##VIDEO ID:8436RT5HEqk## probably appreciate you jumping and swerving right we're up all right it's our yeah said we're okay um it's Tuesday September the 10th this is our special City Council budget Workshop meeting so R May R here councel philps here councel Richards here councel p here councelor BL here all right sorry for the slight delay right let me getting there I'm getting there um just finished meeting up with Dan going over um his sections here just to make sure we're on the same page uh for his departments and we are good to go um so we will jump into these real quick here and kind of go through we'll start with the first one is the F or the fire department as we go through here you have an EXT um all right uh so looking at salaries and wages those are kept the same from last year um I know there there's kind of a flux of people coming in and out right now um but those will be pretty consistent with with what they're out for my understanding um going through with the relief contribution stuff uh Mike bubani put that in there that they should not be in there kind of talked with Dan I'm do some more followup to see where uh there'll be a a flow in and a flow out of money um there's a percentage that we get from the state if that's right yeah so if you guys have heard the 2% money that we get all Minnesota taxpayers are charged their insurance then we get the money in the fall you get it deposit it then we write it you and inv you give it to us it's like an in and out so there'll be something on the revenue side of it and then this will be on the expenditure side of it I just got to talk with clarify with Mike about you know how that's going to look on here um and what that'll go in there but so that'll be probably a slight adjustment in that one there uh Medical Services reduced down to about 3,000 they're 2600 um operating supplies same uh turnout gear they've got a couple new firefighters with a little bit and I know they're looking at a new one now so they've got about one more left in their budget and then two new ones for next year um their membership fees there's a there's a few of them but we reduce that down a little bit um as they weren't necessarily you know not a whole lot of membership fees but just in case there's things that come up that the they want to be a part of uh the the training that was dropped down to 10,000 right now they're at about 7,000 and then they also do get reimbursed some of that money as well for certain trainings so um there will be some reimbursement that comes each year when they when they do these trainings uh do we look at the property automotive and workman's comp as we've discussed with everything else that gets eaten back the budget uh up in the uh Finance Administration section telephone expenses uh lowered it back down to about even 2,000 that may be something that as we get close to the end of the year if we need to Nick and Tuck some of this stuff uh there um as we look at electricity Heating those ones there there's some different things that have gone on with this the the how the money has been put into these budgets um and when when it comes time for bills and labeling and I've I've found some things as I've been doing this budget that are just confusing as to how they were done in the past and so I think it's led to confusion when it's putting in so you'll see in here I was talking with Kane about this like heating is only at 700 something but that probably should be higher just based off of what it actually cost the heat that facility um I know it is going to be you'll see it on there as well with First Responders it's a split should be a split um Bill kind of go amongst there but it's still one of those I think there's you know our on our end from our office um there's a lot of things with the general fund for these departments as well as the 400 fund that are going to need to be reassessed and relooked at as to how they were put in because and I'll go through that at the end of this section here um so yeah so those ones we kind of tried to keep them a little bit close did raise the heating up just in case same with electricity as we get that worked out that may be something where you know if it needs to be nipped and tucked a little bit the end in December those would be two spots where we could look at gas oil and miscellaneous I feel comfortable with keeping that 4500 um repair and maintenance for buildings we did up that you know it's a they've got a packed facility there is going to cost to repair and maintain some of that stuff um their equipment was kept at 6,000 and then vehicle repair and maintenance up to 10,000 from nine under here General equipment this was put in here hold on go back just a little bit if we're already on the r&m for the vehicles if we're at at $8,200 we only have 9,000 for a budget at September is that going to be okay at 10 or or or should we be a little bit more than that I I I think that there's because of this is an odd years we talked with Dan we've got two vehicles that just came in there's a lot of moving Parts with what's going on I think 2025 is going to be a a a true indicator of a new Baseline for us okay I'll just double because I thought we might be over on that and it's one of those that you know I look at that and I go the vehicles are going to get older I know they're going to cost more at some point but I think 2020 is going to be our base year of what are we truly at we've had the