##VIDEO ID:ZEFUH7h9jLQ## all right this is our director Water and Sewer meeting it's November 12th so we have a full committee so that's great to see thanks for everybody coming so we have a [Music] agenda make a motion we approve the agenda is there a second I'll second oh I'm sorry yeah yeah okay all right and on approval of the September 12th should be instead of October 8th we had we didn't have a quorum for the October 8th meeting so September 12th is what's in your packet so make a motion for that yeah it shows 10 on the top of the okay yes yeah September 10th not I'll make a motion to approve second any changes or Corrections seeing none all those in favor signif by saying I all right first item on our agenda is a Robert M would like to speak with us um about his restoration complaint the ponding water Turf restoration of lawn of drainage Channel Through the property so stand up yeah please stand up yeah hi I'm Robert and uh I live at 810 Second Avenue Southeast and uh I've been dealing with this since September a couple years ago and basically uh a lot of the issues have been resolved okay I've been working with Joe and uh fitzgeralds but uh like on September 1st two years ago the fish Geralds went through my yard and you know instead of having that uh uh pipeline right away they went well beyond they went 40 ft near my property line going to the other people's property and then almost 60 ft furnish on the uh um roadway okay and basically um I was talking to or I email uh Mr Palin about these issues and uh he said that the restoration of the yard will be taken care of next spring which I understand it's getting cold now but what my concern is the pooling uh when they went through my yard they made a ditch basically they had the I had the water going around the natural flow of the concour of my property but they just did a straight ditch because they said they received a complaint from my neighbor but I talked to the neighbor and he never complained about it according to him but uh I just want to make sure that I won't have these issues with the pooling of water I know Joe wrote me that the land is kind of flat right now but that's because they came in and they were Excavating they were moving the Bobcat all around my yard I could show you pictures where uh the different height where I at a flag pole or at the fence line uh where you know there was about this much difference in the height of the dirt that was removed so I just want to make sure that I get hood on the punch list and that these issues are taken care of uh because you know they did some work while I was gone when I got back I could see the strip where they did some work but it's nowhere near and I took pictures of the pooling places and they're still pooling in the areas that I identified so uh the yard uh the lawn uh because of not really having grass seed thrown down or as they may say the erosion from the grass uh or the the runoff wash the grass seed away which I concur but I seated the yard where they did a lot of the work uh two years ago oh a year ago September during that time and I got the grass growing but I have a lot of uh weeds in the yard and Mr Palin said that they did throw weed uh killer out there but the area that they're working on it looks like maybe about 20 ft but I got a whole area there that's over 40t and on the furnit about 60 feet so I just like to be made I would like to ensure that I get put on the punch list I think you called it that these issues will be taken care of because uh I've m a lot yard and I go through that yard and because of the pooling my Mor gets stuck and I have to push it out so I didn't mow that area for a period of time and you know it really looks really bad so okay but I just want to go on the record that I I would like this stuff taken care of as the contract stated is this that natural kind of drainage area that low spot right at the the bottom there yeah it goes there where they put the concrete and it used to go into our yard and then curve to the left and then curve to the right and uh now I got two areas because of the where where they made the dish but then they put dirt in to make the curve back there uh it pulls right off the roadway and pulls near the fence line so oh so you seen the yeah yeah I drive that way so yeah yeah I know that that area gets a lot of water during the spring fall and all that stuff but uh even like with the light rain that we had the other day I had pool pooling out there and you know I'm afraid to take my laama through there because I thatched the yard the other day and all that stuff and know it's a hassle where I can't maintain the yard because of these low areas where the water pulls but uh I just like to get reassurance that this will be put on the punch list be taken care of and the area that they need to work on is that 40 foot area and it goes up to 60 feet around the uh fren part of the road okay looking you seen pictures of it yourself I know that they done the work but if they would have done it right the first couple times they didn't I wouldn't be here complaining so not complaining it's expressing my concerns and I know Joe said that they would take care of the grass but I asked him about the Waterway as he referred to it because in his email back to me he says he's done with it so I said as representative are you saying that you're not really going to live up to the contract and he just said rest ass sure that we will restore part of it but I sent another email asking is that including the what you refer to as the water way so but I never got a response on that one Robert I think there's some confusion about my responses and the contractor's responses I copied the contractor on that response uh Luke tends to respond to emails when it comes from his email it's not coming from me it's not coming from you he's not a city employee he's not a city representative he is the city contractor right we are different parties um one contracts with the other to do work okay responsible to do the work so when he responds he responds unprofessionally at times he's a contractor um you should ignore that I was copying him on the emails for his awareness of the situation okay the only reason I thought it was you is because on the email that's for to me as your name on it under what I say is my signature my you know and it comes from my my email address not Luke's okay that's why I was saying that that's maybe your part of your source of confusion but just like I said in my email I'm aware of the issue the contractor's been out there uh they'll continue to have to be out there until the issues are addressed um and and it complies with the contract