##VIDEO ID:_IZ25KNhoDg## so this doesn't look the same as online at how do I get the thing this usually it pops down on the side oh I got to be on that one see if I do that at home then it get this which doesn't have oh uncheck this maybe no you click on them here oh okay so if you click on the individual like click that one it just show t okay I guess since I'm logged in even if I'm here then it's are you on a city computer yes [Music] City I don't know how to work any it's upside down if Mike's going to make it tonight you have to turn the computer upside down yeah and figure that's how you beat marel mag took the controller all right say your last name for [Music] me [Music] so is this for me yes that's so it be a [Music] [Music] lot of pers all right good evening everyone welcome to avido city council chambers if everyone could please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED United States of America stand indivisible jce for please join me in a moment of silence [Music] okay I would like to call our meeting to order it is December 16th at approximately 6:30 p.m. and we have all members of council present um before we get to the approval of minutes though I did want to say thank you first of all for everyone coming out tonight and it's my privilege and honor here to serve as chair and as this is a new position and we have a new council member as well I wanted to uh share some operation points of Robert's Rules of Order that I will be working to following and improve a little bit up here so as in the past whenever we call a motion I will address the motion or first and the second or second and then open up discussion to everybody else so that's what we've been doing um but I also wanted to um discuss that we've had a few issues in the past with interrupting each other and I will do my best jce chair to prevent this so if you feel I'm not preventing someone from interrupting you please call a point of order and I will address it going forward so I just wanted to put that out so we're all on the same page with that thank you sure so moving on we have no ceremonial items to present so we're going to start off with the approval of the minutes I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of November 4th 2024 regular session second we have a motion in a second is there any discussion no okay all those in favor say I I all those opposed motion carries so we are going to move on to public comment so that is a let's see gra item number three public comment I have one written request to speak um when you come up to the podium please state your name and address for the record we have Miss ingred Bryant good evening my name is ingred Bryant I live at 145 Shady o Clan ovita Florida I'm here to resend the resolution 4542 d24 building a 83m trail as many things that our city needs this is a want we can do with out let us address the roads we have that need attention along with our water situation to supply us into the future with the growth we have if and when we can think of wants and not needs my suggestion is a museum not this trail hopefully in my lifetime thank you for listening thank you is there anyone in the audience that would like to address council at this time hearing none I will close public comments and move on to the consent oh sorry already did consent agenda no I didn't consent agenda what is the pleasure of council I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda second we have a motion and a second is there any discussion no with regard to procedure uh I'm hoping that we can also follow our Charter and begin doing a roll call vote on every vote that happens we can look into it we should immediately begin because the charter says that and we had already confirmed that with the previous City attorney we will look into it is there any other discussion on the item at hand all right hearing none I will call a vote all those in favor please say I point of order we must follow our city Charter uh Mr Hall could you please uh address the need to follow our city Charter yeah the we had the our our Charter says that we have the E he adopt such rules governing and we basically follow rules Robert's Rules of orders but our Charter specifically says that we have to call a roll call vote I'm not fam that I as a point of order I have not receive your point of order to actually be in effect what we're discussing which is the consent agenda this is a totally separate issue it's so I would like to discuss what's at hand you no longer have the floor and we are taking a vote uh Miss presiding officer I I have to object because the vote you just took violates our city Charter and I I appreciate your desire to improve the way we function but we do I we have never in the past uh when we discussed it previously we've never followed the charter with regard to that but since you mentioned that you would like to follow Robert's Rules a little bit better I think we should also follow our Charter while we're at it that's absolutely fair I would just not like to change that in the middle of a meeting so can we please look into this and address it before the next meeting uh yes I will do that thank you and get us all on the same page okay okay moving on uh so we have a motion of second so all those in favor please say I I all those against please say nay motion carries so moving on the next at this time I'd like to uh make a motion to resend uh resolution 45 42-24 U mayor you can't do that yet you can only make that motion when all the other business come for the for the council meeting tonight has been concluded okay okay so next up we have a resolution item item number 12 is resolution number 4549 d24 2025 strategic plan Mr cob would you provide a brief introduction yes thank you deputy mayor uh this is a request for the city council to approve the uh 2025 strategic plan uh if you recall from your uh from your retreat that we worked with the East Central Florida Regional planning Council they were our uh coordinators and facilitators for this strategic Plan update and uh Miss uh Miss McKenna kineski is with us tonight and she has a brief presentation so I'll turn it over to McKenna thank [Music] you um who has the over here oh okay I'll just let you know okay hi good evening everyone um as you know my name is McKenna kineski with the East Central Florida Regional planning Council it's been great to see you here tonight once again um to address the Ovito strategic plan I know that we've been through um some of the process so I'm excited to be here tonight um so this first slide here this was just an overview of the process I don't want to take up too much time but we had three phases of this project the first was the surveys and the interviews um which were done one-on-one uh as interviews and then the surveys were the virtual surveys um everyone completed the second phase was the retreat so that was a couple days um we spent some time with you all city council and also uh staff to develop the Strategic plan for 2025 moving into the future and our last phase is the working group and the final draft of the plan and that's what we have here tonight um throughout the process I just wanted to make note of consistencies that I thought I saw throughout the process so for phase one and phase two we had the memos uh that we recapped each phase at the end of it and then um I just wanted to note that there was strong communication and involvement from City staff throughout the working groups in All Phases they worked really hard um to push this forward as well as you guys did so um the proactive engagement from all project members including yourselves is much appreciated I included also some Retreat photos um two of which we did um at the community center and then one was here for staff um where we were able to talk about leadership and um develop a workshop through that through this process we created the five strategic objectives within the objectives there is the um the goals and strategies but um I just have these outlined here as a reminder so uh the first is public health and safety the second is resilient infrastructure and the natural environment the third is economic Vitality fourth is high performance government and five is Recreation arts and culture and with that I just wanted to say thank you to you all and leave the floor to any questions if there was any before moving forward thank you so much um see I have zero written requests to speak is there any in the audience that would like to address on this item okay hearing none I will close public comment uh I will entertain a motion to adopt resolution number 4549 d24 so moved second okay any discussion it's been journey and and I'm glad that we've kind of all come together on this okay Council I thought it was a a very good uh process I think we have a good plan and Place uh covers a lot of the uh of the direction of where we would like to see things go so I think it was a great work by everybody involved uh we even had a few citizens that came in and uh participated so I thought that was great so appreciate all the help that you guys did and and helping the spearhead this council member written well thanks for uh putting the effort in I think we've got a good start uh I think the next step is to drill down a little bit to see how we can uh take actions uh that actually Implement what we're looking for that strategic plan so thank you council member Ro so uh I wasn't part of those discussions I wasn't on Council yet um on the uh the only question I had was we talked about um there there's a thing in there about golf carts what was the um is there any thing could be elaborated on that come yeah yeah absolutely so I know um from our work that we did talk about um multimodal Transit so developing New Alternatives to other than the car the automobile so we wanted to focus in and that was brief but um focusing on pedestrian safety as well as alternatives to mitigating traffic throughout the city um so we looked at golf carts um increasing foot traffic and uh bicycles as well what what do what does that mean to look at I mean because you know golf carts would need a different type of you know paved surface yeah right right um so that's just something when I say look at something we discussed throughout um The Retreat and through um some of our working groups but uh I if I understand correctly I think there's something in the um in the transportation plan that discusses I think say anything I know um we did talk about that so if that was an alternative that wants to be explored into the future