new truck for a year we've had the brush truck for a year and then our other vehicles where we sitting with the maintenance when it comes to that we did sell the old fire truck right no not yet where's it at then treatment plant where treatment plant and weren't we going to do I know we cut I thought we cut back on radios in the budget for this year push some radios cuzz weren't we shy like at the botom okay so um the other one General equipment we have the truck lease payment in here which is just under $38,000 that's due January uh 2025 um so that's why that went up significantly and where we're putting that what's the number on that the exact number is 37,7 and something 98 98 and like 6 cents or something like that so I round up to 38 in my head um and that's a consistent number for like the next six or seven years um that that'll be a consistent number for the truck lease payment um donations expense that's I didn't even know what that one was Dan anything so um just leaving that one never use it so should be an expense for Don yeah um community outreach uh again we're lowering that down not using as much of that um The Apparel as well we've had the the time to purchase everybody's stuff I know there was a big push last year so cut that in half as we should have everybody with gear and it says they get new people get new t-shirts jackets stuff like that [Music] um Gatherings as well you know they've got right now it looks kind of low but you know they've got a $500 expense coming up for their other one which will put them just shy of a th000 that was and that's where he's comfortable with um for the retention stuff or their Gathering social team building things like that so we dropped that to a th000 continuing education left at 4,000 again right now uh there's nothing there there was talk of some conferences for both First Responders and fire department unfortunately the spring got away from them got busy the hope is to have them going next year sending some people to that um so one comment there I guess these conferences last year we talked about were like the national ones is that where did they go last year or so we didn't go last year uh the EMS wanted to go and then that's what kind of drove to and we didn't have a budgeted line item it was more of an after Thea ask so that's why we added this specific amount ahead of time for and then both fire and First Response you know to get to this some these more national conferences versus you know we do send people to the local one in Austin sure sure okay well Wast all the money set aside from this year if we didn't use anywhere right well yeah yeah so I they could still use some of it this year yes that's why you know there's nothing there but um and then this other one Wild Land gear uh you'll see and Dan and I talked about this you know there was this was cut dra ically last year from what they were looking at to 7,000 and it's been a a point of contention just trying to figure out who they want to give it you know give the pants to and so he's going to come up with a process here where we're he's probably going to end up using most of that at the end of this year and then you know again as we go into next year looking at another five sets with the plan of you know okay we're going to work our way up to everybody having them and then um as we do they'll be put on a rotation of you know every year we're going to get five new as rotate like a 5year cycle with pants same as you would like a vehicle other things like that or whatever the life expectancy is of those pants typically um the uh SCBA air pack stuff um doesn't need to be on there this year uh that was the so we're hopefully going to fight up by the end of the month if we get the regional Grant with hmad County which then would spend this 22 and change that we had to kind of pre-commit for the grant request and so we're going to find out hopefully in the next 30 days if we get it or not but it's not for next year so that's why it's zero for next year okay what about the tanks the tanks going to be that should be all in this this is our 10% share of that whole SCBA Grant okay if we don't get the grant are the tanks going to be okay no we'll have to buy a plan but holding our heads down until we find out for sure we haven't got the deer ground letter that says we didn't get it but yes we will need new air bottles if we don't get the gr yeah cuz I mean that's one thing you got to be careful on like we were talking about with that so yep yeah the bottles are like 600 a piece and we need 15 so I think we if we had to we could use that money to pay for the bottles and our packs are still good we didn't put anything in there I'm wondering for that um should we put something in there just in case we don't get I say not because again I'll know one in the next month hopefully if I get the Grant and then I want to worry about this because then I'll get all new bottles packs and masks and then if not the cost of the bottles is still covered by what's budgeted okay so we for this year yeah so he can still purchase on this year what's budgeted bottles have a seven or 10 year lifespan have a 15E life and the the bottle manufacturers have figured out the racket that you know could you re-qualify them yes will they let you no because then if somebody gets hurt or something so they make you buy new bottles every 15 years like the defibrillators in holay um and communication this is where those