##VIDEO ID:6nen26vDKVE## on Wednesday October 2nd 2024 we usually meet on  Tuesdays but last night was National Night Out I   don't know if any of you had the opportunity  to head over to the Casements but what an   incredible turnout by our Police Department our  fire department uh with a assist from our Leisure   Services folks and the community showed up in  droves which was fantastic for a really really   special night it seems like it gets better  every year we've outgrown the NOVA community   center and and now we're in the the Casements  and the weather held out as well so thank you   to everyone who was involved in that and uh  made it a success uh I hope you felt welcomed   when you came in tonight as I call this meeting to  order I want to uh recognize our greeters Public   Works Deputy Public Works director Kevin Gray and  Police Captain Chris Roos served as our greeters   this evening um I'm going to introduce the folks  who are sitting up in front of you to my right   your left is Justin Isaacs recording secretary  next is City Clerk Susan Dauderis then we have Zone   one Commissioner Lori Tolland good evening  everyone and welcome zone two Commissioner   Travis Sargent good evening welcome to my left  and your right we have Zone 3 Commissioner Susan   Persis good evening ladies and gentlemen and  welcome and then our Deputy Mayor and zone four   Commissioner Harold Briley good evening everyone  welcome then we have city manager Joyce Shanahan   Assistant City Manager Shawn Finley and in the  audience is Assistant City Manager Claire Whitley   and then City Attorney Randy Hayes and then uh  way to my left I see our Fire Chief Howard Bailey   and in the back is Police Chief Jesse Godfrey  for those of you listening online I'm Mayor   Bill Partington and uh if you would  at this time please silence your cell   phones and rise for the invocation given by  Reverend Larry Temple from Life Community Church dear Lord we thank you for your presence  in this place for wisdom for peace for order   not only for these affairs that transpire here  but for our city in general thank you for your   protection and wisdom as we go forth through  these days everyone in agreement say Amen am Amen I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of  the United States of America   and to the Republic for which it stands one nation  under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right as many of you know uh who come  here regularly particularly staff uh this   is a special time of the meeting where we  take an opportunity to recognize exceptional   people uh in our community and exceptional  events that are happening in our community   Ormond Beach is an incredible City because we  have great residents uh great neighborhoods   great activities and we're blessed in that  regard uh our first recognition tonight is a   proclamation for retiring judge judge Terry  Perkins and I'll ask judge Perkins to come up you're honor thank you for being here  sir uh I saw an article yesterday online   uh written by Flagler County Judge Andrea Totten  before I read the proclamation I just wanted   to to pull a couple quotes out of that because  it was so eloquently written judge Totten uh   considers judge Perkins a mentor to her uh she  worked for him in the Civil Division I believe as   a law clerk uh here in Daytona Beach and what she  wrote here is that the same characteristics that   had made judge Perkins such a great mentor to me  judge Totten are those that make him a great judge   and administrator he understands that there can be  more than one approach to a problem that different   people and she writes and judges are people too  can see the same facts through different lenses   that all of us make mistakes sometimes despite  our best efforts and that none of us has all the   answers another quote she said was as a mentor  judge Perkins temperament was his most important   quality what was so so important to her in her new  responsibilities as a judge was that judge Perkins   calming influence his wit and his good humor that  she learned from working with him so really just   an incredible testament to the great man that he  is and your honor I'm going to present you with   this Proclamation and ask that you hold it while I  read it whereas a native Floridian and graduate of   Seabreeze high school judge Terry R Perkins proudly  earned both his bachelor's and jurist degrees   from the University of Florida jurist doctor from  the University of Florida graduating with honors   admitted to the Florida bar in 1981 he devoted  30 years to practicing law representing a diverse   array of individuals and corporate clients across  the state as a board certified Civil Trial lawyer   and whereas prior to his judicial appointment in  2010 judge Perkins was a founding shareholder and   director of Smith Hood Perkins Stout bigman  and Brock PA where he excelled in personal   injury and insurance defense his exceptional legal  expertise earned him an AV preeminent ranking for   professional ability and ethics for marale Hubble  attorney reviews and ratings a distinction that   he maintained for over 15 years and whereas upon  joining the circuit court judge Perkins resided   over a wide variety of cases including civil  criminal drug and mental health matters ensuring   Justice was served with fairness and diligence his  commitment to teamwork and justice earned him the   respect of his peers leading to his election as  chief judge of the seventh judicial circuit in   both 2013 and 2015 where he directed case  assignments and upheld justice across four   counties and whereas during his tenure as chief  judge he spearheaded the transition from paper to   electronic files making the court more efficient  and accessible he also expanded his expertise by   serving on esteemed committees including  the Florida courts technology commission   and the executive committee of the Florida  Conference of Circuit Court judges   and where as deeply committed to his community  judge Perkins has coached Youth Sports in Ormond   Beach served as a deacon at Christ Presbyterian  church and has been an active member of several   other local organizations and whereas the city  of Ormond Beach is immensely grateful to judge   Perkins dedication leadership and contributions  to the Judiciary field and