##VIDEO ID:RmGd7AOs-pU## good evening everyone I'd like to welcome you to the oigo city council meeting tonight is Monday December 9th audre can you have the record show that our City attorney city planner city engineer along with all council members our assistant City administrator and the city administrator are present at this time I'd like to ask you all to join us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you our first item of business this evening is the open Forum this is the portion of the meeting where you can come to the podium state your name and address and limit comments to five minutes or less would anyone like to speak at this time hi everybody uh Jeanie Holland County Commissioner uh just wanted to let you guys know that last week in Maple Grove they had a listening session for the housing work group about HOAs and uh have to say about two-thirds of them were odd seago residents a lot of really good conversation uh representative uh boner was very impressed with the the turnout because over 60 people came um which surprised all of them I talked to Senator lero today and he said they are doing a just from everything they've heard through all these work groups they have two down at the state capital I was down at the state capital with uh uh commissioner Shane and Rock San uh couple weeks prior and they told us about this working group so that's why we hit social Med media to let people like hear they wanted to hear their voices so it was great to have so many people come I was uh thankful that Isabelle came um a lot of horror stories about HOAs and Senator uh lero came uh and met um today at the county with two the Commissioners and some of our Administration about all of our legislative priorities and one of them course's HOAs and he said what they've been finding is they're gonna have to do a complete like get down to the the core and do a rehaul and do a lot of State statutes because there's a lot of people that are suffering especially when a big management company comes in like we've seen um and I and I did tell them um mayor that you had the same conversation with a lot of these HOAs and it's we had somebody testify that from the ray con Community Action uh he has done foreclosures for many years and in an HOA you don't have as many rights as if you lose your home you have like three different sets of rules when you own a home but when an HOA they you don't have those rights they can at any time work close on your property so so that was was you know disheartening um so yes so Senator lero and uh representative Hudson Matt with me uh commissioner Shane and our ad Administration to talk about our legislative priorities that's one of them and one of them too is a driver's license uh anybody that has a 16 year old knows that they have to sit at midnight and hope that they get a you know somewhat close uh um appointment to go get their driver's license we want we want to do that we were we're talking about making it easier for CDLs um and then keeping that Homestead uh tax uh break that we saw this year that helped our residents here except for it's a oneandone so they want to keep like having that you know go forward so hopefully we can see that happen but but yeah it was a good it was a good conversation we're going to be really down at the legislature a lot I especially with the HOA um I have promised quite a few of your residents in ano that if I have to sit in the steps of the state capital to see those changes happen I will but the thankfully it is a very bipartisan problem um and they it and they're aware and there's a lot of big players on this work group so the um uh the league of cities uh lobbyist groups for um HOAs as well as um legal aid so there there's like 20 people on this work group that are sorting through all these all these you know problems that they're seeing um and it is a Statewide and a national problem so yeah but and then lastly I want to just say uh thank you to Jeff and Britney I'm sad that you guys are G to be leaving uh I'll miss seeing your smiling faces I have witnessed you all you all are amazing um but you two have great passion for the city um and it and it's clear by just watching you guys perform up here and you're so kind uh you you you perform things with Grace when people are angry you you're just very calm I've been in I I was on the school board for 14 years so I know what it's like to sit on that end and then just being a commissioner for two years but uh it it's a a huge uh you guys did a huge H service to odd eago so because of that I got you guys 100 grand spend [Laughter] it and does anybody have any questions any for Genie great thank appreciate it all right would anyone else like to speak good evening everybody Cory Tanner 7952 Palm gr Avenue Northeast um I just wanted to say thank you to Jeff and Britney um you know you sometimes it's a thankless job as everybody knows being on counil and uh you know when I came on Council the first time I had a established Council around me you know kind of learn the ropes you guys didn't have that you were thrown right into the mix and you know um you guys did wonderful I'm proud of you um you know whether people agree with it or not you stood up for what you thought was right for the city and U you owned it um you know and like it was said you guys handled it with Grace so thank you um for all of your efforts and I think the mark that that you can leave here tonight knowing I think um you know staff seems to really love you guys and and I think that's a testament to the kind of people no well maybe that's my perception again thank you um you know I know you guys won't be too far away in the future so thank you Lu to you thank you Corey any other comments and Isabelle um I don't like to give my address out thank you um just want to make sure because one of the things I'm going with the fire department is the you said the reason that we are making a big fire department was because we want to rent out uh the place that we can make C money obviously we cannot do and I would like to know uh that a respect and also um well we all know the um Rogers um built the fire department for pretty much part of the money that we are spending and um it's just you're not being clear with the population and feel like you are um here taking our we cannot vote because you want to push this up and um I just a seal one more time disagree with what you're doing I think a lot of people are going to go in for closure because of your decisions and that's why I'm kind of happy Jeffrey and the other girl leaving but unfortunately we it's not the right people here so um not with the rest of the people they are grateful I'm not um which everybody knows already so thank you thanks God you guys are done are gone and unfortunately we don't have the right people still but we're going to push for it and the the right people be sitting in that place thank you thank you right any other comments Vincent Peterson 46467 Circle I would just like to express my extreme dismay and uh disappointment in the Eda action that was taken in the previous meeting and I would say say should you know please reconsider you know building this fire department thank you thank you thank you any other [Music] comments Michelle L 14916 Oren place um I just want to say thank you so much to everyone that's on uh city council mayor I think you