of creating alternatives to automobiles does that answer your question Mr Kelly did you have something to add here oh thank you uh good evening mayor uh deputy mayor council members I can right it's more of a broad goal it's it's not something that we are going to um immediately have specific deliverables as a part of the you know what we want to strive for but it is something you know a goal of the city through especially our Mobility fee and Mobility plan to to implement different means of transportation but as far as specific of this or that should happen at this time um that's something that we will strive for as a part of that goal if that make sense I think so okay thank you all good right and I will say um as far as this whole process you know it's been a lot of work and a lot of people have put in a lot of different opinions and we've we've come up with really good products so I think this is a great vision for the future of oido so thank you for everybody who inputed that is any other discussion so what is the pleasure of counsel I move we approve resolution mayor you already have a motion the May made a motion to adopt it seconded by U council member bford so you go straight to vote okay um all those in FA favor of the motion please signify by saying I I all those opposed the motion carries so moving on to item number 13 resolution number 45532 for for arpa plan Amendment and budget amendment Mr uh thank you Deputy Mayor Mr Kelly actually he's going to get the presentation tonight Mr Kelly uh good evening again mayor deputy mayor uh council members uh tonight we're asking uh for approval of resolution 45 53-24 uh amending uh the arpa plan uh for the final time that's what it looks like um because of the uh obligation deadline of uh de December 31st 2024 uh earlier this evening uh next slide please M oh well let me go over this this is the uh original arle plan uh adopted way back in uh 2023 22 time frame and it uh basically had uh two two uh trans of money uh $10 million uh flat assumed Revenue replacement um and that was uh as per the guidance of the US Department of the treasury and then we also had had uh uh $1,965 in uh what was for uh pandemic response uh and uh responding to the uh public health effects as well as the economic effects of the pandemic and then um the uh utility funds and so that was our original arpa plan as adopted and uh amended several times so if you can next slide please uh tonight you actually already made one amendment to the arpa plan with resolation 4550 d24 and that was uh for the splash owned play structor and resurfacing um so that took money from several uh closed product projects and open projects uh to make up a lapse of funding um those the open projects were uh duck cleaning and outdoor restrooms as well as the closed projects were the uh Riverside pool heater the fun brellas uh playground structure and Boston Cemetery Road and electronic access limitation so we swept all those funds to make up uh the shortfall in that project and so that was again uh passed on your consent agenda this evening uh next slide please so this resolution 45 53-24 uh deals with uh two parts uh if you recall I talked about the uh loss Revenue funds and the uh other funds that we primarily ly uh um obligated towards utilities um so tonight we're uh um utilizing some funds that were left over so a couple of projects that you approved in your last last few meetings were uh the testwell for the lower fidan aqu as well as the 2.5 million gallon storage tank over at the West mital hammock water treatment facility uh both of those projects came in under the engineers estimate so uh some rare good news in these uh uh inflationary times so uh we had 753 uh and $729,000 respectively um so we got together we put our heads together and took a look at uh the treasury guidance for some applicable projects that we could obligate These funds toward in uh a compressed amount of time and uh we found that uh treasury guidance issued in 2023 allowed an expanded use of that pandemic response to meet uh further emergency response needs and so that's why uh we thought a fire engine would be an excellent use of funds there's a long lead time so we and they require prepayment so uh that that project being able to obligate that money and um that's the next one sorry yes yeah um obligate that obligate those funds and and uh get them on the books before December 31st was uh something that was uh um doable and we also uh saw the need for an additional rescue in that lead time so uh we utilized those that $1.4 million to uh go ahead with this resolution and purchase uh a new Rescue new fire engine now there's $4,940 uh left over uh that we did not have fun for so we're utilizing ARA interest from the the federal funds that we received and U typically federal funds you are uh subject to the um uh what do they call it the cash management Improvement act uh which basically says you can't use interest funds you have to return it to the feds uh but arpa was Exempted from that so we are allowed to use those funds to pay this uh that $4,940 so uh next slide please and we also had two projects uh the wellfield study and utility security improvements uh that we were using lost Revenue funds for uh that we had available to and we decided to move that into sidewalks that another project that we could quickly um turn around to work order here at the end of the year for now give you a status update next slide please so now what we have left is the remaining projects in arpa uh public safety building HVAC duck cleaning outdoor restrooms exterior painting interior painting roof repair uh parking lot resurfacing vehicle replacement Maintenance building at osc as well as sidewalks and uh the chamber upgrade so what we have there is about uh $1.1 million um uh Mr Beldon is hard at work to try to get work orders done and that is the requirement to obligate funds by the treasury Department is to have an agreement done by the end of the year we don't need a full uh purchase order or you know we don't need to actually spend the funds we have till uh December 31st 2026 to spend the funds all we need to do is have an agreement in place um but we do have a backup plan uh should these not uh on December 30th any funds that are not in an agreement in a work order obligated according to the US Department of Treasury we will um denote toward salary late uh in the process uh treasury said uh you are allowed to utilize lost Revenue funds to pay salaries of government uh employees that manage funds so we've had a lot of people with hands in these projects we do not have a problem uh Mr Boop Miss Jones and myself sat on with our Auditors and uh went over this with them and they were okay with it they reviewed the guidance we've reviewed the guidance and have uh all said that this is an acceptable use of funds next slide please so right now is well as of December 9th not right now uh we have $17.8 million uh obligated and that includes the um uh funding for the testwell as well as the uh water tank at West Mitchell hammock and that is uh well above that $9.9 million we discussed back on September 16th the last time we did a large arpa Amendment and so so what's left in that 3.1 million um that uh funding uh loss Revenue funds that we discussed including uh tonight even tonight's uh approved uh Splash Zone project as well as that list of projects I just showed you and then also the 1. 48 or so million uh for the rescue and the fire engine so that's what's left in that 3.1 and uh talk to Chief Woodward um we're going to get POS issued for those two real quick and then we're going to get um as many of those projects as we can done by the end of this year uh or at least not done in work orders in agreement so that we have the two years to complete them anything that's left we will report back to you next year um as to uh what exactly we use those funds for and um with that uh recommend you adopt resolution and if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them thank you Mr Kelly uh I don't have any written requests to speak is anybody in the audience like to address on this item can I ask question yeah hearing none I'll close public comment uh you had a question for Mr py yeah so on the sidewalks you said um we're increasing it by 50,000 and then the next line down here we're showing that we have 92,000 so is that additional 50,000 part of that 92,000 yes that 50,000 is part of that we had $42,000 remaining in that account um so we added that 52 and there's um as you may know councilman there's no lack of sidewalk projects in this city there is there is no lack of sidewalk projects I'm aware yes so no that's that's good I just hope you know there way to find other funding for that too I mean as you said there's no lack of them on public safety building 245,000 have we started anything in the public safety building yet um we have done some work uh the majority of it we had we we um originally uh allocated 900 over $900,000 for that project so that's in uh paint walls roof um some build outs for the individual cubicles and things like that so that that work is ongoing yes sir okay so we hit 900,000 for that and it's been ongoing so we're down to 242,000 yes sir you're okay all right and then roof repair was that Public Safety as well um that's uh all over all that's Citywide some of the the public safety building uh roof repair that that was done that was out of the public safety building process yes sir okay all right I'm good thank you anybody else have questions for Mr Kelly no Okay I uh what is the pleasure Council I I have one I have one question so um that's okay yep go ahead I'm sorry uh yeah so uh in in this it says we've spent or been allocated about $20 million total 20, 96573 yeah that that that amount um so that's been over the last three years so we've spent we've made a lot of stuff with this AR we we've we've obligated most of that money there are still projects that'll be ongoing for the next two years yes sir so you know as far as looking at our budget you know it kind of seems like this is something we've relied on um when we brought you the AR the aripan to city council um it was kind of on the heels of of uh a very very long Capital Improvement list that we that um our facilities folks and our directors had put together so we we uh came to city council and said look we have $10 million it's a one-time expense and our practice has always been if it's a one-time expense we don't you you know we don't spend onetime expenses on recurring expenses if that makes