##VIDEO ID:kQB6iNkAABQ## morning end yep whenever you have a chance to party you always should that's my that's it weddings are done oh weddings I know most of these people checking the ones I don't know yeah we've had a couple reps that came back I recogniz back here see I never got never got to the ey did you have it yeah this is a CP they'll all be gone in 5 minutes but this is a c oh no I didn't uh I don't think I had it open yeah see what happens down I just need the last was cold enough this morning sad sad thank you okay yeah it's working good evening welcome to a city council if you'll stand with me and I'll will lead each other in a pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance flag of the United States of America to repblic stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and if you can join me in a moment of [Music] [Music] silence thank you like to call this meeting to order it is Monday December 2nd approximately 6:30 all members of council are present uh first order of business we have up is the approval of the minutes of October 21st 2024 regular session what is the pleasure of councel I move we approve the minutes second have a motion and second any discussion we shall take a vote all in favor say I I opposed the minutes passed our next up is the uh we do have one thing just before the oath of the office and we will be doing that down front [Music] all right as we are getting everyone down here a lot of you know that it is uh council member Bob Pollock's last meeting with us and uh we we got elected at the same time in 2016 so it's been exciting serving with you all these years uh uh seven of the eight I think we were up here serving together uh but we've got a a little plaque here for you just read this out loud this is a resolution of the city of Ido Florida honoring council member Bob Pollock whereas council member Bob Pollock is being recognized for 14 years of dedicated Service as a member of the local planning agency Deputy Mayor and council member and whereas the city of OVO commends Bob poock for his service to the community through his hard work and commitment to the residents of the city of Ido and their surrounding communities as a member of the OVO Winter Springs Chamber of Commerce in Kalo and whereas the city of Ovito desires to recognize the accomplishments of this outstanding individual and to honor and express appreciation to him for being a respected and loyal member of the Ovito city council now therefore be it resolved by the city council of the city of Ovito Florida that the mayor and City Council on behalf of the entire Ido Community uh commend you for your great achievements an extraordinary effort and it is with great appreciation and respect that we wish you continued success in your future endeavors and thank you personally for for being uh on some of the votes where there's three2 we were on a two sometimes uh so we we have a really good team up here and I'm excited to see what's next for you [Applause] right anybody else want to gra no no we're good we're good oh yeah this too [Music] okay congrulations [Applause] see you next year football no I'm not I'm just grabbing my stuff come back yeah just leave it there for right now doesn't matter office all right so next up we have some swearing inss I don't know if we're going in a particular order but I know Mr hall probably needs the microphone here okay um as you all know Mr bford is was reelected in his uh current election and we congratulate you with that and now we will squar you in as a council member and a continuing councilman so if you will raise your right hand put your or left hand what your and repeat after me okay I Jeff bodford I Jeff bford a citizen of the State of Florida a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America and of the United States of America and being an officer and being an officer of the city of Ido Florida of the city of Ido Florida and recipient of public funds recipient of public funds as such officer as such officer do hereby solemnly swear do hereby solemnly swear or affirm or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States I would support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida I further swear I further swear or affirm and affirm that I am duly qualified I am duly qualified to hold office to hold office office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and the charter of the city of Ido and the charter of the city of Ido and I will well and faithly perform and I well and Faithfully perform the duties of a council member of the city of Ido Florida the duties of the council member of the city of oo Florida on which I am now about to enter on which I am now about to enter so help me God so help me God congratulations again thank you [Applause] okay now I believe we have Mr OT being sworn in by Mr Grant mooy we have here we have an assistant today is Jonathan eight years old and this is Allan and Samantha and he's going to be holding the Bible if you'll place your left hand on the Bible raise your right hand and repeat after me and by the way I met Allan on the Campa Trail very impressed with his work ethic uh his dedic to research and uh just was inspiring and one thing I just wanted to leave was just a word of wisdom if I could just uh something that's as an elected official I've always tried to strive for is do the right thing and always ask God for wisdom and you you're going to have some tough decisions up here and it's a challenge because you are you govern at the consent of the people so just remember this James 156 says if you lack Wisdom ask God who will give you lots of wisdom and will not criticize you but if you ask for wisdom you must believe and accept it otherwise you'll be you'll wander lost with no direction and as an elect official we always need direction and we need wisdom when we make important decisions so that's my Challenge and it's an honor to be here so now I'm ready for the that's okay uh raise your right hand and put your hand on the Bible I Alan a i Alan a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America and being an officer of the city of oo Florida and being an officer of the city of oo Florida and a recipient of public funds as such officer and a recipient of public funds as such officer do hereby somly swear or affirm do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida I further swear fir I further swear airm that I am duly qualified to hold office that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and the charter of the city of Ido and the charter of the city of Ido and that I will well and Faithfully perform and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of council member of the city of Ovito the duties of council member of the city of Ovito Florida on which I am now about to enter Florida on which I am now about to enter so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations and I took the liberty of putting that in a certification and sealed it under my office and you also have some paperwork with your City to fill out and turn into your city clerk all right we'll do it okay congratulations and best wishes thank you okay we'll take a 10-minute break here just take some family photos Andes Ro right Jason's I just wait yeah any wants to come up [Music] [Music] guys Ro it got better [Music] congratulations okay guess okay right here go okay now you got you got to sit in the picture you sat in the seat for your dad this is how it has to [Laughter] be did he sit in my seat before I did yes he did a how D for the future Generations it's this one went over that one yes I've already like taken over the and if you sit in my seat