##VIDEO ID:qkGQ6Ifp2RY## call this meeting to order it is uh 7:01 and  this is the uh October 15th 2024 regular City   commission meeting for the city of Ormond  Beach we are in commission Chambers and   this is our our second meeting of the month  um I hope you felt welcomed as you came in   this evening by our Deputy Fire Chief Nate  Quartier and Human Resources Manager Samantha   Potts who served as the greeters this evening  they also would have given you a card if you   need one to speak on any of the items uh on  the printed agenda and if you still need one   you can get one from uh either the Recording  Secretary or Clerk and I'm going to introduce   those folks to you uh all the folks actually  sitting up in front of you to my right and   your left is um Recording Secretary Taylor  Lochert next we have City Clerk Susan Dauderis then we have our Commissioner from Zone One  Lori Tolland a very sincere welcome to everyone   Commissioner from Zone Two Travis Sargent  good evening welcome and to my left and your   right our Commissioner from Zone Three Susan  Persis good evening ladies and gentlemen and   welcome to each of you our Deputy Mayor  and Zone Four commissioner Harold Briley   good evening everyone and welcome City  Manager Joyce Shanahan Assistant City   Managers Claire Whitley and down in front is Shawn  Finley then we have City Attorney Randy Hayes   and then way to my left way to your right we  have uh proactive Police Chief Jesse Godfrey   and reactive Fire Chief Howard Bailey chief  chief gave me five bucks to say that so I'll   leave it I'll leave it at that for those of you  listening online I'm Mayor Bill Partington and   uh if you would at this time please silence your  cell phones and we'll have the invocation given by   Pastor Cord Bear at Tomoka Christian Church  followed by the Pledge of Allegiance please rise father it's a privilege to serve other  people and grateful for this group and for their   willingness to serve this community want to take a  minute to pray pray for all those people that are   continuing to recover from Hurricane Milton uh we  pray your blessing upon each of those families we   pray father for your peace and comfort to reign  in their lives uh we're grateful for the First   Responders we pray your continued blessing of  protection upon each and every one of them and   we pray for our great city of Ormond Beach and ask  for your blessing not only upon uh this meeting   tonight and all that will take place but father  uh just upon our community, community as a whole uh   we're ultimately grateful father for the community  you create through the blood of your son Jesus and   it's in his name we pray amen. I Pledge Allegiance  to the flag of the United States of America and to   the Republic for which it stands one nation under  God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we're going to get  right into presentations and   proclamations and uh we'll start  and I'm going to ask the Deputy   Mayor to come down front with me to  help me out with this one uh Hunter Wendelstedt you're with us good deal [Music] Sor I'm [Music] sorry all right sir come on up [Applause] so we're doing a couple different  things uh and I say this before every every   time we do proclamations and presentations  Ormond Beach is an incredible City because we   have incredible residents and Hunter is one of  those uh Deputy Mayor Briley let me know about a   situation uh in Major League Baseball with Hunter  and his father uh and you'll hear about that in   the proclamation and also so we got three things  going on Hunter if you'll hold that uh we're going   to do a proclamation we're going to give Hunter  the key to the city and then if the commission   agrees shortly here uh I've appointed him as an  ambassador for the city of Ormond Beach and I just   need you all sign off on that so I couldn't ask  you about it before because of sunshine but here   we all are in a open properly advertised public  meeting and I'm seeing head shaking so I think   we're going to be I think we're going to be in  good shape all right whereas Harry Hunter Wendlestadt III   affectionately known as Hunter is a proud native  of Ormond Beach who has devoted his life to the   sport of baseball serving as a distinguished Major  League Baseball umpire and educator and whereas   he follows the legacy of his father Harry Hunter  Wendelstat Jr who umpired in the National League   from 1966 to 1998 and founded the Wendelstat Umpire  school and whereas on May 13th 2024 during the   Yankees vs Giants game he set the record for the  most major league baseball games officiated by a   father/son Duo officiating 7,492 games between  them surpassing the previous record of 7,491   and whereas throughout his career spanning over  two decades Hunter demonstrated exceptional   professionalism integrity and a deep understanding  of the game earning the respect of players coaches   and fans and whereas Hunter has officiated  at numerous prestigious events including an   All-Star game two Wildcard games four division  series four League Championship Series One World   Series and the 2009 World Baseball Classic  and whereas the Wendelstat Umpire school which has   operated in Ormond Beach for 33 years moved from  Daytona Beach in 1991 founded by Hunter's father   Hunter took over operations in 2003 and continues  to positively impact countless aspiring umpires   equipping them with the skills knowledge and  mentorship needed to thrive in their careers   and shaping the future of baseball officiating  and whereas Hunter's influence extends beyond   The Diamond as he actively promotes sportsmanship  fair play and a passion for the game among young   athletes and officials, he also engages with  the community through participation in events   like the YMCA Ormond Beach and YMCA Edgewater  charity golf tournaments now therefore based   on all that I Bill Partington uh along with  the entire Ormond Beach City Commission in   Ormond Beach do hereby Proclaim today October 15th  2024 as a day to honor and recognize Harry Hunter   Wendelstat III in the city of Ormond Beach and  encourage all residents to join in commending   him for his contributions and lasting legacy  in baseball and the community congratulations [Applause] well I was going to save my comments for the  actually I was going to pull the consent agenda   but uh Hunter I just want to to thank you number  one for being the great friend that you are to   the city of Ormond Beach this is well deserved  uh congratulations to you and the uh the the   the dynasty I guess if you will that your father  started with the with the with the Umpire School   you continue on as an Umpire you make Ormond  Beach very proud and we were proud to have   the Wendelstat Umpire School in Ormond Beach and again  we appreciate you and we congratulate you thank you all right this is where we say but wait  there's more because you your dad chose Ormond   Beach and you chose to stay in Ormond Beach for all  these years so many Major League umpires know our   city so many umpires in in College High School uh  Statewide leagues all know the area of Ormond Beach   because they come to your school for professional  training that's an incredible thing uh they spend   time here they learn to love this area as much as  we do and uh so because you and your family chose   us we chose you not only for the proclamation but  also to receive a key to the city from the entire [Applause] commission thank you all for for  the Applause umpires very rarely get that   so thank you that that makes me smile a  little bit and uh I'm just going to sit   here and be quiet and watch the rest of the  meeting but I would like to thank you mayor   you know how special this city is to all of  us we grew up in the same church together and   you've done an outstanding job and I'm glad  that I get to be here to tell you that and   the best in your future endeavors and we're  behind you all the way so thank you very much [Laughter] congratulations congratulations all right now  I need Commissioner Tolland   if you would come down and help me out and we are recognizing National native plant [Applause] month and is it the president  of the pawpaw chapter oh so the president   of the pawpaw Society is Karen Walters and  her team we're going to bring them all up Y no I don't have my glasses I all right whereas native plants serve as the  foundation of Florida's unique natural habitat   that we all know and love native plants support  Wildlife including Birds butterflies bees and   other pollinators and whereas National native  plant Month celebrated each October raises   awareness of the environmental economic and  cultural significance of native plants while   encouraging their preservation and cultivation  across communities and whereas native plants   reduce the need for pesticides they conserve water  and play a crucial role in maintaining ecological   balance and restoring natural habitats and whereas  Florida is home to more than 3,000 native plant   species including the rare rugal paaw which is  found only in Volusia County did I say that right   rugal amazing uh found only in Volusia County  highlighting the need for local conservation   efforts to protect endangered species and  preserving natural biodiversity and whereas the   pawpaw chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society  founded by Ormond Beach resident Joanne Ash in 1990   plays a vital role in educating the community  about native plants the chapter promotes the use   of native plants in landscaping restoration and  conservation efforts ensuring local species Thrive   and whereas preserving and restoring native plants  combats invasive species and stabilizes critical   ecosystems like dunes and shorelines which are  essential for wildlife and the health of Ormond   Beach's environment now therefore uh based on  all of that I Bill Partington on behalf of the   entire commission do hereby Proclaim October  2024 as National native plant month in the   city of Ormond Beach and encourage all residents  to to participate in local conservation efforts   and learn more about the vital role native plants  play in preserving the environment thank you all [Applause] very if I can hold this um I  want to thank you Mayor Partington for   and this all the City commissioners for your  endorsement of our Volusia County Proclamation um   I really enjoyed I I like all the other things  that you added to that and I especially want to   thank you, commissioner Tolland, for your endorsement  and your assistance in the regrow the loop project   Vadner Park and now coming up the regrow Volusia  um you're a true champion of native plants we   really appreciate it um our organization is  a little obsessed with encouraging uh people   and cities to use more native plants in their  Landscapes and this endorsement of our native   plants really means a lot and I thank you from  the bottom of my heart thank you very much [Applause] thank on ladies and gentlemen that good you want congratulations all right Commissioner Persis  you are next if you'll come down and help me   with this and I need City Manager Shanahan as  well we're getting everybody involved tonight all right this is Florida City Government Week  and uh whereas City Government is the closest   form of government governance to citizens has the  most direct impact it is important for residents   to understand how their City operates and the  services it provides and whereas Florida city   government week celebrated from October 21st to  October 27th is sponsored by the Florida League   of cities this week aims to raise awareness  about the significance of municipal government   in residents daily lives and whereas this year's  theme what makes our city great promotes Civic   engagement and pride highlighting the dedicated  efforts of City staff who serve the community and   whereas throughout the week the city will be  engaging the community through social media   sharing fun facts about City operations and  highlighting city employees in their jobs and   whereas events throughout the week will include  hosting the chambers youth leadership program   annual Employee Appreciation luncheon OB to go  event held at the casements and a special Story   Hour at Ormond Beach Elementary with a reading of  the book the city that talks now therefore I Bill   Partington on behalf of the entire commission  do hereby Proclaim October 21st through October   27th 2024 as Florida city government week  in the city of Ormond Beach and encourage all   residents to engage with the city and take pride  in what makes our city so great congratulations [Applause] I just want to congratulate uh our City  Manager Joyce Shanahan for creating such   a wonderful City staff and a wonderful  city government right here this is the   she's behind all of it you know she  she's in charge and she all of our   employees reflect her so I just want to say  congratulations we are so proud to have you here this is a team team of dedicated  professionals that work every day to   ensure your um safety and well-being um we are  truly tested in times like these when we have   hurricanes of unprecedented proportions  with rain that uh seem to never end uh   we have wonderful Public Safety staff that uh the  police and firefighters Who come out in the middle   of the night to to save you to ensure that our  traffic lights are functioning we have dedicated   um Public Works professionals that are  clearing streets and unclogging drains   and it's times like these when your staff is  tested but I can tell you that they've been   through this before and they shine there  are there some things that fall through   the cracks inevitably that happens and we  apologize for that but we want you to know   that we are dedicated to serve the community  and this commission so thank you very much all right last but not least Commissioner  Sargent oh wow if you can help me out you're doing a good job tonight all right is Forest here Forest Reed  did he make it there he is come on up I'll let   you hand that to him I don't know if you all know  uh thank you thank you so much Outback Steakhouse   in Ormond Beach is uh an incredible restaurant if  you like steak or blooming onions or you name it   Chocolate Thunder from Down Under I mean let's  just keep them cranking out uh consistently the   Outback in Ormond Beach to my knowledge has  been one of the top performers in the entire   Northeast State of Florida uh because of the  quality the uh service and all those kind of   things but one thing people may not know is is  what