good evening welcome to V city council chambers if you stand and do to pledge allegiance with us thank you I plge United States to theice thank you we can have a moment of silence thank you like to call this meeting to order it is Monday March 4th 2024 all members of council are present we have no ceremonial items to present tonight first up for us is the approval of the minutes for the January 16th regular session what is the favor of council I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of January 16 2024 regular session second I have a motion to Second any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed all right moving on to public comment is there anybody that has anything they would like to say tonight I have a written request for actually the resolution actually we got two here I'm assuming you folks would like to talk during the resolution or do you want to talk in the beginning I don't know if it's an item on the agenda it is it is an item on the agenda okay why why don't we have you talk whenever you want me to talk that's good we get two of them both for the uh for the uh put the item on the agenda the resolution is there anybody else that would like to talk on any other matters tonight Cas seeing none we will close public comment on to the consent agenda what is the favor of council make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second I have a motion or second any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed s agenda passes on to public hearing item number 17 ordinance number 1738 M Ross can you give us a u a brief introduction or read by title only I'm sorry yes an ordinance of the city of oido Florida granting to people's gas system Inc its successors and assigns a non-exclusive natural gas franchise agreement to use the public rights of way of the city of oido Florida and prescribing the terms in conditions under which said franchise may be exercised making findings and providing for implementing administrative actions gor aor conflix separability and an effective date great thank you Mr cob can you give us a brief uh introduction uh yes thank you deputy mayor uh this is a request for the council to approve a non-exclusive natural gas franchise agreement with people's gas system uh also known as TCO gas uh the term of this uh agreement will expire on May 17th of this year and so this is a renewal and Annie do you have that we can pull it up when we had our our first reading uh the the uh the utility is at had asked us for a 30-year agreement uh prior agreements had been 10 years they asked for a 30-year agreement and when you did uh first reading on February the 5th uh there were certain things that Council asked that could be some revisions could be made to the ordinance uh what I've done here this is just the items that were changed and unfortunately they did not show up as a strike through an underlying which is provided in your attachment so I wanted to show you here with the strike through and underline how we made the changes to the different sections but in section three under the term basically what was changed was we went from a straight 30-year term to a 10-year term with two 10e automatic renewals and there was a written 180-day notice that if either party wanted to not renew that there would be 180 day notice for that renewal um and then in section six under maintenance and abandonment the change there and like I said I apologize that the uh underlying strike through didn't show up for you but the was to that was to create the abandonment Clause that you asked for such that if the if the system was ever abandoned then and it would give the city the opportunity to there we go there we go um it would give the city the um opportunity to take over the system uh it the city actually has a couple of options the city can go in and search for another company to come in and take over the system or the uh the company can abandon the system and turn it over to the city as well if we go down some more under um we under the franchise fee this was I think what Mr Mr poock called the most favored nation uh that if the company entered into an agreement uh they uh they put language in here about seminal Lake orange Valia County uh that's similar to what's over in our our electric uh agreements and that if they were to enter into an agreement with another another entity governmental entity that had a higher franchise fee than what we charge then we would get that franchise fee uh they also put a thing in that if we entered into an agreement with another another company for a lower franchise fee that they would get to take advantage of that as well uh there's also some other things that we added in here uh any if you could scroll down a little bit that's this is just standard stuff that's in all of our ordinances uh I took out the codification section because this ordinance won't be codified uh but it we did maintain the scribers there we added in implementing administrative actions and uh so just those are just typical things we ran it ran it by Miss Ross and these aren't substantial changes uh tonight we would ask that recommend that you conduct a public hearing and adopt ordinance number 1738 okay thank you is the representative from the gas company here by night okay I see these not I do not have any written requests on um on this matter uh is there anybody audience that wishes to speak on this matter okay seeing none we will close public comment on that okay what is the pleasure of councel move to approve ordinance number 1738 second I have a motion a second and discussion IA motion okay um the favor Nations Clause it's regional right now now um the if you go back to the original the the agreement that's expiring the favorite Nations Clause was was broad it was it was much broader to their customer base um so what I you know and I I had sent Miss Ross a a email today asking if we could say the State of Florida instead of those specific counties because there's there's a lot of stuff being done in Oola County and other other counties in the state and I'm afraid that they're going to you know they can they can provide incentives or something for those areas and and then we wouldn't be able to take advantage of it because we're limited to those four counties so I was trying to get the State of Florida instead of those four counties in there um I'm glad that they they did the abandonment Clause um and I'm happy with the the the 10 years with the two two 10e extensions um to get to the 30 years but I'm not I'm not in favor of giving them this long term those extensions if they're going to pigeon hole us to those those those specific counties so I wish that there was a representative here from the gas company um that they could sign off on that so right now I'm not in favor of of this ordinance is this something we can table and come back to after we've had a chance to talk to them about this um you could the the agreement that the current agreement we have until May May 17th it's still in effect um so it's possible to continue and come back to it um but I will say from my the communications I received from people's guest lawyer his their lawyer um they did say that there are Provisions that they wouldn't agree to um that they keep their most Favored Nations Provisions Regional and um they they have conceded on a lot of points that we've had to fight on um there uh so I don't know if they would be agreeable to to more concessions because there were several Provisions that we had to put our foot down on and and and they did end up con uh conceding on those so they might they might be not inclined to do so any further but what but what we're asking for is what's currently in the agreement it's not like this language is something new that we just we came up with they this was language that they removed from the agreement to you know because they apparently they they don't necessarily agree with it which it it begs the question why won't they do it for the State of Florida why are they doing a regional so I I just I honestly think that you know I mean the alternative is is to continue to just extend the the current agreement which has this language that I'm asking for in it already and doesn't the current agreement it's a 10year block as well so that that was something that sounded like they didn't really love no they right they want 30-year agreements like the electric