e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everybody and welcome to veto city council chambers if you stand with us we have a fine young gentleman is going to lead us on the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you J you did a great job you will join me in a moment of silence thank you like to call this meeting to order it is Monday June 17th at 6:30 we are missing council member poock all the other members of council are here tonight first up I believe we have a ceremonial item PRM large entity annual safety award presentation good evening mayor and City Council Members nice to be here tonight thank you thank you so much for having us I'm Robbie sharder the executive director for PRM and with me is your dedicated loss prevention consultant Renee Hudson a little bit of background on PRM we call it rather than saying out all of its words it was formed in 1987 with about eight members and at that time when they came together it was hard market and it was very difficult for public entities to get affordable insurance so their Consultants at the time came together and found a way to do that by pooling and um from that point to today we now have 75 members so it's grown quite a bit in 34 years and we're very proud of that growth um it's a very stable growth as well we're very selective in how we choose to go about that we have members from the Panhandle to Key West and a lot of areas in between and while that sounds uh quite ominous um at the same time um it's very strategic so there's a lot that goes into selecting those members in terms of some modeling which I don't have time to get into today but it's um a pretty honorous um process that we go through um and all that modeling has to do with wind storms and those kinds of things so we pretty much base it mostly on the property in selecting where we place people we've had 100% retention of our members for quite some time now um and that's um a pretty good uh run I would say so um we are responsible for uh Property and Casualty workers comp we do cyber um Aros and Emissions crime so there's a lot of lines that are covered it's not just uh purely just property and Li workers comp um the city has been a member for 26 years since 1998 so thank you so much for your membership and your support um with along with that um you have also allowed um one of your staff members to be on our executive board and we really appreciate um his expertise um along on with Connie who also sits on the general board and um it's been great having them with us and uh giving their um extra that I'm sure they you share with them um the executive board's responsibilities are a little more than the general boards the general board does approve the budget and some policy changes but the Executive Board gets into a lot more detail and um they actually um approve um settlements of claims when there's a the ability to come to the executive board and appeal a decision so of our claims adjusters which is a really um great thing that they're able to do because it gives that uh individual input that you might not have otherwise in this process um they uh approve granting um The Binding coverages so all of the lines um they grant me the authority to bind it I don't get to do that on my own which is okay I don't need that 100% responsibility so it's nice to have them um along with they listen and have joined in on underwriting meetings um and they've joined in on Carrier meetings in the executive board level where they listen to different carriers that we select to be on the program and they've helped listen to the story or tell the story as well so we really enjoy the involvement of our board members um in addition to what we do for property we also do risk management we like to say we're an extension of your staff and this is where Renee comes into play and in that area of our um job we're focusing on the different tools that we can provide the city um in terms of workshops and training libraries um attorney access and support which is a a really big piece for pre- defense of your police force um whenever there's an issue or that arises um while they're in the line of duty and um we then also work on the claims and help make recommendations to help reduce and mitigate future risks so Renee would you like to go on and talk to them a little bit more about your role sure um I was risk manager for the city of Bradenton since 1988 and I came on with public risk management in 2016 I've had the pleasure of working with uh Jennifer and Connie since then um a little bit of background on the city's Property and Casualty program um with assistance of PRM and its Brokers World risk um made adjustments to the city's Property and Casualty insurance and that was an effort to reduce the mitigation against the rising cost of insurance um included the decision to adjudicate um a a self-insurer for the first 10,000 in workers C property Auto and liability uh the human resources staff established and managed tracking analysis and management procedures to reduce the city overall claims experience and I do know that firsthand because the ladies are always uh attending our webinars educational webinars um actually they incorporate policies so it's very rewarding as your dedicated loss prevention consultant to see them utilizing the PRM resources and seeing how what a great result it turned out to be um through these efforts combined with promoting a strong safety culture and reviewing accidents with the city Safety Committee and departmental Leadership the city was able to reduce its property and casual insurance premiums by 18% 19% and uh 18 to 19% and they saved $ 46,5 48.93 cents over the past five years in fiscal year 2324 the city uh increased the self-insured amount to 25,000 in workers comp property Auto and liability claims which further reduced the city's insurance premiums by 18.4 which created an additional savings of $247,100 so since June of 2000 a little bit of history on our um our safety award program uh PRM has been issuing the annual safety award program uh an award to recognize the me any member who's made the greatest reduction in the number of workers comp claims total costs from previous year they also created three categories to recognize this accomp accomplishment so we have a small entity class which is 0o to 100 employees a midsize entity class which is 101 to 200 employees and then the large entity which is the city of Ido is 201 plus employees so this year it's actually our pleasure to say that the city of obido has been recognized as a recipient of the annual safety award for the large entity class um the city earned this award by having a 50% reduction in the number of workers comp claims reducing the number of claims from 16 um in 21 22 to 8 in 2223 that's 50% that's wonderful and having an 83% reduction in incurred claim cost by reducing incurred claims incurred is your reserves and your actual cost of the claim that went from 526,000 in 2122 to 89,000 uh $92 in 2223 so just real quick about what um that self-insured is for the city we call that first dollar so you're taking on the first you were taking on the first 10 now you're taking on the first $25,000 of a claim and so that is a a large um impact on your premium because the more you take on the less you need it us to help you support that and so you know as you go through your budget process that'll be something you'll always want to watch is