e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e of the city council chambers if you all stand and join me with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of Al to the flag of the United States of America to the stands na indis thank you you join me in a moment of [Music] silence thank you like to call this meeting to order it is July 1st of 2024 approximately 6:30 four members of council are present one member Madame mayor is not present tonight uh we do have our first up we have our ceremonial items and presentation so if you guys will join me in the front here we going to do a speech Proclamation good so if you all don't know uh June is or July is actually uh parks and wreck month so we do have a proclamation here for our wonderful uh parks and recck team um so I'll go ahead and read this off proclamation of the city of Ido whereas the Parks and Recreation departments are integral part of our communities throughout this County including Ido in Florida and whereas parks and wreck promotes health and wellness improving the physical and mental health of people who live near parks and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes time spent in nature which positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being and alleviating illnesses such as depression attention deficit disorders in Alzheimer's and whereas parks and recs encourage physical activities providing space for popular sports hiking trails swimming pools and many other activities designed to promote active Lifestyles and whereas parks and recre is a leading provider of healthy meals nutrition services and education and whereas Parks and Recreation programming and education activities such as out of schooltime programming you Sports Environmental Education are critical to childhood development in whereas Parks and Rec increases a community's economic Prosperity through increased property values expansion of local ta base increased tourism and attraction and retention of businesses and crime reduction and whereas parks and wreck is a fundamental to the environmental well-being of our community and whereas parks and wreck is essentially adaptable infrastructure that makes communities resilient in the face of natural disasters and climate change and whereas our parks and natural Recreation areas has ensured the ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children adults to connect with nature and recreate outdoors in whereas the US House of Representatives has designated July as Parks and Recreation month and whereas the city of Vito recognizes the benefits derived from Parks and Recreation re resources therefore I Jeff pford in place of Megan sedic Deputy May in place of the mayor of city of Avo to by Proclaim July 2024 as Recreation and Parks mon in the city of AO extending greetings and best wishes to all I didn't think we did all that apparently you do so you guys do a great job really app well no I did not write that I didn't either I think that's that's we do have a great parks and Rex uh Department here we really do appreciate you guys you guys do a wonderful job big activity this Saturday at July 4th fireworks so good job guys appreciate everything you do okay next up we have approval of the minutes of May 6 2024 and May 20th 2024 regular session what is the pleasure of council I'll make a motion to approve those minutes second have a motion a second any discussion seeing none we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I I opposed minutes approved okay next up we have public comment first up I have Philip cpro those are for the resolution I think huh for resolution oh you want to do it at the resolution part okay they all going to be the resolution okay to be continued okay is there anybody else that has anything they would like to discuss tonight on a public comment hearing silence and seeing no motion I will close public comment okay next up is the consent agenda what is the pleasure of council make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second I have a motion to Second any discussion okay we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I I opposed Sor it's okay okay consent agenda passes all right we have no public hearings uh we have the first reading of [Music] ordinances this is ordinance number 1744 Mr Ross can you read the ordinance by title only an ordinance of the city of Ido Florida repealing section 14-20 of the city of oido code of ordinances regarding building codes replacing said sections with the Florida building code provided herein adopting certain administrative amendments to chapter one of the Florida building code 8th Edition 2023 providing for a savings provision providing for legislative findings and intent providing for implementing administrative actions and fees providing for enforcement and penalties providing for conflicts providing for codification as well as the correction of scribers Errors providing for separability and providing for an effective date great thank you Mr cob can you give us a background uh thank you Deputy Mayor this is a request to amend the city's code of ordinances basically to adopt the administrative amendments to the Florida building code Florida building code allows local governments mostly these things are procedural to adopt what they call local amendments our local amendments are based on the Florida building code of 2020 uh the building code is required the state requires that the building code be updated every three years the 2023 or the eighth edition of the building code was adopted and became effective on December 31st of 2023 so what that means is is that we need to update our administrative amendments to reflect the 2023 eth edition of the Florida building code so what this ordinance does it it deletes the current section U section 1420 in its entirety and replaces it with a new section 1420 that is based on the 2023 Florida building code so it's recommended that city council read ordinance number well you've already done that as scheduled public hearing for uh July 15 2024 great thank you I do not have any written request uh to speak is there anybody in the audience that wish to speak on this matter tonight seeing none we will close public comment I will entertain a motion to schedule a public hearing for July 15 2024 at our next city council meeting so moved second I have a motion a second any discussion all right we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I opposed all right so we will have a hearing on July 15 2024 okay next up is our resolution this is resolution number 4468 -24 request to designate the cops and cars for kids car show special event as a city signature event Mr cob can you give us a brief introduction uh yes thank you Deputy Mayor this is a request for Council toh consider a request from the Avo Winter Springs Optimus Club to designate the cops and cars for kids car show special event as a city signature EV event in accordance with Section 2- 291 of the code of ordinances as amended by ordinance number 1740 uh the section 2291 is what is a section of the code that deals with fee waivers is what it deals with and it provides criteria that for the designation of a city signature event it also provides a definition for what a nonprofit event is and it talks about City uh sponsored events uh we recently did a an amendment to the ordinance to the section 2- 291 it was with the adoption of ordinance number 1740 if you'll recollect that we did some well we did some cleanups on the uh on the signature event criteria we took out the