then you'll find oh yes um uh can does this go off no all the time you're you're you're being recorded all the time and honestly I wouldn't turn it off because it will never come back on you did ER give you a password everything I have a yeah so for training just type in training yeah I tried to set up my own laptop and I said could bring my own that's yeah all right so there should be a prime of there is right there click that is prime up working all [Music] right try the mouse again Bob just hanging out fast it is Bob he's got a little more hair than you all right all [Music] right is quiet watching you log in no you're fine I need to while we're in limbo I'm getting a pen you want water I you need water uh yes please [Music] Dash final that's how you know you good there you go all right thank you very much you set uh yes I think so okay all right all right we'll get back to it uh we have next up is the council exiding officer and deputy mayor in N yes Mr Deputy Mayor at this point our our our Charter um designates that this board uh this Council now will select a presiding officer to will preside over the meetings as you have Mr bonford and that person then will be designated as the deputy mayor and will serve in the mayor position if she's un able or out of town she will that person will step into the mayor now the mayor can be the presiding officer uh or um it can be someone else and if if someone other mayor that person will be designated as like said the deput mayor so at this point um the floor is open to nominations or volunteers uh to serve the position of presiding officer Natalie Duart Jeff bford okay anybody else okay so we will close nominations so we have uh councilman tuer and councilman bford have been both nominated so it's up to the board um to elect um someone and um how many um how many votes do we have for councilman tuer I'm one for tuer three congratulations three congratulations counil tuet you will now be the residing officer and the deputy mayor and you will step into the mayor's shoes if she's unavailable or out of town or something so you want to switch Yeah so we'll just switch in I'm like kind of set up right here okay okay should I unplug my computer yeah yeah [Music] oh there's your agenda all right give me one [Music] minute okay I think we're done changing seats for the night thank you for bearing with us so there are no uh ceremonial items so we're going to move on to public comment I have no written request to speak is there anybody here who wishes to speak to councel [Music] yeah come on please state your name and address for the record Dr Jennifer mendosa I live at uh 1012 uh California Creek Drive in oo and I'm here to uh talk about a petition to get a crosswalk in front of seol State College which I think hopefully you're proud of the fact that that's a College within the city uh right now people uh including several of my family members have to jwalk to get to the college it's very dangerous um and I want to point out that the Sun Sentinel is talking about that it's a worth spending the money so that someone doesn't get run over or killed and what I'm talking about is some paint although I have talked to uh Mr Brittain about the fact that he lives in my neighborhood as as well and he suggested a pedestrian overpass which I think is wonderful but I know that's very expensive and takes a lot of time um but I I'd like to uh talk about the advantage of uh such a crosswalk because there is a nature center down the street and there's no way to get there on a bicycle or on foot unless you go at least a half mile or mile out of your way in the opposite direction to get there not to mention getting to the college um there are young people going and coming from the college that um are not probably that aware of safety in that neighborhood I know UCF is down the street and we have a lot of um efforts or attention from the police about the fact that people drive too fast and I know that's an expense and I think if we can do some things to slow the the traffic down that will save the cops time money that they have to spend constantly giving tickets to college students about slowing down so I I think it's a simple thing I'm just asking for some paint and some signs up the street at Hunter uh stand they have um it's right outside of City Limits but they have two signs six crosswalks we got nothing and I think we're was uh hopefully not wait until somebody gets hurt or there's an accident um and i' I'd like to have a little prevention here with just some signs in a paint if we can have the crosswalk that would or the overpass that would be great but mainly if we can just have some signage and some paint is what I'm asking for I do have I started to get a petition signed but then when I spoke to Mr Brittain he said just come and talk to you guys so I am thank you and the way this is formatted we can answer in the report section of the meeting so if you hang around we can get back I will but thank you for speaking is there anybody else who's wishing to speak to council tonight hearing none I'm going to close public comment and we're going to move on to the consent agenda I move we approve the consent agenda with the exception of item six making that item number 9A item six becomes 9A okay so do we have a pleasure of council for items 7 through nine second we need a motion first I thought you just made a motion I made a motion oh you made the motion okay yeah any discussion all right all those in favor uh I all those against motion carries so item number 6 a 9A what' we do 9 a um Mr cob thank you Deputy Mayor excuse me uh this is a request for Council to award in bid number 24-30 to Garcia civil contractors it's to construct the aido sports complex connector Trail uh in the amount of $47,375 a68 for a total project cost of $ 57,98811 uh mad can we pull the we prepared this little graphic for you to show the uh the the trail which we received at State of Florida grant for uh extends from Shane Kelly Park to AO Sports Complex it runs along the north and west uh property lines of the uh former landfill site we uh when the when the landfill was sold the city preserved in easement uh for this for this purpose along those property boundaries and so it connects as you can see we have a up there on the table we show a revenue of $400,000 through our grant funding uh we also this is an impact fee eligible project uh total funding of $681,000 uh dollar and you can see there's the the expenditures there it comes out at $718,000 and so there's additional budget need of$ 3687 uh that $36,800 is already in the impact Fe fund uh we would be transferring it from uh the impact fee fund balance to uh the improvements to that line item uh this Trail uh once again it's a pedestrian path it'll be a paved uh pedestrian path between the sports complex and shank Kelly Park uh Mr beldon's here if you have any questions or he can also provide additional information it's recommended that the city council adopt resolution number 454 4542 d24 do we have a motion I'll make a motion to approve I'll second for discussion any discussion well I'm I'm trying to figure out that did I see a number of 78,000 up there yeah it was 18,000 that would be the toal you take everything into account there total cost okay now we had talked about this Trail before you know the M fact is connecting the sports complex over to the Shane Celly I think there was going to be a few park benches and Pavilions um I think it's a good good addition through that area and then obviously making a cut through to go from Shane Kelly over to uh the sports complex especially with the new fitness Circle that we got around the pond