##VIDEO ID:s-uFD7cjvNA## all right call an order here it's October 15 our monthly city council meeting we start with the roll calls I course here councelor pentag here councelor Phillips here councelor Richards here councelor deom in here all right so we have a an agenda before us tonight changes make a motion we approve like make a couple changes if I could oh sure um an unfinished business um I'd like to go back over some Township charges that we were looking at one of them was for snow removal and the other was for the light bill there were two and I don't think we had those resolved I just wanted to know what going on with that and a new business was Township snow snow removal and also for the light there was electric charges that we had that we charged to the township on Township yeah so that's unfinished yeah it as unfinished business yeah you can well it's all one as Township charges so we can do it as one they're both on the same [Music] one the same ones yeah I mean it's it was both the same question I think they both came up at the same time when we were looking at that which ones were they Chang which one what was it um it's for Township charges that we had done to them it was for snow removal for electric charg that's under unfinished yeah under unfinished uh new business um P CS okay had turned around for Memorial Park had done some work underneath there with flowers and stuff like that and the electronic sign I just want to bring that to our attention so he did a great job it's an FYI yeah just to give him some recognition Yeah well yeah he did U some plants and stuff under that it really looks nice put some rocks underneath there okay that and I'd like to remove the uh public forum for tonight if anybody's got any comments they can write them and we'll read them in November well I don't this public for what that the public forum why why do you want to remove public forum got any negative comments that we don't really need right now comments POS or negative they can write through they can write them acknowledge them in November but we don't ask them to write them they come and they speak the introduction introduction is what we've always read and we've always accepted positive or negative comments so why wouldn't we continue that process for the public that's the public form it's it's November or it's going on November it's on Election time anybody's got negative comments they can save them till after the election I don't know if anybody's coming online or any audience so 30 30 days won't hurt anybody I think that puts a suppression on people's free speech and their opportunity to speak I think that's not appropriate I think by uh LMC law on that one that um it's not required and it's a choice or what there is for uh the committee that we can have it or not have it you know so you look up LMC and we'll tell you that that you got a choice yeah there's no there's no law that say you have have to have a public forum so wona for many years well for forever didn't have one and they just didn't do it and then they recently changed that and so I mean what the free speech thing Jason's talking about I think is relevant I think the issue would be you know you can't you can't treat people differently so you can't take certain comments but silence other comments right so I think if you make a motion to remove it from the agenda I don't see the statute that requires you to have a public forum some cities don't have them at all um but then I just don't think you should let for example today and that happens at our meetings sometimes people just yell from the back when we call an agenda item and make their thought you shouldn't let that happen no I agree so you shouldn't let that happen anyway but if it happens tonight then you should put it back on and let other people speak whatever issue they want so I guess that's what I would say if you're going to a bit there isn't that many people here don't know if anybody's really here to speak anyway um so yeah I don't think I don't think you you know there's any law prohibiting you from taking it out now you can do that you can always have a have a public for or not have a public for some cities don't just do them quarterly like every three months you'll have a or every four months whatever you'll have one um some cities do them as a every three months an hour before the council meeting starts and then anybody can come and store their comments up and you have an whole hour of it there's different ways to do it so no there's no requirement that you do have it at all or have it a specific way so can I ask a question no I'm sorry well we're discussing it right yeah I mean I think so the other issue with this is there's a public there's an assessment right there's a public hearing there's a public hearing on an assessment so you're gonna he's talking about setting the agenda now yeah I understand that but he's talking removing the public forum so I think anybody who's here to talk on the assessment is going to have a chance right during during the public hearing absolutely that's story that's different that's another story was that a motion that you made or was have one motion on the line you're ready agenda changes right well that's an it's that's an adjustment to the agenda is what it is or the agenda is what it is so we have Jim's unfinished business and um new business and you want to make a third one for the agenda change to remove the public well my only comment in in view of having transparency people come to these meetings they've had public forums all our meetings disc why specifically today that's transparent we ask people to come now was saying I said they have a pment they can write a letter and we'll read them at the next month's meeting there not it's not an issue I don't think start our residents for lack of transparency M correct me if I'm WR mayor if I may so with this approval of John idam we're going through amending things council members have the right to remove items if they wish as long as they're not violating the law I'm plan with that and then that's when we do the motion and Amendment so if he wants it removed we accept it we move on yeah I mean they have to vote to I mean ryland's got a point youve had a I understand I'm just trying to help facilitate this and forward this is a regular meeting even at a special meeting by the way you could remove an item you just can't add an item to a special meeting but this tonight's a regular meeting so you can remove or add items um so yeah you can you can do that if that's what you want to do um yeah based on advice I we'll leave it in the motion then any other changes right now the the motion is to amend the agenda with adding Township charges under unfinished business and under new business an FYI recognition for landscaping around the Memorial Park message board and the other item is to remove the public form and write in comments to be read at the next council meeting like to ask Paul and the reasoning is because of negative negative comments in case there's any negative comments come out you have the second person we have two people running from here this point let it flow as it goes yeah who was the first and who is the second or I made the motion or second it any other comments seeing none all those in favor sign by by saying I I oppose day transparency all right we have a public hearing next this is a public hearing on proposed assessment project summary for the river bin State subdivision sanitary SE system improvements ask for comments to do have anything to share introduction uh well I typically do go through we do have a handout for the public hearing uh and there's certain things that we typically would go through I can do that this evening if you wish so with that we'll open it up to public hearing those that would like to speak to the proposed assessment for the riverb subdivision sanitary system please St the podium sign a white card uh with your name address and U so we can give that to the that Jo speak first what's were you gonna have Joe speak first and explain their oh I'm sorry I thought you sorry go ahead for yeah um absolutely so people here for the public hearing um there is a handout on the table hopefully everybody has one that wants one um and as the mayor said we are here for the uh public hearing uh for the proposed assessment of um sanitary sewer improvements uh with in the Riverbend estate subdivision um the Improvement area is essentially uh serving uh or providing Municipal uh Wastewater service to the 17 Lots within the Riverbend Estates uh subdivision uh and the budding Riverwood uh Court Southwest a little bit of background um in February 2022 the homeowners association of Riverwood um uh Estates petition the city to uh be served by the municipal Wastewater system that was at that point under construction uh the city consented and ordered the preparation of feasibility report uh that feasibility report was presented to the council and then subsequently um a public hearing uh on the Improvement was ordered and all of you folks were invited to the uh public hearing we went out went through a very similar handout through this one um subsequently the construction did move forward um and uh the sanitary sewer was actually constructed and the riverband estate's Wastewater flow was diverted to oro's Wastewater uh Municipal Wastewater system on September 11th 2024 uh the sanary SE improvements associated with the project um essentially uh River Ben States has a sanitary sewer collection system that conveys Wastewater to a lift state station uh that lift station pumps waste water or pumped Wastewater to a uh essentially a Drainage Field or drain field system on Outlaw a and so the proposed improvements essentially um redirected the discharge of that Wastewater that sanitary sewer lift station um to the municipal Wastewater flection system uh that's located on Riverwood Drive Southwest via a 3-in Heman uh Horseman pipe and so that was constructed in conjunction with some uh valving improvements uh in addition to that there's some electrical improvements uh to that lift station uh that are being proposed to kind of bring that lift station up to a municipal standard um those sanitary sewer system improvements um are termed lateral improvements uh and so those lateral sanitary sewer improvements the project costs the engineering the construction cost all of the costs that go into completing this project total about uh $ 69,780 and so we use that information to calculate the assessments to the benefiting Property Owners the assessments to the benefiting property owners are um are made up of really three different fees uh the first fee is the Wastewater um treatment facility plant investment fee um that Pi fee was originally established in 2 or 2022 in conjunction with the phase8 Improvement project and that cost was about $3,439 per equivalent residential unit uh since then uh that cost has been increased by 5% to account for inflation in 2023 and 2024 and the current cost of that is about $37,900 $1.50 uh similarly uh the residents uh in Riverbend Estates would be charged a trunk sewer uh availability charge that sack charge um was also established in 20022 and has been increased for inflation in 23 and 24 and the current cost for that is $ 13465 the lateral sewer connection charge uh is calculated based on the project cost uh for this Improvement that's $ [Music] 69,781 17 units that are being served and that totals about 41,000 or $4,100 51 so if you add up those three fees uh you'd get a total of 9 92386 uh those costs would be assessed to the benefiting property owner owners um for each eru or each single family residential unit out there and there are 17 17 Lots uh they'd be assessed that cost over a 10-year term at an interest rate of 2.47 uh one thing that did change from the public hearing uh to this hearing is the council voted to reduce the interest rate to match the interest rate on the project the face pH 1A project since uh uh PFA allowed us to um Finance the project using that that money and so um that that change was done and it's to the benefit of the property owners um so in total uh with all of the fees that are being charged the plant investment fee the sewer availability charge and the lateral uh sewer connection charge uh to those 7 um properties the total assessments for the uh project are 157,000 $48.50 um and uh that compares to the larger project uh in fact that we assessed as the phase 1A project where there was about $43 million of improvements made and the city's local share of that was about 11.3 million um other point to note is in 2022 the phase 1A Wastewater system assessment was about 8,817 uh so just a little bit less but it was two years ago uh than we're assessing tonight uh in terms of the project schedule uh the construction has been substantially completed in terms of the mechanical and um utility improvements there are still some electrical components to be constructed uh the contractor is tentatively scheduled to be out in late October to complete those uh and that will be done it shouldn't impact service to any residents on uh in River Ben States um we're here of course at the assessment hearing tonight uh and would note that the assessments are placed on your property taxes over the next 10 years and so each spring and fall uh you'll see that assessment um so that um $9,200 divided by the 10 years plus the interest is calculated by the county assessor and placed in your property taxes so you'll see the first payment for that would be due in May of 2025 um there are some other information that was all that was mailed to all the property owners um and I have included some of that I won't go through all of these other items in the handouts unless there're questions um your total assessment uh a bunch of other information about payment and prepayment your right to appeal uh limitations on appeal uh the potential for defir of assessments are all discussed within the rest of the handout and also within the mailing that you received um that kind of concludes the information that I have um in regards to the public hearing and the presentation if there are uh specific