##VIDEO ID:3IPFWMPE95I## so missing and Aon thanks [Music] Ian okay welcome everybody we are the otana school board Monday it's the 26th of August 5:30 I'm going to call this meeting to order Eric will give us an update on our attendance yes Lori won't be with us tonight and eron possibly could be coming in late very good uh let's start tonight with Pledge of Allegiance allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first up tonight would be to approve the agenda so moved second have Motion in a second do you have anything to change add subtract hearing none all in favor with an i i any opposed that motion carries item four is the mission moment I'm going to turn things over to Mr elad thank you Mr chair members of the board uh tonight I am just honored and privileged to lift up um a group of our employees that um are part of a uh first in the state of Minnesota in partnership with the Minneapolis public schools North Branch public schools and Minnesota State University Mano we have launched one of Minnesota's first teacher apprenticeship programs to create Pathways to teaching licenses for both rural and urban staff we are so excited to offer this opportunity the apprentices are current staff members who meet a number of qualifications including have an associates degree or qualifying credits they will take classes have firsthand experiences in the classroom and be paired with a journey teacher before graduating with a teaching license in 2026 I would ask our teacher apprentices the journey workers and our administrative staff to come forward please so the board can honor you and I'm not done yet so come on up so we are incredibly proud of our apprentices to take this journey with us and take that next step forward so as I call your name we just give us the board a little high sign if you would uh Gina herin Amy RoR Reagan Shala Carrie SLL Scott Stevenson and Abby Sutcliffe we are also grateful to our journey teachers that are walking this with them as licensed teachers to help them along the way two are present tonight I'm guessing one is probably at practice are doing something so we have Wendy camera with us tonight and Lauren Simon with us tonight a huge huge thank you goes to my colleague Chris paa for her leadership she has led this initiative from the start and has put in hundreds of hours creating this new program from scratch there was nothing when we started and where her leadership in fact Minneapolis and North Branch regularly call Chris to say you created this didn't you so can you help me with this can you show me what so a huge thank you Chris I would also like to thank Dr Sarah kudon Kelly Krueger and Heather shudy for their leadership uh as we make this journey together they have all assisted Chris with this launch I'm thankful for the excellent leadership and the ways that you are inspiring Excellence for every learner every day thank you I'm so proud of you and cannot wait to help you along in your Journey I'd like to give them a round of [Applause] applause and then I would open up to the board for questions please questions I just want to thank you for stepping forward and joining this program for us yeah wa free to come back in two years right right here yep yeah I want to thank all I'll Echo that thank you for the risk because this this is a huge risk to say yep we're going to do this so thank you Miss paa for that and to jump in especially on the first round of it and having just trust in the process and Trust in the people that are around you and are doing it so thank you all this is super exciting yeah just seeing this in action it's fantastic the we've heard talk about it now it's real and this is just super cool which schools are you at and what grades SCH High School I'm in high school I can I just explain what happens here so our model is such that we have two people at each level can you grab the microphone press that button if you would Sarah thank you so our model is such that they'll rotate through each level so they'll start a first semester do um a semester then they'll switch like Elementary to Middle to high school the fourth semester so their finishing year they'll get to pick which area they prefer and then finish up with a second semester there so we'll have great experience um K12 in U by the time they graduate so I think that's a great way to do that and we've got great journey teachers to uh support them along the way so really really exciting and we kind of hit the ground running today didn't we awesome thank you and if there's any of you that are participating in this and wouldn't mind just sort of the very quick background what what were you doing and what was it about this that appealed to you and you and caught your eye and you said I think I want to pursue this more anybody um this is my fifth year being a parah professional yeah you use Mic or use a coach voice this is my fifth year being a prayer professional and I was going to school to get my associates degree then after that I just was going to find a pared teacher program and then Chris pika um emailed everybody and asked who was interested and I it's a no-brainer yeah it's really awesome program and opportunity terrific anybody else any questions yes I'm just curious if any of you know um where you might want to work what area whether it's Elementary Special Ed this is a special oh it's all special that's right that's right okay I prefer to stay the high [Laughter] school fantastic again thanks to all of you we really appreciate your participation and um Chris the initiative and the drive to put all of this together so thank you very much all of [Applause] you tonight item five is public forum um sir do we