##VIDEO ID:T1Gpdg29Ekw## e e e e e good evening the regular meeting of the Independent School District 279 School Board is called to order at 6 p.m. on July 23rd 2024 this regular business meeting of the the oio school board is being conducted in the boardroom of the Educational Service Center the meeting can be monitored electronically by streaming online from the district website an archived recording of tonight's meeting will also be available on the district website I apologize for the echo I think it went away thank you um seated in front of you this evening from my left to your right is director Thomas Brooks uh director Heather Douglas is unable to be here tonight director T Prince myself Jackie mosa Jones uh director Sarah Mitchell and director Tama Grady superintendent Dr Kim H and the members of the superintendent's cabinet are also present those of you who can please stand and join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God IND I with liy and justice for all board members are there any additions to the agenda tonight seeing none is there a motion to accept the agenda as written so moved moved by Tanya Prince uh is there a second second second by Thomas Brooks um is there any discussion all in favor say I I I'll say nay motion passes 5 to zero we have two presentations this evening the first being an architectural update on building a better future John morstead Executive Director of Finance and operations will introduce the presenters John thank youon break ours have two distinguished guests with us our two different architectural firms that are going to process so I'm going to get us kind of quickly kicked off and then I will introduce it and first all introduce to with Architects and then I will introduce you to Nancy when we get to her Section so the outcomes of today's presentation board members are going to understand the progress on the following projects and these are the W projects we're currently working on Senior High the new Elementary School in Maple oio Senior High North Middle School middle school and an update on the first round of furniture installations just want to give you a quick visual on what ourin like our and you can See's a lot going if you start with lighter color the lighter color squares that's kind of our beginning of design as the colors get a little bit darker we get a little farther into design the dark blue pieces is the construction timeline for each project way through a combined total of 66 projects so here you have page one and page two as we're working our way through all these projects so the next wave that we start on really starts this fall um and leads into winter for a whole another wave with both organizations again so at this time I will turn it over to Len to talk about our first projects thank you John um we're gonna start things off with Maple Grove Senior High um chair MCA Jones members of the board superintendent H thank you so much for having us here tonight on behalf of old Architects and Engineers really excited to share with you all some updates as we are in design and doing some fun things um so we'll start off with Maple Grove Senior High the last time um we presented to you we were in schematic design which is very big picture um um idea generation uh we had the core Planning Group if you recall um that were um was a group that represented members of the community that helped us really get the design started um and I've got here just an overview again of the project to just kind of um reground ourselves in the work that's happening at Maple Grove Senior High um again we are utilizing the existing Maple Grove Senior High site uh we are in uh increasing the capacity from 20 2,85 students to 2730 so uh some major Renovations and additions are happening at that site um you can see that uh we are affecting approximately 65,000 square feet of building building additions that will happen um and then we also have about 34,000 Square ft of building renovation so a lot of work happening there uh you can see that um the building a better future referendum process um has dedicated around 56 million for that total project cost and there's a $32 million um partnership with ltfm funding um which is a common funding process for um the majority of the projects that um are happening um and again the the end result is to have that TurnKey moving experience for your students and your staff at that building uh this is an overview of the project schedule you can see that it's it's a long construction schedule and um currently we're in uh contract documents for this project so um what that means is um we have wrapped up all of our meetings with um your staff and um teams at that site in your District administration um we are are currently working on construction documents plan to bid the project December of 2024 and then hit the ground running in the new year um one thing to point out on this project because of all of the scare footage um and the site being affected this will be phase construction um so you can see here on this diagram that there are multiple Summers and construction that will be going on through uh for the next couple of years here with the end goal of full occupancy in um fall of 2027 um and then just to pause on the process a little bit again um we just wrapped up design development as you can see in the diagram on this sheet that really uh represents the work that has been done with your teams at that site getting down to a lot of levels of detail in regards to where are the light switches um where what kind of cabinets do you need where do we need power where do we need water sources and sinks and so um all of that information has been documented and is being implemented into the construction documents uh one thing that's really exciting to share with all of you is that there was a lot of participation in this planning we had well over 19 user groups um that we have been meeting with over the last four months um well over 150 staff and administrative um team members participated in these meetings um and there was a total of a little over 50 meetings to get the information right at the site um so we really enjoyed working with your community and your staff and students um one thing I just wanted to share here too as well is the site plan uh you can see here on this diagram that um the white area there is the building a large site um you can see um in the dark shaded areas that um those are the areas where the additions are planning to be uh happening here so you can see a lot of the additions are on the north side of the building and there is an infill at the main entry which is a building addition as well um there's been a lot of coordination uh with the city throughout the last couple of months um partnering with them and understanding the development that's coming along firer Brook Lane and coordinating entrances onto the site and off of the site traffic studies um there will be a new Bus Loop on this site um and an additional 114 parking stall so that's just kind of a high level of some of the site um amenities that are affected um this diagram we presented to you last time we were here as well just to share um really uh the diagram of the building and the overview of this um diagram here um on the cafeteria level of the building is showing the building addition in the darker more bold colors classrooms and labs and then just a reminder that um there will be a new um some new locker rooms or renovated locker rooms additional locker room space that there will be more kiddos at the site um and then some additional work down into the um weight and Fitness area as well these are the upper level um second and third floor of this building an overview of the work again is really a lot of renovation down in that music Wing um as uh the building needs to take on some more capacity that was a big area of focus was renovating that so we could gain some more music rooms down there um the large addition will be happening off of the cafeteria Commons and there will be more celebrated events entry back there um for access for events uh and then again the um multi-level uh classroom um addition off of the back there where you'll have classrooms and labs and the Career and Technical education Edition as well and these are a few new photos and images again I should call them images um so we're predicting what the construction will look like as we're um we wrapped up Design This is the front entrance uh one of the priorities for this project was to have a safe and secure front entrance and a more prominent identity for the building so you can see here that um there's a new entrance planned this is the opposite side of the building and if you go left to right you'll see um left of the the bus there there's um a one-story um Mass which is the Career and Technical education the three story with the windows right behind the bus that's all classroom Edition where those classrooms and Labs will be happening and then uh where you see a lot of the glass there that will be circulation and that will be um informal meeting space for the scholars at the site and then that cafeteria addition as well and the new Bus Loop this is an image as if you were walking in into the front door uh because of the addition um there's uh an opportunity to reorganize this space um as a part of this project it's taking that part of that office and moving it to the front door uh and then you can see here some new materials and finishes um as you enter that main uh main front door of the building this is a view of the new cafeteria Commons so taking into account um the existing structure and facility that's there and adding on and this is a sneak peek into the um lab and classroom cluster Edition um again having those labs and classrooms that um can open up for a lot of collaboration and synergies with your Career and Technical education plans and um General um curriculum as well and then that Career and Technical education Wing that at this site it's construction engineering and business we'll move on to the new elementary school project um again just to kind of ground ourselves in the work this is a new prek 5 Elementary School U built on a district owned site uh capacity to be around 1,000 students Plus Early Childhood uh the building size um part of the referendum project is 125,000 square fet plus a gymnasium partnership with partnership with omgba um and then you can see the estimated construction cost there and again a turn key move and experience with new furniture this schedule here you can see in kind of the peach color there we're in August um we are just getting into contract documents so much like the high school we're in the same phase uh where we wrapped up design development