with Aesthetics as you see I put a lot of good pictures in the presentation um we have Miss McDonald on staff and I like to show off her work whenever I can such great job for us so um I'd like to let's see here Escape so there's there's kind of three three sites here let's see that go over there that's a good picture too oh thank you um so there's kind of three sites uh that Civic plus works with um uh the the first one is is sort of built around the search bar sort of like your your your standard uh search engines Google uh Bing or whatever they call it nowadays um uh so it's right there in the middle prominently uh uh uh forward facing with with some nice graphic and this this is a very upgraded site with a uh some very nice video in the back but it still keeps uh some of the same uh uh sort of bones we'll call them of the website like we have government Business Service tourism uh things like that uh now this site is from Palm Beach uh Florida town of Palm Beach and it's kind of to me it looks uh as though it's built for kind of a tablet design so where you kind of point and click at at the individual icons there to get what where you're uh going on the site and then sort of the the hybrid of the two that it sort of it resembles what we have now uh with with uh your your your same bones but the Lesser search engine but still has the the tile um look as well so get back here close this so I thought I'd show you sort of those are the three primary sites that that Civic plus works with so can just for a second I'm sorry I think the mobile aspect is so important because they say like 75% of people look on their phone versus the computer if we could go back to those sites and see them as mobile can you do that I can show you how if you pull it up uh on the website you can show me how okay let's do that then so like if you go to the Somerville one just so we can get an idea so if you right click on the screen yep hit inspect at the bottom and then at the top right next to elements click that little icon so down left right there this yep then you can kind of see it as a mobile view yeah so I think that's like so important if you do that on our website it does not look good agreed was but like if looking this type of site was not available at the time through Civic plus and and they've made some good strides and like even that if you can uh imagine our site with with that kind of mobile responsiveness I think it'd be a great Improvement yeah that's a lot better to read can you look at the other two pal and Hills okay right click see if I remember inspect and then hit this guy there we go yeah and you can make it bigger for tablets and stuff but you can I think I guess you would scroll down and then go to different boxes yes if you make it bigger it' be more like uh sort of like this would be more like a like a landscaped iPad yes I'll do this one just uh to be fair might be a little narrow those all look okay let's get back here forgive me all right let's all right Tech diffic I'm going to do it the hard way forgive me I've lost my mouse there you are okay we're back sorry about that mayor councel um so how do we prepare for that uh we do a couple things we look at uh sort of the overall uh aspects of the website and uh one thing I wanted to to ask you on tonight council is uh should we uh engage the public and what level should we engage the public in uh focus groups um so alignment review is sort of the the overarching um where people are going how they're using the site how long are you at site what percentage are using tablets what percentage are using desktops and mobile phones things like that and it'll also tell us some of the uh top visited Pages uh sech terms and uh device uses um so getting the focus groups um you know we know that those analytics that we'll get will only tell us part of the story because we hear from a lot of people um with a lot of varying opinions on our website uh and how its usefulness um and analy really won't tell us that so that's why we wanted to engage uh the public in do two meetings uh same day uh one during working hours one during um after work uh to get some feedback individually and we'd like to to provide our our folks uh that participate uh with this sort of Bank of questions initially and and feel free to to offer up any any suggestions that we can provide them before we we go ahead with this if you uh so direct uh it's you know focus on Aesthetics where things are what's not good uh primarily and how we can make it better is what we want to uh discuss with them um so I won't uh belabor you with all those questions but if you see anything or anything comes to your mind I'm happy to to add it a lot of these questions are what they like about our current website I think our current website's terrible and we should do a complete rebuild from scratch so I don't know why we would be asking them about our current website I think we should ask them what they're tring try access and usability and and how you search things on our website is terrible I think we're going to get a lot of that I think a focus group would be really good if we gave them options of what designs were looking at using and they could say which ones they like better versus what don't you like about what we're getting rid of if that makes sense Y and and I I was going to say a similar thing it looks like there are three choices um and I was frustrated with how our last website turned out I think three of us were here for that that and it might have happened before two of us were elected the selection of the vendor and locking us into only what Civics plus can do so they have templates that's our only choices so we need to show the templates accept that those are our only choices um and pick the best one which I I personally think is some rille of the ones that were sh