for your attention Okay questions or comments commissioner to Ortiz thank you mayor a quick question is do you know the last numbers on visitors to the region um visitors to the region is it I probably oh for for the airport asking passenger oh for the airport yeah nearly nearly 58 million I like that number to go out bragging yes yes appreciate it I thought you were asking to the Orlando region I'm like well that's y'all we're a big part Kevin I'm G finish this out and then give you a chance just to get update us on some of the improvements Terminal C and maybe just Channel what's going on at the airport okay any other question comment um I open the meeting for public comment I don't have any cards for public comment so we'll close the public hearing Kathleen anything else on that no sir thank you very much thank you we don't need to take any action Kevin floor is yours just maybe update us a little bit on Terminal C and talk about capacity issues and some of the things we're going to have to undertake in the existing terminals as well sure thank you mayor commissioner it's nice to see you again as always uh as we mentioned 58.6 million passengers right now is our only 12 month number so about a million over from last year um the biggest increase we're seeing is international the international passenger month of a month is actually double digit growth um domestic like most other airports is starting to see a little bit of leveling because of the the changes in the travel patents but uh continue to see the growth and so what we've done is look at what are the things that are the customer journey and and knowing that the passenger can be a local resident versus those that are visiting here and that percentage has changed over time so because of the growth we've seen in the population the passenger percent that's point of sale here is actually larger than it was pre pandemic and so the passenger Journey today involves first thing parking where do I park and so a couple things that we've done as you've seen we've put some parking lots pretty quickly before the holidays in front of the train station uh got those as quick as we can and then the biggest solution is how do I maximize what's in those three garages today a b and c and it's really about consolidating the rental car operations to one location uh in walking distance to the train station in terminal C is what we're looking to do and by doing that that frees up over 4,500 parking spaces in in garages a b and c so that is one of our biggest undertakings currently underway in the meantime the pedestrian bridge as well as the construction if you've been out there you've noticed that it will be completed um this fall um and so that to me is where are we seamlessly now have that connection from the train station into the new terminal and the other Gates that we're adding the eight gates are are under under construction and on schedule to open in early 2026 so when we do that we will bring more Airlines and obviously more passengers down the terminal SE to be able to balance the two uh facilities and so in the meantime we continue to make some improvements in C as well as in terminals A and B uh we are literally in the midst of replacing every concession in terminals A and B so um that is going to be totally different so there is no longer going to be a Chili's up above anymore The Stairway to Heaven is not going to heaven anymore um so uh just a lot of changes going on at the airport changes in the North Terminal complex and the look and the feel um replacing carpet with terazzo and so just a lot of changes going on uh so thank you again for your support and again open any questions you may have anybody have questions for Kevin I have one commissioner um Stewart bright line you're muted don't don't mess with my screen bright line I we've now seen almost a full year operation of that tell us about uh are we seeing an increase of guys coming from Miami to to take flights international flights out of Orlando is that now becoming a popular thing a little bit of absolutely uh commissioner actually a little bit of both I mean you're going to see the the travel and the tourism that are taking that trip from that segment uh but we're also seeing them taking the flights as well and what's going to help is when I have that pedestrian bridge open and then now going to be able just looking down that hallway see that's where I need to go to get Terminal C and as we grow that terminal it's going to make that connection even more seamless that's great that's great but they uh continue to have very heavy numbers coming in and out of the train station to the point as you probably heard they're looking to add cars to the contest so that's great thank you commiss Ortiz push my button yeah okay um thank you thank you for information a quick question do do we foresee in a future electric belts for pedestrians for people you know how they have like in Disney stuff like that CU terminal seat can be really so the pedestrian bridge has for exercise so the pedestrian bridge has two sets of moving walkways in that and then in the the bridge that's already today that you go over Jeff yukay bulvard is also going to have a a move and walkway there and then in terminal C when you leave the checkpoint and you go up the incline they'll be moving walkways there see now we can tell our customers that that's coming thank you thank you so much thank you Kevin Kathleen and board members for being here thank you okay we will move back to the regular order of our meeting we're now on the consent agenda which is a number of items that are acted on by city council through a single vote we give each of our commissioners an opportunity to comment on items on the consent agenda and important items from their districts we rotate the order that we do that and today commissioner Burns is first up all right thank you mayor uh good afternoon fellow council members uh first I want to start off in just congratulating Omari Jones again for representing us well in the Olympics and um I've had the chance to meet Omari before he went to uh off to compete and he's not just an exceptional uh athlete but he's an exceptional young man so very very proud of him and um commissioner Stewart you mentioned that he went to Edgewater where his grandmother is a lifelong resident of Carver shaes so he has some District Six U upbringing in him so but we're very proud of Omari and wish him the best uh on August 15th I held my third annual iDrive Business Roundtable uh during this round table I announce the uh Vision one I drive and this is a initiative uh will initiate a visioning planning session designed to encourage Redevelopment on North ey drive and really shape the future of North ey drive also on August 27th I joined the office of Congressman Maxwell Frost for a Roundtable uh conversation with Robert Santos the US Census director to discuss strategies in increasing the self-reporting and participation for historically undercounted uh population so again making uh sure that we're intentional of about counting those who uh historically have been under undercounted also uh August 29th attended the grand opening of the Blue Diamond facility featuring uh block and lock technology very excited about this new technology but also the entrepreneurs that are bringing this to uh to Market in our area also had an opportunity to attend the mayor City Academy opening session and welcome uh the 10 district 6 residents so may I just like say thank you for continuing this mayor City Academy all the residents that I've spoken with uh really learned a lot uh so I encourage um in the upcoming sessions to please consider joining the mayor's uh City Academy also uh on September the 3rd I participated in the Urban Land Institute Central Florida breakfast where a panel of speakers provided updates on the exciting developments happening on International Drive uh also on uh SE September the 5th I attended the Brazilian American Chambers Independence Day celebration celebrating uh Brazilian Independence Day so it was some uh good food and some good networking that happened there uh I'd like to ask everyone to save the date Friday October the 25th I'll be uh hosting my fourth annual for the children's celebrity golf tournament uh Brook Golf Club golf club we are uh raising money for scholarships thanks to the generous donations and participants uh this last year we provided 13 scholarships to students from the district for the 2425 school year so more you can call contact my office to get uh more information about that tournament the agenda just wanted to uh acknowledge one item c41 uh we're the recipients of the US Forest Service uh Urban and Community forestry Grant commonly referred to as the tree Equity Grant Grant excited about this the ability to get more trees out in uh out in our community but also one key piece to this grant is the ability to help some um some uh residents to be able to remove some trees off of their private properties in which the city cannot assist with uh today so again that's all I have thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner gray thank you mayor a couple of quick