utilities and they and they want to remove and they want to remove the favor nation and they the whole abandonment clause and everything out of it too so they they said they've been the tech quote adamant about removing abandonment causes from the agreement so um and and and the the the new template that they've been using takes out the favor nation's Clause entirely and the abandonment Clause entirely goes to the 30 years so is the worst case scenario that we do not adopt this and then the old one is in place until they say hey we just don't want to do business here anymore like what what's the scenario uh my reading of it there was it was 10 years with a six Monon period perod for negotiations um I don't think we can continue the agreement in per in perpetuity we need a new agreement so if nobody but what if nobody agrees that we don't uh I'm So for anybody in the audience who's like why do we all look towards council member poock it's because he is in this industry in his day job and he was not able to be here when this was discussed at the the meeting the last meeting that this was talked about uh when there was a representative here so are here now to tell us what's standard in the industry because we don't know other than you know and it only happens once every 10 to 30 years so it's not a very common thing unless you do happen to be in the industry so what if we do go back to them and and ask for that to be the State of Florida versus regional I did convey that request this morning and they said that it wasn't a provision they' agreed to um we can continue to try to to get them to agree to that if you'd like um the uh and and council member Paul your expertise in this area has been very helpful and I appreciate it very much um it's why we have more in the agreement than the standard agreement it's because of of your input so what's the harm if we don't agree to this we've got time we've got May 17th we have time we have time could we just uh amend it tonight and approve it and send it back to them and then it's on them to approve it or agree to it or not I like that sign it on our and yes but we we could do we could do that that's it sounds like it's a one word change yeah it's yeah you're just taking out the the the counties and just adding the State of Florida basically um I will say in the in the email that I received from the lawyer for people's gas when it came to the regional Favored Nations he said that the the word was they umef prefer or try or attempt to keep the the language Regional so it was we we could like if I go back to them and say that our Council didn't approve it then well just go back to them with we can we can make that that change if the motion or and seconder agree and we send that back to them and and you can tell them this is what council this is what was adopted if you want to change it we can come back and have that discussion I like I I would relay to them it would have been nice if their representative would have been here too and if if the motion and seconder agree one thing that they didn't want to do also is H have a provision where the burden is on them to send a 30-day notice before the termination period I think it's like you have to give 180 days notice that you're going to terminate but if you miss it then that's on you yeah and I guess you what would the consequence be to either party but I like that rather than us having the burden to remember uh 9 and a half years from now to reach out that they ping so what were the four counties that were mentioned I don't have it in front of uh orange seminal valua and um I think there was one I forget which one the SEO Lake orange and bua Lake orange Anda okay right okay do you want to change your I would agree to a change yes all right so the motion are in a second agree to change the motion including the 30-day notice provision well I will say that so I have the email pulled up right now the the language that the lawyer used was we aim to keep our most Favored Nations language on a regional basis and but then they say we do not issue notices for upcoming renewals so that might that one's more defini um so I if if you want to change the motion to approve the the ordinance revised at or as revised to um replace the counties with the language the State of Florida that that would I I agreed to that but uh we don't have to come back and have another public hearing it's not a significant change as far as we I can tell well what I would say is this Mr Briton if you could just you did you did a motion to adopt and and council member tuer did a second of that what I would recommend is that you just state that you amend your motion to adopt the ordinance with a revision to section nine in that the uh the references to Simo Lake orange and Bia County be replaced with the state of Florida okay I'll make that uh amendment to recommend approval uh uh along with a a revision to section nine removing the four counties Lake seminal orange and valua and replacing it with the state of Florida second okay so we have a motion of second sir we get to vote on it yes yes okay V all those in favor say i i i opposed move on thank you for your help on that thank you thank you thank you Mr pa okay um there is no first readings of ordinances uh we're on to item number 10 resolutions uh resolution number 442-448 20 th 24 Mr cob can you give us a brief introduction uh yes deputy mayor this is a reconsideration of City council's adoption of resolution number 4420-a its January 16th 2024 meeting uh this resolution it approved a work order to one of our uh transportation engineering Consultants Neil schaer in the amount of $62,400 it was for the design of a proposed traffic signal at the intersection of County Road 426 and North Lockwood Boulevard it also proved an amend m to the city's third generation sales tax project list to uh add the uh Lockwood our traffic signal to the list uh at his Fe at your February 5th meeting city council approved a motion to reconsider resolution number roundabout uh or other uh traffic control measure in lie of the uh intersection and in Lee of the traffic C and to seek Direction on what they would like us to do uh this is a reconsideration of an approval so this is a little bit differently normally reconsiderations are uh for things that got denied but uh in what the council has two options basically in this and uh the two options are if you prefer to do the roundabout then we I would recommend that you do a motion to repeal or resolution number 44204 and direct us to request a scope from our transportation consultant to design the U roundabout and then what we will do at a later meeting once we get that scope we'll bring a new resolution to you that would approve that scope approve a new Amendment to the uh third generation sales tax list and then a bu budget amendment to make it make the money work uh if you prefer to maintain the traffic signal what you've already approved then I would recommend that you do a motion to uh approve to ratify that Mo that resolution number 4420 d24 what that will do is it'll leave everything in place and the city will proceed with the uh design of the traffic signal and proceed with the uh uh Arrangement that we made with the county where the City would design the traffic signal and then the county would build the traffic signal uh Mr Wyatt has a presentation for you to talk about the the uh technical side of this I just wanted to go over with you the procedural side uh and then I'll have Mr W come up and he'll present the U the technical side okay thank you mayor member of coun Mayor member of members of council good evening um this is basically just a quick sum AR of what you've already got in your staff report um ell if you go or Annie sorry this is the intersection as it exists today um as you can see there are four approaches um the county uh controls three of them the east west and southbound approaches so you got County Road 426 and Stone Street city of Vito controls the Lockwood approach so the Northbound approach next slide please so just to give you some background um as I mentioned we've got four approaches um as I said we approach we we control one the um there was a concern of of safety for because of traffic crashes and that's why we're here tonight that's why we came up with the original traffic signal um design so we proceeded um you know last time I was up here I