the community we wish   him all the best as he embarked works on this  journey to enjoy the fruits of his well-earned   retirement pursuing woodworking flying his  plane and exploring the world now therefore   I Bill Partington mayor of the city of Ormond  Beach on behalf of the entire commission to   hereby Proclaim October 2nd 2024 as a day to  recognize and honor judge Terry R Perkins   in the city of Ormond Beach and encourage  All City staff and residents to join me   in expressing congratulations and gratitude  for his service and dedication to our community congratulations and they're here to listen to  you speak not me so nothing I need onsite don't go anywhere now this is the  part where we say but wait there's more   uh be your honor because you had such an  exceptional career uh because you are our   local uh jurist made good everybody's so  proud of you I think Commissioner Persis   actually was a schoolmate if I remember  correctly awesome that's right good stuff   but we wanted to present you uh with a  key to the city of Ormond Beach along with all right it also happens to be domestic violence  Awareness Month uh with a Judicial theme and I   would ask Courtney Fraine Daisy Gonzalez and  Emma Sanders to come forward if yall are here present to you and have you hold it and then I'm going to read it'll do pictures  Perfect all right thank you guys no that's perfect   whereas domestic violence includes violent or  aggressive behavior within the home that targets   a member of one's immediate family and undermines  the very foundation of our communities and   whereas domestic violence devastates relationships  disrupts lives and erodes the core unit of society   the family homes should be sanctuaries of  comfort and stability where love and mutual   respect flourish instead domestic violence  creates environments fraught with fear and   danger leaving individuals in unsafe situations  and whereas domestic violence affects individuals   across all income levels races genders and  socioeconomic backgrounds women still make   up a disproportionately higher number of victims  of domestic violence with nearly half of female   homicide victims being killed by a current  or former male partner and whereas October   is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month a  time to renew the city's commitment to ending this   cycle of abuse this year the theme heal hold and  center emphasizes the need to heal from violence   and oppression hold space for survivors and center  those most marginalized and whereas Ormond Beach is   a vibrant City with over 44,000 residents and  more than 5 million guests annually extends   and reaffirms unconditional compassion respect  support and protection to victims and survivors   holding perpetrators accountable and providing  hope to those in unsafe and unstable living   conditions now therefore based on all of that I  Bill Partington mayor of the city of Ormond Beach   on behalf of our entire commission do hereby  Proclaim October 2024 as Domestic Violence   Awareness Month in the city of Ormond Beach and  urge all residents agencies and champions to   support efforts preventing and ending domestic  violence thank you all very much for being here chief chief Godfrey Captain Roos if you guys   will come up for the picture Captain  Smith as well and then I'll let you sometimes hello hello everyone I'm Emma  Sanders from domestic abuse Council Volusia   I'm the Outreach manager a couple things  I just want to invite you all to our 5K   run walk run on October 19th if you follow  our social media we do have a registration   link for that 5K walk link you can donate  you don't have to run also we have a town   hall next week Monday October 7th at 8:00  at Brown and Brown so please join us for a   very important discussion this about the  Dynamics of domestic violence um we have   Chief Jakari young that's joining us and also  state attorney Lisa on the panel with our CEO we'll put it on the internet we'll post  it on social media so everybody knows but   yes thank you all for being here and thank  you for recognizing this month good to see you all right last but certainly  not least if Chief Bailey come forward that's wonderful that  is wonderful bring your team up you it is fire prevention week and uh we try  not to miss every year I think we recognize   fire prevention week and the important week  that you guys do every week uh men and women   of the Ormond Beach Fire Department and so I'm  proud to present this Proclamation whereas the   city of Ormond Beach's fire department is  dedicated to reducing home fires injuries   through prevention and education aligning the  2024 Fire Prevention Week theme smoke alarms   make them work for you and whereas working smoke  alarms are essential for alerting residents to   fire significantly increasing survival chances  modern homes burn hotter and faster due to the   synthetic materials used limiting escape time to  just 2 to 3 minutes and whereas the National Fire   Protection Association NFPA States smoke alarms  reduce the risk of fatality in home fires by   over 50% yet three out of five fire deaths occur in  homes without functioning smoke alarms and whereas   every household should ensure smoke alarms  are installed in sleeping areas and consider   automatic sprinkler systems in high-rises and  whereas residents should take proactive measures   such as testing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms  monthly and participating and community outreach   programs to promote fire safety Fire Prevention  Week provides an opportunity to educate families   on creating fire escape plans and ensuring their  smoke alarms are operational and whereas we honor   the brave First Responders and firefighters who  risk their lives for our safety and remember those   who have made the ultimate sacrifice now therefore  I Bill Partington mayor of the city of Ormond Beach   on behalf of the entire commission to hereby  Proclaim October 6th through October 12th as Fire   Prevention Week in our city and urge all residents  to implement preventative measures within their   homes and support Public Safety efforts promoting  fire safety awareness thank you all very much congratulations of course yeah  he's been want to do it for so long audience remarks uh Miss Jennifer bright will be