e e e e e e e e e e oh is there yeah the second one now I see it I didn't see it before oh I think I did see that yeah tell any wasn't coming right my brain is starting to Children okay yeah full circle I even s like AE I like Christmas they were hpal car coming in or is he my kid are of showing up not at 5 let me guess it's traffic that's what he usually says yeah I'm m h last couple of times Katie his partner has had to start that heing up and like like what's allerg yeah allergies can make you do that Henry didn't feel likea for I messed up one of the lines I I went through the uh process Oh no you're fine we still got four minutes give is section the there's a really good article so far I haven't read anything I don't I don't know yet JB's fish Camp's fun bit little B SOI out the Treehouse is nice oh yeah that's a good one Garlic's not bad lemon cello down there too no so much good man how are you got go the boat yeah catch anything but we're learn yeah where you guys going like the first Stacy and went St yeah we did myter came up to that probably oh seriously me go hold the door open for other people yeah Chris won't be able to get in either huh does chi not yet good luck to y walking in they're walking in now walking in he's here I took a phone call when I saw right on top Chris man no over charges from hims what's that the lights that's the new new LEDs they're much brighter seems brighter yeah brigher are they cooler too I'm not sure the new lights yeah I don't know if they did the track light to be honest okay okay all right con still outside okay's up good man how are you a deck all right all right you ready are we did he took a phone call he can he'll wander back in yeah he'll wander back in so I'm sure by the time he gets to his important subject he'll be in back in all right all right so we got work session getting order um call this work session order and then we'll open up with a public comment anybody want one resident all right we close public comment now we're on to our order of business so who's going to take it away actually I just let Mr ker just go Jump Right In Just Jump Right In great well uh uh good evening everyone Chris Cary with gray Robinson um I think at last I checked the agenda Patrick correct me uh the we've got some wrap-up to talk about also potential uh special act um regarding um Entertainment District and then um so we have uploaded here and I'll click through if it works a quick wrap up of legislative session it's by no means comprehensive of everything as you all know there's a lot of bills that are filed a lot of pass most signed not all um and there's even couple that are still outstanding as of uh 20 minutes ago when I checked Lobby tools so um that we we will soon have updates on those but not today at least it doesn't look like uh and then of course can answer any questions as yall probably saw if you checked your email earlier it's okay if you didn't but I updated that report I sent you about a month ago with with a lot of the bills that were signed including some of the stuff from the governor's uh budget actions so with that I'll jump in and let me know if I uh if you need me to stop or go over anything uh I'm going to check it now is it on it is on try all right all right there we go that's me same suit boy I gotta get another one uh okay um so as as you may recall from previous years I always think it helps to kind of go through who's in the room uh making decisions because that kind of that has a massive effect on what we do on your behalf up there so the top left everyone knows who that person is um governor STIs the 2023 session as you may recall um it was what can we do for the governor and that was the legislator's kind of viewpoint right it was the worst kept secret that he was going to run for president and so the legislature was doing pretty much anything they could to make things easier for him give him a list of Victories or or issues he could go campaign on in Iowa and other states potentially um this session a different tone there and I'll get into that he spent most of session up until up until the Midway point so I think all the commit weeks and then uh almost halfway through session in Iowa uh if you recall the day when they did the the kickoff for legislative session um which is constitutionally he's required to give remarks the State of the State um they caught a hot mic moment where he's like hurry it up let's go because he was trying to get on a plane to get to Iowa before a snowstorm hit um if you follow anyone in in politics you saw a lot of agency heads of politicians elected leaders in Iowa covered in snow that weekend because they were trying to get there in time to do that so understandably he run for president I was the first primary State that's where a lot of his Focus was so you saw kind of that that Steady Hand or very heavy hand if you will of the governor's office the previous session of this is what we want and this is what we're going to get was kind of missing up until the middle of session uh jamesm who's there as Chief of Staff he was not there up until the middle of the way it was Alex Kelly who's the Department of Commerce Secretary he was interim Chief of Staff Peter cutterman came in in the middle of the the the kind of process if you will um Stephanie caloa was previously in that role you that name may sound familiar she's former dot secretary most recently though she took over um the central Florida tourism oversight District as the manager so she's the person working with that that board there and then Chris Spencer a lum of our firm he was uh budgets policy and budget director he was there the entire time meeting in the capital so that was sort of a steady hand kind of keeping things focused there and we'll get into when I go over some of the priorities how the governor jumping back into session after the Iowa primary shifted a lot uh that bottom row there is the cabinet all those folks when they wake up in the morning and look in the mirror think they see a future Governor um so that should give you an idea of the politics we're dealing with uh the shadow primary if you will or campaign to be the next Governor has very much already started those three and there's certainly some others that are thinking about it but those that are serving in DC in Congress um and so think through that also um their priorities are treated a little differently because they may be the one uh sitting in the governor's mansion in two years so um depending now I heard someone say it best and he our senator Senator so I'm not just saying that because he is our Senator but Brer was asked at a um at an event who's going to be the next governor and people were trying to get cute with their answers and goes whoever Trump endorses uh so that's and that's probably truer than not uh in a state like Florida that's red and and Trump seemingly has the the grip of the party um so we'll have to see where that goes and if any of them can earn said endorsement um and of course rumored in that is the governor's wife uh the first lady is also in in those rumor Mills is potentially running so we'll see but it kind of sh some of the politics there you got three people um very much interested in that role obviously try paying attention to the governor's office as well so in the house um you have Paul rener speaker of the house he's a lawyer of Veteran out of um the uh St Augustine area uh and then you got Tom leak budget chair he he's in mostly Valia somewhat St John's County and his house seat uh he's running for the Senate now um in a very heavily contested primary uh the other other I'd point out of significance is Danny Perez who's the rules chair but more importantly is the speaker designate so assuming the Republicans have at least 61 members after the November elections he'll be the speaker and then I I'll note while the Democrats were uh there was a super majority for the Republicans so the Democrats didn't have a whole lot of power or say this session I would keep your eye on fent Driscoll the minority leader at Tampa she's very sharp um and despite not having a whole lot of votes was able to push some things through a lot of people think on the Democratic side since we mentioned the Republic and she's going to be one of the Front Runners to be um the gubernatorial nominee for the Democrats in 26 so that's the house side um in the Senate Kathleen pasido uh Senate President uh lawyer by trade uh Dennis Baxley who's got Lake and parts of orange was the proem uh Ben Albritton that's probably also the most noteworthy up there the future Senate President um he's out of the P County area Highland County and then that bottom row all those folks are Turing out Debbie Mayfield's trying to go to the house now so what thatat Alman did if you remember that name went from the Senate to house usually it's the house of Senate but the you term limits they got to go somewhere or go home and so she was hoping to do Congress but that's going to probably be Mike carop so she's run for the house and I'll also note because I know we'll probably talk about live local uh Senate President pasido most Senate presidents and speakers they ter out two years and they're done um and she won't be president but she does have two more years because of redistricting she got a four-year seat as opposed to a two-year seat in the last cycle so she's got two more years left and she says she plans to stick around good news bad news right if you don't like some of the policies and I know live locals got it's got plenty of its enemies as well as fans um that could be bad although she has committed in those two years to help further streamline Li local and make it something that's workable for both developers and local government so um we'll be probably working with her on that so that's the makeup in the Senate of who's in the room there and then of course we have our local let me I jumped ahead a little quick this is the Future Leaders because of ter Li we generally know who's going to be next so on the Senate that's Jim boy Jay Trumble Jim's out of the manate Sarasota County area Jay trumble's out of the Panhandle area and on the house side Sam Garrison Jennifer Kennedy Sam's out of Klay County um and then uh Jennifer Kennedy is historic for two reasons uh she'll be the first speaker that comes from P County she's mainly based in Lakeland uh and then uh probably very the lead here she'll be the first female speaker ever in the pre in the Senate they've had three now Senate presidents Tony including Tony Jennings who did two terms as uh Senate President um but in the house they've never had a female leader so uh assuming she's not upset an election or something else happens in four years she will take the gavel and be the first female speaker and the first po County so kind of interesting and fun there um and then our local folks we know them uh in our house we have Susan pen and David Smith and the Senate Jason broer Mr broer is uh I think gratefully not on the ballot uh this year so he doesn't have to he's probably still fundraising and such like that but doesn't have to worry about having his name on the ballot um house members are always up so uh representative Smith is if he wins we go into his final two years and represent Placencia is up uh to go into her sophomore year she was a freshman member um her just giving you the kind of politics of that um representive Smith's seat was what they call swing seat but leans are and he's obviously outperformed every time he's he's got a lot of bonafides and he's done a lot of good work in there in the community so he seems seems like a safe bet although I wouldn't never say anything is a sure thing represent Placencia if you recall that was a seat that was like a d plus eight or nine seat I'm going to get the numbers wrong on paper and then Governor santis had a great turnout it was a record turnout for Republicans record low turnout for Democrats and the npas were trending Republican in the in the kind of wake of Co um so she is admittedly going to have a tough race um that she's the person she's running against fairly young so you know experience- Wise she'll probably have the advantage there but on paper that seat is supposed to perform Democratic so pay attention to that one I know she's working out working very hard but um just giving you the politics you understand with lay of land that was one seat that I think on paper she's got her work cut out for her um and she knows that she's working it but she's been a great member for us she worked hard both her and representative Smith so in that regard hopefully she very much returns all right those are kind of the folks in the room and do it does it the one thing that they have to pass you know this is the budget they pass a lot of bills but the only one constitutionally they got to do is the budget so here's a quick snapshot and then also on the left you can see Bill actions 1900 bills filed 325 passed um that approved by the governor that that one I meant to have that updated for the slide but I think in our in the report I sent you has the updated numbers that's a much higher number um on the budget side you can see uh 117.5 six billion was what they passed the governor as you know vetoed about uh a little less than a billion he wanted to have it come in right under the um last year's budget which we are all hoping that is not a a um foretelling of what's coming in the next two years because our record growth that wouldn't seem sustainable if we keep trying to pass budgets lower than the previous year but that was something we knew he wanted to do this year and that's what he did and we'll talk a little bit about it it was mostly water and road projects uh but with that now that reserves is from 10 billion to 11 billion um and that doesn't include what was already there uh which was six billion so they've got about 17 billion in reserves now uh going forward which if you're doing the math is essentially one pandemic and two major hurricanes I like our odds uh as far as our Reserve budget uh going into the next year uh given that money hopefully none of that occurs but at least if it does we have it um this is kind of pie chart you can get a help get a sense in Florida no surprise there 41% of the budgets Health and Human Services we have a big population some of it's on Medicaid which Florida pays for some of it some of it um just general cost through do or um DCF uh AA education that includes k12 and higher ed that's 26% of the budget of 30.1 billion uh the 18% on the transportation tourism Economic Development the biggest part of that 20.4 billion is like about 13.8 billion for the road fund which is good that always helps that was fully funded and then water quality we'll talk about that uh the A and natural resources that was a big part growing um and there's some funding options that have been put into play this year for that we'll move quickly through some of these some are more relevant than other but HHS um uh outside of any special projects that were vetoed the large part was the live local initiative 717 million um Medicaid provider rate increases on that one these are all available obviously um criminal and Civil Justice the one major point of that was the 100 million for um Correctional Facilities it's been a while like a long while since our Correctional prisons were updated including a lot of them without regular AC um so they there was a big push there to do some of that um and then on the higher ed uh 30.1 billion uh for the kns fans in the rooms on the recurring education dollars for operating they had the highest increase um the budget chair in the house Tom leak is a former uh Student Government lobbyist for UCF and a UCF grad I'll let you do your math on that one no surprise he helped out the hometown University there UF no surprise there if you're familiar with State politics also did pretty well but that's the the the round dollars there um for that budget and then I kind of mentioned a couple of them on Ted uh as far as tourism Economic Development um the hometown HERO program that was part of live local they did another redo of 100 million the job growth Grant fund was fully funded 75 million we've considered that in previous years and even applied that's the um that was kind of a corkran uh creation from several years ago and he was speaker of uh we don't want to do incentives but if if let's say city of Ido has a big developer that wants to bring a big company here but they need better Road or better uh infrastructure like fiber and all that we could apply to the state and get some of those funds to do all that to essentially bring everything needed infrastructure wise up to the property line so this person could put together a good project that could bring in jobs so it's been pretty successful uh used every year it's grown a little bit 75 million is the high water mark for that uh Vis of Florida fully funded so