e testing one two 3 testing 1 two 3 testing one two three hi Helen wrong way that way you [Music] how are you good you you came to the meeting theuth IED congratul this is so much nicer CL hello [Music] that was actually kind of surprised so [Music] hell huh I don't know I think I find I just have a sore throat that's what my husband had he woke up with um allergens are really bad so like yeah he's complaining [Music] that yeahh my these work testing saw onine it was like um gentlemen talking like learn I learned I didn't know how to lo my [Applause] hands testing one two three testing one every time we birthday were like especially with the kids right and mine goes to preschool this fall so well but I don't know I'm like I have a business filled with hundreds of kids I was like maybe I'll be okay cuz when we open our business my husband and I were sick for the first two years but where's your business um you know where the LA Fitness is um G do side right there like right across the street song birds um it's uh uh in the in the shopping claz yeah we're right next Gators okay so we have three units right there but and what is it what kind of is it's a fine art center so we do music art and dance classes and then summer camps and music lesson sorry instruments and you know all that stuff it's lot fun hello how's it going I know it's they said it was thought said you going to be here I realized that I could come for like 45 minutes oh I'm just going to have to leave early so I was hoping we could talk about the yeah Opera thing before I go no it would be um I guess under future projects maybe we'll skip that around how was your well I saw you well I didn't know talk you how's your month then my month yeah you um my husband and I are both offer centers and doing Opera you don't just work with other musicians you work with artists who are like stage designers and cost and dancers we wanted something really collaborative from the start but we also worked for a number of businesses um teaching music that were uses working testing one two three I mean it was just like it was all about much right so we wanted to start a place that was about the teachers testing one two three so like we pay living wages we encourage them to perform um and because we have such like I don't know we treat our teachers so well which you think Basics um we have like the best teachers so I I'm a private school that teaches most of kids and we have two people on sta do which is soet J hipop that's the school I Le educated in um we don't have any right now so we have some boys but they're younger well the boys kind join our hiop class because they don't even care if that was girls they're right but um we started you s years ago so our oldest kids who have been with us since are like 10 and then some 615 okay Co hello what said what you do push to the I don't know but I can see you I kind of like it here our token mail is not here oh my [Laughter] goodness are we ready sorry so if you guys [Music] see to change the B that's why you see the attorney Anda with hand okay I can share it's a little it's a little complicated it's it's complicated Rec I we're big bers yeah big big supporters at s County okay my dad is Charles Le oh really I just saw that the kites left I just saw like the last migr um the kites that we had here they just left really and above my house the I have a family of osy that are teaching their babies how to fly and it's very noisy I just took this they're like coaching them on my way out of the house like like posing that's good luck for the day right are you ready Dalia I'm ready all right it's 5:35 I'd like to call this meeting to order um please remember to silence your cell phones and to speak clearly into the microphones um the first order of business on the agenda is um approval of minutes does anybody want to make it make a motion I'll make a motion to approve the minutes do we have a second it's my motion second thank you um and I don't see anybody here for public comments so we'll go ahead and move forward to our staff report um I think you still need to vote on the approval oh sorry I was going too fast okay um all all in favor of approving last month's minutes yes I I I okay thank you so now we'll move to the public comments I don't see anybody here um so let's here our staff report so first of all I wanted to thank everybody because we I'm still happy for what happened on Monday I mean still feel the the joy of the of getting the um Wings Of Joy approved I think it's super exciting and I think we have a couple of exciting projects in the pipeline already I'm also excited with um um Helen Clark has proposed you know the Arts Chambers here for a local artist and and she shared the pictures with me actually I don't know if we can share I think sent them out to everybody it was sent to everybody yes was it did you receive it I don't think so so I'm going to we are going to start with Cathleen and then I'm going to put in the in the public Okay so so so and so we we'll review those but it's looks pretty nice and I'm very excited about that and I found frames that could oh good match you know that size and we have more than 13 frames so I think we can use our frames to kind of put it here so it's going to be um um fine but um we were um contacted by um cath Kathleen to um she wanted to propose and have a presentation Opera Orlando which I think would be and actually in my presentation in the council that day I sat I talked about music and I said well that would be a very nice project for um next year as part of our celebration so I'm going to turn to Miss Clark thank you and um just to uh clarify that this suggestion actually came up from yes uh and I was just able to attend so I wanted to give my you know experience with that just so that when we talk about this more we know what it could be like for Ovito um so this was I think at the end of March there was a portable stage that was set up uh at one of the parks downtown and there actually was a man playing the piano as well um this particular play I think this was the last performance they were doing it was was about fre to Kao uh it was targeted towards children there were you know a mix of people in the audience but it was very Lively and the performers at least the main performer the woman that was on stage she came out into the crowd as well um so there were the performers the stage uh the gentleman playing piano I think it went for about an hour um it did did require uh an email sign up beforehand so there was no charge for tickets but they did ask that you register um I was thinking that the amphitheater unless somebody has a different you know location in mind I could easily see it uh set up there and thought that even if um people didn't hear about the sign up beforehand that there should still be an opportunity for Community that's there and coming by gu you know to come and sit and enjoy the performance so I appreciate the suggestion I met some friends there um we really enjoyed the performance and I did think that it would be a really cool thing to be able to uh bring to oo so I defer to everything else about it there that was just my