##VIDEO ID:ENFROZBFhAU## good evening everybody the work session of the ISD 279 School Board is being held in the Forum room of the Educational Service Center at 11200 93rd avue North in Maple Grove on Tuesday September 10th 2024 the work session is being audio recorded the recording will be made available on the district website within two business days after the work session has ended with regard to the audio recording our Communications staff has asked that we share a friendly reminder that side conversations during the work session are picked up by the recorder and can affect sound quality also conversations during transitions between agenda items are on the recording as well the intent of the Schoolboard work session is to allow for Schoolboard discussion of topics work sessions do not include an opportunity for audience members to address the board to acknowledge attendance this evening I'll ask that all present at theable a state their name starting to my left Jackie mosada Jones Schoolboard member Thomas Brooks Schoolboard member Heather Douglas Schoolboard member Anthony ptis executive director of Technology K executive director of community relations John morid Executive Director of Finance and operations Brian B assistant superintendent for equity and achievement Steve Fisk assistant suit for the elementary schools Brian serson Hall executive director of community engagement Kelly parpart assistant superintendent for secondary schools Sarah Mitchell School Board member yvon chur land Executive Director of Human Resources General Council and Kim H superintendent and I Tiny Prince Schoolboard member and presid the purpose of Schoolboard work sessions is to build trust and teamwork to exchange information and when applicable to provide Direction in order to facilitate efficient and effective decision- making at regular board meetings Dr Howard please share your check-in thank you Vice chair Prince and school board members chairman Jones uh welcome for this evening we're going to get started right away and we'll be speaking on attendance boundary changes and as evening leading that we will have Kila and John Mora please superintendent H members of the board thank you so much for this opportunity John morstead Executive Director of Finance operations and I are co-leading this change process uh we're here tonight to update you on next steps over the next several months um uh Elementary and Middle School tennis boundaries will be reviewed to determine needed changes these adjustments will reassign the elementary and or middle school some households are zon to attend our community support of building a better future in 2023 is helping to minimize the extent of these changes so I would like to add to that EAC has taken a close look at our uh facilities over the years too and has helped us really get to this point that we are here tonight too there'll be multiple ways for uh staff students parents and community members to be involved throughout this process we'll talk a little bit more about that later but first let's talk about who we want to make sure we connect with um and the goals we have in communicating with them so our audience is that we are focusing on our CL you our school board and both staff and families at District elementary and middle schools similar to other communication programs our goals are to ensure clear compr ensive communication that is timely and easily accessible ensure widespread Community understanding and minimize misinformation unique to the attendance boundary process as we know this process might be a little bit of a roller coaster ride for some we want to make sure that we're easing the anxiety with communication that reflects the district's care and concern for all of our staff students and parents and caregivers we also want to create opportunities for audiences to share their thoughts and ask questions and last last but not least certainly we want to maintain students enrolled in our district here's a look at the Timeline um over uh this is going to be happening over much of this coming school year um in late September which we are um just about approaching we're sharing an update um with our community and we're just offering them an opportunity to provide some feedback digitally on what we should be considering as we have start this process we also are going to be launching ing a website with FAQ on it in October and November our core team which I'll talk a little bit about here in a minute is going to be working on developing scenarios using those uh considerations that have been shared by the community in December we'll have some staff engagement specifically our principles um just on what those scenarios drafts have come out to be make sure there aren't any red flags and then in January is when the community engagement will really begin in the sense that uh those drafts will be presented to our community members and staff parents and caregivers and students will have opportunity to provide uh their feedback on what they're seeing that will be done digitally it will also be done in person we'll have some informational meetings um as well then in February uh that information will be taken back and then adjustments will be made on those drafts March we'll do similarly to what happened in January we'll have some um opportunity to provide feedback on those amended scenarios we'll do that digitally in informational meetings as well then in April 2025 um if there is still some need for some changes we'll have some additional School level meetings just kind of have to see how things turn out at that point in time and then likely in then April and May the the final attendance boundaries will be announced now before those are announced it will come back to you as school members to review um and then may 2025 until August 202 26 when we know um what those attendance boundaries are right we're going to have our schools preparing to welcome uh students that they they may be seeing new for the first time at their sites um January 2026 to August 2026 uh will'll repeatedly share uh what the new attendance boundaries are with the goal in September 2026 um they'll go into effect we want to make sure that all students go to their apprpriate school on day one of school that year and then they feel welcome when they do go there so the core team um we're calling this a core team this has been established to help lead the an tennis boundary change process um you can see John and I are guiding the group's conversation and that we have representatives in several impacted areas um involved with this the team has met twice in Late July and just yesterday as well some of the pieces that the team has reviewed in their time together policies and procedures that have um attendance boundary related content those are um policy 725 so establishing School attendance boundaries 558 um that's a procedure enrollment options program and then 707 which is our Transportation uh policy you have copies of those in your before packet if you would like to review them tonight as well yesterday we reviewed lots of information including building a better future enrollment Trends capacity target class sizes and development open enrollment and IND District transfer and transportation so this really is grounding all team members so we're on the same page and going into this process the group additionally reviewed some messaging that will be asking um what we should be considering um as we work to create new attendance boundaries at district elementary middle schools that opportunity actually started just this morning um it was in our staff e newsletter The Insider and our parent and caregiver um newsletter as well so as I mentioned earlier in Octo October when the core team meets again they'll review the feedback that was shared in those uh forums and then start drafting potential scenarios based on that input um and the community will be able to provide feedback and we talk about in January after winter break um on these possibilities so there'll be multiple