##VIDEO ID:19DBGrLZ6Vs## were you [Music] good how are you be did we get oh cuz that one was one of them was was broken I don't a Lael P okay I get I she already she tell already no they're they're they're moving [Music] they like I met Jimmy concert all right i' see 6:30 on the clock so if you all will stand with me with do the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America stand indice thank you if you could join me in a moment of silence thank you like to call this meeting to order it is Monday October 7th uh 2024 at approximately 6:30 all members of council are present first we have no ceremonial items first up is approval of the minutes what is the pleasure of councel make a motion to approve the minutes from August 19th 2024 regular session and August 26 2024 work session second have a motion a second any discussion right see none we'll make a vote all those in favor say I I opposed all right moving on public comment is there anybody in the audience I have no written request anybody in the audience that wishes to speak tonight seeing none we will close that next up is consent agenda what is a pleasure of councel I make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second all right I have a motion on a second could we pull off number eight [Music] all right so so I'm making a motion to approve items 4 through 7 and 9 through 11 second all right we have a motion in a second any discussion okay all right and this would be item 11 a is right 11a all right resolution number 457 we need to vote on what the oh I'm sorry yeah all right all those in favor say I I I opposed okay on to resolution number 451 17-24 budget amendment for FY 2024-25 100th year anniversary Mr cob can you give us a background uh thank you Deputy Mayor though this is a request for Council to approve a budget amendment uh transferring $170,000 from the general fund uh fund balance to uh appropriate special event accounts for the 100th year anniversary if you'll recall back at your March 4th meeting Council discussed the 100th anniversary uh D directed staff to start the planning process uh at August the August 26th work session the staff presented a proposed budget uh with the idea of hosting a one-day event at CER Lake Park including a number of uh different aspects within it also recommending that we incorporate the 100th anniversary throughout our uh event schedule throughout the year and uh so staff proceeded to council gave us direction that we could not exceed $1 17,25 uh the budget amendment that is requested is $470,000 uh I know Mr beldin is here should you have questions regarding the budget and how how it was put together it's recommended that Council adopt resolution number 4517 d24 okay I will entertain a motion to approve so moved second all right have a motion of second any discussion Mr Paul I'm I'm good with this uh resolution and and to put forth all the uh the items that uh um that we have here so okay Mr tuer um I agree with what Mr poock said all right Madame mayor we had at our work session discussed how we might want to lower this number uh maybe not do the 50,000 towards high performance entertainment and on the eve of uh you know cat five hurricane sitting off the coast of Florida it it does concern me that we would uh pre pre this soon preemptively uh allocate this much towards a 100th anniversary celebration when we don't know what the impact of that storm will be so that's my concern okay Mr Brittain well I I think four of us voted for this in the in the budget is that correct it's not included in the budget right now okay so at the workshop for was voted to have this uh the direction of council was not to exceed the $ 17,5 but we're we're going to try to get sponsorships and we're going to do everything that we other revenues uh to support this as much as possible and I've been told that the goal is to get the whole 170 and sponsorships and whatnot it'll be a goal I can't guarantee that we will get okay but we're we're still doing that right all right well maybe we need to have some updates as we get closer to see how close we're getting but I don't I don't see us spending the whole 170 uh and I certainly wouldn't want you to go over that amount yeah go ahead go ahead B all right good evening honorable mayor council members um our goal is to lower our costs as much as possible for the event um if that means spending $125,000 so be it um the the council Direction was not to exceed the 170,000 205 number so we wanted to secure the funds in case we had to approach that number but our goal is to be 100% cost recovery through sponsorships and fees um for the events that we take that are taking place um but if that number for the expense is lower then that's what our ultimate goal is okay okay and let's just uh think this storm is a Biblical storm like it was last week um and we use up every bit of our general fund we can come back and just change this and undo it if we if we we're not spending money this week on it we yeah I mean Miss Martini is actually planning the events as we speak we need to get out you know get the you know the the horse out there so we can secure need something to work with yes okay I'm fine okay okay now so onine we talked about this before the 100th anniversary comes around once in a while but I think to again to Mr Britain's Point again if this is some kind of out of the uh thousand year storm and we need that money I'm sure that you know we all understand what we need to do yeah I agree I don't think you're any that money this week so okay all right so we had a motion in a second so we we'll go ahead and vote on this all