guys have done a great job asking good questions um and in striving to achieve a successful City and thank you Jeff and to Britney for uh closing out your terms four years it's amazing thank you for your time thank you for your efforts thank you thank you any other comments all right seeing no more comments we will move on to item two to consider our agenda for approval does anyone have anything that they would like to add or delete at this time Adam uh mayor just a note of clarification there were additional materials passed out to the council U both for items 5.1 and 6.1 of De prior to the me okay everybody got that perfect all right we don't have anything else s a motion to approve the agenda would be in order Madame mayor yes Britney I'll make a moot I'll make a motion to proove the agenda is written all right did I miss you saying something we're just waiting for it yeah I was like you said right I was like you earlier I had said I had said I was going to make the motion okay okay all right motion by Britney seconded by by Jeff is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to the consent agenda a motion would be in order Madame mayor yes Britney I'll move to approve the consent agenda as written second motion by Britney seconded by Tina is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I oppose same sign motion passes moving on to item 4.1 it's a public hearing for the fee schedule all right thank you mayor council uh item 4.1 is to consider adoption of an ordinance that uh set the 2025 fee schedule so in your packet there is an RCA uh there are Redline and clean versions of the ordinance there's also a summary form uh that would be published uh pending Council action so at this point I'm just going to highlight a few of the bigger changes um throughout the budget process there was consideration on meeting stiens for the advisory Commissioners so uh this is the first change in those meeting sens since at least 2012 uh so those are accounted for uh within the ordinance this evening some of the other bigger items are for utility fees so the city has commissioned studies uh for water availability and connection charges and also the same for sanitary sewer uh so the changes in the ordinance this evening reflect those recommendations so that is an increase on the water side and uh no change on the sanitary sewer side uh Park dedication is another fee that's analyzed annually so the city planners worked with the right County assessor's office to gain uh valuations for different property types from residential commercial and Industrial uh throughout the city so there are changes recommended for each of those three property types uh for new plats that get uh considered for approval by the city council storm water impact fees uh this is similar to Water and Sewer availability this is a development related fee and is paid at the time of final plat uh this fee is increasing at an um inflationary index of 0.91% uh based on the enr news record uh um for November 23 to November 24 uh water meters uh each year these fe uh reflect the change in cost that the city has to purchase them from vendors uh and then they are charged out as part of the building permit and then lastly the uh one of the other more significant changes was the public work section so City staff from uh across all of our departments reviewed the city equipment that's included uh in the piece schedule and made sure that we had all of those pieces accounted for and made sure that the rates for potentially charging those out um in a time of emergency uh is representative of what those Vehicles cost so uh there is a requirement for a public hearing that has been properly noticed there have been no written comments received by City staff uh prior to the meeting so uh with that we'd recommend that you conduct a public hearing and then staff can answer any questions thank you all right at this time I will open the public hearing again you'll come to the podium state your name and address and comments are regarding the fee schedule does anyone wish to speak I'll ask again if there's any comments on the fee schedule and ask one more time all right we will close the public hearing bring it back up to council if you have questions for staffer Adam said there were Redline items and changes otherwise if no questions a motion would be in order mayor yes chff like to make a motion great motion to adopt ordinance 2024-25 fee schedule and approved publication in summary form second motion by Jeff seconded by Britney is there any discussion uh Madame mayor yes sorry I just had one quick question I trying to find it but um we eliminated the fees for documents are those just going to be like a per page cost now see here we talk just page 10 page 10 okay because we we did keep copies in page eight I just cleaned up some of the language there on page 10 is related to City z uh flood plane and other documents so other documents I would say would fall under just the general copy section of the fee schedule and then Maps um all of the maps that we would have available for print are on the city website and it's an extremely rare instance where somebody would come in and request a map and so if if that is the case we would just assume that would fall under the 25 cents per copy sounds good okay thank you all right any other questions no other questions we already have the Motions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to item 5.1 under Public Safety the fired Emergency Services station project mayor council thank you uh this item is related to action that was previously taken by The Economic Development Authority at their meeting at 5:30 this evening uh what is up for consideration by the city council uh this is related to the fire Emergency Services station project uh in your packet there is a resolution uh that would basically authorize the subsequent three documents uh those are a ground lease agreement and a lease agreement for the facility uh both of those two lease Agreements are between the city ofo and The Economic Development Authority and then the third thing that that resolution would authorize is a continuing disclosure uh so as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission there are ongoing um disclosures and reporting that the city has to do on not only this Bond but any of our that issions that we have and so this is just outlining what some of those requirements are to meet that again the resolution the lease agreements and the continuing disclosure were drafted by Bond council at TA law representative Martin mcel is here this evening if there are any questions on those documents otherwise I can answer any questions as well right do we have Mar come up does anyone have any questions we as you said we got a new document but it's it's the number is correct that was added in from what was in our packet correct may this was one of the reest items distributed to the council this evening so good evening good evening all right council do we have comments motions mayor like make a motion motion to adopt resolution department will allow us to quote control costs and that having a municipal fire department will quote ultimately result in savings relative to the current arrangement in this sense the term control costs is actually a euphemism for owning those costs the fire service contracts today actually control costs