##VIDEO ID:gpOodxTu9bc## Water and Sewer meeting it's September 10th 6:30 um let's see technically we don't have a quum yet need four for Corum our M of seven so what's that me to in well we wait maybe Joe show up I know that uh Paul is in meeting and Larry's not available know I haven't heard from John sto or Jo hoping to have a we done by about 7:45 if we could debate everybody would like to see that or maybe not I don't know some of us would but yeah I think well the news media will give us a critiqued technically Jim I think you're supposed to sit in for me but if I'm not here but so thanks with you on that so do we have any business that's going to need a vote um there are some well it's just kind of a general pay request but that goes to the council for approval we did have um oh some test equipment or nitrogen and also a phosphorus whatever that was Wastewater tra testing equipment and supplies and also Kane had Hydra hydrant repair kit Hy repair tool kit he was asking for a critical is that rather not very critical we can Jo and I have talked about a little bit about the specification we can we can table it Joe and I can work through some of that well we can always discuss it we can have a discussion and yeah won't have any minutes but I think that's pretty well outlined in the agenda too so let's just go ahead and have General discussion if they do show up that's fine we'll start the meeting but let's just on the agenda I guess the wastewater treatment plan lot of updates yeah uh first update we've got pay request number 31 um basically reducing the retainage from 2% to 1% um so well and there was a little bit of few items that were paying for to within the pay request so pay request total payment is about 350,000 um and they have been making pretty steady progress um there are really a couple contractors with work yet to do on this list items uh A and B automatic systems uh is scheduled to be on site uh September 18th to do a training and at in conjunction with that or in advance of that we expect that they will have all of the kind of the miscellaneous G programming uh complete uh they've got a video card and a computer to install um they have completed uh most of the water system ska integration at the wait wastewater treatment facility but um they might have a little bit there Kane do you know any more about that specifically uh some small items that still need to be resolved yeah but hopefully on the 18th or by the 18th when they're on site to do this trading for the water and the sewer SC those items were resolved item c d and e have all been resolved uh since we drafted the uh um CD and right yep and then uh Valor mechanical has uh item three four items um and basically they have some of the parts for uh some motor Replacements um there's one item I think that item G they're looking to get an entire um new unit heater uh the one that was originally installed has been really problematic they've tried to repair it a number of times and I think they're going to replace it so that's scheduled to come in on the 23rd of September and their thought process is they have some stuff that's come in in late October they want to kind of come back once and none of these items are overly critical so they're going to kind of come back and address those four items uh vesco was on site uh yesterday and this morning and they did address the uh issues with the Rew and the control panel in the bladder and pressure tanks um for that system so I think that is up and running and they tested it or troubleshooted it shot it this morning and that's good uh we're still on target for the spr waste sludge pumps to be replaced uh in September or October depending on when they come in we're hoping they come in in September uh and then the switch gear at the treatment facility um Gilmer's still saying you know mid to late October for that install replacement um is that still looking like a two- day one day process no we've talked about it being two long days so so we'll have to configure a means to temporarily power the blowers and we've got the generator there that we can make that work so we kind of through that at one point so I think we'll have to do that again but it should be viable um some miscellaneous punch list work but most of it's done um there's also a little bit of signage to go out there that's not there at this point I talked to Jason about that again today so they're working on that um was there was that punch list are there quite a few items left major ones or those I've listed the major ones here just just uh mostly little stuff and I think most of it's done check on that one huh yeah the gate the gate seems to work perfectly though it's fix all right we'll go ahead and start a meeting we have a quorum now with that make a motion we approve the agenda a second I'll second any comments see none all those in favor signify by saying I there's a copy of the August 19th minutes there in front of you so and Joe we kind of went through the Wastewater items we've got a pay request for about 350,000 um most of that's rage I make a motion part the August 13th minutes second all in favor second probably saying I I okay go ahead Joe um so that's that and a lot of the items within item two um are in progress are done automatic System supposed to kind of wrap up their stuff here uh in conjunction with a training that's scheduled for September 13th um they did complete items CD and E uh Valor Mechanicals got four items here but they're kind of getting equipment in and items in so they're going to uh complete their uh repairs or Replacements here at the end of the month uh vesco was in today to address the Rew issue Rew issue uh and they that was successfully completed um you know and then we're still waiting on the replacements for the sludge wasting pumps uh probably September October and then the switch gear probably mid to late October uh just like we kind of always talk so um we're whittling away at the punch list items and most of the critical ones are uh scheduled to be complete have been completed or we expect to be completed pretty soon here um we do have a report from people service on kind of their uh monthly report I think Ryland did hand that out we also emailed that out um I think this is the first time we've