part that required it to be on city property or in city ride ofo we also took out some language that dealt with what a nonprofit was uh so what we done what we did the staff analyzed this request based on the crit criteria that was part that was made part of ordinance number 1740 uh when this was written years ago the city was being inundated by nonprofit organizations they had special events they were requesting waver of their fees because most of these most most of these special events are fundraisers and so they were trying to lower their costs and the city council at first did approve the fee waer request but then they started realizing meeting after meeting after meeting all of a sudden we're getting inundated so the result was the creation of ordinance number 2291 or section 2 2- 291 the and when we put together what was a city signature event they wanted all the criteria to have to be met that was the thing you had to do you had to meet all of the criteria uh that's why we only have two Signature Events Taste of AO and great day in the country those are the two Signature Events we have we also have a we have a number of City sponsored events and of course we have the uh we have nonprofit events nonprofit events can receive a a waiver of fees for their permit fees that's what they get the special event permit any of their building permits any type of permit fee nonprofit We can wave them uh we can waigh for a city signature event if you'll remember we increased with ordinance 1740 we increased the fee waiver up to $10,000 but we also said and which I think Council had a good good idea there was to index annually based on the uh CPI Urban index and so like next year it'll be $10,300 and some dollars you know so but it's not a payment of funds it's it's in kind it's in kind cost that's provided and so but that was some of the things that came out uh one of the things that the council had language put into into the original ordinance was was that the city manager wasn't allowed to bring certain fee Raper requests to the council that the city manager would deny it and not bring it the council uh very you know that was one of those those Clauses that were stuck in there at the end so the staff when we received this request what we did we looked at the criteria that's in ordinance number that's in section number 2291 and madine if you can pull it up as I said before you've got to a request has to meet all of the criteria and so what I'm going to do tonight is just walk you through the staff's determinations um based on the criteria of T section 2291 as amended by ordinance number 1740 we met with the applicant we went over their request we also set down as a staff all of the Departments that are involved with special events and we talked about this special event in particular and we came to consensus on each of the each of the criteria and so those are reflected in in the responses here tonight obviously the first one is is that you've got to it's got to be designated by resolution of the city council this resolution ordinance resolution number 4468 is written to approve the the request uh if you recall back I can't remember which meaning it was but we had a request and the staff wrote the resolution to deny the request and then we said approve the resolution and it it just caused confusion all around so tonight it's a little different story this resolution is written to approve it but the staff's recommendation will be for denial and the reason it will be for denial is that they haven't demonstrated that the CR they haven't met all of the criteria and we'll walk through this but if you if this is if the resolution is approved it will designate the special event as a city signature event okay so has it been issued a special event perit yes it has it's been actually I think it's been issued a special event permit for many years the last one that was done was issued in December of 2023 so this criterion's been met uh has it been held on at least five occasions uh in the city before being designated the answer is yes actually we think it's been held on at least 18 occasions so they meet this Criterion as well does it have a duration of multiple days now I will tell you that in your in your packet we provided you with a copy of the application and the permit as well as the mall agreement it all says one day the day of the event but as we went as we spoke with the applicant and as we went through our own discussions we found certain things that happened on the Friday before there were certain barricades that were brought Cones were brought we think possibly the um Porta poodies were delivered on Friday so we could say we could say that that was part of the setup uh we also know that the Porta parties weren't picked up until Tuesday after the event uh and we know we also found out that the city street cleaner went in and did a cleaning of the parking lot where the event was held and so we figured okay we can say that that the event became a multiple Day event is what we can say so we staff's determination is that they me they met this criteria next okay uh can result in activity impeding or impairing the normal flow of vehicles or pedestrians on a street street sidewalks and other public facilities which are used primarily for travel which or which event will require partial closing obstruction of a street or sidewalk according to our Police Department this this event does not do any of that it does not cause partial closure of roadways it does not impede any of the traffic on on oito Mall Boulevard it doesn't our our Police Department said that it it just doesn't do this and um the event is basically contained in the mall parking lot and so yes it it does take up part of the mall parking lot but it does not impact any public facilities doesn't it doesn't it close down the same as as um the taste of Ovito no it doesn't no I thought it had the the same footprint as the taste of Ovito it's not it's all contained within the mall parking lot but the taste of a veto is too right but the taste of a veto the thing with the taste of a veto and with um the great day in the country they were the original approved um Signature Events they were approved by they were approved before we had the before we had the criteria so you okay all right it's yeah I I so but anyway in conferring with the police department we found that they did not meet this Criterion requires the necessity of public safety or traffic control measures not already provided at the proposed event or surrounding area this once again this was one of the differences this is part of being contained uh one of the things with uh with tast of AO there have been times where we have to pickle the um intersections at Red Bug and at uh 426 to allow traffic to move in and out with that's happened before um of course with great day in a country we're doing traffic control all over the place but in this case even though we have five police officers and a supervisor we also have uh on duty Fire EMS onite but it's all for the event not not anything outside of the event if the Fire gets a call they will leave and go to the call uh so we staff found that it does not meet the Criterion who makes a determination on how many police officers are for event a baseed off the size they they do the staff does an anal the police department staff does an analysis and I'm not really sure how they come up with it I'd have to defer to the chief I think I turned it off yeah Staffing kind of depends on several things uh if alcohol is being