those in favor say I I opposed no all right moving on no public hearings no first readings no resolutions discussion item East Chapman Road Traffic study update Mr cob uh thank you Deputy beer if you remember back uh when the McDonald's on Chapman Road was being approved there was a lot of concerns about uh the traffic impact of the McDonald's uh the city engaged its consultant VHB to take a look at the area from the intersection up to the school in I believe it's the East School Entrance and uh entrance into the Chapman Oaks subdivision and so they've done an analysis and they're here tonight to present their findings and so I'll turn it over to VHB are you going to drive okay thank you all right I'll try to make this brief just because of the ongoing if you could just introduce yourself and your address okay yeah my name is Christopher roor I'm a VHB employee uh my home address is 323 Lake Bree Circle Lake Mary Florida okay could I just trouble you too to lift the mic oh yes sir sorry thank you okay um first of all I'd like to say good evening and welcome and thanks for the opportunity to give this a brief overview of the study that was conducted um I will skip the introductions just to save time um and go straight to the presentation outline you know as part of this you know I'll just give a brief overview of the study and then provide the review of the analysis and the recommendations and as far as the study purpose you know we were tasked to identify speed and traffic calming improvements and also traffic operational and safety improvements the main objective was to quantify and qualify the operational safety characteristics of the corridor for implementing the recommended improvements that I will propose at the end of this study naturally task included was a multitude of data collection activities field observations and then the analysis operations as part of the data collection and the analysis some speed management and pedestrian Improvement recommendations as I show on the screen we are recommending to install some s speed feedback signs we are also recommending to install some raised crosswalks with some rfbs at the main school entrance location where the main kids are crossing the road and then the next intersection down at Citrix I think it's called Citrus o drives pardon that uh another raised crosswalk with inroad warning lights was also provide additional warning and control speeds um the next task we focused on the intersection of 434 Alfa Trail uh we did include as Mr Cobb relateded to the new McDonald's we did it trip generation grew the traffic and added that traffic to our traffic to accommodate that analysis the main movements reviewed at the intersection focused on the westbound directional movements with that we developed three Alternatives a no build which was a do nothing alternative one and alternative two alternative one alternative two very similar there's only a very minor difference the first difference that's shown in alternative one is the outside through Lane that is a shared through right an alternative to that remains however the middle center lane it we converted that to a through shared left based on the analysis that was conducted we are recommending the alternative two and as I as you can see on the screen we prepared a traffic simulation model the no build is in the upper left the recommended build is in the lower right as as shown on the screen and the simulation you can see these improvements do provide a reduction in cu to the 434 and Alfa Trail intersection and it's a pretty significant reduce in Q so so so with that along with our study we we're fully recommending alternative two to be considered to be implemented as a future roadway Improvement project I would like to thank you for the time and let's everybody have a good evening and stay safe thank you okay so we didn't have the presentation um in in our agenda but we got a a staff report is the staff report option two you presentation I opened it up and it looks like a report now the report was the attachment the report was the attachment right option two is listed as part of the part of the recommended things to do they they've given us a uh everything that Mr War just reviewed with you is all recommended inside the report and which so the it's install speed feedback signs modify construct a raised pedestrian crosswalk with an inroad flashing lights and the associated science cross East leg of Chapman Oaks and John Evans Elementary construct a new rais crosswalk in the inroad flashing lights and across the West leg of citrus Cove Drive intersection modify the existing flashing Beacon 15 M hour reduced speed zone sign assembles to automatically turn on and off the appical school arrival and deiss dismissal periods request the school administrators at John Evans Elementary School to install Boward to prevent parents from using the small parking lot as an entrance of the parent Loop during the am arrival and PM dismissal and modifi the eastbound Chapman Road Approach at 434 to include a second through Lane this additional West bround Lane would extend between the John Evans Elementary School and fourth 3 4 maintaining the full median opening for the proposed McDonald's driveway proposed westbound geometry of this alternative would include a dedicated left turn lane two through lanes and the inside through Lane would be a shared right shared left turn lane and the outside Lane Begins the shared right turn lane so that is option two yes sir okay all right was there any questions there is has been in the past talk of somehow popping traffic out the back of Evans what is