uh it is 7:00 p.m. and we will call the city of  Ormond Beach City commission meeting to order it's   February 20th 2024 and I hope you felt welcomed  when you came in tonight by Brian Rademacher and uh   he's our Economic Development Director and  our IT manager Chuck Osteen they served as   greeters this evening they would have directed  you to a card if you'd like to speak um you can   still grab one and uh fill out our recording  secretary Taylor Lochert who's the first person   I'm going to introduce up here tonight she's the  person to see for that uh next is our City Clerk   Susan Dauderis then we have Commissioner from Zone  one Lori Tolland right hi everyone welcome zone   two Commissioner Travis Sargent good evening  everyone welcome uh zone three Commissioner   Susan Persis good evening ladies and gentlemen and  welcome our zone four Commissioner and Deputy City   Mayor Harold Briley good evening everyone and  welcome City Manager Joyce Shanahan Assistant   City Manager Claire Whitley City Attorney Randy  Hayes and then uh Police Chief Jesse Godfrey   and Fire Chief Howard Bailey for those of you  listening online I'm Mayor Bill Partington and   uh tonight providing the invocation for us is  Pastor Cord Bear from Tomoka Christian Church   if you would please silence your cell phones and  rise for the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance let's pray father what an honor it is  to serve other people it is your heartbeat for us   as humans to serve us and to call us into service  for other people so Lord today we pray first of   all a prayer of thanks for this wonderful City we  call home and for those who have been trusted to   serve it at these positions and these levels Lord  we pray that you would give them your strength and   your wisdom and your grace to lead as they make  decisions for this community God would you use   them to provide exactly what your word tells  us that is for protection for those of us who   live here uh we're thankful again for this uh  group and again we pray your blessing upon all   that takes place tonight in Jesus name amen amen  I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America   and to the Republic for which it stands one nation  under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right at this time uh we'll ask Zach  Chalifour from James Moore uh to come forward   and present our annual comprehensive financial  report presentation for fiscal year 22-23 Zach   you're recognized all right good evening Zach  Chalifour partner James Moore company uh so   we are here to review the annual audit for the  September 30th 23 uh fiscal year uh as always   I like to start by thanking the commission uh  as always for the opportunity to work with the   city uh big thanks as well to Kelly and Chris uh  you your core Finance team for all of their hard   work you know it's we kind of Hit the same second  meeting in February every year uh but it kind of   goes without saying that you're every year one  of the first five or so municipalities that we   have the audit completed issued every year out of  40 something that we work with so timeliness is   always a priority uh of your team and they always  come through helping ensure that this report is   available um pretty much as early as possible  based on all the external reports that have to be   um obtained to prepare this I did have a chance  to meet with everyone to dive through it a little   bit more in depth so this will be very high level  uh an overview um of everything first our reports   and then a little bit on the numbers um so these  are Management's financial statements and there's   five reports that we issue related to that  summarize the results of the audit uh the first is   the audit report on the financial statements where  we did Issue an unmodified opinion which is the   best opinion we can issue stating that the city's  financial statements are fairly presented in all   material respects uh this year we also performed  a federal single audit looking at some of your   airport funding and we had no compliance uh  focused findings there so a clean report on that   front uh while we do not audit the city's internal  control if we come across any internal control   deficiencies in our financial statement audit we  would disclose those to you in the the internal   control and compliance report uh we had no  internal control or compliance matters to discuss   here and then the last two reports really are a  series of items the state requires us to look at   report back to the state on also in there's a  a section for any other notes recommendations   we did have one um small recommendation related  to the budgetary process for your pension pass   through fund where the those funds basically come  in go straight back out uh to the pension fund but   again those are not deficiencies or otherwise  just areas that we observed and wanted to share   um thoughts and recommendations how to best handle  those going forward um also for your CRAs we did   perform and issue separate audit reports over each  CRA uh basically the same series of reports and no   findings were identified in either of those uh  financial statements uh in total the the general   fund uh was about 13.6 million this year that  of course is the primary operating fund of the   city uh relative to the prior year almost flat  about a $15,000 uh increase which given the size   of the city's budget is a you know practically  um you know flat year-over-year and looking at   the the fund balance really your two bottom line  assigned and unassigned numbers that we kind of   consider your unrestricted reserves in the general  fund relative to what you spent in the current   year about 42 million in change uh you're about  22% um there's a recommendation out there from   the government Finance Officers Association that  I always touch on that says in this measurement   you know a general purpose government should  have a bare minimum of two months uh so you're   a little bit over that minimum recommendation  and then your internal policy looks at just the   unassigned relative to your net budget with a 15%  Baseline and you were also in compliance um with   that so from kind of a where you're at uh in a  strong financial position you know continuing   to go into uh the current fiscal year and Beyond  looking at your proprietary funds where you have   your water and sewer fund Solid Waste internal  service here we generally focus on you know what   are the trends are the funds all in a positive  um position the one item this year of course   uh that we see is solid waste uh about a $2.7  million negative um net position that really   is a temporary um somewhat timing difference  combined of primarily the FEMA activity so   all of the hurricane Nicole and Ian about 18  months ago but at the start of fiscal year 23   all of those debris hauling costs were recorded in  the solid waste fund based on timing differences   again because FEMA takes a long time to get those  dollars hopefully we will see them in the current   fiscal year and once those come in that will  offset a substantial portion of that the other   piece will be the general fund subsidy um just  related to the overall increasing cost of solid   waste where that rate increase will really hit  in fiscal year 24 and that did run a little bit   of an operating deficit in 23 that again that will  get covered uh through a general fund transfer in   the current year and then lastly always touch on  pensions uh because in the financial statements   you know you will see a net pension liability of  about $32 million and I'd like to just touch on   that because that is not a the city will have  to cut a check for this situation it's really   more of a transparency showing what that unfunded  liability is but really where the city funds that   is by making your acquired contributions every  year and with that you know always kind of making   the most appropriate decisions focused on the  long-term Financial Health uh of your pension   plans which the commission has um you know done  over all the years that I've worked with the city   and this trend just kind of shows these are  Market values so when it comes to funding the   actuary recommends um contribution rates based off  of a smooth approach so there's not as much of a   fluctuation but as you can see here from purely a  market value perspective uh two of the plans over   80% One approaching 80% so all in all you know  no concerns here that we see everything moving   on average in the right direction and again what's  most important is all the required contributions   