ways to stay informed during this process um as I mentioned there will be a web page dedicated to it um we'll also have regular updates shared via email and text and in our newsletters um Community Information meetings will be held after winter break in person and virtually um and we'll have one in March as well and then we have hotlines open now um it's better future at district279.org and then the phone number 763 391 8990 I would say we've gotten even U before this was shared this morning we've been getting a few more questions into that email that we've been able to respond to and share and people are just curious kind of on what the timeline is so to have some information out today um is really great at this time it concludes the presentation that we have but I'm happy to answer any questions um or concerns board members any questions or comments um yes I had one question about the um Community informational meetings being held after winter break and the hotline's being open now um so I already seen a number of people who received the information that this is coming and are starting to get a little worried and sharing widely this is how you need to you know start emailing people right now um so all of the people that are emailing to the a better future like will all of that be comprised and included in the feedback okay I assumed but I just want to clarify we'll take anything yeah any information on this topic we're going to process for and the only other question I had is um the uh policies that have been reviewed haven't some of them have't been like revised or um looked at in a few few years except for I think war with them um in quite a few years well this one I guess was 2018 but I mean I don't think there's a problem with them but I'm just wondering if maybe policy should just take a quick look at them and like you you know not when it's revised but when it's um reviewed by and just have that added so that there isn't like any kind of question that we're not doing our due diligence and making sure that these things are okay up to date because one of them was like 2010 so is it already part of that process it is we're on like a three cycle review so this year would be uh 200 70 700s 800s 900s so okay so that will be looked at during this yeah I would want to be mindful that it doesn't look like we're making changes to the policy right before I'm not saying revise it but just reviewed by yeah you know just that makes sense so that it's not like well you you guys haven't even done anything in 15 years and now you're making all these changes that's it oh I just question is it possible to quantify like approximately how many students will be impacted that won have a change I mean right now we don't know that okay so what what we want to do to start is is kind of set parameters and let families say this is what's important to us when you're making those decisions and then I I believe and and correct me if I'm wrong okay then the goal is to come back we'll we'll work with the core group and we'll come up with the first draft versions that there's some choices okay and then have people choose okay well I really like B and C but I don't really like a okay or or what other any other feedback they give us and then we'll make some tweaks and and give them some more choices that's that's the intention is that there's multiple iterations that we work our way through together to say and a lot of explanation of here's why we're doing what we're doing so we've um hired a transportation consultant to help us what the cost will be from that perspective and we also have um the company for the system that we use helping support all the demographics and app changes so it's very we visually lay everything out very detailed and also be able to provide the information to say if you do iteration B that means this is the demographic change from that school from what it was this is the special ed ratio change this is the E ratio change um we'll have all that information so we're very well informed in what that impact would be so once we start making those then the answer is yes we can but not until we get to that point so to that point about um those type of changes are there criteria established that we do or don't want to have changes in a certain percentage of let's say demographically like is there anything that's been established around that is that kind of within EAC so we talked um as a Cabinet team and determine some non-negotiables um I can read through those real quick um and I'm guessing some of the um criteria that families will provide us over the next several weeks might align with some of those um it's to yet to be seen but um potentially so we kind of our our non-negotiables from our U cabinet team so Center our core Valu is in all work honor and integrity Belling inclusion Innovation and excellence transpar and intrinsic value ensure scenarios can function in our system including but not limited to Transportation building utilization and capacity enrollment current and future teaching learning program offerings and financial costs ensure scenarios have longevity and system note the number of students impacted for each option note the student demographics for each option so that includes racial makeup of all sites should U be close to the median of the district special education free and reduced homeless and multi- lingual and then follow the teacher student ratios established by the school board um maintain Elementary and secondary transportation service areas and then comply with state law school work policy and neoti agreements some considerations um not saying those so those were the non-negotiable some considerations might be um creating or maintaining a feeder system keeping neighborhoods intact minimizing non-contiguous attendance areas minimizing travel time on buses and refraining from offering grandfa board members you would you like that to be emailed to you at all or you okay just being read I could put in my super sure be okay and yeah and I think in that list there's probably priorities people have today that might have been different in the past when boundaries were established too any other comments or questions the the only comment that I had and one thank you is all looks and sounds great um you mentioned that it'll come to the board sometime between April and may it looks like the timeline seems Seems super tight between like the community engagement in March and then the additional school meetings in April um so I'm just a little bit concerned about the timeline and us being able to actually like receive the information in a timely manner and process it um so I don't know like what can actually happen with that I know the timeline's tech in general but um that would be my concern just looking ahead to what meeting that's actually a really good point too because you'll have three new board members on boarding in January okay we'll continually update update I that's a great point in that make sure we're on um usually it's a a couple weeks time right for that feedback to come in um but we'll we'll keep everybody updated and make sure that we're doing our best to we can work our uh work session calendar to consider catching people up come January okay great thank you all right so next we have uh we're just following up some of the questions that were asked around the repurpose site at the last board meeting so you ask and we are here to answer for you so just update on the repurpose site and that's going to be with u um Stephen fiss Brian bass and Brian seon Hall so I'm going to kick us off today so as Dr H said um you know we talked we're we're going to share some some new information but also kind of reground a little bit uh because it's been some time so so again good evening and U and obviously speaking with me today we have Brian cson Hall uh who is our executive director of Community Education Kella I was going to be back on stage with you today executive director of community relations we have Ethan nals our coordinator for American