##VIDEO ID:hZSPanbPM4E## good evening everyone I'd like to welcome you to the ATO city council meeting Audrey can you have the record show that tonight is Tuesday November 12th our city attorney's present our city planner present our city engineer is present council member Dunlap Dunlap is present council member Gat is absent council member doll is present council member Morris is present our assistant City administrator and our city administrator is present at this time you all to join us in the Pledge of Allegiance ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all our first item this this evening is our open Forum this is the portion of the meeting where you can come to the podium state your name and address and comments to five minutes or less would anyone like to speak at this time okay we will close the open form and move on to item two to consider agenda for approval does anyone have anything that they would like to add or delete at this time Madam mayor yes on the consent agenda I'd like to bring down item 3.7 okay could we make that uh 5.0 like to talk about it before the fire station would you like to move it to 5.1 and we move 5.1 to 5.2 if that's not too difficult yeah you make the most sense okay all right all right any other changes the motion would be in order then M mayor yes I move to approve the ad as amended second motion by Ryan seconded by Jeff is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to the consent agenda a motion would be in order and noted that an item was pulled down Madame mayor yes Ryan I move to approve the agenda as amended second motion by Ryan seconded by Britney is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to item 4.1 this is the item that Audra had on the desk for all of you um general election we'll turn this over to Audra uh thank you mayor and councel uh tonight for uh before you have a resolution to consider the canvasing of the 2024 election results for the city and just some points of interest we had 13,722 voters vote of that um 6,290 voted early so that actually meant about 4,500 people came through City Hall into our little kitchen in those three weeks leading up to the elections so just some information there uh 90% of the voters voted of The 15,197 that were registered and looking at results of the winner of the mayal race was Jessica St camp with 6,17 votes and the council candidate winners uh were Michelle lond with 3,519 votes and Cory Tanner with 3,362 votes and if you agree with these uh results I all also have a form that I need to have you all sign as uh campusing the election results any questions do you think that we could maybe have those um inil to us just the exact numbers that you just rep I certainly could give you some little statistics would like to see that all right thank you Madame mayor yes Ryan I move to adopt resolution 2024-25 2024 second motion by Ryan seconded by Jeff is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to item 5.1 which is approve fire protection agreement with the city of Albertville um Madame mayor from the Albert Bill's packet in their meeting uh the summary of their meeting between the two cities had a statement that was uh troubling it said that while oo is still working on the operational pieces of the department it is their intention that they will be able to provide emergency response without supplemental service contracts to allad SEO my concern here is twofold I don't recall the council making that kind of a decision and it seems to me like this would be a decision made at the council level it's not an operational decision um and two if this is the message that we are sending uh we are telling the other cities that we won't need their help and that's inconsistent with what has been said by the mayor and other council members so I'm hoping to get some clarification on that staff uh which which piece that we are going to uh forgo any service contracts in the future mayor I I don't think that's been set in stone by the city council the city has not yet hired Staffing of either model whether that is a Duty Crew uh paid on call Members or some combination thereof so that is something that the city council needs to set in stone we move through the next two years of Department development I do think uh with the plan that was presented by Chief Rous back to the public safety commission and City Council in March of this year there was a staffing model presented that we at the staff level believe that can achieve providing service to the community without those supplemental contracts that doesn't mean that there will be no assistance requested in the form of automatic or Mutual Aid and those are things that the city staff Chief and I need to work through with those communities and mindan you're referring to I'm sorry you said that was the memo from Albertville yeah there summary of the meeting that the two cities had okay so it seems like maybe their summary was not complete because we have not taken that off the table that's not our statement that's their statement sure that is correct the council's made no Staffing decisions in terms of how this department will operate the focus throughout 2024 has been on facility itself okay with that Madame mayor I move to approve the fire protection agreement between the city of Albertville and the City of Ono second motion by Ryan seconded by Britney there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to item 5.2 fire an emergency services station project barl thank you madam mayor council good evening I'm here this evening to talk about the bidding