##VIDEO ID:L6sIy21po_4## the August 20th 2024 regular Ormond Beach City  Commission meeting to order it is exactly 700   p.m. on Tuesday August 20th election day 2024 we  like to welcome everybody and thank you uh for   being here I hope you felt welcomed when you came  in uh by our economic development director Brian   Rademacher and our city engineer Alex Schumann who  served as our greeters tonight uh introductions   we always take a moment to introduce the folks who  are sitting up in front of you to my right your   left we'll start with our recording secretary  Taylor Lochert next is our city clerk Susan Dauderis Zone one commissioner Lori Tolland good  evening everyone glad you're all here our zone   two commissioner Travis Sargent good evening and  welcome to my left and your right are zone three   commissioner Susan Persis good evening ladies and  gentlemen and welcome and then we have our Deputy   Mayor and zone four commissioner Harold Briley good  evening everyone and welcome next is city manager   Joyce Shanahan assistant city manager Claire  Whitley yes and then down in front also assistant   city manager Shawn Finley and then uh City attorney  Randy Hayes way to to my left and way to your   right police chief Jesse Godfrey and fire chief  Howard Bailey for those of you listening online   I'm Mayor Bill Partington if you would please  silence your cell phones at this time and uh we   will have the invocation if you'll please rise for  that given by Pastor Jamie Hartsgrove from Calvary   Christian Center invocation to be followed by the  Pledge of Allegiance thank you for the opportunity   I want to first thank uh the mayor Commissioners  city managers and leadership of the city first   responders on behalf of Calvary Christian Center um  our staff and Pastors in the many great churches   in this community we are here for you uh we're  are praying people our watchmen on the wall we   believe in the power of prayer and moves things  we have your back um we're here for you anytime   you need us um I just want to let you guys  know that so let's pray dear heavenly father we   come before you right now we just thank you so  much for this great nation this great state and   this great City we come before you with with  a heart of gratitude for the leadership in   our city the law enforcement the First Responders  those who sacrifice every day for our freedom and   our safety we thank you for the leadership for  their yes they didn't have to do this but they   gave you uh gave us and you their yes Lord to to  rise up Lord God and to lead our city give them   Godly wisdom give them Godly support Lord God we  just pray more than ever we need you to move in   the hearts of our people we plead the blood of  Jesus over this city over this community we pray   a hedge of protection over every law enforcement  officer every first responder every leader Lord   God we thank you for our great mayor and their  leadership that he gives to our city we need you   more than ever and we need your protection and  your safety we pray for the the protection and   safety of our schools over everyone that that  calls Ormond Beach home and we just come come   into this room tonight and give Godly wisdom  give wisdom to every word that's spoken every   stroke of the pen every note taken and give  these leaders and and these commissioners   and all the mayor and all this leadership in this  room wisdom tonight and everything that's spoken   Lord we just pray um for protection and wisdom on  on their behalf Lord God and we just pray that we   have the greatest year in this community Lord God  we pray for Unity and safety and we pray for your   will to be done not our will but your will to be  done in this meeting and in our city in this great   nation in Jesus name we pray amen amen I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to   the Republic for which it stands one nation under  God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music]   all right this is the uh special  time of the meeting where we get   to make some recognitions we have a lot  of uh special people in our community uh   people who do incredible things and we  take a moment to honor them at the uh   beginning of the meeting often times and  so first off I'd ask Fred Heyne to come up you sure if you don't know Fred you're missing out  he's an incredible individual and um recently   suffered loss Ormond Beach suffered a loss and that  was his wife uh Captain Judy rice and so we did   a proclamation to honor her which Fred is here  to receive uh uh and this is just a cliffnotes   version that I'm going to read to you if you uh go  to the obituary online and read about the amazing   life that Judy had you'll just be blown away she  really was an incredible woman uh and she found an   incredible husband in in Fred so let me read read  through this whereas born on January 17th 1953 in   Columbus Ohio Judith Anne Rice affectionally  known as Captain Judy exemplified a vibrant   spirit and determination that drove her to become  a leading figure in aviation and education and   whereas Captain Judy broke barriers for women  in aviation pioneering stem education science   technology engineering and Mathematics and serving  as a role model for countless individuals through   Innovative teaching methods and her commitment  to igniting curiosity and engagement in these   fields whereas her profound contributions to  Ormond Beach include establishing think Global   flight in 2008 and founding a flight training  enterprise at the Ormond Beach airport in 2020   enriching the community and advancing Aviation  education locally whereas her impactful work   with the young Eagles program the National  Coalition for Aviation and space education   and various Aerospace organizations demonstrated  her dedication to inspiring and educating students   about STEM subjects and whereas the think Global  flight project supported by notable figures such   as Dr Buzz Aldren and Dick Routan reached  over 20,000 students globally highlighting   the importance of STEM education and inspiring  many particularly young girls to pursue these   fields and whereas Captain Judy's Legacy is  honored through numerous accolades including   the state of Minnesota Governor's certificate  of commendation the VL Larson award and the   medal of Merit by the Air Force Association  Along with a scholarship established in her   name at Epic Flight Academy her passing is deeply  felt by her family friends students and loving   husband Fred now therefore I Bill Partington  mayor of the city of Ormond Beach Florida do hereby   declare August 20th 2024 as a day to remember  Captain Judy rice in the city of Ormond Beach and   urge all residents to honor her remarkable  life and profound Legacy congratulations [Applause] [Applause]   let me just well hi everyone thanks for coming tonight  okay you know um uh before I moved down here from   Jacksonville four years ago Judy and I knew each  other for for years up there I worked on uh I was   chairman of the Aerospace Academy up there and  I met Judy was our speaker at different events   that we would have and then uh then I decided to  move I moved down here to Ormond Beach because of   some other issues I had and Judy and I started  flying regularly you know with her beloved plane   Chuck I think I think that was a picture of up  there but by the way that picture right up there   that's Judy and I on Christmas Eve I asked to  marry me she said yes but anyway um I just want   to tell you a few more things about Judy the  story of Judy rice starts with a little girl   observing a woman standing on the wing of an  airplane Judy Judy uh covered what would look   like it wonder what it would look like to fly  an airplane she asked her parents to help her   in that Quest and they told her that girls don't  fly airplanes they said she needed to be a school   teacher and for many years she was a ESC teacher  however the desire to fly continued to burn in her   while continuing to teach she also took flying  lessons and eventually became a licensed pilot   as a pilot Judy flew to numerous countries and  and also became a flight instructor um I know   many times we when we were traveling and things  like that we always remembered where we came from   and I tell you this she was an amazing woman if  you've had the opportunity to meet her consider   her real really nice because she was a great  person I know there several other people right   here Gordon and his wife are here but uh  it was it was just a fantastic time it'll   be uh three weeks this Friday night that  Judy passed away and we were there with her this is hard for me but I know that I know  that Judy's in a better place right now so and   I do appreciate all the all the care and loving  that I've had here so Judy Judy actually wrote a   book and she finished this a couple weeks before  she passed away and if you ever have a chance   it's on uh you mind me give it a little it's it's  on Amazon okay put it and it's a wonderful book   it gives all the tells about all the things that  happened in her life there she is that beautiful   girl up there that was Christmas and St Augustine  okay thank you Bill thank you Fred yep thanks all [Applause] [Laughter]   all right and then continuing the  theme of some amazing people in   our community I'd like to ask the  Ormond Beach MainStreet crowd to come [Applause] forward all right Ormond Main Street has  been doing some incredible work for the   past I don't know how many years uh 29 thank  you it's really been uh an incredible amazing   addition to our community and they do so much  and I'm not sure everybody realizes what they   do but I'm going to read a little bit about  it right here and the recognition that they   received as a result of that where Ormond Beach  Main Street has been named the Florida Main   Street program of the month for August 2024  by Secretary of State Cord Bird recognizing   its contributions to revitalizing and enriching  the Ormond Beach Community over the past 30 years   and whereas the program's efforts have led to  over $17 million in Investments nearly 1,700   new jobs and 173 new businesses enhancing  the historic district in organizing major   annual events and whereas Nancy Cortez a valued  member of the Ormond Beach Main Street executive   board has been honored as the Florida Main Street  volunteer of the year for her outstanding service   and Leadership over 15 years including her  role as president from 2020 to 2023 whereas Nancy Nancy's Been instrumental in organizing  major fundraising events like the taste band   Celtic Festival and Riverfest she established  the volunteer program and currently leads its   efforts managing over 100 volunteers Nancy  also participates in the tours offered by   the Ormond Beach historical society and whereas  Taies Franka owner of art Spotlight has been   recognized with the business owner of the Year  award for her passionate and Vibrant Community   spirit standing in for Taies tonight is Thomas  Caffrey not an artist but an aspiring aspiring artist   that's right uh taes has profoundly enriched the  community by serving on the Arts District board   painting the first downtown mural