##VIDEO ID:JboIpVX8xVo## okay this is our special city council meeting our budget Workshop Tuesday September the 3rd 2024 and with that Jason if you want a call R mayor Island here councilman Philips here councilman Richards here councilman VR here councilman pretty good here pretty good okay so um this is the first of five maybe six budget workshops and tonight we're going to cover the 100 accounts and um Jason I'll turn this over to you and okay so like I said in the uh the memo we got a variety of different workshops covering different things what I've done here is I've put out two different things um you've got the preliminary budget for 2025 for each individual one each page will go through one by one um so we'll start off first one's elections what it has is 2023 budget 2024 actual year to date where we're at um and then budgeted and then the preliminary based off of everything going through I kind of put in some numbers where I thought we would be um and we'll see as we go through um and this one is our expenditures revenue report for each one of these as well so at the top of your page you should be highlighted uh from the first page which uh one you're in and then in pink and then in Orange I highlighted the year to date and then wherever the year to date ends on the subsequent Pages for that section as well um this is like I said this is the appointment are budget um everything that I've gone through with my training and all that fun stuff is it basically says you know aim higher um we'll Whittle it down I've already kind of whittel down a lot of these as I've gone through I've worked with Mike bubani our department heads um and trying to get everything to where we think it's kind of accurate um with a little bit of extra room in there but we can always they say go a little bit higher and then we can come December reduce from there as well and bring it back down so excuse me anybody have any questions about that okay I have a question about the meeting times I'm not gonna I work during the day I don't know I think everyone else might be retired but I work during the day I can't be here at 4 okay I I struggle to be here by 5 because I work till five o'clock okay so yeah I just trying to make times work with as much as we can what we can so we'll also have the zoom available if you want to just put it on the background you can if that's an option for you so but we'll make sure you get the information as well and then if you want to meet with me we can go through it oneon-one too and discuss it for that one that you're not able to make it to what are the other dates next Monday Tuesday and Wednesday we tomorrow the memo that I sent out I when tomorrow and next Monday Tuesday when I was looking for the memo today and I didn't find it resend it yeah I'm just saying there's three next week right okay and then then there's the the Monday before council is a temporary in case we you know a spot is there's nothing on there but if we need it we can go through that I'll just make comment it would been nice to know ahead of time you know that they're one right after the other because this is basically taken up our week we have Planning and Zoning too I mean this is four nights next week I know I'm going to be here for means I get it so and it's one of those ones that we're we're coming in and trying to get it done there's a lot going on so yeah get we just have planed better next year on I I 100% agree so and next year we're kind of WR it into to start doing these hopefully starting in June to actually have these and do the the budget stuff um and do it a slightly different but trying to find that repetition that pattern so any other questions cool can you res yeah I'll Wednesday at 5 o'clock yeah I'll get that so we'll have one tomorrow night same time five o'clock um and then I'll have to resend that Monday isn't it at 4 yeah 5 o' here I think it's Monday on 4 because Monday was early because the township meeting is that Monday as well so yeah question I got the memo I don't remember seeing it there was just one yeah you had to look down at the bottom of the first page where it kind of gave the the times and so but if not I can resent you but I pretty sure I got you on there for the email so okay anything else this is not a a decision making final save by as well this is a workshop we're going to talk things through if it's high it's high if it's low it's low that's what we're here to do I put in the best numbers I can obviously I wasn't here last year so I'm working with what I got and trying to do the best I can hey Kane there's some extra stuff over there if you want So yeah so we'll start with the first one figured we start with some easy ones today get them out um the elections I don't have anything to put in there um I did talk with Renee she said we might have some school stuff next year so we might want to add something in there that this might be a little bit high for well even for what you had for the 24th to 5500 because you had one two or three elections this year we still have the primary don't forget that so there'll be some stuff for the yeah but I'm just we've already had for sorry for the general election we've already had two already this year I think yeah and then again yeah so but that'll be like I said for next year I don't know that we'll have any you know unless they choose to do a school something but I know it's been every other year like see 2023 there was nothing news nothing budgeted so that's kind of what we went off with schol referend of November no that's this year yeah but for next year