that's a big win um for tourism interest across the state uh and then like I said the road fund uh on the right there under 9.9 billion the Senate Bill 1638 so that is and I've got a slide later but I'll talk about it now so that was a bill they passed that says all that Gaming revenue from the seminal compact that they have whether you're going to one of the properties or you're on your phone making a bet for the Hard Rock app um on on a sports team uh 96% of the revenue will be dedicated as you see up there those hundred million doll for Land Land Management or uh Brazilian Florida those are high water marks so that's uh pun intended that's 20 I think it's 20.42% or 100 million whichever is greater so they're they're going to hit that number this year and that last one water quality Grant programs at 79 million that has no percentage it gets the leftovers so for this year and probably next year it'll be less than 100 million but in future Years it'll actually uh eclipse the 100 million and grow um so that that by Design so longterm amazing news because now we have a dedicated funding source that uh you know I get the feeling people are going to to sports bet and Gamble and go play Blackjack at those casinos um and it'll be a consistent Revenue that's just one year by the way that 379 million they estimating it's pretty wild um and future Years it'll grow short term we'll talk about it it affected our projects the governor had massive vetos and water projects under the premise of oh well you can go apply for those dollars now well if anyone is familiar knows statutorily if you have something vetoed um an agency or Department can't circumvent that um at least for that fiscal year what we've been told by the governor's office when we and you price saw some emails we kind of got this you know forecasted to us of hey this could get VTO because of the water stuff but they said look if it does if you can just make the project look a little different we've encouraged D to to be open-minded on grants because the idea is they just gutted it I think to the tune of three 400 million of water projects of saying hey you could just go get the money now so we'll see where they go on that there's a lot of folks that weren't happy because because they don't I mean we try to give the best advice we can to our clients saying well we're not allowed to apply for that we certainly ask but they're probably going to tell us statut toally I have to tell you no or I'll be breaking the law um but in theory if we can just make them a little different um we technically would qualify so we'll see we're obvious going to work with your team on any projects that would qualify for that but the good news is for next session and Beyond there's a lot of money that's going to be on the table that we can go through the grant process we have great relationships there with D um to help tee up those grants so that's just an FY on that and then when we get to that we'll talk y so there we go I don't know why that did that um sometimes these don't translate but I'll in your report I'll read you the exact numb so we can it's in what we sent I'll make sure we have it there um you could see those dollar amounts but the uh you know for the Round Lake Park as you all know that was funded at 500,000 and then the West Mitchell hammock was funded at 900,000 both were vetoed both were told to us that they were Grant possibilities for that the West Mitchell hammock that's that's kind of maybe although that D told us that was not the case when we met with them previous to session um and even during session we had regular conversations the Round Lake Park I'm still not really clear on why the governor did that we asked the question um and so hopefully we'll get an answer especially to save us whether we go and ask for that money next year but um it was while it was only it was less than a billion the problem with that was it was a lot of projects uh I think I counted or did it was well over 600 so while maybe so he didn't have a billion dollar fund somewhere to CH chip away at but the billion he did cut affected a lot of Hometown projects not just ours obviously um tax package uh the the bus the correction on that I apologize the business rent was reduced to 2% and they the cabinet jumped it up early that was where they balanced the internet sales tax um all the other stuff is correct the freedom month which will start next Monday um that is if you're familiar with at camping uh gear uh sports or concerts or theater even movie tickets anything that can be bought between now in the end of the year so December 31 taxfree if you buy it in the month of July um including football so uh there that's the only event that essentially has tickets that are or I guess baseball you could do for the rest of the season but football if you if you're home to if your team of choice whether it's Jaguars bucks or dolphins have all their home games before December 31st in theory you could get that season ticket taxfree as long as you buy it in July um that was that was this whole postco of let's get people back out go into events going out um so it's been pretty successful they actually cut it back to only a month because they did it all summer last year and they found like cost the state a lot of money uh the ones coming up back to school sales tax holiday at the end of the month and then they'll do a Redux on the disaster preparedness because they know while technically hurricane season started June 1 and we're we're in that window here actually guess we're past June 14th they the way the jet Gulfs the the the warm Waters of body warm bodies of water excuse me and all that works we have kind of that second season that's more legit a hurricane season in the the early fall or late summer so they do that again in August 24th when people probably start thinking about it more um to get some of their supplies um so that's the tax package in a nutshell which while they're not required to do it they do it every year it's go so here's some more uh bills just put on your radar and then we can go into Q&A if you'd like um leadership priorities you heard a lot about this I'm sure uh Youth and social media so first version of the bill hb1 which if you if you're familiar in in the house they number the bills the first 10 are numbered uh based on priority so hb1 is a big deal for the speaker um he pushed this bill through with his sponsors Tyler soroy and Fiona McFarland um the governor had when he re-engaged and said let me tell you what this bill did and why It ultimately got vetoed that bill which was vetoed ultimately restricted social media for anyone under the age of 16 regardless of Parental engagement on that and then also required that for everybody us included it would be that you had to age verify um how you did that could be they have like these these these digital scans that would tell you that you're it would tell me that I'm a white male in my 40s that clearly should put sunscreen on when he goes to the beach right uh but for others it might say something different but it could say I'm over the age of 16 and it would let me on the app that way if you didn't want to do the scans there's some other apps that would like you could scan your driver's license or your passport or others if you know this Governor you know that was something that was going to be problematic because what where does that data go is it is it even safe to begin with to give all this personal information whether it's a facial scan or your your passport or driver's license and so he signaled in multiple press conferences that he had issues with the age issue he thought that should be a parentals right a parents right to let them on the app and he also had issues with the age verification so no surprise that when the house passed it the way it was the governor vetoed it and they passed it during session for one reason it would the governor would have seven days to act and at least they could find out what his concerns were and they could act accordingly so he V it pretty quickly and they took up an hb3 which was waiting to be heard and that bill just dealt with adult websites that said if that they have to age verify if you're 18 or above less controversial just think of whatever your worst case adult website is you want to make sure a kid is not accessing it this now going to require age verification so they amended it to do the fall on social media 13 and under no one's allowed at all 14 and 15 you can get on but you have to have parental consent um and then there's no age verification because again that was kind of a sticking point for the governor um now here's where it'll get interesting the way they Define social media they went by addictive nature of it not the actual content and how they defined addictiveness it was an all or nothing so it had to have all these features one of which was um more than two hours a day someone spent on the app well um if you're 13 14 or 15 and Facebook or Instagram or Tik Tok or whatever or Twitter says we're just going to cut you off after an hour 59 technically that wouldn't be considered addictive social media I don't know what they're going to do because that's gonna that's going to be an invitation to the to the state legislators to say all right we'll fix that next year if they do that but we'll see what they do there's other features in it like you pushic and other things but that was kind of a big broad issue there that it could they could drive their car through um it goes into effect in six days so July one it goes into effect um so if you have kids of that age or soon you you will figure out how you want to do that and I'll be curious to see what the social media platforms do on that do they just do a straight B unless you get mom or dad's permission um and in 13 or under I will also remind you federal law Cava Cava excuse me um says 13 is the age consent so that's also another thing why they may challenge it and say well the FED say 13 is allowed why are you cutting off 13 my point in telling you is some lawyers Not Me Maybe me maybe I'll get lucky you're going to make a lot of money in these challenges of this um because it's certainly the social media companies all of them care about this and they all care about the kind of the loopholes in it but that's ultimately what happened the governor signed that hp3 almost immediately so that like I said July one it goes into effect and we'll see how it's enforced or Not by the Attorney General um the president had priorities as well um you remember live live local she broke that up in the two live healthy and learn local the live healthy package um it did a couple interesting things that will have a cool effect here locally um it did residency funding so I'm going to try to find the bullet there with my eyes there but I think it's like the fourth or fifth yeah four fifth bullet down funding for residency slots 50 million for 500 new slots all of these really bright kids who are going to UCF medical school um the one thing they've said is they can't find residency in the state unless you're the best of the best well that's great the best of the best gets it but here's what we know if you go to North Carolina for a residency slot you're likely to stay in North Carolina because these people are starting families and they're they're in their early adult years and they're like this is where I'm going to be um if we can create these residency slots and help pay for them in theory will keep people in Florida so that will mean better healthare there's a lot in there that help make it easier um for nurses and TCH and what have you there's an innovation fund you see that it's like the middle bullet 500 million over 10 year revolving loan um if you care about your free and charitable clinics we have a great one in seminol there's some others in Orange County and Oola what you know is they serve the Working Poor so I don't I doubt anyone in the city but in some places you work and you work 40 hours but you can't afford you don't get insurance covered by your employer and you can't afford insurance on your own because you live in an area where things cost more so you have to go to a clinic to get that that coverage um right now before the law went into effect if it was 200% above the poverty line they couldn't serve you because that's their sovereign immunity protection a lot of folks are well above 200% of the poverty line in Central Florida but are certainly not where they're making enough money to be able to afford good insurance and so they're just the Gap they're just not getting covered um what this did is it moved it to 300% to in theory capture more folks that's going to help in places like Miami Dade Central Florida Hillsboro Jacksonville area where you have just a higher cost of living and the wages are higher but the cost of living is higher so they can't report so that's kind of a cool thing that they were able to do there um but there's a lot in there and I if you want a full overview of the bill we can give you that some of it's in the report we sent you um and then she also did learn local uh Public School deregulation the theory on this one was we did hb1 the year before which was the the vouchers for everybody as as long as the school would accept it um and then previous years they did other things parental bail rights and others and so the president with others asked the question out loud of if we're not requiring of our Charter Schools or our private schools why are we requiring it of our traditional public schools and then so they took the idea and that that statute book by the way is like double the thickness I don't know what I just said there sorry double the thickness of this red well it's a big book thick as the Bible right with with smaller print um and so the the idea was if we're not requiring of them why are we doing it of the traditional public and so they did a lot to take out of there both on governance no different than city council right like school boards govern themselves on funding if it was Capital could it be transitioned over to operating and vice versa and then of course um curriculum which is always the most popular topic um some stuff stayed in that they wanted to take out they if you recall they moms for recess is what they the group called themselves but many moons ago they said there should be 100 minutes of recess a week and it should be 20 minutes a day minimum they wanted to take out the 20 minutes a day and just leave it 100 minutes a week that let's just say that stayed in don't mess with moms um they they they marched to Tallahasse and made sure that but they were able to cut a lot of stuff out and give a lot more flexibility where this will get interesting in future years is right now if you look across Florida in our traditional Public Schools it's virtually identical School seal County to Orange County right like little different in how the the parental engagement and other stuff are you can certainly measure that but because of the rules that were in place that big thick book curriculum wasn't very different the way the school board operated wasn't very different what you'll see now is probably more of a patchwork right where seminal will look very different from Orange County over the years as it goes on and both how they fund it and some of the curriculum issues that they do so that'll be interesting to see if that creates you know Crown Jewel school districts or it really doesn't matter just some focus on this over something else it'll be interesting to see but it is going to change because there's a lot more flexibility now and the president has said in her final two years as a senator she's going to continue to push for things that can be deregulated to give more flexibility so if anyone's a future School Board member just just know that um all right issues with impact and I promise we're near the end here um I know this one's important to y'all the governor has it in his hands uh he is not yet so that let me correct that when I sent it hadn't been sent um but it has been sent to the governor he has until July 2nd to act on it um that was the one I was checking before I got out of my car to run in here it I didn't see any action on that unless an email has come in um so we expect he will act on that very soon uh what I had warned uh some others that asked me about this is these bills that are being held to the the very end that's not always a good sign right that's usually a signal that there's some some caution around it another one that's being held to the very end is vacation rentals that was a bill that was going to kind of regulate more airbnbs um so but you all are very familiar with this bill um they ultimately the the Benjamin Franklin compromises they they they kind of watered down the the collaboration piece between the counties and cities um because they realized the fact floor Association counties was going to fight