I'm about to read in this Proclamation and   that's what good uh corporate citizens you are so  whereas on October 9th 2024 hurricane Milton made   landfall on Florida's Gulf Coast as a powerful  Category 3 storm unleashing severe winds tornadoes   and devastating flooding across the state  impacting countless communities including   Ormond Beach and whereas in preparation of This  Disaster the generosity of a local business went   Above and Beyond in support of our First  Responders and essential city workers and   whereas Outback Steakhouse located at 135 East  Granada Boulevard demonstrated extraordinary   commitment by donating prepared meals to our  First Responders including Public Works police   and fire these meals provided vital nourishment  during their long hours of service and whereas   this is not the first time Outback Steakhouse  managed by Forest Reed has assisted during a   time of crisis in 2022 during Hurricane Ian Mr  Reid and his staff provided chicken dinners to   Public Works employees and supported First  Responders with food and supplies during the   storm's aftermath uh I'll also include in here  that that they participated as a big part of our   National Night Out program which is a huge  community outreach effort of of the police   department and Leisure Services and the fire  department uh and Forest doesn't wait to be   asked he called me uh maybe a day or two before  the storm knowing that this was something that   our employees were probably going to need and I  think I think that's incredible uh I put them with   staff and they were able to work everything out  so whereas the efforts of the Outback steakhouse   team exemplify the spirit of community and  partnership in times of Crisis serving as   a Beacon of Hope and solidarity now therefore uh  based on all of that I Bill Partington on behalf   of the entire Ormond Beach commission do hereby  Proclaim October 15 2024 as a day to recognize the   Outback Stakehouse in the city of Ormond Beach and  urge all residents to join expressing our deepest   gratitude for their unwavering support and service  to our city staff and Community thank you very much um you know we don't do it for this but thank  you it it's very handy to send back to corporate   and just be like hey hey here you go um yeah it  doesn't hurt at all uh obviously um I was born and   raised in Ormond um so I I love this community um  we wouldn't be here without you all I'm sure you   all noticed some of your favorite restaurants  you know are either struggling or going out   um you know the the tourist and by October Fest  coming up it puts extra money in the pockets but   we wouldn't be open without you guys so uh thank  you to you all and we we greatly appreciate it so pi thank you your turn but wait there's more if I could  call Mayor Partington to the front   please get your steps in Bill that's right close my all right ladies and gentlemen it is my great  honor tonight to present a special gift on behalf   of the city of Ormond Beach to Mayor Bill Partington  Bill your leadership dedication and unwavering   commitment to this community over the past 20  years have truly shaped the city that we are   proud to call home you've led with both wisdom and  heart making decisions that always reflected your   deep love for Ormond Beach and its people Bill  you were born right here at Halifax Hospital   attended our local schools and built your career  in service to this community you've been a public   servant in every sense of the word not just  in the decisions you've made as mayor but the   example you set every day as a husband to Lori a  father to three beautiful daughters and as a proud   son who carries on The Partington name with honor  as we present you with this gavel and clock these   symbols speak to the Legacy you leave behind the  gavel represents your leadership your ability to   guide this city through both opportunities  and challenges with fairness and sound judgment the clock serves as a reminder of the  time and tireless dedication you've given to   Ormond Beach always working to make it better  for future Generations you have led with a   steady hand and a Compassionate Heart from  champing projects like the environmental   Discovery Center to supporting our First  Responders and preserving the beauty of Ormond   Beach for generations to come you've always  understood that leadership isn't just about   making decisions it's about serving people  and you've done that with the utmost care and respect on behalf of the city  the commission and the people   you've served so well thank you Bill  we know your legacy will continue to   guide Ormond Beach for years to come and  we look forward to seeing all the great   things you will achieve in the next chapter  of your public service thank you Mr Mayor speech speech speech uhoh all let's see Mom and Dad if you'll come  up and Lori and the girls if you'll come up they smell great yep um I'm not good at being recognized I like  recognizing other people so forgive me uh I I   kind of suffered through it I got into to it with  Joyce when I saw this on the agenda cuz nobody   cleared it with me before before it was on there  but uh I should be better should be better about   it it's been an incredible uh time of service  being able to uh learn from two other fantastic   Mayors um directly mayor Costello and mayor Kelly  uh serving with both of them on the commission and   then also learning from mayor persus um more in directly cuz I just read about him in the paper   and followed his his career but I tried to take  the best aspects of both of their service and use   those when when I had the opportunity to serve  and um so thank you for that staff made this job   so much easier than it than it could have been  and believe me there's cities throughout the   country that you would not want to be mayor of uh  but Ormond Beach it's it's always been a pleasure   even with an occasional bump in the road uh with  a professional staff that really cares about the   residents who live here uh you don't really have  anything to worry about uh Jacob you should get   up here too come on I'm sorry my son-in-law um  sorry for that proud University of Miami grad and   they're having a great year so um yeah let me real  quick I want want to thank this commission and I   brought them each a copy of the Observer uh from  the last election which has one of my favorite   pictures on it uh I saved these and so I'm going  to give you each each a copy and commissioner   Sargent if you'll hand those out uh they hit the  ground running and have done an amazing job it's   been one of the best commissions that I've served  with uh with their years of experience and their   caring and their knowledge about the city and  their ability to talk to and listen to Residents   they've really done an incredible job and so  they didn't need me but they accepted me and so I   wanted them to have that that picture to remember  us all by and then I'm also giving each of them a   key to the city as well mayor Costello did this  uh several years ago and it meant a lot and so   it's an honor to give that uh to each of them um  and thank thank each of you it's been wonderful   two years we haven't always agreed on anything I  mean on everything I couldn't sound right but we   were never disagreeable and that was really the  best part we had some inside jokes and banter uh   primarily dealing with native plants and mulch  but uh that always you know we can't talk about   much but that one continuing running joke brought  a lot of smiles and brought a lot of levity to the   group and so that was always wonderful so thank  you all very much it's been awesome and then the   other two people I want to recognize are uh city  manager Joyce Shanahan I'm giving you a key to the   city as well and City attorney Randy Hayes uh  these two let me get by it real quick have been   incredible individuals professionals to work  with thank you and and uh I don't want to say   plot or scheme with but to strategize strategize  with uh on the best way to protect this city and   do the best for our residents uh really there's a  lot of years of experience and brain power there   and they truly do care about Ormond Beach and so  working with them has been just incredible and I   wanted to recognize both of you for that as well  so I'll stop talking uh it's been a special time   thank you all for making it extra special and I'm  going to call the rest of my family up picture   and uh that's going to be well let me introduce  everybody first my lovely wife Lori beautiful and talented middle daughter an youngest  daughter Faith and then CJ and Jacob uh CJ is   really she's the oldest but I don't know we don't  think of her that way um she's the one we get to   see see the least because she's up in Tallahassee  uh working on her doctorate Jacob's working up   there for fishing game and so I didn't know they  were going to be here tonight it's extra special   I've already almost cried three or four times  uh after they showed up and so thank you all for   being here and then uh my mom of course I love  to death helped me keep my head on straight all   these years and uh my dad as well kept me straight  all these years and it was growing up at his knee   really with the uh JC's and the Chamber and all  the different groups that that he was involved   in he's been my secret weapon because his name  is Bill Partington too and so nobody ever knew   I think for the first seven years who the mayor  really was so it was nice to have some extra extra   help there now I'm going to call up my sister and  her family for the uh for the picture Dawn I see   Emma I didn't see Elina she have dance tonight  maybe or Elina I'm sorry is Emma have that's what   I figured Emma's got dance uh Pierce Jude and my  brother-in-law Dyson these are the Billings and   then uh Sandy is my sister and Gary and Diane  are my brother and other sister Lori's side of   the family if you if you're keeping track that  way but come on up and we're going to try to get   in for a picture and commission if you'll stand  up behind us that'd be incredible even Joyce and   Randy if I could get you guys on either side of  the commission back there poor favore one final request come on Joyce [Laughter] come on Randy all right [Applause] Che all right now we can get to work this is uh audience remarks reg  regarding items not on the agenda   and uh I have a couple cards  tonight we'll start with Jeff Boyle just in case Jeff Boyle 614 North Halifax Drive I second  everything that Harold said uh I'd like to   add my thanks Mr Mayor for 20 plus years of  exemplary Public Service strong effective   leadership and particularly in 2024 when we  really needed that leadership I think you guys   have handled the most complex and difficult  issues in our City's history and you've done   that with with uh great professionalism and  style with input from professional staff and   and encouraged input from citizens and so this  has been this has worked really quite well and   wouldn't you know after a difficult year at  the very end of hurricane with devastating   and uh tragic loss but the silver lining in that  was that we're able to witness the work and the   professionalism of the people that serve and  protect us and that has uh never wavered I I   believe it's a mindset it's a culture it's a  work ethic and that is a tone that's set at   the top by the mayor and the commission and uh  the manager and her department heads so that's a   legacy I think that is among your many legacies  that uh we will continue to thrive with and I   think we should point out too that uh you're  actually the third generation of Partington   that has made significant and positive  contribution to this community and I   think also bearing in mind that your family  and we got to meet them all tonight uh has   shared you with the community with the city for  over 20 years I would submit that we now we now   have four generations of Partington that have  contributed to Ormond Beach and thank you thank [Applause] you I ly good evening Ike Leary good evening Cassen Park  uh Harold you took all my my uh remarks uh   anyway I want to thank staff all of you for  for checking on the bait shop doing hurricane uh especially Joyce Robert Carolin and  I couldn't believe that Travis was out   there with a shovel cleaning the walkway up  to the pier good man I looked out the window   and here's Travis couldn't believe it uh thank  you uh Mayor Bill uh you're great thank you uh uh Ormond is a better place because of you you will   be missed thank you thank you  appreciate that [Applause] I Ed Mitchell good afternoon I came here in 1976 on  vacation December I fell in love with this place   and I thought I'd move here when I retire I came  here in 2001 and bought a house let it set empty   for 2 and A2 years I moved down here in 03 in  a little Slice of Heaven on Ormond Parkway but   now it's turned into a sewer Street I don't  know what we need to do about it everybody   on the blocks have you know upset about it  we just got raw sewage running 700 ft my way   into this sewer next door to me 500 ft the other  way goes on the hallifax runs all the way to Seminole   which is another 400 ft that way the city came out  tonight did put up thing says we're all sewage on   there so people aren't walking on the walk but  we need to do something I've got a video where   it backed up on my neighbor's house I thank  you Travis for doing everything that you have   but you know we need to do something I don't know  why or who needs to get done thank you thank you Christine yanaka did I say that right hopefully you said that very well Christine Oraka  155 Arlington Way um I know that right now with   debris cleanup and all that's going on this is  not number one but we we do need to get this um   on the agenda and started start talking about  it um Arlington Way runs from Halifax straight   through to A1A it has become a cut through Street  and um running from one end to the other it seems   to have worsened in the past few months Vehicles  cutting through seem to have little regard for   the speed limit and little regard for the families  living on this street a lot of people walk their   dogs ride their bikes the kids are on their  scooters um it really is an issue uh several   months ago a car was speeding down lost control  uh struck a neighbor's boat shoved the boat   into their Arbor now across the street that that  neighbor's grandchildren lived there and had those   kids been out and that car turned the other way  we would