##VIDEO ID:kTW-nVRTFBI## it is it is a local artist uh it's a program we I didn't good evening welcome to AO City Council Chambers if you all please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America stand na indivisible and Justice thank you and if you could join me in a moment of silence thank you like to call this meeting to order is uh Monday September 16th 2024 approximately 6:30 all members of council are present we will get started here we're going to start with the budget public hearing to adopt the FY 2024 2025 tax rates and sorry eyes a little off in budget okay we're going to call up to adopt the FY 20242 millage rates and budget citing it is a public hearing Mr cob you you give us the background uh thank you Deputy Mayor this is a request for city council to conduct public hearing and adopt the final millage rates in the budget for fiscal year 20 20242 at a September 5th 2024 meeting city council adopted resolution number 44-9 9-24 approving the tentative fiscal year 2425 operating millage rate of 5954 Mills or $5.95 per $1,000 of assessed valuation an attentative General obligation Bond Debt Service millage of 01210 Mills or 12.10 cents for $11,000 of assessed valuation city council also adopted resolution number 45002 approving the tentative fiscal year 2425 annual budget the total millage of the which is the operating millage of 59540 plus the general obligation millage rate General obligation Bond millage rate of 0.121 is 6.75 Mills the fiscal year 2024 25 budget is balanced using the millage rate of 5.95 4 Mills for City operations the operating millage for of Mill operating millage rate of 5.95 4 Mills will result in 23 million $124,600 in Ador Revenue to support the general fund this will be an increase of 3,933 42 over the fiscal year 2324 adopted general fund budget additionally $10,000 is budgeted for delinquent collections bringing the total Ador revenues to 23,34 672 the operating millage rate of 5954 Mills will result in a city-wide tax increase of 18.17% above the rolled back rate of 5.03 87 Mills resolution number 4501 d24 adopts the fiscal year 2425 operating millage rate of 5954 Mills and the general obligation Bond Debt Service millage rate of 0.121 0 Ms for a total millage rate of 6.75 Mills fiscal year 2425 budget is the culmination of the work that has been done at City council's April July and August work sessions the work sessions promoted open discussions of the issues that were facing the city and I want to thank you for your input and your direction that you provided during those work sessions now the work sessions weren't the only time we worked on the budget we've been working on the budget since Jan January but those were primarily the times that city council had had public meetings addressing the budget fiscal year 2425 budget maintains the fiscal year 2324 service levels funds A 6% salary increase for General employ government employees fund salary increases for police and fire bargaining units based on our current negotiations in our collective bargaining agreements it funds A the transfer of a position in the finance department from part time the full-time it funds increases in benefit costs it funds a 10% increase in Workers Compensation Insurance a 10% increase in general insurance increases in other uh fixed costs such as leases telephones and utilities it funds the general vehicle replacement plan funds Capital items it funds purchases to implement the it strategic plan it funds Debt Service for fiscal year 2425 it complies with the government Finance Officers Association best practice of 16.67 Target percent Target Reserve fund balance and complies with the city's budget and financial policy maintaining a minimum of 15% Reserve fund balance resolution number 42-24 adopts the fiscal year 2425 annual budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending on September 30th 2025 it's recommended that city council read resolutions 41-24 and 42-24 by title only conduct a public hearing for the fiscal year 2425 military rates and budget and then adopt resolution number 41-24 for the millage and 42-24 for the budget that's my presentation Deputy Mayor great thank you like to open a public hearing on FY 2024 2025 millage rates and budget the operating millage rate for the city of lito of 5.95 four Mills is a tax increase of 18.17% over the roll back rate of 5.38 7 Mills we will open the public comment to allow members of the public to speak and ask questions prior to the adoption of the military and the budget I have currently five requests to speak uh first one up is Mr Allen aunt and if you could state your name and address to start hello my name is Alan a I live at 1000 Lake Circle in Ido so this is the second public hearing we've had for the increase in the the millage rate um at the first public hearing um we were set up to have a presentation and uh we didn't get to see it and uh I I know that that has been uh was shown in in July and I know you guys have seen it um probably several times before that but uh there's a lot of people here tonight and uh I think we should we should see it again I mean the point of a public hearing is so that the can hear right so we can hear the the rationale and uh of you know what goes into making these decisions uh in addition there was um another uh presentation or um at least there's another another spreadsheet been on the on the website um that shows what would look like to increase taxes by 04 instead of 6 um we didn't get to see that last time or hear it spoken to um I would uh I would I would appreciate if that if we could uh hear that spoken about tonight um you know maybe that uh so what has been said from the dis is that that 04 increase would completely fund our police and fire for the current next year um perhaps it doesn't for the years after that um and maybe we can revisit it after that time maybe we can go up 04 now and talk about it again next year or increase it 04 now and another 02 uh next year you know at at the same time you know we're budgeting three years right now um at least from the discussion um so you know maybe we could look at doing something like that you know a hybrid approach or or something but um I'd very much like to hear those options discussed uh if it's possible thank very much great thank you next up I have Joseph Paul Vasquez if you could just State your name and address for the record sure my full name I go by my middle name Paul but my first name is Joseph last name is Vasquez uh and I live at 20 East Village Drive in aito and I wanted to say I um was it your last meeting it was the first meeting I'd ever attended entirely um it was the uh first one i' been to in a long time and I was struck by several things first of all I was kind of pleased to see members of the Council who are willing to if necessary raise re uh raise revenue and raise taxes because I think a lot of times there's a knee-jerk reaction against doing that kind of thing I've seen that at a variety of different levels of government so that was kind of hardening um you know and I'm sure there are lots of things that are being covered that revenue is being raised for for First Responders law enforcement and I'm sure there are lots of other important things um that being said I was kind of disappointed at the lack of the willingness to go into the details of exactly what the budget includes and I'm I'm sure those have been discussed at nauseum in your in your work sessions but as a practical matter uh some of us weren't here before at those meetings and since this is like Mr a said a a public forum I think it's a good opportunity to try to educate the public because let's let's admit it there's a lot of kind of anti- ta anti anti- Revenue raising attitude out there and I think if nothing else this kind of a form is a great form for kind of finally educating members of the public before it goes into into law and is actually enacted on about the merits of raising it as much as was approved last time versus lower amounts that were were discussed as well and just the last thing oh and let me just mention this too um kind of in the spirit of this part of this is not just about kind of the effects it will have on us as particular homeowners but like effects it will have on others as well U for about the past two or three years I've been involved with my Parish over in Winter Springs in a charitable organization and routinely even though it's located in Winter Springs we send out our members to households here in avito and other parts of seol County Castleberry uh some I don't think we go quite as far as Longwood but dealing with working families who are having you know sometimes it's it's the car breaks down and the car payment put you behind and that causes people to misw workk and be fired and so there are a lot of people especially in an environment not necessarily renters but maybe homeowners in an environment where we're seeing homeowners U insurance rates increased I think it would be prudent and practical to provide you know people hear transparency about you know if there's a need to raise funds and why and then the last thing I would just mention is there was a comment made towards the end of the last session about criticism coming from Council Members or dissent that was voiced from some of them about a group about things that had been voted on before as if it was kind of untar as if there had been votes taken and there was this need for you know people to fall in line and not be critical or ask important questions or want to look at alternative of budgeting kinds of amounts and that kind of smacked to me about something that was actually it's actually referred to as something called Democratic centralism and it was actually a principle that a lot of communist countries had their attitude was you debate behind closed doors but once a vote is taken everybody falls in line and supports it and to me that's that's kind of antithetical to what it is to kind of be involved in decision making in the United States you know so long as people people are civil and polite and honest and reasonable I think it would be prudent to to kind of explore Alternatives again if nothing else just is a way of providing transparency to people about why taxes are being raised I think in the long run that would be a prudent thing to do so I appreciate the time great thank you next up and I'm going to apologize for off to bat I'm sure I'm going to you know not pronounce this correctly is it rulana Kaiser did I say that right yes my name is Juliana Kaiser I reside at 713 teras driveo Florida so I agree with both of the gentlemen that have spoken before about a little bit more transparency needed uh and maybe exploring hybrid approaches as I understand there are two options for financing the city of aido needs one is to increase in the millage Rage which which is over 18% proposal rais right now or using uh Bond already approved funding speaking from the heart Floridians people of Vio are hurting every time we go to the gas bomp walg Grims CVS wherever we go to or pay our insurance rate our pockets are hurting we're bleeding so we're asking the city council members and our mayor to please listen to your constituents we're hurting enough with people that have uh fixed income people who are single parents whatever the case might be when we go to the grocery store and we're thinking can I really afford to buy a $6 gallon of orange juice that used to be $3 it it's unconscionable so what we're asking please if you could provide more transparency and provide other options maybe hybrid options like I've been suggesting before we will really appreciate it we are your constituents we elected you and we sincerely hope that you listen to us thank you thank you on next I have Brian tips Madam mayor and esteemed Council my name is Brian tips I reside at 1621 peace ly way avito I am simultaneously a proud citizen of avito and an alarmed concerned resident and property owner I'm proud of our community among many reasons for the teachers and administrators that our sons have have as students at Jackson Heights middle and Geneva Elementary I value our local police officers and firefighters we have so much to be grateful for what is alarming is the direction of unaffordability that this city and Community is progressing toward including for teachers police officers and firefighters and both for young adults and also for couples and individuals in retirement my purpose for speaking is to plead with this Council to reconsider the previous approval of adopting the 2024 2025 millage rates and budget that would require an 18.17% property tax increase for every $1,000 of property value this is another $181 70 that is being squeezed out of family budgets I have retired neighbors one spoke at the last meeting who will perhaps be hit the hardest due to a lack of any disposable discretionary income I have a neighbor who is a firefighter I spoke to him this afternoon I told him today that I am for his and all of the police officers 6% wage increase they're worth every bit of that that is not excessive my brother served in the police in Tennessee for over a decade and everyone I believe should be Pro for that but that's not the entire budget he my neighbor and all firefighters police officers they will also o get hit with the 18% property tax this weekend my wife's work has her traveling to Philadelphia which affords our family the opportunity to take our sons to experience the Liberty Bell and we have tickets to Independence Hall where both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed and on the last day we will visit the Constitution Museum as you know this country was founded in part due to a Revolt because of a 5% ta tax in contrast to today American citizens are conditioned to just passively accept more taxes higher taxes more government spending including here at the local level where property is most citizens greatest investment asset so in closing my family moved here in March of 2017 from Nashville Tennessee while Nashville is an incredible City from an economic vantage point I'm glad we left there and moved here because only a few years later mayor Cooper there was proposing a 43% property tax I applaud mayor sedc for fighting tires tirelessly on this against this as best I can tell she is not for bigger government and bigger government spending but for better government and better