Indian education and hopefully Joe can make it because we're a little ahead of time um our assistant director of student services so as you're aware this has uh been a significant change for us for our system and uh especially for those staff and families at Crestview and so uh throughout that process the the main goal has been to really make sure that all the that families and students and staff are cared for along the way and so um uh we want and and have worked hard to make sure that they're feeling supported throughout this whole process and and um I'm happy to report too it's gone really smoothly um since that a lot to be proud of um and and especially I'd like to thank our uh not only our team but also our principal Webster um who along with the teachers and staff stepped up to make sure that U um they've had a successful start to the year and and are really working on creating that that uh transition path that not only respects the history of uh Crest View but also the accomplishments as well so those are the things that are add in the work so I wanted to make sure we started with that so our outcomes as I had mentioned is just to really briefly review the the process uh a little bit so I might be a little uh uh hopefully it's familiar to you and then to update you on uh community based spaces at the at the site and how uh you know we're working and how we believe we going be used so as you're aware uh you know building a better future shared that that ele that an elementary school would be repurposed to serve pre kindergarden grades enrichment Community Based programming needs and so of course after a lot of research and work um over a number of years um that um Crest View was chosen and so again just to remind you that the pressview kindergarten through grade uh five students and staff will be moving schools in Fall 2025 essentially the start of the 2025 26 school year and so as I mentioned it's moving on quite well and um and we're also pleased that uh that staff and students by and large of State at the school that was our hope that was our desire um one change that I did want to note uh kind of a late shift that we did was our uh we did shift our bpk classroom to Fair Oaks uh because we had a a last minute staff change and so uh in order to you know avoid disruption and honor our commitment to those to the families and the students we wanted to make sure that we had uh we had a good solid uh plan for for the students and and it's going quite well um so number of hands were involved in but I would also like to thank our transportation department uh for their flexibility andness um and making that quick change for us so that's kind of the the the major shift in kind of the programing p i just if you weren't aware of want to make sure um so again uh students uh currently attending uh at Crest View will have the opportunity to choose uh the near nearby Elementary School and they'll continue their learning there uh for the fall of 2025 and then remain uh there three schools that we had mentioned before edin Brook very bar Oaks and Z wood um are all hearing up for for this process uh Transportation just a reminder will be provided for all of the school options and Kay is going to give us a quick update on uh some of the things that are happening uh later this month in terms of that selection process um some some of you uh I think have been involved in it as board members about that exhaustive process of determining uh um you know where uh where those changes were going to occur has been a result of EAC The Advisory uh enrollment and capacity management advisory committee and so they've studied enrollment patterns uh the capacity and building use um over time and had identified some recommendations both to address under subscribed schools as well as over enrollment and the building a better future process took us through uh uh to includ six of other focus groups that were involved in it such as CTE and magnet and all these things have rolled up into uh some recommendations that include facility improvements uh for the repurposing of the school and so again we're going to kind of dig a little more into that uh the oversight finally the oversight task force did uh follow some criteria um which you can read about there um which was included was Equitable impact fiscal responsibility to name just a few of those and so that's where we've kind of landed on the plan and uh and then Crest View uh was selected uh in part because of the central location uh and also to uh you know the belief that we can expand uh our community services there and some of the lower uh student enroll enrollment over time which was being studied by ATM and so uh on to uh the programming plans um again you know as we had previously shared in the spring um the the building uh will be transitioning and uh with the prek K uh we're excited about some of the opportunities that are going to be provided there uh specifically we are envisioning that Innovative Heritage learning model um which is focused in on cultural inversion centering our indigenous among East West African and Spanish um um languages and so uh I think we had shared at that point we are working or had worked with the Northwest Suburban integration School District on a magnet planning Grant and so we're anxiously waiting to hear that's due at the end of September and so we envision that Grant will help us uh provide additional funding obviously for the development of our cultural immersion pre uh programming preate programming so those are things that we're waiting on but we're excited because we think that's really going to give us that kind of jump start that we're looking for because we want this exciting Innovative program there in in a building and in a community that deserves it so I'm going to turn this over to Brian who's just going to touch on some of those other points yeah so for continuing with the U community base programming uh this could include but not be limited to enrichment adult and youth enrichment programming Community Gathering spaces opportunities for Community Partners uh accessing the building in the outside space and also as we continue to collect ideas from the community in the design process those ideas will be added to how people access the the building and and utilize programming there as you'll hear later in the presentation too there's still currently even with meeting our criteria for a repurpose site and some and uh what you'll hear about with our American Indian Cultural Center there's still all sorts of space in there um to offer more opportunities in addition to the needs and commitments that have already been made so we'll talk about that in a little bit um also so on this slide you can see our district committed to explore uh Community Access student based health planning and we were awarded a grant from mdh for to plan for a possible Clinic these Grant dollars would cover startup costs and exploration of scope and services and an evidence-based needs assessment will be conducted during the planning process to determine the needs of our community and Scholars as part of the grant process we secured Park nicholet Health Partners as a partner in exploring and building out the clinic and after reviewing the possib possibility of the location at the repurpose site we have concluded it won't work for this particular site um and Jill is Jill and a is going to be uh speaking to some details around this later and then I will also share some other potential options in the presentation that would kind of pair up nicely with the uh Early Childhood programming so we'll get to that as well so I think just for my own personal opinion this is part of the process of as you gather more Community input sometimes things shift right so um you know and I'll talk about it a lot like right now there's not a whole lot that's in dark pen there's a lot that's in light pencil right and we and we kind of move to that now we'll talk about how some things are going to be Cornerstone programs for the you know