actually got one but we just started asking for it to be fair so um I think they've got a template for this that they do for for most their clients so this is their template um but uh I think they are cons consistently meeting affluent limits um and things seem to be running pretty well from what I what I gather anybody pick anything off the report that you want to talk about or we should touch on what's the deal with the nitrogen that's been high well they had an issue with nitrogen at the onset um it's not been high recently um until they got their uh kind of operations died in and um I think the presence or the operation of that oxygen sensor helped a little bit too but there's a little bit of a learning curve and I think they got it figured out so one other thing that I should point out is you see it their test results but um you know they're always lagging behind and I think they include their DMR and they don't have the most recent you know so everything's over a month old in here that you're kind of seeing July is the last one that they show so yeah so the next one that you see in August will show better results from the nitrogen standpoint I think they get till the middle of the month to submit the previous month's DMI and their test results are going back you know at the earliest a week later so it takes some time so on the two graphs of the phosphorus moving average and the monthly total nitrogen it'd be nice if they could either put a bar on the graph or some note what the goal is somebody looks at this you want know the nitrogen is 10 I'm not sure what the moving average total spec should be for the phosphorus we have a zero phosphorus limit or very close to it I think it's 4 migr per liter the zero yeah you look on the last page there there's some practical limit because we had to do the there stream Bank restoration and the other get to get our credits zero but so I don't know there there's some some way that they give us credit for the work we've done on that front but may it's point4 in practice but I just think that there spreadsheet isn't reporting to the nearest decimal it just rounds that value4 rounds to zero that's my guess I know it's point4 so they able to do all these tests at plant or they they have to W they must have qu the chemistry set no so the phosphorous moving average list on this back page either is it as opposed to showing the um permit limit is is zero know it's it's the phospherous 12 month moving total is that what they're showing versus the average toal is it 71 looks like what it was in July off of the uh chart on the back page for July 2024 71 kilograms per day but it doesn't say what the limit is not sure what or how they're reporting that one chart the read colum says July of 23 which we weren't in operation then so well I think they just their templates so they always like to compare to the year past and there's OB you know there should be all zeros there and not anything there well I think it's supposed to be in green and there's no green bars so [Music] hang when you're out there sometime just ask Dan what this phospherous moving average total is yeah how do it compared to the chart on the back page yeah can do but we're not quite to 10 11.4 so think that's a good lead into this test equipment that we're going buying yeah people's identified some testing equipment we talked about it last month um they provided some specifics in terms of I think you got no this is a this the equipment we're looking at so there are uh four or five pieces of I got one more copy here I'm sorry Hardware including the spectr photometer a digital reactor um then he they kind of identified some Crucible tongs and test tubes and gloves um all of that all those four items kind of add up uh assuming sales tax to to about $9,450 and then in conjunction with that there are um some supplies that they would want to purchase and to purchase a Year's worth of supplies for um nitrogen and phosphorus uh testing with tax totals about 7503 so um in total the they're the first year would be you know about $10,250 in um hardware and supplies and then after that about $750 a year should get the supplies by and what they're really interested in doing is testing um testing Wastewater specifically nitrogen and phosphorus where they're at and what they're treating to so they can make adjustments in their process and not have to wait for the next week's test results to make those so it it allows them to be more proactive rather than reacting on last week's data and they can make adjustments more quickly [Music] and that would help I think their operations too but uh they've identified this is something that they like and um I did Reach Out to the mpca and ask them if we process a change order to um purchase this equipment through the contract as part of one of the allowances we'd have to you know basically increase the $50,000 allowance for lab equipment by $10,000 to afford this and if we did that uh PCA would approve it and they also said that we could Finance through the Clean Water revolving Loan Fund over that 30-year term so you ever going to want it this is time to buy it um it sounds like there's some Dual Purpose not that we're buying it for the water system or any other testing but if you wanted to do additional testing this this equipment has a pretty broad um capability so um if uh if we want to do this I think that mpca engineer said he'd approve it you just have to put the change order together and I talked to the contractor too he said they'd buy the stuff he said they won't mark it up they'll just buy it and we'll pass it through so now that you mentioned that it could be us or paid for that 30 years revolving well how what's the lifespan of this equipment I mean I I don't really have a it's good it's good equipment right it lasts a long I think so okay you have a sense of that yeah so this um I don't know I know this is the one that we have in our lab this is the one I sent to Ryland and Kane after talking with my folks and at at Rochester and uh we actually use two of them um and this is the one that they recommended would be useful for all kinds of different stuff um you know I I would I would say 10 years right I think um uh much more than that and most technology things are probably change so