have been made and whenever there's a decision  Point related to the pension plans that it is   made with the long-term view to say you know what  will help ensure that these plans are sustainable   and affordable to the city um so those are uh  the highlights I'd be more than glad to answer   any questions or dive into anything a little bit  more in depth any questions for Zach I don't have   any good report just great thank you Zach great  job no questions and uh you can grab a seat and   we'll have a couple comments starting with you  okay to start with Deputy Mayor Briley and then   we'll go to Commissioner Sargent Mr Mayor I Just  Want to Thank You Mr Mayor I just want to uh thank   our our our finance folks um Kelly and Chris and  Zach with James Moore this was a great report and   you all do fantastic work and we appreciate you  thank you very much Commissioner Sargent thank   you Mr Mayor and I echoed those uh comments from  Deputy Mayor Briley I also would like to add a   little something on the airport um you know year  after year it's operating at a negative which I   know is the way it's always been um now we're  at over uh negative a million plus we have an   an Aviation Advisory Board that's purposes to  advise the City Commission on Aviation policies   related to the development and operations of the  municipal um airport this board when I went back   and looked at its minutes and meeting times in  in 2022 it only met two times 2021 three times   and then 2019 and 2020 it met four times I think  it's imperative that we um that this board start   meeting more regularly and figure out a plan as  to how to reduce this million-- dollar deficit and   maybe we can have a workshop to kick it off to um  um see what ideas we can throw around to maybe um   reduce that number from the million down so that's  just my comment Mr Mayor thank you thank you   Commissioner Persis yeah I just want to thank Zach  for a great presentation and for meeting with all   of us and explaining everything so well you did  a great job and Kelly and Chris you're amazing as   always thank you so much Commissioner Tolland of course  I don't want to be left out on this train here and   I do want to um I just appreciate the excellent  report number one I mean the work is done behind   the scenes with Kelly and Chris and of course Zach  puts together a nice presentation and and um he   even allowed me to have my eyes glaze over a little  bit when he was going through some numbers but I   do appreciate it and um I appreciate the fact that  the work is done well and um that we do stay very   lean and tight perfect yep and I'll just say the  uh transparency aspect of it is wonderful anybody   can get a copy of this report Zach will sit down  with anybody and talk to them for a reasonable   amount of time and then Kelly as well is happy to  go through it with them um but very transparent   you guys uh work so hard on so many levels of the  budget and through the finance department to make   sure that everything is where it's supposed to  be and accounted for and year after year we win   uh our accounting department wins awards for  uh doing excellent governmental accounting so   thank you all for that we appreciate it and uh  it gives our residents a strong sense that uh   everything is in order they can come look at it at  any time and uh you can't really ask for anything   more than that so with that we'll move on to  audience remarks and tonight we start with Elaine Davis good evening good evening my name is elain  Davis and I live in the Ormond Terrace area right   here and we have um a group of people that have  gotten together and we have formed a little   organization called the Ormond Terrace Neighbors  and our goal is to clean up our neighborhood so   we're looking for a little help from you guys  uh and from code enforcement um we're trying to   eliminate the neighbor to neighbor conflict  if somebody calls them a complaint because   state law says now you have to give that person  the name and number of the person who made the   complaint so we're kind of hoping if we do it as  an organization and a group there's nobody to beat   up um so we have included in the packet I gave you  this evening some photos of our concerns um seems   like one out of every maybe 15 homes everybody's  parking on their front lawn some homes have five   and six cars on the front lawn there's trailers  there's boats this is a beautiful city we need to   keep it that way um we do have one major concern  and that is at the corner of um Putnam and Macintosh   there is a house there in such disarray that  I don't even know that there's anybody living   there but the screen enclosure that's surrounds  the swimming pool that is filled to the top half   of it's missing I went out there myself 6 months  ago and put up some orange construction Vents and   it's gone somebody took it down um so that really  needs to be looked at but um you know we're just   hoping as a group you guys can help us I know  there's a little flyer that you guys have got   together um that sits on somebody's I think over  at maybe it's Sean's um Department that has the   codes and you know where you can park when you  can run your sprinklers when trash day is if maybe   that can be sent out um somehow maybe through  utility billing or something you know to get   it out because maybe residents don't know they're  not allowed to park on the front lawn um so we're   not looking to create problems we're looking  to find solutions um so anything we can all do   to work together would be greatly appreciated  and on a second note I wanted to thank Shawn   uh he got us our flashing speed limit signs on  Melrose they were fabulous for two weeks and now   they're just ignored so we're back to asking to  please get us our two speed humps that we asked   for um and the last letter attached there comes  from 2021 when they originally told us we could   have them and it's been an uphill battle but um  we've been patient um but maybe there flashing   speed signs could be put out on Ridgewood on  both sides of Wilmette maybe um I know we just   had an incident there in the last couple of  weeks her little kid got hit by a car um on   his bicycle so uh it would be greatly appreciated  if we could light the flashes up down there and   get us some speed humps on Melrose we appreciate you  guys thank you very much thank you next is Mark Simmons hi I'm Mark Simmons this is my son Ethan  he's got a card up too so maybe we can combine   the time if we have to if not that's okay uh  Simmons Aviation Services two weeks ago we had   Jerry came up here and spoke to you guys um  about maybe allowing Banner operations back   into the city um so I wanted to meet you guys in  person I was away uh in Key West for that day so   it's a meet and greet it's a family run business  for 20 almost 25 years this is my son he started   off this big in a back of an airplane in six  weeks and now he flies him and does banners   he's going to go corporate himself down the road  um I think that some of this uh non banner flying   in the area may be due to the lack of education  or understanding that it is a safe operation so   um I'm coming to invite any one of you guys with  the permission of Steven uh to uh do a demo uh   come down to the airport see that it's a it's a  safe effective way to utilize the airplane and   bring revenue to the city that runs a deficit  for the airport but there should be other money   to come in because the more operations you have  at the airport the more entitled you are to have   more money from the government depending on how  many landings and takeoffs happen at your airport   so uh it could be a way to bring more money to  the airport um the airport tour I think would   be important for any one of you guys uh my phone  number and email is on that courtesy card and at   any time uh we can set something up you can see an  airplane see what it involves we've been operating   out of the Flagler airport for the past decade um  on and off we fly the Daytona 500 unfortunately we   didn't fly this year because of weather and it  we've done it safely um relatively safe record   we have had Pilots that have done things that  were inconsistent with the parameters of which   which we teach them but incidents do occur but  there were nothing catastrophic happens to any   of them correct yeah um so what I'm trying to  get at is we're more than willing to help you   learn more about what we're doing to make it safe  for you to let us back into your environment you   blocked it in 1985 the regulations in '85 were  basically don't ask don't tell fly