questions I think now would be appropriate time for people to to stand up and I'd be happy to answer them or staff and council could come to as well question there's no questions there uh Joe if somebody say like they wanted to prepay it when would when would be appropriate time so I know it kind of gets mixed up times a year you try to prepay this and get yeah they have 30 days to prepay and so as long from from the adoption of the assessment I should also mention that too it is on the council's agenda later in this meeting there's a resolution that the council will consider adopting the assessments as presented um tonight and so 30 days after that the city clerk will file um those assessments with the county and they would be incorporated into the assessment role and so any time before over the next 30 days would be an appropriate time to do that um people can um pay in the future you know for example if five years go by and you want to pay off your assessment you you have the ability to do that and if you do that um before a certain point in the year I think it's it's talked about in there it's it's late right right around this time yeah November or December it's after the it's after the October 1550 deadline um then you can pay it without paying sucess essive Year's interest but once you hit that date you you got to pay the interest for that year if that makes sense other questions of council or public second call for public hearing comments and third and final call for public hearing for assess comments on assessment my contact information is of course on the back of the handout happy to answer questions if people have questions afterwards um give me a call we'll close our public comment at 652 the council comments we can take care of it when we have our resolution further back in the agenda all right jump down to our uh petitions request Communications and there's request from for local area History Center board member Joy B singer and or noal Alliance Club vice president Dale wi organizing the candidate forum for candidate reserving for city office they would like for the public to be able to view the event online and have submitted it with asking for Council approval for use of the video and sound equipment in the council chimers to post the form on the city's YouTube channel so she's not able to make it today she was going to come in to talk um but she had some family stuff she's got to go watch her grandkids so she's I think she's watching on well she said she was going to be watching online uh but she asked that we pass along um with that she spoke with other cities around and uh specifically Pine Island spoke with her Deputy City administrator and confirmed that their Eda has conducted candidate forms in the past using City recording zoom and YouTube equipment um as well as several other committees or communities do as well so she asked that I pass that information long I I honestly my opinion I take issue with it I would rather not have you have to have a motion first what's that you have to have a motion first oh yeah sorry for discussion I'll make a motion to approve the request I'll second it thank you okay okay so I I would rather have an open Forum where presidents can come up to us and ask I don't think personally I don't need a panel or a moderator to tell me you know the questions to answer um I guess I haven't seen it happen like this in oron noo for and maybe it has but um the last election um four years ago when I was running we all met in the park and people came to the park and they were they had the ability to come up and ask any of us any question they wanted right in the past you know old Russia sponsored a few of the events sto it's has been recorded So they sponsored 2016 2018 for in this format responding to questions with the moderator so and it's nothing to do I think most of us responded to a list of questions in the Pine Island record too I don't we did do that there were poor questions that that were asked and um those have already been published for the mayor what was going I think that the rest of the candidates are going to probably be uh in the paper coming up here in the next probably this next coming week I think that everybody that's that's done it has responded to that as well um and and I can see a meet and greet um especially in the park or here which would be great for you know individual questions that people have now the other part of it is you know campaigning is is a part of what goes along with this and you know I mean in the past there's been a lot of people that have door knocked whether it be for city council or whether it be for mayor and um you know that's a part of the individual if if you're interested in doing it then it takes sometimes a little bit of effort you know on the part of of the individual to do that so um you know since we've already answered the questions that are that are there and is being published I think that you know that could take care of it and understand what you're saying Jim if if I may real quick I just want to make sure we're focused on they're just asking to use the equipment I think they're planning on hosting it and that's up to them if they want to host it and people want to show up so I just want us make sure we're staying focused on they're just asking to use our equipment and hosting the event here I get what you guys are saying I just want to make sure we're focused on that yeah it's also you know violation of open meeting rule is is a part of what's in here as well so that's what I'm I'm reading to that came in here so so yeah this question we have had questions from the paper um I don't know how many people subscribe to the paper ear a word forget the paper it is online I don't know if it's online so there's it is online so question and it's available online so and I think those questions that there were were were actually pretty much the same questions that we going to be asked and so I mean I think that that that was it I think all of us have answered those well the questions that are being proposed I think are a little bit different than what's in the newspaper they're asking for a process and uh I think in just continue on in the transparency mode I think it' be welcome that we could zoom it and everybody could view the tape uh by using the equipment here the form so so the only thing that comes up with that um it it's been and passed uh on looking at that uh some of the residents of the city have uh cherry-picked and chosen things and twisted some of those comments that are are done by Council people and it's put up negatively you know which I don't think is is the right way either to what's going on and and that's that's historical that's a fact of of what's been done you know so what does that have to do with using the equipment here well we a turn around and and have it go on video absolutely it has something to do with that well they can take your answers out of context and then go to the news stations and all of a sudden you got to defend what you answered you know that's probably true so I'm like I don't want to answer or fear or fear of Retribution so if you had an open for like an open for like you were talking about um you know just a meet and greet type thing I think that that that makes sense too to to have it be open for the people to meet and greet and they could ask any questions they want yeah it wasn't a great turnout either I mean it was very nice weather um now what point in time is I just feel like they're just asking to use equip they want to hosted here two organizations the History Center and the liance club they want to hear views from all the people that are running on the candidates those are here those that are not here and it's an opportunity for everybody to now maybe not everybody's responded to the questions of of what joy and uh and Dale have asked I don't know I haven't heard of who's coming or who's not coming but the point is whoever comes the idea is to share with their neighbors and their residents your views on the two questions and then as was in the invitation the moderator would ask a third question unbeknown to what we know that is and that would give a chance to all the candidates can respond to that question on on the spot that's that's okay my question is is are we sitting a prent we're letting somebody use our use the equipment in the YouTube channel you would let used Facebook page and other stuff like that so you kind wonder that and I'll say that was my concern when I brought it to her as well I wasn't in favor of it just because we have we don't let people use our equipment and I express that to her that's that'd be my biggest concern is who's coming to you next ask to use it so they want a host if they want a host that use this space I don't problem with that it's more and I don't I don't think we're we're putting anybody out either we're actually opening the door we're opening a bigger door to the invite we're not we're understand we're we're not saying people can't come we're saying come and ask us questions you know ask us any questions you want don't go through a you don't have to go through a moderator to come up and and talk to each one of us individually video yeah so I think that the meet and greet might be the best idea off of it and whoever wants to come during that time can can come what it moves along should we call a vote well I don't think the city can authorize a political function I don't think that's what they're asking no I think they're just you know City shouldn't be sponsoring meet greets or candidate forums or anything no but they're asking they're asking to use the city YouTube channel and and City and I think that's that's the vote it's not the alternative of doing a meet and greet that's not the alternative the city shouldn't be sponsoring anything if they want you want to lend out your equipment lend it or if you don't want to don't lend it I mean the candidate forums I was just looking at the legal Women Voters and me they have them all over and they're always videoed I me I assume you know it's not sponsored by the city so I think if you don't want to let them use the equipment just vote them not let them use the equipment and they can host it some other however all these other cities do you know and and post it somewhere else not through the city website or whatever so that's I mean it's not it's not a city issue to organize campaign no it's not this is the organization want use our equipment and if this is voted down then I guess somebody else is going to step up and say hey are we going to have or not I don't know but this group is asking for the use of the equipment yeah I just want to make sure we're not authorizing meet and greets for candidates City's not doing that no we're just yeah that's the that's the issue I don't think yeah let them use the equipment don't let them use it you know I think that's just you got to vote on that that one issue um any other comments um okay see by the discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I [Music] oppose disapproved that is our law enforcement report to package just got Compu he took his computer didn't he you got a phone call I was wondering what the the suspicious circumstances are we had five of those okay that four you that were in here for the sheriff's report and traffic stopped five so grand total of everything was with the sheriff was 38 again I just wonder was suspicious kind of curious that people stay in the house okay well while he's gone I'll talk about next part here please so this is the next part of task here is the uh we talked about in the budget here he is you want to chat about the they got questions for you much you [Music] remember uh suspicious circumstances what does that usually for those kind of calls or what what's your question what is it or you know what range of anything sometimes calls start out as a suspicious somebody calls in that they saw somebody walking by their house or by their shed so that's just labeled as a suspicious circumstance um other calls can come out where you know it's a medical or something and it changes to a suspicious so it's kind of a catchall for a lot of things that it doesn't fit like a burglary or a you know medical or a domestic or an assault or a theft so that just kind of it's suspicious in nature so it can have a a wide range of different reasons why there's a call label as suspicious and the other one that was on there we had more thefts that there were uh anything in particular off of that somebody targeting no there was no pattern throughout the community or a targeted person or race or anything like that just general theft that occurred within the city or no so it's there wasn't any string of anything or any uptick anything just happened to be four effects that occurred in the month of September so nothing to be concerned about as far as you know a what we just call a career criminal going around targeting people or houses in or no no pattern what's that there's no pattern no nothing that we've seen or noticed based on you know the the reason for the call what was taken who was taken from and things of that nature so is there a pth pattern with the parks as far as what these incidents on here terms of location Park I mean I I see a lot of suspicious activity down at the park where I am okay the one there Park yeah I'm like Curious what do you see that's well just the the behavior of people okay you know can you give me an example yeah uh what was last Sunday I had a guy that apparently he'd been watching me because I was working on my shed and I didn't know it until I looked at my cameras but I'm up there working away and here he is standing in the doorway watching me and uh so I'm like can I help you so sitting in the doorway of your property your ship yeah okay well I'm just seeing what you're doing says well it was really suspicious after I looked at my cameras and I called I called you guys I talked to Riley about it okay and uh gave the pictures off the camera okay did you have a conversation with him do you know who it is get a name or I got his name and uh thing that struck me was uh I uh I I told him I had to rebuild my barn and