requirements and I'm the person that administers that for the city and so I will continue to talk to Luke regardless of what he says in an email um the correspondence really should go back and forth between the resident you and the city whether that be me or Jason or Kane well I know when you respond to me you copy forward like there was three other people because when I send my email to you I said send it to you to Jason now as the city administrator and the Luke and then there was another person on there but I guess she might have left or something like that so uh I deleted her from the list the only reason I'm the confusion is because the email says your name on it so but if Luke is using your email he's not using my email it's just a it's an email chain and so my contact information is below Luke's response he'll just respond on his phone and so he doesn't have a signature he doesn't have those types of things but you got to look at the email address and where the email comes from it didn't come from me it says you up on there so but I don't know I mean I got them right here I mean but you know I it's a m point I don't want to you know havep the meeting all I wanted is to get it done right and I'm getting ready to take off for Florida as it's too cold up here and uh so I think it's agreeable that it will be on the punch this is on the punch it is okay so that's when we'll take a look at it I guess couple questions when it does pool how long does the water stay there doesn't it drain away though the one near the fence line it might go away uh like five six hours it depends how heavy the rain is the other one uh with the light rain the other day was out there for maybe a day okay okay I just want to get an idea for the the pooling and how that impact your lawn Mo and having to mow through those areas when it's wet versus waiting I guess that's well I I got pictures of it and all that stuff F from the other day where there's two pools uh on opposite side of that strip where they put the uh grass in okay they have like a a rope mesh down and all that so and that's growing good because I've been watering the yard and all that stuff trying to get the yard to grow back but so just and this is this drainage issue drainage is different now than it was before the project started yeah because what I was told that a ditch is a straight line it makes the water flow much straighter that's why they wait a minute so just for clarification so the the contractor tried to straighten out the ditch and uh they've been out there half a dozen times regrading the ditch and so um Robert had indicated that you know he wanted some Curves in the ditch to more mimic the way it used to be rather than a more of a straight linear ditch and so the contractor came back again and again and again and I think we've got the ditch where you I think they've been there well half a dozen times or better no not half dozen time I don't agree with that but I mean you all you could say they have and I say they haven't I haven't been there all the time but when I got back this time because we did some correspondence I got back I saw what they did and I looked I said this ain't going to take care of it because it's still low I mean because I got a low spot here then goes up and then down and round so I got videos of it too from like four years ago when Brady took pictures of the water running so so my question though Joe was in that particular area do the drawings call out a specific grading profile or does it say to restore to to restore it to preconstruction condition okay so if it didn't pull before and it does pull now that's a concern that the contractor should be responsible for resolving that is why it's on the punch list okay all right well like when they finished the initial installation of the sewage line and the water line you know it was okay that was in July and then September 1st they came in there and they took out my yard so and that's when I started dealing first with sunny came down here with Joe and all that stuff and no reflection on Joe but I just want to make sure everything's done because like uh uh sometimes I felt there was more of an a stereo type thing between us and all that kind of stuff and I don't want to do that all I want is the yard to look like it was before it's not going to look like it was before because the grass I had different types of grass and it was all that way but uh now with the blue grass and all that kind of stuff and uh all that stuff I could live with it I mean because it's grass but I just don't want the well there's there's a lot of restoration going on in town yeah obviously the grass isn't going to be perfect the first six months or maybe next year or a year after it'll take a while so yeah I I just want to make sure it gets done and I I know it's going it'll be like going on three years since the project started so I wasn't sure how far they are and like if they're going to be finished now and you no there's there's um there's a warranty period that they will come back just like any contractor that does work for the city there's usually 12 months warranty and with the work they do so there is a punch list that started and uh that list will continue and and having the contractor come back to meet it to uh expectations that's still the issue so we'll work on it next Spring right and if they want to check and all that stuff they could dump water in my yard to see if it's still pulling but I think they're going to have to add dirt I mean because they removed dirt in my opinion I mean because sure I can see theine and then it that guy said it's like 3% or something like that the first guy that came out but I appreciate your time and dirt settles a lot too so that's the other issue all the stuff so okay well just to know I'm on the punch list and all that kind of stuff and you know there's only two issues left so all right thank for your time thanks for coming thank in rough terms Joe how much of the punch LIF punch list is restoration works of it so significant well yeah I mean that is the really the issue the biggest issue is punchless work you know pipes in the ground manholes are addressed by and large most things are done there are some miscellaneous things that are still getting done or need to get done but the restoration pieces the grading and restoration pieces um the biggest biggest item and there are you know 10 spots throughout town that need some attention for sure and the corridor that he lives in it's definitely one of them his neighbor immediately Downstream has issues too um there's quite a lot of drainage there's over a thousand acres that drains through that area