it until they could get some of some but this probably good work product right it'll it'll Force cities and counties to work a little better together uh where where you have some of these funds in place and hopefully it'll treat the residents and developers a little fairer so that you could have better systems in place so we'll see um this one boy I get a lot of questions on this one this has been signed by the governor and you're probably familiar with it um so here's the long and short of it if if you don't have an ordinance dealing with this this could impact you if you have an ordinance that that essentially Outlaws camping I don't see how it will affect you unless a county says we want to have it in your city which is part of the law it says the county will pick and if they pick a city the city has to approve it so I guess if Simo County said we want to do this and we want to put it next to a veto on the park for for example maybe um then yall would have to make that decision of what you want to do for for more situational awareness the the real rub on this if you go Statewide for the 400 plus cities and the 67 counties is um if you to do this there's a couple factors right it's an every two-year thing and you have to have all these services that are regulated and and approved by various DCF or Department of Health um and you have to have the set aside so it sounds great on paper except there's zero funding from the state so you'd have to say I'll take on all this cost by myself and so it certainly not without as controversy right some would argue the goal was to just make homeless camps completely eliminated because even the most I'll not to pick on anyone but the most liberal count says yes I want to do this and I'll fund it all with look at the price stag and go never mind um because it's a lot of money this was obviously driven by the governor and some other leaders if you remember during his presidential campaign he went to San Francisco he made a point to call out the problems with the homeless camps in San Francisco so no surprise that this legislation came out and they pushed for it I don't know where it's going to land someone's going to try it my guess and we'll see how it works right is the state um is the state cooperative and doing all the and certifications that you need for this or do they they put up Road Blocks they put up Road Blocks that's problematic obviously or does anyone do it we'll have to see um but it goes into effect October one um and that's for a lot of local government laws they do that but that's when we'll find out who's going to do it uh this actually was signed by the governor I think on Friday um this is the one it probably some impact here you see it more in the he more wooded areas but um there was apparently a problem with breaking into houses and because they're protected you weren't allowed to shoot the bear if it was in your house but you felt for your safety so they passed this law that said um if a bear is on your property essentially or you feel like you need to act in self-defense you can you can shoot it um there's a lot of rules in there that you can't just like for lack of better terms Chum your property by putting a bunch of open out garbage right there and go oh there's a bear in my property and you decide to shoot it it does require uh 24 hours notice if you do act on that um this as you could guess tons of controversy around this um environmentalists and others view this as it's going to just become Open Season the the those supporting it would say no there's there's a legitimate issue in various parts of the Panhandle and certainly anywhere near the okal national forest where that's the reason a lot of garbage cans have Lux on them is because Bears will come there and then if they smell food inside your house and they can think they can get in they'll try to get in hopefully it doesn't create this this new hunting season it's just used as it's intended for self-de but guess we'll see it it goes into effect in a couple of days portable housing uh this is sort of the live local uh extension from last year like I mentioned earlier they did the hometown HERO program um and then a couple things they did the big one we thought they were going to do was going to take industrial off the table uh We've we've what we've seen um anecdotally and some of it's in the data is that the industrial Market is now off-kilter because usually that's cheaper land because you're doing cement or you're doing just heavy I I keep picking on cement but heavy industrial right um and and so as a result it's a little cheaper land because it's not as much in demand um now if you can put a 10 20 story affordable housing unit there it's probably cheaper there in i1 or I2 than it is in R1 R2 or even c1c2 and and so you're seeing across the state folks look at that and put the industrial Market in kilter ultimately that was not in there what they did is they put some other Protections in there for quarter mile they they put some language in there you may know that if you have this for example the city has created exceptions to your height restriction for certain projects but it's an exception it's not the new rule that doesn't become the new rule for all the new Pro affordable housing projects you saw some folks using that saying yeah you did 20 stories for this so I'm going to now do 20 stories for that for my project they they kind of nip that in the butt and said no the exception doesn't become the rule it's whatever you have otherwise um but there president pasido and others that have pushed this are very aware that has done some good it has certainly put some some difficulty on cities and counties that are trying to just manage growth in their area right and and manage commercial growth with residential growth and so I think what you'll see in future years is that industrial conversation will come back they may even and I heard even a couple things they talked about is I'll use an example like this this this this is industrial they would say well as long it has to be within so many uh square feet or quarter mile of a residential or a mixed use commercial so it makes sense so you're not like in smack dab in the middle of a heavy industrial and the same thing commercial those I know got some interest and I think they're going to look at in the future years but It ultimately did make it to the Finish Line this year so this is what we got the database hopefully will help that's that second to last bullet um to require database from um from each County to kind of show what the options are for live local projects um but we'll see uh it is a evolving bill I think every year especially with President Pasad two more years I think every year they're going to continue to look at it um died but we be back sovereign immunity we really thought this might be something that was going to pass this year to increase the Caps um but pasido and rener were both they were very um Pro tort reform so it kind of makes sense this didn't pass well I wouldn't say president or speaker designet Perez and president designet Al our Pro trial bar um I would say they're certainly not as uh tort reform friendly as predecessor so it's got a better chance of passing next year of increasing those caps so do we do we self-insure or do we belong to a pool we self-insure okay so pay attention to that especially probably on the reinsurance where you'll hit the have the the biggest cost right because it'll probably increase some of that knowing that if there's higher caps um property tax Inc exemption increase that'll be back term limits um for County Commissioners this thing died under its own weight the house wanted eight years term limits the Senate wanted 12 and there was a cohort both that wanted to let the voters decide and have a almost like a menu of choices so seminal would have been a prime example right it would if if what some were going to try to push was this year on the ballot it would have been do you do you wanna do are you okay with no term limits for your semal County Commissioners or would you rather have 12 or would you rather have eight um or or the no term limits um talk about confusion right like as long as and then at that point you just need a plurality ultimately it died under its own weight but it's going to be back people wanted term limits blaz and goalie in the Senate and um Michelle Salman in the house uh they are both returning I expect they'll return so they're going to file these bills if they can agree on the eight or 12 it'll pass because the governor can't is not going to be able to say no on that one um and then the question is does it pass with like an eight but the locals can extend it or make it larger we'll have to see um but it will have an impact obviously on our County here in seminal as as they don't have term limits at the moment um what was the push for this why was this i i i jokingly refer to it as the the legislator uh next next job act right because they have term limits but they're going home and can't you know R would say how dare you um but the uh but um I think a lot of it was hey if we required of our school board members and we requireed remember the Schoolboard it went from 12 and then just an immediate bout face by the governor and some of the leaders saying no we'd rather do it at eight um and have it impact immediately so you didn't get like the well starting now I'll get eight it was no you're already on the clock um they've kind of taken the premise of if we're doing it for them and for us we should require it of of our County Commissioners as well um but it's tough because you've got a lot of local it's hard to pass right because if you if you live in a district like let's use seminal example where there are no term limits you know they they're beating up on let's use broer as example saying you really going to do that to us you're going to come down here and I mean it's you haven't complained about it previously I'm picking on him that was kind of the argument back home and and they're worried I'm go back home and I'm going to get yelled at by my locals and maybe get voted out of office so that's where it's a little tricky um but it is going to be back where whether it passes or not I don't know and then tdt revisions there was a lot of conversation this year to um in the tax package I'll use an example that the house always does they had a couple things in there that ultimately were removed and I'll tell why it was removed that would require every 10 years your tourist development tax be reup well that's problematic because whether seal orange or Oola you it's almost impossible to bond it if if you only got 10 years that it's guaranteed uh then there was going to be other uh Provisions in there of how to spend it or not um that the senate had it something that Senator broer was pushing that said no more than 25% could go to any project and he wasn't shy about it that was aimed at the Orange County Convention Center he thinks too much was being spent on that um and so all to be said it was all swept out why it was swept out at least what we were told and it was kind of being told earlier in the session was next year the house under expected Ways and Means chairman Buchanan um he's a Sarasota County base rep who's expected to be the chair of that committee they want to have a complete overhaul and and reexamination of tourist development taxs they would say it's just because of uh well the Panhandle wants lifeguard money or South Florida wants water money or you know uh you hear people in Arch County saying we want money for housing or this or that and they say we just don't want these nips and Tucks we just want something to be holistic and look at but some of them have been honest and hot mic moments saying we never in a million years thought a county any County much less orange or someone else would have 300 million annual Collections and they're kind of looking at it going you don't need that much money so there's a lot of folks south of here that have the red alert button on at the hoteliers and others that are nervous about what's going to happen it could both be an opportunity right it could lead to some really good results that would help uh various communities including orange and seol or it could be a lot of pitfalls right and I know SE in the process of doing that special hotel District um and that's going to be probably the only in the state that that is pull if they pull it off and and does it impact something like that right that's not technically tdt it's a special district with a special tax but we'll have to see so I put that on your radar obviously the city doesn't collect tdt but it's it's it's affected by tdt collections in seminal and and obviously the neighboring counties so I wanted to put that on your radar as there's going to be some very um some big conversations up there uh in that regard think we're at the finish line here so I'm sorry to yeah here's key dates qualifying already passed you're familiar with who's qualified the primaries August 20th generals November 5th um most I think races the Democrats this was an interesting tidbit we go to questions uh for the first time in almost 10 years they qualified a candidate in every race um which they was the goal they set out to do interesting enough the Republicans clearly didn't qualify an IU race because there was 11 house members elected without opposition and two senators on the Democratic side including in in Orange County Carlos GE Mo Smith that was I don't think he doesn't have any seminal right no that's just Jason um so uh some fun politics at play but we'll see that and then of course there's a couple Constitutional Amendments that they expect will affect turnout one way or the other there's there's one regarding abortion and there's one regarding marijuana I think marijuana's three abortions four and there's some that this legislature approved including one that would have an impact on us that would um put a cap on of the property tax it interestingly enough if you recall 10 years ago that was the one that didn't pass when there was like 12 Constitutional Amendments a lot of those from the Constitution revision commission those weird hybrid ones that was like one was a combined ban on indoor vaping and a ban on offshore drilling it was the same vote was an interesting one um but all those passed except for the one that was going to cap uh property tax uh or millage increases I forget how it was worded but it was similar to this one so as I always tell folks 60% a threshold right I doubt anyone's spending money to endorse that Amendment one or fight it right that that y'all are not allowed to make comments other than informational um and your friends at the county aren't either but neither I don't know of anyone that's spending a lot of money to get that pass so 60% is a high threshold the ones we'll hear about are three and four um so I'm not as some of the legislators will convinced I'm not convinced that Amendment one even passes uh unless there's a real push um by some group in the citizen you that that wants to have those C because I think most voters are smart enough to know that if you're capped um that could affect your garbage that could affect sewer you name it right like it's got to come from somewhere um and so most voters I think get that but we'll see and then I actually think we're done yes question so sorry that was long it's even more in this recort um but happy to answer questions like I said there was tons of bills passed so we didn't cover near as much but I tried to hit the high marks on local government and some of the other issues of impact um and I can get out my crystal ball to talk about next session if you're interested um but that's that was 2024 in a nutshell and we are almost at the end of it I I'll send out probably in a week um we sent it out last year but we're updating it because it's an election year like sort of a a road map of what to expect between now and next session in March of you know elections when it's a good time to start talking with our legislators obviously depending on where the conversation goes later lat on a special Entertainment District um we might want to have conversations sooner than later right because that's you're going to need a local act or something like that and then we'll want to also make sure dbpr who regulates alcohol in the governor's office and them are bought in and not in opposition on that um I I was telling Patrick earlier when I was just telling him what I was going to go over I was telling him if if dbpr is in opposition we can still overcome it but that that's hard right if they're sitting there telling the governor's office like this is bad for whatever reason so those are some of the the hurdles or steps we're going to have to go through to make sure that this thing's teed up and then of course it would need to go through a legislative local