get some of their stuff the fake Pals uhuh oh she was selling those too oh I just saw the mattress you guys have goodies yeah we we just mushrooms first back and then Satur did what I did during the Dayo that if she's going to want to get on the uh that's only the first reading on the audit committee again oh the audit committee hey Megan Good hey are you you got a hey I appreciate your help on that not yet I'll call those guys out again I I said something to Rick and Rick said you know he had just gone in I guess at 5 he' been out in the yard broke right after for that he let no I appreciate that yeah I'm doing well are I just had that repair yeah ex like same area I guess yeah well I know exactly so firefighters are doing Poli nowo out Ro the one where your headt yeah can you imagine getting headb buttoned by Bob with the helmet on he's a big dude I remember Bob telling the story about that were like Bob then they were like try to figure out how to they that's called problem solving yeah problem solving exactly yeah your parents come over that wasn't the guy yesterday apartment no different oh yeah satday Sunday yesterday yeah yeah last night we had the missing woman then we had the shooting so yeah don't need that I was going to say if that's our worst crime in like 10 years we're still doing okay go see that Scout guess Megan don't go no theout yeah hopefully it'll be trying to jinx this I was talking to agenda yeah goie huh make him do it I'm not gonna make that kid do it if he don't come on come on even the cub scout will do it well that's a pressure there yeah good evening is it that if you will stand with me and uh do the pledge of allegiance aliance to the flag of the United States of America for stands na indivisible andice all thank you if you'll join me in a moment of silence thank you like to call this uh meeting to order is Monday April 1st 2024 at approx only 6:30 all members of council are present uh we have no seron items first piece of business is approval of the minutes what is the favor of councel I make a motion to approve the minutes second all right I have a motion and a second any discussion okay all those in favor say I I I opposed we're on to public comment and I do have one written request Mr Allen a if you can just state your name and your address hi my name's uh Alan a I'm uh I live at 1000 Lake Roger Circle uh I just had a comment from the work session which was uh last week since there was no public comment period at the end um so there was there was an item and there was a lot of discussion about the uh project list for the fourth generation uh local option one cent sales tax um and on that uh as you know there was a a list of projects and some of the projects on that list we um don't anticipate that we're going to do and some of the projects on that list uh we do anticipate that we're going to do but we have other funding sources for them uh my thought on on this list was that if this is something that's going to be um that the voters are going to look at right prior to voting for whether to keep or not keep the on Cent sales tax uh if there are items on there that uh might be controversial that we don't think we're going to do anyway it might dissuade people from voting for it if we have items on there that uh we are going to do but aren't really tied to the one-cent sales tax that people think you know they might want um it is perhaps in a manner of speaking uh dishonest to include those on there because people might be thinking hey well if I don't vote for this I'm not going to get these things um and I want the same things you guys do I think uh uh sales tax or consumption tax in general is a very good way to fund government um so I would like to uh see it pass just the same as as you do and uh those are my comments on it thank you very much great thank you Mr a I do not have any other written request form is anybody in the audience that wishes to comment on anything tonight okay seeing none we will close public comment we are on to the consent agenda what is the favor of council I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second all right I have a motion or second any discussion okay all those in favor say I I opposed agenda passes moving right along public hearing we have none first reading of the ordinances M Ross will you read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the city of AO Florida creating a Recreation and Parks Advisory Board providing for the powers processes and procedures pertaining to the board providing for legislative findings and intent providing for implementing administrative actions providing for a savings provision codification as well as the correction of scrier Errors providing for conflict severability and an effective date great thank you Mr Cobb can you give us a brief introduction uh Mr beldon's going to give the presentation Deputy Mayor good evening honorable mayor Deputy Mayor and City Council Members um tonight staff comes before you to introduce ordinance 1742 which is the adoption of the new recreation parks Advisory Board and tonight I you've actually been presented your packet so I wanted to just keep this brief and give you some quick background and um I like to first start off with a c key points from our previous discussions what this Advisory Board does is it establishes a purpose this new board of members uh will actually serve to the city council in an advisory capacity on various topics such as facil maintenance