and uh the contractors put in some effort they're not perfect for sure nobody is um but they have been putting an effort and trying to to get it to go um take some time and I think they're um in this spot specifically I mean they've been back six eight times and they're pulling out their hair as you might have gathered from some of the correspondents that the contractor send them back about I know they're just frustrated there's another restoration item that came up over by Lift Station 3 path going down to lift station Riverwood Park or Riverwood Hills Park um there's been pooling in that water so that's on the punch list as well um so and that one is just it was concrete now it's it's asphalt but it's pooling there where it didn't before so that's the same issue it was never concrete was just dirt gravel I thought was wasn't wasn't well I don't remember seeing it I thought it was that gravel used to wash down the ditch and the neighbor got mad was upset about that that would be too but that's that's okay the issue that's the spot and so they did come back and regrade that um we'll still have to take another look at that see if that can be corrected with grave grading or what needs to be done there any closer but no there was one time in there when this fall you know was so dry all the time it just like me I got my stuff worked down I got seated and we got that 3-in rain and she's all gone yeah so I did it over again now that had it all done and that time we only got an inch but it come just like that and it was all gone again so I'm still working on it I only got a little grass on it here and there but it's com you can't keep up with it so it's the same all over reality is it it's a kind of an exercise in patience it takes time and it takes attention and you know it takes a little good luck because you got to get decent weather to cooperate when you've got the seed in the ground I think it's important too so if I heard you correctly Joe generally speaking residents should be dealing with either Kane or yourself right or or city administrator not the contractor right and I know for example when I had my issue um which is I understand still on the punch list um you know it was it was me and the contractor and and we don't have any as residents any leverage or or really you don't want us directing the contractor's work right because it isn't part of the contract well they they typically don't respond real well though right you don't pay bill right yeah and so I think making sure that residents understand that the chain of communication should be to someone paid by the city and then but I do like to respond and sometimes I'll copy the resident like I did with Robert just so he sees that you know there is correspondents going back through the contractor directing him to correct the issue and that you know their emails and comments don't just go into a black box and we say yeah yeah yeah fix it or have the contractor fix it you know that it's trying to trying to be transparent with people and um at the same time explaining not making excuses for the contractor because I'm not but it does take [Music] time is that punch list something the committee should be aware of or as far as an agenda item December or January just U because we may get comments too I any I I guess that would be unusual okay for the city to kind of manage to the level of reviewing pun and those types of things um I would tend to not do that okay and I'm not saying to manage them I guess just the awareness of where they are we can talk about that L I understand what you're saying all right treatment facility any other comments we'll continue on the agenda Jo you want to comment on the stop status uh no pay request for stop this month um second item is a change order did you by chance bring copies of the change order did not I did not either I have one copy there areop two I anybody that wants to look at it it's here um stuff we've been talking about yeah there are two items on the change order both items we've been talking about for long time uh one item is the lab lab testing equipment you know the council authorized that we've got to um essentially pay that through the contract um where we have a allowance for lab testing equipment that purchase put us over the allowance by about uh $958 so um in order be able to pay the contractor for that we need to increase that allowance amount over 50,000 to know 59,000 $118 so that's what we're we're doing with that and then the other item is those [Music] um uh pumps in the spr that were under sized there one pump in each Bay that pumps uh Sledge to the digester and we found out and we initiated operation that those pumps didn't perform at all head levels so uh the contractor agreed to replace them or change them out or upgrade those but uh we're essentially paying for the cost to upgrade the facility over and above what's there so they take out what's there and uh charge us for the upgrade but that cost is about $7,350 um we've talked about that before and in fact the pumps are supposed to be the four pumps are supposed to be delivered this week you haven't seen them yet um Jason said he thought they would still be coming this week um so that's really what the change order is the change order total is 26,8 $68 um that is the last change order that I would expect uh for the wastewater treatment facility um in total we had on the 20 20 almost $21 million we had a total of 200 and with this change order $227,000 change orders um had to remember that we had budgeted 2 and a half% we're under that for this and well under that for um Fitzgerald's contracts too so this change order is to kind of formalize the process so we can ultimately make payment for those four pumps um as well as the uh testing equipment that we talked about so again it's paperwork process that needs to be executed so we can ultimately make payment um Joe just a note here the description and the list at the bottom don't match Item B and the list is an MCC bucket oh sakes okay just a clal thing the hold over from a previous change order I mustn't have changed but I will change that and I I'll ask stop to resign it avoid any confusion with the PCA because it's got to go there next like after the council approves it of course and it goes to the PFA and mpca I will get that to catch you sent that to the Jason in the packet the other way change order uh I did I did so he you have the signed copies of this I will get that typo fixed but yeah all right outstanding issues uh outstanding issues kind of um an update on the miscellaneous things we've been waiting for the switch gear uh one of two panels of the switch gear has been