##VIDEO ID:9Ppw6q9Ai7c## and usually GFS on bonum really that's usually where I usually picked up I always um that's like we have a meeting every I've gotten it from Costco before I Che and you can get Prim for cheap right I by far when I priced on cost has been one of the ones that priced out GFS and then the quality has been good for us I mean they they have different levels and I've tried both I can't tell was Shota probably doesn't P to have I mean I've even talked to the people that work there they're like who ran the L just go for the the cheap those guys that were there that here other board when you guys yeah that sounds sounds superb yeah yeah I do um I do a holiday party that kind of yeah she covers for me if I'm loation or I'm out Christmas or Hanukkah we're doing it the first week of December this year okay and yeah typically I do like a spiral ham but I also do you know uh loas and football soup and then I'll I'll you know chop liver I I'll throw a bunch of stuff out there yeah yeah get a little crazy you know yeah yeah my yeah I'm down BL oh yeah if if monz ball suit mon ball pretty good too but if people can't understand lock is I don't know what's wrong with you I mean gota leave every now and then my wife will you felt the fish on the other hand yeah I understand people just I get it yeah I'm I love it but my my wife looks at me crazy every time I eat it yeah my father-in-law will probably be down with it yeah cuz he likes those every during around this time of year at Aldi they have um some hering and a pickled daring yeah he's down oh yeah that's that's really good but it's super weird for most people right yeah I was I I just got back from DET trit and went to Jewish weddings and at any rate you the the this local breakfast place they had smoke fish platter I was like w my kind place you you got to smoke fish platter for breakfast yeah all right and again my wife is looking at me crazy she she ordered like the skillet with hash brown and meat and what were you going to do it's a good time of the year but it's you know a hard time of the year to watch your weight though did you ever get a chance to look at the new oh you do you does does it do them any good it's to it's two Tre too large yeah that's not that's not the plantings aren't the issue the size is Mark it upk the building with a bummer so yeah I guess maybe we strategize about whether it's devel development we're not doing one of I don't know I just put it there just showed up because that's theut but they're going to get a out there they want to get counsel Sor the guy us that place well see this is why we got so this is why we got into the business right you need a lot of because they're on they they don't the the green lights on that's a different thing for me keep it off you really just I just picked up on I took my family there are these new looks like a different but we actually last we went out a long day tomor good I want to know I like that how's it going good day sir well one of the direct I had no idea drive there I've driven I like my sister was in a very bad car accident and in St Angelo and I D It's Going Nowhere kind of yeah find in Dallas take like two more and there was one time we that was too much [Music] [Music] nice but she has unusual name I'm yes she is you have to have you like that right but it was F I like walk around he shows Up's excuse himself excuse we got [Music] iue thank you sir so we go so like they get away and that's it we've been doing it since yeah you're right that's totally oh oh we know where we're going this Bruce is requesting theint you need to be in city council they're going to pick next time I last time yeah be there so we should all be there you don't have to be there yes we're going to Little Town yellow no in Canada where Northwest Territory if that tell you anything want to average temperature isus she wants to see the N so that's in this Cas no take 16 hours to get up there for three flights better be worth it right I check I checked temperature kindu how did you guess match aluminum I figured that one time how close it was the road I city council to 6:30 on the second right usually the last item so plan on staying is it going to be about a 2our meeting at least I don't think so I think it's I check the agenda on December I start why can't they just start with start that can we order no it's so there is the of the council member meeting and I think not agenda testing one two three sorry make sure we have sound good evening welcome to the November 19th local planning agency it is now 6:30 can we have a roll call please yes person tonight we have Lisa Ramsey David de Daryl Lopez Katherine Bruce kavana absent is David Pollock and Brian Smith thank this time I wish everyone to at least silence their cell phones okay moving on we have U public comments well we don't have any minutes for approval at this time they're not ready for tonight's meeting so we'll do two at the next meeting 30 or4 huh 30 or4 yeah um public this is where the public can make a comment on any issue that's not on the agenda for tonight seeing none I will close the public comment moving on to a public meeting we have one item resolution number 4539 d24 Master land use plan with non-scary development agreement for the Ido Medical Village phase I guess the staff's yeah it's your recall uh well thank you uh chairman Lopez board members my name is Harris Burns