have probably had something very tragic um a few weeks ago two cars came barreling down  and looked like they actually were trying to   pass each other in race I don't even know how  they thought they had enough room for that um   it's becoming almost a daily occurrence now  with the speeding cars down Arlington way so   what I'm asking because during uh big tourist  events obviously there's even more cut through   traffic um I research putting uh speed bumps in  it what I found said that I can do it with your   permission but I have to pay for it um I really  feel like the taxpaying citizens on Arlington   Way deserve better than having to foot the bill  for the speed bumps and I don't know what other   Alternatives there are so I'm just asking um  to direct me to some resources so that I can   work in the background on this until uh we are  kind of through Milton and maybe we can start   moving forward with uh some action for Arlington  thank you thank you yep and we'll get you a card   and uh somebody you can talk to because there  is a program so yep uh next is Jennifer bright well I was addressing the resolution so um I  guess I'll go over them all or until I run out   that these three minutes yes um resolution 178  is a $10,000 grant that the city wants to get   uh grants aren't free this comes with strings  attached and it's going to cost the city $849   extra dollars the first year and $9,000 the  second year not only that they want this is Grants   being going to used for license plate readers  with remote video surveillance systems capable   of automatically detecting vehicles and persons  traveling on City roadways this is an infringement   of privacy and disguise as for the common good I  don't recommend uh getting grants if it's costing   the taxpayers money resolution 179 once again this  is a grant this grant will cost the city $783,059 grants are not free when it comes with the  strings and they're putting taxpayers expenses   our millage went up we need to cut our spending  resolution 180 the city wants to reimburse a   private company Valiant modular for half the cost of  installing additional length of pipe this is a   multi-million-dollar company the city has loans  has raised our taxes I really think the city   needs to get its finances in order but for what  we're giving away our hard-earned tax dollars to   private companies the biggest one is resolution  32 this is the budget our original budget was   for 97 million they added 39 plus million in  amendments to come up with 137 million we're   at the end of the year and now we're another  $41 million short which would bring our budget   up to $161,000 million for this year the city's  spending is unchecked and out of control and our   city council appears to have been negligent and  not keeping a tighter reain on the items coming   to the city council for approval budgets are  set except for a reason and we all live within   budgets if the city is allowed to spend un  without accountability why even bother with a   budget our city council needs to do a lot better  I would hope that the fiscal year 24-25 the city   and the city council will get it spending under  control and we will pay off our debt and loans   that we have taken so we have under Financial  um security and not in Hawk thank you thank you and next is Marvin Miller to follow that a guys uh uh every time I  get to a microphone it's usually for a fundraiser   but not tonight I walked in the door thank you  Travis I happen to run into him at a restaurant   he said tonight's the last night for Bill and  Counting October November the election and uh   comes up awful fast where the time flies by and I  I see a a lot of old friends I must be pretty old   and uh Hunter so good to see you delightful  and congratulations tonight and all of you   Lori Travis Susan Harold Joyce hello Joyce where  is he Randy okay you've been there in that corner   for an awful long time last time I was there  your hair was black look at him good thing you   still have some that's good and uh uh Carl hello  mayor Persis I like that ring I like the sound of   that mayor Persis that sound for some reason that  sounds really good but congratulations bill I want   to tell you uh you stood up an a a lot for a lot  of issues and been there for for my for for me and   for the groups that I stand for and you and you're  out there and you put yourself out and you know I   could call this like a sitcom this is I call this  friends I mean everybody it's really it's what a   wonderful feel I look at all of your smiling  feel but what a wonderful commission led by   you Bill and and I wish you so well on your  future Endeavor and and uh and you're so well   deserved of it and well I I didn't realize  it's a large family get them all out to vote   you'll win that's right and thank everybody  thank you so much thank you Mayor appreciate that Becky Parker hello hi I'm Becky Parker I am the  executive director of Ormond Beach MainStreet   and I am just here to offer my sincerest gratitude  to you um for your partnership and your support um   over the years there's nothing that I could  say tonight that hasn't already been said   but I often um I often say that we definitely  would not be able to do what we do without the   support of the city and um that really starts  with our elected officials and and and you are   mayor you have always um been our Advocate and  um you've been Discerning and levelheaded and   passionate and um I'm I'm just we we don't want  you to go but I won't be far I won't be far um   but yes and I um most importantly you show up  and I think you you're a true example of what   it means to show up when it's not easy you've  led us through um a pandemic and hurricanes   and economic downturns and um you have been a  friend to many and um you've been sincere and   authentic and I just um wish you the best thank  you we truly truly thank you thank you Becky yep all right Connie Colby she 108 Robel Lane Ormond Beach um I'm going  to add lip here for just a second um in 2004 we   moved here and it was the first year I believe you  were running for mayor you showed up at we moved   to the falls at that time and you came there and  you spoke to the people that were there who were   and I said oh my gosh what have I gotten myself  into and I remember your wife showed up a little   bit later with some of your children I don't know  who they were she was kind of hoping you would go   home soon and I don't blame her she still is yep  anyway um I'd say wow for the last week um this   past week we had a lot of water on our street  probably about a foot for a couple of days um   first time it's ever been like that so I don't  know what's going on around our neighborhood and   I think some of you who took a little ride around  I appreciate that um it has gone down and we had a   wire that took a while to be put back up um things  are back to normal sort of um Central Park had um   I thought they were supposed to lower the water in  Central Park before big storms for the first time   we have a three-foot drop off in our backyard and  this is the first time that the waters actually   come up that high and come a little bit over the  banks it's coming down a little bit now so I'm not   sure what's going on with that either so what I'm  asking is let charity begin at home when we need   to have our manhole covers pulled up and cleaned  out the drains may be cleaned out more often and   if there's anything else going on maybe I don't  know if there's a lot of dirt being put in in   places where it shouldn't be um take care of us  first before you start building something else   outside of the city no further out in the city  thank you thank you Connie and Jim Cameron there's Jim that's right good evening I'm Jim Cameron uh Jim  Cameron Consulting and uh I think it's   probably an understatement though we can all say  and agree hey last week it wasn't fun for anybody   and and I've just wanted to come up and express  my gratitude though for for your staff out there   because I know uh ran and Kevin in public works  and there I remember reading about they've done   some advanced work on cleaning out those culs  and and some of those drains and stuff I mean   just yeah and we had some uh flooding and  stuff on our street and I sent y'all some   pictures and I appreciate y'all attending to  that though you had a pump out there and uh   hey I mean I'm even getting my dogs out there  on the street again now but uh again I know you   you worked hard on that though in advance and  flooding is going to happen though it's happened   all over the county pretty much all over  the state but appreciate y'all's attention   to that though and uh like I say just keep  up the good work though thank you thank you Jim and last but not least Carl Persis former  mayor former Volusia County councilman former current   Schoolboard member yes current Schoolboard  member uh thank you uh Mr Mayor and uh   you know you you began when you started talking up  here in front of everybody you said you know there   are some cities in the country where you really  want wouldn't want to be mayor and I was thinking   you know there are some cities in the county you  wouldn't really want to be mayor now I won't call   out any names here tonight but I think you know  the one I'm talking about all right I want to   say that sitting in that middle seat requires  a different set of skills when you do it right   you do a lot of listening and you got to kind  of plate the egos of your Commissioners you got   four of them you know you're trying to be fair  you're trying to balance you try not to show   any favoritism you know you got the audience  everybody's looking at you and you want to set   that professional Fair demeanor and uh and you do  it so well and you do it at every meeting and even   if if you're not sitting here u in person I listen  and I I can just hear hear your grace and I I hear   your patience and takes a lot of patience to be  a be a good mayor uh because sometimes you just   want people to you know just say it and get over  it but they don't they they go on and on and on   and you do it so well one of the things that I'm  I'm going to miss Mr mayor is our teacher of the   quarter uh Vince uh mayor Partington and I for  the last eight years we have visited uh 10 schools   every quarter so that's about 40 schools every  year and we surprise teachers and we go into go   into their rooms with two members of the Chamber  of Commerce and it's just a lot of fun and uh they   they love it when you give them the key to the  city it it just makes their day so I'm I'm going   to miss doing that with you I I just have to say  again you've always served with with dignity in   integrity and compassion you're just you're  you're just a fair fair person and that comes   and that comes through uh the last thing I think  I would say is that when when people are ready   to praise you for for something you quick divert  that praise and you give credit to everybody else   and and that's what that's what Bill does so I  just want to say in closing here um I'm glad that   you'll be joining me on the mayor wall of former  mayors I'm uh I'm I'm proud of everything that you   have done and most importantly proud to be your  friend thank you thank you thank you [Applause] all right uh commission we are now on approval  of minutes these are the minutes from the regular   City commission meeting of October 2nd 2024  they've been sent to you for review also posted   on the city's website any additions deletions or  Corrections commission like to make a correction   Mr Mayor first thank you um I'd like to correct uh  my closing comments at the last meeting I say that   the reports that were in question were showing  um that were not showing over a year old that   they were only a few months and I was incorrect  they are uh showing a little bit older so I just   want to correct that for the record Mr Mayor good  deal is there a motion to uh approve as corrected   I move to approve the minutes as corrected second  moved and seconded all those in favor please say   I I oppose like sign and we'll show that passing  unanimously we are now on the consent agenda does   any member of the commission wish to pull any item  from the consent cons agenda I move approval of   the consent agenda second seconded please call a  vote Commissioner Tolland yes Commissioner Sargent  yes Commissioner Persis yes Commissioner Briley  yes Mayor Partington yes and now would be the   appropriate time if any member of the commission  wanted to comment on any of the consent agenda   items we'll start with Commissioner Persis yeah I  I just want to mention the um our health savings   account um we get up to $1,850 a year in SA  savings through the city insurance and it's   just a wonderful benefit to City staff so I just  wanted to say thank you for that and thank you for   keeping that up I appreciate it great Deputy Mayor  did you have anything just just one thing Mr Mayor   I was just want to come on on again just not to  the point I'm a congratulate Mr Wendlestad now you're   an officially officially a Goodwill Ambassador  for the city of Ormond beach you continue to make   us proud and uh thank you very much absolutely  Commissioner Sargent and then Commissioner   go okay uh i' like to make a comment on  resolution B that is the license plate   readers and I did some research on this with  and the national league of cities recommends   that when we put this out for bid there's a  few things that we should really focus on one   is community engagement two is choosing a company  with uh extensive data privacy so it says choose   a a vendor that implements strict data privacy  measures to protect the information collector   um training is another one to ensure the law  enforcement Personnel are trained in the use   of the technology and adhere to the established  protocols um Regular evaluations and legislation   and regulations um establish clear policies  governing the use of license plate readers and   to prevent misuse and protect civil liberties  so I think that when we put this out for bid I   think those are some guidelines that I would  like staff to to adhere too and and when we   go forward with choosing a vendor because I do  think licensed plate readers are a good thing   when they're used properly and I do think that  they've uh helped our Law Enforcement Officers   solve crimes more quickly but I also do think  that they could be used improperly and I think   that's something that we need to really focus  on uh the second thing Mr