delivered we're trying to confirm when the second is uh coming we've been trying to or the contractors been trying to confirm that over the last two weeks and we still don't know unless you know something different that's what I know uh based on uh Jason's most recent update from stab um automatic systems been out and they have pretty much done everything that they need to do uh until the switch gear is installed and they have some additional programming and coordination work to do um Valor was out and they did uh complete most of the items on their ISS on their list I think they have one item that that um they did replace a motor but um they traced the issue back to the electrical panel and of course Kilmer will have to fix that and they' like to fix that when they're here to install a switch gear so um that'll get done um but they did make progress on getting their stuff done uh the way sludge pumps we talked about hopefully being in um in being delivered this week yet um we had hoped to get them last month but there was some shipping delays uh that delayed their arrival um and then the tree Replacements uh there're four dead trees out there that they did replace uh and they's still working on the signage for the perimeter fencing that should should be coming they replaced the have to replace the they did replace them last week um I think that's the update on that any items we want to talk about there were there hydrogen sulfide alarms Kane was it we talking about that in the pre some issues that need to be fine-tuned I'm just curious if I'm assuming that Valor had a like a balancing testing and balancing report that just verified that the ventilation systems were had the appropriate air flows and everything was working right I thought that they did do that type of commissioning work already but I I don't know for sure I have to ask Jeff we'll have to follow up with the test and balancing report as well as the uh the current operation of the HV controls that's been there's no status right now on the controls right now so they're just running but no status okay something Joe figure out I'm on it man logic thank you okay did you guys vote to rec commend the change order do you need to do that for the change order for the council uh no we should make a motion to recommend yeah a good point catch I make a motion we recommend the approval of change order number five for $ 26,8 68 second I'll second a motion thank you any other comments all those in favor second by saying I approved uh people service um I don't know don't think I have enough copy of reports this is one is dated October 7th um we would have looked at it the October meeting by one for October that's usually dated early November if you Kane yeah we got it got it's September one this is the a oh the September report we received it yesterday oh okay that's okay do you have it Ryland no I I don't I didn't get it I guess you could read off my email if you'd like to um yeah I can real quick all included with the this first page is kind of the first page Wastewater operation maintenance monthly DMR was completed and sent to State all weekly samples were collected and sent into the lab all daily tests and paperwork were completed for the month all monthly orders and plant maintenance were completed met with state to go over the erosion control on the banks of the river on September 17th at the beginning of the month we were still getting very good total in hydrogen numbers and they jumped up the week of September 16th and continued to get worse in the following weeks it took a while to figure out what was causing it discovered that the plant decant valves were left open from initial completion of the holding tanks the Sol were we were wasting we coming back into our s spr tank we corrected the issue but due to the amount that got into the S spr over the few weeks it's still it is something that is going to take a while to work its way back out of the system had Minnesota pump along with electric pump out at the pump to fix a mixer and the reclaim pump that's Bank to make sure okay so still um finding the little gotas I do have one comment I didn't have I got this over the weekend I did get a memo from P um asking by for the contract the 2 and a half% increase on chemical costs um it'll be in the council packet for the council to look at those of3 $400 from the council expenditure so I should have made copies of I had two copies and I was supposed to sign but we need to have go to the council for approval first for their awareness and um I'll include that with the U meeting minutes so that's all I have for peoples us Kan you have anything else uh just before we leave the the trend the um treatment plant the open house went very well for those that were able to make it out there it was a nice day had a good crowd people that came there um Mark Hansen who was on Stant Tech Engineers that worked on a first he came from New Al um Senator sjin was here um a lot of contractor people were there some people didn't recognize or representes from the company so overall FKS a few folks from the PCA I think were there as well um and kind of some surrounding Public Works departments I saw one other City administrator there from Z several uh City administrators emailed me said they couldn't make it but I they want to see they still want to stop out sometime we Kane and have a tour of the facility as well so we may it I haven't heard anything yet but we make get some inquiries but um but it was it was really good good day so all right um f jald no pay requests proba same until next spring actually we'll probably have one next month they did do some electrical work at Riverbend Estates here this month and so we'll have to pay him for that okay be a small pay request but and then uh we might actually have a pay request here depending on when that switch gear goes in um for stop in the next month or so okay in terms of the contract updates we kind of talked about Turf restoration um both Ellingson and Fitzgerald had done some um fine grading and overseeding this fall um at this point and over the last really last month they um were outside the seed dates so typically they don't do anything but dormant seating and we're not quite to the point where they might would even consider dormant seating so um their plan I think is to wait till next spring and hopefully get some snow and rain and see what happens and then address issues that are deficient at that point as I noted um contractor was at riverb Estates and um the electrical contractor was at the lift station Riverbend uh they had the uh dialer to install along with um the generator receptacle I think both of