announcements and then a few agenda items on Monday October 19th I was fortunate enough to attend a uh a ceremony hosted by py group and homes for Heroes and those two groups got together and sponsored uh two mortgage free homes for a couple of veterans and their families so it was a great event and I want to thank py yes sir thank you um I want to thank I want to thank py and homes for Heroes for working together to honor some veterans so great Community partner so I was glad to be part of that on Wednesday the 21st one to thank uh Chief Smith and the OPD team for uh meet the chief event at Southport again continuing efforts to uh to build the relationship between OPD and our residents in Southport so thank you folks for coming out to to do that uh also want to thank my my team right after school started um we did an event where we donated 200 backpacks and we covered every school in District One elementary middle and high school uh where we uh gave backpacks to the kids that maybe didn't have those so um thanks to my team for organizing and distributing that and then upcoming October 8th uh at 10:30 a.m. we are doing the groundbreaking finally for the southeast government center and Orange County Library which is an exciting event for Lake Nona uh we've been working on that for quite a while so October 8th I'll make sure we get a save the date for all the uh Commissioners but we'd love to have everybody join us as we get started with that project uh on the agenda real quick um A2 the mayor mentioned it but I want to thank all the volunteers uh and our citizens who sit on our advisory boards certainly couldn't do that without their efforts so thanks to all the folks who uh either this is their first go round or they've done it before and they're they're staying in there thank you uh on B1 uh that item I will have declared a conflict and abstain from voting and have already provided the the city clerk um the uh appropriate paperwork and finally c177 supporting a temporary use permit for boxy Park to expand if you haven't been there it's a it's a live music venue in the Lake Nona Town Center uh and it's a great concept which is a blend of live music food beach volleyball a dog park and a children's playground so you come through the front gate and everybody scatters to go to their different venue but uh it's a great community meeting place and if you haven't been there I would encourage you to go to boxy Park which is right in the lake n of town center and mayor that's all I've got thank you sir thank you commissioner commissioner Ortiz thank you mayor I'm going to start by congratulating UCF on wind this past weekend against Sam Houston and also UF as much as it pains me to do that um against their the against Sam for I know they lost against un before that but anyhow who who's keeping track right um but UCF keeps keeps a great trend of wins so let's let's follow what they're doing uh August 8th I want to I had the opportunity to um to do as as commissioner great did with his uh students I mean kids in the district give some kids backpacks and share some time with them at the schools and aelia Park Elementary and so it was a great time also to meet parents and and and talk about the issues that are going on in our community so thank you to the aelia park community and aelia Park um Elementary School staff August 13 we have we continue with our Academy and uh for those that don't know our Academy was uh inducted into the UCF team now so we have an academy that issue a certificate education continued education certificates and um and it doesn't cost the students a cent we we have that agreement with um UCF so for those of you that care to learn a little bit about civics in terms of the government it it pairs up with the mayor's Academy in so many way the mayor's really Academy is is really is astounding um I mean when it comes to a city you learn everything that has to do with a city we do a little uh extra we just add um as we lead the academy the Govern the mayor's Academy to do the heavy uh carrying of of the bulk with the city and then we to take care of teaching people about the U state government federal government and the other uh components of government as a whole so for those of you that care to to learn more about your system how to interact with the system you're welcome and we have the best instructors in the world we have the best staff we have those guys from let me take let me go ahead and give some kudos to our guys from our public works here in housing and all these guys that teach about our government law enforcement code enforcement they do a great job so uh you're welcome we have two we have two academies one in Spanish one in English the one in Spanish is currently going um it goes for 12 weeks and the English starts in February so for those of you that are interested just call my office and we will enlist you um we have also we have partnered with UCF UCF is teaching English courses for free in our community there's a lot of people are coming to this country and they they don't know the language it's really hard for them to find jobs and on the other hand we have people that have not come back since the pandemic to their job so there's a lot of empty slots out there that we're feeling so we want to help those who are wanting to help themselves and use CF is doing a great job offering this courses at the community centers around the city and also with they're working with Goa great Orlando Aviation Authority and also with our um tourist uh the hotels uh industry so kudos to Miss Jennifer Hadad who is doing a great job she's a director of U UCF Global and all their staff um August 22nd we had the community event on State Road 436 Transit oriented development for the residents of a District to great presentation we're going to do it again to our neighborhood leaders and anybody else that may be interested we'll be announcing it soon so Valencia College we have this partnership with them and um so we're teaching how to present uh business proposals to public servant leaders so um anybody's interested uh to learn more about that you can contact my office um we do that twice a year as as a short course but Valencia is in charge of that and it um it shows they teach leaders especially uh institutional leaders how to present jobs to public officials and uh in every aspect and other aspects of leadership so anyhow uh thank you Valencia for for doing that for our community do Shores Neighborhood Center we have Chief Eric Smith uh coming over and presenting to the community he's doing a great job keeping the community a breast of what's going on especially with law enforcement and how to interact with law enforcement he's going around the city so this time on September 8th he came over to the does I'm sorry August 29th and uh did a great presentation so thank you Chief and thank you to your staff September 8 um we're launching our newsletter uh you can go to Facebook Instagram links or any of the social media outlets and so you stay a breast of what's going on this District too and how we're working also with other levels of the city and state and the nation upcoming National Night Out October 1st um and fall fast in Halloween on Friday October 25th at the Englewood Center that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Stewart thank you mayor let me just cover a couple quick things but first of all let me say thank you to everybody who participated in our uh dub strad Centennial golf outing we had an opportunity to to uh uh K off the 100th anniversary of dub did that with a great golf tournament which leads me to this week which is the Gaya that we're having um over at dub on Thursday night tickets are available if you want to go online and get those tickets uh if not contact my office and I'll get you get you to the right people to place ticket so that starts at 5:30 on Thursday evening please come out and enjoy 100 Years of dub dread and we're excited about that and then following that next year we're celebrating 100 years of college Park so uh there's a lot of stuff that's happening this past year was 100th anniversary of Atlanta Museum of Art I mean we're seeing some really neat things happening in our community and I think next year is some some anniversary for the city of Orlando is it mayor uh 150th for the city of Orlando next year so um um and weren't you mayor when we started that sorry not quite about half the time um Ed or and Jones are playing this Saturday evening we're excited about that uh and uh uh and in in good fun um commissioner Rose has decided to uh pick up the challenge again with a pizza party for the winning team paid for by the other Commissioners and I've noticed that uh commissioner Burns has not picked up on that at all I is you know something that you don't want to you don't want to buy pizzas for edge water is that the deal no I I'll be I'll be oh good that's I hope go tiger ex it's great fun to have uh these rivalries within our community and they're both great teams this year which is what most fun about all that so uh National Night Out in Balwin Park is tomorrow night we're going to be scheduling that or staggering that