first up miss bright you have three minutes well I was concerned about a couple  of things on the consent agenda because um   they weren't very transparent to the to the  people reading the agenda for example uh   172 referenced an auto renewal that you had  to dig back into contract back from 2021 and   I had to pester my councilman to find out what  the dollar amounts were cause there was no current   listing for how much it was going to cost we had  to go back to look at the um 2021 and supposedly   I want to make sure it's in the record that God  forbid we need to use those resources they were   paying the rates that are in the 21 contract  that's what I told been told that that that's   what they were that they aren't going up also  the city puts in um an example on uh item o and   P that the staff report we can view the city  manager staff report to see the information   related to those items and the uh links in the  website are over a year behind uh hopefully the   city can get all these things corrected so they  be more transparent in what they're doing and   what the city is spending our tax dollars  on thank you thank you next up is Connie Colby good evening Connie Colby 108 Robo Lane  in Ormond Beach um first of all I would like   to acknowledge Kelly McGuire she was so sweet  last last two weeks ago she walked me out to   my car when you had thousands of people here and  every car between here and there was a big pickup   truck we had to park all the way over by  the library and I couldn't see anything in   the dark um two weeks ago you had the item on the  agenda about landing fees at the airport um to me   I thought that was a no-brainer yay let's finally  do something about paying back the money that they   owe to the general fund um I've since talked to  a couple of people whose opinions I respect and   I guess there's more to the story that I I don't  understand but I hope that this will be some way   of looking at different ways to pay that money  back and keep this going as an open um plan for   doing something up there and looking around I also  see that many of the airports around this area are   considering that 3% Landing fee so it's going to  be kind of a a troubled area to work with I guess   um I saw a lot of different ways of doing  that too they were talking about maybe   giving discounts to the schools for the  landing fees um and I I don't know about   the other things like if you buy a gallon  of gas you don't have to pay a landing fee   they had different scenarios out there  that need to be looked at too but please   include the public in this discussion  as well thank you thank you and Cynthia Costa I'm coming no problem no problem hi I'm Cindy Costa six Walen Lane Ormond Beach I'm here for some of my friends who don't   come to the these meetings but would like to talk  about these homes that are abandoned I have three   homes on three different streets that are going  to be causing problems and here's the first one   and these people who in that neighborhood won't  call code enforcement because they are required   to leave their name and when the the neighbors  call in they find out who calls and they wind up   fighting each other there's this one at 170 putam  it looks abandoned the pool water is completely   black the screens over the pool you know what  I'm talking about are gone the frames are there   that's dangerous and there's a car that has been  parked there that has not been moved at least for   one year that the vines from the driveway are  growing into the car there's another one at   103 Lincoln that also looks abandoned the trees  and the vegetation are growing over the complete   right hand side of the house over the windows  and up onto the roof and the last one is 978   Parkwood it looks abandon and unkempt just to me  why doesn't code enforcement see this how can we   say Ormond Beach is charming when we cut some child  can walk in there and drown in their pool there's   no screens around it that's bad and very very  dangerous ous okay another thing is I complained   last time I was here about the roots that are  growing under the road on North Beach Street but   I was told that is not our problem here but Shawn I  talked to Shawn and he said it was I think he said   it was County he was going to call me back on a  Monday cuz he was going to proceed calling them   and keeping on them I have never heard another  word and it's still there and I know Shawn had his   men go out and see it and said yes it is dangerous  but he can't do it because it's not his problem so   would if you could have Shawn call me back and give  me some numbers to call to the county is that who   I call the county that would that would be in my  I would appreciate that my guess is he's already   done that but yes ma'am we'll have him call you  back thank you I leave these addresses here or   uh sure you can if you'll give them to the clerk  she'll record them and make sure the right folks   get them thank you for your time thank you iiz we  did we did reach out to the county we're trying to   get it in motion and try and get it taken care of  um again you know our hands are tied with what we   can do but we we we're continuing to urge them to  get it done as quickly as we can they're going to   take care of it we're trying to get them to do it  I can't I can't make them get out there and do it   but I'm we're urging them as as as often as much  as we can well can I have a phone number so I can   I will gladly I will gladly accident waiting to  happen I'll get you some app numbers thank you   no problem thank you excuse me commission uh  approval of the minutes from the regular City   commission meeting of September 18th 2024 they've  been sent to the commission for review also posted   to the city's website any additions deletions or  Corrections approval second moved and seconded all   those in favor please say I I oppose like sign  and we'll show those passing unanimously we are   now on the consent agenda does any commissioner  wish to pull any item from the consent agenda   I move approval of the consent agenda second  seconded please call the vote Commissioner Tolland yes yes Commissioner Persis yes commissioner  Briley yes Mayor Partington yes would any   Commissioners like to comment on any of the  consent agenda items Commissioner