founding the  Orman Beach art Walk and actively participating   in Main Street initiatives her unwavering support  Creative Vision and commitment to mentoring local   artists has enhanced the quality of life in the  district now therefore based on of that I Bill   Partington mayor of the city of Ormond Beach  along with our entire commission do hereby   Proclaim August 20th 2024 as a day to recognize  Ormond Beach Main Street and these two remarkable   individuals and urge all residents to celebrate  their outstanding contributions to the community [Applause] congratulations just um yeah  just piggy back on that thank you um this   is a community effort it's a volunteer-led  organization um I am one of two staff members   and um everything that we do is possible um  largely in part because of our uh relationship   with the city and city staff members that um we  see all the time and make themselves accessible   and we just um we really value that so much  and then also just just to um say everything   we do is built upon what those who did before  us including um Mr Partington um senior Mr Bill   Partington senior who is a founding member  of um the organization and so um you know   30 years is a long time and it's because of  people like him that keep everything going so thanks he's one of my favorite board members  and I mean ours too hundreds of volunteers   tens of thousands of people that come to visit  Ormond Beach annually because of the events that   you put on that are so popular uh the jobs  numbers speak for themselves the economic   impact so much that's so positive for Ormond  Beach and anybody who's interested can can   get involved that's the incredible thing  about the Main Street program so uh did   you want to add something okay good let's get  let's grab a picture come on in Center us a have your all right congratulations [Music] All Right audience remarks I've got a few cards  and we will start with Debbie Krook Forester Ormond strong thank good evening everyone um I'm Debbie  Krook Forester Commander Ormond strong um we're   inviting you and our um great Community to join  us September 11th at 8:00 a.m. for a ceremony   and walk in remembrance of the terrorist  attack which took place on us soil in 2001   a wall of the over 2,000 victims will be present  as well as a timeline of the tragic events which   begin at uh 7:59 if you can't participate in  the walk please join us for the ceremony the   heartfelt ceremony um we will also have us  flags and first responder flags will be   provided uh and we're including an honoring of all  military veterans and First Responders and uh I   thank you for your time time please join us thank  you Ormond strong out appreciate it next up is Rhett Summerlot good evening I'm Corporal Summerlot  representing the bargaining unit members   of the police department through UPA local 6075 I  would like to extend my gratitude to The Honorable   mayor the members of the city commission city  manager Shanahan and her staff on December 1st   2023 our department experienced a profound loss  with the passing of Corporal Mike Bakaysa despite   the somber circumstances chewy inspired us  to address an oversight at our pension plan   which we were able to rectify with your support on  behalf of UPA I express our sincere appreciation   for your unwavering commitment to enacting the  recent changes to the police pension system your   dedication to the welfare and security of our  officers and their families is deeply valued   and will have a lasting positive impact on our  community the modifications to the pension plan   are a significant advancement in recognizing  the service and sacrifices of our officers   this important adjustment not only improves the  financial stability of our members and their   families but also reflects the value you place  on their ongoing dedication to Public Safety   your collaborative approach and understanding  of the unique challenges faced by our officers   have been crucial in reaching this Milestone  we appreciate your willingness to engage in   constructive dialogue and your responsiveness  to our concerns throughout this process we   look forward to continuing our partnership  with the city commission to further advance   initiatives that benefit both our officers  and the community we serve thank you once   again for your steadfast support and  commitment to the men and women of the   Ormond Beach Police Department thank you  thank you thank you next is Eva Connor McMullan mayor Partington and Commissioners I  am Eva Connor McMullen I am the 2024 chairwoman   of the Ormond Beach Chamber of Commerce and I'm  also been a Ormond Beach resident for 46 years   on behalf of our board of directors and staff we  wanted to thank you for your continued support of   the Ormond Beach Chamber we are fortunate to  have such a wonderful relationship with you   all and the city staff your support of our local  businesses is so important and your participation   at our events throughout the year is greatly  appreciated your input is also so helpful when   planning our leadership programs will be launched  in leadership Ormond Beach class 21 in the spring   of 2025 and we'll be launching class three of our  youth leadership program in September as you know   this program was designed to empower the class  participants to become future Community leaders we   look forward to educating our high school students  about the many opportunities that or beach has to   offer additionally our Rob Ritter scholarship  program is reaching High school seniors more   than ever um in may we awarded seven students  with $1,500 scholarships and since the chamber   created this program back in 2015 we have awarded  over $53,000 in scholarships to our seniors so we   are looking forward to our continued partnership  for the upcoming year and under chairmanship of Mr   Eric Palasio with plan to prosper um again we  thank you for your continued support thank you and then Connie Colby good evening Connie Colby one wait Robo  Lane Ormond Beach um on Monday night I think you're   doing something about what's going to be happening  starting for up to 2045 looking for ideas as to   what will be coming up I know a lot of you people  were born here I was not I was not lucky enough to   be born here but we've been coming here since 1986  maybe some of you weren't born yet um I'm trying   to think of in those days of the kids in New York  were given winter breaks in February so everybody   left the state of New York and came down this way  um after we were here about three years we decided   this is where we wanted to be but we couldn't come  down here and live on welfare so we couldn't come   right away okay when you're thinking about what's  going to happen in the future we have I won't be   here for sure but um I like to think that the kids  who are coming after us will have an opportunity   to know what we had here and just thinking of  this city I was trying to write down some notes   of what makes this a place for me to remember  and it's like the old hotel which is gone now the bridge The Bridge City Hall the library the  police department the beach the old hospital   um billies the Anderson building Main Street  which we talked about um and I would like to   know that you're not going to throw out the baby  with the bath water um so anyway thank you and   good luck on Monday night thank you Connie  all right uh the minutes from the August 6th   20 24 regular City Commission meeting have been  sent to the commission for review also posted   to the city's website any additions deletions  or Corrections move approval second all those   in favor say I I oppose like sign and we'll  show those passing unanimously uh the consent   agenda action uh proposed is stated for each  item unless a commissioner removes an item uh   a single motion would approve all items does any  commissioner wish to remove an item commissioner   like to pull items B C and G please Mr Mayor  I move approval of the consent agenda oh oh   I'm sorry commission I would like to pull  7N as a Nancy okay I move approval of the   consent agenda minus B CG and N second  moved and seconded uh please call the vote to yes commissioner Sargent yes  commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley   yes mayor Partington yes 7B RESOLUTION NO. 2024-123: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF THE CITY’S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND, SERIES 2024 IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING $2,500,000 IN ORDER TO FINANCE CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF THE SERIES 2024 BOND; AUTHORIZING A NEGOTIATED SALE OF SAID SERIES 2024 BOND TO WEBSTER BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; DELEGATING CERTAIN AUTHORITY TO THE MAYOR; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN TERMS OF THE SERIES 2024 BOND; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE SERIES 2024 BOND, SUCH SERIES 2024 BOND TO BE A LIMITED OBLIGATION OF THE CITY PAYABLE FROM A COVENANT TO BUDGET AND APPROPRIATE FROM LEGALLY AVAILABLE NON-AD VALOREM REVENUES AS PLEDGED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS AND SECURITIES OF THE OWNER OF THE SERIES 2024 BOND; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS AND TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER CERTAIN DOCUMENTS; MAKING CERTAIN COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PURCHASER OF THE SERIES 2024 BOND; APPOINTING THE CITY AS PAYING AGENT AND BOND REGISTRAR FOR SAID SERIES 2024 BOND; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is resolution number 2024-123 read by title  only thank you and I do have one card uh Jennifer bright good evening I just have um a couple  questions and well more concerns in this financial   climate I really don't feel the city should be  taking out more bonds we have quite a few bonds   out already but one of my questions being you've  stated not to exceed $2.5 million but even within   your documents you only plan on borrowing 2.3  why is there such a large difference $200,000   the amount of your uh cap and your financed  amount the interest rate at 4.29 is High For This   time this uh climate if we' had done this maybe  when the markets were better and interest rates   were down it'd be a different story things  are climbing we have prepayment penalties   on this loan most people with a financial  aptitude don't look for pay uh pre loans   with prepayment penalties and that's usually a  sign to stay away from them or maybe wait till   the climate and the finances get better to look  at something else um as far as the uh different   things it really didn't go into what you plan on  actually spending except that you want to replace   your Centrex system um I know most big telcoms  that I retired from example they just went to   cell phones they did away with centrax they did away  with phone systems they went to sales it's a lot   cheaper voice over IP um I think there's a lot  of options until the finance climate gets a lot   better to spend our money on and put the city  in a position to uh default thank you thank you absolutely let's uh next one first let me look  real quick here believe that's the only