here you know isn't it with the same general election generally the scho is for the regular election I think so that's not a separate I don't think so if they're doing a referendum this year I'd be surprised they generally don't do them in so it sounds like we could probably cut that in half yeah well yeah because we've already done two at at 1484 right yeah would be like 2023 where we didn't have anything 2025 that's my thought I don't think we're supposed to have anything so unless there's a a school referendum that pops up I don't know how the schools do their referendums around here so they like to they like to do them in off years well and that's right 2023 there's nothing so I mean you know at the most I think maybe have like $1,200 something like that would be on the safe side you need something in there for the so maybe like 200 for supplies and a th for election judges yeah okay yeah I put that in there so so 200 and then a thousand I think that's something that we need so okay sa any other questions about that one all right move on to the next Professional Services um so this one was labeled Legal Services talking with Mike bubani Professional Services probably be a better name for it because it kind of encompasses there was the thought to Encompass a lot more into it um with the auditing it's more than just legal stuff um so again looking at 2023 and 2024 for the first junk there auditing and accounting services um you know actual for 23 was almost 34,000 we haven't gotten the finalized payments yet from uh for the audit stuff so I'm guessing there'll be some more coming in for that um I don't know what that customarily is uh budgeted around 375 rounded up to 38 I have no idea you know if there's any other auditing or accounting services we're expecting for 2025 I know there I had asked about why the 2024 was that what it was um and Rene said that there was something that there might be extra audit stuff in there I but I don't know what was decided back then so any thoughts on that did we have did we have extra auditing stuff going on in 23 because of the water and sewer project is that part of this no everything was I mean looking at this for the 23 30,000 and 24 at 37 um I think that that might be a good guess at 38 off of that or something it might be realistic okay because I look at that too and I go you know I we'll see as we come down here legal fees obviously is extraordinarily high this year there's been a lot of legal fees I think a little bit extra in there if for some reason next year legal fees are high again having that offset um from the auditing and planning we can move around within that budget and the Professional Services to go yeah we've got a little bit of extra space in here um to kind of to plan for that what about planning services so we didn't have anything budget but we were 94 so that was CMS I believe if you look at the the stuff in here believe that had to do with CMS um of St sorry that with the mic stuff was you know for 30 well he's talking the second line down the planning services that was you see here that was the anex stuff they got put into there the Planning and Zoning stuff so 10,000 like I said I just went a little bit above what last year's or what the year to date is right now it's all got to do off of how much zoning stuff we actually will use um next year which is always a guess okay so we're okay with the auditing at 38 then right I'm okay okay planning everybody okay with 10,000 I guess we say sanch but what what is it with sanch do we know the planning Services have to pulling Services hand out well we got one invoice there for $3,600 it's just get curious that one I guessing they're they're going through they reviewing plan stuff when it comes to because this was all from these were all from June beginning of June was the invoice so plan various plans well the most most of the stuff is kind of passed through isn't it you pass it on to are requesting no not always security agreements on the issue on the subject set up there security agreements on the subject maybe not all everything whatever else is is there and above that's why we have look at some of our fees but yeah well is next year uh with the the new buildings and whatever coming into the city going to be more expensive well those are pass through I think off of it because we end up getting that with any new projects we would have security agreements with the developer so we don't get City doesn't get build with these charges the other problem we run into is the ordinance is such that if we go over on the security agreement we can't pass that along to the the the company like it's it is what it is whatever we set the security agreement that's what we're with if we go over that we eat that charge so and that's a city ordinance well some cases we'll go back to the developer to ask for more funds like we did with two two sisters you you could you you could you could draw the agreement to to recoup any excess needed funds could and some of those changes happen because of the change in the designer something has to go back through that whole process again so we have asked gone back to the developer ask cover that like I said I went off of what we were at here today just kind of put it that legal fees legal fees again budgeted 275 um this year we're already up to 51 I think that'll be significantly reduced next year um I'd like to hope that we can reduce that as a city and get those back down I think 30,000 is a good number um you know a little bit above we're seeing Improvement 2500 each year since 2023 um