much you don't know yeah but I don't have any any basis for that that's just an assumption um but but yes Hawk makes kits for all kinds of different water and wastewater parameters for these machines and so that's and they're easy to use um you don't really need a CH yeah you don't need a whole lot of specialized training it's it's like the instructions for these things are like Ikea furniture you know it says you know you just kind of put it in there and hit the Go Button um and you get your results and so um and this doesn't replace the lab testing you know that we use for de but basically it it tells us it's pretty St close where we're at the moment not a month later not a week later later if we get a ton of rain or something it kns a bunch of levels around I mean is that something we consider that that would let us jump on that instead of waiting for a s so it seems to make sense and it's not unreasonably priced based on that I guess I would make a motion that we'd go ahead and include it to be paid for you need a motion wait for the change you I think um what I'd like to do is just get the committee and the council's consent um there'll be a there'll be one more change order and um part of that change order is the cost to upgrade the wasting pumps I think we talked about that like 101,000 for that then this will be another $10,000 and so I'd like to include both of those items at one change order but I'd like to get the contractor they'll just order it yeah you know if we kind of say do it so if it's okay with you guys it's okay with the council we'll do that we'll get the equipment coming and then we'll process the paperwork when we have it all so we're not doing multiple change orders at I my motion to do it so I'll second the motion to recommend your Council toed with purchasing equ and I think it totals about 10 250 262 206 unless it's yeah 206 but I I don't you know I don't really know what the tax is um I don't know if there's shipping or should be tax exempt you got yeah maybe they are T I don't may not be but as the the city should be we are we I can make the order save tax well but then it doesn't but then I can't run it through the contract which kind of is a big Advantage maybe they're not paying tax either I don't I don't I don't know how it works for sure you other comments see all those in favor see probably saying I post sign so on the uh Fitzgerald contracts two and three um Workhorse Paving is complete the shouldering top soil placement uh seating is pretty close to complete contractor continues to do touch-up seating uh at miscellaneous locations um they actually had a interceder in town uh yesterday to do a bunch of seating of areas that aren't exactly uh Lush with vegetation um to oversee that overseed those so that we see if we can get those to go um Kane has been working with the contractor to do a little bit of uh spraying in some areas where there's lots of weeds uh to kind of get a get a handle on that and allow the the seed to catch up and and fill in um and then Ellingson we met with them today uh they're planning to come back in here later this month and uh start to touch up or overseed spots within the individual sites that we need to do some over seating and um that there's there's punchless work to do they're adjusting curb stops and things like that but they made a lot of progress um when when would you normally stop seating and wait till uh September end of September is usually the end of the seed dates um for some some seeds it goes a little bit longer then you got to kind of wait for dormant seeding because you don't want it to germinate and then freeze out so September 21st September 30th sometime in that area depending on the seed mix and the year so the end of the month is what I'm telling them I want things reced by and Fitzgerald's been doing that and Ellingson we met with today and talked about the need to do that they committed to that too so so just a couple items um one is over at the liation behind my house there's a couple trees that are buried with about five four or five feet of dirt on them they haven't been removed yet okay so they need to be removed or there may be others too but I think there's two for sure that should be cut down now versus when they're dead but they'll be dead uh and the last item is a I talked to Kane late this afternoon U president called in he lives in across the street from the uh the yard on Second Avenue Southeast and um they've increased at height of the street in front of his driveway and there's a a pretty sharp drop off it's building with gravel but we're concerned about the gravel roting he called me and he's been very patient but he was it was time to vent about all it's at the end of the period but he was just concerned about the noise and and if there's anything you can do with that gravel um Edge right along the driveway yeah we should take a look at it or if you're available or Katie's available uh gravel driveway but fairly steep up to the new binus road and just a couple feet wide too it's not fitgerald did put the a gravel apron back in but it will erode and then we're worried about the his concern worried about the road undermining and so possibly a solution would be like a a binous apron or Fe 5T something to to did we take binus apron out there was gravel there before and then and there's about there's several feet there there's no gravel drop off off the asphalt on the north end of that driveway it needs a little attention and I got can't believe we really changed the street grades sorry did we really change the street grade yeah that overway came came up over the hill pass his driveway I think there was a base and then they came back with an inch and a half so the streets an inch and a half higher he says it's he took photos and it's like four or five inches there's two layers take a look at it be able to see it of all the citizens in the city he's probably the one that has been put up with the most noise trucks unloading dumping moving materials semis Park blocking his driveway un loading supplies early on so I'd like to if you take a look at it oh he's right across from the the lay down yard there that that right across from where they had all their equipment storage right yeah where the materials kind of just