##VIDEO ID:d1AxbSNwFw4## e e e e e e e yeah okay good evening uh welcome to Orlando City Chambers uh ELO City Chambers so if you join me in a pledge of allegiance plge Al to United States of America and to the stands na indivisible andice for thank you if you can join me in a moment of silence thank you like to call this meeting to order it is Monday October 21st 2024 approximately 6:30 all members of council are present we have no ceremonial items or presentations or first order of business is approval of the minutes for September 5th 2024 and September 16th regular sessions what is the pleasure of councel I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of September 5th and September 16th second all I have a motion to Second any discussion Mr chairman we to include the uh strategic planning yeah um expand to include the September 17th through 19th strategic Plan update minutes sorry a friendly Amendment it trunk it truncated it okay sorry I'll still second that all right so we have a motion to Second any discussion okay all those in favor say I I I minutes are approved next up we have public comment I do have one written request Mr Charles Zubin sir if you would come up introduce yourself give us your address for the record good evening ladies and gentlemen I am Charles Zuber Zu R not like U almost like uber but almost anyway and I don't have anything to do with Uber my name uh I am 74 years old I live at 1054 will Lake Circle she knows where that's at and uh I am here to talk about safety and just functional and pretty here in the city and I'm in reference to the corners of which I work part-time for the sheriff's department is I am a crossing guard and I spend an hour out on the new corners the one at Ovito Boulevard and Broadway and the one at North Lake Jessup and Broadway all on the main drag here and been watching this whole thing um last Wednesday I had a accident where I fell on my backside of that corner at Lake Jessup and there uh by backing up and I'm talking about I want to talk about the brick pavers that you have put in for this County for the city they are looking good but they are very dangerous because the Little Rascals sneak up raise up and you can trip over them so every one of those brick papers that they have put in is a uh fall trip trip hazard is what I wanted to say so I don't know what we're going to do because now I'm a day late in a dollar short because that's is something that was in the design mode of this layout of this city and this is a very sensitive subject as far as safety and that means that everybody that I've seen like the girl on later rollerblades trip the kids that tripped and that is my most important function is to get them safely from point A to point B to school and then back again in the afternoon so I spend two hours a day on that corner two hours a day up on the other corner and it is a problem ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry but that's way I wanted to break this to you and now that I fell and I was lucky I fell on my backside and uh didn't hurt myself very bad ly at all in fact I'm up and walking just fine that uh you may want to take a good look at this and look at what has been happening with your construction out there before somebody really Falls and really gets hurt breaks an arm you know more than so what I've done so it is a problem and it is something that you do need to look at and that must be the end of my time thank you thank you very much thank you [Music] sir I do not have any other written request uh forms is there anybody in the uh audience that wishes to speak on any subject tonight okay seeing none we will close public comment next up is the consent agenda what is pleasure of council make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second all right I have a motion a second any discussion just have to say I love the idea of Cinderella the musical SCH at oo on the Park it's a really cool idea we've never done anything that has to do with listening before and uh think it's a cool way for our Arts board to expand council member Britain I'm good thank you okay all right so we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I I opposed okay consent agenda passes okay next up we have public hearing and that is resolution number 451 19-24 opting out of Ving the missing middle property tax exemption for the live local act Mr Cobb can you give us a background please uh Deputy Mayor I'd like to have the City attorney read it by T read the resolution by title and then we'll we'll go into the the presentation uh resolution number 4519 d24 resolution of the city of Ido Florida electing not to exempt certain properties under Section 1961 97831 [Music] as enacted by chapter 2024-25 identifies identifies simal County as an area where the number of affordable and available units is greater than the number of renter households for the 0 to 120% Ami providing direction to the city manager providing for implenting administrative actions scribers errors conflicts separability and an effective date thank you Mr C can give us a background uh yes Andy could we pull up those slides please uh I thought I would start out with Florida statute in section 196 1978 and basically what it does it establishes that an Ador tax exemption for certain multif family developments and it's what it calls new developments and those new developments are developments that have been developed within 5 years there's also other criteria that they have to meet regarding you have to have a more than 70 units that meet certain uh income criteria and so one that this one talks about it's a 75% assessed value 75% a tax exemption of 75% of the assessed value of the qualified property uh provided that they are providing household uh units that meet the income requirements of greater than 80% of the average Medan income of the county up to 120% of the average Medan income of the county and just wanted to give I