sense um so uh we looked at it as a way to sort of bridge a gap in some of our needs uh and and that's what we've done yeah so I guess a question is like going forward because this is all about to end at the end of this year what what's our plan going forward for how we're going to pay for these kinds of things maintain it yeah well not just maintain it but you know like like here there's a you know another fire truck right like it at some point well that's something that now Mr Bo's gonna have to um correct me if I'm I'm wrong here that's something that we would typically put in a vehicle replacement fund for for a rescue correct correct uh for some of the larger like say our Tower truck for instance we've done a sort of a financing mechanism for something like that um but it's it's usually a budgetary decision uh year-over-year so like this particular one is this a is this a replacement yes sir oh it is yes okay it will replace um as our as our vehicles age out we do replace them it does get there's sort of a law diminishing returns with with maintenance you know it it you start to get to a point where it costs more to maintain them than it does to to purchase a new and then maintain the new right so this yeah I I mean I guess the question is more like we've we've had all this money right and now it's gone and we've spent it on things that we've needed correct I mean what's our what's our plan budget-wise going forward for for spending on these kinds of things um put it in CIP as we go forward and and plan for replacing as I mean we've basically replaced things that we've already needed to replace in the past and yes it's been um sort of a blessing uh to have this These funds and be able to replace the things we've replaced um but it will take a a level of planning to uh continue that and keep up what we what we have currently right but I mean we're looking at is over and in a year or two we'll have to increase millage to make up the I would not say that no sir you wouldn't say that okay okay I I mean yeah it's it's not um it's not anything we could do about right now I guess but as just looking through these These are the questions that come to mind understood and you know it's incumbent upon us and to to make those choices um about how we use the funds in the future if if okay thank you anybody else for Mr Kelly okay what is the pleasure of council make a motion to approve resolution number sorry 4553-4557 [Music] and I'm glad you brought it up cuz if we did not have this you know Mana from Heaven bundle of money come to address the end of life cycle for all the things we bought 30 years ago we would be in a pretty stinker situation and we're about to be in the well not about to in 30 years we'll be in the exact same spot as we were right before Co so um we do need to figure out if we're going to save up or if we're just going to kind of bite the bolt in or if we're going to let these things reach the end of their life and just disintegrate and not replace them or what our what our long-term plan is and maybe we'll have enough commercial base to cover but those discussions it would be really helpful to have that happen early but for now uh thank you to staff for all the answering of all the questions about this and other things and the life cycle of the fire trucks because I was looking at this thinking well is there something else we could do with this and it's about as good a things as could be done so Mr Kelly you have uh very masterfully uh navigated and Mr boot to everybody but like you I feel like you're kind of running this show on the arpa funds and figuring out how to follow the rules um and and it has really been advantageous for our city so thank you to everybody involved in that Mr R uh nothing further Mr Brittain well regarding that I think uh there's probably 10,000 cities in this country that have the same problems uh that's just what happens when you're trying to run a city U we're a lot better off than most uh we're growing that that allows us to maintain some of this stuff because our revenues increased but if we were shrinking we'd be in a lot worse worse uh situation so let's uh count our blessings right now and I will say that is the first question I asked when arpa funds came up for the first time and I would also like to say we're not going to start talking about that soon we've been talking about that for a couple years now and we are in a such a better position now than even when I came on 3 years ago um this is one of the first times we have a capital impr Fund in our budget every year that's $500,000 we it used to be zero we used to have nothing on the line items for Capital Improvement so we've been working at making our budget healthy so we can keep up with those things so I think that's an excellent point to break through anything else all those in favor signify by saying I I all those against and the motion carries so next up we have item number 14 with this which is a discussion item Mr cob would you please provide a brief introduction uh Mr Kelly is going to provide the brief introduction Mr Kelly would you please provide a brief [Music] introduction yeah I should not have sat down Deputy Mayor no um back this past November uh we had a bond referendum for our police station once again uh following that result we uh sort of wanted to know what the voters were thinking and why they said no again um although we could probably guess but it's it's good to have a little insight into what the what the folks out there are thinking uh so we ran a two question survey from November 15th uh through November 25th uh 2024 and uh we had 178 responses um question was very simple first one was open-ended why did you vote no we wanted to know why you know what folks were thinking and also uh second question was um more structured obviously it was it was you know what what would you be willing to fund for a new police station and we gave them some amounts 0 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 and um so I asked folks um what they were thinking um you all had the results um majority of the folks on that question said 0 to five a lot of folks in the in their responses said if I could put zero uh just zero it would have been that you know we had lots of lots of lots of input folks weren't shy it was Anonymous so they were not uh not afraid to tell us what they thought um just from my perspective and and being one of the ones that that laid eyes on it um by and large I I got about six responses that were fairly consistent you know the price tag was too high taxes are too high uh we didn't have a building plan um you know renovate an old building lack of communication we didn't know what was going on and or find existing space uh elsewhere um but with the majority being uh price taget was too high and we pay too many too much tax already so um that may be consistent um although you know that is subjective so you know we we thought we would uh let you all discuss and uh give us uh possibly some direction on what next steps would be uh following those results okay thank you what is the pleasure of council anybody like to kick this off so much excitement yeah there's no motion to be made no we're just discuss um so in in reading all of those responses um I the thing was a little bit frustrating to me is that many of the concerns that were voiced were things that are um in my opinion weren't uh weren't actually true um and uh I think it's the thing that's difficult is that uh the residents uh don't appear to agree on the facts with um many of people in this room uh who were here for the you know the town halls and things like that so I mean the the things that were mentioned like that that it was perceived that there was no plan that there was not enough transparency that there was not enough um that there was no estimated cost uh that we should use the mall all um what are we doing with the 11.4 million that we already have and are we collecting interest on that or something um fixing the old building the price reduction um so [Music] the what what I'll say is is that there there was a plan and there was transparency and there was an estimated cost and there was a reason to not use them all and um those things were discussed in here as part of the town halls and the work sessions and and all that other kind of stuff but apparently those things weren't reaching uh the residents because you know if we have a town hall and 30 people come there's uh 28,000 registered voters right um so I I think going going forward with this kind of thing we should probably look at how to better communicate what what the facts are so that if you're if you're for it or if you're against it or whatever that's um that's a different issue than not agreeing on the facts I think I think it's important that um we get to that point with the residents where where we all know exactly what it is that is being voted on um so you know things like uh putting it on the website I I think the thing that came up or in my head as reading all those responses was this is a great start on a list of frequently asked questions right like that would be the thing that we put on there why not use them all here's all the reasons right um is there a plan here's here's all the plan you know that kind of thing and uh you know there's a city Facebook account has 20,000 I think is that right followers something like that you know there's 40,000 people in Ido so like you can reach a lot of people hey put it here and put it on the website and um and it's something that residents can be um sent to and that's all I have to say sorry that was L councilman can I respond to that uh we have to be careful what we say by state law we can't promote it you can't you we cannot we cannot promote the city cannot take a position where we want it to be accepted by state law we're we're we're limited to only putting out information regarding the facts so we can't pre pre what information we're we're only limited to put out information regarding the the the referendum we can't promote it that's against it isn't that's kind of what you're suggesting though like figure out how to get everybody agree on that fact that's a very good observation that it's it's a matter of communication we're kind of H we're kind of our hands are tied by state law we can't we can't go out and and and promote it and say this is the greatest thing in the world and so forth in fact we had a video that was done and we had to be very careful about what we said in that video we had to demonstrate what could happen