make sure you always have the Reserves yourself to cover those claims but the good news is with them reducing your work comp there they're not tapping into that as much which is is really really great accomplishment and with that Jennifer and Mindy and Connie would you like to come up so it's our honor and pleasure uh to present the city and your HR staff with this Award of Excellence uh to the city of vovito for most improved workers comp a large group great thank you thank you and she's behind you that's why you why don't you join them you enjoy oh okay [Applause] you need some help that was very nice actually uh I think it's a tribute Mr Cobb to you and your staff to to bring that kind of safety environment uh within your the workplace because I think I've been in those situations where it's not a good workplace you do find you get a lot of work or comp problems um to come through but I'll give it to you you know fire chief police chief parks and wreck you know Public Works I mean they I think really kind of construe a very good environment and encourage people to to be safe so that's off to you guys well thank you deputy mayor do need the Miss Collins Miss Clark uh they they carry the load and the I would also want to recognize our Safety Committee which is cross- departmental and they review everything that happens with the city um and they provide recommendations on how we can make things better and uh but yes Miss Clark um Miss Miss uh Collins they work tirelessly to keep the city uh as we say out of trouble when it comes to these things and uh so they work very well with PRM as well yeah good you got a good team okay we're moving on so approval of the minutes we are moving to a future meeting future meeting day yes sir okay so we have some adjustments to do on that uh next up is public comment is there anybody in the audience that wish to comment on anything tonight okay seeing none I will close public comment next up is consent agenda what is the pleasure of coun I make a motion to approve the consent agenda second all right have a motion a second any discussion the only thing I I would want to add is that uh I spoke with Mr Beldon about potentially extending a a similar rentree situation in a to to other similarly situated organizations for uh you know like there's mentioned in here I'm like bungling this all up So for anybody in the audience there's an item in here um that is a partnership agreement between the city of avito and avito citizens in action for the Martin Luther King Jr Day festivities and one component of that is a prayer breakfast that's held at the OVA cultural center and my suggestion was that since we're we are sort of solidifying that that is going to happen in a rfree situation that we find a a way to implement a policy that makes sure that all all similarly situated 501 c3s have that same opportunity so just want to put that out there that I'm I'm hopeful it'll come back because I want to make sure that we're treating everybody the same way but I I do think that honoring our our handshake agreement and making it a little bit more formal is the right thing to do with OCA tonight okay the motion is to approve the consent agenda as presented all those in favor of the motion signify by saying I I opposed motion carries all right so we have no public hearings no F oh first reading ordinances Mr Ross can you read the uh ordinance by title only um yes Mr Deputy Mayor it's a long one tonight so bear with me um an ordinance of the city of oido Florida calling for a referendum election to be held on November 5th 2024 for the purposes of proposing to the dorate of the city of obido in accordance with controlling law the funding of the obido public safety building project and the issuance of General obligation Bonds in a total principal amount not to exceed 20,41 5,822 payable from the levy of Ador taxes for the purposes of financing all or a portion of the Vito public safety building project providing for the construction of a modern public safety building and related infrastructure providing for a pledge of ad theorm taxes providing for legislative findings intent and purposes providing for authorization and Authority providing for ballot language providing for implementing actions by various officials providing for a savings provision and the effect of ordinance providing for an intent to reimburse providing for non- codification and correction of scrier Errors providing for separability and providing for an effective date great thank you Mr go can you provide a brief introduction uh yes thank you Deputy Mayor Adam if you could pull up the PowerPoint for us there uh this is this is a slide of just what we're going to talk about tonight and uh I have Representatives here from Zha who will be walking you through uh the various Alternatives that they've been looking at and if you'll remember back on April 29th we had a work session and at that work session Council gave us direction of things that they wanted us to go and do further study upon and one of the items that you asked us to look at was how can we get this on the November 5th agenda and so I'm going to review that with you and then Mr larm and Mr um melon is going to they're going to come up and Mr melon's G to Mr war and Mr melon are going to come up and they're going to go through with you the various uh project scenarios one of the things you asked them was to look at what other projects throughout the state but then also compare it with Castleberry so they're going to bring that they're going to bring that to you as well then they're going to look at the various uh construction projects that Council asked us to do the further study on they also have information regarding the different uh purchasing design construction processes as far as P3 design build uh the normal traditional one as far as design design bid build and of course the semr comparison and then at the end we can we can open it up for any discussions when we get through with all the presentations uh tonight we're asking that city council schedule a public hearing for July 15th uh 2024 and mine if you could just go to the next slide uh what this ordinance does it does schedule a referendum for November the 5th uh much like our ordinance last year it establishes a total cost and this is based on the construction of a 28,800 ft new building that also has an additional 10,000 square ft of a shell space that's not going to be finished at this time that'll be done at a future date but we'll go ahead and build build the shell space as part of this as part of of the project it acknowledges that we did do the referendum back in 2016 the 11.4 million and it requests the additional uh 20,41 5,822 to do the construction project expresses our intent to issue the bonds for the total price and it establishes all the different UH responsibilities of the city manager the City attorney the city clerk uh the supervisor of ctions and it also one of the things that comes from our bond Council he always says do your expression of intent to reimburse for cost that you do such as if there's any type of design cost or anything that we're doing uh before the actual issuance of the bonds B if we could go to the next one this is the ballot question that would that we're proposing and that is proposed in the ordinance uh pretty similar to what we did last year it acknowledges the total cost of the project it discusses the 11.4 