experience uh seeing it where was it again it was downtown uh Orlando I think by the manelo art museum okay was it put on by the manelo no it so it was the cultural Affairs Department um Orlando Opera okay probably with um cultural Affairs as well but um okay cool cool did they use microphones for this performance that's a good question uh they didn't use any visible microphones if they had anything that was that was Wireless I couldn't tell from where I was sitting um so yes I couldn't tell I do know that it started sprinkling and they had a tent set up where um I think people from the Opera you know were greeting as you came in and they just picked up the tent and put it over the man in the piano oh yeah okay so I I'd also like to bring up that um I I think this is a great idea um and just another example like the um the Youth Orchestra partners with me Gardens and performs at their ampli theater um various times of the year um and I know that they look for other locations to perform and that's the central Florida um Youth Orchestra but I'm just saying that there's um you know people it's well attended um it's not just the parents of the children but other people come and they bring um and I do think it it's free as well so just a just an idea there too and my group was all adults we didn't have any kids with us but there were you know people with children in the audience yeah Jillian when we talked to she mentioned you know possibility of bringing Messiah to a VI yeah so that was a um that was kind of like a totally separate thought I had um so with the the Opera when I talk to um Miss perser so she's in charge of Outreach at or at Opera Orlando she said that next year they're doing chanela which is Cinderella um I'm sorry they're not doing chanela they're doing I can't remember it it's Cinderella but the French one not the Italian one um and uh send three on or something um so I thought that'd be a great one because for some reason Disney has brainwashed me into thinking that Cinderella equates a 100-year celebration of anything which next year is our 100y year celebration and then also because it's great for kids so um that's why I thought it would just be a great fit for oido um and just getting some like so the step for us it would be to have um an estimate of the cost that because everything takes ages right to communicate to schedule whatever and um and then we would also have to coordinate with the rack and Parks if the board you likes the idea and wants to move on I think it's a great idea uh I know Paul bin you know the rack and Parks director is starting to think about what is going to be the the all the festivities for the for the celebration so we already offering hopefully the wings of joy you know unveil you know and then it would be very nice to have a u a music um celebration as well and um so if we can have if you can help us or get give us the I can ask for an official like an official quote um I had asked her originally how much she thought like it would cost and she talked to um the director of the board and he said it's um around $5,000 to pay the singers and get the stage out there and the you know the pianists and then the staff um so it should be right around there but I can have her like write that up officially if that works that would be great cuz um we have so um and I haven't I did not have time to bring and prepare everything um today but uh with the wings of Joy I was um uh I received a commun communication that one family is going to offer $5,000 towards the project so it's kind of money that is being replenishing our our fund um so we can start if if that is the amount we're talking about it's easier right because you know um because I I like to only take you know things to council if we have secure the money right so it's in the pipeline and we have a contribution coming um 20 uh of $10,000 for um for the public art board as well um but I still have this the 6,000 that I talked to you about last time that is still pending you know the the one that did not um execute the architectural design order so I have to do the calculations but you know it's new money coming to the board and hopefully the LDC also will provide different guidelines of how to how to fund for the future Teresa how would we move on from here like even if we voted now we wouldn't be prepared because we would need to talk to parks and wreck and all that kind of stuff correct we well we can start right we can start about because then we will have to see the whatever is the group that is coming what are the available dates what is the best you know weather for you know out outdoor event and then see the schedule of the of the park and uh and and so they could count with that event in their celebration right so we would first find out the Opera's Avail availability and cost and then we would go to Parks Y and [Music] then we probably need to do that as soon as possible because if they haven't already booked um yeah it's yeah if they haven't already I'm familiar with their contracts and for Opera Orlando for their singers what they do for the outreach program is they will put on a mainstage Cinderella and then they have a young artist program um so they will use their young artists and they'll be um the underst studies for the large roles and they will use them to do the Outreach programs and so their contract is a little bit more flexible it's like we own you and you do our Outreach stuff now and so I do think there's like we have to make um we have to move speedily on this but I also don't anticipate like there being contracts would say like the lead soprano she's like contracted for like three nights you know adding another one it's not going to affect that I can invite um whenever we are ready we can invite um Paul right to to come here and then we can check schedules to see you know um so you're thinking about this being around salaris is that no I think it I think Central Lake is the best venue because of the amphitheater stage is already there right now I I I think we already have one celebration in solar park with the wings of Joy I think we can have another one in Central Lake yeah and then I was just clear no I think the empi theater is is a perfect space for that right does everyone like this idea or does anybody have any hesitations about it I think it's great I'm all about and you're specifically talking about Cinderella yes that their Outreach one next year I think that would be a a big deal with families and great idea I think they would love it especially if it's cool so that's the thing we have to plan you know a good time right to to do that and um yeah it's family oriented it's another you know media of art that we haven't explored yet so I think that's a great thing so are we can so this would not necessarily be considered at Christmas time no it's whenever their season for that it would have to fall within the like month that they're doing that particular show so it would be almost like a sampling of their performance or like in an entire performance they usually take so if it's a like a 2 and 1 half hour Opera they'll take it down to like a 45 minute because the children