government spending case in point the alternative budget proposal that I too would have liked to have heard at the last meeting uh that was proposed by her based upon a 12% of the 04 millage rate property tax increase we can all do the math that would have a 33% less impact on property owners her proposal that the staff put together is a tremendous starting point even if the final collaborative experience is more than 12% but less than 18% I'm asking this count counc to consider or reconsider an alternative budget and lower property tax increase for every property owner this increase has to come from somewhere something else has to give if you are a renter this makes purchasing and affording a home in a veto 18% harder if you own a rental property you are likely going to pass along the rate increase to your tenant thus even if you remain a renter you end up paying more let's find a winwin solution thank you next up I have Laura Crawford hello uh hello my name is Laura Crawford 141 Ethan hammock court and I agree with everything that you know everybody has said so far and I appreciate the mayor's stance I I do think that um she is not for such a big tax increase and I'm hoping that um you know you all can consider some Alternatives and with some kind of a I understand there probably has to be some kind of a tax increase but if it could be a little something lower like the 4% or the 0 4% whatever it is um our taxes alone just in our city taxes portion of our proposed tax bill um from what we paid last year to what we're going to pay the proposed for for this coming year it's up 15% from that's a huge increase and to me that just seems ridiculous and um I think most people nobody's going to most people are going to say they agree they're going to support the police and the fire department we all know that city employees need to get paid a a competitive wage and certain essential Services have to be supported um but maybe the city could you know spend the money a little more wisely in certain areas and then you know I I say to myself okay well how do we get into this situation um and I know it just seems to me we've been here about seven and a half years and it just seems that the city has grown substantially in such a short amount of time um and you know the city is now looking at lots of large expenditures like now we need a new water plant and now then we're going to need a new you know police station and you know all of those things you know are probably necessary but um we've had so much development and I'm wondering if are we collecting enough money in Impact fees um you know maybe it's time to increase some of the impact fees and not the taxes on the homeowners um some other Financial concerns I you know I have is um why are we only getting 30 cents back on the dollar for recreational services and programs and and you know there's lots of events that the city puts on that are 100% loss like the fireworks so I just uh like the last person said you know something has to give um uh you know I think the simple solution is to ask the homeowners for more money but then you have to say Well when is this going to end you know what's the council going to ask for for next year and what are they going to ask for the year after that and I just think that things should be brought C control now before you know so it doesn't become a runaway train and maybe we need to look at different financial advisors that can figure out you know can give you ideas for how to trim the budget and to bring in more money from elsewhere um so I'm just asking if you can please find uh a better way and a you know instead of asking the homeowners for more money thank you thank you that is all the written requests I have to speak is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak on this subject yes ma'am you can come up actually Judith I think my name is Kathy Joy I live at 1042 corkwood Drive of Alf woods and all the new development we've had all the new buildings homes offices buildings businesses isn't that bringing in more taxes and I don't have facts to back up anything but I can just tell you that Common Sense tells me that an 18% increase is outrageous you can go slowly five 10 but you don't go 18% increase just like that thank you thank you Council and may my name is Judith delor Smith and I live at 938 East Broadway Street I've been a resident of OVO for most of my life I lived here when oito was a farming community and citrus community and when we had about 2,000 residents when I was growing up and after the Citrus Community I just give you a little history and you all know this after the Citrus Community uh industry died we were left with a lot of land and oito became what it is now I own land I own a home I have Rel relatives here I'm a mentor to a young lady who is uh living in an apartment that the rates have gone up my insurance rates for my parents home um went up um doubled it was 2,000 now it's 4,000 so a lot of things are going up so we as a country are having difficulty and it's going to be a difficult ride I can tell you that but I commend the staff uh the finance staff because I came to most of the Finance Workshop since January and there were very few people here at that time to listen to the presentation and to give feedback as to why things are going up and it is complicated and um it's not going to get easy it will not be easy and you all know that um and but as far as what the city has done and the finance staff they have presented every opportunity for citizens to give feedback and I sure wish that more people would realize that and bring Unity as opposed to disunity and maybe we can come up with some wonderful Solutions I was going to talk about one that the fire department had but I felt more inclined to talk about this one right now finance department has done a wonderful job and the council has done a wonderful job giving us the opportunity to find out what's going on and what needs to be done I sure don't like tax increases but I can't and listen to why they are doing what they do I can't say that I'm happy on on the contrary no but I wasn't happy with my double insurance rate either even my homeowners is going up so it's going to be a bumpy ride people and that's just the way it is but you have a wonderful staff here a finance staff who would listen to your ideas if presented in a reasonable Manner and I appreciate you listening to me thank you very much thank you is there anybody else that wish to speak on the subject okay seeing none I will close public comment Mr C we got to ask a question though about the presentation I mean if if we did want to show the presentation for the since we have a larger group that normally doesn't show up here can when would we do that after we go through the whole script or we can do it at any time we're we isn't it available on YouTube couldn't people have gone on YouTube and and viewed that after the last meeting yes well it wasn't presented at the last meeting it wasn't presented at the last meeting but it was presented prior to that it was the same presentation they had from prior meetings they could have gone on YouTube and watched those those presentations and got a better understanding of but how would anyone know to do that because it was advertised we sent written notices that says that the last meeting that happened was the first first public hearing of the budget so that at the first time stated it at the meeting we stated it at the meeting that from the previous meeting the the the presentation was given well one would think that at the first public hearing one could come to that first not the second but the first public hearing and hear the presentation Mr C are our public hearing or our workshops public yes yes so they are open to the public yes are they noticed yes yes so the the public is notified yes of those meetings okay so we we've all seen this we're here to make a decision as a council uh the process is too far down the road to go backwards from here this isn't the Forum to talk about what we should do with the budget this is a forum to decide whether we want to pass the budget I don't have a problem with going through the presentation again I I understand what you're saying and I agree we've done a lot of work since January getting to this point but I also we have a lot of people coming up here saying we're not being transparent which I don't agree with this is the most trans the most transparent process I've seen since I've up here for 18 years I agree with you but if we have the opportunity right now to give a presentation and take some extra time I think we should do it so is the purpose to decide whether we are going to change the budget no the purpose really is just to educate the folks that are here so is it my understanding that there is no interest at all and having a discussion about a lower rate other than from me you've been involved in every step of the way mayor and you've you've known what this has been until you got into public and started doing the the lower rate this is your budget as much as ours it's your millage rate as much as ours the point for is the millage rate that is necessary and that's what I've I've said all along that I can support the point4 and I I think we need to say that behind closed doors that that is what was discussed so if the members of the public are confused about we know how we all seem to have these numbers in our heads it's because Union negotiations have been going on we calculated the number Staff said point4 will do it and you guys said are you on board and I said not for the whole amount but for 04 I could wrap my brain around it um that's not what I recall you saying actually recall you saying this actually makes a lot of sense I fully understand why you would do a 6 Mill and I will consider it so this point4 thing that you've been behind on Facebook is not what was discussed closed doors and I agree with with council member Britain that this is as much your military as anybody else's and to make a political Mark to say you're not going to vote for the budget you haven't voted for the budget the entire time I've sat up here so I don't I don't I'm not in favor of voting a certain way just to say you didn't vote for a millage increase but I understand that's that's not what has been shown to the public so through the point where at the work session it was presented everybody that I thought was on board including I I was still open to it which is accurate uh where I fell off the bandwagon is the next work session in August when instead of having point six that was going to be used for things that everyone could agree were Necessities which is police and fire if not this year then to save for next year that was my understanding of the need to raise it by 6 was not to spend it all the first year but so that we would have enough for inut future years uh covering the what what may be negotiated in contracts which still haven't been concluded but when all of it was put on that list to be spent immediately that was not what we had agreed to behind closed doors and I and I wish we didn't have these secret meetings because it does feel not transparent and I don't know we don't have our OT what secret meetings happen oh this is the union the union meetings for fire and police where we were talking about sessions Mr executive sessions so they're they're authorized meetings that nobody is allowed to come to and my understanding is there's no recordings of these there's no minutes taken there Mr chair can we just decide if we're going to do the presentation or not and move on okay yeah I'm in favor of the presentation of course how long would it take it'll take a few minutes for us to set up we are ready to go uh take a few minutes to set up and the presentation will probably last meeting we spent excuse me sir excuse me sir you're out of order excuse me sir public meting you've had chance presentation takes between 30 don't have time excuse me sir presentation takes between 35 and 40 30 to 45 minutes all right let's go do it well do we have three people you're agreeing to it as well okay so we got three people and are we going to also get the point4 presentation so we understand the difference between the two I think it's included yeah okay wonderful thank you so de I would recommend to you is excuse me ma'am sense of order please recommend to take a recess let us set up okay before I do that I do want to point out that when we had our meetings that were open to the public April 15th we had a regular session uh midyear budget amendments April 29th work session April budget update July 29th special session July budget update and adopting an ATT tenative mill rate August 26 proposed budget amendment so September 5th budget hearing adopting the millage of the first public hearing all these meetings were public were announced and were out there so there's nothing that's being done behind closed doors we'll take a recess for now and we'll get set up to do the presentation e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right they're on all right all right Mr boot well thank you uh honorable mayor members of council uh as previously stated we did uh present a lot of this information on July 29th and the reason that we did it was to provide some context for the discussions that we were to have uh with the budget model so taking a look at this um one of the things that we wanted to do one of the things that we were asked to do for the July session was what is a history on the combined millage rate for the citizens of the city of Ovito so when you look at this schedule um there's three different colors on it actually Four uh the very bottom blue line down here is the Ovito taxes um the next line excuse me the O the Ovito military the next line up is Seal County and then seal County schools and then at the very top you'll see the St John's Water Management district and then the line at the very top is the total combined millage rate for all those individual uh entities what's interesting is when you take a look at this um graphical presentation is that the highest combined millage rate that we had was back in 2013 and it's been pretty much on a on a decline since 2013 until this fiscal year when the ask was for the millit rate increase for uh the citiz city of avido so what's driving this um this millit rate increase why do we have some of the challenges