Sargent   thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to comment on uh P  the temporary Information Technology staff and   I think this it's great that we're moving this  forward and I think this um ties into what Mrs   bright was was talking about transparency updating  our technology our website our um social media   technology the chambers speakers so everyone can  hear see uh and find information more more easily   accessible I guess I should say um so I think  this is a step in the right direction for what   you're you're looking for and this was one of  my um initial platforms I ran on um two years   ago and it's nice to see that within the first  two years it's being implemented so thank you   nice Commissioner Persis yes I just wanted  to uh make a comment on item C uh I'm very   excited that you know we're replacing this Main  Force main Crossing and expansion and we are   increasing our reclaimed water system to new  customers I think that's great for our city   so just want to comment on that and good for  the environment and good for the environment   that's right absolutely Commissioner Tolland and  mine is just a general comment I had um reached   out to staff I was just a little concerned and  questioned why we quite a few items we were um   voting on for a soul source provider and you know  theoretically that I felt that that was wrong   that we should always bid things out for  a higher ticket item but I was told and I   agree that in this is a very special most of  these were very specialized services and it   it just made sense to um do it that way so I just  thought I would just point that out perfect thank   you Commissioner and I think a lot of people  agree with you obviously we like to bid when   we can there's just certain areas uh where there's  no other product that will work and so we're stuck   this is the right way to do it we advise it we let  people know right give people the opportunity   to come and say oh we found this other person  that's doing it you know they're in California   but maybe you should think about it whatever  the situation um but that's the right process   to follow so Joyce thank you and your staff for  doing that and thank you for for bringing it up   I just wanted to comment on uh K the contract with  Crowder Gulf I'm so proud of staff for making sure   that those contracts are in place so that you know  we dodged a bullet this last week with the storm   uh that came through and caused so many problems  on the west coast and up in Western Carolina and   we didn't have to have a contract in place but uh  when it's in place and you have an event and these   folks know that we need them we've paid for them  uh we're solid in our ability to uh perform on the   contract and they'll come to us first versus  cities throughout the state who don't have a   contractor in place they their residents can wait  months for this debris to be cleared whereas in a   matter of days usually after the event our roads  are starting to be cleaned up already and it's   because of the forward-thinking work of staff to  put these contracts in place with reputable firms   and I'm I'm grateful for that so that's all I had  Commissioner Persis yes ma'am I just wanted to add   on to what you were saying um one of my residents  called after the storm and we did have a few trees   down for I don't think anyone got too much damage  but that tree was re was removed within 3 hours I   mean that's how quick everybody works so um these  people couldn't get out of their street but they   were able to get out in three hours so that's  just wonderful what a tribute to our workers   and our staff thank you great than thank you and  if there's nothing else on the consent agenda   we'll move to public hearings I'll open the public  hearings and we'll start with 8A ordinance number ORDINANCE NO. 2024-26: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, DISTRICT AND GENERAL REGULATIONS, ARTICLE IV, CONDITIONAL AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION REGULATIONS, SECTION 2-57, CRITERIA FOR REVIEW OF SPECIFIC CONDITIONAL AND SPECIAL EXCEPTION, SUBSECTION (37), HOUSES OF WORSHIP, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, BY AMENDING THE CONDITIONS FOR HOUSES OF WORSHIP; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is the second reading of ordinance number 2024-26. Please call the vote, Commission Sargent yes Commissioner Persis yes Commissioner Briley yes Commissioner  Tolland yes Mayor Partington yes 8B ordinance   ORDINANCE NO. 2024-27: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE “BRADFORD LAKES” SUBDIVISION, SHOWN WITHIN PHASE 4 OF THE PLANTATION OAKS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is a second   reading of ordinance number 2024-25 read by  title only thank you I don't have any cards   on this second reading either I move approval of  ordinance number 2024-27 second rud and seconded   any discussion or questions I'll just say uh  I appreciate that we put these in the public   hearing section and do give our residents  a chance to speak on them I notice a lot of   governmental agencies put these on consent and  people never have the chance to even comment so   that's a trans transparency measure that our city  goes through and I've always been proud of that uh   if there's nothing further please call the vote  Commissioner Persis yes Commissioner Briley yes   Commissioner Tolland yes Commissioner Sargent  yes Mayor Partington yes 8C ordinance number ORDINANCE NO. 2024-28: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE “BRADFORD PARK” SUBDIVISION; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is the second reading of ordinance number 202 24-28 read by title only thank you I don't have any cards   move approval second we've been seconded any  discussion or questions please call the vote   Commissioner Briley yes Commissioner Tolland yes  Commissioner Sargent yes Commissioner Persis   yes Mayor Partington yes 8 D ORDINANCE NO. 2024-29: AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF “HALIFAX STREET” TO “CLIFFHAVEN COURT”, AND “MATANZAS STREET” TO “RIDGEHAVEN AVENUE”, SAID STREETS BEING LOCATED IN THE RIDGEHAVEN SUBDIVISION AREA; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL AND RECORDING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF VOLUSIA