##VIDEO ID:-5O8R1_HZME## want to do that from the street we can have all streets fixed that would be great start our city council meeting regular monthly city council meeting is September the 17th 6:30 with that we will have the ru call here councilor p here councelor Phillips here councel Richards here councelor here second minute minute all right welcome everybody so tonight um we'll approve our agenda first I have one add and that is in your laying on your desk in front of you this was um under petitions request and communication The Memo from Eric Raven from Renaissance tree care I don't know if he's here today not yet okay so I'd like to add that there where we adding adding under B number five changes I make a motion we approve the agenda as amended second any other comments none all in favor signif saying I same sign okay next time is our public forum it's a three minute time limit per person city council welcomes and encourages participation from community members please keep in mind that your comments must be per to City business and must of data private the rules no employees names may be used please do not expect action from the council this evening regarding your concerns to address the city council during public form please step up to the podium and state the name address and fill at the form provided I have a couple already but you fill it out and bring those up that'd be great um please step up to the podium state your name address and Bel the form speakers will be recognized only once you will be timed begin speaking with the green card that's raised by Renee or depy CL yellow card indicates you have 30 seconds left and the red card indicates you have reached your three minute limit and stop so the first um person is Ted Bower state your name address Ted Bard 1310 Shady Oak Lane Southwest okay first of all this is my first time speaking here so this is new experience for me so thanks for the time um first of all I want to say thank you for the sewer work um it's awesome to be off of a shared septic on new city sewer fantastic thanks for everything that everybody's done to make that happen um with that said I think I I was always brought up with uh we should leave things better than when they when we started or at least just as good so just a couple of things I live um right on the start of the the path uh that was just paved and so there's a couple things that I've noticed I just want to bring your attention I don't know if you know about these things but it seems like um they maybe aren't up to par of of when uh the project started I'll start with the trees it is super cool that whoever made the decision and allocated the money to put trees around the new pump area fantastic it would be really cool if we would take care of those trees there's grass that's growing up literally waste High plus um I think I'm think about taking my own personal trimmer and going up there because they're new trees we want them to live and prosper let's just take care of what what we put in place I think the the biggest thing that we've noticed is that soccer field or that that green space area used to be fantastic there were soccer goals out there there was teams I think that would practice her from time to time I would hear kids laughing it was really a neat environment after they came through the middle of there um I expected that the the grading would be done very similar to what's was in the past it's it's really bad um to the point where like you can't get out you couldn't have a soccer game without kids rolling your ankles it was all rotted up I think they made an attempt to grade it but it's just it's really not good not to the point of which it was um also the seed that was used like you go out there it does not look like it was seed so I heard it might have been like County grade seed or whatever the case may be it's defin like one of these things is not the right walk on the the part of the field that was there previously it's actually really nice Turf it's playable kids can be there the new area is not nice it's not level it's not to the point of where it started that that should be remedying um I talked about the grass seed hopefully that when the the pavement was just done that better seed was used because that runs next to my property I spend significant amount of money on dirt and regrading that because only a coule feet of dirt was kind of added there so I guess the net was um I hope that there's either some type of retention or I guess my ask is whoever's responsible for those things whether it's the you know the city or the county or the subcontractor whoever it is I would ask that we kind of for lack of a better term hold their feet to the fire just to have it done the right way just have it done to the same quality as what it was when when that project was started that's my two cents than next person I have is mar ker y thank you it's all right everybody mispronounces it as you all know I'm Marsha creger and I'm here today in service as the president of the Riverwood Hills Home Owners Association my address is 1095 Riverwood Drive Southwest and and I'm here to bring the condition of the roads at Riverwood Hills to your recollection and to your present awareness you may remember that Riverwood Hills is served primarily by Riverwood Drive Southwest there are 54 homes that can be reached only by driving on River would drive Southwest and if you count the ones in river bend the number comes up to 75 now twice we've been before the city council being concerned about having only one road which is ingress and egress for that subdivision there is no road that runs out to 100th Street and twice there have been represent ations to us that there would be a road installed out that way one in conjunction when when River Bend was considered as a subdivision and the second time when the singular House was built just south of Riverwood Hills between Riverwood Hills and 100 and the reason that we were concerned about that was twofold one obviously emergencies it is very difficult if you have to get a fire engine or an ambulance into this area that you don't block the entire access for all of these homes the second was the wear and tear on Riverwood Drive which is the Ingress and the egress now having had heavy equipment go in and build the 19 homes in Riverbend and the home that is south of Riverwood Hills and the heavy equipment that's gone in for all of the sewer connection the road's not in good shape and it hasn't been in good shape for a substantial time our homeowners meeting is coming up in October and when we last had our homeowners meeting councelor Phillips came and explained to us that he anticipated that that road would be resurfaced within a year that was spring of 2023 nothing has been done and not only have is that road in need of repair so are the other roads in Riverwood Hills my question to all of you is what do I tell the homeowners this year at our annual meeting thank you thank you second call for public forum and third and final call for public with that we'll close public forum at 6:40 great thanks for coming so we'll start off with our um agenda first item is our County Law Enforcement report that's in your packet this is I'm sorry request sorry request so there's a memo on your table that we received just before the meeting started um so I don't Jason would you want to do a quick you want to talk about since this is the parks real we talked on the hey hi we talked on the phone sorry uh the petition the request for tonight is uh September 27th to 28 Eric Raven a local harborist tree trimmer tree climber is going to host a uh tree trimming Clinic with a crane and several arborist companies in the area and they are going to do a bunch of tree work for us or free3 to $5,000 worth so there's a benefit to the city there the one thing they're asking is uh they would like to do some camping Friday and potentially Saturday night about six or seven individuals uh that's their ask they would like to Camp there you know how many campers there there was mention of three to four tents in total um and there there was also a mention in here again I'm just going off of what he provided information provided I thought I R here something about a camper or two but it sound like the majority of them were going to be in like tents and they're just looking for a place to stay um he did mention that you know they could certainly be put up in Rochester um but trying to save a little bit of money as well as give back a little bit more to you know aie said you pay camping fees or whatever you know obviously it's going to be cheaper to Camp than being in a hotel in Rochester so they're saving us a lot of money yes and that was the other thing I talked with Kane about this you know I think left on our budget is about five grand for tree work so you know if if we were to do what they're doing now that would eat up our budget this would save us you know potentially save us that money to uh use later in the years I'm sure we will because there's always work to be done so I'll make a motion to Camp down there for doing the work but but I do have one question we got wa second second I made the motion yes second I just want to make sure they had Insurance um couple questions Kane uh the trees they are taking out are those you know which ones those are and are they away then yeah there's a couple dead Oaks that they're going to be removing and then the Moose tree the infamous moose tree they're going to be doing some adjusting and and canopy trimming on the Moose tree and uh it's it sounds like a win-win for the city it really does and to Paul's question they do have insurance Eric is a a licensed arborist he has his own company he's insured so arest of arbest of Rochester um has been taking care of the Moss Tree over the last several years so are they are they aware of this are they involved y yep and so Eric Raven he's uh he's a privateer so he works for all these different companies you name it you name an arborous company in town Eric's worked with them he is uh he is a legend in the the the tree trimming tree climbing world and to have him bring this to us to our part and to do some work it's uh it's awesome it's awesome good deal any other comments we'll we can make sure the restrooms are open for those two days y use the showers turn the hot water on absolutely any other comments um I have one with motion are weing the Campion fees I make a motion to wave the Fe because they're doing you know business and helping the city out think we just want to make sure we're clear so you you'll accept the amendment to have camping fees the motion for there no other comments all those in favor signify by saying I great let Eric know yeah all know thank you right um now we see the county sheriff's report month report um 12 traffic stops is biggest number nine Community Services rest of them are all one to three so very typical 44 total is very typical of report their report this was during uh uh National Night Out too kind of covers that time frame Community engagement stuff yes I see suspicious circumstances there were five of those I was wondering what those were those can be anything um I they didn't say anything that stuck out usually I mean suspicious they can be somebody calling in a suspicious person or suspicious vehicle and be nothing so there was nothing of not that I'm aware of that he brought to me my attention so so it's 44 basically over a six week period looks like yeah five to six week period and these are like some of these are generaliz like the suspicious circumstances that's a generalization for their call for service like I said they can lump a lot of things under that um but usually that's they usually just somebody calling something in that oh there's a car that's been driving around the block for twice I suici well usually there be nothing so was 58 last we're going down move on to Public Works Dan has a recommended approval go ahead if you want to come to Podium just stay up here uh so what you see in front of you tonight is uh we need to trade up our our three-year-old Mower and purchase a new one the new one's been budgeted for we've been doing this this every year now for oh my several years so last year we did a sealed bid deal just like what you see in front of you that worked um the other option is uh the place we purchased the more from uh Hilltop Sales and Service they've offered us a price already of of 6,500 so that's the same price they offered last year of course I think we've took in uh just over 7,000 this one does have a few more hours on it this year but same thing three years old three seasons on it so uh just looking for some direction what the council would like to do is that coming out of the 2023 budget or the 2024 budget 2024 budget is what we'll be purchasing the the new mower with yep and the the new mower is here so at any time we could we could make that trade up at the 6,500 or we could wait wait and uh try the sealed bids see if you can get some more money motion with because we turned out good last year right last time I would make a motion to do a sealed bid second the sealed bid as long as it's over 6,500 have second discuss did you did you second it I'll second it yes goe well I'm I'm just wondering if the sealed bid are you looking for over 6,500 then so we don't we're not putting a reserve on it it's put 6,500 reserve on it because you get that offer if that's how you guys want to do it I mean I think that's a good way to do it guaranteed right we'll get the bids we'll make a decision after that so we're accepting bids only with a reserve with the reserve and so if it if we don't hit that Reserve back to the drawing board or how do you well they offered you 6,500 right that's today but now if we're going to wait you know two months I mean he could potentially put in a bid a sealed bid right for 55 I mean right a 65 Reserve yeah we can we can definitely do a reserve on it say we just what are the what are the full price uh 19,200 they did go up a little bit this last year so if we do the sealed bids um is it a considered to be an obligation to take the sealed bids or we Council still has the approval to not accept I would I would look to Jason for some some ADV got do one or the other but I'm not sure we can do both's the question sorry so so if we we put sealed bids out and they come in a $6,300 well if you put a reserve in there that it has to be met at that I mean this is public already if you're putting in the $6,500 reserve that information will be put here then that would have to be the minimum base bid you know they could put in 6,500 or higher anything less than that would be ignored because it doesn't meet the reserve we wouldn't you wouldn't really even need to put it up put up forceable bids you could put it in public surplus.com and put reserve on it Public Surplus stuff all across the country question I have to buy more that few hours go good there the question I have is okay so what if we do this and we don't get the bid for 6500 if we don't meet the reserve what I'm hearing you say is he he could really