pages radios are at um ignore the the number in here I didn't adjust how many that says three each that's not correct um I talked with him initially because again you know we had just met tonight I wasn't sure what it was going to be I'd reduce a little bit but we're bump it up to the 165 yeah and so it will be three of each it's just the radios are 4500 versus 35 yeah is it still three of each okay still three each my fa no you're good so so we're still looking at three of them right yep and probably three on First Responders y same item y so um and then the auditing Services uh so apparently this auditing Services is a audit the Auditors audit audit the auditor audit yeah remember this is that one where you know the city has to audit the relief Association for your for your bonding rating and that's every two years well that's 2025 20 7 2029 so I don't know that necessar need to be put it some place yeah I don't know that needed last year so we agreed to carry it in my budget so that you the city could then audit my audit for the relief well we had it for 2024 so we didn't use it then in 2024 yeah because I don't think we need I think it's yeah my so that is fire um I will say with that there's there's like I said the the budgets have been weird and I talked with Dan we went over this and kind of talked about some things you know with the new trucks coming in there's been a lot of confusion uh you Renee was by herself for a while and trying to figure out where everything was going um so what you're not seeing in here is expenses for the new trucks they're not in the general coming out of the general fund they were all put in the 400 425 the capital account um and going through that um again talking with Dan making him aware of this there's been an overspend this year of approximately $60,000 in what Council had approved the previous year for them to spend on um outfitting the truck and you know there was a little bit extra plan for okay if you got to do some meain and stuff like that well they've they've exceeded that a lot I don't have anything for you that's a different topic for a different time because I'm still digging into the Weeds on this and the more I dig the more confusing it gets um so I'm I'm trying to put together information and and put it together in a way that's understandable for every body um but with the the truck the Fire Engine 2 is over about 60,000 and some change and then the brush truck is over about 8,000 and some change almost 9,000 so um you know again I I shared my concerns with Dan you know this is something that we need to monitor better uh and go through this we've got to have a process in place better and as I spoke to him you know it's one of those things that Council approved an x amount of dollars you know yes you're okay to spend up to this amount but once we start hitting that that's where and we had some big expenditures that should have gone to council that never went to council toal 69,000 both of them yeah roughly um you know and so it's one of those things that this is this is going to take a deep dive into and have to look at and try and figure out where we're at and what's going on and and that's why you'll see some of this the budgets were reduced from last year um I don't like reducing First Responders too terribly much because I do think you know they're an important part of the city but at the same time we got to be fiscally responsible to everybody so again with the numbers you're seeing here for the most part these are what was you know already put in and and keeping us within that realm of you know an appropriate Levy for the year so these items are all all set up stuff outting of them right basically basically a one time items well it's it's updates to whatever the the truck we brought we bought new trucks and we outfitted them to set them up for the way we wanted them and so they're basically it's onetime items until something breaks and need repair yeah then we next year we'll have a good Fu or 2025 now it's maintaining the fet we have versus outfitting a new veh because realistically those expenses should have gone into you know our vehicle repair and maintenance and Equipment stuff which is going to balloon those up you know and they may end up getting switched over into there um we have to I have to sit down and figure out how this is all going to work and I got talk with our accountant but looking at this and going yeah because that's I mean it's G to it's going to jack up the numbers a lot so it's one of those things like I said I want you guys to be aware of it it's something that we are looking into on our office uh we've just been swamped and it's just another thing to add to the the pit and uh finances are fun so any other questions though about the fire department stuff as we go through First Responders again sat down with d went through this salaries hasn't changed any salaries payrolls is there office supplies is kept about the same uh it's a very minimal expense gives them some room if they need to do stuff operating supplies as well uh they will have some some items in there did reduce fees and memberships down there's only one that really goes under there he said and that's for 2000 so that should equal out pretty much each year um so question so from a first respond stand Point Medical Services so where's where where do medical supplies fall in miscellaneous I would say operating operating supplies operating Medical