##VIDEO ID:qwSiKGskRkc## evening everyone and welcome we're the otana school board it's Monday September 23rd 5:30 I'm going to call this meeting to order and uh Eric our attendant tonight that's perfect everyone's here it's great uh let's start with the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first up tonight would be to approve the agend agenda as presented so mov second got a motion in a second any further discussion all in favor with an i i any opposed that motion carries item four tonight is Mission moment I'm going to turn things over to Mr elstead Mr chair members of the board tonight uh is a special moment because we are honoring oana high school students that performed at a high level at our Spring State excuse me Spring Sports state championships resulting in six state champions from otana high school this past spring w I first want to bring up uh we have three members um well we have three members of our 4x200 relay team and if Nolan and Luke could come up first and then Seth I'll Reserve you just hang on a bit okay the boys track 4x200 relay team members were Nolan ginsky and Luke Weber both are here tonight as Juniors it also included Garrett carsten and Kenan Larson who graduated last uh June from otana high school their class 3A Championship time was 1 minute uh was 1 minute 26.5 2 seconds earlier in the season the relay team set a School record a big n Conference record and is tied for the fastest time ever in the state of Minnesota I would like to uh to recognize these two along with Garrett and Kenan for inspiring excellence in this track and field um so I'm going to call Seth up in a minute but let's give these two a round of applause as a former track and field coach when I go to the state track meet the more silver and blue I see at a state track meet the bigger my heart grows so gentlemen you did us proud thank you so much board members any questions for these two okay the one minute was for the total 200 12656 that it's a total of 800 M so four four members you're on 20 yeah it's unbelievable it isn't me fast did I understand from uh coach stelter that there was like two seconds of daylight between you and the second PL there is wasn't there we we won pretty handily amazing love that even better and you have two recruits incoming or members that are going to join you we working on gentlemen congratulations thank you thank you so much thank you our next state champion I'd like to bring up with Seth Johnson Seth competing as a junior last year won the 110 meter high hurdles with a time of 1398 seconds he also placed fifth in the 300 High hurdles at state again um I don't know that Seth Seth I would look at you honestly when you walked into the blocks there did you go I'm going to win this thing today I don't know anyway Seth we're really proud of you and your performance at State you peaked at just the right time but again uh let's a round of applause I think question GNA do it again this year go du time would be great again thank you so much Seth we're proud of you good for you Seth thank [Applause] you and last but certainly not least Carmen jley uh was competing in the class Triple A girls uh golf state tournament as a sophomore and she won and she was our state champion she shot a 142 which is two under par in the two-day competition beating the second place finisher by one stroke I just have to ask you kman when you sunk the putt on 18 or whatever hole you finished on was there did you go jump in a lake at Bunker Hills or was it I actually didn't know that I won at that point cuz the other girl was still she was still playing behind you oh my gosh even more nerve-wracking so uh Carmen we're so proud of you and your accomplishments you've got two years ahead of you here uh to play in the golf tournament my guess is you put in a lot of rounds this summer as well but uh Carmen congratulations [Applause] any questions for K she does not want any questions and we will respect that we will respect that I am just so proud of all of our students but certainly these student athletes not only do they perform and Inspire Excellence at a state meet but they are great students as well and they represent oana very well when they leave here because they're under their best behavior and they just represent us so and I'm so proud of them congratulations to each of you to your coaches and thank you to your parents there's been a lot of early mornings and late nights and especially thinking through looking back at carman's parents with golf game and sometimes the golf matches don't go as well as you actually wanted it to and so there's probably some therapy that happens at times with that but again uh thank you to our parents certainly to our athletes and to your coaches for inspiring Excellence for every learner every day thank you thank [Applause] you item five tonight is public forum we do have a card we take any more cards if they happen to come in uh belatedly but uh first up would be Maria Olinger Miss Olinger if you would come up please and if you wouldn't mind uh sharing your name and if you wouldn't mind taking a seat there we have a three minute timer three the floor is yours sounds good is my audio okay all right um hi um I'm Marie Olinger and I'm here on behalf of open oana that's oana's partnering for Education Integrity last year in the 2022 Schoolboard campaign we distributed questionnaires to all 11 candidates um happy to say all 11 responded and we provided I think a critical public service to the community and providing more informed information to our voters about some specific questions and areas of concern for them um this year we've repeated that again um we've received five responses of the eight candidates and we hope that we receive responses from all of them and again we're receiving feedback that this information is important and valuable to our