right now but we still have all sorts of explor atory space and time for Community input to maximize these spaces and later Ethan will speak to uh one of our core program areas for this repurpose site which is our American Indian Cultural Center along side our native language revitalization program he'll share a lot of details about what we're thinking it's very exciting things that APAC is contributed some perspective on so Ethan will get to that and then just just a couple of uh things that are tertiary related to this um we did receive late in August additional VPK seats I think we shared that with the with the board uh which is great at four of our sites and one of the things that we're doing uh in case because I wasn't sure that everyone knew about this but we're doing some exploratory ways to allocate these uh seats differently while working with mde so we've added classrooms at Birch Grove and Fair Oaks Steve already mentioned the shift that we needed to do for Crest View for bpk to Fair Oaks um we also have new classrooms at Oak viiew and Elm Creek and at Oak View uh we're piloting a wraparound model in coordination with our horar Express program so one of the feedback that we get that we that we get that we've received from participants in bpk is some people really like the half day experience and that's perfect for them some folks with kids in early childhood take our ECF offerings that might be two days or three days a week and that's it and others say how do you expect me to sign up for VPK I work what am I what is my it's only for 3 hours what am I supposed to do the other hours of the day while I'm at work so that's a longer winded explanation what I wrote down here but what we're doing at opw is we're take we're utilizing the opportunity for these VPK dollar and essentially offering wraparound care for half the cost of what we would offer for fourstar in an attempt to kind of see how much does it actually cost to execute a wrap around model is it um something that parents are excited or drawn to because we just haven't had that opportunity so far we've offered Things based on how we've received money or how we've previously been set up so we we're taking advantage of this year to potentially look at would that work for our families and community members and if so how then might we allocate those bpk are those Early Childhood seats at the repurpose site do you get the is the connection making sense after that longwinded explanation so we're trying to kind of say instead of only saying here's how we're allocated funds so there or we have to deliver it exactly this way how can we do those funds maybe other funds parent fees different funds blend and braid those things and offer different experiences so it's not just limited to one option so that's how I if you all have a better idea for me to say that my I'm open but this is how we're kind of trying to to find if that's exciting for people right and so far people did sign up for the op1 so that's good um but kind of what how can we scale that so um these are again um my way of thinking of yes we receive input but we also adapt as we're receiving input because it's not fully baked yet right we haven't determined all the ingredients on we know it's going to be a repurpose site but what are going to be all the ingredients to it so those are just some quick updates on some programming plans uh for the site all right I'm going to dive a little bit into the uh the feedback side of this um thus far uh we're going to see some more we'll talk about that in a little bit but um as Brian mentioned there are some additional opportunities um with the space that we have at Crestview so we can meet our needs and commitments and have some additional possibilities um this was actually shared in our with our community late last spring and there was an opportunity to provide feedb feedback at that time on what those potential directions could be this feedback has help the team with nearing the final recommendations um to provide to the designers and Architects obviously we're still um finishing up that process so this process or this feedback was collected via an anonymous thought exchange and this tool participants were able to share their ideas and rate their uh the other participants ideas to to try to bring kind of what those top things are to the Forefront um this was shared in a variety of different ways um we had in our district Communications e newss web and social um we also hided in our Brooklyn in Brooklyn Brooklyn Park in Brooklyn Center School Communications again e newss web social even our Mass um notification text messages we also had graphic displays near entrances at our Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center Schools um similarly Flyers there as well these were shared on Bolton boards available for pickup at Main offices and it was passed out a lot of inperson events which in the springtime there's always tons of them they had PTO meetings and lots of end of the year Gatherings that we were able to take of they've also been in community ad Communications um fa and our multilingual um Team have some Communications we were able to share it in and then with the cities and Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center um they shared allowed us to share those in the um main offices of of the cities and then Media Partners as well um had the opportunity to talk about it and then some of the themes that we um found here uh in this process for after school program Family Counseling Services special needs support adult English classes early childhood education steam Education fooding Services Community Gathering spaces mental health support outdoor educational spaces cultural emerging programs indoor recreational facilities job placement services and parent education programs these are the high level themes um I know in one of the updates you were able to rece the whole list of Dos um so you have all those so this is kind of the the AI version of what was shared um I'm just going to uh show you kind of what I'm seeing on my end of things so we had 249 participants 97 thoughts um our rating level was very high so we had a lot of people going in and saying yes no yes no to some of these things um these are kind of those themes that that I mentioned um right here so so it's kind of easier to see it here on the left but essentially once you click each of these um you get kind of the reasoning why that that was associated with that theme and this has been passed along to our team that's working on what the next steps are so it's been really helpful um to go to decide what we should be passing along to the the construction team and with that I'm going to pass it along I think yes uh good evening everyone um I'm just here speak a little bit about the American Indian cultural resource center and some of the feedback we received from the American Indian parent advisory committee and a little backstory on how this came to be is When the Thought exchange was disseminated um kind of came to my attention that anytime we elicit feedback from the community American Indian parents and students are severely underrepresented it's a nationwide problem with us being such a small demographic so we brought a similar um survey or stakeholder survey to the American Indian parent advisory Committee in May during some of our end of the year events at CR or at uh northv middle school and in that survey there was a series of questions we wanted to make sure we identified parents and students from each of our sites and we asked them a series of questions the first being how interested are you in the proposed Heritage learning model for cultural immersion programming and it was amazing to see that 83.3% of our parents were um significantly or very interested in that with another 10% somewhat interested and the remaining neutral we had none that were opposed to this cultural immersion programming and I think a lot of that has to do with when we frame what is cultural immersion programming it's not