obviously prices increase every year but um I think 30,000 would be a good number to try to strive to stay under you'll see a lot of $97 $48 $51 55 you know those small numbers are all typically just 15 minute phone calls and if somebody calls him he's going to bill us at quarter of an hour well I I I will say I know from my talking with him there's a lot he hasn't build from me talking with him when there short conversation too so I mean he's he's not nickel and Diamond everything for us but I know I talk to him frequently for 15 minutes here there and there's no no bill for that so um you know it's just I think we've racked up a lot with a lot of that being the council meetings I mean you're looking the length of time he's there for those those add up real quick um he had extra stuff this year to ABS there so a lot of extra stuff he's been doing for us which we greatly appreciated but like I said I think as we look into the the future year here I think that'll be reduced significantly um I think as we start to get squared away with stuff so any problems with 30,000 like it keep it bumping I think another idea just on that which would help out because we're Mike is building his first travel time too if that we could have them on Zoom I'm okay I mean that will save a lot of that in andout stuff that there is so yeah it's probably better for him too oh yeah right yeah 30,000 good number there okay yeah um legal notices again uh we're at 8,000 something we budgeted 55 again I kind of went with 2023 I know there was a lot of legal notices sent out with um they had to do with the wastewater treatment facility and stuff like that so you know that number might be able to be budged down I say maybe the the 555 um but I did bump at the 5 from last year I don't know that we'll necessarily go over it if we're using our legal less um that might what happened in February i' like to know that one bill off of that was $5,250 that's going to do with the olate County Treasurer Finance great question I mean that would make a huge difference right there alone well and I know some of these have to do with uh our our notices when we go to the county when we're publishing different things but that's that's a lot that's that's 5200 bucks for the recording of all the easements it could have been because I know they go through and do that periodically as well that should be p no they don't those easements were just done done for the construction process oh okay okay yeah periodic but those should have been those were like the year before they did the eans this is febrary there are some real Pro classification of real properties too that was it could be that too can Renee come up with that and figure out what that we can pull that one pull that one and see what that one was because I mean that that's what whacks everything out so yeah just to know what to okay we'll uh we'll come back to uh legal notices I'll make a note we'll top of the tomorrow first thing tomorrow we'll come back to that one um and go from there and next one here uh again reimbursables I have no idea what this one is we haven't built anything for it really the last well 2023 there was $800 build for it nothing last year I don't know if anybody can fill me in on what was happened in 2023 um or what the legal notice reimbursables are I think the 300 is good okay all right um ordinance publication again that one sep for 300 I know we'll probably have some I don't we'll probably have some fees for that um that's usually whenever we do a publication whenever we change an ordinance we have to public not post it publicly um however that may be I don't know what WSB has plan for all of theirs and how they're going to that's a big chunk we're not going to obviously publish all of that in the paper maybe they'll have a some kind of publish that says this has been changed go to this link or this QR code and scan it and it'll take you to wherever to do that so that'll be somewhat figure out with them but usually those are all pretty minim minimal but if we do have any ordinance changes that's why that publication is there for 300 so that's good we'll go on to the next hestad County Services I have no idea what's been going on this one 18,000 in 2023 you know what that was R well I think that's County PRL that's license I think that's got to do with some of the the property stuff but again that was budgeted last year and we've used 20 grand for it and we used 46 this year we used 18,000 2019 that's why I put it at a th I'm like this is probably that what ring for 23 that 18 Grand I have followed up with Rene she has no like that's the best we can come up with is it's got to do with the the land when they come in and they on their map their land use map map and adjust anything on their land use map like hey no we had this variance now this has changed these two you know the these property lines have changed stuff like that so she had no idea what the 2023 was or why it was I don't know why it was budgeted in 2024 for that amount well since property license record that's where that's where they would be recording those easements well right here oh that one yeah I would if had no there's a number here it says actual for 2023 1848 but then we had budgeted because of that we budgeted 20,000 year I agree with the Thousand just to put it in there all right so that brings our total to 856 as of right now we'll look at the legal notices um section there to see where that five came from and we'll uh touch on that one tomorrow we can get that one figured out okay on to Planning and Zoning so this