process for emergency services facility a little bit of History just to catch everybody up to make sure that we're all at the same place here um this project has been discussed for decades and incremental steps have been made throughout that time period including purchasing property in 2007 and again in 2019 it's been multiple studies that have been completed 2016 study with Albert banut SEO shared fire Services study 2017 Elk River fire station feasibility and and facility study 2018 the final report our response time Improvement fire service model and then in 2022 uh fire Emergency Services facts and finding each of these studies discuss multiple options for providing fire protection for the city of V seagull each of those studies in included an option for a facility within the facil in the community uh to help improve response times and service to the community with that in November of 2022 the city council elected to move forward with establishing its own Department of the different options that were provided and it led to my hiring in 2023 and we've been working towards bringing the facility to reality uh since that time as the city administrator said 2024 has been dedicated largely to development of the facility itself if you remember in 2023 we ordered an apparatus based on lead time that were present at the time since then we've been working on the facility so we started out very early in the process we started talking about what the needs were going to be for this for the facility we did an initial needs assessment which was com comprehensive overview of what type of facility would be needed based on the Staffing models that have been presented in multiple presentations that led to uh deciding on an architect to help with the process we did a request for proposals we reviewed those proposals did interviews and presentations and we did site visits uh to six different stations in the end we selected wal Architects and Engineers to help us with the design and they have been participating since that time we also had a core Planning Group that was formed included City staff Architects uh project managers to make sure that we were considering all the different elements we took a lot of the information that we gained from the site visits and the comments that the city council made and Incorporated those into our initial design along the same time we decided that we were needed to hire a construction manager to help with that process R serson was hired to help that process so CR Anderson and wall has helped with the design and estimating for the project ultimately bidding for the project so we started out with the steps for the project here the initial estimate based on a square footage based on previous information that the construction management company had seen from other projects came up with an initial estimate of somewhere between 19 and a half and $22 million we refined that a bit at our midpoint of the project we had nailed that number down a little closer to around $21 million and finally we got to the final estimate and the project was put out for bid and the bids were competitively released and reviewed I'm going to have Mike um philps from um CR come up and talk about that in just a few minutes so there was a formal bid process bid review and selection uh done by Charles Sanderson and for the 28 scopes of work uh and we accepted the low bidder for all of the Scopes of work with one exception because we had a withdrawal after the bids were accepted so I'm going to ask Mike to come up we've got just a few slides uh that Mike's going to look at or show you uh to talk a little bit about the bid and what the costs are at this point so mik thanks Daryl uh mayor and Council thank you uh for having me back again to present some information as Daryl just mentioned on our bid dat update um appreciate the opportunity to be back and speak with all of you so as darl mentioned uh a quick update uh on bid day overview I'm going to review the alternates with you guys um and then discuss uh briefly next steps Adam if you would mind go to the next slide for so as Daryl mentioned uh we package the work and what we refer to as work Scopes or bid packages and what that is is it's a way to put together the work across a project and Scopes that uh contractors would find um enticing to bid on and so it's a little bit tough to see on the table to the right but that's our 28 scopes of work they include things such as concrete and masonry pre-cast steel ruffine mechanical electrical um and so on um on those 28 scopes of work we received 185 bids um and without context that's a little tough to understand on a typical bid day for a project of this size uh and this type we would expect anywhere between three to four bids per work scope so that would put you in a range of about 90 to 120 roughly bids um the bid day for oigo back on the 29th was unlike anything we've seen in recent memory within K Anderson um we averaged north of six and a half bids per scope to get to the 185 um what that says is we truly have the right number for oo and a number quite frankly if we were to put it back on the street again next week we're we're not going to see the same the same value uh this is a number where everything aligned on bid day from uh influ influencing the coverage in terms of making calls to prospective biders generating that interest within the market and having those biders turn out on bid day and ultimately provide a real value to the city um the next line item low bid so as darl mentioned we did take the low bid or accept a little