community so we appreciate your support and helping us um complete that service thank you very much thank you appreciate your time item six tonight would be just for general information and the first of which would be the enrollment report did any of you have any questions for Mr elad with regard to what you found in the enrollment report just glad to see no red no Reds no hotpots uh and the second uh would be the item B which would be the city of vatana tax increment financing and that's a public hearing I'll ask Mr elad if he would just to give us a quick overview and update on that yeah thank you uh we received notification from the city of vatana that there is a proposed project which is requesting Tiff funding um and it is for a parcel of property I need to find my note here real quick pardon me I should have had it pulled up a 74 unit excuse me 74 rental housing units to be located at Hillcrest Avenue Southeast again this is a request there's a public hearing and then this will go before the city council um generally uh when that comes around um doesn't necessarily require any approval from the board uh but just as a notification that the uh U the financing company on behalf of the new owner has applied for tip funding yeah and realistically as my best recollection is that to the extent that there are any questions that we have on behalf of the board we direct them to Eric and Eric as the clerk then passes that information back on to the city and Jeff as you reminded us there's really no action we take it's it's there's no action by the board it's just and again this is voted on by the city council and they have the right to um utilize tax increment funding for projects like this so any questions maybe maybe just one quick so I did take a look at it's a 20-year Tiff right is that um I'll look at the schedule can be a bit different if I'm not mistaken with this particular request um it looks like it is a 25 year it goes out through um FY 2052 yeah that's a long time boy um but anyway that's the request but a relatively small number of dollars I saw over a 25 year period I thought well this is not yes that's correct and again um you know um as we have looked uh there are some Tiff projects projects that were done a number of years back that are now coming off and and being uh taken away so um it improves it offers an opportunity for the community to continue to grow and improve absolutely thank you anything else okay hearing none let's move on uh item seven tonight all of these are simply discussion items first would be board Forum uh Deborah if you don't mind I'll start down on your end if we can anything for board forum not really we had a facilities meeting but you're going to cover that so sure nothing nothing for me okay um Finance met last week and then um policy also met last week and so busy working on things and we have policies coming up for first and second reading tonight and some update on some financial information nothing further yep okay um we're on board forum I'm going to give a very quick update as to um the facilities meeting we had just before this meeting um there are a couple of things going on and the first of which uh there was an update from Krauss Anderson the work being done on the new district office which is the old high school there's a small remaining number of items that are left on the punch list the brick exterior of the building has been done most of the parking lot has been paved and Landscaping should start this week that would include sod as well as some temporary irrigation to make sure that that sod survives the egg building should be finished by the end of this month and the move from the existing location on Rose Street would happen probably on the week of the October 14th there's also a shed it's a 40x 80ft shed that would be on the E west west side of the uh football stands um quotes are due this week with regard to um uh costs or or uh bids on all of that the ground work should be done before the ground freezes this year uh we as a board will approve of those bids at our meeting on um the 15th of October we'll have a very quick business meeting before our um work session that night uh the anticipated completion would be in January and there is some uh concrete and Paving work that would be done after that uh building gets put up in that parking lot in the spring of 2025 that would be home for 12 vehicles at that uh location um wal has a couple of punch list items with regard to the existing um or the I'm sorry the new district office um when we will when we reconvene in October for our work session we will hear from Lori voles and uh superintendent elad uh and they will give us an idea with regard to a game plan and an approach for the old district office over on Bridge Street and the um and there's a very and Lori will explain all of this in much greater detail in October but um understandably all of the proceeds from that it doesn't follow a straight line it doesn't just go to one thing there's a number of very specific um legal precedents with regard to what happens to the proceeds of that Lor will give us a complete update on that um Rose Street we will probably embark on a similar process and we'll do that right after the first of the year we'll probably be making some decisions on Rose Street um early in the springtime so that is a very quick update for all of you on uh facilities in addition to that I have a couple of other things the homecoming float which is going to be next week or let me rephrase not the homecoming float but rather um Schoolboard representation in the um homecoming parade I have Tim and I have Eric that um you're about do or you've you've kind of up in the rotation so I'm just double-checking with both of you to make sure you're okay with that you have a healthy um Candy allowance you go to Costco yes yeah um um