lowball us after that point today it's 6,500 right tonight at 6,500 that's what he's offered so if you go the sealed bid route I think if he would be interested in in bidding on it he definitely could put a bid in for it right no but I mean after the fact if we say all right we didn't we didn't make our Reserve do you want it he could say well no yeah that's 5000 right or is it uh because of the the timeline that there is could we reduce that timeline instead of being like November 18th to make it like the end of October so I extended it this year just because we didn't get many people last year I think we took three bids one was a a a non bid it was like $1,500 right and then there was two other bids so I'm just thinking extending the time maybe get a few more biders well I don't want to lose the $6,500 either is what I was looking at as well tonight's deal is 6,500 probably should take it I'm gonna I'm gonna interject here to say you kind of showing your hands is what you want you might as well just go with the guaranteed price at this point so that's my two cents um rather than waiting another two months here to see if we can get that or not we're batting around we're batting around a few hundred dollars and just get rid of it and be done with it yeah stop stop the discussion on it be gone and that guy knows what it's worth well yeah exactly he knows what it's worth right and he knows it's worth more than what he's offering to well so if we amend the motion to say a minimum reserve of 6,500 that would be because of our conversation we've had now that would probably proper way to handle my opinion otherwise I have no problem with drawing if if we're worried about the time frame and and the guarantee it's a mower with low hours it's going to sell what it's a mower with low hours it's going to sell yeah it is low 600 hours is nothing yeah broke in so last year go through last year guys we we got a little over 7,000 so talking 500 bucks this one does have more hours on it things are more expensive the the price on the new motors have gone up I mean go up to yeah for sure will you accept the amendment to make minimum of 6,500 I will any other comment with the motion as amended for Mid 6500 see none all those in favor signify by saying I I oppose approve um water sewer Joe got several things here if you want to yeah first one is about some testing equipment at the wastewater treatment facility um talking with people's service they've identified some equipment um that they are interested in purchasing to help them test the test waste water as it goes through the treatment process specifically they're interested in testing for phosphorus and Nitro nitrogen as it goes through the treatment process knowing where those levels are at helps them make um find find adjustments to the treatment process um and you know more efficiently treat it right now they have test results they send those test or tests out on a weekly basis they come back the next week so it makes the process of making adjustments to the process slower it's less uh less efficient so um they've identified these pieces of equipment attached to my memo here um that would uh allow them to you know get test results in about 30 minutes um they'd still have to send out to the lab and get official test results but these kind of short short duration test results help them make modifications treatment process and so um talking about it at the sewer and water committee we we agreed with them and thought it was a reasonable request um I did reach out to the mpca I asked them if they would be able to fund this through the construction project you know as part of the project we had an allowance we bought lab equipment uh different well equipment and he said that yes they would indeed allow us to process a change order and add this to the project and so we essentially could Finance it through the Clean Water revolving fund for 30% at for 30 years at 1% interest so um to me that really makes it attractive too so we've identified these these pieces of equipment plus the supplies needed to operate that equipment over a year it's about $750 a year for the supplies testing supplies to operate this um spec Spectra photo meter uh in the associated pieces um so in total it's about $10,500 um if you would approve this I would talk to the contractor um stab have them order this um we have one more change order coming associated with some um wasting pumps that need to be upgraded um so we would add that to this and then bring that back to the council in the next month or two but um I'm kind of asking for your approval to get this process started have the contractor order it and then we'll follow up with the change order moving forward if you want to I make a motion to approve the equipment second what's the life expectancy this good question uh we we kind of kicked that around we thought at least 10 years may end a 20 years um some of the pieces you know there's speakers and tongues and different things like that as long as you don't break them will last forever but the the heart of the equipment probably at least 10 years and probably longer if you take good care of it take everybody out there certified to use it already um you don't need to be certified to use it it's pretty straightforward um and in fact it's a pretty diverse piece of equipment so Kane might ultimately have uses for it um in other parts of the city but we're buying it for testing phosphorus and nitrogen in the waste waterer Street D cherson is on our water and sewer committee he's the maintenance supervisor for Rochester treatment plan and he was he's the one that kind of initiated a lot of the information and his he was very um felt very comfortable with what we're doing here with this Pur two so what's that Rochester as Tu okay of this same unit so he he said I guess how long does it take to get the certified lab testing back about a week okay so so we can take action right away right right waiting a week to change make adjustments all right any other comments seeing none all those in favor saying I I same sign approve next item this is a Fire H Jak Val would you want to speak to that please put in order uh what you see in front of you tonight is uh specification for uh two things fire hydrants and valves I would like to see all the fire hydrants and all the valves in our in oroo be the same valve the same hydrant and with that there's consistency they operate the same the fire department knows how to operate them it's the same Parts it's the same everything's the same I think the benefit here is we're consistent and development comes to town and we say here here's our spec here's our hydrant right so when they're ordering when the contractor is ordering valves and piping and components they know hey this is the spec right here it's got to turn this way it's got to be read it's got to be meet these specifications and uh just having some consistency that's what I'm going after can I make a motion that we turn around and have that consistency that there is it only makes sense that way you only have to have one set of spare parts that there are to be able to to fix what whatever there is that might go around I and everybody knows how to fix it too so now I'm the impression from reading this is it second I'm under the impression from doing this if you have a have a valve break you just be able to change it without any excavation uh dep depending what what kind of Val we're working on if we can isolate it uh but you know excavation is is still on the table always always with water you know one thing uh we're working with uh wat company on this as well as other towns wanam mingle is one of them we're developing the same hydrant the same valve the same everything so so if it's uh if we run out of it maybe wam Mingos got it but if they run out maybe we got I mean okay so this is a common valve common manufacturer I don't see any reason why we wouldn't be on base with it keeping it consistent sure good strateg I think it's Sops if you have Sops around this stuff they're consistent so the question too for for City staff is to come back with the change to the Ordinance do we know what spe that is there's there's code city code and there's ordinance so you work with City staff then to update those finding where it is and Joe can help here okay I usually I don't see this stuff in the city ordinance it's more of a policy um Jason I don't know how you feel about that if you want to go through the trouble of updating the ordinance it could be in the utility code but if you can just adopt that as a policy or a standard of the city to implement um and that would meet the need then it would save you a lot of trouble fall under like public worked policies instead of actually having to be in code because it's something that they it's more of a regular basis type thing they're doing it and you know keeping checking and standardized and make sure everything's good to go there so that's where it usually falls under why it falls under the policy side of it as their work duties if you will so in all reality is there anything we really need to do he just needs order keep ordering same Parts keep I think yeah I think a kind of a decision from the council is yes we want to do this and have that on the record as a motion and approv approved that Kan can point to and say yeah the council said told told me and told Joe that we want these hydrants so so I'll amend the motion to say that the uh Center specification for fire hydrant and gate Val be pren to in the public works policies instead of ordinances that that was that would be a friendly motion to that Amendment so that'll be a friendly I made the motion a second no got ask him if he'll accept the friendly Amendment you'll accept the friendly Amendment yes I will okay any other comments all those in favor the motion as amended signify by saying I I next item is a resolution for public Hearing in the packet the resolution 202 24-33 calling for a hearing on assessments for River B estate St sanitary sewer system improvements so I make a motion we approve resolution 202 24-33 second then yeah I got something you got so uh the resolution includes the notice that will be published in mailed okay and at the last in the at the August council meeting we had the public hearing and now we're doing the assessment hearing for the improvements um we have learned that the project is also this Improvement is also going to be funded through the you know we executed a change order the Project's being funded through the Clean Water evolving fund mpca approved the change order um that means that again it's being financed through PFA and at the public hearing and within the resolutions that you have in front of you tonight um we told everybody that we would assess and the interest rate would be 5% well given the fact that it's being financed through the Clean Water revolving Loan Fund and we have an interest rate established on that I think that we should amend the 5% and decrease it to 2.47% so that it's 1% above the bond rate that we're borrowing the money against that's kind of the criteria that we've establish lished and to be consistent and to not raise red flags at PFA I think we should lower the interest rate that we would assess people um to again that 2.47 so within the notice that we publish there's two two spots where it says 5% we change that to 2.47 and within the mail notice we'd also change that the notices are attachments to the resolution that you're considering today so I wanted to bring this up to the council um it's really to the benefit of the resident um it's consistent with what we've done in the past but I didn't want to change it without your consent and so everything that's in the packet is consistent with what we had talked about previously the 5% but again reflecting on it and knowing the funding uh situation and knowing PFA will probably not like us assessing at a different rate I'd recommend that we amend the res resolution or the exhibits within the resolution to that 2.47% interest rate if that Mak and is this going to be off of the 10 years or would off the 10 years I think the 10 years is fine we've consistently talked about that too okay just wanted to make sure so I'll make a motion that we adopt the resolution with the amended 2.04% I'll accept your as a Amendment because we've already made the 047 yes 047 got to be exact yeah it matters start getting interest rates any other comments it's a great deal for this resident so good this is a resolution so this is The Voice vote for the motion to approve resolution 20 24-33 calling for public hearing on reest proposal assessments of river Bates the sanitary sewer improvements at a 2.47% inre call hi councelor penr hi councelor Phillips hi councelor Richards hi councelor deic hi okay that's approved um couple FYI thank you talked about those assessment roles in your packet there's a handout and schedule FYI before we leave the water and sewer I would just make a comment that if Joe and Kane if you could address the comment or Not address a review the comments that Ted made regarding area of the station 4 starts restoration I I can address the comments uh first there's been a number of comments about the seed type that the contractor use uh the seed type is a specified seed type used by menot used by cities used by counties throughout the state it is a high quality seed Mech um that's what the contractor use really the trouble that the contractor has had is establishment um anything that was seated last year didn't get well established because it was really dry and uh they do have an establishment specification um some of those areas have been Reed or overseed um we've had uh a wet first half of the year the last month it really hasn't rained uh and the contractor has done a lot of seating so um they have been coming in they have been doing some over seating uh the city has also been spraying for weeds um the restoration process takes time um and uh I guess I would just urge people to be patient I know the process has gone on and on but um you know it takes weather it takes time and it takes um some TLC and the contractor uh is again responsible to establish that we will continue to um include that on the punch list we look at these items but it's going to take some time for those things to get established the other thing that we ask of the residents is you know if you have the ability to water and take take advantage of the credit that the city's offering that that would be great but also it's important to mow um mowing helps control weeds uh it's important to mow at the right elevations too you don't want people to scalp those grasses but we want you know we want them you know 2 and 1 half three in long so cut a little bit higher uh but to control the weed so that the grass can come up and fill in so um okay so I guess the thing is just and what was referenced was the ruts U not being smooth is that all part of the review on your punch list make sure that yeah um we'll have to take a look at that I guess I wasn't aware of that in that specific area if that exists and there