bid on each of the 28 work scopes with the exception of the Landscaping work scope uh as I mentioned at the bottom there the post bid interviews after bid day that's when uh work continues for us we're reaching out to both the low bid and second low bid uh making sure that they have everything scope schedule all of the individual components with in that uh so that we make a recommendation to you as you guys have in your packet tonight we're confident in what that number is um that low bid 14% under our estimate rough numbers uh our estimate at uh the CD stage was about 16.4 million that was just construction cost that included some construction contingency as well as general conditions items um when we estimate and I've mentioned this before we do not estimate to the low bit of the market because there is some fluctuation you can see on bidday what our goal is is we want to estimate to the midpoint of the market or the average that we see that's the fourth line item there the average bid within 2% of estimate what that equates to in dollars is our CD estimate was within about $350 to $400,000 of the estimate that we put together what that shows you or what that shows me is that uh the competition of those 185 bids that competition drove that price down in the city of o benefited by seeing the uh low bid be C uh excuse me the low bid being 14% under uh that average estimate um I think we can go to the next slide Adam um mayor before we leave the slide I realized the screen is hard to view so uh the low bid the total on that just for the record is 14,1 18, 369 for that so just wanted to mention that thank you Adam behind her yeah you can't see that number was not viewable by the public I mean that was slide but you can't read that Adam can you repeat the number again for the audience thank you yes for the record again 14,1 18, 369 thank you thank not included in that low bid number that Adam just read there were three alternates on bid day that revolved around two items uh one was a price of what would what would the city see back in a credit or a deduct if we were to eliminate the sixth apparatus Bay and then along with that uh alternate 2A and 2B were to deduct the fourfold doors on just Bays one through five if we were to deduct the sixth Bay uh or yeah if we were deduct the sixth Bay and then if we were to deduct fourfold doors on all of the Bays including the sixth what would that breakout be if we were to go to just a traditional garage door style uh in L of the fourfold so alternate one deduct of the sixth apparatus Bay uh the deduct alternate total uh $269,800 dooll credit typically you would expect to be somewh in the range of about 80% plus or minus on a deduct alternate um that $269,000 is approximately somewhere between 50 to 55% of what the value would be to actually build the six Bay so you're seeing less than what you would typically see uh and part of that is driven by the competition and how tight the numbers were on bidday that there wasn't an appetite to give back a higher credit on that deduct alternate um alternate to 2A this is a little bit closer to the real value um the dedu for the full fold doors on Bas one through five uh $239,800 and Alternate to be the deduct for the full fourfold door excuse me on just base six is $4,625 so if Council were to so choose um any one of well a combination of those alternates could be picked up and those reductions would be taken off of the low bid number that Adam read the prior slide and that's included in your Council packet on the letter of recommendation go ahead and go to the next slide if there's no questions on alternates um so next steps for us um assuming that the projects were to move forward the next steps would be moving into contract issuance so um I think as we've talked about before at a high level um the city would enter into an aa132 that's the um Associated contract to the one that the council have previously approved for K Anderson which is the c132 contract um from there we would work with the individual Prime contractors on subal development and material procurement and then lastly we would work with the city and W uh to work through plan review and permitting any questions he I don't if you could go to the next slide um and then the last slide here is um the request for Council action uh to move uh the project forward to the next step I do have one question you said that we had one withdrawal yes why so the landscape contractor missed two items uh that were clearly noted both in the project specifications and within their work scope the first item that they missed was the uh planting soils or the specialized soils for the planting beds and Landscape beds they did not carry that they incorrectly assumed that that was going to be carried by the earthwork contractor even though it was in their spec uh that was assigned to them and the second item that they missed was the uh sight fencing both around the generator and Transformer pads as well as uh the um the trash enclosure uh they assume as well that that would be covered underneath the earthwork package again was specified in their scope and spec but did not carry it um and that's the point of our postbit interview calls to go through to make sure that every contractor has what they should have um andan if we identify things that they have that they don't we'll we can work with them post contract issuance to bring those dollars back um we did not find anything where people carried things that they should not have but that was the one contractor that missed two items okay so that was