homecoming um workers are asking for truck drivers so any of you uh that would be willing and I don't think you even have to have a truck I think they'll provide the truck I'm out of town I wouldn't I can't now I'm yeah want me to if that's the case then I will forward the request on to you um a quick reminder that our work session in October which normally would be Monday is going to be on Tuesday and be because it's the same night that um city council meets we'll meet at the district office in the new Big conference room main level enter on Grove Street uh lastly um Deborah Tim and I had um an in school visit at Lincoln today it was great um couple of I mean I was just really kind of taken in by everything um it's really quiet did you guys notice that it's really quiet and and there was um a real sense of m in the school it was great um uh Justin Lang who is in his first year first new year um uh as the principal at Lincoln um shared with us a fair amount about the read act and how much energy and effort is going into the read act and how the teachers are prepping for that it was fun to hear about that and um we're oans when we're a bunch of homers but boy there's a lot of teachers in Lincoln that are ohos GR graduates it's kind of fun to see in any one entire hallway a ton of high school graduates yeah are they still using the pods out there for anything they do yeah they do okay and it's not used for classroom space basically just for some overflow music instruction and storage yeah so that's my update Eric I'm going to turn it over to you you've covered everything there um so that was awesome um only thing I got is we got what 10 11 days till homecoming woooo Elizabeth yeah um just a fun thing to think about I was reading online about some of the school ratings or the district ratings in the country um came across a couple that I'd never heard of before one of them was school digger.com and the other one was niche.com and I thought you know right now we're I won't say well we're we're in the ranking oana is but it'd be I think it'd be fun it'd be maybe a good goal at some point to say hey do you think oana could be in the top 25 in the nation maybe start with the top 100 or you know just kind of have something like that um that we could reach for so just a thought I found it thought it was interesting and and along those lines there is a an award for a the National Blue Ribbon School award and there's certain criteria that schools have to meet to get that award and I thought hm maybe maybe that's something that we could move toward anyway that's it thank you cool Erin uh robotics is packing up the robot tonight at 700 and then we are leaving at 6 6:30 a.m. tomorrow to uh a entrepreneurial event where we're going to present our robot which is going to be cool I'm really excited so who is that I think it's an Albert Lee I believe I could be wrong uh I also this kind of through the school it's kind of connected it's kind of not I'm sponsored for a rotary uh trip to Camp Enterprise which I'm super excited for so it's about business eth business ethics and all that stuff so I'm super excited to spend my time there uh that's at the end of October going a little bit into November and then the JV and varsity soccer games are today so thought I would mention that as well thank you I how's cross country going um pretty good uh we had a cross country meet uh this Saturday or last Saturday and the JV team got second which is pretty nice uh regarding OS as of this week homecoming queen queen and king voting was released to the student body and uh two weeks ago we had our back to school pep Fest we had a lot of we had teore with the teachers a lot of fun events and additionally as uh Mark Sebring mentioned we have homecoming next week with a large number of events currently planned to take place are you thanks uh that takes care of the board Forum at least item number one which would be the school board meeting reports um item two the school board work session report there was a note in your packet that just gave a quick summary as to the um that work session that we had over at the district office um any questions or thoughts it was pretty cryptic it was pretty straightforward item three policy revisions there are a couple of items for policy revisions and if policy is here there it appeared to be that there were the first and the third of those three policies there wasn't a lot but there was in the second policy revision there was a pretty fair amount of stuff in that one yeah I can maybe comment and then Mr alad or whomever um I would say it looks like more than it is okay okay it really is a reiteration of a student's right to First Amendment rights and then the other substantive change I would say which is again just a clarification is recognition that student speech is no longer just public in publication form it's also in media so the overarching theme and change of vocabulary from publication to Media recognizes that sometimes speech electronic format correct um aside from that I don't know Mr elad if there's anything else you would come what I took away reference just to expanding um the reach for First Amendment for students um and student Publications um there are some very clear guidelines around U material um you know it can't be detrimental it can't just you know has to make sure it's not causing some sort of material disruption uh in the school but again um we have always had especially OS magnet has always had um a very close relationship with admins so that they discuss those but we don't sensor uh what they're doing until unless we felt it would cause some sort of disruption to the student day any questions with regard to the policy revisions and again these are just to clarify these are first readings so um we'll take them up again at the next business meeting very good hearing