yeah right they don't usually like to sit for 2 and a half hours hours unless it's Bluey so makes sense right so but um like if it piggybacks on something that parks and wreck is doing but something yeah that's like you said is communicating with them because they might you know it might be something to I know they are starting to plan for the for the celebration so but I think they will be happy to get any contribution from the public art right CU if we are funding that one I mean that's going to be an extra you know celebration for them so the handl miss that obviously is at Christmas time so um are you able to um drop it just tell them that we're cons we really want to do this or the Arts board as well is interested in this because I'm sure they're definitely planning for Christmas already because they don't they have to order things ahead of time and I mean like this far in advance well they have I don't have I don't know their's casual I know they have to plan in we just kind of tell them oh this is we're seriously considering so put this in the back of your mind oh it's carry I I want to make a comment about handle's Messiah before we move on I um as much as I love handles Messiah uh and appreciate everybody's enthusiasm for it I prefer City funds not be used for religious um piece I was also going to bring this up cuz I was having a conversation with my sister especially at Christmas time right um and we were having the great discussion of is this peace religious just like is it too religious that it's considered a religious had the exact same discussion with my husband and he said he said that he said oh that's not even religious I said huh I mean it's called the Messiah right I said it's called the Messiah but he was saying it's it's part of western culture okay but it is religious and um unless we're going to do a sampling of religious music um that represents the citizens of Ovito that would be a different story but to just at Christmas have handles Messiah I think that's heavy-handed oh yeah it is certainly a consideration I'm not religious and be very honest I love the Messiah I do too but but it's it's my connection to you know to the Divine through music right but but it is a consideration for sure yeah it's a consideration I think you know the board May yeah I just want to put my two cents in if we do vote I I that's my view I also know that Christmas parade is no longer called the Christmas parade it's a holiday parade which it should have been always called but um because other folks are celebrating other um um celebrations at that time holiday celebrations so but um but yeah I I never really thought of it as religious that's just me I think it's a tough one and I'll I'll say that I'm I don't know your religion but I bet if you're not Christian you do think it's a Christian I am I know so so I I'm Jewish so much and I so that's why I had this big conversation because I was like I love singing this piece I get it but it is is a religious piece I I get and I 100% agree with what you're saying and so I was trying to come up with maybe a different piece we could do um and I don't know if anybody else knows of any big coral pieces that call everyone to join in on and I you know I haven't been able to think about it that much but I was going to Bar oh that'd be fun but my point is that would be then close to any other re religious it's specifically about Jesus coming back it's an Easter story no I know but I'm saying um um so are we um with the position that we are not tackle anything that has any religious content right content in you know by not accepting this one I think you know my point I don't me to speak on your behalf but I also am of the belief that public city funds should not have anything to do with any religion because there's enough religious organizations around that can support their religious celebrations and also it's exclusionary to people who aren't in the majority of whatever religion you're highlighting my claim it's not right Messiah is not exclusive for he for listening to good music but my point is that so because we could say we accept this as we accept in other but where's the other we could well that's the say we well that's what I'm saying if we wanted to make something ecumenical and say this is a any time of the year could be December M matters not to me and say we're going to have a an array of different that's a big effort though putting that together but if that were the case it would to me it would be different but I don't still don't know if we want to spend City money on it okay that well that's that that that's I'm only one vote I think it's a good thing to consider as we're looking at different projects and what the relationship is and that we like explore that further so I think it's a good thing to consider so for the Opera one do we have the okay for the board to for Jen to contact and and get a quote so that we can start a conversations for next year I would love that do we need to make a vote do we need take could I invite someone from the Opera to come answer our questions absolutely yeah right mm cuz then it's questions to answer today V on um moving forward with yeah with the idea good idea okay what are we calling it h what are we titling Opera Opera oo Opera oo okay would anybody like to make a motion um to move forward with the Orlando Opera project you have it I would like to make a motion to move forward with the Orlando Opera Opera Orlando sorry second it okay and it clarifies Opera Orlando Orlando Opera well that's a drama story but it's Opera Orlando all right all in favor I I anybody oppose all right thank you so I think I want to say thank you Kathleen for those photographs and everything so just thank you for taking the time and sharing that and squeezing us today so so I think since um Carri them arrived we can um give her the floor so that you can update on the on the watercolor map and then um and just an update I haven't had time yet to draft the agreement for the Jolie project because we were so busy but that's my next step cuz as soon as we finish this one we can move forward with the Jolie okay okay thank you hi everybody good evening I am so happy to say that this I have it finished tonight so yay this has been the longest I've worked on a project like TimeWise I I was thinking about that on the way over I think this was um probably the longest piece that I've worked on so thank you for your patience with me it had a lot of components and um you know I'm really happy where we ended up so I'm happy to share it tonight I do have to take it back with me and scan it I did not get it scanned um I wanted to get a high quality scan but because of the size I have to scan it in multiple parts and then piece it together so I can bring it back um tomorrow or Friday with the scan and then I can send the digital file um over to the city I can either put it on a thumb drive or I use we transfer a lot I'm not sure if that's what the city would prefer me to use um but it is going to be a large size file so I'm not going to be able to just email it so do you use dropbox I don't use dropbox I used to but I don't use it now