an airplane   it doesn't really matter there is really not a  lot of over site pulling banners at that point   and since then the regulations have changed become  more restrictive and have to abide by rules and   uh training syllabuses and and the professional  pilots that are here in in two weeks I may have   some of the pilots that are come from Embry  Riddle that come from Embry Riddle and then   they fly for us for two seasons and now they're  flying air buses for Frontier Airlines or Avilo and   they're going from our operation to Airlines so  these are the kind of Pilots that we hire to be   part of our operation because it's a stepping  stone in aviation to where they need to get   to so we're taking people in college bringing  them in we also do can I use the other three   minutes he yes commission that's not our normal  procedure but does anybody have a problem with   that he would have the three minutes so okay okay  I'll take his three minutes then and so we also   have a a maintenance that we also do um so we  can take uh apprentice type people that are in   the maintenance program at Riddle and bring them  up to the airport and there's also a maintenance   shortage of mechanics so again at the airport if  you start bringing in another FBO possibly that   will do maintenance and aircraft sales uh that's  another way of bringing revenue into the airport   whether it be us bringing a maintenance person in  and that person goes to work for the other person   that's at the airport it the more you bring in  in the more likely you are to have more people   come in to generate money for the airport um  and that's what I would suggest and would love   to have any one of you at any given time or a  whole field trip come on down there we can do   it after work and it takes about 10 minutes to  set up a banner uh we'll do a banner pick come   back around and drop it uh if anyone wants to sit  down with me we can look at an airport environment   and I can show you a couple little poster stamp  areas that we can operate on we've operated on as   uh complex airports as Panama City Beach a class  Charlie airspace with air buses coming in and out   and we did that for several Spring Breaks without  incident um I'm a Hands-On guy my son is Hands-On   he does maintenance with me he's uh a maintenance  Apprentice as well as a pilot that's flying these   banners so if you guys have any questions I will  share my last minute and 30 seconds if you have   any questions about what what I'm trying to  do or what we can do to help you learn more   about what's going on I don't have any questions  anyway Mr Mayor I just have a question that may be   appropriate for this gentleman or for staff um  my mother used to work at the Ormond Beach airport   for the FBO back in the early 80s for uh Mr Hilton  at Ormond Beach Aviation and they used to at that time   this is pre 80 this is pre 85 yeah my time  82 83 84 there were banner planes operating at   the airport at that time there were and I'm  just curious as to number one I you you said   there were different protocols now or things and  I just I'm kind so I'm kind of curious number one   why that activity stopped our airport I believe  there was an incident that there was somebody   that was operating an airplane a banner plane and  something may have happened with the airplane into   a hanger something thereabouts Steven may be able  to pull up some of the information on that I know   happened a long time ago I know that was before  Steven's time with the city so but it you know it   was a long time ago the regulations have changed  things have going on on uh much differently now   when we do banners one more thing about banners  it'll what we're designed to do is take your   local businesses fly them in the sky outside the  local area and bring more business to the city   that's what our intent is when we fly banners so  we're actually trying to bring more business to   you from outside the geographic area but within  the area that where we take off and land from   thank you absolutely I'm just I'm wondering  if um at some point we could get a report from   Steven as to what Harold had just asked in the  you know in the FAA I know they have some say in   this as well so maybe some education would be  helpful to us we can give you a brief ration   uh permitted piece that falls under the grants  that you guys get money for at the airport so it   falls under that program you have any questions  call me at anytime thank you for your time Doyle Lewis good evening Commissioners Mr  Mayor my name is Doyle Lewis I brought   a simple thing to you tonight how are youall  doing doing good thank you this simple thing   has been going on for probably about two  years in your city parks with the cooking grills I live by the ocean I've been there 30  years lost my house back in 2010 in the big   crash of the construction world I love to cook  now I ride a bicycle I live on it I just happen   to get a full-time job but the Ormond Beach Parks  and Recreation has started to put up signs saying   the grills are only for charcoal I'm allergic to  Charcoal I use the grills a lot especially once   a week to cook I'm just bringing this to your  attention this way because I can't take off of   work I just happen to come by here tonight to  explain this to you sounds like it's simple but   it's not it can get complicated really quick  you got a person trying to enjoy a hot meal in   the recreation areas of the park areas the stores  actually sell wood charcoal I bring my own wood in   sometimes I buy it but most of the time I get my  own wood I have been harassed by City supervisors   in two to three Parks about cooking with wood I've  had the cops called on me the cops actually look   at the sign and say we can't do nothing about it  it's not Ormond Beach law I seen another person   about a month ago cooking with wood in the South  Ormond Beach Ocean Park he was harassed by these   city worker that's there all day long because  he had wood and with his Charcoal it was the first   time he tried it said it was against the law it's  not there's a sign in the window by the uh water   fountain that says grills are for Charcoal but that's  an harassment it's not law and the city workers   are pushing that on Ormond Beach residents because I  moved here 30 years ago I go back and forth forth   between Flagler Beach Daytona Beach for school and  work but Ormond Beach is where I moved to 30 years ago   thank you God Bless America thank you all right  commission the uh minutes from the city commission   meeting of February 6 2024 have been sent to  each of you for review also posted to the city's   website any additions deletions or corrections  I move approval of the minutes of February 6   2024 for second moved and seconded all those in  favor please say I I I oppose like sign and we   will show that those passed unanimously next up is  the consent agenda commission anyone wish to pull   any item off of the consent agenda Commissioner  Sargent I would like to pull F please anyone else I'll   just have comments after perfect Mr Mayor I'll move  approval of the consent agenda minus F minus F I'm   sorry second perfect thank uh please call the vote  Commissioner Tolland yes Commissioner Sargent yes   Commissioner Persis yes Commissioner Briley yes  Mayor Partington yes 7f resolution number 2024-24   a resolution approving the application of Songbird  Aviation LLC to provide services as a category 4   fix based operator at the Ormond Beach Municipal  Airport establishing conditions of approval and   setting forth an effective date this is resolution  number 2024-24 read by title only thank you uh don't   have any cards just need a motion and second for  discussion second second and Commissioner Sargent   uh yes Mr Mayor so I'm all for moreFBOs out at  the airport I think it's great um however when I   was reviewing this one the insurance document that  was that I just got provided um the classification   for work on this insurance document is for  warehouses it's not for airplane sales or   anything related to Aviation so I'm just kind  of um hard to approve something when we don't   have an insurance document that's going to cover  the operations that are going to be going on here   I don't know if we can give approve it with time  for them to um you know 30 days to get the proper   insurance I don't want to hold anything up but I  also just um I'm in the insurance field so when I   review this I have to take caution Commissioner  would you thought like a conditional approval   correct with a time date a Time certain correct  or I don't know if it'd