served that change that determines the Staffing as well as how many entrances and exits there are to it to keep somebody from inadvertently going in uh generally we we put a perimeter around it of of officers so that way if there is an issue somebody can respond from a central location so that footprint is used commonly with taste Volo uh cops and cars and there's been others so five in one for a um family friend event is generally is generally sufficient in this case as long as it doesn't require traffic control now does the appin have a a choice of whether or not to add more or take away or is it this kind of what uh as long as traffic is not being affected by an Ovito Mall Boulevard where we have to pickle lights at both ends or things of that nature um I don't know that it will require more without looking at the footprint on what's being planned and things of that nature but this that number has worked pretty pretty well uh for could they go less if they wanted to go less I it wouldn't be my recommendation to do so uh in years past we've done alcohol sales and if it's cold they don't you know people don't drink as much but you always have that concern as well uh but also just the fact that uh with today's world and today's uh mentality uh this is probably the minimum number that I'd be comfortable with supporting okay okay thank you okay requires assistance of one or more City departments yes it does uh Public Works is involved PD is involved fire department's involved so yes they've met this Criterion next uh there's that that special word and that uh once again requires all of all of them to uh to be met is it on a quality scale to Target and attract non-local visitors yes it does it brings in people from all over Central Florida uh and and so yes it meets this criteria and go to the last one is open to the community at large yes it is it is open to the community at large and so this this Criterion has been met uh we found because of the two items that we showed you earlier where they didn't meet the criterian the criteria uh the staff found that um the special event doesn't qualify for Signature Events signature event status therefore uh staff recommends denial resolution number 4468 d24 and that's that is my presentation de okay one other question I guess on the Public's work part you uh you sent me the invoice for the event last year um who determines what is necessary for public works there was three heavy Vehicles it be operations the heavy Vehicles were there for security were there for security yes would there be other means versus The Heavy uh I'm sure there can be I'm sure there's different types of barricades that probably go in there uh but the the large vehicles are used to keep people from driving into the event so that's a city decision to use that or was it the event that wanted them there uh I believe it was the city I think it was part of the request it may have been part of the request I'm not I'm not exactly sure Deputy Mayor but when the staff did the analysis on it uh that was the that was the recommendation okay all right any other questions for cob at this point okay thank you sir okay we will uh guess does the appcent want to make a presentation please okay and if you can state your name and the address of the record good afternoon council members my name is Philip cpro uh my office address official address which is the letter I sent from you is from 5200 South US Highway 1792 sweet 1000 Castlebury Florida 32707 I appreciate the time and the consideration today and um I know virtually everybody in the room and I know that everyone is trying to do what Their is in their best interest the the city is certainly attempting to be good stewards of of the taxpayers dollars and and I respect that um I do have some additional materials is it okay if I hand it out to council sure thank you oops what I've given you is an email chain from February 8th 2024 uh the first page you can just ignore I just wanted to keep the whole chain as it was um on February 7 from development services sent an email to president Doug rnck who would have been this here today but was having he had a medical procedure so he's unavailable and uh the Crux of the email is they sent an invoice on January 24th uh which is just after the event and on February 7th notified the president of the of the club that if they did not receive payment of $1,675 58 by Friday February 9th less than two weeks after the event they were going to be required to turn this over to the finance department for collection and we would be prohibited from holding future events in the city of Vito as a result of the action now I bring this to your attention not because it's right or wrong it's simply not the way that I would expect a city to deal with its organizations um and so it kind of set the tenor for the request to become a signature City Event we had questions about these invoices because we were never given an estimate before being charged we were um quite frankly surprised to receive a bill for $4,400 now the invoice that you have here shows 1675 58 but that excludes the $2,400 invoice we received from the police department separately um and that's what predicated us bringing this to the to to the city because you were correct uh city manager Cobb that we've been doing this for 18 years we've been partners with the police department and the city for 18 years doing this wonderful program that supports respect for Law and respect for law enforcement and is quite frankly needed in the community these days and rather than focus on all the things that we did meet I'm going to focus simply on the two issues that they had questions about because it's the same questions that they asked when we met with them uh over at the annex and it's the same two concerns that apparently still exist here now um if I can ask you to go back to um screen f is that possible I think yes she can I didn't know who to look to I didn't know who was controlling the magic wand okay so this issue says it requires the necessity of public safety or traffic control measures not already provided um at the proposed event in surrounding area but we just heard two minutes ago that we had three heavy trucks there placed there by the city for Public Safety purposes they didn't want cars plowing into the field to to to hurt potential you know citizens walking around so if that's not a traffic control measure or a public safety device that didn't already exist on the site I'm not really sure why we had it um I believe we did meet that requirement and I believe that uh that to suggest that the heavy trucks that were placed there to protect the people is something other than a public safety or traffic control device is is um angels dancing on the head of a pen it's semantics but for us that's how we interpret it and if if the if the councils to interpret it any other way um I think it's somewhat subjective as to whether the city you know wishes to go that way or not um secondly if you can go back to e the the big Focus here is actually on the first two words can result can result in activity impeding or impairing the normal flow of vehicles uh in pedestrians on a street or streets sidewalks or other public facilities which are used primarily for travel if you come out to that event at 6:30 in the morning when we are starting to load in vehicles 150 200 vehicles um it's not a fast process to register people in it does back up to OVO Marketplace Boulevard it may not take up both lanes it may not impact people that aren't there