##VIDEO ID:-Hf3TPc-f10## e e e e e e e e e e I'm not doing anything right just looking pretty good evening the special meeting of the AIO School Board is being conducted in the boardroom of the Educational Service Center on Tuesday November 12th 2024 and is called at 601 601 p.m. the purpose of the special meeting is to Canvas the results of the November 5th 2024 school election Schoolboard election for three seats on the ISD 279 Schoolboard the meeting can be monitored electronically by streaming online from the district website in archived recording will also be available on the district website seated in front of you this evening for from my left to your right is director Thomas Brooks director Heather Douglas D director Tanya Prince myself Jackie mosa Jones director Sarah Mitchell and director Tamara Grady superintendent Dr Kim H and general councel Amy Moore are also present um for those of you that can please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all board members in front of you is the agenda are there any additions to the agenda hearing none is there a motion to accept the agenda as written so move move by director Brooks and second ad director Douglas um is there any discussion all in favor say I I I all oppose say nay motion carries six to zero the first action item on tonight's agenda is a resolution canvasing returns of the votes of the school district general election Ms Moore will you please provide the information thank you um under Minnesota law the school board serves as the canvasing board in the school district pursuant to Minnesota statute 205 A10 subdivision 3 the board is required to meet in canvas the election returns and declare the results of the election between the 3D and the 10th day after the election in preparation for the canvas tonight the board has been provided an abstract and return of votes cast setting forth the accumulated results from multiple precincts from the general election of November 5th 2024 to fill three vacant seats as a result of the expiration of terms in January of 2025 upon review of the abstract and return of the votes cast the board is required to declare the results of the election and it's required to sign the abstract accepting them as the results of the official election the resolution approving the canvas returns and declaring the results of the general election to fill three vacant seats on the board by expiration of the term in January of 2025 is now before the board as its first action item on the agenda tonight thank you is there a motion to approve the resolution canvasing returns of the votes of the school district general election so moved uh motion by uh director Mitchell is there um a second second second by director Prince is there any discussion all in favor say I I I'll oppose say nay motion passes 6 to zero the next act action item is is a resolution authorizing issuance of certificates of election and directing the school district clerk to perform other election related duties misss Moore so pursuing again to the same statute 205a point10 subdivision 3 the school district election clerk is required to issue certificates of election to each successful candidate in the general election after the time for of con contested elections has passed which would be 7 days after the board's declaration tonight in addition the clerk is required to undertake additional ministerial task to effectively assist the elected board members to assume their office things such as written acceptance of the office written acceptance of the oath of office the second action item and resolution before the board this evening is to authorize the issuance of certificates of election and other related duties to the district clerk this resolution is now sub committed to the board for its consideration thank you um is there a motion to approve the resolution authorizing issuance of certificates of election and directing the school district clerk to perform other election related duties second all right motion by director Prince and seconded by director Douglas is there any discussion all in favor say I I'll oppose say nay motion passes 6 to zero our last last agenda item is adjournment a work session will be held in the Forum room here at the Educational Service Center following adjournment of the special meeting work sessions are open to the public and are also audio recorded with the recording being made available on the district website within 24 hours after the meeting board members there are documents relating to the election canvasing that require our signature we'll be signing those documents prior to moving to the Forum room um before we adjourn I just want to say on behalf of the school board um congratulations to the three um candidates elect um three School Board they're here in the room with us so thank you for um your service and uh congratulations uh do we have a motion to adjourn so moved all right motion by director Douglas is there a second second second by director Brooks any discussion all in favor say I I all Theos say nay motion carries six to zero and that's it don't move