um we will be bidding this project again in December of 24 and the project will be complete fall of 2026 uh again just um a sneak peek into that design development um phase of the project where all of that detail again meeting with your users and your staff um districtwide to help plan this new elementary school as it hasn't been staffed yet so that was um a wonderful experience to get a lot of perspectives and again 15 plus user groups uh 90 plus staff participated in these meetings um and again well over 50 meetings to get the details right uh the general concept for the new Elementary School uh being that it is in Maple Grove um is to really um respect and um and blend in and be a part of the um geography there uh the site here again is um we've been working with the city and in coordination uh for the development of Arbor Ridge and 101st uh that's where the site is located uh this site will have a separate parent drop off and a separate Bus Loop for site safety uh there will be an outdoor classroom included in this project much like all of your other elementary school projects um there will be separate early childhood and K5 playgrounds and there will be paths on this site that will be be uh lovely connections to all of the neighborhoods that surround that area and this is a image of the front entrance so if you are pulling up into the uh main parent drop off at the front of the building you can see the structure there the main entry kind of in the middle um that has the white columns there um and then what you're seeing here is a a glance into the media center and a glance into the classroom clusters this is the backs side of the building so classroom clusters to the left you're starting to see the cafeteria on the right and you can see how the bus um drop off here on the other side of the site relates to the building and this is an example here of the outdoor resource area um one thing that's unique to this site is that every classroom cluster will actually have an outdoor area um where the grade level classrooms and um uh special services as well have access to outdoor play right outside their classroom clusters this is a uh image as if you were to continue from the front door um and enter a little bit further into the building you can see the cafeteria Commons on your right a lot of natural light in this building and the view that we're facing down is the view that would take you down to the gymnasium spaces in this facility this is an image of the media center a two-story space where all of the classroom clusters connect a lot of natural light open um flexible learning spaces here in the core of the building this is a image of a Learning Studio which has all of the classrooms that are clustered around an open resource area much like the Rice Lake Edition this is a view of the gymnasium space there'll be bleachers and this is the image that we shared with you last time we were here in regards the general organization of that Learning Studio where there are multiple classrooms that open up to a resource area there will be small group areas um and rooms off of that cluster a mud room for lockers um and toilets right in the um General classroom cluster area and then uh so those are the two projects that are going into contract documents and we're preparing to bid those um in December um AIO Senior High we have just gotten rolling on on that project that project is in schematic design so um just to kind of ground you in that beginning part of the process we're working with a task force there that's primarily uh building Administration um and the facilities teams here in the district to better understand how to organize that building and meet the um building of better future goals uh and that core Planning Group has been meeting throughout the summer so it's been great that they've been available to do that during summer months uh the goals for this site again are to utilize the existing site capacity stays the same however there will be um an addition on this building for the autol lab as part of that Career and Technical education piece um and then there will be um about 995,000 square feet of Renovations in this building to help organizing uh it around those current technical education spaces as well as achieve some of the goals that include a a a media Center um remodel as well uh here's the schedule for Osteo Senior High you can see that we're currently in design development this one will bid a little bit later we're planning for February of 2025 and this project is set to be complete fall of 2026 this is a site diagram uh showing if you can see the black area there that is the actual building addition so on the back side of the building there will be that new Auto lab um access um off of that pavement area there in the parking area um some other large goals here I create a a loading dock and then uh there will be 55 additional parking stalls at this site as well this is a building diagram that shows where all of the work will be that will be happening couple of the highlights again are the media center in the core right um right where you uh see that main entrance there will be a new secure entrance uh there will be some funing um tied to the auditorium Renovations Career and Technical education is health care and auto and business at the site and then we're going to roll into the two projects that are well under construction and phases are wrapping up so if you've been over to Brooklyn Middle School um uh that project has been under construction um things are wrapping up there and we're getting ready for um school to start and that is phase one so classroom Renovations mechanical electrical work will be complete and then this building will be gearing up for another Summers of um worth of construction to really uh take on that main level where a lot of those lab spaces will be reinv visioned Locker Commons Etc so again um first phase uh is complete this fall and then that second phase will be complete in 2025 uh this diagram here is just showing all of the classrooms that have been affected on the second and third floor they've been remodeled um replacing mechanical systems and lighting new ceilings and paint so really a a large Refresh on those upper level upper levels of this building and then this is the main level this is the work to come again a lot of the um labs to be that have been re-envisioned here planning is done this this project um this phase has been bid and is ready to roll um for summer of 25 again there's that uh secure entry work um remodeling science Art Project Lead the Way um and then more new mechanical systems and Lighting on that first floor then a couple of images that we've shared with you um reenvisioning that front entrance uh this is the help desk Media Center which is under construction now so this will be opening shortly after school starts and then Northview Middle School uh this project again um currently in construction set to be complete here in the next couple of weeks and um there will be an additional phase to a project um Coming In Summer of 2025 uh this diagram here shows the work that's in bold color uh that's happening now and um Again part of the remodel here is the New Media Center the um Design Lab maker space and then the last piece of the update is districtwide Furniture if you recall um uh an effort to put Furniture in um all of your school facilities uh and this summer there were uh five sites that received new furniture and that's Rice Lake and Garden City and here's a photo of some of that new furniture at Rice Lake and then Brooklyn middle and North U middle and Osteo Senior High um we followed construction or if there was no construction as their um the situation is at AIO Senior High um they got new furniture in all of their classrooms at that site um so this was just a small phase next summer you've got 10 sites that will be getting new furniture so um there have been some um wonderful experiences and learnings and we continue to meet with the district um and we'll be starting the next cycle up um shortly here to get going on planning for all of those with that that's a lot of work and a lot of planning kind of the nickel tour of what we've been up to but are there any questions or comments that I might address I actually have a couple questions um again thank you for your work and the Beautiful designs and um as a teacher in one of those flexible learning spaces game changer um I know you're talking about all the focus groups for the um in the planning process um and we had numbers for staff um how many students were involved in was there a good number did we have any that's a great question um we had core planning groups at the very beginning of the new elementary school and Maple Grove Senior High those were really large planning groups and they uh each had I would say five to six students students that helped us plan and help make um all of the large big picture decisions uh when we got into design development down to the level of countertop Heights or cabinet storage we really focused more on the expertise of your um teaching and learning team and your staff to help us get those right but students were absolutely involved in the core Planning Group process of every project do we have licensed and unlicensed staff on those like yes yes we yes checking thank you uh I think oh one other question how many students does Maple Grove Senior High have um have now I know what the capacity is but are we over capacity yes yes we're they're about 2400 in change today um but we're 2400 in change busting at the seams and having kids crammed pretty much everywhere oh I know one of one of the differences and we we've had people ask the question why are you only going to 2730 we're going to 2730 with full flexibility so it's it's first you fix the the capacity issues today so so we have the flexible spaces we can use the media center as what intended we can use all those other Flex classrooms and so forth and then you boost up the capacity so that that combination should should alleviate that but at the same time our projections for the next 10 plus years show that's the number we're going to hit um and and trying to be cognizant of taxpayer dollars we didn't want to ask for more than we should thank you so I had a similar question concern about capacity um both at U Maple Ro senior and the new Elementary um so given your last statement does that mean that we will not right now we're not open for open enrollment at M Ro senor number doesn't appear like it accommodates additional students being able to open en roll um so I just wanted some sort of clarity on that to see if this is a a site both sites that the entire district will be able to access or if it's