Services was we thought we were going to have to do a respirator testing every year which is uh kind of a yearly thing we found out we don't have to so that's why we didn't spend any here so we zeroed that one out stuff we buy Like Oxygen and stuff that gets covered into the oper okay thank you yeah I just uh we did increase training up from 6,000 to 8,000 um a few thousand because they have been high but there that the reason the last few years you'll see here why they were high was because there was a lot of new influx of employees um that needed to be trained the newer ones that they've got right now they're already trained so there'll be a little less training sending them off for trainings um so that's how many no we at 24 on First Responders and you guys are going to vote two more on next week so nice healthy how on the fire department just we just had one retire SO2 Lu little less yeah medical is a little few more people again Auto and workman's comp those were covered under the finance Administration one so were removed um Telephone expenses again was kept where it was at H same with electricity heating I think as we go through review these will be you know like just like with the fire department have to look same facility yeah we do that they split the they split the heat lighting between the two sides yeah you got yeah and there used there's some kind of says no well there's there's some kind of funky equation that % goes to First Responders out of their bills why I don't know that was a note I rant came into so it's what I've kept it in they open the door more that big garage door it's drafted um again gas and oil went up a little bit the repair and maintenance the that's the O2 tank rental that was kept at 1,200 repair and maintenance of Vehicles 2,000 General equipment was kept at 6,000 um generator maintenance that's your miscellaneous expense is 500 you'll see that on this one as well as the I think the operating what are we calling General equipment what is it we call that what specific equipment is General equipment well they run them every month I think it's just the expense for General this this just says general equipment it doesn't say repurchase doesn't say repair is that like generators budget line any any loose items filters uh I mean we General General equipment not generators not generators General says kind like so they need stuff around the shop to clean tools I mean all any of that kind of stuff something that's not a medical well we use 1,700 we're budgeted 6 ,000 but the year before it was pretty close to it was if it was 53 yeah trying to be smart of you know can it fit in a category and then that's probably like a catch all category if you can't somewhere else it's it's almost like miscellaneous right okay on the generator maintenance we were looking at that too last night is that covered under the other contract we have or is that separate for what you got over there for for that generator so 2024 we started a new contract for all of the city's generators right and this is one of them this is one of them yeah so it's broken down is that being the amount that for that particular one correct and so there's a percentage that was requested that that that annual maintenance fee get split up between EOC First Responders and fire uh contrary to what Dan had initially set up when the generator was purchased the generator is purchased we tracked all of the maintenance fees Annual fees with that generator in the EOC budget to better track it have it in one spot versus splitting it up 6% 12% whatever you know the the guard has changed here if we want want to keep it that way I guess that's a discussion if not we're no I just wanted to to check off that I mean that's fine you know it was confusing to me because I thought it was in one place like Kan said and I saw it multiple places but it sounds like Sunny had requested it to be shared so it's kind of again up to you guys do you want to share it like an expense because it is for the building which is shared by all or is it just an EOC thing in one spot so I'm finding the way does not matter to me I L it as it was I simple yeah it's 500 bucks it's like it's one of those ones where we know okay we can use it to a certain point in one and then go to the next one I don't we don't have to divide it you know we can as the maintenance things come in we can use up one fund and then go to the next fund as far as I'm concerned remember budgeted for it last year that was before we did the contract and the contracts for three years right on the generator contract I think it was Zigler contract yeah it was I thought it was a threee I even looked one point of trying to do something different than the gener me but to me it seemed like a lot of money to pay every year but it was kind of one of those things if I don't pay it and then it didn't work when I wanted to work it like okay it's like a cost of business emergency Personnel it's a cost of business that one run out there to every week it runs every Thursday it's a GM it's a GM motor you know car motor so need to have oil change and yeah every year I know I just my gener runs once a week I was wondering if that does exercises uh cap there was nothing there there's been nothing in there uh community outreach that was kind of kept the same again that's for CPR classes um you guys you st a t okay I left the notes from some of these from the previous year in so yeah we have