where we kind of hit our first fun part um so we've got the commission wages set it uh [Music] $4,050 um for the commission members for that um after talking with our financial adviser Mike Bonnie going through this stuff and I agree with him the salaries and wages how this stuff was done in the past is so confusing on our end and takes so much time to try to do so what we're doing is we're redoing that this year so you'll see when it gets to I think tomorrow we'll go through like mine and Rene and that where it says salary and wage is under mine it's my salary and my wage where when it's Rene's it's Rene's salary and wage it's not 10% here 10% there like this is was trying to figure that out this is absolutely confusing so that's why we took out in um and then in KES you'll see where it says under public works all of his guys are under public works for salaries and wages um and then so everywhere else where it had salaries and wages uh with the exception of here for for plan and zoning and council members everything else is zeroed out so you'll see big increases in those areas just because we're piling all makes more sense I agree with um so you'll see the the zeroed out on those the health benefits per up um we do still take out taxes for the salaries and wages for the Commissioners so that's that any questions on those well on that one for this I always wait for the Commissioners off of that wasn't there some that was pulled in 2024 from 2023 so we should have something that went against that $4,000 there was nothing noted in the budget that I had so well because I mean anybody that was you know a commissioner on Planning and Zoning did PID but I mean it doesn't show up here as as 2024 and that was done in January oh you're talking they get okay I get what you're saying so so we got to find out what that is because that would give us a better indication but I think you're pretty close on that but there should be a number in there okay so this was paid Jan well yeah but this so this would be something was that in January of of 24 okay we'll look at that but I think that that being about the same is about right for that for the what going see with that okay um so planning Services um this is where we get into stuff previous year there was 40 set aside for stanch and 40 for uh W or not uh yeah for WB excuse me I think is what it had in here and then it was the extra on top of that that got us to the budgeted 93 was just for other services um my understanding is there're contract money's already set aside they were supposed to be done in December so we would have all that budgeted money um anyways for them whether they go into next year or not um it's for WSB so I took them out and just had 40 for stantech and then 10,000 for other services for for planning stuff and this is more when it says planning um I look at this as zoning stch zoning because we use Phil Carlson for the zoning and that's fair you'll see in here this St consulting services and actually if you look at his consulting services for the year is at 55,000 already he's got a good chunk of of that can I put in the wrong oh my goodness what oh no no okay sorry I'm I'm in my head so yeah so his he's you know he's used up for that one section his bit stch has used up 55,000 of that that's been that's been pretty much them uh for the most most of it there is obviously some in here for WSB a couple of I don't know I'd probably say well they've got a 5,000 they've got a fair chunk of that never mind um but yeah for that right now we're at 55 of the allotted 93,000 so but again I I thought 40,000 was fair for stantech um you see the break in there and then if we have any other services so I don't know what we may have but I figured a good 10,000 budget for that just in case or Stant goes higher we need to cover WSB a little bit more I don't that was my thought for that I agree with that I think that that's good um planing Services engineering fees they look about right too because I mean we were over 23 at 10,952 yep and we're right now at at 8,000 we budget 12 I I think that that keeping that the same at 12 is the right thing to do off of that I agree with that um again no idea what this reimbursable engineering fees is if there's something what that's from I've seen zero and zero across the board for the last two years does anybody know what that is we can reduce that to zero on fine um or we have both well we have reimbursable legal fees underneath that too so yeah I just I don't know what the reimb what the plan or the thought was with the reimbursable they actually used some in 23 but we don't know what it was for right well that's the legal that was the legal not the engineering fees reimbursable engineering fees I mean we wanted be on the high side anyway before we we go down because we've got to submit this by the end of September so yes's well let's leave let's leave that reimburse engineering fees where it is if we that gives that gives X at the end of the year if we do that I I I'll look back I'm looking at it here there was some fees well okay reimbursable engineering fees that's what I think we're looking at um so 2022 was 20,000 we buil got build and 2021 was 382,000 I'm guessing that's wastewater treatment stuff that we get reimbursed for same same one the the engineering fees the reimbursable engineering fees so I'm guessing that's from the wastewater treatment facility so as we see that obviously we're coming into the tail end of that there'll probably be a few things next year but that might be covered but otherwise and with that the legal fees