couldn't read the screen and still having having trouble tonight so pardon me while I'm reading my notes here okay I even got contact lenses and I still can't read it January 16th as Mr cob mentioned um city council approved resolution 4420 approving a traffic signal design in amount of $624 78 that resolution was executed and staff um executed a purchase order and we prepared to go forward with our consultant um that currently is on hold uh pending tonight's decision then again as Mr Cobb mentioned on February 5th um this year um City Council made a motion to reconsider um resolution 44204 and we're going to talk about it this evening um as a as an aside on February 19th um city council approved three intersection improvements [Music] um independent intersection improvements um one of which was related to this intersection and if you look look at the next slide we approved a rightand turn lane um dedicated right-and turn lane on northbound Lockwood uh to go eastbound on County Road 426 and basically the yellow highlight is what that turn lane would be and in theory this right-and turn lane is the first step first part of a traffic signal now as I mentioned these three projects were bid as one but they're separate independent projects so they they have separate pieces to it can be if Council decides to go with a roundabout this turn L can should be extracted and not not constructed although there is Merit to constructing it for a while when you consider the schedule which I'll talk about in a minute for a roundabout um because a lot of the a lot of the issues will be mitigated with a right-hand turn l so going to the next slide this is in coordination with the county this is what the county came back with as a proposed roundabout for the intersection just to give you some perspective you look at that Center Island that's about 120 ft across the one at Franklin Street further down the road is about 75 feet across so that gives you some perspective on size and as you and it's really hard to see um originally what they did is they they had the the roundabout sitting further to the South and so there were RightWay hits on the South Side what they've done is they moved it more Central into County Ro 426 and now you've mainly got a RightWay hit up on the northwest corner up in the County's maintenance yard um but two things um that would draw concern to me on a roundabout is you've got a wetland hit on the north now on Stone Street and then you've got a flood plane hit potentially on the Southeast side so and both of those are regulatory issues that would have to be overcome and dealt with um financially U trying to think if there's any additional you think no I think that's good so you turn to the next slide Annie so the county is originally um as part of their original um estimate uh determined they they would provide $650,000 towards traffic signal they also were amendable to a roundabout but they claimed that they're only going to provide the same amount of money either way so either option they'll they'll go either way but this is the only amount of money they're going to provide so as it relates to a roundabout the estimate they came back with is about $3 million for a roundabout and I would tell you that's probably on the low end it's probably going to be a little more than that once you consider Wetlands flood plane um there's also potentially um utility hits and a little bit of rideway with the count I don't know how that would work out but you're looking at probably at least $3 million that's the city's uh that's that would be the city's responsibility or is that what the county well the the city on the next side you'll see is what our responsibility would be um actually it's not that's traffic it's the go go ahead and go one more slide an real quickly we'll go back oh no just leave it there for a second so basically what the city's contribution is going to have to be would be that if you want to think about if say it's a $3 million deal and the county gives us $650,000 well the county the city's contribution would be a minimum of two 2.35 for the construction what's also going to go up is the design fee so with the traffic signal we're looking at a city uh investment of $62,400 with a round about that goes up about five times it's going to go up to about $300,000 where are we getting that it has to be 120 ft across when Franklin Street that's what that's what the county came back with a design but why because probably based on road speed that they're the professionals not me but are we not I guess it's their road so they can decide it has to move at whatever speed they want a part of the in part of the reason for wanting the round roundabout is to cause slowness at that intersection and the smaller the roundabout as long as a semi can navigate it maybe 75 ft a little too small that 120 is humongous I would I would say that more it's more of a controlling the Turning movements rather than controlling speed because the controlling movements are what the what caused the accidents so you're going to I mean either way they both both signal and roundabout work but you know I I there's not much a signal is not going to cause much delay traffic signals are built around the traffic volumes and I would tell you if you think about it the only the only people who are going to be delayed with a traffic signal are going to be those turning left to go West on 426 because if you put one of those flashing yellow turn lane signs or turn lane the blink The Flash you're going to have constant movement you'll have a turn lane right dedicated right hand turn lane which will allow free movement to the right to go east and anybody coming in from Geneva will have that flashing yellow so you might have delays on occasion for people just you know when they go turn left when it allows it but I would assume those traffic volumes are going to be slight and so the the delay will be minimal is that that is the plan then to have flashing yellow they all have them now if as long as a line of sight is there which I'm pretty sure the line of sight exist for that then yes it would I'm I'm just not following I guess it would flash yellow I wouldn't see a flashing yellow if you're Northbound on Lockwood to turn left on but if you're coming westbound on 426 to turn left to go south on Lockwood absolutely so people from Geneva would never see red or they would they would see it on occasion they would see red they would see on occasion whenever because at some point you have to allow that left-and turn to go West on 4 that's I'm just making sure that like if there if there does end up being a traffic signal there that there is a way for it to have a purpose right so you're saying if we go with traffic signal the city cost would be $6 6,478 that is the city's investment right and the Count's picking up the cost of doing light correct and if we go to a roundabout the city's only still going to give us 650,000 so the burden falls on us and now it becomes 2.6 that is correct minimum that's just the construction well you got design and construction at 2.6 okay 2.6 yeah 2.6 million versus 62,000 yep yes sir so the 3 million was designed and construction but it didn't take into account any of the rways or any of the the land or anything we after and the mitigation of the wetlands no sir 3 million is the construction cost yeah and I will tell you one thing to keep that to put that in perspective is um Mr Britain will find this interesting so we did an initial analysis because of our third generation sales tax list looking at a roundabout at Lockwood Road and Old Lockwood Road now that on the far and that estimate came back at $5 million SO3 million for this one which would be a little smaller isn't you know outside the realm of possibility that's how I look at it for comparison I mean it's it's they're they're expensive does it work yes traffic signal roundabout either way gets us the gets to improve safety but uh you know my concern is um and if you go to the next slide my concern isn't so much the what method we do but it's I'm you as as as you know by now as we've met and talked about Fortuner and sales stat the third generation sales tax sunsets at the end of this year and we have if if it's not renewed which I'm concerned from my ability to be able to provide for the city you know what the things we want to do with that that we won't have an