million that's already been approved and then it talks about should we issue the additional bonds for the 20,41 15, 822 Madam we go to the next one thank you okay this is the schedule uh one of the things that we've done if with doing the public hearing on July the 15th that gives us July 1 sh tonight you give us different direction to go in uh it gives us the opportunity to do a first reading another first reading on July the 1 and still keep with our proposed schedule you can see there once we do the public hearing we have to send it off to the translator once we get it back from the translator will then provide it to the supervisor of elections and then we do also have some published advertisements that we have to do in the newspaper uh five weeks out three weeks out the early voting period um is which begins on October 21st of course election day on November 5th uh mine if we could flip over to the Excel spreadsheet Mr Johnny Lauren and Mr Rick melon are here from Zha and so this is the first part of their presentation and they're going to walk you through uh the analyses that they've been doing and uh then we'll flip back over to the uh the PowerPoint okay thank you very much good evening mayor and counsel um I was going to give an intro of everything he just said so I'm not going to do that okay and I just let you know that Johnny is going to do the first part which is going to talk about the benchmarking and Castleberry as well as update on on the options I'm going to talk about P3 and other um construction delivery methods so Johnny sure yes if you can read it right so thank you yes can you slide over yes to the you see the the last project there it's listed as norport Public Safety if you can zoom in to see that Pro that column and the other ey and the last bit of columns go the left a little bit this is the printed out of thing it is yes ma'am the very very last project didn't if you could capture that and then everything on the right side perfect and then we'll just scroll down that that works so like Brian mentioned last time wow you asked us to come back with some homework um what this is is we we call this an economic cost model right so at this point in the project you know you're not at the point where you're doing pure blown pure blown estimates or you're really looking at detail enough to know what something cost you would basically have taken a series of example projects that have been constructed all the way back you know some of these are are 10 years old all the way to projects that we're either bidding or estimating now throughout the State of Florida um projects that were um constructed a long time ago these numbers have been brought to today's dollars to compare for Apples to Apples so kind of the spreadsheet you're looking at is us trying to um show you that the cost per square foot that we presented to you last time for building the the construction cost of the building of 550 a square foot is what we had shared before that that is appropriate in in today's world right so all this is is is an example of all those projects breaking down the different divisions um of how we would estimate a project right masonry metal roofing um Specialties equipment and things like that so with that very very last couple of um um couple of columns there's an adjusted cost per square foot and there's a probable cost right so if you would slide down to the bottom and we'll keep an eye on that next to last column which is the adjusted cost per square foot there you go so right now these numbers for these projects include numbers such as um a contingency that the construction the contractor would carry right it includes Bond estimated bonds uh well these projects fees taxes things like that um what it does not include are all the additional items that we consider soft cost right that doesn't include design fees it doesn't include inspection fees it doesn't include a lot of those other items that we shared with you in the past estimates right so this number here would just be the site and the building right and any contingencies the contractor has carried and ultimately what what we're trying to show here is it has averaged out to from the range somewhere around $400 a square foot all the way up to close to $700 a square foot with these projects so on average I I think I'm trying to struggle myself to see on average including the site you can see that um we're looking at about $564 a square foot when you look at all those projects on an average um now again we are sticking with our 550 a sare foot because we feel like that's that's that's an appropriate number um and then if you look over on the right um basically all of those numbers are Castlebury numbers so um that wasn't a project we that we designed nor constructed um and this isn't our these numbers aren't our opinion right so we basically went to the contractor that constructed the project and we went to um members of the city right we spoke with the Chiefs again we spoke with uh uh other members of the city and basically try to get an understanding of okay why is Castleberry such an outlier right CU if you see that number was falling in um somewhere in the range of a little a little more than four something a square foot so the first thing to note is that that project um those numbers that you're seeing there don't have again none of the soft costs or anything that are associated with the total numbers that we that we're sharing with you um the first thing is that building and these are their words not ours this the city's words is was constructed um as a glorified Administration build building right it wasn't truly constructed as a fullon EOC or a full-on public safety building so what that means is code has a standard for how things are designed your facility and all of these facilities that we've estimated up here um are projects that are designed to an essential Level facility that code code requires a certain level of wind requirements wind mitigation impact requirements and things like that the city made a strategic decision that they were going to design that building more like an Administration facility with a little little higher end um impact um kind of protection now could you do that for your facility you could but we wouldn't recommend it um you know the ahj basically has the final say and can basically interpret the code however they want however the numbers that we're showing you uh in our estimate for you new Public Safety facility are are matching what a true um essential facility designed as per code should be right at this point right so a perfect examp I have a question on that so I'm just trying to understand you right are you saying they built their Police Department not to the right standard no they had they just built it to a different standard than what we're estimating your project at so but I I know I'm just hearing what you say like they didn't design the EOC and it to be a true police department but I've walked through there they have a great e so the so the project was also designed and and bid before a lot of serious code changes happen for essential facilities right so um it's only been within the last few years that the code has said Okay police and fire have to be designed as an essential level for building which means like wind code that's wind and and impact so you would be like what's a level E missile have you ever heard anyone talk about missile