e e e my HB he's got a shirt [Music] I'm testing one two three [Music] the for one of the movies has she done um [Music] as traditional it yes and then she did after that was also and then like [Music] testing testing one two 3 testing one two three testing one two 3 sure testing 1 2 3 it's been going on well I look at your actually I would the one thing I I really that doesn't bug me as much as um the movement of the ground because it shakes our house and we have so we get so yeah so I'm very concerned about that um because I know the Baptist Church was building AC Street I [Music] know for they're like probably years [Music] old not talk to you [Music] right online they were apartment and now I know that different I mean I just you know growing up going to St luk and remembering you know truly was like I mean ham was a h a tree you couldn't see it was dark want to Foundation [Music] are you [Music] what Happ you know [Music] Cil buil on Hills the highest points in that area foron I right all in house our house yeah [Music] the I never had water in my house and I had I had in the garage and it was funny cuz I did not check the garage during the the the storm I was checking I had a I have a second floor and I had a you know a ladder and I was checking my yard you know so and when I went to my garage you know everything was dry but then I said oh things moved and I said oh my God so I had I saw the mark of water oh man so so something I recently learned about my um my step is running a house in Austin and I didn't know you have to do this in Austin you literally have to have a timer because the soil is Clay around the foundation of your home because you have to water it at least a minimum of tce a week you have to saturate the ground and make sure because your foundation CS to the point where it will ruin your house I mean like it can happen in just the summer because you know anyways but I never only do you have about right I you have your know I L water and and there's certain ways have to do it you have to have a professional come in and [Music] I I mean earthquake is Tru un but something control you might foret about right and all you're like or we had power my oh just right thank you all right guys don't forget to turn on your mics when you're ready to speak I have a special one today yeah they're falling apart um no that's just the front the front cuz that I printed a smaller version of it oh yeah youir but I had emailed everybody oh yeah I didn't anybody are we ready yeah all right it is 530 39 I think it's time to call this meeting to order um please remember to silence your cell phones and to speak clearly into the microphone this meeting is being recorded um first order of business on the agenda is our approval of minutes from the um what was the meeting date from February 14th no March 13th from March 13th right there at the top um does anybody want to make a motion to approve the minutes a motion to approve whoop a motion to approve Thank you Lisa do we have a second I'll second thank you Jillian um and this is our time to welcome public comments I do not see anybody else here for this portion so we'll go ahead and move on to the next item which is our staff report thank you madam chair so we have a couple of it items today to discuss um so the wings of Joy was postponed to go to Council on May 6 and that was because the artist U could not attend the previous one and uh so I called her today I confirmed she can attend uh May 6 but I also wanted to strategize with the public heart board cuz the thank you um for the last in the last council meeting we approved two you know projects um because of I think it was we had representation from the board there but I did not think of having the recommendation being done by the board this one I think because of the price Associated right the cost associated with the project I would like the um public art board to either because I would do the presentation I have no problem presenting what it is is and I'm going to basically I don't have the packet yet um I've done the packet but I haven't it hasn't been reviewed by Brian yet the city manager as soon as it reviewed then I'm going to share with the board what we going to present and we have the brochure that Diane proposed and that's basically the presentation so I'm going to present that and the cost and the and the funding that we have um for the project but I would like the public art board to should be the ones one making the recommendation cuz that's going to be you know more impactful if the board you know either um has if you want to have an some kind of narrative you know explaining why you voted for um so I wanted to strategize with you all who would like you know if Melissa is going to be the one or if Melissa is going you if you think um someone else will be there um but that's going to be amazing six and that's going to be under resolution again so we have I think it's a lighter agenda um this time um as far as I could see um we have one public hearing which is the zoning that was also the first ordinance the first reading was last um um council meeting um I don't expect it to be controversial so hopefully it's going to be quicker than the one um that happened last week um so that was the first thing I wanted to talk to you all the other thing is that I talked to Diana if she had a a model that she proposed in the beginning for us to discuss it's with her um for a while it was with me but it it's not very finished and she said well I could try to do you know um a more finished model so I wanted to discuss with you all if you think it's necessary if you know if whatever she presented is already now what would be your thoughts on that and the third thing I was hoping also to ask the CRA chair person who is um the Axel to try to come and also um recommend because the CRA is contributing 50,000 $57,400 for the project would be nice also to have their support yeah um and then wanted to see if you all have any questions or if you would like to discuss anything or if you have any recommendation I'm I'm fine speaking with you Teresa we would be doing it together is what you're saying or yeah so I would be presenting the memo and then for the recommendation I I I was going to call the public art board to do the recommend to ask you know staff for the recommendation and then we can we can talk and write something usually the recommend because usually in the memo I say the public art board recommends approval and usually I say I I would tell them the vote and this one was not unanimous right and I would share that as well for transparency it was you know um I think 51 so I would share with them as well okay and you all think that the model is necessary what are your thoughts because the the you know I'm I'm asking the artist to be there in you know more refined one but I would I would say leave it I mean she wants this to happen obviously um if she thinks it would be beneficial then she should bring it right um just um regarding Council um it's really her game um if she really wants I mean it's ours as as far as how it's presented but she's the artist whether um I mean she really needs to do the best job because of the cost is really going to be I I think hugely shocking to everybody on the council so people are not going to understand why it's costing that much when it just looks like metal and and what she needs to educate the council members in showing them like there's a physical reason why this metal costs this much and and where it's you know accessible and um the elements how this metal really helps um with the longevity of the of the art and you know all the things you know the whole pros and cons and evaluating and then how the presentation um addresses those in a very efficient efficient um very concise manner because of the time allotted and the attention span of the council and understanding so I think that's really um really important to go over with her um what is decided at this meeting um what are the um what are the points that really need to be um um focused on um that's just my opinion because there's no question I can I can totally pick out which council members are going to be very very shocked so and they might come back to us and say well what is your plan B but also from what my understanding um is that um we will lose the $50,000 basically because of the time constraint that we have that would also go into the the purchase of this correct yeah okay that's true so that's Council already saw the the the final um cost when we were presenting on the CRA but we're going to have the actual artist there and