delegation which they won't meet until after November at the earliest anyways um so we've got some time on that but we'll there's some steps we want to do if assuming that's something y'all decide to move forward on but and it and I'll say that it wasn't on that updates session starts I'll State the obvious next march because it's a post election year so um while we can have those conversations on Appropriations and policy technically representative Smith lencia if they're reelected won't be back in official terms until November Jason Senator broer he is official so he can actually put stuff in drafting and files so we can work with him on some of that stuff since he's not on the ballot but nothing will really start moving forward until after the November elections when they start to have committee weeks and then January February will be very heavy March April will be session and then we'll be in that shorter window on VTO season because it's closer to July and I say it every year but I and I mean it um two things we ever want to doing a veto day let me know um I wouldn't recommend we bring chickens up there but let's bring y'all instead and advocate for for our priorities and then as well whether we have a veto day or not I certainly anytime any of y'all want to be up there whether you're active with League of cities and you decide to go up with something they're doing or you just want to go on your own um we will make that time as productive as we possibly can for you because we we we always appreciate that we always say we have a saying two say right if you're not at the table you're on the menu you probably heard that and we also say presence is power um and so having up there is always a good thing and we'll make that highly productive for you if your schedule allows I realize we all got family businesses and that but if you do decide you want to go up we'll definitely make that worth your time so when can we actually apply again for the uh West metal hammock 900,000 or 500,000 around we can start filling out the forms now and have meetings but technically uh whether it's representative Smith or Placencia or someone else they wouldn't be able to put those in until after the election so they'll they'll release the form either right before the elections or shortly thereafter if they always tweak forms a little bit but I would say fill out the forms exactly how they are now because it would just probably be a couple things we have to change um and then we can have those ready to go in the meantime whether it's virtual or we make a trip up there we should sit down with d to both go over those projects well yeah depending on which one um and also say Hey What Can we apply for right like there's a current window that's open and they extended the the window that closed on June 30th I think to July 15th for some of those projects and then other windows open July 1 because that's when the budget officially starts for this next school year um but we should have those conversations with them is okay which of these do you think fit in your Silo could we possibly get funding this year or next year in which do you absolutely don't think fit and then we will make sure that is in writing um whether it's an email correspondence or otherwise and those are the ones that'll be best suited to go to the governor's office the other or meaning legislature in the governor's office the other I would say is let's try to go as diverse as we can and I think more than one more than two or three projects right we have to convince Senator broer and our and our local reps to file them but getting us in different silos right will give us our best opportunity to get these funded um and so and I and I would say make me tell you no right like make me have Patrick pit pitch me a project and I'll go all right we'll figure out a way that's my job is to figure out a way if I have to say no I'll say no and I'll give come give you the reasons why but rather have you give me something that you're not sure of let me go run the traps with whether the department or agency or even the legislators to say hey what do you think and you know hopefully they'll be open-minded and if they are we'll get that packaged up and and presented um because you just never know right um and that is the one thing and if if I'm on camera they'll see I roll my eyes on that like you know like the veto of those water projects because 1638 was approved if anyone would have forecasted that to to to us or others I think the projects would have looked a lot different this year that that wasn't forecasted until after the budget was approved after the governor's office started looking at and that's fine I get it they're looking at it and they're they're making an evaluation and we even said because some of the meetings we said yeah but if you veto it we can't apply for it because the state longw you know we we there's ways of work around okay um and they had a lot of aw conversations like that but they rarely give you all that forecast right some of that stuff is just decided in in the moment they say okay we want to veto it to this level they were obviously looking for a number and then they okay where can we veto from um so the more projects we have in play the better chance we can get if in case we're in a silo where the governor for whatever reason that year said that's going to be the stuff he wants to veto at least the other ones were in protected silos so and and and again whether it's Health and Human Services roads um community centers I realized one got vetoed but those are always we depending on how we Workshop it water projects obviously water The New Normal will be check with d which to our credit we did um and we're not the only one that's in that boat I'll just to make you feel any better of clearly a project that DP said didn't qualify the governor's office saw it and just with a giant machete for La of better ter just said see you later um so the good news is D knows that and I've already had conversations with uh deputy secretary block and others to and they've I don't want to put words in their mouth but they've hinted yes we're going to be as liberal as we're allowed to be because we just want to get projects funded so we'll see where that goes have we talked to them about that deep well that we want to do Bobby wants to do if there's money available for that yes we've talked a little bit about it but obviously because they're funding the next fiscal year we're not quite ready to put that funding in place yet because the project needs to get started as soon as we can when we're talk about funding for uh a legislative you know appropriation so if we're looking at a project we want it to be the money to be spent as soon as possible so if we're looking at past like FY 2425 like which this project may be doing um we you know we just have to keep that in mind when we're talking about uh projects we're searching for funding for isn't that already funded with arpa money though I thought we had set aside something for that just to dig the test the test yeah okay just making sure that we've got our 3 million foll plan andse the the subsequent Wells would would be further down the road anybody else have any other questions um Chris good good presentation um couple crystal ball questions first one is we uh we're still doing repairs uh H for hurricanes and one of the things that we've noticed uh when we do these that is that we designed our infrastructure 25 35 years ago and it doesn't meet the standards of today today so is there any kind of uh movement to allow resiliency to be built into these repair projects either by capacity or I know we're trying to build them to code now but uh it's hard to just do a repair when you know the next hurricane is going to do the same amount of damage sure um so when you say resiliency are you talking about flooding resiliency or yeah we can use storm water yeah that's good yeah I mean some of those could be Grant eligible um and some of those can budget I think we should look at that uh you know the ones that are packaged up so which facility are we talking about that would need to be rebuilt do you have one well we're doing McKinnon drive it's still not repaired but McKinnon is being rebuilt to a higher standard so we are hardening that FEMA covers it but yeah we have to kind of wait for it to fail to fund it which is we've talked about but we've got a whole a whole infrastructure across the city that is in the same boat so the next storm will probably do something over on Lockwood or you know talking roads uh uh roads and Roads and the Retention Ponds we had a retention Pond fail and flood a bunch of houses uh if we have active flooding um in certain roads that's something worth looking at when I say active flooding like when it rains longer than the 15 minutes it rains in Florida but if they do have an extended storm we're pretty good about that four 426 is being widened and they're fixing the the problem that that has occurred very often I think that's going to be taken care of but I'm just talking in general to be able they have funded projects that's where and they have funded projects like that and those are some of the few road projects that typically are spared the ven they're considered local and it's and there's clearly a need um it's it's not something like we just wait your turn for your expansion of your road it's it's no no no we got flooding issues we got to address this now um so I would say let's look at it because if if if we if we if we have some issues but we know it's it's just waiting for the next one like but why not get ahead of it um can we make the case that doing it now would be cheaping later um and I don't know the answer to that I I don't build roads for example the the golf course is the convergence of the two econs right uh that's a great flood plane but it wasn't enough you know it' be nice if we had could add some capacity that's what the golf course is really there for is for flood plane capacity if we can go dig some more holes and and let more water in there uh in a big event and the D grants will help you with capacity if we have the projects but if it's a road project that like sort of like as a hybrid that probably they'd probably say no that's not ours that's that's a DOT thing um so we'd have to either go through the budget or see if dot could help us with funding um but let's look at it I mean because if we see a need whether it's a it's a kind of preemption or preemptive excuse me um or there's an actual problem then we just need to go talk to our Senator and our would be rep and say hey this is in priority we want to see if we can get ahead of this because we know whether it's next year or five years from now the storm will hit eventually hit the Brun of it and you'll be saving your residence a lot of problems now okay uh the other crystal ball one is um I got a ride in a EV the other day and I never touched the steering wheel drove around town and it never never missed a beat is there any kind of movement of your heart beating fast or you know I think after after a while it yeah went through the roundabout even without even missing a beat but uh the the guy who was driving with me said you know these things are coming very fast and they're becoming very reliable uh and the cost is going to be very reasonable compared to some of the subsidies like Sunil is there any movement to try to loosen that stuff up and get that moving yeah so there the department of a um they their bill that they have included a preemption to the state of the regulation of EV charging stations part of that was some um I don't think anyone here local maybe the city of Orlando I've SE some headin but there was a perception that some were just over legislating through ordinances the requirements on both existing and future um and not like some but a lot like like say on example there's only 20% and I don't even know the numbers but 20% of the the road is being used by EV they were legis they were legislating as if it was 50% for your parking and and some folks were pushing back on that understandably if they had development saying I don't want to have half my parking lot the EV it doesn't work um so so that's some of the politics there and you saw like some um some emails were released that apparently public slavist was pushing for some of that too so no surprise that who builds a lot of parking lots with it you know so we can do the math on that but long and story short that bill was approved the governor signed it um so it's now preempt to the state but they are very aware of a couple things that the Market's coming um and they need to embrace it or or get run over no pun attended um they also uh they they know that we have problems with our roads right because what are the EVS don't use gas which which means they're not paying a gas tax and so this legislature as conservative as is doesn't like passing any kind of or doesn't like they just don't pass anything not since Charlie Chris was governor anything that would be considered an increase even on fees and so they are now wrestling with what to do with that because they know it's a cliff they're heading towards like every year that goes by more EVS enter the market and and push out gas or people just choose to go without gas or they go to the hybrid model even that cuts down on the gas consumption they know there's a problem coming on that front and they're trying to get their arms around it if I if I was looking in the ball if the only way they pass something that is if it's a true tax swap like so they say this tax we're going to get rid of because we're just going to increase we're going to put a fee in place here for this to so that we at least addressing our road fund right um I don't think that's going to happen the next two years on this Governor but maybe a future Governor will say we got to tackle this but they looking at that so if we have ideas especially from a city Side of like how we better Embrace for it I would look at it I mean you know fdot they've got their um pilot projects of like the the highways that can charge right like like while you drive on it like I don't that's it's beyond my tech technical understanding but like the way they do the strikes down there it actually will charge you like you go like a video game right when you go in the right lane you you power up um so they're looking at it they're trying to embrace it we're not going to move at the speed of California or some of the other states that have just said Allin on EV um they view that as as a cautionary tale right that it's gone the wrong direction um but there are those in the legislature both House and Senate and even those in the governor's office that say this is the way of the future we need to kind of embrace for some of this uh and try to try to make it work for us so soon I wouldn't count on it next year but it doesn't mean we shouldn't push for it if we have ideas on it because that will help keep it going thanks you got it about Public Safety you know we're we're kicking around again trying to put out the referendum again for the U police station okay you know like do the infrastructure tax or like or how we're doing a bond referendum in order to you know help raise the money up to to build it but is there any grants that are out there that would help yeah and the governor has well grants any kind yeah 410 cities need a police department so if you can tie it so I I'll give you kind of the view point we are special uh the the Viewpoint I'll se the ones I've seen funded successfully with when you take out the politics right and the good news is is let's look at some of this too we're gonna have David Smith gonna be a senior in his class and that class from Danny Perez's class is just shrunk so he's going to be one of like 10 like it's a small senior class and then you got senator rer who every year that goes by becomes more and more powerful in that Senate as he moves up the leadership rank so we're in a good position here locally assuming represent and Senator Brer would know was going to be there um so we have I tell you that in the projects I've seen that are approved without the politics and I say politics that means someone in leadership this was my baby this is what I wanted um and went to the governor's office and said I don't care what your policy is on these I want this one approved and they say okay uh we like you so that's one option and we should certainly explore that the other one that I've seen approved is when you can show that that police station or that fire station or whatever has multiple uses like so maybe it's an EOC or it's an EOC Annex to the county which obviously most people think of County for the big ones um you know and something like that or maybe it's a it's a it's a city government Annex right like so if like we get flooded here we have an operation that we can run the government out of like those