##VIDEO ID:MEMFoLYBSA4## you say it you say it well we're recording now we're live Saturday night where's our our leader shair and everybody else so I like to call the meeting to order and Justin I'll write down who's here so we have Kevin McDermot and myself Katie Dudley Justin Black is it Pender Pender grass there is an R Pendergrass one and then John Hoy and Ron Fuller Ryland ior Rebecca Charles is here from our Eda yep right and then Jason Baker our city hall city clerk City administrator I don't know which one city administrator all right okay um are there let's see R what what I don't think so we have an agenda for tonight yes except it's not printed out so um right Jason we didn't get that there yeah there were a bunch that were unable to be open because they had to be um verified shared or whatever I don't know I was struggling with that so you want to try to go get one yeah okay so open it too so I was trying to use Google Drive and I don't know that that's the most efficient way to do it um because the emails that I had were not g s but then I did get Gils from a couple of you um so I would have that for later um how how let's see so Kevin were you able to open any of the old minutes no and I kind of asked them to print some but I don't know that they did U Ryland were you able to open okay Ron you're able to open the agenda for today yeah right okay okay so I have several minutes that I submitted to Mary and they all need to be approved and I tried sharing them with everyone so I'm not exactly sure how we're ever going to get those approved maybe I have to send them as so you've got them I was able to open once we kind of communicated back and forth that you must have you must have given me approval to open them through my Gmail yeah yeah so the the link is supposed to allow you to be able to open but it's an internal setting in your Google that you have to click because there's the part that says the link gets you there but if it's outside your network they have to have special permission so I have an extra button I need to press for it to work better yep okay I do that all the time with mine too so right well so and let's see if we have Paul Justin myself and Kevin that means we do have a quum but I'm not really going to make you read seven months of minutes while we're sitting here so so I don't know how we're goingon to go about this do I just try again with just attaching them or something and then try again and I'm looking at July so I could uh can we do what we have yeah so I think July is a mess I don't like July okay we won't we won't read July what one do you have I have July only July yeah that's why I print it off I wasn't able to get when I communicate with you I was at my desk and then when I yeah when you went back all right I think what we'll do then is I'm gonna try to send them to you guys in a different manner um and because that's the first thing on the agenda is previous meeting minutes approval so we're work on that again and um I don't know maybe I'm not going to write anything down okay so does anyone have any additions to this agenda now that you can see it I think Ryland you sent me something but that's still in the zra water Trail so right it's on the agenda yeah okay maybe we should talk about the toxic plant we it's still there Paul what happened you don't know okay so that be um under Community Center stuff I guess I do need to find a pen okay what are you adding there um in the community center Park there's a is it cter bean I believe believe you said there's one down at H Park yeah there's actually two down there toxic is all they grow super tall don't they that's one that's r all right so um all right I think that's all we need to add to the agenda so let's so what you wrote in previous meeting minutes approvals and I need to try to get them to you guys again right okay all right so Ryland do you want to go first yeah okay was should we put you where we can see you just for fun too start El see Jason can you move that so that or I guess you just press another button right yeah there is another button too we could press but I like that right there I don't know what do you think Jason wow this is some good stuff all right okay so you're I see July of last year originally started everything but anyway carry on it's been going on for three years hasn't it no this is uh this is something we applied for July of last year oh 2023 what it is it was a lccmr league of something citizens something resources I don't what what they it's a legacy fund application so but we had to submit it last July and we did that July of 2023 the reason we had to submit it so fast because it had to be go through the process I gave a presentation to the board at lccmr they accepted it it was rated got a recommendation and then we went through another process but ultimately it ended up being in the Legacy legislative language bill that was part of the legislative session earlier this year so what it was was a an application for Zumba River Regional water Trail to allow us to take us to the next step of um and that's identified in this letter SE is an inuring company that we'll be using uh for this use of the funds we were awarded $170,000 to work on this zra River Regional water Trail and sea will be the inuring company that will do basically do all the work the city of oronoko is the phisical agent um we started working on this project two to three years ago and we had a contract with SE um and we Ed some funding but or noal has always been the Fiscal Agent and by that is that they will do the work SE does the work they sent us an invoice and it's an in andout of our budget it's a it's not an expenditure to the city we just hold the funds and then we they send us an invoice then we would pay the bill and now we we depleted that funding and now we have a next set of funding which is $170,000 that's been approved by the legislature and uh we have till December of 2025 to use the funds so in the letter there's two pieces of paper one is a letter identifying from SE to Jason and I outlining the different steps of um what encompasses and so it's going to take our they refer to as a river Corridor but the same thing we've been talking about is still a rumble River Regional water Trail we will go through the all the different aspects of developing and SE will do all the engineering work to identify the data collection base mapping on page three of the letter they goes through all the different steps and ultimately um they will be preparing a master plan in identifying the sites that we will set up to be part of the master plan to for additional funding to develop those amenities at those different strategic locations so we are ultimately we're still working with the Greater Minnesota Regional Parks Greater Minnesota regional parks and trails commission that's what ultimately the the master plan will go to um in a year from now so so and that will allow us to get additional funding when we put together plans to share with the Greater Minnesota parks and trails commission so we can get funding on an annual basis to start working on our Trails whether it's the amenities for the parking lots at these selected sites or restrooms or more importantly signage that you'll see on the see the brown signs that tell you to go to Douglas Trail we will have signs on the in this whole area where they from Manorville Casten Highway 14 Highway 63 52 they'll have the brown signs that will tell you where you can access the river itself so that's all part of the funding that we will get to do that so that's the long term that's ultimately what we want to do or be able to do so so what's this 170 supposed to cover that's going to cover all the injuring work that se is going to do will'll be the holder of it of the funds um and then we will submit invoices we have to document how we use the funds when the pay outs made to se and so we we report probably on a quarterly basis I think back to is it anticipated it'll take the entire funds to engineer it or is it anticipated it would take the entire ball of funds to cover the engineering of it right we had to our action plan identified how we were going to use all $70,000 so it's very clear and that's all part of our reporting process is that we have to identify how those funds are being used against these different steps that you see in the letter was very specific wanting to know where the money that we were giving was going to be used for so um so looking through there's you know if we look at page three the parks master plan it will be looking at the zumbo river site inventory the hydrology map research and this is all the work that se will do the main thing as the city we have to do is that um we have to organize the meetings um right now we have stakeholders throughout this County and City we have over 40 stakeholders different people that have interest we have representation from all the cities all the way from Dodge center cassen Byron rodchester Hine Island zal Falls Oro of course milville Thailand all the way to the Mississippi River we have contact so they'll be aware and be invited to these meetings and an overall awareness of what