impact on a building so it's basically all about how they test a facility right they actually shoot 2x4s at at windows and doors at certain mile per hour and they test how how the exterior ior finra stands up so code now says that if you're anything above 150 mph which you guys are in this area you're going to you have to meet a certain requirement that's new within the past that's within the last few years right so and that would be at a level E requirement right so their project in Castlebury specifically dropped down to a Level D which is one level below it 100% meets the code at the time right um and it was a decision that they made to save some cost is it still hardened is it still an appropriate Public Safety facility is it still going to protect everybody that's 100% right it's just not going to be at the new code levels that we have to we have to estimate for your new facility so that's is it a choice for us to do that because I was not understanding from your comments just now whether it's mandatory that we have the that we meet the higher code or whether we may choose to have a portion at least of our facility meet the lower code so code is code and I would tell you it's not Choice other than your ahj does have a final say in anything including and what what does that stand for your area having having jurisdiction or your building code or whoever is reviewing and approving the drawings right so which would be us approving own drawings is that not correct it it usually is but you know unless unless you had unless you specifically I'm not looking to go against the code but as far as is it a fact that the code has changed within the past two years to that extent so that project was B project was bid further back than two years right so sure but it just you know got built within the past two years so again the these are just things that we we learned from just speaking with the city and speaking with the contractor from that standpoint um those highlighted items up there are are some big ticket items of differences between what we've estimated and you know kind of what they have done in their project as well now I will tell you that you know numbers are numbers there's a lot of things behind the scenes that you just don't know about a project right so there's things that we don't know um how how these numbers were generated as far as Apples to Apples right um just we just weren't a part of the project so like I said numbers are numbers there's things that happen happen Behind These numbers to get to where they got that you know we just don't know about I would I would say that ahj is not just the city or city council it may include FEMA yes NFPA uh EPA all of those agents genes have a a bite at the Apple correct and they they're all changing their codes correct um some other further conversations that we had with the city um as well um their facility it has plans for future equipment that they need to install um it's my understanding that they just recently even got their um generator and stuff installed just from long long lead items and things like that so those type of dollars wouldn't have been associated with with with these dollars right so while Castleberry is a little bit of an outlier there was you know there were several reasons for for why you know it's a little different than kind of the numbers we're sharing with you i' I'd also be hesitant what you're really talking about is outfitting costs correct um I'd be hesitant I guess we could do it for some things but I'd be hesitant to build a a shell of a building and then not be able to outfit it properly correct so cor right is just so I understand this though so they have the 12,39 in some change and you estimated at 17 and a half and today dollars is that am I reading that right a post version no I can see it I appreciate that now that where are you seeing the 17 and a half I'm sorry if you go over to the left right directly across under the probable cost cost yeah maybe it's down a little further I don't yes there we go there we go so that very last column would have been thank you Rick sorry was F no that's okay that very last column is us taking the 28,800 ft and using these exact averages and numbers from these projects to help us estimate what your project would have come out using these exact numbers right so that last column is based on that 28,800 square fet is that at the 550 per for for Simplicity we're saying stick with the 550 a square foot because those are the numbers that we presented you before and we're we're comfortable that that's a good average to use that's not comparing the Castlebury 26,000 correct that's 28,000 based on your correct okay and I'll tell just did a quick estimate but if I take the uh I guess there was a $600 $667 per square foot number and it's kind of an industry standard in federal government to go about 80% of that because that's a probability thing and and actually the 550 is a little bit higher than that which you know translates to a better probability of success hope you do that yeah so that that $600 that was a recent project that is bidding right now for the city of Northport they're doing a very large Public Safety complex similar you know similar components to what you have um and that's the one that is coming in at that those dollar amounts now the reason I gave you projects all over Florida because building in Northport is different than building here is different than building in Daytona is different than building in Bard right so um I wanted to give you a smattering of projects that were kind of all over the state obviously Northport has a little bit of a factor of of getting getting needs right now and you know just because of what they've been dealing with over the past year and a half because of their their hurricane and everything they're still getting impacted with you know trying to get construction projects underway there so their cost per square foot numbers are a little bit higher than they typically would be okay I mean any questions uh like they said this was just to kind of give you a rough idea of example projects around the state going back several years through through right now this is pretty good stuff it's we call it parametric estimating you take a bunch of different samples and you do some averages and at this stage of the game it's uh it's hard to get an exact number but it's a pretty comes out to be a pretty close number if you do it right yes sir no and I I'm the one who asked for the Castleberry St so I appreciate you going and doing that it does break it down a lot better thank you and you know i' love to get you more detail on Castleberry is we weren't a part of that project so we were able to pull together as much information as we could this is fine okay okay what you want to move on to the the graphic examples and we can kind of show you how that kind of breaks down into the examples that that we were showing you last time um that would be on the slideshow yes good all right so just to keep things Apples to Apples so that we weren't you know changing things around on you this was very very high level hey where if the building were were to be located here or here what are options with some dollars associated with that now keep in mind we are like I said we are still recommending that the 550 is square foot plus if you recall last time we gave you a series of kind of breakdowns of all the soft