I'm guessing would be fall under the same thing if there's any legal fees that F we didn't have our bond November 2020 is when we got our bonding do so funding so okay so those are good I think okay with that okay SE SE so this is for the um Regional water Trail yeah the regional water trail with the other counties and what not R talk so the funding a is all in and out so we had um funds that we used from the counties that were participating in but now we have writing a new contract because we were awarded $170,000 from the state from lccmr for the next phase of the Zell River Regional water Trail so when we start getting that we'll start billing um SE or SE will start billing us and we'll be paying out of that 170 so it's 100 it's an In-N-Out process right so so this is kind of just five a good one number just a placeholder and there's also a when you look at the revenue site there should be an SE on the revenue site as well so it's meant to be an in and out and doesn't affect our it could be zero for what we but I think the $5,000 figure is there but that's okay I mean we can lower it to like 2,000 it's one of those things that if it doesn't need to be there it's a it's more or less a placeholder thing because if something comes in and then Waits it's so it's it doesn't th yeah [Music] so I'm looking at this it's the first go we want to be a little bit on the high side and come down okay so we'll look at for the so this way at least so we'll keep it we want to keep it a five and plan on potentially cutting it in December down to the 25 yeah okay so all right this here okay we'll leave it at the five for now um but yeah we look at cutting it back uh planning I'm guessing this is for the commission they get a money do that go under salaries and wages after that one no their salaries and wages is just that their salaries and wages because that's also that affects payroll taxes this is like they've got this was our Planning and Zoning this is a um like feed for CZ I think yeah so like yeah so it's got here is appraisal fees I'm not sure why it's only 1,500 because it was a $33,000 charge for the appraisal bu us or they've only got half of it paid for the year and then half of it will come later we budgeted 3,000 I'm I don't think I'm anticipating any other phes coming up next year yeah I don't know that's why I reduced it and at the 2000 just to be safe if there's something that comes up because it's kind of in the middle of budgeted act so far um I mean I'm open for whatever with it okay so we'll keep that good I don't know what the guess an ordinance eaw again not sure if that kind of falls under the same category environmental stuff so probably yeah just in case there's Environmental Studies or something or yeah in 2023 a 12,000 budgeted we in 202 probably a potential taking 3,000 out of it but we can leave that for December okay so let's let's look at say maybe cutting it in December to maybe I don't know three to 3,000 all right that works perfect okay and then miscellaneous expenses there's always been something budgeted I think I just rounded up to 500 for gigles we can move that to whatever 300 500 it was 500 in 2023 I don't know that anything actually gets use out of it so I'm okay droing it think that's good well 500's fine you know I think that can be used by Planning and Zoning for whatever purposes they need to use it for so okay any other questions on planning zoning no okay on to the next I think they heard that $500 there years never used I got get not going to break us on that one for all right Public Safety I don't know why this is nam Public Safety other than it's Building Inspections that's just a weird name for that is there anything else we'd like to name this category every time I look at it my first thought is OH police or something like that and I'm like Wait no that's not right so I my question on this other one especially going into this building inspe is is 30,000 realistic of what there is if we had budgeted 50 and we're already at 25 year to date and I know we're a little bit less than that but we had budget 38,000 back in 2023 um use the 21 I it depends on what we're looking at for future growth and what you know how much Inspection Services we're going to have like I said I I I thought it should be reduced I think it was 50 but I you know looking at what we were in 2023 38 we were still you know 177,000 off of that so even even with the water meter things and the sewer stuff that you know can get inspection stuff but you you got to pay for them when you get the permit so it's kind of like it's that's covered to that yeah but we're we're not not using CMS for that you're not you're not for the SE yeah it's for the water and that so you're not using CMS for the water stuff so but I don't know like I said I thought 30 was reasonable and my other thing was the miscellaneous expense we used it 2023 for I don't know we've got nothing year to date and if for some reason we go over we are covered we got 4,000 we can still allocate back into Building Inspections so I don't know what other miscellaneous expenses we would incur um with at 3,000 in in 2023 yeah with Public Safety but again when looking at I I I see this as Public Safety but it's no it's it's CMS and the other stuff you know unless there's something coming from the state where we have to you know the state charges should be built through there but that's a usually a reimt that's they paid for that but we don't but we don't know that 3,000 was four in 2023 so the 50,000 that was projected that was like a 30% increase over 2023 so I don't