just language but it's intergenerational and it's learning through activities learning through experiences some of the images on these slides are from our um Dakota language and OJ language summer institutes that were held at oio middle school as well as our annual poow and they don't tell a lot when you just look at the images but what this cultural immersion programming is for example the TP the students are learning mathematics they're learning astronomy how the poles are aligned aligned to our indigenous star knowledge they're learning uh teamwork leadership communication a lot of intangible skills that are more than just the simple act of putting up a TV so they're learning things that are aligned to grade standards but they're also developing and cultivating a knowledge of self that is often uh lacking in the mainstream curriculum in the schools um we can go on to the next slide here some of the other questions we asked with the parents and students were what um Community Based Services would you like to see in the repurpose site 80% of the parents um support an outdoor classroom or nature education another 73% highlighted the need for community meeting spaces with uh 70% advocating for Early Childhood when we think of why for the American Indian cultural resource center there's a lot of reasons it's not just for American Indian students but it's for all students these past two years we've been offering OJ and delot language for credit in our high school more than 50% of the scholars are non-american Indian so these students are from all different backgrounds are curious wanting to know more you know our traditional schooling has failed to adequately educate us about indigenous people and nationhood today so this is a way that we can build community while still um providing authentic resources and experiences to our students some of the things that are more specific to American Indian education programming is the language revitalization programming um currently if you go to North View we've got some cultural ways it's almost like a museum that is curated by our students and our staff to be reflective of the cultures and communities here in the O School District which represents over 95 tribal Nations so there's a lot of diversity even amongst our indigenous population here in the district um this also includes traditional Arts workshops storytelling and oral history um we have a curated library with over 2,000 texts for our staff and students to use that can be searched worldwide on Destiny so it's vetted resource by American Indian staff um we've also expressed an interest in a traditional foods and cooking or an indigenous Food Lab when we talked about the um supplemental kitchen that was a little different than the production kitchen because we wanted people to experience um authentic Foods food preparation without experiencing food products that we've all been accustomed to today you know the ways that uh corn was traditionally used versus today it's almost been weaponized against us all as foods and so um some of the other things we're looking at are indigenous sport and games this past summer we hosted uh the second annual wooden stick lacrosse tournament at AIO Middle School had participants from all around the region so we'd like to have that also be a focus at Crest View because there's a lot of learning to be done through play and through um these traditional games it's a little bit different than the Western models of sports additionally there's been a significant interest in intergenerational culture camps not just for our American Indian students but for everyone and where this stems from is uh in statute last year the State added Indian education for all a lot of people aren't aware of that um it was done in Montana and now we're kind of preemptively creating the space to train our teachers our staff to have capacity to effectively teach Indian education in all core subject areas whether it's fet mathematics chemistry there's ways that we can Infuse that um additionally we're interested in traditional ecological knowledge and the medicine Garden which currently is featured at the ESC but that would be moving as well to Crest View um that's you know taken care of by community curation and then lastly significant amount of PD professional development opportunities for our staff around Indian education and effectively um teaching by students so thank you hello good evening I'm I'm going to talk a little about school health centers um so we're still partnering very closely with par Nichola and the Minnesota um school-based Health Alliance uh so they're like the main Partners working this project with us um right now we're getting ready to start a Readiness assessment um which is really going to tell us what are the needs of our community and help us come up with a needs statement which will help us take our final providers but one thing we learned as this is like an exploratory Grant is that best practices for school-based Health Center this the clinic needs to have as much access to as many students as possible and the reason is that for that is two things one sustainability so the providers don't have to worry about not seeing enough cents and two um that the students remain in their seats so it's increased seat time um so they just pop down to the clinic and pop back into class in to go off campus so as we go we're learning what best practices are and how we're going to sustain that planic within our district so yeah so based on what Jill shared and our learning through our our grant to explore of AAL School based Health Clinic we and that that's unlikely to be an option for the repurpose school um we started researching a little bit health related Services potentially with a little bit of a um not a little bit but with a emphasis on um community members with our youngest Learners since it's going to be a Early Childhood site what might be some On-Site Health related services that make sense for a site that has up to 125 or more we're not limiting it to 125 if we find that that's more popular than that we can certainly try to grow it but this would be something these are just some initial ideas to explore um Early Childhood screening appointments we currently do our early childhood screening at arborview which is on the west side of our school district um and this is an opportunity to provide the same services on the east side of the district and have it via Hub um we do um try to offset that disp by doing things like offering Early Childhood screening at Brook Brookdale Library and we go to schools and do screening but this might this idea that this is an early childhood Hub that we have some of those Services right there so people see it as a hub potential for free pediatric dental care clinics I just blanked on their name but I know the first Minnesota Smiles or something like that there's some Smiles groups you know teach you how to brush a brush a brush you know keep clean yeah yeah um but again the idea I think you're going to see this as I keep talking this is a hub how do we draw people in so they start to see it as an early childhood place to potenti and when for the repurpose site when we talk about Early Childhood we're talking about four-year-old program programming when I talk about Early Childhood I'm typically talking about birth the four-year-olds right but in this case it's more about foury olds again vaccine clinics Health on go potentially uh at this site some Early Childhood mental health supports um you know whether that's literally for our young youngest people or for their caregiver or parent right to support being a parent or caregiver and then certainly some exploration around pediatric Vision Care Clinics so kind of the idea would be this could be a nice hub for if I have a two or three-year-old I could get some health care mental health support screening which we do already you know which we want to do anyways Dental Etc so now we've kind of moving from exploring what a school based Health Clinic might look