be better just to continue   it but let's hear from staff on what they think  is appropriate if I I don't doubt Commissioner   Sargent's Insurance knowledge but I don't know  I don't know if anybody's here from song bird   Aviation no well we can surely check back with  them if you don't mind a conditional approval   then we'll um get that forward and if we don't  then we'll bring it back on on another agenda F   all right so I just need a well we've got a motion  in a second I guess we just need a motion to amend   Randy I don't know if you have any particular  language you like for a conditional approval   but I think excuse me I think perhaps just a  motion um to prove conditioned on satisfact on   on the production of satisfactory evidence that  the insurance meets the requirements of the code   and then the city manager staff can bring back  a report to you at the next meeting um that um   um will explain uh whether or not it meets the  requirements or not so if it doesn't then by the   condition it won't be approved if it does meet it  then by the condition it will be approved is that   work everybody y okay that's good think any state  my motion precisely second it precisely uh please   call the vote on the amendment to the motion  Commissioner Sargent yes Commissioner Persis   yes Commissioner Briley yes Commissioner Tolland yes  Mayor Partington yes and now uh please call the   vote on the motion as amended Commissioner Persis  yes Commissioner Briley yes Commissioner Tolland yes   Commissioner Sargent yes Mayor Partington yes  so that's 7f with a conditional approval and   uh Commissioner Tolland I think you were first as  far as comments go on the consent agenda correct   um on consent agenda J I just wanted to make the  comment that um I'm really glad we're doing this   feasibility study for pedestrian safety on the  Granada Bridge um I you know I know studies take   time and but I also do know that the um the plan  to improve Granada is taking time I just hope the   timing works together you know and that we have  the study done and we can kind of try to make a   a seamless transition when we do start um making  those changes on Granada that's all great thank   you yeah it would be wonderful to take care of it  all at one time while the construction's happening   so I agree with you it would make Common Sense  thank you anyone else I was she was she kind   covered it yeah she covered it I don't want to  be redundant Commissioner Sargent I'd like to   talk about h um we're finally getting the audio  and video updated in the chambers I mean this   was something I was one of my campaign issues and  I'm just very thankful that our residents will be   able to sit at home and hear us and unfortunately  see us um but I think this will one more step to   transparency enhancing transparency um with  our residents and um as it'll transpire to   the new website that we'll be getting um I think  everything just with technology enhancing is going   to be great for more transparency so with that  thank you absolutely anyone else if not we'll move   to public hearings I'll open the public hearings  and we'll start uh with 8A resolution number 2024-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE “BRADFORD PARK” TOWNHOUSE SUBDIVISION; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is resolution number 2024-28 read by title only. Good evening Commissioners and Mayor. My name is Sarah Cushing with the Planning Department. This is an application for a preliminary plat for 180 lots on aproximately 24.29 acres.the project has  under undergone several different   actions including land use and Zoning as  well as annexation and several right away Vacations so on the screen you'll see the land  use and Zoning Maps the map on the left shows   that there's a medium density residential land  use and a zoning of the R4 both of which allow   for townhouse developments the Broadford Park  development has approximately 7.22 gross units per   acre and it is a conditional use of the zoning the  townhouse development meets all of those criteria   the it's important to note that a traffic study  has also been completed for this project it's been   reviewed and approved by a third party that was  hired by the city uh Additionally the developer   will be responsible for building a public lift  station as well as constructing Pennsylvania Avenue so this is the second of three portions to  the subdivision process the first is the zoning   entitlements which are allowed by right under  conditions in the R4 zoning District this as   we're discussing today is the preliminary plot  which is essentially a technical review of the   construction plans to ensure its consistency  with the zoning designation uh The Next Step   will be final plat which will eventually come  before City commission when that application is   ready the preliminary plat was heard before the  planning board in January of 2024 and received a   unanimous recommendation of approval and the  applicant is present and in the audience if   you have any further questions thank you thank  you Sarah nice job and any questions for Sarah   commission no any questions for the applicant  good deal I don't have any cards uh just need   a motion approval resolution number second  I think Travis got the motion in Susan's the   expert that's I'm just going to say second for  all the all the ones coming up because I never   get a chance to say it all right you ready  for us Susan yes okay please call the vote   Commissioner Briley yes Commissioner Tolland yes  Commissioner Sargent yes Commissioner Persis   yes Mayor Partington yes 7B all right 8B or  8B thank you resolution number 2024-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR “ FOUNTAIN VIEW, PHASE 1B”, SHOWN WITHIN PHASE 1 OF THE PLANTATION OAKS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is resolution number 2024-29 read by title only. you and again uh senior planner Sarah  Cushing good evening um commissioner   and Commissioners and mayor my name again is  Sarah Cushing senior planner with the city of   Ormond Beach uh the application we have before  us today is for preliminary plat for 137 Lots   on approximately 77.9 one Acres it is part  of phase one of the overall Plantation Oaks   plan residential development it's important to  note that this project does have streets that   are all private it does a but interstate  95 and it also connects to phase 1A which   is part of the plantation Oaks plan residential  development there's several public or amenities   for the residents including dog walks Cabana and  pickle ball courts so the map on the screen is   the overall development plan for the plan  residential development and the top right   corner you'll see where phase 1B is located  in relation to this overall development plan and then again this is the second step of  three in terms of subdividing the land uh   the zoning was put in place with ordinance  2022-16 and this application is a technical   review application uh which is preliminary  plat construction plans to ensure that the   development is consistent with the zoning  entitlements The Next Step will eventually   be to come before City commission with the final  plat application at a later date and again the   applicant is in the audience and present if you  have any further questions thank you thank you   Sarah uh any questions for the applicant  or Sarah Commissioner Sargent did I hear   pickle ball this is the first project I think  that is going to have pickle ball in it am I right I think it is good evening Parker Mitchburg 1729 Richwood Avenue  good evening actually phase two my manufactured   home Community it has four pickle ball courts I  play twice a week I love it not bad when you're   an old guy can't walk too well but you can play  pickle ball cool thank you good Commissioner Persis no   Parker I just wanted to tell you I was really  happy to see the pickle ball the Cabanas and   the dog walks I mean we all love our four  four-legged furry family members and so I   think that's just a huge draw for people and you  know your developments are always wonderful so I   just want to thank you for that you're welcome  and we are getting ready to break ground on the   Fountain View 1A Clubhouse and pool so that's  going to be built real soon that's awesome and   since Parker is up there I just wanted to  uh talk about 8A that was the perfect place   a smart place for Town Home Community it's you  know up to US1 95 and Plantation Oaks Boulevard   it's just the the perfect spot so thank you  for thinking about that in your development   plan of where you're putting single