have any cards no cards tonight for public forum we will continue on item six tonight would be just general information you did in fact have the enrollment report there was one cell in there I believe it was Washington kindergarten that looks as though the numbers are just a little bit High there anybody have any questions for Mr elstead with regard to the enrollment report if if I may when you go through a boundary change um you're going to encounter a few fluctuations that happen to be one fluct fluctuation and you get a move in or two uh into that spot so um we're looking though we have now officially capped the uh kindergarten enrollment at Washington and so if we get any further inquiries about kindergarten we'll have to utilize our other school buildings uh to make sure we're honoring the class-size targets that the board has set very good thank you uh hearing no other questions with regard to that let's move on item seven tonight these are all act discussion items I should say the first one would be the board forum and I'll just start generally deor do you have anything for board forum tonight no Tim uh nothing in general are we going to do the policy or you want me to we'll come back to that yep okay nothing Tim and I can tackle policy when we get there okay I have two quick things for uh board forum and the first of which is if all of you if you have your Cal calendars handy could you take a quick look in October we have a work session presently scheduled for when I'm sorry Monday the 14th of October and if you could look on your calendars to see if the following day Tuesday the the 15th would be something that's available on your calendar I'm good if we get a general yes same time same time okay same time and what we'll do um it would be the same location at the district office in that same room that we met uh just a couple of weeks ago for the U uh work Retreat or the work session okay so so no meeting on the 15th no meeting on the 15 14th I'm sorry no meeting on 14th reschedule work session 15th right okay thank you and we'll continue to keep you updated on that as well um my only other thing uh quick item for a board Forum Ian has been our uh tech support person here for our board meetings and um Dawson is going to be our new tech person and so um board members if you would please make sure you introduce yourself to Dawson before you take off tonight I know that when we meet here there's typically some all of us need some assistance with getting dialed back in with the Wi-Fi system so introduce yourselves to Dawson before you take off tonight um as we oh I'm sorry Eric do you have anything for part for I'm just excited for next week and everything start rolling again yeah likewise that's about it Au um I don't have any specific things to mention but it from the students point of view uh some of the key things that happened the past week is starter Sports and tomorrow we have our activity night so I just wanted to mention that thank you um I do have one more thing I ordered the books that we talked about at that work session and I'll make sure that I pass those out to all of you before you take off tonight be sure and uh grab that before you leave um let's dive in then item one on the uh board Forum would be the superintendent evaluation summary um the quick reminder is we talked about this at our most recent board retreat as well as the work session um I provided you a copy of the summary um and I didn't hear from any of you that I needed to Wordsmith or change anything so for the benefit of the public I'm going to just read quickly uh where we landed with this in June 2024 the otana school board members were asked to assess Mr elad's performance in the four foundations of District strategic vision and the following is a summary of the responses the first one would be the 21st Century Learning Mr elad is an effective communicator and motivator of the public he engages with Community Partners to further public education and opportunities for our students the learning opportunities available in the new ohos need to be leveraged and communicated to students and their parents under the category of high quality teaching and learning we observe that Mr elad surrounds himself with highquality administrative staff that share the vision of recruiting and retaining highquality teaching staff we believe his opportunity in this area is to ensure that funding is made available to professional development of the teaching staff we also talk about safe and caring community we believe that it is important to the board Mr elstead is visible and maintains regular presence in all of our schools we believe uh we would encourage Mr elstead to leverage all of the survey data staff input Community Resources to ensure the safety of our students under Equity Mr elstad believes in all means all and every learner every day it's a recurring theme in all of his messaging the board encourages Mr elad to leverage his strength in publicly communicating his advocacy for our students and as part of the overall review We Believe Mr elad is a tireless advocate for our students he surrounds himself with high quality staff his opportunities lie with delivering an educational experience that prepares our students for careers that are more varied than any time previous uh Mr elstead continued good work thank you for the great leadership that you demonstrating for our district thank you um item two would be Schoolboard committee meeting reports uh Deborah you and I are on uh facilities and we have not had a facilities meeting since our last um meeting Tim any updates for policy has met twice since our last uh business meeting when we could address