kale development review manager with the city of avido and as you said this a master Lan's plan for aita Medical Village um so the only reason this proposal is before you we were doing site development order file engineering which is a fancy work for site plan review which is Administrative level review and in the middle of that process the owner ownership decided that they wanted to split the lot and they have Shar to split the lot they have shared infrastructure they have cross parking they have uh I mean they have shared parking they have cross access and to be able will memorialize all that we do that through a master L use plan and non-statutory development agreement so that's the reason that this application is before this board for recommendation to council and then Council will decide um it's located over in Gateway West core the zoning district is Gateway West thanks to last night's approval of the Land Development code update um it's a little over 4 acres in size the proposed uses medical office the phase two of the site is going to be three buildings that are approximately 21,000 square feet in total um and then cross access shared parking and shared infrastructure and so I wanted to share a little history of the area and this is a aerial dating back to 2015 you can see large swaps of vacant land uh some retention areas that were developed for this project the hospital uh and also FD and then you can see the um one building of the hospital with Associated parking and then some existing development along the Broadway Corridor and then fast forward to 2019 you have the hospital expansion the connection of aidita medical drive from breadbug Lane all the way up to Aid Mall Boulevard and then the first phase of this project which is roughly 177,000 ft building uh to the West uh you know to the east side of vom Medical Village over there on VTO medical excuse me VTO Medical Drive and V Mall Boulevard and then finally in 2024 or at least this aerial is you know really the aerial was taken about a year before uh you can see the verx building which is on the corner of of v m Bard and Broadway and so that's brief history of the area zooming in onto the into the specific project area you can see phase one of the project verax which is a completed site although the aerial doesn't represent that and then the phase two which is the plan superimposed over the aerial the primary access points are to VTO bouevard to the north and VTO Medical Drive to the West there is a recorded cross access easement between verx and a v medal Village because when verax developed and that's because of Land Development regulations that we have which creates this increased circulation for the site for between the sites uh the phase two of the project will have exfiltration for a certain amount of their drainage and storm water needs uh and then the remainder along with phase one drainage needs will be conveyed out to a storm water retention area to the west of the project Pro and then the landscape plans uh the site was able to take on all the required landscape for the buffer Street and lot trees the only modifications to or the modifications to the uh to the project in the non-statutory development agreement are as follows the loading area will serve as a loading area and a parking space uh the loading area will be available in off peak hours and it will be signed uh light spill over will be permissible between Lots one and two um the light pole will be consistent with the existing poles that are on site and no flu to base will be required or flute base will not be required landscape offering will not be required between Lots one and two and only one tree will be required for double parking islands and the minimum distance between buildings um on phase two of the project is feet uh Mobility the developer provided two Mobility strategies that being a bench along a VTO bevard and uh EV charging station so uh in addition to this application uh there was a non-statutory subdivision which is a fancy word for lot split site development order engineering site plan those applications are in approval State pending the approval of this application future applications are the architectural design order and then development permit such as site permit right away building permits so on and so forth with that staff recommends approval of the resolution 4539 24 for veto mall or VTO Medical Village uh this concludes our presentation here for any questions you may have okay thank you any comments from what's the pleasure I need a motion you need a motion need a motion I'll make a motion that we uh recommend approval of resolution 4539 d24 for the master land use plan and non-statutory development agreement for the aieed medical Village Phase 2 thank Mr K is there a second yes I'll second that thank you any other discussion i' seeing none I'll call a vote all those in favor say I I all those oppos say n we're good to go moving on to a public hearing we have no public hearings at this moment uh discussion items as Dr and said there is for those of us that are being reappointed be at U City Council on December 2nd for reappointment um anybody else um future meeting dates do we have meeting schedules December 3rd and the 17th not that I'm aware of I haven't gotten anything from okay all right see you then I'll will adjourn for tonight thank you okay that was quick I figured quick see Y is this okay