and they don't know what the object really is the art is and how many pieces and what the height is giving them a visualization of what it is as opposed to because the screens are very I know the general public it's very hard to read the screens because of the condensity and and what but I think it's like really essential that she has an example even if it's you said that she brought um a styrofoam cardboard but something that is as specific as this is the size this is the material that they can pass it around and touch it because I know she has an example of the material there's no question what it feels like I'm sure she does she's an AR I don't know if she does cuz it's um there is the example in Winter Park right I mean but it's the it's it because the it's a it's metal but the thing is that photography printed in metal so I don't know if she would have an example of that but she certainly have pictures of what it is so they I mean like I'm just thinking like something that will circumvent or just answer their questions right there and they don't have to continue with more question you know what I mean like it's right in front of them they can see it they can I was thinking touch it visualization the height um but um and then you know if the um Financial investment comes up again you know the realization of you know we're going to lose that $50,000 so within what period of time so that they understand that um I think those are those the the big factors those that's my opinion um so okay so I'll talk to her tomorrow and say whatever you need for the present to make a good presentation a solid presentation it's it's it's game right she should bring I'm I'm good with that any additional thoughts I do um something that um Jillian said um struck me the last time when we voted on this was that you know they're just butterflies and that could that could be that could be someone's impression very easily so if she if it is just going to be something as mundane as butterflies I don't think that will fly so whatever level of sophistication right whatever level of sophistication that she's bringing to this and I assume there's plenty right um I think somehow either visually or through words she should Express that that there's something about this that's not not just some little butterflies stuck at the park I agree also you know making sure she expresses the impact she thinks it'll have visually not just like this is what I'm going to make but this is what I'm hoping people will feel or see or make them question mhm and that they're Florida butterflies exactly that matters or they're local too or whatever I I had a question about that too I think this is going to get a little controversial because I've seen posts on social media come up that's how I know that they already know the price and stuff um when Diane was here I thought she said that they were Florida native butterflies she did correct okay I wanted to check that with you tonight before like if I was talking in front of city council um yeah glad to know I remembered correctly thank you they are and and and and she described those so she did already a presentation to the CRA which includes Council and she did it very well so I think it's um um it's just a matter to do it again and do it with better resources if we have now we have the brochure that she prepared and if she can prepare a model then that would be you know and for all of us to be really prepared to answer why does it cost so much money and that is um and that the money is a lot not tax dollars because that was when we voted last time you remember that was a mitigating thing yeah it so it's all the money from the public art fund and there is this contribution from the CRA that they also have um dedicated every year an amount for public art so it's not so and this is a good question even to educate people this is not money that is being competing with sidewalk funds with you know the police station you know renovation this is not money that could go anywhere but public art now the the price and the cost anything that will be more of a sculpture size right that has will and I we have been researching it all goes to the six dig digits you know if it has a different scale right a more um uh uh impressive scale and this has there they're going to be five butterflies so that is but anyway let's see how it it plays and we'll be prepared to answer questions but I wanted this time to have the public art also have the opportunity to speak and have you know their their recommendation because it's really coming from the board so can you so can you kind of run through like how it will go um when we're here during the meeting like who's who will speak first and so usually in the in city council um the city manager makes the presentation um so when there are items that relate to my department as he did in the last meeting he would then um um defer to me so I would do the memo presentation I'll put the slideshow you know to to um um explain the project and I'm going to say that the artist cuz Diane is not necessarily going to make the presentation unless I have to strategize with Brian as well how he thinks it's but she would be there to answer questions and then when you reach the the the moment that we have the recommendation of Staff I'm going to say that I'm going to ask you know um the public art board to come and to make the recommendation okay on behalf of staff and then you know if you would like to do that then you as the chairperson you can you know would come and then okay thank you that makes sense um actually I just have a question since it's is it just better for um one well the chair of the um board to really present on our behalf instead of all of us I think it would be just kind of that's my I I'm just asking that question instead of it being one after the other no I think it's it's the it's just going to I just want to clarify that and then as I did last time we can see the board members are here right and then we acknowledge the board members to say because it also show you know support right to come to the meeting and then um the chairperson would be the one speaking on behalf of the board okay so um I have a question how many of us have actually seen um the ones in Winter Park okay yes yeah so that might be another benefit yeah um just I'm just sharing that is is maybe seeing them again so it's refreshed and um you know just if in between this time this is just a suggestion not saying everybody has to do it but just an idea because I'm going to do it um because it's been a while since I've seen them up close and personal so just an idea so yeah good idea did the cost include installation I don't remember from the um it does okay it does not so it has it's broken down mhm that's another question there I'm they're most likely going to ask as far as the installation and it meeting code and I know that it'll meet code and everything but I can see some of them chiming in and with the question is you know are they going to be working with whatever Department as far as installation yeah your department and and this Stu one nothing we do in the city can not meet the code just the whole department C Force yeah but I can see them also but I again I'm it's just the whole the whole prep Pro um process for for questions involved so that they know that this has been thoroughly vetted um by the by the development department by this Council because there's a number of new members and and and I think this is representative of us even though that this is was pretty much kind of decided before we joined but it's also reflective of us as new board members and um and our um our involvement on the on the committee so just a just another point I think that's a good point that this has really been supported by two eras of the board that is true although the AL they vote on it yeah I think the vote happened with this board the final there was the interest to continue um to discuss but the the final vote it started with another group of people and it's and and I and I explained that in the uhuh and the memo it started two years ago so it's two years yeah it's well it's a lot of money it's a big it's a lot of money we dropped the money substantially but it's still high and and we the same thing that will happen with the tribute to jool Lee we you voted for a maximum amount we still will try to bring it down right because the more money we save the more money we have to do other stuff so and I know that they were all like I can't believe the framing is going to cost more than that but the plaque but I I was just like well they're not