family in  townhomes give the credit to the developer Rick   Majeri um you know he was the one that kind of  directed me to design the townhouse project but   you're right yeah uh you know right behind the  racetrack um that's where you have the higher   density and close yes exactly closer to the road  so if there's ever you know public transportation   it'll be easier there so I thought that was  very smart so thank you thank you good deal   commissioner persus I just wanted to let you  know I drove out there to day just to look at   everything and wow I hadn't been out in that  area in a year two starting to come together   starting to come together we actually had seven  closings of manufactured homes kind of have my   best month and um you see Dr Horton's in Phase  One houses are coming out of the ground so going   to be a great income stream for the city water  and sewer Revenue you know impact fees school   yeah traffic so pretty proud of it yeah thank  you I second it I'm just throwing it out there   I think there's a motion I think it's it's up for  you okay I move approval of resolution number 20 24-29 I second it awesome any further discussion  please call the vote Commissioner Tolland yes   Commissioner Sargent yes Commissioner Persis  yes Commissioner Briley yes Mayor Partington   yes and we will close the public hearings  thank you Parker have a good evening and   move to reports suggestions and requests  starting with city manager Joyce Shanahan   good evening all uh just a reminder that we have  your next meeting on March 5th at 6 pm at Calvary   Christian Center and that is to discuss the  Tomoka Oaks um item so uh that'll start at 6   PM I don't believe we have any other items on  that agenda is that correct exuse small agenda   there are some items yeah some small there  are some and a de demolition leaning okay   um over the last couple of weeks you all have  been talking about some additional meetings   that you'd like to have and um we've kind of  put those into three separate categories and   I would like to run some times and dates by you  uh the first category being CIP updates and that   would be March 19th at 5:30 and we would discuss  Cassen Park overnight docking at Cassen Park Andy   Romano and some miscellaneous projects does  that sound okay to everybody I see shaking of   heads so is that just Cassen Park the overnight  parking or Cassen Park the redesign it's all of   it okay thank you yes I'm good that's good  um the second meeting would be April 2nd and   we would like to talk to you about the EOC and 56  North Beach Street property perfect I'm good with that again it would be five be 5:30 to 7 good  April 16th um is our um technology issue if   you will we want to talk to you about the  technology upgrades for the City Commission   Chambers and then we'd also like to talk to  you about the Riverbend property land use and the other thing that um I think I can  do at a commission meeting is talk to you   about oh just I'll think about it as I'm going  along I I'll think about that one I forgot um   oh it's the Historical Society building uh  McDonald House McDonald House renaming so   that's what I want to talk to you about the  Stout McDonald house so I want to bring that   another another Workshop you no I don't think  it'll be a workshop but it would be an agenda   item okay uh any problems with that issue  coming before you it's been before HLPB um   so they have a recommendation um Echo grants  uh the echo Advisory Board met on February   16th um last Friday they came for their site  visits uh both I and staff participated in   those we had two projects coming before the  echo commission NOVA community Parks Fields   2 through five improvements our grant request  was $216,000 with a match of $216,000 our Echo   score was 90.29 and uh we received funding for  that uh the other project was the Ormond Beach   Sports Complex softball quad um installation  of LED lighting uh the grant request was $456,479 the match was $456,480 for a total project of just under a  million dollars and that Echo score was 88 was   88.71 um these projects ranked first and fourth  in the nine projects that were submitted to Echo   and Echo will be recommended funding to the  County Council so um Loretta Moisio who does   our grants uh does an excellent job and several  of the Echo board members mentioned her by name   for all of her good work so Kelly please pass  that on along to to um her uh some statistics   about the first step shelter from December 29  2019 to 2024 they sheltered over 1,174 people   and served almost 250,000 meals um we we've been  working on an electric charging station at the   rear of the parking lot um staff has been working  with an agreement with FPL to place four charging   stations at City Hall the city is only required  to commit to four spaces at City Hall for the   charging stations which been have been identified  um in the back row where the Fleet staff parks   FPA FPL pays for all improvements and handles the  cashiering and charging of the public for the Char   charging station so we're really excited to have  that come on board uh we'll be bringing that to   you in March for commission approval uh this is  the springtime and all of our uh Leisure Services   uh programs are starting if you're looking for  co-ed volleyball registration starts outdoor yoga   starts on the 23rd Once Upon A Story Time very  very popular um time at the casements our next   one is Tuesday February 27th it's free to  attend but you have to call and register because   it's limited seating movies on the Halifax on  Friday March 1st will be the Barbie movie and   I'm happy to answer any questions that you may  have for me make sure you're here any questions   for the City Manager no thank you all right  thank you Assistant City Manager Claire Whitley   one more update on Andy Romano beachfront Park you  didn't mention that did you the stairs um we did   ask for a quote to put some temporary stairs  and we should be receiving that this week so   we'll let you know a timeline and cost on that  when we get it and just for some clarification   um the stairs on the East and the West Side can  uh accommodate temporary attachments of stairs   because there's something to attach to the center  stairs there's nothing for them to permanently   attached to so we'll have to wait for that as  part of the big project but our our Prime Beach   season is opening up and we wanted to make sure  that we had that available I've had a couple of   uh comments from the public and Mr Galloway gave  me a call about some concerns that he had staff   went out and did a a walk through identified  some areas where we thought we could make some   improvements especially along the um northern  part of the park where the handicapped access   ramp is currently working with um Volusia County  to smooth out some of that asphalt there and do   some better signing there so um I'm pleased that  we're working on that thank you so much thank you Joyce did I Claire did you say nothing okay thank  you I couldn't remember where we were she went uh   and City attorney Randy Hayes nothing for me  thank you thank you sir all right and tonight   we start with Commissioner Sargent well like  Commissioner Tolland and I wrote a lot of notes so try   to get through this all I'd like to start with  an email that that I got forwarded to me from   Lewis Heaster um and it was sent to Chief Godfrey  and I just would like to read a little bit of it   it just says uh dear Chief Godfrey I'm writing to  extend my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering   commitment and professionalism and ensuring the  Safety and Security of our residents of Ormond   Beach Florida your leadership has been deeply  appreciated specifically I wish to express my   thanks for your swift and decisive action taken  by the Ormond Beach Police Department in response   to the permitted demonstration near the synagogue  where my family and I worship while we understand   and respect the right of freedom of speech the  potential security concern surrounding this type   of antisemitic gathering cannot be overlooked  and it goes on just as to thanks um and it also   says thank you to Mayor Partington I think you saw  this email as well um and I also would like to   you know there was an incident at um Temple Beth-el  where the um button someone accidentally pressed a   button and um the police were there within I think  it was 15 or 20 seconds if I remember correctly I   mean that is very impressive response time um  I happen to be dropping something off my wife   and I walked in and saw everyone with