gave you some uh uh information of the 2024 average uh median income for Simo county is $9,400 and if you look at the 80% uh that's just just doing the math it's 72320 120% 10848 there's a I've got a slide a little bit later on that actually breaks it down by family number by number of people in the family and that number changes but this is just looking at uh the uh income based on the as far as the percentage and the whole idea behind the the live local Act was provide portable housing to low income and the these are what's known as the middle income folks and the statute we can see here the statute also gives local governments the opportunity to opt out of this middle income category and what it uh basically says is that for the starting with the 2025 tax role a local government within a a County uh can opt out by adopting a resolution by 2third vote of the local governing body and what it says is that the um this if the schimberg center for housing um studies they do an annual report of affordable housing and if it says that there is a surplus Within within the Metropolitan statistical area of of affordable housing then a county within that stat Metropolitan statistical area or a city can opt out of this middle income tax exemption now the one thing it doesn't allow us to do is to opt out of the tax exemption for low income which I think is good we shouldn't be allowed to opt out of that but it does allow us to opt out of this middle income one just so happens in the Orlando Metropolitan St statistical area that uh well first off the ordinance in the resolution takes effect on January 1st because it's with the 2025 uh tax role uh one of the things I want to tell you about as I mentioned before newly constructed is some things that new development that's been constructed within five years uh they must be occupied by individuals and families within the 80 to 20% uh Ami threshold and that's as of January 1st so they have to have the people already in there um the rent the rent also cannot this is in addition to making it for families between the 80 and the 120 uh the the rent cannot exceed 80 90% of the uh Market the fair market value which is determined through a market study and as I mentioned before is according to the 2023 annual report uh there is a surplus of 799 units in the Orlando CMI Sanford uh Metropolitan statistical area uh Simo County and oito are both within the MSA uh this is from when the county the county did this uh opt out resolution earlier in the summer and this is one of the things I was telling you about um okay we can do here we go here we go obviously the median is 90 9,400 but when you start to look at like for a one person household the range is 54,000 to 81 but when you start moving up you know veto we're our our average household size is between three and four and then you start to look at 69,000 to 104 and 77,4 to15 then over here on this table this was from the county chart as well this is based on the number of bedrooms within the unit uh you can see here that for a two-bedroom apartment the range is the rent range is 1738 to 2697 for three bedroom is 2008 to 3,2 per month and basically what we saw with this is that a developer could come in with basically Market rates and you know be able to qualify for this tax exemption and so it was quite concerning so one of the things we looked at this was from this uh development services did put this together these are three projects that have been done within the last five years and making there were several assumptions made because we don't have uh cess value data for all of them but in looking at uh if we did a 50% of the units qualified it could end up that the exemption could cost the city like with the Ellington over $150,000 with the dwell around $140,000 Parkplace obviously that was a renovation it wasn't a huge building but even still even with that such a small building uh it was the exemption would round out to around $14,000 and so one that was one of the things that we looked at especially in this in any with the struggles we've had with our budget that we we we believe that the city should follow along with Simo County and opt out of this program uh it's recommended that you conduct a public hearing and adopt resolution number 4519 d24 okay so we will conduct a uh a public hearing um if there's anybody in the audience that has a uh I don't have any written requests but there anybody in the eyes wish to speak on the subject okay see none that we'll close a public comment um what is the pleasure of council make a motion to approve resolution number 451 19-24 second we have a motion to Second any discussion so when I first read this I was like why would we opt out of this but like uh Mr cob pointed out the the market rate is basically the same same as what the rate that they're they're putting in there so it's basically a just a tax exemption for the the apartment the the apartment complex um the owners of the apartments um it doesn't it doesn't really help the individual renters um in any way shape or form because they can basically come in right at the market rate so I don't see a purpose in it it it just it just basically gives the the apartment builders um less taxes to pay and then it impacts the city and the city residents are the ones that are subsidizing in the general fund for that so um yeah I I agree to to to um exempt us from this ditto on that uh I I wish that the state legislature would have included something in this legislation that would require the owner of the property to pass along any tax savings to the renter that I think was what they were aiming to have happen but there's no requirement to do it so uh having everybody El subsidize it for somebody to make an extra profit doesn't make any sense Britain uh well yeah I guess I go along with this uh especially since I don't know I just do some Google searches on a uh an act that the Florida legislature enacted I