issues Parks uh new land Acquisitions grants and such other features within our Parks Master System The Advisory Board also establishes the roles and responsibilities of those members so the key primary focus for this board is to make recommendations all right make recommendations on Parks features such as uh programming U making priorities within our departmental budgets uh making recommendations on um atic Fields uh fee schedules anything related to our Park system um gives staff a chance to present these topics to this board and discuss it in a professional manner and then provide feedback to our staff members but also provide Council some insight on on those topics U they're also survey the community looking for recommendations on what the citizens are looking for and also making recommendations to um grant opportunities uh that's one of the topics that's been a discussion on the previous board is um we've applied for many grants but we didn't use it you know we actually just relied on this committee solely for the purpose of Grants we didn't open up their eyes and use them for other functions in the community that's a key aspect of this is to actually broaden our Horizons and not solely rely on on the scope of grant opportunities okay um next slide please what this ordinance also does it establishes membership requirements um this board will consist of seven members at the previous meeting I had presented to you five members after some discussion um staff is recommending we increase that number to seven um these seven members will be advertised to the community and one of the other topics that was discussed was we're going to try to broaden the rizons we're going to seek two individuals that have a youth background experience two that have a senior background two with adult or open um agenda and then one at large maybe a planner a landscape designer Etc um we want to include those requirements as part of the bidding or the the advertisement um not knowing how many people are actually going to apply for these positions or or board positions so that way if we only get one in in the youth programming sector but we have three members on a senior level of programming maybe we consider going with the three members on the senior level but it'll be at the city council's direction to appoint those members uh these members also serve a three-year stagger term meaning that from the Geto uh two of the members will start with a two-year term I'm sorry one-year term two members with a two-year term and then three members with the three-year term and they'll be staggered going forth from that point next slide please are there any turn limits so I'm assuming not we don't have it on any other boards no there's no term lims okay this Advisory Board it also establishes rules and procedures the board's going to meet on a regular basis um in this ordinance staff is recommending to meet at least quarterly okay four times a year not knowing the you know what's going on in the park system but four times a year was adequate and if there's a need or desire to meet the board can obviously advertise those extra meetings accordingly and so at this point I mean those are the key aspects uh we like to um share with you that tonight City staff is requesting city council to schedule a public hearing on April 15 18 2004 and I'd like to you know answer any questions that you may have or step aside for your discussion so part oops sorry excuse me go ahead so part of this is also going to be to uh help with the development of the new Master Plan Parks master plan if approved through our CIP budget the new Master planning efforts um this board as well as key City members and yourselves and the community they'll all be a part of this process so yes they will be a part of the master planning effort okay I I like it the way you you got it laid out with the the three main groups covered so that that came out of our last discussion so that's good thank you that's all I have all right any other questions for Mr bman thank you sir thank you okay I don't have any written requests to speak on this subject is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak seeing none we will close public comment what is the pleasure of council I move we uh schedule a public hearing for April 15th for ordinance number 1742 second all right have a motion a second any discussion okay all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries all right on to resolutions we have resolution number 4441 d24 dedicated improvements for the wedding barn and I'm going to step out okay Mr cob can you give us a brief introduction uh yes thank you Deputy Mayor this is a request for city council to accept the dedicated improvements for the wedding Barn development and authorized the commencement of the two-year maintenance period uh the a site construction type two permit was issued on December 1st of 2022 the impr dedicated improvements consist of a driveway sidewalks a forc main and hydrant and a fire hydrant having and they've all been reviewed by the Public Works inspectors during the construction process and this Public Works director has signed off on all of the improvements all the conditions of the site construction permit have been satisfied upon acceptance of the improvements we will enter into the uh maintenance two-year maintenance period there'll be inspections conducted at 6 12 18 and 24 months if the inspectors find anything then they'll give due notice to the uh to the