really familiar with it so that's why I was getting that feeling is or my opinion is that the more that we educate them the better it is for what we're trying to present because that's was from the last meeting that we attended in the jool Le just definitely got that opinion that they didn't realize what the cost was and and with plaques and especially long-term plaques that sit out in the elements and everything like that so do we know the lifespan of this kind of metal so what we know is that and that's to um um Lisa's point the going to the Winter Park one is a good you know um testimony of the of the um life of the sculpture because it's there for 10 years I think it was 200 um remember when we have the date when it was approved in Winter Park and I and I say that in the memo and I'm going to say I thought it was 12 but it it doesn't look wor at all it does not it just looks it looks maybe the manufacturer even knows what's that the manufacturer yeah so and that's why she she keeps on saying the Canadian one the companies from Canada is the one that she relies on cuz she has used you know not only here she has used elsewhere but this one we can see up you know up close and it's still holding the the colors pretty well with the the sun we have in Florida so I think it's a good testimony of the but but we don't really know I don't really know I I can ask her the manufacturer probably does yeah know that are we good to move to the other one yes um let's go ahead and move to the watercolor map status so that one is just the update from car Dam because she wanted to so she and I think Dal just just distributed the new um rendering so she made some changes to what we um have requested before and it's not yet complete but it's getting there so this was just to show you know the can I ask yall's thoughts on something the the sign in the front the city sign and there's the Headstones next to it m if you put your finger on the headstones do you like the way it looks better I find it feels like it's not an entrance to a city it's the entrance to a cemetery oh okay well it's the campus and the cemetery right what are you talk the very that's what oh right I don't know with the general everything is on top of each other I it doesn't bother me at all I think it's beautiful um but I guess I hadn't looked at it that way before yeah um the one thing I think is really needs to be considered is um the Jeremiah's ice cream because other folks this is representative of the townhouse but it doesn't have like the townhouse colors um branding whereas the ice cream does and someone might say well that's not really fair that they have some type of marketing um imprint so I would not know is that Jeremiah's you totally look at it you know so it has the logo no it's the color of their products um I think that's and their logo it looks like ice cream and I can tell you how many other ice cream locations there are I don't think they would be happy seeing that this is on a municipality um um creative um map um of sites Lisa it's funny you brought that up because I was over here thinking about whether that's just from a legal standpoint if you should have something with someone's logo on it like that but I think it's I and in my analysis I think it's okay I don't think you're going to run a foul of any laws but you make a great point no I think it's that's a I I I'm just saying I'm saying you just don't want to create any more issues um our logo I think the again you know the the eggs and the bacon and the um chicken that's like that's the townhouse but you're not seeing the blue and the yellow and their logo um popcorn you know that's a movie theater but that could be any movie theater right um so in Ovito High School in the huskys we do know but those are representative of the high schools that are idos so but um that's just my opinion but the only decal or logo in a sense should be you know the the city but I'm just trying to circumvent proposing to um remove is it the the internal logo that looks or just the ice cream itself I think the ice cream could just be ice cream looking that's just my opinion but I I mean this is definitely Jeremiah's there's no question I would like to ask Juliana that I mean can you use somebody's logo like that and just no we did not want that we we is that the logo I don't know that's what I'm asking cuz I don't know if that's the logo it's I don't think it's the exact logo it's very similar and it's there's no denying that that's Jeremiah so IE because either we can ask her to remove the the logo portion you know the cup cuz we it was an agreement that we did not want to do um any advertisement of any specific business and that was why I think she went for the for the food in The Townhouse Restaurant and not the even the the sign right that they had the sign oh okay so is that the logo yes it's very similar you can tell little frog in there you know to remove the circle right I just wonder how difficult that will be watercolors are not ier yeah I know I don't know we were wondering her process for this if she paints it on something else and thenes it or actually on it's totally right off of their logo I'm looking at it on my phone it's identical even though it's a I mean she even has the eyes of the Frog um on the logo on the cups um so and then ask to remove and the blue and the mango but the reference to the logo and I can tell you I we can look in her past ones I don't remember that there was a yeah she did have it in the um last one but you couldn't tell that it was a Jeremiah she hadn't colored it yet with the watercolors I'm looking at the past one it's making me want some gelato oh we're looking at it right I mean she could keep the cups and maybe make it like strawberry ice cream chocolate ice cream and vanilla I'm just making this up you know instead of like really that's she's the artist I'll make I'll make the point to her that this was brought up any other concerns or comments um I do have a question um in the um lower left what is that again the squares sod the S oh the sod the sod farms oh huh in a pallet right yeah yeah does that look like I mean when you tell me but I didn't know that it was sod maybe just cuz I've seen a lot of sod I was like oh sod no I've seen a lot of sod but um I used to work there when I was a little kiding s so um so I wasn't sure I knew what it was just because of the location of the map I was like go s in that area it's Duda I could recognize as sads but I don't know if there she could do a little sign that said sod or I don't know but that's just me that's just me that's all good now you know when you say a word too much in your head saw just turned into that it's funny how that is with the words [Music] any other [Music] comment I think it's looking great are you ready to talk about Jolie so Jolie so the Jolie what I was going to say is that we are going to um invite her to come here cuz one of one of the things that um it was not decided is the background right or if you have any suggestions cuz she's going to paint a portrait of jie but she said well in certain you know background I mean she can also suggest something and come and discuss and then the other thing that we are going to research is to bring the down down the the cost and the price of the plaque now for um so the one that went to council was the the price that for a bronze plaque the one we that we have in Round Lake Park is aluminum so I'm going to go back there again and check you know how it's standing and take a picture to try to to show it to you all because it was much cheaper my understanding is aluminum is much softer though it is so Alum it bronze is is more substantial great so I don't know if how how long has the you said there was another one to look at how long has that one been out um round l park it like four years 5 years right oh wait a Round Lake it's like that yeah I saw it yesterday I think it was oh it was your first time what oh no my my son is obsessed with that Park so okay so I'll I'll see how the if it's looking you know cuz bronze is more yeah if it holds up mine as well the only thing it's more expensive too and then this was the cost of one Company the company that provided that Round Lake Park we can trying to shop around and see if there are so the historical ones like um that the state does what is that material I think it's bronze but it's that's not with us but I can check the price who or who is doing it obviously weighs a ton it looks like yeah over at Jackson Heights the one that they just recently installed over at Jackson Heights oh okay I can gu so this is just um and