policies um and there's been a lot of change based on legislative action from the pro from this um this year in the ledge so lots of like Law changes reference changes really the things that are all up for first reading today aren't significant changes but they were just a lot of changes that we had to go through there are other policies that we have uh continued to work on then there's some required um additional documentation like a complaint form and some other things that aren't done so um we'll continue to bring more policies to the table as we get meetings together but uh the stuff that you see first reading for tonight is generally um just wrote changes from things that the legislature did jene do you have anything to oh that was great that was a good recap yeah okay anybody else any so just to clarify are we are we just talking about the meeting minutes now or are we actually discussing the policies we'll get to the policies in just a sec got it okay anybody else anything update for your committee meetings let's dive in item a would be policy yeah policy committee meetings um I'm sorry item three policy revisions um there here's an opportunity so Elizabeth you'd POS the question yeah fire away sure yes well one thing just because I don't know how the process of policies policy revisions are chosen so I notice sometimes we might review three four five policies and this time there's 13 which is quite a few pages of document so is there any way that we could even that out somewhat um being that we don't get the notification until Thursday that this is what we're reviewing on Mondays I don't know yeah but want to address that yeah I would love to say yes we can do that but sometimes with the policy sometimes it's just small grammatical changes or adding in references and we can move through those a little quicker other times it's really heavy lifting and so we've got to have some conversation we have to get some additional input we have to have conversation and so there isn't I would love to say yes we're going to do these six and then these six and then these six but that's not how legislatively not it's not that's it's not all legislative issues um that's just not the process that I've been a part of maybe that is a reality and we can try to work through that and it's not really how the work flows to us so it's right sah is it I didn't look are all of these redlined so the changes are available so so Elizabeth when you get those policies you can see what changed y so it's not that hard to I mean at least identify what's what's a Delta from the prior policy version um but if you if yeah if some of them are 30 pages long so and we go through them all looking for that all of them that probably explains sometimes why it sure comes in bursts too and then so maybe the next question would be how do you know when you're reviewing a policy how do you what's your guideline as far as when do you seek opinion of the whole board versus just the policy committee if you're making a revision on something when we bring them for first reading right just for the first reading okay because you're well and just just because Julene you had mentioned that you seek other input um and would that mean like from teachers from input input let me clarify that's leadership and so so it's here's the policy here's a leg legislative change what impact if any will that have on specific grades you know this new cell phone stuff that's coming down from the state so what is that application look like at the high school level at the middle school level so that type of feedback just to make sure that as a board we are doing things just consistently and holistically within the district yes and policy sometimes is hard to implement and so we have to rely on the creativity of the administration to say here's how we can implement this some we make the policy match the practice that we can can work with Okay I I have if specific questions too if if if there's yeah specific questions on policies up for first reading now's your time yep so policy 6 16 School District system accountability there were quite a few cross outs and I just wasn't sure if there was just a big change here let me break it down a little bit here yep so that one and I'm just going right off the top with definitions world's best Workforce yep has been renamed Mr elstead and something in Civic Readiness curriculum comprehensive comprehensive assessment and Civic us yes yep if I may pleas the changes in 616 is a policy that we actually worked with as a committee um for probably about 3 months uh because one of the things that was indicated by both Tim and Jolan is that we have to make sure that our Pro policy and our practice are in alignment and when we look at a policy most of it is msba model policy but in some cases and msba encourages boards to look at particularly local policies like this uh whether or not they're practicable yep in your uh district and so as we review those we're looking at our processes we have in place the teams and in this case District curriculum advisory committee is utilized uh which is different than language that would have been proposed by msba and so when we go through these that's why there's a number of cross outs here the other piece is that when they align look at us so if you look at the year 1 year 2 year three those are all encapsulated in the process we use with with the district curriculum advisory committee as we walk through how curriculum is approved in the district and so um that's that's a lot of the Cross outs you see is just it describes a process that um is put into different verbiage within the district CC advisory committee so got it that makes