developers so that they can have corrections made uh the inspection period will end around April of 2026 uh the city will recognize uh some uh quality control fees around $19,000 uh upon the uh with the acceptance of the dedicated improvements it's recommended that Council adopt resolution 4441 d24 great thank you and don't know if the applicant wanted to speak okay I going take that as probably no okay I have no written request to speak is there anybody in the audience wish to speak on this subject okay seeing none we close public comment what is the pleasure of councel I move we adopt resolution 4441 d24 second all right we have a motion a second any discussion okay all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries we'll wait for councilwoman tuer to come back I was it back there was kind of lively yeah staff gets kind of crazy here okay resolution number 44 51-24 Mr Cobb can you give us a background all thank you Deputy Mayor Mr Beldon is also going to give the presentation for this one it is our lucky night thank you Mr Cobb again good evening honorable mayor city council members uh tonight resolution 4451 d24 uh staff is coming before you this evening um to ask for a uh to accept and approve a sponsorship agreement with Ovito Babe Ruth league organization um we don't have these opportunities and because most of our sponsorships are actually underneath the threshold due to our sponsorship guidelines and Sops um anything over 35,000 must come before city council um I wanted to start off with a little background um for the past one and a half to two years the strides that City staff has taken at the OVO Sports Complex is is unimaginable we've made so many improvements to that facility with field renovations um improvements to the fencing um the communication with the league in general um in the 20 years that I've been working for the city I think that the the the level of of the group and the partnership that we've established is the highest level that I've ever seen in my 20 years um i' like to commend uh assistant director Jack Whitaker for his efforts he's been very instrumental in help patching this relationship together um the work that Ovito baberuth president Jason mesy has provided to the city through this process it's been a great relationship there's been a lot of give and take through the process um there's been some requests in the beginning we had a lot of improvements that needed to be made in the facility and so we worked with the league we provided them updates along the way we shared with them what our maintenance plan was what we were doing what we were still liking on and we were very transparent with what we were doing the same time we also the league to make some changes on their aspect the the fields weren't going to always be available 247 of them we never have had a shutdown period for maintenance on these fields which we have now installed and the fields now have the appropriate rest to actually turn over allow staff to perform the general maintenance and upkeep and have these fields looking to the level they should for the next season or for tournaments or for our own adult softball leagues for the city so with that being said I'm happy to say that I'm proud to be working with obr in this relationship and we're looking forward to the future for them and tonight we're asking Council to accept and approve a sponsorship in the amount of $47,552 and that amount is going to go towards the the purchase of a new batting cage system for the softball fields okay and the city is will will then put in the additional expense to pour the concrete slab and lay the artificial turf for that system that would emulate the same batting cage um batting cage system on the on the baseball side that we recently installed five to six years ago um and I will Mark that this past December um Ovito bab Ruth also performed a sponsorship opportunity they actually donated a little over $113,000 towards some fencing upgrades to the bullpens on the softball complex as well so we're getting close to a $60,000 sponsorship opportunity this FIS fiscal year alone and so at this point I'm just asking city council to accept and approve the sponsorship agreement and also approve a budget amendment recognizing these sponsorships as well as using fund balance to fund the city's portion of the batting cage updates and with that I'll answer any questions that you may have is there any questions for DUS Bel you know what my question would be right I can guess so I still feel like this um you know I mean I I really love the partnership and the the communication between o Babe Ruth and the city but they use the field most of the time and the the taxpayers subsidize a large percentage of of that field for the maintenance and everything I still feel like we need to investigate this um further or have a you know a discussion item to potentially you know lease that facility to them you know even if it's a dollar dollar a year and then they can maintain it because that would still save the taxpayers um what was the number $20 and something thousand I don't have that number on the top of my head I will share with you 320,000 320,000 I will share with you um this past January we we actually renewed their agreement for the complex and per a previous item last fiscal year uh we or this beginning of this fiscal year we actually talked about the cost recovery of the complex to achieve the 30% cost recovery so staff perform the analysis