as examples U and the search feature you taught me that go go search like don't even try to find the button the menu makes no sense just search and if you can't figure it out Mr Kelly can figure it out on the uh on the focus groups um I I like the idea of having it during the day and in the evening time but we need to F we need to focus on different segments because there's the you know the the the the resident segment that's looking for certain things there's the you know the the business or developer segment that's looking so we need to make sure that we we reach out and get a a wide variety of all the different types of of groups that would be on our website looking for you know different different things on the website okay um we plan on uh advertising obviously on all our social media pages and and website and news blast and newsletters and things like that um I can work with Dr kareah and ask uh anybody that that comes through that has used you know preapps or things like that if there's an email list I think you know reaching out also to to other organizations like the the chamber okay um to you know to have you know some of the chamber members um weigh in on it uh as well as uh you know some of the uh um maybe HOAs or or you know you know larger larger groups they can they can distribute it to their their uh membership okay we can do that are you leading these focus groups or who would miss McDonald and I will okay yeah I I like the idea of a very robust search capability people can come and ask the question and it get you there rather than what I'm doing poking around but will Google do the same thing I I feel like Googling what I'm looking for is more impactful on our website than using the search button on our current website so I don't know what the difference is um but I guess it's nice to have a search button to just just to that's like a second part search engine yeah yeah like to tip people off that you're not going to be able to navigate these menus so just search it one thing that doesn't work very well for me is the the little chat box would you like to chat about this not on our website but on other websites because it gets you nowhere I've I've not had very good luck with with those kind of not do that things either and plus they additional expense yeah it's for us ready when you say you were worthless um so we we'll uh add some of the things uh we'll give out the templates we'll if so can be clear uh should we scrap these questions should we still send them these questions or just ask them uh in general what are you trying to ask access uh like you said councilman to council member to I just think instead of saying what do you like and dislike about the city's website I would say instead what would you like to see on our new website that we don't currently have okay because I think you're instead going to get back of I don't like this I don't like that you know those are all going to be formatting and searchability and and the and these are really to try to generate uh to give them ahead of time to try to generate that discussion in in the group setting so that they come prepared do we have uh the ability to find out who's actually using the website and ask them to be on the like there's got to be some super users that use it all the time and see if they can be on the we we don't we can't it's not like uh Facebook where you have your top fans and things like that that that are identified um can that be a question how how much do you use the uh the website and find those that use it a lot they'll have the most experience with it okay and I think the other aspect too is I'm looking at the city Orlando websites because I looked at a few beforehand and I really like it because it doesn't matter if you're a resident or a business or anything any question I could think of I could find the right link and Page within a minute so having it set up the right way I think is so important like if I wanted to find like a tot's swimming class it's two links away from their website their homepage very easy to find and ours it was like four different pages and then I just went to Google and Googled it and I still said I had to call someone and didn't say what program like so we're I think it's important but like that kind of functionalities is what we're missing a lot of that is is is on us as part of this process to to consolidate what's not working and that is something that clearly is is not working and and to put all of that programming into an easily accessible uh page a single kind of a one shot onop shop because it is uh submenus and submenus to to to uh get to various information and a lot of that is um a product of how the old Drupal site was was integrated into this new site and it was uh to the point where nobody knew how to to Really update it so it it was all PDFs and and that's why sort of we have the structure that we had um and hopefully we can improve upon that with this uh with this redesign um it will take six months minimum sure uh to get that done and that's their timeline uh they said it can take words uh up to eight or longer uh too and if we're going to go in and totally restructure some uh some Department Pages uh it may it may take the longer but uh that that's because we're going to have to work with them and their staff on on that but um um you've given me uh some direction and obviously uh with that uh kickoff we will get uh periodic updates we'll share with you uh from from them uh uh first will come in a uh sort of jpeg uh look just an overall look and then we'll get the the the back of the house sort of link to the site which we can share uh as well which that'll come in the design and cons uh configure uh third stage there that's uh on the screen um but uh we we plan on hopefully getting about 20 if we can get 20 people uh in each I that