yeah but we're running at 25,000 35,000 yeah because we're running at that 25 this is after through August so here okay so do we want to say 35 re-evaluate in December say maybe 35 I mean CU we're we're halfway through the year so we reevaluate well we were 3/4 of the way through here so um do 35 and see what we look like in December okay so I'll make that adjustment on here okay that brings us up to a total of 39 for this one on the same page here 39,000 anything else like I said I just don't like thatf you have a better recommendation for name was it for street lights and Street paintings and all that stuff streets and the road under streets in the roads what about just calling it building inspection services or there's only two Inspection Services I mean there's only two line items in one of them you're talking about getting rid of right the miscellaneous sounds like that well we use that in 20123 though they're miscellaneous yeah I like inspections versus just better than public safety Public Safety if we're questioning what the heck it is why do we keep it just looking back to 2019 guys we never used that miscellaneous at all we used it once and five years so it's not like we couldn't couldn't pull out of our hat someplace else if we needed it well much well we'll save that for a cut let's leave that we can cut cut it in half now and then cut it all the way in December oh let's just leave it this way cut in December okay for the 4000 right yeah say cut in December so the next one police protection we have subcontracted we only got one under here um so you look at our current budgeted 61,000 what I did was I took the current contract which I think is 63 3,000 and I got an attached email here that I got from uh from them I didn't attach the current contracts I figur everybody had that but U basically it lays out what the price is here uh budgeted for and I looked at this and said okay if we took an extra five hours a week because I know there's been a lot of people citizens and everybody requesting it's been a Hot Topic having more you know more enforcement in town um and me personally I absolutely think that you know we do um so I think that five was a in my mind was a reasonable compromise so it doesn't drastically shoot up the budget but it's still going to be a good chunk of change on that one was with the sheriff's approval to go additional five hours well yeah he gave the option of yeah if we want to adjust this we can adjust this it's just a matter of you know we're at 20 hours per week if we want to do uh 22 hours per week um we just need to discuss it what the city would like to see and then we do an addendum or to the current contract he said um and resign it so I think with the extra businesses that are coming in you know where you're looking at two sisters in Dollar Tree or Dollar General excuse me you're going to end up that there could be some stuff that that happens whether it be accidents or who knows what that would take up the extra time look at the theft in the count the towns around us you know at some point arson call yeah so that's that's why I have that that's a specific number I did the math on it and added it in there and that's kind of where we're at with that um I mean I could bump it up to 80 just to make it an even round number let's do it 80 just to have bump up to 80 what 80,000 80,000 from 789 to 80,000 but that was like I said I wanted to show you guys that is the the number with the math done so so 5 hours per week is probably 35 minutes a shift 25 hours per week 66 minutes hour 35 hours per week and that's 26 days seven days and two shifts sure however you want to look at it I mean I'm I'm open for more I mean I'll give them 40 hours a week I don't care like to me like I was just trying to be reasonable like it's going to be a drastic increase either way which eventually I think it will continue to rise but we got to have Public Safety five five hours this year five hours next year and just continually grow that contract and as as we get more houses and more business we'll have a bigger influx of money coming in off of taxes um you know where we'll be able to maintain the level we're at while increasing this value as well because we've got I agree with the I'm just saying so you know as maybe you know down the road instead of 25 next year you go oh we're going to bump that up to 40 you know we'll bump it up 35 or whatever and I think based on the number yeah realistically end up in 40 hours a week's not a bad no I think no and that's that's fairly common especially among towns our size around the 3,000 as you start to get up to there you're looking 40 hours a week is pretty so so 40 hours cost but also say they they did say to us too we have the added benefit we do have some deputies that live in town and some that AC cross and through town anyways to go home to Pine Island and those places so you know we're lucky we do get some extra Patrol If you will just because of their location of where some of their deputies live so that is kind of nice too there was only 58 incidents last month for law enforcement here I think that's what it said something like that for the month or for the year for the month that includes oh that's all their contacts whether it be be enforcement and stuff like that and there's you know so well and I think as we go through you know we'll get a good idea of it as we go month by month to be able to pull the yearly pys at the end of the year and go hey this was your month by month type of thing so all right oh I see you had the tach I had the attach email so