so we can get more people engaged and of course the Virginia dve Tri is coming up um a special thanks to Omari Jones I I'm this is so much fun to have a guy from Orlando but especially a guy from uh from Edgewater especially whose grandparents went to Jon okay you're welcome for that um U but he is what's the neatest part about him isn't his boxing need he really is a neat guy and we got a chance to know him through through the work we did with the uh MLK commission and just a really really special heart on him and so it's R to see him uh on the agenda um I have a couple things I want to share on B4 uh we have the uh public engagement contract um for the um for aligned for aligned public strategies for the upcoming Citrus bow I'm sorry cing world stadium I'm sorry uh I appreciate that and I think it's going to be important for us to engage the community and I think that b19 and 20 is the Lake Fairview Park is finally uh moving forward thank you Lisa for your work we're excited about getting that done um h34 and H3 H4 H5 are grants to make our Lando safer so those of you who are paying attention uh we uh we take grant money and bring it into the the police department and it it makes it safe makes us make our community safer so just want you all to be aware of that uh and then on d41 um what what commissioner bur commissioner barari Burns has said but uh part of that same element is that we're engaging young people to have an interest in urban forestry as well uh so uh it's is a kind of an all-encompassing Grant and we're thrilled about the fact of being able to engage people the fact that they will learn that trees actually grow and they will probably be growing when they uh when they become old people and need a job so we'll be helping them out with that so and that's all I have mayor thank you very much thank you commissioner commissioner Shen thank you mayor and I just like to recognize Carol Adams group they have been doing backpacks for the children at re Terrace for 20 years over over 2,000 and uh they just keep doing it year after year and they're wonderful folks and I just want to recognize them because our kids at Reese Terrace that that attend Lake KO school have all of the tools they need to participate and to SU seed and it's all because of Carol Adams group and I want to thank them so much I had a meeting with Parks today about the about pickle ball the beardall pickle ball courts are coming the pickle ball people are crazy they're they love pickle ball so we so we've got some courts coming to District 4 um on the agenda today we have the Iola Sunday market which has been the fee waiver which has been very successful at Lake Yola Park $2 million for the CRA for um community policing initiatives for downtown which is very important and the downtown South neighborhood Improvement Main Street agreement uh they're doing great things down in downtown South so glad to see that the um Main Street agreement is is being funded through the NIT and that's all I had may we have lots of speakers today about a significant rain event in Thorton Park in Wade view so I'm going to yield some time so we can give some time to them so thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Rose good afternoon everyone commissioner um Council and members in the audience I want to let the residents and businesses of District 5 and the City of Orlando know that as your commissioner I have your back and your voices are heard with me here at the dayis the city of Orlando has been tirelessly working to address homelessness for several decades in fact in the same exact seat on October 20th 1998 commissioner Daisy Liam got the council to agree and they imposed a 100 day moratorium on approving any new beds and subsequently in 2009 a moratorium was placed on on no no additional expansions or social service in the P Community our city staff has been working diligently with the task force made up of homeless Services providers and community members on finding solutions to address homelessness I heard the residents loud and clear of West Lakes the city of Orlando and Orange County need to explore homeless shelter options outside of District 5 and as a parore resident myself I would have to agree um we have the shelters in my neighborhood as well as many of the social services I will continue to work with the staff this community and other government entities to come up with Solutions and Advocate to end homelessness um and that's a result of the last couple of weeks there was a proposed shelter that was coming into District 5 right in the West L area I've heard the residents loud and clear so I wanted to address that to everyone in the room I want to thank Belinda with the national entrepreneurs Center and Eric our city bu our City's uh business development manager for attending a business Workshop I recently hosted at Jenny's place um they provided tools resources to entrepreneurs in the community looking to create and expand their business as you see on the agenda today here at the city of Orlando we have many contracts that we have to fulfill as the commissioner it is my responsibility to educate the community on opportunities that are available so I'm asking everyone to please join me on September 19th at Camping World stadium in the Varsity Club at 6 p.m. to learn more about contracts and opportunities that are coming up here at the city of Orlando our staff is committed to helping those businesses who want to submit proposals NE next week there will be several Lake cleanups and I want to encourage the entire Community to come out um on the 16th there will be one at Barker Park um on the 18th there will be one at Lake dot on September 25th there will be one at Lake ladun I am super excited to see Palm grve Gardens which is in the Mercy Drive area get a new playground and we are asking Community to come out to assist what they're getting is something called a kaboom Park so it's literally people can they'll provide the tools the tools and resources but as a community we can put it together together so I'm asking everyone to come out and volunteer with that um initiative um it'll be the 21st the 23rd and the 24th all of this information is on my social media as um both Instagram and Facebook I want to congratulate the Orlando Prides women's soccer team for making it to the playoffs um their games this Friday right here in District 5 at the inter Coast Stadium I want everyone I'm encouraging everyone to come out and support we are gearing up for National Night Out um and OPD Chief Smith and his staff has doing a really great job on Tuesday October 1st I want to encourage all District 5 communities if you have not already done so there is still time to sign up to host a community block party for more information you can reach out to my office or OPD at 47246 3369 there are many great things happening in and around District 5 so I encourage everyone to follow the P Instagram and Facebook page Orlando District 5 or you can join our news our Weekly Newsletter by emailing District 5@ orlando.gun I'm glad to host the Jones versus edgear football game at Camping World stadium and as commissioner Stuart said I'm going to hold the tradition the losing team um we'll purchase Pates for the winning team so let's go Tigers okay um with the lakeola market I am proud to announce that they are expanding the market into District 5 in the pmore community starting next month they will be um it will be at luminary green um look out for joining the weight list um there is currently one but I am working with staff so that pamore residents as well as District 5 businesses have first opportunity um to the market to ensure that the community feels welcome with the market so look out for that I will post that on my page within the next couple of days um now onto the agenda um I want to congratulate Omari Jones for winning the 2024 Olympic bronze melon boxing on B1 I'm glad to see us hire program manager for services at camping well stadium for phase three these renov ations will enhance our visitor experience at Camping World and it will allow Orlando to continue to bid for more events such as World Cup and hint hint Jacksonville Jaguars um on b14 as we work to create a safer city that is walkable and bikable I'm glad to enter into a contract with kimley horn and Associates to provide Engineering Services including the development of an implementation plan for comprehensive safety improvements in six Vision zero corridors much of this work will be in and around District 5 so I'm glad that we can come up with ways to continue to make the city walkable and bikable C5 I want to thank City staff for working diligently diligently to create more housing opportunities the resoning at this location will be medium intensity mixed use Corridor which will allow for a future affordable infill residential development which will provide the most needed affordable housing units for the Paro community and that is it for me mayor I have a motion commissioner oh I'm to approve motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Shen all in favor indicat so by saying I I those oppos and so the motion carries we will take about 30 