and so on and so forth so it it's a tough act I mean when you have a referendum people don't understand it we're kind of bound by the state law so we can't promote it so so so you and the mayor can't go out and say this is the greatest thing since since we've made bre sliced bread we can't do that I think we can no we can't we have to be very careful we can't we can't in our individual capacities we can not using City resources under the law right that's true that's true we can't as far as the city is concerned I mean you're saying we have to be very careful I'm saying we should certainly follow the law and be very careful right but it seems like we should be able to State the facts the same way as you have a town hall and people come here and we hear about the facts from um the people on the council and that's correct and others correct and we can discuss the possibly the meetings and so on so forth yeah you know can those things be put in writing we have to be very careful there can't say well we can't we did that it was on our website it was all over Facebook um our public relations that everywhere I couldn't open a page on my internet without our Police Department what we could legally put out there but the missing link I think you're referring to is absolutely missing and it's because of state law is what I think Mr Hall is getting at is we can't go further than what we we're very limited on what we can do so it's not challenged I mean it can be challenged the results so that's why we have be very careful well I think as you said I mean we had two town halls and if we had 30 I think we're that's that's stretching it I think we probably were more in the 10 12 I know you know Eric I know you've been to a couple of them here I mean it's it's tough to to try to get that message out and we were trying to get it out and I take these survey results again it's kind of skewed we're only asking people that said no only 178 did it of the 11998 that voted no that's 1 and a half% of the people who voted no that actually gave us input on it and as you read through them it's it's a mirror things but for the most part since the Kelly said it's your taxes too much I'm taxed uh I I can't do it you know live within your budget and as we talked about even in the town hall it's the problem doesn't go away the problem does not go away with the public safety building we have to do something so whether we're coming back and saying all right we were talking about building for the future maybe we just build for now you know and then as the future comes we'll deal with the future then and what what does that look like and what does that cost us to do so I think we got to address it somehow we just keep can't walk away from it and even though you know we went and did the survey here I mean I don't know what you get out of it other than you know you got you know 178 people telling you that you know can't afford it and you got to live within your budget but we still have a problem we got to address cmer Britain yeah I uh I agree with just about everything that's said here I I don't know how we could have done a better job with transparency with the the workshops we went back uh several times and compared cost estimates we lowered the cost estimate by leaning out some of the some of the uh requirements and the square footage um it it seems to me it's very hard to get a consensus of people when you you've got such disinformation floating around on social media and I think it's our job to go out there as a as a united front and try to correct those uh discrepancies when they come up it doesn't seem like we've done a very good job with that uh Mr bodford you're right the problem doesn't go away a referendum is is really the best way to solve it because it spreads the cost out over for the the folks that are here if you move away you're not paying for a building that uh that's already paid for you pay for it as as time goes on and you spread it out over the lifetime of the facility and if you need to expand then you expand at a later time so uh we got more work to do is all I have to say but as far as we're looking for direction correct um on what we want to do moving forward so personally I think we did get a lot of feedback that said you know the price acts too high we don't have a final plan what can we do so all our knowns that I see is the bond that we've already passed back in 2017 um personally I don't want to wait for another referendum next year that could potentially fail again we need to do something now I don't want police officers sitting in those conditions it's surprising to me that I don't know 5 years ago 10 years ago Brian we we passed a referendum for $35 million for for the Wastewater Plant yes and we can't get the same amount 10 years later for a police facility Public Safety facility yes something something's missing in the in the message we used to be able to trust the people to trust us and vote for these things and now now that's not there well I I do have an idea if you guys are open to it and it's it's been brought up before and that is to flex the ones in sales tax and use that to borrow against we have upwards of $55 million expected to roll in in the next 10 years we've got an$ 11.4 million that we could issue now and have that advertised against uh future property taxes so it would be a partially from property taxes and then the remainder which we should probably click down from what we as in the past to something more humble could be of with with the sales tax uh another issue that we have from the survey and just people talking that has come up is it is hard to to justify us having this caliber of a police station when people go around and they see that there are Sheriff substations that least regular office space from regular people these are not fortified substations they're just regular Office Buildings things so if we don't need something that is quite this fortified for the whole thing perhaps there's some cost savings there where we could have the office functions happen in a space that is less costly to construct than $1,000 a square foot which was roughly the estimate and then the part that does need to be fortified do that with whatever needs to be done um I am not in favor of viie our Penny sales tax for the police department it is our voter voted upon on funding to fix sidewalks and pave roads and that's exactly what we use it for and we just talked about not getting into the same situation with arpa funds um and that's exactly what that would do it gut our maintenance budget um so I don't think voters went out to vote on the penny sales tax to gut that for all of our maintenance Deeds for the city for the next 10 years so personally I'm not in favor but you know there's five of us no I'm the same boat I mean I think we use that money unless you know there's a surplus there that you know you guys come back you know Mr poop and tell us that hey from the one penny sale tax that we get we have X amount of dollars that you know are not used for roads and sidewalks that we could use but if we're using everything of that one c one cent sales tax for roads and sidewalks then we need to continue to do that because otherwise we're just doing a shell game we're taking the money out of one penny sales tax to pay for the police building and then how are we paying for roads and maintenance that's going to come from somewhere so I can't remember all the details on this from previous meetings um but we are projected to get more 1-cent sales tax money in this next cycle that just passed than we had previously I mean it it goes up with the size of the economy right but um were we getting more because of our city um population did did that there there are a couple of variables and their population is one of them uh but uh yes I mean we population was a big driver in as far as the allocation that we got or that we what was noted as our allocation within their uh we are the third largest city uh also there is a formula for how it gets broken up the county gets a certain percentage School Board gets a certain percentage the cities get a certain percentage and I believe it was does uh does count I'll still approve that I used to approve it back in the day that that was gas tax gas tax okay that was gas tax that's actually written in the gas tax legislation at the county that the count would do that um the as far as sales tax I believe if I remember correctly Schoolboard got 25% County gets 50% the cities divied up the 25% so we us being the third largest city that's where our population came into play when they were figuring out of that 25% how much we would get right and so previously the city of oido got uh the number I remember is 3.94 4% of every did that change with the that's the part I can't remember I think it went up a little bit but not it's still about the same so okay about four then yes um I remember there being a significant difference in the amount of money we were projected to get right than what we were yes I mean when we when we did the third generation we were projected to get $19.5 million and uh we ended up I think receiv receiving between 23 and 24 million over the 10-year period and when we got the initial estimate and was in the 50s we were like wow that is something they're really they really feel like we're going to you know that it's going to be more successful so uh but yes we were we were very surprised but I guess the question is is that simply based on projections of inflation or is that we think people are going to spend more money in seminal County the question is are do we have more money in the One S sales tax now than we did on the previous 10 years or do we say have the same number of amount of buying power it's just more money because of more cost in more cost more people buying things I think I think a large part of it is more people buying uh more people buying things the types of things that they are buying as well so you're saying we have the same amount of buying power I think we have the same amount of buying power yes I do I believe we do I would you say We'll spread it out more so but uh it as far as if you look at that relationship with us compared to the rest of the county yes I I would agree same same amount of buying power from 25 to 55 yeah we just have more money to do it with yeah but it's twice as as much and and that was the thing when we when we were looking at it um we were like okay how did they come up with the number you know but they had they had they had economists looking at it and this