another Community class coming up in October yeah so lots of stuff kept that the same um the appar cut back 500 again less people we've already you know purchased stuff in there so um and there doesn't look like there's been much of a cost this year so we reduce that down uh recruitment as well um they kind of stocked up on some stuff so we cut the cost here a little bit still allows them to purchase new things as they go through with recruitment if when needed um retention gatherings that was left at the 1500 there to continue to let them to to do that and then they contined education just as with the fire department uh 4,000 there again to help get them to conferences and trainings and and whatnot and then you'll see the communication equipment there's their pagers this one says two I'm guessing that's supposed to be three three three also says 3500 he just changed I I we literally finished off talking at like 458 and I just changed the numbers to get those right to get to you guys uh the notes will you know I'll update the notes three and three right technology just keeps going up and up and up y um so again we're I think we were at about a $700 or so difference $800 difference from last year to this year going down not a huge reduction we were okay with that any questions on First Responders okay and the last one here Emergency Operations short and sweet here um pretty much everything was left the same actually the slight increase of training and um the generator maintenance those are only three budgeted items um I'm guessing the trainings you could be used for you know tornado spotters and whatever other emergency operation courses FEMA courses yeah we we never had training we thought yeah you know there's they do do local stuff I know for emergency operators uh for that kind of stuff when it comes to running an EOC Emergency Center type thing um so that'll hopefully help with the offset for that but so the budget there is $2,400 questions okay so this clarification so back on First Responders the Mis Finance expense $500 general gener maintenance for yeah so com that with First Responders or yes it's a division of the two budgets yeah so we're just going to keep it that way and like I said we'll use up one side go to the next and use up the next and maybe next year we'll get it switched back to try to ease things up a little bit um so clean the budget make it nice pretty so budget stuff is done for the for today um again I just want to touch base like I said we're working on the 425 stuff I'm trying to get that information put together it is a lot not going to be ready by council meeting by any means like it's it's something I'm I'm I'm working on digging into and getting this squ away so what's what's the actual Levy number you have so far pull it up here my computer on for really shouldn't have changed much from yesterday it would have been all the [Music] same that not save [Music] um so I don't know if this saved with the updated numbers but again there's I think we're looking at a different of what we say there I think we cut 73% on the no I'm sorry I'm looking at my numbers here so we were down resp a change of 700 and then this one change of about 200 up so there about $33,000 added more into what I had initially budgeted after talking with them so we're we're probably sitting around that 99.8% tax increase to 10% tax increase still what's the levy number the levy number would be about 33.9% probably that like 34.2% well that's not the levy number the levy number is actual tax dollars that you're asking for oh sorry I thought you were asking for the percentage um so our Levy number the property taxes the levy uh 1.7 million 20406 probably a couple thousand more so you're like 1.7 million just a little. million we're up 400,000 from last year 350,000 from last year yep cost of doing business unfortunately we got we got a lot of stuff that know is is there and as we grow and you know hopefully that can get offet a little bit but as we move the city forward there's there's going to be some expenses incurred so and that I think 10% but any other questions what's our we know what our tax capacity is for this year for 2025 I got last year's numbers but I don't have this year's um the assumed tax capacity that uh M put on here was about 3, 375,000 roughly 3117 was tax 37 was 585 that was last last year 3114 ah this is these are the numbers that Mike gave me and again the assumed is about you know they it's a statistical percentage we won't know until they give it in after everybody turns their stuff in in September um but that's the assumed tax levy so assume capacity yeah tax capacity yes okay anything else with budget stuff okay um like I I want to touch this real quick on this stuff with the like I was going with this again we're working through this um we're going to make sure we're implementing proper procedures for expenditures as they come through because we have our set limits for department heads for me for individual staff members so if he getting a request for funding that's over his it will come to me even if it's something where it's been budgeted approved so we have 50,000 approved for this truck right I still want to come through my office so we can help keep track of it because I think there was a lack of keeping track for both of our departments which is where it got away from us um just overall with with the expenditures and and having that system in place and so we