those hybrids I've seen successful the Department of Commerce has some grants in that regard where especially they deal with all that that FEMA money that comes down from the feds and if we were ever in a Zone I mean I'm not saying should hope for her but if one comes through here next year and we get FEMA money like we're going to be part of that designated class that they can go apply for stuff and I've seen them do eoc's with that funding that also are hybrid police stations or headquarters so we if we look at it from that lens we can maybe get it through but I also would ask what do you want funding wise and and the reason I asked that other than that's that is the most important question is last year a lot of police stations got on the chopping block and some fire stations because the Senate was deal with those in the sprinkle list and that was I remember how I mentioned the governor kind of showed up late in session um he was obviously doing his job let me me careful I say that but as far as his thumb on the scales for session he was not doing that day in and day out because he was focused on his primary um after the budget was published meaning like the allocations like the ones that we live in so when we see that we now go okay great like Katie and R like let's go make sure we's covered um 10 days into that process when they were this close to the Finish Line the govern's office made it clear that they wanted that toll relief money it's like 450 million that wasn't paid for in the allocation so that tax package that one thing I told you that was cut out business rent tax that was one thing that was like a $250 million hit and then the rest of it came a lot of it from the sprinkles that the the presiding officers usually have I know a couple folks in the central Florida area were counting on some big funding for police station type projects but it was going to come later and all that money just went away because they had to fund the toll projects or the to relief um so good news if you're a commuter and I know there is a real relief in that but it was bad news if you're doing projects so I say that the way they've been funding those in recent years is they just kind of get it eligible they put like 500,000 on it and they just kick it to the to the back end of conference and if there's sprinkle money you know if you've got the right Senator I'll use p on broer he can he can go to the president and say all I care about is getting this funded with sprinkle can you make it happen and then all of a sudden 9 million shows up right in the sprinkle list and everyone's happy um this year that did not happen there was a Sprinkle list but it wasn't no one was getting $10 million out of he you know Mana from Heaven as they say um so I would say I don't know how much we need but that would be the other thing and I would also say they're paying attention closely to matches so if we're saying we need 10 million but we're only going to put a million on the table just being honest that that's going to be a tough lift right like even with strong leaders like rer and Smith in the next two years um that's just tough doesn't mean it's possible it just makes it tough um so kind of look at it that from um but yeah they are funding them and the governor has approved some um he was he was hacking fire stations a lot because again I think mayor where you're going at is every city wants a police station every city wants a fire station and there is a Viewpoint of both legislators and the governor's office of and that what your millages you know are for like what you know never mind the comp the complications of trying to fund a city and take care of all the services and increasing costs for everything but they do some of them kind of take that point of is that what we give you that is that what that millage is for and so we have to kind of give them a reason why this is different right um but but they are funding them and they are and they part of it is because they have a trust fund for both of those right so FDLE and there's a housing or a fire trust fund so they got to put some of some of those in there um and they can't just fund equipment because you know that's cheaper so yes long answer yes but depends on how we're asking it say there's a chance yeah I am that's quote T and tum yes well while we've got you here uh want to mention the elephant in the room you made the paper I did um and I I think a lot of of our constituents have might they've reached out to me and with noticing this and and I'm hoping to get some some clarification on how you might manage conflicts of interest how you how we can be reassured that Ido is going to be looked out for absolutely thank you for bringing it up I was uh wondering how we might get there so that was that was a very soft way of getting there thank you mayor uh yeah I did make the paper and and and and not the way you want to um and so one let me just say uh it is an honor to work on your behalf in Tallahassee and I want to give you all the insurances that even the worst case scenario description of what was in the paper has never occurred will never occur on the watch for y'all um you know I prefer not to get into the the the all the details of those articles and what was wasn't reported but I can just assure you like best intentions were applied and clearly it was a mistake of judgment and I own it and whether something's in writing or not and we'll talk about that you don't have to worry about that I will not make that kind of mistake ever again um but because it was obviously embarrassing and tough and I and I realize it put folks like all of you in a position where you might get more or not it doesn't matter to me that even the idea that you might get asked about it whether in your Publix or church or wherever you go um hey what about this and put you in a spot where you feel like you might have to defend your lobby like I don't I don't like that one bit I should be quietly behind the scenes getting bringing home wins for you all and that's it and I hate that I became the story um that being said I know I've had some conversations with Patrick and I even have some some stuff I typed up here if you want to discuss it or it can be a later conversation work order of how we address that uh in language and our work order of making it abundantly clear of um how conflicts are and also even before you think there's a conflict very clearly what you shall not do if you will um as far as drafting or other things language as far as that goes and and I'd be comfortable with that obviously um I can give you my word but I'm also comfortable putting it in writing to give you recourse should should I break the said word um for whatever reason uh but no I want to apologize in the sense that any of you were put in a position where you felt like you had to answer for me in that um I work really hard and I and as Patrick and and Brian know like occasionally like our what you have doesn't always align up with clients and we kind of have those conversations over the years and we figured out fast forward um because even if it's an uncomfortable conversation I believe in having the conversation of like hey this is this is this is you know percolating how are we going to deal with this or is this even an issue right sometimes you see it on other issues but um but no we we address it we we try really hard when we take on clients to to be mindful of future potential conflicts um and so fortunately that that has rarely occurred um where you have to have that hey look this client wants this you clearly want that this is going to be a problem you know how do we want to handle that um and so but occasionally it does happen and when it does happen we sometimes it means we're on the sidelines sometimes it means um you might lose a client if a client is like absolutely not I don't want you to have any I don't want you even be on the sidelines if you're related to this and that those are tough conversations but it's okay I mean that's part of the process um but fortunately we haven't had a lot of that because we do try to when we take on new clients we think of the current clients we have and we assume they're never going away so we go okay how would this affect how would this and if you recall when we many moons ago when we were we thought about applying for seminal County we we checked here first and we said hey what would y'all think about that do we need guard whales if we do something like that because most of the time y'all get along but every once in a while there are some issues like that just interrup a little bit we've met and we talked about this because this was kind of a Hot Topic and again you're comparing clients to clients and what happened was not a client and a client it was a client and someone who wasn't a client yes and you advocated for the person who wasn't a client so and I did convey to you that I am not comfortable moving forward unless we do get it in writing yep because I I know we disclose clients and client conflict and you guys talk about this but that's not what happened here so I would like to get it in writing that whether they a client or not that we are covered yeah and it's and it's and we'll work gladly work on the language but what I had thought thought of both addressed clients but also addressed anything that was um for lack of better terms anathema to stated priorities or potential stated priorities of the city no drafting accy stuff like that because again I acknowledge the mistake in judgment on on drafting something for someone um and as you said if you're correct it wasn't even a client that probably allowed the labs of judgement because I thought no no problem I'm just helping a senator at the request poor judgment I own it um and so but yeah I'm obviously y'all will approve that language in the work order so we'll do our best to work with your your staff to make sure that the language captures all that and I want to capture both that and clients as well to make sure it's abundantly clear we don't run into any issues and I guess Patrick is going to be the guy helping coordinate all that uh yes mayor so what we would do when we bring the annual work order uh for your approval by resolution is we would uh work with Chris to come up with that language and then when we bring it to you we would obviously highlight that and review it with you and if it meets your um meets your approval uh we would then move forward with the work order right thank you okay okay I'll take that yeah on to the one last thing um one last thing we would like to discuss uh this evening mayor council members is uh the possibility of a local act to um uh create a what we would call the Ido arts and Entertainment District and uh this was brought uh forth by Mr Pollock back on April and uh we've talked about it a few times before and uh several ways that we could do it and so what we really we zeroed in on is how we think we can do it and what the best way we can do it and we thought we'd go over it with you this evening and then uh see uh what your thoughts were and if there is a consensus uh we would go forth uh with that and since we had Mr cared here we thought we would uh be a good opportunity um to discuss it because it does involve uh going in front of our state legislators to um to pass that local bill so um right now City County and State uh um regulations govern uh the sale and consumption keep going but should we take a couple minutes so since we just lost half of us we I'm sorry water if we take a five minut yeah do you guys we good keep going power through okay um currently a city and county and state regulations uh over alcoholic beverage consumption and possession uh and uh section six of the city code of ordinances uh prohibits uh uh possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages and no containers on rideways in the city parks so forth uh section 35 33- 25g also prohibits uh possession and consumption of uh alcoholic beverages uh in city parks specifically and also uh we also have uh County ordinance um and section uh chapter 15 of the county C this makes it illegal countywide to um possess or consume alcoholic beverages in uh public parks so even if we amended or removed that language in ours the County's language would still be effective in the city um well actually we did have uh some conversations with the uh County attorney and uh Miss Ross uh reached out to the county attorney and uh do you want to go over that sure it was it was my understanding that the charter um stated that our ordinance would Trump that would supersede it and and the the County Attorney confirmed that so that's not our issue so basically the way my takeway was uh if we do proceed with this and pass an ordinance that says specifically um in this uh in arts and Entertainment District uh under these conditions if it is with a a branded cup or something like that uh if we did pass that ordinance and allow it in those public parks uh that would I don't want to use use the word supersede but um yeah it's um we our our local uh but but where I was getting at I I think I know where you're going uh in most cases if the County ordinance says that this applies countywide then yes if we were to delete our regulations currently then the County ordinance would apply we had that situation before when we had the Animal Control Ordinance um and the our ordinance was just a little bit different from the couny but because it was different the county said okay Animal Control cannot do work in OVO when we eliminated the the conflict then control can come back into a veto and do work same sort of situation there are sometimes that the County ordinance says this only applies to unincorporated areas and if it says that then if we eliminated it then the county would not apply so it really depends on what the County ordinance States if it states that it only applies and unincorporated then it wouldn't apply but most of the time it's written to apply countywide so yes there is the possibility that it would it would take effect if we to delete our two sections that that out of article six and out of article 33 but if we were to amend article six which we'll get to later uh what we'll uh recommend uh to allow it in a specific park or specific area we would then our ordinance would rule basically that that's by County Charter yes by County yes sir yeah the county Charter says anytime that there's a County ordinance in a city ordinance the city ordinance takes precedent so and then so that's the city and the county uh regulations and State uh outside of uh open containers and Automobiles does not regulate uh uh open contain sorry does not regulate consumption of alcoholic beverages but it does regulate the sale of alcoholic beverages by licenses so uh they there is no license that would allow us to say to create this District unilaterally and uh for uh consumption off premise of alcoholic beverages to be sold in say a restaurant or a bar so those licenses are only for consumption on premise so we could not just do it that way and that's why we're recommending a local act if we'd like to proceed with this um so this local bill has been but it's been done in several other cities Inverness is one uh Mount Dora I believe it's another one St Cloud so several cities have done this type of uh Act and um it it is done at a legislative de delegation meeting so you'd have to go in front of uh that meeting and that's all the state legislators legislators uh Senate and House for a particular County so that would be Chris don't let me Miss anybody here bankson plen broer Placencia and Smith so those five members meet annually once or twice before the legislative session and uh these um delegation meetings they have their own they create their own rules they elect their own chairs uh they basically operate um as a conduit and they not only hear local bills but they hear pitches for Appropriations and things like that do that miss anything no so those five can pass this they can't pass it that is how we have to go through that delegation meeting to make it to uh draft to get drafted and then make it to committee and then to make it to the full they have to sponsor yeah our our laws allow um loc bills of local impact so essentially it's like a we get a special rule than anyone else and they go through those it's a 30-day notice so it has to be published 30 days um before it's actually filed as a bill so it there is a timing issue right like to get up to session and then it goes through a local Bill process which essentially it moves it through the house side only going through their committees um so you need house sponsor that strong and we walk it through and then if it passes the house eventually the Senate does what they call local Bill calendar on the last week of session where they take it up and kind of the unwritten rule is they take up anything unless there's objections and they really