out there well my my main concern with this and and I've been conflicted on this issue in the past um I I asked for some help confirming my recollection of the votes and and I voted not to pursue the Grant in the first place because essentially it's a an 80% off coupon to build something that I I don't think there's any demand for this and the people I know who currently use this path are Trail Runners they don't want it to be paved so there are people who actively do not want this to happen uh in reading the memo it looks like there are for go goers there and that is part of what adds to the cost so I'm looking at this thinking well nobody wants it it sure it's it looks like we're getting a lot of money but we still have to Pony up the 20% um and I I just I'm not sure that this is the the highest and best use of of our parks and wreck uh impact fees or of this space and once we put it there the question remains what happens at the end of the first life cycle then what do we do or are we going to raise taxes so that we can replace a thing that is going to cost us $718,000 to put there in the first place and and my kneejerk reaction is I don't think we're going to do that this this Trail connects two places that people have never attempted to travel between and and there's Turtles there who are happy and Trail Runners who are happy with it undeveloped so that's my two cents and I think maybe we should just say it's a sunk cost that we we have uh designed it and spent money on that and maybe we should just stop and give the money back Council M yeah I also have concerns about what the demand for this is and uh we talked about that a little bit um and uh with the staff is is there any additional um is there any additional comment on on what the demand is we who we think is going to use it and what a like if somebody's going to run on it like what the route might be or is um the OVO Sports Complex is that a is that a dead end Mr Beldon do you want to come up here too thank you man you you would have to run there so if you were coming from someplace besides inside the park during the park operating hours when the gates are open you can't even access it so a a person running long distances can't go to the edge and then passively use this this is a completely gated off amenity our council members um good evening and uh on the demand is one of our one of the key aspects of the of the MTH re pars is kind activity to the city um this helps establish that plan yes we are coming to the tail end of it but we connecting East sh over to oo sports complex um to your point mayor yes in the evenings OC is locked down Shane Kelly is locked down um through visibility of uh signage hours of accessibility and actually bringing this attention to the residents this Trail is attractive um you will attract Runners bikers Leisure Walkers um families that do want to connect between the two facilities whether they have soccer games at one location baseball games it is approximately 4,400 linear feet so it's a a good hike um you also have residents that want to go from one end of the city to the other and then and they don't want to just stop at OC or Shane Kelly they might want to continue up Lockwood or continue down towards the an Aquatics facility or SAR Park and this helps get you know gives them the connectivity for that what's the amenities you're going to put along the trail there's one Pavilion um some part benches trash receptacles some safety ballards um what's the Pavilion going to be made out of it's a it's it's the same structure that's at um sh Park the you know that larger Pavilion exercise equipment it's not shaded it's a metal roof but it's a little bit smaller scale it's not a 20 20 I believe it's about theal Ro yes it is okay it should last 20 years or so proper maintenance um so at the end of 20 years we're in a place where we have to put on a new roof or the thing just Falls to pieces and we don't have it anymore proper maintenance may not require a new roof if we maintain it it might just mean light painting every four or five years or so but our goal is to maintain not only the amen but the trail itself um we should get about 12 to 13 years out of the asphalt and it wouldn't be a reconstruction it might just be fixing up potholes as needed um possibly aing but it won't be to the extent of what the inial construction is it may be a adding a linear top small scale yeah did I hear you correctly that it's 440 linear feet 4,400 4,400 feet okay that I was going to say that that's seems really short 44 so this is this is part of the master plan Parks master plan the new one or the old one we we don't have a new one yet so this would be the old one okay so it's we been waiting 20 years for this yes so it gives those families the connection from if they're watching little league they can go to the dog park or go to you know the fitness circle around there or if they got games going on in either direction kind of opens it up for them that they have an ability to walk over versus driving all the way around yes sir that's one aspect that but you your leisure Runners we can I mean it's 83 miles if anybody's wondering from end to end this would connect the city you're going to track you're individuals that want to park at Shan Kelly they want to make you know exercise at at Shan Kelly with the new half mile path that goes around with exercise equipment now they can continue that path onto this new Trail Toc come back and yes we do have a family that wants to visit the sports complex because all games taking place on a Saturday for tournaments and you have a a gap between games now you can actually walk on this path kill some time in between your your double header or possibly connect to Kelly if you have if you have a secondary game of a sibling or or a cousin or but can you connect on it currently because it's it's just a cleared path right now so you could right now connect right now there's there's a lot of clearing and uh grading that needs to take place before you can walk on it you cannot walk in several of it so this this whole um constru you know remove trees reg yes there's potential for go for torus Burrows um said four that four had been found confirmed that there's live toris because they noticed Bur law we got to pull permit to actually do another survey and assess it there's if they're live then so right now it's not passible so I wonder there's actually some areas that are actually gred out but there's a good section by Kelly trail entrance it's it's heavily no so no wonder no one walks it no one's now there's no demand because they can't get through okay okay and I will say you know this feeds directly into what we've been pushing for which is walkability connectivity everything you want to encourage people to do and as you said right now they can't get through there and I know that complex that area is heavily used by tournaments and a lot of people it would be nice to put in a trail that can help take those people out of their cars and promote some walkability um so that's my input anybody else have any other discussion items do we know what the per year maintenance uh burden would be like cost cost wise I don't have that exact number for you but I can report that back to you um in the morning um it's going to be our stay we're going to be actually be you know opening closing Trail every morning so yes we will be traveling picking up trash debris um inspected for any deficiency um making sure the amenities are up to speed we're not adding staff though once this goes in staff we already have we actually have staff at at both locations so we can actually team this maintenance together both