you guys know what's what's going on with the numbers there too somebody want to do their own math sometimes get tired and math just whatever um snow and ice don't work right absolutely type in the wrong number fat finger out you'll see snow and ice removal um this also includes the sanding wages are gone payroll is gone subcontracted Services is we've already got that contract right yeah and so the contract is based off of a can explain this a little bit better too it's based off of usage time and material so if it's a busy winter you know snowfall every other day sanding every other day plowing every other day it's just an hourly rate that we're paying our contractors and and now likewise last year it was a very mild winter hardly anything $8,000 or 8600 last year instead 48,000 that was only a handful of events last year that required attention attention so and now we're going to come in to the end of this year so there'll be more expenditures as we get into probably late October November December maybe if we're lucky just December um you know but it's one of those we'll see a little bit but it is it's tough to gauge yeah what we're at I did 5% is not a bad increase on what you're looking at because you never know what fuel costs are going to be yeah and that that goes along with that contract so that's yeah okay so anything with that we good with that we that yeah all right Economic Development um talk with Rebecca this is our sheeta contracts about 32,000 I think it was slightly less I just put in 32 to make an an even number um somewhere around there uh for the their contract help me understand that how many hours do she work with me she works one day a week that's eight hours 32 hours a month yeah 528 what are we paying per hour I don't know that necessar her it's the or the yeah it's CA I guess two months year two months of the year it' be 4 hours so 256 hours so 125 an hour 125 an hour that's pretty good my tattoo Arts like 152 not tattoo that include the tip no no not at all I mean that's I think that's a lot I that's I think standard across the board when you're Contracting because that covers that covers all our travel time that covers you know they're not it's all as far as I understand that stuff it's all in the contract we're not getting separate bills for this or that it's it's time for working outside the8 hours yeah because she does do she does just do stuff outside the eight hours as well like dur if we need something we can email her and she'll be responsive to us and so it is actually off for her no it's yeah it's so they got how many othery got whatever else so time we live so so it's we're budgeting 32,000 for the 33,000 for the year yeah salaries and wages help make that difference do this this includes that 30,000 we talked about the other night right I'm sorry this talk does this include that 30,000 we talked about the other night at Eda no that's what because at our last Eda meeting I know Rebecca talked to you about seed money for yeah there was some other stuff but it was never decided so that's where we were running into a time crun with them so I had talked with them a lot of other you look at other towns um edas themselves um and this isn't like a this isn't like the contract labor this is for the Eda commission they have funding set aside to do certain things to give out loans to small businesses to um do a variety of things and she can talk a little bit more about that in depth um but just through my conversation with her you know there's there's a lot of cities do that to help bring in you know because Eda is that starting point for businesses to bring them in to to work with them and that goes for you know a VAR thing but the biggest thing it's used for is Grant matching and Scholar scholarship I don't scholarships for you know scholarships not that down pieces what were they so at our Eda meeting two weeks ago we were talking about a seed money of like 15,000 in the budget and if we could it's a start for seed money if we if we the city was do like 15,000 every year for say three or four years all of a sudden we've got 30 $40,000 that we can help um transition loans maybe have revolving Loan Fund set up but we recognize 15,000 like a but it's a starting point for seed money was our discussion that we would like to propose what was the what was the other part for I don't remember that I'm not recalling right off hand either we just talk about the seed money and there's like three or four other categories that I talked with her about but that was kind of the big thing was the seed money to get that started they're about equal one was like 14 something the other was 15 for the seed money so it might have been one for Grants and one for like your your small business loans the seed money so like we have to do we have to match grants for a lot of there's a lot of Grants out there that they can get but there has to be some matching funds with it well the cities will automatically set aside money for Eda to be able to help match those grants or provide you know some of that funding is what it is so I'd like to leave that discussion open if there I'm I'm not sure what the right item or what it would say but I think it's something worthy of a discussion and I I I think the intention was to try and get it before Eda to get it before Council to talk about it with council members in an official capacity at Council to be able to say yeah we would like to see this that's why it didn't end up on these preliminary budget today if we go along with with this 32,000 and the Thousand okay the 33 total