only take objections from people in the area so as long as Senator Brer was okay with it he would say keep it on the local Bill calendar and we'll take it through and then of course the governor gets him and he's vetoed some he vetoed one in Melbourne I forget what that was for recently I mean he those aren't like a guarantee even when you get to the governor but generally they're approved as they go through so it and everyone has different rules some have to be unanimous locally so you need all five ofe local legislators some some only require majority I always encourage unanimous because if you've got like a naysayer um at the at that level like it's only going to get worse as you go through um so our our local delegation does do an annual meeting every year at the County Commission Chambers and so when does that occur after the election yeah yeah yes yeah they typically and it and it does correct me if I'm wrong depend on when the ele um when the election if there's a gator election uh this legislative session happens earlier in the year in January it is a dayong event uh you have to get on their agenda you have to request in advance getting on their agenda and they give you x amount of time to speak and uh we've gone a couple of times I I know I went one time with former council member drgo and she made a request on the city's behalf to to the local delegation uh so yeah it's it's it's Clau an event a lot of people show up for it you can still go though and in addition um speak as as Mr Cary pointed out we would uh vet this previous to going there with with our legislators and as well as uh uh de uh Department of Business and Professional Regulation and then sub department is uh Bureau of Alcohol Al alcoholic beverages and tobacco um and we did speak with them um on this and sort of to better understand the licensing issues and that's why we're um suggesting this local Bill route if if Council so directs um so the district um like I said has create the Ido arts and Entertainment District uh to allow consumption of alcoholic beverages not only in uh public parks but public rwood way in in the district so uh that folks can uh stroll uh and enjoy some of the wonderful Park land that our city does have um we would recommend it be in a branded cup um so that only it would be easily recognizable that someone has that cup and and is walking with with that as well and also we would add like um some some uh guard rails I guess you would say uh to prohibit uh uh possession and consumption in County Trail right of way and uh public parking lots uh in the in the district so this is the map I didn't want to have it on the same slide um so this is what we came up with uh as a initial swag um obviously and the purpose for it being bigger is ask for more and Whittle it down if needed so basically this uh this District uh you know is oito on the park and adjacent sort of commercial and uh mixed use uh zoned districts uh that are adjacent to AO on the park as well as uh the old downtown uh which is um not obviously developed yet but there are plans in in progress to uh see some development there and what we really looked at is what areas are walkable what areas have those anchors uh that would uh encourage that sort of Ambience and um see a question coming um is this working good enough um I noticed that the barbecue Shacks left out I think it that's and the church is not included or the library property so there like we have we kind of went over this with a complain right so if we went for all DT or core zoning it would be kind of a core area right there is there a reason we well I I tried if if you look I I do have a laser here if you look at this see you did a lot of the developed spots think that is the Barbecue Shack on that corner or it might be that corner if it is it was my intention to put the barbecue shack in there uh and if I missed it uh I'm I'm sorry I can't tell but it's it might be the yeah the little corner there um okay so it must be this corner but even like that is something that we would consider I guess right south of the barn that's that church bought that that's and we did not want to put a church property in there does that count as a church property they bought it it's an event center it does yeah we wanted to stay away from from church property but should we extend the possibility and are they are private property owners allowed to say we don't allow it here I mean I I don't know the extent to which I think we should overlay it with with the comp plan and that whole District like you were saying I just trying to be Equitable here you know if it's all DT zoning and core zoning then it's really a that whole Central area and there's no there's no there's no I don't want to pick and choose who I understand I I understand what and the reason and I did consider looking at that yeah I just wanted to to one sort of stay away from those residential older residential areas and then how are they going to get back home that why don't we just flow all the way over and people can go all I'm all this is why we're having the if if if we can look thought process yeah yeah I'm just or like make a little hole to get down Kingsbridge and just keep going because there's the secret passageway so everybody can get back there well they don't I mean this is just for open container so they you might want to walk home you know you you put a garbage can right at the entrance and they can throw it out and then they can walk the rest of the way home and the intention is to keep it in those developed I do think we should keep it core areas but to the point of keeping it out a residential you know if we had a neighborhood come opt out of it that's one thing but we did put our comprehensive plan that says this area is primed to be the future even some of those houses down Central right um and they've already been half of them are already turned into businesses so I don't want to cut out the future and have to go back and include what we already planed to come if that make any sense yes okay uh and and then just one more thing I'd like the reason I did want to uh exclude the U Conservation Area okay just in case there's anything that ever may come we know we've we've discussed uh some some am minut ities that might be placed in there I just I didn't feel it would would be appropriate to include a conservation area I agree with that in in that um because it is public prop the city owns it and it's public property um as far as you know you said we have to have like an identifi identifiable Cup right so is that something the city picks out and they buy from us like if we did an aluminum cup that you buy once and bring back what the purpose I mean I know they do that I know they do that in savan would be the purpose of it I mean if if it's allowed in that area and someone's walking with a just a open beer what's what's the issue with that um first it's it's sort of been the practice like Inverness for example has a branded cup the city sells it to vend the uh restaurants and the venues in the inside the district uh in my opinion it is uh another way it just prohibits people from say bringing a 12pack in parking in a city parking lot and tailgating but I think that's what speak the idea is is to make that permissible or make it possible for a a resident to go to the city and get the cup and then take their 12pack of beer and have picnic or without buying it from a vendor who's part of this program just bring your 12 pack or or not in a 12pack just bring a couple beers and and or a bottle of wine and go on the amphitheater or and maybe you know walk around the the trail around the the lake I mean I I don't want to make it too overly complicated either doesn't this state statute require you to have some sort of marked cup or is that just how it's been done other places it's it's from my reading that's how it's typically been accomplished in other areas but is it required to be accomplished that way or that's just good practice I find I I thought I got the feeling that it was required that you had to have a marked cup um from the last I will say the reason I like it is to kind of Tamp down on on trash right you know true we required it to be in say a branded aluminum cup now that's like 100% recycled and maybe people aren't just chucking that everywhere um they put them in plastic cup beave it yeah but if we're picking the cup right there's some control on that but I see I see your point to we just running up running up the cost because if you're if you're a business now and you want to like have you been to Savannah and you walk around the ri the Riverwalk over there nice you you go into the store and they have all the beer sitting there and you have to go buy your cup and then they'll open and port in the cup for you and then you can walk around with it but it added to the cost of everything and I don't know if that's the intention or not I mean it are we intending it a revenue source for the city that's not the intention well really and I'll get up on this what are the benefits it is you know to increase the the vibrancy of the area uh you know to bring more people in to our restaurants and venues and then to uh maybe possibly attract new businesses and and uh things of that nature and and but getting back to bringing in uh the city of Gainesville did something similar a couple of years back they totally just wrote off the books all of their alcohol beverage open container regulations and it got to where people were driving in and parking and parking lots and just drinking beer and hanging out and uh it got a little over overly um overzealous for them so they s backed off and created a similar District type environment um also um I think uh one the trash and two creating a branding cup it does create a further sense of place for for obido and that and the intent at least what I I see the intention of being um something where our businesses benefit because people can someone may just be out walking around the park oh say you know what it'd be nice to have a glass of wine it's a nice evening and but not have to go say go drive down to Publix then drive back or drive go home and go back could we do something wacky like include the mall as well because at one point Kevin Hypes had mentioned that that was the only way to get people from a Brewing into the food court and I thought that's and he's like oh but the city would have to to do something like this and I was like huh isn't that all within the same property it is they do that now I don't know that they can because SE the brewery's license doesn't allow you to take it outside the Brewer oh right because it's a two cop license yeah it's consumption but could we could we solve this problem for them too if we're talking about solving well I don't know solving a problem but creating vibrancy in another part of town could we create multiple pockets of vibrancy that would that would be uh something that could be accomplished um under a different the Specialty Center statute for instance uh which we looked at in one of our previous discussions uh that was one where it either had to have a certain number of square foot indoor you know a business you know contiguous uh which I think it was 75,000 square feet but don't don't quote me exactly on that uh or be adjacent to a a navigable body of water and which we we wanted to steer away from that uh in the instance of the the the core District that we were talking about here um in that we have two bodies of water we have saler Park and um uh Center Lake Center Lake Park only get around byos yeah and then but how far you know and all the other other require 1.7 miles that's about how far that is Chris have you have you worked on any of these I've worked on similar bills so we our firm helped um Orlando in expanding the U the rules for restaurants so that smaller ones could have liquor licenses uh because previous you had to be a certain size um and and food so adjacent so I'm I'm familiar with the the pitfalls when you ever you do the alcohol um traditionally for cop license holders the ones that pay the big fee to have a license they they they have opposed any kind of expansion whether something like this letting small restaurants have the same licenses um now it they're not super vocal right it's not like the beer distributors or others like where they have a strong Lobby arm but they do weigh in on that um specifically on a district like this I haven't John Harris who Patrick has heard that name before um he's the guy in our firm in Tallahassee that was the head of gdpr for 15 or so years late 80s early 90s and he's been with our firm ever since he's handled some of these and I spoke with him on this a couple issues just to get my bearings on it um we're taking the right approach right because we could do it one without legislation and that's to rely on the a navigable body of water um I don't know if it gets the whole map there using the small um I don't know where it is in there but they they've allowed it for small things like a swan boat or other things like but he would say like that you run the risk right when you do that depending on because I mean not a very big body of water if I could also add that that navigable water um body of water has a special a meaning under Florida statute where it's actually really relates to sovereignty lands yeah you know all all land all water that was being used for public purpose at the time of statehood for recreation or commercial purposes it it's um it became property of the State of Florida so that's what navigable water has a special meaning actual meaning l park wouldn't meet the meaning and you wouldn't want it to because then it would be owned by the state of Florida and anything you put in there would be subject to a submerged land Lee so it's it's one option and well stated I know from what John told me my partners that dbpr has been very flexible on that navigable is but you know the smaller the lake the more scrutiny it's going to get right uh they're going to say well what about that so um that being said the other route is you go through a special Act where you can you know make it clear what you're allowed to do and then you know I was reading up on inness um while you were talking I mean they clearly used the cup and they they went um you know they went that route so and they got a pass yeah it's my understanding yes okay so I I'm I mean I'm okay with that I you know I was trying to avoid the special cup but if if that's the route that can kind of make this happen and and give it the the most of passing then then to me that's fine I don't know well I guess also the history of kind of how we got here right we keep doing these big events at OBO in the park and we're not able to include the local businesses that are right next door right so I guess that's right kind of how we brought this up right we want to be able to make sure we can include our local vendors and businesses and make sure they can be a part of what we're doing at the city so yeah cups and honestly I mean we have the the food factory now and if we you know if there's ever there's a wine bar coming in there there's tap room and so you get your you get your cup and hopefully we can make them you know appropriate for whatever the beverag is that's in them um but but you you get your cup and then you can leave The Wine Room you can leave The Tap Room you can leave the the the food factory and walk around the park with yeah yeah no I just hate that we have events right now where you can't get a drink at Food Factory and then go to the city of an right and I think one of the things at least in some of the research that I've done is in these districts is that the Cub actually is sort of a protection measure to the local business as well because it it is it is an identity that you know that that that you're allowed to do that whereas if you're just walk if they were to go and just get a clear cup with beer in it you know it it gives gives less gives them less of a feeling of comfort when you're walking off the premise right so I I think it it there is that level of they feel there's I don't know if it's a liab liability thing but it does give them a level of comfort when they've got when you they know that that's part of that that glass you know that cup is part of the program okay it also ensures that you're using the local businesses right so you're not driving up and just tailgating on on the park the drink is purchased at bus you're doing what the intention here is is to tap into the local businesses and lift the community up so okay is everybody okay with that approach since uh Co don't they allow you to order a drink and take it out is it to go but it's closed up yeah it has to be sealed so I thought the same thing why can't we are you going to and and you can you can do that but you but it has to it has to be sealed then placed in a bag right closed in the bag and then it has