will continue to do that so if if there's a something like this again in the future the plan is to okay you have $50,000 I still need it to come through it'll still be if it's over that $3,000 limit it's still going to come before Council but it's going to be as a hey this is being spent under this $50,000 we're not going to seek the approval because it's already been approved under this guidance but once we hit that number anything above is going to fall back into just like anything else you know it's not consent agenda it's on will be up to the the amount that was budgeted would be a consent agenda item even if it's over the 3,000 because it's already been approved yes not going to make you guys sit through and approve things again it's going to be FYI yeah it's an FYI like hey we spent this as part of this it is over the 3,000 but just so you guys are aware you know this is a bigger expenditure but it is part of this so there's really it's already budgeted so and then once we hit that cap that's when it Resorts back to well now we've got to go through the whole process to get it approved and actually get the blessing from Council so we know we're not overspending and you know having problems so okay I got nothing else de anything else quick meeting guys let's get the official ending Clow at 6:30 no 5:37 perfect and tomorrow night we'll be here at 5: a yep hopefully that'll be the last one so what'll happen is it'll I'll put everything together um and I'm been trying to look at how things were done last year and talking with people to make sure obviously I want to do this right this my first time doing this budget stuff I've got pretty much everything there um it may be a a late addition to the packet probably it will be a late addition to the packet the whole budget portion the preliminary budget um just because I got have time to make sure I got everything in there right and done up right um but then last year I I saw your email but I didn't get to read it what was the because I've I've I've seen it done multiple ways and heard it ways in different cities where it's because how it works usually is the City ad Ministry goes here your preliminary budget this is what I'm pushing through we've already worked through all this you guys know the numbers it's not as Sur prise and then you guys do the resolution as council members in December to approve the final budget we do a resolution for both do you guys do a resolution for both okay so then we'll work on I work on doing the resolution too um so we'll work on that so but again nothing's really going to change like I said you're seeing all the numbers here as they are so it should be a very simple quick there you go so for theary and then my hope is with the final really not much should have to change because we're keeping it at a lower realistic tax rate you know yes there's going to be an increase but I think it is I think it's realistic all the way across the board personally um you know and you'll see other cities around are are going to have some increases as they grow with stuff um and so like I said I think it's an acceptable one for anybody so I don't foree a lot of push back in December or anything right now will be push right now we're about 29% right now we're 2 28% over last year we what we're like 30 something yeah the so just pointing it out yeah no I know it's one of those there's expenditures we're trying to bring the city forward in a lot of ways which is good so y it's going to cost a little bit because I think it was a 26% increase last year yeah we're we end up right we end up at about 20.6 last year right yeah well we're hopefully going to be half of that coming into the preliminary and final so we me half of that at 10% where are you getting increase you're talking about this increase in this you're talking about this increase the tax rate increase yes the tax capacity that's not the increase in the tax rate the increase in the tax rate is what you get sent to your home and you look at your last year's bill you look at this year's Bill and you get 20% increase that's where you tax rate yeah I know that's what that's what I'm saying the tax rate tax capacity I I didn't understand that I'm saying the tax but that's where the issue was last year was the tax rate was 20% you know or higher whatever it was it was a huge percent tax rate for everybody about 26% to so been two years gr out our res are inflation our residents are expecting something less that's been shared with me several times so after 22 years and 20 plus well hopefully we've done enough to explain why we need the money though if we got us it's one of those things that I understand we everybody wants less and hopefully as the city grows with commercial and residential that will reduce it but we've got we put an infrastructure in place we put stuff in place and we need to make sure we're keeping that and planning for the future growth which is going to you know pass us UPF front so it's going to be a little bit higher there's going to be some growth in the in the cost but once we get to a point it's going to level back back out it's going to be like you're I think everybody would agree with that buying in other places where you're looking 3 4% between a year or n keep it the same you know but that that's going to take a while to get to that level well and the good thing is is we we've got a lot of things earmarked to look at but thanks for a good job all right