that we have in fiscal year 2425 39% of the city's tax base qualifies for save our homes and uh an exemption such as Homestead over the past several years and this is really this is really one of the key points that has impacted us right here over the past several years the inflation has exceeded 3% so when you take a look at the inflation rate if you take a look at the CPI index the CPI index has actually exceeded 3% for well over three years and at one point in time the CPI index was 99.1% or higher so what happens when we have that level of uh inflation is that we're limited to the 3% yet our costs are going up that much higher so we're restricted by the 3% which compresses us and basically reduces our ability to create the income that we need to support our operations so the last bullet save our homes and consumptions basically has inhibited or lessened our ability to to keep Pace with inflation so when you take a look at property values uh here the very bottom line the bottom uh red is taxable value and then the next Green component is exemptions and the very top is the just value or the total value of the property and what this slide clearly illustrates as you can see it's pretty linear when you take a look at the red line which is the TA taxable value because again it's limited to to the 3% value but when you take a look at the exemptions in the sa homes you can see how they have grown significant significantly that's because of the um the inflation that's associated with them so the value of the saber homes and exemptions since uh 2019 has grown 97% the total of saor homes and exemptions in 2019 was 1.4 billion the 1.4 billion is those are those are taxable values that we don't have access to in 2024 it's 2.7 billion so since 2019 uh these saber homes and exemption has grown exemptions have grown by approximately 1.3 billion and here you can see this the very top um this kind of beige component so to speak that's the uh exemptions and the Very component on the bottom is the save our homes and you can see since 2019 how significantly um those values have grown and again we don't have access to tax these values so the revenue loss due to exemptions and save our homes according to the seal County property appraiser the average uh Homestead Property in semal county that um uh for for Revenue exemptions is 153 almost $154,000 so the average amount for save our homes in in in Seal County for homesteaded property is is approximately 154,000 the Lost Revenue to the city of vitao due to SA homes and exemptions in 2024 is $15 million now do we need access to all that $15 million no we don't however if we had access to those taxable values it would significantly help us and actually lower our millage rate instead of increase it so when you take a look at the revenue loss due to exemptions and save our homes interestingly enough I started in 2012 the revenue loss in 20 2 was 2.7 almost $22. you know8 million I remember this is my very first year because you know we're just coming out of the 2008 Great Recession and things of that nature but I remember in particular a couple things that were going on back in 2012 had very little cash so if we were to have um a climate Associated impact here at the city of Ido we would have had a very difficult time funding the recovery of that impact but in 2013 when you take a look at 2013 you can see that it really didn't grow that much between 2012 and 2013 we had a very very difficult time balancing the budget back in 2013 one of the Strategic things that we did we worked together we collaborated but one of the Strategic things that we did back in 2013 was that we took a look at all of our debt structure and refinance it we refinanced it for significant Debt Service saing we saved the city about $2.3 million in that effort and it was enough to balance the budget in 2013 that gave us additional cash flow that year of approximately $231,000 without that cash flow in 2013 we would not have been able to to balance the budget so you can see going forward uh how the revenue loss due to exemptions and save our homes has increased from this value 2.8 to now 15.2 million and again that asset inflation uh impact of the values that are above the 3% operating expenses like everybody operating expenses have been hit hard you know when you take a look at our operating expenses the very very top is the utilities utilities have gone up for everybody including governments nobody is immune from that the next um component down the the gold is software software has just it's starting it's it's grown significant significantly not that we have that many new software packages but the inflation associated with the with the software that we do use has grown significantly the next component is is uh Insurance um as property values have increased so has the uh premiums associated with those property values now we've done as much as we possibly can to lessen or mitigate those increases we have an incredible risk management team Mr Cobb has been uh intimately involved in that over the last several years you'll remember uh recently we were awarded uh an award from public risk management for the greatest reduction in workman's comp claims so we're we're utilizing every effort that we possibly can to uh to be responsible for the expenses and to uh lessen the impact uh to our budgets everywhere the next line down is uh basically fuel fuel that's Market driven none of us has any choice on fuel cost they are what they are depending upon what's going on economically around the world supply and demand fuel cost fluctuates and you can see how it has grown to um up and down over the last couple years now it's on the downtrend we'll see how long that stays taking a look at the very low bottom line that's chemicals chemicals like fuel um the costs associated with chemicals have have grown significantly they've doubled you can see when you take a look at 2019 you can barely see that line down there in the bottom but when you take a look at 2425 you can it's very very visible so chemicals have been a significant cost not only to the general fund but also to the utilities across the board Public Safety salaries um as was previously stated we're in the process now of negotiating the barget bar bargain unit wages for the next three years for police and fire and the goal throughout the bargain process is not to be the highest we definitely don't want to be the lowest but we want to find ourselves in that range of where we need to be for a city of our size a city of our capacity a city of our capabilities um so when looking at where we currently at going into the bargaining sessions for 23 24 uh you have several cities here a poka Lake Mary Longwood so on and so forth the very the line that goes across the top here that's the average starting salary for firefighters which is $4 47,6 48 and you can see our current salaries are well below that at $46,800 so again the goal was not to be the highest it's definitely not to be the lowest it's it's to be in The Sweet Spot of where we need to be for our city so the proposed firefighter starting Sou iies as of the time that we were having those discussions compares to um the other cities across the board again the average salary is 48 362 as some of the cities have changed um but you can see we're well above that of 5201 which puts us in a very good place uh to negotiate with the file firefighters going forward and to bring new firefighters on on board so police officer starting salary comparison very similar pretty much the same the average is $2,532 and you can see it's pretty much it's a pretty wide array of of of cities across the board and where their starting salaries are at now these these positions are very like fire these positions and starting salaries are extremely competitive but you can see by looking at this presentation here the Ovito current at ,15 is well below the average and again not to be the highest we definitely don't want to be the lowest but we want to be in a good spot to attract the public safety personnel that we need to have here in this city so the proposed public officer starting salary uh for 2425 again the average 54,2 um is 56 175 again not the highest but definitely not the lowest and these cities that are starred down here are currently in negotiations we don't know where they're going to land they could land well north of what we've you know what we're looking at right now at the 56 so Public Safety pension Public Safety pension is another Big Driver of our our costs um both pension plans reflect an increase in the salaries over the next three years um the percentages on the following graphs were basically provided to us from our actuary as a result of of taking a look at the plans so you can see in 2324 we currently fund the pension plans City contribution is 17.2% for 24 25 it's 27.5% couple drivers there why is it going up so much well we're offering 25 and out for the the firefighters but in addition to that we're also reducing the firefighter pension contribution from 7% to 6% to be more competitive with the market and also to line up with our police Personnel so this the the police City's Pension Plan contribution is a percentage of payroll 2324 14.52% 2425 18.39% and so on and so forth you can see how it escalates going forward no changes as of this point in time that with the city's police pension plan but you can see the contribution goes up and it's going to go up the contribution is going to increase the one thing that we have to consider when we enter into the budget forecast and we go into the future years is that the percentage of contribution is going to increase at a rate that's at a higher rate of payroll so meaning that the average hourly rate is going to be higher the pension contributions going to be high fire so we have to accommodate that when we do our forecasting and our models so very similar to what's going on in police and fire General government minimum wages have have gone up significantly amongst our our competitors or other jurisdictions or agencies here in in Central Florida in 2122 the city had a 29% turnover rate which was significant 68% of the turnovers were vol voluntary voluntary resignations meaning the folks were shopping and in today's market folks shop by their phone what are you getting where you're currently working they're texting back and forth the labor pool has has been very Dynamic and um moves rather quickly people were actually leaving the city after being here on the job for a couple of days we had several job abandonments as well because they could get a higher more competitive wage elsewhere in 2122 also uh we had to consider that that's the year that hurricane Ian hit and we had a 16% vacancy Factor significant stange on strains on City resources to recover from Hurricane Ian because we just didn't have the staff here to help us but in addition to that we couldn't attract the staff here to help us as well so at that point in time uh we were authorized and given a significant rate uh increase so the fiscal year 20 where am I at fiscal year 2223 minimum wage was raised to 1560 a 4% increase 2425 a 2% increase at 15 to $15.92 25 uh 2425 we're recommending a 5.5% increase to the minimum wage to bring it up to 1680 the overall increase that we're recommending for General government employees is 6% and that's just to stay competitive so again the labor force has changed theyve become extremely mobile they have apps they communicate on now they're constantly searching for the best salary that they can possibly get so when you take a look at the general employee starting minimum wage comparison for fiscal year 2425 what you'll see here is that the average is $6.38 this the current for the city of Ovito is $159 2 well below the average um so the proposed increase the 5.5% will take us from $15.92 to 1680 still not the highest but we're in the range we compare ourselves to the city of Sanford down the street at 1686 um we also take a look at you know Lake Mary 1680 Castleberry another neighbor 1727 and of course the city of Apopka any questions about this component of the presentation this component of the presentation was just provided for context the why help us with the why and no I think what what this all kind of hinches on in my brain and and I would like everyone in the audience to to know how how I got from being okay with this to not being okay at the August work session there was a list of $1.2 million of expenditures that I did not contemplate would be coming after this I thought this was that the point 6 was necessary for actual police and fire spending uh so I'm hoping you can some at some point in the presentation address that list with the 1.2 million because for for me I think that that would be the thing to to eliminate if we were to consider the 04 hike instead of the 6 okay so one of the things that we do when we go through the budget process and just just to explain to the public who's in back I mean one of the things that we do when we go through the budget process and I get asked this question quite regularly is where do you think that we're going to end up at the end of the fiscal year where do you think that we're going to land so taking a look at the 2324 adopted budget we came into the fiscal year um with a $16.9 million fund balance of that we used $84,000 almost $185,000 to balance the budget but in addition to that we had carry forwards that we had to bring forward from the previous fiscal year for projects that had not been completed um and other items so we started off with 16.9 million used 184,000 of that and then the carry forwards of 2.2 million bring us to an ending fund balance for this fiscal year of 14 .5 million we think we're going to be above that but we don't know what the individual components are clearly yet we'll know those as we go into October and November and they become more more crystallized so when we look at these numbers excuse me so when we look at these numbers one of the things that's very important to us and Mr cob has already mentioned that in his report is that we have a Target Fund balance of 16.67% and we lost my presentation I don't know where it went do I pause or continue to go or what would you like me to do um P Patrick going to bail me out yeah the rescue here are you in a is that big enough make a littleit smaller smaller yeah stop messing with the moue oh sorry is that