we're planning to do some of the cities like uh milville Thailand irand um right now we have four counties Dodge homstead good Hue and w Dodge and U good Hugh and or olad have all submitted funds that we asked for in the previous go around but wershaw has never they've submitted resolutions back three four years ago but they've never submitted the $14,000 request that was to do all the work that we've done up to the date so that's why we were so they've never I've talked to the County Administrator numerous times County Commissioners um trying to get that $14,000 into their budget annual budget but they just um are very conservative and they're just in a position they really don't see the benefit of it although the cities along milville Hammond they all have Outfitters just like Justin as they all have so they rent canoes kayaks tubes that type of thing so so there may be some development with those individual cities but the county has been has been reluctant is the is the county reluctant because those are our already established business I think it's just a conservative nature their budgets continually year after year are very flat and they call this an outside agency and outside agencies don't get very money although they they do give some but we've never been able to you supply the funding so so the reason for sure one of first while this is late in getting to you I realized that because we got the letter late last week U but we want to what we'd like to do have the parks and trails recommendation for approval to the council so we can include in the council packet for tomorrow make sure the council members see it too in advance of the meeting so because at the council so Justin can you write this down so we're going to be asking Council to approve going forward with this and to approve um for an ELO to be a Fiscal Agent or has that already happened what what do we need to put on the council agenda so there's two letters there's a agreement of Professional Services okay so that's what really needs to be approved and signed by Jason it's approved which I hope will be by the council so this is kind of a contract that the city has with SE to proceed okay for the payments and everything so this this part's informational and this part is the agreement right okay yeah the letter is just a very high level overview of what we're going to do that's good and the contract spells out the details more of a legality standpoint so is this requiring more money from the city to fund this down the road or where's that at it's basically just approve it so if we get the signature on the contract like yeah it's not cost the city anything it's like you said we're getting the money from the state we're holding it and then as the expenses are used through the project we just somebody's got to be that agent to distribute the money so and because it's kind of our project RB that we've been working with so this money's already been handed to the city right is what you're saying it be appropriate to the city it has been already it already has been no not yet it's it's been out there it was approved in January or July but it's taken 3 or four months for SE to take the time to put the contract together so because we thought we were going to start a little bit like a couple months earlier but it just didn't work out from their perspective so they had some other key projects to work out and get out of the way first so that's why we just received this letter last so once we approve this or if we approve this then the funds will be Tri in to we will there will be a process once we get the contract we will go back to lccmr and say okay we have a contract um and there probably be some introduction meetings with lccmr of when and how the money be appropriated so it may come to us in stages or it may come as one lump sum I'm not sure but um be no there's no Financial Risk to the city I guess for paying SE are there future Financial Obligations to the city no no I don't think so this is just to cover exactly what's been outlined in the contract and with the lccmr because also like you said once the project gets going then it'll be the next step is the application for continued grant funding year after year to help support and maintain the project so each intended to be funded by grants each year from the state yes from the Greater Minnesota parks and trails commission the other thing that's going to come out of this will there will be a governing board or a joint Powers agreement that will be agreed to probably at the county level and ultimately those will be a that board or all the cities that sign on to it the counties that sign on to will be a joint Powers agreement and so that's where that board ultimately will take over the funding the maintenance of of all the different amen sites and everything so so we're just kind of the kickoff to get it going but then ultimately it be a joint Powers board that we'll have oversee and that'll be could be made up of a in the past like the Canon Valley Bike Trail that's made of City representative electric officials but there's also residents from the area that make up that board and I would Envision something like this too there's County maybe some City but more residents being part of it too that's down the road probably a couple years but it'll happens eventually this is all regional River this is this actually Trail or is this is water Regional water Trail so is it it's the water is our Trail okay so it's all it's the river bed what that it's the river bed it's all the river and the locations on it so so at this time I would like to make a motion to approve sending this to City counciling approval of the contract right for the agreement for Professional Services any further discussion or second second Kevin thank you then do I say any further any further discussion I think it's kind of quick to said had handed out here we were supposed supposed to prove it we haven't even really read it oh I've been hearing about it for a long time but so it is new to you um what kind of questions do you have because I don't know yet I haven't read oh all I know is what's been explaining yeah we've been like I said and Kae you made reference to it to we've been working on this for quite some time up to this point of getting the application submitted a year and a half it went year 16 months ago yeah so it's been kind of quiet we haven't really done much because there's been no funding so amazing the amount of work that se put into it before there was even funding well although it was the $14,000 from each County that we were working yeah so we started out with about $65,000 that was all from the different counties um and we did get some additional funding from I think hen or Manville sent us a $5,000 check but all that funding was used up until just right before we sent the application in that's why it's been required for um since July of last year so the count so the county is actually the one that is behind this portion of it yes homestate county is very much Dodge County good H and the representatives we've been talking to City administrators soil and Conservation District people um also um made the Z One Watershed aware of it too they're supporting it we have we have really a lot of support from all the cities that are on the river he said Pine Island my question is is if one of my question is if if they've supported it and they're this far into it why are they asking us to monitor it well it's it started out with my participation back in 2016 when I submitted a a regional plan to um develop the lake shade lady bed or lake Shady Lake Bed and if I submitted a plan for the um plan to the Greater Minnesota parks and trails commission and it was denied I brought it to council it was approved by Council to do that and uh so I came back with a medium ranking you need a high ranking to take it to the next step of getting funding for a master plan so that was um denied because it wasn't regionalized enough so I worked with Tom Ryan at that time he was the olad county park supervisor and uh so they've done a several of these Regional Parks like Game Heaven um part of Chester Woods is also part of Regional Trail so they had a lot of experience so so um Tom urged me to let's take it one step further and start looking at the dumble Rivers so um so that was kind of the Catapult or for me to get involved with it and um take it to the point where it is right now so we've had numerous meetings with representatives from the counties and the cities kaes the representative from oroko um City administrators so that's all been part of the plan so uh I guess it's it's been my activity involved with it to get us to this point of taking it to the next steps so is it an easy answer would be that we offered to be the what did you call it again Fiscal Agent Fiscal Agent yeah easy answerers we started the program we started this process so it's kind of through and follow it so and be the leadership board yeah and if it if if we go through this whole process 165,000 is spent which is a grant correct then if different entities decide to step away and uh I don't know anything nothing to truly develops because