ability that things we need should do now especially from these RADS which need to be resurfaced and I look at the money that we have available and I want I need to hit these things while I have the opportunity to do it because if I don't the amount of monies the revenues we have aren't going to be there so that's my concern if we go build a roundabout versus a traffic signal the disparity and in the amount of cost of return on investment you know is is significant so okay is any other questions one one last question so I I think you kind of alluded to it when you were talking but the timing of this of a traffic light versus a roundabout I mean what's the difference in the timing on you know if we were to move forward with e you you know parallel paths if we went with with the traffic light how long would it be in before it was installed versus the roundabout Andy can you back up one slide please there we go so if you look in the on the yellow there on the top so the roundabout I Pro we would we project construction would be completed by 2027 traffic signals 2025 so so you're you're talking an additional two years of a dangerous intersection most likely yes sir okay okay so any other questions for Mr Wyatt uh Council just one more quick thing Annie the second to last slide just want to give you my official recommendation staff recommendation it's my professional recommendation that you stick with the traffic signal do you have any data on how many crashes have been at this location and their severity I don't have them recently I had them back I think it was up to like 2021 there was couple dozen okay and any fatalities at this intersection no not that I'm aware of okay thank you okay thank you okay I do have two written requests to speak tonight uh first up is uh Mr if you'd like to come up and speak and say your name and your address please I have it I have it written down because I have some statistics in here as well good evening this mayor City Council Members my name is uh Richard cedon I live at 1172 Apache Drive Geneva Florida and I'm the president of the Geneva citizens Association I'm here to advocate for a new roundabout at the intersection of Lockwood Boulevard and County Road 426 this is a perfect location for a new roundabout is surrounded by mostly undeveloped land and already has a wide footprint it could be a very attractive entry into your fair City where many of us genevans come to work shop eat and worship a roundabout is welcoming and user friendly a traffic light is neither there were many good reasons to construct a roundabout here one it would have a pleasing and welcoming aesthetic value two available undeveloped land for the construction three much less severe accidents because of slower speeds and lack of opposing directional movements of vehicles in fact roundabouts reduce fatal and injury accidents by as much as 76% in comparison to traffic lights number four there is no need to pay for electricity and maintenance for a traffic signal Carmel Indiana population 79,000 which is quite a bit biger bigger than Ovito built its first roundabout in 1997 as an experiment it has worked so well that they now have 81 more constructed and are planning to replace all of their remaining 30 traffic lights except one with new roundabouts which provide equal capacity for up to 7,000 entering vehicles per hour Which is far higher than any realistic projection for this intersection as you know if after extensive study the Florida Department of Transportation has opted for roundabouts on the soon to be widened sections of State Road 434 from Franklin Street to C State Road 417 Ovito also has a small roundabout at the Geneva Drive Franklin Street intersection and has worked very well instead of a traffic light which penalizes drivers who choose to obey traffic signals in times of low traffic the only negative about roundabouts is the initial cost but over time that more than equalizes out since annual electricity and maintenance costs would be well an excessive $50,000 of uh for a traffic light uh I say 5,000 and me wrote 50,000 and zero for roundabout in addition the design life roundabout is 25 years versus only 10 years for traffic signal equipment which would have to be replaced roundabout would not have to be done anything for 25 years the long and short is the traffic lights are mostly a thing of the past roundabouts are the future and their inherent Savings in fuel from eliminating unnecessary traffic stoppages please choose the future for Ovito thank you and I'd like to just add a little point in here you're talking about the the money that that only come up with the $650,000 uh if you folks you up to to consider the roundabout I will do my best to see if we can shake some more money out of the county and I think that we can okay thank you thank you okay all right next up I have a request from Miss ceden and please state your name and your address please hello I'm Virginia cedon I live at 1172 Apache Drive and I just came here tonight to say that I enjoy shopping and I enjoy dining in oito and to have to stop at a traffic light and waste gas I'd rather spend the money in the town rather than putting gas on my car and sitting at a traffic light thank you great thank you I don't have any further written requests is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak on this matter seeing none we will close public comment okay what is the pleasure of council Mr chairman yes I'll make a motion to um what's the what is it I I make a motion to reaffirm resolution 40s 4420 d24 I have a motion I'll second it all right we have motion a second and any discussion all right so I can't so this the the issue that that I have with this is I can't in in good conscience spend all of the third generation sales tax money that that we we have built up and not knowing if there's going to be a fourth generation sales tax for for roads I can't in good conscience spend that money on a roundabout that's on the edge of town um the the problem statement that we had with this intersection was it was dangerous there was there was two solutions a $62,000 solution for the city or well over probably close to by the time it's said and done over $3 million solution for the city the the County's not going to Pony up that much additional money I'm sure we could probably get some out of them but they're not going to they're not going to come up with the the 3 million you know or the $3 million so the the way to solve the issue for me is to to to do the traffic light because the issue is the safety at that intersection to prevent the accidents um also you know there like uh Mr Wyatt said there was the issues with the the Wetland uh and the um uh the flood plane um that would still need to be resolved in the wetlands we we all know what happens with those when you're trying to mitigate Wetlands it gets very expensive very quickly so I think that the the best direction for us at this time is to to go with the traffic signal and down the road if if things change if you know that that intersection becomes more populated or there's there's other situations there then we can come back and look at the roundabout but Plus on top of all that like I said before we can get this in place two years sooner to to prevent additional accidents over that twoyear period so thank you Council to and and I agree with that I mean I think we've talked about roundabouts a lot up here um we know their benefits they're they're great to keep Cars Moving and slow people down and they're safe and we're all in huge favor of them but we we don't have the money for it um I think doing nothing is definitely not the answer so what we can pay for right now is a traffic signal and and that's not to say we don't put round about about there down the road um so and that's something we can even look with our Mobility fee in the future when we start getting funding but um no I do I do think our best option is to to pay what pay for what we can pay for Council one Britain I think I've said it before I much prefer roundabouts I always have um in this case I I think the real need is on the south end of Lockwood not on the North End I see people going in excess of 50 m an hour down that road near schools and everything else uh and there's nothing to slow them down U and that's a $5 million project that I've been trying to get in for I don't know how many years uh in this