would be a good number to to not get too too many people talking at each other maybe give them some tasks to and get some good feedback on this could you show Civics plus that city of Orlando website I really do like that it's so I don't know incredibly they don't make this kind but but I I it was like the cleanest one I found that in Tampa were the ones I liked so that this yeah somebody did this inh housee and it's really super simple I I guess we could in theory but we get a air quote free r do from civix plus so I guess we should take it but to the extent they can eliminate tabs and buttons it looks like if we can come up with a crazy clean menu and submenu categorization ours hypothetically could be pretty close to this clean even using what Civic plus has as available templates but that's going to be a bear to make those to make the you the menu right because our menu is kind of like let's start with what the focus groups come back with uh to to both of your uh points uh we we will uh get that information from the focus groups and bring it back to you and and um go over it before we initiate once we do uh push go uh they can start within a couple of weeks depending on their um time frame so what we plan on doing is advertising for for a two a twoe period uh long longer if we don't get a a good response but I'm hoping that there are enough uh uh frustrated Souls out there uh that might be willing to uh provide us some time and uh some of their uh input on how we can make this better and and one the people that do attend the focus group maybe we can uh get their contact information and send them you know a link when like up from a beta version of it to say you know what do you think and maybe a little bit of a survey attached to that that link to to to get their feedback before we go live with it as well I mean if they spent the time on the on coming to the focus group then maybe we can see if we can get a little bit more uh information out of them after we we take their feedback I think that's an excellent point so obviously I think my direction is clear to to to proceed with the focus groups and proceed with that advertisement uh any help uh the council if you if anyone has has been a uh um offered an opinion on the website and that you can push this to it would be appreciated so is this um modifiable after the fact I mean can we change can we change stuff on the website you know information and so on and so forth or do we have to go back to Civics plus and get them to make the changes for us while we're in that uh design configure and uh optimize in in those those stages we my understanding is we can make changes and that's the point of of giving us that beta but we don't have anybody in house that can go in we are we're not we can change some structure it's obviously a little more labor intensive for us to do it being that we're limited and they have expertise and you know a huge staff I mean Civic plus has 10,000 clients so they have um a lot of Staff um but we will uh work with them uh to try to make it as efficient as possible okay um is are we I know I asked you before about our app yes uh thank you for asking uh so uh we did meet with Civic plus uh before spring break and uh it was discussed uh on the mobile app they're trying to push everything towards uh base there is app there are apps uh that we can we can get but uh all of the buttons would be similar to what we had uh that they would you press it and it' go to a page on our website uh so we are looking into uh we have some meetings with some other vendors that that can build out a a a new app that would not be web- based just just to be able to but we're still SE from Civic plus yes okay um so if if uh we wanted Civic plus uh mobile app it would be largely web based again if we want something different which we're investigating uh and we can we can bring you that information once we know more I guess it's it's good to get the website done because if our website's done right if you just go to our website it pretty much is an app um how you click and maneuver it but if it's like it currently is you need an app and ours doesn't exists so um I guess this is a good first step to go at good so I think i' I've got my direction any anything else thank you thank you thank you okay we're on to the fourth generation local option 1ent sales tax Mr cob you need to let Mr Wyatt get get set up and uh we'll get started all right while while Mr Wyatt's getting set up um yes this uh this November we're planning the county is planning to have a referendum to um hopefully renew the one cent sales tax uh this would be what we've been calling the fourth generation tax the current third generation tax ends uh at the end of this year and the new the new tax would begin in January we've been working on a draft list uh Mr White's going to show you some things there's also a board behind you there uh that gives a location map of the different projects and we uh I got a problem you got a problem yeah any Mike I got it here but it's not on the it's set to my second screen office it's not popping up so anyway uh there we go thank you so I'll turn it over to Mr Wyatt and let him walk you through what we've been working on okay Council good evening um we're here to talk about fortune in sales tax and this is kind of a a followup to the one-on on that we L um and kind of the takeaway we want to have with this is kind of get direction on when we talk about the list is we want to add projects take projects away um I know there's two projects uh that aren't on the list we want to briefly mention um one I'm familiar with one Mr cob I am not the second one um but before we get uh to the list I want to do just do a presentation um go over some items and then we'll talk about the list and go from there first thing I wanted to point all is some