other entities step away then we're not like on the hook for any dollar amount then right so there there's really no liability on the city's behalf if we approve this and everybody goes together and they they process they they burn up this 165 and do this whole whole process and somewhere down the line it you know people all the other entities decide they that this doesn't it's not feasible or they don't want to spend any money then we're not on the hook is that correct that's me yes okay because ultimately when we submit it we'll have an outline of a master plan excuse me a govern I don't think be a joint Powers agreement all everybody signed on they're on board it goes to the Minnesota Minnesota parks and trails commission they see it they accept it or they say hey you need to work a little bit more on whatever it is um hope we've outlined it clear enough that it won't be a this year for us but so then we start looking at this governing board will start looking at what where do we want to start working with signage first or do you want to do parking lots at a b and c and that's when we put those plans to go go back to the commission say okay we got these plans for the funding we need that and that's what's allocated every year every year the Greater Minnesota parks and trails commission is uh reviewing plans off the master plans so there's um said game haven was another one there is a original water Trail which is a river up in northern Minnesota um but it's all so there's funding comes year after year after year to improve it that's why it just gets better and it'll be when that comes for forward it'll be approved towards this governing body versus just like Oro it won't be or we're not we're out of it then becomes a Fiscal Agent then so one of my questions Ry we've talked about in the past the lake bed becoming part of this Trail right this water Trail is this is the lake bed gonna be part of this deal it could be from the standpoint of um ESS and egress going in and out of the river okay so that could be part of as a strategic I'm hoping it becomes a strategic point that we can use it whether it's a Dallas Park or or noal Park um you know but this has absolutely nothing to do with the the trails developing totally separate totally separate good good question but it is totally separate yeah but it can also be a recommendation included in the master plan yes that's part of the site selection that se will be looking at so and the reason for that is that we have 11 cities and four counties throughout this whole area and they know they can't all 11 sites can't have all the funding so they will look for strategic locations that's what they' like to see Regional or strategic locations that's biggas the biggest bang for their Buck you know so that's where those be selecting four or five sites or whatever SE proposes so so I made a motion we had a second we had further discussion um can we do a vote now or do we need to do something else we're just making we're making a motion to move to the city council so to get more time to look at it between now and then all right all those in favor say I I oppose same sign all right motion carries um maybe this getting getting this involved would be a good way to uh clean up and make the junkyard accessible to something I know it's not in the city but make a good make a great canoe launch that brings up to another quick point there is H County does own they have some property further down between here and the lake Umbro so overnight camping rough night camping or overnight camping that's another possibility the county may want to consider so there's all kinds of Alternatives I figured I figured that 30 Acres was for a future expansion of their sewer plan so thanks um Jason do you do you need anything further from us to be able to put this in the agenda it'll be just in the notes and in the minutes and things like that that was discussed and recommended to come for Council for approval okay so you don't need me to send you anything extra on this okay this is amazing that that stuff will go into the backet under parks and trails and we'll be discussed there there was a you know what happened here basically all right all right so motion carries we'll send that over um do you have anything about do Ryland uh yeah um I don't have anything in paper in front me but we have I've had some Communications with Heather and mot so they have identified um where the fence is going to be located that's one thing we were concerned about where the fence would be located so they've determined it's going to have to be done by an outside contractor it won't be done by mid do so but they did say it would be done sometime in 2025 so they said they could stake it for us to look at it uh see where the where the fence would go and but I've also asked them to send me a drawing of where the fence will go and the still want to stake it they'll have a survey crew come out and stake it for us um the funding um is still appropriate for the $16,300 for the three locations uh the two peninsulas and on the north side of the river and um so that's due November the 25th so that'll be coming to the council at the November meeting for approval and um most likely we'll probably use uh we'll check our budgets to make sure it's if it's not used coming out of the general budget we'll look at maybe using the capital budget for um the parks and trails what was that cost again 16,300 that was for everything yeah okay with that payment due to them by November 29th and they'll proceed with installing the fence and they told us now earlier they going to tell us bring down in 2028 now they kind of backed off that and said okay we're going to do it in 2025 with an outside contractor and not men dos maintenance is why they are able to bring it back to 2025 so now you said that something happens the end of November and you're not bringing it up in Council till November I think November whatever date that is for November so it it'll be it'll be brought up at the November council meeting for approval because payment has to be in by the end of November versus bringing it up in October to do it in November is that what you mean yeah because they still we still got to get all information they got to come out do their staking get the map all that stuff so it'll come before the November Council okay and then that way can be paid by the resolution it's not ready for the October meeting with that so yeah okay is that supposedly the full price of that fence we're not paying for the fence I think we're paying for the land or something oh for the just their appraisal value for those for the propert oh for the property yeah yeah just and just the easement for is what they want our property our property we're we're purchasing it back for 163 we purchased the land they put up purchas it because it's it was bought originally by bonding bill money uh okay say what you want still keep simp exactly so okay does anyone else have anything else you want to ask about that I don't I don't have we done our piece parks and trails regarding that have we have we agreed to enough stuff or do we need to look at it again in November maybe when we get yeah come back okay I'll be the resolution if you'll look at it recommend approval I guess too Jason are we going to be able to use this room on a Monday night before the election bet you they're G to have all the stuff here locked up it won't be in here may be locked so by the end of this meeting we probably have to come up with a different November date can we meet up in the other room they us be locked the building the night before room is room everything will be here already yeah the room upstairs a room anymore to meet in that's my office yeah see yeah you could meet downstairs Round Table we can bring chairs out in the hallway it just wouldn't be recorded like right I don't know what are our thoughts on that it's always so hard to I'll I'll do some digging with the county because they run the stuff and see what their protocols required um I mean I'm sure we're not going to be able to get in here I don't know I have to check with the county and see what their protocols require and what they're doing otherwise just do it on sth look it we didn't meet in it is October octob September one there Rea I always tease that we meet in the early part of the month so I can te it's my role be able to have it in here on the 4th they set up for let know have to contact County and see what they so I mean we we really don't want to meet till that Mena paperwork is ready right next month yeah on the 19th is when we'll meet the council will meet and you guys meet on the 10th well but there's always it always seems like there was something wrong with the second Monday well the second Monday of the month this year's Veterans Day are we going to be open here yeah that too the 11th is good times good all right um music in the park next year Ryland what do you think because we always talk about it takes a while for it to get um know we had four bands uh we probably had 15 people at the first one and the biggest was the U um 45 and the LPS or LP in the 45s that 50 or 60 people so you know maybe we