better oh you can't see the numbers uh Deputy Mayor while they're they're uh where they're working on that that spreadsheet that's one of the things that when we started talking about the why was that we we we did look at the markets and we need we knew that we needed to be in those markets and yeah yes this budget is different from any budget we've ever done and that we are looking at a three-year plan and that three-year plan is to get us through the three years of the Union negotiations that we're currently working on and so trying to be in those markets and then also to get our minimum wage into those markets as well anytime you increase your minimums it's like dropping a a pebble in a pond as as I stated in July it's like dropping a pebble in a pond where the ripples go out and it it go reverberates to the entire organization and so you can't have folks who are new coming in making more than folks who've been here a year two years or three years and you can't have folks that have been here two or three years making more than folks making' been here for five so it does Ripple through that and what we've noticed especially in the police and fire markets is that it's been very volatile over the last last year and even even still with especially with police that different different cities are now coming in with different uh higher wages and so well I think the issue is nobody disagrees that it will take 04 this year to to be competitive with police and fire wages the the question is what is the extra point 2 for this year the additional point two that's requested and what is it what is the difference if we do it versus don't do it I'd like everybody who is here to know what is the difference between the two budgets so nobody disputes I do not dispute that we need a point4 increase so if we could deal with the point two I think that's probably the way to distill this to what everybody is is questioning there it is okay all right oh goodness be with me please I've lost my computer so I have to do it up here so I think where we need to go is the August 26 work session and if we go to the proposed budget amendments to attachments there's going to be somewhere in there and I'll tell you which attachment number it is that has this chart with the $1.2 million roughly of things that to me felt like they were added on to to consume the0 2 additional that that was uh recommended over what the bare minimum bare minimum is to make sure that we meet our police and fire salary needs this year did you guys want me to jump forward yeah you can jump forward Okay so we've already talked about revenues Mr cob has already mentioned that basically through the um the uh uh the millit rate increase so what we look at when we talk about the six versus the four is what's the impact on the city going forward can we actually fund it and so moving forward to the five-year projection here for this model this is the 6 so when we move forward to to this projection what you'll see is that in 2425 we don't have uh contribution to fund balance We have basically um what we have is because of the 6 migrate increase we have an increase of about $742,000 so when we go back and take a look at the base uh sorry you guys so when we go back and look at the base uh to the what the mayor is speaking about is that we took that that increase of [Music] 7 $74,000 as a result of the 6 Ms and we put it into Capital one-time expenses so we didn't let it flow to fund balance which is one of the requests we actually put it into Capital because it's been no secret here over the last several years you know we've woefully un underfunded Capital if it wasn't for the American Rescue plan act the arpa act we would not have been able to make the significant strides that we have made over the last several years towards restoring our infrastructure in many different places of the city including Recreation and other areas so the original budget for the uh Capital expenses was $500,000 we put that addition the additional revenues of $774,000 on top of that Capital so we don't lose ground going forward with the progress that we've made with the American Rescue plan act okay so with that we provided a list of proposed items okay which there was great discussion on and this is the list apparatus storage radios and so on and so forth mayor that's what you're speaking to okay so we provided this list and essentially the this list was generated by a couple different things every year in May we meet to discuss the capital projects as well as the FTE requests with the individual directors and what we do is we give them an opportunity to go through and actually Rank and priority what their needs are it's not a perfect process but it helps significantly now where bumps up into into a little bit of trouble is that some of the asks are so high that or the capital items are so high you can't you can't fund them okay so what that forces us to do is to go back and take another look at the capital plan and try to find other items that we feel would be beneficial for us to to fund other than the other big high Capital items that we can't afford and that's the result of this list right here this this list is a result of that process great discussion that we had in a April excuse me August as a result of that but I'd like to say too I mean if it's the pleasure of council not to fund any of these individual items what I would request is that we keep them in capital because again we still need to make the strides in capital that we need to let us let us bring these back to use individual items between now and the time that we actually uh want to purchase them or procure them so that you have another chance to look at them and reconsider just exactly you know what the need or the priority might might possibly be but you know I feel that this is a very important ask it's something that really needs to be considered and I was asked that question back on July um and I basically said that I would like to make the impact on Capital that I would like that needs to be made for the city so that we don't lose additional ground so when we take a look at that um and then we flip over into the future projections the 6 mils basically brings us to zero in this fiscal year only because we've taken that additional income the 700,000 plus and we've put it into Capital to make a net zero year 2526 uh basically we have a small contribution the way things work out right now we have a small contribution of $1 14,288 that may or may not materialize next year as we all know from being intimately involved in the budget process together now for the past several years is any one of these variables can change and that 104,000 can easily be u a deficit at any point in time so one of the things and I need to go back over here really quick excuse me mayor let me go back over here to the base really quick if I can get this to work one of the things that we're cutely concerned about in our revenues U is this intergovernmental line right here you can see you know it's it's been plugging right along pretty robust okay but a lot of that has been driven by government spending such as arpa and all these other the inflation reduction act and all this money is is is flowing through the economy well what we're seeing now is those expenditures are slowing down so we're actually forecasting a decrease in this line this year and as those expenditures continue to slow down we don't know what this number is going to look like next year until we actually get well into next year and can go back and do a recast of those revenues performances so one of the things we again that we're currently concerned about are consumption-based revenues that are directly tied to the economy as well as government spending we know there's going to be a Slowdown we just can't tell you how much so going back to excuse me for jumping around going back to another the fiveyear projection 2425 is the first year of the contract 2526 is the second year of the contract 2627 is the third year of the contract and you're talking the contract of police and fire C correct Public Safety contracts so what we're looking at in 26 27 even with uh the 60 we're looking at almost a million doll deficit okay now I look at that and I say you know we can kind of deal with that at this point in time there's some things that we could Poss move around is we get into 25 26 as long as there aren't other negative things are going that are going to impact us from uh at that point but let me tell you what that does when we try to deal with this kind of a deficit if our revenues don't perform we're going to be taking the shortfalls out of this line right here Capital expenses and we'll take them out of the vehicle replacement fund so that we can force the budget to balance neither one of those is good or healthy for the city but that's what we do to get the budget to balance and that's what we've done in the past and that's what's gotten us into a little bit of a pickle here uh from previous fiscal years budgeting like that so any questions about the could you could you go up to the revenue just real quick just scoot scoot on up a little higher and Council one of the things that we looked at as far as the 0.6 you can see there in 2425 25 26 there is no use of fun balance to balance the budget uh in 2627 there is a $948,000 use of fund balance but that is within our policy of us is it 3% of Revenue or 3% of expenditures our policy for use of fund balance I'm asking that is correct it 3% 3% of revenues 3% of revenues and so that that's within our our policy that we can do that and that was one of the things that we looked at and when we were recommending the point 6 was that we weren't using fund balance in the first two years and then in the third year it was a manageable use of fund balance and it was within our policy could go down a little bit there go down some more Mr boot go down a little bit more one of the things that you know clicked in my mind was you see those unfunded expenses there there's none there aren't any unfunded expenses there that means that the we were we can we we're not exceeding our 3% so that the use of fund balance is covering the expenses that we need to cover and of course when you when he goes down a little bit further you can see that we're also still meeting our policy requirements for our fund balance so that's why that was the reason that we looked at the point six was that we could just sustain over the three years of the contracts without affecting the budget and without affecting the fund balance um when we got into the point four and I don't know Mr Bo do you have the point four that you can yeah I'm gonna get there the point four didn't do that for us and and that was the that was the main thing that at least from my perspective that I looked that that we were going to we were going to hit some problems with the point4 yes may it does point four does cover the first Jerry the point four is on your screen it's it's you that is point four that is the point four no it's the point no it's it's you're gonna have to drag it from your desktop on your your but while you're on that screen just to so y'all know where my brain was when we were doing this math uh at the executive session if you you take the 750 extra from year one and you save it and you add it to the 104 that's extra from the second year then you have 850,000 which almost is enough to cover year three without dipping into fund balance because I do think that dipping into fund balance for for salaries is not an ideal situation no and that's something we would never recommend you're right mayor because we any time using fund balance we recommend using that for one time one time cost and that was one of the things too that when we recommended the use for the capital L was that they were one time cost we knew that coming up in year two and year three we were going to need that money for the other for the other things we just haven't had this one windfall this one year and you know it's like with the other Capital revenues it's the $500,000 in interest income two years ago we had $38,000 we can't count on interest income ever and so we only use the interest income for those one-time Capital items we this year we're very lucky $500,000 next year in the year after I don't know because as Mr Boop reported to you the fed's already starting to Tinker with the interest rates and so we may not have next year in the year after that four Capital so yes we did try to go ahead and hit some of these Capital items now when we had the money knowing that we may not have it next year or the year after I believe you have the point four up is this the point four yes this the point four okay so thank you Mr C for mentioning that point that's something I failed to mention is that you know we've really had great income as a result of a significant investment income over the last a couple years basically went from a 0.25 interest rate environment or a zero interest rate environment to about a five five and a half% interest rate environment and that's what's given us the additional revenues in the general fund to cover a lot of our our Capital needs but he's exactly right we know right now there's going to be a Fed decision that's going to be made uh I think 2:00 Wednesday I think and the market is taking a look at is it going to be a 50% reduction um a 05 um uh uh reduction or is it going to be0 .25 so 0.5 reduction in in for us and in um the interest rate will equal about probably $50,000 in interest income and it really depends the timing of that really depends on what our investable income is as well so a lot tied to that so that being said uh next year 2425 um we we think that this is a conservative estimate if the if things don't get too crazy we should be able to meet that 25 26 I don't know 26 27 it just depends on how far down the interest rate is reduced uh going forward so you know we're in a very good uh interest rate environment right now and whenever the FED reduces it by 25 basis points or 50 BAS points it's definitely going to have an impact on us and when we look at Capital expenditures expenditures we try our best to fund them with one with non-recurring revenues we look at interest income it's nonrecurring so we match that up with our Capital expenditures so that we don't overspend other components of our budget that are associated with operations