think in the 90s the Sadowski act that is supposed to fund affordable housing and I don't know if they've ever done it if they have they've they've come very short so this this is just another unfunded mandate uh on the cities that we can't afford right now we can't sustain our our own revenue streams let alone uh uh do something like this when there's funding available if the legislature wants to approve it one took it yeah I mean I think the the label's misleading this is not providing missing middle um a tax exemption this is a tax exemption for luxury apartments so speaks for itself and it was it was brought up a lot at calo so I know a lot of cities around us are opting out for this exact reason we're not actually helping the people it says it's helping we're helping luxury apartment developers so makes sense to me I agree with everything that's been said here all right so we have a motion in a second we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I I opposed okay we have adopted the resolution okay we have no first readings we have no resolutions we have no discussion items City manager's report uh thank you deputy mayor uh as you know last week our uh debris uh huler came into town and began uh picking up the debris from Hurricane Milton and so I wanted to have Mr Wyatt come up just to give you an update uh that we know that we we start out with one truck and now there's multiple trucks here in town and so this is just I know it's that stuff what's on the TV is difficult to read but it's it's a report that's you're going to start seeing and I just wanted to let him give you an update on what how it went this weekend mayor members of council good evening this is just a quick show until moment of something kind of cool um I don't know how well you can see it on the screens and it's actually very small for me even look at it on this sheet of paper it's a dashboard um of of by the debris monitor of what the debris hauler is going to do on a daily basis and they per their per their chart they started on Thursday but I'm not I don't remember them starting on Thursday I starting on Friday so it's really only three days worth it was as of last night and so far they they picked up about 1,240 cubic yards of debris and just so you know they've started on the north side of town and that's after my review when I rode out in the hurricane after the hurricane that was the heaviest hit part of town so I instructed them start on the north side of town I didn't tell them where but they started on the North side so they started basically in mid Manor in Lake charm Drive area and they're making their way around one thing I wish you could Annie are you able to zoom in at all on that zoom in on the Middle where that map is as much as you possibly can it's pretty neat if it if it'll show up I'm G to walk away for a second and kind of point but I'll talk loud hopefully so El can pick me up yeah take the mic can I does that help while you're doing that Bobby here you want to use this well here I'm back on though all right that's good um so if looking at the map you see these Green Dots throughout it's like a heat map of where they picked up debris so there's some areas if you really look at it clearly on some sheets there's some red on it too so it's showing concentrations of debris where they picked it up so I thought that was kind of cool I haven't ever seen that before and so we should be getting something like this I don't know the frequency we should I don't know if it's a daily thing or if it's a weekly thing so far um we're also working on to have an overall map so I can share you know areas that they've covered on a more routine basis but basically just wanted to show you what we have available from our debris monitor um so it's from the monitor not the actual yeah this is actually the from the monitor who's who's with the hauler everywhere they go [Music] right it's interesting so 1,40 yards cubic yards to date um in the four days that they've been picking up and they they've got three vehicles I say Vehicles large trucks um that are picking up and they've averaged about 50 Ys a hall so far is the Evan Street um location still open to citizens to drop off debris yes sir it is there's a separate pile okay and the how long is that going to be open till it'll be open as long as they're picking up debris okay yeah any other questions thank you thank you for the update I only have one other thing Deputy Mayor I'd like to uh wish everyone a happy anniversary uh 11 years 11 years ago today uh the city council removed the interim tag from my title and I just wanted to say thank you for allowing me to continue serving this great Community if only you had sense yes I did this for you sir well I know what what was for all right city attorney's report uh M Stephan I don't have any report tonight I just hope everyone made it through the hurricane okay thank you council member Britt uh just a few things and uh real short but it looks like we did fairly well in the hurricane um and uh you know a couple folks I got an email from Ken Ray on the Public Works guys out at the the sandbagging site uh and really kudos to all those guys they were working all day every day out there to get the sandbags out and then I'm sure they had to work on the recovery effort so Bobby tell your guys we appreciate all they do as well as the firefighters Police Department uh Kudos the officer of valz uh who runs the elderly check program I put a call into her and they had they had a guy out to my uh elderly D's house and in 10 minutes so uh that's a good program to be in uh the comments from chem Ray said they were very polite and professional I think that's pretty cool for our guys out there uh that where the rubber meets the road so uh that's all I have thanks and oh I guess uh Mr Zuber uh I think we we'll probably go to our risk management folks and look into that issue I one of the things I'm going