COUNTY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. an effective date this is the second reading of  ordinance number 2024-29 read by title only thank   you uh again I don't have any cards approval  second who've been seconded any discussion   please call the vote Commissioner Tolland yes  Commissioner Sargent yes Commissioner Persis   yes Commissioner Briley yes Mayor Partington yes 8e RESOLUTION NO. 2024-176: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND ISSUANCE OF A PUBLIC ART ORDER APPROVING AN ORIGINAL PUBLIC ART PROJECT TITLED “GREETINGS FROM ORMOND BEACH” ON THE WEST FACING WALL OF THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 200 EAST GRANADA BOULEVARD, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18, PUBLIC ARTS PROGRAM IN THE DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE PUBLIC ART BETWEEN THE CITY AND MDSS, INC; ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF PUBLIC ART FROM MDSS, INC.; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is resolution number 2024-176 read by title   only thank you and uh I will ask our planning  director Steven Spraker to speak briefly on this item excuse good evening Steven Spraker planning  director this is a request for public art   within our downtown overlay District the  property is at 200 East Granada and the   mural is planned on the Western Wall uh the  swillerbees doughnut shop is located right here   the uh public art went to the Ormond Beach  Art District board and they had a healthy   discussion as was included in the minutes um they  suggested some changes to the second o and to the   last D and the applicant and the artist agreed to  it so they' they've made some change based on the   Art District board both the property owner and  applicant are here as well as the artist the Art   District board unanimously recommend approval  and staff is also recommending approval thank   you Steven any questions for Steven Deputy Mayor  Briley actually not a question Mr Mayor but just   more of a comment yes sir um I got to say this  is probably one of the neatest looking murals   I've seen I love how it incorporates the the  history of our of our city into the mural and   uh kudos to uh Mr Sing The Artist thank you yep I  loved it too uh Commissioner Persis yeah I just I   just think I don't know the audience I just blew  it up on my on my iPad it's just amazing I know   it's up there but I just love it and I agree with  what Deputy Mayor Briley said I think it's so so   representative of our city I think it's fabulous  and I'm so excited to see it displayed thank you   Commissioner Tolland yeah I just reiterate what you  all said but also what I want to add is the fact   that it did go through our um not our but the Arts  board and and that's why we have advisory boards   they they provide good valuable input and those  changes that were suggested make sense and um so   I'm really proud of the process and I really do  like the fact that it's very inviting and it does   add to the charm of our downtown area so thank you  Mr Selby for doing that I appreciate it absolutely   and Commissioner Sargent thank you Mr Mayor and  I'll be last I guess but Kudos uh Commissioner   Selby this is a great uh addition in your building  looks fantastic after the severe damage that it   sustained during the last hurricane and I'm sure  you're obviously happy to have it up and run it   and and this is just a a welcoming addition thank  you thank you uh Dwight Selby 200 East Granada   Ormond Beach um Travis we miss you as a tenant you  used to be a tenant in the building and um well   first of all I just want to say thank you to uh  Randy Hayes because um I had this concept actually   when I was sitting in that chair so it's been  three or four years ago that when it first came   up with the idea which is not an original idea  you see murals like this all over the country um   however our mural ordinance prohibits words and so  Mr Hayes came up with the license agreement public   art process and uh so the city will actually own  this artwork and they're licensing you know you're   we're licensing the space we're going to pay for  it and uh we're creating it at your um at your   discretion and uh under your guidelines so we're  very excited to do it we hope that a lot of people   will take pictures in front of it and they'll  post it on social media and a lot of people   will say wow I wish I was in Ormond Beach instead  of uh shoveling snow here in Chicago or Michigan   or wherever they're from so thank you very much  appreciate it and um my the artist Sean Johnson is   here I was going to ask you to introduce yeah Sean  if you stand up and of course he was great job   approved by the arts district that's part of the  process the artists their work have to be approved   by the arts district and um uh he's committed to  begin uh producing the artwork uh very shortly   within a week or 10 days so hopefully we'll have  it done soon thank you and I just want to say   Commissioner Selby I could I see this on not cards  postcards I mean I see it can go on mugs I mean I   just see this going viral so it's going to be so  exciting who gets Randy who gets the licensing   right oh so yeah oh well thank you that's great  thank you appreciate it have a good evening you   too right May other discussion I'll move approval  second moved and seconded any other discussion   please call the vote Commissioner Sargent yes  Commissioner Persis yes Commissioner Briley   yes Commissioner Tolland yes Mayor Partington yes  and we will close the public hearings move now to   reports suggestions and requests starting  with city manager Joyce Shanahan thank you Mr   Mayor um first of all I want to remind you that  probably don't need to remind the mayor but um Tuesday October 15th is the mayor's last meeting  and so uh we wish you um great success Mr Mayor   and we're going to miss your leadership here  and um uh you were instrumental in in hiring   me here in the city of Ormond Beach and I just want  to say thank you for that thank you best decision   I ever made one of them um top five um from  the home office way on Wednesday uh October I   mean November the 6th the meeting will be moved  um to Wednesday um due to election day so octo   November 6th is our meeting date in the first  meeting in November and then