just need some different um different bands um we could also um expand it and look at businesses donating sponsoring it too might be another possibility as opposed to use the city budget is another possibility so all the matter if the if the committee wants to do it again I guess that's the one thing didn't one of them get canceled this last year didn't one of those nights get cancelled is remov because of rain the first was moved from the second June till the end of June okay something happen there yes we just but uh for the most part it was it was supported mainly by um people that were following the groups there were some count some City people there but um i' say the majority of them were just people that followed the groups we' like to see more City part residents there too so they were all perfect evenings for an hour half music yes I think that's something that we can keep visiting about and if people have energy to ask businesses for support and things like that so okay all right is there anything else mayor Ryland that you'd like to I think that's it saer parks and okay so at this time I'd like to give the floor to Rebecca Charles from our Oronoco Eva she has recommendations in the community engagement report or what's it calleda um well this is the Parks and Recreation goals and recommendations that came from the community engagement yeah the community engagement that we did earlier in the year um and we had a full report that came out I know that it is available on the website so if you want to see the full report it is available there there's also a couple copies sitting down at the table by the office um that can be looked at as well um and I had provided a copy of the recommendation so you all should have gotten those in your packets no we're not good at that got but you got one I did email him okay I'm like I was told you guys were GNA read these beforehand so that's oh no if you wouldn't mind just reading them to us that'd be great what what would you like well no I'll go ahead and go through them because what what we're looking at doing is the Eda is working on setting up its 2025 action plan um so we make sure that we know what our go main goals are to achieve during the next the next fiscal year so while we're going through that we do know that there are parks and trails items that we're obviously going to be looking at and in order for us to be able to keep our eyes out for grants for these projects to be able to find that free money um we have to know what what it is you guys are looking at doing so once we had the recommendations that came out of the results report which means all of this information this didn't come from the Eda this didn't come from me this came from residents of oronoko so all of the information in there is from the residents of oronoko and then the recommendations were written out because after the data was collected so all of that information though all of the raw data is all in that report so you guys are able to to dig into that at any time um but looks like they only had two really large ones that pertain specifically to Parks and Recreation um the first is of under Community engagement and um recommendations the identified goal was to explore development and funding for a recreational trail system to connect the city with the Douglas State trail and um having amenities uh along the zumbro river obviously uh we're looking at the zumbro river right now um the other item that people were looking at was additional recreational spots um I know Alice Park has one but it's it I mean right now it's it's a safety hazard a major safety hazard and it's non-compliant um I know that I went down there and took photos and the runoff that's really has just washed that completely out so it's not even safe for pedestrians at this point um so getting something like that paved or and put in a ramp so that people can bring their canoes down and get easy access to that um same if we were looking at other locations along the river people just would like to have options for places to fish places that are kind of set up for people to to to recreate um and I know again with the zumbra River project but I didn't know if there were certain locations um that you guys had in mind along the river that we'd want to keep an eye on for those types of amenities so that would be the first thing um the next one is providing recreational facilities and programs that serve residents and visitors of all ages and abilities um of those that participated in the survey a majority agreed that the city has excellent parks and playgrounds but they're not being maintained sufficiently um and people also feel that there is no Recreation for adults and seniors um seniors have a hard time getting around already because there aren't any sidewalks um so there isn't anything for them there um so we're looking at being able to try and locate whatever types I mean if you guys wanted to set up Bingo once a week or anything like that we can just keep an eye out so we're just trying to keep our eye for things that are everyone not just the children uh everybody being healthy is a good thing so that's where we were at on that um and then for under transportation um the first major goal that we had was the installation of pedestrian foot paths and trails there was a very strong demand that was seen um during the community engagement process for Trails walking paths um especially that connect the different amenities with throughout the community um uh for the ones that you guys are just getting distributed this is just halfway down on the first first side um so then the biggest one that people discussed was a connection to the Douglas Trail um I know that that would probably be a pretty pretty large project um but there are things like these safe routes to schools uh programs uh I'm working on that in with several other communities as well and ultimately at the end of the process you don't pay anything for their engineering you because there's a grant out there for that um they will do the entire plan for you for a pedestrian Trails um and it'll all be them that does all the work because they'll have their Engineers come in and basically that's what the grant is it's not a cash Grant it's services so we don't have to pay for those and they do a lot of community engagement to find out exactly what it is that the residents are wanting um and then in the end you end up being able to apply for a million dollars without a match City have to put in a single dime and we could get up to a million dollars to make the bring the project to fruition so again we just want to be able to know what what the city would be in support of what parks and wck had in their PL um to be able to see if we can help help accomplish that um oh another one was just being able to find the best ways to uh to utilize foot paths and trails to connect City amenities and again the Douglas Trail was the big one that was brought up um so connecting the uh to the Douglas Trail would not only bring in a connection to to the trail itself but it would give people an actual recreational way to get to Pine Island they'd be able to get to Rochester easier um it would actually also provide a safe way for children to be able to make it to school without taking the bus because they'd be able to ride their bikes all the way to school um and that does bring up the uh other Lo the other location we had kind of talked about which was trying to see if it's possible to put a walking path along one of the bridges crossing over Highway 52 um I don't have the information on that particular type of bridge I can't remember the name of it but they put it on the outside of the existing bridge and they just add the walkway and it would have a complete barrier from the highway but it would then connect both sides of the community which was something else that was was really spoken about a lot was just having a way to be able to connect the two sides together um so that would all be part of like a big trail plan that again we could we could get the funds to be able to to make happen so that's what I have for you all at the moment um just wondering if there's items that you guys have questions about or that you have a lot of support for or against so the the trail connecting the two parts or two sides of the city you the bridge it's an over yeah bridge that would go over kind of like some of the bridges that go over in Rochester or different it would be attached to the over paath so the existing bridge that goes over it would be attached to that like a because it would be something you can bike on you would it wouldn't have stairs or anything so would like are you even referring to over here just by um well both of them are you referring to both Bridges or just no I think the one that would work the best would be the one on the the northern portion the northern bridge I think would be the one we'd probably want to look at because the southern one it's much going on there yeah there's a lot happening there on off ramp there yeah yeah so you're just um proposing putting something to keep people safer Crossing that bridge y just to give pedestrians an