those items got completed I came assisted with both of those um um air vacuum relase manhole uh training and leak leakage issue we've been having some issues with um air relase manholes and we've been working with the contractor and the supplier to um replace some existing seats in those uh valves uh we got what three two of them or three of them mailed to us finally and uh the other ones are supposed to be on back order uh trying to go back and forth and work that through with the contractors like pulling teeth but we're making some progress I think [Music] um and we're still trying to coordinate a training that they're supposed to provide us I think you responded to that today actually yeah so um see if we can make some progress on that um and then discussion of smell at lift station one I don't really I don't know if there's been additional mainly because people are outside now so we probably won't hear anything until next spring if they end at all no news is good news that's right they got our number but we haven't heard anything um same thing with one up on Third Street Southeast yes I just got some more uh absorption pucks that we going to be installing in Third Street okay did we put some over Tilles too we did you did okay all right good so it'll be on your punch list to check every once in a while yep repl all right anything else with f Gerald um separate from the project but I saw um River Park Place Southeast open sewer what did we what what happened uh incident this weekend was like yeah you want explain what happened there what you found I guess I know what happened but so yeah homeowner home owners had a back up inside the house they contacted jedar clean to come out and Jet the line jeder clean found that 70 ft away from the basement near the road the edge of the pavement uh the pipe was crushed uh I was contacted yesterday morning the lateral the lateral or the main the service the lateral yeah so I was contacted we're going to kind of talk about some of this real quick here but I was contacted I made the call that it was in the right of way we should take care of it uh goer septic was able to come out after the emergency locate was called in and they were able to fix it of course uh Jen clean was able to pinpoint where the Crush Was so when gopher showed up they had to hand dig around to the gas main that was right on top of the the lateral sewer and that's when they found that the gas M had burst through the sewer line so years ago eight years ago they built this house the gas was in the electric was in and then the sewer was put in afterwards I presume right right all the utilities are in and then houses get developed so for 8 years it worked with being busted so they shouldn't have been paying Jack all those years we won't go there okay so so anyway with that we should have some clear language in the city's ordinance to say Where's the homeowner's responsibility and where is the city's responsibility uh there's no curb stops nope it's a gravity line so there's no curb stops and uh this is this is a new to the city a sewer service SE utility so discussing some of these things and having a plan of where that start and stop is some towns the city uh only takes care of the main some towns they take care of a portion of it it's no right or wrong answer but we just need to have an answer a clear answer we can tell the homeowners in this instance it's clear to me that this is the gas company's responsibility to pay the bill for the repair so the city neither the city or the property owner should pay for this and the city's ordinance utility ordinance does address who whose responsibility it is I read it today it's kind of difficult to understand so might want to take a look at that and you know maybe other people think it's clear as a bell but I don't so so you have good photos documentation i' I've got a photo from goer there was another emergency yesterday with another on the west side of town with a grinder station uh and that was the gravity line from the house to the grinder and kind of uh same kind of thing where does the responsibility who owns what who's responsible for it so like with our water utility the city's responsible from the main up to the curb stop from the curb stop into the private property it's the homeowner so what makes sense is if sewer was identical to that right but then again it would make sense too if sewer was the homeowner's responsibility all the way to the main some towns do that Dylan I don't know if you're familiar with Rochester you know I think generally speaking the lateral is the homeowner the main is the city and if it's at the connection well then I I guess you review it and that's what I would typically recommend not not everybody does it that way but it makes sense to me because that lateral only benefits one person or one entity and that's the property owner right and I think the lateral is usually put in like in new construction by the contractor and so that that connection Point falls on the homeowner who's paying the contractor uh grinder station City funds paid for the grinder station but nothing connected to it I think right well we connected to the gravity pipe up till you know um 5 to 10 feet from the house wherever we could reasonably connect to it and so from that point where that clean out is to the house that is really the property owners you know we can't go into the house we aren't really supposed to work within 5T of the house um there's a cleanout that kind is the delineator okay I would think yes and the electrical service is completely the homeowners yes right good from the trans up to the disconnect up to the electrical disconnect outside the house yeah okay from the disconnect to the control panel I think that was all done by the project so yesterday this west side sewer problem there was no uh cleanout installed at that connection an odity but they're all odd they're all unique they're all very unique some have tanks in front tanks in back tanks close to the house so really they're all unique in a sense so typically if if we got called to a grinder station somebody called and said hey I'm backed up in the basement I would go out to the grinder I'd manually run the grinder I'd say the grinder runs we're good the city's good you've got a backup between your house and the grinder and I suppose we could check the cleanout if there was a cleanout installed or they connect to the gravity sewer we could run a a snake down that or a camera and verify hey from here to the grinder it's it's clear but from here back to the house the old existing pipe that was not touched maybe you got to dip in the pipe maybe you got a crushed pipe