card I   just need a motion in a second for discussion  I move approval of resolution number 2024-123   second moved in seconded and commissioner  Sargent thank you Mr Mayor and I did ask um   Kelly Maguire our finance director about this  and if I if you don't mind if I can just read   her response for the record so the community  can hear uh prior to issu issuing an RFP for   financing we consult with pfm who specializes  in Municipal financing we discuss the various   options for financing is interest rates cost of  issuance Etc before determining the best course   of action the bank loan bond model that we are  using is the best method for these two borrowings   as a municipality we get a lower interest rate and  have more we have some flexibility in negotiating   other terms combining the two find I asked if we  could combine uh resolution uh I'm sorry B and   C so this is where this is going on the next  item combining the two financing uh isn't an   option the structure of each is a bit different  more importantly TD Bank has the low bid on the   water and the next one uh Bond and we negotiate a  slightly reduction from their original proposal TD   Bank however wasn't interested in the technology  uh financing for many banks the smaller issues uh   aren't worth their efforts as for the prepayment  penalty on the technology issuance we can't it   can't be reduced just because of the size of  it the financial institution has to obviously   recoup their funds this is a standard term  on these smaller issues uh so the banks can   ensure they make their minimum profit and that  that was directly from our finance director   Kelly McGuire so thank you any other uh comments  or discussion commission city manager Shanahan   I just want I just wanted to clarify that we  are going to a Voiceover IP system we have the   old regular uh AT&T Bell South kind of system so  that's the whole idea behind the um phone system   thank thank you any other questions or comments  please call the vote commissioner Sargent yes   commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley yes  commissioner Tolland yes mayor Partington yes   7 C RESOLUTION NO. 2024-124: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $13,000,000 IN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ITS WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BOND, SERIES 2024, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN ADDITIONS, EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY; DETERMINING CERTAIN DETAILS OF SAID BOND; PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY OF SAID BOND; AWARDING THE SALE OF SAID BOND TO THE SUCCESSFUL PROPOSER FOR SAID BOND; APPOINTING A PAYING AGENT AND REGISTRAR FOR SAID BOND; AUTHORIZING THE PROPER OFFICIALS TO DO ALL THINGS DEEMED NECESSARY IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF SAID BOND; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. is resolution number 2024-124 read by title  only thank you and I do have one card Jennifer Bright thank you once again there are more bonds  I don't think the city should suspending and um   this particular bond an example the original  resolution dates back to 1988 they've been   adjusting and B getting more bonds to pay off  existing bonds and and financing more money   and building uh based on the data within the  agenda packet it appears that we still have   six outstanding Bonds on the water and  um sewer package and they want to take   out another one um it appears roughly over  about $27 million in existing bonds already   out um outstanding I don't think we should  be borrowing more money until maybe we pay   off some of the bonds we already have thank  you thank you commission um that was the only   card that I had this is 7C I move approval of  resolution number 2024-124 second moved in second   any other discussion or I do have one question  Mr Mayor questions commissioner Sargent thank   you Mr Mayor on the 6 million that we're  borrowing for the State Road 40 water main   and forcemain is that going to be so we  can provide water to the Future Avalon Park that's one of the projects that will be  served by that it also is going to help with some   of the other projects that are out west including  Hunter's Ridge um creating some some additional   looping of the water mains to um get out to those  those Far West projects so will any of that money   be able to be recouped from either the developer  or from the city of Daytona we we've done some   Proradic calculations that show what portion  of of that that those utility Mains are will   be contributing or what what portion of Avalon the  the Daytona Beach projects will be contributing to   this and so yes there should be a an opportunity  to recoup that through some impact the type code   thank you that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you uh  so we've had a motion and a second um I think it's   important to note Mr Mayor too that we're required  to provide the water to those areas to Avalon Park   and Hunter Ridge but I glad to hear that we're  going to get some of the money back on that so   thank perfect and I would just ask you know we  have an award-winning finance department the city   fiscally runs in an amazing manner year after  year after year if there wasn't a good reason   to use bonds I don't think we would be using them  so Joyce or Kelly can you give a little background   on why you would use Bonds in a situation like  this so using bonds for these larger projects   particularly Water and Sewer is is really standard  operating procedure and the reason for that is   these three projects and all the projects that  we have issued pass bonds for are projects that   are going to last 30 40 50 years right so it isn't  fair if you will for the existing residents to pay   100% of the cost of that when they may move out at  a certain period of time and someone else moves in   so these bonds basically structure over the course  of the useful life of the asset and everyone pays   whether you're here now whether you move in  in 10 years whether you move in in 15 years   years so it's pretty standard to do that thank  you any other questions or comments commissioner   Sargent I just would like to say thank you  to Kelly and and staff because y'all do do an   amazing job with the finance department so thank  you thank you for answering the questions I have   good deal if there's nothing else uh please  call the vote on 7c commissioner Persis yes   commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes  commissioner Sargent yes mayor Partington yes   s uh 7g RESOLUTION NO. 2024-128: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A PROPOSAL FROM BURGESS & NIPLE, INC. TO PERFORM A SAFETY STUDY ALONG THE NORTH HALIFAX DRIVE CORRIDOR; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A WORK AUTHORIZATION THERETO; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. give a brief background and then we'll go to  commissioner Sargent um North Halifax Drive is   one of the is probably one of the most frequently  requested um corridors in our city for for for   looking at from a safety perspective uh We've  identified it as as as such and we' like to take a   look at it um speed um four-way stop conditions no  passing zones what we can do to make it safer and   what we can do to make sure that we're optimizing  and utilizing that that that roadway as best as   we can if I if anybody has any questions thank you  any questions for Shawn is this a County Road this   is this is not a County Road North Halifax has been a  city street for probably at least two decades okay   what are we trying to achieve I'm just you know  we're spending $46,000 on a study and I'm just   it's a lot of money for a study and I was trying  to get back to where I was I do apologize and um   some of these items that are in this proposal I  feel like our amazing staff could do our Police   Department could tell us um just having a tough  time spending $45,000 of taxpayer money on items   I feel like we could probably do in house no I've  put this slide up here this this this kind of give   some bullet points of what we're doing we're  going to evaluate All The Pedestrian Crossings   one of the one of the big ones that we're going  to take a look at is there's a crossing that   we've got a lot of requests from people at  the Heritage getting getting over to public   um going to do speed studies at five intersections  turning movement counts at the major intersections   four-way stop analysis uh no passing zone analysis  for the entire Corridor um they're going to R   review the crash data um do a safety review  the item is not covered above and develop some   feasible and appropriate solutions and and the  reason why we're using a consultant here is and I   wish that we had staff you know enough staff to be  able to do some of these things there's there's a   number of um surveys that need to be done there's  a number of evaluations that need to be done in   order to make any any change we need to have a  a full study to be able to back that back that   up to be able to meet the meet the requirements  of the Federal Highway Administration man young   uniform traffic control devices um and show that  we're doing that so you know I realize $46,000 may   seem like quite a bit of money but I I think that  for what we're getting here we're getting a pretty   comprehensive look at this entire Corridor and  you know I to to get a consultant to come in and   have a meeting with me is probably about $10,000  these days so this know we're really reflecting   the the cost of of of bringing in qualified  professionals we're bringing in Burgess & Nipel um   we've gotten to know them a little bit they're  the they're the engineer records on the on the   um improvements that are occurring right now on  eastn West Granada Boulevard they're a national   firm with a local presence um they've got a  good feel for it we we've talked to them they   made some good recommendations and improvements  for what we can do here through the downtown   really you know North Halifax is one of those  roads again that we've gotten a lot of request   over the years from our residents and we really  want to pay it the attention that maybe you know   I hate to say that maybe staff can't quite pay  isn't isn't qualified to to to do that amount   so not that we don't have the qualified staff I  really want to bring in some experts who can take   a look at it and bring some innovative ideas in  to hopefully make it a better roadway commissioner   Tolland yeah I just want to just let the commission  know that I have received multiple um requests for   an evaluation or for for speed controls for stop  signs for anything on North Halifax due to safety   uh most recent one was just two weeks ago so I  am in favor of the study I hate to spend money   needlessly as well but I do um think that this is  very valuable to have and my only other question   and I don't even know if this is I don't see in  the scope but would it include um a sidewalk study   as well for that area as as part of The Pedestrian  safety or no one other the things they'll take   a look at pedestrian safety they may make some  recommendations we're