option yeah y okay I like that did you mention the grant potential grant funding for oh yes um we did submit a grant to see if we can get some money to do the path in is it oral Park yes yes um that would connect the parking lot to the actual playground and the uh shelter um we're just waiting to hear back on that one um but that's actually a really great example of we knew that that was something that Parks had wanted to do at some point so when we saw the opportunity we were then able to try and apply for it if we don't get it we're not out anything but if we do get it then great where did you apply for that one that one was through the southern Minnesota initiative Foundation um there was a tailor rural improvements grant that they were managing that offered up to $25,000 uh with no match to to complete that trail goes from the shelter down to the playground or does it go from the parking lot to the shelter to the playground parking lot to shelter to playground yeah what park was that that was at or part since playground is right down next to the river basically the way to 8 down there yeah so that that's just one example of of us being able to just keep an eye out for because a lot of times when they release these Grant programs you have like 30 days to get it done and so being able to try and make it to multiple meetings to ask if we want to do it then eliminates the time that we would have to write it um and get done what we need to so that's another reason why we like to like to know a little bit ahead of time and kind of keep our eyes peeled so so what I've noticed recently is that the canoe launch that the DNR put in that's not very close to the water anymore is it I don't think it is anybody know I haven't been down there lately I think it's just DNR property just drifted in a lot it's all DNR property so Justin takes really good care of that tries to make that keep happening but I know in the past they had talked about doing some type at Alice Park where the two rivers come together originally there was supposed to be some type of a kayak assistance there like like to get your kayak out if you didn't want to go over the Rapids and I don't know that that's happened that would be kind of a dangerous place we get in and out it is yeah that would recommend in the first place like like they' almost I think they' talked about well there is a Sign by orinal park I think but that's a lot of land cover if you get your KY kayak out there but but yeah a lot of things to explore but I have seen the Alice Park's been super busy like every time I go down there check things out there's usually somebody on those rocks and you're saying that the the cages that are holding the Rocks aren't holding the Rocks well the I I'm not sure about the cages specifically but the actual walking path that gets you down to the water right you can see where all the water is washed away three4 of it and I mean when I tried go down there I tripped several times and I knew what I was doing um it's just it's just in incredibly poor condition but it's partially just because it is just sand it just run washes off can I think it's paved to the I don't know little porch I want to call it but not down to the water yeah but not down to the water yeah and then my other idea is when you were talking about access and whatnot a lot of people do use the West frage Road um to get down in there and right now you we have it blocked and maybe if we would consider some type of official parking there or something like I think tonight even there was someone parked on the bridge instead of before the bridge or whatever you know like you don't want to park on the bridge so I don't know those are just some of things I thought of when you were saying that going through that yeah absolutely just a quick comment so at Alis Park the path going down that will be recovered with rock that's being taken care of and over on the other side of of L Shady that will also be reconstructed not more rock added so it'll be accessible but right now we're the gate is there because we don't want vehicles on the lake because that's not what's meant to be for no no yeah and and that that place down there John do you guys when you do you guys mow anything in that one area that's accessible from the frontage road we have we have more some down there for Access for tracing water and stuff like that but okay it's it got so turned upside down after that last flood it's Al yeah what do you mean by tracing water ring wire for like water and S wire yes okay yeah yeah so you needed access to in that project okay all right um how how is the tennis court looking at River Park the tennis court looks okay the net is so the wire comes along the top is ripped so it's sagging below that okay um a little board down there that I guess people can practice against looked good um the border around the playground is is in need of repair right um it's getting pretty it's like starting to rot out pretty good so John do you think we need more money from somewhere else or do we have some money to although is this time of year the good time to do the net replacing the net or what happened with all that flood money that or did we get flood money to take care of River Park and I'm sorry I don't know if you want to listen to stuff no that's this is good information okay just yeah we did we did quite a bit of work down there already but it could it could use more we cut her on that uh problem with that tennis court is it was it's should have been 6 in higher probably than what it is okay that's so it's kind of silted in so we cut all around it as best we could to keep the water running off so it doesn't just pull up in the corners and and make a mess I uh I swept it all off and we washed it real good so for now it's kind of looking till we get some grass growing back in there it's looking well let's go as a kin for now and we just need the r amona rain for grass to grow we're not getting that so but would this be a time of year to replace a net or that'd be a spring thing to do because I think we leave how bad it is if it was Mel I would say maybe if you can wait it out till spring the weather put a new one out let it sit all winter and but I think we have left it in the past that's probably why one of the reasons but it's been a long time since replace it and I still have old so people at Memorial Park which is by tiles um residents around there are are hopeful for a basketball hoop somehow but I have no idea where we would put that can't really put it at the parking lot which would be tempting or can we you know pickle ball we heard a lot too yeah everybody wants pickle ball and so we have gotten lines drawn on the River Park ten court but it's still a tennis net right well since we're speaking of Memorial Park yes Memorial Park Pi a peek at the uh the sign over there Keith Couts donated a lot of nice time and energy and think he donated the materials and made that made that sign look pretty nice around it I know can we talk him into doing the one over here too plans for the one over over here do we have some plans for no one over here I've talked with K about some ideas for stuff okay so but that'll be a springtime project all right I'm trying to find the picture that I took from over here so I can share it with you guys yeah and things like basketball courts and those kinds of things we can reach out to the Timberwolves they have uh programs where they like to donate money because they get to do it as a tax write off so they're definitely programs that they'd like to do some donations so sure they're not pickable you know for some reason they stick with their own cuz I know like the twins have a huge program as well for baseball nice want to play baseball here we okay but but I mean that is my that's been my question is how do we get a basketball hoop at that park there you know like because I don't know that wow is that nice yeah that right really I don't know if you can share a parking spot in the basketball so that was Keith that did that Keith Co are we uh anybody I don't know is there any way we canate something to him or I don't know what I know it's a it's a donation from him to do that but I don't know least somehow reciprocate with him reciprocate with him I don't know how thank you card how often does that baseball field get used I mean you use it for t-ball yeah they're not hitting anything flying out to deep center field I mean can we put something El softball league that participates in it or nothing for adults absolutely nothing for adults so like inner mural leagues like summer leagues I'm sure people would our softball our softball field in town has a city shop on it that was the softball field there's a well looks like they need to reinvest some time in turning that into being able to use for more than just it's a nice field yeah you know I mean there's a there's a sand volleyball court out there can we put a could a basketball court go farther out you know I mean do they want just a half court or do they want a full court because were you saying that the basketball court is also a parking lot that was my fastest way to get pavement and a basketball okay and