limited to those that live within whatever those boundaries will be at that time and we have an enrollment committee and and so far we've not had that conversation yet but but as we get closer we'll have to have that conversation we regularly look at all of our buildings to see um do we need to either slow or you know or try to increase enrollment into certain buildings um sometimes we'll see enrollment come in and we'll actually um do what we termed a soft close where we'll say hey it looks like you know third grade at this building is already full so we're going to not allow any more transfers those who live within the district or within that boundary automatically get in no matter what but if some wanted to transfer in we'd start slowing that down to for for the staff continuity and to kind of keep that number in line um but we have to have that conversation as a committee as a whole to see going forward but uh knowing that we have a few years before we get to be able to use full capacity for a little bit of time I just set a question at the um the auditorium at Maple Grove senior high is there a date that that should be complete the renovation on the auditorium I don't have the date for that we're working through the phasing of the construction with our uh the district's construction Partners ICS um so we will likely when we get ready to go out to bid we'll be able to give you a very detailed schedule of the phasing to let you know which parts of the building will be released at what time throughout that two and a half year timeline thank you yeah thank you thank you there any other questions thanks l so I'd like to introduce Nancy lire with ATS andr Architects she's been uh working on the other half of our projects and she's going to walk us through uh where we're at with those just control Sor about that sorry about this we'll figure it out we I don't know I must have bad luck all [Laughter] right okay let's get this started again I'm I'm Nancy lire with atsr planners Architects and Engineers uh superintendent H chair members of the board and and cabinet we're very excited to be talking with you about atsr part of the work we've been working with your district for many years and we're very excited to be a part of this referendum work as well oh let's see here it just wants to do its own thing yep we'll move it over here there we go getting my finger on the right spot okay so the first portion that we're going to be talking about is the year one alterations for some of the elementary schools so we have the six of them six of them that we're doing first Edinbrook Woodland Fernbrook Oak viiew Basswood and Rush Creek uh these schools are sister schools so they're we say sister schools because they're they're not twins they're not exactly likee but they're quite close in their plans as many of you know and and uh from a time frame standpoint we are in the middle of design development with these projects and so they will go out to to bid this fall and most of them will construct this coming summer we have two of them that are waiting a year because of the the switch over to the new elementary and moving around of students it just helps them function better if uh Fernbrook and Edenbrook wait for construction another year so that's kind of the time frame for those pieces and um the other sorry about that and of course I I'm it must be my bad technology day because I forgot to turn my phone down to D can find it there I'm sorry about that he's gonna there we go sorry about that okay so um the scope of these projects we have a media center remodel with the maker space we have an outdoor classroom two Flex classrooms uh safety security updates and furniture replacement throughout is part of part of that work as you you're aware that we kind of are queuing up for all of the elementary schools so we're going to focus tonight on kind of two pieces to highlight for you the media center REM model and the Outdoor Classroom portions so these are just a few shots of as we were going through schematic design we had a very collaborative process where we went back and forth between uh the groupings of all six schools together their stakeholders meeting together and then we also met with individual schools so we found it worked really well because they have the opportunity to learn from each other and get input from each other and their different ways of working and doing things and then we could go back to the individual schools and they still had their their own choice um within their specific building we didn't force them to do what everyone one was doing so we found that that really worked um quite well and so we through the schematic design process we had a consensus building portion where we uh worked to get down to a whoops to a few different options and um of kind of layout pieces and you can see in there that we have our multi-purpose maker space that kind of large group uh teaching meeting space a reading area some of those small group rooms so that you can do breakout and and some of the collaborative pieces a TV studio uh SLC conference space and then that circulation desk with that Tech help desk which functions a little bit differently at the elementary level than it does at middle or high school but same idea and uh some staff work area and then of course we want to get that flexible Furniture in as as part of the process and mobile stacks for again for flexibility so you're seeing just a few of the options that the the group as they work together got themselves down to and then we started looking at some of the furniture layout to really see how how that kind of fine-tune and this is a slide that shows you actually all of the uh schools together so you can kind of see how they ended up um coming coming together so for instance they have a lot of similarities Fernbrook is a little different than I should not have moved my thing because now it wants to do something silly okay uh Fernbrook is a little bit different it was the first school that was built so its layout is actually mere image um from the other ones when it comes to where the the the uh desk the front desk and where the there's a technology closet that buries in that's kind of buried back in there that limits it's the head end for the school that so that drives where that chunk of the of that has to be so Fern Brooks is on the opposite side as everybody else's so that's why you see that uh purple area on the opposite side at Fernbrook then you do the rest they also made the decision to move there maker space kind of opposite up into that Wing the rest of the schools we have the maker space in what was the art room back in the day uh and which worked really well because we have a lot of those same type of um of activities and and um resources and those kind of things that are used so it makes sense to use that larger space for the maker space and you can see there's a there's several schools are kind of picked the same general layout we have um Edinbrook and Basswood and Rush Creek are quite similar and then Oakview and Woodland are quite similar Oakview is the only one of the six that chose to do a central circulation desk that was one of the options that we tested out and and they really went for it which is little different model and they're excited about it so so this kind of gives you the feel for how they all compare to each other then we started getting into the design aspect of it for the media centers there's a challenge in all the six of these buildings because this this front entry wall along the media center and the classrooms is a firewall so what that means from a flexibility standpoint is we don't get to put a lot of openings in it basically no windows unless we spend a whole lot of money on on very expensive opening protection and those kind of things and so we had to get creative in in different ways and and find some flexibility in other locations and so this happens to be um Edinbrook Edinbrook and F and Fernbrook were the first two that were built um at those two buildings there are I guess I would call them fake columns in the in the front kind of media center area so we're going to take those out to kind of widen out that entry area get some uh TVs in there some monitors so that you can have some even if we can't see into the spaces we can get some some uh action and Alive feel for that from a technology standpoint and so we're able to do that there um what you're also seeing here is at the start of one of the linear options so we have some linear options with sub options that the schools could select from and we also have of a round kind of themed option with some various so this happens to be Edenbrook um they're leaning into their red and so they they chose the the red purple blue what you're seeing on the left side is and since we couldn't you couldn't do a lot with the openings into the corridor uh because of the firewall we did our openings between the media center and the maker space so we're doing our learning on display at that location to be able to showcase the work that's going on in the maker space when you first enter the media Center and that's the circulation desk and you're seeing some of the the uh kind of stripe working its way around from ceiling down to the floor to to work with those two kind of Entry throats and really make a statement at at the two entry throats as you're coming into those spaces and then carrying that into here one of the other things that was really important for all these media centers is those of you have who have been in those spaces the existing ceilings in that are those areas some of them are quite low they're like 7 foot n um so you're for maybe for you're this tall is not so bad for the rest of us feels a little bit low so one of the goals is really to get that ceiling up and have more of a openness and and uh and a little more liveliness and light feel so that that was an important aspect of this so we're really opening up the middle section and within this linear options there were several ceiling options that the schools could select for that went with each linear option so this is Eden Brooks and this is Basswood so these are one of the later ones for some reason when after Fernbrook and Edinbrook they moved the columns so they're not fake columns anymore they're real columns so I couldn't get rid of them uh and so we just enclosed them because they were just kind of odd spots anyway and um cleaned them up a little bit and so this is this is Basswood they went more on the rainbow they wanted to get all the colors going into theirs and again you see the um learning on display through the maker space in there and chose a different ceiling layout that goes with that linear version this is