Limited in where we can do   sidewalks and I think that one of the big places  we've heard sidewalks requested over the years is   that first couple blocks up to Oceanside and we're  really constrained with the amount of rideway we   have there through Publix and through the post  office it makes it very challenging to to make it   safe and and that's one of the reasons why we've  had a hard time getting some of the people from   from the Heritage across and we encourage them to  to use the the crosswalk there at at at at State   Road 40 um and hopefully with the improvements  that they going on now some of those things   will be resolved but um you know safety safety  pedestrian safety is certainly one of the one   of the big things we're keying in on thank you all  right we'll go back to commissioner uh Sargent   and then we'll hit the left side thank you Mr  Mayor and I will be voting no on this for um just   I I understand that we've had a lot of residents  ask for for this but I go back to the basics of   um having officers writing tickets I you know I  I think back when I was in high school you knew   that if you turn on John Anderson you did not do  26 miles an hour because officer Champion was on   his motorcycle and he would write you a ticket he  wrote his own mother a ticket I remember that from   20 some years ago to me that's more effective than  putting in a speed bump I just think that we're   we're spending money on studies to do something  when we really should go back to the basics of   writing a ticket informing the public and then  maybe if that doesn't work then maybe we we go   to this route but right now um I'm just to  no on this Mr Mayor just for those reasons I   understand there's a safety issue I know we lost  a resident up in this area but until we have our   law enforcement writing the tickets and and going  back to the basics I just I can't see spending   $45,000 thank you Mr Mayor thank you commissioner  Persis and then Deputy Mayor Briley no I just I   don't know if I have a maybe you can answer this  but I have you know a similar situation it's not   a long as long a road but on South St Andrews  in my zone and there's been some you know many   many complaints about that through you know one  particular individual so my concern is if we   approve this and what about those people are going  to feel like they've been slighted too because   they didn't get you know a study so that's that  is my concern I I am all for safety and the cost   doesn't bother me as much as the being equal  to everybody so that's a concern that I have   to say that and that's one of the things that  that that we're kind of hoping to to to to set   a little bit of President here is is is working  through this very challenging Corridor that has   a lot of challenges that has a lot of different  things that are are complicating points that are   obstacles that are hazards that we want to want to  take a look at this um we want we'll take a look   at some other ones there's there there's there's  other roadways that are easier to do South South   St Andrews is is is probably one of those um we're  working to to get through a and and bring back an   improved traffic calming program to to to you for  for your review and approval I think that's one   that we can review inhouse through that traffic  calming program as I said I think that there's   a lot of complications with this North Halifax we  want to get it right we want to we want to have a   good Corridor that a lot of people travel down it  is a it is a major collector and so there's a lot   of there's a lot of vehicles that travel this one  there's a lot of vehicles that use it as opposed   to coming down A1A as coming opposed to coming you  know traveling north and south on John Anderson um   we we really want to respect the number of  vehicles that use it as well as the number   of people that live on that corridor who have to  interact with those vehicles and so I think that's   why we're recommending doing this this study to  to try and you know get it right and make sure   that we have a good corridor for everybody who  uses it and those who live there Deputy Mayor Briley   thank you Mr Mayor um this kind of hits close  home with me because this is kind of my will   is what I did for 20 years for Volusia County and uh  commissioner Sargent it helps you out at all um   the city of Ormond Beach as far as I know does not  have the staff capable and not to take anything   away from our staff but they don't have the  expertise in the type of studies you're looking   for for this type of traffic study you want  something that's going to be signed and sealed   by a traffic engineer um if you can put up the  the previous slide that shows the different types   of studies I mean um we don't do four-way stop  analysis in the city we don't do turn movement   counts as far as I know speed studies we don't do  um a lot of Crash data review a lot of that stuff   done by the county um Daytona Beach as I say is  the only one I know of that has a full traffic   engineering uh as far as City and Volusia county  has the only traffic engineering uh staff in Volusia   County so and and commissioner Persis I I I fully  appreciate what you're saying this is a little bit   different because as Shawn says this is this is  a major collector Road in the city City where   South St Andrews is a local Road Local street so  it's a little bit different classification but   this is something you really want to have traffic  engineering experts come in review the data use   the manual of uniform traffic control devices  the it manual um this is just one of those that   you really want to you know $45,000 is a lot of  money but you want to make sure it's done right   and again it's something that's got to be signed  and sealed by a traffic engineer the last thing   we need to be doing is putting up you know to  to start doing four-way stops and that type of   thing um I've never been in favor of political  stop signs because they don't hold up in court   you need a traffic engineer to sign sign and seal  those things and recommend their placement so for   that reason I I don't have any uh uh difficulty  with this one thank you thank you and commissioner   Sargent I agree with all y'all I think that you  do hire qualified people to do these things but   I think you do that after you do speed traps or  after you do law enforcement I think we're jumping   the gun here we're going straight to a study let's  go spend money and have someone else do something   we have great Law Enforcement Officers they could  go out and run tickets let's do that for a couple   months let's see where the problem is then let's  build the study based on that information not have   a consultant tell us what our problems are I'm  just I'm still a no on this and I understand and   I respect all of y'all but I just think we're  jumping the gun here by going to a study when   we should just go back to the basics thank you  Mr Mayor thank you and uh I'm a yes primarily   good arguments on all sides but primarily the  description a couple months ago from the woman   who heard the thud of the Ormond Beach resident's  body getting hit on that road haunts me uh you   can go back and listen to it I don't like that for  anybody in our city as a mayor you never want that   to happen if you can prevent it and so if a few  dollars spent here can prevent that from happening   there in the future or any other collector Road  maybe we learn things with this study that we can   use on other collector roads that that are Ormond  beaches that's the bad part is this is all Ormond   Beach we don't have the county or the state to  look to to help with this and these projects are   expensive um there's just no way no way around  that so I will be supporting this tonight yeah I   would imagine that the police department probably  has a list of how many citations on that road   you know recently that might help as well just  add to that um one of the one one of the things   that that traffic company will do is they will they  will take those collected um traffic citations   um they'll use to state crash database and look  at those and try and not just um aggregate of the   entire corridor but try and pinpoint those issues  that there there are some of the the some of the   higher issues that where people are more prone  to to speed where people have had more accidents   where they have had more citations and so um for  good bad and other it may show us that there that   there are places that people perceive a speed  speeding issue and then there's not but I think   that at the end of the day we're going to come  across as as as having a pretty good guide book   of what we can do to make North Halifax a safe  road for everybody I don't mind making a motion if   you'd like did we have a motion or were we still  in discussion forgive me all Susan no motion all   right just need a motion I would like to move that  we accept resolution number 2024-128 second moved   and seconded any other discussion please call the  vote commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland   yes commissioner Sargent no commissioner Persis  yes mayor Partington yes uh 7 n disposition item   titled Intent to Bid - Cassen Park Redesign thank you  and commissioner Tolland that was quick um and I   pulled this for um for the reason of a comment  and some questions and um first I just want to   um applaud Zev Cohen for a beautiful design  of Cassen Park um the design embodies the given   Direction uh that that the commission gave and  that was to coordinate and this this is just a   little background so I can ask the questions um  and those directions was to coordinate with City   Hall to include saltwater tolerant um plants that  survive flooding um include the Maol Palm which   is the our city palm tree to match our Ormond Beach  look and also to provide an aesthetically pleasing   iconic location um the commission later asked  Zev Cohen to to increase the percentage of native   plants as to showcase Cassen Park as a jewel of  natives in public places and that came after they   had their Direction um and the intent at that  point was to use a higher percentage of native   native plant material in design providing habitat  for our birds and critters thus providing more   resiliency and sustainability um after looking at  the landscaping design I had a few questions so I   was wondering if it would be okay if Dwight Durant  comes up to if you all would be okay with that okay good evening Dwight Durant Zev Cohen  Associates thanks a lot for coming to the   meeting tonight so um I I I have evaluated and I  also um had some input from from other residents   much smarter than me on some plant material that  may um and plant selections that were in that   design that may be a better choice using the right  plant right location um and also um wondering if   that would be a problem without delaying the  Cassen Park moving forward um and then I have   a couple more questions sure the simple answer is  yes until we build it we always have the ability   to change it okay all right and also part of that  discussion would be consider considering maybe a   pollinator