because they spread them out to benefit from the economies in scale we can share resources we have seven fire stations today and we will be going down to one the idea that owning those costs means we will have a council who is willing to sharpen their pencils and deny funding to a fire department is on its face ludicrous we can't even put a park uh project on pause so the citizens should have zero confidence that we would be in a position to control the costs of a fire department the contracts allow us to do that today but having our own Department fire trucks fire station Staffing equipment and pensions we'll see those costs increase as they have in every city that has taken this step we continue to hear the claim that we can do it cheaper but I don't think anyone seriously believes that our City website used to say that owning our own Municipal Fire Department would not result in a property tax increase and that turned out to not be true we were told not to worry about the costs of the contracts going forward because we'd be able to cancel them and that those cities would provide services for free that also turned out to not be true so now we are looking at a single station in the middle of our city a situation that the fire study referred to as the worst performing scenario of all the scenarios they examined they're putting a station in the part of the city that is less populated because this station was never meant to be a standalone station it was always intended to be a substation to be operated and managed by our contract providers the fire study presented a road map for fire service in Oo we have chosen to ignore those recommendations I suspect it will not take long before the next Council realizes just how big of a mistake this is I predict that we will have to continue the contracts in some fashion because that's exactly what the fire study showed the alternative in order to match the performance of our contract providers is that we would need more fire stations that fact should put an end to the claim that we can do it cheaper the idea that owning our own municipal fire department will allow us to control costs or that it will be cheaper than the contracts is not grounded in reality it is a falsehood that is being perpetrated on our citizens in order to justify a decision that was not based on the facts I choosing to vote no on this because it will not improve the physical or financial safety of a residence any other comments all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign I motion passes 4 to one thank you Martin all right moving on to Administration 6.1 the 2025 budget and property tax levy Adam mayor council thank you uh it's been a long budget season uh started back in May um he was the city council with staff met total of eight special City Council meetings uh preparing for the budget adoption which you will be asked to consider this evening so there are three main pieces uh there are operating budgets uh housed in a resolution there are is a property tax levy uh housed in a resolution and City's Capital Improvement plan also has a separate resolution so uh I'll go through a little bit here uh this evening starting with the operating budget resolution so this covers uh the general fund there's a section for the three public utility funds water sanitary sewer and storm water uh there's a section for special Revenue funds which are the three tax increment districts uh within the city uh fourth there is The Debt Service funds there are two outstanding debt issues um that are funded uh and have a budget and then lastly uh just this evening The Economic Development Authority did uh adopt a resolution requesting a budget for consideration by the city council uh that is included as section five within uh the budget resolution uh these are budgets for 2025 uh moving to the next and and before I go away from there in in your packet there are budget summaries for each of these five components again this is summarized information uh there are significantly more details and line UPS behind the scenes that you all saw as part of your budget review process uh throughout the summer and fall uh the second piece again that I would be uh asking the council to consider is setting the final property tax levy for payable 2025 so back in September the council adopted a prelimin Levy in the amount of 9,733 646 within your packet this evening is a 9,392 1870 U Levy being proposed as final so the increase for the final Levy is 4.5% that's comparable to the 8.29% uh that was adopted as the preliminary Levy so the council did reduce the property tax levy from sept M to what is being proposed here this evening again that is for taxes payable 2025 uh the third item uh relating to the resolution would be the capital Improvement plan this is for the period of 2025 through 2034 and is comprehensive across all funds uh of the city laying out Capital needs and estimates for the next 10 years so with that I will field any questions uh from the council if you have that okay Council any questions in regards to your pocket and items presented this evening any questions Madam mayor Miss Britney So Adam the what we received tonight at the meeting it's essentially again just the numbers that were resolution mayor council uh resolution 20248 7 was revised uh from what was in the packet originally new version uh was distributed to you at the DS uh the only items that changed within that would be in section five related to The Economic Development Authority okay any other questions yes Britney we have three separate motions uh I do have them listed as three separate motions M Madam may like to make a motion to adopt resolution 20247 adopting the 2025 annual operating budgets second second motion by Britney second it by Jeff is there any discussion Madame mayor yes I'd like to start out by addressing some of the positives first a reduction of $100,000 was identified in the pavement management fund by taking a second look at what would be needed for future Capital expenditures thank you to our city administrator for doing that I also want to extend my gratitude to the utility streets and parks department uh for departments for working together to find a solution to an issue we had over the summer during the expansion of the West wastewater treatment facility the weather didn't exactly cooperate which made the ground too wet to continue construction we also had too much clay in the work area so the utility department worked with the streets department to use the extra millings from the road reconstruction project to shore up some of the ground they then coordinated with the parks department to take the extra clay and build a leing Hill here at Prairie Park had these departments not coordinated to come up with the solution the project would have realized an extra 222,000 $22.71 in cost now those savings don't show up on a budget line because it's money we didn't have to spend but on behalf of the residents and taxpayers I thank those departments for identifying creative ways to save on expenses ultimately I cannot approve this budget tonight because it is too much our estimated growth rate is just over 3% and this budget exceeds that meaning we are continuing to spend faster than we are growing that presents a risk to our city and to our residents and although that risk may not be experienced for years it is