Oak viiew and Rush Creek and they are leaning into the into the blue green teal and uh U as you can see beyond has a has a center desk so so they're really excited about their Center desk and how that really is a statement when you first come into the room uh and this is their Center ceiling area you can see behind in some of these uh actually maybe I'll point it out in that one the um back in kind of Beyond back there you're seeing some of the small group rooms that are all glass and we've got some accent walls on there to really bring some color and interest to some of those small group rooms in those spaces and this is the circular option for those those schools that decided they wanted to go that way they're quite playful and and uh fun this is Fern Brooks uh Media or entry and again they in that case we could get rid of those side columns so that we can do the monitors and this is woodlands where we can't do that um we're playing here with forms in a in a really fun way creating some little nooks that kids can can hang out in and have that that little tucked in feeling that we had some some of our library media center people saying that kids like to tuck themselves into the bottom of the open bookshelves so we're not going to let them do that but it's it's a much more fun way to be able to allow that Comfort Nook feeling so we have other furniture that that can accommodate that as well and so this is woodlands so Fern Brooks again had their maker space in the back so you don't see that when you first come in the main entry and Woodland you do so there's a sorry so there's a little bit difference in how that is perceived and so they have their corner desk and we're doing kind kind of more playing with more shapes and that is their more circular ceiling version and again of course we have flexible furniture that will happen throughout soft seating benches at the at the edges all the bookshelves and the the uh browser bins are on Wheels so that everything can be moved around everything is flexible and the the ceiling and the areas were designed so that basically if they chose to go back later and move their reading room to a different spot or you know move those big kind of functions around within the open space you can do that without having to rework a lot of things so but we do have kind of differentiation of space with some of those Heights in there to be able to bring some visual interest and a lot more fun to the space a lot more lightness and playfulness okay so oops this is the example of some of the maker spaces which are alongside the media center so uh again trying to have that learning on on display so you see the other side of that on the left there a lot of different types of storage built into the space between drawers and doors and Tall cabinets and all sorts of different things to store the different materials the back area on the kind of the back upper left portion of the photo is more the resource portion of the room and so that has again more different types of storage in including a flexible tote system that is a a clear tote of all different sizes good sty polycarbonate stuff that um it also has a mobile uh portion so each tote can be removed and put into its mobile portion and brought out to the desks or to the to the um table areas or potentially even brought to other classrooms if that's desired so a lot of flexibility we worked with District staff and curriculum to talk about what's needed what type of things we need to store and again allowing for just a lot of flexibility um for to make anything they want right as we get and as that program really evolves once you have this space it's going to be one of those things where they're going to figure out more and more ways to use it and I think it's really going to be an exciting piece of the of the schools for you the other thing that you're seeing here is the glass wall the it's called one manufacturer name is nano wall you might hear that between the media center and the maker space and all of the schools chose to have at least some seating next to the maker space some of them it's the entire large group area and in this particular case you're seeing a smaller seating group right next to it so some of that maker space can flow out into the media center and really share those spaces together and and meld that function the next piece we're going to talk about is the Outdoor Classroom this is just a couple of examples of the Outdoor Classroom and what you're seeing here some of the various elements so in all of them they wanted to get a full classroom space and how that appears really varies by um the school whether they wanted a more rustic kind of bench or a more um uh streamlined type of version and we gave them different options for what seating might be you can see on the right hand side there a version with little individual kind of you've heard of sonat tubes the little um the round concrete that's a little bit different heights called SIDS kids of different heights it's different sizes can sit on different benches and and um there a little bit of flexibility there and you can get a little bit tighter together for small group work there it goes again my mom is in the hospital and so I keep getting phone calls so I apologize I should have I should have muted my phone anyway uh so the other piece of this is we have various Pathways that work their way around through there um and we have a water feature not necessarily water sitting there all the time mind you but more of a Dry Creek bread I should have just gone over and shut it off let just do that very we go all right um we have some again we're trying to get different size of groups just like we're doing in the media center same thing out in the in the in the Outdoor Classroom so some areas for very small groups to meet medium size and large size and different scales and different again kind of trying to do the thing from the outside so possibly using grasses or trellises and those kind of things to create that semi-enclosed space uh to be able to to have a little bit of of that feeling outside even and yet still have supervision and um the so the the way the creek bed or the Water Works is that it would only run when they're out there doing activities it's not something that sits there all the time with running water so um that's the intent for those for the for the schools that are interested in that and then of course also shading Elements which is always important so trees as well as some natural sails um that some some sale canopy features that we might be adding to that uh let's see and this is another example at Rush Creek uh so this one they actually have a a Woods area that they have in coordination with the park district or three reverse Park that they're using and so there's another piece that's out in the wood so there's a little less in in this portion but they still have all the same elements that they get to use okay the next thing is Crest View so as you know that building is an entirely redeveloped and repurposed building we are in schematic design in that for this project so just really starting to dig into it a little bit um timeline for this is we'll be going about out to bid and about uh next June and um we'll be constructing through that the fall of 20 uh 25 and into 26 and then they they get to occupy 26 so um just wanted to talk a little bit about the existing building first there's a photo of the existing as you see there super low building very 1960 trying to be energy efficient back in the day right what that means for us is that we have very very low structure 9 foot to the bottom of the joist um and so that and a kind of an odd structural system that bears in a different direction than typical so it's it's a challenge from a design standpoint to figure out how to run the canical and how to do the things that we need to do and kind of open things up and get that collaborative and open feel that we'd like to have so we're starting to work through those pieces and work with our design team to figure out how to how to manage that so and from the standpoint of the plan we're honing in on a plan at this point this is where it's starting to settle down to and um so you're seeing up on the on the it's the south side of the building but on your plan it's the right uh the right side of the building is the Early Childhood area so your prek type classrooms that's going to be zoned separately from the rest of the building with with the security um barrier there with doors so that you can can have some Access Control control there and then um we have the clinic out front that the district has received a grant for that clinic we're working through how that's going to function um the gym area is going to be converted into more of a professional development type space we're looking at potentially infilling that recess gym floor so it's all at one level and we can have more openings into there and subdivide the space with operable walls so it really becomes a great professional development space that can be used at um different scales for different size of groups and as well as doing that in the former Media Center would also be a professional development space and then the the wing up in the upper part of the plan will be Flex areas but also some designated ECFE a couple of designated ECFE rooms for birth to five and ECFE kind of flex rooms and then other Flex rooms that can be used for all sorts of things anything from uh after school programs for kids whether they're doing robotics or other things maybe they're coming after school for some of those kind of functions or Community renting out space all sorts of of functions um the other thing that is important is an interesting portion of this is our of course the cultural center the American Indian Cultural Center they have a great opportunity to expand their space a little bit from where they are now at Northview and really grow their program and so we've got um opportunity there to get them a little more right now they have a lot of things happening in a small space and we're able to spread them out a little give them out a little bit give them more room to work so they have a maker space that they want to be able to do um indigenous crafting and all of those kind of functions a classroom space uh in the middle and also a museum space and we're looking at a lot of glass openings between to be able to show off everything that they have going on as part of their program and they're located so that they can take advantage of all that professional development space um one other really important important feature of this that we want to do is really in the middle of the building when you first come in create a welcoming