the status of that as a possibility and that may not be so much for you as for our side uh because I know that would take some collaboration good evening Council um that was not part of the study so that that could be a possibility at some point but that wasn't considered as part of the study of the scope for VHB okay thank you uh do we own the land or do we have commitments from the various land owners to make this happen eventually not for that alternative that you mentioned okay for for the alternative that that was presented by Mr have all the that that's all within the existing RightWay okay yeah thank you any other questions well I I think this addresses the issues with the McDonald's and the folks uh that were concerned with the traffic coming out of the school right having a uh a dedicated through Lane a right a right lane only and a left left lane only right it sounds like it okay right thank you I guess all we have to do now is prioritize it so you Mr cob we're looking for direction or Paul we looking for we're looking for Direction so so again the task was because of the issue have VHB analyze it come up with some Alternatives and some recommendations which they've done which obviously were presented to you so now we're at the point of how do we move forward what would what would be the pleasure of Council on the timing of this when was this conducted was it all was all the data collected after McDonald's was open I believe it was the data collection was unfortunately done while the McDonald's was still being permitted uh the McDonald's recently just opened but as I said we use the it trip generation yeah I Wasing that that's what we use to have the traffic for the McDonald's as part of our study okay and the reason I asked that and and you're you're fine sitting down uh is because I'm looking at some of these suggestions and it involves places that are past the school which I'm not opposed to creating a safer situation here or any neighborhood but if we're going to come up with a policy I I would prefer that we come up with a more consistent policy that if somebody believes that their neighborhood is somehow not safe for kids to walk to school that we would equally respond as is suggested here with raised crosswalks and reminders of the speed and all that other stuff my concern is that we we do not have uh a policy that has been consistently applied and there's schools other places that don't have this level of of response and I would guess just from having been down this road Road and I I'm not a study I'm just a one person who who went there very recently to this McDonald's and the school just to check it out I don't think anybody goes past the school um so anyway that that's I don't know where where that leaves us other than maybe some of the this is too this may be too much to uh to say all is necessary so we haven't priced any of this out yet have we we we have not okay no I I definitely think the the altercation at Chapman at 434 with the turn Lanes I think would definitely be something that we would put at top of the priority there and then we can take a look at you know I think the other items there of the raised crosswalks I mean th this is no more like people may feel like they're trapped there but people are also equally trapped at Jackson Heights no matter which direction you're going and we saw that today so we have a two lane road that's a you know it's a County Road 419 in front of Jackson Heights before it it gets big like we have a whole segment there that's not lined up right I'm talking in jumbles today you get what I'm saying though right like it it's kind of like you're dead end Street and you're trapped the item before us though is is to give give direction to to staff and and I believe the consensus from what I what I hear is is is alternative to price it out and bring it back kind of all a cart like with the the speed controls and then and then let Council decide on what they want to move forward with okay and could and could we add to that perhaps if there's consensus to come up with a Citywide policy where we could if various school routes hit certain criteria that we agree sort of ahead of time that we will prioritize and fund those I don't know we need a Citywide policy I mean if if we have residents coming out saying this is a problem we should address anytime that happens and we did here they came and said there was a problem we went and did a study and now you guys have come back with suggestions and recommendations and we'll take a look at it and go from there well but we kind of haven't done that in in an equal way everywhere so on Pine Avenue there's is say equal way we had the residents come out here about the McDonald's and we had this one particular situation I man I haven't had anybody come in about Jackson Heights I hear you on Jackson I'm talking about OVO high school so staff responded appropriately so to add some safety measures on Pine Avenue but they're not consistent and they're not quite the same level of flashiness as what's recommended here which you know maybe it's not warranted but there was no traffic study done so if if our responses will come and come out and speak at the podium then we will treat you in this elevated way and we'll do a study and we'll address your problem I don't think we're putting anybody in an elevated way this was this was this was a situation when residents came up they spoke to us we asked to do a study and look at it cuz none of us were fully off the speed on it we got a study we got recommendations well this was the same I'm sure and Jack like all these places like this was