I don't know if that's legal it's certainly not safe hey you really don't want to mix those to and you can't not to mention if kids feel that they want to play basketball and there is a car parked there and the damage is done to the car yeah it becomes a city liability so so how many uses can you really have at one place that's the other thing um I think if you're going to have automo automo like automobiles on it that is all you get on it yeah exactly um I think if it's for cars then yes but um otherwise there are people that will do you know you can have basketball you can have volleyball I mean I guess you don't want to do volleyball on pavement but you could do basketball tennis pickle ball you could have everything all set up together and that's what they did at River Park but then it does limit the number of people able to utilize amenities throughout the community because if somebody's playing basketball then no one could play pickle ball and I don't know that that is ever a conflict is it I think so so if we could get something like that at Memorial Park somewhere so we got a s volleyball we got a playground we got playround there and we can do something in between here or here yeah John what do you think about between the swing set and the old or do we even keep that old train is it getting too old kids love it at tball I was gonna say we it if this is something that you guys would really like to do I would recommend you know oh keeping open for discussion in the coming months and start working on a plan work with Rebecca to say okay what do we actually want somebody sit down put together a design and go hey this is where we think we can go with this and put together all the information so that way she can start working on looking for funding and seeing what's available and it can be presented to council and start working over time to progress this because I do think there is opportunity there I don't know necessarily what because I haven't sat down and looked at what are our lines what are we doing and how would this all fit into it but I think those are the the next steps to be able to take to do that and I think that's a great opportunity for the parks Trails committee to start putting their foot out there is hey this is what we're here for these are things we're doing yeah if we were able to get kind of like an inventory of what's at each Park and maybe this needs to be replaced or updated or this is what we would like to add to that location that would be spectacular kind to have a laundry L list like that that you shared with us in April but like you said that was just a just fun thing but it would be something that we could work with um how how do you want to to present that to you you can send it to me in an email you can put it on scratch paper right and then either way right and yeah so I think that's one of the biggest things that I've been pushing for is to try to get um one one more thingal part so okay perfect anybody have anything else that if you end up if you read the report and you have any other questions about any of the other information that's in there my email addresses on there as well so please feel free to or call me or whatever works my business card is also up by the the front door do you have a regular schedule here at I am here on Thursdays um except for the third Thursday of the month because then I'm here on Tuesday because that's when our Eda meeting is held right I like it I like it nice okay but otherwise I'm usually sitting right in here every every Thursday for the day what all start at Riverwood Hills par something I down there so they used to have soccer down there the soccer net down there and I don't know if that would get vandalized or broke John is there one there anymore I think it gets moved around quite a bit actually okay for practice yeah yeah I don't know thanks rea certain places I know it was down by our shop for a while we moved it for gold R and that's that when it was out here for while just just one just yeah just huh a yeah but they're you know you can move them around and set them up wherever so so where where are they now got Riverwood Hills Park he said yeah I believe they're over there no they are down there okay have you seen the the little geocache thing at or oal Park did you look at it do you know anything about it okay I'll send you a note about it not many people know about that I don't think no probably not not much of a geocacher I guess but yeah um okay um let's see all right so I don't what what all happened in September for Parks was there anything city council you mean yeah was there anything for parks on City Council in September that's probably too long ago I don't know any and then um do we have a we have a park plant ordinance for developments in oropo somewhere where would that be F riding that I don't know the uh a 10% thing when they start when they started Riverwood Hills there was a 10% part fund 10% of what 10% of the the sale of the property or 10% of the land in L of or is 10% of the land or 10% the value of the property and the sale of each lot sell a lot for 79 Grand they get $7,900 into the park that was written in the all the development agreements or if was just in I thought but I thought I thought it was put into the city ordinances you know much about and so it probably was used to well I don't know I guess I could only speak to the river par Park was you know that was a a complete donation in Li of and I don't know what the cost I can't I don't have any remember but that was a that was already in place so as Parkland Dy Clark park it was yeah was that was the park that he had that was there hang out for family reunions and stuff Ryland do you know where we have Park plan ordinance for developments um not right off the top of my head look quick might find it online I know that that was that that uh plan was used when they uh did Riverwood Hills and sear Woodlands I don't know if that was executed when they Ed when they did uh River Park or not that part I couldn't tell you I it was in 2006 or something like that they did River Park wasn't it Kevin something like that yeah yeah but I mean know that land was even though it was park or Donnie's Park I mean it was land that he gave that that that that Jack had that gave to the gave to the city but he also paved the road down there and then some other things accessible for Park all right did you find something it's C 93 93 parks recreation has um operation management refuges on Park property definitions General regulations exemptions and hours are the categories maybe this is something that's in the zoning agreements when they in the zoning ordinance instead yes that sounds like it's reg City that sounds like that's more city code there that sounds more like that's like city code versus what might be put into a development agreement yeah this is just identif like I just mentioned this well maybe it doesn't exist that's something that the exercise need Riverwood Hills and Cedar Woodlands yeah that might be something so I know I know that every one of them subdivision or at least I can speak for River Park and then I think Cedar Woodlands was there was donated amount of Park land I don't know how it you maybe know a little bit better but I know that that in those developments were required a certain amount of Park land I think that's that's that's where some of the the uh the river trail come come from in then like in Cedar like in Cedar Woodlands that that River Trail runs along the river back in there that was part of that Parkland or green space no was considered Parkland even over River or over at Riverwood Hills I mean that that trail system was all designated and put into the put into the whole print of the of the division so that people that they were yards were going to back up to a yeah trail that was right that was right on the plat yeah I don't know if it worked that way of River Park or not because a lot of that stuff down along the river's been was destroyed it's is never going to be usable for a trail no not going behind houses or anything but exactly but they got the one that ties up to Cedar Wills which is some that was negotiated from was never going to be usable because it's destroyed from rivers and stuff like that so what what's the development called by that came here last time what's the newest development that they're trying to put through that's Linda King but I don't know what the development's called Cold Rush what is it 151 151 cold 151 151 288 is public sites and Open Spaces Parkland dead dedication that's what it me so in the pth par dedication depending on the number of Acres there's a percentage for Park line dedication or there's money collected from the subdivision that can be used in other parks and is that what's kind of happening with that newest one yeah River bid Estates yeah we we just collected some money Parkland dedication I don't remember $20,000 or whatever it was was you know and then and then the one that's still trying to go through is that what they're proposing too is to give money and put a trail that that money came to the city and we used to I'm not sure how we used to I don't