##VIDEO ID:GJx7onDMGBg## 11:02 a.m. I'm going to call this  special meeting to order at this   time if you can silence your cell  phones and electronic devices be great today we had uh our planning director Steven   spraker and Senior planner  Sarah Motes serving as greeters today we secretary Taylor Lochert city clerk  Susan Dauderis Deputy Mayor Zone one commissioner   Lori Tolland good morning zone two commissioner  Travis Sargent good morning uh zone three   commissioner Kristin Deaton is not attendance zone  four commissioner Harold briley city manager Joyce   Shanahan good morning and we have our assistant  city managers we have Claire whitley and Shawn finley and today we have the  assistance City attorney Scott McKee and we have our police chief Jesse godfrey and deputy chief Nathan  you go and I'm mayor Jason leslie at this time I'm going to call Pastor Al  um to do invocation on Greater Grace Chapel stand   together first of all behalf of all the clergy in  town I'd like to say thank you to our legislators   and our First Responders for your service and I'd  like to think that if you feel a little dose of   strength every now and then it's every Wednesday  when we meet I head up the local group we pray   for you all we just want thank you so let's pray  Heavenly Father we thank you so much uh for the   opportunity to be here today Lord I just want to  pray for uh these legislators and all here this   morning I pray in this special session that you  would bless them give them wisdom knowledge how   to serve our citizens here in Norman Beach better  we thank you for that Lord and we look forward to   also not only to today but to 2025 and we pray  Lord it would be the best year that we've ever   had here in this city and may we place uh those  uh who are residents here above our the interest   of our own of ourselves and we thank you for that  Lord so uh as it's been said to serve man is to   serve God and so I thank you for these servants  this morning we pray your blessing upon this   session in Christ's name amen amen if you turn  your attention to the flag and join with me in   the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the  flag of the United States of America and to the   Republic for which it stands one nation under God  indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you so we're on line four now and I don't sorry  we go line four now U I don't have any cards okay   so no cards we're going to move on to the next  part uh Now open up for public hearings and city   clerk please read the title for resolution number  2024-27 resolution number 2024-217 a resolution   making a finding pursuant to section 1961 1978  subsection 3 Florida Statutes based upon the 2024   shimberg Center for housing studies annual report  in to not exempt certain properties located within   the city of or Beach from Ador taxation under the  live local act subject to that finding providing   for the preservation of existing exemptions  authorizing the execution of all documents   incidental there to and setting forth an effective  date this is resolution number 20242 read by title only see Mr spraker can you speak on the item please  sure uh good morning uh Steven spraker planing director   this is a resolution regarding the Live local act um  this Act was passed in 2023 um the ACT preempted   local governments for Lon zoning regulations  regarding zoning density and height for the   provision of affordable housing to commercial  industrial and mixed areas it also provided tax   exemptions under certain conditions um provide a  75% tax exemption for um properties that provided   housing at 80% to 120% of the area mediate income  and then it provided a 100% tax exemption for   those uh properties that provided 80% or below the  area uh area meeting income so it provided some   exemptions from both city taxes and County taxes  in 2024 there were amendments to the live local   act and what that did was it provides an out out  op out provision for those properties providing um   the 80% to 120% um of area medium income and that  was determined based on the shimberg report that's   performed by University of Florida per the statute  a resolution has to be adopted by the taxing   jurisdiction and approved by super majority um  by January 1st and also provided to the property   prer by January 1st so there is um a very tight  deadline the shimberg study came out on December   16th um what it showed um was that the 80% to  120% there is enough affordable housing within   blushia County there's still a deficit below the  80% so that 100% tax exemption would still apply   to those properties um the city doesn't have any  act or projects that are seeking to utilize the Live   local act no one has been in discussions with staff  but uh we believe as other jur jurisdictions have   done this is a prudent thing to do to uh help  protect your your tax revenue if you do have a   project like that staff is recommending approval  and available for any questions commissioner briley   Mr mayor I don't have any statements or anything  like that I think this is a good thing especially   was not crazy about said original and I would  make a motion that we go along with second okay   any other discussion sorry any other  discussion no City please call vote   commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent  yes commissioner briley yes mayor Leslie yes yes I'll now close the public hearings so now  we're going to go to the point six and I'll   move on to staff and commission report suggestions  and requests starting with City manager Joyce Shanahan   good afternoon so even um thank you for agreeing  to me today this we apologize for the short   timeline on this um initially we weren't going to  be able to opt out and the fact that the county   study came back and supported it for all of volusia County I think most all neighboring cities have   um also adopted this so I think it's a protective  measure for our community and we appreciate you   doing that I have nothing to offer except to say  um best wishes for the new year and stay safe and   I'm happy to answer any questions thank you Joyce  uh assistant city manager Claire just happy New Year   thank you Happy New Year assistant City manager Shawn Finley  happy holidays as well happy holidays uh assistant   City attorney Scott uh just happy New Year thank  you okay and this morning we'll start with uh   commissioner briley thank you just want to wish everyone  happy New Year hope everyone had a great Christmas   just a quick question I guess we probably Sean  any word back yet from have you FDOT regarding the   little the mob outs at the intersections of like  St B Street and the are they scheduling those to   be removed it's my understanding that all of  those have been scheduled to be they they have   at a minimum are reviewing each and every one of  those I believe that they've already removed a   few of them I'm pretty sure that all the rest of  them are um we'll take a look at what's what's   remaining after the first of the year here um and  make sure that they that they are all navigable   um and if they're not navigable we'll make sure  that they I know that the one at A1A was certainly   one of the key ones the one at us one was was  another one that I think was was the heartache   and I believe that the one on Halifax that there's  some trouble for the public publix traffic so so I   think that I think that all of them are being  being um chocked up as being maybe good design   ideas that didn't translate well into the field  and were and and we're getting those take care so   believe they're underway got they may want to look  the one too review the one at Beach Street for   right over here at the foot of the bridge because  it's it's started up pretty good already so yeah   I'll make sure we take that's all thank you thank  you commission Briley uh Deputy Mayor right well good   morning everyone just um really want to thank  staff for working so efficiently and so quickly   on this you know having a January 1 deadline  when you get a report by December I think it   was 16th you we said that that during the holiday  season um was a lot and I'm very appreciative of   that of you you are always looking to protect us  um appreciate it and just want to wish everybody   else a very happy New Year looking forward to  2025 thank you deputy mayor uh commissioner sargent   thank you Mr Mayor I just want to say thank you  to staff for putting this together as well but   also for these microphones for the technology  that we can hear think the audience can hear I   mean this is pretty high tech here the chambers  will be done for hopefully our next meeting you   peek in there there's no chair January 7th wow  that's all I have thank you and happy New Year   thank you commissioner sargent and I'll close  by saying uh that I am a preach of Staff who put   this together I remember Joyce called me and  I said oh we got little very little time but   we got we got together and good job so uh U but  I hope everybody has a uh Happy New Year I hope   you all had a great Christmas and uh we'll  see you uh next year meeting aour thank you