over the crest of the hill on the South Side he uses the South part of the driveway the most you'll see that but I think he's just concerned about the the roadway itself and erosion and water gravel washing away from the asphalt the the intent right Joe is that the finished grade of the street would be the same elevation as when it was tore out right well that area got overlaid we paid for an inch and a half overlay now could the edge of the street you know that papers are straight right so there's you get an inch and half in the middle and sometimes if the road is settled or not straight then you'll get a thicker Edge maybe that's the situation here maybe it was rounded before and now it's not because the you know this paper street is straight I think it's you'll see when you look at it it's appreciate that okay okay any other items I have we do have a pay request uh for Fitzgerald and it's a pretty big one uh it's about a million dollars um obviously it includes all of the paving work that was completed um and some other miscellaneous items phont restoration too and the other big thing that we are proposing to do is reduce that rage from 5% to 3% um given how much work they've gotten done and um they're beyond substantial completion at this point so we typically would reduce it and they've asked for it to be reduced so we're pushing that down to 2% and again it's about 1,1 19,830 retain at of 2% uh 343,000 just to retain it yeah plus a little little work we probably haven't paid for yet right it's kind of un um hydrant and valve specifications if you don't mind everyone uh I've been working with our vendor Cor in main about uh supplying and coming up with a specific specification for hydrants within the city uh so they're doing this with other towns W mingo's one of them wam Mingo actually attended a hydrant training here in or Hands-On training and they're in the process of adopting a hydrant specification and valve specification exclusively to waterous waterous uh hydrants and fittings valves so with that if the city were to adopt it one benefit would be all the hydrants and all the valves would be the same model spare parts operation some benefit there and then the other benefit is watus would give us a valve seat toolkit that we could actually repair our own hydrants in house so kind of a little carrot they're kind of waving a carrot in front of us if we would adopt that specification it makes sense to me but then again there's like Joe's mentioned and Joe and I have talked about this is the current uh water utility code doesn't specifically State a waterous hydrant are we GNA get in trouble by specifying a brand name versus specifications of well our our Standard specs for Stant that we use for the city and your projects you we do specify a waterous hydrant water is Pacer hydrant um and so all of your hydrants it's pretty pretty standard existing ones we've got in town are waterers okay and so um what the specification that you have here is really no different and PE you know there's value to that you don't want hydrants from different manufacturers because sometimes you have to you know they need maintenance and you want them to look the same and you want them to operate the same and work work with the same fittings and those types of things uh the spec that they provided you know there's a few little things that we should look at I think um one of the nozzle diameters might be a half inch different uh we should check that maybe it's a maybe it's just how they report it or round it or whatever but if it is three yeah four and a five in stour is standard yeah our spec is it says a 4 and a half inch and we always call it a steamer now yeah um I don't know if that's rounded or what the deal is but it's been that way for it's the same spec that we've used for I don't at least 28 years that I've known it so I'm kind of guessing it maybe is nothing but it could be something we should check into um so so I don't really have any heartburn about the hydrant the water M or the valve we don't specify a specific type of valve manufacturer um not that most of them probably aren't waterous but that that's one item that you know we you could have other manufacturers step in and supply and uh you know when when you have multiple or when you specify one manufacturer you have no competition but somebody usually says or equal or approved equal or pre-approved equal if you add that without exception gets to be and on a big project you may find a contractor or a vendor who raises issue with that and then you've got to be defend that yeah you you will if if it if it's real money on a bigger project and there you you sometimes will get or equal bids because it matters on a small project people aren't going to mess with it they'll just you specify this is what you're going to get this is what it cost do we know what we have in the ground for valves right now if we had if we had a water main breake and we got to got the street opened up and we're going to fix a valve do we know what we've got most of our water is too but I I'd have to check chop drawings I don't I don't know other than like honestly in in my subdivision right who knows L viid Jack probably some cheap Chinese there a possibility of that yeah but you got water hydrants and River Park and Riverwood Hills and Cedarwood L they're all waterers um and now we'll typically give the developer specifications for manholes and casting and curb stops and hydrants and those types of things so there's some consistency there not that the city you don't have a standard you don't have standard detail plates you don't have Standard specs you don't have um engineering standards at all you have kind of what Stant has or what I use and I kind of perpetuate that giving people the rate so we have some consistency but you know that something in the future that you should think about too is getting your own detail plates and Standard specs and things like that that you know are specific to what Public Works want and what we have and what we like and uh having that to just publish on the website and then Dollar General comes to town or um you know there's a development or you know it's there then and that that you know most cities have that so something to think about something to plan for