are you know significant ruts that need to be addressed but I know that the contractor put a fair amount of time and effort in last fall in Riverwood Hills um manicuring that area and I thought did a prettyy good job but we can take a look at some of those areas um but again unfortunately patience is is key I believe this is on the par part of it which is city property that we're talking about with this not not private property that there is so Kane could you address any of that stuff that there is out there that he's talking about uh the mowing the mowing can take place we take we mow regularly uh you know like Joe said it is a process um but yeah we can definitely mow around the list station those new trees you talk about and uh but the rough rough it's rough underneath guys don't fix rods yeah and I got to say I I've seen it I've had people complain to me about it up in our area in some other areas as well um I've seen it come up you know it does come up as weeds I've planted grass and it comes up as grass and not weeds um so I I would my advice to us to the contractor is you know take a little more time and do a little bit better job uh because I I've seen some yards I I was just contacted last weekend about two yards um that was they were pretty rough and they they said the same thing you did should shouldn't this be as good as it was when you started I encourage you guys just come take a that's right because it's going to cost the homeowner that much more money this is part of you know City that there is whether could you go take a look at it Kane and see what what that's all about y we sure can we've been working with with both contracts all contractors developing punch list the the seating dates and the restoration efforts are there and we just it it takes a little bit of magic to get that se down you you can have all the right ingredients but there's a little bit of magic to it too and I will say not all not all is bad because I've seen it up by our area they came back and redid some too and it it looked nice well we had a lot of serious rain this spring too that caus it to run up pry too I'm sure didn't help people and the question question the surface is it is there play on it or is it all is it black dirt the CL isn't going to grow start with I'm I'm going to say one thing uh for any other citizens that have concerns please bring them to our office you know we do get these occasionally and I do reach out to Joe and Kane immediately um so we're not waiting for a city council meeting you definitely swing by our office and talk with us and we'll start getting that process going because not the first time we've had you know there have been a few throughout the town so we usually just try to get them going as quick as we can for so spread the word if people are having problems they call us stop in whatever so all right um Planning and Zoning couple resolutions properties you speak to the person about the action yeah so so this one it was a a variance um regarding setbacks and we but this one what was it 90 days yeah and there was they count for 90 days too so right so Planning and Zoning made a recommendation that the council approve this um and and for the simple reason that we we were kind of we were kind of in a in a in an armar on this one because it it came to us so late we would not meet the deadline so really and it wasn't the homeowner's fault that it it got to Planning and Zoning laid um you know 90 days late and I know it was resubmitted to so we made the recommendation that it be approved um with I mean there's a fear that people might look at this and and say that we're set in precedence but we can we can point at the at the time stamps so there was a memo on the desk saying that the September 11th was the correct date you had on your desk tonight from stch Dining Services an erroneous deadline is October the 11th mayor and councilman this is Will Hutchins with Stant Tech I'm filling in for Phil yeah we had noted that during the fining in commission hi um yes we we did have a wrong date on that and Phil was just kind of like making sure that that showed up in that memo to just make sure that it's very clear it was recognized that the date that was on the planning and zonian was wrong but we we're still pushing up against that date either way as as um councilman noted so yeah it would have come up to be October 11th which was um uh we would have missed the Planning and Zoning in city council for next month you know so originally we got it on uh June 12th and we didn't get it at planning and zoning till just this last month so there was quite a bit of time that went by that should not have gone by I mean because there are things in here that that we didn't agree with that we would like to have changed that that would have been given the the property person a chance to be able to make those adjustments of what we had so due to that we don't have a chance to make those adjustments and one in particular we were looking at is if you look at our code it says a 25t setback that there is from the lot line and uh we were looking and trying to find a way to have it be at least 16 ft instead of 10 uh but again just due to the fact we don't have time to do it we put behind the eightball and we have to approve it so it's it's something that we have to really take a look at that we get all the material on time for us to make the the proper decision from planning and zoning and to bring it to council but you did approve you're coming to the council with recommendation with a recommend because we we have no choice you know and it was because of the lack of not getting it to us sooner on that note I will say I do have a timeline I did after that meeting go back and talk with will as well as Phil and get a timeline of events because obviously this started in 2023 before my time trying to figure out what happened there um and then it was wasn't approved for uh not having accurate information in 2023 was reapplied in 2022 how the application process goes is we accept the paperwork into our office to be sent off to be reviewed we're not planning in zoning people we don't have the the education for that to know you know what is what is exactly needed and what's not and what's you know what is going to be required by on their end so that stuff gets sent off to be reviewed um during that time um by July it was noted that there was still um not enough accurate information through uh the zoning through stanc and they had spoken with the applicant to give that information um and it was communicated that you know their their person who does that was out of town and you know they were still waiting on those new drawings we never heard anything back from that applicant so I look at it and my understanding is technically that application was never officially submitted so the time clock doesn't actually start on that until we have it all done with that my understanding is also of 10 or 15 days after it's brought in we have 15 days 15 days if it's if if we don't have all that stuff which they did note there was stuff incomplete if we don't have it it's deemed incomplete and they got to reapply right so we've kind of hit this weird spot of where we kind of missed some things that fell through the cracks there's a lot of other stuff going on technically it didn't need an extension because technically was incomplete it never should have been it should have been reapplied for this is just a a learning I mean but it's one of those ones I don't believe that you're hemed into any particular spot based off of the information we have with a timeline well the way the the way the process is now defined it did but but to your point I think this is an opportunity number one I mean this it it called something out and I think this is an opportunity to perhaps make a change in our process that maybe that application is not a finalized application until Planning and Zoning it goes to Planning and Zoning then then it becomes finalized because then it takes the the onus off Renee and Company um because you know there there may be things that that uh Deputy clerk doesn't know that needs to be in there do we have do we have the ability to make the determination when the timeline starts because when I I would I personally would assume that if I made an application to the city the day I signed it dropped off the city and they accepted it that'd be the start right start exactly but I think you know I think it's an opportunity to look at what we're doing I think Stan wants to reply uh I just wanted to note on that um are you meaning that the from the point of application within 15 days you as a board you you as the or not you but sorry the plan and Zoning commission would have an opportunity to see it and deem that that would be the actual action deem it complete I I think that would you run into a timeline issue because of the legal ad notification requirements and the public uh adjacent property owner notification so you're going to spend money and expense to start that as well because you have to get those apos out and or decent property own notifications out and that legal ad in in such an amount of time to meet the newspapers publishing requirements it's just not enough time so um yeah we we I think we want to keep it as a default to sta but we 100% agree with Jason on this is a great opportunity and your point councilman that you know opportunity to take a look at our process and make sure that we're sinking things up and not letting things like this slip to the cracks you know it was a busy time I think you all were uh uh you know aware of some of the development requests that were going on at the time so it kind of was distracting a little bit but we we we we fully admit that um there's an opportunity here so just wanted to add that point here yeah and I'm not saying that it has to be when it and and it makes sense what you're saying will sure yes that it doesn't have to be when planning zoning gets it but I think we need to all understand and and allow the applicants to to know when does that process start because me an applicant I would think it started when I handed it in but us say when people hand their applications in I say okay I look at it I'm going to send this into our stanch people they will let me know if it's deemed complete and when we can schedule a public hearing so I do not tell them or let them even think that it's just going to be automatically done so really what I'm hearing is it's really not finalized until Sant does does the review and says okay this is a this is a final they complete and complete we start the clock at that point in time and it's supposed to be that 15 days but this one went past that because we were trying to get the information from the applicant and we were never getting the official documentation that stantech was requesting from the applicant which is why it continued to just go and the 15 days is from the time they drop off paperwork if they're missing anything to complete the process by having the remainder of their paperwork that's my understanding and I think it's an important part too keep in mind that within that 15 days if they don't have everything complete they have to start all over again yeah you know and and to be able to have a start date so we know what we're working with and so I think we missed that too yeah so there actually is one clock that starts when they hand the in the 15-day clock starting right away MH right but if they don't do it within 15 days and they have to get another restart date that there is and reapply again to have the correct date that there is on so I think it actually automatically then if it doesn't get a completeness check and nothing was comments or return it just can proceeds from the date of the application submitt so in this case we are working from that application submitt date that um was used don't quote me on that but I'm recall Phil telling me that I'm not a planner in Minneapolis uh or in Minnesota I do a lot now in Minnesota but I haven't been doing it for more than a year so um Phil be the resident expert but I'm almost 100% certain that's what he told me okay I make a motion we approve resolution 202 24-34 I think there were a couple other things that were in there too that were Chang I mean yeah councilman and um mayor there was some some changes that Phil had added to the resolution and they're they're there for you and highlight to decide if you'd like to include his recommendations to add those in it could certainly be omitted he said it's up to you he thought that the solar panels were were kind of part of this whole thing so he wanted to make sure there was some kind of mention to about them in the the resolution that was his justification yeah so what there was on on this is that we were looking just at the garage we weren't looking at anything else that was equated to solar so it was where the garage placement was so uh if you look at the resolution on 2024 34 it says whereas the application wishes to install roof mod solar panels on the roof of a new garage and whereas the applicant has conducted analysis of of the solar potential in the site so when we turned around and and reviewed it and went through um e and z we had right we had some things removed I it was all those highlighted yellow Parts yeah I'm just looking at it's not just where the where there was one through six on that let's go back to the old one the the original R I got to go with the origal and then I'll explain it after that yeah and the resolution will always be just a little bit different than the findings effect but yeah yeah so what we did on the recommendation on the conditions of approval of a variance on number four uh we turned around and had replaced will have reasonable solar access so that number four read the only practical location for the garage on the site is that it will be on the north side of the property within 10 ft of the frontal line required by the variant and number five has been removed number six has been removed and number seven actually becomes number five where the variance request meets the criteria of approving the variance you know in section 151 401 of The oroco Zing code so the the solar was completely removed from that yeah so so and reason being so we don't care about the solar we just care about building in theed yellow is coming out of the res well no it's actually I thought it would have been on there I'm I missed maybe that was Jim and I were kind of flipping think for maybe I miss that but yeah yeah this we just got thisday yeah so okay you got that I didn't get that it should be on okay yeah there was taken out of the you're right on the back part of that he's not going to do the solar that's up to him to do what he's going to do with solar we weren't making our decision based on solar we were making a decision based on theage location of the garage exactly so you took you took all of the was taken out yes correct so we have a motion I guess the clarification on that the yellow's actually new so there was stuff that was in the the the findings that went to the pnz uh they