irresponsible to continue that Trend the council had the opportunity to reduce expenditures below 3% and chose not to do so I will not be supporting this motion any other comments all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed same sign I motion passes 4 to one madame mayor yes I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 2024 d888 setting a final property tax levy for taxes payable in 2025 second motion by Britney seconded by Tina is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign I motion passes 4 to one madame mayor I'll make a motion to adop resolution 2024 d85 adopting the 2024 2025 202 2034 Capital Improvement plan it was 89 yep it was I just went to my Clinic hospital uh does she need to read that okay motion to adopt resolution 20248 adopting the 2025 - 2034 Capital improvment plan second motion by Britney seconded by Jeff is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes all right moving on to item 7.1 the Cannabis business I'll turn this over to city planner thank you mayor um as you're aware uh the Minnesota Legislature and the governor signed into law Minnesota statutes 342 uh which legalizes uh use and sale um businesses involving cannabis um there are 14 businesses listed by the statute uh ranging from retail sales medical Sal medical uses and sales as well as cultivation processing manufacturer and distribution um the statute provides that retail sales will begin uh ideally on January 1st 2025 but the administrative procedures haven't been finally established licenses haven't been issued so that's unlikely to happen uh however the statute does provide opportunity for local controls to be imposed and the approach recommended by City staff and other cities is taking to have those regulations in place before uh licenses go into effect uh be better prepared so the local controls are limited in scope as to what can be addressed by the statute specifically uh at times the legislature will do this over certain issues where they want to uh provide consistent regulation across the state uh and avoid uh unique regulations that may be imposed in certain instances or uh to provide for a guarantee that the uses they're allowing for in the statute will be allowed to occur within individual cities so uh the scope of regulations can include restrictions on public use Wright County has already adopted an ordinance prohibiting public use of cannabis uh countywide so it's not necessary for oigo to do so we've included that provision as part of the local ordinance as well there's a registration provision as part of the licensing process where uh the office of cannabis management which is the state agency responsible for administration and implementation of the statute contacts the local government units to verify uh compliance with zoning ordinance compliance with the building codee compliance with the fire code as well as the more operational procedures that are set forth by the statute um oigo has already approved a joint Powers agreement with Wright County whereby the county will be the lead joint or lead local government unit if they get a request for a license um the uh County would contact City staff to verify the zoning is in place uh to allow for the use of that's uh being requested uh in terms of the zoning Provisions that can be adopted these are time plan place and manner regulations um basically the state is saying you have to allow for retail operations there is the ability to limit the number of licenses issued for your jurisdiction uh there are also Provisions dealing with retail setbacks from certain sensitive uses and limitations on hours of operation there's also the ability within the zoning organ to Define which zoning districts um these various uses would be allowed as and or within and then how they are allowed whether they're permitted uses uses by administrative permit for infs um really the only policy issue that comes into play uh for the city in dealing with this U per the discretion pyramid is uh the extent to which the city wants to implement the controls Allowed by the statute um you could take a hands-off approach and say the extent to which the state through the county is going to uh administer the operation is sufficient to avoid any impacts to public health safety welfare or you can go the opposite end impose all the regulations to the extent uh Allowed by Statute we've taken the approach initially of drafting the ordinance that's before you to take the most conservative approach that is to put in place the regulations that the statute has allowed that would give the city the time uh to see how these businesses are established how they operate and evaluate them further at some point the city may decide this is no different than a liquor store or tobacco sales uh which are not regulated Beyond Simple zoning standards uh and pull those regulations back in the future uh so as to the number of retail registrations uh the city can limit the number of retail stores or medical uses within the city uh to minimum one license per 12,500 population that's based uh obviously on the current population about there'd be two licenses potentially issued or I'm sorry just one currently but we'll soon cross that threshold by the demographers estimates for two uh there's a second tier that if a County uh has issued licenses up to its population threshold of 12,500 then the city isn't required to issue any licenses so for example if all the Cannabis businesses based on population of right County choose to locate in a city other than oigo oigo isn't required to issue even one license to another business there are setback requirements that the uh statute provides for and these are the only buffer setbacks allowed for the retail uses uh schools is a th000 feet dayc carees 500 feet residential treatment facilities meeing a facility such as norstar out on County Road 39 where um the patients are living at the facility 500 feet and Parks there's some additional guidance in the statute and incorporated as part of the ordinance that as P particularly to Parks it needs to be from a park element not simply just property line to property line so you're measuring from the store property to the playet basically um so if we get a request we're obviously going to have to look very carefully at some of these setbacks and how they would apply to that given use uh there's also limits on the hours of operation included in the statute uh they have under the statute two limitations 8 AM to 2 am U for Monday through Saturday and then 10:00 a.m. to 2 am. for uh Sundays uh but the statute also allows the city the option of limiting 7 days a week 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. that's the regulation that we've included as part of the U ordinance before you temporary cannabis events uh these were somewhat undefined and the Planning Commission did discuss these U basically it's sale of cannabis materials and goods uh at a typically unlicensed location uh as a temporary event by someone that's holding a cannabis event organ ier provision uh the ordinance that we included in your packet that right county is putting in place is that the only types of Canabis or hemp derived products that could be sold at a temporary event would be those lower potency hemp Edibles there would also be uh no on onsite consumption except for those lower potency pemp Edibles as