seconds and if there's anybody that was just here for the consent agenda your item has been approved and you're free to gok okay without objection we'll recess the city council meeting and we will convene the CRA meeting let me see it looks like I can probably take the first few of these so number one is approving the CRA meeting minutes from August to 12th second motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Rose all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries commissioner Rose I'm going to apologize if I call you commissioner Hill it's out of habit for having said that I almost did just then out of um not thinking about it very quickly but I CAU myself okay number two is the CRA Advisory board meeting minutes motion commissioner Stewart second commissioner Shen all in favor indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries okay ddb CRA Advisory board meeting budget Workshop meeting minutes August 21st motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Sheen all in favor indicate so by saying I those opposed motion carries all right David the rest is yours thank you very much and good afternoon mayor and Commissioners so the next item item four is our 2024 2025 budget resolution total revenue uh for that budget year to this CRA is 49,5 73,8 move second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner shien discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion commissioner Ortiz this does not include how the money is being allocated including the uh this is just the money is coming in for the 20 for the year 25 has nothing to do with the $4 million that we had so there's 2 million um I think you're referring to commissioner the community policing Innovation funding so this budget year um as we reviewed last week does have an allocation for $2.2 million towards community policing within that $49 Million number that I referenced there is a later on item on the agenda uh that would be item 10 10 uh that includes an additional allocation of $2 million towards that line item but the the Surplus that we had 4 million that we had from interest on from last year well I guess I'm this current year or so Revenue that money I learned when I was looking at the paperwork that has been applied to acrude expenses on services that we offer in terms of uh initiatives law enforcement initiatives so there's the item is combined with two components there was a $4 million additional Revenue item where the funds that we received the Tiff from the county was higher than initially anticipated last year uh there was an additional component of some additional interest uh that we received on CRA funding uh due to the balance in some of our bank accounts the total of that is approximately $9 million um which again is item 10 uh and as being allocated into three different funding line items um one of those being community policing as we referenced earlier are under AIS implementation now known as the canopy uh and then the streets gate plazas and cdor forther while one of the sites that we're buying but this this particular line does not uh do not deal with those two million the Surplus is not we're not dealing with that Surplus now in the in the item that is currently before you uhhuh no okay that's it so that's what I want to make sure that we're clear okay thank you further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates up by saying I I those opposed motion curious number five David item five is our ddb CRA annual cost shair the ddb and the CRA uh do share staff and so the cost associated with that uh this year's amount is 1,1 123,000 and4 motion by commission Rose second by Commission Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those oppos motion carries number six thank you mayor item six is our again our annual city services agreement between the city of Orlando and the CRA um this is for City resources uh that the city uh that the CRA utilizes such as Legal Services as well as procurement um this year's amount uh to the CRA is 1, 75,000 $100 second motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner she in discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries number seven uh so item seven is our annual funding for senior Tran the CRA uh fund circulators to 12 of our senior centers in downtown in order to provide uh travel for our seniors to variety of different places whether it be to go to the grocery store get their medications uh this year's cost for that service is $66,872 motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all favor of the motion so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number eight item eight is the 2024 2025 homeless Outreach funding agreement this is with health care center for the homeless as well as the homeless Services Network uh the CRA for several years years has partnered with uh uh those two providers in providing members of The Hope team uh to downtown Orlando uh to interact with a number of our street residents to ultimately seek out uh long-term uh care and services for them uh this year's amount is $1 16,924 36 uh there is a small increase of just over $5,000 uh from last year to deal uh to appropriately address a cola increase as well as some additional technology uh for those members and HSN provides $35,000 of funding as well towards this service second motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner shean discussion commissioner Burns uh yes thank you mayor uh as you know I serve as the president and CEO of the healthc care center for the homeless the CRA budget for this year and for several years prior to my service on the city council has included funds that provide grant funding to the healthc care center for the homeless none of that money goes towards my compensation additionally These funds would not be granted to would not be granted to the healthc care center for the homeless unless and until the C the CRA and the healthc Care Center enter into a separate written agreement such agreements will come back before the city council for individual approval in the future and I want to make it clear that when this specific item comes before the council I will abstain thank you thank you commissioner further discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I I oppose motion carries number nine so number nine mayor is the 2024 2025 downtown Orlando Inc better known as the downtown Orlando partnership agreement with the CRA for years we have partnered with them uh for two Signature Events in downtown one of those being the golden brick Awards the other being state of downtown uh those amounts uh as of last year were 75,000 this item does uh propose a $25,000 increase uh to increase uh business owner Outreach uh as we seek to ultimately uh work on a lot more uh activation plans in downtown and want to ensure we have the business Community involved motion by commission Rose second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries number 10 thank you item 10 mayor is an update to the community policing Innovation implementation uh program on behalf of the C uh you may remember the creation of this program uh in 2021 uh after we had some unfortunate Violet events in downtown uh since then we've been partnering with OPD as well as code enforcement and several other uh different outside service providers to ensure downtown is safe uh this specific item uh add specific reference uh to uh work with OPD on aggressive panhandling and have an additional uh foot patrol and a component which we are working with uh our downtown nlife operators on um called coordinated access or controlled entry uh which they have been working with us us to put together a plan to better um control downtown at night and would allow us to uh provide funding towards that initiative as it comes to fruition so Mo motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Rose commissioner Ortiz all right let's get specific here because I need to know exactly what we're talking about um the two of them let's separate them one is the solicitation detail right which is uh dealing with panhandlers cor law enforcement usually can deal with that in any basis I mean we to do back in the days us used up a are we assigning officers just to do this is that what we're going to do so our conversations uh with OPD have been that they would have additional officers an additional unit uh at at specific times in downtown that would be uh uh specifically focus on addressing those components as well as any criminal behavior that uh they would come across but the the specific item uh would be those impacts isn't that the job that police officers do any I can't OPD but uh they felt that additional coverage was needed and we hear the uh the concerns from the business community and wanted to be able to respond appropriately in that fashion okay and the other we have are we going to implement out of the 30 officers we have downtown are we going to pay for 10 of them something like that out of the 30 officers that we have in downtown so the I think what you're referring to commissioner is the after midnight permit um that there's a component where 30 officers of that uh are ultimately split up