is what the economists told them that this was what the county should expect in 10 years as far as the revenue would be concerned so we we roughly get uh we get we're estimated around 3 million a year you know so right now well now now it's going to be more like five plus million per year so even if we continue to spend about 3 million a year on roads and stuff and and I do want to caution us all against calling it Road and sidewalk of maintenance that is not allowed under the state statute the that money is earmarked for things that are capital expenditures and one thing specifically labeled as a capital expenditure is a thing that will extend the life of an existing Capital Improvement by is it 10 years or five five years so we need to make sure that we're really clear that we can't use it for maintenance um yet right that's the thing is that it's let's take sidewalks for instance we can fill gaps where sidewalks don't exist and then we can also we can rip them out completely and rebuild them we can do that but if we wanted just to go in and just smooth them out or something that would be considered general maintenance that would not be an eligible expense we have to actually go to the end the the degree of ripping it out and completely reconstructing it and uh same thing with roadways when we uh when we do our resurfacing you know we're ripping off all the ripping off the whole top layer of it and then replacing it with a new top layer of it so I mean it's the thing so maybe the wording is wrong but the effect is the same to resurface our roads we definitely use our sales tax we do use that that is that is our sole so sole funding source for that being said as far as a direction forward I haven't heard I guess I haven't heard one which is not surprising we've been working on this for years um personally I would be interested in seeing what we can do with what we already have approved on a bond referendum I would like to see what we can do with the 11 what is it 11.4 11.4 million that we have on the table um what we can do to fully renovate that building and put something out there to contractors to say how far can we go because that's the only given we have and we keep coming up short otherwise so I would like to see some movement forward on that I don't know if there's any other consensus to do that I I think again what I said before I think you've got if we can't get to the point that we can build for a future future what is what is the need now and and how much is that going to be is it going to be the 11.4 is it going to be more I mean we had the ability ourselves while going to the voters to do an additional 10 million if we needed to obviously I mean that's something we're not trying to do here but what is it going to take so I think I I would ask you know to come back with what the plan is survey results are great you know so you got that but as far as that I think we need more of a plan you don't want to spend money on an architectural plan you know knowing that you may not have the money to do it but if if you can do something with the current building with what you got what is that if you're going to build for for the for the now and we're not going to build for future and deal with the future when it comes what is that even if it comes back and says okay it's 16 million for the now at least we know what we can get by with right like we can see what the bare minimum is cu I think that's where we're going so is there any flexibility to portion off the office functions though I think that is a significant recurring theme uh for for some people and for me too now that it's been brought up enough times is that Chief Coleman is that feasible to have any office functions not be in the Fortified building and instead do sort of how the sheriff does with just regular office space because a lot of what's over there yeah the first floor I guess is a lot of Officer you in need of fortification but it's paperwork I'm not sure if it needs to be um the office the Sheriff's Office model is is a completely different model than we have just like the state model is obviously a much broader model the sheriff has a headquarters that is houses about probably about 80% to 90% of the investigative staff and administrative staff their training unit is a separate building because there's not enough room on their current campus over near the airport that's uh they repurposed a building over there that they can do their Academy out of they do all their training and then they have their substations in each district they have uh the east north and and uh South district has its own substation for kind of the meeting place for the troops in that area to keep them having to drive all the way to uh uh Five Points uh an example of that is years ago they used to own they could only get gas at Five Points so every Deputy in the county drove to Sanford to get gas every day now they use a credit card to go go out so their model is different than ours which is because we're a smaller location you know with 16 square miles um the answer is it would it would impede some efficiency because being in the building allows communication to flow better than than anything else um and that's the that's the key to to most of it I mean in law enforcement is the the information sharing both internally and externally uh if you're going to if the question is is could it be uh it's it could be considered I I I don't want to give you a flat rate and say yes but it's it's um right now what we're needing in square footage and and and what we can do and how we can do it and that's what we're looking for uh for doing the things that need to be done and repair the building as but that's in the works as it is so I hope that answered your question it is thank you Mr C I actually that is that is where I want to go with this uh I would like to pull our I would like to pull our resources uh we did have Ovation our contractor did get through and the last estimates we got was around 12.8 million to do a complete renovation uh one of the things that I would like to do is this I would like I I would like to renovate the building but I'd also one of the things I want to do I want to address the Safety and Security of the area I want to be able to fence off the uh where the cars are fence off the back make it more secure gate it so that we have a a secure system a secure uh place and but we also have public access in the front one of the things I want to do as well is I want to be able to find a way to build a um a garage basically a garage behind the building so that we take all the stuff that's in the current Baye and move that into that garage that garage shouldn't cost as much as building a new building it'll still be some square footage maybe we can pop some we can not only do the garage but also do some storage uh that may be able to pull out of the building and then we can go in and convert my thought is convert the base to either Training Center so that we can have the what I call the physical training center on one floor and then have the classroom that could be a multi-purpose room uh on on a different floor whether it's second or first I don't know which one works better but then that opens up the existing classroom that can be converted into offices and then we can start to look at the for plan we can get with an architect and start looking at the floor plan the challenges of the building are this one it's got concrete walls and two it's not 88 and so with those are the big challenges but I think if we can pull that rolling storage out and then we can start to look at creating space within the building um and we can do it within our existing existing available revenues uh that's the plan that I'd like to pursue right now and I just haven't had a chance to sit down once again talk to the contractor and say is this still it is this still because like I said there's some things we're doing with arpa like replacing the roof and uh they were looking at all kinds of things replacing the windows and replacing the doors and you know doing all these different things with inside and maybe we do we do like Castleberry did rather than going to I think it's the class four we go to the class three building and we go at a class three level of safety you know maybe we do that uh if we can figure out to make that work and so it's things that we've got to have discussions with uh within architect we got to have discussions with our contractors to see how that can be done um so but there that is something that I would really like I want to see how we can at least get the security in the back I'd love to be able to pull all the rolling storage out and put it in its own building because I know a garage won't cost that much and um and then be able to do the interior Renovations and hopefully we can sque sque out some additional square footage for our officers to be able to work in by doing that Mr cop I know I have your least favorite question but can we put a timeline to this uh since your January Workshop is already scheduled can we do it in February absolutely okay thank you can I ask you about the class three and the class four uh I remember earlier this year when Zha was here they assured us that we could not do like Castleberry did because of updated code it may be that may be the thing got to sit down with the building official and find that out but I'm not sure Castleberry was building new maybe with renovation there may be some flexibility I'm sorry I can say that again I said Castleberry was building new right and under the older older code uh but since we're doing if it's under a renovation maybe we have some flexibility so they also told us that to do very much renovation would require bringing it up to code there are certain things yeah I mean the contractor told us if they touch if they touch the bathroom they got to bring it up to C if they touch a certain number of Windows too right the windows right that was the ballistics requirements and all of that but this is the first I remember hearing about class three and class 4 and that there's perhaps a possibility to do class three and and if we can you know I I I I want to investigate the possibility for it if if it's open to us we should we should look at it what are the differences between those or I think it's the hardening quite honestly it's the ballistic level in which the glass they use the type of um the type of what's the metal in the door it's what can stop a bullet you know so but uh I would have to sit down with our building official