well uh in terms of zoning districts um they're prohibited in the retail sales uh in particular and these 14 businesses are prohibited in residential districts uh that doesn't pertain to someone using cannabis you can certainly do that in your home under the uh provisions of Statute you also have the ability to grow a limited amount of cannabis uh material in your home as well but for a business type use uh we' basically separated these into the retail and medical uses uh that would be proposed to be allowed in the B1 and B3 zoning districts uh and for the rest of the uses which are more in the product side of the and the develop side of it uh those would be allowed in the two industrial districts we didn't include the I3 District because it doesn't have utilities uh in terms of city sewer and water services which would be required under the interim use permits drafted to allow those permitted or those specific businesses uh and in terms of the B1 District um again it's simply limiting it to the number of potential zoning districts uh which these businesses could be located now but could be added in the future and you can see on the map I'll have a few slides where um it's not a significant impact whether it's allowed in the B1 District or not as to the number of potential locations within the city other standards uh that apply generally you can't have public uh view of the product or public displays everything's behind the counter in a secure area um there are also Provisions dealing with they can't have uh cannabis flower images on their signage for example so uh those are all included in the statute there's the requirement to have ventilation system adequate to prevent the smell of cannabis from outside the location uh and for retail uses everything needs to be indoors and there can't be any on-site consumption uh for the interim uses for those more product side uh businesses we did include a residential district buffer we know from the existing business in ATO uh that we have heard that you can smell the product from the greenhouse in adjacent farm so some separation is appropriate there um the hours would be the same as allowed to retail businesses but under the interim use permit those could be expanded to allow greater hours for example if there was the need for a third shift or to have uh people present overnight uh tending to the cultivation Etc that can be accommodated uh more detailed Provisions regarding emissions from the facilities indoor use only mandatory connection to utilities as I said as well as Provisions dealing with security of the location as well um the zoning ordinance also does provide General criteria for allowance of interm uses which apply to any such application and those would be in place here too one of the reasons for the interim use approach versus a conditional use permit is the ability for the city to Sunset that approval or terminate it upon a certain happening of events one of those would be change of ownership of the business so there once the conditional use permit is established that typically runs with the property so for example Holiday gas station is allowed as a conditional use holiday can close somebody can come in and run the exact same Business Without coming back to the city um the interhome use permit will require new operator would come back at the same location and seek City approval uh to verify again compliance with these Provisions since they do deal with operational elements as well so the map uh in terms of the zoning and where the properties would be allowed it's somewhat difficult to see but the blue areas at Cony Road 39 and Highway 101 there's only actually one developed property u in that area that would be eligible for uh cannabus businesses otherwise there are schools and daycares throughout that area that limit it uh there is the undeveloped property at County Ro 42 in Hot 101 there's commercially zoned property in the B2 distri or excuse me B3 District District at County Road 38 and Highway 101 as well as the Costco development at I94 that would be uh opportunity areas for cannabis businesses to locate uh so as you can see on the U image on the upper right hand side of the screen those would be the B1 districts that are currently not proposed to be allowed but could be added in the future uh the city council may also direct that uh we modify the proposed ordinance to include those districts as well uh City staff is recommending approval of the uh proposed ordinance Amendment based on the goal of having these regulations in place uh by the start of the year as I said we're taking the most conservative approach Allowed by Statute in implementing these standards I can certainly amend these over time as circumstances Warren uh the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at their meeting December 2nd because this is a zoning ordinance Amendment uh there were no public comments uh the Planning Commission did discuss a number of the elements as I said particularly temporary cannabis events they also discussed at length the uh zoning districts in which this should be allowed in uh there was also somewhat of a general conversation of um do you just take the hands-off approach same as liquor stores was the example cited but the majority favored putting these regulations in place as proposed and then reviewing them over time as the industry becomes more established going forward thanks can you can you really quickly go back to the map works that perfect um and this is different than what the Planning Commission you had a different area to the north on County Ro 42 before the area 39 where um River viiew licorette was shown that was an opportunity area but there is a an accredited high school program in the adjacent building that would preclude that location okay so the Thousand ft and we did talk at the Planning Commission also that if a business like a daycare were to set up in a strip mall after they're in place that doesn't force that business out correct correct right Council questions or staff M May yes R um what happens in the scenario where we have let's say we had a licensed business bus and then another one comes in and we we have the ability to say we aren't even entertaining uh new any more licenses because we're not required to but then another one comes in and maybe we like that business more we say okay well we'll give you a license mayor so the ordinance would have to be amended to lift the Restriction otherwise um the administrative process would be right County Conta City staff and City staff advises right County that our ordinance allows the one registration based on their current population no further allowed so it would take a positive action by the council separate from any specific license request to lift that limit and can you clarify we I mean we did a joint Powers agreement with the county so aren't the licenses pulled at the county level mayor so this is one item that's still kind of under discussion with office of cannabis management and cities as to how these licenses are implemented um uh and administrator hilly has been working with the group at Wright County on the joint Powers agreement but the direction from the county was that City should Implement both the uh countywide restriction and the local ordinance to provide both tiers okay so I guess that was going to be my question kind of a follow