key dates and you know as we as we're talking about this potential fourth generation sales tax we still have a third generation sales tax which is effective at the moment which will sunset um as you see December 31st um of this year um if the fourth generation if the county decides to do a referendum it'll be on November the 4th November the 5th um so if it if it's approved uh it'll take back January 1st 2025 and it'll run 10 Years sunsetting December 31st of 2034 um just to give you some key statistics of where we've been with our third generation sales tax um to date we've uh taken in about $4.2 million um over this nine and a half year period um that's a 2.42 million average um originally they had projected $1.9 million a year that's we only had been told we were at $9 million total over the 10 year period but as you can see we've done better than that today weed ion uh starting in 2020 and as of last year the current fiscal year we're about almost three and a half million so so we're we're doing doing very well so our projection for the fourth generation if it's approved will be about three and a half million dollars a year with about $35 million total over that 10year period what we've done and with the list that you've seen and I you had this attachment in your packet and you've seen it in our one on ones um there were there's basically five uh resources that we used to take the projects from we've got our transportation master plan our Mobility plan comprehensive plan storm water master plan and then just things we've seen that we know we need to do if we have the money or the opportunity this is the overall graphic for the list this represents the 49 projects that were presented to you um back on our one-on ones um there are eight categories project list and they're kind of divided up colorcoded by if we think they're City projects if they're so County projects or if they're joint projects and I've got some statistics on this on our next slide but as you can see they're kind of SC they're scattered all over so there's there's a wide distribution throughout the city um of where these projects are and the the the peach colored area is the CRA so it gives you an an idea of what is you know what potential projects could be co-funded or could take place there this is the breakdown I have of the 49 projects so as you see there's the eight Mo eight uh categories we've got Mobility storm water operational um complete Street resurfacing new construction additional capacity or special projects um resurfacing is near and dear to my heart just so you know that is something that I'm hopeful we get the for Generation sales tax because that something that we need if we don't get it all we have left is third generation sales tax that we have now and once it runs out we'll we will be cutting way back and resurfacing so that's my hope that this thing will be passed in November if the county goes forward and we'll it will help us dearly so of the 49 projects just another statistical breakdown 24 of them are City sole City projects 17 are a combination of City County projects and six are what we think are sole County projects that's that's pretty much my over overview of what I've got I do want to go back and now talk about uh the projects in general and kind of get your feel for where where you think we're at with the projects that we provided um we've got the graphic there on the screen the one behind you also I think there was one in your packet as well if you can't see um the projects listed oh uh almost forgot uh the two projects that we want to potentially add I know the one is the uh safe uh upgrade of the safety building safety yes sir Public Safety and Mr cob I do not remember the second project it's a training facility for the fire department okay which actually it can be used for both police and fire but okay I know I mentioned this in our meeting but I don't know if I got it it or not but a potential pedestrian connection underneath or overhead Mitchell hammock um I think we added one of the projects like separate from on26 that specific kind of project is not a pedestrian you like a over like something make it easier for pressions to get across the street overhead or or underneath like you talked about yeah that is not specific on the list but there are but Metro Hamet Corridor improvements are on the list so Corridor improvements are a catchall for pretty much anything right yeah I see 46 is but that's Aloma so like the Mitchell hammock version of that what sort of feedback are you looking for today looking for things to Nicks is there anything I guess I guess specifically do you want to add anything specifically do you w to as a group take anything off the list I mean and remember these are candidate projects this is a this is a wide look at everything we could think of now what I suspect will happen as we get closer to the referendum date the interlocal agreement comes out from the county that they'll ask us to pair this list back and so we may may we may be down to priorities at some point well my my kneejerk reaction is I'd like to eliminate anything related to storm water only because we have a mechanism we can fund that through the storm water fee that we're redoing right now so our new storm water fee that should be in effect I'm guessing hopefully by the next budget cycle should be able to address all of that we do need to figure out a funding source for Public Safety so I I do like the idea of adding that in but to make it work with what the County's expectations are and what our our past history has been with keeping things very down to earth and not very high in the sky uh numbers 39 and 40 related to a downtown Mobility Hub and a downtown circulator that is I think that is a stretch for voters and it would be in our best interest to keep things a lot more humble