costs right design fees inspection fees escalation things that should be added to that 550th square foot so when you're talking about that number that 26 number for this first option that is an all-inclusive what we would call a project budget not a construction cost number and that's everything you would need need to to build the project so this option here would say is the let's build a new um 28,800 square foot um basically two-story facility either on either side of your existing Public Safety facility um and and to do that that's 26312 uh $12 next item um million sorry approve approved that's within my budget's cover the next option would be uh looking over on the east side of your site again you've seen these before um whether that's uh just adjacent to this facility here or behind it in front of your Tower uh again there's all kinds of exercises that need to happen Beyond this on how to make that work but again you're really looking at the the same cost we're talking a two-story 28,800 ft Building located in just a couple of other locations next slide and here's the breakdown uh for those options so this is how we got there the building construction cost using that 550 a square foot for 288 um and then the projected soft cost uh design fees Public Safety fees permitting fees um impact fees these are all numbers that uh came directly from from the city so those are pretty accurate numbers right um testing and inspection um technology allowance um that's one thing that typically gets left out when you're budgeting is a lot of these fixture finishes and Equipment numbers um and then we always recommend at this point of a project carrying a minimum of an additional 20% of what we call um just uh soft cost uh contingency numbers right so that's 4.3 million when you're looking at a project of this size and it seems heavy duty but you know as you move forward into design eventually in the future that that that number can can what do you get smaller and then in theory that uh contingency goes away until you start the project and then you just rely on a on a construction contingency that the contractor could carry um so that's where that total 26 312 622 came from that's building construction and project soft cost combined okay um other options again you've seen this before this would be a new PD um plus 10,000 foot of shell space where that sheld space goes how does it work is it part of the second floor is it an addition on the first floor is it two stor that stuff you'll figure out later on in the future during design however that uh right now just kind of in general showing that in these two locations is about 3,815 th000 right next slide and here's the breakdown of that so that's 28,800 square foot at that 550 a square foot the shell space basically what you would do is walls Flor floring Roofing and you would put minimum code requirements for lighting and HVAC um and right now we've got projects that we are shelling spaces out like that for this type of facility and they're coming in on an average of 350 to 380 a square foot we use the higher number just to be the conservative for you um and that's how we generated that initial building construction subtotal cost of 21 million so again you add all those other project soft cost that we talked about just in in just like we did in the previous options as well as some cost that we were asked to add relative to referenda preparation um I foret failed to mention that in the last option but that's where the 31815 822 comes from okay and another option would be basically renovating your current Public Safety facility um and doing a an NX uh adjacent to that um and you can see those dollar amounts there 22 m64 next slide and that's a 10,000 000 squ foot um police Annex um so again we used the renovating and existing Public Safety the these numbers came from uh current projects that are either ongoing they also came from other contractors that the city is currently working with so we used a gr a number of $420 a square foot your existing facility is a little more than 19,000 square foot that's where that comes from and then again that 550 a square foot uh for the new 10,000 ft Annex um again project soft cost project contingencies all added to that and that's where the 2264 came from and and then from a scheduling standpoint um you did just in general ask us to take a look at you know design permitting and construction again without any real hard dates this would just be okay if we got started today what would those numbers kind of look like um to to build new from a design standpoint your designers your Architects and Engineers by our estimate should ask for about 9 to 10 months to make this happen um with permitting estimated at 2 plus months I say estimated because maybe it's a month maybe it's two months maybe maybe it ends up being longer than that just depending on what uh your building officials have going on construction for a new project that this size should be approximately a 13 14 month uh construction process and you can see the total duration there between design and construction um being around 2 years or two years plus um same thing from the renovating standpoint um honestly when you renovate a project a lot of people think that you're going to save a lot of time on your schedule sometimes it's the opposite right um you've got a lot of unforeseen conditions that you see happen so from a from a design standpoint it is what it is you're designing the same amount of square footage as you would be if it was all new so that stays the same from permitting would stay the same and then construction um you could do that a little quicker than building all new um because there would be some savings there but in general you're still looking at that kind of two your mark for for design and construction whether you build new or whether you renovate the existing and add an Annex okay any questions on the numbers or the or the options all right thank you great thanks Johnny okay I was asked to do two two things one is to talk a little bit about public uh P3 which is a public uh um private partnership and then other than that I'm going to go over some the various construction delivery methods so the uh public private partnership P3 is what it's commonly um called is allowed in the State of Florida it's very very much similar to the same process that you would go through if you were going to do a design build project with the exception you you've got a developer that's going to um Finance the project and build it for you so basically become the the they design Builder with the money and that uh the uh typically what they they offer is one of about three different Municipal lease lease options that you could look at and typically they would run in a 20year u time frame and right now that those rates are anywhere between four and 3 quarters and about 5.1% and for what we were talking about with those the the uh the projects we're the talking about for up there except for the not the shelled out space but the the 288 it'd be about two to little almost 2.1 million per year type of a uh cost as a as a lease I could get into all the procurement aspects of it if you want to but basically there's it's you you cure it much like a design build or if a if a uh P3 entity offers an unsolicited suppos uh proposal then you get there's a process that you have to evaluate that and put it out for competing prop proposals