between a number of different businesses in downtown depending on their occupancy this is not intended uh to directly fund those uh those costs so so that extra that extra money what are we going to use it for exactly when you talk about other other um duties What specifically are those duties it's those duties again are specifically in relation to the components against aggressive pan handling and criminal activity there's additional components to what we're working with bar owners now on an approach toward coordinated entry referred to it as an an 18a whereas it referred to in code uh to structure uh better coordination uh and entry access into the entertainment area the core entertainment area in downtown at night um and additional foot patrol at times uh as we continue to work with OPD on determining when that would be needed uh and when the CRA was appropriate to fund that allocation how many is the total amount of officers we using for this it's not a specific total amount of officers uh so there it's a component of uh what we're voting on today is a component amount of money um but there's not a specific number of officers that you're voting it's $2 million 2.1 2.2 no 2.1 I think it is two 2.2 in in the traditional budget that's for the traditional but we also have the 2 millions that we're allocating from the Surplus also right correct right that be the next what are we doing with those two million others it would be put into the same fund so um the component of the item before you today is the cra's definition of our community policing Innovation program um so we fund variety of different things out of that that are consistent with our community policing Innovation uh line item in addition to the requirements that were relegated to by the state our law enforcement off well anyhow that's not you don't deal with that part this but U okay so we have the two 2 million surplus for the for and in addition to 2.2 so it's a total well for the new budget we're going to have a total of 3 million 35572 right um that's for the new what we expect for the new budget 25 inclusive of the 22 and then the rollover I think that's approximately correct the new money going in assuming everything gets approved today would be 4.2 million and then we in addition we have the Surplus from from the uh Revenue that we get the interest Revenue that we had correct that's the 2 million of the 4.2 so there a total of altogether is about five five for almost $6 million so there would be so there's $4.2 million being proposed put in there there's a there's a rollover amount there we may I don't have all that information in front of me commissioner um but it sounds like you're maybe looking at our budget sheet that we reviewed last week um so if that's the rollover amount then that would uh seem to be correct all right thank you D appreciate it further discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicates by saying I I I was opposed motion carries no okay uh 61 with commission Ortiz voting no number 11 so number 11 is our budget amendment number one for 2324 uh as referenced in some of the prior conversation this is uh additional Revenue that we receive above projected amounts uh for the past fiscal year in addition to some interest Revenue that was received due to CRA uh amounts and accounts getting ready to implement several of our large projects uh the proposed line items that that money would be uh deposited into uh for our project accounts are under eye implementation or the canopy at $4.1 million community policing at $2 million and then streetscape plazas and corridors at $2.9 million motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Shen discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicates so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries number so item 12 is a dto retail uh program funding agreement uh excited to have another retailer moving into downtown Orlando uh this one specifically in The Exchange building on the Pine Street side it is a bino Cabinetry they're coming out of Fort Lauderdale and looking to establish a new location here in downtown Orlando uh they've signed a threeyear lease uh for that location uh it's 1972 ft they will be open every day from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. uh the amount that they qualify for and assistance from the ca uh from the CRA is $878 from our program and I'm happy to answer any questions motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner she in discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion ifate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries and number 13 so item 13 is a facade agreement uh that we have in the CRA uh this one specifically for two South Orange Avenue so that is the southwest corner of uh orange and Central uh the property owner there is doing some facade work uh inclusive of some Stucker repair masony some sealant on the Windows concrete work uh and window improvements uh our facade program was enhanced uh this past year uh and in various Focus areas Orange Avenue in that specific Corridor being one of them uh property owners are eligible for up to 80% of the cost uh of those upgrades uh this property owner is spending $63,750 towards the upgrades referenced for which they qualify for $211,000 worth of assistance uh from the CRA and it did receive a recommendation for approval uh by the facade Review Committee on July 22nd second motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Shen discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I I was opposed motion carries all right David any further business to come before the CRA uh no business mayor but I did want to reference that we are in the midst of our uh first hopefully annual downtown Employee Appreciation week so uh for all employees in downtown uh we're trying to say thank you uh in partnership with the downtown Orlando partnership uh so we have uh activities every day this entire week this morning we had events here uh in the retunda where we had a variety of different people come for coffee and pastries this afternoon uh there was food truck events where they provided sample meals from a number of different food trucks that any employee in downtown can come and feel appreciated throughout the rest of the week we'll be traveling uh throughout downtown Orlando um so there will be components at Kia Center tomorrow for lunch so come and see all the variety of mascots there'll be hot dogs as well as pretzels uh um as well as on um Thursday uh we'll be moving up a little bit more North uh in downtown we'll have an event uh actually right on Wall Street kind of just a happy hour to come and celebrate the great events we've had during the week Wednesday we'll be at 30 South Orange for uh Subs provided by one of our uh Paramore businesses and then on Friday um you're welcome to try a number of our coffee restaurants in downtown Orlando you can kind of choose the one it could be stemma the Robinson or another for for again a complimentary coffee to feel appreciated uh so there's a number of other things I just encourage everybody to check the website and we're hopeful we'll be able to continue to do it thank you thank you please take advantage of that all right without objection we will um adjourn the CRA meeting and we will convene the neighborhood Improvement District Board of Directors meeting good afternoon uh Mr chairman and members of the board we have two items for you today related to the South downtown neighborhood improvement district the first item is an agreement between the nid and the South downtown Main Street organization this is for $30,000 These funds go towards items that are uh specifically within the nid master plan as goals and objectives to achieve things like marketing business and economic development as well as placemaking and these funds go to the main street and they assist us and achieving certain goals and objectives that the nid has and uh so once again that's for $30,000 it's a standard thing that we have done in the past as well motion by commission second by commissioner Rose discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I those opposed motion Carri number two uh the second item we have is actually a city service agreement uh between the city and the nid um these services are to help the nid be able to maximize um its investment in the community uh things such as Legal Services Etc this year the estimated the cost for these city services is $ 28,39 second motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Burns is there a discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries is that all the business come for the nid that is all thank you then we will thank you adjourn the nid meeting and we will reconvene without objection we will reconvene the city council meeting on the regular agenda we have already conducted the public hearing related to the airport budget for this coming fiscal year so that brings us to hearings ordinances on first reading Mr clerk I know you been waiting to do this so take it away number one ordinance number 20 24-33 an ordinance of the city council of the city growth management plan amending future land use uh I'm sorry sir the mic uh an ordinance of the city of council the Council of the city of Orlando relating to the city's growth management plan amending to the Future land use sub area policy s4.2 to change the allow development program providing for Amendment of the city's growth management plan providing for severability correction in scrier errors and an effective date move to approve motion by commissioner gra second by commissioner Ortiz I do not have any request from the public to speak on this matter so is there discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries let's go to hearings ordinances on second reading number one ordinance number 2024-25 6 city code Parks impact fee by amending section 5631 purpose intent and findings to incorporate an updated impact fee study by amending 5632 definitions by adding section 56. 