at that moment but if there were people there at that moment it would result in an activity impeding so I would submit to the to the councel that it can result in activity impeding and quite frankly it it it does so uh in the same way that the taste of Vito does we use the exact same footprint we have the same numbers if if not maybe a little bit more we we have between eight and 10,000 people minimum that show up every year to this car show uh we have helicop dos we have fire extraction demonstrations there's all kinds of things that expand Beyond just the immediate field and it again the fact that the that that the people that we met with from the city had not observed it with their own eyes does not mean that it does not exist empirically I can tell you I have seen those Vehicles pushed out to OVO Marketplace belard at 6:30 in the morning and so to suggest that we did not meet a criteria because somebody didn't see it when when the option is can result not must result um again we're talking about subjective versus objective and so while I respect the city council the the city staff's analysis and while I understand that they are trying to stop an influx of requests um we are not that we we are not that hill to die on I don't believe we are a staple in the community we partner with the city and we simply are asking to become the same signature give the same signature status that uh the other two large scale events in the city bring and um again we were we were just sucker punched with invoices and that that's largely what brought this about we we certainly appreciate the consideration of the council and I'm available for any questions great any questions for the accent I have questions for the C okay thank you Mr cap okay so this cap I'm assuming that would have been you also your public request to speak or you still want to speak no you you said I had to fill it out as the applicant so I did okay well Mr never mind I can speak again if you want no no I know you I know you're very good at no we really do appreciate that thank you I do like coming no no no no I I yes I'm familiar okay second one up is Mr Jeff chud now good evening sir evening council members I appreciate the the time to speak on behalf of making the cops and cars for kids show a signature event uh I'm sorry but I know it's been a long time since you've been in okay yeah could you say your name and your address Jeff chenna I'm an Ovo resident yes the uh I'm only going to be echoing a lot that Mr capro has said I have been out there at 6:30 in the morning as as the former police chief and watched it back up on to OVO Mall Boulevard also the large trucks are there to stop people from not only driving on that inner circle but then driving in the pedestrians or the law enforcement officers that are there which is not provided by the event so I think I I would Echo his uh point that that that criteria is met so I can go on but it's I'm just going to be repeating what the Mr CAO said but I have seen that back up those trucks are there to prevent people from coming in whether it's by accident or purposely into the law enforcement officers that are parked there or or the car show participants man I'm open for questions if anybody body has any okay I think we're good okay next up I have Chuck [Music] Drago hello man this see you again this is like a family reunion yeah was was there any other police Chiefs that were available that could come in no they look for all the old guys and they brought us all back that's the way it works sometimes thank you for your time I really do appreciate it my name is Chuck Drago I live in julota um everybody's been talking a little bit about the event in recent years I just want to talk to you a little bit about the history of this event and how it started and it's a pretty unique um I've been involved in events in this city for 20 years and very few of them if any that I can think of off the top of my head started the way this one did so back in 2004 in the good old days I was hired to be the police chief here I was tasked with the job of bringing community policing to the city of Ido and we started with internally we sent police officers to training we set up um programs for them we set up programs and training for the community for members of the community civilians uh we turned our attention to adult functions that bring in more people business owners and so forth uh to develop a relationship with the people of OV and then we turned our attention to the kids and realized that the kids are the ones that are usually are left out because of the most difficult to get to um so we started looking for programs to help kids and uh we we had uh funding we found for sports programs for scholarships for computer programs all kinds of things to try to get kids involved with cops because as we all know I think cops have got to be or kids have got to be exposed to cops at a very young age so they don't develop negative attitudes towards the police as they grow older so we we worked with the churches we worked with many organizations but we found that we're still leaving a lot of kids out not every kid wants to play football not every kid wants to play baseball not every kid can play an instrument not every kid can work a computer or wants to so we had an officer that suggested that we bring kids in who might like cars and he was was a former technician Automotive technician and we started a club for kids to come to the police department and meet with the cops and learn about working on cars but more importantly to develop that relationship with people who have a similar interest as these kids was very successful um it led to the cops and cars kids program we had the first uh event back I think it was 18 years ago uh with the cops and kids event we were involved in a community in many many different areas so this was a natural thing to bring uh to move forward with with this program in order to keep these kids involved so use success but I can tell you from the time we started it soon as we all decided to start working on that event uh we had community members who were coming to the police department wanting to help saw what we doing and want to be involved um some of those people were the puddles David and Sher puddles who came and helped us start to grow not only this program but other programs we had an open house in the police department where people could come in and see what the cops do families could come in and join the puddles helped us set that up I say all this to say that this is one of the only events I know of that the city started this wasn't started by any off uh group or anybody looking to fund raise this was started by the city of Ovito to help the kids of this city the the Optimus Club took this and just ran with it it is way more than I ever ever imagined it would be it still brings the kids still brings adults as well but it still brings the kids it's still something for families to go to it's still something to draw attention to Cops and Kids now they've got police departments from all over the county and maybe more uh we only had the city of Fort Lauderdale Police department when we started it it's grown to that extent so this is a huge a huge uh event for these kids departments across the country are dropping these types of programs all over the country I've worked in four different agencies in my time with law enforcement I now have a a business where I go around to all the police departments in the country to consult they're dropping these programs