were then um removed by the pnz and they were something similar but different because the Phil Pila was important that the application mentioned solar panels so there should be something the resolution that kind of speaks to the solar panels he added these back in just to make sure that we're we're covering all of our our um um eyes and Dot and our te's here to make sure that everything's uh in place it really is still it's irregardless um whether or not he they put solar panels on it or not but it's just that the application mentioned it should probably have something in the resolution to to reflect that and I apologize for not catching that at that meeting yeah we we purposely took that out of planning and zoning and that's what Planning and Building uh voted on and approved is not have anything in there at solar so we don't want to have that in there that's what we had agreed upon so and and you can remove the yellow highlight per Phill he said he didn't think that it would be a problem if it was removed as well so we want to have that remov that's what we agreed on with Planning and Zoning but but there are solar panel ordinances in our Planning and Zoning but that's not what we were looking at we were making it so we didn't want to confuse the two whatever he wants to do with this building he can do with his building okay this was putting the garage in as is what we were we're concerned with and that's where our decision came from variance was based on location of the garage so R you said there is solar panel things in our ordinance is that something that we need to be addressing here or is it something no it's just I think they just addesses rough Mountain Versus solar panels on the ground doesn't matter took out of the Vari okay so um we want to have the yellow out the motion is to have the yellow highlighted removed in the final form resolution second was second the first I did the second then to have that removed you made the motion I did I made a motion before you started talking about the changes made the second going I have to make a friendly motion to have those removed so the highlighted yellow yeah okay before we to vote is the motion cleared out exactly what we're doing and so councilman Phillips made a friendly motion near course to remove the yellow sections and you accepted yes okay I right yes that's right voice mayor aor hi councilor Phillips hi counc KRA hi Council Richards hi councelor resolution 20 24-35 with bnz this is for um side liting and and U vacation of drainage and utility easement that there is at 1376 Riverwood Court Southwest um pnz recommendation is to uh approve that and it was a pretty simple situation that there was for there's nothing backing up this property so it it just made sense to what was going on Joe had already gone out and taken a look at it as well and goes along with with the approval of that so we need a public hearing to do this vacation we already had a public hearing that there was at at uh planning and zoning someone make a motion I'll make a motion to discussion comments mayor I hi councelor Phillips hi councilor penr hi coun Richards hi counc mayor and councilman I'm gonna take off for the evening if that's okay I'm on the road here today and a near Express so I'm gonna take off thank you by Department numbers make a motion we approve the hiring of Jace schy and indria iser second any comments seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I same sign uh next item is a DNR matching grant for $4,000 toward pagers I'll make a motion to approve second then so are there 2024 budget I believe that's correct yeah so this grant that they would get would cover half they like they get 4,000 with matching 4,000 which was in their 2024 budget comments we have pagers in the budg thought radi see no other comments all those in favor signify by saying I same sign approve next item is a memo the fire department something I done before maybe they have in the past years but yes they have J you want to speak to it the firefighter no I'm Third Explorer Program trying to catch up with on the the explore uh yeah I will uh what they were looking at is they have an opportunity and I was just let me get to that part um to bring in some Junior Firefighters that that are working um on trying to become firefighters so it's out of high school younger kids if there aren't um so they wanted to turn around and give them an opportunity to kind of get connected with with us um and and run things what I would recommend with this is that we turn around and do it with a small group to get get started so we have an idea what this is maybe try on a trial basis one or two and just see how it fits in to go along you know with everything else we're doing for training before we open that up for a lot of people coming in with that I'll say this I was previously a law enforcement police explorer in my youth um I don't one to two if that would be sufficient for programs starting a program I think opening it up I agree with having cap numbers for it but I think you might need more than just a couple if we can get a couple I don't know what they're no I don't know but I would say like four to six would be a good starting range um to really see if we can get something there because I know from the police side of it when I was in that you know we had anywhere from 10 to 30 or 40 depending on where you were at um I don't know what this program was before I don't know how active people were or not um but you know it definitely is a great program and I think it can lead into you know people going into the field so I think it's it's a good thing to have but think you might want more than one or two well my my concern too is to make sure with what we're talking about because our turnout GE is now $4,500 a piece and um you know you're looking at that these people coming in I don't want us to be burdened with that turnout gear cost that there is with reading through this I don't think that they're that involved no they should not be anywhere here any that kind of stuff some basic personal protective gear but it won't be anything won't be the turn I just you know concern there things we're watching right but I like the idea of you know starting out with a smaller number but I I'd say I'd say to probably six six to 10 maybe C it at six you know extra kids around over is not going to get their feet wet on it see how it's going to turn out I I I think that what Jason said between between two and six I wouldn't go to 10 smaller number because I mean we're just say six we're climbing over everybody over there now with the number of firefighters that we have and we do you're probably talking about a radio if they're with somebody or have given just I say usually for explorers you're getting like a basic radio type thing they run explorers off of different channels usually they're not put on because there's there's certain standards you have to meet when you're broadcasting across law enforcement channels and things like that you're not going to put a 14-year-old kid with that kind of radio because the likelihood they're going to slip up and say something they shouldn't so so Kane you have any comments on this leader are you guilty yeah come on come on come to the podium Kan what your thoughts are yeah I'm so cane Goan assistant fire chief yes uh these uh children will not be going on calls they will not be actively working with fire they are more of a uh they'll just be shadowing us at the fire station you know doing maintenance uh very minimal training you know I don't know if we want 16 year olds climbing ladders or putting on scbas or I think they can try on some gear I think they can but as far as like asking them to do things I mean the city needs to kind of think about you know how they're going to ensure those children that's so but they're not going on calls they're not driving vehicles and uh they're very limited and you speak there's a comment about number six will be equi Personnel protective equipment project for the being done what would that so right now that high school program they're they're working with all the local departments coming up with used gear that fits these kids for the program right so there's three oronoko area kids signed up for it and so we're thinking this is an option for them to get involved with the real Department you know a volunteer department plus be involved with the with their high school program so I think it's there to complement those students in those programs I don't know if we're going to be taking on more students outside if they're not enrolled in that program basic you're talking High Vis and Fa safety glasses and they're GNA be standing in a a distance from whatever is gonna happen so your discussion at your fire department have you talked about what you want to cap it at versus the council telling you we hadn't discussed it yeah no we did just idea came up oh okay let me say there's there's three Oro area kids right now enrolled in the high school program we're gonna be nice to offer that program to them to complement their education and I think it's a good thing yeah so you're just asking for support to approve the reestablishment I make the motion to approve reestablishment of the SC program I'll second with a cap of three yeah let start with the three first that are here in open k was that three people or was that three different program like area program I don't think we need a maximum I think we'll know when we're full I think we'll know when there's too many that might be one it might be two guess big thing is insurance is it insurance going to be an issue you want bring the deputy up since he's here want bring the deputy up since any comment does the cop have any comment on a fire explore program no no no just on his own because he's sitting back there just sorry I was still this and on his report all in favor of the reestablishment signify by saying second sorry pH all fav saying I iose First Responders make a motion we approve jce schy and Andrea second comments s none all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos sign approve parks and trails um there's a late email this afternoon saying there's no form for the September 23d meetings moving the of October sorry they're moving into the 1 of October yeah be of flood damage quick update there weet County did not meet the threshold for Bea funding so right now we're the U Jonathan Jacobson our omate County Emergency director is pursuing getting a State assistance authorization from the government I guess for 88,000 from the state of Minnesota from the state of Minnesota right and so the ramification of that is instead of 100% funding uh with a presidential declaration where Fimo would pay for 75 the state would pay for 25 well which is 100 that doesn't happen under this scenario where the state would step in provide assistance the state would pay for 75% of these this flood damage and the city would be holding the 25% and so you know assuming that moves forward we'll have to make a decision hopefully next month as to um what what repairs you want to do um and you know most of the park stuff needs to be repaired where the kind of the question in my mind comes in is within the lake bed there was some damage and does it make sense to spend money on that even if it's 75 State 25% city um do you want to do that or do we are we a little bit more selective in terms of what we we choose to repair you know and a so I think the first step is let's see what the state does and make sure that they're going to step in and do the 7525 and then you know ideally next month we'll have a discussion as to what indeed um make sense to the council you know 25% of $80,000 is still real money so um um we'll have to have that discussion so we have used based on previous invoices from Kane taking care of the trees and the parks also done with some mulch under the River Park playground material so we have invoices towards that $888,000 figure so we'll summarize those with what we got from the say then we can decide what we want the lake bed so and a lot of can's time and Public Works crew time will be paid for through this too they've obviously put a big effort into cleaning things up and those those hours are reimbursable it's just a an accounting excise which is probably a lot of fun okay next item is our city administrative report agenda items so the report yeah real quick I didn't typed up for the report there was there was a few big things that went on a lot of this budget stuff but um I attended the ready community housing Round Table uh with the mayor and Council Phillips out and Byron um on the 22nd of August that was a great event to meet with local um City representatives and administrators as well as local contractors and they kind of had a a forum with each where they would there at pan uh that discussed you know kind of what they're seeing going through with Housing and Development in the area this includes like Byron chatville cassen Pine Island plan View and Stewartville uh they were all there present and given it um this is a a great group to be a part of there's a lot of connection that can be made there between developers and cities um and that also provides a lot of uh work uh between the two or between the groups um this ready group um which is the Rochester area Economic Development Incorporated um they represent all the smaller cities not including they don't include Rochester this is something for the cities around Rochester to help them with you know obviously Rochester's got its own growth going uh but they are there to help support the surrounding cities as they try and deal with Rochester's growth with and I'll put it frankly Mayo's growth I mean Mayo's just coming in with billions of dollars for new new new facilities and new employees and they're looking at 1,500 a year or something like that I heard coming in I mean there's there's a massive increase of of people that are going to be com into the area um with this this is a group that we can join I think it's a good investment they do an annual fee that can be broken up over however we want to rep pay it um to be part of this community's Council so that's something i' I've been looking with and I kind of met with um maybe it's Chris um or Kirk from the groupk yeah talk to them a little bit about it and got some more information so I'm still kind of looking into it figuring things out as to where that's at um I attended the clerk's Academy up in St Paul went through got some more training on what it is to be a clerk so learned a lot more about you know part of my duties and what I'm going through and got a great networking there for a couple days in the beginning of September um we spent let's see here uh the five budget workshops we did to get the preliminary budget ready um spent a lot of time the months prior working with Kane and the other folks in the city trying to get their budgets prepared for those so that was a a great great time doing that um I appreciate you guys all showing up for that and and help making that a success I think we're able to really put together a