originally the low bidder and then yep so then we move to the second little bit correct which I believe is green Scapes if M search correctly yeah yeah all right questions can adir yeah can you explain some of the scenarios where the alternate was a reduction but they actually have positive numbers yep good good question so that's Again part of the post bid process um as you and uh council member dup as you pointed out on the actual bid form that we received from contractors some contractors provided a deduct for the deduct alternate or a negative value while some contractors provided a positive value within that um it's an interpretation of the bidding documents um when we talked to them through the postbit interview process those that provided a positive value thought that they were supposed to provide a positive value for a deduct alternate uh which that's that's not an industry standard I would say of how you're supposed to provide a number it's supposed to be a deduct or a negative number if you're giving a credit and vice versa if it's if it's an ad I will point out that in regards to the removal of the overhead doors or the four-fold doors rather um the steel numbers within there for an example they did provide an ad and that truly is an ad because there's some additional framing uh or structural framing that's required for those openings with or without a door um so we did go through and actually clarify that with all of the low biders uh so that if an alternate were picked up that we would know truly what the right value is um and quite frankly we would work through that uh through the change order process post contract and so we've confirmed the the uh the correct value I'll say for each of those alternates and so then the correct value is actually reflected in our the correct value is reflected on that slide because I I can't change we can't change the bid tabs the bid Tabs are what they are and that's not reflective of what the value is on our Slide the slide is the confirmed deduct values based on our postbit interview calls okay great question and then in the cases where there's basic where it's zero I'm assuming that's just because either it's not applicable or they weren't willing to absolutely yep yep so I think the one that I would point out it was on the urw contract if he deducted the six Bay I think they gave a deduct of approximately $700 it's clearly worth more than $700 to not have to do the Earth R associated with that section but that's the the credit that that contractor was willing to provide for that work and part of that is um how they go after the bid should an alternate be selected or not on how they want to prioritize excuse me how they want to prioritize the dollars uh to be as competitive as they can okay uh which is gets back to the point that I mentioned earlier where you're not seeing nearly 80% of the value come back in that credit right it's good question all right other questions well I'm glad that 185 biders were willing to come out and bid on this project yeah exciting for you guys and a really long day to go through all those bids was it was long afternoon but it was well worth it s the timing is right for planning right that everybody came down yeah absolutely plan for next year y awesome and have you obviously at the city we always asked like have we worked with this contractor before have you worked with all of the contractors that have bid I personally have worked with all of them Carl Anderson has worked with 95 plus percent of those contractors okay were there ones that were low bids that no one's worked with that you had to do a little bit more investigation into these people to make sure that they're going to be able to do the scope of work that we're looking for or the quality that you guys expect no the only if there if there's a a bidder that for example I'm not familiar with or or the the project manager will be running this project his name is Ben albre um and unfortunately he couldn't be here tonight but if we do run into a contractor that we're not familiar with um we've got a pretty solid resource internally of project managers that have worked a variety of projects whether it be fire station or public safety of other entity so we'll reach out to those folks and ask them Greenscapes is one for example to go back to them that I had not worked with or heard of uh so we actually reached out to a few folks within our office um as well as some external Partners as well to get some information um I guess to answer the question maybe a little bit differently there's nobody that's on the um letter of recommendation that has any concern to us uh if there was we would bring that up and talk through that before we would uh compile that letter okay well obviously Greenscapes is a local company River yep yeah and unfortunately I seen on the way over I think Midwest landscape who was the original low they actually have a signed local too for an adopted highway so both uh both local it appears yeah yeah Midwest is right here in N yeah yeah any other questions the motion would be in order thank you may like to make a motion sure motion to adopt resolution 2024-the the City attorney and cross Anderson to prepare the AIA a132 d209 contracts and to authorize the mayor and city clerk to execute the finalized agreements second motion by Jeff seconded by britley is there any discussion Madame mayor yes to understand why this decision should not move forward you first have to understand this isn't just about the purchase of a fire station this is about the push for ano to go out