area that's really like you want to call it the living room of the building so an open welcoming comfortable space that serves as a transition space you can meet someone you can hang out to while you're having a if you're in the middle of you know there's seminars or whatever going on meet someone before you're going to go to a program those kind of things just really an opport opportunity to open that Central Area up and have change the feel of the building when you first come into the building so that's a an exciting opportunity that we're really looking at how to enhance the entry of the building we're also going to be doing new entries on the front of the building to do that same thing right now you can kind of see it's smaller along the top there you can't really tell the main entry looks like it's down on the end of the building where the sign is right and you can't it's kind of a long canopy and you can't really tell even so much much where the main entry is so we're really going to highlight that main entry with a new canopy out there get a separate entry for the clinic and also one on the other end for the Early Childhood area so to try to Define all those separate functions um we're working through early sight planning right now still working with the city kind of defining where we can be and where we can't be with access off of the side street and the back and some of those kind of things so that isn't totally finalized yet and so we're we're we're getting there but it's a process here with trying to to work through kind of all the pieces that we're juggling and the structural challenges and the rest of those to be able to really to get to something that I think will be a very exciting um building when we're done and and a real opportunity for the district to expand that usage as that welcoming Community Center and early childhood location Allin one spot and that is my piece so I'm happy to answer any questions that I can for you thank you any questions so I oh go question on Crest View I thought we were still discussing exactly what was going to go in there but we're in design already we are in schemat in the schematic early kind of bubble diagram stage and so the the discussions that we've had with the core Planning Group is that there's still some ongoing um there have been some surveys as as I understand with the community and there's some other reaching out that is still happening that's why those Flex rooms have the capability to accommodate all sorts of different programs and so we're still there's still plenty of time if there's a little bit of tweaking that needs to happen to be able to accommodate different programs we're still well within the stage that we can do that as needed depending upon what feedback is gathered will there I guess this is more prod will there be a board action to approve the final decisions on what is taking place at the repurpose site I am not sure I think we will be sharing with the board do we need a board action General counsil more but of course the board will have so right right now um it's it's literally um outside of yes for sure we're going to have our prek and for sure we're going to have our um America uh Native American and Indigenous group and B and um right now we are in just exploratory stages of the actual Clinic yeah that that was the one the stat is yeah yeah we'll talk we'll talk that that's just an exploratory stage right now so that space is just being there right now but it's not definite now of course we will discuss that with the board okay thank you yeah you're welcome and any other questions uh what was the idea behind the production kitchen and Community Kitchen sure sorry thank you if I didn't didn't get into those can we have John answer that sure okay John can you answer that please thank you started with this change K happens to be a large so we're going take of that number one also theity we can use it to serve the Early Childhood classes that are there and also to be able to cater and host events so so as an example if we were going to have an all district or a district um learning lead leaders event where we would normally come in in the morning and have a light breakfast or something along those lines where today we're renting that space we'd be able to handle that capability on our own and then the other piece was a was a Community Kitchen that's being set up kind of like a fax lab in a school where it's much more residential grade kitchen where we can have the opportunity with either Community Ed enrichment to to do classes or American Indian Ed can teach cultural Cuisine options for our indigenous Cuisines and how to do that so wanted to have a space that the community can utilize because there's a lot of restrictions with a production kitchen where we can't just let the general public in where so we wanted to have other option with a community kitchen and what I can do as well uh bo I'll just add it on to our September 10 work session so we can go deeper inin questions so we'll add it on to our next session any other questions I have a comment I think um the part of the presentation that laid out the sister School sites I think is really helpful because I'm not sure if the entirety entire Community kind of really understands that our front points are the same that our long-term planning ensures that we're having improvements made consistently across the district and so having the illustrations um I thought was really helpful too so that's something that we're working hard to really be clear on and drive more education about so that's really helpful thanks for that and I just want to say thank you again for all this work and um one thing that I imagine you're putting into that but with outdoor classrooms um to think about um the environment and sustainability options to do some of that um education absolutely and there have been some discussions about you know what kind of plantings and whether they would be you know do each School want to look at more native plantings potentially and we haven't really gotten to that stage yet that's really more of that design development piece for that aspect of it so we kind of have the overall the layout generally but not the specifics in regard to that so that's certainly something we'd be keeping in mind yeah I was thinking with the the water running water at my school which is a sustainability school we have a rain Garden so that's where the water ends up right and so just thinking about design and how MH the natural yeah it's a little trickier when we have existing buildings because their their roof drainage is already piped you know what I mean so we can't necessarily grab it and and connect the existing building in the same way without spending quite a bit of money to redo those rainwater systems but certainly within the the area of drainage that we have to work with there may be some potential to to try to do that well mine was a really old school that doesn't have any money so there's ways to yeah and it wasn't like a system of filtration I mean it's just for collecting right sure good good point so the only other thing I had I wanted to go back to Tanya's or yeah Tanya's comment H say director um Dr how you probably already have it on your list but uh for that September meeting U maybe just an update on the uh communication and engagement plan uh in the district um as it relates to um kind of Designing the um CR view site um and then I think on the architectural side um I think just some feedback I guess closing the loop on how we're incorporating that feedback from community in um the design and program oflex spaces sure yeah I kind of gave a cheat in last board meeting of those ideas and we'll bring definely a final comment I have is um you know we've with the building the better future being two phases with many years on EAC looking at when do we um make that investment when do we start construction with Co in there um I think it's just amazing to see it come together and I think it's a real strength of this District to take that proactive approach to ensuring that our facilities are keeping Pace with our students needs that we're not a district that has let everything kind of come down and then have to go ask and then build it back up um I think that's really um the strength of our size and to the support of our taxpayers who have um been able to provide this funding for us and support us and participate in the process so it's just another opportunity to say thank you to our community um for all of the things that you've shown tonight for making it possible and for the staff for so many years of looking at this and preparing it's really fun to see the actual Renditions coming together and plan thank you absolutely thank you thank you our uh next presentation is a summer programming report shared by members of the Community Education team Brian Severson Hall executive director of community engagement will tee up the presentation and introduce the presenters you're on Brian I'm ready for all right well chair moscada Jones school board members and the members of the audience good evening my name is Brian Severson Hall I'm the executive director of community engagement and I'm uh excited to be able to present a recap of our summer 2024 programs don't let the size of our presenting group scare you that this is going to be extra long but I wanted to make sure that you all had a chance to see Andor meet and hear from uh the people who led this work this summer so you're going to hear uh some brief comments from all the wonderful people on our our team um you know we believe that summer programs are a vital part of our District's opportunities that we offer and when our team thinks about uh what we call out of school time programming or non-school uh day programming which includes the summer we really have kind of three goals and those goals are that when young young people are going to experience a positive place to be it's not always the same school that they attend during the school year as you'll hear uh we want to make sure that when they attend these positive places they're met by caring adults right who give them an awesome summer experience and then lastly uh that they experience creative opportunities and I believe by the end of the con by the end of our presentation you're going to see that we achiev that this summer right so we're going to talk about that and not only did we achieve those three things but our program impact was we achieved those for over 5,000 Scholars this summer right so we are thrilled that uh we serve that many people during the non-school time and our out of school time in the summer um and with our we wanted to talk to you kind of a little bit about the scope of