and our you know pave the roads fix the sidewalks um make sure that the roof's not leaking on the police building things like that that are are not you know kind of leading the way with a Mobility Hub so my my inclination is to suggest that we voluntarily just Nick those Nix those uh 41 is interesting well hold on on 39 and 40 I wonder why you think those are stretch our whole 25 year plan on transportation and everything is to create other forms of transportation so I don't think a Mobility Hub is really like a a wish list item it's it's trying to interconnect different forms of transportation but that's what our Mobility impact fee should cover so to have this go towards that when there are other we're going to be able to gobble up three and a half million dollars easy peasy every year without having those things on there well aren't we going to be able I mean having this list right now the way it is I think is a good a good start and we'll have to we'll have to prioritize as we as we get the funds during the budget cycle each year correct what I think will happen ultimately is if it's similar to the third generation sales taxes they'll pair it down I think we had ended up with uh 12 categories on third generation we we know it would have help I mean I think a list like this would have been better third generation it would have helped to have broader uh more encompassing U categories um yeah what's wrong with having a broad list right if it doesn't fit their criteria it doesn't get on I on their list leave it all you mean for the let the county choose because I I think they're going to come back and say the county would choose I think we wouldn't we would I what I would hope is our list could be as broad as possible um like we have presented here these 49 projects I mean this is we pretty much thought of anything we could think of that would be useful this is not a budget meeting this is just a list of these are candidate projects and of course may be done in 10 or 20 years yes sir and as you were aware priorities change year to year and you know certain projects all of a sudden become great need and if we have a particular project that we could plan for we save up a little bit each year and then we're able to do it you know after a while well and and to the mayor's point point we have other funds for some of these things but more often than not we need more than what are in certain funds and we combine sources so keeping them on this list keeps that option open and that's one reason why the storm water projects are here it's the mayor is correct there is an second funding source storm water um storm water fee however Solari Park was built with several different funding sources including storm water so it's just it's they're there like I said as a catch all I mean a maximum possible probability that we can we can go after and do certain things so are you guys cool adding on the uh the public safety elements of it yes yes okay cool absolutely yeah I got that idea from the county I was talking about some of the struggles we had with the public safety building and they said well we're actually adding a couple of buildings in our list and there's uh there's a category that talks about important government infrastructure and they said we're going to plug it in there I was like okay well I'm thinking the sales tax is mostly for road projects so it's it's it is broader than that now it well the thing about it is is that we've always the TR lists have tradition with the exception of the school district school district has always been about facilities uh the cities in the county have mostly stuck to roadways storm water sidewalks paths Trail rails those types of things uh and but there occasionally you see things pop in every now and then that's not like that like we had two Recreation projects that we added later to the third generation then of course we paid it back when we got the gr that won't get us in trouble like uh the city up the street got into no one of the things about it is is that the interlocal agreement ties everything to Florida statue and one of the things that we did when we were compiling the list was we put it to that test does it meet the Florida statute and uh so everything that we've recommended to you we can say yes pass in our opinion passes that test uh Mr W's right I mean there's a possibility they may come back and say uh we need you to pair it down they haven't yet a matter of fact the county list is way larger than ours and uh but you're seeing uh from what I'm learning from the other cities and the counties that they're putting in more of a mix of projects uh we even last discussion we were talk some of them were talking about Recreation projects but still the predominant is on the mobility side and I think that's one of the things they're not just looking at roadways anymore they're looking at how to move people differently whether it's bikes whether it's golf carts whether it's on foot uh they're they're trying like we are you know one of the things that I mentioned in our list was we've got a couple of Road diets where we want to take a four lane put it down to two travel Lanes but bring in the shared use path bring in the better sidewalks bring those trails in and you know they were like yeah that's the types of things that we're looking at so I think it's a mix of everything uh but the I was talking with the county staff one day and they said well yeah we've got we're going to have a couple of buildings ourselves I said well we'll give it a try now obviously as we get closer uh in the schedule to when the county gets ready to if they adopt the ordinance to call for the election and they're going to want to do the interal and get it completed by that time uh when we get there those they may come back and say you know what folks were a little