up to Ryan on that if the county has the main member and as you said everybody to open up in our our neighboring City in right County that City would have to allow that many to go into that location also right I mean so it it's they're talking with each other and I can't imagine one City's gonna say we'll take all I don't even know what the what the main number would be mayor this is something you know assistant ad Mr hilly can probably provide more information about as to you know what direction the cities and right County are going as far as these limits uh mayor there is some communities I know that are open to having multiple different prop or Properties or businesses within their actual communities and so that's been a big conversation with uh at the county level with cities is what cities are interested in allowing who's allowing to be able to limit the amount um obviously some of these things differ with some communities that aren't going into the jpa as they have their own police departments and so they're administering a lot of this internally as well uh and that's where kind of the complication at that waiting for office of cannabis management to kind of provide some insight of how that works is it based on your jpa population or is it based on the countywide kind of how those different numbers play into it but I do know that there's a few communities that have signed the jpa that are interested in having uh more than their minimum requirement um and that's why they recommended if you are looking to limit to include it at the zoning level at the community itself uh because that needs to get reviewed at zoning the county can't have a zoning ordinance that applies to the city the city can be more restrictive M mayor can can someone remind me when we did the jpa did we does the money that would be received from a cannabis business and part of their sales I think go to the city are we giving that then the county uh mayor no the jpa actually allow uh brings that money back to the city in that with the jpa they receive the registration fees uh but the actual tax collection that it'ss within the community would come back to the city so okay mayor I would also add that the statute provided limits on what the registration fees would be and it would cost the city much more than the registration fees to administer that component of it in terms of the inspections that are required in everything so it's beneficial on that standpoint from a staffing level and also cost to have County's resources applied to that one question so when we have um our Liquor Stores um we have if they fail their compliance then that comes back to the city as we have certain standards that they have to meet and there's fines with that is the jpa or cities discuss seeing how that looks with that compliance later on also uh mayor yes the county is looking at their ordinance of addressing how those processes work if there's non-compliance with whether it's an inspection or signage uh they're writing that within their ordinance that would we would follow as they would actually be doing the registration enforcement of um the inspections making sure product is getting tested um so yeah they're in the process of creating that um I don't know exactly what it'll look like yet there The Works in that ordinance uh we meet again next week where hopefully they'll have an updated version uh that they'll share with the cities and mayor the statute also is somewhat unique in that um typically like for liquor ordinances we have an application process outlined as part of the city code that puts in place due process and how that is all handled for example with these cannabis licenses that processing basically is taken from the local jur jurisdiction up to the state so if there's an issue with the cannabis license processing right County or and or the city reports it to the office of cannabis management and they deal with it um so it will be slightly different than liquor licensing or uh than we're familiar with and this would be in regards to product the testing of the product violation okay Madame mayor yes I had a question Dan as far as the inspection goes so if a business comes in and they register with the county the county says okay this is where they want to go the city says sure then at that point are they automatically given they go ahead or does the inspection prior to them opening or do they have to have their ducks in a row prior to them just saying the city says yes you may have a a shop here but you still have to do this this this before you can open is it monitored prior to the go ahead so all the city is commenting on is the location uh and the compliance with the zoning ordinance location wise and the building code then the county will verify you know the setup of the store the handling of the items and through the inspection process and the licensing that that goes on at that level right more questions May um Dan just real quick on in regards to the setbacks who came up with those mayor uh the state did as part of the law um if you look at Canabis regulations in other states uh they're all very similar okay it's clear that when Minnesota developed their statute they looked at Colorado and Washington and Oregon and these other places that had allowed it previously because their the requirements all mirror themselves pretty much through and through thank you the park thing was a little interesting how you talked about it being actually the place structure not just the park boundary how does that work for example um carrix like how would that because there is no actual structure my interpretation is that we could regulate the setback from for example the paddle boat landing the kayak Landing excuse me sure um way back the the uh kayak landing and the active facilities but not the trail portion okay so it's got to be something that everyone may use yeah okay yeah that was just interesting then it it as again I said this is a different approach to regulation than for example adult businesses where the setback is measured property line to property line so if you're measuring a setback from the Dale lury soccer fields it's to that property line it's not to the play structure at Prairie Park most of these places that are on here do not have businesses built at this point correct they would be building the building too correct can mayor can we go through those because my interpretation is not that I mean the pink is available so there aren't any buildings here except for this and this again is B1 zoning so it's not proposed to be allowed uh this is LEF carpet yep um this is the multi-tenant retail building with Twin City Fitness uh the only building over in uh ATA Waterfront East would be the U Kennedy vision building that was just put up by a open open there is no building here at County Road 42 there's the Quick Trip building uh at County 38 as well as the noet ecoin building but no other structures and then obviously Costco will start construction next year and then they have two outlaw sites potentially available in the future in in that picture that's the B2 District isn't that the um apartment complex north of that the apartment complex is on these two Parcels here okay um so there's the site across this is their driveway that comes in off of County Road 42 there's a site on either side of that that has bacon Lots bacon Lots