none let's move on uh Item B the also in your report was the administrative report uh Mr elad yeah I just want to U go through a couple of things and I I did share um some things with you but I wanted to reiterate a couple of things that have come to light um I don't know that I have uh explained um fully that um we were a member of schools for equity and education which of course is seeking tax Equity equity for our school district that has now changed names so the acronym changed um so it's no longer SE it is now saf which is schools advocating for fair funding with the primary mission of focus being on finding tax equity for districts like oana that are considered quote unquote property poor uh and that the taxpayers are paying more of their share than they would in other districts across the state the message really goes back to something you've heard me say hundreds of times which is the zip code of where your children attend should not um it shouldn't matter um we should have Equity there so that um our community gets the same state aid that other districts do and that we don't put that burden on our taxpayers I will be advocating and I will also be I'm sure provide testimonial again at this next session um I was at a recent meeting with Riverland community College I had a chance to meet with uh Chancellor Olsen who's the new Chancellor for the minsc system they were advocating and and I was there advocating for the oana campus um as they placed their demands on the B banial budget for the Minnesota State College University system um we want to continue to provide o opportunities for students in oana and I was advocating that they consider making uh the yatana campus providing more and more programming and that maybe they forego some of the red tape that's involved with that so that we can move our career Pathways program forward in a quicker way uh next Monday by the way is the uh first candidate forums for school board just wanted to put that on your radar I believe um it's a 12:00 start at the Country Club um and then I this Friday and this is a a request um I have my first uh a coffee and conversation in the district office in room 203 if there are two board members that would be willing to 10 Friday morning and I believe the time is at pardon me while I look this up that time is at 8:30 8:30 to 9:30 on Friday morning I can do that okay Lori is there another member that would be willing if you trust me I'll I'll do it this time Deborah you are an elected board member and I trust you yeah so anyway so if you wouldn't be willing uh that would at 8:30 a.m. again at the uh district office office in room d203 uh as was mentioned before homecoming week is coming up thank you um we have kind of a rotation of board members that are riding in the homecoming parade so thank you for your willingness to do that and then lastly uh I I probably would like to spend a little bit more time on this but I'll be brief because I know none of you ever want to get credit being a Schoolboard member is not an easy task and you are faced with decisions and you are representing 5,000 students that attend and also their families and also answering to a constituency it's not easy work and it is Schoolboard recognition week excuse me recognition month and uh I want to publicly thank you as a superintendent but also as a constituent um about how you serve this community well and that every interest that you bring up every topic every discussion always ends with what is best for our students and I want to thank you for that and I want to lift you up and I would like I myself will give you a round of applause if others in the crowd want to join me they can so choose but thank you for [Applause] that is all I have tonight thank you okay very good thank you very much that's very nice uh item seven tonight there are a couple of items that um are up for discussion oh hang on I'm looking at the wrong I've got my um my sheets overlapped item eight thank you consent agenda quick reminder we are approving the minutes from the August 26th meeting the dispersement and Personnel reports anybody have a reason to pull anything out we can vote on separately we'll entertain a motion to approve I'm moved second we have a motion and a second is there any further discussion hearing none Eric if you would please Elizabeth I Deborah I Tim I Lori I Mark I the Jan right yeah all right and myself and I 70 pass motion carries thank you very much almost forgot Joel Lane you would have heard about that later item nine uh a couple of items that require board action item a would be the policy revisions this is the second reading spend a little bit of time talking about this at our last meeting consideration for approval um let's let's start uh well let's do this let's entertain a motion to approve I move that the board approve the revisions to the policies of as presented second we have a motion in a second let's open it up for discussion any questions any further conversation relative to the policy revisions um in this section yeah I guess I would like to clarify just a few things from policy 616 so I'm going to bring that up okay so Roman numeral 4 Letter A School District let me just go there and then number one it it talks about goals broad goals reviewed annually and approved and annual goals goals based on the recommendations of the district curriculum advisory committee so that's just one I wanted to clarify that those goals so that I I'm understanding what those goals are is it is it the the cacr those that being part of our goals um I guess maybe just if somebody could clarify that for me I'd be happy to clarify so what you reference are absolutely the goals because that what used to be world's West best Workforce and I'm going to always get this wrong until I get the acronym right um the new cacr report that will indeed be something