too worried about doing building projects so let's take those out and just concentrate on mobility in storm water they may do that uh but for right now they're saying make the list as broad as you want they gave us some guidance on these types of categories and but the big thing is put it to the statute to see if it passes the statute test first if it does then we can move forward question I would have too is I'm fine with the list um my concern is if it doesn't pass if it goes to voters we've already finalized our budget for the next year you know what kind of hold us up put us in the kind of things we do with third generation sales tax are kind of SE that's more the capital budget so it'd be kind of separate from your operating budget all it would do is like um I guess from my perspective right now you know we we' still got some Reserve third generation sales tax left to do what I would call them um like to do Arbor surfacing or do any sidewalk improvements um so it wouldn't hit us right away but we would have those those items would have to be we'd have to figure out a new strategy in two or three years as far as how we're going to address those items and then from from the from a capital standpoint of the roadway items we'd have to look towards Mobility fee or some other item to help pay for those because our our local our gas tax just won't be enough because it goes for so many other things right now our our gas tax will Pro our resurfacing program will probably absorb all of our gas tax Which is less than a million dollars in year yeah and but you're you're right Deputy Mary it will it will be a struggle for us to to do uh Capital programming of these of these types of things and what yeah it'll have to I hope it passes I do that's that's the thing yeah it's just just a concern you know with the environment that we have nowadays and and again construction costs are just keep going up and up and up so you know if you think about like you saw the projection $ three and half million dollars a year so if I'm already taking them you know 1.1 to 1.2 off the top for resurfacing now we're down to 2.3 you know we want to do a large project we've got to build that up or we're building turn LS or you know yeah something small well if I'm I'm trying to sell the sales tax I it's easier for me to say it's to fix our roads instead of it's to build buildings or it's to have a circulator a golf cart circulator downtown like I I I think that is a really challenging thing to leave on the list even in these early stages because it is not a guarantee that there's widespread popularity for this and I don't our budget pretty much would have to be we' have to raise the property tax rate 16 to 20% roughly to recoup the amount of money that we would not get to have the same amount and there so I that that's why I'm suggesting Nicks and some of these things that do work with our Mobility plan but I got negative feedback in Facebook when I told people about them so that that's kind of how this once in sales tax approval is going to be where we're up against social media and people just without full information they're going to go to that Ballot Box and pick in November you ask about number 41 you did that was an idea where if we did build the mobility Hub the mobility hub's part of our 10year Mobility plan and it's to set it up uh at the parking lot at Center Lake Park and so the idea would be that we would use it as a place a drop off a pickup and drop off to shuttle students to uh s State and UCF is what it would be it would be a way to be able to shuttle them back and forth and bring them to a an accessible safe parking lot you know during the day uh sort of the things that we learned this is sort of based on some of the stuff we've learned from the flex service that currently where students are being picked up at their house and taken to uh simal State they don't go to UCF but they can get to UC at least get to simal State but that would be contingent upon the mobility Hub if the mobility hub's not there then there's no use to have the educational uh the educational Hub year but you could send a bus to the edge of a parking lot like you don't have to have a facility that's just that's the bus stop that's how other cities do it so I don't think we're we're we're saying we need a a whole large facility for the The Hub it's just kind of a redesign of the parking lot in order to allow for the the multi bus can pull through there anyway I I don't know a bus can pull through there anyway I I think it's going to be a hard cell to the public to to use this for that instead of for transportation I think transportation is an easy cell and some of this other stuff you much as I like to ride a bike the majority of this is this is just a stretch goal for us if if we have something it's not it's I I think it's the way you sell it you know you're not if if there's money left over and this is some things that we might be able to do but we want to keep them on the list it's not these are are the things we're going to do first and worry about the other stuff later we're going to get we're going to take care of those roads and infrastructure needs that we we first before we do this but it's going to be a priority a prioritization as to what's going to be important I mean it's it's a stretch goal it's not a you know it's not the end all be all and you know it's a it's a Mobility goal huh it's a Mobility goal what it and and one of the things9 widening to snowhill road to Orange County Line that's that's not even in the city that's that's a county that's a county project it's a county project on the list yeah it would benefit us somewhat it it would and and it's sort of if you when you look at County Road 419 as the regional roadway and that's one of the reasons that we we did put a couple of County projects in