and find out what can can't be done what's the square footage of the current station do you know off hand it's uh I gota I got to go through my head here a second it's around 19,000 19,000 yeah and then so a certain amount of that is the bay that we would potentially double right around 3 to 4,000 is is that kind of what we're what might be there yes how big was the Bay do you remember it's around 3 to 4,000 somewhere you know that's but if you take it and turn it into two floors two get so you start with 19 and you add three is what we could is perhaps the map over there and we've also got the sally port and we might be able to build in to as something that but that probably would only be storage the which part the sally port that's over on the side that we could probably I'm sorry I still can't hear you the sally port the sally port that's on the side of the building it looks like a little garage okay okay and I think we stored the motorcycles in there but uh I mean there's some there's some ways to do this and it's just a matter of being able to sit down and see what kind we can do with the floor plan but like I said I think really one of the things I'd love to do is to be able to build a garage in the back so that we can get that rolling storage out of there also add some storage into that building so that we take some of the stuff that's being stored in the building and move it out as well and so that's just some initial thoughts that I've had since the uh since the referendum was done how much stuff do you think could be moved out I know when I was over there that was a thought I had too yeah stuff like in the pr room the foam footballs yes perhaps don't need to be behind a ballistic uh so that's window well when think about it there's officers in there too you know oh absolutely yeah but there was a lot of stuff stored like if you have a storage area maybe it doesn't have a window if a storage area is just a blank wall you know there's ways to do that so right or maybe even off site mhm so that's why I was thinking as far as we could build a garage in the back and throw storage in there so okay but as far as direction are we all good what was the direction to live with an our means to do the 11.4 plus whatever we could work into the budget see where we're at in February see where okay okay yeah come back with it I think we good there and mayor slik you had a motion I do indeed um at the risk of getting no support for this I do feel the need to ask Council to um resend I move to resend resolution 4542 d24 I'll second it for discussion we have a motion in a second any discussion between the last meeting and this one uh had a chance to to look at the gis for the the areas that are touching the trail and I I was relying on staff to have given a picture that was complete and and perhaps because of word choices or whatever that that for me did not happen and I was surprised to discover that 100% of the right side of the trailer I guess we'll call it sort of the Eastern side of the trail is bordered by the highest industrially zoned land that exists and this body changed it from public lands that that was originally going to be Parkland uh first sold the land and then rezoned it to this industrial zoning on the left side though way I knew that had happened so that I knew that was industrial on one entire side I did not fully appreciate that on the left side it was also industrial for a good portion of it it backs up to Warehouse uh and you manufacturing space for I would guess about 50% of it and then the other portion is going through one one is like in somebody's backyard with a chain link fence separating the the the recreation walkers from somebody's backyard and it's a chain link fence the whole way down and it's not just a chain link fence separating us from a portion of our community uh people who to access this Trail would have to travel by bike walking or car about 1 1.4 miles to get to the trail um but also it would require cutting down a lot of oak trees that are along this residential stretch uh some other concerns were when I read the application that we sent in to get the Grant and uh it it says and I'm glad that it it just is forthright with it the project site contains areas of ethn AI rare species habitat the project will be constructed to have the least amount of impact uh but that's that's what the fork Gophers being relocated potentially refers to the other thing I'm concerned about is that we represented that this connected to ovo's Greenways and Trail systems um and and the cross midal trail specifically was mentioned the cross Cal Trail is 1.4 miles from this and between the edge of the Cross Cal Trail and the locked gate of Ovito Sports Complex so you can you know maybe get through that to get to this Trail uh there are sidewalk gaps so it's there we could have used better words to describe how close we were to Trails we could have been a little bit more candid perhaps about the connectivity that this provides because it it's it's not connected to anything but regular sidewalks and only when the parks are open so I just wanted to bring that forward in case anybody else did not realize that this is not a nature trail this is a trail that it leads you know it's it's nestled by industrially zoned property a good portion of the way and when it's not by industrially zone property it's immediately adjacent to an asphalt road and on the other side of the asphalt road so it's a it's it's going to be the trail a chain link fence an asphalt road and then houses so that's going to be the view when it's not industrial on both sides so I hope we we consider it M you said what was the 1.4 miles that you talked about where's that from um that is just I went I mapped it and I said you know if I want to go from this dot where the the junction mentioned in the and the grant was the oh what's it called Mr Beldon will know it it's at solary Park uh and that has like a special name with the Florida Trails because it's like with the cross syal trail crosses some other kind of Trail yeah so that to the to the entrance of Ido Sports Complex is 1.4 miles okay so that's completely outside yeah so that's completely outside and then there's side Sidewalk so 1.4 to get there yeah and the trail itself is uh 83 4,400 ft yeah internal to the parks yeah yeah some some of the thoughts I had about it and um was that we talked about last time you know what is the use case of this Trail um one thing it was mentioned was perhaps Runners that would come from the Northeast and then come through the trail and then down to 419 um one of the things I thought about with that was that Runners typically are looking for distance not really looking for shortcuts right because they're trying to get a certain number of miles in and um without this Trail to to make that same um to make that same path equivalent path you would you would come down Lockwood right and then cross on Evans Street um Evans Street is industrial on the north but it has a very nice sidewalk on the south which is 40 or 50 ft from from you know an actual house right so I mean it's it's right up on the residential but I mean the houses are are also right there right um that you know given you know the things that you're talking about with fences on both sides um I I don't really like to be fenced in on both sides anywhere especially if there's not people I know when I'm in in large cities and there's construction and there's the scaffolding and the fence right I mean many people have been through that kind of thing it's uh I I wouldn't call myself claustrophobic but it's still a little uneasy walking into this small area and maybe you don't know who's on the other side of it or it's dark or whatever not that it would be dark here um it occurs to me that it would probably be more pleasant just to take that Evans Street you know come down and take that Evans Street um you know with the other use cases of people going between uh Sports uh between the two parks right because there's different sports at each Park um it's hard for me to imagine that somebody would park at One Park uh perhaps send one kid to play baseball and then send the other one with their football equipment to walk to the other Park that that still seems like where you would incur a drive um so I'm I'm not sure about that um additionally when the parks close we' presumably have to send a staff member to chase people out of this right or to at least make sure nobody's in there um and that's every time it it closes close one side and then walk the whole thing and and close the other I so those are my those are my thoughts on it council member Britain I don't have anything to that council member boder no we already voter on us they have nothing to add and I will just say uh I wanted to give a huge thank you to our staff for meeting me out there and giving me a full tour of where this connects and where it doesn't and seeing the really cool potential that this exact Trail does and how well we can connect it some of it I agree is not totally connected up front but the tiny connections we can make in the future will make a really cool Connection in an area to get people from Kingsburg East all the way to Shane Kelly all the way to our Trails on Lockwood um this has been in our plan for over 20 years and I'm really excited to see this come so I'm going to call a vote um all those in favor please signify by saying I are we voting to resend or we voting to uh voting to resend okay that's the motion on the table so all those in favor please signify by saying I I all those against please signify by saying Nay n n motion fails moving on we are up to the city manager report uh thank you Deputy Mayor actually I have Mr Kelly once again coming before you uh he'd like to give you an update on the Entertainment District well I'm just going to keep talking to Mr Kelly then good evening once again mayor Deputy Mayor city council try to be quick here uh back in uh I June 24th uh we had a workshop and discussed uh a arts and Entertainment District uh in ovido uh where um restaurants that have a license to serve alcoholic beverages on premise would be allowed by U by state law be given an additional permit to serve uh alcoholic beverages off premise and um City council's Direction was to approach the legislative delegation and see if they were in favor or opposed uh to uh this occurring in Ido um myself and the city's lobbyist Chris cared uh met with either together or individually um with the entire delegation and uh no one was opposed to it um we had two