well my understanding is I guess when if you went to P3 and then you'd come to an agreement to what to do it's almost impossible to change anything after that on the building is that correct well the ones that we've been working on there is there is collaboration and what what they want to want to do but typically they're also coming with a standards or one or different prototypes um and fire station's good example you know the ones that we've done they've had several different fire station layouts and they're proposing one or the other on that and then there's some modifications being made along the way uh so there's some some flexibility in it but um not a lot you soon as you start moving out of there you obviously you're changing the numbers and everything else um and the big one of the bigger issue or with the P3 for the municipality is is it's lease versus debt and so between the lease options there's a couple that aren't looked at the same way as the debt is in in your financials any questions on that I mean there's there's a lot behind all that all right so moving on to the next um construction delivery options and I'm going to go over the design um bid build design build and then CM at risk and you can go to the next don't mind so design bid is it's been the traditional long-standing one that's been used where you you develop all of your plans and you bid them out to you know either overall public or a qualified IED biders list and then the uh contractor builds it what you have is you have a project manager either internal to you you have an architect that's you know contracted with you and a a contractor that's contracted with you [Music] so the go to the next um slide if you will the thing with design build it's got the most design control of making all the decisions during design design and ideally to get a very clean design bid project you're going to get make all of your um selections and all your your options finalized early on um typically the design costs are going to be a little bit higher be because you're expecting them not to have a lot of holes because the holes provide opportunities for change orders and change orders are usually coming a premium uh can also particularly with um governmental agencies it can be a little bit cumbersome because a lot of people have to have input into the design and so there's a lot of back and forth early on which kind of drags out the design design period as I said a minute ago change orders can be very costly uh project oversight somebody that knows what they're looking at is very important to make sure that it's built to the specifications um and it literally require s of the different options the most staff time is on this one and at the end of the day it's the one where there's more opportunity for finger pointing now don't get me wrong simple projects you know not a big problem but if you're able to you know Define exactly what you want um and and get it designed on paper you know you you can be pretty safe with it next one please okay design build okay this is where the design uh contractor and a designer work together there's there's people that there are entities that are actual design build companies that do that all the time there's also design build that's done particularly in the the public U realm where contractors and Architects come together to make a design bu team for a particular project and there's differences between those just I'll come to that in a minute but you have your owner your your contractor and architect are themselves so there's one contract between you and them um typically the contractor will be the lead in this and the architect will be the subc consultant to the the contractor primarily because the contractor has the biggest risk in this going on to next slide so in this case the design build you know you're making all your decisions as as early as as possible and ideally before you even go out and start the design build process um so the early decisions are are very key now in the State of Florida for governmental agencies it's required that you use a design criteria professional which is an architect engineer landscape architect to develop a design um criteria package of what it is you want to to have have done and then if it if you're doing a s solicitation out you put that out for here is what our design build project we want to to construct um design costs are lower in this case because they don't need the same Perfection of the drawings because they're part of a team and they can interact between themselves both in the design phase and during the construction phase to make sure that what they're doing um is right without having had to you know design every little aspect of it um if you got a very good criteria package you're typically going to get a a good solicitation you're going to get a good design Builder to follow that as I said earlier you want to make sure that you're making all most of your key decisions up front because as if you make them down the road gets more costly because they're already down the road and that mov moving forward quickly with with the design aspects um this has probably the lowest staff time involved because they they are managing themselves now you still have to have again a design criteria professional overseeing the project whether it's internally somebody on staff with the credentials or if you go out and engage someone like ourselves um the thing that mentioned there are design build companies that do strictly that and then there's also AES and gc's come together to do design build and you always got to look at those teams because they're coming together for a particular thing they may or may not have worked together may may not have done a design build project and I will tell you I've personally over last 40 years probably done over a 100 and I've caution the the contractors make sure they're able to manage their architect and more than more than a handful of times they've come back and said why didn't I listen to you yeah could could you explain the um selection process between design build and a design bid build sure can you do a I guess you can do a firm fix price for a design Bild but how do you select from different contractors if you don't have a package yet okay so on the design bid build is pretty simple you do your package put it out everyone comes low low cost wins on design build you put out your design criteria package and there may or may not be be leeway in terms of what the design is um assume that there's not different um firms you could you are able to select the firm based on their qualifications and all of the other information which they they would we would have them put there into the solicitation which includes the probable cost based on the design aspects of that's been provided um and the probable schedule and that that type of thing so in general in a public one we would go out wouldn't necessarily have to be the low bit bidder and it doesn't have to be based on uh just the cost but cost should always be a factor in in something in the the solicitation does that answer enough I was kind of familiar with I just wanted to make sure everyone understands there there's a little bit of a difference between selecting a firm fixed price low bid guy and right and a design build guy right exact exactly next one please okay and then the next is a construction manage at at risk and this one is is be