okay and then leave that open for us to discuss that as it gets closer to the end of the month then before we submit it yeah we go back over and see does that make sense September 17th meeting yeah yeah and it's one of those if if you'd like I can get Rebecca to come in and talk more about that well I'm just saying yeah we want to have sure if this is needed to be done we want to do it by the end of SE at least put together like a one sheet about about what that stuff is me let's go let's approve these that we're looking at the 32 and the one so we'll look at the extra funding I'll talk with Rebecca about possible extra funding I would say 30 30,000 is what you're going to be looking at 15 and 15 for the two the two main ones the grants and the small business loans so if that sounds fair yeah that's on all right um and then we will move on to the last one here then um this is our miscellaneous category on our budget sheet this is the 150 transfers out to the capital fund um you'll see in here this hasn't been done the two last two haven't been done because um I don't know why 2023 um but it supposed to be done at the beginning of the year for my understanding and Renee was not aware for 2024 so it's one of those things it's there it just hasn't been transferred over yet okay so it's already been paid then well no because that's why it's not actual year dat but we have it it just never got transferred over because there was she doesn't know when that's not something she was ever was taught trained told when to transfer that over so it's still in the budget it's still there the money is still there it just never got put into that category yet Public Works truck would cover that trans entry also if there's any um transfer journal entry for the supporting the sewer fund operational expenses it could also be I'm not sure where that status is on our sewer fund Revenue expenditures but that was also the other purpose for 150 to cover operation of the sewer system if needed if needed yeah and I yeah that's going to yeah that's still going to need to be help covering that because we're not where we the city is not where they thought they would be at this point so um but again kept it at 150 for this year I do think that this needs to increase in future years to help grow our Capital fund for big projects as we start to look at doing you know Capital Improvement plans and things like that it's going to cost extra money so in future years it's something that the city needs to be aware of you know decid and sign to start looking at a a new city hall Community Center for the the city as it grows that's going to be part of that's be coming out of there you know there's there's road projects and things like that that Kane would chomping at the bit to do um you know a lot of that's going to we can budget some in the the streets and roads but right now a lot of that comes out of the CIP and in future projects that's where it would come from because that's how you budget for those kind of things like you put aside that money and then you've got that in and out from the CIP into those other accounts what does the CIP mean Capital Improvement plan Capital Improvement fund CIF so um so yeah so I left it at the 150 you know it's it's it's one of those I I initially had it up to 200 um I had higher numbers in a lot of categories just because I you know again I think this there's a lot of work that needs to be done in the city overall in the whole budget um and I sent it to my and was like Hey look this over and he goes you got to revie some stuff but so that was one of the things to help bring it back down was okay we're going to take that 50,000 back off um but I do think in future years that something we really need to look at going this probably should be increased a little bit um to start saving up that Nest day to make sure you know we have that funding and it'll come with with vehicles as can we get into a rotation with vehicles for cane for public works and parks and stuff like that and other other vehicles the fire department as their vehicle goes out and there's just a lot of function and use for it so having that is going to be important to have that Nest as we continue to grow as a city so the last time we had a capital Improvement F discussion was like 2018 or 2019 where we went through all the capital budgets for all the different departments and we allocated this year we're going to spend 75,000 next year 100,000 so I think that's something we need to have with Mike and maybe you talked to him about that we should have a upfront discussion about our Capital expenditures over the next five years and so this is the this is kind of how these are going to go for the rest of the time here any comments questions concerns complaints fixes I don't know I think it's I think it's good I just have to bring the rest I want to keep them short and sweet and you know's got his other stuff I'll bring in my spreadsheet so he can pull out a few more yeah I I want to keep it simple I looked at the last few years I didn't want I figured everybody else had the big spreadsheet so if you want to bring those obviously bring those um just a glance back because that gives that yeah exactly and I that's why I put them separate too so you guys can have them separate and look together and it's not one after the next you're flipping back and forth so we will uh this plan on same same layout for the next go through so I'll let R be the adj make a motion all the end of the meeting Workshop we don't have to be super fancy 550 9 58 something we're done all right