alone and start our own fire department an independent thirdparty analysis told us that this plan to start from scratch and create a department with a career staffing model was not in the best financial interests of our community and on that I agree it went on to say that the contract fire departments all have firefighters that live and work close to those stations Albertville firefighters live within an average of 30 seconds of the station we practically have duty Crews as it is plus we have the added benefit that those stations exist close to our borders where the majority of the population is oigo on the other hand will not have firefighters that live close to where the station will be we don't have places for them to work during the day so instead we're going to pay for a more expensive and wasteful Duty Crew and sit at the station and do nothing for 96% of the time this is why the fire study recommended keeping the contracts and building a substation for Albertville to operate and manage once the metrics supported such an Endeavor the draft results of the fire study were presented to the fire chiefs and they provided their feedback we modified the fire response areas to improve response times based on the capabilities of each department we purchased property to One Day become a substation for Albertville we even asked the Albertville fire chief to help us with the layout of that station however after the draft report was reviewed with the fire chiefs a member of the council requested some additional analysis from the fire study quote it was requested by a member of the city council that two specific locations be evaluated based on the current Street Network and that these scenarios exclude the effect of the current closest fire station Partners in other words what would happen if we cancel the contracts put a station in the middle of our sitting I now know who that council member was that requested that we examine canceling the contracts it was the mayor the authors of the independent third party study took the opportunity to remind anyone that might read this report in the future that such an analysis went against their findings quote the draft report indicated that currently the fire Service Partners are performing within National guidelines it also indicated that currently there is no need for a fire station but that in the expect future fire stations are anticipated to become necessary due to development and population growth end quote the study concluded that those stations should be operated and managed by our contract Partners we have completely ignored the results of the study and went full steam ahead with a plan to put a station in the middle of our city and cancel the contracts a plan that makes no sense a plan that the study said resulted in the poorest performance of all scenarios they examined it also happens to be the most expensive plan the mayor wants a fire department the mayor will get a fire department but make no mistake this was not a data driven decision we have ignored the third party independent study because it doesn't matter how much it costs it doesn't matter if it actually improves service to our city all that matters is that we have trucks with our logo on the side the contracts with our neighboring cities provide better service at a price point that is cost efficient for the taxpayer this plan is a waste of taxpayer resources and I will not be supporting it mad also would like a fire station and a fire department in emergency services and Ryan I will make a comment that I requested the them to pull the numbers on the site when we knew that the property was available so I'm the one that contacted them but the full Council wasn't agreeance to have that done and I'm the one who had who made the call to say run the numbers to see what this location looks like for us that also only took into consideration that we would when we looked at the the data at that time we weren't looking at a full-time staff being in that in that model so I disagree with you on the fact that it keeps that you keep saying that we were building this with Albertville and I could tell you back then we were that same call Came From the City of Elk River saying who's going to be running that department when you guys build it because the boundaries changed and the boundaries changed only for the fact that when we did the study it said moving the lines made sense and having all of them respond to fires made more sense because at certain times of the day there's potentially more staff that are in El River or Rogers vice versa from Albertville and to your point when you say firefighters live potentially live 30 seconds from the fire station it's because their city is three and a half square miles if I'm mistaken does anyone know the exact so so cheer point that In fairness that it's a very small City and we benefit from that certain parts of our community at this time potentially benefit from that but we need to make decisions based on our whole city and I'm not the only one that thinks that we need a fire department there's multiple residents out there that obviously support the existence of fire department in our city for faster response times for our whole Community I'm not overwriting any we've done multiple studies it's back up here at the council all right we're back we have a motion second we have a motion and we have a second is there any more discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those oppose same sign I motion passes three to one sorry all right we are moving on to city council reports