but as far as maintenance like you know the the surfacing you know it's we know it's going to have to be resurfaced at some interval we know how much that's going to cost roughly breaking that out per year plus maintenance on the structure um plus mowing plus uh whatever we foresee for like uh fixing you know wash out when there's storms I don't know if this is going to have to be built up uh or something like that um Steph has done a great job in forecasting Capital plan five 10 years out this will be something that yes we we always talk about constructing a facility or a park or structures and we're always talking about what's the replacement value cost of these items this is something that we're going to try to add to our Capital list 10 20 years out already knowing that there will be a c coming up in the future I don't have that exact cost for you this evening um but like I said in 12 years there will be a resurfacing that may need to happen and that cost could you wouldn't think you'd have a lot of re resurf because I mean it's pedestrians and bicycles it's like no no no vehicles yeah so but just semal Trails there's Light maintenance on those old Trails as well down right and when you get rain they they wash out on the side and then they they sink down and then youve gota you got to fix that part right so be on those inspections F them as needed to get ahead of the maintenance so it doesn't wash away right and we have constant we have fill on site so we can actually maintain an in house we don't need to bring a contractor in to maintain that um so just be the in-house staff that takes care of the the F and of the sides of the trail okay well we have a motion on the table um all those in favor I against n and the motion carries thank you Mr Beldon all right we're moving on to our public hearing uh item number 10 ordinance number 1753 amending chapter 34 fire pension trust fund Mr Hall would you read the ordinance by title only yes Madam Deputy Mayor ordinance number 1753 an ordinance of the city of Ido Florida amending chapter 34 pensions and retirement article three firefighter firefighters pension trust fund amending section section 3472 member contributions lowering the me member contribution from 7 to 6% amending 3 amending section 3473 benefit amounts and eligibility permitting retirement after 25 years of service regardless of age provided for implementing administrative actions providing for a savings provision providing for conflict separability codification as well as the correction of subcription errors and an effective date Mr Cobb would you provide a brief introduction uh thank you Deputy Mayor this uh this is a request to amend the code of ordinances to implement the uh collective bargaining agreement that was approved uh with the uh International Association of firefighters uh when we went through that bargaining process do there were some amendments to the uh retirement benefits the retirement benefits the pension plan is part of the code of ordinances so when you do a change with with your collective bargaining agreement you have to follow that with a change to your code of ordinances as Mr Hall explained lowering the individual contribution from 7 7% to 6% that was one of the changes that we have to do the other one was implementing the 20 what we call 25 anal whereas before you had a retirement at 55 if you were 55 you only had to have 10 years of service uh if you were at 52 you had to have 25 years of service and so what this change does the 55 and 10 is still there but this allows if anyone has 25 years of service then they can leave regardless of age and when you look at some of our firefighters especially our younger firefighters they will reach that 25 years of service before they reach the age of 52 and so this allows them to not have to wait to the age of 52 in order to be retirement eligible uh it's recommended that the city council conduct a public hearing and adopt ordinance number 1753 thank you is there anyone in the audience that would like to address on this item okay I will entertain a motion to adopt ordinance number 1753 I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance number 1753 second any discussion no we've already talked about this before and was part of our negotiation good good anybody else okay all those in favor I I I against motion carries okay so we're going to move on to resolutions item number 12 resolution number 45 39-24 Master Lan's plan with non-statutory development agreement for the Ido Medical Village Phase 2 Mr cob would you please pleas provide a brief introduction actually uh development review manager Harris Burns CAD is going to give the presentation okay mayor counc members hello you hear me now okay Harris Burns scale develop manager with the city of v um so just quickly this project came in as ay in order of f engineering and in process the owners decide that they wanted property and thereby would have to share infrastructure and when we ever shared infrastructure across Lots we have to do a master Lan plan [Music] hello yeah that's much better uh which is subject to city council decision so that's why we're here some quick facts about the property um about the project it's in the Gateway West future land use designation the Gateway West zoning District uh it's roughly 4.34 acres in size it's a medical office for the proposed use three buildings roughly 21,000 squ ft in size with cross access shared parking insured infrastructure um before we get further into the project details I did want to kind of show an aerial view of the area um this is from 2015 and you can see they got some outline outlay of uh storm water retention for the hospital for the VTO M uh VTO Medical Village uh and some fdot facilities out there you could also see the beginning of the the hospital out there and some existing development but it's largely vacant you go to 2019 and you can see a VTO Medical Drive making the connection between VTO M Boulevard and red bug Lake uh Road uh the expansion of the hospital and then the first phase of this project which is a 17,000 ft building approximately and then in 2024 uh further expansion of the hospital uh which is a horizontal and horizontal and vertical expansion and parking lot expansion and then verax located at the corner of V Boulevard and Broadway uh and so now we're in current time uh this is the outline of the site plan on top of the aerial Vera to the right it looks like a dirt parking lot but it's complete and it's paved over there it's been cooed for quite some time um the primary access points to the property are a m bevard and V Medical Drive uh we also have cross access this is a recorded easement and this is a you know testment to the the Land Development code requiring that cross access for that project we got the uh easement dur the verax project which allows for uh increased circulation for the northern quadrant over here to VTO mvo Broadway VTO Medical Drive and red bug Lake the storm water uh part of it going to be uh flowed through exfiltration on the phase two portion of the project but some of it on phase two and the existing phase one drainage will go towards a storm water facility that's across from a VTO Medical Drive the developer did a very good job of being able to provide the required landscape on site which moves us to the modifications and Mobility strategies for the project uh the loading areas uh will be also serve as parking spaces be signed and loading area will be uh provided for non or off peak hours the light spillover will be allowed between Lots one and two along with um the uh light poles will be the same or match the existing poles flu bases will not