right now they're stock filing the apartment so right okay and then south of that that quick we can't quite see it but there's a quick trip there but then the property that's highlighted there isn't that a utility um the utility is on a portion of it but it's still intended that they would develop the balance of the property okay it's in a corner of the property that wouldn't otherwise be developed other questions or comments other questions and a motion Madame mayor yes Britney I'd like to make a motion to adopt vinance 20244 amending the zoning ordinance for regulating cannabis businesses and Improv approve publication and summary form second motion by Britney seconded by Jeff is there any discussion Madame mayor yes um when the Planning Commission was considering this Ordinance one commissioner said uh quote it's always better to lock it down uh and be more restrictive in my experience that is not the case and it doesn't matter what the question is more Liberty is always the answer this ordinance would restrict business buiness to the point that they would almost effectively be regulated out unless a leny is able to buy out that Costco they aren going to have too much luck finding a spot here in outo I find that to be hypocritical given that this Council has accepted donations from this industry and we want to present ourselves of being open for new business I also have a problem reconciling where we allow distilleries and pubs today versus where these regulations would restrict this industry businesses that make or sell alcohol are allowed in B1 B2 B3 B4 i1 I2 and I3 districts this regulation restricts cannabis businesses to B2 and B3 only with interim use permits allowed in B4 i1 and I2 that doesn't sit right with me because it has the potential to become an Avenue for the council to play favorites iGo has a history of hosting the first medical production facility in the state and the first CBD retail store in the metro area to restrict these businesses now makes no sense to me and I won't be supporting the resolution just for clarification though the Costco site would have two Outlaws and that could be small businesses just the same as what is on 38 and 101 cor so they wouldn't have to buy out Costco they they do have those additional outlots it is obviously their choice who they want to do business with is there any more discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign I motion passes four to one all right we're moving on to city council reports and updates if anyone have there I'll just have a comment if I can finish up you have a comment first or we gonna wait for after we do have recognition for you guys U my reminder will be on Saturday we have Santa day so 10 to one go on and register and bring your family up to get photos with Santa and that will be in the public works garage at overett City Hall it's a great event it's free for your family and it's going to be 30 that day versus yeah 10 degrees yeah all right the next item we have under city council reports and updates is recognition this is our city council members Britney moris and Jeff doll their last city council meeting so we uh do have facts that we wanted to present to both at the end we will take photo thank you take a photo after so St thank you I think I'll go first that by saying thank you for your time dedication to the residents of ATO um obviously many nights you guys spend away from your family and it doesn't go unnoticed by anyone up here um thank you for for always asking the questions meeting with staff doing the work so you will be missed and I'm sorry to see you go thank you go ahead go ahead I concur with what Jessica had said as well um you guys Put Your Heart and souls in this and it's not easy it is a thankless job um but you came on board to represent the city of ano the residents of the of the city and that's something that um you need to be very proud of um it's not an easy job we make a lot of hard decisions um and it's it's very difficult and so I just want you both to know that I appreciate everything that you've done for the last four years and it was very good working with both of you so thank you thank you mad mayor yeah um I would just like to thank staff and the council as well I think I feel very honored to be a part of the city council and to have served our community um I have full confidence that we live in a city where staff truly truly truly cares about the residents of ATO um they they really give it their all they don't always live here and they're here every day they're making us go round and round every day so that I hope doesn't I just hope you all know how much I appreciate you and how much you do for the city um and I'm so honored to raise my kids here I cannot think of a better place to raise them um and I I truly don't feel as I st down that you work for me I really hope that you understand that I understand and I want you to know that we I hope we work together as a resident and as city council and being able to call staff Call a council member that are newly elected to if you have questions so I really just do think that a is very fortunate for who we have here that's it I have a little bit to talk about because what you've heard as staff this the work that you see whether your Council whether you're at a park you're on driving on a road whatever when you uh a lot of people don't see staff Le residents but as council members we do uh mayor council one thing I have done as a council member as I call it I do my rounds I visit uh staff members City Hall East and West uh wastewater treatment facility uh Park and wreck uh anybody I can run into whether be out uh personally either with h a prairie Festival whatnot and and one job that we got or that I had to do or was able to do in my four years was we got to hire uh new staff and including uh Miss Hill who has a a dual role she's done a fantastic job not only did she get um a new role but she a new job but she also has a new role with assistance administrator and HR thank you Sabrina uh also next to her is another person who has a dual role here and he's done a a fantastic job uh one of the roles he has as you heard today was our uh Finance director and thanks to him um last four years a lot of hard work and if you heard today uh Council has done at least 10 hours or at least more work with uh uh dealing with our our taxes what's going on with uh our tax levy and whatnot that's thanks to that person over there Mr flarey ad me do a fantastic job thank you sir all uh address your city administrator R shortly uh person next to him uh Audra I uh she brings me my paperwork every every meeting I consider that good luck because one thing I like to do is thank her every day I come here otter you're awesome thank you for doing that for me big shout out to uh Deputy clerk Katie kand another person that's works hard for the city thank you Katie um Nick Jacobs he's another one he's our park and rec director he another one that we uh he was an internal uh promotion he did a uh we as a council got to uh promote him as Park and wreck director he's him and his staff including Connie has done a fantastic job with our park and wreck thank you Nick for what you do for the city uh next person is uh Curt Neer he's our utility director uh along with Seth going to East and West Wastewater and also dealing with our water uh one thing I did uh as