thank you Mr cob for mentioning that I I had forgotten about that so when we take a look at the point .4 mill rate increase what does that mean and as Mr cob said so well a few moments ago is that the good thing is that we have no unfunded expenditures however going into 2526 we have aund a $76,000 hit almost $77,000 um in in uh in a forecasted withdrawal from fund balance but looking at 2627 and if I recall correctly this was the major driver between the the 04 and the 6 looking at 25 26 27 we go from a $76,000 use of fund balance to a $1.7 million use of fund balance and we end up because we're restricted by the 3% of revenues this is the most that we can use according to budget policy and fund balance we will have an unfunded expenditure of $495,000 without an additional Revenue new source and that was the driver between the 04 Ms and the 6 MS MR cob I don't know if you have anything else to add on that I no that that that was it I mean quite honestly with the point four we were that was our concern was that we weren't able to cover everything with through like I said it's a three-year plan and we weren't able to cover everything we had that with the uh with the point4 yes it'll cover next year it'll cover it may cover the year after that but the the biggest difference is is that is that $700,000 and and quite frankly yes we recommended using that money for onetime cost because we knew we were going to need it to make up for the different part other components of salaries the benefits the pensions and everything in the contracts for years two and three so but we had this 700 $740,000 and this is one of the times Council where you have the ultimate Authority yes you can sit there and say you know what we really don't want to fund those put them back in reserve and if you come up with a project later bring it to us as a budget amendment we can do that and that's fine you can tell us that um there's still the 500,000 in interest income that you know I definitely would want to say let's put that toward toward Capital but that's really the biggest difference between the point4 and the point 6 is that in year one we get a little bit of a you get a little bomb yes and we our our recommendation is to put it toward onetime calls uh you can sit there and tell us hey we don't want to fund this one we'll fund that one you can say that you can say don't fund any of them that's fine as well uh but the differ the biggest difference between the point4 and the 6 is you're three that is the biggest difference in in the use of fund balance and then the use of fund balance not being able to cover everything uh the point6 when we get into year three that's manageable that's nothing different from anything we see in January and then when we sit down with you in March mid year and say this is where we are this is it's about where we'll be come March so that's the thing that we looked at and why we were recommending the0 6 because it gets us through the 3 years and we're able to do the things that that we've been negotiating with the with the Barking units and it does give us a little bit of a windfall this year but if you do not want to fund those Capital items just say so and we won't fund them uh that is one of the things as far as the budget is concerned you have that authority to do so uh like I said we've um Mr Boop is there is there anything else that you wanted to uh mayor did you need us to show the the list again or well I I do want to make sure that we're all on the same page that we could do with point4 and we could next year raise the taxes if necessary and continue to meet our obligations so it's not like we have to do it this year and or we're we have no choices for how to meet our public safely obligation we can each year see how things land and address it year by year versus do it now in anticipation of the next three years not really knowing where all the moving parts will land so my my personal preference is I I like the Year bye approach you have anything else I have nothing else to add I appreciate you going presentation Mr C is there anything else that we need to add uh no I think we've covered all the points deputy mayor uh and you know like I said a you there's I I actually went back and watched the July 29th uh meeting today just to make sure we we would cover all the different points and we we've covered them all uh like I said before it's um we're trying to make sure that we we're able to sustain ourselves over the next three years and that was a reason for it and it like I said you have the you have the authority to tell us as far as that 700,000 of capital if you want us to put it into fund balance we can if you want to put in contingency we can uh that that's that's you have that Authority okay thank you Mr boo thank you Council thank you mayor all right so I'm going to continue along with our uh our script here Mr Hall Mr cob you guys good yes sir all right so I'm requesting the City attorney to read the millage Levy resolution number 4501 d24 by title only yes sirman mayor resolution number 4501 d24 a resolution of the city of Ido Florida establish the millage rate to be levied for fiscal year 2024 2025 by the city oo government adopting the millage rates for the 2024 2025 fiscal year for the city of Ido at the overall rate of 6.75 Mills with 59540 Ms for the city's obligations and 0.12 2 one0 Mills for payment on the 2003 General obligation bond issue providing for legislative administrative findings and intent and providing for implementing administrative actions a savings provision scribers errors conflicts severability and an effective date thank you I will entertain a motion to adopt the millage Levy resolution number 4501 d24 setting the operating millage rate at 5954 mil Which is 18.17% higher than the roll back rate of 5.38 7 Ms and combined with a general obligation bond issue of1 1210 Ms the overall millage rate is 6.75 Ms so moved second I have a motion in a second any discussion I'm good that's it we' made a policy decision to try to fund the budget for the 3 years of the expected uh police and fire contracts um I think I said it earlier this this has been the most transparent process I've ever been involved in uh there's no one no one here trying to hide any of the details we've been working on this for since March Jerry yes yeah um you know the arpa funds helped us uh the last couple of years uh with our Capital programs uh and as we all know that's going away and we've got to start paying for the the stuff that we need to have get done in the capital program that's in my business it's roads and commodes fixing the roads making sure the water runs uh making sure the sewer plant is running properly we've got to pay for that stuff that's what the capital program does same with the vehicle replacement program we've been uh kind of letting that go pushing the can down the road and this is the year we we need to go and make that right um we've done this for a couple years uh when I started here in ' 06 uh we were actually subsidizing our water plants and that's where we decided to make those Enterprise funds uh same with the sewer plant we those plants pay for themselves now out of the rates um if we want to talk parks and wrecks uh that's a philosophic iCal thing that to me it provides an intangible benefit to keep kids off the streets keep them busy doing stuff so they're not getting in trouble uh that's just my opinion uh it it flows into juvenile crime I think the chief will tell you if a kid's playing baseball he's not out on the streets uh getting in trouble Debt Service I looked at the chart our debt service is as low as I've ever seen it I think it's what point two Jerry uh yes yes Mr Brit that's correct 0 point 0121 that's as low as I've ever seen it that's uh uh pretty low and it's almost pushing zero so we've discussed this uh yes there was a decision to make make right on funding what needs to be funded and to ensure we can pay our our Public Safety guys through the contract uh not saying you know I don't think we're going to come back next year and ask for more but uh that's that's just the a philosophical thing that the council has so that's it okay C Comm toou no I I think you put it really well um um no I I agree that we're looking at a three-year plan here and I can and good conscious not fund a plan we're looking to move forward to fund our First Responders and not fund it through the end of the contract um as far as is where we are as a city I think we've done a really good job with fixing a lot of the problems that came to um became really apparent with the ARA funds when we get $20 million as the city and you spend almost all of it on backed up maintenance or future utility projects um you use it for common sense things that we hadn't funded in the past that have built up over time we don't want that to happen again we don't want that to happen again in 20 years we need to make sure we fund our Capital budgets and keep us on a healthy path so we don't run run into some of these major problems that are their cities are looking at so um I want to thank staff as well they've done an extensive really good job presenting this information over the past several months and I am I guess that's all I have to say thank you okay Madam mayor and gotta got to reiterate and Echo Mr Britain nailed it there there are philosophical differences and I could not be more pleased with how everyone has come out tonight spoken we've had an extremely transparent process thank you Miss tuer for supporting having the presentation be given tonight I I think that was a a good move to make sure everybody sees it because not everybody was here back in July and you know we sent out the notice and invited people to hear it and now now everybody has and we just stilled it down to the capital expenses and that really is what it is and that goes back to the philosophy and that's the reason why we are a body of five and there's no veto power in any one of us and our job is to collectively do what we think is best based on the input we've gotten and uh and I think that is what is going to happen here tonight and come tomorrow no matter how this vote turns out all of us are going to be unified and working together to keep Ovito the best city in Central Florida so um with that I do want to also thank staff you guys have gone above and beyond to to make sure that people understand what's going on with Public Safety and I think that's incredibly important for people to know that we're not just kind of willy-nilly being you know held over a fire and and doing something unreasonable in our negotiations but that we have done all that research and we've done a lot of it and we're trying to land in a place that will make sure that we have the people we need to keep our community safe because that is what makes Ido what it is we can go outside at night and not worry about things if our house catches on fire you have a heart attack you know that somebody will come and help you if you go to the Park it's there and it's not rusted that being said there was mentioned the arpa funds and I am concerned going forward when we buy stuff so we there was talk of Capital Improvements so the difference between the 04 and the 6 is Capital Improvements and we're going to invest about 1.25 million in capital improv which I think of as either fixing stuff or new stuff and we have a a habit in Ovito of not charging enough millage to cover the maintenance cost of the stuff we already have so when we do things like invest in Capital Improvements that include things like for example a holiday tree uh what we're doing if we rent it then we're just in there for $16,000 a year roughly and then it escalates to whatever the market rate is uh so then we need to somehow budget in every year to Collective enough Mill to cover a 16,000 holiday tree and same thing for fireworks so if we're going to have A40 to $50,000 fireworks show we need to have built into our tax rate the cost of a fireworks show and same thing for replacing M playgrounds around town or in this particular case I noticed that there are shade structures and a new timer on the the splash pad and these are lovely things but are they necessary things and that goes back to what Mr Briton said just the philosophical difference so at the end of the day that's the reason we're a body of five and uh different philosophical differences will come out in the vote to come but thank you everybody for uh humoring me and making sure that everybody who's here today knows that that your voice was heard and and now at least you understand where all these numbers are coming from okay great so we had a motion in a second we will take a vote on resolution number 41-24 all those in favor say I I I oppos nay all right after the ad all right after the adoption publicly announced the operating millage rate for the city ofo is set at 5.95 54 Ms Which is 18.17% higher than a roll back rate of 5.38 7 Ms combined with the general obligation bond issue of 0.121 Ms the overall mill rate is 6 075 MS MR Hall can you read budget resolution number 45224 by title only yes sir Steph mayor resolution number 42-24 a resolution of the city of Ido Florida adopting city of ovo's annual operating budget for the 2024 2025 fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30 2025 providing for legislative administrative findings and intent and providing for implementing administrative actions savings provision scrier errors conflicts separability and an effective date thank you I will entertain a motion to adopt resolution number 4502 d24 adopting the FY 20242 annual budget of 90 mil5 54,3 77 net of in transfers so moved second go ahead I have I have a motion in a second any discussion I'm good all right we're good so we will take a vote all those in favor say I I opposed n all right where are we here okay this closes our public hearing on the final reading on the milit rates and budget and now the vote is done and we speak as one all right now we're on to our other business no ceremonial items I have approval of the minutes for July 29th 2024 special session and August 5th 2024 regular session I'll make a motion to approve those minutes second all right have a motion to Second any discussion all right took a vote all those in favor say I I opposed all right now is the time public comment again on not on so much on the millage but this time for public