Mayor would be the   insurance the savings uh health and I don't  know when the last time was that was bid out   I know we bid out this year and saved the city  some money so I don't know if maybe next year   that's an item that staff could look at um just  want to throw that out there as um something to   potentially look at in the future that's all  I have Mr Mayor great thank you commissioner   Commissioner Tolland yeah on uh consent agenda a  I just wanted to officially congratulate Hunter   as well um being an ambassador I was a good friend  of your dad's and he was very special to me and um   I I know that you know you've honored the game of  baseball and um you're and you will also thank you   for honoring the community of Ormond Beach thank  you thank you commissioner and Hunter um you   talked about going to the same church and being an  Ormond Beach local I I mean you and your dad are   such an integral part of our community we're so  proud that you kind of belong to Ormond Beach and   the lifestyle that a Major League umpire leads  I don't think most people really understand uh   how much you travel you're sometimes in I don't  know three or four different cities in a week   for months on end but yet when it's all said and  done you still come back to home which is which is   Ormond Beach and I think that's that's incredible  uh knowing now that you're an ambassador makes me   feel great and thank you deputy mayor Briley for  for uh you know the proclamation suggestion and   uh making sure that this happened we were running  out of time I wasn't sure it was going to happen   but uh staff managed to pull it all together  and your schedule worked and so we're grateful   for that and congratulations again um if there's  nothing else on the consent agenda commission uh   we'll go to public hearings I'll open the public  hearings and ask the clerk to read 9A ordinance   ORDINANCE NO. 2024-30: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, ARTICLE IV, SIGN REGULATIONS, SECTION 3-47, BUSINESS PREMISES SIGNS, SUBSECTION G, ELECTRONIC CHANGEABLE COPY SIGNS, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY EXPANDING THE ALLOWANCE OF ELECTRONIC CHANGEABLE COPY SIGNS, AND ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS OF OPERATIONS AND PERMITTING STANDARDS; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. date this is the first reading of ordinance  number 2024-30 read by title only thank   you and since it is a first reading I'll ask our  planning director Steven Spraker to speak on this item good evening Steven Spraker planning director  with the city this is a request for a Land   Development code Amendment based on direction  from commission back in May of this year um   there was Direction to go to the planning board  and develop standards for electronic changeable   copy signs over the course of three meetings  the planning board um formed the amendment which   is in your packet tonight um there was really  four points that came a part of discussion one   was are are electronic changeable copy signs  an appropriate type of signage what areas of   the Cities would these signs be appropriate  what should be the conditions of electronic   changeable copy signs and then who should  be the approval process whether it be St   a special exception or plan development so the  planning board work through those items and the   IT the conditions are within your packet um they  recommend that staff have approvability of these   signs signs that couldn't meet the staff criteria  would come before the board and before the city   commission planing board did recommend approval  70 of the Land Development code Amendment if there   are any changes that the commission uh wants we'd  be happy to discuss it or go from there staff is   recommending approval based on on the planning  board thank thank you Stephen any questions for Stephen Mr Mayor if there's no other  discussion of no cards no cards no   sir I'll move approval of uh ordinance  2024-30 second moved and seconded any   other discussion please call the vote  commissioner Sargent yes commissioner   Persis yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner  Tolland yes mayor Partington yes 9B ORDINANCE NO. 2024-31: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, DISTRICT AND GENERAL REGULATIONS, ARTICLE III, GENERAL REGULATIONS, SECTION 2-50, ACCESSORY USES, SUBSECTION (W), OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO UPDATE THE CONDITIONS AND PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS FOR OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. title only thank you Susan and again I'll ask our  planning director Steven Spraker to speak on this   this is a request for our Land Development code  for outdoor activities these outdoor activities   are temporary in nature they're approved by staff  they could include uh sidewalk sailes um Church   events basically items that are are temporary  in nature um there are are really four types   of outdoor activities um retail special events  the seasonal holiday items like Christmas trees   or pumpkin patch sales U nonprofits uh school car  washes what we've seen is a number of of corporate   entities trying to do outdoor events related  to their business operations no retail sales   no general public that is something that our code  doesn't really address so we've amended the code   to allow it we also took the opportunity  to reorganize the section the planning   board reviewed this amendment and recommend  approval with a six to zero vote thank you   any questions for Steven I move approval of  ordinance number 2024-31 second moved and seconded   any discussion please call the vote commissioner  Persis yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner   Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes mayor  Partington yes 9 C RESOLUTION NO. 2024-195: A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE ORMOND BEACH CITY COMMISSION TO CONSIDER VACATING A PORTION OF CORBIN AVENUE, A PLATTED PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHIN THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1 SOUTH BEACH STREET (VOLUSIA COUNTY PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 4215-14-03-0010), KNOWN AS “CASSEN PARK”; ESTABLISHING A TIME CERTAIN FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 2024-195 read by title only thank you and  we'll go to planning director Steven Spraker good evening Steven Spraker this is a request for  a partial right of way vacation of the Corbin Avenue   right of way so we're located right here in the  commission Chambers across the street this is   a right of way that goes through Cassen Park the goal  is to vacate that right of way as part of the park   Redevelopment um staff has coordinated with um  all applicable utilities they have no objections   if if the notice of attent is approved it would  come back as an ordinance in uh December and in   January of 2025 perfect thank you I think, I move  approval second moved and seconded any other   questions or discussion please call the vote  commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes   commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis  yes Mayor Partington yes 9d RESOLUTION NO. 2024-196: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND ISSUANCE OF A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REGARDING CASSEN PARK, LOCATED AT 1 SOUTH BEACH STREET; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. number 2024-196 read by title only thank you  and again we'll go to planning director Steven Spraker this is a special exception related to  the Cassen Park Redevelopment uh when the item   went through the site plan review committee there  were certain standards that the uh design could   not meet um primarily based on setbacks setbacks  to uh Corbin Avenue which we're vacating which   we'll take care of that the Granada Boulevard  uh rideway along the bridge and the Waterfront   yard um the structure is being moved further from  the Waterfront but it still needs a variance and   then there's some minor Landscaping requirements  that are sought to be waved the uh planning board   reviewed the application and recommend approval  the design team is here if there are   any questions staff is recommending approval  based on the planning report thank you Steven   any questions for Steven no questions just a  comment if I may sure I'm just super excited   that it this is on our agenda and that we're  actually moving forward with it and we'll have   a Cassen park at some point agree agree we all are  so excited great and I do have one card from Jim cookie good evening good evening I'm Jim cookie  I'm partner in Ormond Landing LLC and office at   12:30 North US Highway one here in Ormond Beach  and my partner Jane doson 222 Oak Trail so uh uh as   one of the only private property owners within  300 feet of Cassen park I got a letter and said if   I had any comments I could come here uh to speak  and I'd like to just take uh the opportunity to   briefly address the commission uh we appreciate  the acknowledgement of our ownership which heret   for has been kind of ignored by the city uh that  proceeded with dredging and construction of the   Breakwater a portion of our property along with  other uses uh it is private property and have   same property rights as any other piece of private  property but that said we would have accommodated   any request if they had been made by the city  and we applaud uh your efforts to improve the   park and obviously offer no objections to this  ordinance or the variance little background we've   approached the city a couple times over the years  with concepts for the parcel I gave you a little   hand out there uh the late Bill Dodson and I were  Partners on the Tomoka river and uh bill um we   realized I realized because I appraised marinas  and stuff all over the State of Florida that uh   private ownership of submerged land adjacent to  underutilized public Uplands in an urban setting   does offer offer some unique opportunities that  otherwise might not be permitted on Sovereign   submerged land uh controlled by the state so  for the record I gave you a little hand out   there with the kind of summarizing the vision of  like I said Bill n used to sit on the Tomoka River   and talk about stuff and this property was here  and reason we bought it because it was there and   Bill was one of the city City's leading advocates  for historical preservation and bills he passed   away in 2022 and he was also a promi prominent  creative Visionary in the area uh he was part of   the architectural team that designed the Daytona  Beach International Airport in 1991 so I I realize   you know we floated some ideas pun intended uh  but uh it it may be up to the Next Generation to   realize the potential at this location raise my  family here my grandchildren are here living it   might be the next Generation but in the meantime  it is an ideal location for a family house boat   to park there um why can I could complain you  dredge the property and you put a Break water   there on a property uh but I would also like to  inform the commission that there is an offer on   the table was made to the city manager a while  back uh to lease the property to the city for   a very nominal amount at any time in the future  you feel you might want to control the Basin there   and again congratulations on Cassen Park it's  beautiful and uh that thank you for the uh thank   you for your time and thank you for the your  service to the city thank you Jim Jim you're a   great guy I also had long conversations with Bill  Dodson about this and other other things he was a   Visionary and a great individual himself and uh  I miss miss those conversations so uh commission   I don't have any other cards commissioner Persis yeah  I I just wanted to for those in the audience that   may not know all of this the Redevelopment of  Cassen Park includes relocating the bait shop   further from the water restroom renovations native  landscaping Improvement opportunities for public   art Improvement to the veterans memorial and  reconfiguration of parking spaces and walkways   and this plan is compliant with the 2019 downtown  master plan and I know we're all so excited to   have this so I just wanted the people out there  to know what what we were talking about in case   you didn't thank you great anyone else Mr mayor move  approval 90 second moved and seconded any other   discussion questions or comments please call  the vote commissioner Tolland yes commissioner   Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes commissioner  Briley yes Mayor Partington yes and we will close   the public hearings and move to 10A ORDINANCE NO. 2024-32: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 BY AMENDING THE GENERAL FUND (001); DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT TRUST FUND (104); STORMWATER UTILITY FUND (107); AIRPORT FUND (108); ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND (110); PENSION CONTRIBUTION PASS THROUGH FUND (113); RECREATION FACILITY FEE FUND (115); FINANCING DEBT SERVICE FUND (205); CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND (301); EQUIPMENT RENEWAL & REPLACEMENT FUND (302); PUBLIC SAFETY VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT FUND (305); TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS FUND (308); FACILITIES RENEWAL & REPLACEMENT FUND (317); LEISURE SERVICES CAPITAL FUND (322); WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND (401); VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND (408); RENEWAL & REPLACEMENT FUND (409); WEST ORMOND REUSE IMPACT FEE FUND (433); WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE FUND (434); WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEE FUND (435); 2024 WATER & WASTEWATER BONDS; AND THE GENERAL LIABILITY FUND (504); AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is the first reading   of ordinance number 2024-32 read by title only  thank you Susan and I'll ask our finance director   Kelly McGuire to speak on this item thank you very  much so we have uh your annual budget amendments   good good have that up the largest portion of this  are capital projects that we're asking you for to   move from fiscal year 22-23 to last fiscal year so  it's important to note that this 19.6 million is   not new dollars we're asking you to expend they're  dollars that were included in the original budget   for 22 23 and because they're capital projects and  it takes time to bid them out bring them back for   approval and so forth we end up having