because of the size limit and you're always having to I was always having to keep paying more and more because of the file size so how do you transfer I usually transfer files now with a program called we transfer and it's great I love it it sends huge files and then you can it will send you a link to download it and you'll have like a week to download it when I send you the link so if that's okay I will check with it cuz Okay you Okay should be okay and if not I can always you know try to it comes through your email or um it comes through we transfer not email mhm yeah but I have never had anybody have a problem with it I just didn't know if the city you know I know they have their protocols would be yeah it's just that we have firewalls whatever but I will check with it tomorrow and I'll let you know sounds good if not flash drive yeah I can put it on a flash drive and walk it in when I bring the painting back so that's fine too if that's easier perfect okay all right you guys ready to see it yeah absolutely all right and I don't know if it would be better maybe it's going to be hard to see yeah I'm thinking I just put it like this and then you guys come around because it's going to be hard to S so many small you know should I put the the the pictures [Laughter] public I'm that good that's tricky oh it's so beautiful oh thank you um there was a last minute addition of the cap and um the little scroll because we didn't have anything there when we moved we had removed the fire station because it was seal County and Orange County so we didn't have any I asked seal state but I thought it also UC right yeah so I thought about doing the logo for one of the schools but then I thought this is generic and it can represent them both and I was able to get off the logos on the Jeremiah's um you know I they're not it's it's a little more scrubbed out than I would like but it's okay they came off and the baseball G oh okay Tre I did add the bicycle so that was reest a solary par I struggled with that is he I've never experienced that but now I'm going to make sure I go over there and is fam auth oh that's the the chapel this way oh that's the Spanish yes the Spanish Auto canister kind the one I was sort of using as a yeah that's ev's house but um but the the oldest this is the oldest house but um it's really a but the one a famous author there yeah there was a lot of good history around Lake charm I was looking what's it called W okay well there's a lot My Hope can I can take it out of the clear CLE okay um I well oh I'm so glad I'm really happy with how it turned out it was sort of a labor of love here but I think that some of the the challenges that I with it and I'm still not completely happy with it is how heavy it is and dense on this side and then just a lot lighter on there I know we add the fire truck and you know but but it's also the natural part of our is known as the natural isal that way yeah when you look at the map it is kind of very light probably right you could do something that also Bes right or the Swedish tow the Swedish on that's now it's the th that everybody very popular and yeah the file I give you will be a good resolution so you could print whatever you want you know you posters would beers yeah I think the farmers market is a great idea as a place to sell it that's true yeah Farmers would be great I mean it's more you know little local or whatever Events maybe the city has um maybe we have to have so with that in mind I'll save it down as a low resolution version also to put online that you could just online yeah smaller not so big yeah I'll send that as well so there'll be a smaller 72 DPI little small file okay any other questions I'm hoping that people will look at it and kind of just be able to get lost in it and enjoy it and find you know oh there's that different element yeah and kind of have to think about what you know where they are visually with it um I think okay no I'm going to scan it I have to scan it uhuh in multiple pieces because of the size and then in Photoshop I'll merge it together it'll look seamless but that's how I'll do it yeah yes because my scanner is only eight uh 9 oh I do I'm a graphic designer background oh no I have to SC multiple four actually six different SCS because it's 18 by 22 instead of 16 by 20 so and I have like um a great scanner so it's a really good quality but it's not huge but that's okay I'll put it together in Photoshop and it'll all be seamless so um yeah and then I'll get that to you so is that okay in the next day or two that I okay okay yes okay okay that sounds good glad you sure yeah I can talk about that today yeah thank you thank you thank you Kathleen so the other item that we have in making you know use of the fact that Carri dam is here is to discuss the Jolie project um because we had um agreed that it would be a waterc collar of a port portrait of him but then if you would like to discuss the background you know if you have any ideas and if you want to bounce ideas I had I mean I just thought it'd be nice to see him actually like doing architecture I feel like the standard thing is to like see them doing go but I I feel like that's so cliche um and since what we're trying to honor is like his work I think um Lisa was the one who had mentioned something about him working at uh his drafting table yeah um I I have a question and I'm trying to recall this better so what exactly is it we set a metal frame or we got approval from the council for exactly what can plaque it was a plaque and watercol and the watercol okay so the watercol um it's going to be a framed watercol um I was trying to remember for some reason I kept think so it's going to be a waterc collar um framed waterc collar inside um the building the clubhouse and outside there will be a plaque kind of reproducing in a away the watercolor in in some shape right yeah it's so it's going to be like the one we had in um Round Lake Park that we have the mural and then we have like a relief kind of yes just to show you know that sounds so much nicer than what I was thinking I thought it was like a a watercolor which I was excited about and then like a plaque with just text well it will be tax and and that's how we we um ask for the made yeah to have you know some kind of printing of the image um and of course because it's going to be a watercolor I don't know how much they can we have to make some trials to see but the mural one we had you know the mural represented with the legend who is who in R Park so are we doing we're doing an RFP then right for it or for the pl for for the watercolor no the watercolor you granted carry Dam this is already approved oh okay okay I'm I'm just trying yeah and and it was not to exceed amount of $5,000 $800 is going to be for the watercol for the artist for carry them um $200 that we put it as an estimate for the frame um and then 4,000 was the the plaque and the I think the comment from city council that how well the plaque is more expensive than the art and and we we we'll try to reduce that uh and there is so we we estimate it in bronze if we go for aluminum it's cheaper so this is going to be something that we can you know