be required buffers will not be required between Lots one and two uh double double landscape Islands will only require one tree instead of two uh distances between buildings will be uh a minimum of 10 ft and then Mobility strategies that they provided was a bench along with VTO M Boulevard and some electric charging stations So currently they have this application uh in with the city of avido along with a non-statutory subdivision which is a fancy work for lot split site development order file engineering um those applications are pending approval of the master Len's plan be approved administratively uh and the future applications are the architectural design order and development permits such as C permits and building permits thereafter staff recommends approval of the resolution 4539 24 for review to Medical Village this concludes our presentation we if you have word available for any questions that you may have thank you I don't have any written requests to speak is there anyone in the audience that would like to address on this item um hearing N I will entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve resolution number 4539 d24 second any discussion no I mean it seems to to make sense over in that area U especially with the kind of Medical Village that were kind of like being built up there so subdivided and obviously it looks like they put a good thought into it so I'm good we need all the commercial property we can get and this helps okay mayor SL uh if we get somebody from staff up real quickly to explain why we are doing the mobility fee plus the county or the County's Mobility fee plus the multimodal versus just our Mobility fee I did notice that in the developers agreement and I know staff has very graciously answered that behind the scenes but I want to make sure that we're on the record uh explaining to the public why we are charging the lower rate yeah so this project along with other eligible projects will be able vest to the transportation impact fee and the County's Mobility fee so uh this project will have the opportunity to sign an agreement that agreement will come before the city council on December 16th uh for your approval uh the reason is it hypothetically possible like if we wanted to be stinkers and I'm not suggesting that we be stinkers if we wanted to say n we don't want to do it right now could we kick the can down the road and then ultimately stall the project long enough to get the higher Mobility fee well city council passed an ordinance that allowed for divesting so that would be inconsistent with the ordinance that was so because there so there's no way around that's that's what I want to make sure we we have clear that because they turned in their application prior to the adoption of the mobility fee they do have that choice there's nothing we can do to Tinker with it or that is correct they are an eligible project they're and once they sign the agreement uh then they would be vested all right thank you you're welcome good evening mayor Deputy Mayor um so uh we replicated in this process the same um um the same strategy that we did with the county when the county established the mobility fees we vested some projects that were in the pipeline and that is because they already counted in their performer whatever you know the impact fees so usually when they come for pre-application meetings they ask how much would be impact fees and and so the projects that were already in the pipeline when the count approved their Mobility fees they granted us the opportunity to vest so we we are replicating the same thing we did in the past so the projects there are um in the pipeline that have been approved or are in the process of being approved will be vested and we going going to bring a resolution on December 16th with the list of projects that have been in the pipeline and they have 18 months to uh to be fasted if they pull a building permit if not then the new Mobility fees will uh be assessed well why this is of particular interest and I I want to get this on the record as well is because we gave the county notice about two more than two years ago that we were going to implement our own Mobility fee and in the meantime Mobility fees have been paid to the county and my understanding of the way the legal situation is is that the math everything that has been paid to the county instead of to us because of our Mobility fee not yet being in place but having been noticed and announced to the county that we can subtract our share of what we send them later I just want to make sure that as we do this next step where we are vesting different properties that may have are going to in the future or have in the past paid Mobility fees to the county that we are are keeping track of all that math meticulously so that as much of the impact fee impact is felt here where the projects are happening so that's why I bring this up again okay so now it's officially out there all over again thank you thank you Council M uh I don't don't have anything really to add I think this is uh I think this is great more uh stuff going in in the medical Village and you know commercial development I agree with that as well and it's it's in the right spot yeah all right we have a motion on the table all those in favor I I I against the motion carries okay moving on to discussion items item number 13 is a discussion item it is annual appointment reappointment to City boards Mr Hobb uh thank you Deputy Mayor you have uh two boards tonight that do need to have appointments uh one is the local planning agency you have five positions three members have requested reappointment two members have resigned so you will need to fill those seats with the eligible applicants that were provided in your packet there is also the police pinion board there's one position that is uh the term expiring at the end of the month on the police pension board that member has uh requested reappointment as well and so I'll turn it over to you Deputy Mayor and we can fill those positions okay and I would like to start um is there anyone in the audience here looking to get on a board that is present um would you like to come up and say a few words about yourself and please say your name and address for the record yes uh good evening my name is Arian Bryant my address is 476 ptoo Court oo and I am looking to join the LPA board okay thank you um what is the pleasure of council well we fre to get reappointed I see Mr Lopez can you stand Mr Hunt yes I am okay and Mr cavan off is not here okay Miss hun could I ask you a question so would you mind please come up sorry sorry to put you on a spot and I just I just want to ask because you I'm sure there's there's some reasonings behind it we got a uh an LPA roll call and there was a workshop in August uh and then a regular meeting on the same day so you had two meetings on the same day and then another Workshop in August it looks like you weren't able to attend I just want to ask was there any reasoning for that yes I was in um Australia and I was celebrating a 50th and a 30th wedding anners so you were doing what a 30th wedding anniversary oh congratul turning 50 congratulations yeah yeah those are some solid reasons that's a solid reason no I'm good with that so I went away for I think 21 days nice see some kangaroos I did I saw many and then um we went on to Bali Indonesia so it was it was quite a time to celebrate so that's the only reason I was not able to fly back and be here but otherwise I think I would you guys set the bar for a 30th Anniversary that's very nice thank you no I was just curious appreciate you clearing that up yeah no problem thank you so do we want to reappoint