remember but that's well no the the new one that they're trying to pass the new development what are they proposing Hamilton yeah they'll probably be probably proposing the money yeah right anybody have anything else about that right now just now it's clear where it's at right okay um I did find um bylaws and operating procedures for the oroo parks and trails committee that apparently was dated February of 2023 but um I'm just going to read it really fast and then we'll see if we want to make any changes but it says the purpose is the committee Works to to provide the city council and staff with assistance and advice regarding the development operation and Improvement of parks trails and natural areas within the city of oronoko the membership is hopeful but doesn't say that says the committee consists of seven orocal citizens they claim being appointed by the city council guess what I should just read this not add my words okay let me start over the committee consists of seven oron oal citizens appointed by the city council to threeyear terms and may be appointed for one additional term membership also includes two ex official members a council member and the City Maintenance supervisor ex official members are in every way members of the committee who actively attend and participate in discussions but do not vote on committee motions a quorum will consist of a majority of the members appointed by the council and a quorum is required to convene an official committee meeting motions may be passed by a vote of a majority of members present at the meeting meetings the committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 o'clock at the community center the committee may change the time date or location providing adequate notice is given to members into the city clerk officers the committee will elect a chair and vice chair at their January meeting who will serve in these offices for the upcoming year the vice chair's duties will include preparing and presenting minutes to the city court and it is expected that the vice chair will become the chair of the following year so okay now who did it say is not a voting member you said that ex official what's ex official what does that Define somebody like Lance who's been on the committee but is technically no longer on the committee trying not to be TR to be and and we don't have seven or noal citizens appointed right now um which is unfortunate considering our community is getting so big well Don's part of this right yeah that's true he not in state so yeah but Ryan he's not a citizen of or no he lives he lives Township Township so at any rate I don't know if there's anything that we want to do with this different I believe we've all been appointed by city council I know we made a big deal about having Kevin appointed this last time so that's exciting I don't know remember I was appointed too you you remember being appointed as well okay so anyway I just thought I'd share that with you and then there's another one from 2012 but I'm not going to read that one okay um John whoie have you heard anything about removing the cter what do we call it cter bean plant first I've heard of it tonight so where about right on the corner here it's got them pretty real pretty blossoms on top of it they're getting ready to drop seeds m maybe that's why it's still there it's really pretty somebody thought it was a flower they destroyed all the little F yeah sure pled in a planter exactly it was yeah we we weren't aware that it was a it's still there a citizen came like I'm gonna plant this here actually it's part of the money we appr appropriated I going to say it was done this wasn't it it's a gorgeous plan yeah I remember a friend of mineworkers gave me one of those no so I don't know there's there's that one there and then they're at Alice Park as well um I don't know what the safety measures would be to remove it just just don't get it on your face I don't know but anyway they're cool looking L on your steak no right and they they don't multiply like uh the other weeds right I think they would they would it drop dropping seeds we might have an issue so I get rid yeah we might have something at Alice Park now that they've been there a while yeah right how many years has it been down Alice Park just this year okay is a said okay okay somebody must done Pur yeah I was to say the Dawn Dawn bottom didn't you the bottom we put in that's great who who actually went not purchased the plants was it Don yeah okay yeah so don was not aware that that was what it was okay and Justin just brought up that we have what would you say five what three here and I think was there four at Alice maybe three Planters maybe we only had six okay six we were missing one weren't we can you how do you lose no no the water tanks we put inside you know that actually Wicks the water up oh got you okay um they recommend you remove them you know for winter gotta but I think Don had thought it would be okay to leave them in there I guess as long as they're dry well right now they're certainly probably dry but yeah um so that's something that we need to think about um like a bag it's a plastic bladder and there's a belt Wick that goes in and there's a a stand tube or stand pipe you can fill it with that's what it look like when we put them in how big around is the planter oh those are them they're them covert the ones that's out here I guess I'm looking find some kind of a cover put a rock on it cover the whole thing for the winter so that it doesn't sit there because I guess what you're probably thinking is if it fills with water then maybe it freezes and could probably crack the crack the thing so think just put a cover of some type over the D they are open on the bottom I was say they must be open on the bottom we had Roots I mean every time we dig down we yeah they're just never been covered before so this is what they look like in they do their R put them in the spring okay yeah that's a good question and that would that would be a that would be something that you me and Don would do or something don't you think City to mess um but any who so that was a good question so we'll look into that um how did the bluebird houses do all over the place uh we had a couple couple bluebirds most of mostly runs as usual yeah yeah you did find some yep nice going to go take him down here probably this weekend hopefully did you hear that John he's I just take him down I just so they don't sit out there and get beat up over the winter just put back up in the springtime nice so you feel like maybe only one one brw of we had one at Alice or sorry one at Garden and then I think there was two at orle how did they like it along that trail then the birds yeah the blue birds can get them before the runs send a note to tell you I know right yeah I talk to them I guess if they hang out they like it trying to PCH my place for a couple years right how is Garden Park looking is it it's basically Justin that takes care of the trails by the river right maybe by his canoe rental we mold Garden Park and take care of do you mow those Trails or don't they even need to be mow yeah we mow them occasionally yeah they don't really need to be mowed too much though because there's much here not much Leeds okay all right um this so I would say for the next time we come back I do want to um I make a motion to send a recommendation to Rebecca to go ahead and see what can be added to Memorial Park if you can get something out there that's similar to what's at River Park I mean like have her check for like grants and things grants and stuff but I don't know who would who would put the plan together to see where that would go and how much it would cost I think Kane has done that in the past you guys but we can do that somehow magically yeah what par were you talking about you said Garden Park um Memorial Park putting in like a tennis court pickleball court combo B basketball all that stuff I don't know and that would be good well is there another place around town that that can be used for t-ball that well I think the t-ball field is doing really good and and it still has ample parking um for that so then just adding something else over there would be interesting it'd be pretty simple to sketch up a map of a you know get a rough idea what you got for you know space at it how do you come with how much it would cost there's no fence can fence goes you should start off with putting together what do you guys want what do you want to see there two put it into a sketch on a map or whatever is to where you think youd want it three you start looking at okay how much does this kind of cost but with that also comes you're now bringing the first two you're giving that to Rebecca to say hey this is what we want this is kind of where we want it here's our idea this is why we want it and then she starts looking at Grants to help get that and can work with costs and things like that but the first step is really for as a committee to decide you know what do we want and where do we want it and put something drive down the grass you good idea Justin on where it could go yeah I mean what were you thinking about kind of something similar that