then I forgot to put here but we have the arting Chambers also to discuss because also it's also approved so what would be the direction from the um board when would you like to start cuz if we're going to start the the one per quarter then it would be July right so you know maybe start with the schools as being the easiest to contact I think for schools that might be difficult for summer for summer oh that's true um but I think our first step should be making a list of all the places we want to use so that we can start rotating them yeah that's a great point or start advertis iing to see if there are interest you know um we had discussed to start with staff but that was just an idea that we don't need to we can you know we can um invite people as well sorry Jillian's face where [Music] there Jillian's uh face was expression I love the idea of starting with staff and also that makes getting over the summer hurdle easier and I believe we talked about if it's staff we can figure out all the king of like how to hang things and if we screw something up there's no that was the idears there is no you know hard feelings right although from owning an art school adults are much more sensitive about their art than kids so okay so anyway it's we we can still discuss you know next time but we would like to have some direction exactly what is the board idea to put that in in in motion can we make a decision instead of like can we decide to do it with the staff and when we say staff you know the idea was to say the same thing that the county did is to its staff it's family family members and board you know volunteers as well so that is open to everybody that works for the city I think it's important to to have the criteria but most importantly how many pieces are going to be so people know they're not offended if I'm just making this up there's only going to be um 15 P you know pieces and this is the other thing is in what um form in what form um what if someone is a ceramicus what if someone um makes jewelry what if someone does metal sculpture not just you know paintings or drawings or or what what if someone is like a performer and they like to I don't know I'm making this up but you so that's part of it's not going to work here right yeah but I'm just saying like that's part of the um specifics of the criteria um is that you know you're able to be that specific and um and just cover your B to be two dimensional it has to be photography drawings but that's part of the because it's going to be exposed in the walls right it it could be hangable instead of two-dimensional because you can have a 3D kind of image as long as it's not like out there this is the other thing is I mean could it sit back here or if it's you know to yeah so when this is filled for the council meeting you can't have that especially something fragile just something to consider just as a process matter you're going to need to do agreements loan agreements with each person who's contributing art so it it's from a procedural sto it's a whole lot easier to have one artist who you're just you exhibit that quarter um or one art group of artists that is the legal entity that you can do a contract with and because you're going to have to approve the art that it's going to be displayed in Chambers so uh usually the artist will present um will will provide a document showing pictures of all and the depictions and dimensions for all the art that they want you to dis that they're going to provide to display in the chambers and then you as a board would approve that group of um of artwork so if you're going to do uh like an employee you could certainly do it but you're going to have to approve each piece of artwork that's proposed individually and and I and I can you can do an agreement there's no way to say staff of oido or something like that well you well when you're doing the loan agreement with the with the uh individuals you need to agree on what's being loan right so um this is my question is like prior to that meeting if we're looking at individuals and and and I totally get what you're saying Juliana is that maybe before our meeting that we have those um those pieces and color you know that are um emailed to us so that we have the time to really thoroughly look at them so when we meet we can quickly go through we're already prepared to vote you know on those pieces so we're not taking up so much time I worry that um if it's one individual it's prohibitive towards you know like schools or um I thought I remember us discussing that like if we had done I don't know say like Evans Elementary that we would loan it from the school and they would be the entity yeah you can do that the school if it's a school then you would contract just with the school yeah okay or or say it's um a you know FL I don't know if the seal stage seminal stage like emerging artist there so we would delegate to someone there right to get the agreements for us take the P first send the pictures cuz one of the things that uh um it was not really discussed in the council but I had a question on um the appropriate of some pieces right if there's something that you know the board so that's why we will have to you know show to you all what is going to be you know presented because art there's a lot of art that is controversial you know on purpose right right and so that's going to be up to the board to say this is represents the city this is not this is this is good to show in a cont Contemporary Art Museum but not the city of aidu in the chambers so we will have to go through that screening right and um so I think if we have a group then we have to have a group that is reachable to have the so the agreement sign like U Jillian made a good point if it's a school then you can just work directly with the school and whoever has signature Authority for the school would execute the contract but they and they provide um like an attachment it's an attachment to the agreement that that shows a dep of all the artwork that's going to be on loan and um the um and for how long cuz that that may vary too right yeah and and it waves the liability for damage or theft and all that um and the the dean of the the arts department is the best contact UM for doing that for the art school yeah or like your art school you know you could if that would be a well we have um artistic hand here in town also yeah and and obviously we have another artistic but I'm just saying like we actually have yeah folks here too and we we said four times a year once a quarter yeah once a quarter but say if you all find have an artist that you like or want to suggest you could Teresa I do actually um many of you may know J Jim Cav do you know him anybody here I'm sorry Jim cig um so he was a uh actually a renowned oito artist he's been dead for probably I'm going to guess 10 years um and uh a lot of his stuff is still right here in Ovito in his house um which happens to be my neighbor so I I and is um I know his daughter really well um he's got a lot of beautiful old Ovito Farm watercolors he was the president of the Florida watercolor Society he was a professor a biology professor at the University that's how he got to Ovito originally and um I can bring in pictures of stuff he has that would be great I mean we could start with with with him too because we have some time right until July so do we though because our next meeting would be May and then June and then July and it would have to be at the beginning of July well we might because it's already framed and those he has a lot of the mer Fram as tons are unframed that might be the way to do it is to kick it off and do it that something's already in place that we don't have to really and he's an ovido he could be another Ovid oido in the future hero or whatever he was one of the first residents of me Manor when it was first developed name caving k o e v e n i g k o v e wait I'm an artist not a speller Jim oh why did you say it again for the recording did you get it what is it Jim Cav k o e v e n i g oh it's German got it you said I G or yeah it's pronoun caveen but it's not spelled that way it's just do it one more time k o e v n i g I'll talk to his um daughter Kim I I would be shocked if she didn't say yes she'd probably be thrilled and then I'll go over there and I'll see how many framed pictures he has that are really the Ovito he's got a lot of Western he's got other themes but he has um just astounding Old oito Farm photos and farm cool way to start I think it would be very very nice it's all built up now but you know where the Bruce family had um on the lake charm their Groves and stuff