Tuesday October   19th uh that's the new Commission's oath of  office and general organizational meeting   and we'll send those dates out to you just so you  so you know no um as you know we had a fire in the   PAC shortly after it opened but we're down through  the home stretch right now the carpet drywall and   paint and Concession areas are all nearly finished  the upgraded fire system is being finalized and   the decorative touches like the art Rail and  donor wall are under construction we remain   on track for an opening in November and shows  in early December so we're really excited about   that um co-ed youth basketball will be starting  uh you can contact the Leisure Services Department   for registration or you can register online movies  on the Halifax um will be Friday October 4th and   that's in concert with trunker treat I believe is  that correct so um that features Haunted Mansion   um at Rockefeller Gardens um the trunker treat  it's free for everyone there is is sponsored   and has been annually the idea of reality Pros  assured and they are sponsored again this year   so we're really excited about that uh Tuesday  October 15th is Once Upon A Story Time this is   an enormously popular program it's free for our  children ages four and under and you can enjoy a   short story and um and a snack and just have some  they usually do a craft as well SPAC is extremely   limited so please call ahead um lastly and  certainly not least um uh commissioner elect   Kristin Deaton called me uh earlier this week and  asked how can we help with um donations for um   the hurricane relief effort and I explained that  the city usually allows um not for profits to step   up in that role and so she um got together with  Main Street her and uh Michelle U pavala and uh   they donations can dropped off at Ormond Main  Street Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m.   to 5:00 p.m. or by appointment with Becky Parker  monetary donations can also be made via venmo at   kdeaton3 and 100% of these donations will be used  to purchase goods for those in need we will be   accepting donations through 10/18 with with a team  headed up to North Carolina so some of the items   that they're looking for are cases of water  non-p perishable foods toiletries diapers and   wipes towels chainsaw clothing blankets cleaning  supplies and sleeping bags of course monetary   donations are also accepted you know there but  by the grace of God go we we've been uh hard hit   with some storms here but the devastation I think  in in the Carolinas and Tennessee was certainly   beyond what anybody really expected up there and  it's a critical situation we do have a few staff   members that have had family members affected up  there and so we just ask you that you keep them   all in your thoughts and prayers and I can answer  any questions that you may have thank you tonight   Joyce commission any questions for the city  manager thank you very much thank you all right   Assistant City Manager Shawn Finley brother have  a good night thank you City attorney Randy Hayes   tonight thank you thank you Randy and tonight we  start with I've got it here Commissioner Persis   Oh I thought it was commissioner I thought it  was Commissioner Sargent gee but that's fine   Save The Best For Last oh that's right Save  The Best For Last that's exactly right well   good evening everyone um I just have a few  comments for this evening um I wanted just   to say also say National Night Out last night  was absolutely fabulous great crowd lots of fun   DW out there I are you are you like sick of  making hot dogs say you were really involved   with those hot dogs but it was just a great event  and it does seem to get better every single year   so that was just wonderful um I also wanted to  um uh say Joe Daniels thank you for being here   haven't seen you here in a couple of weeks or a  couple of months so it's nice to see you sitting   in the audience good good to see you and um I'm  so excited um Commissioner elect Deaton thank you   for getting involved in these donations it's  wonderful and I already talked to some people   and a a friend of mine that's a dentist they're  already don't they're going to be bringing 15   toothbrushes and toothpaste to you um at Ormond  Main Street to you all so that'll be awesome so   and there'll be a lot more coming I know that  but great job great I'm so happy that you're   doing that there are there is such devastation  up um in Tennessee and North Carolina so that's   just wonderful and then I have I have a couple  of requests um with with staff so If my first   one is um uh gentleman Tom Fitzgibbon who lives  on South St Andrews has again questioned about   the traffic or speed bumps or something and  I didn't know Shawn where we were with that we had   we had commissioned one of our consultants to take  a look at our craft cing plan we just got A draft   copy of their evaluation so we're in the process  of reviewing that I'm hoping to get through that   review and and and make some constructive changes  to our our our traffic coming program um we'll   bring it back to you all to make sure that we're  all on the same page and then as soon as we can I   think that that that group is one of the first  ones we'll want to you know address address   okay wonderful thank you I'll let Mr Fitzgibbons  know that's wonderful and then my last um I have   a request for the commission and I was hoping  that we could um uh you know look at the tennis   courts that we have you know right up the street  on Granada that are so popular these days I mean   the tennis courts there have been there a long  time their clay courts are wonderful tennis is   a great sport um it's pretty much free you  get great exercise you're outside in the   fresh air and you you know have camaraderie  with your your teach teammates and it's just   a wonderful um you know sport for all ages to  participate in and I was wondering we had some   speakers here last week um I believe her name  was let's see um what is Alicia Alicia Simmons   and I was hoping that maybe we could help direct  them to do a race a Daytona Beach um uh racing   and Recreation facilities District request  and have help her contact Barbara Kelly who   in charge of that because I think it's something  that we really need to work on for our