we reviewed all of our expenditures and revenues from that cost center last fiscal year and Obito bab Ruth had an in an overall increase of a little over $40,000 on top of their existing payment to the city so they're R around $80,000 for the use of the fields that will actually maintain or if not increase the cost recovery to the level that we we discussed last year helping to offset those expenses to the taxpayers ETC um there's other opportunities out there as well um but that was the first step in this and then at the end of this fiscal year we're going to review the current expend expenditures for this year versus revenue and adjust those numbers accordingly for next fiscal year for that contract renewal period I just I just feel like they have they they can get the resources to maintain those fields and to you know and it would probably save them money um because they're not having to pay that large sum of money each year um and it would save the taxpayers money on it I I really think it's something that you know should be discussed further um we can continue discussing it I know it's we' talked about it several times now and you know if it takes another two three times to talk about it we can I think it's to the point where well you know two people are interested in it at this point and perhaps there's three if we were to discuss it we can always discuss it we will present you the information my I'm I'm very fearful of I'm not going to take anything away from the league I think they may have some resources maybe not it may be more expensive it may be less expensive I'm fearful in the conditions of the field Fields if they're not able to keep it to a certain standard and we have to end up shutting those fields down for a two to three year period and they won't even have access to it at that point that's what I'm fearful of due to the money and resources we they're the only ones who use them and little leag uses the field in our own softball our own adult soft little league uses it very very sparingly yes yeah they barely use it and and our softball league I mean and then they can they can actually you know we can work with them on the softball league and and that could generate some revenue for them um you know as we use the fields because we would essentially be leasing the fields back from them for the softball league um but I still feel like this is this is something that you know I I think it could help everybody um and then they could they would have control over it and that $320,000 a year that that we're subsidizing that that can go a long way even if it's five years and all of a sudden the fields get really bad you know I mean how much how much did it cost a laser level the fields well we have our own laser grader now in house so we actually can perform that task without going out to an outside vendor but it was approximately I want to say three to four thousand per field yeah I mean that that goes a long way even if if the fields do have you know we could even you know if if we needed to um do that for them we could we could always you know they could contract us the equipment is still available though we may not have that equipment anymore I mean if we well we still have the shank Shan Kelly Park fields that we use that equipment on we we we can't we don't laser grade grass Turf I thought we were using it on that too okay okay um but we can always bring it back to if it's something you'd like to speak about during our budget process in an upcoming work session we can maybe have that discussion during then as a the next opportune time okay that's a pleasure of council and you also have in section three on here the league in OBO Li League will not intentionally or purposely blank its schedule the use of either facility so are we leaving a field open for the public to use at all times so we're staff's in the process of updating that component um what is that currently okay so currently right now um during the day I I'll use a Monday through Friday for example if a father and daughter want to come up to the field and throw a ball around um D2 which is the field closest to the street that's the field that staff generally tries to um persuade staff uh the public to go to to throw the ball around or do some pitching or some hitting in the middle of the day because around four o'clock that's when the leagues arrive to the fields and most of the fields are shut down due to practices or games on the weekdays or the weekday evenings or on the weekends so staff is in the process of finding those operational times for the general public for the city taxpayers to utilize which Fields during the day not only at OVO Sports Complex at Shan Kelly Park so that way when the general public arrives they know exactly which field they can go to for multi-purpose use at any given time when they're having practice at night there's no field available no not during the evening not if all the field not if all the fields are in use no it's really tough I mean that's you know we yeah I just I mean as far as blanket scheduling that sounds like blanket scheduling well I think I think what was happening was is other leagues were coming in and they were scheduling a lot of fields and then not showing up or another example another example is Bab Ruth exactly putting all the their games or practices on the schedule but them not showing up which would not allow the lally to use any of the fields okay no I mean I I see it I just to your point