he's got it used to be um cabbage fields and he's got beautiful pictures of the Farm Workers out there yeah I think we have time to do that CU if if it's local right it really won take time I mean I can just text Kim lives in Port Orange but you I awesome and then you know as far as his description and everything it's probably already done like his his oh yes his information so we really don't as we can have a bio in the website cuz that's the other thing right we would like to put in the webite have something framed inexpense inexpensively hanging here and recognizing that he resided here and you know maybe his picture included with it so that would be easy to do she probably has pictures I don't have any pictures of is this something we need to make a motion to pursue I think what you do is put it on the meeting for next to to to review the art at the next meeting and then vote then whether or not to have that as your we should see if they're interested in participating first yeah I think today would be a motion if there's a motion to to research and bring back next time and I will bring back um you know I'll take pictures of the P of the painting so you can see just yeah I will pursue that okay perfect and if you need our help in any way let me know and they'll be hung here that's awesome yeah I guess this is all insured because his stuff is more valuable than kids stuff it is all insured so anything and of course this is a protected area yes but it's it's it's insured with our insurance he did Taste of OVO paintings years ago okay he's got a lot of Ovito things more valuable you have haven't seen my nephew's bat kidding the future Picasso oh something but that's that's a great idea so thank you all right let's hear the public art fund update yeah so I just had you know um I I'm updating the Excel so I already put the Jolie tribute um you know just counting 5,000 although we may try to get it cheaper um and then two things that I wanted to um share with you one is that you see Andrew's Crossing in the in the Excel that has the one that has a shaded um pink 6,000 so this is a project that was approved in 2023 but they never executed the architectural design order and they have never paid so this I'm questioning at this time if this is going to be paid or not because um we have been pressing them to execute the agreement and um and pay the $6,000 but the Ado is at the verge of expiring why don't you tell us what an Ado is an architectural design order I'm sorry architect natural design order so all these mitigations here it's because projects deviated from our architectural standards and to mitigate then they contributed to the art fund that's that's spelled out in Our Land Development code so this one um it's for a um town home Community um at unders cross it's called unders Crossing it's at the dudas headquarter you know site and um so we I'm not sure and that's why so it's money that is I'm counting here for accounting purposes but has not been paid so I cannot I don't have the money available but the good thing is that I have another project uh coming and the spelling is correct is incorrect it's Sugar Mill um that is going to reach Council on the in on May 20s and they are contributing $10,000 so they haven't paid that one because they haven't the architectural design order hasn't been approved so you know they are not in the stage of of U of uh uh committing but if that is the case and if we do not get the $6,000 then um the money that we have available um for the public public art balance after the wings of Joy if the wings of Joy um will be approved it's going to be $1 14,570 52 um and if I discount $6,000 from under Crossing it will come to 8,000 and something so that is just so I'm going to keep on updating you know you all of the new money that is coming in but this is just to say that so far we have the money money to fund everything that we committed and the worst scenario would have 8,000 the best scenar at this point 14,000 for new projects right should we expect um another donation from the CRA in September isn't that when the new budget comes out or October in the next fiscal year yes but the that's a good point so we'll hopefully have the the commitment of them to put money again in the public art fund and that is to be used only within the CRA yeah um area so um it does it change every year how much that amount is for the C no so usually they committed to have 25,000 every year um but what they agreed upon um to help with the wings of joy is to combine two programs that they had so combine two years in a in a program for facade Improvement that they have never um um used because nobody has ever requested a grand facade you know um uh a facade for the for improvement on the on on Grand for the Improvement of the facade so they kind of use that money but the plan is to have 25,000 it may change you know um are you saying more or most likely less or just it could be either it's up to the it's up to we have to give them a reason to give us money so if we have another project that's kind of starting out there and they were interested in support even if they like the project they may you know update you know the only thing that CRA is also very competitive because they do also improvements to streets whatever and those tend to be in the millions so right my last point for tonight it's something that and I have another you know um document here we are rewriting the Land Development code so we are trying to get in the LC um more clear guidelines on how to contribute to the public art fund because I told you um that today we accept we have accepted from um $500 to 25,000 so it's up to the generosity of the develop ER or you know the availability of the developer um but we would like to to have you know more specific or in more money to the public he fund so there are two proposals one is to have a percentage of the valuation of the project contributes to the public out fund and this is just I want to hear the proposal from the public art B uh board to the committee to the Land Development code committee the committee is the one that is going to recommend to council and of course council is the approving Authority so but I wanted to hear what is your thoughts on how to um better contribute to the public out fund so there is um a school of thought that thinks that requiring percent of the valuation is acceptable there are questions on on the legal aspect and then we'll have to check with u um Julie we have written in the ordinance that 1% of the valuation of the of any public facility should be dedicated to public art to a cap of five $50,000 um the city of suncloud just approved an ordinance asking the same thing but from private development not from the public they are actually exempting themselves but they are requesting requiring from private development 1% up to $500,000 yeah let's do it to the I think it's that's to the um public art fund um so that is one way all the federal um projects require that which is in interesting so this trand is coming from different so if if you engage in any federal you know facility they have to dedicate 1% you know to you know public art fund now the other more C could I ask a quick question could you define what evaluation of a project is so like is it just the land is it the land in the building is it doing just the remodel yeah we we can check how um other cities are doing if it's just the project CU if it's the project then it does not incorporate the land I would say it's the valuation of the um we have a clear path for the valuation of the building cuz building permits are assessed on the valuation of the building so we could go to the building and not to the site right because there is a horizontal construction which is the movement of land and you know the roads whatever and then there is the building construction so if you're building it would be 1% of Dev valuation of the project of the building the vertical construction would be an easier path cuz that number we already have nobody would have to recalculate that but that is something to be defined I guess what I'm thinking more of is if someone buys a building that's not a project like a pre-built building but if they then like gut and redo it that's the project right that's the project yeah if it's a renovation then it will be the cost of the renovation but not the cost of the building not no so again if you if we are using building permit which I think it's a good basis it you would be it would be the cost of whatever you're doing the building not the valuation for property taxes for other purposes so 1% is the