that the board would be considering for approval which would constitute the goals of the board for in the areas that are called out so academic achievement attendance um ready for kindergarten those sorts of things things got it okay and then um number two I'm just wondering there's a lot of reference to the district curriculum advisory committee and I I'm I'm just clarifying that that is coming the information is coming by way of the director of teaching and learning because I I was trying to remember if we have ever had just a specific presentation from the dcac but I think it's just been the director sharing information with us and that's from the committee right correct yeah so the District director of teaching or excuse me has always been the liaison between the dcac and the board and so as presentations go on any feedback that's received um would come forward in in a report from her got it and then lastly under let's see same Roman numeral 4 uh letter c um and then number two uh School Board shall annually review and determine if student achievement levels at each School site meet Federal expectations so there again I think things are wrapped into that cacr but I just wanted to verify that that is what that is included yeah so um one of the things we've always put out a written report in regards to the guidelines or excuse me what's referenced here is a federal expectations we actually follow State expectations which are guided through uh the No Child Left Behind legislation um but within that so when we meet in November and there's a data Retreat that's an extension of that to offer up scores and things like that as a composite um one of the things I want to call and do just as we look at our MCA data is that we're careful not to use MCAS as the only marker and I'll give you one specific example uh last year's High School um within that there were uh in our math score which didn't look good only 37% of our high school students took that test the rest abstained from the test I believe my opinion is that's a flaw in the system because the other 63% as it were um are marked as a zero and I think that's unfair so that's why we like to use MCA scores in conjunction with other District tests so that we can um perhaps find a better marker of of success okay um and then one last thing on that policy is just the the advisory committee members was taken out of the policy so I just thought is there should that be defined anywhere in the policy where it says how how is the how are the committee members chosen and how that process works yeah so um you're referencing I think it's U Roman numeral so for I think it's four item D 44 4 e yeah thank you um that is actually referenced in policy 603 uh where they lay out the constitution of the district one of the things that this language was again we're trying to align practice and policy together one of the things we run into is that we're not always able to achieve and again there's exceptional language on here that talks about when to the extent possible same language exists in 603 but it was a redundant piece based upon we had previous policy sure makes sense all right that's all I had on that one any questions on any other policies uh no questions but um I just want yeah I just wanted to make a or state an observation maybe um the internet policy 524 um I think it's well done um um but one thing I noticed is that there's some very specific requirements for internet use for our kids in the schools meaning um no obscenity nothing sexually explicit no explicit language but what I noticed was that we still have some of those books in our school library so you know it's just it's an observation our library policy doesn't specifically State those things so maybe it's something in the future that um we need to talk about alignment yeah gotcha I have uh anybody else any other questions relative to these policies very good hearing none we've had the motion and the second all in favor with an i i i any opposed that motion carries Item B tonight and Lorie voles is here I'll ask her to come up and take a seat at the uh podium Item B is the preliminary tax levy certification a lot of moving Parts with this a lot of information to um digest and Lori is going to do um just a very highlevel description and overview of what this tax levy certification is all about Mr chairman members of the board superintendent alad for your consideration would be approval of the proposed 24 pay 25 Levy uh just to explain a little bit this is the first step in the levy process uh by September 30th by legislation uh the board has to approve the proposed Levy and then we will come again in December to approve the final Levy and so this is step one in this process and just to emphasize uh these are for taxes payable in 2025 and those uh revenues flow into next fiscal year which would be the 2025 2026 school year that is the timing of the funding process and so in your board packet you will see the the actual uh Levy document as well as a tax impact chart and another comparative data piece and just to hit the highlights here overall our Levy is going up by 4.99% and um just to make a comparison to PRI previous years uh last year are uh school levy increased by 1.75% and the year before that was 5.94% and so I want to emphasize um the levy formulas are preset by the legislature and so um the that data set is a lot of it is predetermined how the aid and Levy split uh with these formulas uh that are set by the legislature um is pretty determine what portion of the revenue is going to be in state aid and what portion will come in local Levy and um so just as a reminder that's how that piece works now in to compare our Levy increase to other um local public entities uh the city of vatana right now is looking at an approximate increase of 8% and steel County uh property taxes they're looking