case uh we already have a project on the books at the right turn lane and that alleviates part of the problem of traffic being backed up on South uh Lockwood going north um to go to your point Mr Pollock three4 of that intersection is a county Road uh and if the county doesn't want to pay for it then I don't see why we should have to pay for it if if the county wants to come back and cost share for the the full three or4 million for roundabout then we can we can reconsider that but uh right now I think it's it's just an unfair uh an unfair situation for us to have to uh you know uh use that burden on ourselves and and not get more contribution out of the county so that's it thank you madam mayor I am not convinced that the roundabout has to be this big uh I am convinced that the county has pretty much decided they want a traffic signal I did pull up and I can't remember the name of this site but it's through metr plan so I don't know if I need to email this to somebody if if anybody recognizes it and can pull this up from public works it's a traffic crash website and I appreciate Mr Wyatt sharing that there have been no fatalities when I learned of this site and it's all the reported crashes current about within with the last year um and I pulled it up and I was like okay let me go see how many crashes have happened here and most of them were set back from the road like before like you're you're waiting to turn right to go towards Geneva and they were all minor fender vendors so I'm actually hesitant to I I can't I can't quite write my brain around a $650,000 investment for for a traffic signal even because once you have that then you have to every 10 years it sounds like maybe uh Public Works can share some additional data on this I don't know if every 10 years we just have to redo some wires or what the the update cost is but whatever that cost is I would prefer to see the extent to which adding in the right turn lane eliminates the problem because it may make it so easy for people to get through there that the or fender benders no longer are an issue Mr W's coming up to address your questions the County's going to maintain those right Mr poock that is correct this tax the way it works with the County's uh traffic signal maintenance agreement is it depends on who controls the intersection and what percentage so they control three of the four sections so they're going to control 75% of the maintenance cost they'll pay 75% of the yearly maintenance cost so yeah when equipment will break down over time and they'll replace 75% son of it I mean the way we we pay right now I think we have the number in my head is like 17 signals in the city now I can remember when there was one when I was a kid um but I think it's more than 17 and we we pay proportionally for each intersection I think there's only the ones on Mitchell hammock are the only ones that we pay full price for in maintenance to the county you know the county maintains basic basically Soup To Nuts on the on the traffic signals within the city everything from timing to reping feces and parts everything even the ones that we control you know we pay them and they they come replacement so this one if it's approved or reaffirmed we'll only pay 25% of the yearly maintenance cost and and a roundabout has a maintenance cost as well for landscaping you know that don't think that there's not a price associated with that there is it'll be yearly cost probably similar to what we'll pay for um the county on the maintenance of the timing and the equipment okay I appreciate the extra details I I still can't rra my brain around it okay and I would say too and thank you Mr Wyatt as um again I think this has been an issue now for at least several years we've had a lot of residents in the community of AO force uh make a matter of that intersection um I think we are taking a steps in the right direction with the right hand turn lane I don't know why this is so loud tonight I like it that it's loud usually I feel like I can't hear you guys well but get close feel like I'm echoing in a cave but um I think the rightand term is a great step uh what we're talking about and I think the traffic light is also another step and then when you look at the financials of 62,000 versus 2.6 million it's uh it's a tough one as all to say that we would spend 2.6 million for a intersection where we only have one of the four uh points of entry in our control so with that being said we uh we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I opposed n all right very good we are on to discussion items Recreation and Parks Advisory Board good evening mayor Bieber you just jumped right up as soon as I said that City Council Members how you doing this evening um tonight we're here to discuss the recreation parks Advisory board if you can recall back to approximately two years ago March 21st 2022 uh city council provided staff some direction to combine the existing recreation parks advisory committee which was passed by resolution in 2008 along with the senior uh committee that was adopted uh or put together in 2018 uh the council um Direction was to combine those into a formal ordinance um as a recreation Advisory board so I'm here tonight to actually bring this forth to city council for further Direction and before we get into it I know I've provided this information in your packets but I'd like to just highlight the key points of this ordinance for you uh first off this ordinance will sunset the existing advisory committee um we that was a point that Council made back in 2021 so we're going to fulfill that that request what this ordinance does that it actually establishes a purpose this Advisory Board will be um a group of individuals that will serve at an advisory capacity to city council member Council members on different topics such as planning recreational programs special events the parks system itself and we this is more so for the citizens of the community so it's going to highlight anything in our Park system the ordinance also establishes the roles and responsibilities okay this Advisory Board will be making recommendations to City Council Members City staff that attend the the board meetings on different priorities such as development planning oper operations ball field usage um swim pool maintenance as as such okay they'll also be making priorities with regards to the budget assisting our department and making recommendations to the city C to the city manager on our CIP plan the the maintenance program Etc uh they'll also be making recommendations with regards to recreational programming and when available uh the recreation board members May assist at our special events we're not going to make it mandatory but we'd like to have them be a part of our our great Community program and uh the last recommendation that we're asking the board members that that can make is um those regarding the submittal of Grant applications um as you are well aware our current existing advisory committee to me that seems what the primary use was we were always taking these grants to the advisory committee for um direction to take back to city council um I put this on the lower part of the totem poll I don't want that to be the priority on this on this board I want that to be part of the process but we want to actually um obtain some members that are active in the community and not so much worried about passing a grant for the future development for the city uh the next item the ordinance will establish membership requirements we're looking for a five member board all citizens of avido and the board members will serve a three-year term staggered um one of the term one of the board members will start off with a one-year term two board members will be a two-year term and then twoe board two board members will be a three-year term so that way we're always rotating members every year then at a future date and then last but not least the ordinance will establish rules and procedures um it's recommended that The Advisory Board will meet at a minimum quarterly Um this can be more or less but we' like to advertise four meons a year at at the minimum and we can increas these as we go forward and uh as usual the cor will consist of majority of members and those are the key highlights of this board and I like to um you know answer any questions that you may have and we can you know provide feedback but I like to