he says uh I make really good money on Fires oh really now that's suspicious to me you didn't tell him there was a fire he just told me to re it nope I didn't want to give him any information [Music] you know I didn't want to cuz I thought right away you're fishing me mhm yeah that is a little bit his he gave me his name and it's the same name of the person that's the suspect oh really okay so wasn't there a Park fire too that same yeah the next day the fire was in the park down here yeah that's why I I just brought it up is there something going on with our Parks is that where what date things are initiated what date was that well I mean it's a good place if I were a criminal it's a good place to start as long as it's during daylight hours because anybody can be in your parks for any reason they want to be whether they want to sit in their car sit on the bench do whatever we have no reason to go contact them and question what they're doing now if it's right now and it's the parks are closed or whatever then we have a reason to go contact them who are you what are you doing here and you know gather some more information but public places are great places for people to go and observe what's going on because they have every right to be there just like you do and you do and everybody else um now if they're in there in the middle of the night which we can't catch everybody but when I'm up here I drive through all the parks you know to see if anybody's out if there's any cars or there's any bikes or utvs or anything like that um and of course there's not but the chances of us catching somebody when we drive through with our headlights on is pretty rare I mean you're not going to stand out in the open in the street and wave to us as we drive by so right um it's just kind of a cat and mouse thing so well that's just what I've observed I mean yeah you know and I mean there's city parks so you guys can always set up cameras you can you know set up other types of surveillance things um to try to mitigate some of those things but again that's a risk versus reward versus budget and stuff like that too so there's a lot of things to consider yeah okay anything else Sergeant thank you thank for your service hey touch based on service agreement there yeah so this was just put in here as an FY we kind of talked and went through budget stuff about amending and uh approving it was approved in the preliminary to increase the hours from County by five hours um for the fiscal year of 2025 so this was done up by their Sheriff's Office and their County attorneys basically what it is is you look at the original contract and then towards the bottom of page one of it it talks about therefore the parties would here agree to the following terms and it replaces section n and section 10 for the year of 2025 with the new numbers which was already accounted for in the budget um I'm not asking for approval this just FY I got this I want to give this to you all as we go through this um and as we get ready to you know approve the budget come December this will be if that sticks in there this will be the contract so um that's that's all that is and we'll hold on to it until we get the final approval and you know if we adjust the hours then we'll get it voted on and amended and done up and so but I just want you guys to be aware that this is the what the contract would be so yeah with with that just as a comment I I think it's a great idea especially with uh uh the growth that we have going into town and especially if you have some construction that there is going on just the watch what goes on for construction materials and everything else that's associated with that I think that's yeah very good for the city okay talk more about the upcoming budget worksh okay um Public Works is nothing Water and Sewer Metals yeah um there is a memo in the council packets but unfortunately there was a Wastewater release reported at orok Estates uh on October 2nd uh City staff um responded to that concern and we assessed the situation at that that evening and uh contracted uh contractors to address the situation we developed a plan we shut off the or States lift state and uh uh that evening and made a plan to have the uh have contractors and utility locates there the next morning to excavate uh and look for the source of the leak uh that did move forward the next morning uh the contractor was uh go for septic uh they were on site and they were able to quickly identify the source of the leak uh the source of the leak was in a force M pipe um that was an existing Force main pipe it um connects to the oronoko state's lift station and it used to run um all the way to the oroko Estates Pond um we connected to that for uh existing Force main kind of right in the middle there about 50 ft um south of the leak point we connected uh so the leak was determined to be uh that it appears there was some damage to the forest M years ago and the forest M was repaired with a fernco coupler Fern Co coupler is basically a a rubber band uh that um couples two loose end pipes together with a stainless steel clamp if you know what I'm talking about so before or was it just a gravity that it was a forc main pipe before but it it didn't have as big a pipe pump you know the we put a new pump in the Oro State's lift station so it would have the ability to pump to to uh the wastewater treatment plant that's at a higher elevation um obviously that type of repair is not appropriate for a pressure pipe and that's why it failed that type of repair is appropriate for a gravity pipe uh that needs to be prepared but um the contractor did excavate it um took out the 8 foot section of pipe that was repaired like that and replaced it with the appropriate couplers um so we shouldn't have that issue occur again uh the issue was reported to the mpca um the contractor was retained to you know suck up the waste water that we could and we uh had them spread hydrated lime to kill any bacteria on the surface um and uh the issue has been addressed from that standpoint looking at the agreement between oronoko states and the City of oronoko uh this the agreement states that oroko states um has the responsibility to um operate maintain and repair that lift station and the Force main all the way to the treatment facility um so the cost to do that repair should be paid by Oro Estates uh the city of course Kan and I facilitated that repair because it was a rather urgent issue and needed to be addressed um but it was addressed and um we have notified all the appropriate agencies as well as the property owners we upsize that we upsize the pumping system out there to accommodate pushing it further up the line we did we need to upsize the pipe for it too no the the 6 in diameter of the existing pipe is the same size that we extended all the way to the treatment facility that's fine um the issue is really repairing a pressure pipe with a fern Co coupler which could not have been done I guess you know my question on that um and you had mentioned in our water and sewer that it was a schedule 21 that's that's a pipe which is older pipe um it's what could happen in the future with that and and what's down there and and is there a way we can inspect that pipe that there is and and televis that pipe just to see what's what's there so that we know because in the winter time you could have a leak underneath there with the snow and people not realize it for quite a while it could be you know again something that we're responsible for because it's our permit that there is this running the plant so um ways to inspect that pipe you know you could potentially push a camera up it um depending on how the fernco was installed and how that you might never see that from the inside um so you could televise it but you might not see it in terms of the pipe you know it is an sdr21 pipe so that has a slightly thinner wall than what we would normally use but it's still adequately sized for the pressures that that system would be subject to so so it is with encode yeah yes the pipe didn't burst the boot did the connection of theot so yeah I'm just you know the question comes is what else is in there that we don't know about you know and and have another leak I just don't want to have another leak either so well is it is it is it really lay on the city if Joe says it's unresponsive anything from oron noo states to the plant is on or States's ticket basically that's the other piece you know will that affect our license because there one operating license between the two entities right well the city holds the permit for the was water treatment collection and treatment of that and so um so so that is an issue you know if it was to occur a bunch of times we would you know multiple times we we'd probably take a look at it my take is this is probably a one-time deal but I I don't have a crystal ball right this could be there could be five burnco repairs in that 200 ft of pipe I don't know but it's pretty unlikely is that the length of pipe about 200 ft yeah what would the cost be if we were going to have that replac that that we could take a look at that for oh I would guess either's a couple buildings to move they're just sheds trees to remove um I would guess it'd be by the time you get it all done $75 a foot $100 a foot with you know somewhere in that range soell 15 $20,000 potentially but again it's a it's it's it's a pipe that oroko Estates is responsible to operate maintain and repair so it's really arguably not the city's obligation unless you know we see a real deficiency then we have to push or noo Estates to upgrade the facility and we know for sure they have the ability to do that yeah they do have a wastewater operator yeah no I I mean in terms of money so any idea what their financial situation is wouldn't know so let's just say they they wouldn't if if we if we got another one um I'm assuming then that would fall back on the city of or could F Bill I'm going assess it right we have a mechanism built within the agreement that if they they don't operate their facilities or they don't pay their bills that we can essentially assess them with the aid of the township we have a contract with the township to do that okay so but this was tenuous when we did this and I told everybody if you try to enforce these agreements could get difficult to do that so this is an example of that so we'll send them a bill we'll see if they pay and if they don't we've got to I mean this was how this was set up and there's really no way around it because we wanted to do this agreement with the property outside of the city limit so but um as long as we can assess it that's fine how much was the repair I'm just curious I don't know I would guess5 to $10,000 yeah so it could be an issue but you know that's that's that's it's all written so that they have to pay it and they're responsible for that and that we have the right to assess and the townships agreed to assess on our behalf so let's hope that works I guess we didn't think when we drafted those agreements that it was going to happen like the first year you know it was like probably thought that it was 15 years from now you get a little time test out of it first right makes sense knowing why it what failed that it would fail early you know it's just just a rubber boot let's hope there's no water right right so I guess there's really no skin off our back at this point which you got to get the bills and send them the bills and then if they don't Bill them then we'll just contact the township we'll do an assessment like we did or the township will do that here's a day period 15 days to respond to the bills it's a pretty quick process go for a subject that did this were they the ones that have always taken care of those issues over there that we might have an idea of something else that might be there uh in fact that is one of the reasons we use them um is they they do work for oroa States and they're familiar with their system ni County okay so there's nothing else that they know of that that might be in there not that I'm aware of they didn't say anything to me for sure so next the update next item resolution 20 24-36 which is adopting the assess or river bin the states tristem improvements that I make a motion that we approve resolution 2024 d36 second that other comments discussion B none let's do the Voice vote right hi councelor penr hi councelor Phillips hi councelor Richards hi councelor I approve several things on the the header that needs to be taken care of so Diva update Joe if you want to hear anything about the state I have not heard anything from the state so really there are couple issues um to remind the Council of you know we did have a fair amount of flood damage from the late June uh flood event uh unfortunately Olstead County didn't quite meet the threshold for feemale uh a federal declaration so that takes FEMA out of the equation uh the state of Minnesota through um their Emergency Management um H hsem um agency uh is offering to cover costs up to 75% of the cost for flood flood M flood damage repairs and so um I understood that I understood that hestad County was in the process of verifying that the cost within the county would be covered by uh HS em and that would include oroko and so I haven't got verification of that I don't know that City if City staff had like guess we' we're hoping that we'd have verification by council meeting here maybe we haven't I haven't seen that but it wouldn't come to me necessarily but at some point I'm assuming that that will happen and the city's going to have to make a decision as to what flood damage repairs you going to want to do I um provided a copy of the memo that I prepared uh several months ago I think in August outlining the areas that were damaged and a number of those are as um you know City staff already took care of they're mostly in the parks there are a few areas within the old lake bed um and the access underneath the lake bed um that could be repaired or could be ignored um it's simply the fact of you know if FEMA and the state were paying for it we would make three pairs but since FEMA is out of the equation and the city has to pay 25% of the cost well the costs are