at some point that information should be kind of standardized and published so the vast majority of our hydrants are already waterous Pacers of some flavor they are they are they all are yeah and I would guess most of your valves are waterous too and I think even this it says wat are equal doesn't it um preapproved equal on the gate valves that's that second line there oh water is Pac her own but our spec says that too because that's what most cities what yeah and then item six all vales should be manufactured by American flow control or preapproved equal by city engineer so this is I guess it's not a water is American flow control I I keep up on that stuff but that's that's the value be getting on the fire hydrant paragraph number four where it says by low control say or pre-approved equal by City And um I I think it's good idea I I I I would be very cautious about saying we're doing it because they're going to give us a free kit right I think the reason we do it is because then we can we can ensure that we have the spare parts we have the tool tools we have the ability to maintain them in house standardized standardized without having to be experts in three or four different manufacturers and have to stock additional components and those kind of things I think that's the value not not the kit right yes so yeah I I certainly don't have a that I Hy repair I got a simple question as I'm ring through the hydr number four there it says the hyd shall be 5 and A4 250 water spacer and PR numbers this is by American FL control does that mean that water is supplying I mean is that another name for the waters I better control I mean is it all the same company a par company might be a parent company yeah okay so then everybody knows hydrant by water is Pacer that's what's they've been around forever not ever but for that's how I've always doing them that that WB 67 that's the year that model came out and that's the same hydrant we have today so okay I would just curious because it says Waters and then by American flow so that makes me wonder is it all the same company or is it it's the same the website says the American flow control product offering includes the iconic American darling and waterous Brands fire hyers blah blah blah it's like syum where they own everybody everything do anything with pumping in water so maybe tonight Water and Sewer committee members maybe tonight I don't need approve but maybe just an understanding that that we'd like the standardized I don't know if a vote's needed I don't know if a recommendation to council's needed but I think we should recommend to council just to say that it's all going to be standardized in now and in the future just to in case we forget it some typ place down the line I think we should at least have our two cents worth I don't I don't think you memorialize it in ordinance I don't I don't think that's the really the appropriate place for it I think it's just in a type yeah so I make a motion to recommend to council that we standardize fire hydrants with the appropriate repair kits fire hydrant and gate vals maybe that fire hydrants and gate vals we should leave the repair kits out of that motion because that's yeah I mean that versus tools I mean do we want spare parts on hand versus talking about the tool set I think it just it allows us to carry a standard set of tools and parts most of the most of the tools are like generic but the pieces and parts of the hydrant AR so removal tools and things right that are special yes so would you just second I will second that a comments recommend fire hydrant and gate valves standardized on with that all those in favor sign I sign approve okay good number six penalty I can speak to that Ryland if you'd like uh yes please you know we've been certain people hook up without us without the city knowing certain people don't get a water meter certain certain people don't get permits it's just kind of all over the place so you know it's not every day but it does happen and you know I think the city city staff is looking for uh a process a flowchart what happens when somebody doesn't follow the process and is there penalty and maybe a recommendation to City staff would be warranted tonight but if not I think City staff can come up with some of those policies as well but if this committee has a strong feeling on how some of those connections are someone not following the process what what is the the result of that so we've had a number of different contractors in town working and you know fist Gerald and there's been the Swanson and couple has there been any of them that you have had problems with didn't quite get the permit in time I don't think it's really the contractor I think it's it's more homeowner I'm not going to single out anyone tonight or any contractor I but homeowners uh most homeowners don't understand the permit process to begin with so I'll push that back out to the contractor because the contractor should make sure before he puts the hole in the ground that did you get a permit fish or ready to go everything's the same know about it yeah that's that's I would think contractors should you know get more of the breath on that than homeowners because home owners can always flee IGN I think last month we talked about initial notification right hey you you've made a connection and you did not get a permit you need one relatively short race period for them to apply for an obtain a permit if they choose not to um then we we file or uh we follow up with a hey a letter you made an unauthorized connection to the city water Andor sewer system you don't get a permit get inspected make sure it's done right make sure that we have have the information a meter to bill you we going shut the water off I mean but yeah to your point not everybody knows some people do and they'll they'll play the system right but not everybody knows how to do that if you so if you give them the warning or the the notice hey you're connected okay we got to back up a few steps you need a permit you need a meter you need a plumber to put it in assuming they start the process then you can work with them through it I don't know if you give them what 30 days 90 days to to continue through the process until you say all right' had time work's already done they