comment on any of the other issues that we have on the agenda is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak okay seeing none we close public comment we are on to consent agenda what is the favor of council I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented second all right I have a motion in a second uh could we pull off item number nine off item number nine all right so that would be resolution 47-24 that would turn make that 12a 12 a okay I'm good with that all right cons agenda without item nine any discussion all right we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I I those oppos all right so now we got resolution number 4507 7-24 lonh housee lease agreement with the Vito Historical Society Mr cob can you give us a background uh yes Deputy Mayor thank you uh this is a request for Council to approve a lease agreement with the Historical Society for the use of the historic Lon house uh the Historical Society uses the loton house as its as its headquarters and also operates a community Farmers Market there on monthly uh the current agreement expires on September the 30th 202 24 uh the subject lease agreement is uh for an initial term of one year beginning October 1st 2024 after that initial term the agreement will automatically Renew on an annual basis for four additional years for a total term of five years uh the rent uh is a uh expensive $1 per year and staff recommends that Council approve the lease agreement uh and it's recommended that city council adopt resolution 4507 24 okay what is the pleasure of council I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 45 45724 second I have a motion a second any discussion on this one could could I ask Natalie first yeah abely I didn't think it was talking yeah no I'm I'm good I'm good too okay yeah I figured y'all were wondering why I'm pulling this off and I love the historical society and I go to the farmers market I love the museum that being said I think that it is important for us as a body if we're going to give away free rent in a building that we come up with a a situation where everybody has a chance to get it um and that didn't really happen when the Historical Society received this building in the first place and I don't know if anybody else is interested I don't know if they would help the city achieve uh goals that we have stated for for that property so maybe it would maybe the historical society is the right thing so uh I guess I'm proposing that we make it a one-year agreement and eliminate the part where it automatically renews every year for the next four years after that and we have a discussion and see if the historical society is interested in maybe bringing in a partner from like another nonprofit organization that may also help us achieve some of our community goals I guess my question to that is have has anybody come up to you with this being a problem just because it's not officially a problem the American Cancer Society thinks it's not a problem that we use our resources to raise 35 $40,000 Year talk talking about the issue here my point is is I believe they provide a service for the city to preserve our history and we are aiding in that and they are aiding Us by us not having to provide that service but if there's another nonprofit that would like to be in why don't you just say the Pop I mean pop doesn't need any space I know but but that's what you're alluding to that's not what I I am alluding to uh I would say Boy Scouts Girl Scouts anybody who wants to use community space if we don't have a sufficient amount of it what's uh what's stopping them from partnering with the Historical Society I don't know what would prevent them I guess the Historical Society occupying it and being concerned that people will harm the items in the building so most of the time except for Val reason except for when uh there are tours going on or the Farmers Market is happening that building is closed off to public use yet we invest a significant amount of taxpayer dollars to keep this building there and locked and people excluded from it a majority of the time so if there is a way to somehow make this building of Greater public use I think it's something that we should figure out how to have a discussion about the next year that's all I'm saying okay so we have a motion in a second we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I I post nay okay we're moving on to our public hearing items ordinance number 1748 approving and adopting the 2045 Mobility plan Mobility fee technical report Mobility fee schedule and extraordinary circumstances study Mr Hall can you read the ordinance by title only uh deputy mayor before the City attorney reads by title um if you remember back in in August uh when these these three ordinances came up 1748 1749 1750 combine them we combined them all into one presentation our consultant Mr Paul is here tonight so that he can do the to do the presentation for the three uh while he's coming forward I I would like I'm asking can we do the presentation before we do the readings we still need to do three readings we still need to do three public hearings you still need to take three votes but I was thinking if we could do the combined presentation like we did back in August uh that would help things that would help make it better and then uh you know the 1748 is approving the 2045 Mobility plan and the mobility fee schedule 4 1749 is approving the amendments to the code of ordinances that replaces the transportation the multi I'm G to say I'm sorry mayor multimodal impact fee with the mobility fees and then 1750 is is an amendment to the development code where in the concurrency section one of the things about doing mobility fees is that you don't do Transportation concurrency anymore they're paying those fees they're it's a Project based fee and so they're paying their fair share into those projects so I'd like to have Mr Paul Come forward uh do his presentation is this the same presentation from all same presentation yes there no but there is some updates because you did ACC you go over the updates yeah you could do that you'd like him to do that he can do those things he he's got two slides in there for those and uh but then we could have Mr Hall read the ordinances by title y'all can do the open the public what I would recommend is this read read by title do a public hearing take a vote read by title do a public hearing take a vote and so I I'll turn it over to Mr Paul good evening council members Jonathan Paul principal of new Urban Concepts I could have the PowerPoint pulled up please all right um actually you can go through a couple slides and I'll let you know when to stop all right here we stop right right here perfect actually you can go to the next one that's fine um there's been a long discussion uh this process been roughly two years in the making um this is the final adoption hearing this evening um there's a lot of information that is available on the city's website it's also information available from your planning department discussing the Mobility plan the mobility fee all the legal documentation at our last Council hearing uh there was direction to add the downtown and the downtown transition area as part of the future land use element to the assessment area the mobility fee was always envisioned to have a reduced fee for mixed use development it was developed from the very get-go from that it was just basically up to the city council whether or not they wanted to either Define a land use or designate an area at the last hearing you directed us to designate an area so that map you see before for you this evening previously it was all blue for the city of avito now what you see is both the um downtown and downtown trans transition area pther future land use element are now automatically um any development in there can automatically take advantage of the mixed use Mobility fee and so that's all that that map represents so anybody that comes in there there they don't have to do a study they don't have to do documentation they don't have to have any prior approvals if you're in the district you're mixed juuse and you get the reduced fee because of that all right um and go down to a few more slides actually if you go back to that one real quick one two back or right oh sorry one more the executive summary there we go um there is also available from planning department an executive summary summarizes both the Mobility plan and the mobility fee the uh technical report is over 220 pages in length this is something that's far more manageable 152 pages so for any members of the public that wanted to get an overview of that that is available from the uh the city's planning department and they likely will also have it on their website um next couple of slides go down to where we see a bunch of text with strike through right here okay at the last Council hearing um there was also a discussion about who should or shouldn't be eligible for offsets um for Mobility fees and an offset's different from a credit a credit is if a developer actually goes out and build something or they dedicate right away or they make a monetary contribution directly to the city an offset is if there was an existing building or an existing use on property at what point point should they get credit for that use um and specifically if the use is an active ongoing use the the process is pretty straightforward you know you base the fee on whatever that existing use is you base the uh new fee on whatever the proposed use is if there's a difference they pay that if there is no difference they don't owe any fees this was specifically addressing abandoned properties properties that were no longer functioning that have been vacant for a period um um I believe the the initial recommendation was four years the the prior recommendation was to go back to 10 years and also simplify the process so it applies to any development um and then we've also added some language in there that there's some additional documentation any individual property owner can ride to say yes my use was actually active during that time frame uh so it isn't just an automatic 10 years we're not giving you any offset at all they will have also an opportunity to show my use was active during that time wait is that what we discussed I didn't I don't remember it being that you could prove farther back no no not further back if the city says we believe this use has been vacant for 10 years when they come in with the development application the city is going to say this is why we believe it was vacant oh so they can prove that during the 10 years right that they can prove during the 10 years sure like if we're going Beyond 10 years then no no it's not Beyond it's just gives any individual property owner the ability to say I disagree with you City I believe I was active here's my options to show I was that's that's what it is um and those were the only two major changes from the last um hearing um other than that everything else is consistent with State Statute one of the reasons we wanted to show this to you is that what what is over on the left side is the strike for where you said change five to 10 and then strike out those three paragraphs and then the last sentence the last one when we started talking about what we did was the what was left over in what is number two and and then D we combined it into one paragraph so that the one on the right is the paragraph that resulted in us combining two and D together into one and basically it says it's 10 years the biggest difference is is that it's 10 years from the time of development but if you have a development agreement it's 10 years years from the effective date of the development agreement so uh Mr Hall did a really good great kudos to him because he was the one that said let's just combine this into one paragraph and so it made it much simpler to it to work with and so that was we wanted to share that to you tonight okay all right and that concludes my presentation unless you all have any questions right any questions no all right thank you okay Mr Hall can you read the ordinance by title only yes sir Deputy Mayor ordinance number 1748 an ordinance of the city of Ido Florida approving and adopting the city's Mobility plan of Mobility fee technical report and monthly fee schedule Mobility fee schedule consistent with revisions of section 163318 at SQL Florida statute specifically subsection 5 I with regard to Transportation concurrency providing for implementing administrative actions providing for a savings Vision providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for scrier errors and providing for an effective date great thank you this is a uh a public hearing do you have any uh I have no written requests is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak on this subject seeing none we will close public comment what is the pleasure of councel I move we adopt ordinance number 1748 second all right we have a motion a second any discussion all right we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I opposed okay on to the next one ordinance number 1749 Mr Hall can you read that by title only yes sir mayor ordinance number 1749 an ordinance of the city of OVO Florida amending certain provisions of part two code of ordinances chapter 28 impact fees and Mobility fees by a public facility relating the adoption of a Mobility plan and Mobility fee schedule providing for implementing of stra actions providing for a savings provision providing for conflicts providing for separability providing for codification and scrier errors and providing for an effective date great thank you this is a public hearing I have no written requests is there anybody is that wishes to speak on this subject seeing none we have close public comment what is the pleasure of councel I move we adopt ordinance number 17 49 Second all right I have a motion a second any discussion okay we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I opposed okay on to ordinance number 1750 Mr Hall can you read it by ordinance by title only yes sir Mr Mayor ordinance number 1750 an ordinance of the city of oito Florida amending certain provisions of article 9 concurrency management of the Land Development code related aing to the adoption of a Mobility plan and Mobility fee schedule providing for implementing administrative actions providing for savior positions provision