the the three uh returning I'm good with reappointing the three favor of that what do are you about you guys yes yes okay and in the past we have done a thing where we pick our two you there's two additional members needed and we just pick our two and everybody sort of goes through and we say who they are and that's how i' would like to do it too I just so we're all on board with reappointing um the three that have served as well yes anyone object to Mr Brian no Mr Bri we're trying to the we're the chair we're our top three and then and go through each of us so if you could all write down your top three and we'll go through the list okay yep Ready wait hang on a second we're going to do top top on your top three and we will tally and then we'll go down the line you ready so yes go ahead Mr bford all right my first one is Arian Bryant my second one is Alan schwinberg and my third would be Ryan hulub Council Britain I'm good with those three okay council member o uh M were Ryan hulc Molly Gibson Eric Herrera can I can I ask a question on this um the applicant uh Eric Herrera is put down he's not a voter does it matter for being on the boards to be a voter or not just have to be a resident just have to be a resident yeah H it's interesting okay uh mayor SL I've got Aran Bryant Ed Giger and Ryan hok okay I had Aran Bryant Molly Gibson and Ryan hulc Molly so I've got uh the top two tallies I had in here were Mr Bryan and Mr hulc is that what everybody else has Yes sounds good all good all good all right congratulations and thank you for serving our boards thank you so now we have the other board let's see who we've got here our police appointment um we have one position who we have someone wishing to return so what is the pleasure Cil I would say that we uh reappoint Mr Varone I'll second that you need one seems sensible to me he he is a police officer and he's interested okay then we will reappoint him congratulations is he the hallway somewhere he usually is yeah he's out there no no yeah yeah go get him bring him in here Mr cop you have what you need from us on those I've got them I got them all so moving on to item number 14 our strategic plan draft Mr cob actually I'm Mr Kelly is going to give the Pres Mr Kelly W's coming up uh Deputy Mayor what we'd like to do tonight is Mr Kelly's got a presentation for you and we'll get we want to get input and we didn't want you the first time you saw this that you had to take a vote on it so we wanted just to get tonight is just about getting input and then we're going to bring it back on the 16th as a formal resolution for you to to approve okay oh those those are my children sorry that's a good way to start absolutely okay good we can see that hopefully let me there we go uh thank you Mr Cobb uh mayor uh Deputy Mayor congratulations council member congratulations um like to take a moment to uh go through their strategic plan draft this evening just so uh uh we can present it to you next meeting on December 16th uh for approval it's a culmination of 7 months uh started back on May 28th with a kickoff meeting at our director staff meeting then um we did a survey uh done by our our partners with the East Central Florida Regional planning Council who have done a great job uh helping Shepherd this process for us and then we did a uh uh interview process with all directors and council members at the time time uh then from there we did a strategic planning Retreat back uh in September 17th through 19th it was a 3-day kind of I'll say it was grueling but it it it the days grew long when we went to 8 9:00 at night um and uh but the public participated the council participated the staff participated uh and took some great input in that process uh then from there we had uh staff working groups who then uh further hone down on the language of of the particular uh goals in the uh plan draft plan at this time uh so there were uh five priorities identified by uh Council staff during our uh retreat in September uh there were public health and safety as you can see on the screen now resilient infrastructure and natural environment economic vitality and high performance high performance government and Recreation arts and culture uh each of those priorities have various goals associated with them and uh various uh what we call smart goals which is uh specific measurable achievable and realist realistic And Timely so these are the actual building blocks of how we're going to uh exceed or or make those goals happen so um with your permission Council I'll go through each and every one of these uh with you I Know It uh it is a lot it is intended to take us through the next 10 years as our current strategic plan has done for us 10 more than 10 years so it's timely uh we are ready to uh get started on this I know staff's excited and uh to take on some of these issues and so uh I'd like to I know uh oops I would jump down a lot there have to there that might be a little better for me so Public Safety is the first uh so the definition for Public Safety was maintain a stable and thriving Community protect citizens from harm Mr Kelly are you able to put that in presentation mode so we can see it a little it's a Word document it's a Word document yes so okay I'm hoping to actually make any edits that you do tonight so that I can get them off to East Central Florida Regional uh planning Council so that we can have it in your agenda packet for next meeting okay so um if you will bear with me a little bit here so our first goal is expand Public Safety efficiencies Services efficiencies so obviously uh continue to prove public safety building complete Financial feasibility analysis and road map for a city public train uh Safety Training Center by 2027 achieve ISO one rating by opening a third fire station and incorporating fully staffed engine and transport capable rescue create a public safety technology development plan identify funding including grants to implement the plan maintain the national best practice Staffing ratio for Public Safety that M matches population grows and calls for service and lastly uh continue engagement with formal informal Community organizations to further Public Safety involvement any concerns uh with this goal I'm going to tell you I'm I'm just seeing this for basically the first time so I'm going to hold any comments but I'll try to get you some maybe by the end of the week okay um we would like to have this turned around to our partners as quickly as we can right today um so uh we can these These are the goals that we discussed at our facil uh facilitated Retreat and um we thought we'd give you the opportunity to look through them no I think that's basically what we talked about when we were there okay uh moving on this is the maintain and promote conservation strategy so this goes towards the public health aspect of it because a good and healthy environment is important uh for our health and those uh smart goals are maintaining existing and future conservation lands through best practices and appropriate agencies and promoting Florida friendly Landscaping on all properties and development of public education programs and phasing in example Landscapes on city property um this was Wordsmith a little bit by our uh our working groups but uh any concerns with this goal no moving on there's a lot here so I'm going to try to Breeze through as quickly as I possibly can continue on public health and safety in that goal is Implement flood plan habitat assessment management plan evaluate city-owned existing natural lands including conservation areas to access existing quality and compliance with applicable permits and develop PLS to improve quality of