becoming more and more favorable and and it is allowed in the public sector uh now uh and in this case you're you're have an architect that you're hiring directly and you have a contractor that you're hiring directly and they're they're working together with us as a with the owner as as a team to come up with a a overall project and so they're involved par what what they happens in this this situation is this the construction entity um is involved in reviewing the design plans from the that get go in in this uh specifications through the various deliverables I mean various uh phases of the design and then also providing cost estimat along the way then when they get to the point where they can go out and get a final bid for the construction they put they Construction Company puts out all of the subcontractor bids and then they are opened and and leveled you know one against the other and put in front front of the owner to review it so it's a very much an open book uh situation um where you see everything and So you you're negotiating the the the fee and overhead for the uh construction manager at risk but all of the subcontractors are basically gathered through the the bidding process but it also from the construction manager role he also makes sure as their they're qualified to even be considered so this is the the the current delivery method which is most appropriate for complicated projects um because there's the ability to get the really good price with a lot of good Consulting from all aspects of who's who's involved similar the model you would recommend I'm sorry is this the model you guys would recommend um we've been recommending this more than um anything else primarily because the design build it's like I said it's difficult to make sure you you're really defining exactly what you want early on in this case you can lay that out and have a little more flexibility in in making making modifications on where you end up but it it is it is the best for large and and and specifically com complex prod projects next so this kind of lays out what I already just said um about the CM agreement or or aspects this just is a general comparative you of the time schedules for design B build design Bild and construction management design builds little couple months shorter typically than the designed bid and the CM at risk is a month or two shorter than the designed mid as well but designed build can be the quickest and then just on a very high level you know we we put in that what the scheduled differences might be and then what the cost is versus design build of X your design um bid being 10 10% higher and see at risk being 5% higher is just kind of our experience and and actually the industry's kind of seen that and that would be it that's okay any questions I don't know what uh if Jerry's Boop has been uh involved in this but I'd like to know what the cost of a bond referendum what that would cost us per year versus a uh P3 um actually it's be if it's the same time frame if it's same um it's probably very similar or a little less for the P3 then the the bond versus the would be less than the P3 B would be less but right now you know for the people that we're working with on few fire stations it's not very much difference okay and then the main difference would be one you can pay by issuing the bonds and the other you could pay with not with a bond correct but you would have to cover from the general millage correct okay and that difference probably is quarter percentage point right at the moment maybe a tad more okay okay well thank you if you have any more questions in the future I'm certainly available to answer them written or in person thanks thank you both of you good job okay I do not have any written requests to speak is there anybody in the audience that wish to speak on this matter okay seeing none we'll close the public comment on that I want a motion to schedule public hearing for July 15th 2024 so move second all right we have a motion and second any further discussion okay all those in favor say I I I opposed n okay carries thank you all right we have no resolutions no discussion items city manager report uh thank you Deputy Mayor I only have one thing uh the Florida Li of City's annual conference is coming up uh in August I believe it's the 15th through the 18th and every year uh on Saturday morning early uh probably around 730 or so uh they have the League's business meeting and we need to have a voting delegate and so they've asked Mr cop who who is been that representative before it's us counc Britain council member Brit traditionally the uh the member who attends but uh I always like to ask if uh who you would like to have as your voting de deleg it is such a burden but I'm willing to do it again the sacrifices you make for us worther thank you sounds good to me it is a nine o' meeting but other than that but they have coffee right before it so it's not so bad uh that's all I have Deputy Mayor all right city attorney's report thank you I just have two things um one just a quick update on the the legislation that's proposed to um require additional Financial disclosure or additional loan disclosure sorry for the pace loans um actually it looks like just uh just today it was presented to the governor so see what happens there um and the other one was just a update on the Orange Avenue situation the um the owner has been judicate guilty through a plea agreement which did not involve which does not involve jail time does no incarceration so it's 36 months of Probation and some other requirements but no um so I'm going to be working to with the with with City staff and law enforcement to check on the property and make sure and see if anything is occurring there that requires us to address it through the nuisance abatement action thank you other than that unless you have any questions okay thank you mam mayor uh want to make sure everybody knows that this Saturday from 11: to 2 we've got a juneth event over at ra l park uh hopefully it will not rain again this year uh it's it's always a good event uh there was a terrific little flag walking opportunity near the library on Friday and shout out to Lisa McDonald for uh helping that show up on the radio I was driving around and they were talking about Ovito and the flags and the crossing the street uh the Prototype isn't where I envisioned it being uh but I can assure you that the flags have not been stolen yet so I think that was the reason why a lower uh traffic Street was chosen to see you know would would people steal them so I'm hoping that this can expand to a street where uh people probably do need a little bit more help than by the library getting across the street and last thing uh before this meeting was an eov veto event as a lot of you know I have been uh trotting plotting through every single restaurant located in ovido city limits starting in September 2020 uh and no repeats so this is the 135th restaurant visit and uh it it's right across the street and they do have sugarfree loaded sodas so if anybody's thinking like she's really drinking a lot of sugar it is sugar-free so uh and they also have cookies which I think most people know about that part um that's all I got though okay great Council m poock is not here I am up next but this only thing I got is that we do have the July 4th fireworks on Saturday the 6 correct so yeah so and that's at 9 o'clock 9 o' N9 o'clock yes