good budget that you know while yes there's going to be some increases I think we were able to lay out and spell out why exactly we thought we needed these increases in where and hopefully we improve the budget in an area that's more transparent for the city citizens as well um to be able to put out there from previous years and I'll say Jason to your to your account you had this very organized they went very smooth trying to so um I was also selected to serve on the mcma annual conference planning committee this year the mcma is the Minnesota County city manager association group um so they have different committees uh and at the annual conference this last May I put in to be on a committee and I was Ed to be on that committee that's going to be planning the 2025 annual conference so we'll get to uh start with that actually next week we have our first committee meeting where we start getting that ready and that entails everything from like bringing in speakers and just making sure everything runs smoothly for that event so I'm kind of excited for that and gets our name out there for oroo um to the rest of the the state as well so um I also got to do a quick site visit for the Dollar General market um it's coming along pretty well I know I saw today they were I did that previously but today I drove by and they were looks like they were loading in I think they're getting ready to open soon I I saw there today and they're doing the hardware putting the hardware in day I don't know Refrigeration another crew comes in to stock okay I know they're getting they're getting closer but they're unloading a bunch of stuff I saw them there working a day so that's moving along yeah um another update the Mary Nash house that we've been working on um uh if anybody's been by there it's down the house is been tore down and is in the progress or process of being removed they've got three trash huge moving trash container bins full of stuff um you know I know we had talked about it and previous about possibly having to move forward after tonight with more legal action I don't think that's going to be the case we're going to continue to work with her she's moving stuff uh she did call in today to talk and let us know that they've got that going down there were some mechanical issues they did have to stop with the tear down stuff and and move in into bins today because there was something with the equipment some issues but then after that's done then it's the sheds that are there that'll be removed and they're going to be bringing in dirt to flatten everything out so there's no basement or anything like that on the house so it should be pretty quick and smooth so that is coming along um I spoke with the cedar Woodlands 2 group um and with Mike uh they let their attorney go so working with Mike they actually reach out to us and let us know sent me an email here and I communicated with them told them I would let you guys know as well they're in the process of um working with another attorney and getting assistance on uh the steps needed to take out the transfer to do the um Quick Claim Deed so that process is moving forward um I know there have been some discussions a couple of meetings ago in close session and stuff uh feel confident with Mike who's not here that's that's another thing um but um you know we're we're working with him that is moving forward so that's going on the right track as well um Mike's not here we only had a few things that we're going to discuss anyways with him I'm trying to cut back on some of his hours as we've build a lot this year so uh let's see here the next the last thing on my quick agenda for this is cannabis um talking with Mike you know uh my understanding was a city adopted something like last year that gave us through this year uh with the Cannabis and the businesses um he recommended that we Council guide us myself and our attorney to start working on putting something together to be able to adopt something by the end of the year because we got to have something in place as for as an ordinance about how we want to uh what we want to allow for businesses by state law we do have to allow um cannabis business but I think there's something just 12,500 yeah it's got to do with the population so it would be one for us the biggest thing is going to be where you know where would that need to be located um and that's going to be for the city decid as to where they would want to allow a business like that I know planning zoning just as an FYI was it last year we started talking about the C that's when we put put the 2025 I'll I'll work on sending something out to the the planning zoning group to start think about for them to have ready for their next meeting so they can kind of give some guidance as to what they think um but just want this is a heads up we want to start this process now so we're not like oh it's December we got to have something by January um so hopefully we can get that going again that's for a total of 12,500 people okay which which is different than what we're here so go back to what's going on withad County and how many they're going to allow inside olad County and where that's going be placed at so it might not you know well so there's there's two options we either allow it or we allow Olstead County to make the decision and they can place them where they want to so it's up I think it behooves us to make our decision as to where we want to for the city and allow one whereas Olstead County gets I think 14 or something that they have uh and they can allow placement wherever they want to so I think you know talking with other City administrators and with our attorney we need to make sure we have something where where does designating where we would want to allow that business that would be our tax rid if we had it here yes and that brings into yes and that brings into other things where we need to make sure and we've already kind of started this in our office with our fee schedule and making sure we've got appropriate fee schedules um as well as having appropriate fees for business licenses and things like that because it's going to come into there's some regulation there there's a lot of stuff that comes with this so we are working on it working forward but kind of that guidance of council to say yes continue on let's do this and get this was the Office of cabis Management disarray was kind it started and then it was I think it was was July 1st that they ended up kind of putting everything together that they really got the organization going pretty approving people periodic updates from the office management and they've been reaching out to me as a city administrator and they reach out to other City administrators and they're you know they're there to help and guide so but it was one of those things that you know we're going to start moving forward with with that and and we want to make sure we're we're ready and not cover PS down come the let me know where it is open up a twinky stand anything else no that's kind of the main part of the report like I said we'll get into budget and then I've got um from and then uh software stuff left over from last month again I apologize I was sick last month so okay so we have our resolution 2024-25 budget and preliminary tax levy do I make a motion we approve the resolution there second I'll second discussion Jim all right okay U with this real quick I'll just go into this so I did turn out for you folks the copy of the uh um excuse me the preliminary budget here everything in here is what we we went over um I did send out an email notification today a little bit later in the afternoon there was one addition under Eda uh I went back after we had talked about Eda in our Workshop I went back and talked with Rebecca uh when she was in here and they had Eda had asked for 15,000 for small business loans small business loans is something that they would use to help with businesses coming in for economic development be able to loan them money and we would get money back with a I believe it's with an in the small interest rate off of it as well um so it's something that would be a self- revolving fund it would be you know s basically maintaining itself um and we could contribute to in future years to be able to provide more opportunities to other small businesses but to at least get them going they did understand that you know it was a possibility it may get cut but they they were requesting 15,000 so that's the only change from what we had gone over in our workshops a page on that it's the very last page of this Eda is the last section right before the final line 427 it's in red um in the packet there is kind of a a one-page preliminary budget onepage sheet that just gives a a quick breakdown if you will of of each um what I considered a section and just kind of what the expenditures are just so we had that out there um for people to be able to see like okay this is what we're looking at for the the numbers for the budget this year for the expenditures and the revenues um I also included in the email a PDF this was that breakdown sheet that we had discussed during our workshops this sheet um this is a a snippet of that Excel document this is what talks about the state information Minnesota state information that they put out from the latest budgets which I think was the end of 2023 I went through and selected all the surrounding cities that I could from almost that good H was watch wall shop Dodge and Mower County ma um and the surrounding cities and basically what I did was I took okay here's what their LGA was um this was their their city tax rate that they had and this was their population so you could kind of see where we compare to the surrounding areas again this is 2023 so if you look at this with this year's numbers even with this year's numbers we're starting to get into the rate that CI surrounding us we're at two years ago but you're talking the tax rate again yes I am talking the tax rate again that is the number we're looking at we're not talking the left that's correct I'm looking at the tax rate so I'm just pointing out the fact May understand yep there's different numbers to look at we have a tax capacity of 3117 million that was last that was last year's for 2024 last year's was 3.11 yeah 3.11 and 43% tax rate 41.6 43 we got it got it got adjusted a little bit in December last year but brought it down to 41.6 brought it down to 1. 248 million what tax levy was right now we're looking at tax levy this year 1736 million 488,000 over last year a big factor that we are like you said we talked about one of these work shops you know we're increasing the roads street and Roads budget this year significantly um as you heard tonight there was concerns about roads um I think that's something that is important uh there's a there's just a lot of increases that come with running the city and the the wastewater treatment facility and understand that yeah I'm just explaining so those when they're hearing they're hearing everybody's listening so where does this tax capacity number come from it comes from the county they they say how what we're allowed to tax but and then this rate is only this rate is determined what percentage our Levy is of that tax rate of what we're buil able to tax correct say that again the tax capacity is the 100% number we're allowed to tax yep so we're the rate the rate is at 51% or 52% you said 52.4 is the new tax rate that's the new tax rate numb of the of the total tax capacity total tax capacity for 2025 is 3.375 million you said so our actually our capacity went up 250,000 from the year before right sometimes that actual number we get that number in December so we're still an estimate but it's going to rise we know the tax capacity has no effect on anybody in here the tax capacity is a madeup number what's market value you're right it's it's basically a madeup number the number that our that our town needs to be concerned with well I'm not going to say it's a well it is somebody somebody somebody brought it together I'm just pointing out the fact that our tax levy upon what's upon the homes Oro 1.7 million versus 1.2 million last year where 488,000 $500 more than previous year you know it's a pre it's a preliminary budget question I have is looking over this after our workshops what this is something I I've never heard in in all of our our budget workshops is what's left over from the previous year what didn't we spend where where did we spend short of budget and what does that look like overall you know it be a tax Surplus or budget well if you look at your your sheets if you go back to page eight of eight you can look look at 2023 22 21 so you know all depend you know our Revenue a budget like in 23 was 1376 those were expenditures and we spended 800 991 well one one one of the things that really concerns me is we had a we wrote a check it was in a check register for $150,000 for the uh for the tax on the data center we did that for how many years but I don't recall seeing that in the budget last year where that would have been at in the budget we're ready to check for I think we would have a budget for so the 150,000 that you're referring to comes out of our capital budget okay but where's the money come from but it's not a 100 except if we do transfer it in that's why it's always under the expenditure columns it's the last item in this case it's on line 4 32 it's 150,000 and we've done some years we've done 100,000 one year we did 227,000 2019 190 so those are all capital but for Budget purposes we need to include that in our tax levy just financial planner that's just way you need to identify your so it's in this year too as well just well I thought what it should be in there this year thought we made the final payment on that we don't make final payments it's like in the reserves it's in the capital budget it's Capital Improvement fund so it's it's out there we have reserves you know you look at the sheet in your and your U well look at expenditure report in your your we got like 600 and something3 P 133 no page 133 of our 136 65,000 that's in our capital expenditure account who said that I believe that's our reserves that we talked about which which one is one is under 73 page 136 of our package yeah says available balance 865,000 so that that's our Reserve is 8 865 now we put it in here we may not use it hopefully we don't use anymore but we use it toward streets and Roads we may want to use it towards buying lens something that's not in the 100 budget line items to operate to operate the city so but you need to you heard mik bani my understand you need and Mike Jason can confirm this that that's our way we've always done it that's what's required from our Auditors just to document that so when the audit was in here when the auditor was in here he told us we had 800 some thousand in our reserves for Capital budgets that's a good number that's that's yeah it's a good number to be Reserve it's good that we have that Reserve force is what I'm saying too so okay um so yeah so that is that's the budget stuff any questions over that so you'll see the resolution before