you know tens of thousands of dollars and Riverbank damage uh in a couple spots yes yes and then also the the um driveway uh going underneath the bridges on 52 was washed out and that needs some repair and there's a few little miscellaneous things I think there's a some damage in houseice park to a gravel trail that needs to get repaired um a lot of the things came and his staff have already fixed and you know they'll get reimbursed or the city will get reimbursed for you know his labor hours and Equipment time to do that but um some of these things are bigger items that you really should have a contractor come in to do and if you want to do them um well we need to put a solicitation for contractors together and you know get get some quotes um to be able to do that but before we can do that we kind of need to make a decision as to you know um what what would you be interested in doing given the fact that we think that you're going to have to pay 25% of the costs if that makes sense and so that that memo is in your packet um I think within the memo I list uh uh the eight areas that um really need Improvement um and uh some of those areas are um the areas basically are in the in the response we did get from FEA or from State um if I remember correctly it was like $882,000 that we were going to be allocated but that's that's the 100% it get confirmation at when we get more information from the state that we would have to pay 75% of that 82,000 if we want to use that state only pays 25% what state would only pay 25% of of the 82,000 of the 82,000 no no we the city has to pay the yeah 25% state pays the 75% right but that's the that's the word what waiting for and confirmation so be determined but and then the council and Public Works will have put together what exactly do we have to use the funds for so we so we haven't determined we haven't determined what which ones of these projects the 82,000 would go what's most needed till we get that confirmation of the dollars I think we wait so really we push this off until we get confirmation yeah we're not going to decide tonight it's just to be determined so I have a slightly different understanding I think that um there are eight elements here totaling about 140,000 and I kind of think um the state will pay unless they've excluded some of these which I haven't been told they did I think they'll pay um 75% of that $140,000 cost which um would leave the city with about $35,000 in Project cost to pay where does the 82,000 number come from that was in a memo that I saw when we got the confirmation that femal was not going to accept us we had a new listing of or no of course I don't have it here but you can send that out to the council if that's that's an actual document yeah but that that might have been um FEMA's assessment not necessarily the states so that could be yes um because I know FEMA was kind of uh pushing back on some of the repairs within the old lake bed um that they previously you know help fund so maybe that's the difference I think we need some clarification and that process does move slowly unfortunately we were hoping it would we would have an answer by tonight but we don't but certainly something for the city to start thinking about in the council you know there are eight eight elements there and you know items uh four five and six frankly are the ones that that I would question whether we probably really want to do um especially items five and six but now what are those joic repairs they Riverbank repairs within the old Lake B there's three of them there Riverbank repairs well um one of them is is right is immediately Downstream of the riffle um at the bridge and so I think that's a more high value repair that we could complete with RI wrap um I think that if that would fail there's more at risk than the rest of it um and there's the adjacent driveway there is this bridge or the bridge over the South Bridge the South Bridge on 52 yes and in the area that that is number area number four that I was that I would kind of think we should do but four five and six are the ones that I would you know wonder what's access that the one under Access Road under 52 the Shady Boulevard yeah all right so we'll obviously have some followup there future meeting so all right Planning and Zoning we have a lot split resolution 20 24-37 Z supports the lot SP 1215 West Center Street and so on your table there was an update with some printing in it in red under conditions of approval number one make sure everybody sees that that's need more information legal descriptions need to come as an exhibit a and the survey needs to be updated for exib ex yeah there's one other correction that needs to be made on this too that we did planning and zoning and U in our discussion that there was with with Phil Carlson um we had turned around and approved um a 10 foot uh drainage and utility easement on the east side of the property um and with the right up here it has a 20 foot we were we had agreed on a 10 foot that was there so we need to change that let them speak to that that's what there's some back and forth between there was a follow up in within the memo U that Phil provided with this uh he indicates or he asked me about the 10t utility easement I told them that a 10t utility easement isn't sufficient to construct a water M that's 7 to 8 ft deep um typically for that type of utility we would require a 20 foot easement just because of the depth of the trench required to install it so if if you want a drainage and utility easement that's capable of holding a water man it should be 20t wide a 10ft easement would be sufficient if it was a gas man or a communication lines or um a buried electric main those facilities are you know two three feet deep um but a water M's different it needs to have a bigger utility eement this water M that potentially go through there is that to service one of these areas that isn't currently serviced uh the the point of the water M would be to Loop the water main that currently dead dead ends on First Street Northwest uh with the water M on West Center Street and so we like to Loop water Ms because a long dead end water M you know has some issues in terms of it's water stagnant um you only pull water from One Direction and so in a fire situation you have limited fire flows uh also in terms of maintenance if there's a break or something uh that goes down on that dead end everybody's without water there's no other way to feed it and so we typically like to Loop water Ms and so preserving an easement for that to happen in the future makes some sense because ultimately um we would advise that you you want to Loop that water man and so that that could be done in in a future dead end right now it is working right now with the dead end oh absolutely will work it's just you know we didn't have a choice to Loop it because we didn't have an easement or corridor from which to do it then um but as a best practice we want to Loop those water M water quality goes down does go down exactly we have a motion first I make a motion to approve uh the lot split I'll second it so I've got a number of issues I just want to point out before you V through it so I I did some revisions I was made aware of this today so I didn't have a lot of time to think through it um so I just want the council to know when you approve a lot split that doesn't split the Lots this has to go to the County recorder and they actually need to record the D the the resolution with two legal descriptions and assign a parcel ID and so I do have when I read the resolution that was prepared by Phil especially the second whereas I do have some concerns where it says uh is requesting a lot split over the property to divide it into two Parcels a pro a parcel one about 10.5 acres and I don't think this is a lot split is a subdivision the word about should not be in a resolution so if you approve this now I have concerns so okay you approve this they bring a resolution because you're or they bring a survey they're going to have to do a survey it's requireed on your ordinance but it's also won't be recorded this won't succeed if there's not a survey and a legal description what if it's 9.9 Aces what then so the council tonight is approving because they changed their mind and people change their mind and in their view it's no big deal you know they approved it we'll just do 9.9 it's no big deal but the council didn't appro approve 9.9 and the resolution doesn't include the legal description of the survey so what they bring that survey and the legal description that doesn't match what you app who what then that's why you need those things ahead ofun so what happened my question is to all of you what what do you want to see then and does this need to be redrafted to basically I think with those things that are going on you know redrafting to have that correct makes sense we were going to you were going to Kurt you that's in the process right now I've made skull field aware of my potential there to do that and I got him I've already called him last Friday to have him proceed with trying to get that done that I present to Jason once that so taken care of because I know right now he doesn't have a uh there's no good pin marker to establish the center of First Street so he's going to have to go back ways and we' discussed that as far as getting a good pinpoint for that and they want he doeses that he was going to [Music] include that lot split Dimensions along with the 10 foot easement and on his drawing plat drawing and I would submit that to Jason once that's right so my my point in saying that is if you submit it because I deal with Johnson scotfield all the time it's in going to be 10.5 Acres it's going to be something because you don't know where the pins are going to be and so then the question I have is if he's going to have to resubmit it then the council's going to have to approve it just wait he's already ordering it why don't we just wait till he's got it and then include it absolutely so that that's how it's normally done for that those reasons otherwise lot splits we've done it's all been very succinct everything that we vote on is what go to the county for reporting yeah I I think yeah it makes sense for us to to wait and have everything together to be able to do one of my questions is more for children is this the only place you can put that 20 foot easement for the for can for a looping for a line to make it Loop no you put it anywhere huh you can put it anywhere so long as it connects the two streets so what about the property on the other side is there any way that we could have an easement on on that to split it you know so in other words you do 10 and 10 um that's possible but we don't have a mechanism to drive that you know here we have a property owner that's requesting an action of the city and so we so we only thing that threw me off on that is a discussion with Phil um he turned around and he said every property has got an easen on every side of of the property well your subdivision code requires as you plat properties all of them are encompassed with um drainage and utility easements um typically 5T 5T on each side of the line but they are for things like um Telephone pedestals and um buried electric and and gas service not necessarily for you know water main improvements and utility improvements not that they can't but they're only typically 5et on each side of the line total of 10 feet um unless we for some reason specify something greater and so you know in instances where we suspect there'll be sanitary sewer and or water going down a property line we might require a 30 foot easement for example for you know sewer and water or 20 foot for just that so have more of a problem forcing forcing it on somebody that when we putting in water system you could have put it put it any place we want but well we we not really I mean we have have to put the water system in the public right of ways right and this preserves a corridor to be able to complete that um connection between the two dead end segments and that there's an argument that's for the public good right I mean I read Joe's or Phil's memo and I just think if you don't get the necessary easements how are you ever going to connect those you're not you know it just yeah that was a Miss for me didn't understand you know I think you think you want to get whatever EAS you're going to need to the ultimate the way I read was they want to connect it to the St they want to build connect the developments Beyond this property right and so so if you grant this lot split and it's developed that won't happen so you need to do something else to fix the water issue because of that and I I all it is all they're looking for is just a split that outer line right but I mean if you split the lots and it's developed you're not going to be able to connect the next development right though so then you're stuck with the called the saac it's a called the saac right like we continue to move East with the pro or excuse me West with the project I think is what he's getting at like if there was more development West that's why you have those will foreclose that option and so because of that you need to make sure you have the right infrastructure right or the ability to put the right infrastructure I guess would be the way to put it we still have that ability to do it off of Center Street too going going west off of that which would be the Development Area you have but this would be the I think what Joe was talking about the loop stuff connected to be able to have efficient water flow and I I'm understand what you're saying I'm just you know as CU I mean if you look at the development that there is I think more of it with the city would probably be closer off of Center Street than it would be off of first so good and so if they're going to so the decision is to just table it and bring back a resolution that actually has the two legal descriptions and the survey then my other issue with it I wasn't G to if you're going to do that then the other issue I have is the variance so this resolution approves a variance and so the question so I look through they email me today this packet stuff um it was like