cross that bridge when we have the design and then we do the final um cost for the plaque but then you know in the in the item that go to went to council we talked about a portrait with the background to be to be decided and so I wanted to ask you all if you would like to discuss that with her since she's here today did you have any thoughts Ken yeah I I know that Drew wasn't super crazy about the picture that was put forth initially of um Jolie at his desk but I really do like the idea of him being at work I think that would be really a nice touch and so maybe there's another picture we can find or maybe we can figure out what he didn't love about that one but regardless of whether he's sitting at his desk or if it's just him I thought it would be really cool to kind of break I don't know if this makes sense I wish I could sketch it out but I can bring a drawing of kind of what I'm envisioning once we get underway but I was thinking it would be really cool to have him in the center either at his desk or just a portrait if that's what's preferred but then to have kind of the draft in tools sort of like around the edge of it almost overlapping kind of breaking out of the mat if you will kind of um like a triangle maybe um maybe there's like a tsquare maybe there's a pencil but I was thinking it would be kind of neat to have those sort of around the objects that he worked with sort of around the portrait of him or his glasses or something but um that's cute the glasses um also um he he designed Bay Hill so I know that he he knew um Mr Palmer um so I'm sure that there's pictures of him with Mr Palmer as well I don't know I it's kind of generational I mean you know Generation X is not going to even care about that but um that for Central Florida that's very significant um Mr Palmer because he also designed he and Mr Lee was a part of that as as far as the different design so I don't know I'm just throwing out ideas as like if there's a picture of him with Mr Palmer or um any other um you know fairly you know famous um golfers um I'm sure there's like tiger they all like hang out idea I feel like we should keep it about Jo Lee though cuz right I don't know right yeah I think it would be confusing if it's with somebody okay he's the star yeah but I think if we have something that's um dense the the watercolor I don't think that's going to work on the plaque um so it's it's it's probably not going to be the same thing but have you seen the the plaque for Round Lake Park so it's it's so it's kind of you could we just take part could we just take him for the plaque and then have the watercolor have it more expansive is that possible sorry I did not the plaque would be just his face or head or his body whatever with with on the plaque and then uh so it would be taken from the watercolor but the would only be that part of the watercolor the one of him then the extraneous things that you're talking about that would be on the watercolor you don't have to do the image of the whole watercolor onto the plaque or am I misunderstanding it it might be hard to connect the two you might think they're two different projects if you do like that it's I wouldn't even think of it being like a watercolor that's on the the plaque it's kind of like an etching yes of the watercolor so just like an outline connect yes um it wouldn't be like the actual to see the plaque yeah you should go look at the one L before I even comment I'll go look at the other one and you know in in Disney l in Round Lake Park um so you have the mural in front of you and then you have the you know the representation of the mural in the plaque just to for numbers to show the lad who is who in the in the mural right that was needed so I I just thought well since we're going to put into different areas we can replicate you know whatever is the design but it's it's a representation so you know that the pictures in Disney when they you pay and put your picture in the I think apcot has stuff like that yeah so it's it's not really a picture but it's just like a relief kind yeah I think it would be a good like next step once we got the agreement together if if Drew or whoever had any extra pictures of him that I could see counc Britain you're talking about council member Britain oh was it councelor Britain it wasn't yeah the previous director from RE Park here were that's true okay bware right that now he's no longer he was he was the park and and Rec director and um was council member of Britain who came here um oh what about also the idea of reaching out to um the family member I know um Council me um Britain Britain knows them but um if you if it would be helpful for you to look at the actual um instruments that he used that might be also so you can see them in detail just an idea I like that idea and any pictures that they can give us I would caution them from picking the pictures um because I feel like I'll know which ones will work for the painting or and which ones I think won't so I think let's not say like pick the picture but maybe we say do you have pictures of him working do you have good closeups of him I know he has reached out to the family I haven't seen a um reply yet cuz we were trying to bring someone here so I'm not sure if they are not local local um but we have the book can give you the book and I can reach out to him again and say now we're going to do the car's going to move forward we would like to see if the family has any suggestion of a good picture yeah um I can really I can try but if not I have the book okay and um and Julie's showing here the the previous waterc color from you know I'm sure you seen I have seen that but and it has the some a little bit of the a golf course there so since Rivers designed by him maybe could find a distinctive hole at rivers that you could integrate or the back that's cute to have the golf course in the background a little bit I like that so fun I that's that's a cute idea so we we she pulling up the oh it's doing this no it's well that is yeah oh that's it have have you seen the mural I have seen that yeah yeah yeah so that is the plaque so it's that big well this one is is cuz we had to yeah oh so that follow the same dimensions right for some reason I'm thinking no no the plaque is is bigger so it will have you know room for um a narrative about him right and then uh um the reproduction of the I'm going to go anyway and see that because I think what I've seen is the mural and not the plaque so the plaque is in front of the mural and and this one is aluminum so it's that one is cheaper so that's at one point we'll have to make that decision too um and that we can do that so this this links to our next conversation so okay if you are we all good with the J Project are we titling this as Ovito heroes or Local Heroes oh but no I'm just saying like does there have to be like like if we're going to do this I'm making this up annually or if we you know that or you know is that if we're doing something do we have to put something in order to do I mean no so we already when we took the council we already sold the idea and I think it's so V homegrown right isn't that how we whatever it was your