I I mean 300K is a lot for mostly one leag understand now on these batting cages will they be open to the general public something we we would have to work with the league but yes the goal is to primarily allow the obr to schedule those practi you know practices on in the batting cages uh there will be preferred times where the general public may be able to come in it can't be offside organizations we we can't have groups coming in here but if it's a father and daughter that want to use the softball side for a couple hitting that's that's something that's going to be worked in just like the just like the baseball banges would it at no cost there's no cost so there's no cost to do it because I thought that the batting cages there's a there's a charge to to everybody on the batting cages even the the the league know so I'm I'm looking at this and it looks like the city will pay 45% and the league is going to pay 55% so it it seems more like this is the city giving a $388,000 sponsorship to Babe Ruth in addition to hundreds of thousands in subsidies to to keep the fields as they are as well this was an opportune time we were approached by bab rth we got discussions this has been an item on our CIP request to to update the batting cages on softball they're beyond repair they're outdated and um we've requested it through CIP we would be requesting this expense in the CIP program this year if we weren't here today on the sponsorship agreement and it's a you know it's it's an opportunity that baberuth is presenting to pay for the batting cage system itself um but that doesn't complete the project we have to put a a slab in there to actually put the turf on to make this a complete system to keep our maintenance down in the future if we put clay in there there going to be a night a maintenance nightmare for staff having to work around the netting system and constantly groom those getting the weeds out if they grow into it um so we're just trying to complete the project in one capacity and that's what the request is to do the budget amendment to recognize the revenue but also request the additional fund balance to cover that additional and we did the batting cages for the baseball already yes that's correct yeah so this is completing the yeah we need to we need to complete it first for softball I mean that's yeah you baseball unfortunately had it first we just couldn't do both at the same time through the grant that we how are they different I I didn't know it was a different system there's a system over on the baseball quad that's new the baseball fields that's primarily for baseball players use and then I don't know that what the exact year is but obr helped build the existing facility many years ago on the softball side so that way if there's a softball player that wants to warm up they don't have to walk across the parking lot across the entire Sports Complex to do a practice so they could use the baseball cages that already exist it's just they don't want to walk across believe that they're already currently using them but you have multiple groups that are trying to battle aren't the are the machines different because of the ball size or anything I could not speak on the machines and everything but they are different because you have different size balls going through but softball may use the beding cages to a different level versus what baseball uses it they'll be doing some soft toss incorporated into that feature as well yeah there I mean it's a different different type of sport that you know with the the ball size and the speed and everything else it does provide the girls the option that the players are getting on the baseball side that they currently don't have and this upgrades the facility and you're going to get probably another 15 20 years out of this system whereas the other one you're on on its last leg probably the last year of this of this term so any other questions uh I just want a clarification and question for you you said the uh City commitment was 47,000 but is that really the 38,000 yeah yeah the city's commitment would be the $ 38,9 se2 okay obr's donation tonight would be in the amount of 47,000 $56 and then I guess my question is is Ovito Babe Ruth is that pretty much run on an all voluntary basis yes so if we leased or did turned over the fields to them they would would probably have to contract it out for the maintenance I'm assuming that's what the plan would be I don't want to speak for the league itself but that's my guess and right now the city performs all of that it's all inhouse we do perform some contractual services for those tasks that are beyond the city's capability in so a lot of that that cost that that we're using uh that $300,000 number uh that's pretty much for city employees salaries and yes and benefits and stuff okay so yeah I'd kind of hate to turn it over to the league and have them contracted out and have to deal with that I'm not sure they're they're set up to do something like that that's when we could have a discussion on to present all the opportunities out there in different situations that could occur okay good thank you Mr Beldon thank you y I have no written request to speak on this is there anybody here that would like to speak on this subject now yes sir and to state your name and your address please uh Jason mclusky my address is 424 Timberwood Trail um so I'm the president had of veto bab Ruth um I just want to say go off what Mr Bon was saying about the girls