natural land as applicable that's a mouthful any thoughts good it looks good uh reduceed safety liabilities within the city it seems like many of our decisions are made with liability in mind so this is uh kind our strategic uh goal is to keep those liabilities at a minimum so these these individual smart goals uh go into that if it's okay I'll forgo reading every single one of them that's that's okay okay you okay very good I I think at least you four of us kind of talked about all these already so what what I'm really hoping is that Mr a will not be shy about chiming in if you want to add one uh because that seems to like I feel like that's kind of how we did it we didn't subtract any if there was consensus we tried to kind of get them all in there and even if there was an odd one those were included as well some of the odd correct there were there were items that only receive one vote and they still were in and they still were included yes if you you got one you think of at it anywhere and and do you need it like tonight or can it be like can you think about it till tomorrow like we we can push the envelope T Tara McHugh is in the audience I saw her walk in so if uh we we can turn this around by the midweek end of the week at at so we can publish the agenda uh on Monday uh that would be most official okay so a couple of days then so does anybody have anything yet or do you want to keep going or just I mean everything you've done so far is what we talked about so yes sir I mean unless there was something in here that was an outlier that was added in I did not notice any outliers I did no I didn't either when I looked through it there were some combining of multiple items into one uh there was there one item that sort of came up uh was had to do with AI and AI use policy um there you go artificial intelligence so I know it's becoming more and more prevalent and in everyone's uh so that did come up in some discussions I looked over I didn't see anything out of line it was exactly what we talked about in our three-day Workshop um I'm fine I don't don't think we need to go through it unless everybody wants to how many need um we talked about it earlier today um so I don't I don't really have anything to add to it right now I mean it I feel like everything on there is very high level and it's kind of the things that you would expect a city to do so I I didn't really have any issue with it okay well I will say we spent a lot of time with staff staff put a ton of work into this and gave up some of their evenings um several nights in a row we practically moved in together for like a week there um we certainly D together so we definitely uh we definitely DED together so I will say thank you so much for all the effort that went into this So for anybody listening this is our 10-year plan that we're going to be kind of giving the vision of the city for um and IT addresses things like making our infrastructure better uh making sure we keep up with Public Safety um kind of how we want to shift priorities for the future with our Mobility plans and things like that so um we've put a lot of work into to this and it looks like this mimics exactly what we've all discussed so I'm good with what we have um it sounds like everybody else is too but if you have any last minute comments um let's try to get those to Mr Kelly by tomorrow at lunchtime does that sound good we can we can push it a little further than that but okay ASAP let's go with ASAP so um that would save us up labor going over the remaining 12 pages okay um let's skip those I don't think anybody needs this is what we talked about at the session I'm okay with it I just was having a hard time with the agenda and my email was kind of hoked up last week so understood I'd be happy to to sit down and go over it with you one-onone if you're interested all right okay then I think we're good thank you Mr Kelly very good Mr Kelly I did call De I could just add one thing I got I had the the um wonderful opportunity to set in on the working groups and the work that they put in in those working groups uh the very first one we had the folks were being a little bit quiet so I I sort of stood up and said some things that just because I'm in the room doesn't mean you can't talk and uh all of a sudden people started talking we and they went through line by line and they talked about and they talked about they talked about all kinds of different things that go into it and it I didn't have to make that speech in the second and the third and the fourth and the fifth uh meetings but they were spending three four hours and I think Tara Tara couldn't believe that we were staying with them that long and so the hard work continued into the work working groups as well so I know I I was very appreciative of the work that the folks did in the working groups because it wasn't just the directors there was other folks from the Departments that were in there and everyone was contributing and that that that was something that I really I wanted I wanted to see those contributions and they did step up and so the work groups really were very very very good very good meetings yeah and I will say from the work groups we did too the groups I was in um we had some employees not directors who had some awesome ideas so I would encourage any employees too to speak up to your directors and make share those good ideas because some of them should definitely be implemented so it cool to hear from staff in that manner but okay thank you thank you Deputy Mayor right we're up to city manager report uh thank you Deputy Mayor I've just got a couple of things uh this week uh we have two two festivals this week uh the first one being on the fifth our annual tree lighting and starts at 5:00 I believe runs till 9 o' is that correct and so uh that'll be at Center Lake Park and then on Saturday we have our annual holiday parade and it'll start at 7 o'clock starts up at the gymnasium and will end down at Center Lake Park next week uh is the annual Santa around town and which the fire department will be uh escorting Santa actually fire and police departments will be escorting Santa uh through the city uh during the week I know each of you have signed up for your individual days and so we're all looking forward to I know everyone in the city looks forward to it and will be uh crashing our servers on the Sena app to find out where he is uh so but we have those two things coming up over the next over this week and next week and so uh and everything so that's all I have there may thank you uh city attorney's report I do not have anything report tonight uh council member bford yes thank you uh just want to just honored to be able to serve the citizens again on my my third term um very appreciative of of that uh I do not take it lightly uh it it is an honor I think this is a great city um I I love to be involved and uh and helping uh so I do thank it thank everybody um for their support Mr a congratulations so welcome uh we look forward to working with you um you already talked on the tree lighting the holiday parade the Santa run we've got Winterfest coming up on the 14th at noon I am a park uh so I am Park is an open house for the cultural center is that what it is and we're going to do it four times a year more or less more or less and it says like they're going to have like light eats and and they're just going to walk them around the building yeah come come on up so one of our goals is to increase rentals of the cultural center don't don't tell me somebody else's business is taking our business away yes sir um that's one of our goals we we offer festivals and um you know parades and events and we're one