rifles I was  like oh wow it's interesting so I just would like   to say thank you Chief and mayor for yall support  to um on this issue um let's start with some notes   here um um last week or two weeks ago I'm sorry  um Ike Leary came before us and was pretty much in   tears um he does so much for our city he polices  the boat ramps the docks fills the soap dishes   in the bathrooms when needed Cooks hot dogs for  the fishing tournaments provides uh kids fishing   poles and so much more and I just would like to  say thank you to um Mr Leary for everything that   he has done and I'm very thankful that we're going  to have a workshop to discuss um finally getting   that uh Cassen Park redone um it's long overdue  and I'm just thankful that that's on the um for   the workshop um I also would like to thank staff  for cleaning up the Riverbend Golf Course parking   lot um I've already had phone calls of um how much  better it looks out there I drove out there today   and it's come a long ways and I appreciate  that um do we have a update on Bailey River   Bridge on the roof, it's still I know we approved that  a couple months ago and it's still just thought   they started yesterday yesterday okay um thank  you to Kelly and Chris for all you do I waited   till now to say it but thank you um and my last  issue is I have a resident Miss Toro who lives   over by Osceola school um and I can get her email  or her address I can provide to you Joyce but   I need help um the school board's not helping it's  Schoolboard property um this issue's been going on   for over a year they they back these Portables up  right next to her bedroom she can't even live in   her bedroom one of our Ormond Beach residents can't  even live in her house because the AC units are   running 24/7 and yes they're under the decimal  requirement but this resident can't even live   in her bedroom she's living in her living room  because it's so horrible and Volusia County Schools   I've reached out to a few people and I'm getting  no responses so I don't know what we can do um but   something needs to help I mean I just got off the  phone with her as I was walking in here and she's   in almost in tears that nothing is getting done I  mean they these things are backed up right to her   house something has got to get done with this and  I can provide her um address uh privately please   and they're Port they're Portables their Portables  backed up right to the house AC children I mean   are they being utilized right now they are but  these these AC units are running 24/7 and I was   told Earl Johnson was going to do it now he's not  with them and it's just one excuse after another   and we have a resident living in their living  room because the noise is so horrible I mean   that that is just awful and she also has an issue  with flooding because they graded another part of   it now her and her neighbor are flooding when  it rains that's a separate issue I would like   to just focus on getting this resident to be able  to live in sleep in their own bed and not have to   live in their living room because of something  just I think absolutely ridiculous I'll say good   night thank you Mr Mayor thank you Commissioner  Commissioner Persis yes thank you good evening   everyone um we had a the uh ribbon cutting for  the Performing Arts Center uh last week it was   absolutely amazing to see how beautiful that area  is now I mean I think it I don't know it was built   in 1990 89-90 something like that and I remember  going there the first time back then and wow it   just looks even better I can't even imagine um  you know the work put put that was put into it   and I just want to publicly thank Lucy Jackman  I know she was the person spearheading this um   getting all of this done and it's just going to be  amazing uh and I also reached out to Paul Hollow   and thanked him for the seats that he donated to  um the center and they are really comfortable I   sat down in them I we we both sat down in them  of Deputy Mayor Briley and I really didn't want to   get up it was just really nice but uh we're just  very lucky to have this updated uh Performing Arts  Center in our city I'm just very excited about  it and um I would like to make right now do   a um a shout out and the shout out is to you  Mr Mayor um so I was attending the Historical   uh Society um event it was our annual meeting  and our mayor actually received two Awards and   um one of them was let's see the um where did I  have it have it written down let's see it right here let's see oh the Ames House Award and the  Anderson Price Memorial award I wanted to get   those names correct but it was amazing um to hear  what was said about our mayor and I so I took the   liberty of calling Bobby Coleman who presented  the mayor with this award and she has known the   mayor and his family for many many years I guess  since Mayor Partington was a very small child and so   she had she she gave me permission to read what  she said she I asked her to come tonight and she   wasn't able to because I wanted her to read it but  she said well you can just do it for me Susan so   I said okay I'm going to so this these are words  for Bobby Coleman but I wanted I wanted all the   Commissioners and staff and the audience to hear  about our mayor so she says the Anderson Price   award is given to a person whose cumulative  participation and demonstrated leadership   strongly support the mission of the Ormond Beach  Historical Society she says tonight I'm very   honored to present this award the Anderson Price  Memorial award to our Mayor Bill Partington III   you see Bob and I have known the mayor since he  was a teenager we watched a bright young teen   grow into a concerned and caring young adult and  now leading a city and now leading a leading City   servant we've seen seen him energetically work in  near 100° heat on mission trips and be an example   to our youth and befriend a fellow classmate when  nobody else would a longtime member of our church   and an elder there he even married our youth  director Lori Parker 27 years ago actually the   entire Partington family is special the father  or true role model for his son Bill the mother   the sister wife and amazing three daughters  and preparing for his career Bill or Billy P   as we still call him served as Florida Senate  page for State Senator Ed Dunn and intern for   US Congressman Bill Chapel his political career  includes City Commissioner for Zone 4 beginning in   2003 and first elected mayor in 2016 both without  opposition and while helping and working with our   organization which is the Historical Society  in his state of the city presentation in 2022   Bill said when I think about Ormond Beach I think  about our Charming Coastline our vibrant downtown   and the faces of friends and neighbors who make  this unique Oasis home in 2016 the founder of the   Historical Society Loupie Bert said no other city has  what we have and she was right no other city has   Bill Partington so on behalf of all of us mayor  Partington we congratulate you thank you thank you and that concludes my comments thank you thank  you all right the Deputy Mayor stepped out and   uh we'll go to Commissioner Tolland that's hard  to beat there congratulations Bill I I'm sorry   I missed that but well deserved um so I too um  want to congratulate the friends of the PAC Mark   Schwarz and our champion our champion volunteer  Lucy Jackman on a beautiful grand reopening of   the PAC and ribbon cutting and all the other  activities it was a great weekend um I was able   to go to the first concert of Victor Wayne-Wright was  my first Jazz and Blues concert and oh my gosh I   was blown away with the talent of the the band  Train and Victor himself so I I definitely have   um a new um show goer um after that event in  the PAC is just a gem the whole the whole event   was amazing um I do want to tag on to a couple  comments that I heard today tonight and one is   what um Commissioner Sargent was saying about  under utilizing the Airport Advisory Board I I   have been thinking as well about some of the  Advisory Board since I did serve on Leisure   Services before and um you know we we were pretty  consistent and meeting but there are quite a few   advisory boards that I feel like are um meetings  are cancelled or they're underutilized and I think   what you know what we have to remember these  boards are comprised of willing and interested   residents that want to serve the city and we as  Commissioners nominate these individuals after   really careful consideration so it's not just you  know they're very thoughtful advisory boards and   