a result of new construction coming in and the impact that it had on the intersection um I mean they've been dealing with this for years and I mean so it's not 100% the new construction this is just an well this was yeah but but anyway I agree with number two I you got your dire I think we're good yes we are good thank you manager report okay city manager report uh thank you deputy mayor uh with uh hurricane Milton uh out in the gulf and headed this way I thought it'd be good to let uh Chief Woodward come up just give you an update on the things that we've been working on and so I'll turn it over to Chief Woodward did we get our high water truck yet we have not no sir no not till uh probably Midsummer 2025 got it okay so good afternoon or good evening mayor and members of council as yall are aware we do have a uh a hurricane that's approaching the West uh side uh State of Florida um specifically around the Tampa area um the latest forecast I was just looking at is it's strengthened to a category 5 Winds of 180 mph um it's approaching uh like a like IID mentioned Tampa um it's going to weaken slightly as it approaches and makes landfall um what they're anticipating is uh early hours of Thursday morning so what we have been doing um in the city of Ido is all of our departments have completed all of our storm prep um parks and Rex has gone through and made sure that all the wind structures and shade structures and things are down and the all the fire stations um all of our equipment is is ready we've um increased our staffing level starting Wednesday um to basically fully staff all of our front run engines and fully staff all of our Reserve apparatus so we have more resources available uh police department is also doing the same um they're basically going up double Staffing for the day um during the storm all essential Personnel are going to be uh working through the storm starting 8:00 a.m. Wednesday morning until we're done um right now uh um we are keeping in regular contact with seminal County Emergency Management um we have another conference call tomorrow morning at 8:30 uh that we'll be uh listening in on and we'll make any operational changes um as necessary there our Emergency Operations Center will be in full activation uh starting Wednesday morning as well um as as you all may have seen um the city we we've posted city offices will be closed on uh Wednesday October 9th and Thursday October 10th and then Friday we will just take that as you know the damage and stuff as as the storm passes through um what we're looking at when the when the hurricane makes landfall is uh we're currently under Hurricane Warning so we are looking at Hurricane conditions um through Central Florida um late Wednesday night into Thursday um what that means for us is going to be um power outages trees down um flooding rain stuff like that and um we will uh deal with it as as we can and make sure that our personnel and and the citizens are as safe as possible during the event um whenever we do activate uh we will have a hotline that'll uh be open that number is 407 97155 55 and that uh act or that uh hotline will be active 24 hours uh starting Wednesday um tomorrow it'll be active from from 8 to 5 and if anybody has any questions they can contact that number um or if it's an emergency obviously call 911 and we'll put that number out for people to see that it's already out yes sir it's already out on our website all this all this information is already out on our City website our city Pi Miss Lisa McDonald does a great job in keeping us and and our citizens informed um we're also doing uh sandbag operations uh tomorrow uh tonight um it's actually closing in about 6 minutes the uh Evan stre Street location um and then tomorrow both Evans Street location and Shane Kelly Park will be open 7:00 a.m. to noon for additional sandbag operations and apparently that was uh very busy today I'm not sure if we have a total count on how many um but the traffic was lined up for good ways this afternoon so do youall have any questions for us no I do tell you did talk to Mr Wyatt and he was thinking 10,000 you thought maybe on Evans Street probably 10,000 Evans and 18 18,000 ex busy um I did have one question are we putting out any reminders because I remember in the last storm I had a couple calls of people on oxygen running out of oxygen tanks when the power went out are we putting out any reminders for people to make sure they have enough backup for a certain number of days to stock up I guess there there are uh seminal County Emergency Management is also um in reference to that they're opening or they're considering opening they have several uh shelters on standby which you know some of those will also be considered special needs but we always encourage people um those those people that are medically dependent on oxygen and other things like that make sure you have you know plenty plenty of oxygen to get through you know several days being without power um because our trucks only have portable oxygen cylinders we can't leave those with patients um those patients would have to be transported to the nearest hospital facility that that they could be able to maintain that constant level of care so yes definitely do do we have um have we started communication with with Duke and fpnl and the through seminal County Emergency Management yes sir okay and then um debris removal and tree services and stuff I know I think we don't we have a a work order already with the tree service yeah our uh we've already had in contact with our debris contractor as well as our monitor uh the debris contractor is actually