provided for complex severability codification as well as the correction of Skipper's error and an effective date great thank you this is a public hearing I have no written request to speak is there anybody eyes wish to speak on this subject seeing none we will close public comment what is the pleasure of council I move we adopt ordinance number 1750 second I have a motion a second any discussion all right take a vote all those in favor say I I oppos okay on to the next ordinance number 1751 Mr Hall can you read by the ordinance by title only yes Serv mayor ordinance number 1751 and ordinance of the city of oito Florida granting a people's gas system Inc as successors and assigns a non exclusive natural Gras gas franchise agreement to use the public rights way of the city of avido Florida and prescribing the terms conditions under which set franchisee franchise may be exercised making findings providing for conflicts separability codification as well as the correction of scriptor errors and an effective dat great thank you Mr cob can you give us a background all right thank you Deputy Mayor mad thank you uh if you remember back on March 4th the council you adopted ordinance number 1738 and that was to approve the uh franchise agreement that this ordinance that ordinance 1751 is covering during that public hearing uh Council you asked us to revise section nine in the second paragraph to change the Favored Nations Clause from s La Burns and beluch County to the State of Florida made it a Statewide Favored Nations Clause such that if any local government in the state got a better deal than we did then we would be able to capitalize on that uh mine if we could go to the next one also I'm just to paraphrase on this one basically the the agreement had a 30-year term and Council you asked that we split the term up into three so that we would have an initial 10-year period and then two successive 10-year periods so that we would have three 10year periods for a total term of 10 years that has already been incorporated into the agreement so that one that's that's what we'll show tonight the big reason why we're here tonight is M to get to the next one is to reverse the favor Nations Clause back to the regional so that it's SAR Lake Orange valua County and not state of Florida uh as the the uh Tio Representatives mentioned to at your last reading that that is the Sim the regional uh Favored Nations is how they uh they utilize their contracts and that they weren't they could not uh do the Statewide Favored Nations and so this ordinance revises that to put it back to the regional and like as I said before the term has also already been the term has been amended uh tonight we're asking that you conduct of public hearing and adopt ordinance number 1751 okay is the applicant president would you like to say a few words your name and your address please yes sir uh good evening uh mayor and members of the city council my name is Spencer pance 600 West Robinson Street Orlando Florida 32801 external Affairs manager for Tico people's gas um just wanted to thank staff and the members of this Council for your time and consideration we ask for your favorable support I'm here to answer any questions should you have any any questions for okay I think we're good thank you appreciate it great thank you this this a public hearing I have no written request to speak is there anybody in audience wish to speak on this subject okay none we will close public uh comment what is the pleasure of councel I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance number 1751 second all right I have a motion to Second any discussion all right we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I oppos okay thank you thank you okay we have no first reading a [Music] wences resolutions arpa Plan update Mr Kelly I assum that's uh Your Role there Mr Kelly would be doing the presentation yes Deputy Mayor have we seen this presentation before this one uh this particular one I'll do my best to be brief presentations yes but on the last stuff those were all second hearings so at the first turn it to uh laptop 3 it's on can you unplug and plug it back in first rule of it we lose Los Das Vivic if you can hear me we've lost the Das mics test your mic please sir there oh there we go good okay excuse me all right good evening deputy mayor uh mayor City Council Members um tonight we're coming before you with an arpa update request uh for um uh coming up here and I thought I'd take the opportunity to uh just go over a few things with you um our current arpa our initial arpa funding plan just to refresh your memories uh was a uh we received 20, 96573 uh in two Tres uh 10 million of that was dedicated uh automatically to revenue replacement which is the most flexible use of funds um and then we also had uh the other uses which were for um either covid response or other um utility Public Works projects um as allowable by the US Treasury Department so uh and our initial plan put that towards a a water supply project in percolation Pond uh replacement as well as a countywide uh assistance program uh that helped folks with rent and uh grants to nonprofits and things like that and as well as uh purchased a new uh rescue vehicle for the fire department so um we have come before you with uh several uh amendments to that plan uh since uh uh the initial funding was received uh oo back in October 2022 we uh reallocated funding to purchase that rescue and uh initial Plan called for uh uh looking at purchasing the uh old Fountain Head uh Church property um but uh from operational and Staffing standpoint that did not work so then we uh moved on uh real allocated that funding to sidewalks uh primarily and uh public safety building renovation uh came back in August 20123 uh with another request and that assigned the individual water projects uh one of which we'll talk about a little later in the presentation uh it um uh we we did assign all those projects just to an overarching uh water supply and water um uh Wastewater plan uh and that gave us specific project numbers uh the third amendment um was to uh break out the e- plan software and the development service conference room EOC uh improvements and then uh the last uh Amendment we brought to you was to um uh F fully fund the uh osc maintenance building which uh came up uh a little short in what we were um proposing to you um currently right as of June 30th which was our last federal reporting period we had obligated 9.9 million and I know that's a um seems a little bit U we have until a little bit low we have until December 31st of uh this year to fully obligate the remaining funds and I'd like to talk about that a little bit because um as I said 9.9 million obligated we have uh um one project coming up that's uh we'll talk about the tank uh reallocation uh that's 5.5 million and then 3 million ion 250,000 or so uh for the testwell and then uh 900,000 for police station so that gets us about 19 million and then we'll talk about the uh rest of the projects as well um So currently uh we have 30 projects completed and uh 20 in progress as well as six upcoming that we have not yet uh bid but those are being bid uh between now and the end of the year so we will get those uh projects obligated for here's a list of the completed projects like I said there's 30 of them um they've all U Been dedicated to capital projects as uh was highlighted in the budget presentation earlier um shade shade structures fun brellas uh field reconditioning Paving roads uh fixing sidewalks things like that um have all been touched in both completed in uh our projects uh that are underway and then uh lastly the up upcoming projects are uh outdoor restroom Renovations parking lot resurfacing Splash Zone resurfacing uh and then the uh uh testwell and interior painting and uh the SP the place structure at the Splash Zone over at the uh gim and Aquatic Center so tonight uh why we're here is to uh ask your approval for uh an amendment to the arpa plan and what that will do is uh reallocate funding uh almost 5 a half million million doll uh to uh from the force Main and reject uh system that uh is a key component in uh the decommissioning of the percolation ponds to a uh West million uh West Mitchell hammock uh water treatment facility 2 and a half million gallon tank now the reason we're doing that is um we uh began that project we started into design and we had conversations with simel County uh some of their modeling has indicated there's some Upstream impacts outside the city cuz that project would take all of the rejected Wastewater and send it to the Ironbridge uh water uh treatment facility uh up on 434 which is a city of Orlando facility that uh Simo County and us uh we use for um wastewater treatment now it um as I said there were some uh unanticipated impacts Upstream we're not saying we're not going to do the project we're saying that uh a little uncomfortable on timing uh so it's kind of pushing us Beyond Our obligation time frame of uh this uh uh December 31st of this year and this uh West Mitchell hammock water treatment tank is ready to bid it's going uh actually uh being advertised I believe this Sunday the 22nd so we saw something the opportunity to um it's it uh obligate those funds and then get them spent and get this constructed in the allowable time frame so again we're not um pushing this project um we're not canceling this project totally but we just feel that um with the questions the county has raised it um would be uh we'd be be prudent expenditure of the fund arpa funds to go ahead and get them bid expended on this tank project which is an allowable use of arpa funds uh so we have one actually other uh plan Amendment um we have several uh projects that have funds remaining in their line items so we've um had several of folks uh mention and may have seen tonight that uh some of our presentation material is a little hard to see on uh the screens behind us uh behind you and to the side so what we're uh the goal of that project is to improve that uh improve uh the ability for us to present to the public and you all so what we're going to do is take the screens that are behind you we're going to repurpose them we're going to move them to the sides here we're going to put an additional television on this side that one there and face them a little angled towards the Das so that you all don't have to turn your backs to uh the public in the that side of the excuse me one got a low battery notice my apologies um so we're going to repurpose the TVs that are behind you put them on the side so that you all may have a little bit better View and up close we're going to install some projectors on the rear walls that'll throw a screen um which anywhere to 9 or 11 ft depending on what we can fit uh so that uh folks in the audience can have a little bit better view of the presentation materials uh it's also going to give us some technological upgrades so that we won't have to have these kind of wires um that uh folks giving presentations Like We Are Tonight uh can wirelessly communicate with the equipment uh that we have and drive the presentations themselves rather than have wires or have uh the computer on the side do it um so that that's what we're looking for uh your approval for this evening so staff recommends adoption of resolution number 45-24 and I'm available for any questions any questions well I guess the big question we're not uh under any threat of not making Our obligation deadline I believe we're going to make it like I said we have two two of the projects um that uh I mentioned or are a very large chunk and they will both bid by the end of the year and then the rest of them are all well under in the process um I I have faith that our staff may they've done a great job to get us where we are now um so they're working their tails off and I think you'll give us status on that stuff if there's any delays uh yes sir and we'll likely um come forth with another plan Amendment or and budget amendment because there will be some additional funds out there that we'll want to clean up before the end of the year and Bobby's here he probably just so council's aware the two utility projects that we we have they're ready to go they're ready to bid So within two or three weeks they'll be advertised um okay for bid all right good enough on the pipeline to Iron Bridge are these things that may Sidetrack it because that we're we kind of are counting on that I don't see that happening mayor the the the the issue with the county is is a is a modeling scenario which hasn't been worked out yet and because we haven't worked it out yet we are running out of time because of if if you figure in a bid is 30 days and then get in we just I don't want to be panicked rushed at the last second so it was better to punt and go to a project that was ready to go was going to be bid later anyway and we could switch them okay so that's all the time I just want to make sure like we're still doing that and it's a matter of like we think we're sending this much and it's going into a pipe that they own is that kind of the scenario that's happened that is correct that's that's what we're planning on cool thank you okay look we're good any further questions think we're good thank you good job all right this uh awesome also is open to public comment I have no written request to speak is there anybody in the audience that wishes to speak on this matter okay seeing none we will close public comment what is the pleasure of council I'll make a motion to adopt resolution number 45 45-24 second I have a motion a second any discussion do think it's a an important thing since we still have people from the public here to let you know that this is the money we were talking about the $22 million that the federal government gave us during covid and it has very specific rules to use so in a way I don't want to say it's funny money it's it's meant for very serious things but there are rules attached to it and this is this is a windfall so there are some things in here that I think you know would we normally with the the equipment we have now would we normally want to go and spend almost $60,000 to redo it when this microphone works just fine right now well normally I wouldn't want to but we have to spend it and and encumber it by December and and we don't have other projects that are necessarily eligible to do the things that that we