shouldn't have anything more 30 days period because just going to inspect it's already too late to inspect what's under the ground who's going to inspect it when the grass is growing you know yeah so so from a historical perspective how did you handle it in 2009 when you first H were you around I was around for some of that uh most of that was you know the project the 2009 project curb stops were provided and homeowners were responsible for calling a contractor hooking up the water line and installing a meter simple as that because they can't connect to sewer they don't have a water meter technically you've got I thought we were trying to eliminate uh sewer connection without without a water meter what we did there Ryland is we we assumed 3,000 gallons average for people who did not have a water service so if you if they had a curve had a water curb stop and they want a sewer you know that they got a water they should have got a water permitt first too I think last month the example you gave is the contractors are on site doing the septic work and they're taking the the existing water line from the well into the house and they're just connecting it to the curb stop correct while they've got the trench open correct back fill it call it good so now you've got a water connection and a sewer connection with no meter they would have had but they would have gotten a water met though too to do what you're talking about right supposed to but supposed to yes know we early on we had some people connecting to water to their house without water meter and we without a permit without a permit several I mean there's several instances of some people are severe right they didn't do any of that some people did get a permit but they only got the plumbing permit some people got just the exterior permit some people just got the SE permit right I mean there's there's a no two neighbors are alike everyone's kind of different so like I said I don't I don't know if this group needs to make a recommendation I just know that that somehow somewhere we need to have a policy a procedure for and and and then to have some have some meaning behind it right we find out that someone's been hooked up illegally there needs to be a there needs to be a a twoe fix it period there needs to be X Y and Z need to happen right there's something there's some of that in our code already you don't connect within if you surface is within 500 feet or something like that you need to connect I don't know if there's a penalty along with that code language and so with that Ryland is you know we're trying to we're dealing with this at a case by case sure you know and we're trying to work with people we understand the the hardship here we understand you know we're pushing this on people and so we're trying to be we're trying to appease people but it's a caseby case scenario and a lot of them you know we just found out about one they've been hooked up to water since May no water needed right so I think that'd be a good for step to come back with something I don't think we can do it well thank you I and maybe it's just recommendation let me put it that way I think City Hall and a Little Help from from my myself my staff come up with something to bring to council or back to this committee I don't know I don't know if it needs to come through this committee well it's really an ordinance enforcement so I don't I think be just a proposal would come to council fair enough that's agreeable yeah I mean I would think we can sure look at it but it's already September right and so if there is any excavation that's got to occur you don't want to wait another month or two if you don't have to have yeah so if there's anything within the existing ordinance I would say yeah that that would might be the most expedient and again notifying folks hey you need a permit and it feels like there's got to be something that says you can like you can shut the water off if we' never shut water off as such but legal connection unless you have a permit yeah I mean what are they going to do they say you shut my water off well you're not supposed to have water so you know you don't want that but that would if you got folks that are dragging their feet main reason you they would stop dragging their feet the main reason you would shut the water off is for non-payment of the bill and if they've had free service for four five six months and not paid for it that's a good reason right well in those kinds of cases we put it on their property taxes we assess it to the property taxes okay goes on their tax bills okay but without a meter there's no way to even know how much to assess no and so at that point yeah it's just a one step you connected to the water system without permission we're going to turn it off yeah the last resort I think but for for folks that are deliberately not complying a warning or something to you do it I think we're kind of on the right track here I think we're all thinking the same thing you know hey we found out about this illegal connection you have so long to fix it two weeks whatever the time period would be and then at that point fines will start at this rate I think is kind of the fines usually there's a limit on fines and that probably would be in ordinance or somewhere else I think U turning off the water is likely to get more immediate response folks that are dragging their feet and and with that Dylan you know there's there's ways how the city can recoup that is they can up that disconnect charge right yeah instead of 100 it's yeah yeah I suppose there are yeah there are those yeah connection charges so yeah well it's something we need because we have more water users for be hooking up in the next year couple years well if you wouldn't grab a couple pizzas and talk about over lunch or whatever it takes work in progress just and the the water utility financially is independent from the Wastewater utility right yeah that's a good discussion let's see if we can come up with something yeah we're running up to construction season but that's something that we just because you I think you understand better than anybody about who is doing that or has not hooked up okay um last item uh on our agenda at least unless something else to add we um August July a just kind of flew by and we're