the application for the lot split so was there actually a variance application made what what with that was public okay so you gota I mean if you're gonna bring it back anyway I mean we had discussed what it was up of it and it's ability to come in from two different directions on number one uh the the parts one or was it paral two because they can actually come off I don't really know enough about this all I would say is if you're doing a variance you know you're going to want to do the variance process if it requires a public hearing I think it does did you have a public hearing for the variance or that kind of thing so I don't know VAR no if you're it's tuck in there you got to read closely it's tucked in this resolution they yeah we were okay with everything if you look at the picture as he stated so you don't need a variance no you can come off of West Center Street and and you can also come off the C center or is that right I mean I just want to make s look at the resolution so look at a and b when you're looking at instead of one and two we didn't there was no variance mentioned well get all this information in the resolution about a variance it's got the variance criteria I think I think if I might the variance comes into the fact that there's only 16 and2 ft 16 and2 ft of Frontage for parcel one on First Street Northwest right I get you that's where I read to and then paragraph seven and eight the order they basically say that there's unique circumstance which is one of the variance criteria not created by the landowner and then the next one the proposed Lots uh creating the 16.5 foot parcel would not alter the essential character of the locality which is another variance criteria so it seems um and then and then number 10 the proposed variance the lot Frontage requirement meets the standards for granting a variance so the way I view this is granting a variance so I you know I don't know and so typically you see a variance application and that be reviewed and that kind of thing so I don't know that it was or wasn't I wasn't part of any of this but this is the first time in my career I've seen a dual lot split variance resolution doing two things at once typically that would be different things so I I'm just if they're going to table it I was going to trust Phil and not bring that up but if you're going to table it and bring back the um right the other legal descriptions you might want to look at that to Prett much have to look at the legal descriptions to understand where everything actually is going to lie that's how I understand subdivisions I've never seen a subdivision granted without a plat or a survey I don't know how you how need survey without theit yeah theot split theot split is a subdivision it's just a minor subdivision so it's the same thing as a subdivision and and it's a statute that allows you to do a subdivision by without a plat If it creates five or fewer lots and you have an ordinance that allows it so it is it's just a form of a subdivision called a minor subdivision so it's the same thing it's subdividing land so can I make a friendly amendment to put this on yeah prove it to put it on hold until we get the so what was the um what was the timing on the um legal description of survey did you know did he provide you a mask in the property he told me it was going to be probably a couple weeks oh okay he he was hoping to have maybe everything done by November 8th and when we left after the Planning and Zoning meeting it was kind of approved based on me providing proper PL survey because that the survey that I took my drawing off of that it was recently done just to Mark right perimeters but it doesn't show the split doesn't show the two new Parcels right yeah does it does it doesn't have it defied as far as the actual not in the packet I don't have I was basing it off of an established pin to the center line of First Street I see yeah so all we don't really have is the legal descriptions the final yeah the final legal description which like I say at first when I asked I said can you just go to the center of the I said we' got established pins there that have just been surveyed we go to the center line of Center Street and he says I can based on oronoko stuff I can't establish that without going gotta further into the sub surrounding area to bring that line back in and he also made me aware that that existing roadway that at 33 me are you assuming nothing straight well so and one other question I've got you know regarding the whole um you know it is private property there I I was kind of going along with the easement just for big nice guy what happens if they want to extend that water sewer stuff on so you go up to Center Street and you now you want to add West down Center Street where's your next dead end it's just down the street yeah just down the street you're still going to have a dead end put it on my property right to me to me that's kind of stuff that maybe should have been thought about as part of the project you to do something right well and you know there cities don't have unlimited amounts of money and you have to make decisions on where to terminate water mains and when you have opportunity to eventually Loop you take advantage of uh that opportunity and secure the easement so that when you do have the ability to extend those water mains with appropriate utility funds you have you have Accord to to do that with that's all that's recom and so I'll just tell you we we recently did a lot split I don't do many of these but we you know won a year or two a year we did one in in went on a county and this and the County Recorder rejected what this city did because it didn't have adequate legal descriptions and they required a certificate of survey which in this it was the city of Goodview who doesn't even have a minor subdivision ordinance so it didn't even require City approval but the County Recorder actually cited to some title standards that wouldn't record those without it so that's why I spotted that I was like I I think you got to have that I mean to record it you definitely need legal descriptions whether this is sufficient this might be sufficient right here but it would have to be accurate as to they go with I'm working on it's kind of an addendum to that survey that's been submitted that's matter of establishing yeah he's got the boundaries he just doesn't have the lot line you have you have paid for this much they can just amend this up yeah okay but then in that instance I thought this was like I thought this was like he hadn't done anything and then we want make it if he's done this he might as well wait till he he's already paid for this he might as well wait till he does the whole thing that that's my view of it it's way easier and cleaner that way you know what you're approving you know then the way I had drafted it it was like the city engineer had to go back and certify that it was correct but what if it's slightly incorrect then that based on my end part of that was the fact that I didn't want to proceed and pay for that without getting approval to do such I mean if if I went ahead went ahead and paid and I got to pay extra because he's got to go establish a pinpoint that's comes from the neighborhood down farther he told that could be another couple thousand dollar or something like that and it's like do I I just did a survey for the perimeter do I spend that before I get approval on a lot split well generally that's how it works because they can't put something they don't know what they're splitting so you're voting on something with like a blank check for him to split it however he wants I mean it's kind of one of those things where the council's got to see how it's split compare it to the zoning ordinance you know it does it need a variance does it need this does it need that and so the 16.5 feet that was the other thing so like that's the amount of the variance or or the amount of the Frontage that would require a variance that could change too right if they haven't set the pins yet that could possibly change so it's just that's half a 33 foot Redway that's the issue is the RightWay is only 33 feet wide and they want two lots so if they split the right away there's only 16 and A2 ft of so there's no more to find yeah I mean they could split it on E I've already got the RightWay Off Center Street for that well this would basically be a shared driveway right that work for one of the two lots but you have still one that doesn't meet the standard but I didn't put the road in doesn't matter so that's one question I had too because you know based on what Phil said and the 16 and a half that's on one lot and 16 and a half that's on another lot but yet we want 50 ft for a city street in any future city street so it just seems like what was unique about picking the middle of Center Street versus going 100t north and putting the point there well I think that it allows both access or Property Owners access to the street then that's half a street doesn't matter dedicated RightWay there's a 33 foot RightWay there substandard but that's not we can't control that it is what it is I guess without having a map in front of me knowing what we actually looking at 33 divided 16 and half on each side that's right right at the beginning when we discussed the public hearing section all the maps about this whole thing because I'm the guy that's right next to this being affected by this they're splitting lot next to us so we got a letter about saying this is going to happen but yet we don't have to say about none of what goes on that's what I'm asking nobody nobody said anything to us except we got a letter about this oh and then you want to take right away parle on my side is what you're saying for the for easement no we were just asking a question is what we were asking up that because that's what he said it could be 5T on each side of right when we had the public hearing no no no was when we had the public hearing at planning and zoning is what we did and that's when this was discussed and and the fact was we don't know what's on the other side so we were looking at that saying it had to be on the side we're looking at right now because you didn't have access to it yeah yeah because all the easement is on his property yeah because and we and we talked about that but because we didn't know we said okay we'll take it and put it on this as we were going through because that was the property that we were looking at and that was just for potential yeah yeah 10 years 20 years maybe they want to tie sewer water and sewer together thanks for you know that's what we were trying to do at at planning and zoning was was to talk about this stuff but but thanks for your input I appreciate that yeah right so we have a we need to table a motion to table it until we get all the documents I think is the right way to do it did you accept the friendly Amendment yes I did no yes it's his amendment was it was it was Jim okay sorry you accept I accept it the amendment to pay until we get all the documents that there are and you figure you'll have that in a couple weeks so we can get so yeah like Scott SCF on Friday he told me he was kind of booked up but he was hoping he could get that out and dra there again we're pushing that right time limit and after we left planning of zoning it was like could we approve it now based on having that right you know approve it that get the documents to Jason with so we can do the uh address change add to that you can do it as long as it matches exactly what's in this resolution my concern is that it's not going to match because I just don't think surveys match that closely when there's something like no I I mean you said rewrites resolution well right but then if you're going to do that bring it back to council anyway why don't we just wait and do it once we saying that's a friendly amendment that was done the other thing that would be important is for your surveyor to develop the legal description for the easement right so that's more than drawing a line on the paper it's developing a legal description of the easement and the descriptions fairly straightforward to write but it's not just a line on the survey um that's just I think he's aware have to record that as well yeah I I trust him talking to him and him doing that yeah just so he understands because it's a little bit different than just a lot split You' have to develop that and requires its own it does and document right and so you could have him also reach out to me and I can give him the city's template for eement like I say I mean as it sits right now I wouldn't even need these I mean you're saying I do but I don't yeah because of the timing because I can I mean that line you could move that bottom line is what you're saying no I'm saying right now I could serve that north end with the watered sewer off of First Street and I could serve that upper part that I want to split off from Center Street right for the future so it's like I don't need the easement or I don't need the water to allow that room for but it would be a condition of the city's approval of the lot split it's the city's it's the city's prerogative to require utility easement on property within the city is my understanding that's what we're asking and and we kind of discussed that with Phil and everybody's on board with what it was It was a difference between the 10t and the 20t when we were doing it and looking at it but yet it was understood that you know that makes sense and I think everybody was on board with that so and you you retain the underlying title you're just giving a granting it EAS over the title and as far as 10 foot to 20 foot I mean yeah 10 foot's not ideal to bring water sord in but you could use vaults or boxes to take directional or you know an exavator depending about what it takes it really it doesn't need to be 20 feet no I again I didn't realize that we were going with Phil said with the 10 you know and so that's how it came up with the 10 okay okay well let's um Circle back around here November with all the correct documentation Jason got a com I I got a question I just want to make sure we're clear Mike brought up the point of the variance