you resolution is 24- 32 it's a resolution to approve the preliminary 2025 budget and preliminary tax L again as we discussed at the workshop the tax levy also includes the bond 306 which is the CIP go bond from 2013 for the shop of $31,500 into that total preliminary Levy as well again this is the preliminary it needs to be sent into the county by September 30th I think over the next several months we can continue to have this workshop and and go through the bu we do that we can do that any more comments starting point you know we talked about our workshops insurance has gone up salaries our expenses and overall just really uh finally heard back about the umbrella insurance we have that in our included in our um Insurance budget that's in the already in here so when it comes time that's 3,000 you can take off of that one because it's all included in the municipal liability insurance policy stuff that we have you don't need to carry umbrella no I mean you can carry an umbrella if you want to but we have umbrella Insurance already in that policy yeah it's already in there so I guess it was because it was those things they the previous administration had separated everything out which made it so difficult to figure out where everything was That's Where It's At so see no other comments Voice Hi councel Phils hi councelor penr hi councelor Richards hi councelor dck I approved next is a followup space big reference to all right so this one was on last months and again I wasn't here to discuss this was pushed back to this month so we are looking at new software for the city this is our um software that covers our general ledger accounts payable cash receiving accounts receivable Utility Billing payroll and time feats is what we're looking at um right now the system we have I compare it to operating a Dos system it's very clunky it takes about 10 steps to get one thing done and it makes Rene's life extremely difficult and just it overall it is not a timesaver um we looked at some other companies and this has been one that's been a kind of all over the the talk boards with the LMC if you will a lot of Administrators and and HR people are looking at new softwares um there's there's a handful of other companies out there but the the top ones that people were referencing were Banning and and bsna um so those are the ones that myself and Renee looked at we sat down and and met with them online virtual had a presentation done the first one I'll discuss is banion um banion is a the cheaper of the two um I will like them liken them to it's like when the internet first came out in the early 2000s uh it's very very much reminds me of what we have now with Tyler Tech in the functionality and how it looks um it's clunky but it's a little bit better than what we're using now uh their software Services I do have a breakdown sheet that was in last month I don't know if that got included in this month's okay um well the breakdown sheet kind of goes into yep sure yes yep 69 is the breakdown sheet again um you can see the price differences however there's a lot of stuff that banon does not offer such as the general ledger module the accounts payable module receipt cash receipt module accounts receivable module um they also struggle when it comes to payroll and time card and stuff like that you know they have the system there in place but they don't have it so that a staff member say Kane can go back and go what's my year to date for uh that I've got left for leave or you know what's my you know what's what's this or what's that so it's it's most things and the answer I got from them was oh well we're working on it we're looking at putting something together but there was no time frame there was there was no nothing as to what they were going to have um I know the council there was there was a brochure that was included as well the council had asked if they had a a a presentation like bsna did I went back and and asked them uh they do not have any presentation what they have is literally this this brochure that's in the the system here um like I said they're an okay Software System but um I've done research on this and and talking with other City administrators in the area there's as well as across the state there's uh there's a lot of concern with this company and there's a lot of people who are voicing strong opinions against them and not impressed with with their product um I'll speak real quick to what we have Tyler Technologies they have implemented some new um online cloud-based stuff which you know it seems nice um however the price t on that from talking with other administrators is near $20,000 that's double of what what bsna was offering for their annual service um again that's $220,000 annually for them to do this stuff and still not up to par so that is banion does anybody have any questions on that so B has a $20,000 year no Tyler Tech Tyler Tech is the one I'm sorry have Tyler Tech has got the the online module it's like $20,000 now they're trying to implement this new system and it doesn't work great and it's still causing problems but um yeah banion data they're the ones like I said you can see the breakdown here um yes they are they are cheaper their price came in at $ 17901 um for their services but they don't offer everything that we would need anyway so there's still going to be some overlap with another program that we would need what is it what is it that they don't have that we would need so if you're looking at this you're looking at the general ledger module which we use accounts payable cash receding module and accounts receivable they also their online bill pay is not how did they have that set up it wasn't uh they have they have it but it's it's again it's it's very so they have no accounts receivable in general ler stuff yeah Bion has none of that or do they just not have a price for it it was included in I don't think they have a price for they have a price for it that's what it is there's no price for it so again okay sorry so I misspoken they do have it but it's not the a price breakdown for it as module I think it's that's where theirs is a it's an all lump sum um for those is there anywhere we where we get the get the prices on most it's it's part of their lump on and their base prices but they have off of it as everything broken out the other concern I have with banion is they don't offer um the the uh ability by them to bring in previous data so what I mean is we have data that we've been using currently that has all of our records online you know on our system they don't offer that transcribing back in if we want to do it we can but it's up to us as a city to figure out and to try to do and I like to think I'm tech savvy but I'm not that tech savvy and that's going to take a lot of time to try to figure out how to cross these over and and do them so that was another major downfall for banon for me what would be the cross so you talking about like water bills stuff like yes bringing all the information meter all the readings we have currently and all that stuff for the the billing trying to bring that stuff over um is left up to the city to do that they don't they don't offer that so bsna um I equate them to the newest Android or Apple iOS system the uh top-of-the line kind of stuff here and their price does reflect it um however with the price I will say it is broken up over multiple payments three payments um with the initial payment being made uh right away that 40 to 60 days after the agreement uh the second payment is 60 to 90 days after going live and then that last payment is due within uh 12 months of the program that's and it's after all the training has been completed so keep that in the back of your mind as we go through this they do offer offer Cloud modules um I think that was B didn't offer Cloud modules there was a a service um so they do offer Cloud modules so it's all out there you can see the breakdown of what each cost would be for each of these yeah so um with that you know you're you're looking at these the functionality of each one of these is extremely easy um again I sat down Renee was with me on this we sat down looked at it and and going through all these account receivables and general ledger stuff and it I think will significantly cut down the time it takes to do the work here um which I think is a benefit to the city because it allows us to get work on faster within the office uh and provides us more time to be able to focus on other things from the personnel management side the payroll and time sheets uh it provides just way more for the staff uh to be able to you know for the individual staff they can clock in clock out uh they can check all their stuff online they can see where they're at with leave hours you know it kind of holds them a little more accountable they have that that option which is something they've been asking for is to be able to have that functionality and it allows us to easily bring in the payroll so we're not using right now the city still uses Punch Cards like punch stamp um so this would kind of bring us into the 2 Century of using online payment and and you know being able to do that um key five time CL type stuff no no key5 time clocks it's all done on the computer and it just allows them to be able to clock in manually from that way instead of having to actually be present and type in a a sheet or punch in on a time card and then that makes it easier on our end because we can pull everything up on the computer instead of them having to bring stuff to us you know or you know say Caleb's gone a training well it's payday week he's not here we need his time card we need him to submit stuff well he's out of town he can do that from a computer and get it done um so and again it also offers an online portal for the citizens and I think that's also one of the most important aspects um this will allow us to be able to offer online portals for the community the citizens can check their utility bills online they can pay their utility bills online um you know it's it's one of the most frustra things and I've seen it it multiple times this week with utility bills going out we send out little postcards they get lost in the mail and then it's oh I need my utility bill can you resend me one no we don't we don't have that to resend it it's a print off and go once so it's one of those you know we tell them what it is but we've now lost that function whereas with this we have that ability online they can I mean they can view all their historical data online from where was I at last April you know what was I you know how much water did I use um Manion provide that Bion does not so so Jason maybe you said this I I was looking up reviews y um do they tell you approximately how long it will take to get from Zero to Hero yep I haven't gotten there yet um and with banion you're looking about a year I think it was for their was it six months to a year somewhere in that time frame I think it a year it was it was a year here to from and that's that's kind of customary with this software because they're they're putting in a lot of stuff on their end um so it does take time before going live and then when you say they so they'll come here go through all of our data sources and P it in and I'll I'll explain that as I as we continue to go through this absolutely so with this they also offer data conversions now they do we can we can do it ourselves again but they actually offer this this function and they will go back five years and they will input all of our Journal transaction histories for General ledgers you'll see in here they can go in with counts payables put in Vendor stuff invoices check history up to five years there's a they will go back and do all of this up to five years for us and Implement all this stuff all this history into our system so we have this database back up we can reference back if there's a question we don't have to try and hold on to a system to be able to reference it because often times when you switch soft where if it's not compatible and you're not can't bring stuff over you're holding on to that data somewhere or another for for a while as a city or an entity just so you have a reference point if there's questions or concerns or things that come up with this we'd be able to bring those five years over and have all that information there is there any reason we need anything further back in five years I don't believe so no most of that like I said with this you're looking at invoices and all that stuff would be in there and it's yeah it's well that's you know you look at tax serice say seven years well it's kind of that five to seven years for most things so well a lot of lot of what we need beyond the five years would be legal basically out stuff right Y and we legal notices and we have that all electronic so everything we're talking about are they're not going to have to go through and enter invoices and things like that it's all electronic currently that data should be in there yeah I would think yeah numbers from the invoices put in there this system will allow us to like for invoices it'll allow the fire department or Public Works to be able to create an invoice and send it over to us my understanding yeah but I'm just talking historic that was I think we still have all that act up on what's going on so it's there think our system yes we can add the PDF that's we can add the PDFs of like an invoice to this where right now we can't we got to hold on to these paper copies with this this gives is the option to scan put it in there as a PDF and that paper copy can go that now we've got it stated on the cloud um so as again you'll see the breakdown of each one of these the integration is the other important part they do work with our Badger meters or uh Public Utilities um so that was kind of one of the base things we really want to make sure is that we're not going to have to try to get only water meters across the city so they do integrate those um and then you get into project management and implementation planning and training this is where you kind of get into some numbers that could fluctuate right they put in an average based off of our city size and our our uh size of our staff um whereas that could kind of train or could change based on how well we're picking up training and all that but they come out here in person Banyan does not come out in person they do everything online um this company comes out here in person and trains us in person and works with us in person to make sure that we understand this and get this um and then it continue I mean the the the ability to to work with them throughout continues obviously uh but they will be out here in person to help us train Implement get going and make sure that we fully understand so what would be the timeline of getting the the data and then the trading in place so if if if you look at it it's kind of um their their timeline is between a year to a year and a half to do this for all for all of it to get everything done from start to finish to go live with the city and and be out there ready to go everybody trained up everything