a timing  issue effectively so this is this is it's an every   year we do it every year and it's kind of up  the budget for transparency purposes so everybody   knows where everything is that's what I thought  exactly and the state requires us to do that right   we have to have that budget in the fiscal year  that we actually expend the dollars so these are   budgets that started in the 23 year we're moving  them to the 24 year but they're not new dollars   similarly the mayor will know this right I'm going  to talk about the transfers $15.7 million we have   this very quirky thing we do in governmental  accounting which is we end up taking dollars   in one fund and we have to transfer them to the  to another fund when we do that they get budgeted   twice but we only spend the dollars once that's  the $15.7 million those two items together make   up 85% of this budget amendment so those are the  ones I want to focus on but also I'll talk about   the police CBA right that's the collective  bargaining agreement that is a timing issue   um that was retroactive back to 22 so that's why  we're asking you to amend that that also includes   $400,000 of State funding that we're receiving  to help us with the pension cost so that's a   positive for us uh the new grant funding that's  for Business Park Drive Phase 2 that has been   our in our CIP for many years but unfunded because  because the city has not had the funds or decided   to put our funds towards paying that so more than  half of that would be funded through a grant so   that is also a positive for us the next item  includes two things that really are not within   our control but very important the PAC fire and  the fuel Farm so that's the $1.6 million and   then we have the inflationary additions which  for the most part are chemicals for the water   and wastewater Plant so that's the total of all the  budget amendments that we're asking you to approve   thank you Kelly any questions for Kelly no good  job all right I don't oh I do have two cards   actually Jennifer bright first up did you already  cover it yes ma'am thank you and then Connie Colby Kobe 108 Robel Lane um I did see one item  in there that I would like to I don't understand   what it's about um under transportation there's  a item that says fuel Farm analysis for $60,000   um I would appreciate some information as to  what that might be thank you thank you and   Joyce did you want to take that I thought we  were having or Kelly either way I thought we   were having a study done um in our efforts  to continue to uh understand the impacts to   the city of what a fuel Farm might involve yes  you didn't need either of us okay perfect so   that's what it was good deal commission any  other questions I don't have any other cards   I move approval of ordinance number 2024-32  second moved and seconded any other discussion   please call the vote commissioner Sargent  yes commissioner Persis yes commissioner   Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes mayor  Partington yes 10 B ORDINANCE NO. 2024-33: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE IV, POLICE OFFICERS’ PENSION TRUST FUND, OF CHAPTER 16, PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; AMENDING SECTION 16-74, FINANCES AND FUND MANAGEMENT; ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF FUND; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I move Approval, Seconded. Please call the vote. Commissioner Briley, yes. Commissioner Persis, yes. Commissioner Tolland, yes. commissioner Sargent yes  mayor Partington yes 10c ordinance number   ORDINANCE NO. 2024-34: AN ORDINANCE RECOGNIZING A DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY ISSUED BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, EFFECTIVE THROUGHOUT THE STATE INCLUDING VOLUSIA COUNTY AND THE MUNICIPALITIES SITUATED THEREIN; RECOGNIZING A DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY ISSUED BY VOLUSIA COUNTY, EFFECTIVE THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY INCLUDING THE MUNICIPALITIES THEREIN; RATIFYING AND AFFIRMING A DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY ISSUED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, EFFECTIVE THROUGHOUT THE CITY; AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES TO FACILITATE THE PROVISION OF EXPEDITIOUS MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ON-SITE PERMITS FOR REPAIR OF DAMAGE CAUSED BY HURRICANE MILTON; PROVIDING FOR THE WAIVER OF PERMIT FEES ASSOCIATED THEREWITH; PROHIBITING UNLICENSED OR UNAUTHORIZED CONTRACTORS FROM ENGAGING IN UNLICENSED OR UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. this is   the first and only reading of ordinance number  2024-34 read by title only thank you commission   any questions about this move approval second  second moved in seconded any other discussion   please call the vote commissioner Briley yes  commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent  yes commissioner Persis yes mayor Partington  yes and we are now on discussion and Direction   items and we'll start with 11a the city attorney  evaluation I don't have any cards commission and   I don't know who wants to to go first but  we were provided all the materials and the   evaluations completed thank you all for getting  that done in a timely manner anyone want to start   I'll just say good job Randy y thank you very much  commissioner Persis yeah I'll just I I will just read   um my comments um thank you Randy really for  everything you do for us you keep us keep us   straight and you keep us informed and you know no  questions ever silly or or you know unreasonable   so I appreciate that but I did I did write on my  comments um our commission and City are incredibly   fortunate to have you Randy Hayes as our City  attorney your ability to navigate challenging   situations with a positive proactive approach  is invaluable and your dedication consistently   benefits our community and just recently and what  of of late the most wonderful thing you've done is   to guide us through the Vadner situation and thank  you so much for that all right commissioner Tolland   and then commissioner Sargent so I just used  a couple adjectives one is knowledgeable   approachable Fierce protector of our community  and the residents that live here I appreciate   your leadership and your proactive guidance to  protect and serve our community and I'm 100%   grateful to you as our City attorney thank you  thank you, commissioner and commissioner Sargent,  thank you Mr Mayor I think my comments go for both  the City attorney and the city manager you know I   think as uh Mr Boyle mentioned this commission's  been faced with lots of tough issues probably   more than most previous commissions with badier  Tomoka Oaks we can just kind of go on and on and   and through y'all's leadership both of you um very  fortunate to have your knowledge and Leadership to   to guide us through all these difficult situations  so thank you that goes for both great comments and   Randy I'll just say that uh you've always been a  pleasure to work with extremely knowledgeable um   I'm constantly Blown Away by how well you know  whatever the issue is from the very beginning   however many years ago it started all the way  to where we are at present day and you retain   all that and uh can repeat it and you analyze  it and it's just incredible any City would be   lucky or any County any governmental entity  would be lucky to have your services uh you   rely on your staff you talk to other attorneys  and then you critically analyze each and every   item and uh develop a strategy that protects  Ormond Beach residents ultimately and uh we've   seen success after success with that and I  expect only continued success in the future   so thank you for thank you for that um did  you want to comment at all you don't have to but I just want thank everybody for the kind  remarks um it's really a reflection of your   leadership and the staff that works in the city  Attorney's office and Joyce would tell you saying the   staff that works in her office uh we we would not  have the success without the cohesive leadership   from this commission and uh it makes our job so  much easier and it helps having uh very solid   staff to work with it's a pleasure working  with each and every one of you and and I just   appreciate the opportunity to work for you thank  you thank you Randy and we'll go next to 11b which   is the uh city manager evaluation commissioner  Persis I'll go first and Joyce I'm I I would like   to compliment you I know you get embarrassed  but no I'm just going to I would like to read my   comments that I wrote on the um on the application  um I have deep admiration for the incredible   work you do as a city manager your unwavering  dedication to Ormond Beach as and its residents   is truly remarkable your leadership has made a  lasting impact on our city and it's clear that   our city thrives because of your vision and your  commitment so thank you for all you do thank you   who's up next Deputy Mayor Briley Mr Mayor thank you  I'll just keep like it was short and sweet keep   up the great work we appreciate you and we're  all support to that Joyce thank you well said   commissioner Tolland so my definition of you  as a caring leader my description of you I   appreciate your vast experience managing our city  finances as we've had many discussions about that   and identifying the needs of our community um to  ensure our citizens quality of life um together   with Randy um you both are proactive protecting  not only the Commissioners but also the residents   in our community um and we're very appreciative of  that and we have had some real issues in front of   us and um we did work together as a cohesive unit  with your leadership and um I also appreciate   I don't know if anybody's going to mention your  active participation in other organizations um   within our community you being visible in our  community to others is much appreciated and I   know you're very well respected and your input is  very impactful so thank you so much for everything   thank you commissioner commissioner Sargent I said it before with Randy's comments it's   all tied in together but I'll just say thank you  perfect and uh yeah it is a little intermingled   I was forgot to say when talking about Randy the  way that Randy and Joyce and their staff's work   together is also incredible and a huge benefit  for our city uh always in lock step and always   checking with each other never getting ahead of  one another and uh collaboration is kind of the   word that that comes to mind I appreciate that  uh Joyce I wrote you continue to perform form   at an exceptionally high level well respected  by all I continuously hear great things from   the community about you uh in regards to not only  you as a person being of strong character but also   to your service to Ormond Beach and how lucky  we are and uh some people have commented that   they were going to try to steal you I hope that  never happens but uh you know you serve and all   the other organizations that you serve on just not  just Ormond Beach but our entire area in the State   of Florida um our city is lucky to have such  a dedicated consument professional at our Helm   and you're an excellent role model for all Ormond  Beach with a great work ethic great communication   and you can always trust you to do the right  thing for our residents I didn't write this   part but I thought it even when no one's looking  you always do the right thing and i' I've always   appreciated that so uh excellent evaluations for  both of you um it says motion second and call vote   here I don't know for sure commission if there's  anything other than other than accepting we we   approve their evaluation i' second it all right  mov been seconded any other discussion comments   and Joyce did you want to respond before we um  just a brief moment um you know we don't do this   alone and Randy's correct that you sent the tempo  you set the leadership at the commission level   you are a collaborative group you listen to one  another and you take each other's advice and you   truly deliberate on the things that are important  to our residents and so we Randy and I take our   cues from you and I think um our employees take  our cues from Randy and I and I I couldn't be more   proud of our our employees and how hard they work  and I'll talk about that a little bit during my   comments thank you very much thank you uh anyone  else please call the vote commissioner Tolland yes   commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis  yes commissioner Briley yes mayor Partington yes   and uh related to item 11 is the issue of salary  for the city manager and the City attorney they   would never ask for an increase commission I can  tell you that from having been here in years past   uh never even bring it up so I'm bringing it  up because I know it's our responsibility as   a commission to to review their situation and uh  uh make those decisions regrettably in some ways   I won't be here probably to make that final  decision but I wanted to at least discuss   it amongst ourselves and uh you'll be a new  commission next time you meet uh to see if perhaps   you wanted to direct staff to bring you back uh  information on salaries uh for comparable size   cities both in Volusia County and around the state  not only comparable size but comparably situated   a coastal city of approximately 45,000 people with  an airport and uh whatever other amenities we have   I don't know how many of those exist but and then  look at the uh compare the salaries for both City   attorney and city manager I think it's important  just so that we're staying current um uh we don't   like I talked about other people uh hopefully  jokingly saying they want somebody they want   somebody to come work for them we don't want them  to offer them more because we're underpaying in   any particular way um and I think it's smart just  to review it every so often so I wanted to bring   that up as as a discussion for the commission and  then we could uh if there is a desire to do that   give direction to staff to bring that bring that  back to you I think it's appropriate that we it's   appropriate get the gather the information and  bring it up um for discussion I agree I don't   know like how long how long it's been since a  raise I you know so all that information would   be very important to know perfect um any other  information that you would like with that along   with you know some Sal salary analysis how long  it's been comparisons you know