the buildings that we utilize so you just heard all sorts of wonderful plans on building build a better future needless to say that creates a puzzle piece for us in the summer right because a lot of our buildings are under construction so uh this summer uh and when I say we I mean Carrie she works really hard to partner with uh Dale and John and and Jeff and the rest of that team to really figure out where we can get all 5,000 of these kids to be in a great spot right so this summer we were able to utilize 14 uh District buildings and other spaces to provide multiple program options to support our Scholars and their families and just so you uh realize uh if you remember last year school ended on Thursday June 9th we started serving these 5,000 kids on Wednesday June 13th right and that means we literally set up these buildings and spaces because these programs aren't necessarily in those spaces so kudos to our team who does that and we just wanted to give you an idea of where we were at this summer uh we provide programming throughout the geographical area of our district and like I said we work closely with buildings and grounds uh and the many construction projects and I think this summer we really um did a nice job of uh having spaces all throughout the school district you can see the different buildings that we were at of course uh that's our goal now whether or not we're able to 100% accomplish that throughout the entire build-a better future process will be dependence on which buildings are closed in the Summers but I think this summer we uh were really able to to do that and I'm going to turn it over to Carrie and each of our staff will introduce themselves as they come up good evening everyone I get the joy of the puzzles that are coordinating summer programs but first um I could not do that by myself as Brian say it's me doing it but it takes all of the Departments that are listed up there um to make summer successful so first and foremost to say thank you to all of our district partners that I start bugging honestly in November so school starts in September and I start pestering them in November where am I going to be able to play summer programs um because registration starts for some of them in January so um it's really critical that we touch almost every single Department um in our system to make summer a success so this is just a huge list that we rely on daily during the summer um and then pretty heavy as we prepare for the summer as well um some of the Summers that happen or some of the programs that happen this summer are listed up there as well some of them are run from our department in Community Education some of them are run by individual sites um some of them use um targeted services or ALC funding um to support um additional credits for high school students um so there's lots of variety of programs multilingual has um Elementary and um a middle and high school um summer camp as well that runs during the course of the summer so really trying to be um not inclusive of certain needs during the summer and then they all happen at different times during the summer too some of them happen for the entirety of the summer some of them happen for six weeks during the summer um some of them happen for a week if they want to come to a a camp at one of our enrichment camps for instance as well so trying to give that um choice and voice to our Scholars and their families as well to kind of meet all of those needs as well and then our Little Learners as well trying to get families engaged early um into our programs too that we're going to highlight here a little bit further um some of our celebrations are going to include the different programs um I'm going to quickly talk a little bit um I get the privilege of helping with our Middle School targeted Services programs I love middle schoolers they're unique and they're Punchy and they love to have fun during the summer um we do um two different programs you may have heard of OMG or gayon they're an amazing program I've had strong staff with me the last few years so they really dive in and get to know the students and try to change things up than their normal middle school experience um this summer we were at at Park Center for one of them and oio middle for the other um the students get to work on multiple um areas really academic in the morning and then we call them enrichments in the afternoon that the staff get to lead something that they're passionate about so they're passionate about pickleball they're going out in the afternoon and doing pickle ball but when they're graphing their pickle ball scores and they're doing the math around it and reading the rules around it so sneaking in some of those different academic um components as well to do that and I also thought it was really cool I pulled our credit recovery um staff that did that 732 credits were earned in Credit Recovery this summer which is amazing to hear um through the course of the summer as well um targeted Services is in line with the alc and Credit Recovery as well that's why we're allowed to do it so I wanted to make sure and get that in there um as well for you to see uh Taj tabel with Early Childhood family education and this summer we had to get creative because we couldn't use our physical building with all of the construction that's that's happening but working with an amazing team we were able to support over 200 families the summer over a four-week program that ranged from our early childhood family education classes at Willow Lane to being in the various Parks across the community so Maple Grove oio and Brooklyn Park where families were able to come to our nature class during the day and they absolutely loved it even though we weren't able to use our nature play area at our building uh we also worked with Community Partners like Metro Transit uh Eastman Nature Center as well to learn more about our community for our families that are just entering into our community which was amazing as well too we're looking forward to next summer and being able to expand that um over the summer families were able to buy summer activity bags so if they weren't in our programs this was a way that they could continue to enhance their learning over the course of the three months that we were not in school and then we are also able to hire additional staff so that we can attend more events get out into the community a little bit more um providing more Outreach opportunities as well some fun pictures one of the things that I want to highlight is um the native Spanish that our early childhood family Ed did to right so I know Brian got to visit it I did not get to visit it but it sounds like it was an amazing experience for both the scholars and the sorry I'm not by the microphone the scholars and the amilies that we engaging but also just the few staff that I've talked to about as well so these are just some of the more pictures from that too hello welcome I'm Christie Johnson I get to help coordinate the kidstop summer program um just excited to be able to share a little bit about how our summer operations went we served our whole Community our whole Community First Time in a really long time we haven't had a wait list so so that is like my big rah rah every time I get so excited when I say it um but we served all of our community we were at Basswood opw and Woodland all while there was still construction and things happening in the spaces as well uh we work really closely and collaborate with a lot of the Departments that Carrie shared um we were open on June 13th and we went all the way till August 16th uh we also really engaged with our students in the community we had over 70 field trips this summer um so we were always kind of on the go and giving kids an opportunity to explore um a lot of different field trips from the children's theater to Valley Fair to we look at it by age level um archery just some different dynamics that hopefully kids can experience that they won't necessarily get or have an opportunity to um our staffing consisted over 165 um educational support professionals um we had 26 instructors who help kind of plan and Lead activities and capture uh youth voice it's their summer so we want to make sure we're hearing what the kids want to do and bringing that forward as well we have 10 lead instr rors four nurses and four program managers and then new leadership that came on board this summer was our site supervisors so this is a new level of support for our families our students and our staff so very excited to be able to build a stronger connection develop some more relationships and be more present on site thank you hi everyone I'm Melissa Carstens and um I coordinate uh adult and youth enrichment um we I'm so proud to be a part of every summer um I um think that we had one of the best Summers that we have had since I've been in the district um I'll start out with our um youth mini camps so those are the enrichment camps that um we touched on a little bit earlier um we ran 170 different camps this summer 94% of those camps ran um the average around the Metro is 78 to 80% of those so 94% is pretty pretty good that means that we uh didn't disappoint that many families when we had to cancel the camp so uh we were located at element uh Elm Creek Elementary um we had 2021 um total campers come between um June 17th and August 8th I think that's a pretty impressive number um and we couldn't do it without the support of the school so shout out to Beth NES I hope she sees this because her and her staff are amazing um we've been there several Summers and couldn't do it without her um some of the favorite camps for kids were Camp invention um Project Runway woodworking U prek camps um private guitar lessons intro to sports and anything robotics um those were some of the hot camps for the summer we also ran adult classes we don't typically because we're so busy bus with Summer um Camp Rocks but we did run um 12 classes this summer 50% of them ran so that was pretty good um most adults don't really want to be taking classes so much in the summer we figured um out but um two of the most popular were acting for everyone and painting like Bob Ross um so here's some pictures from Camp a lot of smiles a lot of learning um just a little sipet of that and then um in addition to camps uh we also run Camp Rocks academic Adventures so that's um for current kindergarten through fourth grade students um we are we were up this summer we had um 882 students enrolled which was up from 731 and 23 so that was pretty good um our goal is always to keep academic and social skills fresh for the upcoming school year um a schedule looks a lot like school day with a little twist of uh summer fun in there but they had