suggestion 1% has been the the number that I see being used by with other municipalities with other I was just wondering what one Parks I think the f one is up to 3% I would I would have to check that but the what I have seen in other cities you know it's 1% and that's what we already have in our ordinance it's 1% of the value but we did a cap which was also 50,000 suncloud used our I've heard that they used our ordinance as the basis but they went to 500,000 okay well that's a compliment too so um I think that's a a great idea I also want to point out um Julian at um the other I don't know which meeting we um our one of our past meetings maybe it was the last one as far as the um example of having a packet of suggestions um for um developers who are coming that like you said the apartments over here they have um a sculpture that um like when before they begin building like we as a um a public Arts board already have examples for them that can be handed to them as a packet of ideas of public art um ranging from I think that was also something that could complement that in a certain way um supporting what we as a public art board um are trying to do for the community um examples for them because again it gives them it's a consistency across the board what our philosophy is our mission is as a as a board um and then also helpful because it's better to offer that than not I think it just really says a lot about distinction in our so we can offer but if a developer is providing uh art in their that's what I mean private property then it's not subject to the public art board right so we can offer but we cannot dictate right but when you say offer we can already have an example of ideas correct yeah but they can say no that's what I'm saying right but you could say well this is what we do I mean like Jillian had those um musical sculptures and just an idea you know if we had ideas that they can use it as a reference again I think that's just like a proactive um art and you know suggestion for developers because you know everybody's you know especially in oito now is is just really there's more development there's more traffic whatever but if we can also Pro um include some positive um influences I I think that that's for the betterment of the community whatever if it's on PR property it's still is benefit for um our citizens so yeah and we can offer and in yeah her idea is already in our right in our resources to share with with um but adding more are we able to add more as a as we can the only thing again I'm making a distinction because um our ordinance say the public art board if has the approve not the approv the recommending right um um ability to counsel right on anything that is in the public land right public that has to go come with you to you for your recommendation if someone is going to put a mural in a in a in a in a park or that has to come right to the public art board now on the private development the public art board can suggest and can have a you know a range of ideas from even Street Furniture you know how to put the cuz that can also that's that I think public art can be defined in a broader way too right but um or bike stands but they they have the option to say now this is the route we want to go right I understand that because it's private and it still qualifies as mitigation um for um public art uh so does the um the U does the development department have um visual um photographs of all um the public art in the city they they they have to propose it's part of the no but I'm just saying as a record like so if as a citizen I wanted to go online and see what all the public art is that the city of Ovito has currently are we able to reference that or um um we do not have and we wanted I wanted to do a map where we can have you know the right but like an ongoing you know so it's ongoing because I presume it's going to be always something's going to be added you know something you know that it can be okay that's it we can we can have that so there there is the school of thought of the mandatory contribution which you have to clear know through legal if this is it's not going to be an additional taxation or exaction and and the other one would be to have a minimum voluntary contribution because right now we do not so if you're if you're contributing to the public art you know it's up to the developer but we can say if you're contributing to count as one contribution it has to be a minimum of 10,000 for one contribution 15 for two contributions and 20,000 for three contributions because the maximum that they have to mitigate is three you know they have to provide at a maximum of three mitigations so um and we have in the past people say I'm going to contribute 1,500 you know for one and but I'm providing three so it's I'm going to be 4500 but it counts as three mitigations we have no way to say yes or no so if it's in the code and it's established as a minimum contribution it's still and it's if it's voluntary then it's not going to be considered an exaction you can opt this or not so discussing with staff would say you had to be an amount that because today I'd rather have 1500 and nothing so I if you go too high people may drive away yeah right so it has to be a number that people feel comfortable or we go to the mandatory you know contribution which is a different approach so I wanted to he or if you have any other suggestions so I wanted to hear from you um what are your thoughts so that I can relate to the um ldcc what are the other mitigation options and how much do those cost they vary and that's the thing the the code is not um gives gives a range right so for instance for architectural U mitigations if you improve Pro a facade beyond what is the minimum requirement that counts if you enveloped the building with additional you know because usually there is a rear facade that we do not require much so but if you give the same treatment to all the building it counts as a mitigation if you um preserve more than 30% of the trees on site that counts as a mitigation if you provide healthy um design you know solutions that counts if you contribute for what we call communities for a lifetime that counts and that is to have either elevator or have ground floor you know U units for seniors um that not for seniors that seniors can you know can can can live um so we have a range the code and and anything that is more sustainable low impact development that counts so things that we do want to stimulate and we are not uh yet in the position to require counts for mediations but public art also counts and many many times people want to donate they you know they like the project they like the program but the thing is that we do not have a minimum amount so I never had anybody POS that question but if they come and say $1 and if I have no ability to say no is that reasonable I'm just worried the numbers here the contributions the minut they might be a little cost prohibitive if something else is more affordable I guess so you know when someone is developing a place and they're like this costs 3500 this costs 10,000 I like art but not $6,500 more of my money like art they're going to go for the other thing so I wouldn't want like you said it's better to get the, 1500 yeah I I would say that um maybe the public C has been the cheapest contribution for them cuz if you're going to put more upgraded materials in the facade it's going to cost more than in you know so I guess where I would personally think it would be best to be is just below whatever like you know just get enough money but be just below of whatever the other cheapest option is yeah it's it's hard to compare okay right so if you it's certainly cheaper than the 1% that other cities are requiring so when you go to 1% right it's a project that is $500,000 would have to contribute 5,000 and now but that 1% does count as mitigations right so that's just a totally different thing or am I incorrect that would be a a contribution to the public art fund a mandatory contribution not a not as a mitigation okay so that would just be kind of like an extra fee for developer it would be an additional okay additional cost for development I I think um a developer looking at 1% of a a big project is going to would rather have the other my opinion but um depending on the size of the project it's just that's what I think is most important is I I think if it's a big project and they should be donating more so the percentage is how to make it fair I'm sorry I did not get it what the percentage would keep the donation a fair rate for everybody because it's a larger project then they would