planning area that attracts butterflies  bees Etc um and I just want to make sure that any   of this doesn't um delay the process right for  for the record uh Marquis Vladamore is the landscape   architect of record I've discussed this with  Jeremy Marqis uh prior to the meeting uh the   purpose of the agenda item now is get the project  out the bid just for a little background we're   doing things a little bit different here because  we want to accelerate the process and once it goes   out to bid uh it takes about four four months to  to select a contractor get them under contract and   we can do that when we make any uh any adjustments  I I was kind of kidding earlier I've never walked   out of here with a project that we haven't made  tweaks on it a later point in time so that's kind   of a long answer of sure uh we'll be happy to do  that we've got a pallet of plants and materials uh   there will be some adjustments to it uh the cost  may change it may change in the downward position   but uh as long as we get what the commission  and the residents want at the end of the day   right we can change the ink on the paper all the  way up to the point where we build it all right   thank you with no delay yeah thank you so the  reason I was just bringing this up is you know   we want to save our residents money and if we  know um ahead of time that a certain plant may   not last longer than a year it's not a pop plant  it's one that's supposed to live um because it   might be planted you know too close to the water  or whatever um I just was hoping that we could try   to save residents any cost in the future but also  you know make it as perfect as possible um I have   to say I this this is beyond my dreams of what I  was thinking was going to happen with Cassen Park   I was um as a showcase you know to to show what  native plants can look like in a public place it's   it's will be really amazing and um I'm just you  know I'm proud of this I'm I'm proud that we're   moving in this direction it is the trend across  the whole United States and I think Ormond Beach   is is at the Forefront of this trend so thank  you appreciate it thank you commissioner Sargent   thank you Mr Mayor I just would like to uh thank  Zev Cohen as well this is an awesome project   my only ask is that we can strive to get this  completed before July 4th of 2025 so that we can   have Fourth of July celebration in our new park  especially for Mr Ike Leary thank you anyone else   uh seven in just need a motion and a second move  second please call the vote commissioner Tolland yes   commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes  commissioner Briley yes mayor Partington yes any   Commissioners wish to comment on any of the other  consent agenda items at this time commissioner   Sargent like to comment on items E and F just  that exciting things happen out at the airport   with some remarking of the uh pavement and um just  some safety issues that I know some Pilots have   had out there and I just think this is exciting  that we're getting grant money and moving forward   with some some good projects out of the airport  thank you thank you anyone else all right we'll   move on to public hearings I'll open the public  hearings and we will start with 8A ordinance   ORDINANCE NO. 2024-22: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, DISTRICT AND GENERAL REGULATIONS, ARTICLE VI, OVERLAY DISTRICTS, SECTION 2-71, HISTORIC DISTRICTS AND LANDMARKS, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY ADDING THE PROPERTY AT 78 EAST GRANADA BOULEVARD, THE GARDENS AT THE ORMOND MEMORIAL ART MUSEUM, TO THE HISTORIC LANDMARKS LIST; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. second reading of ordinance number 2024-22 read  by title only thank you Susan I do not have any   cards this is a second reading second moved  and seconded did you get that yes perfect all   right any other discussion please call the vote  commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes   commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland  yes mayor Partington yes 8 B ordinance number   ORDINANCE NO. 2024-23: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE PETITION OF ORMOND CROSSING WEST, LLC, FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 190, FLORIDA STATUTES; CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE ORMOND CROSSINGS WEST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR NAME, POWERS, AND DUTIES; PROVIDING DESCRIPTION AND BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING INITIAL MEMBERS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. number 2024-23 read by title only thank you I I  do have a card from the applicant if needed uh   but otherwise appr approval o second perfect any  other discussion please call the vote commissioner   Persis yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner  Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes mayor   Partington yes and Mike thank you for being here  just in case yep eight C ORDINANCE NO. 2024-24: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND ISSUANCE OF THE SECOND AMENDED DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS “PLANTATION OAKS”; AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL LIST OF USES TO ALLOW WAREHOUSE, INDOOR MINI-RENTAL AS A PERMITTED USE UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; AUTHORIZING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL PARCEL LOCATED AT 1730 PLANTATION OAKS BOULEVARD; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. setting forth an effective date this is the first  reading of ordinance number 2024-24 read by title   only thank you and I'll ask our planning  director Steven Spraker to speak on this good evening Steven Spraker playing director this is  a request for a plan development Amendment um this   parcel was part of the overall Plantation Oaks  project approved in Volusia County once annexed   into Ormond Beach the city took the County's  approval there is a neighborhood commercial   uh piece along plantation oak Boulvard which is  located right here on the screen this would be   the entance to the Fountain View Phase 1 a the  amenity Center would be located right behind the   neighborhood commercial when the applicant did  the site plans um there's already a variety of   uses allowed commercial um offices restaurants  they had issues with the parking calculation and   the amount of parking they could provide one  of the options that they came up was to do uh   the warehouse indoor man rental only on the second  floor so they could still make use of that second   floor and still meet the parking calculations this  was the site plan that was included in in your   packet this is the building of about 25,000 ft the  parking behind it Landscaping in front and this is   the entrance the amending Center again is behind  it the planning board reviewed the amendment and   recommended approval with the certain conditions  the applicant is here to address the commission   if there are any questions thank you Steven  and I do have a card from the applicant Parker   Minchenberg if anybody has any questions move approval  second any other discussion please call the vote   commissioner Briley to the restroom the bathroom  commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes   commissioner Persis yes mayor Partington yes thank  you and we are on 8D RESOLUTION NO. 2024-133: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND ISSUANCE OF A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW OUTDOOR ACTIVITY TO INCLUDE THE PERMANENT OUTDOOR STORAGE, DISPLAY, AND SALES OF MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWES HOME IMPROVEMENT STORE LOCATED AT 1340 WEST GRANADA BOULEVARD; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. date this is resolution number 2024-133 read  by title only thank you and I'll ask planning   director Steven to speak on this item good  evening Steven Spraker this is a request for   a special exception at Lowe's out Outdoor Center  property is located at 1340 West Granada Boulevard   as shown on the map it has a commercial zoning  basically where the store and the parking is and   special environmental where they have uh tree  preservation and their storm water system in   2012 there was a site plan that was approved that  allowed certain outdoor storage um under our Land   Development code you allowed to do outdoor storage  provided that you get public hearing approval that   public hearing approval was very specific in the  location shown in the hatches here in the um red   rectangles of where the outdoor activity was  allowed um earlier this year they were found in   violation by the special magistrate as exceeding  what was allowed under the 2012 or resolution so   their solution was to expand and to alter the  approved location of their outdoor storage this   would be the front of the store located here  on the screen they would maintain the outdoor   activity that the basically sale of plants and  materials along front they're also seeking um   to allow outdoor storage to the side the project  was developed into Volusia County and it has an   excess of parking so the parking calculations that  required in the county far exceed what's allowed   in the city from a parking perspective there is  no issue with them using these parking spaces one   of the key issues through the special magistrate  was where the outdoor storage was occurring they   had Place sheds in front of the store so one  of the things that the applicant proposed was   an 8T 8' 6t High screening uh fence wall here so  that would screen all the equipment the planning   board recommended that as one of the conditions  of approval that the the no material would be   higher than the screen so the applicant's  proposing to maintain the the storage along   the front and then to allow the seasonal display  of their Mulch and other Garden sheds on the side   this is um a picture of the existing uh outdoor  storage this is the garden center the fence um   would match the garden center and be um opaque  so you could not see through it here's another um   angle again the front storage this would be where  the the fence goes and no outdoor storage would   be allowed in front of that the planing board um  did recommend approval with the conditions that   are in your staff report the approval was  5 to1 and the applicant is here to address   the commissioner if there any questions thank you  Steven any questions commission for either Steven   or the applicant Deputy Mayor Briley yeah M thank  you Mr Mayor I'm just a couple observations one   um I was on the planning board when we approved  the outdoor storage at Lowe's and um also came   to the planning board meeting when this was  being discussed and um I had noticed probably   about three or four months after we approved  that of the outdoor storage violations if you   will that were occurring at Lowe's um I didn't  say anything I thought maybe they'd kind of be   corrected on their own um subsequent trips they  would be taken care of some of the stuff would   be inside the lines I don't know if you know  someone was called or what happened uh during   the the planning board meeting I