cages so right now I really wish I had a picture to show you all but they're held together with 2x4s that are coming apart and basically in our contract that you all see in there it basically states that the league is responsible for those right now so basically since I've been president we've replaced those Nets like four times because they get stuck in the lawnmowers and other stuff the system's not designed so we're just trying to upgrade it to match what the boys have so the girls have the same no that's good all right that was kind of it thank you all right thank you okay what is the pleasure of council I'll make a motion to hold on a sec we got more public oh I'm sorry hi I'm Magna McCollum 541 Farmingham Court Ido Florida um so I agree with both sides of this um I played softball as a kid I've played Sports where it was co-ed and all female and I think it's very important to make sure that the girls have the same facilities as the boys and I not to say that oito Babe Ruth would this would happen but I've seen in the past where the boys have a tendency to kind of take over the facilities if there's not those dedicated facilities um but I do want to suggest that perhaps an an option is maybe the city could provide those um you know maintenance services and a kind of a cost recovery format where um Ovito bab Ruth is maybe build by the city for those um maintenance or a portion of the maintenance services so that might be something to look at in the future so thanks great thank you was there anybody else that wishes to speak tonight okay seeing now I'm going to close public comment what is the favor of council um I'll make a motion to approve resolution number 4451 d224 second all right I have a motion in a second we've had a lot of discussion but I'll open it again up for discussion I'm I'm really struggling with the city paying for 45% of this when there is a a new batting cage it it sounds like I I'm not sure who installed that one U but the one that exists there now it sounds like everybody pre-agreed that bab Ruth would take care of it so I'm all for girl power and equality and all this other stuff but it's another thing that we don't really have a good plan for how we're going to pay to maintain it in the long term or you essentially we need to raise taxes so we have saved up in advance so we can next time sponsor I don't know if they're sponsoring us or we're sponsoring them U but I I think of it as we are sponsoring batting cages for $38,000 and they may last 20 years but then each year we need to set aside you know ,500 $2,000 in our budget so we can buy new ones 20 years from now when they're when they're renewed or whatever um so anyway that those are my thoughts I it's it's a challenging situation I'm good you good Mr Burton good good good all right we have a motion in a in a second all those in favor say I I opposed I got to say no okay motion carries we are on to our discussion item auditor selection committee Mr Cobb uh thank you Deputy Mayor the um every five years the city has to has to hire a new auditing firm or go through the process of selecting an auditing firm say hire a new one because sometimes you may hire you may rehire the one the existing one but as part of that our code of ordinances requires us to when we go through this process of selecting the auditing firm the uh cut of ordinances requires us to establish an auditing committee and the purpose of this committee is to review the request for proposals that are submitted and to make a recommendation as far as the selection of the firm uh we last time we did this uh there were three members that were selected for the committee uh two members of city council served H believe Mr Po served on it then council members um Chell chadell served as well and then miss McCullum uh was was appointed to serve on it too uh tonight we are asking that the council once again appoint a uh an auditing committee and uh if you want to we would also recommend that once again we do three members and this committee would review the RFP uh proposals that we advertised back in March uh and that it would review then then they would they would go through the uh purchasing process and then bring a recommendation for you so we recommend that uh you create the committee okay and is there any qualifications we need for this committee or uh generally you try to find someone with a financial background generally uh but it's like with Mr poock he has that type of background as well but other than that no are you volunteering again yeah I'll do it and I would I would love it if Miss McCullum would join us on that you would do that okay so now we need a third right I don't mind I could do it okay good yeah okay sounds good right we good Mr cob unless there's we good I guess so yes we have consensus that's fine all right easy peasy easy peasy okay City manager's report I have no report Deputy Mayor city attorney's report I have no report report either Madame mayor the only thing I have is related to The Babe Ruth situation and there are so many great nonprofits in town who would love for us to give them $38,000 and think of it as a matching Grant and if we're going to do for one I'd really like to see us come up with a policy that lets it's due for all um whether it's Sports youth sports leagues or homeless shelters or or whatever other great causes are out there so I don't know if that's a discussion item that could be incorporated into our budget work sessions or if anybody