there uh to show the regional aspect of our infrastructure and when you think about 419 that it connects 50 to I4 you know and so have it get once we get phase three done which is Project number 29 that's the next step is to get it down to the Orange County Line once that happens hopefully that alleviates some of the congestion you know some of the traffic coming into to oo if we can create a better access to go south rather than coming up into Ido and then heading south so the idea behind it but yeah it is a county project it doesn't require any City contribution and one of the things on the stormm water projects and and and I I agree with the mayor that the uh from the standpoint of that our Enterprise fund should be established to meet our our storm water needs but Lessons Learned From and we put them in here because of Lessons Learned From in that we identified areas of the city that are either underserved or not served and we one of the things that we looked at was when we were building um solar park it actually started out its code name was storm water Pond and that was really what we were looking at was just a storm water Pond but then when we started talking with the do when they built the first Pond and we started talking with St John's and they started talking about the creek and the interaction and how we had to keep things separate and then all of a sudden we were looking at a a pond the basically a burm the creek another burm and another Pond and we were looking at this down and we started looking at it from a downtown downtown Redevelopment perspective we were like there's no way this will work the stormw waterer fee would have probably have paid for that second Pond but to do what we did to create the amenity for the downtown it required we well we have six six different funding sources you know and I'm I'm proud to say that none of it was property tax but when we started looking in these other areas in these neighborhoods we saw it as an opportunity that yes the storm will probably pay for that storm water function there but if we wanted to create an amenity for these residents if we wanted to look at this as being more than just a stormwater Pond this would give us the opportunity to add other features into that property I know when we started talking about the storm water fee the first thing I told Bobby was I said we need to put in a land acquisition component you know in there because a lot of those places that where we're projecting the need for a storm water Pond there isn't one and so that was you know like I said it's a lesson learned from in that we need to address but we just firmly believe that we're going to need more than one funding source to be able to pull it off that's what we're looking at and that's why we added it to the list but I do agree from the standpoint that it should be a focus of our our entprise fund this would be the secondary money coming in I just think if we're looking at ways to sell a fee so to say roads and not having your neighborhood flood I think are the same level especially in being so recent and looking at some of these storm water projects that we have in the city of being grossly undersized 40 years after they're built and needing these improvements and being hardened I would not want to take any of these office list what else Bob uh what I've got so far is um I believe I've um let me just make sure I have consensus on these items so was it consensus to add the PED Crossing of some of some nature on Mitchell hammock and then I've got adding the the public safety upgrades to the list now beyond that I don't I don't have anything I heard consensus specifically on I'm I'm good with both of those y okay over or under right over or under just something to get people across safely and that that was something that when we talked with commissioner darari about the uh it was our idea to have another bridge over 426 and he said what if we went under and of course our first idea cost even more that's what happens and you have to close it up at night yeah well our first idea our first thought my my I can't speak for Bobby but my first thought was oh Lord there's another thing to flood you know but at least you know it's up in here well if there was any any good place in the city to put one it' be right here in MCH Hamet because this is the highest spot in the city right so I mean right this General will cow right here so consensus to add the public safety buildings y okay uh as far as 3940 and 41 the hubs do you want us to leave them in or do you want us to take them out I say leave them in I say leave them in it's still a preliminary list anyways like you said some point you're going have to and just because it's on the list doesn't mean we're going to do it it's just it's there opportunity but it's hypothetically possibly we could I just think it doesn't look like we're being practical enough but I get that we probably won't do them I hope we don't well I think if we were to move forward with any of them we'd probably vote on them right and yeah so this is this is not a commitment to do that and it's a matter of if you trust the board to make a good decision in the future and I do any any one of these projects is ultimately going to going to show up on an agenda item or a budget for you to approve so you can you can tax it at any point yeah I don't think anybody on this board and correct me if I'm wrong would approv that before most of the other projects on here so I would like to keep it on there good yes sir that's that uh yes I believe we have clear Direction all right anything else uh no here that's all we have anything else we good order we are adjourned I told Brian and Patrick that I got news today that D's wife passed away yesterday yeah I think the service is in April but they said they would let us know all things