also has to accompany a food order right so you can't just go really yeah I think there's some restaurants that were selling straight up Margaritas for a while well that is uh we'll just say that's a foul of State Statute correct yes well there is a there's there's two SP uh statutes for specialty Center uh two two types excuse me um and one of them is it has to do with square footage of a building and it's that's I think 75,000 Square F feet uh minimum so but but even if it even if it didn't have to be accompanied by food it had to be sealed and the moment you walk off that premise and you break that seal on a on the sidewalk or whatever you broken right you could be you could be I just I just think as we you know this downtown area becomes more um more of an urban setting and a lot more activity going on I believe that this would would help with that and we're just in the discussion phase right is there a way to not have it all be necessarily contiguous and still comply with that state statute because that that's where my concern comes in having people crossing 434 and going that's that's probably a quarter mile stretch from you know through residential areas which you know eventually maybe that'll have some commercial but right now we're going it's one mile roughly from one side of OB Boulevard to the other so there's a big stretch in there that right now does not have any commercial I'm just I guess I can't talk about like the perc perc well that too like Crossing Mitchell to right that's still rural yeah cross crossing these roads 434 426 419 like they're all in the mix here could you create two separate areas we we that would be something we could discuss first with dvpr are and then our we and first we do have to take take this to our state legislation and they may kick it back they like it at all yeah they may kick it back and say um we don't you know we feel this is too much or too little try it here uh the reason we we put a larger District together was you know always ask for more and then Whitt Whittle down as you negotiate um as far as the percolation ponds uh go council member I believe the the western side is zoned is it downtown transition Mr only the only the 20 acres the West the Western so that and the way I drew this on the gis was by parcel so I couldn't I didn't really have the expertise to to split the parcel so so we're we're just in the discussion phase right now correct sir I see this is kind of way down the road because I as I listen to these conversations uh we're not Savannah and we certainly aren't in Gainesville corre if that's what we want to be I guess I guess that could be a goal it's not necessarily my goal but uh maybe down the road if we get that kind of density maybe this is a good idea but right now I can see a lot lot of lot of pitfalls and liabilities in going this route you know uh I go to the food factory I may have a drink if I want to go to Marlos I finish my drink I go to Marlos it's it's not a big deal uh it's a block away so I'm I'm not sure what what we're trying to accomplish here uh we have events that will beat on the park but we can drink and I think we control that I I don't think we let folks go walking around with their beers in their hands so uh as long as we're just talking about it and it's over their Horizon I'm willing to listen but right now I don't I don't see the need for this well if we if we do proceed if we do have whichs um have consensus which um there seems to be some debate uh we would obviously want to start as quickly as possible uh working with our consensus it doesn't matter what I say I'm just telling you I see a lot of uh lot of pitfalls with this and I see ways down the road so I I don't know that like as far as the whole District I can see what you're talking about but as far as City events we have all the time currently and you say you know you finish your Jinky you go to Marlo's but if you're going to the city for a City Event you're not going to go to those restaurants because it's kind of closed to sure you do I've done it all the time okay I guess the question is do you want us to try to get into get this moving through this next legislative session that's really the big question question because as Patrick said if we want to try to get in this next legislative session we do need to start talking with our legislators to see what how they feel about well that's not until November anyway right don't we have to wait till the election I mean that there's still a certain amount of work ahead of that as far as getting them informed of what we're trying to do getting input on the district itself so I mean that's the thing I guess tonight is can we move forward with with the goal of getting it through this legislative session I guess is what we're asking at least is that correct and I know we're not Jamesville and I know we're not Savannah I was using those examples but inest did it and St Cloud as well in St Cloud no I've been to St Cloud too and I can see what they were getting at I I have some concerns with what this map looks like okay well that's so I'm I'm not I'm not totally opposed to it but I am not going ho uh I do see the value in right around the circle uh there's a lot of residential included in that and there's a lot of families this is a family City so to just kind of blanketly say it's okay to carry your open container all through here may maybe we should consolidate that a little bit more I I think it's going to be really and and we don't know toally ask I think it's going to be hard to get our delegation to get excited about something this large yeah I think it's just a rough map anyways you still got to get through the delegation so so maybe ask the delegation let's let's have that be the first step say like what do you think if if oito is the first city in simal County to have something we're not though they do it in Stanford right they do not I think just for special events sir yeah we would be the very first have special district just for special events uh well like open container they they can issue a special license uh for a special event so we could make our special events permit cover a larger area for city of vents maybe that would be the middle ground that would make sense we we already do that okay so does that cover like all ofo on the park when we have our own events that's our that we already cover all that how far do we cover because I I was not aware just for the event area the okay because I I would say You Know cover all the way to all of the restaurants that are in that quadrant so if somebody's but not going to cross I think if if if if I'm mistakenly stated I'm sorry I think it's just for City events selling City I I'm not sure that they can leave have have the license to leave a leave an establishment but can we but I think they can drink make the perimeter of the special event larger thus making it possible for the special event like could we buy our own special events permit not not an alter uh an existing uh consumption on per premise license I believe that that' be that'd be something we can investigate so because we own that we can say you're allowed to consume on this parcel because we own that if we if there's a or in the streets at the special event because this is something that we control completely and there are also other regulations which I'm I can't State them all offand um for the number of special event licenses you can uh utilize in one year okay so it it would we would there are liit a in place that would prohibit us from doing that or discourage us from from doing something like that that's why certain times if we have in AA sponsor the event sponsor obtains the permit so that we don't exceed our number okay interesting okay so you guys will talk to the delegation then well do we have do we have consensus on yeah I don't know about that I don't know I'm cool with seeing if you there's push back in the first place I think that's the first step because if if there is is I am less enthusiastic about talking a lot about how to fix this map because some may just be like forget about it I talk the delegation so if you want to we would we would approach our our state legislators and show them this map discuss it with them and if they uh say as you as your your concerns are uh this is too big too much uh just come back with oo on the park or something like that or if they might say just forget about it you you maybe they think Sanford's more sensible place to have it and what are we doing in OVO and if that's the thought we can let ourselves grow a little bit uh to Mr Britain's point and maybe then we we may become the place that makes sense so I guess we have consensus to to okay but that's about as far as we get okay okay we'll we'll get to work on that okay is that it we have TI I I've got a quick thing I'd like to bring up to everybody and I y'all might see my me carry around this little notebook but I I keep random notes from from forever ago and one thing I came across is this timeline that staff prepared uh and it was in response to me being frustrated with how slowly we were going with a comprehensive plan and a Mobility plan and Land Development code and everything so back in uh February of 2022 so you about two years years and four months ago uh this was given to I think we all got it I don't know if anybody kept it I chopped it up and and kept it and U staff gave their actual real expectation for when work would begin and end on these different things and uh we ended up about a year late on the comprehensive plan wa no that that that ended up we did that in 2022 June so that one we were on time um but the land of development code was supposed to been completed in December 2023 here we are 6 months later I don't see any ended sight and it's getting really frustrating um and and I I just want us all five to have a discussion about it because I I getting feedback that some of it may be because of Staff limitations some may be because we in our individual meetings are uh asking for different things or pushing back or slowing things down and I don't think that any of us definitely not me I I don't want to slow down any of these processes the third thing is the Mobility plan it was supposed to have been completed according to staff's chosen timeline that I thought was too slow to begin with uh in June 2022 so we're two years late two and a half uh two years and two weeks late on that and then we've got the water sewer storm water uh last June uh was the first time I met with the consultant in a one-on-one meeting and I was told that it would be back to us and we would be voting on it last October and that is you know that's a different note in here but these are not numbers that like I pulled out of thin air this is what staff volunteered and none of this is happening so I just wanted us to all talk about it real quickly here and there are some things I think we could really quickly get off the table we have the storm water rate study complet complet it all of us my understanding is we've all met we know the number that is required I think it's about $400 a year uh is the rate that the this the consultant and the the study uh suggests to address everything I I think it is unethical for us to stall and implementing and updating any any of those water sewer and especially storm water U now that we have the data so I just want to put out there I would like to see storm water be on an agenda really soon why don't we get Teresa or Bobby to address this this is a surprise to me so I'm not really able to discuss it but I'd like to get some information on it I I just want to find out if other people are wanting to slow things down or if there's others who are interested in moving these things forward because the Mobility plan I think it's done all we have to do is approve it here that's trying to slow it down I don't think so either so and in fact a lot of us are frustrated with how long it's taking just like yourself um but at the same time there from what I understand there's staff reasons why but it's not because we're slowing it down well then what we need to be more transparent with the public about what's slowing these things down because it looks like like we're behind the scenes slowing it down like including me so I feel like I have to defend against slowness I don't think any of us are slowing down I don't think we are I also I do see what you're saying especially you know you said the storm water rate but the the LDC I do think is problem the LC because businesses don't know what to develop to and I've brought that up before too so I mean maybe this is we get an update from St well there hasn't LDC is having a the the committee is having a meeting tomorrow correct I believe so yeah yeah how how to that point though how what is our new timeline I mean maybe we need thought I thought we were going to be done last October well here's the thing with the Land Development code uh yes the committee's meeting regularly the LPA is meeting regularly uh it is an enormous it is an enormous project and I mean like you they might spend two or three meetings on one article and but the good news is is that I think they're starting to really starting to agree on things uh I know there's some issues where the LPA and the land of element code commit seeing a and one of the things I recommended to staff was put them in the same room together andless iron through it but do we have any Hard dates on that stuff I mean I think like our comp plan says by state right we were supposed to do it a year after we did the comp plan and we're Way Beyond that well yeah it it do are we just going until everything is like we need to have a deadline and say okay we will go at whatever speed my understanding is we're supposed to be bringing it to you in October is my understanding so we're two and a half years behind the cycle that was volunteered after I was already frustrated enough ask can we put a deadline the it it needs to come to us the first week of the first meeting of October can we can we get that can I add you know background so we have been having meetings with the LPA and with the LDC um it's hard for staff once we start the discussion with the boards to speed up the discussion to say we have one hour and that's it if they have questions right if they want us to investigate different venues we are doing that exercise so the the meetings have been very long we are starting now at 2:30 in the afternoon with the boards so that we have time to um go through the details and and they are asking a lot of questions so the hope so you're not it's not that we haven't been meeting and that we are not you know moving forward the Hope in the end is that we have we have a bunch of ambassadors you know to the LC because they are really taking the time to ask the questions to you know to propose and so it's it has been actually more work for us than to the Consultants because we did not pay the consultants for so many hours with the boards but we are taking the time because we thought that this this would be a good exercise right since we have the board we have the committee installed the LCC um and they are asking the questions and they want to discuss we are doing that exercise with is the is the ldcc and the LPA are they meeting in the same room no is there a possibility to do that so the board that by Statute has to give it a thumbs up before it gets to us so they can just vet it so the plan that we had because right now we have most of the the language is consensus and we kind of write down what is consens consus what is not but we are writing you know uh whatever is not consensus we're going to have a last meeting with both boards we already discuss that with Brian and our City attorney will be the chairperson um to lead the the the the the conversation so that when we bring to council we bring hopefully one language one one proposal one draft and not different recommendations you know in different sections of the code so if we try to if if we have because it's got to go to a first reading and then adoption three public hearings three public hearings what one of them's the lpa's yeah okay so uh so if we say that that first reading at city council is the first meeting of October and we start backing it up from there because I'm sure we're going to need a work session somewhere before that first meeting to make sure it's it's clear can we hit that date so we have done that that that you know um um establish some deadlines that we have moving forward we can have another one in say that we must meet the date okay I would like this to be done while Mr Pollock is still here he has been part of this for the last five years I think we've been working on this and to shift people last minute uh much as I'd love to have a new person come in and say I want to get up to speed before I can vote like you know what's going on and I I would like him to be here and and complete