seek direction from Council if we can push this forward um as an ordinance for future consideration as a new Advisory board for the city I think it's great I think I think you very well thought out and uh I think that this this will really help out with the Parks and Recs Department okay how many members did you have on the uh previous there was 12 initially wow and and I will make a note on this one I'm not so all these um future board members will apply and it will be city council will actually pick the members going forward so it'll be similar to the the public Arts board and I don't want to make this a board of all the presidents of the youth organizations I want members of like I'm on a planner I like a a landscape architect i' like different members of the community in different sectors to provide their feedback in this if we get a a use sports president of an organization so be it um but they'll come to city council for approval similar to what we went through at the arch board if we get an outstanding you know representation of people that want to get on are you open to expanding from maybe five to seven or are you stuck at five I'm open I just did I've did some research we started with five I didn't I I know I didn't want 12 members I know that that was too that was kind of Overkill that's a lot and um I'm open to I would like to finalize the number with Council if you feel Seven's that number we're open to it um I'm plan on taking this back to council if if approved on April 1 for the I think five's a good number right now but again just I I think if we have that turnout that we saw for the Arts board I think you know I'd be open to expanding it maybe we could have the ordinance from the get-go read sort of like the public Arts ordinance minimum of five up to seven yeah seven or n we can I do like that you've shifted away from people feeling like they're obligated to go find grants and do that angle of it because that that's the less fun part and we need the feedback more more than all that other the good thing with this board is we'd like the citizens to come out and ask questions um we also provide them information but also really it's up to staff Mr Whitaker myself we can share information on our own operational procedures with the board um we can help set a a you know some goals for the future um I'm sure that this board will set their own goals and we'd like to you know fulfill those goals and actually have it be a benefit for the citizens but provide a resource to City Council Members so would this would this board also make recommendations on different kind of events we do at like Center Lake Park or is it mostly any any special any events that are City sponsored okay okay because I I know I've talked to different groups that have wanted to see I guess more variety and and the kind of events we're doing like Hispanic Heritage Month things like that if we have any yeah staff can throw these ideas to our board for some you know recommendations and kind of get their feel and if they have recommendations to to City staff then we can um go back and forth with that but yeah we we're definitely open to sharing our ideas is with the with the board for future consideration how long would it take for us to get to get this up and run it I'm ready to go on April 1st for the for the uh uh first reading and then the public hearing would be the second reading in second meetting in April and then we get to advertise advertise and then pick select the members so you're talking about first meeting would probably be what June I'm unfamiliar with the process of advertisement for members I have a feeling that there'll be several members out there but we're we'll be pushing it forward as quickly as possible okay all right no I think it's good okay I'm good with it so carry on can I talk see see in April thanks yeah you thanks for the opportunity yeah thank you for coming tonight I got a couple questions and a couple comments U the 2007 date uh has meaning to me because I'm the one who started this board and the intent back then was to get inputs from like you say the different uh programs and give that get input on how to implement the parks and Rex master plan which we were working on back then so the first question I had is that plan is now almost 20 years old yes sir where are we in that process of updating it it's been a request as part of our CIP process for the past two years um we it's time to update it um it actually should be updated every five years to be honest with you so where are we now with that process I'll be requesting the funding to to redo our master plan this upcoming budget process so you know five member committee that's going to have that kind of input and now you're expanding the role of to include not only youth programs adult programs I guess soccer and softball and Senior programs I think five committee members to have input on that is way too low in fact I I would almost agree to the 12 that used to be on there because then then you get an opportunity to represent all of those groups um what I but what I don't want to see is this become a rubber stand for Grants which is what happened to the old group they they really didn't do anything except approve Grant applications agree so um I think maybe there needs to be some work on the actual scope of this this group what they're actually going to be doing uh and and maybe what inputs uh they're going to have to the future of our Parks uh there was an opportunity during Co to see where exactly uh our Parks were being used used and who was using them and and maybe we could have rored a little bit back then but I think that that's water under the bridge but uh that's what I'd like to see happen maybe expanded the group to more than five and give them some roles and responsibilities regarding how we go forward with with our Parks direct master plan and address all three groups that that we're talking about and it does cover the master plan within the verbiage I provided to you because we want their input on everything um not just the master plan it's operations maintenance um how our field usage is working um if there's a concern sizen we can have the chance to review it as a staff report that back to the board and then take get you get their input if we're looking for some direction on a topic um or a new special event for the community or a new maintenance plan we'd like to run this through them for their review and approval let them take the chance to survey the community or at you know reach out to you know their other constituents that they know and let them provide their feedback to us to determine make that recommendation to City staff which then would ultimately come back to city council for consideration for any sort of program or maintenance schedule as an example okay and we're and I'm open to additional members if we can solidify the number tonight I'd like to make that you know have this go forth if you think seven is a is a good number or nine yeah maybe 12's a little bit too much U but I think five is way too low yeah I'd be good long as you had an odd number so you don't get these split votes exactly yeah I like nine I've been on boards that are larger and it's very unwieldy once you get hired that yeah my my only concern with the I because I kind of you know if we want to go above five I'm kind of leaning to seven because I'm just concerned with if you have nine then you run into um Quorum issues if people aren't showing up for the meeting and stuff like that so well you can put in the charter a quorum requirement that if someone misses more than say two meetings I I believe it's private in the ordinance and that'll cover that to remove them if they miss I think it's two three consecutive meetings y okay um and we actually set their meeting schedule quarterly for that factor too meeting every month if you have nine individuals that can't make it based on work schedules or other commitments it might force them to be pulled out of that committee and if there's open positions we felt cly was a good standing point we can always schedule it more later on um as new as other issues arise so maybe a suggestion just has popped in my head and I'm just thinking out loud but uh maybe have two representatives for the Youth two for the adult two for the seniors and then one at large and uh have that have them uh select that designation