and you similar   size cities like you said no perfect sorry so  I would consider that a motion commissioner   Persis I move approval to do some research on uh  providing us information on um salaries on similar   cities for our for city managers attorneys and and  information on the last time they had raise and   bring that back to us so we could talk about it  I make I'll second that and second commission any   um further discussion comments or questions please  call the vote on that Susan yes commissioner   Persis yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner  Tolland yes mayor Partington yes and now we are on   reports suggestion and requests and we start with  city manager Joyce Shanahan uh thank you Mr Mayor   um as you know we've uh just finished um the major  parts of um the storm itself hurricane Milton we   activated our EOC I think it was Wednesday uh  late afternoon early evening and closed it down   Friday um I will tell you we had unprecedented  Reigns the likes of which we've not seen for a   very long time the water rose quickly in some  areas uh notably in Central Park um uh there's   a lot you can't do about Rising water you just  kind of have to wait until it it recedes um we   have interconnected the lakes in Central Park and  that did make a difference over in the Fleming   area as you recall Mr Mayor in the storm of 2009  the no-name storm we had unprecedented flooding   over there um the efforts that we uh went through  to get hazard mitigation grants to uh help with   that pumping has made a significant difference  over there there are many low-lying areas in the   city that um need future uh addressing uh we're  working on the areas around putam um around the   PAC around uh US1 there those are areas that have  to be addressed and we'll continue to look at   those and find ways to to make improvements to  those um sadly we had um loss of life during this   storm uh one individual succumbed to a cardiac  arrest and another individual succumbed to a tree   falling in their home um just a tragic accident  that happened um so we we pray for their families   and offer them uh support uh in their time of  need um your city employees were there the whole   time um you you don't have to ask them to work  hard uh they they work hard uh the day before   the Wednesday we uh handed out 10,000 sandbags in  two total of 10,000 in two different locations and   that's unprecedented we've had a sandpile active  all summer long we've had I think over six truck   loads of sand um I don't know how many tons that  equals but it's a heck of a lot of sand so um   we've had that sand pile open since June 1st so we  gave out a lot of sandbags and we hope that helped   a lot of people but every storm is different you  never know where the W wind's coming from or how   much rain you're going to get um it's always  a learning experience from us and we know that   there's areas that we can improve but I'm here  to tell you that um everybody from police and   fire to Public Works and Parks and Recreation uh  Leisure Services uh city clerk's office everybody   worked hard as a as a team together to uh try to  get the best for this community and now we're in   the recovery phase that's a little bit longer of  a phase and we continue to work to ensure that our   community gets cleaned up that we identify those  areas that need future improvements look for grant   opportunities to improve those areas and move  forward um just a couple of other things um we   have uh we say goodbye to you Mr Mayor tonight um  it's uh when you call me up on the phone and said   I didn't I didn't approve that item on the agenda  and I said yeah you're right I made an executive   decision because I knew you wouldn't approve it um  but I'm glad your family was here to uh see you on   your last night here at at the Dais um you've  been a great leader um and you truly have the   heart and history of Ormond Beach um and we we are  going to greatly miss you um I know our employees   uh respect and appreciate you you always come out  and share with them any exciting things that are   happening our community relies upon you to be the  face of our community and you represent our city   so very well and you will be greatly missed  um see what else you have a couple of items   coming up and I know they're near and dear to your  heart so I'll just uh read those activities to you   uh number one is the Veterans Day luncheon on  November 7th it's a uh located at the Ormond Beach   uh Senior Center the veterans tickets are free and  they may purchase the guest ticket for $7 Hometown   Heroes uh program we've been doing that for a  number of years the Hometown Heroes um uh Banners   are up along um the Halifax Bridge the Granada  bridge I guess we should say um Halifax Health has   routinely sponsored that event and they provide  uh drive-thru meals for our veterans and so we and   last year I think we honored 96 veterans alone so  um the Hometown Heroes drive-thru recognition will   be held on Saturday November 2nd from 10:00 a.m.  to 11:30 a.m. at the senior center and that's um   great for that um you have a number of different  activities um ghost stories at the casements sadly   is sold out but that is a wonderful um event they  do something exciting every year for Halloween and   um hurricane Milton as I said was tougher than  we expected um but we are strong and resilient   and we will persevere I'm happy to answer any  questions any questions for the city manager   commissioner Sargent thank you when is our third  party huller coming to start when will they start   that process and pick up the debris thank you for  bringing that up so um Crowder Gulf is in town   and we expect them to get um trucks by Friday   Shawn do you want to speak to this um just a little   bit of uh background uh because of the state  being so severely impacted these haulers are   um challenging to uh get here and there's become  a bidding war the State of Florida has indicated   uh certain requirements for local governments um  and Sean will talk a little bit about that yes   um with any with any storm um we're not the only  Community affected we had a hurricane Helene that   affected state two weeks ago and that puts us  in a whole different situation than we normally   are so with that getting getting those hollers  is a little bit more difficult we have Crowder   Gulf who is our who is our who is our contract we  met with them yesterday we met with Thompson who   is our auditor they're on site here yesterday we  opened our D our debris management site today um   one of the things to make sure until we get those  in in house we certify three of our trucks so our   our crews are out there collecting that those as  well um we had a commitment from three that that   backed out because the FEMA rates just under $10  of cubic yard Hillsborough County is paying $15 a   cubic yard so we're we're trying to get to figure  out how we combat that how can we get a how can we   get a rate that is competitive with them that will  be fully reimbursed by FEMA so we're we're working   with Ann Margaret and the city attorney's office  to make sure that we we do everything we can to   get those on we were informed by Crowder Gulf  earlier today that we have six trucks headed to   us from Wisconsin we want to make sure that those  those trucks that as they come down from Wisconsin   they come down on I 10 they make a left on I'm  sorry they come down on I75 they make a left on   I10 they can they continue down to I95 they don't  they don't continue to Tampa, but we want to make   sure that we keep them them here everything  indicates that we that we will we do have one   of our locals who has signed on with Crowder  Gulf to help us out as well so we're going to   we intend to do everything we can to supplement  what we can get from Crowder Gulf and from from   from from our other haulers um we expect them we  expect them th Thursday as Joyce mentioned um and   again we we'll continue to to work on that as best  as we can and and we will keep you informed every   step of the way we with our crews we're going to  work them on on on on some of our collector roads   they were on halif North Halifax today trying to  get some of that that some of those side street   working on John Anderson um one of the the  additional things that we're going to try and   do that came out with the executive order is that  the governor mandated that we do a 24/7 operation   that's going to be tricky um but if that's what we  need to do we're going to figure out a way to do   that and and and and there's different things that  we can do not necessarily in in the neighborhoods   you know that that's one of the things that  we're we're looking at maybe limiting those   to two shifts you know a shift that starts at 5:00  A.M that works till 3 a shift that works from 3  to 11 um we we want to be aware of our residents  we don't want to disrupt their lives by having   people out there at 3:00 in the morning collecting  but there's things that we can do that maybe are   quieter at that de at that debris management site  scoping things out maybe some quieter things we'll   keep you in in line if there's anything that's out  of the ordinary with this one than than previous   ones again our goal is to be fully picked up well  within that 90day period that will get us 100 re   100% reimbursement and and and and make sure that  we get 100% reimbursement of what we're spending   and if you have any other questions question have  it answer thank you any other questions for Shawn   no all right or Joyce thank you assistant city  manager Claire Whitley good evening um so first   I just like to say um as you probably know from  years past this is my favorite meeting of the year   uh Joyce and Randy are both equally dedicated and  humble and Incredibly deserving of the high marks   and compliments they have to endur publicly um  this year is especially poignant as it may be   the last one with mayor Partington at the home  um and when I think about all the goals they've   achieved and obstacles they've overcome it's  always been with the mayor the city manager and   the City attorney working hand in hand they're com  compassionate they're committed and truly a force   to be reckoned with and I learned tonight that all  three are equally good at deflecting credit for   their amazing work is why you all work together so  well I'm sure um all right also um i' just like to   comment and say thank you so much for your support  on the employee health insurance benefits and that   package especially the health savings account um  we worked so hard on that several years ago to   create a an affordable and high quality health  care plan for our employees it's incredibly   challenging and your support has been um just  so important through that um as well as our   partnership with Florida Healthcare as you know  they provide um you know so many no cost health   care services for our employees so they never feel  like they're that they can't get the care they   need um and we've done some really um wonderful  initiatives with them Wellness initiatives to   address Healthcare problems and so it's it's  so satisfying not just financially to um to   get competitive rates and make it affordable for  our employees but also to impact their health and   and that's just been wonderful to watch over the  years so thank you for continuing uh to support us   in doing that and we will uh commissioner Sargent  as you mentioned we did Market it this year even   though um our renewal was lower than budgeted and  Below Market the industry Market um we do um we do   go out to Market every couple years just to make  sure we are competitive on that because we don't   want to take for granted at any time um that we're  not spending those dollars wisely um and um also   just one more comment on um the salary comparison  for the city manager and the City attorney um I   will bring that information back to you the um  all of our employees do receive small increases   every year that you all approve with the budget  and then as you know we do paying classification   plans um studies you know maybe every 3 to seven  years depending on the market and that is when   we adjust our employees due to Market changes you  know up or down any any direction and we just did   one about two years ago for our employees the  city manager and City attorne attorney are not   included in those adjustments the last time they  had an adjustment um was 2017 so I will prepare   all of that and the comps and I'm happy to bring  that back to you for you to review yes so thank   you that's all I have appreciate that Claire  and City attorney Randy Hayes thank you mayor   um I just want to say thank you very much for  the opportunity to work for with you these past   two decades that's a that's a long time that's  almost like being married um I remember when you   first started and you are a very good Statesman  here uh as a City Commissioner and anybody that's   that works in uh government knows that for any  length of time that it's an evolutionary process   and you have evolved into a wonderful leader and  it's going to serve you well in Tallahassee um we   will always be a resource for you here so you  may be gone but you won't be forgotten thank   you thank you and good luck thank you thank you  all right and tonight we start with Deputy Mayor   Briley thank you Mr Mayor um I guess it's kind  of an honor to to be the first on your on your   last evening but um first off I want to thank  our city staff um I had a discussion with the   chief today and you know it seems like like we  we were kind of experienced a hurricane hanging   over the last few days um everything just kind  of seems to be a blur but I want to thank our   city staff for the hurricane relief and and and  and Shawn Finley I know that you've uh your phone   your phone's been burning up as as well as joyes  but you know all of our folks our Public Works   folks our public protection folks obviously police  and fire um you know every position of the city I   just want to thank our entire staff for the hard  work they have put in during this storm they've   been responsive they've done great work and  I really want to thank our city staff and the   work they continue to do um unfortunately I did  have the well I did have the pleasure of knowing   some fine folks that unfortunately were on the  the sad end of the uh the tree that fell and and   killed the wife and the husband is still in ICU in  the hospital um very sad I'm I'm I'm very sad that   we've lost