suggestion I copied that and then that's how it's in the memo so we can probably you know when we do so we don't have to go present that to them it was already presented and they love the idea um and we we don't need to commit to do once a year we can do whenever right okay we have the the money and you have the idea of someone to you know to pay tribute to so oh man excuse me okay good okay okay I don't have the book to answer your question Melissa but so I'll get it we will then coate to give you the talk and and maybe then a flash drive is easier if you're going to meet or for the map yeah or whatever whatever it's good for you I'll just put on a flash drive so there's no okay and then it will be two files of a low resolution and a high okay yes yes okay all right thank you guys appreciate it thank you Ken thank you and do you all like the idea of presenting this to council yes so I know May 20th is not a good date because I only have um I think two missing because of graduations of the kids so we can plan for June to have that and we'll check with you all so the jie so the next one is the art and Chambers and um Helen I love the idea what what you brought I think it's um oh that's adorable now everything's going to be you know so Helen showed us three um watercolors um they are all you know well two of them are representing oido right oh I think more but I think you sent two three no then I resent a bunch more I I opened the file incorrectly oh and so do I have it how big are these do you know what did I tell what did I 17 by 23 you know yeah yeah yeah so interestingly because this is new Suna or you know Coco we could put them on curtains oh let me I have them on my phone let me see if I have here I I did not receive more this is the last one that I received in these pictures go no they're not framed but um Teresa said she has frames and do we have the uh I mean how are you going to do that so the the frames um of the size is precisely the the size of the poster for Taste of Ido okay and we have a collection which is actually something that we can also at one point awesome show because it's really you know it's a he did Taste of Vito did he yes so yeah so we have and and I I I I counted I I think I have more than 13 okay and I think so we can put all of them find these because water a color usually have um should have glass to protect right yes so this is already framed that we could we could reuse the frame and later on we could also um so this is all to go um in July so we are kind of we have to do de agreement as well okay so what what are the next steps then I've been in communication with Kim Kim's the um Jim's daughter and she's the full air to everything here so the she she owns all of these now so we just need hers to sign to sign so we're going to prepare an agreement um Julie is going out on vacation tomorrow coming back I'll still we can wait for that that's fine we can do she's coming back on the 18th so we have to have the agreement she signs the agreement and then we um would have to have a date I told her July 1st she said she would love to come I didn't I didn't pinpoint July 1 as the date but around July 1st um she would love to attend to attend that's great she has a bio that he used for when he was showing but it's old and I want I I want to get a hold of that so we can put his um more detail of his connection to Ovito he's been here you know so forth um so it'll be like a onepage thing uh we can mount that somewhere and then we have to um talk to her if she allows us to show in the website as well okay that would be in the agreement I'll ask about that she's so thrilled that she'll I don't think she will have an objection to anything she's okay yeah well and we will agree with whatever you know she's willing to to Grant to us um but um do you know how many I think there was 10 I I'm trying to look on my phone I have them here okay somewhere I'm terrible with this thing is I think where I got oh I I'm sure I did it all wrong though oh okay because I don't have it otherwise I could have put it up there in this I have them here okay and if you want I know this is just to give you an idea of how much stuff has to do witho I'll go there and this is Farm worker stuff right down at Lake charm before it was all built up oh nice yeah where there's houses now this is um Curtis cash oh yes oh really yes this is Curtis that's wonderful yes that's a magnolian these were Farm Workers right right on Lake charm down on before it was P that's that's really this is by Jess I'm so excited about these I think like the oo voice those are great um bananas we don't have to use but bananas his wife told me meds are very hard to do it was very cute John that looks like St John so she has frames she has um not all of them are okay I'll see what she has see a lot of people don't know what it yeah but some are I mean I'll get the details I mean that's what it was like I mean there was a lot of a lot of people working in the fields oh 1988 when we moved here Lake charm was not paved and there was the bull Farm on one side orange groves um cabbage me Manor was there Lake charm was there and our Garden Grove which is this tucked away lost little yeah thing yeah my house was built before then so that was there yeah but not far before that your house was there when we moved yeah it was already there okay so that's okay Juliana I don't know if you um when I was at the conference um I have information on contracts oh that' be great to share so um I can get that from um um um um um FAA FAA the weird acronym and um and so that will be helpful that was a big um presentation if you just could email so if I email it then um I email it to you and teres I'm just trying to follow the rules as far as and and when it's ready then we we can share with everybody but I just want to make sure yeah and um we we'll need pictures of all the art that's going to be en looned so we can include that in the agreement showing exactly what what art will be Lo and then you need to also include the pictures to so you're going to have to ask the daughter the value that's also for insurance purposes too to be so that's important just one of the things I remember that's a good idea1 billion dollar yeah it's hard to Value them I'm sure and um we can do the agreement without including the value that's we do it that way too and then if anything ever happened then they would you know if that's really for her protection not City it's going to be under the city's um insurance but we um in the agreement that I use the template that I use uh we have the the artist wave liability for any damage to the art while it's on loan so oh you do we do yeah I better tell her that no I'm serious I don't know how she'll feel about that yeah I mean but it's here in City Hall so the lik she needs to know I she needs to know yeah and and and that's why we wanted to have the city Chambers and one of the things that will have to change is the the way they piled the chairs over there um because then we wanted to have you know a more protection over that area uh the other thing we are trying to move this board and the the this board the sustainability task