like that's not going to be here at cresu what might it look like to do more of a health related Services Program and then frankly when those Services aren't offered those spaces could still be multi-use space right because it's not it wouldn't be like it's a dental clinic that's open every single day it'd be unlikely that'd have to be a pretty popular program to do that but if it's every Tuesday is free dental care you know every second and fourth T Thursday night are you know vision screening the other times you could use those spaces for other options so that I think this is an exciting thing that again this is one of those kind of shifts to this won't work let's explore something else that's kind of risen up through some of our feedback I think I've covered everything on that one all right so this one we're going back to what was shared at the a week ago at the board meeting right so this is um at snr's initial schematic potential schematic draft schematic for this building and John you can help correct me I believe our um other BBF sites we have a core planning team and that's our team for this particular site we have a core planning team just like we do for all the other buildings and we have a programming team and so one thing I a realization that I think I had last Tuesday night this is what happens when you're trying to marry core planning people who think about square footage versus people who think about programming right we use different langu anguage and we use different ways to go about expressing that language the architects who are amazing and that's why they do what they do they want to know how many square feet do you need per program which walls am I going to move where is a loadbearing these are things I'm I think I said it right I do know about hbac and stuff like that right but then we as programmers say like I just said about the American Indian culture center um in my thinking this is a core tenant a core program a core Spirit of the space right Early Childhood is a core program of the space so that's why on here you do do see some things like in the like dark pink I guess on the upper left for uh some of the programming that Ethan talked about including like potential space for the lacrosse potential space for drumming dancing and he mentioned the medicine Garden first for example right so these are the architect's attempt to put what are the ideas that we're Gathering as we go the other outdoor spaces we have not really gotten any Community input on that except to say people really want Outdoor Learning spaces we don't know where what the heck it's going to look like or where it's going to go yet but we have to gather more information right now you I think you'd be remiss to not have a playground at a site that's serving 100 34 girls you know but what does it look like how do kids access it where do they enter where do they exit all those kind of things and then the other thing that I would say is a core programming is the production kitchen slash Ethan what did you call the additional yeah thank you food lab so the idea behind that is both what uh Ethan stated but also the ability to if we're going to have a bunch of community Gathering spaces what might it look like to have an on-site kitchen or Food Lab that can produce opportunities for people to say oh I'm going to I'm going to try some foods produced by the Food Lab in our American Indian Cultural Center as our access to utilizing that space so those spaces are more those are more like what I considered closer to being in pin doesn't mean they have have to be that way but we're not we already made a decision about not closing the school and having it be a repurpose site which included having an educational purpose so those two core programs do that and then in my opinion everything else on there um and we can work on verbage for when because as soon as you show a diagram that people think it's written in stone is the other thing I we learn right we're learning institution so it's okay we got input and that's why we're back here right CU When you put put something on a diagram it feels like a I don't know it's already been stamped or a steak in the ground however you use that phrase but in my opinion everything else you see on that space that says Flex I think of that as more multi-use space right where it says large PD that's multiuse space it's just it could be PD it could be a large Gathering it could be this meeting we could have all our meetings at the repurpose site right there's nothing as we couldn't meet there um same with the big yellow which is currently a Gym's cafeteria that's just the larger CAF what you cafet that's that's the really creative the uh but that's a big multi-use space Oh Oh the face program we want we do want to have the face staff to have an actual place CU we think they're going to have a big impact on both this next phase of gathering input but also helping um uh navigate and Shepherd the work that happens at a place that's a community center but then everything else like the Welcome Center still needs we do want it to be I will say the Welcome Center the only thing we've talked about there is really we kind of want it to be the community Cent living room the space where we all show up We Gather whether that's a coffee C par uh with some of our students in transition programs operating it where people come and wait and meet other people before they move on to community Gathering times we want it to be a showcase spot where people lock in and know they've locked into a community center um so I think that's all I'll say about the diagram but I but the reason we included the diagram again is because I don't want people to get the impression that this is in dark pen this is the attempt to kind of go where might things fit we wanted to make sure that we had our anchor programs established so that we can start developing those because Architects have to work in more advanced than programmers do so this is kind of our attempt to Mel those two together so maybe let's talk about uh the multiuse spaces I've talked about it a little bit um there's a lot of ways to think about multiuse the way I think about it is back in the day when I Anthony help me out back in the day when I used to Camp I think about it as pack in pack out right so it's not like my when you when you go to the Early Childhood section of the building that room's going to have Early Childhood stuff in it that's not going to that's not going to leave at night do you know what I mean this space here tonight is an example of a multi-us space when we leave here none of this stuff that's sitting in front of us will be here again right so that's what I mean by pack in pack out multiuse it's not predetermined that a certain group has that space all the time right unlike the two programs I just shared right it's not assume that just because they used it last year on January 2nd they get it next year on January 2nd right so the idea is people will be moving in and out of there all day every day all year year 7 days a week right we already do mult multi-use in the school district we've got um policy 902 Community use of school facilities so um I didn't do it but if we wanted to I could have pulled all the permits for what's going on in spaces in our school district tonight and you would have heard about different programs happening at 30 plus buildings tonight and a whole range of things we do PD School Board gets together enrichment plays sports music faith-based organizations use our buildings every week um summer programming so we already do multi-use we already have ways to go about it um and we have processes to do that um and protocols could use it for large events I think this uh I think this particular space has the opportunity for housing larger events than most a lot of our spaces outside of frankly the high schools they have some pretty big spaces but uh so I think that's exciting so um I did ask uh this question at our last architect meeting it's not exact because everything's not been