we have over in River Park with the tennis court you know it's kind of three in one basketball court tennis court pickle ball court I mean does that does the sand volb even does it get used much upset people if we doesn't have a net right now so yeah there no net right now and that's something to consider too is the part is it being utilized the other areas of the park isn't there a playground there there's the volleyball is it being utilized there's no next to make it worthwhile to keep those those facilities there you know got rid of a volleyball a basketball court pickleball court tennis court right one I think would get used more does the playground get used sufficiently enough to I know it does during t-all I don't know about other times it's it's a very small kid friendly playround it is that's the one thing when we redid All The Parks we went after that for that that very reason and it I mean it's it's still I mean I mean if you try to replace it now it's but it's you got to have you know that's the other thing we felt way back then is you got to have something for the little thing it is is youth is everybody's future yeah You Without Youth you don't have anything yeah I think we could work something out out you know where that vollyball court is yeah it do if it hasn't had a net all well no it's had one just recently took the sand so Sand's got well try to pluck the weeds as much as we can it's got more Wheats and sand at this point I think so time of here I would say Mark's putting up some volleyball nets behind Tilles they can play over there if they want usually where volleyball ends up doing anyway right right so I will I I will say something on that with the Memorial Park um so I've looked at it a few times since I've been here trying to figure out best uses for some of our Park stuff and I've talked with Park staff as well for some of these things but that park I think is very underutilized I think has a lot of potential um one of the things I wanted to do this year was get budget for lighting to put out there at the park and by lighting two light poles that cover the field big LED lights things like that um I went out and got some quot from a company um not in the budget this year to be able to do it however after Rebecca mentioned it tonight went talked with her sounds like there may be opportunities from professional teams to get that kind of funding um so that is an option the reason I was looking at adding lighting out there is because it does add so much more that can be done all throughout the year where you have t-ball you have nighttime activities where adults can do softball league um you can use it to help lighten up even in the evening times the winter time we can move ice from over here the ice skating rink to out onto the ball field have a bigger area have it lit it can go into the evening hours and provide more opportunity for families to come out and ice skate in town um so there's a lot of purposes with that um I haven't brought anything before anybody yet because I'm still trying to gather stuff and was trying to see where we were going to end up with the budget and all that other um so that is something I'm working on on the back end just so you guys are aware and I think that would help provide if we got a new facility for basketball and Vol or not pick a ball tennis stuff like that having that lighting as an option would be able to help you have that Park utilized later into the evening as well so I think there's a lot of cool stuff that can be done there but it's there even if there's a you know put a basketball court tennis court whatever if that would be a potential place for a you know ice skating rink again kind of like Al Community Center that's what they do at P Island I'm looking at lighting you could also check the co they got they got huge LED lights now that light up a lot of areas oh yeah this is this is a company that has a great program the one that I've got so far and it's it's expensive but it's still not you know it's it's they come in do everything it's TurnKey ready and it's less than $100,000 um and the lighting is phenomenal and it's got 10e warranty and all this other stuff from their company so you know that's just again just starting to look at this stuff but I think the one that's there wasn't the one that we put in last year donated from people's Co-op I haven't even really looked to tell you the truth was that light there're more just for security purposes I guess you know something we want to check is what the neighborhood's going to think about if we start lighting up that area like that you know well it would be no different than any other like quiet hours or things like that you'd set it and it's part of the community every city has hours parts are lit up until a certain time that that's just the way it goes it's something provide for the community off at like 10 or something yep they'd be on a you can set them to automatic timers you can do whatever they'd be shut off at a certain time you know certain day you run them until whenever and and you're done so you know but that's that's down the road where you would have that kind of stuff put into place and and all that but you know it's one of those things where the benefits of it outweigh that inconvenience by any means because like I said they're usually shut off by 9 10 o'clock and that's when most quiet or curfew hours are in cities anyways so it aligns with all that so there's usually not an issue with those I think the bigger issues come from noise yeah that's where people get the most complaints is but again all those quiet hours you're done it certain time and it falls within off on them yeah yeah so at this time we're really only prepared to say let's look into it or something get some Dimensions to see if that even you know if that would fit a full size you know well tennis court well the the volb Court's not getting used much maybe that's the option for the footprint is going to be bigger than the volleyball court I just hope that it would fit in that land that is over there oh it would okay I think I think by looking at your what Your that picture you showing there probably would basketball what do you do like a little Facebook survey or something or he's got he's got a map of it you guys this is you guys discuss you guys are the representatives for the city right like this is that's why you guys are in the spot is to kind of help come up with ideas and you know like she said she had her her information brought before that the you know the city wants in the survey survey stuff's already been done there's a want and a need for these kind of activities so now it's kind of on parks to go okay well how can we help from that end make that become a reality right so and at this time we wouldn't have enough to bring to council to say that looking into it no you're just you're doing the the baby step stuff first you're bringing things together and and doing all this and you know once you have the proposal and the idea and everything packaged together that's when it gets brought forward and presented we just in the the baby does is anyone interested in working on that really hard by November anybody on like what working on exactly what figuring out where a tennis like that would work at Memorial yeah I can run over and just kind of feel like you've already got it that I'm just looking at comparing comparing the size from the phone I like it map here was that was that a Google Earth map this is yeah I I'm just using my standard one it's on my phone but there's I do have Google Maps on here too you can usually might do it on my right I like it all right so how about you and I work on getting that to happen for November okay and then we have to figure out so when we start changing the date does the last Monday in October seem better than obviously Veterans Day or our Wednesday night's okay what do we want to do so we can meet again in about a month s that W's been good I'm not sure yep there's nothing on the calendar Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday what when month day are you looking at November you're looking at Tuesday's the 5th Wednesday's the 6th and Thursdays the 7th that first week November work better for anybody do do Wednesdays work for anybody or make it I mean I it's just an idea she brought it up we know now I can definitely make plans that's not a big problem okay I me the six is fine with me so you're saying that you don't see anything on the six nothing on our calendar okay all right I make a motion to have our next meeting on Wednesday November 6 I'll second okay all those in favor say I same sign motion carries all right um Jason do you want me to email or something about that that we've changed it yeah just so she can is Rene the one that does the calendar or Mary Mary Mary okay so I'll let Mary know to change that on our calendar we're going still sticking with seven s o'clock yeah is that okay that's that little train all right um so we will have our meeting the day after the big day anyway so so um I make a motion to adjourn all right oh that's right I don't have to write that all right thanks everybody for being here