force as well to another um conference Hall that we have here uh the only thing that we we need to have it open to the public if public wants to come and uh we need to have you know videotaped and recorded you know the same way as if it would be here but we have another conference room that it's much more comfortable for us to show stuff right and and share um screens so uh we're trying to do that and we're trying to and now I'm thinking that I I would not like to have a lot of you know um layout changes here when we have the the art being exposed um but we'll have to learn those details while we right when we start the process says but she needs to be comfortable so maybe when she comes she needs to see where it is you know um and um um so that she's comfortable that that we're going to take care of the of the art while while it's here right um an update on the wings of Joy well it was approved well now we are moving forward um as quickly as possible also with um I have to prepare the agreement and then because I'm afraid of the cost inflation whatever right so we have to to start moving so that we can secure you know um the same amount or lower right but not higher so that is that is the goal now um now do they need to vote for the AR and Chambers for this specific art to to be in July the 1 quarter yes would you like to do that so someone has to um propose a motion we call this program art in the CH the chambers what's the artist's name I will move that the first arts in the chambers project will show Jim Cav a longtime citizen of oo's watercolors I'll second that all in favor I anybody opposed could you you spell his last name k o e v i n e g I think I have that right I think it's correct because I have here okay yeah I have to write things I can't do it my K OE v n i g and his name is Jim and and just to clarify because Julia's asking me this is not for sale this is her her it's her private collection but she does sell them oh she does sell them yeah I don't know if we want to get into that so we we would not sell but other other places have put the price and the contact she would like to do that I'm sure that's one of the reasons why the artists don't have an issue with the viability okay she'll be very glad to hear that and any that she doesn't want to sell for whatever nostalgic reason she she'll they'll put some not for sale yeah just FYI Orange County government their chamber they um feature artists as well and it's a a huge huge Chambers and they do sell those pieces would be delighted because ahe and they'll indicate if it's for sale or if it's not for sale it's not for sale well I will tell her that I'm sure she will be receptive to that I'll put money on that one did we finish with the Wings Of Joy cuz I want to make a comment about that sure I just want to thank um uh Melissa and Teresa for doing one heck of a job that was exemplary thank you and our artist yes and the yeah Melissa did a great job thank you I always think my presentation could be better I always sometimes you know it couldn't have been better it it was so thorough it was it was so thorough thank you Ellen should say what she really noticed you should say what you also noticed what did I also notice because everybody was light spoken she thought I did feel that the not only what you said but how you were so composed and softspoken I thought it was 10 times more powerful than if you had been orating so you were very well organized yes for the presentation because I was nervous about that passing well it was answered that specific questions twice twice I think and I think it was you know um um the whole board and and everything but I think it was a long process had to be a long process because this is all you know learning curve for us and I think we kind of answered a lot of questions ourselves before so I think I was confident to show it's because sometimes Council gets a little bit you know you had their attention yeah and maybe you just wore them down over four years I don't know and I think it I was very very happy you know thate understand prudency about tax dollars I really can yeah and um being able to explain how the money was acquired and where it came from um I think made all the difference in the world and and also that this is for the citizens this is an interactive pieace in a way you know that it's for all ages and and you know and they were big into are these native like two of them asked that you know these are native butterflies that was a really big deal to them and and everything and actually that kind of parlays to my question is there going to be any ID on what kind of butterfly those are any I identification we have a plaque we'll have to have a plaque and that will say what kind of butterfly each of them are we have we have um I think it's $2,000 of don't remember how much it was put in the in the budget for signage okay they will have to have okay so um just an FYI if you want to consult locally um at the um yarboro um Center um Na Natalie um um she oversees the education programs and she does all the because I just went on a butterfly hike with her um over on Saturday so just an FYI so they're very familiar with the so that that's someone local who can also help so MH I had a question about the installation I wanted to make sure that like somebody would give the okay before it was like permanently stuck right where it's going to go like what if it's facing the wrong way or some I don't know I just wanted to I was questioning that afterwards like so we we haven't she has a a proposed U area and she told me that that has to be that area because it's flat so the installation cost is dependent on the access I just want to make sure like none are like facing backwards or who knows so they are double double but the wings are going to go in a direction they're going to f well and will the artist be there for the installation what is that will the artist be there for the installation the artist will have to go from the concept until the installation everything cuz you know that's her piece and the installation is a big part of you know the angle the distance exactly that's that was your concern we started discussing the landscape that will go because one of the things that um she warned me is that in Winter Park it's grass up to the poles of the the structure and the poles are hit by by equipment yeah by the weed eater so it has to be and she was thinking about some kind of tall grass that you don't need to what like Mula which is a a native grass that you do not need to mow but we also have to have some kind of path for the middle because that's where we want people to be so there will be so we have now to do the detail of the installation and and she has to also work with um oper who um utilities who's who is the department that wck and Parks wreck and Parks is the oh really the maintenance does I was thinking it it is the maintenance department it's Reen rexen Park that does the the facili made so Solaria Park is a park but the maintenance of it is going to be the maintenance department correct there's no maintenance department there is the the the racken park maintenance um division or