did hear that  there were over the years have been changes in   the management of the staff at Lowe's and I just  don't think you know when when whenever you're   whenever you're given something like this from  the city um I don't really buy that as an excuse I   think that's one of the first things you tell your  new manager is Hey listen we have outdoor storage   out here and it's important you stay within the  lines because if we violate this it can be taken   away um it seems to me and I'm not sure with the  way the sheds have been out there for years and I   don't ever recall us approving anything like  that for the outdoor display of the sheds um   I'm glad to hear that they have plenty of parking  spaces in their parking lot that they exceed what   the city would require as far as the amount of  parking my thought is you know maybe it's time   they expand the building and enclose the garden  center and put some of the stuff in there and   fence off the rest of the parking lot make that  make that the garden center I don't know I just   you know and then put your sheds out there I just  think um you know for far too long Lowe's has kind   of abused their outdoor storage um permits that  we've allowed them to have and um I don't think   you know whatever we do tonight they can have  their storage but as far as I'm concerned nothing   should be seen from the street not the plants not  the lawnmowers not the grills nothing thank you   thank you Deputy Mayor commissioner Sargent and  then we'll go commissioner Persis thank you Mr   Mayor what is on the back side of this property um  they environmental um preservation and storm water   so this is um this is a self storage facility  located here and this is U special environmental   so there's Green Space there's storm water and  then Chelsea Place is located right on the other   side of the special environmental can Chelsea  Place see this at all from me from the backside   no um that that area is is pretty heavily wooded  it um not to my knowledge so I I'm kind of with   uh Deputy Mayor Briley on this you know I've had  several complaints over the years of the sheds   being out by a Granada the median not being taken  care of cigarette butts everywhere um what is the   process for a violation if they fix it they don't  have to go before a special magistrate right so   they chose not to fix it and come before a special  magistrate so the the notice of violation the way   the current ordinance or resolution is established  if there's two violations in front of the special   magistrate they lose the outdoor storage so when  they got the first violation they sought to have   enough time to go through an amendment process  so if the commission denies it it would go back   to the 2012 development order and they wouldn't  be allowed storage on the side and then if they   violate that twice as proven through the special  magistrate they would lose the outdoor stores   completely sure and and like Deputy Briley said you  know this excuse of change of management I mean   this is a Fortune 500 company I think they should  have better protocols than coming to the city   and saying using that as an excuse um I I I I'm  leaning more towards you Deputy um mayor Briley on   if we approve this tonight everything needs to be  behind that fence I don't want to see anything out   front lawnmowers grills anything everything needs  to be hidden from the from Granada um that's all   I have for now Mr Mayor thank you commissioner  Persis and then commissioner Tolland yeah I um I   drive by there all the time this is right near my  house and I just think it makes Ormond Beach look   terrible with all that stuff out in front and I I  think I'm I'm a no vote on this I think there's so   much room in that store that they need to either  rearrange it or add on to it so I agree with you   U Deputy Mayor I just don't like how it looks I  think it makes our city look look poor thank you   thank you commissioner to I guess I'm pigging  back on most everybody's thought my my initial   thought and was I I was at the planning board when  they did vote for it and and they said you know a   six or eight foot fence nothing to go above but I  don't know how these these um where did they call   sheds sheds thank you I'm sorry my words are not  there um you know they there's no way they can   hide behind a 8ft fence and when I went out there  I was like why can't that taller black fence that   they use for the garden center just be extended  around the front and I did talk to Mr posie about   that as well and and then you could have a lower  fence maybe on the sides with Landscaping if it   doesn't show anywhere else so I just think a  I agree and I do think it needs that the front   needs to be cleaned up as well I feel like I'm  at a flea market when I go to lowes and I go to   lowes probably every day so good deal well didn't  the motion that came to us from the planning board   included everything being behind a screen yes sir  there was a series of conditions and that was one   of them and that was included in this ordinance  yes sir okay and applicant is here to address the   commissional thank you all right Mr posie you're  up appreciate it thank you good evening Joey posie   420 South no attorney for the applicant and um I  I just want to start maybe giving a little of the   how we got here um you know part of um I think  that's important to understand is that Lowe's is   really trying to be receptive and do the right  thing once it came to light you know it wasn't   something that we instantly said well magistrate  make your decision and then we'll you know you   know whatever we'll live with the consequences  we we were trying to be very active from the   get-go on the low side of this to really addressed  the concern which I I they acknowledge they were   willing to stipulate at the the co-compliance  hearing so uh I think that's a little bit of a   unique situation here that that stipulation you  they they've said we said we're in violation so   that's your one strike you do it again you lose  your approval um you know that's one thing that I   think is a little bit of a distinction here when  uh you know it just shows really the commitment   that they want to do the right thing and and  again they I know it's it's it's not intended   to be an excuse there there's always of the guard  with these folks but the current guard wants to   make it right and I recognize I I'd hear from  the Commissioners that the frontage is really   what the key to this is It's the visual impact uh  and you know part of what we have here with the   engineer um is we've been looking at the frontage  Landscaping we want to bring that back up we want   to make sure it looks you know you have that curb  appeal that was expected from Granada you we're   also even willing to do the the fencing along  the frontage there for the garden center and and   I I recognize commissioner Tollands concern about  the height you know our our we're really focused   on trying to make sure that you can't see over it  that was the discussion at the hearing and if the   if for instance those sheds are slightly higher  than that 10 foot the 8ft well you got to go to   10 ft you know that's that's the goal here so if  that accomplishes the goal you know L is looking   to work with you the the 8 foot is really what  we believe that's going to accomplish it but I   understand if uh you know those those objects  are that high that that fence has got to be   that high because that's the goal here put it  behind the fence we're not looking to put it in   front of the fence um you know as to the frontage  uh of the building and functionally it will be the   same as it currently uh was approved under the  2012 plan um the only difference actually is I   think we've removed some of it outside of the  the fire lane that originally had an approval   and we're expanding what was the uh the plantings  that the rows of plantings for folks to peruse   and and really just uh you know have easy access  to them so uh we are listening and you know if   again if it feels like that there needs to be  some tweaking and some direction here then as   long as we have uh a little bit of leave that it  may take us a hearing we're happy to look into and   try to address those concerns Mr Mayor Deputy  Mayor BR and again Mr Mr posie and mru I mean   y'all are absolute professionals the management  of the store has nothing should not reflect on   y'all okay and my comments are not directed I  take the bullets for them there you go um but   I guess you know my my my point would be you know  I know they need you know at night they take the   Moors and they take the grills in because first  of all they don't want them outside where they   can be stolen and they probably want to get them  out of the weather too exactly uh because you know   we know that weathers and you know the rain and  lawnmowers don't really get along well so but I'm   I'm thinking you know yall are probably going  to want to at some point expand this building   to to keep that stuff inside because again I you  know you can put it behind the fence but again my   preference is at this point nothing outside the  fence no sheds no lawnmowers no plants no grills   no anything I mean everything needs to be behind  an 8ft fence where nothing can be seen storage   sheds nothing can be seen from Granada okay and  I appreciate it commissioner and and you know but   I think the hesitation I have is you know Lowe's  Home Depot uh you know you take your pick when it   comes to these Ace Hardware would even you can  argue does the same thing that there there's a   little bit of just a norm to coming to these type  of stores and having that storage out front and   if the goal is to accomplish the visual impact  understandably that maybe there's another more   creative way that we can do that if we're looking  at the the the Landscaping from Granada if we're   looking at this maybe from a uh you know from  the entrance and also that visual triangle we're   talking about uh those are the things that I think  that with some time here and working towards that   uh you know we can get some engineer to look you  know really dive into this and try to accomplish   what the what the goal is I think my part of  my frustration is had had it not gone on for   so long you know then then maybe the plants  and everything would have been okay out front   but at this point I just rather see everything  behind behind a fence understood commissioner   Persis yeah I I I was just going to say that  I mean how long would it take if you could   get everything inside and not and have everything  you know in and nothing on the side no sheds none   of that how long would that take you to do that  goodness I I I wish I knew that off hand I imagine   I don't mean to put you on the and we you know we  know Lowe's is a good we all love Lowe's I mean   everybody loves Lowe's and we love this Dracula  family and we love that but I have I do have many   complaints from residents that they feel like  it doesn't it just it's making our city look   bad with all this stuff out there so that's the  concern and I just want to know how could I tell   