because they're turning Monies to other things it's it's a mistake we can see what's happening in this country we can see what the the toll of the lack of community policing going on in this country I'm just asking and recommending that we not throw this aside merely for finances I get the finances uh like I say I run agencies I understand the you know the need and good stewardship of of the money but this is not one of those in my opinion to cut out this is something that is not only providing fundraising but is also working to help our people in our community which is not happening very often across the country anymore unfortunately it's being thrown aside for usually for financial reasons or for other agendas so um and back in back when I was the police chief and I know the police Chiefs now are doing the same thing uh we use law enforcement trust fund money which is available to pay for crime prevention kids programs to prevent crime um as long as the police chief and the city council would approve something like that you can use those types of funds as well but but I would just suggest and recommend and hope that we can keep this awesome program going um in in this city because this is the only city I know of that started one of these programs like this and still doing it 18 years later so I I I commend you for that for keeping it going as well as the Optimus club and everybody else is involved but thank you very much for your time I appreciate it great thank you Mr dgo do not have any more written requests to speak is there anybody in the audience that would like to get up and speak can I add one thing on my public comment that I wav earlier yeah go ahead fer 1,5 Li TR Winter Springs Florida thank you okay so um the last thing I wanted to point out was the concern that was raised in the presentation is that it could expose the city potentially to $10,000 a year and increasing every year this year I think I mentioned it the total invoice that was presented us was $4,400 so we're not even talking about the full $10,000 we're talking about a very small percentage of a very small percentage and I wanted to make sure that that point was driven home to you all thank you great thank you was there anybody else that wish get up yes sir I think you've been here a few times I think you know I'm Alan a 1000 Lake Roger Circle uh it it sounded to me like uh during the presentation we have we have two other Signature Events currently and both of those events it sounded from the sound of it do not meet the same criteria that this event doesn't meet um I know it's not Q&A but um so that that was my impression uh from it and it it it almost makes it sound like is it going to be possible for a a similar type of event to make that bar um that meets in the same place does the same kind of things I mean the mall parking lot is a pretty big area you have to have a pretty big um you'd have to have a really big event uh to uh to meet those things so uh that didn't seem to make a lot of sense to me but that's uh that's all thank you great thank you anybody else in the audience would like to [Music] speak okay seeing none we will close public comment so what is the pleasure of council I'll make a motion to approve resolution 4468 d24 second uh we have we have a motion in a second any discussion Mr Pollock all right so the footprint is the same size as as Taste of Ovito um it does require the the police services and Public Works Services uh and it does you know even when people are leaving or arriving at the event um like early on it it can require you know traffic control as well um but definitely Public Safety so I I feel like this this event meets the criteria even though I you know I I disagree with staff's recommendation um that those two pieces did not meet the the requirements so um that's why I'm making the motion to approve also when I was looking at the the invoice on here um we need to put our payment terms on these invoices so that they know when they're due um there was I I did not see any payment terms on here even if it's said do do a receipt that wasn't even on here so we need to make sure that we put that on our invoices as well other than that I have nothing okay councilwoman tuer I I also agree I mean I I disagree with staff on this one too it's the same exact spot as tast of Vito on top of that you know when we made Signature Events we wanted events that have been around for a long time um we put in a fiveyear requirement or five permits taken out this was 18 years and as far as you know for former Chiefs coming out it is so big that our Police Department is constantly engaging with our community I think that's why we're one of the safest cities in Ovito it's because we have such a good relationship with the public so um this kind of event I've been to it several years my kids love it it's a great community outreach program and I do think it meets the requirement um as far as billing people and I'm I'm really concerned with the comment that they didn't know how much it would cost until after the event can we get some background on what is our process when people are doing Special Events because I don't want anybody getting a bill that they owe already without knowing it's coming so that's I guess that's my question right now I know there was a meeting and I know it was discussed I just don't know when that meeting I can't recollect when that meeting occurred so I it's GNA have I'm G to have to get with the staff and answer that for you tomorrow is what I'm going to have to do okay well regardless I guess I really think it should be part of our process that if there was a meeting which I'm sure there was that at the end of that meeting a price was decided upon it needs to be put in writing and sent out to everybody before the event and if not we cannot bill it because that's unacceptable um but I I we cannot just surprise people with $4,000 bills so if they knew about it ahead of time that's one thing but I would like to see us have a process where it's put in writing sent with terms and sent out so that's all I got okay Council M brutin okay well 18 years uh Chief drgo did you run it when you were here yes chel Mr chel so how did we pay for these uh Public Works and other other costs uh previously to this Brian did we charge it back to the club well that's the thing when it started out with the um when it started out it was a city function so he didn't charge it and I looking through some of the history I think there was still a lot of City work being done as part of the event and so it wasn't charged can we make it a city function again that part I don't know uh it's um Chief Coleman are you willing to take it on join the join the family reunion she I almost have to speak the previous two CH sort of like that yes I think we need to nominate uh former Chief Chuck grego to be the the chairman of it should have fired me when you had the chance uh it it's a big project the Optimus do a fine job with it and they they handle the heavy lifting when it comes to the other cars other than than law enforcement and Phil feel free to correct if I step out because I'm not involved in the actual meetings on on when they design it we kind of handle the letters going out to the law enforcement groups and all the agencies of that end and and get them situated when it comes to parking but they handle the hot rods and the car cool cars that everybody come to see and that's a tremendous amount of work plus the vendors and everything of that nature and I don't have the Staffing