32A rules of construction by amending Section 56.3 5 imp fees imposed rate established and time of payment by amending 56.3 6 presumption of Maximum Impact by amending 56.3 s credits by amending 56.3 exemptions discounts by amending 56.4 applications of rates by amending 56.4 one use of funds by amending 56.43% codification Corrections of sceners erors and an effective date motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Rose discussion I don't have any cards from anybody that wants to speak on this matter I'm all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay Mr clerk let's go to ordinances on first read number one ordinance number 2024-25 of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's growth management plan to change future land use map designation for certain land generally located north of Pok Pok Street South of West Jefferson Street East of North Orange Blossom Trail and west of Northwest Morland Drive compromised of 0.28 acres of land more or less from the residential medium intensity to mixed jued Corridor medium intensity changing the proper zoning designation from 1 to five family residential with traditional City and Paramore Heritage overlay districts to medium intensity mixed juice Corridor with the traditional City and Paramore Heritage overlays District providing for an amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for severability correction of scrier errors and permit disclaimer and an effective date second motion by commissioner Rose second by commissioner Shen I have no cards to speak on this matter discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number two ordinance number 20 24-35 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located west of bicki Road north of New Hope Road South of Lake Nona Boulevard and east of bogy Creek Road in compromised of 9.1 one acres of land more or less providing for severability correction of scriveners errors and an effective date move to approve motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz I have no cards on this one uh discussion hear none all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries number three ordinance 202 24-36 in ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located south of weah hoodi Road north of Lake Mary Jane Road and TM Ranch Road and West of sunbridge and compromised of 1,33 acres of land more or less providing for severability correction of scrier errors and an effective date move to approve and let the record show you got weah hoodie correct second motion my commissioner Grace second by commissioner Ortiz I know you're practicing that all week okay I do have some requests to speak on this one okay uh Mr Andrew Mai who is becoming a free foot flyer here at Orlando city council welcome back thank you Mr Mayor nice to see you again uh Andrew Mai assistant County attorney Orange County Florida 2011 South Rosland Avenue Orlando Florida uh the county objects to item 13 C3 commo North annexation the county and the city are currently engaged in a dispute resolution process in relation to the sunbridge properties the county contends that the sunbridge properties were not annexed in accordance with the law should the process result in overturning the sunbridge annexations then this voluntary annexation will not be contiguous the county requests that this annexation be delayed until the dispute resolution process is resolved thank you thank you a second request from Mr nit okay that's all the speaker requests that I have discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay we have already taken uh we took number number four off of the agenda for future discussion number five ordinance number 202 24-410 acres of land more or less public use in part and public use with the aircraft noise noise overlay District in part to plan development in part and plan development with the aircraft noise overlay District in part providing a development plan and special Land Development regulations of the plan development District providing for severability correction of scrivener's Errors permit disclaimer and effective date move to approve second okay um motion by commission Grace second by commissioner Ortiz I don't have any requests from the public for this one either um is there discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries that concludes the schedule business for the orando city council Ed could you get us ready for General appearances we do have several G General appearances today --------- ##VIDEO ID:P-FiCIv6TIs## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] e [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w a [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everyone and welcome to the September 9th 2024 Workshop of the Orlando city council Commissioners today we're going to get an update from the four roots Farm um you'll remember that in 2021 Dr Philips facilitate use of 18 Acres of property just south of the Grove which is our Park new newest Park and the vision for the campus is to gather and collaborate on solutions to address F food insecurity by educating our community on how to grow and encourage sustainable Food Systems um it offers unique Hands-On experiences I've been out to tour the first I guess we'll call it first phase um of the property and it's pretty fabulous and can't wait it's one of those things that you wish you could just look ahead 20 years and see what the campus has become and kind of like to create a village we look ahead and like that but uh the founder and CEO John Rivers is here to provide us with an update John welcome to the podium and welcome to city council all right well thank you so much for the invitation to join you today uh today's presentation is easy it's um the Project's going fantastic constructions underway and actually you guys are going to be some of the first to see the photos and the drawings of facee too which we're very excited about so let me walk you through the campus as mayor Dyer said it's a vision to create a healthy sustainable uh food system for our community really to teach kids where food comes from and also to provide food to them um which we've done through our feeding last year we handed out 2.3 million Meals by working with local farmers from all around the state um to communities that truly needed the food and nutrition as a mayor had at we're just 2 miles outside of downtown on John Young Parkway Dr Phillips did indeed by the prop we'll go for a drive you guys are the first to actually see this we just got this Friday and quite frankly I'm happy it's working this will be the entrance coming off of John Young Parkway and coming in and all of this infrastructure is built today the campus is open and we got Co about four weeks ago and a Valencia College moved their entire agriculture program onto our campus just last week so they started taking classes and using the facilities and we should have up to almost 100 students per semester learning on some of the newest technology in the world about agriculture so this is coming in to the campus itself and I uh I looked at the array of nice cars I said well that be I'm not quite sure it's going quite look like that but that's okay yeah you need a few Farm trucks yeah I'm going to go back to our drawers I'll walk you through some of these buildings and assets but uh these are some of the very first that you see the Discovery Center and The Culinary Health Institute and as you come in uh there'll be a beautiful Farm Stand which I'll I'll show you in just a little bit and this is uh this is open to the public uh 7 days a week um there's no tickets there's no restrictions there's no costs this is a gift that uh Our Family Foundation um wanted to give to the city and um as I go through all the assets just like I do in in all of our uh presentations no matter who the group is if you see things that you can use for meetings or for Gatherings or for concerts or for uh events please um please look at it selfishly and uh lean into it because this is something that we want to to bless a community with for many years to come so this is the the overall of the campus and I'll show you just a few pieces to it and what it looks like um once it's fully complete and just like U mayor said we're finishing up phase one now and going into phase two there's a there's