or bad connection or if they're flushing gallons of bacon grease down and is too yes baby wipes that happened a year ago I think log drain in the house yeah it started up be the grinder problem but as it turns out it was in the house grinder the private line so even if the clog were to happen that belongs to us I mean the clog still isn't our responsibility so that would be something that would normally fall back on the homeowner so two different situations yesterday kind of two different scenarios and of course the city still does not have an on call plan how we're going to handle this so when I get called on my day off I'm picking up the phone because I don't want this to turn into a bigger problem you know what I just I'm just dealing with it I'm just rolling with it but just addressing these issues before they become larger issues and we need to be tell the the homeowner where it's their responsibility versus us right now we just it's not clear sometimes you don't know that until you dig the hole what's that sometimes you don't know until you dig the hole and you find a gas line yeah so a lot of times it's everybody's responsibility until you can figure out okay not you not you not you you're the only guy left yeah so so um I guess takeway from the conversation is that our ordinance reviews ordinance review and and defined and clearly talked about for better defined than what it is already so is that something Kane you and i' look at or how do you see this working out or like Joe said he read through the ordinance today and it's not very clear it's not an easy read uh I wish that could be simplified but I'm sure there's reason behind some of that language I'm Jason I guess I'd lean on Jason and the legal team to support we've talked in depth about this over the last couple days and you know and even before that if there's there's a lot of stuff that needs to be cleaned up with the ordinance and yeah but it's one something I told K you want to get this on your guys's radar now so you can start having this discussion so we can start moving this forward because even from the point of this resident brought in called in like the name of the company anyways to do this scoping to figure out what was going on who does that fall on to you know can I have this back and forth today and I feel it's the resident you know you're the homeowner it's something inside your house that's your responsibility you're taking care of it ultimately yes it led to where it led to today but you know when we're fixed get the pipe fixed and all that stuff but there's things like that even the little little things that weren't thought of the beginning of this project we need to make sure clearly defined for the residents and for the the city going forward so that way we know how to best handle situations and direct the residents as to you know proper steps to take so what you say been talk about you had conversations with Mike about it or his staff got that far just K and I have been talking just trying to work through some things and figure out what we need to do next so okay so I know within the city of Rochester a lot of the the calls from home owner homeowners do come through a a plumbing contractor homeowner sees Wastewater in the basement they call a plumber plumber comes out does their thing discovers that there's a blockage in the main or some other place and then typically most plumbers will have the the on call C Rochester number and they'll get a hold of somebody and and call in a collection system person to come and help sort out what the issue is um but fair number of those those processes do involve private plumbers and drain cleaners and things because that's homeowner flips open the Yellow Pages and it's a lot easier to get somebody out there like that than to call you know 1800 City Hall and on a weekend when there's nobody working you know no yeah so nor do I think we should be going into people's houses and try and solve this stuff either I mean that's a extra liability on the city so usually I think they they let up the city guys come out they'll let them start opening manholes yeah find out if we've got blockages in the city part of the collection system or if it's just the homeowners okay make sure there's some followup on our follow agendas keep that going not gonna go away so don't K you Derek right yeah yeah I mean he's the guy yeah yeah I I need a Derek yeah I need a couple Derek that's what I need all right um I think that's it for Fitzgerald I just want to I want to Circle back to this punch list from our earlier discussion and I think too that I guess from a committee's perspective or at least my perspective and other people but I think that's you know we uh it's between you and the contractor to make those things resolve and and uh you probably don't want seven more opinions on how it should be done so it' be better just to you know we would put that resp responsibility into your relationship with the contractor you represent the city so really see a reason to bring it back to us and unless a resident appears in front of us then we can probably have some background but yeah that's normally that one we'll take that direction um last item is carry over regarding penalty for failure to secure secure sewer water connection permit prior to commencing work um any feedback from your discussion yet or so this just happened on Friday Friday beautiful day out contractors are trying to get work done people are trying to get hooked up and this happened on Friday uh somebody got a water line dug in without permit and it put it put me and my staff in a situation do we allow this do we tell them to say no you can't do this you know what it just puts us in a situation obviously we want to see people get connected we don't want to be the reason they didn't get connected or it froze up the next day and they weren't able to and so of course this resident they did not have water their well pump went out so kind of an emergency but I walked and through step by step two weeks previous on what needed to be done City Hall permit contractors contacting City staff and getting the proper steps for a a trouble-free installation well none of those steps were followed it was just skip over all that we're going to hire a contractor to do this so it happens it's happened before this and so I don't know if we can add an extra hundred bucks or to the permit I I don't know if that's the answer there's consequences for the actions and so is it like they just blatantly didn't want to do it or just forgot to do it I w't answer that like you say we we deal with this city hall we we deal with this I know some uh we had another uh