residents like how long would it take to maybe  make this look more appealing as you drive by um   well and and that's the hard part to do a little  bit on the Fly here but uh you know I do recognize   the which are where you're coming from and maybe  how we can accomplish it is some of moving some   of those pieces inside the store and I I really  would have to get some Lowe's feedback on this on   the logistics of you know I've never been to a  Lowe's that probably doesn't have something out   front of it so I I don't know what a store that  doesn't have objects out front of it looks like   uh but um but again if if it also like you said  that residential complaints of how it looks you   know how you know how it feels that maybe there's  ways that in their experience that they've seen   some success with that if we have the time to  go look at this that we can accomplish maybe   a better you know a more uh I guess goal oriented  plan that uh which you know again I was hoping we   were accomplishing at the planning board but  we are listening you know I I I do feel feel   that you are I just um I'm just not sure like  how how we can just let the residents know that   that you know this is going to be this is going  to be taken care of for sure because we we want   loads I it's not like we don't want the store  there but it's just so visible I mean it's just   right there everybody sees it you every goes yay  there's lowes but then you just see all this stuff   out there commissioner Tolland your other obstacle and  I haven't heard you mention it is the Christmas   trees in the middle of the parking lot there's  always been a big uh at least last year big area   walled off with Christmas trees and then they  have that solar sign and the middle and all   that um you know can that be hidden back there  or maybe they wouldn't do the Christmas trees   and all so I think you have a lot more challenges  than just us trying to cover it up with the fence   and my recommendation would be to come back to  us with a better plan um can I say something on   that because I agree with what you're saying but  I do think and to their I think they could get   a special permit a special outdoor permit for the  Christmas trees or for pumpkins or something like   that seasonal you know a short-term you know  outdoor per outdoor permit like and I'm not   opposed but I I know that it is a yeah you know  you don't want a permanent seasonal display no   right no no no no and that's and and just to speak  to that detail that's how it's handled currently   and maybe some maybe some fleshing out of that  detail would help as part of this in the overall plan so uh commission and Randy you may have  to help out here do we want to continue this   and bring it back or what's the best I'm  willing to do that I think that's a great   idea because we want to we want to work  with them yes that seems to be the will   of the commission is there a time certain or  just bring it back once um Steven May went   away on on the time certainty no um just I  guess whenever they work it out we'll just   re agenda it and if you just want to make  a motion to continue get a second to that subject to whatever sidebar is going on down  I move to continue item and I and I apologize   I was just having a sidebar because we do have a  date certain on the magistrate so I wanted to be   certain that we had time to address this concern  given that what does the magistrate State that's   that's we're tracking down okay could we delay  I mean could the magistrate hearing be delayed   Yeah well yeah you you you could give uh you  could give a a status update to the Magistrate   yeah and just advise uh the magistrate that  the commission has continued it to give you an   opportunity to present alternative plans and um I  think it's a reasonable ask I think the I I can't   speak for the magistrate obviously but I think uh  the magistrate would would give give difference to   that that works for me yeah yeah and then that's  fine I I suspect the same thing because the at   the magistrate we had the same understanding  that our goal is to work with the city so if   that's the same expectation I just hopefully we  receive the same treatment coming back to him is   there a second I'll second the motion second you  made the motion I think Susan made I make the motion   yeah I can't Move I can't second my own motion  true true all right uh please call the vote   on motion to continue commissioner Tolland continue  it the motion is to continue it yes yes thank you   commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes  commissioner Briley yes mayor Partington yes thank you 8e RESOLUTION NO. 2024-134: A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION 2023-193 THAT FOUND U.S. CAPITAL ALLIANCE, LLC, TO BE IN NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE AMENDED FINAL ORDER FOR THE ORMOND BEACH HUNTER’S RIDGE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT; FINDING U.S. CAPITAL ALLIANCE, LLC, TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMENDED FINAL ORDER; PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUATION OF SERVICES; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. uh rid you may recall that um um several weeks  ago uh the party's entered into a settlement and   a release and it uh set forth the order by which  certain um things were going to be done to resolve   the issues um Flager county has conveyed back the  um the public road easement that was a concern   to the city uh the uh developer has in turn  executed deed uh to the city in St John's with   respect to the conservation lands um the city and  Flagler County have um approved the interlocal   agreement um as agreed upon and um those documents  have been recorded and um this will be one of the   final steps uh to resolve that so what this does  is it essentially will resend the resolution that   was approved last October that found the uh us  kep lines to be in non-compliance with the uh   the DRI development order once this um resolution  is approved then uh the pending litigation matters   will all be dismissed as well and essentially  this will this acknowledges as well that US   capital Alliance is in compliance with the uh  DRI so that's in essence what you've got before   you and I would recommend that you approve  it thank you Randy I don't have any cards second second moved and seconded any uh discussion questions comments I just have a  comment yes ma'am I just want to um thank staff   and Randy and outside Council for their efforts  towards this resolution thank you please call   the vote commissioner Sargent yes commissioner  Persis yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner   Tolland yes mayor Partington yes and we will  close the public hearings and move to reports   suggestions and requests uh starting tonight with  city manager Joyce Shanahan good evening everyone   um just a reminder that your meetings next month  um are going to be on Wednesday as you recall   we're not permitted to have our budget meeting on  the same uh day of the week as either the Volusia   school board or the Volusia County Council so so the  meetings will be on September 4th and September 18th I would like to also report that Massy  construction has completed its resurfacing   work for 2024 um as you know one of those streets  that we added was um the one in front of um Tomoka   Elementary uh and I I give Shawn the credit for  thinking about that making sure that they had a   nice uh new road as they came into school um we're  working to finalize the uh repairs at the uh PAC   and once we do we'll give you a list for a new  or renew grand opening um and uh also uh report   that the real and fun uh fishing tournament  uh is scheduled for Saturday October 5th at   Bailey riverbridge Gardens I think this is the  fourth do we do four of those or three of those   we do the beach we do um three three we do the  park and then we do um uh the pier so we want   to fish you in each different water body so it's  it's really exciting and we always get a great um   feedback on that and great participation um it was  very nice um to have the police come here tonight   and thank you for your hard work on revising  uh that uh pension uh plan so that officers   the case this family can be fully protected I we  really appreciate that and I'm happy to answer   any questions that you may have any questions  for the city manager thank you very much thank   you assistant city manager Claire Whitley thank  you Claire and City attorney Randy Hayes thank   you thank you and tonight we start with Deputy  Mayor Briley thank you Mr Mayor um first of all   I'd like to say congratulations to Tomoka Elementary  school uh had a fantastic ribbon cutting there uh   week ago I guess was Thursday last I guess last  Thursday um anyway fantastic new school it's a   great addition to Zone 4 we're we're proud to have  them I know uh two two graduates of Tomoka elementary   school set up on the commission mayor Partington  and commissioner Sargent and I know they were   proud to see their their their new school um and  again thanks to Shawn Finley for making that you   know getting that old Tomoka road repaved that  was that was awesome it looked very very nice um I think most actually all of us were able  to attend the the Florida League of City's annual   conference uh this past week and weekend down  in uh Howendale Beach and one thing that kind of   stuck out to me is I went to I went to a several  workshops but one was um the Florida League of   cities did a workshop on the housing crisis facing  Florida and they looked not only at Florida but   also the the the entire United States and when  you looked at the map and they had little they   had circles on the map map had green circles that  had red circles some circles were big some circles   were small well when you look at Florida and  commissioner Tolland commissioner Tolland attended that   workshop with me as well if you look at South  Florida especially down around the Miami area   the dot was big and it was red and what that shows  is people are leaving that part of the state and   in fact the Little Red Dot I say the Little Red  Dot the Red Dot down in Miami was almost yeah it   was big and it was about the same size as the dot  in Los Angeles California if that gives you any   sort of you know comparison so the areas that are  growing Ocala Jacksonville Daytona Beach they're   moving here because the cost of living is lower  properties are lower people can afford to live   in these areas where they can't afford South  Florida any longer so what was interesting to   me as well was Jacksonville is actually a cheaper  and I knew this is a real estate agent but to   actually see it um in and you know outside of the  real estate market Jacksonville is actually it's   it's a lower cost of living live in Jacksonville  than Daytona Beach so it was interesting to hear   from a a Florida State University professor and  he t talked about the reason we have a housing   crisis in Florida is growth and when he talks  about growth he talks about it in two different   ways one is the amount of people coming into the  state which is a lot and the number