in an effort to improve our community engagement  and our transparency and hear any valuable input   in city affairs I would really like to see our  boards meet regularly just for the record they   only meet every other month they don't meet every  month just so okay and that and that's fine but   I do see that some are canceled when we have  those planning memos so you know I would like   to see them meet regularly that doesn't have to be  monthly but start providing us some feedback on on   um any kind of issues or affairs of the city that  they may see may they may benefit us whether it's   you know crazy ideas or whether it's hey we're  doing great you know I think that would not be a   bad bad thing I do follow up with Leisure Services  that's because that's where my heart was but some   of these other boards I have I don't really know  what they're doing and what they're and all so   I just think for community engagement purposes  maybe we as a Commission should ask them to make   a better attempt of meeting and reporting back to  us well we can provide you with minutes of those   meetings okay because we take minutes of those  meetings be sure to make sure you have copies   of those minutes perfect thank you I appreciate  that um and also with the the neighborhood at the   Ormond Terrace you know I'm looking at some of  these pictures I know Code Enforcement is always   struggles with our city there's always folks that  don't abide by the rules I don't know what we can   do but I I would like to just kind of bring that  you know up to the attention of the city's staff   like you saw tonight and if we could try to help  those folks I would appreciate that and um that's   the end of my report so everybody good night thank  you thank you and Deputy Mayor Briley thank you   Mr Mayor um I want to just echo the comments about  Performing Arts Center I was there for the ribbon   cutting on I think it was Thursday fantastic  facility uh Bomar Construction and those folks   all the folks in involved in construction just  did a top-notch job and and thank you so much   to the Volusia County Council and the echo uh the board  and the friends of the Performing Arts Center Lucy   Jackman they just did a fantastic job driving that  that project forward and to to Paul Hollow for his   donation of the the seating there I mean that was  a great uh donation to the city of Ormond Beach and   uh we have something we can I think we are very  very proud of um I know one thing we discussed   excuse me discussed under uh Commissioner comments  last meeting was the homeless issue and then the   homeless camp um I did speak with with Joyce I  think was last week um apparently I did get a   phone call from a resident in Mallards Reach uh some  of those folks were actually coming out of the the   homeless Camp over there on Center Street  going into the subdivision and asking knocking   on people's doors and asking for for rides so  um can I I'm sorry go ahead can I update you   on that so I did speak with the um HOA president  there um as I may have told you we were waiting   for the property owner um to uh sign a notice of  trespass so that we can post that and uh once we   I think we're still in the process of getting that  from the the property owner and once that happens   then we'll post that property and um it'll be the  property owners's responsibility to clean out that   site and uh I think the chief has spoken to the  folks in Mallard's Reach so I think they're on   to there okay and and I guess just as a as a kind  of a to piggyback on that I did see I think it was   today um the city of Deland City commission  um is experiencing a homeless problem there as   well some of you may have seen it I'm not sure but  they did pass an ordinance uh that prohibits any   sort of camping on any sort of city property  or city sidewalk or anything like that so I'm   not sure if we have so um we met with Ann-Margaret  yesterday to review um what our options are uh not   only Deland but there are other cities throughout  uh Florida and we're looking to see what we can   do and we'll be bringing something back to you  thank you Joyce um the only other thing I have   and I just kind of wondering if it's something we  can kind of look down the road I don't know if we   need to a workshop on I don't want to Workshop  you know things to death um but something that   just kind of came to my attention and and you look  around I'd like to see if there's any way in the   future I don't know if there's any money in in the  budget this year not for it but for recreational   facilities for children who have challenges or  handicaps children who are limited I'm not sure   we have I know there's playground equipment out  there for for for children that may have you know   some sort of physical uh limitations but I think  that would be great if we could incorporate that   like in in Rainbow Park over at at NOVA community  center or some of our other playgrounds we do have   that one playground the boundless that's  heavily utilized the boundless playground   out of the airport um that's crazy busy with  right I just and I know of that one I was just   wondering if there's any future possibilities  for other locations because I know not all of   our residents can get out there yeah well we  certainly can look at incorporating you know   more accessible equipment in all of our facilities  Mr Mayor that's all have thank you thank you Deputy   Mayor and some of that may have been included in  just the recently updated master plan as well so   can bring those bring those to us um I've got a  few things tonight which is unusual but uh as far   as the airport Workshop Commissioner Sargent  I didn't know was it primarily related to the   budget deficit that you were asking like a plan  to fix help reduce that is that something that   staff could bring us a plan or do we do we need  to work Workshop it with options or I don't see   any pro I mean it's a good it's more of a function  of of grants that we receive and um our matching   share of those grants um I can bring you back a  report on that if you like um but I'm not sure that I'm sorry I didn't hear that no I think that  would be a good starting point but I asked him if   he wanted to start with that before we went  right to a workshop well and it's the whole   commission's decision really sure and I I think  that's a good starting point but I think we can   do more than just look at Grants and refund or  fund I think there's other ways to make money   or to reduce or I just to utilize our Advisory  Board in a in a better manner um and maybe it   starts with the commission doing a workshop to  throw ideas around there of um different ideas out   there so I'm for starting there Mr Mayor okay the  commission okay with that I think the airport's   you know a vital economic driver and we probably  do need to look at what we can do to monetize that   a little more great are you okay with that Joyce  yeah sure thing thank you thank you um and then   thank you Commissioner Persis for bringing up  the Ormond Beach Historical Society the Colemans   are incredible people I've known them for right  about 40 years now and they just a driving force   for positivity in the city so to be recognized  uh by the historical society and honored by them   was very special the Ames house award I think I  accepted that on behalf of the entire commission   and our and our staff and Randy that plaque is in  my office uh but I felt like maybe it should go   at the Ames house would be the appropriate place  to hang it if you can find a spot over there for   it but uh because essentially I think they were  saying they were proud of how the city has worked   to maintain that and keep it up in its historic  uh fashion so um thank you for that OBHS is doing   some amazing things the Historical Society uh  they really have a great uh new approach and   some new programs it's exciting to see what  they're doing I don't know if everybody got   the the flyer or not but we can make sure that  we get it and then also the Ormond Memorial Art   museum is doing some amazing things too and they  just sent out their flyer I think to all of us and   so that's always exciting to see we have uh some  great organizations whether it's Main Street uh   those to the chamber uh who add so much value to  the city uh by the work that they do the casement   Guild any of those any of those incredible groups  of volunteers um the OB pack was fantastic all the   activities there were a bunch of them uh Victor  Wayne Right and the Train they blew the doors off   the place or blew the roof off the place