permit come in that they never filled out the plumber it was just uh such and such investment regroup no plumber no contractor nothing and they received it permanent so when all this work was happening exterior and interior and then they call for inspections and say the water meter is installed vertically right well that's a no no you can't do that so I have to call them back and then it's it's this back and forth now I'm at the house for a reinspection and you know if they would have just filled out their permit completely to begin with but I don't know people are trying to get away with things I don't understand why they're not filling out the permit and of course we're we're easygo here we want to see people get connected but then it puts us in these situations where we're making return trips and return inspections and it's taking time out of our days so it's it's Unique to I'm sure this happens in other towns but for oronoko it's a brand new sewer utility brand new water utility and if people aren't used to it they're not used to filling out permits and working with the city and so it's I'm trying to give as much grace as possible but it's frustrating so I guess as far as this one that happened yesterday or whatever it was is so they're coming in to get the permit now they have not not so I'll have to go back out and talk with the homeowner again and walk through the steps and and say you got to get to City Hall it's your first step right I start with that with everyone you don't know go to City Hall and at least fill out the application get the ball rolling and but that never happened so yeah it does take your time away but I guess that's hopefully theirs it's it's part of the job so as far as that particular item on our agenda we really still an open item I guess just just curious so do the permit fees um they go so we're doing the inspections the city does the city keep those permit fees or do we do we give those to that other permit company yeah we we have a portion of that that we we keep keep out yeah okay all right so as long as we're not just seems kind of silly that we would give that permit money to some other entity and then have to do the inspection we're not doing that I made sure that that when we started going through this back in May I think we were really looking at doing some of the stuff um the big thing is going to be maybe getting support from water sewer as far as for our fee schedule on our fee schedule we don't have a um a fee for conducting work without the proper permits um for these different things and that goes for any of our permit stuff um building permits these water meter hookups things like that doing all these things without getting the permits and applications filled out prior to working we have no recourse to come back and say Hey you do the work without this you're going to be tacked on an extra hundred bucks we not properly filling this out because it's costing us time and you know we're getting these calls on odd hours and the extra work that goes into it because of that so maybe coming up with something for support for that um I am working on next year's fee schedule right now and trying to put stuff together but any input or advice is always helpful and welcomed so reinspection fee how manyan I think that's you know totally legitimate and if it'ss twice of what the original inspection fee is yeah you know we pay that in commercial you know if we've got to have a reinspection so and there's a fee for reinspection too there is already yeah $80 I think something we got to have a permit to get an inspection skip the permit it's free everything's free yeah really [Music] so how many permits do you think we've given out so far 150 100 this is not a normal situation there's ones off like this but we're for the most part they're doing the right thing it's just these yeah say there's a a dozen or so that have come in that we know of right there's some out there that we don't know of they're hooked up to water or sewer you know that'll that'll come out eventually yeah okay all right um in control and Kane were're looking at something yeah so last meeting I came to the to the Committee Member with uh the cyber security uh plan that in control put together for the city which is being mandated by Department of Health saying we have to have these measures in place Dylan had some questions I had questions uh Dylan and I were able to meet within control Dylan do you w to take away um two things they they I think they're they're uh responsible and and um integrator um seems like they do they do reasonable work for the water system um and so there's there's a good working relationship there and I think they're proposing um service and a piece of equipment that is valuable so that the folks in the city can have a firewall between the water system and the the larger internet and then also can allow a remote connection um and then they've kind of bundled up this annual service agreement that says hey for this amount of money we'll cover your annual subscriptions costs for this piece of equipment and also we'll do these other things for you and do backup to your systems valuable services but I I think what I asked them specifically to do um once you buy this firewall you really do need to pay the city will need to pay annually to keep it up to date and even if you choose not to proceed with the other services that in control is offering that fire wall um service agreement needs to be kept up and so that wasn't clearly really called out in their quote that said you know hey here's here's your upfront cost for this piece of equipment the annual fee every year going forward SM so this agreement right and so it was all just bundled up in this cyber security and whatever agreement so um I I thought it was at least important they said they won't split out any of the other services they provide which that's their business model they're they're free to do that but I thought it was important at least for Council to see that a certain portion of this once you bought into it you you you're really responsible for paying it almost indefinitely even if you choose not to go ahead with the rest of the service agreement so they're going to put those two costs kind of as a separate thing in the next proposal right and give it to K if they haven't already they have not I wish I had it in front of me the the breakdown of those two items and but they have not so it will be coming to next Water and Sewer September December December thanks Dylan for helping out there um next it was Cedar Woodland's one existing lift station P so that there I can take the lead Ryland uh The People's Energy Co-op