willing participants to sponsor a local bill which would make this possible uh here in the city um so we brought you this map initially we did in our meetings have some folks raise some concerns and uh next slide please mine um we obviously we started big and we backed it down to uh just the ovido on the Park area uh the reasoning was um you know the areas in north side of the city um adjacent to two churches and not had been there was no development there yet I mean there was the townhouse and there were no real license holders in that area uh to benefit from this the primary uh impetus of this were business owners in obido in the park they were the ones that brought us the idea so um why we did not see uh reason to expand beyond that once speaking with the delegation and some local stakeholders um so my report to you is yes um everyone is on board um and it it did take a while we wanted to wait till after the November election to meet with most of them um because we didn't know what the delegation's makeup would be for this legislative session uh coming up uh March of this uh next year 2025 um so all the members that would be seated in that legislative uh uh session are have been approached on this uh representative Placencia is a willing sponsor as is representative Smith uh he's a senior member U but uh he said if uh it's in Susan's District representative pleas is District so he's obviously deferring to her um so what we have now is um if Council uh is willing for us to um proceed we would approach our state uh legislative delegation meeting coming up in um in uh sorry in January which is January 8th at uh uh the seminal uh County Commission Chambers and request that they uh file a bill for us uh so if Council so directs we could do that um obviously we can consider it uh there would be further Council action required before this would be allowed you would have to pass your own ordinance amending the city's uh alcoholic beverage regulations uh before this would be able to take effect so the state so are you looking for direction right now on if you can go forward with this uh if you'd like or obviously we can wait till next legislative session um as well um but uh we have did you I mean did you guys want to give direction on that tonight or I'm good with it Patrick is this to allow to go beverages or is it to allow a a bar or a restaurant to put a bar outside it is allow uh individuals who purchase an alcoholic beverage from a licensed establishment that serves consumption on premise alcoholic beverages to exit the premise and that that does basically all it allows it allows them to exit the premises did we as the state rescinded the the co era policy of allowing to go beverages um no they have not but there are additional requirements to those to go beverages the law that allows currently say Outback uh to or or another any um uh restaurant that does that currently they have to um have a food sale uh of a certain certain percentage as well before they're allowed uh to leave on the so this is uh for bar Standing Room standing bars only well it can be a restaurant it just doesn't require a food purchase in conjunction with the purchase of an alcoholic beverage okay but then you could take it with you and drink it as you walk around this entire area and what we presented a couple of times to council before um was uh and this would obviously be handled later uh in a city ordinance would be the requirement for a uh branded cup that would just be allowed in this area and um there The Establishment selling the beverage would have to place it in that cup before they would be allowed to exit the premise I don't know if you know this not but is this something they allow in downtown Orlando uh I'm not sure if they allow it in downtown Orlando uh we did Model A a particular uh State bill as we were looking at this it was a city of Inverness over on the west coast smaller City much like us um so it it's done uh representative Smith when we spoke uh he remembers voting on these upwards of 20 times already okay I don't I don't object for us to go forward with it but I still have some concerns on liabilities and and things like that and and whether the practicality of a a guy going from one restaurant or bar to another restaurant bar with a with a drink in his hand as to whether he'd be allowed in or has to stay on the sidewalk and drink it understood I obviously we wouldn't get um involved in the regulation of of you know what business owner you know allows in their own business yeah um but this bill just allows the state law the state uh license to to do this uh there would still be city regulations in effect that uh you as Council would Implement by our original intent with this was when we had City events we had local businesses that couldn't participate with this right so we were trying to corporators local businesses yes and and that was again the impetus with was uh we were we were um approached by local business owners that um had locations in other uh cities that that allow this type of thing and they um they they requested it okay you guys have anything not right now I guess no sorry again this is just to go forward with the legislature there would be no new regulations at the city level again you would have to adopt an ordinance allowing it okay so that that gives me a great deal of Peace about moving forward because I I remained I'm very hesitant so part of me wants to say you don't even do it because I'm really hesitant that we're going to nail these regulations and no is a family town I don't want to have people going around thinking that this we're really close to UCF people start thinking hey I'm going to go drink at this place and we're going to bar hop by walking along the sidewalks at CER Lake Park that's where a lot of high schoolers are hanging out and I don't know it's it's it's a Vibe we have to choose our Vibe so I'm hesitant yeah I remember when this was brought up before there was talk about the um festivals like bark and Bruise right like over um on the amphitheater kind of area and having local businesses participate in that kind of thing means people walking from like food factory right mhm all the way over yes councilman instead of buying something that's already there from the S there's kind of a long way there it's kind of a long walk to to go somewhere else is certainly a obviously just judging by the map it's a greater area that that folks would be able to I mean you judging by this map you could uh purchase a beverage at TJ's Seafood check for instance and and walk to the park yeah which of course as you pointed out is is a much longer way I definitely think it needs to um as far as if we want him to move forward or not just to but getting it through the legislature that's almost step one no that is a step so I'm asking I think I think it's it's a step to do so it remains an option whenever we might want to do it or never do it but it's also a lot of work right I mean not really Step Zero is no it's it's just well not for us well we we we would we would uh we would write a bill and present it to the legislative delegation who then would would sponsor and um local bills are voted on both by the Legislative delegation here at the county level and then obviously voted they I say they voted in a block uh up in Tallahassee so um if no one had a an issue with it they would hold the hearing uh and vote up or down on local bills together and when do you need direction by because it sounds like we don't have a good answer tonight well if we're going to go in front of the legislative delegation if we if and if if we don't have a good answer tonight that's okay um we can obviously do it again next legislative session they're they're going to meet next year and they're going to meet the year after that you're saying this time if yeah if if we want to go now that's great if if you want to flush out more details on a local of what the details of those um that ordinance is if you want to have more structure and that makes Council more comfortable that's fine um but we we would have to do so you know and meet with our kind of have a short window in between the election uh when the legislative um members are elected and then uh when they seat for that legislative delegation um so if you want to have more detail as to far as far as to what those local regulations you want to affect in this District are we can bring you more detail on that and do it next time Council I think the first question is do you want to go this legislative session or go the next one this one this one okay this one apparently okay all right do you want us to go ahead and start preparation at the local ordinance yes after a discussion would be my recommendation well we would do a work session we we would do like we normally do when we prepare ordinances because if we're not going to go all the way to the ordinance at this time then I guess why go this this ccle I mean our ordinance right now says you can't do you can right it's not allowed we you say so the legislative session will they have work session in January is that what you're talking about the legislative delegation meets January the 8th we need if we're going to go this legislative session we need to be at that meeting with the ask okay and then this legislative session March I think it's starts in March uh yes sir yeah starts in March and ends in May so if we're going to be in that session if they're going to consider our bill in that session we need to go now uh if you want to wait until next year which would be next march you know next January next march then we can that we don't have to move as quickly but but you said work session so there's not as far as the ordinance is concerned we would and start preparing the local we need to decide today whether we want to that's why I was asking do you want us to go ahead and yeah do you want us to go ahead this work this legislative session and it seems like consensus is yes and then I asked did you want us to go ahead and start preparing preparing the ordinance in preparation for the legislative legislature approving our local Bill and so we would have the ordinance in place when the when the bill is if the bill is adopted so and you said we'd have a work session we would do a work session first before we brought it to you for first reading yes I wouldn't want you to hit that on first reading so first time see it I wouldn't want that to be first reading no we definitely have some things to is that good yep good okay thank you Council and lastly after I I