determined but the uh anchor programs currently take up about 50% of the square footage in the school the other 50% right now is designated for multi-use to figure out how to use utilize it through the continued Community input that we're going to have so it again it felt like when we put the diagram on the board I can't I saw some head nods when I said when you put a diagram up people think that that's what's set in stone so I don't want to assume anything but uh it's nowhere near 100% filled in fact I would say it's half or slightly less than half determined right now and the rest still needs to determine be determined in the next year as we're Gathering more Community input so um I continue to still be excited about the multi-use spaces uh I think it's still a large portion of the building I'm you know I think the planning team is ecstatic about the co the core program tenants that are going in there I think it's pretty exciting personally um and the other ones will be just as exciting but again still being developed the more multi-use spaces you have available in my opinion the more options you have for the community the more defined spaces you have the less options for the community so I think this model is still on track to meet that but that's part of the reason we're doing this work session tonight is to get input and make sure that that's uh still a direction the school board wants uh and that that bels with also are honoring what our core planning team and programming planning team are doing so I could go on because I am excited about it um but they're I think they're important if we need to change some language on diagrams I think we need to so that it doesn't um cause people to think something that's not true and that's on us but that was some of the learning that we got from last Tuesday night as well so thanks Steve I think that's done for my for my section there I think ktie you're going to bring home yeah so this is this is just a reminder on um the timeline uh you've seen this um probably already um so this and this incorporates just the repurposing as a whole so um especially with our Crest View families and our community um we're going to just send out reminders between now and June 2025 we're going to be celebrating Crestview and all that it has accomplished um so we were originally sharing this back in the spring so we've been doing that now and we're can do that onward um we're going to have an opportunity to preview or the families are going to have an opportunity to preview transferring schools so those are the three transfering schools that um crust families have to choose from um that's going to happen in late September actually that Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday that last week of September there set for um construction is set to start at Crestview this summer so that's why we're here talking to you tonight a lot a lot those details um pressview staff and students are going to begin their new Journey is then at their transferring schools in September of 2025 and then our newly repurpose site will be opening in September 2026 um so just next steps here in addition to the that exchange Community is input is being gathered via some focus groups to learn just a little bit more detail um and just bu tune some of those question marks that we have um commun members wanting to share more are welcome to email better future at District 99.org over the next couple of weeks as well and then detailed information will continue to be shared online um we have two websites going right now so we have you're looking specifically for the improvements to the site that we're talking a lot of bit about tonight that's at district279.org better future um if you're a Crest viiew Family wanting to know more about what that transition looks like for you or have some questions in relation to that district279.org repurposing is the website for that this time we'll turn over for any questions or concerns great thank you board members questions or comments I just have one clarifying question the three days that they can preview is that one day per school or is it three days per school it's one day per per school so um the Tuesday is going to be at Edinburg the same schedule we followed each night so they start at 5:00 each night um families will have an opportunity they can go to one two three whatever might be you know completely up to them so Eden Brook's the first night on that Tuesday um then it's Fair Oaks and then it's St so Fair Oak is Wednesday is Thursday we will be offering transportation for families um if they are able to get to Crest View if they're like a walk family perhaps and then they can go to sh to those three those as well is there um an alternative or like backup plan for families who would really like to be a school but aren't able to on that design any time yep we can definitely and we have since even the springtime they are welcome to do um like an individual School tour there's and we've shared all sorts of different ways that they can they can either call a school there's also a school tour button right on websites that families can pick right online time like to come to our school and all of our our principles are more than happy to to take them on a tour at school so yeah if this doesn't work um there are definitely opportunities in addition perfect I can't tell you how excited am I about this I'm so excited about it um I'm glad we have all the feedback that we have um I mean I'm I'm from the days where the uh pack and go was ECFE and that's no fun um so it's exciting to see this and as a person has done developmental screening um to be able to refer to a clinic that's going to happen not a clinic but a like we call them little clinics mini clinics where they come in and do dental or Vision that that would be really exciting and to have enough space for the American Indian cultural center and the Heritage programs it's I think it's really um perfect for our community and I'm pretty excited about it I think think um for me one of the you know thoughts um that I've had along the way is ensuring that we've got good asset utilization and we've got the funding sources that will cover it so that we're not increasing Capital um needs that aren't associated with serving students um and just I know that we there's been a lot of due diligence to make sure that the funding sources follow in the right place um I think um that 50% still looking to determine what's going to be there feels a little bit like a lot at this stage um but I wonder if there's opportunity to look at programming that other districts offer that we don't offer yet that could go in there particularly thinking about it being at such a central location that could it serve after school families of multi- um ages so it's like one place for all of the family to go for after school activities or programming that um that maybe um just could have has a broader service um I'm going to throw something out there at driver's ed um if that would be an opportunity to explore because we do have a neighboring District that offers that and that's not something that we can offer so I'm just wondering if there's some maybe innovative ways to say what would we like to offer that this could um accommodate that we can't we don't do today um I think what like multi-age tutoring um it'd be great to have like a parent education Hub so um and think there's just that central location makes it very desirable for some really good Mission focused um innovative ideas so um maybe recasting the thinking and evaluation again those are all great things that could happen in those multi-use rooms for sure and I think that matches some of what Ethan shared about some interenational opportunities too it doesn't have to be MH exclusionary to to an American Indian cultural center right like what if that some of this I think is um how do you also create the culture at a community center versus an elementary school right or a space where multiple cultures intergenerational I.E our community