it was  powerful performance and uh luckily you know we   just renovated the thing and made it brand new  and then they came and blew the doors off of it   but luckily uh I think Robert made sure they built  some resilience into it so we'll be we'll be fine   uh not only Robert uh with Joyce's leadership and  Randy's help but Lucy Jackman is just incredible I   I've told folks I think the prior commission fell  in love with her uh passion for that project and   we're so impressed with her and that's how she was  able to drive it forward but uh Loretta Moisio did an   incredible job as far as the grants aspect of that  Stephan Sibley I want to say was the original person   kind of assigned to the Performing Arts Center uh  and so he's always watching in the background our   our uh staff takes such a personal interest  and they take ownership of those things and   it's really wonderful to see when I was there at  the open house on Sunday they were explaining to   people all the technical details of the the  grade of the seats and the uh where the stage   is and just all the things that you wouldn't  know unless you were a professional who who   paid attention to that stuff also Ruth Heran I  think was originally involved in acquiring that   uh facility and so she should be remembered and  honored honored as well wanted to make sure that   happened and Spyro Gyra is coming I don't know if  it's March into of March or April tickets start at   50 bucks that's going to sell out quick I mean  they're an incredible group they were here in   1993 for JazzFest and Linda Cole opened for them  uh now Randy was Linda the secretary in the City   Attorney's office for a while okay I thought so  um I don't know if she sings anymore but uh just   wanted to point out that Spyro Gyra is coming  get your tickets quick if you want them um and   Deputy Mayor Briley you brought up the homeless  issue and I was going to ask the commission if we   and maybe the report we'll wait for a report  from staff as quickly as possible hopefully   but do a workshop on the compassionate homeless  ordinance approach that Deland took there's three   separate ordinances that they pass that work in  conjunction with each other we've been a part of   first step for years uh since the beginning and  I don't really feel like we've gotten the value   out of it just because we haven't utilized it as  much as we could but if we had these ordinances   in place uh one of them is sleeping on benches  or in ways that block sidewalks uh one of them   is anti storage ordinance where you can't leave  your stuff blocking areas um and then you know   I think the way that they work to enforce it is  just to encourage compliance and encourage people   to get hooked up with services and that seems  like a smart way to do it I I talked to the   Deland mayor I can't remember if it was yesterday  or the day before he said the shelters support   it they've had no real push back on it obviously  there's some concerns from the homeless community   but they believe once they start working it and  enforcing it that they're hopeful that they can   gain compliance uh using the carrot and not  having to use a stick of a punitive ordinance   and so if we could do something like that I just  hear about it every week anymore and uh you know   there's violence there's unsanitary conditions and  other harsh conditions health issues experienced   not only by the homeless people who live in these  camps and if you've ever seen these camps they're   they're horrid uh if you've ever seen them cleaned  up and the conditions that these uh people live   in it's it's beyond disgusting and all kinds of  uh disease and other things that can that can be   created there uh but it affects the homeless and  then it affects people who come into contact with   them and so if we can prevent that dangerous  situation and those severe health conditions   I think it's a positive thing for us as a city  and uh the land and other communities have done   things and so if staff can bring us the best of  the best as far as options and a plan I think it's   past time that we I was just going to add on that  um Faith organization might be a good resource to   reach out to as well they have a lot of different  resources and that is one of their goals as well   is to help the homeless so if we do I agree I  think it definitely needs to have a discussion   and I know we're having a lot of workshops but  we've had a lot of things going on and um you   know we're here to to serve and I think I would  be all in favor of it and maybe look at Faith as   well seeing unanimous head shaking and um I think  a workshop may be worth it on this one as soon as   possible I know we're a little jammed up for the  next month and a half but um I think it's time I   think our residents are ready for it and before  something terrible happens I'd rather have a a   plan in place and everybody on the same page so  all right um let's see I got an email about the   public access on the hotel property uh on Seminole  Avenue on the beach side there we I think we   approved the hotel and the residences um and I  my understanding was Cob Cole on behalf of the   developer is taking the project back through the  process to remove the public access component and   they're saying that the county uh will accept  fee simple ownership but they're not going to   maintain it and so their option or their solution  is to just delete that requirement which didn't   sound good to me at all losing any kind of beach  access sounded like a nonstarter it also sounded   like a bait and switch if you will uh because  we approved that thinking that that beach access   was going to be there I almost I want to say I  remember Deputy Mayor Briley specifically asking   about that but I can't say that for sure without  looking back at the record but I wanted to see   what the rest of the commission uh thought what  we should do whether uh the city should offer   to maintain it or if we should ask the county to  pay to maintain it if they're going to accept it   but I just don't think our residents realize that  a huge public access point for them is being taken   away potentially um maybe that word will get out  there but I wanted to bring it up tonight and ask   Joyce to report back to us if she would on it so  and then uh on February 8th I was emailed a letter   from Waste Pro uh and I'm concerned that we have  an issue a a dispute a pay dispute with them uh   and I it's weird to me because we've never had  an issue with Waste Pro I think we've been doing   things the same way with them for 10 years and  now all of a sudden we owe them a million and   something dollars is their uh claim and I'm I'm  concerned about that I don't know why it's going   going on I know our residents love Waste Pro  and the service that they provide and that's   another one where I don't know if a workshop is  appropriate from what I read in the report we   approved a payment of something and staff decided  no we're not going to pay that even though the   City Manager had indicated that there were funds  available for that and so that's concerning to   me if commission approves uh an amount how does  staff then change that um but I'd like to get that   matter resolved and I don't know the the best way  to do it um I'm also worried about the utility fee   component of that because that's an additional  tax on our residents that's kind of hidden in   the solid waste bill and that's concerning to me  uh I don't think our residents realize they're   paying not just the cost of the garbage pickup but  they're paying a a tax or a fee whatever you want   to call it on top of that and that's troubling to  me because I don't know if if people realize that   or not we talked about transparency earlier and I  think that's an issue that we really need to focus   on as it was brought up as part of this entire  letter and and looking at trying to break down   the costs so commission I don't know what your  thought is on that but I'd like to get it like   to get it approve uh resolved the other so Joyce  I don't know if that's a workshop issue or well   you know we have been working with Ann-Margaret Emery  and the city attorney's office and I think we do   have a dispute over what the contract says and  what they think the contract says so um Randy I   I think we can just uh I think staff needs a  few more little bit more time to try to work   that out and if we can't get that worked out we be happy to bring it back to you okay appreciate   that um and commission with that if there's  nothing else we are adjourned thank you all very much