could do so we're ready to go yeah use it it's a use it to lose it situation so hoay for that this one time okay we'll take a vote all those in favor say I I oppos okay we are on to to discussion item appointment for the city public Arts board Mr Cobb uh thank you Deputy Mayor we currently have two vacancies on the public Arts board due to resignations from Miss Melissa Celio and Mr Adam Stark uh the two vacancies the positions on the board they have a expiration their terminations don't happen until December 31st of 2026 uh so what we're asking is for you to appoint two individuals to fill these positions to finish those terms they would these who whoever you appoint tonight will serve until December 31st of 2026 okay and uh that's we had six applicants for these two positions and we would request your if you would please appoint two people to fill these roles sure is there anybody in the audience that were one of these six applicants yes your names I'm Keith Coons Keith Coons well we got two vacancies and I'd like to nominate both of those guys decision for being here tonight you made the effort to come in so yeah welcome aboard welcome aboard all right okay on the city manager report I have no report Deputy Mayor get the heck out city attorney's report I have to follow that as well I don't have a report tonight either well we're doing really good here now council member poock I have no report it's on you [Laughter] now is he oh my yeah well again we just we'll make it quick so obviously that was a uh the long process of talking about the millage uh a great job by our financial staff and uh our whole department is going through the budget and looking for things to do I know we are stewing negotiations with our fire and police and I'm hoping that we can get those resolved pretty quick and everything works out there so um I appreciate everybody appreciate all the audience members that came in the people that are passionate about talking about the subject it is a long process it happens every year so if if you want to get involved early next year it will start kicking off in in April and we do everything we can to try to notify the public of it we use Facebook we use x we use next door I know uh least I think you've done news channels as well and and I think we publish it in the senel as well as best we can so whoever reads the Sentinel anymore but yeah so a great job hard as a Miss Smith has said it's it's a hard thing to do she's a formal council member and I served with her and she knows exactly the pain that we go through when we have to do this and nobody wants to give that news but it's it's the thing that we had to do it's the right thing for the city um and um again it's a a lot of work and it was a tough decision obviously also we have October Fest coming up next week I believe it's Friday and Saturday is Friday and Saturday Friday Saturday is it Thursday Friday Saturday Thursday three days right okay so always a great event if a few folks can on and get out there German food German entertainment and of course German beer so and that is all I got council member Britain okay three quick items uh number one just want to announce uh the Flor Le Cy Florida League of cities I'm going to serve on the intergovernmental mobility and Emergency Management committee which is the old uh inter internment Relations Committee that I've been on since I don't know when but uh I'll be starting me meetings in October I don't know mayor if you've uh been assigned to a committee yet or not but uh uh just want to make that announcement number two Mr Woodward I don't think we need to do it tonight but uh kudos to Mr stro on his H par paramedicine program why don't you come up and just give us a five minute uh paramedicine 101 one minute minute but make sure you give credit where credit's due yes thank you uh good evening mayor and uh Council uh Community paramedicine is a growing Trend in the fire service uh something that currently the city of ovido is doing it it's not really a funded position we're funding it through um off-duty employment uh for one of our paramedics that's taking a passion for it um but the concept of community paramedicine is is to stop the Reliant on the 911 system for people that just don't have any other resources to call um we have repeat customers that um that need something other than what Emergency Services can provide and that's what this community paramedicine program um comes into play Mr stro uh firefighter paramedic Mike stro has uh gathered a wealth of knowledge and resources um that if we have a a citizen that our crews recommend um through email or we have them go online because we also have our community par medicine link on our website uh they can go online and request um basically fill out an application and Mr St will reach out to them and and we do whatever we can to try and assist and provide the resources that that citizen would need um it's something that most departments around are providing uh seminal County Fire provides it in the unincorporated areas um Sanford provides it most other cities do and it's just a growing Trend and eventually we would like to have that as a full-time position within our department all right very good very good give them our regards maybe we can have a a demonstration or a presentation one night so we can get the word out sure all right thanks uh other than that I had one final item and I don't know if anyone else got the email about a request for an ordinance on pickle ball noise I don't know really what it was all about I'm not sure we have a problem with pickle ball noise I will say at the last c meeting this actually came up like right before that email um Winter Springs putting a new pickle court and they had homes right near their court and I guess the pop from pickle noise going all night like a higher deciel was causing issues I don't know that we have that issue with Brian maybe you can ask uhh Paul to see if he could give us a I know the location at Riverside shouldn't be a problem I don't think the ones at Round Lake should be a problem but no I think this was actually in Kingsbridge West it was an issue within a subdivision where are their pickle ball ports what it is is that in Kings Bridge West the HOA made the decision to restrike the tennis courts to pickle ball and the folks that are adjacent to it are very concerned that uh the it's going to be louder where are they in Kings Bridge West uh down by the lake okay all right I didn't know they had those are city courts no no no they're private private so this is an HOA issue well sort of because they could call code enforcement and technically the debb of the go Bal pop exceeds our our noise ordinance and I think it it would be helpful for the city not to be I don't want to put our code enforcement officers and our police officers in a position to have to help navigate that situation I think it's a policy decision that we need to bite the bullet on and make a decision on if if 70 DB is the right amount or what well there is a time limit on noise right or a curfew for noise right well there there is but even during the day the 70 exceeds what our current noise ordinance says so at least we're we're dealing in decb and it's not a subjective measure but it's it is measurable and that creates as C I'm sure C had a lot of interesting things going on with how do you deal with that it was just brought up and they actually I don't I mean I don't know how this ended up happening but they bought the house they bought the house sitting next to this and and I don't know how that all went through fruition but no they were mentioning that the the noise complaints about had come up from in theing so interesting I don't I don't know how where that started or ended it has been a concern in other cities right and and the resident did get she provided us with a number of ordinances that um where they've regulated like distances that you can't have pickle Bo for within so many feet of a single family home or something like that uh it it's true right now the only way we could regulate it is if someone were playing Pickle bar at the uh at the at the court and someone called filed complaint then if they were still there uh playing and we went out used a decimeter to measure the noise see if it exceeded you're right Mr Mr Britain we do have two levels uh we have a level from 700 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and then 700 p.m. to 7: a.m and of course they're less but uh the mayor's right the noise noise levels for a single family neighborhoods basically someone screaming could violate the uh could violate it because it's pretty low it's in the 60s and but you do have to take a ambient reading there's a lot of things that go into it seems like it'll be difficult to enforce even if we it is it's difficult to enforce and you have to catch them first you know they can be gone by the time we get there yeah you know and uh and talk playing pickle ball that's another one you know but that's a good thing about where our pickle ball sports are uh they uh in Round Lake Park in Riverside I don't think we have the same situation that they have over in Winter Springs so as Mr Britain says a lot of times other cities wish they had our problems yeah yep but do you want do do you want us to look into something or if we don't have a problem let's not create one um I would just say maybe keep an eye on if we're putting in courts that there's a decent distance from local houses so at least what we yeah I I think we've pretty much maxed out what we can do uh no besides that I think if we keep that in mind yeah as far as I suggest that for like a January or February work session yeah so yes toping I I do think we probably should put this into a work session space uh because if we have a law on the books and we intend not to enforce it we should not have that law on the books um and it sounds like everybody kind of like pickle ball but the the the the ordinance The Sound Ordinance law is is not just for pickle ball it's for for everything and I think that there is a purpose for that that particular law on the books um and and just taking it out because a pickle ball may not correct thing to do well I don't think it is probably but I think a work session to find out what the right thing is to do so our our code enforcement officers and law enforcement aren't getting calls about yeah they should not have to navigate this space we should have we had any call this just one letter just the one resident and and quite correctly she she told she said I'm trying to be preemptive preemptive of it yeah proactive about it do it productive I thought they hav't restbed yet so can we wait to discuss if it's a discussion item if it actually comes up as a problem I mean it doesn't seem to be a problem right now our code enforcement officer did contact the HOA to educate them on the city's noise ordinance uh the HOA from what I understand uh informed them that they were doing it because people were already out there playing so uh but if we start to see an uptick in the uh in compliance then yes we can but this this I think this is a special case because these folks are right next door to the tennis courts and okay sorry I brought it up that's all I had okay councilwoman Tu um I just wanted to point out some things we voted on tonight we're not the millage because we we have worked really hard on them um so adopting our Mobility plan was a big task and our consultant left with his daughter but I wanted to say thank you um a lot of work went into that and then on our consent agenda um two things I think were pretty cool we've talked about before was our vision zero plan I think that's a big deal having the mindset of trying to reduce fatalities on the road and having a plan that actually affects that we've seen it work in engineering companies and and cities so I'm really glad we were able to push that one through and then also the flood plane habitat assessment so that's that's helped taxpayers save money um and expanding that further and trying to get people in Special Districts more than 20% off their flood insurance policies by being a part of that program is a big deal so I just want to point that out thank you okay Madam mayor uh this season I am have been appointed to the my favorite the taxation committee uh with League of cities so hopefully I'll get a lot of it out of my system and talk sense into and all that good stuff but looking forward to that um and on the uh historical societ or the loton house and the ociaa building uh they're not exactly the same thing but they are sort of related and that these are public spaces that have have sort of been you given mainly given to individual groups and they both do wonderful things and I I have no interest in taking away their right to use these buildings but I do think it's a important for us to make sure that we have an equ equitable way to make sure that every group that does good things in our community has some method of getting access to these spaces so that they are utilized as often as possible so hopefully that can be a discussion item at a later date and that's all I got okay all right we're on the future meeting dates now question these strategy sessions that are open to the public the next three days yes is that part of future meeting dates or uh yeah you could do it man they're public they're public meetings I mean yes I had to ask Mr Kelly when I saw there was public comment I go who's coming to this anyone can come anybody can come I asked the same thing I was like and what role do they play does does the public play like do you just are you a fly on the wall so the next three days we have a strategy session with the council and department heads at the cultural center from 6:00 to 9: so if you have nothing left to do you know you figure you know come on out hang out with us and we'll be talking about strategy sessions with the uh with us and the the department heads and then Monday September 30th at 5:30 we have a work session Monday October 7th 6:30 we have a regular session Monday October 21st uh 6:30 we have a regular session and Monday October 28th we have a work session tenative and I'm assuming that's still tenative it's tenative and we have an executive session the 26th we're trying to get that scheduled yes all right is there anything else for the good of the order we are adjourned thank you