transitioned over um and again that time frame is right on par with any other software program that you're going to be implementing um for a lot for something that's this intensive and uh and goes into I didn't know what it would take to train a new person on down the road we're already in it up and running right yep I mean pretty much yeah but their initial training will come out and get us trained up and get the current employees train I guess I think future employees too because you know we get new people coming on here and there yep and they will you know they'll be able to offer them some training you probably online we won't have them come out but we'll be able to again that that training still stays there when we get new employees we can get them brought in and and trained and that'll be also on us as staff we'll be trained up enough to be able to train employees on how to use this program um it's very user friendly from I think from a staff standpoint as well as from a community standpoint with what it offers online um and the functionality so again you'll see the the payment schedule the 26,000 is the first payment which is due upon the execution of the agreement based off of our budget for this year we do have that money already allocated uh for software and technology so that that is available to be used and then in preparation for the preliminary that we just approved that was part of the preliminary budget was you know my My Hope and anticipation of having bsna so that the rest of this money is also budgeted as well to be able to uh to have it covered next year um beyond that the annual fees the module annual fees like I said is 11,225 again that's half of what Tyler Technologies is doing with their new uh cloud-based software program so that's an annual Fe fee yes that's an annual fee that 11,225 um and that's that's for the storage and and I mean everything training storage of all the stuff online the the help and just maintaining the the program current 20,000 the if we were to use Tyler tax it would be roughly $220,000 for an annual fee that's overall no that's the system they have that's right now that's not going that's what's in place now not going into B right no but I'm just trying to understand so you're saying Tyler Tech would be more than that yeah but is that is that a comp one composite charge or is is then further breakouts as I'm seeing here with this one for you know the the the data conversion database setup um the integration you know the the things listed under that I guess the thing I would question there Jason and maybe they shared with you that you could help us understand so that annual fee I get that most most softwares like that have an annual fee but the conversions and database setup they're charging us 15,000 every year no that's a onetime fee yeah that's a onetime fee to bring everything over set it up okay so these aren't an annual the only annual expense is 11 the only annual expense is 11 correct okay there's a big chunk cuz it's a there's there's a lot of asking stuff for it you no okay um so yeah but the only annual fee is the 11,000 okay the rest of it is onetime fee for data conversion database set up the integration of the meters project management which is then working with us and implementing the planning and and working through that which we're doing with like diligent right now yeah right our our software program for the agenda stuff that's about a six-month process to get that going live so that's part of their project management and then that like I said they're training they have listed on here on travel and stuff all that's dependent how quickly are we picking up stuff do we really need eight days versus six days you know there's there's some Flex in that that's why that last payment is due after the completion of everything so you say when you say working with the maters you're talking about reading the smart meter use it for smart meter yes do it does the Bion also pick that up right now yeah they would they would picked that up we were only looking at ones that would work with our meters because we don't want to switch meters what's the annual payment that there is to B in the annual service that's at 17,000 so that's how much per year their annual fees is $4,070 so and you look at this with the annual fee Tyler Tech right now is a 25 we don't have that um they're they're they're new cloud-based stuff that is a new program they're pushing out there um so I get the feeling that our fees are going to be changing with Tyler Tech in the near future anyways I don't know exactly what they would be um but that's the talk around the water cooler so that is bsna I think bsna is is well worth it again it is going to be able to provide transparency for the city with people being able to access their information readily um and you know quickly online that be able to pay bills and just see where they're at which is this is something that citizens have been asking for for us for a while so I think it's important and this sets us up for the future to you know for future growth and to be successful and and just to do the best that we can for the city so uh my my push is for bsna package software so I just both they both offer online build P but the what they offer in that online and online and online bill pay what they offer Banning compared to bsna is nothing Banning doesn't offer the ability for people to look back at their records as to what they were previously and and View and you know so as as somebody who's used these kind of systems in my past residences and locations I've lived I go back all the time and I can pull up you know how much for you know the city I in was electric and water I can see how much water I've used this month compared to last year this month you know I can I have that year comparison and I think that's a great thing where I go man why am I you know why am I I can kind of monitor that and go why am I so high this month versus where I was last month or or whatnot so you're stuck a couple months ago I or your toilet doesn't stop running because for some reason the flusher is broke so you know it's it's important things like that that I think the citizens will enjoy and then for our end as the city it offers just a lot of added benefits to be able to you know in improve our time uh and and just be able to help us in the office as well well based on our city administrator's recommendation I would make a motion that we approve the purchase of the B sna software there a second I'll second it discussion yeah definitely um the discussion on it is we're looking at a total of 7857 $5 for the the bsna software uh the banion is at 17,9 one um just due to the situation of what we're looking at in our budget what we have and and trying toh keep things and this would be a step forward for what we have and according to reviews it shows that 80% of the people that are using banion are happy with it um I'm going to go with u the banion at 17 91 which is even less per year which is 470 per year to keep that up um I know there's lots of good bells and whistles and all of us would like to drive Cadillacs but I think that right now and the way the city is I think you might be closer to to a Chevy type situation you know I I will say that in the um the the the packet here you'll see with bsna it shows all the cities in Minnesota um that have moved from to bsna from their previous one and there's a lot of them on here that are moving from Banyon and have moved from Banyon over the last 10 years um to bsna you know you're look at I know Byron's on here um there's a couple of them in our area but yeah city of Byron moved from Banyon to to them again I think the the functionality and everything of bsna is what the citizens are asking for and I think they will would appreciate the expenditure of it I understand we're watching the budget I 100% agree but I think this is an expenditure that the city can't cut corners on because you're going to be stuck with this next program for presumably at least 10 years before you'd even want to look at switching to get your your money and your time worth out of it um and by that point who knows where banon is going to be versus bsna who's already up there and and keeping Pace with the time so again that's why I'm encouraging bsna yeah I did I did some Google reviews too um on Google I saw bsna was 4.5 and Google or banion data was 4.0 so there was a difference there yeah again I'm looking you know I mean we're not like Byron that we've got that tax base that we can play around with and I'm looking at what our tax Bas is for the people right now and this is going to be a step up to bring us you know um things easier but you know the others I mean it's nice to have the bells and whistles there's no question about it but I just don't see where where we can you know put that money into it for the city right now let me ask Jason so would we have to sign a contract for either of these so it's a contract X years oh it's not for for x amount of years you're going to sign a contract for the the stuff and then you know you there's there's always a clause to get out but but if you're signing a contract for is you're not this there's no like oh we're let's try it out for year because it's going to take at least a year to implement and get going and then you're really going to have to spend you know at least three to five years really feeling it out and and until everything's comfortable with it and it's working like there there's obviously and you understand software there's a long process that comes with a lot of it to make sure that it's really where it's at so in selecting this you're selecting something that's presumably five to 10 years you're going to want to hold on to at least if not longer um and that's why I think it's worth the investment to do that um but yeah you're you are signing the contract for it but it's not like oh we're going to sign it for three years right type thing it's it's it's just the the contract and then you renew it each year as you know right it automatically renews type of thing each year as you continue through and if you want opt out you opt out but I think it's a long-term decision and I know we've had a lot of citizens asking for it so I I think it's I think it's worth it I think there'll be support for it well we're looking at the different you know you're saying five to 10 years you know with the Dian data for 10 years we're looking at 8,610 versus 198,000 yeah that's the cost of doing business so I look at this as being a tool this is a tool office staff needs got computers and software and that's what they do day in and day out is software so this is a tool that they use it's no different than public works with pickup trucks skider maders mowers hundreds of thousands of dollars so if you look at the fire department they've got their tools hundreds of thousands of dollars three qus of a million dollars or whatever it is that's a tool they use and I think this is just all fits into a tool that our City St St needs that our citizens will appreciate just as much as everything that Public Works does and the fire department does and I think this is a tool that they really need and and would support and be excited to have that capability of doing that whether it's online or the history we just know that our staff is being more efficient they can do more things than what they're doing today and if we look at our finance clerk hopefully coming next year this is a great tool for that Finance clerk it makes our efficient our department work more efficient and you know what we got today of Tyler Tech and what potentially could be more cost anyway for an annual fee to say struggling with the steps at Tyler Tech is an understatement um it's been something we've had our staff has had to deal with for 15 plus years yeah and I don't think we're arguing that's understandable yeah I don't I don't think we're we're arguing that what we're getting from Tyler Tech isn't doing it it's not doing it very well no we understand we're looking at at cost of of these two in front of us um and you know is one a Cadillac and one a Buick you know and are we still going to get there and what what's the ride going to be like um um I'm I'm I'm struggling honestly you know when you put the numbers together I'm struggling do I do I want this functionality in here you bet um yes we see it with banion I I know that um Banyon doesn't offer the services based on what Jason is saying um but I guess what it comes down to is are we going to get the bang for the buck so Jason you're saying it's going to save us a lot of time will it save us $150,000 of time or $100,000 of time over $119,000 versus 58,000 yes because it also will save us time when we look at doing our audit each year because they'll be able to access this information directly the Auditors will so we're not running back and forth trying to find files they can pull all of these records you know with this no they can't with that they can't with what we have you know it it it offers a lot more functionality to it as well um you know it there's there's a lot of a lot of stuff we can also provide access to council for these different ledgers so when they're not being printed off just like we do with Eyeworks there's there's checks and balances that can go into that as well there's there's a lot of functionality to it that's that I think is key and to bring up the car Point great yeah yeah I look at I would rather buy a Cadillac than a Buick I would rather have a car that's brand new off the lot ready to go I know is going to last me has a great warranty and I don't have to worry about for 10 years versus a car that's used you know who knows how it was ridden and yeah I'm getting a great deal on it but what problems are we going to have two three years down the road with it that now we're in a place of oh crap you know here we are stuck with this program that we've invested money in and now we've got to go through the process of changing again if we want to change and go through this all again and these prices will only go up from here you know your initial prices are only going to go up so that's where I I take that and I look at that and I go I think it's worth the investment and over time yeah it's absolutely going to be worth its money um that it's going to cost us I think right at the moment where you know hey I agree it's probably the way to go right at the moment we're looking at a $488,000 budget increase for this this year we're talk about spending 78 a on this so it's kind of like I wish this would have come up with a not it's not 78 of next year's budget there's 26 that's coming out of the budget already it doesn't matter which budget it come out but the number num matter that's true but the numbers matter if you're going to compare it to a budget the numbers matter so it's one of those things you're still looking at $625 75 correct absolutely it's an investment in the city and the community and the citizens can some of this money to finance this be taken out of some of the other categories of we have or Surplus you know like