issue what is council's decision on that with this what what steps do we need to make sure we take as staff just need to get a variance for the well here's what I would say if you're gonna Grant a variance I think it should be in a separate resolution it shouldn't be tucked away and the final whereas in the final statement we're going to Grant a variance you know if that's what he needs because well we could do then is just bring it back to planning and zoning and do it as a variance that there is after that would be a second that's why I want to make sure because you need to tell him he needs to do a variance he needs to apply for a variance and do all that I want to make sure we're getting that done yes Council decision the rule in the all lot spit codes and your lot split code is you can't split Lots in a way that creates a conflict with your zoning or land use code and if he splits a lot this way that would be a conflict because there's not enough Frontage apparently so then you can't Grant the lot split but for a variance so they kind of go hand inand I just think you know I don't know if it's been analyzed or what the you know what the findings are for it I mean we went through this several rounds with the Hamiltons we should all have variances familiar in our head um so that and I just saw that in there I looked through the packet I did find the PDF packet I don't see any application no there no because we didn't think we needed one until it came up on on this to that way cuz Phil said we were okay with what was going on when we had the Planning and Zoning so Phil he'll put it in here so he knew yeah but he didn't when we were having a discussion though with that so there's a disconnect so maybe send it back to Planning and Zoning just look at it one more time because I mean we'll do that before it comes to City Council next month anyway and then the reason I asked the gentleman about the dining was just the 60-day rule so make sure that you do it by November or I think Phil look at that doesn't answer my question though because if you go back to Planning and Zoning for them to assess it I want to make sure that he gets the variant stuff put in so it can be presented to Planning and Zoning in time so a decision needs to be made does he need to put in a variance application with us so we can get that on for Planning and Zoning not plan and Zoning says you need a variance and now we go to wait another month after that well according from what I'm hearing we I think we need to have a variance is I mean that's that's what I'm I'm hearing from both Mike and Joe there clearly needs to be a varat the question is are you going to force him to submit an application and do a process or did you already do the process and I wasn't there I don't know what happened I mean you're saying you didn't even know about it I think but yeah no every we we kind of everything was fine and all of a sudden when this came it came as a variance this way we we turned around because it wasn't an issue when we were talking with Phil well I think it was in F Phil's original report yeah and actually looking at it the pnz there was discussion about the 16 and A2 foot Frontage wasn't there he was fine with it I think when we finished our discussion of what was going on and it wasn't wasn't a part of of anything that was there so yeah it's not up to Phil to be fine with it though I mean if there's a bar there's a I'm just I'm just saying that's why we didn't go any further with that because didn't realize that's what it was and there is another option if you look at it yeah because that line comes right to the middle of the culdesac and I think that's where the issue was so but then that'll affect his survey though so if he chooses I don't want him to pay for the survey and then have to repay for it so make sure make sure before he gets that survey done that he knows if it's going to be done with the Assumption he's going to get a variance or done with the Assumption he's not going to get a variance because that could affect his plans you know so those timing stand document on page five and five he has the application was received on September 6 subdivision applications have 120-day deadline for Action by Council yeah first date statute versus 60 days for zoning so he has a deadline is January 5th 2025 yeah be fine the 60 days would expire yeah on Election Day I think then we could just ask for ex okay so I'm good I just wanted to point out my issues sorry I apologize got issues so you have the variance wars in the wall here tonight no I'll okay I guess we're out we will print them off for you and let you oh we'll notify [Music] you we got your email we probably email it to you so we'll do that tomorrow okay make sure we got that clear for you so we can that last item is a WSB update yeah um we had a a really good uh response that there is from the community from wsp on if I may we did the friendly Amendment but there was no vote to oh receed with that can we step back to sure absolutely okay all in favor the favorable or the motion with the acceptable friendly amendment to table till November meeting pnz meeting in Council a uh a yes vot would be a tabling up to November time V all favor I same signor that's approved thank you Jason so we can just extend it for that or do you want to ask your question then with with Mike and hold on if we do this are we going over his 60-day Well we'd have to send him an extension it would be November 6 the council meeting is not till later in November yeah so I just looked at that so yeah you'd have to just s owning application for his lot spit application yeah so that's You' have to decide on that tonight or extend it till so you can bring it back in November which is fine you just send him an email or a letter that you have a motion for that did they need a separate because they just said they would extend it that that's administrative function you do that so send you an email saying it's extended through to November well I would just say initial 60 days just in case he doesn't get the survey or there's problems or whatever so we'll get the letter okay WP I'll move we had a really good response from the community on on what they were looking at um for different items that were there and there were drawings there all kinds of things and and we had this both at a National Night Out that they had a booth that was there and also at Gold Rush um so I mean it's excellent if you need to have me make copies of this I'll be more than happy to um but this is what what came back with that okay and so we went over it with the steering committee uh we've got another steering committee meeting that's going to be held before Planning and Zoning next month an hour before and that's going to be open to the public on that just to go over some of the different yeah so but yeah it was it was excellent very very good so so Jim I actually have one question on it so I've been helping number of cities redo their zoning HS plan view in Leon and um Yoda are all doing this same similar project nobody's using WS but in each of those they presented me a list of questions at the very end so after they had finished it all and codified it they had a list that you know some of them like play you had a lot of questions and then um you know Le and just we're working on Leon now but they didn't give me a lot of notice because like they wanted to do it by the end of the year as they're like because we have a they had contracts one of them was with American legal publishing and the contract had already been extended twice and they said they needed immediately so I just I would just note that if you're in charge of it and so if they do want and like they don't want me to review the whole thing they have very specific questions on certain sections sure that they they basically want me to make a decision so that they don't have to make a decision but I think they know it's my view um but if you want that just make sure to let me know you know if you want it done by X date five days before is not sufficient so and we've got some time too off of it it's not going to be at the end of the year way things are going so you're going to be fine take a breather perfect perfect yeah I'll take copy I'll go ahead and I'll make a c maybe I to make a copy or whatever of what of WSB you want you've got it on on your yeah I just don't know what you have there sorry oh I just have the print out of what there was that went for a stearing committee oh you you've got that also yeah we can get that emailed out yeah but it was it was good it's good all right um the fire department I've got a couple things with that too oh okay um WSB no with fire department oh okay um well you see the note here on it they've got a couple grants that came through one of them was State Farm they asked for500 ,000 well let's take care of the motion for oh sorry the motion to accept retirement okay okay you're right I make a motion to accept the retirement for Tina second comments all in favor sign saying I iose okay now you're okay the other one um yeah they had written um a grant that there was from State Farm for 5,000 and we were actually they were offered $10,000 off of that nice for the the State Farm grant that went along with that um and the other one was Minnesota Department of Public Safety Grant which they ended up getting $40,000 which is going to help for the radios um so that was very very good on what they got for the grants is there anything that um specifies what they can spend it on that one I think needs to go for the radios from what my understanding is on the way that Grant was done okay the one that they were really looking for uh was the one for the I think it was a DNR rant that they were working with u omet County and hoping to get that one approved and that one did not get approved and so what it it is they were wanting to needing to replace a lot of their air cylinders and their packs um so that one is is one that's going to kind of hit us or however we need to take care of that because they need to have 15 packs and each pack is $12,000 per pack um also what happened over this last month is uh the compressor died over there for the air compressor and they can't fix it they've been trying to yeah uh to refill the bottles first so um the price tank they have on that air compressor is $177,000 so we got a couple things that they weren't planning on they were hoping to have that compressor to go along with what Alstead County was with that Grant but um we have to find some other way around that so I think it's something we need to take a look at as we go through the budget for next year is that something they I don't know how old that machine is they warranty or anything for that oh no that this machine is an old machine and they've repaired it like three or four times and so it's now Beyond repair for that so they can get some air uh by going to a fire station that there is in rochest but that's not ideal for what's going on for the future for them to be able to upgrade so so with these two large amounts the now in February they spent $28,988 on radios already so this is more radios um that's what the grant was for from what my understanding was the way it was discussed so with this large amount of money why wouldn't they come to the council asking for approval they just got this approval for the grant just like recently that's why it's just not there well it's something we can the council tonight asking for approval uh well it seems like there's a lot of spending going on in the Department that's without council's approval I guess well no this is just talking about it so we're aware of what's Happening Here okay the grants are the grants that they got yeah they're not spending it they're not they're we're just I'm just bringing you up to speed that these things are going on so at least you know what's happening and you're saying the 40,000 must be used on radios on radios my concern is there's nothing brought to us that they were applying for this and because for the budget standpoint I look at it and go okay they're getting these grants which is great but that's $40,000 or if they're still asking for more money for radios but they're already getting $40,000 as a city is that fiscally responsible to give them more money look at the timing necessarily give this again you were you were doing it before okay I'm just bringing up the speed of what's going on we can work with this especially with our budget meetings that we're going to have coming up and take a look at that before the final but I'm just making you aware of of what transpired yeah and and to me there's no foul I mean they can write all the grants they want but whether they get them or not that's a different thing so we have to plan like they're not getting them when we're doing budget and now the timing Jim's just making us aware that in because when we were doing budget they didn't have the grant they weren't approved and now they're approved so he's letting us know so we take this back with us to budget I'm just asking for consistency too because I know other committees have come before asking for approval to submit grants so if that's the case they can just any committee can just submit grants then and like the Eda and stuff like that I just want to make it fair across the board for everybody who's doing grants they can just go ahead really and do what they need to then we can make it that you know when you're going to you know do a grant to least let Council know that's what's going on and that's been the practice I'm saying they didn't do that so that's where I'm at with I just okay trying to understand what's going on there probably would probably would hurt notifi no I I I understand exactly they've applied for these grants when they do well that's you know throughout the year they get grants continuously johans getting grants the grants coming into the fire department but the city never sees that dollar figure for our records for the auditor why don't we see those dollars when they come into the grants for the fire department seems like they put them in they keep I'm not saying they don't deserve the money or keep