to do is because that's on the state route side we'll I'll we'll get with the folks that are that are running the construction program we'll make sure that the well first off make sure that they've been put in correctly and uh we'll we'll get with them um since it's still under construction if there's modifications we need to make we can work with work through them first and uh but yes that would be that that would be my first thought to okay go there we're not going to ignore you we'll look into it I appreciate that thank you sir okay that's all I have okay councilwoman tuer sure and I also want to say thank you for being crossing guard we appreciate getting our our kids places safely so that's really important for us um I also wanted to U mimic thanking the city you guys this the response to this hurricane has been pretty awesome I know we expected a much bigger storm but um having our whole team out there the next day and and and I volunteered a little bit with public works and they did a great job so I've gotten a lot of feedback I well I bumped into Ken as as well and he was really grateful for the work you guys are doing so thank you on that um this weekend we had the police foundation both on so I saw several of us out there so so um it was good to support the police and that was a fun event um and I guess yeah we just talked about his fun so that's all I got great Madame mayor quick question for potentially Mr Wyatt I know we have a light at the end of the tunnel for when they're going to complete the road uh can you give us a little more detail real quickly about what the breakdown is on timing and the the Landscaping angle of that are you talking 419 or yeah 19426 okay and I did want to I forgot but I did ask today McKinnon is supposed to kick off on Monday like any second now right like I thought it should have already happen McKinnon but Mary you know you know just as much about the the completion of that roadway as I do because I wish they told me fish if that's a real word so it's been what two years now I think they're about a year about a year years come is at least a year longer than it should have been so do we still have a ribbon cutting court on November noan yeah I don't I mean they haven't even updated me the last I heard was fallish and obviously you've gotten more current day than I have well apparently not right so and as far as the the pavers go there will be a walk through there's an inspection a complete entire inspection because there's there's pavers all over that project there's also pavers on Franklin Street and I know we've talked all around there and over City they sink and I'm I'm trying to figure out how we can proactively cuz these are brand new papers I don't understand why we're not putting cement under them and then put the brick on top of cement so they don't sink uh after we already well usually what they put under them is crushed concrete it's what they're supposed to put under them and they're and it's they're all they SLE yeah okay it's common well hopefully we can stay on top of that so it's not our problem at is it ever will it ever become our problem to have these pavers sinking in this area cuz at some point I think we take over they'll look at it as our problem yeah they will reflect poorly on us but from a liability standpoint whatever we need to to negotiate now I'm hoping that we can figure out and I don't know if I'm looking at the right person in you or if it's Mr Cobb that needs to talk to our risk management to get everything stored out legally but I do want to make sure that there's no confusion about who's responsible when they've clearly not done something quite right because their brands Bing new and people are tripping on well as I as I mentioned they'll be inspected Again by fdot and they should be in flat and there should be no tripping hazards when that road opens okay we appreciate the update so you don't know any more than we do no but you asked about the Landscaping I can share some there there is no Landscaping with this project right now with this phase of and but I mentioned this before it's it right now the Landscaping is indeterminant we had an estimate in 2017 that estimated $2 million for landscaping for this project so that is extensive and right now so we have what I'm sorry so we don't have any budget or plan to do further Landscaping at this time not right now okay no the the irrigation is in with this project but there is no Landscaping okay and what the way dot works now is they don't include they don't include Landscaping as part of the project because they don't want to hang it on the contractor if stuff starts dying because they're already gone and then to bring them back and remobilized they don't do that so it's going to be a separate project now one thing one benefit we can do is what we did on on Central on the 434 part is we got an actual Grant from dot which paid for like 90% of the Landscaping so I anticipate that being done again at some Future Point once we have budget to spare to utilize there but a lot of it hinges on you know will we get a forth generation sales tax to have any extra money to do certain things with because right now we don't have it so it's better not to do anything rather than put it in and then start having to maintain it because as we know additional maintenance is just additional cost it's very true all right thank you for that update so so I saw speaking of that I saw the irrigation going in is that is that GNA irrigation going to be used for the initial setting of the plants or is that going to be a a permanent irrigation for the plant that's a permanent permanent irrigation so we're not going to do like drought tolerant oh we yes sir we still would but we still have to have Irrigation in general I mean I know I know it's permanently installed but is this something that I mean is there going to be a huge drain on our on our reclaim system shouldn't