because literally it would fall under one maybe one and a half people and I can tell you they they would probably tell you too that that's not enough to I'm kind of leaning towards a some sort of partnership well the partnership the partnership's been there for the for 18 years 18 years I know when we first started Cu uh Pat Powers was our first officer who who what uh former Chief said uh kind of started very small very small and it kind of uh just kind of like a muscle car type type thing and the law enforcement side of it showing law enforcement cars grew as it kind of came into to with The Optimist making it a much larger event so I think the first time David you may remember was actually at the Aquatic Center was it not started at high school high school okay Insurance when yes yes um but as far as us doing it running it I don't I don't know that that would be um a doable proposition under current Staffing yeah I'm I'm just looking for a way to make this happen without opening up a can of worms down the road I understand could we uh do we have forfeiture funds or trust funds that we could use to offset the cost of this um I'd have to get back to you on that because forfeiture funds have the the the use of forfeiture funds was revamped this past year by the feds and they put a lot of restrictions on what you can and can't use and and things that you used to be be able quite like nonprofits uh there's there's a lot more restrictions so I don't want to say yes in here and have to come back and tell you differently I don't know the answer to give you right today okay but I can find out pretty uh shortly okay okay you know I'd like to see a solution to this without you know having us create a conflict in the future you know one thing I look at at these events uh is the size of the event uh I think other than Taste of vovito uh great day great day and great day and the city the parades in the Fourth of July event this is probably on par with with those events it's not a two-hour 5K run at the mall and you know it's not some uh some local uh nonprofit event at the uh the Ampitheater it's a pretty big deal that I think the 8,000 number is a little low to be honest with you I've been out there quite a few years and it's I would uh I would say it's probably more than 10,000 I didn't want to overate but okay so it it is on par with that uh I kind of think the uh enf criteria that's a little cheesy to me too uh I've been out there and yeah VTO Mall Boulevard runs right next to where those aircraft are coming in and I I was sponsored the NASA helicopter to come in there that's a that's a tight squeeze I don't know if you would want to have cars driving around when you got these guys flying in in there um I would think you'd want to block it off at least while they're coming in and taking off um well I'm finish it does have to me and I can't thank you guys enough it's got a great uh educational value and it's a great community policing tool thank you Chief uh Drago so Brian I'm looking to you I I think we're going to do this but we had to rewrite the criteria for things that include you know value to the community it's Goodwill we're we're creating as far as the uh the number of kids that get out there and get to see this my my kid he's 30 years old now he was out there for many years crawling on over that stuff um again I don't I don't see the $4,000 as a big deal I we can talk all we want about the way we Bill uh the same thing pretty much happened at the uh Tes ofo with the with the chamber I was on the on the board there the you send an invoice you don't really know what to charge them until it's it's over it's actual cost I guess but you should give them an idea so that's my two cents Brian I uh I guess we're going to looks like we're going to approve this but I'm looking to you to try to figure out how to make this a signature event that fits all the criterias maybe we need to revise that a little bit well that was going to be one of my recommendations to you if you did approve it was to revise the code um I know this going to sound weird I just got a text from Mr Beldon uh he does have an idea and could offer it to him but I don't know if it addresses the concern and the concern is the cost do you want him to present to us I I'm willing to let him come up and S all right we're open sir evening Council um just a thought that came to mind was just recently we created a partnership agreement with oido citizens and action and that partnership agreement laid out the responsibilities of both the city as well as the nonprofit and we have this we've had this relationship for many years it just pretty much put everything in paper of what we're currently doing what we've done and how we're going to move forward together as a group um maybe this is an opportunity to put some sort of similar agreement in place with uh um with the event that's been presented this evening just a quick thought I had no yeah go back to the way it was a partnership with the the city and the outus club the optims club and one of the things about the partnership agreement is that it wouldn't change anything the Optimus club would still be The Driver it's just that the agreement would State what the city would provide and what they would provide and those are the different things that you guys okay with that just so I'm clear you're saying instead of making it a signature event we would create we would enter into a partnership agreement we do that with the uh Martin Luther King we did we did with celebration rather than declaring the celebration of signature event we it sounds right now the city is actually determining how many heavy trucks to go in there how many police officers you know so we're actually it's not like the dbent could get out of hand it's like we have a control over how it's set up but but MLK is a City Event part of it is part of the only part that City Event is the part in the park the parade is a nonprofit event yeah so yes but to that the parade and those things oci is still responsible for the cost of police right and all of that so as far as a relation if we were doing something similar with the Optimus Club it wouldn't it would just say Optimus Club is responsible for all the fees there's coming here tonight so what would it actually it wouldn't address the concern as far as what they're bringing to the it wouldn't address the CERN of the cost the cost it would still be a nonprofit unless we made some kind of agreement that they pay a flat fee or something I mean but something like yeah we haven't done that before was was the $4,000 owner to to the club it took a large chunk out of of of the fundraising from the event okay yeah so I I I think the answer would be we would be happy to enter into a partnership with agreement between the signature event and the city yeah I think that would not be a problem um I I say we just make this a signature event I mean I understand that there may be you know as you as you put it uh councilman briten you know there it may open up a can of worms um but this this event I mean it's been going on for so long it's got the same size as the other two Signature Events that we have in the city if not larger than T than uh great day in the country and and it's not a signature event so I'd say we just make it a signature event and we deal with um th those other organizations if they come to us for a signature event down the road um but well would you change the criteria of the signature event I I think they met all the criteria of the signature event