all kind of wondering how that'll be September already so we're looking at maybe a second or third Friday in October for our open house PR for that what's that show trick-or treat and sewer plant trick or treat there you go and fun siiz Snickers and a lung fall your cars have your trunk recreat at the Wastewater tra he ride out I'm not I was going to I had a note and stopped at calling Craven to see how the smells coming have you heard anything from him I have not heard anything I I was there today and I was there last week and there was no smell I did one night driving by I did catch a whiff really but that was just a very short whiff it wasn't nothing compared to what it was with the drain field so I will stop and ask him to see how it's going the stuff you put in what's the life on that before you have to uh 14 weeks those uh pretty short yeah 14 weeks they last justway through that like a large uh urinal Cas I know what it is right and you know we did have issues at near til's where the force man enters the gravity and we had multiple things there we we smoked tested the the sewer the Sewer Service the building essentially and uh we've done that several places now uh so we didn't find any smoke inside til's the the bar restaurant uh but there was this an older outside I haven't heard anything for a couple weeks so well I'll I'll ask um the reason I had and I were sitting out on the patio lunch here on last Friday and I caught one whiff of sewer gas okay it just kind of there was a breeze I caught but then it was gone seconds later but it was no I was going to ask the the hostess that was waiting on us if she's hurting in plates because was it just it just I'm because I'm sensitive now I'm I'm the nose of our family so Pat doesn't smell anything so so one one positive story with the smoke testing is we did the we smoke tested the gas Ando station the Shell gas station and we found a dried up floor drain underneath a uh freezer and they did not know it existed and neither did we and we we searched high and low trying to find this this dried up vent dried up drain and and uh the smoke doesn't lie the smoke comes out and you see it and we found that so that was a good find there and then we had another individual by the Methodist Church who had uh he had a faulty toilet the actual trap the pea trap in the toilet was not trapping so smoke was going through the Trap and coming out out uh around the Ring of the the the toilet so you think you're you think you got a good toilet and you think it's tra and Sewer but he had some odors and we were able to find it so okay good success stories okay anything else if not I'll make a motion being a journ at 73 why second it thank you I sure did all in favor say I thanks for everybody coming o today Ryan Blake Smith apparently he can't talk anymore I think had a medical issue and he lost his ability to speak and so one of his colleagues called me today although they sympathized and understood our argument yeah yeah we're coming under the foundation first everything from the south to the north only originally had hoping within the next four weeks okay we look at that and then we'll deal with the rest of the S the enti let me know we can always smoke test well it's it's use you're not you're not going to get a check for that unless you do the work I mean it's you do the work and get reimbursed and so right I think question for the council you know I think you'll do the stuff in the parks that need to be reped and anything that P can justify you'll get reimbursed for from his hours team's hours and then there's a little bit of work at Alice Park going that wash down there that should get fixed funds and recreational AC have a contractor fix that you have a contractor fix that stuff on the bridge that's out there is good yeah I do that for sure and the other thing you know there's three spots in the lake 6 by I don't know it's up to you whether you want trickier you know invest in those repairs CU 25% would come from the city's too like I said there's offer but on the other side ofal activities so it's tough to fix them and get them to go the one place that I Mike is right by the bridge there um you know right Downstream of the bridge there's that vertical wall and H yeah I think I'd rip that large and we them a little happy to fix them but Memorial Field before feel like whatever we do is get sh they just kind of get shuffled around comes you got to find okay maybe can some trees too but they're the they're the real deal they're the big ones so takes a car trailer to haul that's May what I do get back there just take one of the PS yeah see that's the problem there's no parking there yeah didn't go into detail but he said he had a medical issue and he lost ability to use his vocal card so I don't know if he got so cancer canc I don't know he didn't say I was going to show you this was a pretty nice guy busy met but to her with a phone call and an email the whole in order to get a well we I talked about what would you do polish the Rocks where do we put the rocks so I can substitute my water experience for six months that didn't make sense to me either and I made the argument that guy there is no we've been working on these Grinders to April there's no mowing there's no now you were coming up on six months and she says yeah that that seems that seems like it'll work so there's a class coming up in November and this would be for a collection license thanks for trying yeah yeah I called him last week and he just got back to me working directly with Services they need to sign off that where people Services doesn't really control our I got grinder stations they are more of just station air releases so all the other components there it was two months ago on a SE water committee it does it does it's entry and they F her pipe back together but she had one sprinkler system that was in that corner that got damaged and she didn't want the contractor to put they do Contra right that's in Brooklyn Park usually didn't of centralized everything Buri the pipe yeah and they didn't uh so anyway top just on that r on the collection side is that test how different is that test versus I looked at itest I said Jo the pipe put a top so on it SE it because it's been two months and supposed to take even