part of council is make sure we can get something going with uh cleaning up our dirty water which is of course it's just iron and one thing you find out when you do more research on our water you find out our minerals that are in our water that we need to be cleaned up and that's why during my term we got we got to work on um wellhouse 4 wellhouse 3 and also a new one South Central water facility that will also give us two more Wells so don't worry East Side we didn't forget about you but thanks to uh one of the minerals that is uh that we need to filter we got to take care of that first and then we'll work on our east side that is on the agenda so that's thought of Kevin Lamson or Kevin Lamson he's our streets department manager another fantastic director with all his staff including his two mechanics thank you Kevin for uh everything that you do for the city it Ben as you saw today helping him out or helping us out here uh Little D dilemma we had before we got started uh Gerald R another that we had uh Council got to hire uh not only did staff uh we all what council did we got to open that position so staff can find uh there a lot of candidates on here and they picked one of the picks that they had for us to choose from was uh emergency service directors Rous and thank you darl for every all the planning that you've done for our fire services our fire uh our fire trucks and now our building that we will be getting built finally after 166 years of the city being existence uh just a shout out to um all the staff that I've that I haven't mentioned yet thank you for everything that you've done and then our uh our City attorney uh Dave kindall thank you sir for everything that you've done for our city uh to get to this point everything that we read we know you've gone through it to make sure uh all our eyes are doubted our teas AC cross thank you sir uh our city planner and our city engineer and licked and Ron Wagner they have over 55 years experience with our city of ATO and everything that you guys have done for the city is everything that soon as we get out of this building every thanks to you guys you guys have done a lot here and thank you for everything you've to done for the city thank you um when you go to City Hall I mean you can't figure you can't forget the uh three fine women that you uh see when you first go in there Barb Sandy and Mary uh there's also Holly Mary and Julie make sure if there's again there's any other names that I forgot I'm sorry but you guys are awesome and working for our city and our Council uh I got to work with fine uh fine five fine residents who got elected as Council including Tom darkenwald Tom again you're awesome uh Ryan Dunlap council member Dunlap we have a lot a lot of projects coming and I'm G to count on you to make sure those projects are on time and on budget thank you Mr dunam great job Ryan uh council member gaty Tina it's one thing I like about a lot of these meetings our special meetings whatever meetings we have I like to wait until everybody speaks and you always I call lot a lot what you say is what I would say but thanks to you I don't have to so that's awesome and you're a great mentor since you're about uh with the city or with for me so thank you very much uh Miss mois council member Morris one regret I have is I didn't get a chance to vote for you again because your name was not on the ballot you've done a fantastic job with your work with Park and wreck with um OPC and admin subcommittee thank you for everything that you've done for City and thank you for helping making this job fun it is a lot of work but it is you help make it fun thank you Britney last but not least mayor stock Camp everything that you've done for the city I mean look everybody I've mentioned except for the two people on your right who've been here a little longer than you is because of you you've helped hire everybody to my left you've helped hire everybody I've discussed you've worked with these fine people all over it including the two on the right that have 55 years experience it's all because of you and because of that residents voted you again for a fifth term everything that you've do done for the city you've earned it and you've earn it again and again and again thank you for all the voters who voted for me in 2020 and thank you for all the voters voted for me again in 2024 fortun I didn't get in but you have two fine people of council members elect Lund and council member elect Tanner thank you Corey thank you Michelle thank you everybody Jack thank you blew that out the matter do that often or something done very good job thank you all right any other comments under counc reports and updates okay moving on to staff reports and updates Sabrina thank you mayor uh just want to say happy holidays and thank you to outgoing council members doll and Moors and uh this is likely my last Council Mee for quite a few months so hope everyone has a good winter Adam mayor council uh Council member doll council member Mor it's been a joy getting to know you over the last four years and appreciate all the hard work and time that you put into your role and the questions that youve asked staff and the things that you've helped us do here at the city so uh thank you both for that uh mayor I have no so real quick mayor sorry to interrupt and to go back to your city administrator role which I forgot thank you Adam every thank sweet Audra thank you Mary I'd also like to thank uh dolls and more for being sign uh sworn in the same night that I was so thank you for starting with me wish you were continuing but wish you the best of luck on your next Adventures thank you that's it Dave um same thoughts mayor um appreciate working with member do member Moors um wishing the best of luck in the future happy holidays and nothing further to report yeah mayor since we have no Planning Commission uh meetings coming up I'll just congratulate council member D and council member mois on your term uh it's surprising how fast these terms go U but the most rewarding part about serving on city council or working local government is you will see the uh benefits the outcomes the difference that you made each day as you continue living in oo whether it's big projects like the water as you mentioned or the new parks um that have been developed during your tenure you've each made a difference you've been an important part of the process and you deserve uh congratulations for that well done thank you Ron um oigo Creek Rehab that's still going in uh we expect that to be completed here in the next couple weeks or so except for the grass and the trees that will be growing in place next spring uh zachman Meadows Prett conduit are that's still going on and car Landing still has the building to go um that's pretty much it for all the projects throughout the city U Jeff thank you for your service on the Public Works subcommittee um your guidance on that and then more your your WID I appre shate that and uh making the city administrator un comfortable from time to time few people that can all right uh right County Deputy is not here this evening so no updates from them so if no one has anything else anything darl darl do you have any updates okay all right and if we have no more updates a motion to adjourn with the in order Madame May I'll make a motion to a second motion by Britney seconded by Jeff is there any