five different areas of the campus the marketplace the farm the campus um classrooms the lawn and then the arrival and if you look at the marketplace uh this will be our next phase that's going through the farm Farm Stand Market which we built this and designed it after Oxford uh Oxo market and Napa which I love it's such a beautiful facility that that welcomes all types of artisian products and local fair um so there'll be produce coffee stands flowers that we grow and and all types of other things that local market will Pro provide to us and it's a beautiful open campus uh that you'll see that is very free flowing and um I'll show you some numbers later to give you an idea of just how many folks that we're going to be expecting to come in but it's nearly 300,000 per year is a projection right now it will have a true Farm to Table restaurant on the campus and we're working with Chef Michael colonas one of our Michelin chefs and um Chef Norman Van Aken those are our Two Chefs who will be working here so the the dream is to actually have a Michelin restaurant um within a James Beard restaurant because this this particular one has two different facilities uh it opens up to the lawn so you know the the entire thing is communal we want the community to come out we want them to engage we want to enjoy it and we're building lots of different activation uh centers for all ages from kids um all the way up to grandparents to be able to come out and enjoy the day um and you see it's just a beautiful indoor and outdoor facility and then the Event Center this is one of our next assets that's going up it is a 10,000 ft facility it's built specifically with intention to seat 300 people cuz we saw a need in the marketplace if you have a 150 you can find a place in Central Florida downtown but if you want to go up to 300 and above you have to go out to the park so we really saw the opportunity to build this specific for 300 so we can bring people and keep them in this area um in the rooms itself it is being designed uh very open uh with a farm Feld to it which we're we're very excited about and um really is looks beautiful in the design and uh the it's able to too so as you look into the future and You' like to have meetings um or Gatherings or state of the city uh we hope one day uh you'll be able to do it here in the in the facility what year will that be John I know it'll be probably what are we 26 okay I I can try to expedite it okay uh the farm is the next area um which you'll see the barn and uh the whole area uh who we call it um the retention River uh it looks very pretty in the pictures but it is a retention Pond that we built and uh the barn itself has a lot of play areas uh for kids so they can come out and enjoy the day and uh there's also some dining areas that we built into the area and one of our favorite areas is called our permaculture forest and we came up with a term we want kids to come onto the campus and we want them to wander and wonder we want them every time that they come there learn something different and be excited about they might not be Farmers that's okay but learn about where their food comes from and learn about nutrition and and how we have to interact with the planet and how we have to protected so there's lots of kinetics and lots of Hands-On um and things that they can build on and grow on and climb on throughout a quarter mile Loop that goes around the entire farm and uh we also are building a cooking Cottage and here we'll have cooking classes we're doing this today with a lot of our citizens at a cooking class in a cooking school here on an ongoing basis so uh it'll be able to sit 40 people for Hands-On cooking demonstrations and also we'll have a couple guest Cottages cuz we do anticipate having and interns and people that come in from afar in order to uh visit the campus and a beautiful areas in between and then they go out to the lawn and this is this is really the community Welcome Center um for the Pavilion um beautiful areas where we'll have uh events we'll have farmers markets Art Market markets Heritage festivals uh leading up into the actual Pavilion and uh the Pavilion itself it's kind of cool is uh built so on the single day of uh Solstice Solstice sun will come up in the in the very center The Pavilion itself so we'll have a festival every year for that and it's not a big stage it's relatively small but it's enough to to host speakers and um you know small shows and be able to expose people to that and and the campus itself um the Discovery Center is probably one of the the jewels of the campus it is by far our largest facility and the Discovery Center is there to tell the history of Agriculture um to show art that's involved in the local region to talk about the black farmer and the history that they had and the importance that they had in our in our agriculture history and it's also an innovation Center took a lot of inspiration from uh Innovation Center in Tel Aviv and some of these other ones from around the world that we visit we want people to understand the science and the the microbes and all everything that's involved in agriculture so this will be a first inclass um that's here in Central Florida and it'll host a lot of events um and this is an indoor outdoor all the garage stor is open so we can have a lot of speakers and uh people come in for that and uh it's if you've ever been to the witer park Health and Wellness Center it's very akin to that um from a design from a big open room that are are accessible and usable for meetings and this is a building this is our classrooms and this is open today um and we're very excited about this this is the one where Valencia is taking their classes this is it's it's actually it's a nice thing for Florida uh and for Orlando specifically this is the first building uh in the state to meet the living building challenge and it's the only the second one in the Southeast to meet the challenge behind a facility up at George Tech University and uh it's completely it's being it's done by what's being now termed as regenerative uh architecture which didn't exist before our friends over at little were the ones that put this together the building is self- sustainable it actually produces 5% more energy than it uses and that energy is able to be distributed throughout the entire Farm campus all the water that's collected off the roof um from the from the building actually goes into the greenhouse that feeds the fish that eats all the waste from the fields and the the waste from the fish is then converted into fertilizer and goes back out to the entire field so it's a closed loop system where there's zero waste whatsoever and it's just using all the natural resource um and it will continue um we we've got tours of architecture groups and other cities coming in just to see it because it is the very first one in the entire State and I think um I think that's deserving of Celebration okay this is what the inside looks like this this is usable today if uh any of you need a space for meetings or for Gatherings it's demised into four different classrooms and uh it can sit quite a few as well and it's all high-tech everything is fully loaded in it okay and then we also have what's called The Culinary Health Institute so we created a partnership with Advent and with Florida blue and Gordon Food Service and we're actually conducting research on the use of food as medicine on the campus itself we're seeing patients it's a lifestyle medicine practice that we're doing with them um and we're my prayer is that we get uh approval from the hospital system to actually start using and utilizing food in the nutrition um and the healing process when the when the patients come in and it in it of itself is a beautiful um state-of-the-art facility there's no Clinic like this in Florida today to see patients around lifestyle medicine it's uh you'll see it's it's absolutely beautiful and it's redefining the challenge is redefin what Healthcare looks like okay there's lots of areas for kids a pollinator player butterfly walkth through um everything is complete um the site is ready to go it's uh infrastructure is already done we've used uh local Builders local designers uh local Architects for this um we utilize five M mwbe subcontractors so far and we're getting ready to go to bid um for phase two um we'll bring on our a in the next few weeks and then we'll bring on our general contractor we should submit permits by the end of this year for phase two and that would put us in a position to start building and constructing uh the phase quarter one of next year this gives you an idea and this is very optimistic this is uh we we learned anything in phase one it's you tack on a year to whatever you think it's going to be but it's okay uh phase one is done uh we're now uh raising money in capital for phase two and phase three and we're already good portion of the way uh through Phase 2 um Capital raise we've raised $32 million so far since we started this just a couple years ago and uh now tdt is our next big one um we've got uh we're in for 12 million for that when that when that goes we've got some other big ones right behind that