okay it's it's with them but she'll be working closely with them so this conversation I had with the director so okay he he will have to be involved from now on in everything with installation with the Melissa's right is absolutely correct because there might be something we're not aware of and especially if that whole area is being developed around it with Apartments um well it's far away from that I mean it's a small area we've designated I just want to make sure that the wings are facing the right way that I don't know something stupid doesn't happen yes she already so she already placed you know one of the slides showed you know the placement right the sighting but now we have to that's going to be DET on the side it looked like they're facing backwards and that's kind of what well it's probably to show to show us right right it it will have to that's a good point yeah this should be the road but you would probably want the park so you would probably want the butterflies to face the road that way when somebody stands like the park is behind and not the roundabout this here should be to the corner right because she put in an angle okay now we have to see this side and we can also arrange a date that we all go there with her yeah and she explains to us where it's going to be if you picture and I'd like to encourage everybody to go to Winter Park to see the ones in Winter Park I think that would be also really helpful if you're in the area or or whatever the Winter Park they don't have angles they are just you know offset and you can have the view of the whole thing with the distance it's very beautiful but they are I think there are eight panels um um so this will have a different um configuration but I think it will have the same or even greater impact you because of the colors because of the but we can certainly um arrange a date um to go for the board to go there we just have to advertise that the board will be there that day and we can all go there with dra and parks to discuss I also thought that that area was very good for social control because unfortunately we have to think about people vandalizing whatever so that you know the more eyes you know um on the the better right cuz um it helps you know control some you know wild actions out there will these be reflective at all since they're metal will they they will not so they we remove the reflective portion cuz there was it's getting more was getting much more expensive there were some concerns with cars and light and with with the um with the grass as well that would you know could kill the grass with the burn the grass no it's it's it's it's not um shiny and it apparently it has also protection against anything that will be put on top of it so that's wonderful that will help us that's all I have can I um just give that little report on attending the um Florida Association of public Arts um professionals absolutely um I know it's not on the agenda but I just wanted to give everybody it was a 3-day very full and packed conference everything from legal contracts to um what is currently going on in um um various Arts who was represented um city of um the county of Hillsboro City of St Petersburg Tampa um Miami Broward um educational institutions University of Miami University of North Florida obviously University of Florida because they were the hosts we visited different um public arts in Gainesville and um and also um fellow seol County um city of um Sanford was there who Juliana also represents and I got to know those folks which is really fascinating because um I kept asking everybody well how much of your budget comes from um de and what what what percentage so um a lot of them have it as a line item and I cannot believe sford does and this year they'll be having 128,000 in their budget next year it will be 138 um for public art this is the city this is not um general fund General yeah this is the city of and I asked you know so is any money ever disseminated from seminal County because there's there's a cultural arts board no one knows no one knows but they are their office is in Sanford I've heard so um I so I'm just I'm wondering does anybody know um because that could be a source for funding for projects that we can pursue if it's on a grant basis because that's how Orange County works is different entities or cities apply for Grants money for um for Orange County cities you know like a partnership um it's not just solely like the City of Winter Park especially if it's a big one um public art is usually it takes years for some pieces like wings of Joy um it doesn't happen overnight I met some wonderful artists were also represented um who do public art um and I also kept asking is there any art that has to do with music and interactive and no one really could tell me um and I kept you know with the group surveying and asking folks um even the um by the way the keys has a represent they have public art and we all know what the keys how small it's 22,000 people and they have a huge public Arts fund huge 22,000 people so I was just really kind of shocked because we can only rely on the develop developer money and I know we're going to decide on what level and that was postponed to think about it at the last meeting um but I think um we have to take in consideration how long are those funds going to last because that's basically where the money comes from for public art and otherwise um the organization has to depend on grants and otherwise we have to um depend on sponsorships um especially if you know nobody is interested in um using any of U money from the fund for public Arts so um and I am going to be happy I'm going to be getting information from the meeting and I will disseminate it to Teresa so everybody can look at it and even the PowerPoint presentation there's a big difference between architectural art and artist art so just another idea and everything from a bus a beautiful statue I mean just amazing at the courthouse that was $5,000 that's it and it was huge and the artist was it was only 50 you know uh I mean I was I was shocked at the different levels and costs so just an FYI but um that was really helpful um but wonderful people and also folks who invited us to come to any of their big celebrations like St Petersburg has their big mural Fest um so they were all but they're there to help us and and anytime we have questions anybody on the board they're there for a resource so um because they want to support it throughout the state as well so it's like a family I would call it that I was kind of surprised how everybody was just like well you know what can you do to help each other out so it was very encouraging just an FYI thank you for going Lisa thank you Lisa I'm so glad you were able to go that's wonderful yeah I I just p and I it was all on me so nothing cost the city of oito anything so none of it all right is there anything else to discuss tonight no no all right did did you have something no I was just looking at my notes we're good the the time is um 6:49 do we have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion to adjourn second all in favor I I all right thank you thank you good night productive