very good at the mall at the mall at the mall so well it's a great event has a great turnout for that hopefully the weather is uh good for that as well and that is all I have I forgot some could I add it real quick uh Ovito Community News uh words came out of my mouth with regards to this really terrific local newspaper last uh meeting and I just wanted to clarify that that organization has always very accurately portrayed all the things that have happened with regards to city news and everything else to my knowledge so just wanted to to make sure that nothing I said last time was miscalculated or mis misconstrued okay Council Briton uh uh got two items Chief Woodward and while he's walking up I will uh I will say the first item I want to talk about and that was during the U tornado warning event uh that happened a week or so ago um tornadoes sirens went off I looked out the back patio and I could smell a lot of smoke um like something was burning and the storm was coming so I called up uh one of the firemen and uh they sent a truck out and they went and searched the area and we didn't find anything thankfully but they said they would go search the area to see if make sure no houses were on fire and you know someone not home and it you know an accident I just think that's really cool the way our fire department operates like that thank you took a call I I wasn't going to call 911 cuz I didn't know where the fire was but they said we'll come out and check it out so absolutely we do that all the time so we encourage if people though if they do smell smoke um a lot of times it can be from a lightning strike or something like that but um more specifically if the residents do happen to see fire or actually see smoke in a certain area to call us out and pinpoint us where it's at makes it a lot easier for us to locate it the second thing I'll let you talk a little bit about the uh life saving safety award that was given out uh last week that think it was really cool the story that uh that uh we was told about the the man having a heart attack in his neighbor came over and helped and uh the dispatcher gave instructions on how to do CPR until the the First Responders got there but uh go ahead and describe yes sir um last week we did have the uh the privilege and the honor to recognize one of our citizens um for contributing to the uh saving of Life uh for his next door neighbor Mr Robert Ule um couple months ago back in I want to say it was uh February he went into cardiac arrest um in his house his wife tried to roll him over couldn't get him rolled over ran outside to yell for help miss Mr Arrington was in his garage and uh came over to assist um his uh Mr U's wife ended up calling 911 and the dispatcher for through SEMO County um talked Mr Arrington through how to how to perform citizen CPR on Mr Yu until our crews arrived and um when our crews arrived they continued CPR transported them to the hospital along with all the other Advanced uh inter interventions that we can perform on scene uh medications and uh defibrillation stuff like that through our cardiac Monitor and uh it it worked to be successful for Mr Ule and uh he was able to attend the event for us as as we recognize Mr Arrington and our crew members for a job well done that's just an example of you know our Public Safety folks and the citizens we we look out for each other so when we're talking about these these facilities we want for these folks I think they deserve everything we can get them so just a yes thank you good story truly truly a a complete um total system not only um the First Response through the 911 but um citizen CPR um that's one thing that we encourage um is that if you don't know CPR within our community find a class get in um we actually do assist in providing um citizen CPR training or the handsfree CPR or yeah the the handson CPR training um to different organizations within our community um it every little bit that that somebody can do will definitely help save a life good job thank you that's it all right councilwoman tuer so we had a kind of interesting consent agenda today so I just wanted to bring up the biosolids facility because I was kind of impressed with the county um for looking into some of these alternate energy sources so I know it's a a far way out just doing a memorandum of understandment of agreement but I thought that was a cool one to look at um I also got my water bill recently and it said yet again we have clean water and I think in today's day and age that's important to point out because there's a lot of cities around here that don't um so good to see that as well um I was disappointed that our governor vetoed both of our projects so um our percolation ponds and the Round Lake Park Grant made it through the legislature and then they just got vetoed so that was about $1.4 million um to that point I mean do we have a plan going forward on looking for more funds for those projects or are we just going to keep trying again I know we've done the perk FS quite a few times we we we are actually exploring other opportunities uh we've been told that we may not qualify for some of the grant funding but we're going to explore that even further and so yes we are exploring other ideas for the for the Round Lake Park project I know we have 500,000 already we do but we're looking to expand that so we could build what we want to build is that exactly yes that's the whole thing was that we went after the additional funding in order to build what we originally proposed uh the the current funding that we have uh won't cover when does that expire I believe we have a year or two left okay so we got to get kind of creative quickly on that one we are okay um let's see else I got oh and then I was just going to say so did we all agree that form one is the way to go it is an allowable way to go okay but you are also permitted to fill out the form six but for now form six has been put on pause it is not a requirement anymore it is optional that's correct all right just one of them yes form one is what is required at the moment that makes all right that's all I have okay I had another one I wanted to mention to just brought it up uh the Strategic plan survey did we all fill that out yep okay I just went through it today and thought that was a pretty good survey got some good insights out of it just a question when you talked about before it went to the governor can the governor overrule on the form one form six over the uh or the judges ruling I don't believe so that's an interesting question I I I know the the government the government the governor couldn't do that yeah that interesting question yeah no you just brought it up and I was just curious I mean what he could possibly do so all right he could have vetoed it in the first place and then did not the implementation of the original law but now it's orig he could have t yeah mayor's right he could have taken action on the original bill yeah yeah could have done that uh any bill that's approved by the legislature the governor does have line out and veto on it so well yeah he just veto two of our project you did yeah he he cut he cut quite a bit of money out of the budget so okay okay future meeting dates uh Monday June 24th uh 5:30 work session is that still go still go all right Monday July 1st 2024 6:30 regular session and Monday July 15 2024 6:30 regular session anything else but the get a the order we are adjourned