have to donate more money which makes sense right the percentages I think make sense when you think about the different costs of projects um I don't love the idea of like an extra fee for a project that doesn't like help um like a mitigation like it doesn't count as a mitigation or anything um would there be a way to do a percentage that counts as like a percentage of your project counts as one token for I don't know I'm just throwing stuff out there I don't think I don't think the council's going to go for the proc percentage no I don't well it's not Council it's uh land developing code right so the Land Development code is the recommending and then they present it to counil and then it goes to LPA and then it goes to city council so it has several I'm just guessing that they're not going to want to do that to dissuade building here how did you get the $10,000 number a lot of discussion with um with internally you know and the same thing trying to say what is what are the other options and also what is the contribution what counts as a contribution what you can do with the money right and you also evaluated other municipalities and what they're doing I know winter Parks is more um I'm pretty sure I don't know how if with Park council's mitigation I didn't know how but as far as like their fees to their to their um but you know like a like a competitive analysis with other um municipalities um I mean Ovito is in a unique situation um um but compared to some that are more landlocked so to speak even though we're getting there um so um that I'm just bringing that up as a as a point is is what other I'm looking at the donations on the on the big Excel print out and the total cost of those projects H I wish we knew the total cost of the projects so we can compare them to the donations they made I know some of [Applause] them and they I mean yeah they're random they don't match up at all I mean the greatest one is is a storage is that Lockwood storage and that was that that's a huge amount of space you know not really attractive it's a storage unit um the the largest one is was the beer homes the 25,000 in the yeah oh I'm sorry yeah but the but the 10,000 was the first one which was a good one right it was and and he told me you know uh he um like the the the program and he said I want to contribute for to start the ball rolling so he did 10,000 and this is another thing I I I want to point out these are developers they have experience they know of this type of um they're not all developers some of them are small business owners and that's what I worry about right but if you're do we're talking about a new project mhm developing well that's what I clarified we're talking we're not just talking about a new project we're also talking about remodeling old places well we are talking so there are two different things one is the the valuation of the project then we would have to see um if it's building it's anything that requires building permit you know would uh well everything requ ones for um deviations of architectural design orders are only projects that have um an architectural design order so if you're doing a renovation internal renovation that doesn't require so if you're not changing the facade of any building you're not um um you do not have to mitigate anything MH okay so we're talking about places that just have you outside kind of the mitigation are just for architectural design orders and again if we if you go for the route of the mitigation it's the minimum contribution if if a developer wants to donate more that's not going to happen well we have so the 25,000 the 10,000 these were not these were not um required right this came from them and and usually they ask what is the range so they knew the range but the 25,000 is because they heard that they wanted to match the CRA they said well the C is is and they knew that the it was for the wings of Joy so they knew it would be a high right ticket and they said we want to contribute to this project and we want to match what the CRA was was granted I mean usually that's not that I mean would you say usually that's a rarity yeah it's it's it's pretty unusual it's pretty unusual it's better to to have like a I'm also looking at um as far as the um Development Department it's good for the development department to be able to have to have something firm instead of a variation it helps you out as well because we're also um a supportive volunteer Board of the development department so that might also help your department out is decid something that's more firm I'm just bringing that up as a point to but again developers know about this this is you know with other cities and and whatever their sizes are so do you want a clear answer from us tonight if you're ready to give a clear answer I mean this is you're not one us to motion on this are you yeah if they recommending to the ldcc would be a motion right that's correct yes when do you so you're redoing the the code now when is when is it du um we hoping to have everything ready to reach the boards in in August then I need more time I would prefer to research this yeah I think we should think about it a little bit more okay um may we discuss at the next meeting yeah I automatically think 1% but what if there's something I'm not understanding correctly So when you say research it more I I guess I'm trying to understand um are you wanting them to go back and provide us more additional information or we responsible of as board members to do our own research we just want to be confident in our vote what we're I Mak a motion for right but I that's what I just want definition I don't necessarily think it's research I just have to think about what we've talked okay that's what I want to understand what that what's the definition so I was going to dive deeper into the current code and other cities so well good come back with it yeah then I'll think more there we go and I also think it's important to you know compare well you can do different size cities as well but something that's comparable to a city of our size I just found something I'll email to you all um individually so that you don't sorry about that earlier I shouldn't have sent it to you as a group because without saying don't reply all um but I found it's it looks like a nice um um kind of comparison of of various cities awesome perfect thank you is it national or florid just Florida Florida even better to see when it was prepared but if it looks good I'll send it to you all so our next meeting is May 8th is that accurate yeah may I don't have yes the date here but it should be here right May 8th I had something else to discuss what is that I just wanted to see if anybody had gone to the Opera I did was anybody able to go no I already had a comp how was it I wasn't able to go to that one I had to officiate a wedding but I did go to one last night which was awesome really they did um uh oh my gosh a mad scene Luchia oh was great but so are we on discussion of items right now okay I just wanted to verify okay I mean I was hoping someone had gone so we could discuss possibly having that in next year that'd be 2025 um having a public kind of performance of that is there like a virtual way to watch a recording or um of one of their previous performances I can reach out and ask okay that would be great yeah um just FYI um tomorrow um I go and attend the Florida Association of public art professionals meeting in Gainesville from the um the 24th through the 26th so if there's anything anybody on the um on the board would like for me to also focus on I would report back at the meeting what um information I gain and also for it to be disseminated to the members also um I went to Carmel Indiana which is a famous um developed city that has the most roundabouts than any other city in the United States and also a huge public arts program I went up there for the eclipse got four minutes and one second um and then also went to one of the top five um cities in the country as far as architectural design modern architectural design it's a Mecca is Columbus Indiana highly recommend that um it's a population of 44,000 and beginning in the' 60s is was much less and they literally have the best architecture it's phenomenal um the post office all the schools um sculptures the library um of Modern Art that was built in the in the' 60s um by famous um Architects um and how it worked was the owner of this corporation which was the number one Corporation for diesel um engines again the S town was probably 20,000 um at that time said we would pay for the architectural designs of your building um if you um go