of housing   units we have available which is not a lot so  his answer the housing crisis was more growth   well I'm not sure we're capable to handle a lot  of that growth along the coast if you look at the   coastlines of Florida that's where most of your  growth has been occurring middle of the state not   so much um maybe with the exception of Ocala but  it's something we have to look at um there was   also a former senator who spoke on this issue  and basically he said and he admitted that you   know as a state we haven't done a very good job  of preparing for growth but he also said don't   look to Tallahassee for any help now maybe you  do maybe you don't I mean Tallahasse has given   us a little local act so maybe we don't want their  help um so in any case it's just it was food for   thought it was a very interesting I thought it  was a very interesting uh Workshop um I'll let   some of the other Commissioners speak about the  the other workshops but uh you know do we have a   housing crisis in Florida yes but I don't think  there's an easy answer and the answer of growth   I don't think is is necessarily the the correct  answer maybe growth in other areas but I think   again along along our coasts along our coastlines  I think we're just about capped out so anyway with   that Mr Mayor I'll say good night thank you  thank you Deputy Mayor and commissioner Tolland   thank you um and I'll just start with with what  um commissioner Briley was just talking about I I   was very appreciative of the opportunity to attend  the Florida League of cities conference um and it   was an eyeopener um with that housing session and  it really validated what we are actually feeling   here the Impacts that we're feeling it was pretty  impressive to see it up on the slide you're like   oh there right um the two takeaways I had that  are different than that that is at one of the   sessions they were talking about technology and  all and I know we've we've committed to updating   our technology but this one um one suggestion  was actually doing YouTube for our commission   meetings so they're you know live I don't  know how we're we're going to be broadcasting our   um meetings through all the technology were  research but YouTube was what was suggested   and is I think that's what they're planning doing  is that what you're thinking great um and in any   of the town halls and all and the other thing and  you know what one of my pet peeves is always not   just native plants but you know mental health in  our city and um there is a crisis text line you   know all our kids they don't want to talk on the  phone they they don't look up things they text   and there's there's an option of this crisis text  line and I will say I have not done the research   on it but when it was presented I thought it was  a really cool idea that maybe we should look into   and you would just text Hello to a certain number  and then there is a counselor that will text back   and it's free so it's just something maybe and  I know it's not our business to be counselors   to Residents but I also feel like if the technology is there if we're updating our technology you know   mental health is huge mental illness is huge  you know maybe we should look into something   like that and if you all would like me to I'd  be happy to do some research or we can ask you   know maybe Jen with um public information to look  at those kinds of things and bring it back to us   if it's that's something you all are interested  and you don't have to give me an answer now but I   just thought I would just kind of seed your minds  with with some of that information um please that   um at the Tomoka ribbon cutting ceremony beautiful  school I was really jealous of um the creativity   and the thoughtfulness they had with their new  design at my first impression is where's the red   where's the Indian it was all greens and blues  and calming and what they did which I thought   was just and I don't don't know whose idea was  but it was most brilliant idea I've ever heard   was they Incorporated Tomoka state park into  the design of the school so the blues are are   the water the greens are the trees um it was  really neat and then they actually changed the   mascot to uh resemble Chief Tomokie um with his um  I guess it's Palm his bun his bun and then um   the feathers the I don't know if they were  feathers or Palm frons feathers feathers anyway   it was amazing it was it was really brilliant  and um I don't have all the final results but I   do want to congratulate any of those candidates  that have survived the primary election tonight   so thank you and with that I'll say good night  thank you, commissioner Sargent,   thank you Mr Mayor um first I'd like to thank  law enforcement for being out there at all of   our schools at the crosswalks and making sure our  students were safe this past week I don't know if   we can do anything for temple bethl I know that  their traffic has been backing up in the mornings um's there's two cars and the medians uh I see  them every day when I leave for work uh the paving   at not park on Melrose really was a I know we  had a resident complain or brought it forward   and next morning I go outside and Paving crew was  there to start Paving and um so there's uh easier   to get into that Park so thank you to staff for  that thank you Kelly uh she might have already   gone and and staff on the finance side for for  explaining everything that y'all are doing I just   really appreciate it um Cassen Park I just think  this is a major issue that we need to address with   the incident that happened over the weekend uh  with the homeless population that's occupying   these gazebos I don't know what we can do but  it we definitely need to address this issue I   mean one of our residents was physically  harmed putting his boat in the water with   his family I mean it's pretty significant  um people are sitting outside the bait shop   harassing people going into to see Ike begging  for money I mean this should not be happening   right here at Cassen Park I don't know what  we can do if we need to put cameras up have   more law enforcement Patrol in that area but  um something needs to be done with that and soon this is one of our only Parks that's open  till midnight most other parks close at at uh   dark dawn to dusk if you will uh this Park is open  because of people wanting to get out and vote in   the evening but I think the um PD is is working  on uh that issue of patrolling that Park so we can   have a better uh look at that we're also looking  at installing cameras but those are only look   backs but once people know that there are cameras  there um and I'll talk with Randy and the chief   and see what we can be doing given the new Supreme  Court ruling on homelessness if there's a way to   trespass those folks from the park anytime we do  have an issue those folks are trespassed from all   of our Parks not just that Park um in speaking  with the chief and I don't want to put words in   his mouth and he's invite him to come up here  but they think this was a one-off event it was   these are people that were from out of town from  Georgia I think you said and um you know we have   had other homeless people on the piers I know um  uh and we'll keep a better eye on that thank you   and lastly um Kristen Deaton I think she already  left but she will be occupying it looks like   the Zone 3 seat and just big congratulations to  her you know this is someone that kind of did   like I did came to meetings for a couple years to  really learn the process to get to know how things   work um planning boards just really attended I  think almost every meeting possible that she could   I mean she was campaigning all day and then came  here to a commission meeting I that's pretty um a   true public servant so with that I'll say good  night thank you Commission commer commissioner   Persis good evening everyone I want to say hello  to Joe Daniels out there thanks for being here   Doug Thomas Ike Learry you're always great here  nice to see GG Galloway over there too um I just   want to first of all I want to thank Chief Godfrey  for coordinating with the Sheriff's Office on   the funeral procession for one of our longtime  residents Victor lohman who passed away about 10   days ago um he was a local businessman involved  with cemeteries in the funeral homes and he   be sorely missed but thank you Chief Godfrey for  for doing that with the in conjunction with the   Sheriff's Office and I also want to congratulate  Ormond Main Street for being designated the   August 2024 Florida Main Street program for the  month um Secretary of State Cory Bird says over   the last of over the last 30 years Ormond Main  Street has transformed the community from one   known Solely for salt sand and speed into a hub for  homegrown businesses and pristine parks that honor   the city's rich and diverse history and that  was his quote and I thought that was really   amazing so I just had to say that and I also  want to you know also say Tomoka Elementary   is amazing as a former principal gosh just made  your heart happy to see that school and I'm so   happy that mayor Partington volunteered to wear um a  Tomoka chief Tomokie headdress and feathers one day   so so be careful you may have that on your head  one day I don't remember that and yes I attended   the Florida League of Cities conference and thank you  staff for letting me attend um opening session   speakers were amazing we had a the gentleman  Senator Jason Pisa who was amazing who spoke   to us and urbanist Richard Florida gave us a  lot of great ideas and thoughts I attended a   fast committee meeting along with eight other  workshops and and really learn from each one   but on my fast committee that um I attend and I  go to DC couple of times a year we talked about   the national flood insurance program and about  the final Pefost National primary drinking water   regulations and simplifying local grants for  all municipalities so um it was just a great   conference I was really pleased to be be able to  attend and I want to also congratulate Kristen   Deaton for winning this seat I know she'll be  a great addition to this commission thank you   thank you commissioner and uh Joyce and chief  Godfrey we a couple weeks ago heard Sheriff   Chitwood speak to the Volusia League of Cities he talked  about the live 911 program and what a benefit that   is to the officers I was hoping you could at a  future meeting or even by email just give us more   information about that I understood there may be  costs associated with that I was curious how   much that'll be something for a future commission  probably to make a decision on but just was going   to ask for for more information he indicated that  by providing those live stream 911 calls directly   to First Responders that had improved situ  situational awareness and and faster response   times so I don't know how much I don't know that  much about it but I know the way he described it   it sounds like it's a a possible great tool  for our city so thank you for that commission   you did a great job on all the other items of uh  interest thank you for that and we are adjourned