the task okay so can is there consensus that we say let's back the dates up and it's not can we it is yes we are going to back the dates up and make sure that this vote happens in October and make sure we fit in a work session with us before it comes to vote Yes ABS I mean absolutely and if there's some reason why we have to bump it past October then you know let it be a momentous one but there's no reason for it to be dragging out this far um you we can talk and nitpick it to death and we need to have the road's almost done and people need to know what the rules are it's time okay and I guess we could also maybe not right now but look into that for things like the Mobility plan that well I think right now it's done Mobility plan is actually a good news on that okay we've made tremendous inroads at the county and that's one of the things we've been trying to do what we wanted to bring for you is the adopting as well as the interlocal agreement we've been working on the interlocal agreement for two years I finally got to a frustration level that I talk a little closer to I'm sorry yeah finally got to a FR frustration level I called the county manager I said we've tried and tried and tried we're getting nowhere uh he put his Deputy County Manager on the project and I've been working with him one onone uh for about six months now and we've made enough inroads that the other day I think was about it was last week we had a last conversation last week he's ready to start going to turn it over let Miss Ross and the County Attorney put together the intercal agreement so I was excited about that yes the documents done and we need to get it adopted before September right yeah because then then our study is no good and that's what I'm concerned about so that's been our plan all along is to go ahead and get it adopted before September whether or not we have an inter local agreement or not um our our plan has always been get it adopted before before September and but um My Hope Is is said I'm going to have we have the interlocal agreement to go with it but that's where we are with that one is that we've been trying to work through the county system to get get the interlocal approved and we finally demonstrated it to someone who would listen and so that one worked out really well so we're on track to get that completed by a September a August is actually LDC by October storm water fee I think we need to do that right away we are in hurricane season right now and I I would say every day at least one person reaches out I'm sure you're in the neighborhood you probably get even more than me people want to know what is going on and and talking about McKinnon McKinnon saying every day we don't have funding we didn't we didn't plan for this I people are tired of it they just want to know how do we not flood and how do we have our infrastructure in good condition well we know we we did the math we know we can do it now if we wanted to and I think we need to have that discussion at a regular meeting right away and just in in regards to that I did ask Bobby for an update on McKinnon today because I was getting a lot calls all the time because I do live there um and we did get all the bids back four days ago and they have already moved forward the process so that's coming to council July 15th so they turn that around really fast so we should get that project moving earlier than expected although later than expected for all the residents um but it is moving finally as far as picking a contractor and going forward and that goes back to Mr Britain you asked the question about resiliency and uh when we asked FEMA can we do that they said sure and but then the process to do that ended up modeling the entire Basin coming into it you said looking at 35 year old infrastructure how do we upgrade if there's anything Upstream anything Downstream OB going to be some work Downstream uh but so that all had to happen before we could even design it it was like an eight eight month study eight month I ask all these questions because I get a lot of you know then we went into the design process the design process took over a year to get done uh yes we we now we then the big the big scare was there was something happened at the state level where um they were taking projects away from d and turning them over to the Army Corps and we were on pins and needles that we were going one of those projects thankfully we weren't we stayed with d and so that got our D permit then we were able this year we got the D permit and now we're able to we did the bidding process the bids came in I believe it was around 3.4 million I think something like that was the low bid uh the high bid was like around six and a half which which was what project was this this was the McKinnon project and um so yeah we're bringing the bid award to council I believe on the 15th and then we'll get soon as expensive well my my interest on resiliency is more of a a regional impact you know what are we going to do with get another in and you get all this water from Union Park and and all these places coming down through OVO where it's going to sit at the Lakes we need a a regional project that's that's what the core is here for why can't we uh so can look for stuff like that so so actually what you're talking about I actually brought up after McKinnon so my questions were why is this taking so long right and it's we have Al faay Woods built in the 80s no one has ever looked at that stormw system since it was built in the 80s so when they went and did this eight to year-long study we like okay it would have failed in potentially a 10year storm right so we have infrastructure sitting around the city like that so it's built a code but things have changed so I did ask um Mr w and Mr year gain to look into doing studies around the city to identify areas like this so we can get ahead of it and actually know where to put these projects to tackle it before the storms that you're talking about but as your question to Mr KY actually plays right into that how we fund those after we identify them so part of our storm water fee there's a small amount like I don't know it's like a quarter million a year it's a quarter million a year that I had them add in to to go and do studies around the city to identify these areas you're talking about so then we can do the next part which I had no idea how to fund it go through some of this state process to get funding for it so it's coming Circle yeah it's being built into the into the feed so so is there consensus to move this storm water fee discussion out to the public realm in the next month where are we with it well the last that I know of is that they were remember we had the the U individual meetings and you all asked us to go back and do some additional analysis and one of the things that we've been doing is with storm water reclaim water sewer that's all carrying together all the Enterprise funds are going together we haven't really thought talked about breaking them apart and so we're doing we're finishing up those analyses that's what we're doing and my understanding was the analyses were completed because you guys gave us numbers so we have numbers based on just charging the rate that the Enterprise fund needs and my understanding was that the only delay was that some people would prefer to borrow the money versus just charge the rate is maybe i' I've gotten no if you'll recall mayor and the I I wrote you a very detailed email a little while ago which I'll be glad to circulate to the entire Council but uh there was some discussions that were held with some of you and some discussions that were not held with all of you and some of those well now that we're all together can you can you say like who and stuff so we know we can get understand I proposed I proposed a way of leviz in the rate through debt okay so we didn't have those complete discussions with all of you because we didn't really have our uh financial advisor tasked with the services of identifying how all those pieces fit together so after we completed our meetings what we asked willan to do in conjunction with um Hilltop sec Securities is to come up with a financing plan that works best for the city of Vito in fact I had these discussions with them last week and I asked them to get together to take a look at if we were to do a borrowing which um included both the water and the sewer and the storm water what is the best way to do it so when we take a look at all the combined projects of both utilities what what is the amount that we would most benefit from for storm water and what is the amount that we would most benefit for water and sewer and what is the timing of that so they were they were given that information last week and I know that they're working together to try to come up with what the dollar amount of the borrowing would be and and the timing for that so some of the discussions that we have had is if we were to move forward with storm water what we could do is some sort of a credit facility and do credit fac facility where we can actually do a borrowing and we would only pay interest on the amount that we borrowed until we actually did a bond deal well could we pause for a second is anybody here interested in waiting to adjust the storm water rate until we can figure out how to borrow to do it is there I I am interested in simply charging the rate now is anybody else interested in charging the rate versus borrowing I want to hear what the plan is that you know we want to make a decision that well I guess the number the situation is is that we if if we even if we adjust the rate now we're not going to be able to we've got to collect and there's a timing difference if we get the money now we can actually start on the projects and get them done and and build the raate in to pay that debt Ser you know for The Debt Service to pay that back and then we you know we're not we're not we're we're levelized the rate over the time over the useful life of the of the project and we're able to get the projects done sooner than later but the rate they gave my understanding was we would still get everything done in that first five years and there that we don't have the staff at end of the first five years yeah but we don't have the staff or the bandwidth to even do all of it the first year so getting the money earlier we would sounds is is Bob's probably not in the back is he yeah I saw him walking by but he's probably running now out the door um but I the thing that I wanted to do is is once we got the information back I wanted to convey con get back with you again individually first and then have the work session because why individually I I don't understand this isolating us thing why not just bring us not that it's just to give you the information so that when you do walk into the meeting with each other you've been prepped and you have the information ahead of time more ahead of time than just what we normally do with the agenda we're able to work through any questions you might have if there's anything you ask during those individual meetings we can get those answers for you before the meeting is to make the work session more fruitful is really the whole purpose behind it and so that's the reason what I said with with when Mr Bo came to me I said get the information let's get them back together and then we'll do a work session with them and then we can move it forward be more inclined with that plan but we've never talked about breaking anything out we've always kept them all together is what we've done but doing that makes it so that until the rates are palatable to borrow which sounds like for Mr Boop he maybe 2026 you mentioned that as as a timeline Poss whenever whenever it makes sense whenever it's cheaper to borrow than to pay cash what I think we need to make sure that we do is incorporate all the pieces into the process that need to be included so that we could come up with a with a strategic plan on when to best borrow um but I don't want to borrow I don't think that we can do it without a borrowing quite honestly for St we can't for water but we can for storm water there's a way for us to work through this in a systemic manner that will produce the best results for both storm water and water sewer and if we take the time to logically work through the pieces uh I believe that that we can obtain a borrowing that would be most ADV advantageous to us as well as work with us to to help keep the rates lower than just going out and actually doing a a full-blown process right now so I think if we employ the right amount of um strategic um thought then I think we can all benefit from the process especially the citizens so I think we do need to make sure that everybody knows that the current rate is $138 a year and the pay it all now cash rate is it was right under $400 per year was it that's not correct what is it Mr Wyatt that's what that's what the when I got the info back from Mr Cobb straight from the consultant it was 400 I thought well that's not a huge amount I would like to float that to the residents and see if rather than pausing a whole year to figure out how we can have the rate go from 138 to two 250 or 350 instead of 400 like is it worth waiting to risk not fix anything for I don't think we should Rush Something That We're Not ready to do especially with the rate change but I I do think we should also not you know push it out as far as possible but I'm not if we're not ready I don't want to do it the wrong way as Mr boob's saying there is a way to go through this process and come out the rate and the thing about it when you're dealing with rates the last the one thing you don't want to be is for someone to be able to say that you were doing it arbitrarily that you establish the rate arbitrarily well we that's why we have these technical studies that's why that we're trying to finalize it with our consultants and address the different issues that were brought up during the individual meetings so that we have that information and that we can uh we can stand before you and say no this isn't arbitrary we had it done by a technically a technically qualified individual or individuals and the reports are based on this and it's based on the Capital Improvements programs and it's based on the operational needs it's based on all the different factors that go into it like you said M May putting the whole kitchen sink into that rate and you know one of the things yes we we en countered was we're pushing the CIP out two to three years in order to collect the money in order to do it uh the idea of the financing was okay maybe we wouldn't have to push it out two to three years and we'd only have to push it out maybe six months to a year you know and and so those are some of the things that you know we were looking at obviously doing obviously with the studies uh the studies open up the door as Mr Cary we were talking with you know going to the state uh but those were the things that you know we sent back to the back to the consultants and said you need to look at these issues and because well Mary you went first and everything all the other items came up after we spoke with you that was when I said you know what we need to bring have meetings with everybody once again because I wanted to make sure everybody heard the same information good to see you Chris yeah see you Chris thanks for the update no I'm I'm align with that that's that's it in a nutshell yeah seems Lal and the other thing that's pressing especially with Mr Boots because Mr Boots department is the on that's carrying the load on the utility St uh is we've got to have a budget for you by the end of July and I told him that's your first priority is get the budget done because that's a charter requirement I mean the worst case scenario on your utility rates is that we go through another indexing and that they get indexed as the current resolutions require and they would be index per the Consumer Price Index so that's the worst case scenario uh but yes I I told Mr boot your first priority is get the budget done second priority is the rate study and so that that was you know that was my direction to him because we have a charter requirement and we have a lot of variables hanging out there on on our our budget right now you know what kind of timeline are we looking at to get enough information back that everybody's comfortable having a discussion about it I would say let me complete the or let us complete the general fund budget process which will conclude at the end of July let us go back and revisit with our consultant with the information that I have tasked him to put together let us gather that information put it together meet individually with you again and then schedule a work session following that what timeline September October September September is okay September all right I can live with that thank you okay I think we're good thank you no I'm just we're a jerk I wouldn't put it f