a couple of lives in our city during  the storm um kind of brings me to another subject   I have received actually prior to the storm an  email from a constituent um regarding a tree the   tree that was removed the tree was removed without  a permit and apparently not the the resident that did   not consult with an arborist before having the  tree removed the the the the individual felt the   tree was uh an imminent Hazard to their their  home and so they had the tree removed um and I   didn't know if it would interest this commission  to possibly have a workshop in the future in the   near future to discuss how some of these hazardous  what could be deemed hazardous trees on people's   property how that how that would be handled  um you know I I have one of those I actually   have one of these types of trees in in my yard  it's about a 400 year old oak that leans right   over the house and if it were to fall it would  probably just destroy my house um but I leave   it there because it's a Historic Oak and I like  it my wife feels differently but you know she's   probably home right now cutting it down I don't  know but I don't know if there's any interest uh   with the Commission in in having a workshop to  discuss maybe how we address these in the future   how you know how we can just maybe just revive even  just review the ordinance and see if if we want to   tweak it at all so right now the the um planning  department and our landscape architect they are   discussing all the tree ordinances the landscape  ordinances and maybe that can be part of that   discussion we didn't have a we're on round two of  that discussions and I don't remember that being   specific as far as trees that are um threats to  your homes but Steven maybe you can help me there   there is a there was a section in there about that  in so maybe we can add that to their discussion   to help us good yeah there there is a state law  that allows an arborist or a registered landscape   architect to issue a letter for imminent trees um  um so absent that letter they have to follow the   tree permitting requirements right so we would be  happy to to wrap it up in the landscape discussion   that's coming before the commission or or whatever  your pleasure is that's perfect that's that's what   we need I don't think a so what I was saying is I  don't think a workshop is I think they're already   sure I think part I think part would be too though  if if you remove an imminent dangerous an   imminent tree if you would be required to do the  replacement ratios at the same ratio because you   know why would you take down a ha this tree and  put one in his place just for it to fall you know   in the future I mean it's all it's it's all good  discussion it is it is agreed in educational for   uh not only the commission but all the residents  I don't know if you had the chance to see Mr   dunbar's oped in the news journal talking about  the Ormond Beach tree ordinance directly on point   with Mr lome I think is who you're referencing and  I got his email too uh and I don't know exactly   what the answer is I think he fell victim to  a contractor who led him to believe he was   following all the appropriate steps and then turns  out he wasn't I don't know if the city can uh put   something in the code that allows for documentary  video uh or picture evidence of the condition of   the tree because we all see these Oaks that are chopped  down that are solid beautiful oak wood looks super   healthy and then we see the ones that have huge  rotted holes in the middle of them we can figure   out what was dangerous and what wasn't but uh I  don't think they're allowed to review that after   the fact when the proper procedure wasn't followed  in the first place but all of those kind of things   are the types of things I think it's a good idea  Deputy Mayor um at least to discuss that when   it comes up and get as much education on that as  possible city manager Shanahan if you discuss that to piece is um what kind of mitigation is  necessary uh replacement of trees and how   many and that's something that you can also talk  about because even with the imminent trees like   I'll just use as example the trees is very  healthy but prior to the hurricane prior to   the storm we had 5 to 6 inches of rain which just  saturated the ground and I've seen a lot of these   trees is just uproot because the the the root  structure I mean the the ground couldn't hold the   root structure the tree was healthy but it came  down because you know the ground was saturated   so some of these imminent trees are not they're  even healthy trees but just how do we you know   how do we how do we look at it so um I'll move  on to the uh the state of the city lunch today   was fantastic it was a wonderful event at the  Oceanside Country Club Mr Mayor did a fine job with   the ace Awards and uh I thought was a good event  I want to I once again just congratulate Hunter   wendelstad on your Proclamation and your Goodwill  ambassadorship to the city of Ormond Beach you make   us proud and you give us a lot of exposure  when when you're on uh when you're out doing   your thing so we appreciate that um something I  think the commissioner Boyle former commissioner   Boyle discussed this evening was the city commission  and I think Mr Mayor you've touched on it as well   I am just over the top pleased with how this  commission gets along I mean we really we we we   work together as I think Mr Mayor you said we we  can be disagreeable at times we can disagree but   we're never disagreeable so I just want to shout  Kudos out to my fellow Commissioners great work   you all do a great job um and and lastly I guess  I'll start off congratulating Mayor Partington on   your last meeting thank you for everything you've  done I've known you over well over 20 years before   you were even elected official um in fact I was serving  on the planning board when you were elected to   the commission I think in 2000 back when you used  to have City commission elections on odd years I   think it was 2003 I think is when you were elected  and uh I was on the planning board in the DRB yes   and remember working with you back in those days  um but you've been a tremendous leader a consensus   Builder you know residents and Commissioners look  to the mayor for guidance and Leadership and you   have certainly provided that uh as as your term  as mayor um again just you're a great mentor and   a great friend and I wish you luck in Tallahassee has  know you represent as well with that Mr Mayor   I'll say good night thank you thank you Deputy  Mayor and commissioner Tolland thank you so mine   not is not in any specific order um I do want  to just shout out again um to the native plant   month celebration so thank you thank you guys for  putting up with me with all the native plants I do   appreciate it think we're making good progress um  I just want to see what I want to see what a paw   paaw is yeah honestly I learned something tonight  can you bring one no I don't know what a pawpaw   plan is so but I know it's native anyway I I do  appreciate the fact that um you know they they   are a society that has worked behind the scenes  for a long time and it's just cool that they're   getting some recognition and getting some Traction  in Volusia County and in Ormond Beach um I wanted to   piggyback on what Joyce was saying when she was  thanking her staff and all her employees and she   named quite a few people in all the hard workers  I did go up to Nova when they were giving out the   sandbags I thought oh in my little way I would  go up and take a little lunch order and go over   to Burger King and get some lunch they had it was  such an efficient system and there was probably a   100 employees out there in Orange shirts sweating  putting sand in bags in everybody's car there was   a line of traffic stacks of pizza boxes so my  little offer was like thank you lady just go   home we're got we got we got it um but what I  what she I think she failed to mention was an   oversight is the amount of public information  that we received by Jen Elston she was amazing I I would residents would call me and I would  say look on you know look on our on Instagram   and and on our website or what's what's  what's going on and she was always right   on it and you know I know probably just  like all of you all up here you would have   a resident call and say hey the water Main  break we got raw sewer going in our garage   we have this and that one phone call and  within 15 minutes you would get a response   from our city manager or from Shawn or  whoever saying here's a picture of that   truck already addressing that issue so it it  it the responsiveness was amazing um let's see also want to um just let you all know that I  did attend the um Florida League of cities policy   committee um last week on utilities natural  resources and public Public Works we are in   the process of creating a legislative statement  for tally um some of the discussions were on water   um how you provide water to neighboring cities  the surcharge if that's what they want to   do what they don't want to do so there was a very  lively discussion if you are a water provider or a   water receiver what how you are going to address  that so I'm not sure if we're going to come up   with an answer on that um there was also a good  discussion on the state park initiative um that   the um FDEP was was um talking about let's say last  last month to increase public use in state parks   and that was a very vehement no that nobody wants  that and we'll probably work through that and then   there was also some recycling initiatives and  talking about Recycling and obstacles so it's   all good discussion I'm really happy to be on this  um committee I think it really will make an impact   in all of um Florida at some point um also want to  thank those that did walk with the American Heart   Walk and those that donated to it um um I hope  next year that I will be a better team leader and   try to get more people involved and raise more  money I think we raised about 500 thou 500,000   gez 500 yeah $5,000 5,000 no $500 see I've never  been good with money anyway um we did raise a good   amount of money and we had a nice walk two and a  half mile walk around the um Speedway so thank you   for those that came to that event um Bill change  to Saturday yes I think Friday night is a bad   night but I'm not in charge um Bill I you know we  this has been like the Bill day I I can everywhere   I go it's a Bill day and and you deserve it um  I just want to thank you um for your years of   service to Ormond Beach as a commissioner and as a  mayor I've only really gotten to know you the last   few years um as a mayor and um your commitment  and I'm to really preserving home role was really   is really notable and protecting our residents  from that heavy Industrial Development for all of   us to make a statement and for you to help lead  us through there was really appreciated and I   just wish you the very best as you move forward  in your career and um I'm sure you won't forget   Ormond Beach when we uh contact you with with all  our needs and our wish lists um and lastly um but   not leastly I want to I do want to thank the city  manager and staff and all our First Responders   for their 24/7 attention um and the efforts to  keep our community safe from the hurricane it   has been amazing um you know Mother Nature never  shows any um mercy when it decides to show when   she decides to show up and our community is very  blessed um to have caring hardworking personnel   and Leadership and with that I'll say good night  thank you commissioner. Commissioner Sargent thank   you Mr Mayor um I have a lot tonight first I would  like to Echo my fellow Commissioners uh heartfelt   thank you to staff I mean working tires tirelessly  through this hurricane and on Sunday seeing all   these employees out there fixing the drainage  pipes fixing everything when I'm sure some of   them have their own personal issues to deal with  at home and they're doing it with a smile um just   so thank you um Saturday I had the privilege of  meeting with the CEO of FPL out at the speedway   along with Senator Wright and Daytona Beach  commissioner Quanita May um it was great for for   you know he asked us our concerns and questions  and what we needed and here we are Tuesday and I   don't see anyone that's without power right now  in the grid that I just looked on online I'm   sure there's some one-offs but for the most part  everyone has our power back I mean this is almost   unheard of um so that's a a great commitment that  they have to to you know partner with the city of   Ormond their efforts were greatly appreciated I  would like to you know as we move forward from   recovery to start looking maybe at these the city  culverts and how can we inspect them and maybe do   better and we do a great job but I always think we  can do better um some of them are old collapsing   and I just think that as much rain as we had  I know there's it was a lot at once but I just   think that we need to look at these culverts I  also think that I've been thinking about this for   many years and some people think I'm crazy but if  it would be great if we could have staff look at   working with someone about maybe doing a study of  doing an inlet up at Highbridge it would open up   the flow of the river clean it out reduce water  levels that property just north of Highbridge   has a natural cut all the way to A1A it's already  federal land you're not taking anyone's property   I know it's kind of a far-fetched it's outside of  the city's realm but if you look at it the flow of   this River here is pretty stagnant because of all  the bridges that have been put in over the years   so going to pont's Inland it doesn't flow well  and then we have the small inlet at Matanzas that   really doesn't empty out that much either so just  a thought to throw out there um at the Highbridge   area I don't know what it would do to the Tomoka  River or the Basin I mean there's a lot of things   to look at it um just just thought there Ike Learry  left but another great fishing tournament that we   had last weekend the Sargentt boys came first  and third and their age divisions nice um I   broke one of the trophies putting one to bed the  other night but think have to glue that together   um and it was great too even after a hurricane  Robert the fields out at the Hull road we were   able to have a baseball game last night wow I mean  four I think four of the fields three of the four   of the