is gathering right and so what that's even why we've started to have some of this what is the what is the space you walk into look like how does it embrace all the things that are in that building cuz it's not one thing it shouldn't you know I'm not picking on an elementary school but the the mural shouldn't just look like it's if you're walking into an elementary school I would love it that the artwork of the murals look like you're walking into an elementary school right you're walking into a community center in a community Gathering space how does it also reflect that so there's a lot of stuff we haven't even touched yet but that's part of the what you're speaking to you know Tanya we're not opposed to adding uh another anchor program to your question it just hasn't yet surfaced right we we still have more ideas than we have space but that's why we've kind of stopped it so that because the multi-use spaces don't prevent us from do it allows us the most opportunity to have the most things in there but it's also okay if if we find one thing that surfaces and it might not surface for 2 years till after it opens that's okay we can always adjust then too and say we found cuz it's going to take some getting the word out even literally word of MTH and literally marketing for people to know here's a new spot that's different than what we've had here before right we haven't even talked about marketing or Staffing the place we haven't talked about any of that we're just saying what are the what are the components and ingredients that we want there and what are the ingredients that we have not yet surfaced from community that we need to continue to explore so and I would just add one of the I think what is going to be an exciting sort of way to Market it is how do people engage in that space so what does it look like how inviting is it so you know if I'm in the community what you know what's available to me even if I'm not in Center so that's where I think the conversations around the grounds are so exciting as well we even thought Splash Pad there are splash pads but just again just sort of uh showing that you know really become that uh and it attracts all sorts of of of people to that um to that side I think is going to help some of that evolutionary sort of pieces and we know we're going to have to add parking we don't want the parking beat up all the outdoor natural space either but it's also if you want a lot of people to be utilizing you're thinking about access via Transportation too so we're um and even working with the city on where the limited busing would come in whether that's through the neighborhood or right off San you know so those are even some things we haven't really gotten a small walking path around yeah like who what's up with the walk yeah an internal walking path in current ways that people can or can't access that space like there's some Park line and walking path on the west side of Zan that doesn't actually connect you have to stop go down and then come off over right are there other ways that we can connect to other Park resources that are already there so it makes it all of a sudden a natural flow that if you're oh if I'm walking in this part I just keep going and now I'm at this new community center and I'm accessing the things that are available there so these are even things we're working with the city on yeah well we touched on some of the traffic calming on and what might that look like you know so that again it opens up into the community and I do want to give a shout out to Brooklyn Park uh Park and Park Center face had their back the school activity and see Kelling I were able to go and the reason why I'm bringing it up I want to give a shout out to the library for one they were giving just giving brand new books to kids and they were there and then we had the Community Center was there they had so many activities it was insane Sala Del Soul look it up good um go and the health on the go is why I brought it up do ether morning if you want to speak to it is actually the owner it was a Claudia Claudia so she she got a grant or did Brooklyn Park get a grant and is her I think she got she said she got she got a grant through uh Park I thought uh through was it through the it was through this uh government I think County but it's actually Health on go so she can actually not even just be at this site but they can go to different sites where parents will be able you'll be able to say they're at this site this day and they can go get things little yeah it was very impressive very impressive so and we do that to to for just so everyone knows we do help them to go with the the we call it the he the little house too because like it but um we offer that four times a year at the enrollment center on the go this is part of that worked with SE Hanan County en that you remember back to our whole multi things that you're able to access in one spot so we sometimes offer Health on the go at the enrollment center too in partnership with h County in this particular thing so yeah and that's why you have even when you're designating where you're doing idea generating outside can be multi-use spaces too right so just like this little um bump out or that can hold up to three or four food trucks for community events it can bump out and hold Health on the go right like so even thinking about multi-use outdoor spaces is something that's important um too so that these are all the these are some of the other again people come like the ideas that folks generate are beautiful right like we it's not like we get Negative ideas really you know but how to accommodate them is a tricky tricky thing Brian is Health on the go is that a place where students are able to get a physic for High School athletics depends on well that certainly happens at school-based health clinics right that's one because just think it's think of like a normal health care spot multiple things that you can get support for if you're there I don't know I don't know if go offers that I don't I don't said that the the one that was at um the face event said that she can whatever the need is you let them know ahead of toate that that's a cool space I mean I thinking blood drives mogs how many cool things you could do that's so cool y all right are there any other followup questions or comments thank you jayen Ethan yeah and thank you for being really responsive to the last board meeting and be able to kind of assemble some additional information that's really helpful yeah you're welcome and thanks for surfacing your questions so we can be responsive right we can't respond if we don't know so and it like I said it's already helping even that diagram thing that's helping the most like that I can just tell that needs to just be a little have to figure out side by side I'll just say we got forced to do it because we had to create some bubbles for the N programmers Architects can get along just working on it made a lot of sense it helped Advance our to yeah Okay calendar yeah just our last item here just for uh the board it would have been taken off your calendar so there was a tentative hold for extra work session on uh September 17th so we will not be holding that I know you're sad but that we won't be holding that one um and we'll keep an eye on um Thomas as you had mentioned we'll keep an eye on and making sure we report back on attendance boundaries so you're continuously getting an information that's the final call is yours um and then I'm kind of excited at the beginning of October we're going to be going over sharing some information on our new Ela curriculum and going over the whole uh structur literacy with you so we'll have that for you in October so and if you think of anything else that you're interested in that you want on a work session topic just let us hand it to you okay all right uh any other this is in rad R business for the good of the club the good of the board the four-way test all right then uh that will conclude us so this work session is adjourned at 711 p.m. again oh