it but it's just a matter of recordkeeping I think that it's important that the city knows what the fire department's doing so I don't know if these came under the relief or if it came under the fire department so those are where they but I mean no I a point well made I'm just we're just looking for transparency for the fire department that's why they can do it we just say let's be more upfront with it and we don't get into situation like we're outfitting the firetruck now that's another issue we'll talk some other time but it's unbelievable what they've done okay well um appreciate the update was on that and mindful that we need to keep we're all it's we're an organization we're a city and we're just looking for working together with our funds and the grants that do come in I am very you transparency so you know that this is going on and and in terms of transparency was there something did something happen with outfitting the fire truck I guess I wasn't aware I thought it was outfitted I thought that was done when I thought that was done the there's what that was discussed in the budget workshops see the council wasn't aware of that he brought it up at the bud talk at the budget work that we were overcharged no that they were over spending than what they had initially submitted for approval from Council to be able to outfit the rigs so the overcharge I okay all First Responders uh I make a motion to accept new member letter Armstrong second discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose that's approved next item uh to accept the resignation of Mariah Lumen and Dana D second we appreciate their hours of service I'm not sure how many Maria I think Tina had about 17 17 years yeah we appreciate that and and honestly kudos to the fire department for getting the grants and he bit helps but I totally recognize transparency um all in favor see I just saying I hi [Music] Eda parks and trails this is a um long paragraph I could read it real corck it's a parks and trails committee supports the agreement for professional service between city of oronoko and SE as it pertains to the master funding for the zumro River Regional water Trail money has been allocated by the state of Minnesota to support to zum River Regional water Trail project the funding has been approved by the state after a complete submission of its project plan that's through the legislator legislators as the spre as the spearhead of the project the city of Oro would accept the funds from the state of Minnesota make payments with those funds to se where it's work on the project there there is no cost to the city of oroo SE has provided a breakdown of but different task and subtasks that are complet that's in the packet they will then provide a monthly invoice with the updated information showing start and finish of points of each task that I'll make a motion to approve the contract services and just to be clear if I have a second second thanks okay just to make sure on that I I see the total cost of this was about $165,000 or that that's none of it's going to be coming out so that's all straight paid for by the state then correct yes okay I just want to make sure so yes who are the uh stakeholders in this um stakeholders are the four counties Olstead Dodge wesaw and goodu are the counties we got four counties in 11 cities that we received resolutions from this prob about three four years ago and uh we got M funding from three of those four counties to get us to this point today with SE we put together a proposal for this lccmr which is from is the legislative citizens Commission on Minnesota resources it's a it's part of our overall DNR funding and this is one entity of that so they um so we put a project together it had to be put into the legislative so we' submitted a proposal last July of 2023 uh proposal for funding it's a um the zumble river water Trail is made up of the branches of the South the middle the north branches of the Zumba River from south of Rochester Dodge Center H Island Z zro all the way down all the way to the Mississippi River so the idea is to make this put together a master plan identifying strategic five to six locations along the rivers to have egress and Ingress and uh at those sites that are selected there will be parking lots restrooms picking tables um there will also be signage out on the major highways like the brown signs the doulas trail there would be signs that go to the those access points wherever they're finally decided so this funding in the letter is going to identify the task that's ultimately um well it's still December of 2025 where they will be putting together a a master plan and that master plan will also consist of a joint Powers agreement between the four counties or maybe just Three Counties um and that's all part of the funding to use for this that will ultimately be submitted to the Greater Minnesota parks and trails commission and from that Master Plan um over the years going forward then um that commission will allegate um joint Powers board will take over the the operation of the trail and they will provide plans to say put training in or put in put in signs so every year they will continually get funding uh hopefully with their plans approved from the commission so they can put in these signs or build in parking lots for the certain ones or restrooms for the certain but it's a it's a multi-year development but we have to put the plan together first and that's what this $170,000 will allow us to do so it's a it's a pretty aggressive year because uh the funding was appropriated so we put back up to last year so we got an approval they approved our recommendation um along with think there's 84 projects that were part of the Legacy Bill funding that was put in the legislative Bill Legacy bill that was discussed by the representatives back in January February it was approved and signed by the governor um at the end of the session so that's why we were we were part of that legac funding so well I see on the so who's so you said three of the four counties some may not signing on to this or walaw counties I still continue to talk to them each County was um asked to submit $14,000 elmstead County and good Hugh submitted those $14,000 over a two threeyear period um Dodge County is still $4,000 short and wesaw uh never did support it so um but I think the cities of milville tyan Hammond they all have rental facilities um Outfitters um so there may be some opportunities for somewhere along that portion of well I can kind of see them not signing on to it because they already have them facilities in place and they've been running canoe Trails for for for decades down and this fun would be that's one of those chosen that could be improved that's the fun could be used yeah businesses can be the stockold I see here benefit from it yeah I guess I didn't read this before in our our parks and trails meeting but seen here at the last paragraph in page two of this says this this will allow the city and the proposed Z joint River poers agreement to proceed so this agreement doesn't even exist yet it says here the agreement in your packet right here it says this will allow the city or noo and the opposed zumra River joint Powers agreement to proceed doesn't this zumra River joint Powers agreement already exist no that will be that's that's an end result that comes if you look at the task that is one of the tasks towards the end task three master [Music] plan T yeah task three the deliverables master plan document contents point for 3.1 above so that's what's one of the deliverables that we have to come to supply by the end of December 2025 with the funding so it's meant to be a recreational also an economic development too as we look at these different sites and different cities so but this 165,000 Grant it's just just for planning to do all these planning all of this for nothing but planning yeah just planning engineering putting concept together we submit the master plan to the commission greater Parks Trails commission and that getes close to the next step of the joint Powers agreement of identifying how we want to implement and get funding to do that implementation and that's really when that joint power board takes over and it goes to the next level and it's very similar to the Canon b Canon Valley Bike Trail that's a joint pow board different cities and the counties have elected officials and public residents or public residents involved with that joint Powers board too other questions that's that's the overall plan SE Carl on page 33 of your packet he's resides in minaka and I've been working with Carl for the last two or three years they were here at se in in Rochester and now they've transferred to this project manager in minona so and they have uh SE has done Regional plans all over the state so they have some experts so there's listing of the the people that would be involved with it and that's their experts and the staff all been involved with regional par development and everything so well I am with that if there there any other comments all in favor saying I I po approved thank you say I no want to see I want to see us Pino in the lake bed is a hot spot for for canoe thing and we spend millions of dollars on the old lake bed when it's 6 in above the the high water mark to start with and we spend thousands of dollars each year cleaning it up every time the water goes up above the above the above the above the line so I think developing our lake bed down here into a park and putting gazebos and all this stuff in it is just it's insane money you're spending that's my all right um moving on Jason your report yeah just kind of go through real quick so code enforcement we had the nuisance house the the Nash house that house has been demolished and brought down um it was brought our attention that there was a shed put up after demolition there was no building permit done we've been working with CMS they have been uh a season assist has been put on there to stop that um and we're going through that process with them and trying to take care of that issue um there's some other code enforcement stuff as well a few minor other ones their shed that we dealt with not far from there I've been working with them um I think this next line was a left over from the previous month that didn't get deleted um we've again finished work on the preliminary budget and that was sent off to Olstead County for the 2025 preliminary budget um I did put in here recommendations for doing some more budget workshops in November um I've got two main dates of the 7th and 13th and then an optional one for the 21st please let me know if those don't work for you but again I want to get ahead of this and just kind of start talking through things so we hit December rolling as we need to um and with that we'll go through uh after this there's an action for the setting the truth in taxation hearing date at the council meeting um also attended a couple of the mcma annual conference planning committee meetings that I was selected to be part of this year um we began working with diligent and bsna on their programs for the city and being the implementation process for those and working through what's going to be needed to transition into each of those programs as well um started working on briefly on the fee schedule for 2025 I wanted to try and get ahead of that uh just looking at things as we've gone through here I think our fee schedule is lacking in many areas and um as we continue to grow and develop the city I think it needs to be looked at and readdressed so that's why I'm trying to get an early start on that I'm hopeful to have something for November for you guys to be able to review as a council for approval in December um if not November I will try to get it out so there's still plenty of time before the packet in December as well just depends on how busy we get with stuff uh spent some time working with or meeting with the King Development Group that's working on the my gosh I'm trying to Blink on the name the Gold Rush whatever they decid crushing Gold Rush cross so we spent obviously that project's been starting to to get ground um and assisting them with their needs as they need right now I've been talking with them about trying to figure out the annexation process and I've been talking with the county and the there's a group with an acronym tcpa I think it is Township the commission something yeah the township stuff they again I'm working with them on getting this annexation process figured out what's going to take for them so that's still coming along more information will be released as we we get it along the process for everybody um I have put in here cannabis stuff um that's pretty much the rest of this is talking about cannabis and the new ordinances that need to come in so you'll see there's a couple different attachments um that need to be reviewed and recommended and I kind of talked with Mike a little bit about this and what other surrounding areas are doing and and whatnot but in here you'll see there's a the state put together a model the the office for cannabis management put together a model ordinance that cities can use um and so that's the first attachment uh the second attachment or thing in here is from sorry I'm still scrolling through that's long one is the ordinance that was put together by homestad county um for what they're doing and so you can kind of get an idea of of what hestad county is doing because the options are we create our own or we fall under Olstead County uh right now a lot of surrounding communities are falling under Olstead County Rochester just decided they're going to let Homestead county handle it um so there's there's a kind of a lot of just idea of let the county uh handle this and fall under the county for the provisions and the laws instead of trying to work this ourselves and I know Jason um Planning and Zoning what last year was it we talked about that but possibly drafting the possibility of drafting our own Kathy was talking about it we talking about pros and cons so yeah a good discussion there's a lot to go along to turn around and and and to draw your own there's what three I guess there's going to be