and I think it's difficult to meet all that criteria there I don't I I I I differ an opinion from staff on those two items I think that they met those and and I think that if another organization came they would still have to meet those those that criteria and I don't know if some of these other organizations would meet that criteria so I I'm just you know I I think that we're good with the the the criteria that was was presented I I could I could go along with that it's it's kind of a vague uh requirement both the enf um and I can see where we would need to have both of those in play to to do some of the things we do in this event okay yeah I mean again I think we're we're making a decision on how much Public Works and how many police there and then and to I think the point was made where on Section e can result in an activity impeding it is kind of subjective um and I realize it's in the mall but it does can impact that Mall Boulevard though not much really impacts Mall Boulevard so but yeah I I can definitely see where uh it could meet some of that criteria as well because you're using those heavy trucks as as basically as traffic controls um I remember seeing the the brand new uh street cleaner out there which was really nice was nice to see that but uh yeah I can I can see where that that is if if what they're saying is a traffic control measure and Public Safety that would put those Vehicles out there so nothing happens I would think that kind of Falls within that that realm so and as far as the other two events we've had they've been around for more than 15 years both of them how long has taste of AO been around we just did Taste of it was going on before I got here so at 30 25th 25th right and then how long has um great day been around great day 49 years I mean if you want to make it I guess more difficult to be a signature event make it 15 years instead of five if that's something I'd be willing to change all these events are are three biggest events in the city it makes sense to me too as Mr poock said just go forward with this it makes perfect sense it's the same exact event as Taste of OBO you just swap out cop cars I I can't understand how the layout's different going to both for several years so call the vote okay why we go ahead and call the vote all those in favor say I I I opposed resolution passes discussion items we have none city manager report I thank you D I only had a a couple of things um off our city offices are going to be closed on Thursday and Friday in observance of the Independence Day holiday and I'd like you should have received an email late this afternoon from Miss Collins regarding an executive section executive session on Thursday July the 11th uh we anticipate getting the Actuarial analyses back this week and that will give us time to turn around and get back with you um with an update on the union negotiations so we'd like to schedule that for Thursday the 11th at 5:30 is this is this both or just one both for both yes it'd be for both are you looking for availability right now uh if you my request is please answer her email okay okay and that is all I have okay city attorney's report thank you I don't have anything this evening I I sent you all a bunch of reading material earlier this morning if you have any questions about just it looked like really light reading thank youate that thanks other than that just happy 4th of July to all of you hope you happy 4th of July to you as well council member poock um thank you for putting all that together I know it's it's difficult sometimes with the these decisions and stuff like that but uh um you know I want to thank staff for putting that together and and you know going through that so thoroughly but you know I just have a little bit of a different opinion on it so that's all um you know um I uh last week we had the um Council work session and when I pulled up to the back um there was a Tesla back there that had no battery left in it or I mean the the charge had had been completely drained out of it and one of our police officers was back there with the family which it was a mother with I think she had three or four children her mother and her mother-in-law in the car and everybody was you know stressed out over this and the police officer was there very nice helpful offering I mean I just you know I mean that that's the kind of community policing and the type of police officers we have in this in this community um that you know that really make a difference and you know and and I I didn't get his name um when he was back there but you know I just want to say thank you for for always doing that and I see that all the time with all of our police officers and how friendly they are and how helpful they are so I just wanted to let you know um other than that happy 4th July hope to see everybody out on what Saturday Saturday Saturday for the uh fire works great thank you I am up next Mr Kelly I was wondering if you could come up here and we got a few emails from our federal lobbyists that maybe if you could summarize uh that for us of what's transpiring there looks like there was a lot of money involved there good evening deputy mayor uh city council uh yes the federal lobbyist uh sent three emails updating on uh two uh Federal Appropriations requests um which we made three uh and then the water res recent Water Resources development at or or word a bill that was passed and what that is uh we'll start there that's the big money uh $10 million um that is not an actual appropriation it's an authorization so when um that those projects come forward and the intention of those projects in the water bill uh was for those uh LFA test Wells or not the test Wells the actual Wells that will be coming down the line um to then go and request Appropriations Appropriations under that authorization so that's um the first um then we also have uh about 500,000 for police technology uh that's for body cams and tasers uh that is a federal appropriation under a doj uh and then we have also uh 1.2 give or take one and a quar million for Sweetwater Creek restoration uh so those two Appropriations uh are in the bills that are going to be sent to committee for markup so once that happens uh they will then go to the house floor uh if they make it through the committee process and uh um our lobbyist has been working with the committees as well as uh Congressman Mills on getting those uh included and uh we also have one more uh it's a request for uh LED lighting upgrades for some of our ball fields uh they have not to my knowledge done those uh put those bills together yet but the request was uh submitted by Congressman Mills as well so so uh so all three were Congressman Mills uh yes sir okay yeah so those have all been uh put in and we are hopeful that they will be included in markup and then passed on the house floor and then um unlike the state the feds do not have to they don't don't have to pass a balanced budget or have a timeline when a budget has to be passed like for instance the state fiscal year started today so happy fiscal state New Year to everyone um so uh the Congress um because they have different rules governing their budgets uh can operate under continuing resolution so they don't necessarily have to pass a new budget every year they can operate under the uh same budget framework and just extend that time frame we hope that that won't happen so we really can't give a date or a time frame yet so the lobby has will work with Mills who's more freshman kind of Representative right do he's