where you want to pull that money from later next year be you guys but it's it's budgeted like I said we made the budget for it for this you know to include because it's you know it's not really meant what you would think of a capital expense which is for like your roads and and big other expens like that we're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars this is something you budget for and you do it's a it's a one-time budget of a big budget for this year that will be reduced next year because we're not having the extra cost incurred it's only 11,000 of that if you will 70,000 total so and remember every single financial transaction goes through these softwares yeah every single financial transaction goes through these softwares I was in every single one of our software components today alone and I I mean I'm I'm not arguing the fact that there's not a lot of good in it you know I I know there's a lot of good in both I just struggle with the final cost um or do we look at this and say the pencil's going to get really sharp in December you know to to make up and next year as well because you're got to turn around and you've got uh basically $52,000 burden that there is coming up next year in the 2025 not considering the the 2024 this year how can I ask how is that any different than giving 70,000 to streets and roads like we we need the money there to support the staff like it was mentioned earlier like this is a tool for us to be able to do our job and to do it efficiently and effectively for the city that this is something the city has been lacking for years if not like over a decade and is fallen behind this is one of those areas that they've just fallen behind in and so we need to get them brought up to speed not halfway there well we also turn around and we cut back on on Street Maintenance too if we don't have the money that's there so we we say okay we can't do that and we wait till the next year afterwards and and hopefully try to do it I understand your point that's just um you know to me and and I know you're mentioning the other cities that there are that that U are moving that direction I think there's what is 800 cities in Minnesota so I mean I know the ones that are moving isn't really necessarily the total of what you're looking at you know inside and I remember when when uh Shirley was here and a few of the other people that came in those people are pretty much familiar with how to run the banion system and and you know understood that one well too um again I just I'm I'm having and and struggling with the cost I really am well I would hope I don't think you mean to but I don't think you're comparing our streets to our staff no no no I'm not I'm just he was saying that that that that's it I'm just I'm just saying you know when it comes to streets we do cut back on what there is so again I'm I know that we don't want to stay at Tyler Tech but um I just have a hard time making that difference especially on the yearly increase of of another $111,000 per year just to maintain it you know with the other one being being 4,000 I just think we're going to get a bigger bang for her Buck going with Bion even it might not have all this stuff Bion is still always trying to grow too with what they're saying if you read some of the stuff that's in their literature I just I just feel like it's extremely important to give the tool for our office staff our Auditors and everybody else that us touches their Finance is that it's it's critical to be efficient and right now we're not efficient and we've heard the story already so yeah I I you know and everything you're saying Ryland is is 100% spot on it's just the cost you know let's go sell a fir truck then yeah oh they got one let's go sell a pickup I don't know tool you you know maybe we look at taking because it is such a big bite we take part of it out of the out of the the Surplus fund or the general fund or you know on the LA on the what do we call it the technical term on that back page and fund it partially with that and take put the other part on the on the budget I'm fine with however you want to done that on other projects yeah I mean I think we we need something like this whether it's banion or uh bsna I think I think we need it oh yeah I'm not I'm not doub it's going to buy us time it's going to help with budget I it's and you know the governing body of the city could have access to some of that stuff and and keep a finger on the pole wna is going to come and install all that they're to do the upload of all right and because to me this is where I'm coming from and yes I struggle with the price but that's why I'm I'm trying to see how how can we chisel this down a little bit because I know from what I do the effort it's going to take to come in for the staff to come in here and do this and load this frontload this you're two years out absolutely at least absolutely and then the question is what are the updates and is is it going to be right where you load it um and the and the other piece of that that I see and I I see this with my job through the years is you're you're going through this effort and then people have to get trained too you know so you have to move fast with both so you can get this thing stood up so well here here's one of the things that we sat and talked about the budget we had five budget meetings last couple of weeks and everything on the budget was a God we got to have the best of everything we got we got to have everything you know we got to have it this was a doer everything was a do or Diet situation so it's kind of like where do we come the coordinators to make the grp for this well that's that's what I said you know something something has to give to that to do that big number yep so take take some of the money out of the CIP and then make sure our pencils are sharpened and we're and and I know we wrote things down for December that we can that we can cut um we we need to do something so how much would you recommend cut taken out of the the CIP then well we're looking at trying to cut the budget too okay CU it's just preliminary right now we're going to go down so you're saying okay I'm playing around back and forth you know if we cut with the rest we're still at that same number if we're turning around and financing this at the cost okay so it's it it is software it's a capital Improvement for what it is it is if you're going to say take 20 20 grand out of the CIP to help cover the cost that's 20 grand off of the budget because the preliminary budget includes the financing for already well it it does but that's going in too and that's just part of it so we've got the the cost this year and also the cost next year with and then every year they but the cost the cost that that I heard the annual cost is cheaper than the cost we're paying now well yeah but I mean if you look at Bion it's only $4,070 versus $1,000 you're also getting half of what you would get with bsna no again that's and I know bion's growing too with what they're trying to do to stay competitive with what's what's happening I think that we definitely have to get rid of Tyler so I'm I understand that um I'm just struggling again you know if we're looking at something C if you're going to do it that way then it would take the full cost off of it and then be able to reduce the budget for next year so if we look at like I like the idea of the capital budget because we've done other the projects right we did that with a well that we bought back in 2016 we took some out of that some out of the water and sewer I didn't suggest we do that here but the point is I would you know I I think this is a great discussion I think that if we looked at as a suggestion of of taking um the goal I guess let me put it that way if we could take 20,000 out of the budget and 30,000 out of the CIP fund um that should be a goal that we should strive to meet Our obligation of the 52,000 by August of we've already we've already approved first6 can I recommend something sorry I don't mean to interrupt but just to try to speed this along can I recommend that we make the third payment with CIP funds the first one is already accounted for this year so the second payment which is at the end of the activation which is the annual fee of 11,000 would still be covered under next year's budget and then the remainder fee of the 4135 or presumably a little B less depending on how their long their training takes um would just come out of the CIP the third payment to come out of CIP that way we know right where the money is coming from the first payments this year second payment is budgeted for in the the preliminary and the third payment is coming out of CIP so when we go back to do the review of the budget in December we know how much that we need to cover for the cost of the second payment just so we don't add to the CIP fund you take it right out of what what we've already budgeted for it's an inout transfer so you're still going to take the 150 transfer it in but then we we don't but we don't build trans taxpayers for an additional 41,000 you take it you take it take it out of what You' already yeah but that's still that's still a taxpayer's money however you look at itn't come in free I understand that I'm just saying you don't put an additional 41,000 onto what we take out of the CIP that's yeah so can I I can't make the amendment to that so I okay I'll go ahead I will make amend the motion to say that we would pay just to clarify those three payments in the motion we would say that we the $26,000 of the first payment would come out of the 2024 budget 11,225 for the second payment would come out of the 2025 budget and the balance of 41350 would come out of the CIP in 2025 that's a very good approach for a capital expenditure like you talked about that's just all part of line equipment for public works it's a tool accept the amend I'll second it any other comments it's a good I think it's good good compromise for a great tool that we're going to have going forward for our and and one thing I I just like to add if if we could because I know this is this is a SC price right now especially in the times that we're in can we somehow once we get up and running show a realization of what it's saving us I know it's going to save us in budget you know really do some realization that hey it's it's saving 10 hours a week here do well one one thing you one thing what I understand you're going to is the uh auditor can tap into this and and our staff should and our staff shouldn't have to do any more than give him access their time exactly nothing more than give him allow access so it's no no time off somebody know weeks of time if we could reduce time we're still gonna have to do some because they want us to pull some but like the other one I don't want to see us spend spend the time of of uh everybody training on one and it's kind of half of what we really need when we spend the time of training them I think it's a good idea to lower I mean it's going to it's it'll won't be such a slam on the budget well you're getting some you're getting a lot of hands on with them coming and helping install all that there's a lot of information that's like having another employee yeah exactly it's like another employee for a few months but the travel expense alone is $177,000 for them to come out so probably paying the guy to come here quite a bit of money 1,000 to train yeah where we didn't have first apparently they're going to pay him 22,000 that's that's bu yeah it's basically a consultant yeah and we know what they they charge based on our budget Workshop just wh other way the budget okay okay let's U Ms all in favor of the motion signify by saying I I I I oppose n approved great so we'll uh find out when it starts we'll be going on it tomorrow and get everything moving forward so okay moving on streets and Roads new business packet there's a motion to approve the public hearing November the 19th to have our staff together is it a resolution or just name for a motion to start the process earlier give the people opportunity that look before before the end is not I make a motion we approve the public per on November 19th access assess delinquent utility accounts second comments none all those in favor signify by saying I I consent agenda make a motion we approve the consent agenda there's a lot of stuff in there is an agenda so I'm not going to go quite that quick uh what's going on so um I like to go if we're going to pull anything up we should have done that when we set the agenda well I think we're set the agenda now AR we what's that we're on the consent agenda now aren't we right and I'm just saying it's too late to pull anything out no I didn't say Paul I want to discuss some stuff on the consent agenda we got to get a second for discussion second made a motion now looking at page 137 uh on financial Administration uh where I we're not that's not much of a of a dollar amount but it's still we over by 174% at $2,277 that's one that that I I catch uh Deputy clerk were we over budget on that one by $122,400 Le Services we over by 4,120 um we should have some extra money that that should be sitting around with the ice and snow removal because we've got $54,000 that we didn't spend for that so this is kind of goes along with what do we have at the end of the year and where does that that money go um in the shop too we were we're over by $461 for the shop and uh general maintenance for groundskeeping were over by $3,287 check register page 139 I was just looking at what we have for Legal expenses out of that stuff with our lawyer um got a few of those one of them was for 5,728 and the other one was for 5,737 what line what check number you got uh I'm looking at check number 8034 and also 7988 for those um and fire just had a fire safety off of that we had a a big expenditure off of that for 15,000 I don't know if we those were on order for um our gear that's what that was but uh it's still pretty expensive off what line is that that's line number 80 8 65 no that's 140 out of 140 and I didn't go through the other stuff that we just got tonight so I didn't get a chance to go through that I noticed too with um just looking at the last bill that there was for Mike coming in and I'm in a way I'm glad he's not here but just for him to attend their last meeting with $78 for mik to be here I mean that's pretty costly yep is why I'm starting to cut back more yeah so those are just things that I want to make people aware of any other discussion I see we got our we got a tree puller 2420 but recall we we uh didn't we uh approve that for up to $4,000 I I don't know what the amount was if that was that right you know but I just see it come in two to four whatever come in we're paying people's services1 18,000 a month is that every me mhm the uh the playground safety surfacing is that that uh River Park or is that all of them Riv are we going to get reimbursed that's all part of we get that yeah 75 any comments none all those in favor the consent agenda me saying I I I post approved motion meeting ad Jour 905 say I very much anybody ever say no the meeting Jim I just find