fields we had games playing kids running  around after we just got done with the hurricane   that's great and they weren't flooded anymore so  I'm looking forward to Nova Road getting opened   up hopefully tomorrow tonight great cuz the kids  are really want to play ball um what else do I   have here um and I guess I'll I'll I'll end with  you Mr Mayor thank you for your leadership thank   you for your service to our community um I pride  myself on being able to read people I took a class   years ago I got to tell you I can't read you you  have Poker Face I never know which way it's going   to go and it's always a surprise and it's great I  appreciate your leadership and and your commitment   to the city of Ormond and look forward to your  leadership in Tallahassee um just wish you the   very best and with that I'll say good night thank  you thank you commissioner and commissioner Persis   thank you, mayor um let's see what commissioner  Sargent I just want to tell you what you   mentioned about Highbridge all these old timers I  know that have that have gr grown and raised here   have always talked about that having an inlet at  Highbridge that's something that I'm I'm so happy   that you brought that up because that's that's  been out there it's been talked about so I'm glad   you brought that up I just have to say that's  wonderful um I just want to also thank staff   for everything you did for during and after the  hurricane it was it was quite a storm that we had   and unprecedented rain and um you know Ormond Beach  is is a wonderful City and they show it you know   when the times are good and when the times are bad  and they definitely did you know showed up um and   helped everybody as as much as they could during  during this terrible storm I would like for us to   keep the families of those who lost someone during  this hurricane in your prayers at least you know   two people we we you know knew in our community  um passed away very very sad um that that had to   happen um so please keep keep them in your prayers  uh to today we had the state of the city um and   Mr Mayor you did a great job leading that it was  a it was wonderful our City's thriving and we're   and we're just doing great it's something to  be so proud of I just I love being there and I   also wanted to say that I also attended the of my  committee meeting at the Florida League of cities   um last month or was it it was this month earlier  and um I'm on the municipal operations legislative   policy committee this year and each committee what  they do is they set priorities we meet about three   times during the year and then we at the end we we  will vote and decide what what priority we want to   to focus on and bring it up to Tallahassee to  see if we can get funding or get support with   that and um so the four priorities we talked  about that we ended up um all liking was Public   Safety Recruitment and Retention and that's goes  with our First Responders you know and and our   firefighters and people that help us and I think  that's so important that we are focusing on that   I was absolutely thrilled the next one was cyber  security inabit liability because that's starting   to happen a little bit more with cities and and  businesses so that's something that we need to   look at um virtual governing body meetings  which is like if you have a YouTube channel   which I think we're going to be getting um those  people can see our meetings um live and then the   last one was public records exemptions for City  Clerks and staff because that's something that   um they didn't think that was that important that  they needed to go through all that paperwork for   for those folks so I'll keep you posted on that um  let's see um I did that I also want to thank um uh   Hunter Wendle Stadt for being our ambassador thank you  very much that's wonderful you I can't think of a   better person just just perfect so very proud of  you um and and lastly Bill this is real hard for   me to say goodbye to you sitting here I don't  want to when I want to cry but I've known the   Partington family a long time and I see you know  Lori out there and Ann and faith and and CJ I was   Ann's principal I was Faith's principal and Lori  was always at the school helping and Bill would be   would come and give the teacher um teacher of the  quarter Awards and I got to know the family and   um and and now here we are at at this point and  it's just I'm very excited for you I'm thrilled   I'm going to miss you a lot um I'm just so glad  we're friends and I feel like I'm friends with   your whole family and I really care about each of  you and I know good things are coming I mean good   things and I think change is always good and and  um you know we always have to move on but um just   thank you for all you've done over 21 years for  the city of Ormond Beach and how you've led us just   so in such a wonderful classy and sophisticated  and just wonderful manner and I think we have all   all of us you've heard all of us say we've all  learned from you and um and that's what you do   you take all the good things and you use them and  whatever comes up in your life so thank you again   for everything I'm just very very proud of you  and with that I'll say good night thank you    and thank you all for the for the kind words uh  is very special um the heartwalk was fantastic   I love the speedway anyway and so to be there  walking around it it has so much history and   you know most of the time you see it on TV or you  see it if you're lucky enough to go to a race in   person um but to be out there on the track next  year I'm looking for the heart saunter because   Joyce and commissioner Tolland really walk fast so  I was I didn't let them know like I didn't want   to look uh weak or anything but I was struggling  to keep up it was good for me probably two and   a half miles uh right off the bat but a great  event and commissioner Tolland thank you for your   leadership on that a great community spirit out  there for that for that whole thing uh the state   of the city was fantastic if you haven't seen the  video I think it's one of the best that staff has   put together each of the Commissioners did a  wonderful job in their segments and it's so   much better than a than a long speech and I think  so much uh the way it portrays all that happens   in a year it's almost mindboggling to see all the  things that are going on my guess is you can pull   that off of Facebook or even on search YouTube  or so it's all over it's out now there's a QR   code also that you can get it but uh or text  me or email me and I'll send it to you but it   was one of the best and uh so many great people  that we were able to recognize uh as far as the   policy committee goes with the Florida League of  Cities and the national league as well I want to   thank the commission for being so involved in  that you learn so much and you get ahead on so   many of the issues um and then you also share  your knowledge with other people from around   the state and with FLC staff and it's just a  wonderful wonderful opportunity to do all those   things and it benefits the city of Ormond Beach so  thank you all for it's extra time and extra work   but you've committed to it so thank you thank  you for that um the hurricane was a gut punch   to the city of of Ormond Beach our ground was  already saturated super wet already from weeks   of rain prior to Helene uh also brought rain and  then to get almost 2 feet I think Ormond Beach   had the most rain rain in the entire County I  think I heard Jim judge say that almost 2 feet   of rain within uh less than 18 hours it's just an  incredible amount and uh was going to overwhelm   our systems no matter what uh I checked with the  city manager my understanding is that there were   only 11 homes that had water in them you hate to  have water in any home but that 09 storm I want to   say we had 30 or 40 homes if not more with water  in them so we we have improved in a way you can   never completely solve the problem uh they say men  men plan and God laughs uh but we can try and we   have tried and we've made great strides the one  thing um Joyce and Shawn I hope you'll continue to   push for the funding of the uh Fleming pump to the  river underground that's the south end of Central   Park I feel like that pump would be able to get a  lot more water out quicker and uh really solve a   lot of the problems not only for Ormond Beach but  being on the North End of the Nova Canal system   would help Daytona Holly Hill and Port Orange  as well uh prevent flooding and and move a lot   of water um regrets of course and sympathies I  hate the fact fact that we lost two Ormond Beach   residents terrible situation um very sad and so  uh just unfortunate I don't really think there's   anything we could have done when a tree falls  like that you never expect it Deputy Mayor like   you said we all have and probably all of us have  trees around our houses that something like that   could happen and just but for the grace of God it  didn't uh the other was a heart attack situation   and we couldn't get to him in time um nobody's  nobody's fault just terrible terrible timing but   certainly regrets and sympathies to the families  on that our staff is amazing uh you say the word   hurricane and they have like a muscle reflex  reaction where they spring into action every   time and they know exactly what to do and when to  do it it's amazing to watch it's amazing to listen   to I had a radio uh for the last two storm events  and when you listen to Public Works you listen to   police and you listen to fire uh the number  of calls that they go on and the professional   bearing that they have in dealing with all those  situations uh Wednesday morning I think it was I   was listening to the the scanner and there was a  uh naked man reported on Walter Bordman Lane and   I thought thought to myself all right here we  go the storm has begun luckily that's in Volusia   County so it wasn't Ormond Beach's problem but  it's just it's just a you know you never you   never know yeah you can't you can't make it up  but uh there were a lot of heart attacks there   were a lot of strokes that our fire department  was responding to uh police had to calm a lot of   situations people really get on edge during these  events and uh listening to Public Works and the   professionalism that they responded to water main  breaks and sewer issues um traffic issues whatever   it was everybody worked so hard and did an amazing  job I really appreciate that Joyce has Claire and   Shawn as assistant city managers who have extreme  expertise and specialties in different areas I   think I mean I just love that team structure and  it's just kind of developed in the last couple   months and I've been meaning to say that but  um each of you is special to the city Shawn and   Claire and we're lucky to have you and thank you  for all you do for Ormond Beach and to help Joyce   um because I know she relies on you quite a bit  uh the sewage issue the one gentleman spoke about   I know you're working on that it's hard any  City when you get hit with that much water uh   and we I know as a city we self-report that to  Department of Environmental Protection I get   those emails from around the county because I  signed up for them uh years ago and our problem   isn't as bad as many other cities and the county  but uh when you get that much water you're going   to have some overflow and uh we treat it uh rake  it spread lime do all the things that you can do   to mitigate whatever the spill was and we didn't  have huge spills from from the numbers that I saw   but we self-report it then to make sure that FDEP  knows that what we're doing and it's transparent   nobody's nobody's trying to hide the fact and  I think it's well well understood and accepted   that that's a problem when you have these huge  storm events electricity commissioner Sargent   you talked about uh we got ours back yesterday  afternoon thank gosh it was a little cooler so   it was easier to deal with versus those summer  storms where it's just miserable hot when there's   no electricity uh but there's no rhyme or reason  to it we have underground utilities some people   say well if we just undergrounded them we'd be  able to survive a storm and never lose electricity   not true because we have underground uh utilities  and and we didn't have power for 4 days uh I know   in Tomoka Oaks I think it's Pine Valley Circle  they have have above ground utilities and they   didn't have power for almost 4 days if I if I  recall correctly so really there's no no rhyme   or reason to it I think hardening is good and I  know along uh gosh is it Tomoka Avenue there's   some old infrastructure there with FPL and the  lines are working and the power is on now but   I think they really need to look at improving that  area and maybe hardening that infrastructure there   also the uh tree on Orchard West of Arby's the  trees really got hit hard there and it's going   to change the look of that area which I hate  because between the bank and and there there's   some beautiful there were some beautiful old oak  trees uh one of the largest ones in front of the   bank but the tree that I'm thinking of West of  Arby's uh is half of it has sheared off and what's   left of it is cracked in a precarious way where  that huge Branch I I worry is going to fall on   somebody's car when they're least expecting it  and I think I don't know if that's the city's   responsibility but if you could look at that just  to make sure it just looks like it's ready to let   go and I don't want anybody hurt um make sure  I covered everything I think that's everything   really commissioner Sargent I love the inlet idea  at Highbridge when when you sit at Matanzas or you   sit at ponts and you look at the beautiful clear  water coming in and out of there and to think we   could have that uh in the Halifax River again  and have the Tomoka river uh continuing to be   a a beautiful natural pristine river I love that  idea commissioner Persis you talked about people   have been talking about that for years and uh so  I would be all interested in trying to figure out   how to make that happen I'll close just by saying  that uh there are exciting times ahead for Ormond   Beach this particular commission has been  wonderful to work with and I've enjoyed every   minute of it uh the picture that I gave you again  is one of my one of my favorite pictures and I'll   cherish these last two years uh so thank you all  for that and with that we are adjourned good night.