just he's campaigning for a second term is that right I believe this is his second going for he will be going for a second term so they've been obviously involved in trying to help with that so it's a good sign right uh yes sir very good sign but still early in the process we are very early in the process I think you can look at it as we passed the first test now we got to go take the second one and what are they like 14 possibly yeah once it gets out of Congress then it goes to the department that's when it really gets fine so well hopefully they again they stay close to them and you know and also one note of good news there is no line item veto in federal budget oh that's good that is good thank you and and then uh secondly I do want to thank uh Chief CH now Chief Cho for coming in again thank you guys for your service to the city and you guys have really kind of set the foundation for the community policing that we have right now that goes on and chief Coleman does a great job job over there as well um I know you know you guys have done a great job of kind of getting things up and going and setting the standards and they continue on so we do thank you for everything you've done uh Mr Beldon again congratulations uh Parks and Rec month uh so again it's uh you guys are doing a great job look forward to July 4th so should be a great turnout as it did last year hopefully the weather holds up so we can uh hope for that so and that is all I have we need we need a picture of the three Chiefs together before they leave I throw the fire chief in there too council member Briton well I I just uh thank you Patrick for the update on the on the uh Congressional funding that we're looking for that that was good news to me too and I will say that Maurice Kirkland is doing a working very hard in our behalf I've been up there twice this year and he is he is on top of things very impressive um I'm glad I got the Chiefs here because I want to ask if anyone knows what the broken windows policy is and I'll just fill you in it's a policy that says visible signs of crime antisocial behavior and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourag further crime and disorder including serious crimes and I was leaving the mall the other day day after the the hobnob and guess what I saw I saw a busted window in the old ma Macy's that no one's taken care of that's a bad sign to me and I know we've got some graffiti issues around here too but um Brian I guess I'm going to ask you is there a way we can get a hold of the the property owners of the Macy's and see if they could either board it up or do something about that stuff I believe we've already done that but I I'll check with I'll check with code enforcement okay but I believe they are I believe there is a case on it that's that's one of the the the key parts of what I believe we need to be doing as the city if if we stop doing stuff like that people will think we're ignoring them it it goes all the way through potholes to Graffiti to everything else so uh that's important to me so if we can get that taken care of I I'd appreciate it that's all I have happy happy forth everyone Council woman tuer sure so I got a couple things so on our consent agenda we approved fixing some Mass arms on Mitchell hammock that are not in good condition so I'm all about approving that and getting that done my concern is they're still up right now um and it sounds like we just approved the funding to go do an interim fix but are they a danger to drive under at this moment I mean Paul could answer it yeah come on up Paul I I I don't I don't know the the conditions so I just wanted to I know we're doing an emergency fix here but yeah we don't we don't believe it's a danger okay I mean it it needs to be replaced the the challenge for the contractor he's ordered wooden poles to be delivered and he just hasn't gotten them yet but we have talked to simal County everyone's aware of what's going on so we don't so this interim fix though I mean how how fast are we going to move for it'll take like two days to get it done so we'll be doing that within the next week or so or I believe they are scheduled to do it July not this week but next week okay yeah that's I just wanted to make sure we weren't no it's everything's underway it's just again the contractor was they're having supply issues okay everyone's apparently doing the same thing um let's see so um I did have a resident who got pulled over by our awesome Police Department for speeding and then they proceeded to send me the signs of the last four speed limit signs down Central and all of them were covered by trees so I don't know if we need to get public works out there in checking all of our speed limit signs in the whole city because that's fair you know they were half covered some of them you could read some you couldn't so I want to make sure those are all visible um and then something I didn't mention earlier because they I just forgot to bring it up but the May 6th approval of minutes um we had a vote at that meeting where it was a 5- z vote and then someone changed their vote in the comments at the end of the meeting and in the minutes it says the vote was 4 to one and it doesn't allude to that so I guess my question is did we look into if people can change their votes at after after in in this part of the meeting uh the answer to that is no that someone can't change their vote they can um request reconsideration of the motion so I guess I missed that so on the May 6 meeting when it was 5 to so do the minutes they say four to one so the the minutes un I just that corre I'm talking about the industrial land use One MH let me look again I just caught that app with back and forgot to ask unless I was looking at the wrong spot that one I I believe so number 11 on May 6th are you sure it wasn't 41 I thought it was 41 I thought that one was 41 but I know it there was one similar that I think it was on the vacating the vacating of the lobby okay but to clarify you cannot change it in this part of the meeting correct you can't you can't change your vote you can move to reconsider that's what I wanted to hear and make sure because I don't think that's right so okay just wanted to clarify that so and then the last thing I mean we brought it up with this cops and cars but do like it doesn't sound like we have a written procedure on if you are doing a special event that says you will receive this document before an event and there will be a meeting X number of days beforehand and we will get that all cleared up and everybody on the same page and after the meeting you will receive a bill X number days after is that written down and submitted or do we have anything like that if it is it's in the it's in the application form itself but I would have to go I have I'd have to look at the application form to find out I am very big on consistent processes that are clear and handed in writing um if that doesn't exist or if it does I want to make sure we have a specific day they're getting it and it's all clear and I understand some of the prices change as the event goes on based on circumstances but you should still be able to say you know plus or minus 20% of this cost based on the day so um as far that's all I got so enjoy the holiday weekend very good all right next up we have uh upcoming meetings Monday July 15 2024 6:30 Council regular session Monday July 29th 2024 6:30 work session tenative and and Monday August 5th 2024 6:30 regular session is there anything else would to get to the order we are adjourned