of our goals is to actually you know put people in the facility so we feel that offering open houses throughout the year quarterly um and that number might go up or down as we see the traffic come through we want to just showcase what we can offer and maybe we'll gain some business out of it okay yeah all right no I thought it was interesting okay thank you thank you everyone also hope is doing Christmas in the City out Carolina Methodist Church on the 14th that was always a great event and uh obviously we're all invited out there uh for that um a new board appointments uh Mr Lopez Miss hunt thank you again for stepping up and serving our community very appreciative of that Mr Bryant thank you for stepping up we do appreciate that and then our other one is Mr hulum and obviously Mr Varone who's out there in the hallway uh keeping busy Mr Krishner uh we thank you guys for that um would like to ask everybody to keep in their thoughts tomorrow is the uh is the service for the three motor officers down south um very tragic event uh that the three motor officers had uh died in line of duty so their their services tomorrow I believe Mr Cobb and chief Coleman are going down there for that but Chief Coleman's going down yeah yeah so if we could just uh keep the keep them in our thoughts uh on that and I would like to give a uh there she back M Mr Stewart I want to thank you for speaking to that citizen tonight and uh and helping him out he is he has been very diligent about coming in and talking to us about those pavers on that corner and I appreciate you helping him out and volunteering to go out there and meet them out there and and and talk through that so very appreciative of what you did there and again it just shows what kind of staff that we have here in the city to kind of really reach out to our residents and really try to help them out and that is all I got okay council member of Britain okay Mr welcome aboard congratulations Mr bford same to you thank you sir and to you Mr shirt congratulations I think you'll do a good job and for those of you who don't know I was uh sworn in two weeks ago my wife was uh going to be out of town so again I'd like to express my my uh feelings that this is an honor and I'm I'm happy to be up here and uh doing what we're doing uh just a few things there is a chamber lunch in tomorrow at the uh Women's Club does anyone want to go to that I it was off my radar until about 10 minutes ago so uh Patrick are you going to go to that I okay I told him i' try to make it but if uh any of youall are available thank I think there's a a ribbon cutting for that the debate the debate initiative the debate initiative as well that's an 11: what time is the lunch it's I think 11: to1 11 yeah so okay I'll try to represent us uh we got the Santa Claus Mr Bryant congratulations um the uh walkway that Miss mza spoke about I I don't think there's any doubt there's a need for one down there and my my additional concern is that the only other crosswalk is over at Riverside Park and it doesn't appear that the lights are working because I've had to slam the brakes on a few times and uh I've seen people pushing the button and then walking and I'm concerned that they're going to use that crosswalk thinking that people will stop and I have a bad feeling that they won't and something bad is going to happen uh I think there is a need we just looked at the Strategic plan and one of the things there was to uh improve safety of pedestrians and this fits right in that uh that lane so Brian maybe we can readjust the budget or something and get again it's a sign in some some lines on the on the street well we'll definitely look in we we'll take a look at it okay and see what what we can do uh I I ride that sidewalk quite a bit and it's I could see how difficult it would be to get across over there to get to the on both directions kids coming from Twin Rivers on the on the uh East Side have to cross the road to get the get to the elementary school and vice versa if they're going to Hagerty so it's it's not a not a good situation I know there's that area there we also have to deal with some curves and line of s so we want to make sure we find the safest location to put it in I don't know if the I don't I don't know if the um College driveway is the appropriate place or where your community is but we we'll look there and see maybe down by the Presbyterian Church maybe that's pretty we'll look at it and see which intersection is the safest one to um maybe sometime in January we can give us a an update I I'll get with uh we'll bring it up tomorrow during our staff meeting I know Mr Wyatt's out right now but M Stewart will probably be at the meeting we we'll bring it up and and make sure we go through it okay and all the last thing I have there is a league of cities final committee meetings uh I guess the state legislature is already starting their committee meetings so we're going to approve our our each committee's uh recommendations for for going forward so that's it okay and I'm up next so I wanted to extend my congratulations it's it's been a pleasure serving with both of you so congratulations on being the chair thank you and also congratulations and welcome the team to Mr a here um uh I just wanted to say I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving um with your families I know our staff Works incredibly hard all year so I always encourage people to enjoy their time with their family and unplug so um we've got a lot of City events coming up this is like event season for being on Council um so thank you so much to our staff for everything they do to put on the season for us and and put on the Santa run and the tree lighting and the parade and everything like that um so yeah that's it just make it fun uh mayor slatic all right welcome aboard back aboard and aboard for the first time everybody uh I think we're going to have a really really fabulous next year I want to make sure that everybody is uh ready to get excited talking about the police building and the survey results at the next meeting my understanding from talking to Mr Kelly is that the they're being assembled and sorted and and gotten in order because we do need to have that discussion right away and I see two people who have been following this for at least over a year uh sitting out here in the audience and I just want to assure you that we have not forgotten about the needs of our police officers to have a non-leaking roof and we did at our last I don't know it was the exact last meeting or was the one before we approved a roof we approved putting on a new roof so we are taking steps to make sure that we are are you keeping things dry in there and and uh that's that's all I've got for now okay council member out I just want to say it's an honor to be up here with all of you and I look forward to uh working with all of you and uh thank you to everybody who supported me um to put me up here and uh just wanted to let everybody know that uh my number is still the same and you can call it I've actually got a city number now that's on the website you can call that one too um and uh I just want to hear from everybody um if you have any issues or or anything like like that that's all ahead okay all right we have future meeting dates uh Monday December 16th at 6:30 is a regular session Monday January 6th at 6:30 regular session Tuesday January 21st at 6:30 a regular session and Monday January 27th ATT tenative work session o we're going to have a work session and we are going to have a work session okay is there anything else for the good of the order okay it is is 7:48 p.m. and the meeting is adjured good job what's that