has interest in this so this is how I reconciled the the $38,000 um these currently are our city facilities um we we upgrade restrooms we upgrade we upgrade all sorts of other facilities um this is another facility that we're we're up upgrading or updating uh and they are providing us with 55% of that up grade so I don't look at it as the city giving them a grant I look at it still as them providing us with with the grant because this is still a city facility um if if we were to down the road you know lease a facility to them for you know I I keep saying a dollar a year if we lease that facility to them then then that would be on them and then if we were to contribute anything then that would would be a you know a grant to me but right now because it's a city facility it's still it's still the you know under our perview to make sure that we we maintain them I mean just like we maintain the skate park if there was a BMX or a um um or you know a skateboard organization skateboarding organization that came in and wanted to do something and they wanted our assistance because we needed to upgrade it anyways you know I would I would look at it the same way as I would look at Babe Ruth you know and all of our other facilities basketball and soccer so I that's how I reconciled that um so I don't necessarily think of it as giving matching grants to to organizations I think it'll help once we do our our visioning thing that's coming up um just get everybody kind of on the same page I think there's a disconnect between our wants and the city's needs and we've been able to meet a lot of the wants lately and looking forward to talking with you guys about that down the road and that's all got all right councilman PA all right um let's see well I I wanted to go back to to Mr 's point on the one cent uh Penny sales tax um those Mr Cobb that list isn't set in stone yet correct correct and we're still working with the county to kind of go through it and and pair it down and and so so it's not set in stone so I think we will get to that point where you know the list will be um firmed up yeah it'll be firmed up and and it'll it'll be straightforward and and I and those things in there that we know we're not going to do or not going to do in this time period we'll probably push those off the list and bring it up at another time so thank you for bringing that up and that's all I okay I am up next uh Chief I know we already talked about it earlier but uh hats off to your to your department for a very busy weekend uh I'm glad we found the young lady and obviously unfortunate the situation at the apartment but could have definitely had a different outcome so you guys are definitely uh we appreciate everything you guys do um so thank you and I I love the way the two are the the two departments work so well together and everybody you know it's it's it's one big Brotherhood as opposed to the police and the fire I think it's it's it's an Sisterhood huh and Sisterhood and sister we we have a female uh firefighter now don't we not yet about to or not yet oh maybe she got hired somewhere else okay but I I I just really think that it's it's great the way you're the two departments and it says a lot for for both of you as as the the chiefs of those departments so again thank you thank you both I mean again we appreciate everything you guys do um Arbor Day is coming up tree giveaway that is when is that that's May 4th May 4th so the turn out the last couple years has been phenomenal the amount of residents that come out for for getting the trees and getting them planted so it's a great thing that we do and appreciate everybody that's behind that and uh and our efforts there and I know we just said Easter and we had our Easter event so hats off the parks and wreck for a fine job on the uh Easter event and that's all I got and Mr Brittain uh I really don't have anything I just hope everyone had a good spring break and uh and welcome back to work and that's it councilman tuer I just want to reiterate thank you to our Chiefs um for keeping us safe I I also appreciate it and I think you guys do a great job but okay great all right future meetings uh Monday April 15th at 5:30 we we have a CRA governing board Monday April 15 5:30 so is it 5:30 or 6 I'm sorry C 530 probably be six o'cl it's what six o'clock six o'clock okay and then Monday April 15th we have 6:30 have a regular session and then Monday April 29th 5:30 work session and the work session yes ma'am before we adjourn I just had one thing I wanted to bring up okay okay you can since we have two members of council serving on the audit committee something came to mind that um one of you will serve as chair if so in establishing the committee maybe we should decide who's going to be the chair and then also the other issue that came to mind is um if you wanted to have um Mr brute serve as in an advisory capacity on the committee to establish that don't think you can he can be in an advisory well as far as chair since you've done it before do you want to be the chair on this this go around yeah that'll work is that good with you guys that'll work I'm fine and then I guess as far as Mr Bo will'll look into that well we'll look into it yeah yeah um if he is loud I think we're on board and if he's not well that's the rules beautiful beautiful I love that all right pretty sure you okay thank you I'm sorry no you're you're fine you're fine okay is there anything else for the good of the order we are adjourned