going to Stage up for the first the initial 72h hour push so this is going to be something new uh we're trying this year that they're going to go they're going to actually actively participate in the 72-hour push rather than waiting until that's done so we're bringing them in earlier than we normally do now is that debris contractor just removing debris or are they actually doing Tree Service as well like if there's if there's Road Mr Wyatt can elaborate a little more on that as well yeah the first 72 hours is get it to the side Road get everything get the road clear and then the next part will be the next phase goes into removing okay just like he said clear the roadways basically heavy equipment yep yeah initially just get it out of the way and then we'll come back and pick it up later awesome okay and as far as duke um there will be a Duke and an fpnl representative um in the EOC starting Wednesday in ours yes seminal County EOC yes sir all right of our communication will go through SEO County great great are they are they staging anybody at um at Theo Mall this year have not heard that no okay there it's one of those where After the Storm passes if they need to set up a point of distribution for a large area they will go to the malls uh they're right now planning on small uh points of distribution in key areas that's the main thing they're concentrating on right now we I know outside line crews are real difficult to get because of the last hurricane that just passed and everything that they're they're working these storms so it's it's we may have an extended period of out of power outages than we normally would because of the last storm that just occurred so y the ground being as saturated as it is too we're going to expect a lot of trees down um which is also going to contribute to power outages and um I know we have some areas that I know at the East which were developed is is underground utilities and I know we have in the older sections it's above ground utilities I mean what's what's the make do we have any idea I mean I don't know how how much of the area is is under I know us East we are but I don't know is Twin Rivers underground they're underground is L Woods underground but it I believe the majority is the feeders all the feeders are still above ground so that's going to M gotcha and I guess the only other question to would be on the uh on the actual water plant uh if if we lost power and I think we talked about this earlier is it's get a backup generator yes sir all right yes sir all of our all of our critical infrastructure in the city has backup generator okay so we shouldn't have an issue on on that end no sir and everything's been topped off and ready to go all right what what's the rainfall estimate right now it's uh 4 to 6 in could be more depending on the track of the storm because it's shifting um this is one that um just as I was before I came up they're saying that now the uh it's dropped below 900 mbars so that means it's still strengthening and it's already at 180 so this is going to be something that is in excess of a 100 years they don't have a record of of a hurricane being this reminds me Hurricane Camille anyone remember that one yeah no destroyed Mississippi horse and it's anticipated to make landfall as a cat 3 and it's anticipated to leave Florida as a cat one so doing the math we're going to be experiencing hurricane conditions with through our area yeah during that time yeah Mr Britain the national weather service this morning said because they had all these different things they just went 5 to8 5 to8 inches of rain Central Florida okay well it's not 26 or 15 no no no correct so five days so the econ we feeling that the econ should it should stay basically as of this morning's uh briefing was seol County uh everything it looks like all of our uh waterways will um they will be enhanced up too moderate and in minor flood stage but not anything like what we saw with the end no and and again to Miss McDonald you put the post out about Sweetwater Creek and you know and Mr Wyatt's work on that saw that Sweetwater Creek has been cleared and it's uh the water's being able to flow got a great team here in oo everybody's working real hard to make sure everybody is ensure the safety of our citizens and operations no appreciate everything you guys are doing sir so stay safe thank you m cob anything else that's it Deputy Mayor all right Mr Hall uh no report tonight just hope everybody stays safe and keep your head down exactly right uh I'm next up just two things we uh National Night Out last week got rained out um so that was unfortunate obviously we'll try again for next year um also we had a police uh referendum informational meeting uh here on Wednesday night it was taped the video of the tour is out there um so again we encourage anybody to look up that information uh to get get informed uh as that will be on on the ballot and then the only other last thing I had was kind of a funny thing but the I didn't realize that the parks and wreck did a dog Splash day at the uh Splash Zone so it was a great turn out there and I guess we do it once a year is that right Mr cob uh yes sir I guess this was the second year we did it so that was uh took my dog and she had a great time so but outside of that everybody I hope will be safe uh coming up this week with the storm council member Britain uh yeah I want everyone to be safe uh Bobby Kudos all your guys out there at the Evans site I I walked out there today I think someone told me that the weight was like an hour and a half to two hours so and they were they were busy bodies uh anyone that had