if she wants to have a sprinkling person come out you this big to put a sprinkling normal work equipment operators here and then our Sewer Crew guys and that's how they went over there theyed it um put top on it and seated it and they took I don't think so either and I'm not trying to downplay it at all I mean this is this is step one in obviously I'd like to get to put on front por called me just matter hell why wouldn't you to take my a test well you guys just install the sprinkler I can't believe you're just doing this stuff you know I haven't brought yet here to this committee because it's we're still in small wanted it done Riverland is develop one of my old bosses is now she wants the contractor contract so there's a there's a panel a board and so when it comes time City would be open to it she's them to come into our facility and this is how you do it a state-ofthe-art spr facility right versus uh aration other technology yeah I think that would uh go a long ways for our community our our sta communicated so well H woman you know I just a job I don't do J group smaller yeah and then the other is have the job but want to get licre she a that's where we're at right now there's two of us in house that would meet this this requirement she told us so that covers the while there the E1 and the some of the piping and conveyance she was employees can get TI liar say hope first of the year we start guys 40 hours per month having people sign off on that timately she had the same map I gave to her husband just like the color the collection system that showed her have the Wastewater she came but she never said you don't need the collection sorry didn't make the collection specifically for those towns not that I need that but it Community yeah talk to contractor irrigation friend she has but they're busy you know what I get it all contractors starting point them got my staff started somewhere we got a gain College we gotta yeah what were we supposed to do fix for the taxers for them to show up in November in reason want it seated the next day you know Well's trying to get out of town you know and they're doing their trying to monitoring system like the identity people you see the commercials on TV we'll let you know we'll let you know monitoring your your your your identity you know how's it been working with good P works is awesome that's need to get the restoration done this so even if she has to dig it up a little bit of seat the Topo is there the Pip's buried you want easy to find yes for a portion of and system at for that General anyway the Jennifer's all Tak care of uh she's not but she is right integrator I sent an email to Fitzgerald right with Z no Monday Northern does support zyl a driveway that was it's so convoluted Dylan I mean what I'm getting at is and so told much as I hate to tell you this you got take it out and put it back that's the right thing to do so he didn't like it but he do it we're we're getting that spr is getting into a a group I think Dave Lan played a huge part into that identifying what the heck needs to happen he's a pretty good guy I would you know if it comes they turned out pretty nice actually I mean that one spot over you're kind of talking about a look at but yeah well he can be out there when we do have know I'm excited for that and I'm excited to just get some time to work with Dave and you know gain some of that knowledge sponge as much of him as I can if you look at the change order that work was supposed to stop like right here um or maybe even here I don't remember and they they milled it all the way down here and so there was about 200 ft here that they weren't supposed to do but they did because they didn't look at the change order plans and didn't know in the right spot so rather than rather than um fill in patch that and then come and M back a mill they said we'll just PVE it all and we won't charge you for well that's why his probably I didn't right well no it's yeah that's where the walls at that's where the that's where you see factless luck here yes sir it was but I've learned a little bit since then the start by six Street this is the end yeah I'll talk with art and uh thre his driveway though this guy's driveway so they were supposed they they actually all right let me know this part we got for fre I talked to other contractor was there mistake yeah okay and then soon sometime Mike has time I'm gonna pick up a so that when we hook up that stay the street right away or that goer we're ready to go absolutely it's in the in the building stuff ready to go abely otherwise I haven't got a contract try to work oh yeah they got the well my well supp that's right right I I want to make sure that I'm ready to go they go because when I might use that grass right absolutely absolutely Park go to school house enough to keep you busy too busy week ago last Saturday boys from here to here this steak is here but this one's gone fell down yeah we St it they intersection black Bas the steak is still here and I was out there trying to cut it up and everything and well you could widen that with gravel fell on a twig that stick there was gravel that right away live through it BL a little but I live through it my boy said uh oh Dad we're going to take the chainsaw away from you they come down right on the gra they Tre by the way you got two three let's take them down bam bam bam that road kind of goes through their kitty corner a little B yeah it's nothing straight in there no no it curves around she's got about how to drop a tree 4,000 sare ft of grass it's a question they hook a rope to it influence it so every tree landed the widest cut up and on a trail good grass gra piles there was eight piles of brush I can ask Katie to put that back yeah so I have been working for just so everybody knows where it's at I finished the last the grass andain la more and hit that mulch it I I done that so many times that I don't know if I dare to because yeah there's I got to take the bigger stuff out of there anyhow I do that a lot and I don't worry about cleaning my deck off when I get done because all the twigs and branches I get absolutely okay oh is that right yeah I got the Joel just real quick there open up there pretty quick huh yeah looks it's beautiful inside did some work last put some