want to wish everyone a happy holidays since this is our last meeting of the year I wanted to wish you all happy holidays and that's all I have than uh City attorney report uh I don't have a report tonight and I like Mr cup would like to wish everyone High palities council member brck just a few things I'll touch on a few things and let you all add the details but uh first off we I attended the uh chamber of commerce's um uh supporters I guess it was their award banquet for their uh their uh executive or executive level supporters and we got a distinguished service award and support of that so I'll put that uh in the office and other than that I'll mention the Saturn run great time I don't think there was any issues this year at all we had one little hiccup uh on Thursday but that was that was more fun than not the tree lighting was a success packed as usual I did attend Christmas in the City I'll let Mr bford talk about that and I did attend the boy toown tree lighting last night and I'll let Mr bford talk about that and that's it Merry Christmas to everyone or happy holidays to everyone and enjoy them all right I am up next and I will let you talk about it too Mr bodford but I will mention uh Christmas in the city was a big success I saw everybody was out there at some point um do a great job of parking over there thank you um I always volunteer with project lus cuz my mom quilts like crazy and gives out blankets to um kids can appreciate it more than others and they gave almost 600 blankets out that day so it's a really cool annual event that I really enjoy doing um same thing our holiday events that our city does are awesome so um hats off to our Parks and Rec team and I will also say happy holidays uh next up we have mayor SL oh I'll let council member bford talk to all the things uh we'll add though that ree Across America was a really nice event and uh good turn out a little bit drizzly but uh the team was able to expand and also do Boston Cemetery ahead of time so so it was a really nice combined ceremony and that is honoring our our fallen veterans here in Ido and Mr Hall if I could get you to pull up uh section 3.8.0 6 so 3.86 of our Charter we actually have a a completely separate provision related to how we're supposed to take votes that is separate from the generic note that says as a general rule will follow Robert's Rules and it says when any ordinance or resolution is to be voted on at any council meeting the clerk shall call the role of the council and each council member present at the council table at that time shall cast either an affirmative or negative vote on such issue um so just want to make sure that we're doing our best to do this I have brought this up in the past and a previous chairman just said no and nobody ever thought it was important to enforce it but I I hope that we can all kind of agree that we need to follow our Charter and just I it's a a simple thing just go down uh this is what they do in Altamont um and they do it in you most of the cities that have this Charter provision I I think we borrowed the generic Charter and Madam mayor I will say I've seen this in our Charter and I fine with enforcing it I would like to do it at the next meeting not in the middle though so we're all on the same page Clark knows what's coming all right very good okay all right um along that line Mr uh Hall could you also take a look at section 3.8.3 that gives us the flexibility to you know deviate from Robert's Rules uh to expedite meetings yes I will okay thank you and that that's all I've got happy holidays everybody council member Ro yeah I just wanted to thank uh everybody on staff who helped put on the tree lighting and the parade those were both really great events and it was it was a lot of work and uh uh just want to say thanks for that um also wanted to talk about the 15-minute Christmas party be right here tomorrow at 12:15 12 15 to 12:30 so don't be late and and don't be early either probably not yeah that's all I've got thank you council member bford yes uh so we were just talking again about the charter and then uh also on Robert's Rules so my four years this is my going on my fifth year here I've never seen us going to resending a boat um and Mr Hall I think we talked about this earlier and in my understanding that this could continuously happen like it continuously so didn't resented the vote for that resolution didn't happen that it could happen again that is correct Robert rules provides does not have a limit on that that would be you as a you as a governing body would have the right to adopt regulations to prevent that if you so choose some some bodies do say not opposed to having it I I would like to see if you know we're on board to look at having a limit on the number of times that can actually happen okay I will look into that and then we can bring to the board for discussion great thank you sir uh another question I had uh for and I don't know I I thought we used to when we had presentations my eyesight isn't that great and I was trying to look at Mr Kelly's chart and I had a hard time I had one ask and it's happened before with some other presentations when you have a presentation can you put it as an attachment yes so whether it's Finance or planning or you just add the attachment so that we can pull it up and at least be able to see it cuz I'm I was sitting or squinting and and I could make out anything and if your eyes are as bad as mine maybe a hard copy if I request it yeah that's not a bad idea either you know on that so hopefully the arpa project will improve everything when is that supposed to happen I saw that on was there same soon soon okay um to touch Bas back on on the trail um we also head in our strategic plan tonight which we approved was under the recreational arts and culture we talked about creating a strategy to increase Trail connectivity as part of the park and recreational master plan and I think that's important and I want to thank Mr Beldon uh Mr Whitaker Mr Cobb met you guys out there on on the trail we talked about it um it seems that we had a lot more Pines was it as many Oaks as from what we were understanding that we're talking about we talked about opening access to the to the neighborhoods next to it so they would have the ability to use it because currently we're seeing that the some of the residents are actually jumping over the fence in order to get to the convenience door so that will kind of open up and then we also talked about again having the access out to 419 and extended it all the way out so somebody off the sidewalk could actually use it so I like where we're going all that I think it's a great idea so definitely want to see you guys move forward with that hey you talked about uh Christmas in the city with hope great great event again it's they they do great work there again helping underprivileged families uh at this time of the Season uh I've been a regular volunteer out there I help with parking um so I I do look at certain people and if you know yeah I put them someplace you know good uh they do a great job I can't remember the number of families we went to probably I want say I was there till two uh so I think they were just finishing up probably about 2:30 so said it was their biggest crowd yeah it was I think they said 900 kids not including the parents yeah so definitely a great event and uh it's it's nice to see everybody kind of come out for that uh boy toown tree lighting last night also a great event um we were out there for that I know council member Britain and uh Madame mayor we were out there for the for tree lighting of that a tradition they do obviously boy Town not exactly in the city just outside the city limits organization again helps helps young young um young people when they're you know basically challenged or troubled and uh and try to get them back on track and we heard some great stories last night uh of young people that were basically were were lost and then got there and they started to take accountability and responsibility and uh in simple things like you know cleaning your room in the morning and you know making dinner for the family at night excuse me but it was really great the Young lady who said that she's turning 18 and that she's going to join the military it just it it hits you what a great organization is and then again I I I implore people that you can take a tour check them out on the website if if you find it in a way that you can help them out in any ways I or really you know ask you guys to do that I would say again the City events fantastic I mean the Santa run between the fire police escorts parks and wreck you know you had a great Santa that we uh we use you now every year so they do great the community comes out for that uh I think everybody loves that um the tree lighting was a great thing the parade was also a great event I think we obviously really kind of grab hold of these holidays and really bring the spirit in and I do think the residents as you can see the turnout parade was probably one of our bigger turnouts the tree lighting was was a big turnout and the people coming out you know for the Santa run was was fantastic so that is super um couple last things and I'll wrap up here the Cent agenda we had the Splash Zone that we actually going to get you know put the money into that I think that's that's fantastic for that that's another great amenity that we have here in the city and we also did Round Lake Center and Round Lake Center we know ociaa uses that building uh for their meetings we're actually going to put some money in there and fix that place up and I think again that's going to be a good thing for the community over there and especially that part of the city and with that I would like to say happy holidays to everybody and uh Happy New Year okay and I did did have one thing I forgot to mention it was brought up the word CNO earlier and I remembered that my alternate was um Mr Pollock so I don't know that we've relooked at I think next meeting we're going to be bringing yeah the next meeting will be bringing your committee assignments perfect okay that's all I was going to ask anything else okay future meeting dates we have Monday January 6th a regular session at 6:30 Tuesday January 21st the regular SE session at 6:30 and Monday January 27 at 5:30 we have a work session just uh FYI I don't think I'll be at the January 21st meeting I'll be out of town but I will be at the should be at the workshop if I get back in time anything else for the good of order is 8:03 p.m. the meeting is adjourned