three dispensaries in county is that what it is it's a lottery yeah it's a lottery the the thing that we'll have to worry about is when it comes to zoning is figuring out um where we're going to allow what zoning and how that's going to work and that's that's a separate piece than the licensing coin you can delegate the licensing to them but you should tell these WSB people when you go through your individual zoning districts you want to make it not permitted probably mostly then when it is a use that is allowable it should be a conditional use not so that you can force them to get a permit and we could put conditions on their conditional use permit that kind of thing so we talked about location where they can be but just just so we're clear those are two separate ordinances there's the licensing how you get a license that's a business licensing ordinance that's what he's talking Jason's talking about that something we can add to that steering committee meeting for next well I don't know if it be next week next month for November 14th meeting yeah I mean we can bring it up at least to talk about it so you're on top of it though Mike right well I brought it up to we have a lawyer at our firm that's doing heading this up for all the cities and a lot of cities there's a lot of cities asking for this so we have a lot to do to do something yeah so we're organizing it and we are drafting from scratch ordinances for certain cities that want them the County ordinance like Wabasha did Wabasha counties um wona did their own uh think Leon St Charles the county so I mean you can go through and but when they're asking us to do it sometimes they want to have local control I think it makes less sense for oronoko because you don't have a police force here you know and that's a main kind of component of the enforcement is that's the yeah I'm just going to say that's the side of it with this is the enforcement side and the county if we fall into the county the county takes care of the enforcement out of this it doesn't fall on us you don't want to use your 25 hours that cost precious pennies to enforce this you'd rather it be delegated to them and they do it separately under their whatever so I think that's a consider I don't know how much time it would take got have them deliver demolition ordinances right so um so yeah but I think if you want to meet with our attorney that's explaining your choices you you could do that but I think a good first step would be to send to that committee or whoever the County ordinance to review it because that one will be a take it or leave it like that's their ordinance you can been RT out to that basically and that's what I put in here is the the second one is the County ordinance um so I know they're looking for decisions soon but I put in here for you guys to be able to look at take some time read it review it let me know thoughts um I think the November meeting would kind of be it though yeah you got to get it done by you got to do a reading get it done by the first of the year otherwise so I think that's whoever is going to review it better review it and make a decision relatively quick if you want it by the first of the year if you want to wait a month and risk somebody opening a cannabis business you can do that yeah that's all I got on that one um and then yeah they had um so there was a a meeting that they put on and there's some slides in here as well this was the consideration for cities and townships regarding local regulation of adult use cannabis um so they sent those out iaso slides as well as from what they went through kind of just again explain some of the stuff the limits on cannabis businesses in the county um temporary Canabis events enforcements and penalties and read through it um there's some good information and there they also have some uh more communication questions that you can reach out to the uh have the Cannabis inquiries at Olstead county.gov so yeah so that that's that's the uh snapshot of the monthly report any questions on that so the one thing you might want to reach out to him just ask the timing like ask him if you can op in any time if we do it in February or does it have to be done just so yeah because I know they had a a date in there theyed a moratorium that there is we have but they wanted you can just end the moratorium early but it goes till the end of the year I think the issue is if you're going to do it one do they need to know or can you do it later like we follow up with that but I do know there I'm pretty sure there was a I thought it was later in November but I'd have to find the exact date well whatever we can just just pay attention we don't have to decide tonight but like I said looking over think thoughts please email me let me know what your thoughts are on whether we create our own or fall under the county I my recommendation is to fall under the county I think it's going to be easy more beneficial for the city just from the time management and just overall process of all they put forth the work already put forth all their ordinance so and as we use the county for law enforcement I just I think it fits better so okay um and then my the one action I have every year going be the truth and Taxation hearing county needs this set need to have a motion made to set this at the December meeting um at 6:30 p.m. you you'll see the attachment here the form that I have to send into the county make a motion we approve taxation date for December 17 second time all in favor sign saying I I I that's 6:30 all right um see unfinished business JY has some Township issues charges yeah I was just wondering if we ever came to a conclusion on that for the bills that we had out you were going to do some research on that Jason um I have not um I got swamped other things and that's on me um no I just again it was one of those things I just wanted to bring up so we don't forget about it so we're AG so that was for [Music] both the snow removal and also for the the light I think there's only one light that there was yeah there's some weird light and I yeah I still don't understand where it's at but all right um next item in our new business was nominations for outstanding Citizen Award has been open it's been Post online we will extend the deadline into November as it's announced later this year than normal the deadline is is end of October but we can extend it um the if we want to try and get in the packet we could end it in October November the 4th we go to the November 5th 15th date there's still room for um the application or excuse me the recommendations to the to the council would be in a letter email sometime after the packet was sent out it's usually read by the council members before the meeting and we just respond to what they outstanding citizens board committee will suggest for a recommendation or they introduce the candidates fors should say the council makes a recommendation for the selection and that's awarded at the December meeting so that's FYI any problem with the date the November 15th date or earlier B any problem all right um Jim you had a Memorial Park FYI yeah I just wanted to do a shout out the K CS uh did um some really beautiful plants rocks ground cover that there is underneath the sign that's out there really looks good didz no he really did on his own he wanted to do that got to the city was nice so the parks know he was doing that uh I informed the parks committee and then gave him the phone number but um he never got contacted I didn't bring that up in the parks and trails meeting sent a picture so did was away all right um the next item is a close session um the agenda item is the threat and litigation pertaining to the CED Woodland third development of the Two Sisters Restaurant property uh this meeting will be closed pursuant to Minnesota statute sections 13d point5 so I will now entertain a motion to close this portion of the meeting make a motion to close second second all in favor signify by saying I the time is 8:45 the city oroko city council will now go into close session in the city of Oro city council meeting room only authorized city of or noal Representatives May attend any portion of the closed session so with that if You' want to stop the video and U wait in the hallway well now go an open meeting 6:42 94 942 9:42 with following the closed meeting the city council is now open is :42 I will now entertain a motion to open the meeting make a motion to open the meeting second all those in favor signify by saying I I a motion that the City attorney emails the developer and offer a settlement that was discussed and determined at the close session I'll second that oh yeah that's okay did you get the mo okay um sorry my brain is yes okay any got close enough I will get it yeah the sponge isn't working as well no it's all those in favor second may post that's approved motion we approve the consent agenda I had a couple comments on there second I'll second can I make just a couple quick correction um on page 82 thanks thanks Mike week safe developer Mary I believe that's they I mean I just on page 82 [Music] paragraph inad of Mary oh I cut one as well editorial I can find it oh on page 99 um Point number two I believe her name is Annie Johnson not Amy record is for the March March 19th what page was that 99 99 99 I think that was third line down right yes I I'm sorry is a an n i e I okay great to see council meeting notes pnz meeting know make it um I think that they were sent I know that she was finishing those up for pnz were they were supposed to be the pack yeah I I thought that Wendy had worked on doing that so maybe I was wrong but I know she was working on it so I know she had some amendments at the pnz meeting for some of the previous ones so I don't know if they ever got officially so and that's just all I know so I I can't go any further okay next month any the [Music] comments just um on U revenue and expense reports page 115 make notes of the legal fees that we are on on that bearing in 42305 what page you on what number 42305 last last line we had a minuted budget at 275 and we're at 53 841 just far note and then I had a question and maybe I can figure out more of this stuff also with the fire department which is I'm on page 116 okay and I'm looking at 42262 okay uh and and 42 uh 3 three but the Scott uh SCBA airpacks is one that was in question with what's going on that they're looking at on having issues for need to replace and there's a meeting that's coming up next Monday that they're going to have uh some demos with different ones but that's evidently with the county of hestad is going with compressors do different things okay because the air packs have gone over their time limit okay and those have to be replaced the tanks are only good for so many years and you can't recertify them after that but that's a part of that so I'm just trying to figure out you know did they ever buy any or spend any money off of that so that's why I'm trying to far as I know yeah there has been anything so that I'm just I'm just questioning is all I'm I'm doing nothing on the line so apparently they didn't spend so I'm just you know looking at these different things that are that are going on so there isn't anything coded to it we haven't there's nothing here for your to dat actual so but those were the other ones that just came up that I looking at if they do decide to purchase any of those big ticket items they'll come back to council then or well I I just I'm trying to figure out what's going on and again I didn't look at this until you know today and the meeting was last night and so I didn't get a chance to get inured any further than that but it's just something came to my attention well well while we're here 42 263 L on the same page next ly down this is 13,000 just keep keep in mind right your question in the the radio expenses that's communication equipment they really haven't used any of it so that's money that they have the grant money to pay for if we use that to pay for it not this well I'm just yeah again I both of those highlighted I mentioned that too just pointing that out they have the grant [Music] money well they used it because we in the February meeting there was a a notion to approve radios for 29,000 20,000 yeah it might not just to come through but no if they if they used if they didn't use the budget money and they went using Capital funds that's that's misuse of budget number talk about that grant money they just got he's saying that if they got that grant money we should make sure we're watching that they're not City budget yeah which I get that's a big problem just those are things that that came out that I'm looking at so yeah that's yeah okay then um Joe I'm I'll send you an email I received from a resident on 9th and they said and it was something with Fitzgerald where they didn't put enough dirt or it it fell or something and filled their filled their basement oh that might not be sorry filled their basement yeah not filled it they said they got a lot of water in their basement and they called me I went over over there and there is they sent pictures too I told them take pictures I can send it to you but it does it's just like it's trough right to the house and they they asked them for more dirt they said you know just drop dirt here we'll fill it up and they said this Jal didn't so I don't I I'll send it to you into that I have no idea what that would be about yeah so it's like the second or third house in so when you turn ninth from West Center it's on the left hand side little white house yeah I'll send you a picture and and the email it's got their name contact is that the one right on the corner there ninth in Center Street I think it's it's just up from Tina a couple Kelly's house H Kelly no not Kelly um Al member Al Professor Al he died oh he live there it's 19th n9th ath last name yeah I forget his last name that's the big yellow lab for years that big yellow got any any more comments on consent agenda if not all favor sign saying I [Music] Jour say I 952 Boomer that was that his name because he lived back down here for years down next to the park oh he did and he used to live down here till they went down the dead end