handicap needs they drove right up and they they got the help I went down to the uh the machine they're popping out what five bags a minute or something down there it's but uh you know everyone was working hard and being very diligent uh kudos to the citizens too that were being patient so uh it looked good I've lived in my neighborhood 35 years now and every time one of these things happen we go up and down the street see who needs help and for the first time in 35 years I had two Neighbors come up to me and said are you okay do you need some help so I guess I'm the old generation now but uh there is a a contact you if you have a elderly person or folks uh uh you can get a wellness check on them if you need to Chief's got the the uh if you can send that email chief that you sent me with the uh officer Val's uh contact information you city council and if you if you know someone that might need to a welfare check just get a hold of the officer and they'll they'll put them on the list I've got a couple folks on my street uh we'll check up on so everyone be safe and uh plan for the worst and hope for the best very good councilwoman tuer sure um before we talk hurricane um King Street in North Lake Jessup so I don't know if we have an update on that CU I I had some pres I guess concerned about that intersection and safety with it I have a quasi update um actually Police Department is giving me the best information so far got some observations from them on site and got some recommendations with actually some good some good ideas um about putting out some signage and some um striping and we're going to look at it as well and house we get a little distracted at the moment so we we will Circle back to it and get to it what was the issue is that the trail it's pedestrian uh students Crossing at the school right by that's right by the Methodist Church there right correct y they were complaining about safety with students Crossing like it's not a three-way stop but people think it ought to be but it's been like that for years it's been that way as long as I've been here the only I mean the only thing that changed was when the sign Got the stop sign got put up because they were doing the the 419 road work but you know because they were so people were detouring to cross over there at that point but then that's been moved back because they can cross at 419 now so I mean I just told him to look into it there's also I don't know if you've noticed but there's a it's a pedestrian signalized pedestrian crossing that's being installed the arms are up but the signals aren't yet so that's right in front of the high school and that will get them directly across the street directly across 420 yeah I saw that so okay that's good thank you um and I also wanted to say you know thank thank you to your staff they did an awesome job with sandbags today uh I ran into Mrs cob out there and Aiden also helping out so uh I mentioned earlier to some people they were talking on the news that people were arguing over sandbags in Orange County and that was not the case here there was nothing but people filling up their bags and then helping their neighbor next to them so it was all good um and I just hope everybody stay safe with the storm great thank you madam mayor uh a little bit ago we got a a shipment from uh well I guess the Ovito preserv project got a shipment from OV Spain of uh 10 maybe 12 I didn't count them all uh bag pipes asterian bag pipes so those are officially here we've got a a local resident who whose family heals from oovo who is uh committed to learning how to play them and they're going to be doing remote lessons with some ofo high school students so I think that's a pretty cool thing I didn't realize bag pipes were like something from Spain always more like Scottish or yeah so the Scottish ones have have like the the things that go up I guess are called drones and there there's like three or four up for Scottish and then Galan bag pipes which is another part of Spain has two up one down and then you blow in one and then the asterian ones are the simplest with just one up the part you do with the fingering and then you blow in in the hole so it's of all the bag pipes perhaps the least complicated to learn but different fingering than all the others so thought that was an exciting thing uh my four-year-old loved National Night Out he thought the brain elevated it so thank you to everybody who helped with that and it was really neat for him to get to meet uh some of the families of the officers and and it kind of blew his mind that police officers have kids it's like when you're you're a kid and you're like you're a teacher your teacher doesn't live at school and has a family and like he had the same aha moment so uh it it absolutely served its purpose and I thought it was a great thing uh everybody stay safe during the hurricane and U looking forward to being on the other side of that okay council member Pollock um I don't have much to add to anything on here um just stay safe um and uh let's you know see what happens and and uh see where we're at when we come out the other end okay great and future meeting not uh dates we have Monday October 2st uh 6 p.m. CRA Monday October 21st uh 6:30 regular session Monday October 28th work session at 5:30 tenative still tenative still tenative okay Monday November 4th uh regular session 6:30 and Monday November 18th regular session tenative that's going to be up to you guys I'll ask that at the next meeting okie dokie is this eight the 18th no Thanksgiving okay so that is all anything else to get to the order and we are adjourned [Music] St