at a potential of 3.1% and just just kind of give a reference point now our overall Levy increase is as I mentioned due to Levy formula set by the legislature as well as school board approved main maintenance progress projects uh that would be financed with a bond issuance um now this was a unique plan you may recall from previous board meetings the issu issuance of the ltfm bond we're able to do this because there is a tax law change and we had kind of a one-year window of opportunity uh to issue that ltfm Bond and still have a reduction in property taxes for a lot of most of our property owners and so it's kind of unique timing uh but that is some really good news um and just like I'm just trying to kind of Hit the highlights here but it is again uh due to uh the property tax uh structure has uh brought some property tax relief as well as um we have an increase in our tax base so because our tax base increased and we had a comment earlier on on Tiff we had some Tiff property that has uh completed that cycle and they're coming on to that tax base so overall it's it's good news so when I say that um like for example residential Homestead Property is going to see a decrease on on the school tax portion um I want to emphasize that's if their property value stayed the same um as last year and so it's really uh a unique situation this year that even though we're having a increase in our local Levy the local property tax impact is going down for most people any questions Lori can you clarify again for me um the approval at maximum and what that means yes I'm glad you asked that so yes I am recommending um that the board approve the levy at with the phrase at maximum and uh that's also what mde uh recommends that school boards how they approve it and the reason for that is um the municipal Department of Education may continue to make very small Corrections also say to the levy um at this point I I have reviewed ours and it looks very very accurate at this point there's Al always a chance between now when the board approves a levy because our board meeting is not on September 30th but uh between now uh September 23rd through September 30th there's always a chance a small correction could come in on the levy and um mde recommends the board approve at maximum so those small Corrections flow through to that final version that will come through end December's Levy that all come again and uh show you the the new uh final final Grant total and then maybe just a comment um both Elizabeth and I had an opportunity to visit more extensively with Lori at our finance committee meeting so we heard much of this and more so thank you for your work it's a complicated area of our work yeah any other thoughts questions would one of you be kind enough to introduce this motion I move that the board certify a preliminary Levy in the maximum amount provided by law second we have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor with an i i any opposed that motion carries item C tonight is Assurance of compliance report and Mr elstad is going to give us a quick reminder what that's all about thank you this is an annual piece that the board has to approve um basically it's just assuring that we are compliant with all state and federal laws and we prohibit discrimination it uh also discusses mandated reporting uh that we won't provide any or excuse me that districts provide written Assurance um about July you dedicated the superintendent as the person to complete these Assurance of compliance reports this is now actualizing that so that uh we can send those appropriate AOC uh reports to the Department of Education anybody have any questions one of you happen to have it I move that the board approve the Assurance of compliance report and that the superintendent or his doesn't he sign and submit it on behalf of the district second we have Motion in a second any further discussion all in favor with an i i any opposed that motion carries uh before for oh no we have one more thing gifts to the district Mr elad yeah you'll notice tonight uh it is definitely homecoming season uh the number of gifts that provided by our local businesses and individuals in our community um we pray for good weather because the parade is quite a spectacle but requires some funds and allows our kids to do some things um it's a great Community event and I think our certainly our businesses and individual donors see that so just very great grateful to uh those folks that contribute to the homecoming festivities every year uh so that our students can enjoy themselves and and have a great homecoming week one of you happen to have that queued up sure I move that the board approve the resolution for acceptance of gifts as presented second we have a motion in a second any further discussion Eric if you had call vote Elizabeth Deborah Tim hi Jan hi Lori hi Mark hi and I'm myself an I 70 pass that motion carries we're going to retreat back to one item and if all of you could grab your calendars quickly um Lori after all is not available I am not I have a work commitment that's going to prevent me from joining you on Friday morning okay so I thought if we could take care of it tonight if there's another board member yep I'm going to take appreciate for the coffee did you yes correct and that's this Friday this Friday this Friday at 8:30 to 9:30 again it doesn't require a board member there but I offer up it as an opportunity um obviously there cannot be more than two round okay great thank you Elizabeth all right and if either Deborah or Elizabeth cannot does appear as Li around and I'm happy to fill in if you can all right okay good yeah thank you uh that takes care of everything I will move that we adjourn second uh all in favor with an i i any opposed motion carries thank good meeting tonight LV thank you very much for that Clarity on the levy thanks