contacted myself about uh large kilowatt draws for the month large usage uh when I uh opened up that lift station I found a busted pipe fitting on one of the pumps and a bad check valve so what happens two pumps common header the pumping some of it is just going back into the lift station and some of it is going to the new lift station some of it's getting pumped some of it isn't so that was constantly running uh so anyway they let us know we found that I contacted go for septic they've worked on this lipstick in the past they were able to fix the check valve and the busted pipe uh but with that the cover to the lift station was about ready to you probably fall right through it so luckily they had a a used one for us so we got that on there it's secure now things are good but with that that lift station does not have a uh generator receptacle so it does serve about a dozen homes in Cedar woodlands and pumps it to the new lift station 4 um is that something I think it's worthy of having Kilmer or soliciting bids to get a generator switch installed the rest of our lift stations have that capability I think this one should have it too it is a small lift station I don't think it would take a large generator or that big of switch gear but it would take possibly a dialer and po you know actual switch gear like Riverbend and I don't know the price tag on Riverbend Joe but there was a bunch of other things involved there so yeah I I don't remember what the number was either I want to say like 15,000 10 state standard says it's got to or got to has to take two sources power right I think is yeah that and we're talking about a lift station that was installed originally as part of Cedar Woodland's first edition correct so it's been there for a while so the city will get the bill from the Gopher for the pump that they put in there then for the repairs yeah I I needed to get it fixed and repaired so I I had to move forward with it it's kind of an emergency we were only running on one pump so if that pump were to fail we're kind of in an emergency situations yep it's a two pump lift station one's okay one replaced not the pump just some of the fittings all the check Val so two pumps are up and running right now and like I say I I would like to get the committee consent to look at possible generator recepticle and a dialer so people had noticed that or contacted us we wouldn't have known because there's no sensor other or other switch no you you would have had to have stumbled upon it do a a visual inspection there's no Petry so do um are you going to put something in your Public Works plan to check on it once a week once a month or what's your plan yeah that's that's what we can do uh you know people's Services right now has the rest of the lift stations and they have their own maintenance plan and inspection plans so I think they have that one too they do yes so I doubt they know that but anyway uh yeah I was thinking it should have a generator backup well you can so with your it's not a big facility or a big but you can still use your Mobile generator if you needed with yeah our mobile generator can run something as small as a you know a shop back so well I think it'd be good to get a quote to take a look at that remote assembly what it would take it takes more than so that would be added to the box that's there now or does it need a new box too probably need a new a new switch gear box it'd be a little bit of I don't know if you guys have seen the Riverbend one but there's a new panel that was installed and is that a consensus with the committee to get a quote yeah sure because I do think it's our responsibility so we should initiate effort to get that probability of it happening is low but you never know it's it's not perfect so so why you go ahead and get a quote for bring it back to the committee and we can review it in timeline and whatever necessary with that so would that be subject go for numerous quotes or just the same C same quote that you got or same supplier that's using all the lift stations i' try to get two quotes for it is it automatic systems did they do the lift station pels we did Kilmer did the electrical work or this last one at River Ben it was Kilmer and the switch gear and then Kilmer also installed this dialer so I don't know if automatic had much to do with the dialer I don't think they to do either either so all right anything else on that which question R guns all take care of Mark perspective from the SE perspective so all right um before we talk about the December meeting um Larry indicated this is going to be his last meeting so um we were talking the other day about when you originally started in we never come up with firm da I know they had R stones or something like that there was no say started was clear back in 1965 65 it's awesome that that's when went door to door we had to have 500 signers just incorporate get out of the township since no I I you guys get too old to keep that 59 years well course on yeah it's been a long time say I just John need to take hold of my he had a little problem getting here for meetings in the summertime CH long will there be a water and sewer committee now once we get everything established and you know up and running well um that's a good question I mean we have phase 1B to work on and that'll probably start I'd say early next year to start planning for it and you know this one took nine years but that included a treatment plant so I would hope it's not nine years but I I think it'll be around the while so been on since 97 or 98 I don't make every meeting either but what did you guys talk about before we had a water system just curious how get a water system us what 10 or 15 years get on the hill oh yeah yeah it's been I know I mean well there you do appreciate your volunteer time and I think you're deserving a round of applause I could write a book but I ain't GNA but you told me had a suitcase all the minutes from I you get rid of that suitcase now Cas deals all the minutes and well I I only I served about two terms on the city council that's right okay all that I and it got to be the point where I had so many meetings to go to all the time I come home at night he'd say where you going tonight dad so just had to kind of put a stop to that so I got off the city council but I stayed to this well this process you know whole whole thing so been around appreciate it very much so anyway I think it's time for somebody else enough guys to come show up at meetings John you have to look forward now another 40 years all right I make a motion the meeting a jour [Music] second the door handles or toilet Flash stuff that um one time they had a big