sense where it says District curriculum cycle then exploration transition implementation is that eventually going to be outlined further as the previous one or how where do we find that information the more detailed information it depends upon the implementation cycle that the Department of Education lays out and it's different for every curriculum and so sometimes it's proposed there's opportunity for constituents across the state to resp Bond but once it's delivered depending upon legislative action they can enact that for something that's going to begin next year or they can give you two years or 3 years so looking at this if we were to have a new Department of AD curriculum that was provided for us it doesn't necessarily fit what we had laid out before which would be a natural cycle of reviewing curriculum and that has happened more often in the last 10 years than ever before where the department is saying here's the new curriculum and this is when you have to have have it put in place so then we have to speed up this process we don't have 5 years we have to speed it up okay so just below that under 4 c um what I'm wondering about is just the let's see the school board shall receive public input and comment and shall review this policy annually so just to clarify because I know that we have a district curriculum advisory committee but I just don't know what they're doing what they're talking about where is that information reported um for for any Community member or at least the board at minimum to to review that in more depth um and there are two board members that serve on the dcac yes yeah um but it does say adequate yearly progress reported and I'm wondering um maybe I like is there a certain time of year that we're getting that an like a progress report or um I guess I'm yeah I'm just wondering I just to me it seems like there's a gap in the information that we're like a a report that we're getting from the district curriculum advisory committee so um two things the first of which is um in November we are required to report to the public uh what used to be the world's best Workforce and is now is the cacr like changeing acronym so that will come in November additionally uh we've discussed or you've discussed as a board that we're going to have a data Retreat that would be just before that time yes so You' have had chance to review a dadmic achievement information survey data and kind of the composite of the data that we have many of those wouldn't necessarily Drive curriculum review but um we we respond to the curriculum as that so at the cacr meeting is when we respond to some of the changes coming particularly in Reading um and of course upcoming we just implemented a new science curriculum here we're in year two I think of that so but that would be the regular report to the board and Community okay so um 4 d 3B where let's see the district curriculum advisory committee shall provide feedback to District administration on school districtwide standards assessments and program evaluation where it used to say provide feedback and make recommendations to the school board um and the the reason that concerns me is because the state statute says that the school board is responsible to superintend and manage the schools so I'm afraid if the school board is taken out of that that we are not being held rightly or we are being held accountable for something that's not being presented to us does that make sense but it is being presented to us in November that report is presented to us it's it's a report on academic it's a report on what the legislation says we need to report on but it's it's not a it's not a report on curriculum or anything specific to oana so I guess I would disagree because the information presented is reflective of our students in the assessments of our district and we're governance are you wondering what kind of curriculum we're passing out you know textbooks and lesson plans or not the not the specifics okay um because I know that would be impossible to just review every single document but um yeah it it I would just like more information maybe from the district curriculum advisory committee so maybe that's something I need to come up with some specific questions for that for the committee um am I allowed to um attend a meeting a curriculum meeting as long as there's not four members present because that would violate open meeting law y got it a lot of good questions anything else I was just wondering how the how the composition of the curriculum advisory committee is chosen the the members on there is it all by application or just curious yes by application and then we're striving to try to find and within this policy actually it discusses is the um makeup of that District C advisory committee is to be um representative of the community when it's feasible that's all I have okay uh any other questions for item three which would be policy revisions hearing none we'll move on to to item four which would be the school board work session report that is a an item that you would find in your agenda it's um it's a brief overview I wanted to thank all of you one more time for the um Retreat that we had as well as the conversation we had at the the work session I thought that that particular afternoon was really well spent and worth our time and I thought it the conversation we had was really rich and open it up if any of you have anything else to add with regard to that okay hearing none let's move on um The Item B uh for uh discussion would be the administrative report Mr elad yeah I just have a few items tonight um me will I toggle to this report I am um last week we greeted uh a number of new staff into