breakfast and lunch they do reading math science art lessons fied media center team building activities we have nurse support um we have a sports day um we also this summer had a generous donation from in sports Foundation they were able to give every single student um in our program free lacrosse and soccer kits um um and then we also had an anonymous donation of 600 um student backpacks for summer as well for the Crest View and Pho students um we had 13279 teachers um and esps ensuring that we had a successful summer um of reading math and science and we are continually thankful for their expertise we have the most awesome teachers working in our program in the summer and we we literally couldn't pull it off without them so we do have a cute little picture here too of um these were students um the students come from all over the district to our three summer sites um these um campers were at weer Lake and this was them getting their um lacrosse kits so thank you yeah so well thank you to our team obviously right and I also wanted to krie can you wave to everyone Ki Sawyer's our ECFE coordinator so she helps uh make all these happen and you know it's hard you never want to say what your favorite thing is but my favorite thing this summer was visiting the um ECFE class uh taught in Spanish uh and when you when it's N9 o' in the morning and a little three-year-old screams buen DS to you in the morning it's makes everything worth it to be quite honest so um it it was an amazing summer uh I hope you got a flavor of the variety of programs we offer you know there's academic there's enrichment there's Family Support uh there's Credit Recovery it's really um well it's impressive you know and we're our team's proud of the work that we do uh and and we were as we shared in the board meetings um these are the people who make this work when I tell you about our team that's working hard and is trying to recruit staff so that we don't have weight list and that we provide opportunities the group that you met tonight is the group that does it so I'm grateful for them and for all that we got to do and we're happy to take any questions any questions just thank you yeah thanks just one question kind of a non-serious question but still kind of serious of pickle ball did we have any programming for pickle ball and and how do we have one for are you asking yeah we do have some youth one to I I believe the municipalities are the primary providers of pickle ball opportunities and kind of like in uh Community use of school facilities you can never build enough gyms for basketball in the winter and I'm sure the cities would say you can never build enough pickle ball courts too and when we talk to them but yeah that's that's a growing growing area yeah we and you could see when Alissa was sharing a lot of times we offer samples to kids like one of the things we do is we want young people to have a space that's safe and positive for them to just try things whether they succeed at it fail at it like it say I'll never do that again that's fine by us but they have a positive experience when they try it out with us so that's important but yeah thanks Tom thank it was a great presentation thank you um I you know as a community ed person myself I know that community isn't always understood by the community and how much you actually do um so I think this gave us a little taste of how many people that that Community Ed serves and um the caliber of people that work for a community ed so um I appreciate you all very much and um thank you for what you do for your community good job thank you everyone have a good rest of the night all right Brian you have to stay [Music] the next standing agenda item is recognitions and there are no recognitions this evening but we will have several for our September meeting um the next agenda item is audience opportunity to address the school board and I think the first time since I've been chair we do have no one who is going to address I didn't get any speaker cards so um now we're on to the next agenda item is the superintendent report all right Dr H you're thank you good evening chair mosquito Jones and school board members I am thrilled to officially welcome everyone to the 2024 25 school year so while many people look forward to events like the state for Renaissance festival for me the excitement lies in the staff in the start of a new school year so after all not every profession offers a chance to begin a new each year so as we embark on our fresh start our to build a better future for our Scholars staff and stakeholders remain steadfast this effort goes beyond construction projects that we have plan for the next four years where we'll be creating flexible learning spaces and enhancing safety measures such as cyber security it also includes A Renewed focus on ensuring our work is tightly aligned with our strategic priorities from the district level down to the individual classrooms we will be laser focused on alignment action and measurement this approach will help us ensure that our Scholars acquire the skills they need to to succeed in their educational Journeys by committing to our highest priorities taking precise actions and measuring our outcomes we will achieve what I am now calling Focus Fidelity our Scholars are top priority and we are dedicated to helping them shine and achieve their dreams of course none of this would be possible without the dedication and expertise of our talented and our caring staff we are deeply grateful for their efforts so together with these goals we'll help o schools become the best place to learn and a best place to work so next we have points of Pride which is a regular part of the superintendent's report by sharing this points of priz we're taking time to recognize and celebrate the scholars staff and community members who contribute to our accomplishment of our mission which is to inspire prepare each and every scholar with the confidence courage and competence to achieve their dreams contribute to the community and engage in a lifetime of learning so here this evening I have members of our district cabinet to assist in sharing some examples from the last month in the area of achieving dreams alisan an a 2019 graduate of Maple Grove Senior High School spent the entirety of his school career as a student of oio area schools however at the same time he was focusing on academics and at Fernbrook ail middle and Maple Grove Senior High he was also a student of Taekwondo at World Taekwondo Academy in Maple Grove an was the first competitor to win two consecutive national titles he ultimately became a five time US national champion and competed at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games this summer in Paris learn more about an in the latest grad SP Spotlight on our district website it has been an exciting week of welcoming many students back into buildings with fall activities and Athletics kicking into gear at oio Area Schools senior high schools students have filled the school's gymnasiums fields and swimming pools to start prepping for the 2024 season this summer Our Community Education youth enrichment program is offering an array of engaging and educational summer camps for school a students to explore many interests from the recent Junior MBA Basketball Camp to Woodworking and TGA golf Camp students are enjoying opportunities to learn and practice skills have fun and build friendships with other students CCX media recently featured Maple Grove Senior High School recent graduate and girls golfer Amelia Morton Morton helped lead the girls golf team to their second state championship and she will play college golf for the University of St Thomas Park Center Senior High School student Natalie Moren recently received news that she won second place in the national school bus safety poster contest Moren won a $100 prize and her poster will be featured by the National Association for Pupil Transportation in early August in the area of contributing to community during the school year our nutrition services Team Works diligently each day to provide healthy and delicious meals this work doesn't stop during summer break with nutrition services continuing their work of keeping Scholars fed this summer 33,900 breakfast and 5,959 lunches was sered Rachel hi one of the summer nutrition service managers has worked to provide summer meals for n years Hitler said summers are a must L cont students as well as coin ex middle Steam School summer construction projects are moving forward quickly with only a few weeks conp CLS amican language cles and participants take ons and offs fi a summer through commun educ students students are sciencey St sched City students during Vis par cior high school students were exploring interest developing SKS work team build had a bling Parks Recreations kids conc introduced an exciting new class sum commits fores design foror and employes sta students and commun the awards include Awards ofc for we're so excited to welcome our students back next week for the 2020 2425 school year just a reminder for everyone the first day of school will be Tuesday September 3rd uh please make sure sure to fill out educational benefits and back to school forms prior to the start of school of the school year more information of course can be found in district279.org backtoschool registration is now open for the District 279 foundation's 14th annual reading is Fund 5K is hosted at Elm Creek Park Reserve on Saturday September 21st this is a familyfriendly event would raise funds for media centers in as are schools to purchase learning resources and you can run or walk thank you that concludes tonight's superintendence update thank you Dr H um next up is the school board members reports Thomas do you have any reports I do not have any reports Tanya I do so um uh the Brooklyn Bridge Alliance For Youth quarterly board meeting took place uh last week uh and the key updates uh included progress on the Strategic priorities around reimagine black youth mental health the free college campaign to help provide education on the new funding available for college um and according to income levels and the after school Community Learning Grant as well as the youth to youth survey so the youth to youth survey has been completed they're in the process of um compiling the results so I'm looking forward to being able to receive that and see what that might mean for um our plans for the go uh for the uh kind of next priorities and for um serving our students uh one project that I want to call out within the remagine uh black uh youth mental health is a demonstration project and I'm just going to read a short snippet from that um because I think it's pretty neat so this is a demonstration