when they put the application and then we have coverage on all of those issues background criteria for those positions and then we can and then youall can select those individuals that fit that criteria then I'm open to that okay okay okay sounds good yeah all right right thank you all I appreciate it all right thank thank you Mr Bel okay we are on the city manager's report uh thank you deputy mayor uh like to have Mr boot come forward he has some information to share with you regarding the audit committee thank you Mr Cobb um mayor deputy mayor council members we've reached the end of our contract with our current uh external auditor pvis gray so we're required to go back out again for audit service Services we have to do that every 5 years the terms of this contract that we're currently in actually requires that the way that it's written so what I want to advise you of is that this coming weekend we're going to issue an RFP for audit services and I'll bring back to you uh first meeting in April a request to establish an audit committee it'll come back to you as as a discussion item and then you can have that discussion and select who you would like to have on that audit committee for for municipalities uh section 218.31 I believe it is requires that we have a minimum of three one has to be a uh council member and two others can be at large one can be an employee just can't be uh a member of the finance department but another member can be an employee of the public so excuse me a member of the public so I think the last time we had the committee it was you Mr poock you were chair Mr Brittain and then we had the Mr chud now was it Mr chud now yeah it was myself Mr chud now and then there was um Froman mum from UCF right so I want to give you some time to think about that between now and then and then when I bring back the discussion item you can go through the process of actually establishing the committee and we can move forward the tenative schedule is to issue the RFP this weekend um and then to have an RFP due date of March 28th this is tenative uh and then we'll have an evaluation meeting uh with the uh procurement manager on April 11th so between the 1st and the 11th we can establish the committee and that date can be flexible as well and then award the RFP sometime in in May late May so that's what we have before us tonight want to advise you of that and we'll be bring back to you a discussion item in the beginning of April how long they they've been auditing for four years now five years I know doesn't seem like it yeah but uh it's where we're at okay any questions thank you thank you yes I have one other thing deputy mayor uh we've been talking about public safety building and uh we had a great meeting last week we pulled the full team together and uh Mr uty and uh was there from the and we have a special request for you tonight I know we had talked about having a work session in March however based on the volume of information that we went over on the last week we would like to request and actually Robert's here to to tell you about it since he's now just coming into this but we'd like to move the work session to April and so that we can get a better bring you a better product then after seeing the information that we got okay good evening mayor deputy mayor council members so you all recently engaged us to perform a study on uh working with Mr Cobb and and chief Coleman his team on uh finding a way to accommodate what their needs are right here on this campus and so we met last week uh with the whole team and we discussed four maybe five potential options to study and there's some due diligence and homework we want to do before we have this work session so that we're prepared and we can have a very productive work session and we have all the information that we need so we'd like to request to do that in late April because there's such a lead time of information we have to get to you you know it's almost 10 days or two weeks which is doesn't give us enough time to do this in uh in uh April no in May in March so we're requesting late April right Mr Cobb yes yeah so we'll be well prepared to present to you different options and then we'll make a recommendation on what we should study it'll probably be no more than two of the four or five but we want to lay everything out and all the options for you to consider so okay any questions I I think we're good with that okay great thank you and Council M tuger we did go to our Castleberry uh that was going be my next question if anybody went through uh Chief myself Mr we we went and toured it and learned a lot about it it was good it was to me it was very interesting after seeing it as just a frame you know the first time I saw it got to see where all the different electrical wires were and all the conduit for the tech and everything and then to see it in a finished product as well and so it was very educational for us to go when we went and looked at that and even from the point of one of the things that we're doing right now is evaluating you know even in our own circumstance here of who would go where you know and so even with those ideas of just conceptually looking at how they were laid out and thoughts of things they did and if there was things we liked and things we would do differently so it was very educational uh that's all I have deput mayor all right city manager or City attorney I have nothing tonight all right council member Britain uh just a few items today uh first of all Taste of vovito coming up on March 23rd I was just at the uh the planning committee meeting today they've got over 130 vendors which is about what they had last year they think they're going to exceed the number of vendors they they had last year and uh everything seems to be coming well they gave a good report on the city's involvement and coordination so thank you whoever is doing that with the city Paul I guess it's one of your guys or or a chief um going to be a good event they've got a lot of stuff to to go on there uh I'm not going to say too much about this but yesterday they had a peace tree ceremony I'll let the the mayor talk about that but that you know as far as I'm concerned the way the world is today the more peacefulness we have the the better so it was it was something worthwhile for me and then finally uh Patrick thank you for the updates on the legislature I noticed today that we've got a uh $900,000 earmark going through for a uh study on the the water plant and another uh we requested a million but another 500,000 of that is being approved for Round Lake Park uh Community Center so uh good work tell the Mr Cary good work on representing us and hopefully this stuff goes on through that's all I have all right Madame mayor uh on the piece run somewhere down here is that white picture down there want to just hold that up real quickly uh they did want to present this to all of us on city council this is a could you read the title I get it wrong every time uh peace blossoms in the heart of goodness so uh council member Britain and I joined the group we we did a lap around uh solary park with a torch that had been flown in from New York so this this torch travels around the world and they they scheduled AO special for for Sunday so it could be part of our community and they're trying to you know it it circum circumnavigates the Earth continuously this one torch so it's been back to Ido and was kind of kind of a cool opportunity to also hear some ukulele playing as well so really neat event and also wanted to give a shout out to Hayden Holland gross and Julia register those are the two students from uh our are Ido area schools both of them Ovito residents who are recognized at the Lake Mary Heathrow Festival of the art so I was excited to see that even on the other side of the County students here at oito are are being recognized because we've got really really great people over here tomorrow is a pizza event over in Lake Mary at a place called br oh now I don't want to say the wrong thing I will post on my Facebook page but I'm G to be a waiter over there tomorrow afternoon from 11:30 to uh 12:00 with Amy Lockard one of the County Commissioners and all through the day it's it's people from around the county uh 100% of whatever your bill is is going to the rescue Outreach Mission and I know it's come up here in the past but I did want to make sure that everybody