citizens   so many people are playing there they have so many  more teams they need showers they need um a place   where they can you know change and then walk down  our streets go out to lunch just you know be part   of the City visitors even play out there so I was  hoping we could um talk about that real quickly so   I also spoke with um trishna uhuh and suggested  you know because this is this is similar to I   think the city leases Trista leases that property  please correct me if I'm wrong um and then she   runs her business there so it's I think it's our  obligation as a city to to maintain that but um I   talked her about the racing district and when we  did vadner Park and we were partnering with the   city you you kind of do that as a private citizen  and and you you do that grand thing it's not a   really difficult no application um she just needs  to do it right and the next one comes up I think   January will be the next time January you know  I don't think it's fair for us to ask staff to   write it no I wasn't asking staff to write it but  just to get the guide help guide her and just all   of us you know be in agreement that's something  that we are in favor of them doing and anything   we can do help if she reaches out to Barbara  Kelly she Barbara will hold her hand through   that process and tell you exactly what to do right  um anyway I believe if I'm correct that staff has   to because staff has to apply for it because  they are not a nonprofit so I think there's do   do you know that an I don't know that but we'll  be happy to reach out to Barbara and to trishna   and help them through that process we're not going  to write the grant but we'll just point them in   the right direction no absolutely not no thinkable  have been not for profit but I just don't know the   details so i' have to talk to Barbara Kelly okay  good well thank you all I I appreciate appreciate   that very much and that's all I have this evening  I hope everyone has a safe evening and be and uh   good night thank you Commissioner Deputy Mayor  Briley thank you Mr Mayor I'll be brief um   I will echo the sentiments of Commissioner Persis  regarding National Night Out it was a great event   um and Mr Mayor you mentioned the same thing uh  it was great our our fine folks in uniform Captain   Smith saw you you and Chris Mason give out hot  dog saw saw Captain Roos out there and of course   a lot of our other um City staff volunteering  for that it was great to see everyone and it was   just another a great event um Commissioner Tolland  and the mayor and I had the uh had the honor   of attending the Halifax Health lunch today at  Halifax Hospital which was very very informative   um a lot of the stuff they discussed uh kind of  hits home with the the mayor Partington with with   his wife and myself um but it's just fantastic  hearing the news about how they're teaming up   with UF Health in the cardiovascular and uh uh  cardiovascular and aneurysm uh field it was just   really really good to hear and it gives gives us  a lot of uh gives us a lot of promise of the the   medical facilities we have here in in the greater  Daytona Beach area and uh finally I do know that   and I think uh Miss Shanahan touched on it you  know next meeting is uh our mayor's last meeting   and uh we're going to miss his leadership of  this city commission well Bill we want to thank   you obviously for the the great you know 20 plus  years you put in on the city commission and uh   we appreciate you thank you thank you apprciate  it Commissioner Tolland I'll let Travis Sargent   go before me because he was last last time I'll  be really nice go ahead first last time oh wow   you do want to say the best for last I guess uh  thank you Mr Mayor uh echo um National Night Out   was great but in the next year can we work on  getting grilled hot dogs instead of boiled hot   dogs um I know am not in charge of hot dogs I know  uh Captain Smith does not like boiling hot dogs   even though he does a fantastic job just grilled  would be a little bit better um I'll leave that   one alone uh the Nova baseball fields are in great  shape we've been out there a lot lately when the   rain has not been present and um just the comments  that we get of the condition of the fields thanks   to Commissioner Tollands leadership on adding the  dedicated millage rate for leisure services and   and having that applied this year to redid those  fields look forward to Hope hopefully having some   tournaments and bringing um outside people into to  enjoy our facilities um the reports I know Miss um   brght about the reports they're not a year behind  they're only a couple months behind on the the   website I looked um June of 2024 was the last  one just a little correction for the record um   excuse me I also saw at the county yesterday and I  believe on Daytona Beach's agenda is at uh Avalon   Park they're approving the traffic plan for that  development so I think we need to see where we   are providing water sewer where the city stands on  that I just maybe an update coming forward because   I know that it seems like this project is it's  it's a go um and then in the future I know that   last week we bid out or approved the insurance and  saved the City money on that large contract and   potentially next year maybe look at Yellowstone I  know as the mayor said it's certain ones you have   to be careful on because you don't know what  vendors are out there however the Yellowstone   contract is approaching $2 million and I think  that large of a contract maybe it is time to   maybe explore I mean they do a great job but maybe  we just need to to to look at that option for our   residents to make sure that we're we're getting  the best deal that for the taxpayers money and   and my last thing is that October 1st the new law  went into into place where it is now illegal in   Florida to sleep on sidewalks in parks on beaches  or other public spaces um so just wanted to let   everyone know with that I'll say good night  thank you, Commissioner and Commissioner Tolland,   thank thank you um so a couple weeks ago they  had the coastal cleanup um all around and I um I   think some of of you all participated in different  ones I was up at Tom Rennick Park and um I was just   really amazed that what I picked up the most were  those little