the district and that was fun um to see uh some new faces within our ranks um of course this Wednesday is our staff kickoff at 8:15 a.m. at the high school for staff only but uh Schoolboard members are invited to attend um if you wish um there will be a uh short presentation by your superintendent and then um we have a speaker named Jerry Gary Brooks excuse me that is uh coming to speak to our staff uh there the auditorium will be full we have over 800 employees that will be there so but again I would invite you to attend as board members if you so wish um and one other piece I wanted to point out to you is that uh sept I have been notified that September 30th uh is a candidate Forum the first candidate forum for Schoolboard election uh I believe that one is hosted uh by the noon rotary as well as the Chamber of Commerce I believe it will be at the uh otana Country Club um and I I'm going to assume it starts at noon because that's the typical time uh for that candidate Forum um so thank you Lori she's shaking her head she knows um we have eight candidates that are run vying for the three seats that are up so hopefully all the candidates can make it and I do believe uh there may be at least one other uh candidate Forum that will be available uh still waiting on confirmation of that those are the items I have tonight thank you any questions for Mr elad okay hearing none uh tonight in item 8 this is the consent agenda the quick reminder is we are approving the minutes from the July 15th report or meeting rather dispersement and Personnel reports any reason to pull any item out to vote on separately entertain a motion to approve I move sorry I move that the board approve the the consent agenda second I have a motion and a second any further discussion Eric if you would please Elizabeth I Deborah I Tim I Joline I Mark I and I myself is an i six old pass motion carries thank you very much item nine tonight couple items that need board action the first one would be the extended trip request this would be for FFA I'll turn things over to Mr elad yes this is an annual request by our FFA officers that attend the National Conference for FFA in Indianapolis and I believe they're going October 22nd through 29th they do miss a few days of school 3 to 4 days uh it's an excellent leadership opportunity a learning opportunity for our students that attend and I would ask and I would recommend uh that you approve and I'm seeking your approval tonight for this extended trip request good any questions would if you be kind enough to introduce that motion for us I move that the board approved the trip request to the National FFA Convention as presented second we have a motion in a second any further discussion all in favor with an i i any opposed that motion carries Item B would be truth and Taxation hearing date we typically set this in December we have the benefit of Lorie voles being here as well U Mr elad yes the truth and Taxation meeting has been scheduled or will be scheduled for December 9th at 2024 at 6 p.m. um typically we have our board meeting at that time we only have one meeting in December uh because of the holidays uh but this meeting we will start our meeting at 5:30 and then we cannot start the truth and Taxation until 6:00 p.m. so we take a brief rest bit for the truth and Taxation hearing and then return to our board meeting has been our typical protocol questions you have this queued up I move that the board approve the designation of December 9th 2024 at 6m as the truth and Taxation hearing date and time and a formal approval of the tax levy second have a motion in a second any further discussion favor with an i i any opposed that motion carries item C tonight would be the adult lunch price Mr elstead yeah so this is just indicating there is a slight increase in The Breakfast of course student meal prices are void are null on void because uh we received this our second year of free breakfast and lunch for our students adult meal prices you'll recognize uh from your board report here that the breakfast prices are going up slightly uh 15 to $2.40 for an adult meal breakfast and lunch there's no increase still $5 for adults you have any questions seems pretty straightforward Deborah do you happen to have this yeah I move that the board approve the increase in the adult breakfast price to $240 second have a motion in a second any further discussion all in favor with an i i any opposed motion carries item D would be gifts to the district Mr elstead there's a long list of homecoming gifts in this week's uh resolution to accept gifts uh again um very very very honored to have all of the businesses that participate in our homecoming um it's a big deal in owana we love homecoming uh does bring our community together and so I'm grateful again to all of the businesses uh that uh contribute to that there's one other gift in here that's not in the form of M money but uh we received 768 backpacks from our partners at Costco uh to provide for our students that are are in need so again uh Community taking care of their children is a sign of a great Community uh that's terrific uh any questions Elizabeth by chance do you have this One queued up thought I did I move that the board approved the resolution for acceptance of gifts as presented second a motion in a second oh this is roll call isn't it yes it is yeah ahead all right Elizabeth hi Deborah hi Tim I jolain I Mark I and I myself an i 60 pass motion carries item 10 tonight would be to adjourn I will make the motion that we adjourn second Motion in a second all in favor with an i i any opposed motion carries good meeting folks thank you be sure and grab your book before you take off yeah