be okay no and it is reclaimed right yes sir yeah absolutely yeah we're still missing one piece to be able to energize it a little piece on um on Avo Boulevard basically from by the Aquatic Center North to 419 but that's coming here shortly later this year okay sorry I didn't mean no no wor at all yeah thank you very much appreciate that ma' and I just want to remind everybody that we have are hosting in Ido the league of cities meeting on October 24th it sounds like two people are planning to go to the chamber meeting Mr Britain are you heading to League maybe on Thursday I haven't decided yet okay maybe I can do both I don't think you can do both because they're at the exact same time uh but this is one of the first times this is the first time that I recall since since uh being part of this organization this uh body in 2016 thato has had a chance to host so I hope everybody will consider uh make an effort to be at that so they will consider coming back to oal County more often and uh very good seeing you guys here my old neighbors and uh hopefully we'll be able to figure out how to sort things out with some lumpy stuff as a former rollerblader uh every time I I go down Franklin Street I think ah this is just really bumpy so uh I appreciate the feedback the firsthand feedback on what that's like that's all I that okay council member Paul no no report wow man we're running out of meetings with you you sure you don't want anything to say just all right all right very good so Mr Zuber uh I've recognized you you always waving at everybody out there at the crosswalks you know it was funny when you came up spoke I was looking at you I know I always sitting there go you didn't have the yellow vest on but yeah I I gave it to you your enthusiasm we appreciate your work but yeah I'm always amazed you're waving at every single car that's going by so and obviously we we'll take a look into that and then uh which leads to my other one is the sidewalks in live o cuz I was a victim of falling down last week it's interesting I had a our intern's been working on sidewalk issues within live o and he showed me today live o reserve Boulevard and I got it and it's like a little heat map it's like little red dots all the way down I bet y with an estimate so we have monies now to do some sidewalks but I think I shared with you earlier once I do in live o and I've got to go somewhere else so I don't have enough money to do all of live o but we can probably hit L later this year no that that would be good would would you do your cruise or would you actually do like no I need to use a contractor I it's simply too much for our our staff our staff usually hits one little sections you know in multiple neighborhoods but for that long of a stretch I'll use a contractor no that' be good they did a good job in Sterling Creek when they did that one in the back yes sir and it probably be the same contractor coming back in so no that'll be great so but yeah could I could I bring in a related thing this is a question question for Mr cob for several months now I have been asking about bringing as a discussion item the idea of sidewalk districts because liveo has a lot of sidewalks they continually pop a lot a disproportionate amount of our sidewalk budget goes to neighborhoods that have continual problems and there are different levels of expectations in different neighborhoods and if we were to have a sidewalk District that would enable each neighborhood to set its own standards and know that anything it's paying goes to those sidewalks and that they'll 100% be covered because I know in Live Oak people want them covered and then there's other neighborhoods where they're like e whatever U but sometimes they're critical so it's just an interesting possibility is that a discussion item that you guys are up for discussing in the next couple of months after December after December okay in January yeah I mean we could have a discussion about okay we'll look at January all right sounds good January it is you're you're off the hook Mr Pollock thank you sir I appreciate that also I was at the uh the police foundation uh bowling tournament uh couple of my other bowling mates here uh looks like they raised just under $122,000 uh for the police member so great event uh the foundation does two big events uh every year the second one is the golf tournament that will be coming up in March the first Friday in March uh we also have the Veterans Day uh ceremony coming up um and that is that's a nighttime activity isn't it Lisa 5m 5 great so I always do a nice job recognizing the uh the veterans out there I actually had my put my dad and my daughter's name on the on the wall last year so and they're right right above one another so it's uh always always a great event and uh a great uh monument that we have out there and again to the city you got guys for doing the hurricane we're a lot lucky people over on the west coast and the people up in the North Carolina I was watching that 60 Minutes episode uh last night uh it's uh it's going to be a long time for those folks and we got off very very lucky and appreciate everybody uh here it's a full team effort I know everybody that was in the EC Public Works parks and wreck fire police um you guys do an excellent job and we appreciate everything you guys do uh so we're very fortunate we'll come out the way we did on this one so um we count our blessings on that and with that we have a future meeting dates we have Monday November 4th 2024 at 6:30 a regular session and Monday November 18th 2024 6:30 a regular session and then we should have one more of Mr Pollock in December just for I thought the 18th the 18th is still on the 18th is still on we have a public hearing we need to do that all right so I got two more meetings okay you got two more meeting meetings you can make it we and we may slide in a CRA meeting as well all right anything else for to get an order we are ad jour