##VIDEO ID:ikk3WWAZcUQ## good evening everyone I'd like to welcome you to the ATO city council meeting tonight is Monday November 25th Audrey can you have the record show that our City attorney is present our city planner is absent this evening our city Engineers present all council members are present along with our city assistant City administrator and our city administrator at this time I'll ask you all to join us in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge Al to the of the United States of America and to the rep for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you our first item of this evening is our open Forum this is the portion of the meeting where you can come to the podium state your name and address and limit comments to five minutes or less would anyone like to speak at this time yes hi an vansteen house 15037 84 Street North East um it's not a question it's just a comment every time I call the city hall um someone is always answering the phone and direct me to where I need to go uh I like that feel of a small town even though we keep on expanding and I don't want it to change I we didn't get into the nitty-gritty when we talk budget but that's one thing I really like about this town that when I have an issue or a problem I've met the mayor several times on different occasions when it was just out on small um well in my opinion it was just a um talk about our Park redo and she was there and I liked that I liked that she was approachable and same with the other uh members of council that were present so uh that's it thank you thank you thank you any other comments All right we will close the open forum and move on to consider agenda for approval does anyone have anything that they would like to add or delete at this time a motion be in order if no one has any changes Madame mayor yes Britney I Mo to approve the agenda as written second motion by Britney seconded by Jeff is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to our consent agenda a motion would be in order Madame mayor I'll move to approve the consent agenda as written second motion by Britney seconded by Tina is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to item 4.1 franchise V ordinance I will turn this over to our city administrator mayor council thank you uh the packet is a recommendation to adopt an ordinance amending a franchise fee ordinance so in 2022 the city adopted ordinance 20229 that implemented a franchise fee on right penipen electric uh since that time it's come to our attention that certain Parcels uh within the city are paying multiple franchise fees uh due to the way that right henpen uh structures their account and meters per account and the way the ordinance is written so City staff the City attorney and legal representation for right hpin have prepared uh an ordinance Amendment um discussed implementation of this so that it goes forward the way that the city intended to uh so in the packet there is an ordinance there is a publication summary of that ordinance and then also in the memo I've outlined that there would be a rebate program implemented um the city staff would uh advertise through the newsletter on the City website and any other avenues to make sure that we reach those right handing customers that we're paying multiple fees uh so this would initiate in January 20125 upon implementation and staff is proposing concluding after six months uh but that is open for discussion so again the ordinance in the packet is a Redline version so you can see what those verbage changes are um and staff can answer any questions from the council okay questions for Council um I guess I want to make sure that as you we talked about the rebate we know that there are some people that have been getting charged two fees uh based on having two meters on their property are we able to I mean I obviously advertising newsletter putting it on the website I see the papers here this evening but does right hennipen have a way to identify it by kind of I guess address it just seems like if we know who has the two meters we should be able to reach out to them directly yeah mayor councel uh staff could request a list of accounts from right henin that they believe would fall into this category okay um I would still want to use those other methods just in case we're not reaching a customer that does have to but certainly we could do that and then direct mail them a rebate form perfect I'm fine with you doing those other avenues I just think that if there's a way for us to work with right henen to figure out who those were um it was never intended that they should be paying twice so I help get that taken care of for them and again mayor and councel most commonly this is large rural properties that may have a residential home and a out building uh potentially an agricultural property that has farming operations that may have more than one uh meter or account on their parcel Madam May yes uh so then Adam there's a form that they'll fill out will they have to fill it out at City Hall and meet with someone at City Hall or is there going to be a form online they can print fill out bring in do you have an idea what that looks like uh mayor we would intend to do both uh online fillable PDF form to make it as easy as possible they could submit that uh with copies of their invoices showing the two fees uh we would put a specific email address on there so that they can get that and we can turn it around and process it for payment uh certainly we would accept people filling that form out at City Hall as well thank you all right any other questions M Meritt I think you said that uh we would only have that program for about six months uh that was just a starting point uh open to discussion on keeping it open for upwards of a year I do think uh the rebate eligibility would just be during uh the first year and a half to two years of implementation so going forward uh the amendment will allow that fee to be corrected and so we'd want to have some sort of endid on the program uh just to encourage people to get it in and that we can refund them and then not having this ongoing liability out there I know it's not part of the ordinance but I would be in favor of a a oneye okay view of that I think there's not really yeah I see a problem with extending it to a year and but doing all the Avenues and so hopefully at the reading yeah that will allow us to get it in multiple newsletters right extended duration for advertising so yeah I would I would agree with that I as long as we're getting out to everyone with the newsletters and then right county is also doing that to I'm just notifying everyone the way that they should because not everyone has social media or are online so just making sure that everyone is getting this notification so they have time to to get it in would be great understood okay thank you all right any other questions or comments a motion would be in order make a motion okay motion to adopt ordinance 2024-25 D12 and authorized St to publish in summary form is there a second second motion by Tina seconded by Britney is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign motion passes moving on to city council reports and updates Heritage preservation commission Britney thank you mayor uh HBC is now going to quarterly meetings for the month well so December January and February they will resume in March um otherwise that's it okay they can stay off those roads if they get bad all right park and rec commission par and W we did not meet okay I will put a plug in though for Santa day on the 14th which is probably put it another plug on December 9th but hope we have that's usually event good turnout Planning Commission um same as Park Andre we have not had any meeting so I have no update Public Safety commission voltina and I were gone Ryan you were present was a very brief meeting uh we just discussed um some of the recent approvals from the council and the fire department and then um talked a little bit about the uh ebike ordinance that we passed that was it did they have questions on on it or they or just more clarification um yeah they wanted to kind of know the differences but I had a copy of the ordinance there so great right the are CER city council reports and updates does anyone else have anything here quick yes is there any uh talk or conversations about uh any celebrations going on next year for let seo's 35th anniversary of being a city we have not talked about okay we but we definitely um so when we did the 25 year one it was just kind of a we just put it out there for residents and kind of spearheaded that if people wanted to to join it and we we held it over at the Public Works garage so if you're interested if you want to spearhead it or we can talk with staff well we put a budget for anything so you may need to talk to park and rock to see what we can do that perfect okay thank you okay M Madam mayor you know what I did forget the tree life ceremony is tomorrow night yeah 6m yeah all right any other counil updates okay moving on to staff reports and updates Sabrina uh thank you mayor no updates Adam mayor uh update on one recruitment we did receive 49 applications I believe for the recreation uh programmer position so interviews were conducted last week uh and a recommendation to the council will be coming at a future meeting uh earlier today I did send uh an email out to uh the council members for mayor for 2025 uh about some elected official training through the in Minnesota City so uh please check your emails and let me know if you are interested in that and then one quick reminder city offices are closed this Thursday and Friday for the holiday thank you padra thank you mayor um just to let everybody know the advisory commission application process will start next month in December and then that'll close in January more information will be on the website okay thank you Dave nothing to report thanks mayor okay I've heard is Dan online yes he is oh do you have any updat counc members we will actually have a Planning Commission meeting next Monday we have an industrial development that's looking to amend the comprehensive plan uh we also have draft regulations regarding cannabis businesses and initial discussion of an M1 mixed use zoning District okay thank you very welcome Ron uh just one project that just started at SEO Creek Rehab um in the prairie Point development that's started and that's to be completed by around Christmas with weather permitting accepting the trees would be the replacement trees would be planted in the spring okay all right I don't see right County Sheriff's Office so we have no update from them um if no one else has anything then a motion to ad would be in order second motion by Tina seconded by Jeff is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose same sign the meeting is ended thank you all for attending this evening