and updates does anyone have anything I guess quick mayor yes congratulations on a another win and continuing to be our mayor and congratulations to council members elect lond and council members elect Tanner thank you I I would like to um look to Audra on this uh please extend a thank you to all the election judges City staff I know I sent an email but I want to make it acknowledge you again this evening because you put in a lot of hours um and I thank you for all those hours all the staff that came in it really did take all hands- on Deck to make sure that it ran as smoothly as it did um having five precincts is no small feat also so thank you for moving things in moving things out and you look refreshed so again thank you for for all that anyone else have anything for staff reports and updates all right moving on I'm sorry that was city council reports and updates moving on to staff reports and updates Cina thank you mayor no updates Adam mayor nothing further from me Audra thank you mayor I I do want to thank um Deputy clerk Kalin she did an awesome job we had some fabulous election Specialists we brought on three people that were trained to help us a little more in depth than an election judge um we had also judges that came in that helped with the absentee voting and the direct balloting thank you to them and then our head judges election judges all the city staff that pitched in from either answering phone calls or going to the county to pick up envelopes we definitely couldn't have done it without them and then also to thank the um I'm going to say it wrong Rob's last name schn s sna sna and Linda Lynden felser families for bringing in treats for the election judges so they brought in some snacks and then just to let you know we were drawn today for the Post elction review which will be next Tuesday so we'll have to bring in about nine judges to go to the county to recount three of the races so that's all I have you're the winner were the winner do you think it's because we're the largest city do they pick largest and smallest city to um mayor it's actually completely random they Dro prent out of the bow oh out of a ball out of take one yay thank you right Dave uh no updates thanks mayor Dan mayor no update Ron may just give us some updates on it few projects we have precon for ATO Creek restoration that's going to be tomorrow so uh that the creek front within Prairie Point um that portion will be um starting construction soon and then zachman Meadows is still continuing to go on Tangle wood development and then the water treatment facility at pump house number four and River National is ongoing awesome thank you you're welcome all right right County Sheriff's Office good evening good evening just two points I wanted to touch on tonight um one is the election day of election we never we didn't have any issues so thank goodness we never called by any of election judges to resolve any conflicts so uh it was very quiet day um which is we were thankful for so and the other thing is it is um snowboard season or seasonal parking in atgo so um but no snows on the forecast as of right now so and now you've said it yeah everybody go gas so uh warnings uh will start trickling out slowly by our overnight staff uh with usually it's typical it just kind of trickles out hopefully the resents kind of get reminded that way and then once again snow is not kind of on the forecast that's when they usually kind of uh speed up the uh warnings and such so or site that there are particular people that don't care or something like that so but and then obviously when it does sow will be in full effect of writing those citations so other than that there's not much else to report and there questions or comments um just looking to Audra and Adam or Sabrina can we make sure we do a post about that the seasonal parking yes I would highly advise that okay Madame mayor yeah is it do you still do the isn't like an orange for something that put on the car yep so we'll do an official uh CFS so recorded each warning is recorded in our system so we can if some if the other side sees the same car they can write a citation if they didn't get the message the first time but yes usually typically we uh leave an orange uh card that has the uh videoo on it and that specifically says your parking violation of the seasonal seasonal s yeah seasonal parking ordinance excuse me so sure but it's just a first it's a warning yeah do a warning the Orange is the warning the yes so there's like a physical warning a card and there also a recorded warning that make sense we can articulate like oh this person has been more than 10 times okay making sure we're following along thank you thank you thank you thank you all right if no one has anything yes does darl have anything darl do you have anything thank you and thank you for the action on the project um I would say that I understand that this project became very political um I'll offer the current councils the newly elected council members or anybody from the public that wants to come and talk about the project about the facility specifically about the operational plan please reach out to me and happy to have one-on-one conversations to answer any questions that there may be uh provide information that may be misinterpreted or may have been missed thank you thank you all right no one has anything else and a motion would to adjourn would be in order who Moved second motion by Jeff seconded by Britney there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign the meeting is ended thank you all for attending e