project on positive use social media and technology so overview of the project the project will focus on education policy and positive use regarding technology and social media we will teach youth about the dangers of social media and ways to navigate the social media algorithm from there we will create focus groups with students School administration and reimagine interns to review and discuss Minnesota's legislative cell phone use policy in school which we know we've been participating in that um that work finally youth will work to build a project aiming to demonstrate positive use habits in real time with an overarching goal of creating safer more positive online environments for themselves and and their peers so there's a lot of work going into that and um we were a partner so I imagine that we'll um see our students being involved in that work that youth survey is always fascinating I love it yeah thank you very comprehensive it is uh director mitell no not at this time uh D gr no um at this time I do have one um board report uh went to the 287 meeting last Thursday um it was the first one back from since June um we got presentations on the progress of the six-month goals surrounding the Strategic plan that was developed last year um and then presentations on this year's um goals just um something I thought was um pretty thoughtful is there were three themes in the Strategic plan um achieving academic success equity and inclusion and social emotional learning and so when they were writing their goals um each uh the overall goal for the district they um submitted a student goal a staff focused goal and a family focused goal which I thought was a great way um to make sure that we're servicing the entire family when um we're looking at those things and each one of those um had input from student staff and families so I thought that was pretty and that concludes our board reports uh the next agenda item is the consent agenda the consent agenda this evening includes minutes of the regular meeting from July 23rd um Financial reports for the month of July payment of items for the month of July the 2425 investment report extended educational trips fundraisers Personnel items um a contract by and between ISD 279 areas schools in St David center for the purpose of providing School linked mental health in the following bu buildings Birch Grove Crest View Elm Creek Fair Oaks parkbrook Rice Lake Weaver Lake Willow Lane Woodland and Zanewood I just have to make a note um when I was working at um in early childhood we had this um same thing and it was lifechanging so um it it's I'm excited about that and then the fiscal year 25 Federal grant delegation resolutions um board members are there any items you'd like to remove for separate consideration all right hearing none is there a motion to approve the consent agenda Britain I'm gonna give the motion to director Mitchell and the second to director um Prince any discussion all in favor say I I all oppos say nay motion passes five to zero all right there are a few um action items on the agenda this evening um the first is an action item the recommendation for approval of the agreement on the terms and condition of employment between ISD 279 Schoolboard and licensed coordinators information will be shared by Ivan schz Lind the Executive Director of Human Resources Ivonne thank you chair mosquito Jones and I'm actually going to summarize um so there were there were four contracts um submitted to the board um so I'm going to just start with an overall summary of the common terms um so the four contracts submitted to the school board for approval tonight um they are uh the licensed coordinator's labor contract the director's labor contract amendments to the superintendent contract and amendments to the general council's contract I do want to thank um the Labor Relations director general counsel and the bargaining teams for the directors and licensed coordinators for their hard work and bargaining in good faith to reach tenative agreements um so in your board packet uh tonight you all have memoranda summarizing the terms and conditions of the contracts redlined labor contracts and um contract amendments for the superintendent and general councel a a summary of the common changes to the terms and conditions of all four contracts follow and again those the details are in the um the packet submitted so the common changes are a 5% increase to the base salary in year one a 3% increase to base salaries in year two a salary advancement was changed to pay for performance and will be paid as a stien in lie of being added to base salaries for those contracts increases to District contributions to the group health plan options with no additional contributions to the high plan an increase in the district contribution to deferred compensation and conversion from work days to uh or non-w work days excuse me to vacation days so those were terms that are common to all contracts submitted in addition to these changes modifications were made to a benefit plan and retirement incentive mou for directors and three newus uh for in the director's contract related to terms and conditions of employment um again those are those are laid out in the memorandum the four contracts submitted or consistent with the financial parameters established by the school board and it's the super attendant and my recommendation that the board approve the terms and conditions of employment between the district and the licensed coordinators and and directors for July 1st 2023 through June 30th 2025 it's our recommendation the board approve the amendment to the general council's contract for July 1st 2023 through June 30th 2025 and it is our recommendation that board approve the amendment to the superintendent contract for July 1st 2023 through June 30th 2026 so the very last one is a three-year term the other contracts are two-year terms and with the ratification of the contract human resources and payroll would begin implementation thank youan so I'll just go down the four different action items um here and we won't go back to youan corre you don't need you don't need to say anything on any of the other any of the action items just one correction so the for the um superintendent contract the only amendments were to uh the salary changes the 5% in year one the 3% in year two the other benefits are common to the other contracts so that clarification thank you thank you all right so is there a motion to approve the agreement and terms and conditions of employment between the Independent School District District 279 and the school board I mean that school board and the license um coordinators July 1st 23 to June 30th 25 so moved moved by director Grady is there a second second second by director Brooks is there any discussion all in favor say I I all oppos say nay motion passes 5 to zero thank you again for um reaching that agreement I appreciate the negotiators and Council and um the negotiations teams um the next item is the recommendation for approval of the inre agreement and terms of the condition of employment between ISD 279 school board and um directors and confidential managers is there a motion to approve this agreement on the terms and conditions of employment between the school board and the school board and the license coordinators July 1st 2023 through June 30th 20 25 so moved I think I think it's a is there a typle d directors oh oh look at that I have a typo sorry uh we are actually asking for a motion um to approve the terms and condition of employment between the Independent School District 279 school board and directors and confidential managers July 1st 20 2023 to June 30th 2025 have a motion some uh motion by uh director Grady is there a second second second by director Prince um any discussion all in favor say I I I I'll oppose say nay motion passes 5 to zero okay this next action item is a resolution relating to approval of addendum to the superintendent contract by and between the ISD 279 School board and Dr Kim Hile is there a motion to approve this resolution this amendment go ahead um motion by director Prince is there a second second second by director Brooks uh any discussion all in favor say I I I all oppose say nay motion passes five to zero the next action item is a resolution relating to approval of an addendum to the general Council contract by between ISD 279 school board and Amy Moore I would like to make a motion to approve this resolation resolution relating to the addendum is there a second second second by director Mitchell um original motion by director moscada Jones Is there any discussion all in favor say i i alose n motion passes 5 to zero our final action action item item this evening is gifts to the district um is there a motion to approve the gifts to the district totaling 58,183 more cents uh is there a motion so moved um motion made by director Prince is there a second second second by director Brooks uh any discussion again thank you to all the people that um have donated to the district we PR we really appreciate it along with your time um chair sorry okay all in favor say I I I'll oppos say nay uh motion passes five to zero chair before you um prepare to adjourn to the negotiation strategies I do want to go back to the action items on the contracts and just Express additional appreciation we do have really strong leadership in this district and we have amazing um teach and staff but we also have amazing leadership and just as you saw every time we have facilities updates operational updates the awards that we win um by our different department leaders I just I didn't want to bypass that moment to just Express that appreciation for our leadership as well so thank you absolutely absolutely okay at this time again thank you all so much um at this time the board will be taking a brief recess and then reconvene in the Forum room for a Clos session the session is closed pursuant to Minnesota statute 13 d03 for labor negotiations with hourly technical confidential support Specialists kid stop instructors RNs LPNs educational support professionals administrative educational support professionals custodians School nutrition and the Casual salary guide activities and coaches um all the clue that keeps our district running right there um is there a motion to recess the regular meeting for 10 minutes and then reconvene in the foreign room for a Clos section so moved uh motion by director Mitchell is there a second second second by director Prince is there any discussion all in favor say I I all oppose say nay the motion passes 5 to zero and the meeting is recessed at 7:44 p.m. and the school board meeting will journ at the conclusion of the closed session thank you again um for coming for