plastic straws to juice boxes they   were absolutely everywhere in every seaweed thing  there was so you know there's there's nothing we   can do about it right now but to educate um  but anyway I thought that was an interesting   observation baseball field fields are absolutely  gorgeous played tennis up at the Nova and driving   in my daughter hasn't been there in a while looked  over and said wow these things look great so kudos   to Leisure Services for getting those done and  just how beautiful they are um congrats to the   police department for all their promotions and  all their swearing ends I what I wanted to just   say mostly was that I really applaud the whole  Police Department for creating an environment   of of a caring family atmosphere and it's very  evident when you go to these functions and you're   and each officer is lifting up sometimes in a very  sarcastic comical way but they're still lifting up   each other and you can just tell that they really  care about each other um National Night Out was   amazing I think the venue of Rockefeller Gardens  as opposed to Nova was is the right choice and I   hope that that continues over at Rockefeller was  spread out nice um I will come back so this Friday   is the heartwalk and I do want to thank those that  have donated to the American Heart Association I   know and I'm going to give you a free pass to  all of those that in your heart really wanted   to walk but I also know that we have conflicts  and schedules um we have the trunker treat um   with the community night out um hosted by Pros  um and I'm sure there's other events going on   so I'm personally going to give you a free pass  to not walk that night and but if anybody wants   to walk that night um I will meet you at the um  after you go through there's the entrance exit   where the beginning and the end of the race is I  will be there and I will walk that with whoever   shows up you can always make donations anytime  um on through the American Heart Association um   tomorrow I mean not tomorrow I'm sorry Saturday at  9:00 a.m. at the EDC Volusia County um particularly   Troy Kent will be celebrating native plant  month which is November um so I'm really glad   that he is embracing that and bringing attention  to native plants and also an update that um   planning department and uh Cara our landscape  architect is um accepting public input on round   two of their landscape ordinance changes and that  will be held at 2:00 on October 8th in room 103 so   if anybody is interested in um the updates or has  information they want to present or comments they   want to make this is when the public is invited  to make their recommendations and I really applaud   staff for going through this process ga Gathering  the public input and you you have those that are   environmentalists speaking as well as developers  that may not be as much environmentalists to Crazy   Commissioners to everybody else and they're  they're taking all of our input and um are   going to come back to the planning board and then  to us later in the year or actually beginning of   2025 I think so anyway thank you for the process  and thank you and everybody have a good night   thank you, Commissioner and Commissioner Sargent,  had one more announcement completely I don't know   how I forgot it there's a fishing tournament for  the kids Saturday I'm sorry Robert I can't believe   I forgot that and I I'm hoping the Sargent  boys take first place which one is is this   the river this is one of the river okay thank you  awesome um thank you all I think you you pretty   much covered everything the heartwalk I can tell  you we have started a massive search in my house   for the t-shirt that you gave me Commissioner Tolland  I know I have it somewhere uh I'll give you a pass   we will find it and I'm going to try to be there  um and then you brought up realty Pros they do an   incredible Community Appreciation Night that's  Friday evening and that'll be a huge crowd as   well um National Night Out I think I pretty much  covered that at the beginning of the meeting just   incredible spirit there and seeing the young  people interacting with our police officers and   firefighters that's what it's all about really uh  making those introductions um I saw one young lady   I think she's 15 interested in in law enforcement  uh and Engineering at that age anything's still   possible I guess but she took one of the younger  officers in the department took the time to talk   to her a little bit about what's involved in uh  becoming a police officer how you can get involved   with the cadets all the different programs that  we have and so I was thrilled to see see that the   the community involvement the businesses that  came out and supported the event Outback was   giving away entire free meals I was blown away  by that healthy as well um so yeah it was it was   really wonderful and then Deputy Mayor the um event  today and Commissioner Tolland was there as well from   Halifax we're lucky to have incredible healthcare organizations in our community whether it's   Advent or Halifax but uh Dr feaser uh Robert  feaser who is a vascular surgeon spoke about   the complex aortic aneurysms that they treat  in a way that is non-invasive you know people who   normally would be in the hospital for a week or 10  days and then go home and take six to n months to   recover before they actually felt back to being  themselves uh are home the next day after having   the non-invasive surgeries that's incredible  Dr kanana who's an incredible cardiologist uh   spoke as well and then Dr Bender Who is a  uh Chiropractic and pain management doctor   focusing on using nonopioid ways to treat people  and prevent pain uh really really impressive   Halifax is our community hospital if you will  and the amount of personable and professionals   that work there is just uh wonderful for our  community you can go to their website learn   more about all the different things that they're  doing they have some incredible state-of-the-art   equipment that very few hospitals in the entire  nation have and how Halifax has it so it was great   to learn about that and thank you to them for  offering that and thank you commission for being   able to be there to uh to experience that and with  that uh we are adjourned thank you all very much