knows there's only one overnight homeless facility in simal County this is it when somebody in Ido calls up and says hey where can I go I don't know what to do I just got evicted I tell them you need to go to the other side of Lake Jessup to rescue Outreach fishion so even though I don't usually leave city limits uh and I had this like I don't know if I want to go over there I thought you know this is probably what these people think when I tell them you need to go to the other side of the lake to rescue Outreach missions so over there I I will be flipping some pizzas and if you can't get there tomorrow but are willing to get a gift card they are also allowing gift cards 100% of the sale value of gift cards to go to rescue Rob Triss as well or just donate directly to to ROM and last thing oh two two more things the historic markers in at Jackson we had about a 100 people come out it was amazing so keep keep your eyes on oito Community News read the article if you haven't had a chance to yet the history of Jackson Heights is it's just phenomenal and final thing shout out to Lisa McDonald for helping this amazing video happened at state of the county um everybody else had still pictures and we had one moving and people were like whoa what is that project you guys have in Ovito and it is solar Park which looks way way cooler by air so thank you for helping that happen that's all I got great thank you council member tuer sure so uh first thing so thank you for going in touring the police department I did want to reiterate I think all the council should make sure they get out for a tour before a work session so I don't know if we've still got a few to go but I highly recommend getting out there um the other thing I wanted to bring up is McKinnon road so in Alf Woods we have had a bridge that's been washed out since hurricane Ian um and it's it's still not fixed and I have met with staff and FEMA and sat down with them and they answered all my questions and long story short is they're doing everything they're supposed to be doing the holdup is really the fact that in order to design it the right way we have to study our storm water system and alfaa woods in particular has a really big storm water system so it's not just as simple as one pond so they all filter into each other so the bulk of the time has been studying that and seeing the fact that it was UND sized before the storm hit and it would have busted out at our tenure storm so following that that raised a lot of questions first of all why is it that when we have a new development that they design their storm water system when it comes to the design standards of the time it's built and then we never look at it again so we have all these old developments that are designed in the 80s and we haven't looked at their storm water systems since the 80s so they're under sized today and we know it based on you know our Rising levels of our table and everything like that so the only way to harden that infastructure is to wait for it to fail and then have FEMA cover it which is very backwards so I wanted to dig deeper into our Master stormw water plan and see if we can come up with a way to harden our capacity of storm water for things already built if that makes sense so when you build your house the neighborhood builds a capacity for but 40 years later it's no longer up to design standards so I really think we need to look at a holistic view of the whole city for storm water capacity so I'll be looking into that um I know Mr Cobb and our Engineers really want to look into that some of that costs money but um I hope we're all looking to harden our system and it's and it's a big problem Ross the state so that one really caught me off so I just wanted to mention that as far as our Bridge it does look like we will start to go out to bid soon get the repairs coming and get it fixed at the beginning of 2025 so it's a it's a long road so that's all I had okay thank you council member poock so Mr beldon's going to love me on this one so as you know next year is our 100 Year an iversary and so I was wondering if we could um work on another committee to maybe put together to to have a committee put together to start planning a 100-year celebration um because we're early in the budget process for next year so we can at least kind of get the committee mobilized to you know put something together that we could start to work towards to put into the budget you know so that we we have it already budgeted so we're not you know getting caught off guard or catching Mr Boop off guard so is everybody okay with doing something like that sure okay and that's all I have okay great I'm up next chief Coleman you look like you have a special guest there sitting next to you would you like to introduce him to us as you know uh last talk you're right about the I know I know all right see if I can move back a little bit uh last October uh deputy chief Heather capill retired moved off to greener pastures quite literally uh up in Washington and since that time we uh uh did a search for a new Deputy Chief and decided to go internally and externally and after an extensive search uh and a lot of uh reviewing of applications interview us and stuff I'd like to introduce her replacement and our newest deputy chief Brian Foley he comes to us uh from alont Springs retired there after 24 years uh he was a commander there uh rose up through the ranks uh he's been on the swap team Commander done just about everything he could do in in Altamont and brings a wealth of knowledge and uh welcome him AB board so want to say anything I just want to thank the chief for the faith and select me for the position thank the city manager the mayor council members uh very happy to be here and uh if my first couple weeks with how nice everyone's been is a reflection of how things will be in the coming years very happy to be here so thank you very much great thank you and welcome welcome aboard oh there was one item I missed on the uh Taste of oito they're looking for a representative from the city to sit in the dunk tank they're always looking for the deputy chief welcome [Laughter] aboard you know it's only a couple weeks away the water will be warm you'll be fine no we did have the uh The veto police foundation golf outing on uh last Friday um good Lord uh it was a great turnout um looks like we did a a great job with raising funds again I want to thank uh down to earth uh they were huge we were in dire need of getting a couple extra golf carts and uh they really stepped up and had extra cards available for us so again special thanks to down to earth Nick and and Kim Young over there so that that was great well Mr bford uh you're too modest I've been watching you work on this thing for a long time you put a lot of time and effort into that tournament and it turned out great so good job for you thank you sir I appreciate it it was all again for our foundation and we're very proud of that organization U that's been up and running for several years now and congratulations on your chairmanship for next year's tournament that's yes yes or condolences you see deputy chief FY you see how it goes lot of volun holding um so we do have Shamrock 5K coming up uh next week on on the 9th and then we have our St Patrick's Day uh on the 16th that's 4 4 to n yes sir yep all right so we got a lot of great events that are coming up here uh for March uh Mr Wyatt we've already talked about the the sidewalks for for Live Oak so I appreciate you looking into that um so it is a constant issue obviously but at some point I guess we got to come together and kind of figure out what's our remedy there you know and I see you getting a Stewart there next to you so she can't keep going around painting all the sidewalks the people that's been raised so uh outside of that I have nothing else so uh we on the future meetings um we have Monday March 25th is a work session tenative it's tenative but we probably we I would is that the one we're moving to April I we have some other items that we may need to bring to you oh goody we'll discuss tomorrow goody goody goody all right April April 1st we have a meeting well how appropriate is that that is a 6:30 regular session uh and that is all I got anything else but to get of the order I think somebody needs to tell a joke and I got one so I got can we hold on to April 1 okay all right we are [Music] adjourned