with modern art designs and it's um I highly recommend it's a they have architectural tours um but I just want to emphasize that a small City can do so much and have a long-term architectural impact for a lifetime I mean you that's what happen with Rome that's what happened with um other famous architectural um building structures um you name it art just anything um it just is a lasting impact I mean you know I've been delor and there's murals that are you know 3,000 years old I mean that are still there and that are impacting us today so I just want you know you can have a lasting impact with decisions granted things are are a bit different um today but as far as you know for Generations when we're long gone you can still have an impact so if someone if a business chooses to make Grand architecture their form of art would that count towards a donation what do you call Grand architecture I don't know like a like a beautiful aw or or an arch an arch yeah there's something so anything that is um um it doesn't count as public ordination you know but anything that you improve that you enhance in the architecture of the building counts for the architecture of the building right so it it an art and architecture can be seen as art yeah right so that that we don't need to we don't require right but it's it's part of the the built environment so it's so what is it count towards I guess no so so the public art um fund this mechanism here is with mitigations to minimum standards of the code now you can have you can put art because you want to put art right you can bring a good architectural design in the building because that's the intent of the building so that doesn't count rights to the public out fund or that's not subject to the public art board because that's the it's a private development bringing good good architecture right so it counts for for the for the the city right but it it doesn't count as uh as mitigation for anything they don't receive any sort of benefit for providing something like that no so they can use as mitigation to other stuff in their their own building if if I improve a facade um and then I have some you know situation another deviation in another section of the building by improving a more visible facade that counts but if you're bringing nice architecture and if you do not have any deviate then any deviation it counts as good architecture right but it it does not you did not get a benefit an additional benefit from the city so um so that's some of isn't it like with a um an architectural board they have to approve with some cities um you know um what what the design is sometimes that that occurs like if a and that would be they don't have that here so maybe that's what you're thinking more like it like um certain certain boards have to approve a design that is according to the code for the city what they're looking for um in this instance in Columbus it was just um someone who said if you do it in the modern this this design um we'll pay for for your designs that's what I'm wondering is how do we how do we encourage something like that that's just what I'm asking well there was an investment right in that City to stimulate a particular design that's the other thing it's a particular mid century design right more design it was Modern it was a modern design and then there were all these Architects that were focusing during that at that it's kind of like um who's been to South Beach in Miami you have the art deco theme and that was also a theme but that's actually um a historic street now and and the city supports that that those buildings are not demolished because people come to Miami and South Beach for that appearance and that look right just like if someone was to mow over um Park Avenue would people really want to go to Park Avenue when or Park anymore that that architecture that uniqueness that spark out Vue would be gone so so it's how it's you know so we do not have a board but we have standards for architecture but also when we discussed you know when we created the standards it was not the option of the city and we did a survey for that to have a style because the city did not have you know a um a collective you know set of building things with one particular style right so it was open to you had to bring good architecture that was the goal of the architectural standards so what was defined as good architecture I'm just wondering so there are um um standards on proportion on the level of articulation on the level of roof modulation fenestration so it's it's broken down into elements of architecture So to avoid blank walls right to avoid you know a box without any interest so you can break down in in different elements of the of the the building to create those standards but um it was not um defined to said we want this particular look in the city and that was a choice right park is the Spanish style with the um with the you know the SEO everybody knows that but yeah it's an idea but even now in Winter Park you see more modern design as well in homes right so that's so I would imagine that the well that's one developer who primarily is doing that well but the city does not require right the spe of the code the code is written in a way that also allows that ex hence the community center in the library um right there the new building that which is extremely modern right so like if we got a new library that could be something that is decided you know that would be the the and back was also decided not to have a board so it was it was also you know the option of the city to okay thank you um I had one more thing um I had talked to some local people who um thought it might be a good idea to do a public Messiah um in December so like a sing along I don't know if anyone's ever been to one um but you hire an orchestra and you hire soloists um and they perform the the public work and then basically um people come out in flocks and they sing the choir part um and it's beautiful it's by handle um I will be there so I was wondering if that was something we might want to look at pursuing um I mean depending on what Orchestra you get costs can go anywhere um I know a couple orchestras so I just like poked around to see like what basic costs were um and like base like basic costs uh was probably like around $300 a musician so you're looking at like $5,000 um but if you go with like one of the colleges it might be less to get um you know some of their grad students to do it um but I didn't know if this was something that anyone else was interested and looking into I think it's a terrific idea especially with um the university down the street or um seminal semal State I think that's really nice connection cuz they do went at me I think with the Youth Orchestra yeah down in me Gardens I think as well so are you talking about Center Lake or you I mean that's what I the amphitheater just is I mean you don't have a stage you can it's so easy to put that together there but um that would also be something when public uh boards put together a function do they have to rent out that facility if it's a city function no no okay could this also be a shared budget like with the Rex Department because they do so many holiday events as well as um they probably say they don't have money we can try because they already have their sets you know and there's the tree lighting and you know all of that right so um otherwise it being just a completely separate event but I was just trying to think creatively funding wise too or you get a sponsor yeah or you get a sponsor so I think the first step is to see if the board has interest it seems that you know it has although you you all can vote but um and then the other the other step is to try to get a budget well I can go ahead and before our next meeting I can reach out to seminal State and UCF and Rollins and see what they cost um from speaking to my colle colleagues who are um conductors they said the only thing you should definitely hire Professionals for are the are the brass Parts because they're quite complex and the singers um I could probably get singers donated to sing this um or I could probably get a company I'm intimately familiar with to sponsor singers so I think it's a great idea I think it's a great idea cool okay I'll go ahead and do that anything else all right our next meeting is May 8th Wednesday May 8 and the time is now oh I need a motion right hold on let me start over just you all right I need somebody to make a motion to adjourn please I move I move to adjourn do we have a second second thank you the time is now 7:08 and we'll see you may 8 thank you all the opp