should put us in a go position okay and what it does is it this is an area that Central Florida and Florida in general is not hitting on today within the tourism industry and it's all around local Agri tourism and you can see how big it is it's a 45.5 billion dollar industry today expected to grow to1 141 billion by 2030 and Florida does not have a position in this tourism industry market and we will have the very first one here in Orlando that brings tourists from the parks and from the areas down into Central Florida um in order to see this okay not just the tourists but also the conventions visitor Orlando has become a very good partner and they're already starting to market the farm to all these conferences and conventions from around the world to get them to come here so an off day they can go to the parks they can do things like that or they can spend a half day at the farm and with them we've designed all these experiences so they can spend a half day cooking or learning about sustainability or about energy Rejuvenation or just coming out and learning about farming in agriculture so they're very optimistic about it um and because of them uh we worked with them meritz and hello Florida to come up with projections on how many people we think the the farm will host and we use three comps from around the country when we did this and we're anticip they they're anticipating almost 300,000 visitors per year coming to the campus which is pretty significant um which we need to talk about parking a little bit more um in that but it it does have the the economic impact of this is is pretty significant it's um onetime jobs of almost 750 $113 million and recur in one-time economic impact uh annual 16.4 million We Believe will'll be able to bring to the campus um and it creates a lot of Hotel nights and festivals and and conferences um all in all tax revenue um back into the entire county is almost $8 million a year and should generate about 14 million uh total economic um just to let you know um side note we are working with 52 local Farmers today uh we collect all of their produce um and we have a program called Fresh it's a CSA program where we deliver it to people's houses on a weekly and bi-weekly basis uh we're now approaching almost 2,000 houses that have subscribed to this and for a lot of these small local farmers we are their largest customer and uh we're helping keep their families in business and we're bringing fresh produce to people's houses on an ongoing basis um separate from that we have a mobile farmers market that it's out in the market um five to what almost eight times a week now where we're bringing snap eligible so we're bringing this fresh produce into communities that don't have access to fresh food uh every every single day of every single week and we're Distributing that food and making it available to them be it snap or through donations and uh like I mentioned earlier last year we put out a little about 2.3 million mules and we work with Farmers to rescue food that's going to waste in the field and uh that food accumulated to almost a million and A2 lbs uh in the last couple years and we have a a compost program as well otown compost is a company we brought in and uh we help them grow they they go and they collect the food waste from restaurants and from houses and they've got I think almost uh what 12 1300 houses now that they're collecting from and we're helping them grow as well okay um wonderful board um and thank you for all your support mayor and FJ on this um we got wonderful partners that have come by our side to make this happen and um we're very much uh looking forward to the growth that we have ahead so that's the farm in uh in 15 minutes and that's about seven years of work behind it that was pretty good John I looked at your deck and I thought this was okay that's about an hour no no no straight through fastic I have one quick question I know you do some stuff with Orange County Public Schools specifically over at edwat I'm sure there must probably a couple other schools as well but I didn't hear you mention Orange County Public Schools and if you did I missed no no I didn't thank you for bringing that up they've been one of our oldest and best Partners from the very beginning this initiative started with educating uh kids about where food comes from and the original models we went into schools and built out agriculture programs so we built one out at West Orange and now at Edgewater and uh today uh on campuses we have about 400 students students every day that are working on these two Farms that we built that are growing the produce that goes back into their own cafeteria and matter fact we set it up so they had to sell the produce in the cafeteria so they could learn the economics as well so they've been great partners and we're working with them right now on some other big projects um including uh potentially looking at a magnet school that we'd love to build for agriculture so you had add one more slide in then yes so uh commissioner Stewart and then commissioner Sheen let me let me first say John thank you uh you have uh what you've accomplished with is a real inspiration in our community we appreciate it so much um I keep hearing great things about it and and y'all have honored Me by including me every couple of months to go out and see the progress and it is wonderful wonderful progress appreciate that but uh to hear the stories of people who' have been impacted has been has been the best um I mean your your inspiration has now moved uh Lake Sil Elementary into being a strong partner towards agriculture urban urban agriculture uh as well as College Park middle and then edor high school so we're just trying to figure out in these areas that are around your school how how we can um bring that education that you want to provide there back into the local school and let the local school use you back and return so it's I think it's a wonderful uh model that we started with and I appreciate that and I'm excited about so January 2026 is when you're plan on having all this done if we can get um designs done by the end of this year you say all done no if we can get permits in by the end of this year then we should hopefully first quarter start to break around on phase two that's great that's great I'm so excited and the people that out there inol volunteering with you and working with you they have been your most wonderful advocates in this process so so grateful for yall and your entire team uh thank you for the work that you have done because it it um it sends a model to the rest of the world um especially if you use visit Orlando as a guide that Orlando is just not the theme parks there's a lot of great stuff going on our community that's right and uh we're glad to partner with you so thank you thank you very very much I appreciate that thank you for all your support too commissioner Shen thanks mayor and and and John I just want to say thank you because um during the pandemic many of my friends that were in the Arts were unemployed and they had never had to ask for anyone for food or for assistance before and the way that you did that food distribution in a way that was didn't take away their dignity it it allowed them to get help without having it was entertainment it was fun it was cool and it made them at ease of having to ask for help when they never had to before so I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that because it was it was amazing to even participate in a couple of those events but it was it was wonderful so thank you you didn't have to but you did especially a time when the restaurant industry was hurting that you did the right thing and I just want to recognize you and thank you for that cuz it was amazing well thank you p and the other thing is I I worked for 14 years at the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services before I came here and um I'm just totally geeking out about the reusing the fish waste we talked about that years ago and now to see that coming to fruition along with solar and all this regenerative stuff that you're doing I love seeing this because we waste so much food we waste so much resources we don't utilize this son and to see you doing this as a pilot program so that we can you know extend this is is so exciting as well so again thank you for being part of the of the solution and also being a Visionary and um we need to get you a bike trail out there does a bike trail go out there commissioner Stewart okay cool I'm getting my ebike tomorrow so I won't be part of the parking problem either so awesome thank yeah right on this is just as great so thank pleas come come out and see us Tommy's executive director and he's the one that ran all the feeding program so as a matter of fact we had the ideas but he's the strength that went behind it especially at the plaza live there yes okay anybody else thank you John that was fantastic thank you for having us check in another six months okay take care okay that ends that's a conclusion of our public Workshop we're going to take a five minute break and then we will convene our agenda review meeting [Music] part of [Music] [Music]